Here is what journalism - with “reporters” like Elizabeth Dwoskin - have devolved into:

What is occurring world-wide right now is a coup right out of Yuri Bezmenov's USSR empire building playbook. Global totalitarianism is heading our way if we do not all work together to stop it.

The WEF and the CFR are using the media as the fourth-estate-fifth-column puppet mouth-pieces of the totalitarian Davos crowd who are working day and night to enslave us all.


The treasonous journalists are playing a major role in the demoralization and destabilization stages of the coup we are experiencing. They create the fear and uncertainty and division and hatred.

In addition they amplify the roller coaster of locking down and opening up, of loosening and tightening of restrictions, all while gaslighting the public endlessly with shifting narratives (vaccine works, then doesn't, then it does again), and of course they manipulate each side of the political divide into blaming and hating each other - all of which are part of what makes the PSYOP so effective.

These mind-games are a major component of the demoralization phase where people begin to grow more and more mentally exhausted from the constantly shifting goalposts, social rules, and behavioral expectations, that they eventually just throw their hands up and stop resisting.

Watch this, it is crucial to understanding what is occurring:


The four stages of this totalitarian takeover are:

Demoralization > Destabilization > Crisis > Normalization

Crisis is on deck. If you do not have at least a year’s supply of food get it.


If anyone cares to dig deeper, take my word for it an watch the following two videos:



The goal is to turn the world into a single administrative unit. Meaning one entity owns and controls everything on this planet. Including you.

The WEF says that “by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy”, and they aren’t kidding... unless we stop them.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Edit: fortiori has turned this into a shareable article. If you found this information worthwhile please share it so we can the word out and end this madness:


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American MSM now resembles the Tass News Agency of the Soviet Union. The WaPo (Pravda) / Bezos arrangement is closer to fascism. State sponsored corporate media. Either way, the abdication of genuine media RESPONSIBILITY is sickening. Glenn Greenwald has been barking at them. Odd that a Reagan conservative like myself finds Berenson and Greenwald ( 2 men of the left) to be among the almost extinct genuine investigative journalists out there. And God bless Tucker for having the balls to give them both exposure.

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I would add Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi to that list. They're honest journalists, doing the job that all the others are not doing.

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Alex, Bari, Glenn, and Matt (plus el gato malo) are the five Substacks I pay for!

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And I may be to the Right of Attila the Hun.

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But you recognize honesty when you see it, and it doesn't matter where it comes from.

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And, I don't mind if they write something I disagree with. I like a good give-and-take, and have written comments critical of things that Bari has written, that Nellie Bowles has written (in Bari's Substack), that Alex has written, and if I were smarter and more knowledgeable I might write something in disagreement with Glenn...but damn, he's friggin' smart. So I tread lightly there.

Thing is, unlike the Left, most of us on the Right don't *want* to live in a safe space echo chamber bubble.

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Me too. But we RECOGNIZE and appreciate REAL journalism

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Thank you. I do follow Taibbi and agree. Will check Weiss out.

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I agree, the world has gone topsy turvy.

Speaking of the media, the Tass News Agency, and Greenwald:


Before when the CIA infiltrated the media with 'Operation Mockingbird' and other operations they at least had the decency to be secret about it.

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The honesty is kind of useful though.

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The War against these Fascist in the MSM is on ! And they will lose !!

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Pravda is a Russian word that literally translates to "truth", Google the translation to see for yourself. The irony that they named their newspaper truth is amazing.

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That is what most propaganda organs try to do, part of the propaganda is the propaganda about their own role. Often propaganda organ's mottos are designed to directly disavow exactly how they are propagandizing you.

For instance, as Chris Hedges noted: back when he worked at the NYTimes they were extremely accurate with reporting (arguably much less true now, but that was some time ago), but they would lie constantly via omission. I.e. everything the printed was true and heavily fact checked (properly, not the more recent propaganda fact checking), they just would omit anything that didn't tell the story they wanted to tell. If there was nothing that could be used to properly tell the story they wanted to tell they just wouldn't run the story, ignore it entirely either forever or until there were enough truths they could selectively use to tell a story they preferred and then they would go with that.

