Participants in Moderna’s clinical trials for its mRNA booster Covid shots keep dying.
And Moderna keeps obscuring their deaths.
Last week, Moderna disclosed a death in its newest booster trial in a single chart on page 49 of a 53-page report, while elsewhere in the report inaccurately claiming the trial had “no fatal events.”
Today, a reader pointed out another death in an earlier Moderna booster trial, this one from cardiac arrest in a 72-year-old man. The victim had received his third or “booster” dose nine days before.
The death appears to have occurred in August 2021, at least six weeks before the Food and Drug Administration held a hearing in October to discuss authorizing a Moderna booster at a dose lower than the one used in the August trial.
But the death was not mentioned at the hearing.
Instead, Moderna quietly disclosed the death last month in a report on the trial it published on a “preprint” server. Almost no one appears to have seen the report. The full-text version of the report, where a description of the death can be found, had been viewed online fewer than 70 times as of this morning.
The report also discloses a stroke suffered by another participant in the trial.
Of note, both victims were men in their early seventies, although only about 50 of the trial’s 305 participants were men over 65. The stroke occurred only four days after the booster mRNA dose.
The company said that its investigators believed the booster had caused the stroke but not the cardiac arrest; it did not offer details as to how they had reached that conclusion. No outside investigators appear to have reviewed either case.
Moderna began the trial, which it called Study P205, on August 3, 2021 to test a 100-microgram mRNA booster dose. That dosage equivalent to the amount of mRNA used in the original two shots, and more than three times as high as the mRNA Pfizer and BioNTech used in their shot.
Moderna had already tried a smaller 50-microgram booster dose in a booster trial that began in the spring of 2021.
But by midsummer 2021, data from Israel and Britain had shown that the mRNA shots were failing, especially against the then-common Delta variant. The company hoped a more powerful dose might lead to more anti-spike-protein antibodies and stronger protection against Sars-Cov-2.
Between August 3 and August 16, clinical trial investigators enrolled 305 people in the 100-microgram trial. All had been part of Moderna’s pivotal 30,000-person clinical trial that led to the original approval of the two-dose regimen, and all had received two doses.
The 100-microgram booster did produce more anti-spike protein antibodies than the 50-microgram dose had in Moderna’s first booster trial. But it also produced more side effects than the lower dose- and more side effects than even the second dose of the original regimen.
In the trial report, investigators appeared concerned about the level of side effects and mentioned them in the first sentence of the results. They suggested the 100-microgram dose be considered only “when eliciting an antibody response might be challenging such as in moderately or severely immunocompromised hosts.”
Ultimately, Moderna did not ask the FDA to authorize a 100-microgram booster shot.
Instead, on Sep. 1, it asked for a 50-microgram booster. In the hearing on Oct. 14, it presented data from the spring 2021 booster study, called 201B. That study included only 171 people who had received a 50-microgram booster after the 100-microgram primary regimen. It reported no deaths or severe adverse events, according to data the FDA presented to an advisory panel on Oct. 14.
The FDA panel voted unanimously to recommend the 50-microgram Moderna booster for immunocompromised people or people over 65. In late November, the FDA extended booster authorization to all adults.
But a booster dose has proven no more effective than the first two at providing lasting protection against Covid.
Thus, on March 29, the FDA authorized a second 50-microgram booster dose - as well as a second Pfizer booster dose - for adults over 50.
To justify its recommendation, which will lead to adults receiving the equivalent of the 100-microgram dose that caused the stroke in the August trial, the FDA relied on safety data from Pfizer’s vaccine - a different product administered at a lower dose - as well as
an independently conducted study in which the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine was administered as a second booster dose to 120 participants 18 years of age and older who had received a two-dose primary series and a first booster dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine at least 4 months prior. No new safety concerns were reported during up to three weeks of follow up after the second booster dose.
Yes. You read that right.
Even though Moderna’s scientists themselves acknowledge that the company’s mRNA shots have a dose-dependent toxicity, the FDA told over 100 million Americans they could take yet another jab based on a study that covered 120 people. And followed their safety for three weeks.
On the contrary, the injections have been a stellar success. Working in unison with the mass propaganda campaign to distort and distract from the truth, the jab has been doing it's job as a slow kill/soft genocide weapon. Maiming, killing, sterilizing and making the survivors dependent on ever more of pharma's potions. what you call a hugely successful operation.
