If you keep sending emails like this you can send me one every 10 minutes or so:)

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I love your emails!

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haha same!!!

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Me too!

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Double counting leads to losers

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Alex, this is exactly why I wish you would stop claiming that republicans concerns about secure elections are not warranted. Last year we saw an unprecedented change in the way our democracy holds elections and there was far too many of these types of instances across the country happening.

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Exactly! “Nothing to see here” while opening tons of suitcases for ONLY BIDEN VOTES!! 🤬

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And the counting of poorly-photocopied votes!

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I’m afraid I have to agree… AZ here… after almost 2 years of fighting high powered dem Attys as to even being able to have a recount … we were able to discover so much fraud.. which is what we wanted to find out. It wasn’t about overturning anything.. it was about discovering fraud. Votes from addresses that didn’t even exist. Etc etc. so much. It’s horrendous. The media spin didn’t want to talk about that-only that it made no difference. Even after so much evidence had been destroyed that we couldn’t even look at. Hard drives mysteriously just gone. It’s a dangerous situation when our ONLY voice -is our vote. Without that- we have no voice. Anybody that has nothing to hide would never fight that hard or spend so much money to stop a simple recount. It made them look so bad.

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In WA, we had a governors election a few years ago. The Republican won until the continued to do recounts until the democrat won. WA is a corrupt state.

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Another Washingtonian here, and I remember that vividly. Three recounts until the Dems got the number they wanted and then said "OK, that's enough!". That warped my view of elections for eternity.

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Mine too!

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Dino Rossi ran that year and won the first count, dems wanted a recount bc it was close enough to warrant it. Dems lost the recount even though they found more ballots! Then a second recount and dems found "more ballots". Dino lost the race after the election race and two recounts! Wowza.

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It's not just Republicans who know there's massive cheating. I'm sure it's been going on for years in multiple ways on multiple levels by both parties, but I survived the 2016 Nevada caucus as a Bernie delegate. There were many states with hinky caucuses then, and in 2020, with 2020 reaching new levels of corruption. The Iowa dem party admitted that they rigged their caucuses last year. It's hard for me to undery how anyone could deny even the potential for cheating with computer voting and mail-in ballots.

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Such short memories. Twenty years ago all the big Dems were screaming about hanging chads and the court intervening and and and AL GORE WON! Hell, even in 2017 all the major media outlets were hemming and hawing and posturing and speculating about "Russian hackers" and such. But 2020? Ah nope, securest election ever.

It's a clown show. Nobody serious actually sincerely believes the fraud isn't rampant, although many pretend or just can't be bothered to look at the evidence. And of course it's both sides, they answer to the same big donors and are blackmailed by the same intel agencies. Uniparty.

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Right, and this is on such a smaller level. We saw the same thing last night with virginia, yes, okay, in the end they ended up winning.

There have been at least half a dozen stories between Virginia and New Jersey about "rescanning ballots," VA they went from 97% vote in back down to 94% because they "forgot about 40% of the early ballots," now this story, etc.

It's not like they aren't trying to commit fraud, they're just getting caught this time.

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TC17: "... they're just getting caught this time." I agree, but where are the repercussions and justice? Where is the jail time? If there are no consequences, nothing will change next time. They're way past "shaming" and still don't care.

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ExACTLY. That's what I keep saying, asking, every time I read about another instance of fraud proven in the 2020 election. I just..don't..get..it! I mean I do, now...now that the details are coming out on the forces behind everYthing surrounding the pLandemic, the same forces behind the fraudulent election, and the magnitude of those forces. I guess what I don't get is, how we're supposed to stop them, this ever increasing madness, if the forces are so great that the rules, laws, our Constitution!!...nOne of it apparently applies to them!?! Such a horrific feeling of defeat over and over again... : (

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Naunie4TrthXpsd - in my opinion, the corruption is extremely (and I do mean extremely) wide and deep. Not only are many (most?) politicians, their families and their aides corrupt, but we're also learning that Judges and District Attorneys and many Lawyers are deeply corrupt as well. Apparently, so are the FBI and IRS and their kin.

