Everything could go wrong. Everything has gone wrong. The "vaccines" have been an absolute catastrophe from the get-go.

Thank you, Alex, for your stellar work. I appreciate it, and you, tremendously.

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On the contrary, the injections have been a stellar success. Working in unison with the mass propaganda campaign to distort and distract from the truth, the jab has been doing it's job as a slow kill/soft genocide weapon. Maiming, killing, sterilizing and making the survivors dependent on ever more of pharma's potions.

That...is what you call a hugely successful operation.

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Just realize, there is at least 60 million more people like Eww-gene here, or should I call him Spew-Gene…

These people really think that destroying peoples’ lives is a given.

And yet, you all want to be civil polite and acquiescing to these scumbags, who if they have their moment, they would slap you to the floor, and then kick you in the face as you’re lying there in agony…

This is the Left in 2022, but, it hasn’t knocked on your door… Yet…

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substack should give users the option to hide trolls, that way we can see what's important and hide the noise

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They need exposure

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Yes but the user should be able to hide any creep they want as they only cause turmoil for the sake of causing turmoil and do not add to constructive conversation

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U Gene is a pawn, but too stupid to realize it.

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No you’re not, you’re a pathetic relentless liar, your troll commenting endlessly reinforcing leftist agendas is so flagrant, and you really think you can lie your way into convincing people you’re a reasonable and fair person?

You’re a shitbag of epic proportions, but everyone else can figuratively suck your diseased phallus and enjoy it, that’s what they are doing by putting up with your bullshit here…

And you know it, and continue to be exhibit A of leftist trolls!

And I’m done making the mistake of coming back at you this one time, have a lousy night…

Sheesh, 60+ million of these losers among us…

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Dig it bro!

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Please go away.

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Because you're a Trump fool who has no idea how to think critically.

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Go ahead and play Russian roulette with your 4th booster. Enjoy your blood clots, stroke, or myocarditis.

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Slaughter hundreds of thousands of Innocent Muslims??? Are you smoking crack?

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I mean, we did bomb the living shit out of Iraq for no apparent reason. Not to be contrary or anything.

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Gosh Gene, ever graduate a school?

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Ooops, Gene, the maroon, lied again.


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Duck needs to go elsewhere and converse with like minds. Got a fever for more cow bell I guess. (I'm good with the cow bell but the rest of the BS not so much.)

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Love "fever for a cowbell" and every sketch Walken was in. Nice to think of something funny for a quick break from the sweaty desperation of the deeply unhappy Frenkle and a few of the other trolls who would never in a million years utter a single word they feverishly type on their little sweat stained key boards to anybody's actual face, cuz they have so much fear... and a FEVER for life as a sheep!

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Thank you.

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Please provide evidence showing a healthy person was sickened from a sick person without masks, and that masks saved a single person from an illness.

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Idiot who has no clue whatsoever how to interpret data claims there is proof of masks working where there is no proof.

Thanks for dropping by and proving one thing, but it's not the thing you hoped.

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Demonstrably false nonsense.....again. The "reams of data" show the exact opposite, but you're too incurious and in love with your heroes' vaccines to know.

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Please provide proof that masks matter with control group studies. Please provide evidence that a single person was protected. Also, please provide the name of a single person was protected from death or illness because they took a vaccine.

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Austria, Bavaria, and Berlin MANDATED N95s from April 2021 into 2022. They have just as much of a delta wave as neighboring countries, and neighboring German states that didn’t use N95s. Masks are the ultimate cult talisman.

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There's no empirical evidence that masks worked. You should take your mask off because clearly it's suffocating your brain of much needed oxygen.

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Wastebreathing bootlicker lol

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An amazing grasp of the obvious, Geno.

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That's all you have...stupid words from an arse human

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All vaccines and mRNA injections are a complete waste of time, money and effort. They save you from nothing and possibly prime your body to attract sickness and auto-immune diseases that start from within. Moderna and pfizer are two of the most crooked companies on the planet. If you trust big pharma after all this, you must not value your health, living or life.

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Bad pharmaceuticals are a reflection of bad government. Just that simple. Get rid of bad government first and many other things including pharmaceuticals must improve. Piss, piss poor oversight.

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I think we will be hearing about this for decades, like asbestos.