Just realize, there is at least 60 million more people like Eww-gene here, or should I call him Spew-Gene…
These people really think that destroying peoples’ lives is a given.
And yet, you all want to be civil polite and acquiescing to these scumbags, who if they have their moment, they would slap you to the floor, and then kick you in the face as you’re lying there in agony…
This is the Left in 2022, but, it hasn’t knocked on your door… Yet…
Yes but the user should be able to hide any creep they want as they only cause turmoil for the sake of causing turmoil and do not add to constructive conversation
No you’re not, you’re a pathetic relentless liar, your troll commenting endlessly reinforcing leftist agendas is so flagrant, and you really think you can lie your way into convincing people you’re a reasonable and fair person?
You’re a shitbag of epic proportions, but everyone else can figuratively suck your diseased phallus and enjoy it, that’s what they are doing by putting up with your bullshit here…
And you know it, and continue to be exhibit A of leftist trolls!
And I’m done making the mistake of coming back at you this one time, have a lousy night…
Duck needs to go elsewhere and converse with like minds. Got a fever for more cow bell I guess. (I'm good with the cow bell but the rest of the BS not so much.)
Love "fever for a cowbell" and every sketch Walken was in. Nice to think of something funny for a quick break from the sweaty desperation of the deeply unhappy Frenkle and a few of the other trolls who would never in a million years utter a single word they feverishly type on their little sweat stained key boards to anybody's actual face, cuz they have so much fear... and a FEVER for life as a sheep!
Demonstrably false nonsense.....again. The "reams of data" show the exact opposite, but you're too incurious and in love with your heroes' vaccines to know.
Please provide proof that masks matter with control group studies. Please provide evidence that a single person was protected. Also, please provide the name of a single person was protected from death or illness because they took a vaccine.
Austria, Bavaria, and Berlin MANDATED N95s from April 2021 into 2022. They have just as much of a delta wave as neighboring countries, and neighboring German states that didn’t use N95s. Masks are the ultimate cult talisman.
All vaccines and mRNA injections are a complete waste of time, money and effort. They save you from nothing and possibly prime your body to attract sickness and auto-immune diseases that start from within. Moderna and pfizer are two of the most crooked companies on the planet. If you trust big pharma after all this, you must not value your health, living or life.
Bad pharmaceuticals are a reflection of bad government. Just that simple. Get rid of bad government first and many other things including pharmaceuticals must improve. Piss, piss poor oversight.
Yeah, and if you trust the CDC, Fauci, CNN, Sanjay Gupta, or any of these other clowns, you're just too stupid to live. You know what else is a complete waste of time?: Masks and the PCR test.
You mean the summer respiratory virus wave that hits the SE every year? That’s virus season down there. What happened in the winter? Did testing, definitions, etc change at all around that time?
It’s flu shot and pneumonia shot season for the elderly down here for supposed prevention of the coming flu in the fall. For kids, it’s back to school shot season in the mid and later summer, before school begins in mid to late august. That’s what caused the surges in adverse events and deaths.
People seem to forget that the flu shots prime the immune system and make people extremely susceptible to becoming sick. Kids and adults getting the TDaP and DTaP shots also become silent carriers and transmitters of whooping cough, which hits the elderly very hard, as do all respiratory infections.
The flu shot has done little to curb the flu. Alex had a posting where he showed an amazing increase in flu shot uptake over the past several decades and the flu hasn't decreased at all -- not one bit.
You were wrong about the masks on the other post and you're wrong about covid not being seasonal. Did you forget about 2020? In the UK we had covid during the winter. We had no covid over the summer. None. Of course covid is seasonal.
NO there are NO reams of data they work. It's the OPPOSITE. DECADES worth of data and literature showing they're ineffective. I can't believe this nonsense.
They do not. My husband is a taxi driver who never wore a mask after he developed an ulcer inside his nose, almost big enough to almost cause a hole in his septum, caused by bacterial infection of wearing a mask.,he is not vaccinated., the other driver wore a mask and triple vaccinated. They both caught it from the same triple vaccinated lady, the mask nor vaccine did not stop transmission nor catching it. Outcome was the same for both, unvaccinated and no mask, masked and triple boosted.
Covid was seasonal. The vaccines messed up everything and created unseasonal waves. The vaccines failed that badly. No study shows masks work. If you could tell by counties and states you would see Germany and Austria prove your point but it doesn’t. Cases took off when masks were put in. It is illogical that masks would work considering the air you get from them is same without a mask. And the air you breathe out again goes into the air around you. It’s non sensical.
