And the SAFE & EFFECTIVE narrative is as strong as ever on MSM, Local News, Sesame Street, US Congress, State Politicians, NFL, NCAA and the Rest of the Kool-Aid drinkers.....UGH !!
You can tell its not "safe and effective" when they have to keep telling you it is. If your spouse never told you she loved you but all of a sudden is kissing you goodnight and telling you she loves you ever day...she's got a boyfriend and is torn.
They were running a “commercial” during Thurs night football tonight that featured a young Dr. saying he had a mild case of Covid. He was out of work for some extra long interval that didn’t indicate a mild case. He goes on to say he has “long Covid” and he lists a long array of symptoms including not being able to taste his dinner. Then he says get vaccinated so this won’t happen to you or some such advice. He never says HE wasn’t vaccinated. I have never heard anyone claim that the vaccine prevents long Covid, even if it actually exists. I do remember the study that suggested that people who thought they had recovered from Covid and suffered long-after symptoms were tested and had never actually had the disease. The hits keep on coming.
I’m in NYC for a few days and they have a commercial running which is 100% propaganda. They claim that it is completely false that people with natural immunity are protected and that it’s not true that if you are young and healthy that Covid doesn’t pose a risk to you. There was a 3rd falsehood which I can’t remember. It’s like every day is Opposite Day when you watch MSM.
The book Animal Farm playing out in real life. Read it if you haven't or re-read it. It's going to be very difficult to unwind this societal shift in major metro areas.
The third one says it is false the vax causes infertility. Seems to me that if it’s possibly causing menstrual irregularities, then those irregularities are affecting fertility. I’m sick of that commercial
My husband suffers from this, after a hideous bout of encephalitis he got about a decade ago. It’s a nightmare…at least Covid might make it so people believe this syndrome is real.
Hmmmm...I missed that. I usually change the channel or leave the room during commercials, or lower the volume and surf twitter if Im alone. No need to see ads about the latest new FBI guys are Good Guys drama; or the United Nations of Friends gathering round a bonfire with their agendered children....
I was watching Fox Neil Cavuto. I actually had it on in the background. I heard him say that the next guest was a Dr talking about the vaccine booster. I know Cavuto is in the “safe and effective, everyone needs a vaccine” camp. The Dr. basically said Everyone needs the booster. Never once did he talk about individual health history, risk, antibodies, age NOTHING. He was smiling and affable and I wanted to reach through the TV and slap some sense into him.
I know that feeling of wanting to throttle some smug self-satisfied "expert" on the wonders of these kill shots. If these stooges survive, they're going to be very embarrassed some day. I'm hoping to see a bunch of them in orange jump suits
I thought people would get suspicious when the vaccine stopped working and they started pushing boosters. But people seem pretty happy to get boosters voluntarily. I think most people don't have any issue with getting a shot every few months.
I had some friends over for tea, in their seventies. They were so happy to declare they'd been boosted. Maybe they're going to be the lucky ones in the auto immune disease roulette. Maybe not.
I got my booster... but that is the LAST one I will get. I wish I had not at this point. I will rely on Vit D, Quercetin, Zinc, etc as a preventative and Ivm and mAbs if I get covid. Fool me thrice...
Looking at the "vax" effective charts, looks like a booster every 45-60 days is best! Good luck with that...they'll need home "vax"kits to get that done, like insulin.
Add to that the first 2wks vaxxed are more dangerous than unvaxxed. So dangerous that pharmaceutical companies refused to count that period in studies. That has never been able to be ignored in any other drug to my knowledge/research. So, side effects we know about and side effects that dots are not connected yet, and short short term possible protection at best.
Healthy people just don’t die, it’s such a rarity. So many people this is happening to. Did you hear about the cardiologist in Canada who said he wanted to punch anti vaxers in the face died of a heart attack! Wouldn’t a cardiologist recognise heart disease if he had it himself?
Wow, I’ve been using the Kevin Bacon line from Animal House, “please sir, may I have another“… as a reference to Americans just being brutalized by leftist destructive edicts and horrific narratives.
How ironic, it would be even more hilarious if they were giving shots in the ass…
Sorry, I would not trust the “injection” rectally doesn’t happen appropriately when the “clinician” has both hands on the victim’s, er, patient’s shoulders…
We've seen enough to know what is happening and that it is incontrovertible. Are we getting burned out yet reading study after study and looking at chart after chart proving the vaxxines are deadly poison? At this point producing more data and charts isn't going to change any of the Covidiot zealot's minds. I think it's time for Alex to dig deep into his own question. Why? Let's find the motives and the players and let the chips fall where they may.
If you haven't yet watched Tucker Carlson's interview with RJK Jr. it is worth a watch - opened my eyes up to a lot of history of the US government and the pharma cos. Truly frightening.