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Yeah, and if you trust the CDC, Fauci, CNN, Sanjay Gupta, or any of these other clowns, you're just too stupid to live. You know what else is a complete waste of time?: Masks and the PCR test.

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Come On Man, They're Safe and Effective : Joe Biden

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Come on guys, I totally support Gene.....jab away, as many times as you want and drive your car alone wearing your mask!! hahahaha!!!

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Let go of the fear Gene.

Detox the man made spike and enjoy life.

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You mean the summer respiratory virus wave that hits the SE every year? That’s virus season down there. What happened in the winter? Did testing, definitions, etc change at all around that time?

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It’s flu shot and pneumonia shot season for the elderly down here for supposed prevention of the coming flu in the fall. For kids, it’s back to school shot season in the mid and later summer, before school begins in mid to late august. That’s what caused the surges in adverse events and deaths.

People seem to forget that the flu shots prime the immune system and make people extremely susceptible to becoming sick. Kids and adults getting the TDaP and DTaP shots also become silent carriers and transmitters of whooping cough, which hits the elderly very hard, as do all respiratory infections.

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Yep. There's a reason nursing homes and LTCF suddenly have openings around these times.

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The flu shot has done little to curb the flu. Alex had a posting where he showed an amazing increase in flu shot uptake over the past several decades and the flu hasn't decreased at all -- not one bit.

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Another duck. Shoo.

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Masks don't work, at least not the cloth ones people wear, usually under their nose. Try science maybe? prog idiocy isn't a good look.

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I'm sure they bullied him into it.

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Covid isn't seasonal....lol. Again, Gene you say the funniest things.

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Oh piss off Fauci

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Cuomo, Whitmer and Newsome killed ten times as many

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Booster up and count down the days.

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You were wrong about the masks on the other post and you're wrong about covid not being seasonal. Did you forget about 2020? In the UK we had covid during the winter. We had no covid over the summer. None. Of course covid is seasonal.

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NO there are NO reams of data they work. It's the OPPOSITE. DECADES worth of data and literature showing they're ineffective. I can't believe this nonsense.

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Are you selling bridges in Brooklyn too?

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They do not. My husband is a taxi driver who never wore a mask after he developed an ulcer inside his nose, almost big enough to almost cause a hole in his septum, caused by bacterial infection of wearing a mask.,he is not vaccinated., the other driver wore a mask and triple vaccinated. They both caught it from the same triple vaccinated lady, the mask nor vaccine did not stop transmission nor catching it. Outcome was the same for both, unvaccinated and no mask, masked and triple boosted.

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Covid was seasonal. The vaccines messed up everything and created unseasonal waves. The vaccines failed that badly. No study shows masks work. If you could tell by counties and states you would see Germany and Austria prove your point but it doesn’t. Cases took off when masks were put in. It is illogical that masks would work considering the air you get from them is same without a mask. And the air you breathe out again goes into the air around you. It’s non sensical.

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What reams of data about masks? Are you talking about the N95 mask or the pretend paper and cloth masks?

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Can you think of anything else that was different between the previous waves and Omicron. Like half the population being given 3 or 4 doses of an experimental shot?

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covid is just the flu. That's all. So yes, it is seasonal. Unfortunately for you, mental retardation isn't seasonal.

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Man, so full of it. Amazing. YOU AINT NO REPUBLICAN, dude. You are a fake spewer of nonsense.

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Florida’s Covid death rate is lower than NY’s and same as California’s. The gov pushed the vax very hard to seniors and they are pretty much all vaxxed.

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Covid Death Rate is Falsified ; PCR test is highly unreliable.

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The PCR test is almost completely useless. The false positive rate can approach 98%. Most people don't realize this.

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And? So what. It's just another flu and a complete scam. Go on with your life, take your mask off, and stop trolling.

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I mean calif winter spike 2020-2021.

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People like my brother were murdered by Fauci and Remdesivir and ventilators. Not Covid. No one died at home did they

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Ya know, Jjule, what you just said was so simple and to the point that it was profound. I never thought about the ‘No one died at home did they’ comment. It made me stop in my tracks. Thank you.

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Having had the bio weapon ourselves, it was bad.

But our best friend and our brother both went to the hospital.

Murdered. For large federal dollars.

We were not going to the hospital , period.

It’s a fact as far as I know from people I know.

Nobody died at home.

It is pretty thought provoking.