Can you think of anything else that was different between the previous waves and Omicron. Like half the population being given 3 or 4 doses of an experimental shot?
Florida’s Covid death rate is lower than NY’s and same as California’s. The gov pushed the vax very hard to seniors and they are pretty much all vaxxed.
Ya know, Jjule, what you just said was so simple and to the point that it was profound. I never thought about the ‘No one died at home did they’ comment. It made me stop in my tracks. Thank you.
Well, I think when this began there were many people in NY City that died at home. The only person I personally know that died with covid died at home ( he was in his 50’s and worked with a completely vaxxed population ).
That's right. No one died at home. They all died in the hospital, mostly alone without allowing visitors or anyone to advocate for them at the hands of people who thought ventilators were the answer when in fact ventilators killed 7 out of 8 people put on them. Remember when Governor Cuomo said he needed "more ventilators"? I guess he needed more deaths to add to his state's death count and to kill more senior citizens.
The fact that their loved was ones were not permitted to see them, to me, is unforgivable. We, as free people, can NEVER let this happen again. When the government gets control, they never let go.
You are either a bot or living in cuckoo land. I’ve just analysed some data in the uk from the office for National statistics, more mortality in vaccinated for almost every age group after they rolled them out. If the vaccines were successful you would not see this trend it would be the other way around. This is official data.
The medical community got it wrong in the beginning all the way to the end. The initial two weeks became two years. If you still have faith in the medical community, you should ask them what they should do about your low IQ.
If there pretty much the same, like you say. Then the opposite is true mr. troll. Florida was wide open while New York was heavily locked down and mandates like crazy. The same result. You’re basically an ignorant troll. 2 years of being in your basement double masked has killed your brain cells.
Please explain how that could be if masks are, as you claim, effective in mitigating the spread of other variants. I'd love to see the reasoning on that.
As JS said. Indeed, what sort of mental defect makes you believe that filter media of any type know what the variant is?
Also, how is it possible to remain so ignorant on the simple basics of virus sizes, exhaled droplet sizes (which are much smaller than coughed droplet sizes on average), droplet evaporation, and the filter performance and leakage of what people have been walking around wearing?
FYI, the science of filtration has NOT changed. And those videos you can find showing vape smoke and cold breath going right through and around cloth masks and surgical masks are actually not explained away by idiotic "fact checks".
Absolute moron. Compares apples to oranges single variable data points, poorly even at that, and thinks he's tapped into some kind of truth.
Florida had better outcomes in every useful, actual meaningful measure, than the vast majority of states, including yours favorite blue authoritarian states. But when you're an incurious bot, you go for the low hanging, low IQ fruit and think you discovered an argument instead of spread bullshit.
My statistics are from a report that came out last week by a private group that used harvard researchers. It was in the news. Nyc was hit first l, so had a high rate, yes, largely frim Cuomo nursing home scandal, ventilators, and remdesivir. California was not hit hard at first, the big spike was in winter 2020. Florida is 28th in states in overall “from or with covid” death rate.
Mind Remdesivir was late to the party. Authorized May 2020 if I remember right. So the New York deaths were caused by Illness, fear, panic, nursing home scandal and Vents (probably the biggest kill rate of 9 out of 10 but I don't know the % of covid patients who used them. 1% or 80%?
Rather than look at IFR of Covid alone, the All Cause Mortality rate has to be compared. We know 2021 was the first year that that number rose above 2018-2019, and significantly. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction, a famous scientist once determined. That law has not changed.
The seasonality theorists told you exactly what was going to happen all year long. The summer sunbelt spike will happen again this year, exactly as predicted by Hope-Simpson. Then the entire country will get another wave in the winter.
The winter wave washes over the whole country, exactly like we said it would. But if you want to get technical, Florida's winter wave was smaller (as expected) than the northern states.
"Seasonality"doesn't mean cold. It's the curve of respiratory viruses over the course of the year. Southern states tend to have two bumps (winter and summer) and northern states one large one, though I think in the case of Covid the testing and treatment protocols are probably throwing off all numbers.
In any case, the same death rate despite different lockdown approaches (but FL is older population, which should = more deaths). From that I would conclude that the NY mitigation measures didn't help for covid, and they hurt in a lot of other ways.
