For the second time in a week, top scientists have reported that “Omicron specific” Covid mRNA boosters are a $5 billion taxpayer-financed marketing gimmick.
The new shots work no better than the original mRNA shots to produce antibodies specifically targeting the Omicron variant.
And the Omicron shots are even WORSE than the original boosters in producing T-cells that target Omicron, according to the researchers, part of a group led by Dr. Dan Barouch, a highly respected virologist. This finding is of particular concern because T-cells, the second line of the immune system, keep infections from becoming too severe.
Boosters using the original mRNA formulation have been largely phased out, because - as public health bureaucrats now admit - they stop working against Omicron infection within weeks. In fact, real-world data from many countries suggest they increase the risk of infection within months.
The “Omicron-specific” boosters were supposed to solve that problem. Regulators approved them in August, despite a lack of any clinical trial evidence they reduced coronavirus infections or serious cases of Covid in people. The Federal government agreed to pay Pfizer and Moderna $5 billion for 171 million doses of them.
But both Dr. Barouch’s study and another last week from Dr. David Ho, another top virologist, found that Omicron-specific boosters work no better than the original boosters against Omicron. Both studies showed the antibodies our immune systems produce after the Omicron shot are more effective against the original and now essentially extinct version of Sars-Cov-2 than against Omicron variants.
This phenomenon is called “original antigenic sin” or “immune imprinting,” and can occur after any vaccination - or infection. But the mRNA shots appear particularly likely to cause it, probably because they stimulate such high levels of anti-spike antibodies when they are first given.
The findings help explain why so many people, including Centers for Disease Control director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, have recently tested positive shortly after being boosted.
But Dr. Barouch’s group went further than Dr. Ho’s, examining T-cells as well. It found the same problem; following both the Omicron and the old booster, T-cells focused much more on the original Sars-Cov-2 than Omicron variants.
T-cells are a crucial second line of immune defense, helping the body keep infections from becoming too severe. Because Omicron is not very dangerous to most people, so a weak T-cell response does not matter much against it. But if a future Sars-Cov-2 variant is more dangerous, the relative lack of a T-cell response could put vaccinated people may be at serious risk.
(Bivalent is a fancy word for “Omicron-specific.” Except the Omicron-specific booster isn’t Omicron-specific at all, which is why T-cells targeting Omicron hardly rise at all following the bivalent booster, while they more than double after the original booster.)
As the researchers concluded:
Our findings suggest that immune imprinting by prior antigenic exposure may pose a greater challenge than currently appreciated for inducing robust immunity to SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Such a polite way to say, we gave a billion-plus people mRNA shots that probably opened them to future Sars-Cov-2 infections forever.
More likely both. It began as a way to overthrow an American president, evolved into a way to maintain population control, all supported by the enormous profits given to the supporters. Much like the Germans giving the confiscated wealth from their victims to their supporters. Power is the objective, greed is the tool.
I couldn't agree more with this. So many are so uninterested, uneducated about all this and could care less. If apathy & ignorance were crimes, they'd all be imprisoned for good.
Respectfully I disagree, evil would and has imprisoned apathy and ignorance and make them do as much disgusting undesired dirty work until such humans were exhausted, and the ones who didn’t die from being completely malnourished and diseased would be shot to death.
Hence the prior regimes of hideous relentless cruelty seen in Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia…
Didn't turn out well for the Ghul, as I recall. What's more complicated is why so many submit to criminals and tyrants. Some are just too stupid to realize they're being attacked, some hope to take advantage of it, most just naively hope if they hide it will go away. Resisting criminals and tyrants is a skill set anyone can learn. Most choose not to. That's why we have so many criminals and tyrants -- target rich environment.
Also one can say Power is the objective, and greed for power over others is the driving force of evil Most crimes are an exercise of this evil; Power over others.
Read "the REAL Anthony Fauci" to find the true measure of malice in Fauci. Read about the orphans sacrificed uselessly for ineffective and deadly AIDS drugs. Read how AZT killed me than AIDS did.
Fauci is promoting and financing biowarfare and has been for at least 20 years. Recently they've come up with a new version of COVID that combined the improved (more infectious) omicron spike with the original core of alpha COVID to increase the lethality of COVID to 80 percent. They are working to make hemmoragic fever viruses deadlier and more infectious.
The US government is working with China and other countries to advance biowarfare
Isn't China our adversary? Or is it our government that is a adversary to it's citizens?
Fauci is a textbook sociopathic bureaucrat, and you look at when this man smiles, you are truly looking at the face of evil, especially when he says things that are so floridly antisocial…
Reveals what happens when transgenders get old, the true personality disorder of what probably lies under this relentless push to change your gender comes through?
I generally sense there’s a lot of personality disorder to transgenderism but that’s just my opinion. Sorry to go off topic..
Hindus & most Buddhist sects understand that reincarnations follow the fractal 90%/10% slope exactly like human handedness. ~10%Lefties cuz it works better than 50/50 🔘PERIOD
Right now there are those in Washington, both sides of the aisles, that desperately want to push nuclear button. It is all about revenge. Putin and Trump derangement syndrome. The Romney types are so angry having been denied the WH, or losing elections like Cheney that getting even with their own party is their priority. They want control of the party they deem theirs. They know they are irrelevant now and so like Prince Harry setting fire to their own house like a fanatic is their priority.
Yup, while I agree that many countries are run by horrible people, war is not the answer. Diplomacy is hard work and why it is shunned today. Those wanting to take our guns are the very ones supporting this war which means many are getting killed. Soldiers have no choice. They believe their own governments or feel pressure to stay no matter how they may feel. Each country is fed propaganda. I was once a hawk. Now a realist. It is damn painful to look in the mirror and know your country is NOT the good guy they said they were. The US treats whistleblowers as traitors. They always use the excuse they are endangering our troops. They know most then will back off. As a whistleblower myself a couple times, I can assure everybody is is lonely and downright painful. It changed me forever.