I’m grateful it registered with you

It did for me also when it shot into my brain. ☮️

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Well, I think when this began there were many people in NY City that died at home. The only person I personally know that died with covid died at home ( he was in his 50’s and worked with a completely vaxxed population ).

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Hospital protocol kills


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Spot on.

Fauxci murdered how many w AZT and calling AIDs a virus millions?

Now the same playbook called Covid

Fauxci is a serial killer

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That's right. No one died at home. They all died in the hospital, mostly alone without allowing visitors or anyone to advocate for them at the hands of people who thought ventilators were the answer when in fact ventilators killed 7 out of 8 people put on them. Remember when Governor Cuomo said he needed "more ventilators"? I guess he needed more deaths to add to his state's death count and to kill more senior citizens.

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Exactly. Dying alone is so evil.

Not allowing family, especially when you have medical authority over your loved one legally. How the F!

I believe we for too long went along to get along.

Complacency is easy.

We have been learning what our laws, rights, Constitution is.

Like mandates. They are not laws.

President doesn’t make laws

CDC doesn’t make laws

FDA doesn’t make laws.

Fauci doesn’t make laws.

We must stand United

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I believe the hospitals received about 100 K for Vents, Remdesivir, Covid , Death.

Remember they called a suicide, Covid.

Accidents Covid.

Died from and died with or false positive all counted as Federal Money grab.

The hospitals and Fauci are murderers. Period.

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The fact that their loved was ones were not permitted to see them, to me, is unforgivable. We, as free people, can NEVER let this happen again. When the government gets control, they never let go.

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You are either a bot or living in cuckoo land. I’ve just analysed some data in the uk from the office for National statistics, more mortality in vaccinated for almost every age group after they rolled them out. If the vaccines were successful you would not see this trend it would be the other way around. This is official data.

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They got everything wrong for two years. Get out from under that rock. The New normal Ivermectin Z-pack and double dose Mucinex bye bye Covid.

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The medical community got it wrong in the beginning all the way to the end. The initial two weeks became two years. If you still have faith in the medical community, you should ask them what they should do about your low IQ.

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If there pretty much the same, like you say. Then the opposite is true mr. troll. Florida was wide open while New York was heavily locked down and mandates like crazy. The same result. You’re basically an ignorant troll. 2 years of being in your basement double masked has killed your brain cells.

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How many masks do you wear while you type?

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Please explain how that could be if masks are, as you claim, effective in mitigating the spread of other variants. I'd love to see the reasoning on that.

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As JS said. Indeed, what sort of mental defect makes you believe that filter media of any type know what the variant is?

Also, how is it possible to remain so ignorant on the simple basics of virus sizes, exhaled droplet sizes (which are much smaller than coughed droplet sizes on average), droplet evaporation, and the filter performance and leakage of what people have been walking around wearing?

FYI, the science of filtration has NOT changed. And those videos you can find showing vape smoke and cold breath going right through and around cloth masks and surgical masks are actually not explained away by idiotic "fact checks".

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You are truly a special kind of stupid. Shouldn't you be commenting at MSNBC?

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I saddened I have to share air with such a moron. Sound like a 10 year old, at best.

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Absolute moron. Compares apples to oranges single variable data points, poorly even at that, and thinks he's tapped into some kind of truth.

Florida had better outcomes in every useful, actual meaningful measure, than the vast majority of states, including yours favorite blue authoritarian states. But when you're an incurious bot, you go for the low hanging, low IQ fruit and think you discovered an argument instead of spread bullshit.

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My statistics are from a report that came out last week by a private group that used harvard researchers. It was in the news. Nyc was hit first l, so had a high rate, yes, largely frim Cuomo nursing home scandal, ventilators, and remdesivir. California was not hit hard at first, the big spike was in winter 2020. Florida is 28th in states in overall “from or with covid” death rate.

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Mind Remdesivir was late to the party. Authorized May 2020 if I remember right. So the New York deaths were caused by Illness, fear, panic, nursing home scandal and Vents (probably the biggest kill rate of 9 out of 10 but I don't know the % of covid patients who used them. 1% or 80%?

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Not true. Top 5 states for deaths in nursing homes, RI, NJ, MA , CT NY

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

Rather than look at IFR of Covid alone, the All Cause Mortality rate has to be compared. We know 2021 was the first year that that number rose above 2018-2019, and significantly. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction, a famous scientist once determined. That law has not changed.