So their propaganda function was traditionally to shape truths by only telling the truths useful to the propaganda they were pushing. In light of this, what is their motto? "All the news that fit to print" -- i.e. "there are no truths worth knowing about other than the ones we chose to print." The motto is designed to match how the propaganda works. Pravada just lies and says whatever about whatever , so Praveda motto is "truth." NYTimes lies via omission (and increasingly many other way, but that is more recent development) and its motto is basically "nothing else to hear/know but what we cover."

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Not irony. Intentional misdirections. Hell, that’s what they do with language. The PEOPLE’s REPUBLIC of China? Lol.

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It is WaPo, NYT, NBC, CNN, MSNBC... and all the rest of corporate media who have been purveyors of misinformation. That's why polls show the public's trust in them has collapsed.

Alex could have asked Elizabeth Dwoskin, "You know, it's your employer who spreads misinformation.

"You know this, right?"

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Interestingly, National Review, admittedly a RINO and increasingly irrelevant publication, is also piling on: https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/01/alex-berensons-dangerous-covid-vaccine-claims-on-tucker-carlson-tonight/?fbclid=IwAR1PH95xf7Ho-dRaHMWFVkOEw9F01CRIRbaXUeDN3P6xOlaAxcSSdenfAwM

I would take issue with the lede based upon everything we are learning: "The data clearly show that these vaccines are safe for almost everyone. So why are Fox News viewers being told the opposite?" The author, John McCormack, also takes a shot at Tucker Carlson.

Many of the comments to the article are reassuring, with many highly critical of NRs decision to publish the article in the first place, citing to Alex's data-driven support for his opinions. Alex obviously hit a very raw nerve and corporate media are aligning to mount a sustained counter-attack. Let's see if Alex gets the Lara Logan treatment from Fox.

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Nothing surprises me about the National Review. I was a long time subscriber until they came out against Trump before his election. Total RINOs.

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They and the Weekly Standard both turned whore in the campaign for the 2016 election. That actually meant they supported Hillary. No matter what you thought of Trump, a vote for Hillary was unthinkable.

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I read your link. Something one seldom sees when a professional writer publishes in a well-known publication- the commenters as a group seem to know more about the subject matter than the author.

Thanks for the link.

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John McCormack seems like an upstart attack puppy judging from the few articles of his that I’ve read. Most likely he is to the NR Editorial Board what that weird little kid who we all grew up with was who would eat literally anything the big kids would give him.

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I read three sentences and stopped. But they email me weekly to subscribe. What would William Buckley think about his publication today?

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I subscribed to NR for a year. Spent a lot of that undermining the "DOJ is staffed with nothing but professionals" message from Andrew McCarthy.

I'm still occasionally tempted to subscribe so I can comment (my worst vice). But just don't want to give them my $.

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That’s me in a nutshell but I let my subscription lapse because even the value of commenting was eclipsed by the regular doses of garbage from the likes of Kevin D. Williamson and similar writers who have no basis for appearing in a supposedly “paleo-conservative” publication.

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Yep. Completely agree. Also chose not to renew. Read a couple of Kevin's columns, but he didn't wear well. A lot of noise, signifying nothing.

One exception in the NR stable- Kyle Smith isn't so much political, but his writing is awesome. Wish I could turn a phrase and reference classical literature the way he does. I envy his abilities.

I'll miss him.

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Buckley would be horrified but then the GOP, and probably the country, would be unrecognizable to him.

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Mass formation psychosis

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RFK Jr has a podcast this week interviewing a Psychologist/Professor on Mass Formation. It was so enlightening I am going to listen to it again. Highly recommend

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Thanks for the recommendation, Pepperwood!

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I would add one more stage, US specific, and the DEMS are trying their darnedest to bring this forward.....No ID elections, Widespread Mail-in Ballots, Extended Time to Vote.

