Anyone remember pro athletes being carted off the field with cardiac arrest? I sure don't. I mean, not ever. This thing blows up. It just has to. The fact that they have been able to keep a lid on this for this long tells us just how deep the rot actually is in society.

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The only time I remember an athlete collapsing from a heart problem (he was born with it but didn't know, I believe) was over twenty years ago? He was the Russian ice skater who partnered with his wife. I can't remember their names, but they were well known at the time. It was HUGE news precisely because a young, healthy athlete collapsing like that just does not happen. Seeing so many news stories about it now is so very telling.

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Sergei Grinkov died from a massive heart attack because he had a genetic condition that made him uniquely vulnerable to coronary heart disease. The condition is not particularly rare though - somewhere around 20% of the population has the condition. I can only guess what a vaccine that often induces blood clots would mean for someone who has arteries as heavily blocked as Grinkov's were. Btw, I was one of the fortunate people who had the joy of having seen Gordieva and Grinkov perform live and they were absolutely incredible!

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That was Sergei Grinkoff, age 28, who had a heart attack and died during practice at Lake Placid, NY, while skating with his pairs partner (and wife) Ekaterina Gordeeva, in 1995.

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i remember that. it was heart breaking. Ekaterina Gordeeva was just so stunning and graceful. they were an incredible pair. i forgot that happened.

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That's the one! Gosh, he was young. They were a joy to watch.

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Yes they were a very romantic couple on the ice.

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Len Bias but that was cocaine related and not on court.

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Hank Gathers died on the court. He collapse on the court while playing college ball for Loyola Marymount. he was a top NBA prospect

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Nov 2, 2021
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No, you're getting Gathers confused with Len Bias. Gathers had cardiomyopathy, a heart disease. This was diagnosed earlier and he was suppose to be on meds. but Gathers didn't take the meds before the game he collapsed in because the meds made him feel sluggish.

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Yes the great Len Bias. What a waste.

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Pistol Pete Marivech?

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Reggie Lewis.

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All congenital not like now.

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We see maybe a dozen from pro to high school you hear about in the US, but as you said they had underlying, undisclosed heart conditions. Then you go back to Arthur Ashe the tennis great, who ended up with a tainted blood transfusion. It was believed he contracted the HIV virus from a tainted blood transfusion following a 1983 heart operation. Ashe kept his medical condition private until April 1992, when a newspaper informed him of its intention to run an article about his illness. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/tennis-great-arthur-ashe-dies-of-aids

How many non specialist doctors just ignore what they consider 'small' heart issues, till high stress is placed on the heart? I had it happen to me, an Enlarged Heart is plainly visible on a plain X-ray. Not one peep out of the Internists I'd seen over my life span, Until my Neurologist just doing a routine heart listen said you need to see your CARDIO ASAP for the leg/feet swelling was heart not Neurology caused. Small Mitral Valve leak to boot. SHOCK, I'd not known I needed a CARDIO! ENDO, ENT, NEUROLIGIST yes. But not a CARDIO. RAPID heart rate was always blamed on Hypothyroidism.

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Agreed Dave. This HAS to blow up. And as we speak brain washed parents have their kids lined up ready to put the jab in their kids for the good of public health. This has to STOP NOW.

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Yes, so many are brainwashed - or feel like they don't have a choice in order for them to go to school. It's unreal! I can't believe the times we are living in and with a sitting president asleep at the wheel.

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pharma saw what they could get away with the autism fiasco, the 13th circle of hell awaits them and monsanto

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When a vaccine is given it is possible to hit a vessel. The vaccine contents then travels quickly through blood supply. This would be people having a quick adverse, medically dangerous reaction. Vaccine suppose to stay in deltoid area. Additionally it is being suggested by a few scientists that the vaccines are slowly degrading the immune system with each passing day. If true, really not good.

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Hence, why it should be a requirement that the injector aspirate prior to injection of the material to ensure that a blood vessel has not been inadvertently hit. But, that is clearly not being done and the vaccine injuries continue to soar.