Dr Ho, mentioned above, is the man who proved that early intervention in AIDS is critical. Fauci disagreed. David (a high school friend of mine) was right and Fauci (as usual) was wrong. David was TIME magazine’s 1997 Man of the Year, and Fauci has never gotten over it.
Like Alex, RFK jr cannot bring himself to admit these government officials pushing and approving these vaccines are evil and need to be put in jail and have a big public trial so people can see what happens when agencies are captured. Death penalty. They know exactly what they are doing. They knew from the start no vaccine for a coronavirus is possible. These viruses mutate too quickly and the vaccines are then useless. But it isn’t only that this vaccine is useless, it is that the vaccine are killers as well. Blame mRNA. Flu vaccines may be useless, but there are not droves of people dying or being medically impaired for life. I have known many people that got flu vaccines and also got flu. We cannot call the flu vaccine a “vaccine”. If people got polio after polio vaccines, which are sterilizing, would they think this is a vaccine? The public was duped just based on definition of a vaccine. The public was duped that any vaccine was possible after a few months of a small clinical trial. Basically most people trusted our government refusing to believe they would force people to take vaccine that may harm them. I am so angry. The AMA still damaging career of doctors that spoke out by removing their licenses. It is to send a message to other doctors wanting to speak up. It is a threat.
Funny play on Arthur C. Clarke's "Third Law", that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic and the old saw of never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence:
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
This idea is expressed by what is called "depraved heart murder" in my state and some others. It is basically negligent homicide that goes above and beyond mere negligence. If one is so reckless, and so incompetent, so disregarding of human life, it's the same as intentional premeditated murder.
…and straight into malfeasance, tyranny, and brutality.
If history ever has a chance to be honest and accurate ever again, what happened in the United States in 2020 up to and most likely after this coming election will show how horrific it is when the public just acquiesces and kneels to abject hate and lust for power.
I’ve said it here already today, should the Democrats be wiped out next week electorally, they will respond by trying to wipe out humans in this country, it is that simple. These pathological immature children in adult bodies are going to be the most hideously disgusting creatures to ever walk the earth screeching “to save Democracy” while crushing it… hope I’m wrong…
As long as Welensky, Fauci, Brandon, Randy Wintergreen, and their puppets in the media keep faithfully getting the vaccines it should be a self-limiting problem.
Welensky is 5 jabbed and having a Plaxavoid rebound case. The human body can only take so much. Another 5 jabs and 4 rebounds and she won’t be destroying lives anymore, well, other people’s anyway. 🤷♀️
So this is yet another HUGE mistake a lot of people , especially those who are awake , are making. Neither Walinsky , Fauci nor Bourla have EVER taken these death shots. If they engaged in the circus , the shots were saline. They’re doing this because they believe they’ll have plausible deniability. ( see plebes , I took the shots JUST LIKE you, akd now I’ve gotten sick JUST LUKE you. I’m not complicit since I took the shots and paxlovid. ) they are psychopaths. Invert everything they say to get a facsimile of the truth.
Possibly true . In general it is certainly true. (They are always planning, as even when they tell the truth, it is to support a lie) If they know there is overwhelming vaccine harm and man made Covid development exposure research happening in nations they cannot control, then saying, I was wrong but I really believed, may be their last line of defense.
Genocide is attacking one particular group. These criminals seem to be going for everyone. But the stats show the virus and vax aren't very effective, just culling a small fraction of weaklings, so if it's intentional homicide, it's not very good. The real effect is to incite panic among the stupid, to gain power over them. That part seems very effective.
I agree with your definition of genocide, but they ARE attacking a particular group-the ones compliant enough to take a medication without proper testing. Those people, who are gullible enough to trust that no one would hurt them on purpose, just to make a ton of money. You state that just a small fraction have been killed, but did you know that deaths by all causes have increased by 20% since the jab rolled out? What could possibly be causing such a huge jump in mortalities? I believe we are merely seeing the tip of the iceberg with these "vaccine" injuries. Besides the myocarditis, blood clotting, neurological disorders and increased cancers, there will be pathogenic priming, autoimmune diseases and sterility. It's unclear to me who the panicked stupid people are that you speak of. Are they the compliant, uninformed masses who rolled up their sleeves, or the informed purebloods who have resisted all the pressure and stood strong in their convictions?
Yes, many died. Mostly unnecessarily. Medical malpractice at best, more likely malfeasance. But that has yet to be proven. Most doctors went along with it because they are ignorant. They are smart in things they've been trained for, but amazingly dumb in everything else.
Blaming some mysterious cabal is a cop out, relieving the true perpetrators of their responsibilities. A lot of nefarious forces conspired to convince the errant medics to follow the script, but they chose to comply, willingly. They should have known better. Many did know better, yet most of them conformed anyway. I expect we'll find the cause was about 60% ignorance, 35% greed, and 5% pure evil. We need to change the way doctors are trained and paid, or it will happen again.
Fauch didn't kill anyone. Nor Bill, nor Klaus, nor Joe, nor media, nor any governor or local health board. They were all accomplices and will be judged. But the actual murderers wore white smocks and stethoscopes. We trusted them to provide competent care and they failed. They could have prevented most of the deaths. They chose not to.
The good news is the vast majority did not die, and will not die from the routine virus or the incompetent vax. Those who did die suffered voluntary weaknesses which might become important lessons for the rest of us. Our success and our survival are up to us. Depending on others to care for us is a fatal flaw. No doctor or politician is as interested in your wellbeing as you are.