Yep, & the Scott Atlas interview. Most disturbing was his comparison of the covid task force leaders (Fauci, Birx & Redfield) to “assistant professors.” No prep, no relevant knowledge or preparation/data during meetings.
OMG! Dr. Atlas was truly enlightening. By the end, I was truly pissed off. While I suspected all along That Quack Fauci and his sidekick Birx didn't have facts/figures/data to back up all their edicts, now there's a witness to report.
Throughout 2020, the nay-sayers, the contrarians provided the most accurate information, yet they were dismissed or silenced: Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Bhattacharya--et al.
Both Kennedy and Atlas would have been better picks for Trumps Covid team . I can also think of about 20 more drs who were not in bed with Pharma and Gov ! To little to late to save a lot of people !
He’s too stuck on the accomplishment of bringing them to market in record time and while he certainly would never have mandated them, he’s way behind the curve about their danger
If we apply Occam’s razor in search of the simplest explanation we might assume the answer is greed. For those that survive these injections, many will become big pharma customers for life. But perhaps there is another explanation that is just as simple but even more sinister: depopulation. I admit this for me seemed like a crazy explanation but once you apply it to all of the craziness we’ve seen the past two years, it is the only explanation that makes sense. Their rationale for it might even make them feel they are doing it for the right reasons. By reducing the population we save the planet. Without drastic measures no one survives. With drastic measures “the chosen ones” survive and they significantly increase their personal wealth in the meantime. It’s a very tinfoil hat wearing explanation, but does it make sense? It’s a hard pill to swallow but I believe it does.
I accept that depopulation is a motivating factor for many sinister people and NGOs but our experience with the lies surrounding the Iraq war informs me that it’s more complicated than that. In western democracies, policy initiatives become de facto policy when a majority of non-disinterested people share the same objective regardless of their motivation. For example, a Malthusian motivated by population control shares the same objective as a Pfizer stock investor who has no concerns over overpopulation and resource depletion. What we may be experiencing here is a perfect storm of perverse incentive vectors that share a common intersection or policy. The solution comes when a critical mass of people—including those who were previously disinterested—come to realize that the common policy that they once rallied around is doing them more harm than good. This dynamic is the subject of game theory.
BTW, I agree with you that anti-human, overpopulation zealots are a big part of this crisis and are the same people behind the perineal climate catastrophe nonsense. But even this subgroup comprises separate incentive vectors, including billionaires who have no need for the children of the unwashed masses, new age religion environmentalists, and of course the usual cadres of useful idiots
Unfortunately, I have to agree with this thread. Alex is a public figure so to cite depopulation will lead to public ridicule even if it's true. I'm a nobody so I'm allowed to be a full-blown Conspiracy Theorist. Why do they want to depopulate us? There's lots of reasons in the alternative media:
Entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, etc.) and pensions are near-broke. The American public refuses to accept cuts in entitlement programs.
Workers will be increasingly replaced by automation and AI so they won't be "productive" citizens anymore i.e. pay taxes and purchase merchandise.
Universal Basic Income (UBI) for all of the retired elderly and displaced workers ("useless eaters") is expensive.
The globalist elite are afraid of civil unrest (mob rule) and reducing the population makes it easier to control us.
Depopulation will "save" the planet from global warming by reducing CO2 emissions.
Eugenicists like Bill Gates despise the common man.
I am sure I am in good company when I say, until recently, I thought only crazy people thought like this. But I don't disagree anymore. There also could be an easy answer or combination of them all.
(Then add all the other sick stuff like population control as a bonus now!)
I think the vaccines and their initial makers tried and hoped they would work. I really do. I think maybe they would have for the elderly for a short time. But now there is a lot of money and pride and arrogance. How could the great Dr. Fauci admit he was wrong (again!)! Do you expect the board of Pfizer (like Gottlieb) to say I want to lose millions it doesn't work. Or worse, it is hurting people! The lawsuits would cost the company millions. Even if they had immunity there would be suits.
According to Reiner Fuellmich, a prominent German lawyer, COVID was originally planned for 2030 and then rushed to 2019 because the global economy started to collapse! He thinks the high number of adverse effects from the clot shots were unintentional. (My guess is their intended effect is to quietly sterilize people and reduce their lifespan.)
This is a must-read article about the real reason COVID happened in 2019. (it has nothing to do with a so-called virus).
I'm active on a stock market website. I searched MSM news (Yahoo and Google) for any mention of the Pfizer FOIA lawsuit or even yesterday's OSHA suspension of the vax mandate. Not a single article (based on search of headlines). Nor was there any on this investing site's news feed. I left a message in the Pfizer (PFE) board, saying that these two events were rather important to the prospects of PFE and other vax makers, and it reflected poorly that the investing site had missed it too. Also posted a link to the Zero Hedge article and asked "Why must we get such news from the fringe?"
