These blocks mean nothing if We The People don’t insist on living by them. Just as much, the constitution is nothing but a piece of paper unless we DEMAND, with action that IT is in fact the law of this land. This is war on our own soil, is for our very soul. Do NOT give in to, bargain with or capitulate in any way to ANY of these unconstitutional “mandates”. There is a reason they don’t call them laws….

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so true. I know many people that have gone to NY and used fake vax passes to do things. They are part of the problem. If you use a fake vax card you are enabling this type of craziness. My question to these people- Why turn yourself into a criminal for the right to spend your money someplace???

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I also have a friend who bought their whole family fake Vax cards. I feel the same way. That's not standing against tyranny, it's capitulation with tyranny. And they aren't cheap either...

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Democratic politicians are basically enacting mandates that they know won't survive the courts because it wins them points with their base.

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And because they know their corporate cronies will do them, anyway, to curry favor.

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Some of the wokest corporate cronies out there are either not implementing them, or only box checking by granting every exemption

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I hope that's the case where my son works, because his job is in jeopardy and he's not getting the jabs.

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My thoughts exactly. He leaves office Dec 31. No time to execute on this disaster of a mandate, which is the whole idea, and such a nice way to welcome his successor, geez. A pandering Hail Mary that doesn’t need to even land.

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they keep extending these broadly defined "state of emergency" orders to give them more power to create these illegal mandates. Its a total joke.

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Yeah, and where's the pushback in the legal system to challenge the nonemergency declarations of "emergency"?? Here in Puerto Rico there is NO emergency situation, none whatsoever. Yet our second despotic governor in a row continues to impose emergency-based bullsh*t diktats.

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As I wrote earlier at another post, it doesn’t matter what the courts say, you’re dealing with sociopaths who don’t give a shit about the law.

This column says it perfectly:


At the end is this: “ Corporations are the prime and the willing enforcers of this Mengele-ian regulation. They must be disabused of the notion that their employees are their property (see OSHA’s Suspension of Implementation and Enforcement of the Vaccine Mandate Means Nothing Unless Corporations Also Stop). To that end, we must, when able, take action to fine and sue corporations out of existence if they impose any medical requirement on anyone. Secondly, so long as we are ruled by the lawless and unethical bunch in the White House, mere court injunctions are irrelevant (see The Fifth Circuit Slapping Down Biden’s Illegal Vaccine Mandate Is Meaningless in the Face of a Lawless Presidency).”

Again, you turn to people who are corrupt immoral uncaring and truly believe that half the world should die so they can have even more, well, that’s why the civil acquiescing tolerance stooges are F’ing us over left and right.

The despicable obnoxious grotesque sociopaths, they will win until something makes them move along, I’ll leave it up to you to figure it out…

Here’s a tip, the person who best advocate for you, is yourself!…

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Many of them are not. Even woke Bank of America is not……, keep fighting, but don’t miss the wins

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I think this is more important than the holds placed on govt mandates on private employers & federal contractors. Those are bound to fall. But if govt, as the employer, can't enforce mandates on their employees, NO employer can!

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Two years of Mandates. What are they? Locally enforced non-constitutional swerve around the court system orders. Sometimes just a press release, like the Biden 100+ employer mandate, not found on the WH website because it doesn't exit in reality. But when an out-going mayor does this, it truly shows the belly of the beast, undermines the Constitutions both Federal and State, and I am dismayed to see how many blindly agree with Di Blisaio's "mandate". Just as we are emerging from the Pandemic another sudden boot stomp to remind us of the Masters. Truly tragic.

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Next up to strike down: Jeff Dinowitz's bill to mandate the shot for all New York State children. Bill A-8378 is in front of the New York State Assembly Health Committee, the first stop before going to the State Assembly. This bill would put the Covid19 vaccine on the list with the regular childhood vaccines required for children to attend school.

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Alex, I’m afraid that’s not the last of the mandates…the Office of Head Start is continuing to press a version of Biden’s vaccine mandate for all staff AND masking requirements for children TWO YEARS OLD and up. They announced it last Monday. I voted “nay” to the Policy and Procedure document adopted locally…might have been the only one. I started contacting senators and representatives for my district last week to try to raise the concern, but no response yet.

See link to OHS website for details: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/about-us/coronavirus/ohs-covid-19-updates

Any help raising attention would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks for what you’re doing sir!

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That’s vile and disgusting child abuse.

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I agree 100%. My worry is that they’ll try the same slow escalation of policies that the larger government has, adding boosters for staff and vaccines for any kids old enough. They’re not saying that yet, but why should we think they’ll do anything different than Biden/admin. They literally said “This is a version of the President’s mandate…” in the webinar at the link.

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these people are sick

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What a great day for science and truth and freedom of choice. Now if the new insane one for NY wd collapse.

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Sociopathic lunatics everywhere are reeling from all of these court decisions. But ... but ... but ... what do you mean we can’t force everyone to injure themselves & make Pfizer rich? We need more fear & death, dammit!

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This was De Blasio's FUC U to New York Businesses and never about COVID-19. He still goes out a Progressive pos.

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Nah, he is a humanoid s**tbag.

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Great! Now let’s see “the insane new one” taken care of too. Unreal…🤦🏼‍♀️

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Pendulum? I'd kinda like a sane congress before the weirdness stops.

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Now that’s encouraging! Still holding back any real excitement.

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If you want more wins like this, donate to Alliance Defending Freedom at adflegal.org. They support pro bono litigation of lawsuits like this.

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Alex, it's not. It's an Order to Show Cause and further papers are set in the case for December 13th. I noted this on your other page. Very disappointed in this counsel.

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If you look at the last page, you can see the notations of the Court. They did not issue a TRO although the attorney is trumpeting that. SMH

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The city is enjoined and restrained from enforcing the orders attached at exhibits 1 and 2 until the hearing. The TRO, if any, will be heard on the argument date.

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Yes, the key words about a potential TRO, "if any." It's an Order to Show Cause. There will be a battle upcoming.

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True but it's still a minor win for now.

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Anything that gums up the works against them, sure.

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Just wondering?

Does anybody know if outgoing NY City Mayor Bill De Blosio (Warren Wilhelm Jr) Wife and Son have been FULLY Vaccinated?

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