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A case of the cure being worse than the disease.

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The seasonality theorists told you exactly what was going to happen all year long. The summer sunbelt spike will happen again this year, exactly as predicted by Hope-Simpson. Then the entire country will get another wave in the winter.

Edit: Here's me talking about this last year:



It even has pictures so you can follow along, Gene.

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The winter wave washes over the whole country, exactly like we said it would. But if you want to get technical, Florida's winter wave was smaller (as expected) than the northern states.

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"Seasonality"doesn't mean cold. It's the curve of respiratory viruses over the course of the year. Southern states tend to have two bumps (winter and summer) and northern states one large one, though I think in the case of Covid the testing and treatment protocols are probably throwing off all numbers.

In any case, the same death rate despite different lockdown approaches (but FL is older population, which should = more deaths). From that I would conclude that the NY mitigation measures didn't help for covid, and they hurt in a lot of other ways.

Why are you concluding the FL shit the bed?

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Yes it's just coincidence we continue to get predictions of virus activity correct while the 'experts' can't find a single ass with all their collective hands. We're just lucky!

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Idiot bot thinks "seasonality" is a state specific pattern based exclusively on a season. LOLOLOL!

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

Gene, I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and cherry pick some data points to prove a point. Let's compare Florida to New York. Total Florida COVID deaths = 73,738 and Florida population = 21.48M: deaths as % pop = .343287%. New York State deaths = 67,507 and New York State population = 19.45M, deaths as % of pop = .347080%. Now assuming you can read numbers, which I think is a big assumption, that would show that Florida outperformed New York, despite Florida having a substantially older population (Florida: 4.5M>65, or 21%; New York State 3.2M>65, or 16%).

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Those covid death numbers are irrelevant because nearly all of those people died after testing positive for covid-19. They didn't die from covid, they died with covid. All of these death numbers are just the proportion that 1.) tested positive and 2.) died. We'll never know just how many people actually died from covid and we never will. What's clear to me now is that covid is a minor threat to the vast majority of people and the masks and vaccines and PCR tests have done nothing to abate that infinitesimally small risk. The death number is misleading and it means nothing. If we attached asthma to every death in America asthma would be a huge killer of Americans too. The whole thing has been a huge scam.

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A case of the cure being worse than the disease.

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Don't forget seasonal Blood Clotting.

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VT, NH, ME had a delta death surge last autumn.

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The datacrime surrounding covid is a hangable offense.

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Sounds a lot like Pfizer's trial to test a booster shot in children 5 to 11. The trial enrolled a total of 140 children and followed them for a grand total of one month. Compare this to the Salk polio trials, which enrolled 600,000 school children!

The entire vaccine market is now a sham, built on nothing but fraudulent studies like these. Then they bring up the polio vaccine as an example of why we should never question vaccine safety or efficacy. But there is no comparison between the polio trials and these trials. None.

Read more about it here:


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What kind of “parent” puts their child in a vaccine trial?! Insane!

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I suspect a bad one or a broke one that needs a few bucks.

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Baby paralyzed during trial for covid shot. This is horrific.


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I can’t watch it. Absolutely horrible. May God help this precious angel.

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It’s not. They legalized it.

In 2017, HHS changed the 1981 definition of human subject in a clinical trial from a “recipient of a test article or control” to someone about whom data is obtained.

This suggests that VAERS, DMED other data collection failures may be deliberate (which we already know) and the reason why: no data collection means no human subjects. When combined with the acts themselves — injection with pharmaceutical products — being redefined as not clinical investigation once an Emergency Use Authorization is put in place by the FDA, no test subject has informed consent rights.


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I've had two friends in their 30s have a stroke in the last four months. WTF. How is that even possible.

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It's all normal. Gene, will come in to explain it all.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

It’s possible with the help of toxins!

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This is moving beyond shocking and unbelievable into the OBSCENE.

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I don't even know how we can describe this because it's beyond hysteria.

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We are living in a lawless era, but we have fragments of our system still remaining and will all push back. Alex, we are with you and appreciate your strong voice.

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Yeah, this is some good reporting!

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Covid shots. The gift that keeps on giving. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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The grift that keeps on taking…

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It’s insanity that vaccine booster strategies for literally hundreds of Millions (Billions, when other countries follow suit) are determined by a study of 120 people over 3 weeks. The world’s largest drug safety test. Beyond malpractice. I don’t even have a word for it.