Obama began "running off" many of the top level military leadership and replaced/promoted HIS favored people into those positions.

We've known about the MSM for some time now, but we're learning how deeply this goes into our colleges, high schools, junior highs and even elementary schools. I've only recently become aware of how corrupt many of the school boards have become!

Other than trying to vote intelligently with prayer and study, I'm pretty much powerless. This is full-blown Ephesians 6, full armor of God stuff. No "man" can fix this without God's direct involvement and guidance. We must each do what we can, but we must, MUST, seek God's help throughout the entire process.

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Meant to say, "ThAnk You!", earlier on for your response. It's becoming more and more evident what you stated is entirely true - "This is full-blown Ephesians 6, full armor of God stuff. No "man" can fix this without God's direct involvement and guidance. We must each do what we can, but we must, MUST, seek God's help throughout the entire process."

God help us all!! 🙏🏻

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One error could be an “honest mistake”. When multiple errors occur, all benefiting one side, it’s not honest!

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David, that's always been my perspective!

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I was wondering if I was the only one who caught that last night. The math kept changing late.

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That's the thing we, the rest of the world, can't understand.

You're the fucking most powerful and technologically advanced nation on the face of earth.

Voting by mail is too much of third-world stuff that shouldn't even be considered as a possibility in the most advanced nation of earth.

Please folks! this is unacceptable!

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Yup. But I follow Alex for his exemplary coverage of the Scamdemic, not elections. Centrists are like agnostics when it come to politics. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

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I would agree, I consider myself a centrist in a way. Ive voted both ways in the past, libertarian more than Democrat or republican.

You appreciate Alex for his cover of the pandemic because he is a truth teller. But in order to be a truth teller, you have to tell the whole truth. By not only ignoring very real evidence of voter fraud, but then actually going so far as to insult people, doesn't really lend a whole lot to credibility in my opinion.

I think he's actually thinking the opposite, but as someone who is pretty level and objective with how I approach things, I guess I just didn't really appreciate his take.

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The true centrist were the American founding fathers. Both parties are far left nowadays.

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Remember, as much as we like Alex, he used to work for the New York Times.

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Oh we don’t forget that! 😂😂

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Good grief. I imagine you read a page or two of it in your life, too.

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I’m 75 yo . Grow up Barbie.

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Barbie is 70. Yo.

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Still infantile, are you?

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Not sure why you're looking for a fight or how you've chosen that nonsequitur as an insult. All of us by this age have done something someone else doesn't like. For some, that includes working for bosses that we no longer hold in high esteem. It seems extremely wokish to cancel someone's good work because of that, or to try to be offended by someone whose opinion on a sidebar subject is immaterial to the subject at hand. Alex worked for NYT. He no longer does. But because he once did, he was able to dig up and present data-based arguments that would have gotten others without that traction cancelled outright. So, I don't really give a rat's tail whether he thinks people like me are whiners for knowing that elections have been stolen, primarily by the donkeys. I'm interested in the unassailable information he provides on how covid is the basis for theft of liberty.

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"Get my boys to bring the voters out. And then count the votes over and over again 'til they added up right, and he was elected."

Edward G. Robinson, as Johnny Rocco,explaining his favorite hand recount techniques in "Key Largo."

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Democrats/liberals were hyperaware of election fraud ever since Bush 'won' in 2000, until 2016. Now election fraud doens't exist, even a little bit.

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Love Alex but he is fighting the idea he is really Conservative and doesn’t want to admit it.

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correct and #realistic statement...

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Alex thinks calling his supporters losers is a winning strategy. Terry McAuliffe also thought telling parents that the state owned their kids was a winning strategy

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Uh-oh Alex, weren't you just telling all of us Trumpers that complaining about stolen elections was a loser move?? Sounds like someone just opened one eye.

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And Alex—- If you keep posting a bunch today… the “everybody calm down” and “quit whining” post will scroll off their screens. Clever.

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Election integration is the basis of our republic. Everyone should be concerned.

