Hmmmm. Why was it reassigned? New judges and re-distributing the case load?

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Honestly, if you are successful, it would be better to have the ruling come from an Obama appointee vs. a Trump appointee.

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This is true -- IF you’re successful.

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Why am I not surprised that the case suddenly got reassigned from a Trump-appointed judge to an Obama-appointed judge? 🤨

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It's called Judiciary Lottery.

The entire "justice" system is a crap shoot.


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With the emphasis on "crap"...

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But doesn't Judicary Lottery explain the initial assignment? What explains the RE-assignment?

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Perhaps like Black Jack--"hit me."

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Do you think it is that random? I suspect you would be surprised at the flexibility in case assignments in the system. I don't know for certain. No doubt there is an element of a random draw, but how much flexibility do you think there is for reassignment?

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I wonder if it's an exchange among judges. Does someone "owe" another a judge a favor?

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Gotta hate New York.

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Honestly, I would request a new judge. Obama appointed means there is most likely also a connection to Biden and that seems like quite a conflict of interest.

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Please explain why?

I contributed to your fund earlier today on the basis that a real judge was appointed. This Obama appointee in NY will be no different from Alvin Bragg.

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I originally posted that I didn’t think it was any big deal maybe equivalent to winning the coin toss in a preseason football game. But in all of the preseason games I’ve ever seen I don’t believe the team that lost the coin toss, ever asked for or was granted “backsies” 😂

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So you hate trump, but you wanted a trump-appointed judge?

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I’m feeling a huge W for you my man. This win is good for all of us who believe in free speech and want to Heisman the federal government’s overreach. God speed.

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I loathe New York politics.

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A ‘re-assignment’?? The scumbaggery just never ends…

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As one would say in legal terminology, you are screwed. Democrat judges are part of a death cult dedicated to creating a totalitarian dystopia. Everything is politics to them, and your suit does not fit into their Orwellian fever dream. Tough luck.

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You mean back when cigars and dirty blue dresses were a scandal vs. a march to totalitarianism?

This is either good news or very bad news. Just being honest.

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It just has to happen that more "good liberals" (after seeing friends & family suffer vax injuries) will turn against the Vax-as-absolute-good-and-salvation push.

(Doesn't it...?)

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I hadn't thought of that scenario, but it is definitely possible.

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