The generation of humans between 15-30yrs old now are irretrievably lost. Watch the carnage they will create should their failed rulers be voted out of office this week.
And there will be carnage. A generation of addicts and/or personality disordered cretins will not be bargained or negotiated with as of now.
Summer 2020 riots will look like picnics to the hate and relentless lust for power by these antisocial cretins…
These scum operate on the level of pathological projection never seen before. There won’t be bricks, they press for people to lose rights to have firearms so that these leftist sociopaths can be roaming the streets shooting and killing everybody in their path even if one looks at them the wrong way.
I genuinely know that November 9th will be the true January 6th of this country, and the Democrats will be shrieking for it.
We are ruled and crueled by five-year-old in adult bodies. And the damage is beyond irreversible. Covid was just the dress rehearsal…
I dare not forward these articles or talk about them to my friends who were probably the first in line to receive the new boosters. They are completely closed minded on the subject so I won't let facts get in the way of their opinions.
who used to be in my life, both family and friends, are no longer due to my husband and I not being vaxxed, being conservative, believing in voter fraud, etc. I don’t dare send them anything without serious retribution (done that) and they refuse to believe anything other than their doctors and main stream media. I pray for them, but it’s hard. Our family refuses to see us due to no vaxx..even when we suggested an open air restaurant! Just shows how they believe they’re more intelligent than us and wish to punish us.
The reality? I don’t miss them. I’ve thought back on good times we’ve had together, but I’ve moved on to new friends with similar values and the ability to critically think. Some of my new friends got the first vaxx, then listened to alternative views and stopped putting their bodies at risk.
I’m actually happy and at peace, praying our mid-term elections produce results that have strong willed people ready to hold the the Fauciis and Bourlas of the world responsible for their evil.
I'm avoiding ppl and family because I'm bracing myself fot their long slow deaths, cannot stand being forced to see them run off a cliff with every jab and then expecting sympathy. Dreading the prayer requests. Can you not simply see all of the high profile deaths and vaxx injuries in the MSM, it is there, but of course they call it unexpected and surprising etc. Hell, even anne hesche running her car into a house was probably jab related psychotic episode...yes fueled by hard liquor.
My thoughts exactly As far as friends and family and out of love for them trying to read pill them. It just makes me feel like withdrawing from my jabbed friends because I am beginning to doubt that they will be in my life in a few more years.
I saw the comments of the man who ran the costume shop she visited just before, and the photo she took... and her sitting up suddenly on the stretcher? its a bit fishy the official story ..
I feel the same as I am surrounded by like-minded people, but losing friends and feeling separate from family is very strange. I keep trying to send the facts, but it's like talking to a brick wall...not going to get through. Blessing to all of you who have had to endure the sadness and losses. I expect some more.
I just sent this to a brainwashed friend who just got out of the hospital with upper respiratory and then pneumonia! And she's talking 'chicken little' about all of the pediatric hospitals and schools full of infections with RSV! And damning the sick ppl who won't stay home (like she's not a spreader shedder herself getting all of the boosters) Her trusted MD Nephew told her to get all of her jabbs (covid boost, flu, pneumonia etc), she will not listen to any other source! She is completely 'head in sand' lalalalalalal...'I don't want to hear any other opinion'. Her husband has not been feeling well lately for a month! I'm sure they both got boosters a month ago. He's 65, shes 58. They have virtually been contact free for 2.5 years and mask like banshees. God bless these sheeple....and they're completely demo crats for lack of ANY ability to discern...let's go smoke some more pot and isolate and blame every one else.
Same here.....only thing we can do with the sleeping masses is to wait and is beyond frustrating. I have a heavy feeling in my gut that things are going to get a lot worse...and I had this same feeling almost three years ago when all of this madness started...I have started to establish a stronger relationship with God, who I must admit has been watching out for me thus far....I also come to these Substack writers to feel a part of something good. Thanks to Alex, and his commenters for keeping me sane in this crazy, upside down world.
Yes, Alex has been a God sent during these times. However, I strongly believe that Ivermectin is effective although he refuses to believe it. I've read many of the studies for the past 2+ years and it works in Covid despite what the Major Medical Journals (think the journal equivalent of the biased mass media) publish. i.e. only unreliable negative studies.
Uttar Pradesh India proved Ivermectin works. Population is almost 300 million. Peak Covid Infection positive rate of 20 percent. Two months of Contact tracing and mass distribution of Ivermectin, Vitamin D and zinc, and the test positive rate went to .01, and then to ZERO. The vaccination rate was under 20 percent at the time. They killed the virus by breaking the RO. The clot shots were nowhere near 95 percent effective, or they would have broken the RO as well.
He also cheerleads for CIA operative Elon Musk and advocates a return to Reefer Madness instead of dealing with the synthetic opiates that cost more lives last year than the entire Viet Nam conflict.
Yup, all those that took the jab are in denial. It is sad. I say nothing. Think how RFK jr feels. His family publicly shames him. He genuinely is worried about his kids as they took the shot. You can see it in his eyes. He knows what is coming. He even talked about his son Connor is his big worry as he is an athlete, male, young. This is the group that seems to be dying of strokes, heart attacks.
I have co workers (were remote company - way before COVID) Males in their 30’s / 40’s now being diagnosed with things like fatty liver disease, diabetes and other ailments in other wise healthy adults. Many in other Countries out side the US too. No way this is just a coincidence!! I just keep my never jabbed mouth shut! I experienced COVID over a year ago and survived ( it wasn’t fun) and never took the jab. Nor will I ever. I’ve had a few family members that got the initial two jabs and they still got COVID. They are now realizing something’s up, they are not ever gonna get the boosters!