Yes it's just coincidence we continue to get predictions of virus activity correct while the 'experts' can't find a single ass with all their collective hands. We're just lucky!
Gene, I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and cherry pick some data points to prove a point. Let's compare Florida to New York. Total Florida COVID deaths = 73,738 and Florida population = 21.48M: deaths as % pop = .343287%. New York State deaths = 67,507 and New York State population = 19.45M, deaths as % of pop = .347080%. Now assuming you can read numbers, which I think is a big assumption, that would show that Florida outperformed New York, despite Florida having a substantially older population (Florida: 4.5M>65, or 21%; New York State 3.2M>65, or 16%).
Those covid death numbers are irrelevant because nearly all of those people died after testing positive for covid-19. They didn't die from covid, they died with covid. All of these death numbers are just the proportion that 1.) tested positive and 2.) died. We'll never know just how many people actually died from covid and we never will. What's clear to me now is that covid is a minor threat to the vast majority of people and the masks and vaccines and PCR tests have done nothing to abate that infinitesimally small risk. The death number is misleading and it means nothing. If we attached asthma to every death in America asthma would be a huge killer of Americans too. The whole thing has been a huge scam.
Sounds a lot like Pfizer's trial to test a booster shot in children 5 to 11. The trial enrolled a total of 140 children and followed them for a grand total of one month. Compare this to the Salk polio trials, which enrolled 600,000 school children!
The entire vaccine market is now a sham, built on nothing but fraudulent studies like these. Then they bring up the polio vaccine as an example of why we should never question vaccine safety or efficacy. But there is no comparison between the polio trials and these trials. None.
Everything could go wrong. Everything has gone wrong. The "vaccines" have been an absolute catastrophe from the get-go.
Thank you, Alex, for your stellar work. I appreciate it, and you, tremendously.
On the contrary, the injections have been a stellar success. Working in unison with the mass propaganda campaign to distort and distract from the truth, the jab has been doing it's job as a slow kill/soft genocide weapon. Maiming, killing, sterilizing and making the survivors dependent on ever more of pharma's potions. what you call a hugely successful operation.
Absolutely true.
Just realize, there is at least 60 million more people like Eww-gene here, or should I call him Spew-Gene…
These people really think that destroying peoples’ lives is a given.
And yet, you all want to be civil polite and acquiescing to these scumbags, who if they have their moment, they would slap you to the floor, and then kick you in the face as you’re lying there in agony…
This is the Left in 2022, but, it hasn’t knocked on your door… Yet…
substack should give users the option to hide trolls, that way we can see what's important and hide the noise
They need exposure
Yes but the user should be able to hide any creep they want as they only cause turmoil for the sake of causing turmoil and do not add to constructive conversation
U Gene is a pawn, but too stupid to realize it.
No you’re not, you’re a pathetic relentless liar, your troll commenting endlessly reinforcing leftist agendas is so flagrant, and you really think you can lie your way into convincing people you’re a reasonable and fair person?
You’re a shitbag of epic proportions, but everyone else can figuratively suck your diseased phallus and enjoy it, that’s what they are doing by putting up with your bullshit here…
And you know it, and continue to be exhibit A of leftist trolls!
And I’m done making the mistake of coming back at you this one time, have a lousy night…
Sheesh, 60+ million of these losers among us…
Dig it bro!
Please go away.
Because you're a Trump fool who has no idea how to think critically.
Go ahead and play Russian roulette with your 4th booster. Enjoy your blood clots, stroke, or myocarditis.
Slaughter hundreds of thousands of Innocent Muslims??? Are you smoking crack?
I mean, we did bomb the living shit out of Iraq for no apparent reason. Not to be contrary or anything.
Gosh Gene, ever graduate a school?
Ooops, Gene, the maroon, lied again.
Duck needs to go elsewhere and converse with like minds. Got a fever for more cow bell I guess. (I'm good with the cow bell but the rest of the BS not so much.)
Love "fever for a cowbell" and every sketch Walken was in. Nice to think of something funny for a quick break from the sweaty desperation of the deeply unhappy Frenkle and a few of the other trolls who would never in a million years utter a single word they feverishly type on their little sweat stained key boards to anybody's actual face, cuz they have so much fear... and a FEVER for life as a sheep!
Thank you.
Please provide evidence showing a healthy person was sickened from a sick person without masks, and that masks saved a single person from an illness.