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The trials are optimized for something and it’s not public health.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

Moderna "keeps obscuring their deaths" why? Because they know not one individual who works with or for Moderna has been held accountable not ONE person. Just how long will we continue to simply read about what they are 100% getting away with?

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Yep. There is no long term solution until we have Nuremberg 2.0 for Corona lockdown and "vaccine" crimes.

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Truly. I mean what changes with the exact same people who have done all of this are still doing it 27 months + in. Round and round we go and no one held to account...REAL account!

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So many people in our parish now have cancer. The prayer list is full of them. I know of three cases of bladder cancer among the vaxxed. And that's just one organ.

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This shit is tiring.

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Just the way the masterminds want it.

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Death is no longer a complication to the FDA. It’s just the cost of doing business with Big Pharma.

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It’s a joint (government and corporations) depopulation-through-legalized-domestic-bioterrorism project.

Under 1990 United States law (the Biological Weapons Antiterrorism Act of 1989 adopted to implement the UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and Their Destruction, as entered into force March 25, 1975) what Fauci, Shi, Baric, Daszak, Gates, Tedros and their co-conspirators have done to manufacture and deploy deadly viruses and gene manipulation injections would probably have qualified as domestic bioterrorism.

But since roughly 2000, Congress has rewritten the laws1, and the US Department of Health and Human Services has rewritten the regulations, so that it’s fully legal for the US government to attack its own citizens with biological weapons, including manufactured viruses and injectable gene manipulation treatments.

Those acts have been redefined as public health emergencies, public health measures, and pandemic countermeasures.


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In an interview between Edward Dowd and Naomi Wolf, Wolf said that the CDC's own internal documents shows that the plan was for there to be six shots from the start. (at 35:56 at this link: https://rumble.com/v11prgo-wolf-and-dowd-wall-street-now-paying-attention-to-trust-the-science-fraud.html)

I am not mathemetician, but that doesn't seem to jibe with J&J's "one and done!!!" pitch at all.

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The vax cards has six slots. Four front and two back. Just saying.

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Good point.

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This pureblood remembers 1976…

….50 people died from Swine Flu Vaccine & the government stopped vaccinating people.

….9 states stopped after only 3 elderly people died.

45 years later, they’re actually trying to kill us.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

John— by pressing the heart button I didn’t mean I like it. I mean I agree. Slightly cynically, I ask, what happened between the mid 70s and 2020 and beyond? Did the value of human life depreciate to near Zero? Because that sure is what seems to have occurred.

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Yes. They said we were crazy when we said murder & abortion would devalue human life.

Now, look where we are.

If we valued life, Dads would stick around to raise their sons & we wouldn't elect people who think dissolution of the nuclear family is a worthwhile American goal.

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This drive to “vaccinate the world” that seems to be Brandon’s reason for living is simply obscenely and unapologetically corrupt. THIS Is A COLD VIRUS! WE DON’T VACCINATE FOR COLDS! Or didn’t before the Scamdemic.

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I haven’t been sick since catching covid in 2020. Everyone I know who has been vaxxed are constantly sick. This plays out in so many conversations I have with people in my daily sales calls. I’m convinced the shots prime your immune system for sickness. I hope the people that continue to push this nightmare on us go to jail forever personally

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Fucking criminals. I am so sick of this shit.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

I can only say this:

We have an entrenched 60-80 million horrific slime who identify as humans who live by hate, lust for power and control, and basically disdain humanity.

Why do we have to endure, tolerate , and negotiate with these shitbags? Seceding from these cretins and scum is long gone. I just ask this of people: are you masochists or just terminally lost thinking you can make a difference with getting creatures to be forgiving?

The problem ain’t Moderna and Pfizer, it’s accepting and being harmed by their relentless insensitivity, profit driven misery, and absolute indifference to pain suffering and death!!!

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It’s the 30% captured by the mass formation. They’re lost. We must try and persuade the 40% in the middle who aren’t bad people. They’re just lost in the sense making crisis that’s been largely manufactured to keep us all spinning around in circles.

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I mean, really, you read about these polls about Biden’s acceptance vs rejection, and at least 35% of people think he’s doing a fine job…

A third of the people who participate in these polls think that Joe Biden is doing a fine job…

When you think about it, that just shows the pervasive level of horrific ignorance, terminal masochism , or the sick twisted lust to destroy that in the end these evil F’s don’t even give a shit if they die with us.