*Pandemic drives largest drop in childhood vaccinations in 30 years*
"Last year alone, 25 million children missed out on immunizations against infections such as measles and polio, leading to avoidable outbreaks of disease."
This is what happens when trust is killed. I am astounded I have lived 70 years when I got so few vaccines. I have posted many times about having cancer for 30 years, but am still here and never took any drugs to manage cancer.
well another commenter named UnitedUpWorld says that instead of cutting off all our friends on the other side entirely - we should live good lives.
if we were jerks those on the other side would write us off as jerks, but if we're cool & good - then they might start to question the tyranny that divides us & we might heal as a society
Your reply to me is either dishonest or disingenuous, there is no one that I have read here called UnitedUpWorld, and, how’s that politeness acquiescence and tolerance to evil going for you if you genuinely practice it?
If Republicans really do sweep a lot of offices next Tuesday, watch the Left riot and destroy this country on Wednesday, that’s what the psychological defense projection is, people accuse you of what they do or want to do, and then they’ll do it. And I’m going to tell you right now, if the Democrats lose as big as it’s being projected, you’re going to see a level of violence that’s going to make January 6 2021 look like kindergarten party…
UnitedUpWorld, what a joke until proven otherwise….
I live in Pennsylvania. There are 5 or 6 ads per day for the bivalent boosters, both Moderna and Pfizer. Moderna is sponsoring Jeopardy, for God's sake. You must live in a cave or watch NO television.
You are probably better off without TV. I confess to an addiction in the cold months. But are you telling me that Covid is over in very progressive Portland? No masks, particularly at medical offices and facilities?
Live in IN and some people (not many) are still wearing masks. We're traveling internationally shortly and one person in our party is liberal so no reason to say anything about the boosters or anything political for that matter. We'll avoid those subjects and enjoy our trip.
Also, yet another study where they refuse to look at unvaccinated people with previous infections (aka natural immunity). I know that wasn't in the scope of this particular study, but why won't they look at us?? The few studies that do seem to show that our protection is equal or (usually) better than ANY of these shots!
It's a damned shame that we had to gain natural immunity from a fuking man made virus that we should have never had to encounter! Off with their heads beginning with frankenstein fauxci !
No, I would bet winning Powerball tonight that almost all in positions of power and influence on the left have gotten saline injections, because Pfizer and Moderno warned them that the risks equal the benefits.
And frankly, I’m even suspicious the reports of the likes of Biden and others in positions of authority and influence got Covid, they’re just trying to deflect and encourage more to cooperate with the Thanos Objective…
totally virtue signaling, they think they're so damned smart that the fake jab is going to influence others to do it. NEVER TAKE ADVICE FROM A NARCISSIST! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE HARMED. THEN THEY BLAME YOU FOR BEING SO STUPID.
Actually in these days, they can’t keep track of their ever changing hypocrisy, so they just blame you for not listening to them at the moment they utter the new directive or agenda…
Besides, narcissists need the audience so they can’t afford to kill them, sociopaths, they love the death…
The cemetery or mass grave is the true cherished audience of the sociopath…
No, I can bet he did not and I don't usual bet unless I feel very positive. Even Fauci admitted in a video I saw some time ago that most of his staff and the CDC staff were unvaccinated. They were not mandated to get it, neither was Politian's
Assuming that is true (superiority of natural immunity) don't lose sight of the fact that in order to achieve that superior immunity you first risk superior dowside effect of the disease. For Omicron, that risk is small. For future variants, that may not be the case.
For this to be true, you assume that a vaccine exists which reduces the risk of “downside” effects of disease, an assumption which research has not borne out. Did you read the article above?
Toss in collateral damage to the immune system and serious adverse side effects, and it’s hard to defend the idea that these vaccines are a good idea for risk management.
A good reason to prepare your early treatment regime. Starting with vitamin D3 levels above 50 ng/ml. Seriously, you’re going to need far above the RDA of 800 IU. I’m taking 15,000 IU, plus K2, zinc, quercetin, etc. IVM and HCQ
My levels are always 80 or a little above…….have it checked every year……take 10,000IU. I have been doing this for years before it seemed the general population gave it notice.
Unless some idiotic lab leaks their dangerous modified variant, it seems most likely that future variants will continue trending more contagious but less severe. The biggest risk of going unvaxed is probably in the past with the original variants and Delta. There is a case to be made that staying completely unvaxed was a riskier way to get to this point and many people probably died of covid who might otherwise have made it to now. But moving forward it seems like the worst risks of going unvaxed is past for generally healthy people.
The smartest thing we could have done, (notice they didn’t do it) was adopt safe effective early treatment instead of RunDeathIsNear while waiting for these worthless and dangerous shots. But no, gotta feed the Pharma billionaires, no matter the health costs.
I've tried to convince myself this is just incompetence or profiteering.
We all know what's going on now:
More likely both. It began as a way to overthrow an American president, evolved into a way to maintain population control, all supported by the enormous profits given to the supporters. Much like the Germans giving the confiscated wealth from their victims to their supporters. Power is the objective, greed is the tool.
Nah, Ra’s Al Ghul in Batman Begins summed it up perfectly: “the criminal is not complicated.”
It’s just a dumbed down inattentive apathetic uncaring public that allows evil to run rampant.
Cowardice is the synergistic fuel to evil, tell me I’m wrong.
All that cowering and kneeling the last 30+ months certainly emboldened and empowered a lot of nasty cruel human beings among us…
I couldn't agree more with this. So many are so uninterested, uneducated about all this and could care less. If apathy & ignorance were crimes, they'd all be imprisoned for good.