Okay I’m going to break protocol and comment on my own post to post an addendum. I don’t commune with the Catholic Church but I love Catholics and in fact I married one and we will celebrate 30 years next spring. If you want to have some sense of how pernicious this evil has become and how it has infected every sector of modern life, including our brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church, watch this (but I warn you, it may keep you up at night):
I'm a Catholic and I think this Pope has really hurt us with his "getting vaccinated is an act of love". If, at the time he said that, I knew that the vaccines were lethal, ineffective and immoral, he certainly should have known. So now in parishes everywhere there is no support, none, for refusing the vaccines. I'm in process of composing a letter to our Bishop to tell him what is wrong with this.
Too many Catholics are cowed by priestly authority, but if what the priests are pushing is lethal and immoral then we are OBLIGED to disobey and tell them why.
…..or Hydra in Captain America, Winter Soldier which traced its roots to a remnant of the NAZIs that were brought back to America after the war only to discreetly subvert our intelligence agencies over a long period of time with their evil philosophy while the children and grandchildren of the “Greatest Generation” said in their hearts, “peace and security.”
I'd like to offer up "incompetence" as an explanation. I don't think we can assume that "govt scientist" means "intelligent" or "competent". They've made a lot of dumb statements / decisions and don't want to admit they are wrong. Happens in all walks of life, doubling down on stupid is as American as apple pie.
I disagree with you. I've no doubt there are lots of incompetent and stupid people around. However, I think that's much too innocent a rationale for what's happening.
I have a fanatical, true believer, Covid Cult sister. One of her favorite sayings is this: ''Don't attribute to malevolence what is almost always stupidity." (I'm probably paraphrasing slightly.)
I think she's 100% wrong. She's too terrified to let herself be cognizant of how much evil there is in the world. She prefers to see everything that doesn't have a happy or successful outcome as due to bad luck, "bad genes," or incompetence.
She's an idiot, in my mind. A cruel, brittle, arrogant, fascist idiot. She could become deathly ill from one of the covid boosters, and she'd deny the connection between the vax and her sickness to her dying breath. She did in fact suffer several adverse effects from the Pfizer covid vax this past spring, and she completely denied they had any connection to the recent Pfizer poison injections.
You have my sympathy, but your experience reminds me of the account recorded in the Gospel of Mark, 9:29. We face a war that is conducted on a spiritual plane that powerfully affects the hearts and minds of people. Thus, some battles can only be won using the armaments of spiritual war, including, as Jesus taught his disciples, prayer and fasting.
I don't like to reply to my own post, but someone mentioned Tucker Carlson and Scott Atlas. It's a really good interview, I encourage everyone to watch it.
Agreed, but it can be difficult to know where incompetence ends and purposeful deception begins. As the muckraker Upton Sinclair once famously noted, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” We are left wondering, are they fools or knaves?
I used to work for NASA. The dumbbells were given an office and their paychecks. And everyone knew not to give them anything important to do. Maybe it's different at CDC.
Let’s say there are dark forces, death & destruction probably is their goal. The humans involved are just useful idiots due to a combination of greed, incompetence & hubris. One of the Big Pharma CEO’s has been walking around with Bell’s Palsy for a year now. They believe in the product along w their own infallibility & they’re stuck in the same kind of binary thinking that the rest of the western world is. “It’s just a vaccine, it’s just a virus”, well it was a boneheaded decision to produce one from something as toxic as the (synthetic) spike protein & then force it on the masses & military as a single point of failure.
I thought the depopulation theory was crazy just a year ago but there is no other plausible explanation. When evil, powerful people tell you their intentions, you should believe them. Now I don’t think the leaders of big pharma are depopulationists per se, they are just the useful tools manipulated by greed. But, those select elite driving all of this global tyranny are most definitely Eugenicists who want to depopulate the earth. They’ve said so many times and sometimes on video. It amazes me how there is video evidence, yet we are the crazy ones. Like when Joe Biden said on video that he and Barack created the most extensive And inclusive voter fraud organization and the security feeds of Georgia poll workers pulling out suitcases of ballots from under tables when no one was looking. We are constantly told to not believe our lying eyes. I am sick of it.
"... once you apply it to all of the craziness we’ve seen the past two years, it is the only explanation that makes sense." Yep, agreed. Once you can bring yourself to consider it, everything else falls into place.
Logic and facts don't work with pro-vaccine people. Strength does though. They hate that. They are so sure they are right that when they come across someone who confidently tells them that every single vaccine is 100 per cent worthless it makes them hysterical.
If you want to make an impact with people leverage covid vaccines against the entire vaccine program.
Say "this entire episode with vaccines is so ridiculous that I'm beginning to see that the "anti-vaxers" were probably right all along. If doctors manipulate covid data to make it look like the vaccine works, then it is a fair bet they are doing the same thing with measles and polio data. And if doctors and journalists refuse to report on so many of the injuries following covid vaccines then they would also be doing the same thing for childhood vaccine injuries.