And you dumb losers overall want to keep on negotiating with these horrific destructive scum, enjoy!…

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There's a real triumph in the pandemic: the public relations process. So many people have bought into the so-called vaccines and the efficacy of masks. This should be studied in psychology and marketing classes.

Look at how many people will vigorously defend the vax and desperately cling to the face diapers long after there's evidence that they don't work. Worse! They don't want to hear anything that deviates from the original bullshit.

I expected a deafening cheer when the mask mandate was lifted. Instead, 24 hours later, masked travelers continue to shuffle through airports--and they're PISSED OFF that masks are no longer required.

Imagine how these Kool-aid drinkers would react if Big Pharma and medical bureaucrats admitted it's all been theater.

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Re the last paragraph....They wouldn't believe it (that it was theater). They simply wouldn't believe it.

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The average American doesn’t have the ego strength to admit failure and lack of independence to reject tyrannical shrieking. Humility and shame, brutally beaten, dismembered, and buried in unmarked graves deep in an uncharted forest.

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Lemmings all!

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

I really think that half the population has lost its mind. I read these tweets about people now afraid to fly with no mask mandate. But COME ON--even if you believe that masks work when worn--having been on a few flights with the mask mandate, there are large stretches of time when people don't wear them. And some people never wear them "correctly," having their nose exposed, etc. No sane person would think that flying was safe in those conditions, and is now unsafe with no mandate. For God's sake, just take a look and use your brain.

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Expecting the presence of a properly functioning brain is expecting too much of the believers.

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Prison for Fauci and friends

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Yep. We know:

1. Regardless of dose, any effectiveness at all is gone within weeks to a few months.

2. Higher doses are more dangerous but big pharma feels insulated enough to use them anyway.

3. There is no long term safety data at all, and for boosters there is essentially zero safety data.

4. Overall the Corona "vaccines" are the most dangerous in history, with more deaths and adverse events than all other vaccines combined going back over 30 years.

And yet big pharma and evil politicians continue to force them on people.

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My 81-yo mom got her fourth Moderna shot today. I could not talk her out of it...she had horrible things happen after her third shot (fever, chills, neuropathy...like frostbite in her feet so that she couldn't walk to the kitchen). In spite of that she thinks the shot will protect her. I am so worried this fourth one might be the worst.

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It's painful to feel so powerless, isn't it? I fear greatly that a fourth shot would kill my 77-year-old mom, after the terrible issues she's had from the first three. Fingers crossed your mom comes through this one okay.

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Thank you so much~~yes, it's the most painful thing I've experienced. I have to keep telling myself that each person is on their own soul journey.

Last night she woke up drenched in sweat (just like with the 3rd one) and today she said she feels like she's been hit by a truck. And then she says she feels like it really strengthens her immune system and she could tell it was getting "low" and that is what compelled her to get another booster. But she did say she hopes she never has to do this again. I am just so afraid she now no longer has an immune system at all after four shots. :-(

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"Each person is on their own soul journey." Thank you for the wise reminder. ❤️

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A lot of today's children are going to be sterile by the time they reach adulthood, and it will be their parents' fault.

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Warn anyone you know to not take another one of these dangerous jabs.

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@Mary Ann- my husband's cardiologist, retained BECAUSE of the shots, has told him not to get a booster. I've tried to tell people and no one listened. My brother is a RN- MSN, no less- and considers my thinking as reckless (I am the only sibling not to be shotted). HE claims it's because I'm a Trump supporter so that tells you all you need to know.

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My extended family don’t listen to me either 🤷‍♀️

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Why would anyone sign up for a Drug trial????? I absolutely don't get it.

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They're stupid

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A good article on how many people fell for the heavy-handed psychological manipulation: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/vaccine-skeptics-are-the-true-critical?s=r-

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My mother and I received a Moderna booster (3rd shot) at the same time in late November 2021. Neither of us had experienced any side effects from the first two shots. She is 91 and I am her primary caregiver. At the time we received the original Moderna shots we decided that the risk to her from COVID probably outweighed the unknown risk from the "vaccine" and because we had not encountered side effects from the primary series we followed up with the booster.