Respectfully I disagree, evil would and has imprisoned apathy and ignorance and make them do as much disgusting undesired dirty work until such humans were exhausted, and the ones who didn’t die from being completely malnourished and diseased would be shot to death.
Hence the prior regimes of hideous relentless cruelty seen in Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia…
Didn't turn out well for the Ghul, as I recall. What's more complicated is why so many submit to criminals and tyrants. Some are just too stupid to realize they're being attacked, some hope to take advantage of it, most just naively hope if they hide it will go away. Resisting criminals and tyrants is a skill set anyone can learn. Most choose not to. That's why we have so many criminals and tyrants -- target rich environment.
Operative word: Now
Greed gone too far can lead to evil.
Greed is definitionally evil.
Also one can say Power is the objective, and greed for power over others is the driving force of evil Most crimes are an exercise of this evil; Power over others.
Read "the REAL Anthony Fauci" to find the true measure of malice in Fauci. Read about the orphans sacrificed uselessly for ineffective and deadly AIDS drugs. Read how AZT killed me than AIDS did.
Fauci is promoting and financing biowarfare and has been for at least 20 years. Recently they've come up with a new version of COVID that combined the improved (more infectious) omicron spike with the original core of alpha COVID to increase the lethality of COVID to 80 percent. They are working to make hemmoragic fever viruses deadlier and more infectious.
The US government is working with China and other countries to advance biowarfare
Isn't China our adversary? Or is it our government that is a adversary to it's citizens?
Fauci is a textbook sociopathic bureaucrat, and you look at when this man smiles, you are truly looking at the face of evil, especially when he says things that are so floridly antisocial…
More manifesting his cultivated evil 👿 than his smile }-> the way he threw out the First Pitch at a Nationals MLB game. He threw worse than girl 👧🏼
Maybe he was a girl?
Reveals what happens when transgenders get old, the true personality disorder of what probably lies under this relentless push to change your gender comes through?
I generally sense there’s a lot of personality disorder to transgenderism but that’s just my opinion. Sorry to go off topic..
Hindus & most Buddhist sects understand that reincarnations follow the fractal 90%/10% slope exactly like human handedness. ~10%Lefties cuz it works better than 50/50 🔘PERIOD
Trans is new age 1. Cutters 2. Anorexics 3. Goths 4. Ravers etc.
Not sure I follow you but thank you for the rebuttal/conclusion.
Upvoted for increasing my vocabulary!
upvoted for use of the word "floridly"
Right now there are those in Washington, both sides of the aisles, that desperately want to push nuclear button. It is all about revenge. Putin and Trump derangement syndrome. The Romney types are so angry having been denied the WH, or losing elections like Cheney that getting even with their own party is their priority. They want control of the party they deem theirs. They know they are irrelevant now and so like Prince Harry setting fire to their own house like a fanatic is their priority.
War is the only thing the parties can agree on.
My boy will be a conscientious objector. Never thought I'd say that.
Yup, while I agree that many countries are run by horrible people, war is not the answer. Diplomacy is hard work and why it is shunned today. Those wanting to take our guns are the very ones supporting this war which means many are getting killed. Soldiers have no choice. They believe their own governments or feel pressure to stay no matter how they may feel. Each country is fed propaganda. I was once a hawk. Now a realist. It is damn painful to look in the mirror and know your country is NOT the good guy they said they were. The US treats whistleblowers as traitors. They always use the excuse they are endangering our troops. They know most then will back off. As a whistleblower myself a couple times, I can assure everybody is is lonely and downright painful. It changed me forever.
Yeah. I finished it about 2 months ago.
Dr Ho, mentioned above, is the man who proved that early intervention in AIDS is critical. Fauci disagreed. David (a high school friend of mine) was right and Fauci (as usual) was wrong. David was TIME magazine’s 1997 Man of the Year, and Fauci has never gotten over it.
Like Alex, RFK jr cannot bring himself to admit these government officials pushing and approving these vaccines are evil and need to be put in jail and have a big public trial so people can see what happens when agencies are captured. Death penalty. They know exactly what they are doing. They knew from the start no vaccine for a coronavirus is possible. These viruses mutate too quickly and the vaccines are then useless. But it isn’t only that this vaccine is useless, it is that the vaccine are killers as well. Blame mRNA. Flu vaccines may be useless, but there are not droves of people dying or being medically impaired for life. I have known many people that got flu vaccines and also got flu. We cannot call the flu vaccine a “vaccine”. If people got polio after polio vaccines, which are sterilizing, would they think this is a vaccine? The public was duped just based on definition of a vaccine. The public was duped that any vaccine was possible after a few months of a small clinical trial. Basically most people trusted our government refusing to believe they would force people to take vaccine that may harm them. I am so angry. The AMA still damaging career of doctors that spoke out by removing their licenses. It is to send a message to other doctors wanting to speak up. It is a threat.
It's not just the mRNA. There are other toxic components in every vax, as well. Difficult to quantify the blame when investigation is prohibited.
Just wait until you learn the truth about Polio...
Funny play on Arthur C. Clarke's "Third Law", that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic and the old saw of never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence:
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
This idea is expressed by what is called "depraved heart murder" in my state and some others. It is basically negligent homicide that goes above and beyond mere negligence. If one is so reckless, and so incompetent, so disregarding of human life, it's the same as intentional premeditated murder.
Awesome comment!
"Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
That's a keeper.
And Benjamins baby, mucho Benjamins!
We passed incompetence in April 2020.
…and straight into malfeasance, tyranny, and brutality.