Representative Republic >> To MOB Democracy ( Something Our Founding Fathers did not want as part of our form of Government) MOB democracy ultimately Demoralizes the Populous.

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What you say is correct. Because of the court cases and resistance, they are now failing, and need no doubt a distraction of a war. Like the vicious animals they are, trapped in the corner, they are fighting harder and don't care about the slaughter and damage.

But the resistance is becoming a tsunami. When my mask-loving, child mask supporter, 3 time jabbed friend actually doesn't argue when I tell her the mask holes are larger than the virus and she instead of arguing merely expresses surprise, I know the tsunami is traveling closer and closer and will hit soon. (Of course that is a reason to keep, not stop, resisting.)

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A "communist coup"? Please at least get your terms straight.

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That is the merely playbook they are using. The goal is not communism but totalitarianism although some would argue they are one in the same.

I removed the word communist

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Jan 27, 2022Edited
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I removed the word communist, I apologize for the confusion. The goal is totalitarianism, but they are using the same playbook the USSR used in order to destabilize and demoralize a country before taking it over

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It’s called a new world order .

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NEO NAZI is communism. The distinctions do not amount to even splitting hairs. THE FUNDAMENTALS are the same and the war against freedom is shaped to make their suppposedly heroic interventions appear justfied by those who resist that war. Fight back and you are the enemy. Comply and you are the enslaved enemy. If it comes to down to it, it will become the duty of each of us to escape this enslavement even if we are recaptured over and over. WE MUST BECOME DISTRUPTORS. And now is the time to do our utmost and push THEM back farther and farther into oblivion. They fear us. They will not show mercy. Nor should we. Their political power must be starved and suffocated in broad daylight for all the world to witness.

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Yes there is no complying your way out of tyranny. Just ask this guy:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” -Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

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I have just finished Chapter 4 of the unabridged Gulag audiobook. I was thinking how AS was just documenting and interviewing everything and everyone he could with only a hope and conviction that it would eventually all see the light of day.

Now, according to J Peterson, Russian school children read it.

Whatever his publisher says, this should be Alex’s outlook. And Alex has nothing on Solzhenitsyn when it comes to bitter sarcasm.

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"NEO NAZI is communism." Its really not. There are many many terrible forms of civilization and government, not all of them are communism and many of them were invented long before communism was ever even a tiny twinkle in anyone's eye.

For what it is worth, the "you will own nothing and be happy" trajectory the elites want for us most closely resembles neither communism nor fascisms ("Nazism") but feudalism, which far predates both communism and fascism and is thus neither. True, the new plan apparently has some new quaisi-comy and quaisi-fascist components added to it to update the old feudalist concepts with more recent developments in horrible government and modern tyranny, but the proposed system is still fundamentally feudalist and neither communist nor fascist despite these updates.

Not that it is relevant but "Nazism" fascisms really is very different then communism. Nazi's and communists fight throughout history almost implicitly. Its why George Orwell (a socialist) dropped everything and went to personally fight fascists in another country solely as praxis for his socialist beliefs. "But Nazi stands for National Socialist!" Yes, that is propaganda, the same way that "The Patriot Act" has absolutely nothing to do with patriotism, but its misleading name is used as a poison pill and a cudgel against actual patriots. History is filled with such things, like the USSR official Newspaper being called "Pravda" which is Russian for "Truth" which it was the exact opposite of.

People mistake that there are *TWO* political axis on the political spectrum: a left v.s. right, and perpendicular to that an authoritarian v.s. libertarian. Left authoritarians and right authoritarians tend to look very similar when just looking at the symptoms of their governance; its "horseshoe theory" and stems from the fact that when either left or right authoritarians are sufficiently authoritarian, their primary defining features is their authoritarian-ness neither there more subtle left or right leading underpinnings which take a back seat.