All this time I believed doctors when they said the parents who blamed vaccines for their child's injuries were ignorant and stupid but I now realize it was the doctors who were lying and the parents were the ones I should have been listening to all along."
I was the very opposite of an anti-vaxxer before all of this. I had all my childhood vaccines, got the flu shot every year, and all the other vaccines when recommended. I never had the vitriol some people had towards anti-vaxxers. I just assumed they were a bunch of hippies. But, now after everything I’ve seen, I realize that the anti-vaxxers have been right all along and I don’t think I will ever get a vaccine again. I can no longer trust big pharma. The sheer anger I see from Pediatricians towards this group of people is astounding. I try to explain to them that anti-vaxxers are just parents whose kids were injured by a vaccine. But the irrational emotions this group of doctors have towards any anti-vaccine sentiment Is religious in its fervor.
I had a similar experience. When I first heard about the link between autism and vaccines I was like, oh that’s interesting and it does make sense and what business is it if mine if a parent doesn’t want to vaccinate their child?
Never understood the hate those parents got. Remember Jenny McCarthy?
Flash forward to now: I am even more open minded to the subject and have read and listened to so many parents of vaccine injured children, learned so much about the insane vaccine schedule. Wow. It’s really evil!
Fauci doesn't have to admit anything to be proven guilty of crimes against humanity. He has already given enough evidence by his own actions and statements to ensure his conviction. Let's hope the case is brought against him in time for humanity to survive.
That was well worth 2 hours of my time. I'm fairly well-read in matters relating to the pandemic, and there were a couple of things that really surprised even me.
Yes 🙌 I had the same reaction. Also learned some new things from this interview w Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM released today that goes deeper into the biology & why it’s a bad idea to immunize kids.
BlazeTV just did a special last night 2 hrs on YouTube “Crimes or Cover-Up. It answers all of these questions. Of course once again America is right in the middle of this & Fauci at the top & in Control. The US Gov (us) owns Moderna vax, they forgot to mention that.
Being from Canada and fired for being unvaccinated it’s shocking that the fully vaccinated Ottawa Senators have an outbreak with 40% of the players testing positive. I’m confused.
I am in the state of Massachsetts and my wife was fired from her state job today for not getting the jab. I fully support her decision. I would much rather she is alive and unemployed than dead and not here…
That's why I like to reassure vaccinated friends, telling them "Relax! You don't have to worry about COVID. The vaccine's going to kill you anyway."
And the SAFE & EFFECTIVE narrative is as strong as ever on MSM, Local News, Sesame Street, US Congress, State Politicians, NFL, NCAA and the Rest of the Kool-Aid drinkers.....UGH !!
You can tell its not "safe and effective" when they have to keep telling you it is. If your spouse never told you she loved you but all of a sudden is kissing you goodnight and telling you she loves you ever day...she's got a boyfriend and is torn.
That might be an excessively romantic way to view the situation, but it's entertaining. :-)
Maybe the vaccine is safe. But what it does to your immune system is not. They are parsing words/ splitting hairs.
Think you meant the vaccine is strafe, repeatedly riddling the population with death and destruction..,
Treif, you mean!
Yea - and they did NOT fund "Gain of Function" research in Wuhan...
Yeah. Don't turn your back on her and do your own cooking.
what do we think about this?
It's on endless loop. "Safe and effective, safe and effective! Polly wanna cracker!"
I saw that Sesame Street clip, it makes you want to cry. They’ve sold their soul to the devil, and useful idiots
Anything so Mom doesn't have to quarantine and the fat teachers aren't artists m afraid.
They were running a “commercial” during Thurs night football tonight that featured a young Dr. saying he had a mild case of Covid. He was out of work for some extra long interval that didn’t indicate a mild case. He goes on to say he has “long Covid” and he lists a long array of symptoms including not being able to taste his dinner. Then he says get vaccinated so this won’t happen to you or some such advice. He never says HE wasn’t vaccinated. I have never heard anyone claim that the vaccine prevents long Covid, even if it actually exists. I do remember the study that suggested that people who thought they had recovered from Covid and suffered long-after symptoms were tested and had never actually had the disease. The hits keep on coming.
I’m in NYC for a few days and they have a commercial running which is 100% propaganda. They claim that it is completely false that people with natural immunity are protected and that it’s not true that if you are young and healthy that Covid doesn’t pose a risk to you. There was a 3rd falsehood which I can’t remember. It’s like every day is Opposite Day when you watch MSM.
The book Animal Farm playing out in real life. Read it if you haven't or re-read it. It's going to be very difficult to unwind this societal shift in major metro areas.
Ok. Those are outright lies! It’s infuriating.