If history ever has a chance to be honest and accurate ever again, what happened in the United States in 2020 up to and most likely after this coming election will show how horrific it is when the public just acquiesces and kneels to abject hate and lust for power.
I’ve said it here already today, should the Democrats be wiped out next week electorally, they will respond by trying to wipe out humans in this country, it is that simple. These pathological immature children in adult bodies are going to be the most hideously disgusting creatures to ever walk the earth screeching “to save Democracy” while crushing it… hope I’m wrong…
As long as Welensky, Fauci, Brandon, Randy Wintergreen, and their puppets in the media keep faithfully getting the vaccines it should be a self-limiting problem.
Welensky is 5 jabbed and having a Plaxavoid rebound case. The human body can only take so much. Another 5 jabs and 4 rebounds and she won’t be destroying lives anymore, well, other people’s anyway. 🤷♀️
Agree. It's a cult
So this is yet another HUGE mistake a lot of people , especially those who are awake , are making. Neither Walinsky , Fauci nor Bourla have EVER taken these death shots. If they engaged in the circus , the shots were saline. They’re doing this because they believe they’ll have plausible deniability. ( see plebes , I took the shots JUST LIKE you, akd now I’ve gotten sick JUST LUKE you. I’m not complicit since I took the shots and paxlovid. ) they are psychopaths. Invert everything they say to get a facsimile of the truth.
Possibly true . In general it is certainly true. (They are always planning, as even when they tell the truth, it is to support a lie) If they know there is overwhelming vaccine harm and man made Covid development exposure research happening in nations they cannot control, then saying, I was wrong but I really believed, may be their last line of defense.
Was intentional and planned well before 2020
We are at war with an invisible enemy. And I don’t mean the virus.
Dark forces Jay.
China Joe is not invisible.
No, It is Joe Thanos Biden. And his ilk minions. Sorry, it is that simple.
It's actually a lot more like genocide.
Genocide is attacking one particular group. These criminals seem to be going for everyone. But the stats show the virus and vax aren't very effective, just culling a small fraction of weaklings, so if it's intentional homicide, it's not very good. The real effect is to incite panic among the stupid, to gain power over them. That part seems very effective.
I agree with your definition of genocide, but they ARE attacking a particular group-the ones compliant enough to take a medication without proper testing. Those people, who are gullible enough to trust that no one would hurt them on purpose, just to make a ton of money. You state that just a small fraction have been killed, but did you know that deaths by all causes have increased by 20% since the jab rolled out? What could possibly be causing such a huge jump in mortalities? I believe we are merely seeing the tip of the iceberg with these "vaccine" injuries. Besides the myocarditis, blood clotting, neurological disorders and increased cancers, there will be pathogenic priming, autoimmune diseases and sterility. It's unclear to me who the panicked stupid people are that you speak of. Are they the compliant, uninformed masses who rolled up their sleeves, or the informed purebloods who have resisted all the pressure and stood strong in their convictions?
Yes, many died. Mostly unnecessarily. Medical malpractice at best, more likely malfeasance. But that has yet to be proven. Most doctors went along with it because they are ignorant. They are smart in things they've been trained for, but amazingly dumb in everything else.
Blaming some mysterious cabal is a cop out, relieving the true perpetrators of their responsibilities. A lot of nefarious forces conspired to convince the errant medics to follow the script, but they chose to comply, willingly. They should have known better. Many did know better, yet most of them conformed anyway. I expect we'll find the cause was about 60% ignorance, 35% greed, and 5% pure evil. We need to change the way doctors are trained and paid, or it will happen again.
Fauch didn't kill anyone. Nor Bill, nor Klaus, nor Joe, nor media, nor any governor or local health board. They were all accomplices and will be judged. But the actual murderers wore white smocks and stethoscopes. We trusted them to provide competent care and they failed. They could have prevented most of the deaths. They chose not to.
The good news is the vast majority did not die, and will not die from the routine virus or the incompetent vax. Those who did die suffered voluntary weaknesses which might become important lessons for the rest of us. Our success and our survival are up to us. Depending on others to care for us is a fatal flaw. No doctor or politician is as interested in your wellbeing as you are.
Boy are you funny. Move along
You must be a doctor.
Malice, AFORETHOUGHT, no less.
But just look at how it is reducing the Social Security and Medicare payouts. Don’t tell me Democrats aren’t fiscally responsible!!
Remember when #BoomerRemover was trending?
The generation of humans between 15-30yrs old now are irretrievably lost. Watch the carnage they will create should their failed rulers be voted out of office this week.
And there will be carnage. A generation of addicts and/or personality disordered cretins will not be bargained or negotiated with as of now.
Summer 2020 riots will look like picnics to the hate and relentless lust for power by these antisocial cretins…
Sure will be interesting to see if pallets of bricks randomly show up for these protests as well, or if that was only acceptable in 'Trump's America.'
These scum operate on the level of pathological projection never seen before. There won’t be bricks, they press for people to lose rights to have firearms so that these leftist sociopaths can be roaming the streets shooting and killing everybody in their path even if one looks at them the wrong way.
I genuinely know that November 9th will be the true January 6th of this country, and the Democrats will be shrieking for it.
We are ruled and crueled by five-year-old in adult bodies. And the damage is beyond irreversible. Covid was just the dress rehearsal…
Cities weren't boarded up on election night 2020 in case Biden won.
I dare not forward these articles or talk about them to my friends who were probably the first in line to receive the new boosters. They are completely closed minded on the subject so I won't let facts get in the way of their opinions.