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Complaining about it is one thing; Doing something about it is another. I prefer the "doing" part. Voter fraud is nothing new,it's how JFK won in 1960 ! Has it been fixed, NO!!

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twistertim: Without consequences, NOTHING will change!

I don't want revenge (that's best left up to God Almighty).

I DO want justice.

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He's been saying from day 1 that whining about allegedly stolen elections was a loser move. And he's right

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Telling others what to think and do bleeds into "taboo topics" and groupthink.

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I'd say all the losers on both sides of the aisle crying about fraud every time they lose an election is the epitome of group think. It's one thing that losers on the left and right have in common: the pathetic inability to accept defeat with dignity.

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🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I agree with comments on the election shenanigans last year. There was no reason to stop counting and then start counting again at 3am in key Dem areas. That alone is suspicious and so is transporting ballots across state lines. With that said, if we do NOT have election integrity then all is lost. We are no different then Venezuela or Cuba. The Democrats have a documented history of cheating and unfortunately many centrists just play nice guy. That has to stop. Nothing has ever been accomplished by sitting on one's hands so as citizens let's all get involved in our local elections and this will stop.

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Vote early and often is an old Democrat slogan.

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We don’t mind the emails, Alex (as long as you stop claiming that the democrats didn’t cheat in 2020).

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Double counted...an honest mistake no doubt...

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Yeah, it was supposed to be quadruple counted!

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We need governors like Youngkin, Ciatarelli, Desantis, and West Virginia’s Jim Justice. Reasonable candidates with achievable goals can win if they stand up for our kids and their education.

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If Dems can’t easily win Governor’s offices in all-blue states, maybe Obama, Biden, Sanders and Harris should stay home. Those four socialists put the spotlight on the soulless Democrats and their proposals, exposing their anti-parent and anti-American policies.

The ‘get out and stay out’ message was sent to the far left.

But we’ll have to keep sending the message, over and over, as they’re not too bright.

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Doc, I came to the conclusion a few decades ago that democrats don't win elections via vote totals, Their "wins" are always faked into existence with the support of the news and entertainment media.. That party went over to the dark side with FDR.

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Why are there no knock knock jokes about America?


Let’s go BRANDON!

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Who's there?


Brandon Who?

Fuck Joe Biden !

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Lifelong Resident of once great commonwealth of Pa (we did get the constitution done). Another silver lining of the covid crisis, the re-emergence of Federalism. Not so long ago, the race for governor was a real yawner for most. Not anymore. Yes, there is power at the federal level, but all politics are local. Federalism will rule the day. Where will you live when the next covid comes? Suddenly school boards matter, suddenly your local state rep matters. I have much less faith in ANY and I mean ANY politician than I do in my fellow Americans. Federalism is and will continue to alter the course of our United States. And like minded people, given remote work and other flexibilities to come, will trigger massive continued migration to States that welcome YOUR particular beliefs. It will accelerate. It took a few hundred years, but Federalism is back. See you all in Tx, Florida, Va. or NJ sometime soon.

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But, but, but if you’re concerned about election accuracy and integrity you’re a conspiracy nut right Alex?

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Specifically a right-wing one.

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Double counting? Especially a blue county? Nothing to see here. No thumb on the scale at all, folks. It was just an honest mistake…

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I'm interested in how and who discovered the double count.

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Careful, Alex. Starting to sound a lot like a "Trumpster" by highlighting some obviously fraudulent election practices by people with the blue ties. Your recent post regarding stolen elections and election fraud really did not age well, and it's not even 5 hours old. Lolcatz

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Double counted?? Wtf. This is going to require an audit no matter who wins.

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We love your informative emails! Thank you! ❤

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From my perspective, I don't mind *any* of Alex's posts, even ones I disagree with, even ones I disagree vehemently with.