Its the same thing with libertarians. I see a lot of modern right libertarian citing historical left libertarians assuming those they cite were right leaning. But what the citers are responding to is what they have in common with those they are citing which is their libertarin-ness; something that is orthogonal to the entire left-right axis entirely. Modern right libertarians are very libertarian, but they don't even exist until about the mid 20th century, basically all libertarian movements before that were left-libertarian. This has hugely funny results as I have seen modern right-libertarians who are verging on anarchist in their beliefs, cite the works and deeds of historical anarchists under the assumption that they were right leaning too. But anarchists pre-mid 20th century were all of the Pierre-Joseph Proudhon philosophy of anarchism (anarcho-syndicalism,) which actually came from the same sources that inspired Marx. Indeed anarcho-syndicalism formed up alongside Marxism and both frequently (but certainly not always) agreed with the other in their developments and thoughts, with devotees to one or the other switching between the two as the two philosophies developed and individuals changed their preference in philosophical details.

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Neo Nazi? Please get your terms straight also.

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Jan 27, 2022Edited
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Corporate techno-feudalism.

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Good name. Technocracy and transhumanism are baked into the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


And DARPA is totally out of control.


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Actually, it is not “Nazism” at all. Nazism refers to THE specific political /ideological party. The Third Reich. The confluence of government / state with private corporate powers is usually referred to as FASCISM. I prefer , simply , to refer to these megalomaniacs as TOTALITARIANS. They are far similar to communists. Our MSM resembles TASS NEWS AGENCY, and the WaPo is Pravda.

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I would suggest Stalinist

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Co-dependency on steroids

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You're over the target, Alex, and they know it. Now imagine if you're triple vax-ed and you've just received that (your) email...imagine the feeling of blood rushing to your head, feeling faint, you start sweating...that moment when you realize you've been lied to for over a year and you've taken a "vaccine" that CANNOT be un-taken. It's called panick, Alex....they're panicking because they know the data you shared shows the truth and Americans are being lied to by the government we "elected" to protect us!! Hold The Line, Alex, the truth is one your side!!

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Hope this happens over here in Germany sometime soon.

A independent, trustworthy survey completed yesterday asked "I am willing to be vaccinated against coronavirus, AS MANY TIMES as the government recommends."

55% of people said yes!

And most people appear to believe that vaccine side effects are extremely rare.

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Recognize that polls are sometimes manipulated and used as demoralization tools and to manufacture consent.

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Which is why I wrote "independent, trustworthy survey". We have a journalist called Boris Reitschuster (a little bit like Alex Berenson) who pays for his own surveys with reputable companies. He formulates the questions well and also does surveys on questions that don't typically asked. (For example, he recently did one on vaccine side effects and found that 15% were reporting severe, 45% mild side effects.)

Considering what I see around me on a day-to-day basis here in Germany, the 55% is accurate.

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In the US, the idea of independent and trustworthy polls has become a joke. It’s too useful of a tool. Like news itself.

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Did 45% say no? Revolutions take just 3%. I know it is disheartening but remember, everyday people are coming to our side. No one from our side is going to their side.

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This is so frightening!

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"We're trying to discredit you publicly, why are you being so difficult about this?" - some minion from Amazon

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A point no doubt obvious to all who read this...

Either vaccines work, in which case the pandemic is over and we can all go back to normal, or they failed and we can all go back to normal.

Where is the logic in claiming they work and also setting your hair on fire and running around in a panic? I do not know of any other disease for which we have both an effective vaccine and an ongoing crisis.

At my sons school most kids are vaccinated AND masks are mandatory AND rapid testing 3 times a week is required. Who are the people who believe the vaccines do not work?

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REMEMBER: It’s not about the Virus; it’s about CONTROL.

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... and depopulation.

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Great point on the disconnect between ‘they work!’ and the ridiculous anxiety and endless non effective measures they keep pushing. Unfortunately covidians in mass psychosis are past the point of caring about logic, but It would be good if somebody could put together a list of logical absurdities. Vax passport for a shot that doesn’t prevent infection or transmission is another one with the coyote off the cliff and hasn’t looked down yet.