Me either. Isn’t it sad? About 20 people
who used to be in my life, both family and friends, are no longer due to my husband and I not being vaxxed, being conservative, believing in voter fraud, etc. I don’t dare send them anything without serious retribution (done that) and they refuse to believe anything other than their doctors and main stream media. I pray for them, but it’s hard. Our family refuses to see us due to no vaxx..even when we suggested an open air restaurant! Just shows how they believe they’re more intelligent than us and wish to punish us.
The reality? I don’t miss them. I’ve thought back on good times we’ve had together, but I’ve moved on to new friends with similar values and the ability to critically think. Some of my new friends got the first vaxx, then listened to alternative views and stopped putting their bodies at risk.
I’m actually happy and at peace, praying our mid-term elections produce results that have strong willed people ready to hold the the Fauciis and Bourlas of the world responsible for their evil.
I'm avoiding ppl and family because I'm bracing myself fot their long slow deaths, cannot stand being forced to see them run off a cliff with every jab and then expecting sympathy. Dreading the prayer requests. Can you not simply see all of the high profile deaths and vaxx injuries in the MSM, it is there, but of course they call it unexpected and surprising etc. Hell, even anne hesche running her car into a house was probably jab related psychotic episode...yes fueled by hard liquor.
My thoughts exactly As far as friends and family and out of love for them trying to read pill them. It just makes me feel like withdrawing from my jabbed friends because I am beginning to doubt that they will be in my life in a few more years.
It is true, you cannot associate with people who truly embrace this sick notion that everyone should be inoculated with the risk of death.
That’s why I say below, I don’t understand how the above commentor to this mini-thread calls these people friends…
And worst, there are so many healthcare professionals who know subconsciously this is wrong, and continue to press it upon their patients.
I saw the comments of the man who ran the costume shop she visited just before, and the photo she took... and her sitting up suddenly on the stretcher? its a bit fishy the official story ..
I feel the same as I am surrounded by like-minded people, but losing friends and feeling separate from family is very strange. I keep trying to send the facts, but it's like talking to a brick wall...not going to get through. Blessing to all of you who have had to endure the sadness and losses. I expect some more.
It sounds like you're better off with your new group of friends ,than your family Or the old bunch of so called friends
I just sent this to a brainwashed friend who just got out of the hospital with upper respiratory and then pneumonia! And she's talking 'chicken little' about all of the pediatric hospitals and schools full of infections with RSV! And damning the sick ppl who won't stay home (like she's not a spreader shedder herself getting all of the boosters) Her trusted MD Nephew told her to get all of her jabbs (covid boost, flu, pneumonia etc), she will not listen to any other source! She is completely 'head in sand' lalalalalalal...'I don't want to hear any other opinion'. Her husband has not been feeling well lately for a month! I'm sure they both got boosters a month ago. He's 65, shes 58. They have virtually been contact free for 2.5 years and mask like banshees. God bless these sheeple....and they're completely demo crats for lack of ANY ability to discern...let's go smoke some more pot and isolate and blame every one else.
Dan Bongino admitted getting the jab was the worst medical decision of his life.
I hope it doesn't turn into the worst decision of his life!
Especially since he has already battled cancer.
Same here.....only thing we can do with the sleeping masses is to wait and is beyond frustrating. I have a heavy feeling in my gut that things are going to get a lot worse...and I had this same feeling almost three years ago when all of this madness started...I have started to establish a stronger relationship with God, who I must admit has been watching out for me thus far....I also come to these Substack writers to feel a part of something good. Thanks to Alex, and his commenters for keeping me sane in this crazy, upside down world.
Yes, Alex has been a God sent during these times. However, I strongly believe that Ivermectin is effective although he refuses to believe it. I've read many of the studies for the past 2+ years and it works in Covid despite what the Major Medical Journals (think the journal equivalent of the biased mass media) publish. i.e. only unreliable negative studies.
Uttar Pradesh India proved Ivermectin works. Population is almost 300 million. Peak Covid Infection positive rate of 20 percent. Two months of Contact tracing and mass distribution of Ivermectin, Vitamin D and zinc, and the test positive rate went to .01, and then to ZERO. The vaccination rate was under 20 percent at the time. They killed the virus by breaking the RO. The clot shots were nowhere near 95 percent effective, or they would have broken the RO as well.
He also cheerleads for CIA operative Elon Musk and advocates a return to Reefer Madness instead of dealing with the synthetic opiates that cost more lives last year than the entire Viet Nam conflict.
Yup, all those that took the jab are in denial. It is sad. I say nothing. Think how RFK jr feels. His family publicly shames him. He genuinely is worried about his kids as they took the shot. You can see it in his eyes. He knows what is coming. He even talked about his son Connor is his big worry as he is an athlete, male, young. This is the group that seems to be dying of strokes, heart attacks.
I have co workers (were remote company - way before COVID) Males in their 30’s / 40’s now being diagnosed with things like fatty liver disease, diabetes and other ailments in other wise healthy adults. Many in other Countries out side the US too. No way this is just a coincidence!! I just keep my never jabbed mouth shut! I experienced COVID over a year ago and survived ( it wasn’t fun) and never took the jab. Nor will I ever. I’ve had a few family members that got the initial two jabs and they still got COVID. They are now realizing something’s up, they are not ever gonna get the boosters!
don't worry - everyone knows even if they won't admit it.
many are determined not to be deceived going forward.
*Pandemic drives largest drop in childhood vaccinations in 30 years*
"Last year alone, 25 million children missed out on immunizations against infections such as measles and polio, leading to avoidable outbreaks of disease."
This is what happens when trust is killed. I am astounded I have lived 70 years when I got so few vaccines. I have posted many times about having cancer for 30 years, but am still here and never took any drugs to manage cancer.
What do you do?