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Shots are given by anybody.

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All the more reason that they receive adequate training to protect the health of the recipients.

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The manufactures and CDC state that vaccines are contraindicated in anyone who has an active Covid-19 infection. But they never test people to see if they are infected before they are given the vaccines, and it seems to me that's when most cases of people dying shortly thereafter happen--but then they say they died of Covid.

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Of course, there's no such thing as an "active COVID-19 infection" since there's no such thing as a "novel coronavirus" named Covid-19. The test being used is nonsensical since no such virus has ever been isolated.

I agree about the practice of blaming injuries and deaths from the non-vaccine poison being identified as COVID deaths and infections. It's a great strategy for the ones pushing the whole pandemic scam.

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yes, there is. Go study virology.

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Virology is an art, not a science. The covid19 "virus" has never been isolated and no specimen is available anywhere, which is why there is no killed virus vaccine in production anywhere. You watch too much TV and swallow too much bullshit.

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Ed, the original Chinese and Indian vaccines were killed virus.

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Possibly happening also because there are non medical people giving the vaccines. Not nurses who have been trained properly. Just people who happen to work at these chain pharmacies.

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I called a pharmacy chain who advertised 16 vaccines, and asked if I could get a smallpox vaccine as I might need a booster. This confused them greatly.

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Regardless, we remember all of these prior tragic events because they were rare, out of the ordinary, and newsworthy. The incidence of such events is now dizzying! But……..nothing to see here folks. This isn’t going to play much longer

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I was just about to ask the same question. I remember Hank Gathers collapsing in a college basketball game. He actually died but had a heart issue.

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It has happened in the past. However, generally the tests we have now that are run on athletes before they become professional tend to alert player and team owner of any problems so people know long beforehand if someone has some latent heart damage before they become a professional athlete. The fact that this is happening now on athletes that are already professional says that it's new heart damage.

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It has happened enough that there were studies going on pre- Covid 19.


Doesn’t mean vaccines aren’t involved, but the prevalence of these issues pre-end times is a confounding factor.

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Len Bias? Though that was due to Hunter's favorite nose candy

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I remember an NHL player collapsing on the ice due to a cerebral hemorrhage (if I recall correctly). I'm 65 and followed many sports for decades. On-field heart attacks, strokes, and seizures of any kind have always been extremely rare, at least in professional sports.

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Hank Gathers. But he was a college student (Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles), and he had a congenital heart condition.

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That's true in the US, but not in Europe where blood doping is rampant, especially in Soccer. On field cardiac arrests have been happening for the past 30 years with regular frequency. You can't test for unless you take someone's blood right before they take the field.


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Of course you can test for drugs which stay in your system for 2 to 4 days.

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No, you can't test for EPO. It's used right before the player takes the field. Essentially all it does is increase the O2 in the blood which in turn thickens it and gives them unnatural endurance. It's out of their system by the end of the game. Kinda what Lance Amrstrong did on his comeback Tour de France.

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Agreed. In general if an athlete at this level had some kind of congenital defect, it would have been revealed much earlier in adolescence before starting in the pros.

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although extremely rare, there's been a few over the past few decades especially in soccer players who usually have serious undiagnosed genetic heart defects, but the chances of 2 in a week is highly unlikely, not to mention 3 fans in the space of a week, including two in one game.

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August before vaccine 2020 Daley Blind. Davide Astori hearth attack before vaccine. Jacques Welsch en of 2019. Lachlan Hernaman 2019, Kiriq McDonald. 2019 and more professionals plus a lot of amateurs and etc.

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These people have been preparing for years and President Trump caused havoc with them by pulling out of the UN, getting our oil in the USA going so we don’t have to depend on other countries etc.,., we have to keep pushing back and somehow get more Americans on board!

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Chuck Hughes 1971? J V Cain 1977? A very fat middle baseball umpire Lee Weber 15 years ago?