One day after the booster, I started exhibiting severe PVCs at a rate of 10 to 15 per minute. These persisted for nearly 24 hours. I was on the verge of arranging for alternate care of my mother and checking myself in to the hospital when they resolved and did not return. I have no history of any cardiovascular issues or disease.

Two weeks after receiving her booster, my mother developed tachycardia/AFIB which resulted in one month of hospitalization and ultimately receiving very heavy doses of calcium channel blockers and beta blockers to keep her rate suppressed to a normal range. This continues to this day. It has reduced a woman who was previously very vigorous to one who can barely walk to the bathroom. She likewise has no history of any cardiovascular disease or issues.

We'll never be able to prove it, but I am 100% convinced these are not coincidental events and I have reported both to VAERS.

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I'm so sorry to hear it, ptmcdonald. My mom (age 77) has suffered similarly from the Moderna shots. Multiple hospitalizations with uncontrollable Afib, until they finally cauterized part of her heart. Now she's barely able to get up the stairs and has newly been diagnosed with ALS. I will NEVER be convinced that it's a coincidence.

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

Basing a study on 100 people, and then attempting to force the medical experiment on the populace is evil. The number of deaths post vax should have been enough to shut it down. We will be seeing people with prion diseases, autoimmune hepatitis, cancers etc., in the near future. Alex is going to have plenty to write about. Meanwhile, the MSM is having a breakdown over the TSA letting people ride on planes without a mask. They look so sour-puss, and want everyone else to be exactly like them: unhappy, resentful and miserable.

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I am sure there are far more side effects then what are reported. Most doctors are not very tuned in to side effects. Case in point: About 8 or 9 days after my second Moderna shot I had a subconjunctival hemorrhage of my eye. It scared me because I have never had one before in my 66 years of life! I didn’t know if it was serious or not, so I went to the ER. The doc asked me questions about issues that might have caused it…of which I had none. I said to him, BTW…I had my 2nd COVID Vax about a week or so ago, could that have anything to do with it. He laughed and said sarcastically, Oh I am sure that’s what caused it. I don’t think that side effect was reported on VAERS! I am not going to try for a more serious side effect!!

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I am on a Twitter ban for this tweet which was reply to a few blue checks. Quickly written and not the best english but still, nothing untrue here. "Nobody is saying you can't wear masks. Same with the vaccine, nobody is forcing you NOT to get them. But masks don't work very well and vaccine efficacy drops very quickly and it doesn't stop the spread or infection. AND natural immunity is the best form of immunity."

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My neighbor in her early 70’s git her booster, did not feel great, went to bed, had a stroke. Currently needs to walk with a walker, can’t do stairs and her speech is affected, this was Nov. of 2021. But tjere is nothing to see here!

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Alex. I’ve had to be vaccinated and boosted to attend screenings at the WGAW or any kind of guild function. They have a guy checking outside. Thanks to me they hired extra help because it was pandemonium. If they’re going to have extra restrictions they need to have extra people. Simple as that.

What’s with entertainment? Kamala Harris is here and the Hollywood glitterati came out to greet a woman who is incoherent and illiterate. They don’t hire Hispanics behind the cameras if they can help it because the truly think we’re inferior. So the hypocrisy is unbearable and hard on your life.

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How conveniently Moderna fails to mention the worst vaccine injury of all, death.

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SHOCKING‼️<you mean they might have hidden something (lied)>

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There’s so much coming out on Substack but not anywhere else about how “safe and effective” these Jabs are! Really? No journalists in the media out there able to research this and get it moved forward into the MSM? It’s appalling they’re all so oblivious to what’s going on around them. The clots. The heart issues. The deaths?

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Why were people 3 years ago talking about the new reset including Bill Gates Tom Hanks of all people Bloomberg Murdock Sorrel, what did they know back then?

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I can say people are becoming skeptical about vaccines now for their beloved animals. So it is filtering down. Last year horse in my neighborhood died after vaccine. This year neighbor allowed 7way vaccination to her horse and horse had to be hospitalized. Horse still not recovered. Today vet tech told me her dog took multiple vaccines recommended and nearly died. I am now only allowing 3way. Many people now telling me they do not trust vets recommendations to allow so many vaccines at once. I believe we have been bamboozled concerning vaccines. It has been a big money maker for pharma. We must first consider the risk. If whatever the vaccine is for, what is the risk to that person or animal? Is more better? So where I live they double up on vaccines due to climate. Is that really necessary? Is it overkill? So I have never vaccinated my indoor cats. Why? Vets insist you should. Animals that do not leave your property have minimal risk. Yes, anything is possible. Again, risk assessment vs vaccine adverse reactions.