I didn't become a paying subscriber to his Substack because I want to remain in my safe-space infobubble. I'm a paying subscriber because I want independent journalists to survive and to thrive. I don't want him to tell me what I want to hear; I want him to tell me what HE thinks. It makes ME a better citizen, because it challenges me to examine my own views and opinions against his (and against Greenwald's and Taibbi's and Bari's and Emerald's, all independent journos for whom I'm a paying subscriber; plus Caroline Glick's and bad cattitude's, neither of whom have paying levels yet).

I'll rebut Alex when I think he's wrong, I'll re-orient my opinion when he makes a better argument than I can. And I'll use his information to beat and flog idiot Leftists and Democrats (but I repeat myself) every chance I get.

This is engaging in the arena of ideas, and I'm damn glad he's out there doing it. Just my two cents' worth.

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Oh for goodness' sake, you sound like one of those rational people.

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Heaven help us...save us from that kind.

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Yes! Thank you!!!

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Alex. Keep them coming.

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This seems like whiny loser talk.

Sorry to be a broken record on this, Alex. I was gobsmacked by the level of disrespect, and the irony of your content this morning continues to amaze.

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I want to understand your perspective. What do you mean by his disrespect and irony?

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Disrespect is calling your readers (and often paid subscribers) "whiners" and "losers" for questioning election integrity.

Irony is sending a flurry of emails today about the NJ/VA elections illustrating a stream of irregularities that would make people question election integrity without realizing that it's precisely what the "whining losers" in his audience are talking about.

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Ya, I was uncomfortable with that remark as well. Regarding the stream of emails, I see that as less of an election result irregularities warning and more of an attempt to illustrate how close this election is and that vaccine mandates are not as much a consensus as many in the media convey that they are. That was only my impression, though. He seems to be looking for vindication, if you will, that there is a silent, sizable part of the population that is expressing the same opinion on this matter at the ballot box.

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I don't think anyone here, even those angered at being insulted, would argue those points.

The irony is not intentional, is my point- this very article is an announcement of an "irregularity' of a district's overwhelmingly Dem-favoring votes being counted DOUBLE. I understand that the closeness, not the irregularity, is the reason why Alex posted it. The irony is that it illustrates the point that the audience he insulted has tried to make.

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Alex is a troll. He's having fun. He will also never admit he was wrong

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Hmmm...maybe you're right, although trolling these days and assertive opinion / building profile seems difficult to distinguish, at least for me. Interesting about your note on never admitting he is wrong....I'll have to keep an eye out for this. Thanks Diane. He certainly doesn't give me that sense, given his writing sensibility, but I've not been following him for long. I truly enjoy his fresh style and I'm sooooooo tired of mainstream writers who just seem to be repeating a party line. Nice to get someone at least who seems to be in that centrist zone and writes more out of passion and personal opinion than advancing the opinions and platform of a particular politician or party.

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Curiously, or not, there have been several high profile, supposedly conservative-leaning pontificators who seem to be resurrecting their own anti-Trump Lincoln Party today. Beware of the uniparty phony Conservative. We’ve had enough of Graham, McConnell, Kinzinger, Romney, Cheney, Meijer, etc. etc. How to recognize a uni-party member? See their comments on 1/6 and Charlottesville.

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Many people think that disagreeing = disrespect 🙃

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Straw man.

Name calling is disrespect.

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Plz share & keep us updated!!!!!!!!

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"Wisconsin’s Racine County’s GOP now is getting in the act. Over 23,000 voters were identified with the same phone number and over 4,000 with the same registration date of 1/1/1918" - - - just sayin', Alex

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Double counted! Love ya, Alex, but this certainly flies in the face of the sentiment expressed a couple emails ago.

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Amazing how the voter irregularities seemingly always come from a Dim district.

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Oh but theres no election problems - certainly not. I'd really like to know how many of these "mistakes" benefit republicans...

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This race is exactly why the voting process needs to be rock-solid.

Unfortunately many do not trust it…

Supposedly, when JFK ran against Nixon. Mayor Daley in Cook County IL didn’t report ANY results until the results from the rest of Illinois were in. Then, bam, Cook County dropped their vote total and it was enough to make Kennedy president.

Supposedly, Richard J. Daley was Kennedy’s first official visitor to the White House.