NBA Dave Stallworth had heart attack 1967. Detroit Tiger pitcher John Hiller 1971 . Not during games

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Meanwhile, my own unvaxxed heart is sinking fast. Tomorrow the CDC meets to sign off on the FDA's approval of the Pfizer vax for kids 5 - 11. Some children in this age group could be vaxxed, and have their fate sealed, by the end of this week. Please go here to get the details and find out what you can do to help stop this runaway train:


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I homeschooled my son for far less reason than this. If even 25% of parents pull their children out of schools to get them away from this poison, that will kill schools. Schools get money per pupil. Every child homeschooled is less money for the local school. I did it to save my son's mind. Now you have to homeschool to literally save your child's life.

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There’s already been ready drops in school enrollments. It’s just so sad they’ve chosen kids as an experimental pawn

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We have friends that are scrambling here in Ca. as to where they will place their kids. Some are making homeschool pods some are putting them in private schools and some are moving out of state.

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My heart goes out to them!

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Record drops not ready

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We’ve been homeschooling for a few years and recently joined a homeschool meetup group at the park. Every parent there except 1 (and myself) are first time homeschoolers this year.

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That is wonderful. I admire all you homeschoolers especially firt-timers. My friend and I both struggled in school as kids and often wonder how the heck we’d be able to do this and keep a job.

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They will kill homeschooling when that happens. A tool of white supremacy that denies state oversight of potentially sexually- SEXUALLY, I tell you- abused children.

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for real? What???

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I think Guttermouth means homeschools will not be beyond the reach of the bastards in state governments.

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No, I'm saying state actors will work aggressively to outlaw it. Dems in several localities have already declared war on it, as yet to no avail, but its never been a series threat to the public school monopoly before.

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France has already outlawed it

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Well it wouldn't surprise me but I would hope that enough people or 'good' politicians would argue for home schooling.

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Yes, they will do that at some point. I think the more people homeschool though, the harder it will be for them to succeed. There will be uprisings in response like we’ve not seen in this country at least.

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I’m thinking that schools are going to get a lot of money for each jabbed kid. That doesn’t include the state the doctor or place that administers said jab. All so evil!!! Government will sell out children for money to unsuspecting parents who think they’re protecting they’re children.

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I think public school funding is secure regardless of declining enrollment due to Covid $$ rescue. Schools got loads of cash.

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We all pay taxes to the schools whether our kids are enrolled or not. The Schools could sit empty and we would still pay taxes !

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I am heartbroken. I can't protect my 6 year old niece because my brother and SIL are so brainwashed that they would probably be first in line to jab her with this poison. No matter what I've done to convince them, nothing works. Most of my relatives have gone insane - getting the booster even if they are not elderly or immunocompromised. They are even doing the mix and match boosters even though there are 0 studies proving that this is safe. They dismiss all the severe side effects after the jab as 'it means the shot is working'. And, these people are medical professionals! I don't know how we survive this as a family and as a society. I really don't. It is not hyperbole to call this genocide and crimes against humanity. How did we get here? How do we stop this?

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You are not alone. These mandates are destroying families.

My working age daughter chose to get J&J when her dream job demanded the shot as a condition for employment, but neither she nor I have the heart (nor are brave enough) to tell her mother (my wife) that she made this difficult decision.

Now my daughter is terrified that they will soon demand a booster.

I almost wish she had not told me, because now I am complicit in this deception, AND worry about her health.

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we need a growing sector of doctors/nurses that we know somehow or other will help us out by faking an injection. we go in there 'get' the injection. come out. pay the money. end of story. i finish up being forced into the situation i'm going to go from one to another to another until i find one can be bought off either with money or tears..... ( if simple reason doesn't work) It should, in fact, be hard to find staff who'll inject you if you explain you're there because you've been coerced.

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I heard about a doctor in another country who paid another doctor to squirt it on the floor and fill out the vaxx passport.

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Nov 2, 2021
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How is it possible that congress are about the only ones not mandated to get the vax. Its like being in Russia when 50 years ago just the military had special privileges but now in US, its just Congress?