The third one says it is false the vax causes infertility. Seems to me that if it’s possibly causing menstrual irregularities, then those irregularities are affecting fertility. I’m sick of that commercial
There is a thing called "Post viral syndrome" which is real and not new. Lots of flu sufferers get it. But with Covid, its all in the marketing.
My husband suffers from this, after a hideous bout of encephalitis he got about a decade ago. It’s a nightmare…at least Covid might make it so people believe this syndrome is real.
Hmmmm...I missed that. I usually change the channel or leave the room during commercials, or lower the volume and surf twitter if Im alone. No need to see ads about the latest new FBI guys are Good Guys drama; or the United Nations of Friends gathering round a bonfire with their agendered children....
I know someone who had long GBS symptoms after one shot.
Nurse already reporting myocarditis in an 8 year old boy.
I can't like this comment because it's tragic....The Kid's likely ruined for life.
I was watching Fox Neil Cavuto. I actually had it on in the background. I heard him say that the next guest was a Dr talking about the vaccine booster. I know Cavuto is in the “safe and effective, everyone needs a vaccine” camp. The Dr. basically said Everyone needs the booster. Never once did he talk about individual health history, risk, antibodies, age NOTHING. He was smiling and affable and I wanted to reach through the TV and slap some sense into him.
I know that feeling of wanting to throttle some smug self-satisfied "expert" on the wonders of these kill shots. If these stooges survive, they're going to be very embarrassed some day. I'm hoping to see a bunch of them in orange jump suits
Consider that in the list you just gave, not one of those entities is remotely qualified to offer medical advice.
And they still look at you like a Deer in Headlights.
That's so sad. Because it's true
I thought people would get suspicious when the vaccine stopped working and they started pushing boosters. But people seem pretty happy to get boosters voluntarily. I think most people don't have any issue with getting a shot every few months.
I had some friends over for tea, in their seventies. They were so happy to declare they'd been boosted. Maybe they're going to be the lucky ones in the auto immune disease roulette. Maybe not.
I got my booster... but that is the LAST one I will get. I wish I had not at this point. I will rely on Vit D, Quercetin, Zinc, etc as a preventative and Ivm and mAbs if I get covid. Fool me thrice...
Pepcid, too
Looking at the "vax" effective charts, looks like a booster every 45-60 days is best! Good luck with that...they'll need home "vax"kits to get that done, like insulin.
Add to that the first 2wks vaxxed are more dangerous than unvaxxed. So dangerous that pharmaceutical companies refused to count that period in studies. That has never been able to be ignored in any other drug to my knowledge/research. So, side effects we know about and side effects that dots are not connected yet, and short short term possible protection at best.
Vaxxed? That's the first thing I thought of. She was young (under 50), had no illnesses. Of course, NPR isn't even speculating on the likelihood.
Healthy people just don’t die, it’s such a rarity. So many people this is happening to. Did you hear about the cardiologist in Canada who said he wanted to punch anti vaxers in the face died of a heart attack! Wouldn’t a cardiologist recognise heart disease if he had it himself?
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. Sorry was that evil 😂
Pulmonary embolism, I.e., blood clot. Imagine that? 🤔
Clot shot
...and if it doesn't do it right away, you have years of additional prescription medication ahead of you before you die by age 70...
I think it’s going to be quick it’s already happening. We know 4 people who’ve had the booster and have Covid
Wow, I’ve been using the Kevin Bacon line from Animal House, “please sir, may I have another“… as a reference to Americans just being brutalized by leftist destructive edicts and horrific narratives.
How ironic, it would be even more hilarious if they were giving shots in the ass…
Great comment,, one of our friends had his booster and now has Covid, their answer is thank heavens for the booster
There is a story above of a guy that died after the booster. Just think how much worse he would have died without the booster!
It may come as suppositories. Then "Thank you sir may I have another" will be totally apposite.
Sorry, I would not trust the “injection” rectally doesn’t happen appropriately when the “clinician” has both hands on the victim’s, er, patient’s shoulders…
New study reveals that 86% of Vaxxers buy timeshares.
😂 sad but true
We've seen enough to know what is happening and that it is incontrovertible. Are we getting burned out yet reading study after study and looking at chart after chart proving the vaxxines are deadly poison? At this point producing more data and charts isn't going to change any of the Covidiot zealot's minds. I think it's time for Alex to dig deep into his own question. Why? Let's find the motives and the players and let the chips fall where they may.
If you haven't yet watched Tucker Carlson's interview with RJK Jr. it is worth a watch - opened my eyes up to a lot of history of the US government and the pharma cos. Truly frightening.
Yep, & the Scott Atlas interview. Most disturbing was his comparison of the covid task force leaders (Fauci, Birx & Redfield) to “assistant professors.” No prep, no relevant knowledge or preparation/data during meetings.