Idiot who has no clue whatsoever how to interpret data claims there is proof of masks working where there is no proof.
Thanks for dropping by and proving one thing, but it's not the thing you hoped.
Demonstrably false nonsense.....again. The "reams of data" show the exact opposite, but you're too incurious and in love with your heroes' vaccines to know.
Please provide proof that masks matter with control group studies. Please provide evidence that a single person was protected. Also, please provide the name of a single person was protected from death or illness because they took a vaccine.
Austria, Bavaria, and Berlin MANDATED N95s from April 2021 into 2022. They have just as much of a delta wave as neighboring countries, and neighboring German states that didn’t use N95s. Masks are the ultimate cult talisman.
There's no empirical evidence that masks worked. You should take your mask off because clearly it's suffocating your brain of much needed oxygen.
Wastebreathing bootlicker lol
Come on, Gene.
An amazing grasp of the obvious, Geno.
That's all you have...stupid words from an arse human
All vaccines and mRNA injections are a complete waste of time, money and effort. They save you from nothing and possibly prime your body to attract sickness and auto-immune diseases that start from within. Moderna and pfizer are two of the most crooked companies on the planet. If you trust big pharma after all this, you must not value your health, living or life.
Bad pharmaceuticals are a reflection of bad government. Just that simple. Get rid of bad government first and many other things including pharmaceuticals must improve. Piss, piss poor oversight.
I think we will be hearing about this for decades, like asbestos.
Yeah, and if you trust the CDC, Fauci, CNN, Sanjay Gupta, or any of these other clowns, you're just too stupid to live. You know what else is a complete waste of time?: Masks and the PCR test.
Come On Man, They're Safe and Effective : Joe Biden
Come on guys, I totally support Gene.....jab away, as many times as you want and drive your car alone wearing your mask!! hahahaha!!!
Let go of the fear Gene.
Detox the man made spike and enjoy life.
You mean the summer respiratory virus wave that hits the SE every year? That’s virus season down there. What happened in the winter? Did testing, definitions, etc change at all around that time?
It’s flu shot and pneumonia shot season for the elderly down here for supposed prevention of the coming flu in the fall. For kids, it’s back to school shot season in the mid and later summer, before school begins in mid to late august. That’s what caused the surges in adverse events and deaths.
People seem to forget that the flu shots prime the immune system and make people extremely susceptible to becoming sick. Kids and adults getting the TDaP and DTaP shots also become silent carriers and transmitters of whooping cough, which hits the elderly very hard, as do all respiratory infections.
Yep. There's a reason nursing homes and LTCF suddenly have openings around these times.
The flu shot has done little to curb the flu. Alex had a posting where he showed an amazing increase in flu shot uptake over the past several decades and the flu hasn't decreased at all -- not one bit.
Another duck. Shoo.
Masks don't work, at least not the cloth ones people wear, usually under their nose. Try science maybe? prog idiocy isn't a good look.
I'm sure they bullied him into it.
Covid isn't Again, Gene you say the funniest things.
Oh piss off Fauci
Cuomo, Whitmer and Newsome killed ten times as many
Booster up and count down the days.
You were wrong about the masks on the other post and you're wrong about covid not being seasonal. Did you forget about 2020? In the UK we had covid during the winter. We had no covid over the summer. None. Of course covid is seasonal.
NO there are NO reams of data they work. It's the OPPOSITE. DECADES worth of data and literature showing they're ineffective. I can't believe this nonsense.
Are you selling bridges in Brooklyn too?
They do not. My husband is a taxi driver who never wore a mask after he developed an ulcer inside his nose, almost big enough to almost cause a hole in his septum, caused by bacterial infection of wearing a mask.,he is not vaccinated., the other driver wore a mask and triple vaccinated. They both caught it from the same triple vaccinated lady, the mask nor vaccine did not stop transmission nor catching it. Outcome was the same for both, unvaccinated and no mask, masked and triple boosted.
Covid was seasonal. The vaccines messed up everything and created unseasonal waves. The vaccines failed that badly. No study shows masks work. If you could tell by counties and states you would see Germany and Austria prove your point but it doesn’t. Cases took off when masks were put in. It is illogical that masks would work considering the air you get from them is same without a mask. And the air you breathe out again goes into the air around you. It’s non sensical.