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The fact that they changed the longstanding term "vaccine failure" to "breakthrough infections" for the Chinese virus vaxxes should illustrate to everyone, even LIVs and simpletons, that the vaccines have failed.

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They DON’T WANT TO KNOW!! The sheeple can’t be wrong at this point; they’ve made a wrong, irreversible decision. So this is “willful ignorance,” the worst kind.

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It appears that though Lizzie is "just following orders."

Alex's reply sure looks like groundwork for a defamation suit against the Bezos-Post.

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I heard that in 2015 & 2016 she was the top package packer at the Seattle Amazon warehouse. This provided her with a 50% off coupon to the journalism school of her choice hence tomorrows "story".

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Alex winning a defamation suit is extremely unlikely. He is legally a public person. Jonathan Turkey has written several articles, blog posts on defamation if you're interested. I only play a lawyer on Substack and aren't available for consultation.

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I think Eric Sandman would beg to differ.

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It's unreal when you post actual information from government websites, including our own, and point out or conclude something different (than their manipulations of it), it's "misinformation." Don't let em get to you, Alex.

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Hi Alex! According to "the non-profit Center for Countering Digital Hate," citing data from the government of Israel is basically, like, you know, antisemitic. Also, Albert Bourla is, like, a veterinarian. Bet you didn't know that, Mr. Data-Pants!

For your info vets treat animals, not humans. So maybe next time you want to spread your misinformation, you should stick to quoting real doctors like Bill Gates.

-- Lizzziiieeee

PS - Why are you being so mean to me?

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HILARIOUS! I needed that. 👍

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Gurl, give it up...ha ha!

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Small correction, Lizzziiieeee: in the case of Bourla he kills the animals, calves in particular, with his “treatments” But it may explain why he keeps insisting that Ivermectin is horse paste.

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Haha! You're so right. The crazy thing is, they hate animals as much as they hate people. The whole WEF "You vill eat ze bugs" program...what happens to cows and chickens (really good for the Earth by the way when allowed to "free range") when meat is phased out?

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One of the biggest reasons this power grab has gotten this far is because these people are very comfortable with lying. In fact, they *know* they are lying and don't feel the least bit compelled to review facts or have objective dialogue about them. Facts don't factor into their willful intent. In fact, unabashed lying seems to be their main strategy and tactic. They simply ignore anyone who tries to challenge them with a rationale, fact-based argument. It's easy because they don't care. That's not their job. People like Ms. Dwoskin are paid to hold the line. She (sorry, if I *offend* you, Lizza, I don't know your pronouns) keeps repeating the lie over and over and over again without flinching. They're pretty certain if they do, enough mindless people will take it in, embrace it and regurgitate it until, I guess, their masters have secured world domination. I am hopeful there are enough smart, independent people who give a damn about their freedom to derail the plan and break these f**kers.

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Agree mostly, but consider the possibility that the purveyors of lies may lose the ability know they lie, or perhaps they never had the ability to begin with. The situation is not helped by the dumbing down of education which has taken place over many generations. Journalists are not taught even basic science or critical thinking skills in the best of times. It's much more important to "know" that White European males are the cause of all that ails the modern world, much more so than to know basic logical fallacies or how to do independent research.

I'm not a psychologist, but I believe that most forms of mental illness are grounded in the brain's lack of ability to perceive the real world with a sufficient degree of accuracy to reason competently. Surely, it's true that many (say) reporters know they are basically propagandists for hire, but we must allow that a certain portion are the so-called True Believers, that honestly believe the bullshit they spew and pass on; for whatever reasons, they are simply unable to process any facts to the contrary. Like most things in the world, it's not either/or, but some blend of those and other factors.

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Good points!

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I long for the day when someone with influence makes the point that anyone, regardless of political persuasion, who accuses someone else of misinformation is acting in bad faith. You could say, 'were you aware that your information was incorrect', or 'I believe you are misrepresenting the data' but 'misinformation' is nothing more or less than Orwellian doublespeak and code for not following the establishment line.

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Anything Democrats don't like is labeled misinformation.