OMG! Dr. Atlas was truly enlightening. By the end, I was truly pissed off. While I suspected all along That Quack Fauci and his sidekick Birx didn't have facts/figures/data to back up all their edicts, now there's a witness to report.
Throughout 2020, the nay-sayers, the contrarians provided the most accurate information, yet they were dismissed or silenced: Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Bhattacharya--et al.
There's a lesson here for all of us.
Suffice to say, I will never where a scarf again.
Both Kennedy and Atlas would have been better picks for Trumps Covid team . I can also think of about 20 more drs who were not in bed with Pharma and Gov ! To little to late to save a lot of people !
Trump is still pushing the vax. It's way past time to see Trump for what he is.
He’s too stuck on the accomplishment of bringing them to market in record time and while he certainly would never have mandated them, he’s way behind the curve about their danger
Not sure why that is since they hid the truth from him in the beginning.
I can't see what you're trying to say. Trump is studiously ignoring the same things that Alex and others are reporting about the "vaccines".
If we apply Occam’s razor in search of the simplest explanation we might assume the answer is greed. For those that survive these injections, many will become big pharma customers for life. But perhaps there is another explanation that is just as simple but even more sinister: depopulation. I admit this for me seemed like a crazy explanation but once you apply it to all of the craziness we’ve seen the past two years, it is the only explanation that makes sense. Their rationale for it might even make them feel they are doing it for the right reasons. By reducing the population we save the planet. Without drastic measures no one survives. With drastic measures “the chosen ones” survive and they significantly increase their personal wealth in the meantime. It’s a very tinfoil hat wearing explanation, but does it make sense? It’s a hard pill to swallow but I believe it does.
I accept that depopulation is a motivating factor for many sinister people and NGOs but our experience with the lies surrounding the Iraq war informs me that it’s more complicated than that. In western democracies, policy initiatives become de facto policy when a majority of non-disinterested people share the same objective regardless of their motivation. For example, a Malthusian motivated by population control shares the same objective as a Pfizer stock investor who has no concerns over overpopulation and resource depletion. What we may be experiencing here is a perfect storm of perverse incentive vectors that share a common intersection or policy. The solution comes when a critical mass of people—including those who were previously disinterested—come to realize that the common policy that they once rallied around is doing them more harm than good. This dynamic is the subject of game theory.
BTW, I agree with you that anti-human, overpopulation zealots are a big part of this crisis and are the same people behind the perineal climate catastrophe nonsense. But even this subgroup comprises separate incentive vectors, including billionaires who have no need for the children of the unwashed masses, new age religion environmentalists, and of course the usual cadres of useful idiots
Unfortunately, I have to agree with this thread. Alex is a public figure so to cite depopulation will lead to public ridicule even if it's true. I'm a nobody so I'm allowed to be a full-blown Conspiracy Theorist. Why do they want to depopulate us? There's lots of reasons in the alternative media:
Entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, etc.) and pensions are near-broke. The American public refuses to accept cuts in entitlement programs.
Workers will be increasingly replaced by automation and AI so they won't be "productive" citizens anymore i.e. pay taxes and purchase merchandise.
Universal Basic Income (UBI) for all of the retired elderly and displaced workers ("useless eaters") is expensive.
The globalist elite are afraid of civil unrest (mob rule) and reducing the population makes it easier to control us.
Depopulation will "save" the planet from global warming by reducing CO2 emissions.
Eugenicists like Bill Gates despise the common man.
I am sure I am in good company when I say, until recently, I thought only crazy people thought like this. But I don't disagree anymore. There also could be an easy answer or combination of them all.
Easy answer - Greed, Money, Greed, Arrogance, Greed!
(Then add all the other sick stuff like population control as a bonus now!)
I think the vaccines and their initial makers tried and hoped they would work. I really do. I think maybe they would have for the elderly for a short time. But now there is a lot of money and pride and arrogance. How could the great Dr. Fauci admit he was wrong (again!)! Do you expect the board of Pfizer (like Gottlieb) to say I want to lose millions it doesn't work. Or worse, it is hurting people! The lawsuits would cost the company millions. Even if they had immunity there would be suits.
NEVER underestimate GREED and ARROGANCE!
Next up: Smallpox.
That's a terrifying list!
But sadly it makes sense.
According to Reiner Fuellmich, a prominent German lawyer, COVID was originally planned for 2030 and then rushed to 2019 because the global economy started to collapse! He thinks the high number of adverse effects from the clot shots were unintentional. (My guess is their intended effect is to quietly sterilize people and reduce their lifespan.)
This is a must-read article about the real reason COVID happened in 2019. (it has nothing to do with a so-called virus).
If you really want to go down the rabbit-hole, then watch this 1 hour documentary about how Vanguard + BlackRock own the world.