This comment truly disturbs me, how can you tell us that you have friends who are so wedded to tyranny, do you see that?
well another commenter named UnitedUpWorld says that instead of cutting off all our friends on the other side entirely - we should live good lives.
if we were jerks those on the other side would write us off as jerks, but if we're cool & good - then they might start to question the tyranny that divides us & we might heal as a society
Your reply to me is either dishonest or disingenuous, there is no one that I have read here called UnitedUpWorld, and, how’s that politeness acquiescence and tolerance to evil going for you if you genuinely practice it?
If Republicans really do sweep a lot of offices next Tuesday, watch the Left riot and destroy this country on Wednesday, that’s what the psychological defense projection is, people accuse you of what they do or want to do, and then they’ll do it. And I’m going to tell you right now, if the Democrats lose as big as it’s being projected, you’re going to see a level of violence that’s going to make January 6 2021 look like kindergarten party…
UnitedUpWorld, what a joke until proven otherwise….
Boosters in late 2022? Where do you live? Covid is done and dusted for good.
I live in Pennsylvania. There are 5 or 6 ads per day for the bivalent boosters, both Moderna and Pfizer. Moderna is sponsoring Jeopardy, for God's sake. You must live in a cave or watch NO television.
In civilized nations, Pharma is prohibited from advertisement on TV.
Well, I live in Poland and have no TV.
You are probably better off without TV. I confess to an addiction in the cold months. But are you telling me that Covid is over in very progressive Portland? No masks, particularly at medical offices and facilities?
Live in IN and some people (not many) are still wearing masks. We're traveling internationally shortly and one person in our party is liberal so no reason to say anything about the boosters or anything political for that matter. We'll avoid those subjects and enjoy our trip.
Worst crime against humanity in the history of the world. Have a nice day!
Don’t diminish Nazi Germany, Stalin Russia, and Mao China…
You know, the heroes of the left?
Color me shocked. 🤨
Also, yet another study where they refuse to look at unvaccinated people with previous infections (aka natural immunity). I know that wasn't in the scope of this particular study, but why won't they look at us?? The few studies that do seem to show that our protection is equal or (usually) better than ANY of these shots!
It's a damned shame that we had to gain natural immunity from a fuking man made virus that we should have never had to encounter! Off with their heads beginning with frankenstein fauxci !
I actually wonder, does anyone really think The CDC Dr.’s and Fauci really received the JAB’S???
No, they did not. I firmly believe that they are not jabbed, and if so, only with saline. They know it's poison. I'm with with their heads.
Before we give Fauci the chop can we interrogate him about his hidden millions of ill gotten gains and give it all to the vax injured and bereaved?
And when we chop him can we do salami slices so we can do it again and again and again?
No, inject them with original Wuhan Covid, and see how many of them survive if they genuinely got the shots and boosters…
TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!! If so, they would have been suffering with some ailments?? by now. They are in their 80’s or so!
No! Even Bourla (Pfizer) said in an interview that "he hadn't gotten around to it." Certain groups of high profile politicians also didn't take it.
No, I would bet winning Powerball tonight that almost all in positions of power and influence on the left have gotten saline injections, because Pfizer and Moderno warned them that the risks equal the benefits.
And frankly, I’m even suspicious the reports of the likes of Biden and others in positions of authority and influence got Covid, they’re just trying to deflect and encourage more to cooperate with the Thanos Objective…
totally virtue signaling, they think they're so damned smart that the fake jab is going to influence others to do it. NEVER TAKE ADVICE FROM A NARCISSIST! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE HARMED. THEN THEY BLAME YOU FOR BEING SO STUPID.
Actually in these days, they can’t keep track of their ever changing hypocrisy, so they just blame you for not listening to them at the moment they utter the new directive or agenda…
Besides, narcissists need the audience so they can’t afford to kill them, sociopaths, they love the death…
The cemetery or mass grave is the true cherished audience of the sociopath…
I totally agree!
No, I can bet he did not and I don't usual bet unless I feel very positive. Even Fauci admitted in a video I saw some time ago that most of his staff and the CDC staff were unvaccinated. They were not mandated to get it, neither was Politian's
Nope. None of these psychopaths took any of these shots.
@KB, you can say that again!
Assuming that is true (superiority of natural immunity) don't lose sight of the fact that in order to achieve that superior immunity you first risk superior dowside effect of the disease. For Omicron, that risk is small. For future variants, that may not be the case.
For this to be true, you assume that a vaccine exists which reduces the risk of “downside” effects of disease, an assumption which research has not borne out. Did you read the article above?
Toss in collateral damage to the immune system and serious adverse side effects, and it’s hard to defend the idea that these vaccines are a good idea for risk management.
A good reason to prepare your early treatment regime. Starting with vitamin D3 levels above 50 ng/ml. Seriously, you’re going to need far above the RDA of 800 IU. I’m taking 15,000 IU, plus K2, zinc, quercetin, etc. IVM and HCQ
Helps with flu and probably RSV.
I’ve heard levels need to hit 80 actually
My levels are always 80 or a little above…….have it checked every year……take 10,000IU. I have been doing this for years before it seemed the general population gave it notice.
Unless some idiotic lab leaks their dangerous modified variant, it seems most likely that future variants will continue trending more contagious but less severe. The biggest risk of going unvaxed is probably in the past with the original variants and Delta. There is a case to be made that staying completely unvaxed was a riskier way to get to this point and many people probably died of covid who might otherwise have made it to now. But moving forward it seems like the worst risks of going unvaxed is past for generally healthy people.
The smartest thing we could have done, (notice they didn’t do it) was adopt safe effective early treatment instead of RunDeathIsNear while waiting for these worthless and dangerous shots. But no, gotta feed the Pharma billionaires, no matter the health costs.