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You mean the ones who all got their ivermectin prescriptions filled?

I pray that she stays far, far away from those creatures.

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I understand the frustration. I’m right there with you. I heard medical staff did that and got arrested..if I could do it I would do it for free, but most of us can’t...👩🏻‍⚕️

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I get this but… what about the Hippocratic Oath?

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So what you're asking for is to have a doctor risk their career and commit fraud on your behalf? This is what has come to with some of you guys?

Find a new job with an employer that has less than 100 people, or just get the weekly testing, if you really are terrified of the jab that much.

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Finding a new job with any employer, whether they have less than 100 people or not, is not so easy to do. And a lot of us don't want a giant Q-tip rammed up our nose every week either.

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There are more open jobs than any time in history. Finding a new job is pretty easy in our current environment. Employers are desperate for workers and you'd probably end up making more money than your current job. I mean, if you really are scared of the vax that much, there are a lot of options to avoid doing it.

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I'm not asking my doctor to commit fraud. I am asking him to nkt potentially kill children. He should quit before becoming a state-sponsored mass murder.

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Yes. That is what it has come to as the real crime is forcing anyone to get this crap.

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We've been doing vaccine mandates for over a hundred years, buddy.

Besides, rejecting the vax isn't a crime. Nobody is forcing you to do anything.

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Nope. What we're really doing is looking for an escape from the tyranny, hurt and pain caused by the kind of thinking, attitude and 'instructions' manifest in your post.

So it is very opportune that you did it. A very good example right in the midst of the discussion.

One: We are essentially looking not asking. I would ask. But en masse the notion is we are looking.

Two: What we look for is people who will in essence keep their hippocratic oath (no longer actually extant but merely various variation of it, but we all know what we mean) and 'do no harm'.

Three: We look for people who seek to preserve democracy and know that it is undemocratic to coerce people to this extent.

Four: No one is talking per se of 'their behalf' but the discussion is about the good of all and the principles of the nation. We talk of a return to sanity and the norms that we are supposedly comprised of as proud democracies.

Five: 'come to with you guys' is ad hominem, of course. We denigrate ad hominem as part of our whole thing. In reciprocation however we well might point out that where it has 'come to' with you guys is:

. complete abrogation of all our rights in fact.

. perpetual 'states of emergency' enshrining that fact in law.

. jackbooted police (in my country) three at time pepperspraying prone old women repeatedly. Or bursting into a home kitchen and manacling a pregnant women in pyjamas before her children on the grounds that she is accused of having made a facebook post. You'll note (perhaps, if you do note any facts) that under our system as it used to be before 'you guys' took it over she was innocent entirely until found guilty. Hence the police were notionally manacling an innocent women. Understand? I doubt you do. In my experience all 'you guys' that hear of this immediately jump to the conclusion that she did make a post and the further conclusion that it was an egregious post and the further conclusion that therefore any and all treatment of her was/is justified.

Not to mention the waste of the nation's resource - three burly uniformed thugs and a plainclothes 'gestapo' officer. But then, to 'you guys' wasting of the nations resources means nothing at all, right?

Six: What we are talking about is the general direction which is to mandate everyone, even to and even especially, little children, 'employers with less than 100 people' is therefore an impertinent non sequitur - but then, to 'you people' that doesn't matter, right?

Seven: 'terrified of the jab' is again ad hominem abuse without any foundation of fact or any relevance to the question but then: 'you guys' don't much care about foundations of fact, nor relevance and happily swim in an ocean of ad hominem attack and abuse don't you?

Eight: You are patently unaware of even the main content of the discussion much less any nuance and your 'contribution' is frankly negative.

I would suggest you go home and clean your guns, clubs, knives, grenades, open your dictionary and learn some more epithets...

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Testing is not an option in some cases. It's the Jab or you are out. In my case it's not my job but my sport federation (USA Fencing) that is requiring the Jab for national competitions starting Jan. 1, 2022. Currently there is PCR Test option but not after Jan. 1, 2022. It's get the Jab or you don't compete.