I'm active on a stock market website. I searched MSM news (Yahoo and Google) for any mention of the Pfizer FOIA lawsuit or even yesterday's OSHA suspension of the vax mandate. Not a single article (based on search of headlines). Nor was there any on this investing site's news feed. I left a message in the Pfizer (PFE) board, saying that these two events were rather important to the prospects of PFE and other vax makers, and it reflected poorly that the investing site had missed it too. Also posted a link to the Zero Hedge article and asked "Why must we get such news from the fringe?"
Okay I’m going to break protocol and comment on my own post to post an addendum. I don’t commune with the Catholic Church but I love Catholics and in fact I married one and we will celebrate 30 years next spring. If you want to have some sense of how pernicious this evil has become and how it has infected every sector of modern life, including our brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church, watch this (but I warn you, it may keep you up at night):
I'm a Catholic and I think this Pope has really hurt us with his "getting vaccinated is an act of love". If, at the time he said that, I knew that the vaccines were lethal, ineffective and immoral, he certainly should have known. So now in parishes everywhere there is no support, none, for refusing the vaccines. I'm in process of composing a letter to our Bishop to tell him what is wrong with this.
Too many Catholics are cowed by priestly authority, but if what the priests are pushing is lethal and immoral then we are OBLIGED to disobey and tell them why.
Did you really mean to write '"perineal" climate catastrophe nonsense"' ?Because now I'm laughing. It's perfect.
No, it was supposed to be “perennial” but now that you mention it, the unintentional pun is a better fit, no?
…..or Hydra in Captain America, Winter Soldier which traced its roots to a remnant of the NAZIs that were brought back to America after the war only to discreetly subvert our intelligence agencies over a long period of time with their evil philosophy while the children and grandchildren of the “Greatest Generation” said in their hearts, “peace and security.”
I'd like to offer up "incompetence" as an explanation. I don't think we can assume that "govt scientist" means "intelligent" or "competent". They've made a lot of dumb statements / decisions and don't want to admit they are wrong. Happens in all walks of life, doubling down on stupid is as American as apple pie.
I disagree with you. I've no doubt there are lots of incompetent and stupid people around. However, I think that's much too innocent a rationale for what's happening.
I have a fanatical, true believer, Covid Cult sister. One of her favorite sayings is this: ''Don't attribute to malevolence what is almost always stupidity." (I'm probably paraphrasing slightly.)
I think she's 100% wrong. She's too terrified to let herself be cognizant of how much evil there is in the world. She prefers to see everything that doesn't have a happy or successful outcome as due to bad luck, "bad genes," or incompetence.
She's an idiot, in my mind. A cruel, brittle, arrogant, fascist idiot. She could become deathly ill from one of the covid boosters, and she'd deny the connection between the vax and her sickness to her dying breath. She did in fact suffer several adverse effects from the Pfizer covid vax this past spring, and she completely denied they had any connection to the recent Pfizer poison injections.
You have my sympathy, but your experience reminds me of the account recorded in the Gospel of Mark, 9:29. We face a war that is conducted on a spiritual plane that powerfully affects the hearts and minds of people. Thus, some battles can only be won using the armaments of spiritual war, including, as Jesus taught his disciples, prayer and fasting.
Of course, I do not know your sister, but any look at social media, and I see blind Covid zealots every day. It is sad.
I see 'em, too. Four people today in the supermarket parking lot: masked, alone in their cars.
Almost two years into this travesty--and people are still terrified.
Me? I was rejoicing because there's no longer one-way aisles in the store.
It's much worse than sad! It's horrifying.
I don't like to reply to my own post, but someone mentioned Tucker Carlson and Scott Atlas. It's a really good interview, I encourage everyone to watch it.
It's a little long; I had to listen at 1.5x speed, but worth it.
Agreed, but it can be difficult to know where incompetence ends and purposeful deception begins. As the muckraker Upton Sinclair once famously noted, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” We are left wondering, are they fools or knaves?
I used to work for NASA. The dumbbells were given an office and their paychecks. And everyone knew not to give them anything important to do. Maybe it's different at CDC.
See Tucker's interview with Scott Atlas for confirmation of your statement.
Let’s say there are dark forces, death & destruction probably is their goal. The humans involved are just useful idiots due to a combination of greed, incompetence & hubris. One of the Big Pharma CEO’s has been walking around with Bell’s Palsy for a year now. They believe in the product along w their own infallibility & they’re stuck in the same kind of binary thinking that the rest of the western world is. “It’s just a vaccine, it’s just a virus”, well it was a boneheaded decision to produce one from something as toxic as the (synthetic) spike protein & then force it on the masses & military as a single point of failure.