That’s what people worry about…

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Is it really a coincidence that an "early" vote that favored the Democrat by a ratio of nearly 4:1 was double counted? Count my vote as highly skeptical.

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So far, the news from Virginia has omitted something important:

Virginia’s State House turned Republican.

The democrats lost 7 seats to the GOP giving the majority to the Republicans

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CNN now has Murphy up by 15,000 votes.

the same tricks and gaslighting as usual. Dem candidate down the night of election, and miraculously they find enough votes the next day to compensate. This bullshit has to stop. you need to decide on election night who is the winner - period !

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No, the BS is tolerating and negotiating with the sociopathic Left!

Nov 2022 will not be a joke, but the finally insult and demise of what is left of Amerrika by then...

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Even if the conservatives do not “win,” to have made this kind of impact with a relative unknown …is incredible. Go JACK! Thanks Prince Berenson!

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Flood away!

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As a resident of Hudson county, I can tell you that it has to be one the most corrupt in the US (and maybe planet).

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Hard not to see NJ Gov race as at least partly a direct repudiation of the vaccine mandates, lockdowns and otherwise hard line stance by Murphy, that produced only mixed results at best. The people are speaking up and it's a beautiful thing to see as someone who has been completely baffled why so much actual science is being ignored by dems.

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It was leaked that Murphy was implementing mandates once election was over. Actually what happened in Jersey is great news for Lee Zeldin and New York next year. A republican win in NY is very possible. I will definitely become a poll watcher in 2022

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Because for Dems (Demoncraps), "science" means Fauci's (I am science), https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/'s, and the "Public Health" establishment's edicts. Has nothing to do with the scientific method or verification.

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I was being too generous - you're right, though, results were poor in NJ

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I love Alex and all of his Covid work but I have to conclude he may suffer from a mild, and unacknowledged, case of TDS when it comes to election integrity. I even understand that he doesn't have the time to do a deep (or even shallow) dive to review the uncontested evidence in multiple states. My guess is that he fears it will cause him to be thought of as a foil hat wackjob to suggest that those who want to to inject children with the vaccine are too honest to rig an election. I'd rather have him admit his complete lack of knowledge about the subject (or ignore it completely) than lecture those who raise legitimate concerns about election integrity.

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Weird how double counting NEVER favors Republicans. But an “honest mistake?” LOL

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Alex, when and if covid is ever relegated back to the dump heap, perhaps you could turn that unflinching gaze of yours to election fraud. We all figure fraud/cheating happens — in both camps. But what extent, really? At this point you know the players uncovering it and what they have found. Yet, it needs a storyteller. Are you up for it? The smears against election integrity peeps are just as bad as the smears against covid-vaccine doubters. Makes ya go “hmmm.”

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It is astonishing that in this day and age, the People who put men on the moon and safely home again, the People who built the Hoover Dam and the Empire State Building and the space shuttle and are the Leaders of the Free World without whom all of mankind would be enslaved under totalitarianism...

...it is astonishing that we cannot f*cking count votes better than kindergarteners.

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In case you haven't noticed, we aren't that people (i.e. nation) anymore. Have you looked at what the demographics have done since 1965?

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When we built Hoover and ESB, Jim Crow still raged in the South. That was before 1965. In the 1970s (e.g. after 1965) we built not one but TWO Voyager spacecraft that half-a-century later are still going strong (14 and 11 billion miles from earth).

1965 has *nothing* to do with the fact that *some* of us can't count any better than kindergarteners. And that would be Democrats, because as Stalin (may have) said, it's not *who* votes, it's who *counts* the votes that matters.

Corruption and dishonesty and anti-Americanism have been hallmarks of the Democrat Party for decades.

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Send all the emails you want. Your readers are grown ups, they know how to do email management. Right, everyone??

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Right, CinnamonGirl !!

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Alex, lifetime Democrat here who used to roll her eyes at people talking about election fraud. After watching how the media handles covid and vaccines, I'm not so sure anymore. At this point I just don't believe anything they print. Period.