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What we need is our own network of doctors, nurses, and healthcare systems that will not discriminate against those of us that are unjabbed. It is not safe for us to go to hospitals because the brainwashed sheep hate us and believe we do not deserve medical care. We need a parallel economy where like minded freedom loving people can live in a world unburdened by the commies that surround us.

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JJ somewhat “better” than the others. It’s no mRNA technology in it. But I wouldn’t suggest to get the booster. If she didn’t get any dude effects by now, chances are she won’t...👩🏻‍⚕️

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Sure they aren't injecting

mRNA blobs into you with that shot. But it's still a mRNA vaccine. Instead of just going straight to the ribosome to make the spike, it goes to the DNA which translates the virus payload and makes the mRNA which thr goes to the ribosome to make the spike. Same principle, just one more step.

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I didn’t say it was good. I said “it’s somewhat better” than the others. They put the actual virus into the JJ vaccine. Not the “mRNA technology”... also it’s one one shot.. which “means” 1/2...

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I meant side effect...

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I worry about the effects it may have on children's natural immune system. I don't fully understand original antigenic sin, immune imprinting and priming, but why risk it for a virus that is essentially 100% non-fatal for healthy kids?

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I believe the vaccine destroys the T cells. (Or lower) T cells are the cells protecting the body from infections. If vax destroys them it’s no way for the body to fight any infections..

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A major study was done in UK. The mortality risk for healthy children - those without severe pre-existing conditions or "life-altering" conditions was about 1 in 2 million (six deaths of "healthy" kids divided by 12 million children 0 to 17). That's a 1 in 2 million risk. Which is 0.0001. You have to go out to four decimal points to pick up the "risk" - otherwise the mortality risk is literally 0.000 precent.

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This is sooooo sad to read. I wish I could send you more stuff to read. But you said it’s useless. mRNA vaccines are NOT safe. I would NEVER give it to my son. Over my dead body. He’s 14. And I’m a cardiac nurse

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Have you noticed a surge in cardiac events in th 12 - 19 age group? If so, are doctors acknowledging vax injury? Do you have any idea if patients are being encouraged to record it in VAERS?

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I am so, so sorry for your family situation and your pain. Know that many of us share both.

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Thank you!

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I'm sorry about your niece :( In terms of mixing and matching, it will be another way for pharma to escape persecution because there will no way to determine which one caused an adverse reaction, present or future reactions.

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I have been researching things that can help remove some of the ingredients from the vax. If your niece has the jab, they might be open to mitigation using safe supplements that can help.



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Thank you!!

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Most welcome. I have written Dr. Breggin also asking him to get doctors focused on counteracting the jab. It is important to study the effects and effectiveness, but I think this is the next round we need to get ahead of them.

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Too many people in the world. The global elites want us dead. Good luck to all.

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I completely understand as I’m in the same situation. This isn’t partisan as all sides have bought in. It’s just that we don’t watch much tv so no indoctrination.

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NEVER mix and match!!! It’s like mixing Morphine and Demerol (in hospital setting) deadly...👩🏻‍⚕️

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Have you heard the recent interview with Sean Hannity and Dr Robert Malone? I plan on referring my DR and anyone else to it. Pretty hard to argue with the facts presented.

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The problem I have with Dr. Malone is he still pushes the dangerous Jab that doesn't work for 65 + and the at risk. Why give a dangerous Jab that doesn't work to anyone especially to the at risk? He is working on a version 2 mRNA Jab. Dr. Malone is conflicted. He just can't give up the dangerous Jab that doesn't work.

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Also Hannity is super pro Jab. He only had Dr. Malone on because he semi pro Jab. He would never have anyone on that is totally against the Jab.

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True. That’s another reason Hannity gets on my nerves at times. He says he’s pro choice but then says work with your doctor which only is part of the equation. He never just says it’s okay to just not be comfortable with this particular vaccine.