What reams of data about masks? Are you talking about the N95 mask or the pretend paper and cloth masks?
Can you think of anything else that was different between the previous waves and Omicron. Like half the population being given 3 or 4 doses of an experimental shot?
covid is just the flu. That's all. So yes, it is seasonal. Unfortunately for you, mental retardation isn't seasonal.
Man, so full of it. Amazing. YOU AINT NO REPUBLICAN, dude. You are a fake spewer of nonsense.
Florida’s Covid death rate is lower than NY’s and same as California’s. The gov pushed the vax very hard to seniors and they are pretty much all vaxxed.
Covid Death Rate is Falsified ; PCR test is highly unreliable.
The PCR test is almost completely useless. The false positive rate can approach 98%. Most people don't realize this.
And? So what. It's just another flu and a complete scam. Go on with your life, take your mask off, and stop trolling.
I mean calif winter spike 2020-2021.
People like my brother were murdered by Fauci and Remdesivir and ventilators. Not Covid. No one died at home did they
Ya know, Jjule, what you just said was so simple and to the point that it was profound. I never thought about the ‘No one died at home did they’ comment. It made me stop in my tracks. Thank you.
Having had the bio weapon ourselves, it was bad.
But our best friend and our brother both went to the hospital.
Murdered. For large federal dollars.
We were not going to the hospital , period.
It’s a fact as far as I know from people I know.
Nobody died at home.
It is pretty thought provoking.
I’m grateful it registered with you
It did for me also when it shot into my brain. ☮️
Well, I think when this began there were many people in NY City that died at home. The only person I personally know that died with covid died at home ( he was in his 50’s and worked with a completely vaxxed population ).
Hospital protocol kills
Spot on.
Fauxci murdered how many w AZT and calling AIDs a virus millions?
Now the same playbook called Covid
Fauxci is a serial killer
That's right. No one died at home. They all died in the hospital, mostly alone without allowing visitors or anyone to advocate for them at the hands of people who thought ventilators were the answer when in fact ventilators killed 7 out of 8 people put on them. Remember when Governor Cuomo said he needed "more ventilators"? I guess he needed more deaths to add to his state's death count and to kill more senior citizens.
Exactly. Dying alone is so evil.
Not allowing family, especially when you have medical authority over your loved one legally. How the F!
I believe we for too long went along to get along.
Complacency is easy.
We have been learning what our laws, rights, Constitution is.
Like mandates. They are not laws.
President doesn’t make laws
CDC doesn’t make laws
FDA doesn’t make laws.
Fauci doesn’t make laws.
We must stand United
I believe the hospitals received about 100 K for Vents, Remdesivir, Covid , Death.
Remember they called a suicide, Covid.
Accidents Covid.
Died from and died with or false positive all counted as Federal Money grab.
The hospitals and Fauci are murderers. Period.
The fact that their loved was ones were not permitted to see them, to me, is unforgivable. We, as free people, can NEVER let this happen again. When the government gets control, they never let go.
You are either a bot or living in cuckoo land. I’ve just analysed some data in the uk from the office for National statistics, more mortality in vaccinated for almost every age group after they rolled them out. If the vaccines were successful you would not see this trend it would be the other way around. This is official data.
They got everything wrong for two years. Get out from under that rock. The New normal Ivermectin Z-pack and double dose Mucinex bye bye Covid.
The medical community got it wrong in the beginning all the way to the end. The initial two weeks became two years. If you still have faith in the medical community, you should ask them what they should do about your low IQ.
If there pretty much the same, like you say. Then the opposite is true mr. troll. Florida was wide open while New York was heavily locked down and mandates like crazy. The same result. You’re basically an ignorant troll. 2 years of being in your basement double masked has killed your brain cells.
How many masks do you wear while you type?
Please explain how that could be if masks are, as you claim, effective in mitigating the spread of other variants. I'd love to see the reasoning on that.
As JS said. Indeed, what sort of mental defect makes you believe that filter media of any type know what the variant is?
Also, how is it possible to remain so ignorant on the simple basics of virus sizes, exhaled droplet sizes (which are much smaller than coughed droplet sizes on average), droplet evaporation, and the filter performance and leakage of what people have been walking around wearing?
FYI, the science of filtration has NOT changed. And those videos you can find showing vape smoke and cold breath going right through and around cloth masks and surgical masks are actually not explained away by idiotic "fact checks".