I can't stand Trump and even so the media bias against him (and for Biden) seems almost laughable to me. Maybe there was election fraud, maybe not. I'd like to hope not, but until I have information that I actually find credible, I'll reserve judgement on this question and I'll stop mocking the people who bring it up.

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ALL anyone has ever wanted is for EVERY LEGAL VOTE to be counted ONCE. That's all. One CITIZEN, ONE vote. A FAIR and HONEST election, whatever the outcome. To be SURE about that is the challenge. Maybe all these people from every party watching over vote-counting will help. Broken trust is hard to get back.

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I agree thanks for this email- they need to audit this New Jersey election - NOW

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It's not so much whining about stolen elections as realizing that radically different voting systems (thrown together in months by panic stricken bureaucrats on zoom) are bound to have flaws. And whether it's loosening signature verification to the point of irrelevance, or accidentally doubling votes, the flaws just so happen to reward the novel voters, at the expense of in-person voters on election day.

We should consider whether the fragility introduced by these drastic alterations to voting systems is worth the convenience they offer. Was voting in person, on election day, so bad?

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So double counted? Are they stupid or devious, asking for a Trumpser.

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You can send them. Not a problem.

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Are you kidding? Keep us posted! Email us hourly!!

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You can write as much as you want about this election because New Jersey is "ground zero" for government infringing people's rights over a virus that only affects a small amount of the population.

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LOL this is actually hilarious - keep emailing! How often can you watch a collective freak out by the left unfold in real time

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Who else is sick and tired of Democrat election miracles in earl morning hours after Election Day? It’s always the ‘mail in ballots’ which should have counted FIRST.

All we do is signal to them on Election Day how many miracle mail in ballots they need

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Sorry, Alex, but I resent your suggestion that "Trumpsters" are almost paranoid or something about voter fraud. Take Joe Biden for example. Do you REALLY believe he got 81 million votes in 2020 -- more than ANY OTHER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IN AMERICAN HISTORY??? THAT demented, incompetent fool who barely knows his own name?? With that, and with Democrats working overtime to eliminate voter I.D. nationally, You KNOW there's fraud going on!

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ethical skeptic who has survived, barely, on twitter by being abstruse reminds us that elections must be "above suspicion" as caesars wife.... 2020 did not meet that standard, yet!

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Ed - isn't it funny to imagine the 20 year old fact-checkers trying to read Ethical Skeptic's posts? I find that massively entertaining.

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his posts are thought provoking and at times challenging. critical thinking is a science that is lost today. sadly, teaching using critical thinking is very effective...... that it is not allowed is evil.

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Even if Murphy wins, Democrats should be more chilled by this than Virginia. New Jersey is deep blue, and the GOP put forth no effort.

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The interesting thing about Virginia is that it would be a solidly Red State if not for all the Federal Government Dem employees who work in Washington and commute to their homes in just a few Northern Virginia counties. If a Republican President ever took a sharp axe to the Federal payrolls in DC, Virginia would turn solidly Red again as those unemployed Dems would move out. And the Loudon County School District (one of the few Blue counties in Northern Virginia) would start teaching normal grade school curricula again.

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NJ is not deep blue, not by a long shot. If Fascist Phil wins re-election he will just double down on his authoritarian policies. He cares only about his own power - not nj businesses, or the flight of tax payers, and certainly not your kid at school and the god given right to decide your own medical choices.

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New Jersey has a Democratic governor, two Democratic U.S. Senators, ten Democratic House Representatives and only two Republican House Representatives. I’m from Alabama and I’ve lived in South Carolina for 15 years. That is deep blue compared to red states.

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Sulfur Dioxide used to be the official State chemical, but then they shut down the oil refineries along the Turnpike. 8-)

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The thing with Jersey politics for the longest time is its 3 parts Dem, 2 Parts Repub, and 1 Part Indie. Been that way since the New Yaawkers started moving into the Northeast Corridor sections in the 1980s. For a Repub to win Statewide in New Joisey, they need an issue, and Murphy sure gave them a bundle.

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