I thought the depopulation theory was crazy just a year ago but there is no other plausible explanation. When evil, powerful people tell you their intentions, you should believe them. Now I don’t think the leaders of big pharma are depopulationists per se, they are just the useful tools manipulated by greed. But, those select elite driving all of this global tyranny are most definitely Eugenicists who want to depopulate the earth. They’ve said so many times and sometimes on video. It amazes me how there is video evidence, yet we are the crazy ones. Like when Joe Biden said on video that he and Barack created the most extensive And inclusive voter fraud organization and the security feeds of Georgia poll workers pulling out suitcases of ballots from under tables when no one was looking. We are constantly told to not believe our lying eyes. I am sick of it.
Add to that congress and illegals vax not required.
Like when Biden said he didn't even know if there'd be a republican party next election. NOT A GAF PPL.
"... once you apply it to all of the craziness we’ve seen the past two years, it is the only explanation that makes sense." Yep, agreed. Once you can bring yourself to consider it, everything else falls into place.
So then who are the "chosen ones?" The VAX or the UNVAX people?
Logic and facts don't work with pro-vaccine people. Strength does though. They hate that. They are so sure they are right that when they come across someone who confidently tells them that every single vaccine is 100 per cent worthless it makes them hysterical.
If you want to make an impact with people leverage covid vaccines against the entire vaccine program.
Say "this entire episode with vaccines is so ridiculous that I'm beginning to see that the "anti-vaxers" were probably right all along. If doctors manipulate covid data to make it look like the vaccine works, then it is a fair bet they are doing the same thing with measles and polio data. And if doctors and journalists refuse to report on so many of the injuries following covid vaccines then they would also be doing the same thing for childhood vaccine injuries.
All this time I believed doctors when they said the parents who blamed vaccines for their child's injuries were ignorant and stupid but I now realize it was the doctors who were lying and the parents were the ones I should have been listening to all along."
That will actually scare them.
I was the very opposite of an anti-vaxxer before all of this. I had all my childhood vaccines, got the flu shot every year, and all the other vaccines when recommended. I never had the vitriol some people had towards anti-vaxxers. I just assumed they were a bunch of hippies. But, now after everything I’ve seen, I realize that the anti-vaxxers have been right all along and I don’t think I will ever get a vaccine again. I can no longer trust big pharma. The sheer anger I see from Pediatricians towards this group of people is astounding. I try to explain to them that anti-vaxxers are just parents whose kids were injured by a vaccine. But the irrational emotions this group of doctors have towards any anti-vaccine sentiment Is religious in its fervor.
I had a similar experience. When I first heard about the link between autism and vaccines I was like, oh that’s interesting and it does make sense and what business is it if mine if a parent doesn’t want to vaccinate their child?
Never understood the hate those parents got. Remember Jenny McCarthy?
Flash forward to now: I am even more open minded to the subject and have read and listened to so many parents of vaccine injured children, learned so much about the insane vaccine schedule. Wow. It’s really evil!
I wish people would actually do this.
Money is always the motive. Covid is now an industry unto itself. Jabs, pills, tests, needles, etc. Boosters, supplying other countries. A never-ending revenue stream. The public-private partnership needs to keep the illusion of a pandemic going.....®i_id=67060589&segment_id=74590&user_id=946b3eb5f3571706bfe41e8669b46ee9
Add stifling and destroying small businesses, favoring giants like the FB, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google - Wall Street's FAANG index. And so forth.
Exactly! Time to move past "Preaching to the Choir"!
because if Fauci admitted he was wrong, he would have to admit that he is personally responsible for millions of deaths
Fauci doesn't have to admit anything to be proven guilty of crimes against humanity. He has already given enough evidence by his own actions and statements to ensure his conviction. Let's hope the case is brought against him in time for humanity to survive.
It just so happens that was covered last night on Glen Beck’s Blaze TV (YouTube).
That was well worth 2 hours of my time. I'm fairly well-read in matters relating to the pandemic, and there were a couple of things that really surprised even me.
Yes 🙌 I had the same reaction. Also learned some new things from this interview w Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM released today that goes deeper into the biology & why it’s a bad idea to immunize kids.
Putting that on my list to watch tomorrow!
What will that do for us? They will all escape punishment.
BlazeTV just did a special last night 2 hrs on YouTube “Crimes or Cover-Up. It answers all of these questions. Of course once again America is right in the middle of this & Fauci at the top & in Control. The US Gov (us) owns Moderna vax, they forgot to mention that.
Being from Canada and fired for being unvaccinated it’s shocking that the fully vaccinated Ottawa Senators have an outbreak with 40% of the players testing positive. I’m confused.
I am in the state of Massachsetts and my wife was fired from her state job today for not getting the jab. I fully support her decision. I would much rather she is alive and unemployed than dead and not here…
You're with me in the People's Republic of Massachusetts.
Sorry your wife lost her job, but I'm confident she made the right decision. Good for you that you support her decision.
Good luck to you both.
Thank you
No Confusion here...The "Clot Vax" doesn't work, period !
Sorry just a bit of sarcasm