Or Farts
You are truly a special kind of stupid. Shouldn't you be commenting at MSNBC?
I saddened I have to share air with such a moron. Sound like a 10 year old, at best.
Absolute moron. Compares apples to oranges single variable data points, poorly even at that, and thinks he's tapped into some kind of truth.
Florida had better outcomes in every useful, actual meaningful measure, than the vast majority of states, including yours favorite blue authoritarian states. But when you're an incurious bot, you go for the low hanging, low IQ fruit and think you discovered an argument instead of spread bullshit.
My statistics are from a report that came out last week by a private group that used harvard researchers. It was in the news. Nyc was hit first l, so had a high rate, yes, largely frim Cuomo nursing home scandal, ventilators, and remdesivir. California was not hit hard at first, the big spike was in winter 2020. Florida is 28th in states in overall “from or with covid” death rate.
Mind Remdesivir was late to the party. Authorized May 2020 if I remember right. So the New York deaths were caused by Illness, fear, panic, nursing home scandal and Vents (probably the biggest kill rate of 9 out of 10 but I don't know the % of covid patients who used them. 1% or 80%?
Not true. Top 5 states for deaths in nursing homes, RI, NJ, MA , CT NY
Rather than look at IFR of Covid alone, the All Cause Mortality rate has to be compared. We know 2021 was the first year that that number rose above 2018-2019, and significantly. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction, a famous scientist once determined. That law has not changed.
Here’s the study.
A case of the cure being worse than the disease.
The seasonality theorists told you exactly what was going to happen all year long. The summer sunbelt spike will happen again this year, exactly as predicted by Hope-Simpson. Then the entire country will get another wave in the winter.
Edit: Here's me talking about this last year:
It even has pictures so you can follow along, Gene.
The winter wave washes over the whole country, exactly like we said it would. But if you want to get technical, Florida's winter wave was smaller (as expected) than the northern states.
"Seasonality"doesn't mean cold. It's the curve of respiratory viruses over the course of the year. Southern states tend to have two bumps (winter and summer) and northern states one large one, though I think in the case of Covid the testing and treatment protocols are probably throwing off all numbers.
In any case, the same death rate despite different lockdown approaches (but FL is older population, which should = more deaths). From that I would conclude that the NY mitigation measures didn't help for covid, and they hurt in a lot of other ways.
Why are you concluding the FL shit the bed?
Yes it's just coincidence we continue to get predictions of virus activity correct while the 'experts' can't find a single ass with all their collective hands. We're just lucky!
Idiot bot thinks "seasonality" is a state specific pattern based exclusively on a season. LOLOLOL!
Gene, I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and cherry pick some data points to prove a point. Let's compare Florida to New York. Total Florida COVID deaths = 73,738 and Florida population = 21.48M: deaths as % pop = .343287%. New York State deaths = 67,507 and New York State population = 19.45M, deaths as % of pop = .347080%. Now assuming you can read numbers, which I think is a big assumption, that would show that Florida outperformed New York, despite Florida having a substantially older population (Florida: 4.5M>65, or 21%; New York State 3.2M>65, or 16%).
Those covid death numbers are irrelevant because nearly all of those people died after testing positive for covid-19. They didn't die from covid, they died with covid. All of these death numbers are just the proportion that 1.) tested positive and 2.) died. We'll never know just how many people actually died from covid and we never will. What's clear to me now is that covid is a minor threat to the vast majority of people and the masks and vaccines and PCR tests have done nothing to abate that infinitesimally small risk. The death number is misleading and it means nothing. If we attached asthma to every death in America asthma would be a huge killer of Americans too. The whole thing has been a huge scam.
A case of the cure being worse than the disease.
Don't forget seasonal Blood Clotting.
VT, NH, ME had a delta death surge last autumn.
The datacrime surrounding covid is a hangable offense.
Sounds a lot like Pfizer's trial to test a booster shot in children 5 to 11. The trial enrolled a total of 140 children and followed them for a grand total of one month. Compare this to the Salk polio trials, which enrolled 600,000 school children!
The entire vaccine market is now a sham, built on nothing but fraudulent studies like these. Then they bring up the polio vaccine as an example of why we should never question vaccine safety or efficacy. But there is no comparison between the polio trials and these trials. None.
Read more about it here:
What kind of “parent” puts their child in a vaccine trial?! Insane!
I suspect a bad one or a broke one that needs a few bucks.