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Hannity will get every Jab booster. He is Big Pharma controlled. Also just repeats the same sh it over and over again.

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I must have missed that. I wonder if I could find it on Foxnation. I sometimes skip Hannity as he’s so repetitive that it sometimes gets on my nerves even though I do like him.

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Parents have been programmed to accept more & more vaccines for their kids. This has been a long time coming. The list of required shots has grown exponentially in the last couple decades. Parents have been primed for this. If you research certain childhood vaccines you will see that many do not have adequate safety studies done. Trials with no placebo or control group that follow adults (not even kids) for only 4 days after receiving the vaccine. No studies have been done on giving multiple shots in one visit and the amount of adjuvants that are in multiple shots.

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I have received all of my childhood vaccines and I took the flu shot every single year. I was the very opposite of an anti-vaxxer. But, today after everything we've seen, I believe the anti-vaxxers have been right all along. I didn't know about the history of vaccines until this nightmare and whatever happens more and more people have been awakened to the evil that is big pharma.

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Until I joined this group, I was not aware of this. My daughter has a severe fear of needles, so I know she’s only had a few vaccinations. However, I find this mind boggling. My daughter will be 32 and I always questioned and researched the necessity of any treatment she has received just as I have always done myself. I have rarely just taken any med without question.

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I asked a similar question ( How do we stop this?) over the weekend but I didn't receive a response.

At this point in time the only option is violent revolt but I don't see that happening in America.

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Parents will eventually be held accountable for harming their children. No excuse will ever be acceptable.

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Sadly, I don’t we can. It’s something these people have to learn the hard way. This is and will tear many families apart. Just like couples who lose a child often can’t survive their marriages/relationships with SO, especially in cases where it’s unclear if something different was done would have had a different outcome.

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They keep denying that's there's any evidence of harm. There's so much evidence it is oozing out of their pores. Lying effing bastards!!! I've had my rant...

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There is no evidence of harm because harm takes years to shake out, that's why medications/vaccines have traditionally taken years to certify as safe.

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But VAERS is showing plenty of harm. Except Fraudci and its FDA/CDC mafia are denying the validity of the VAERS reports. There are over 16K deaths so far, and tens of thousands of permanent disabilities.

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Also, many ppl that know say its a tiny fraction of the true numbers. When you have most of the Drs. Of the mindset to not make any connection as directed from above them, that is what is happening. The govt has taken away a Drs right and training to practice medicine in order to jab as many as possible or everyone as quickly as possible. Groupthink tyranny.

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Dr. John Campbell says this often in his videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOyB2PyRf-k

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oh so let's just keep moving forward and letting people die while they 'shake' it out? wake up!!!

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My point was the opposite of what you are saying. It should have taken years to find out, but in haste we threw out all past protocols.

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I am sorry I misinterpreted your comment :( They are doing everything opposite the rules (that they made) The harm should be acknowledged but they refuse to even pause to investigate.

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No problem. Thanks

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But haven’t you heard? We have to start shooting kids with it to find out how safe it is: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/kitten-corner-drug-testing-on-mancubs/comments

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One of the ACIP panel, Dr Wilbur Chen, infectious disease specialist in University of Maryland system, Baltimore, raked in $437,000 on 2020, mostly from Emergent Bio Solutions, a fraction of that from GSK. "Consulting" payments. Emergent is responsible from mass production of JJ vax but it was found necessary to toss some 2+million doses because their process was so shitty. They also bungled a lot of Astra Zeneca doses. Search for Emergent on Wikipedia. Filthy

I spent a good part of the morning emailing the CDC director, Becerra and others to ask this guy Chen to be recused from tomorrow's vote. I also contacted my congressman (Maryland) to encourage him to get this guy bounced and to examine his other votes for ACIP.

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Good luck! Bacerra was AG here in Ca. before he went to DC. I knew when they took him this admin was going to be criminal. He was horrible for this state and as when you see him questioned by Congress has no conscience or care for anyone but himself. Nothing good will come from him.

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