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I've concluded that a majority of people are lazy, uncurious, or unintelligent when it comes to Covid and that makes them easily manipulated by Big Pharma owned media. No point even arguing with them. We're basically f'd.

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Must engage. If not, considered another person going along with the narrative, a dynamic that allowed the 3rd reich to get as far as they did.

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To engage means to solve the bigger problem of a health care industry that has a huge monetary incentive to keep people sick. Covid and its messy outcome is just another, bigger example of public health, medical, media, and government regulatory systems that have all been corrupted by Big Pharma. I'm telling you we're f'd. We'd need a grassroots effort to take the whole damn thing down and that ain't going to happen. (Though I do believe Covid may be the seed for Big Pharma's destruction but it will be a generational shift that will take decades.)

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“Generational shift” - I’m inclined to parrot your sentiment, only wish for quicker pain exposure.

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It's all very similar to how I had to teach my parents to advocate for their own health care -- they were used to the old days when you had a family doctor who knew you. These days it's so important to inform yourself about health and not just blindly trust the doctors and nurse practitioners, and many times you have to use the right words, such as "I need to be seen by the doctor" or "I've had this many times and I need antibiotics for it to go away" or "I am never sick so I know there is something wrong" or "I want an x-ray/MRI/etc." The doctors and nurses don't know us as people anymore.

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Elizabeth Dwoskin of the Washington Post is a non-playable character. It's cute that you think you can interact with her in ways that go against her programming. Unfortunately, until her software is upgraded, your response does not compute.

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The readers of the Washington Post are over 95% Commie Dem Jab Cult Members. The Washington Post is Commie Dem Propaganda. They will only print what the Commie Dems tell them to print.

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Which is why the pretense of engaging in dialogue in the interest of promoting “journalism” is pointless. Alex knows this, of course, as a NYT alum. Hopefully, he can read from their playbook and beat them at their own game.

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Love it - hit back - way to go

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"misinformation" = anything we disagree with

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Elizabeth, I am writing a piece based on evidence I've received from The Center For Deep State Media, which tracks & charts how the US Media has been co-opted by globalists intent on manipulating the US Public for their personal gain. Very specifically, the Department of Public Health Misinformation. You've been accused of pretending to be a journalist, while allowing Pfizer to buy off public health, big government, big media, social media and anyone else with a pulse, while somehow convincing 200 million US citizens to get jabbed with an experimental gene therapy with no safety history. Furthermore, you've been accused of ignoring data that any 12 year old science student could analyze and conclude that something's rotten in Denmark. How would you respond to the allegations that your actions are an embarrassment to the First Amendment?

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THAT will be posted to the WaPo's Twitter page before the day is through. I shan't use your name, however. But it's too good NOT to be out there for WaPo's sycophants to read.

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Go for it. I'm embarrassed for her and I'm not even a journalist.

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I hope I did it justice, although Twitter effed with it and only published the first 2 of 4 segments, so I had to go back in and add the 2 that they effed up.


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There is a parallel to the relentless assault on the truth being carried out by the mob. In the 1950s there was evidence that cigarettes caused lung disease including cancer. Big tobacco controlled the narrative and mass media since they were the largest advertiser and one of the largest political contributors. They cooked their own research using doctors and medical researchers and called it science. They shifted that strategy in the courtroom and their lawyer's successfully argued that is it was a personal choice and personal responsibility. It was 1998 more then 40 years later that big tobacco paid out the first big settlement. That is mostly because of insider Dr. Wigand, the man who knew that big tobacco was increasing the amount of nicotine in cigarettes making it more addictive. He blew the lid off the last defense of big tobacco at great personal cost. A movie, "The Insider," was inspired by his story which included efforts to mute his 60 minutes interview. The greatest failure of our democracy is a behemoth government controlled by corrupt bureaucrats. The greatest success is change brought about by its citizens often one person seeking the promise of democracy through truth. Unfortunately journalism and truth is not what the mass media or the Washington Post do.

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