A couple people I knew, had same cancer as I have. I moved. Recently read they have died. They were good 2 years ago. Did they get vaccines? All 3 in same family. 2 women, 1 man. They died within months of each other. Seems odd.

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I must have to much time on my hands but I could not resist. I just rolled through, I don't know how many posts and found not a single comment by Gene Frenkle until this post. For Alex to pick up a very vocal new reader to this stack at this point seems odd. At this point in the pandemic we've all picked our sides. Color me paranoid but I can't help but wonder if this has more to do with the Twitter suit than Covid.

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Gene doesn't subscribe to Alex. Occasionally a non-subscriber can post....today is one of those days. So he took advantage of the opportunity.

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Wow, you have great readers here on Substack, Alex. That’s why I’m hooked- intelligent writers AND audience, posting smart comments, always with an air of respect and support.

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Ya know, this is gallows humor of the darkest type, but I'm starting to think that maybe if somebody is in a place in their life when they are just done with everything and want to roll the dice on taking a jaunt on that rainbow bridge, but don't want to deal with the wait for buying a gun or go out on 7th Avenue or wherever in the seedier part of town and get some fentanyl laced marshmallow peeps then they might just think about signing up for one of these trials and see if they can get that desired short straw.

*Dark humor switched back to normal sardonic mode.

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@Gahvno- as long as those Peeps are stale. That's the only way to eat them.

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I endorse this message!

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When will see people go to jail for this?

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Never. Jail is for the peasants.

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If they died but they didn’t get Covid, does that mean the shots worked?

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We hear so much about the Pfizer data- the attempt to supress it for 75 years, etc. With Moderna having injected people with 100 micrograms, versus Pfizer's 30- couldn't we safely assume a higher rate of injury and death?

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yep. Moderna kicked my ass. and I had signed up for Pfizer - the hospital did a nice bait and switch on me.

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Only one person in my family got Moderna and he was in bed for 3 days with flu like symptoms. Granted, the vaccine injured ones with longer term issues got Pfizer. These things were no-win.

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You read the comments of leftist trolls like Germ Canker below (Gene F.), and realize, these people live to make sure evil has its moments at sites that value humanity… The relentless lies, hypocrisy, truly smiling through the harm chaos and death, showing no remorse for consequences, and mocking and disdaining healthy boundaries, people like Germ here, they are the reason why you failed in that suppressing the hate back in 2020, and your cowardice deserves the fallout that will happen for years to come.

Sociopathy can’t survive without cowardice, and America has shown that coupling is truly the recipe for the end of humanity…

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I found Gene F's posts an interesting peek into the workings of the twisted mind of a vax fanatic.

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50 people 65+ In the entire 100 mcg trial, with two deaths. Unspecified number of 65+ of the 171, and yet it is recommended for the over 50 group. Sinister.

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But doofuses keep believing "the science"

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As the November elections dates become closer and closer watch the CDC, FDA, Fauci and the Big Pharma become more and more silent on Boosters and Covid. Fauci is even preparing for hearings before a Republican House. He is now saying that we as individuals must assess our own risk and take whatever medical precautions we as individuals decide are necessary. In other words don't blame me.... be your own medical authority.

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If the data were available (I don't know and sincerely doubt whether it is) it would be interesting to compare all-cause mortality for various age groups prior to 2021 (prior to vaccine rollout, that is) to all-cause mortality for the same age groups for thirty days following the first injection, thirty days following second injection, and the same for all subsequent booster injections.

If said data were available, this would take the investigator's judgment out of play. If all cause mortality jumped significantly following any or all of these vaccine injections, it defies credulity to claim that the injections had nothing to do with this.

Seems to me, that would be the smoking gun. Comments?

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The insurance companies are seeing a correlation with mRNA jab and both death and injury.

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People are going to die, if not wish they die, and 95% of the populace either doesn’t give a shit, stupidly thinks they are immune from consequences, or are so complicit with this drive to fuck this country up, well, they just might keep up the insane agenda to kill or cheer on others killing…

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When there is no accountability magic happens....

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