Tucker should have you on every night Alex. Yes the border is important but I’m tired of hearing about it. Tucker should be having the vaccine injured on every night to discuss their stories, as well as those who are losing their jobs due to this madness. He has enough fluff in every show which could be replaced with you. This is the most important event of our generation and with his voice and reach I think he needs to do more. Thank you for all your efforts Alex.

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My husband has been exposed so many times. He wont were the mask. He has been in close contact with known positive covid people on so many occasions. He gave his father breathing treatments when he had covid last summer without a mask on while he was blowing covid all in my husbands face. Met up with 2 friends for 3 hours sitting close to one another later that night they both felt ill and caught covid. my husband nothing. This is only a few circumstances. I have yet to be sick as well. Through all of this I didn't change anything. I am a very healthy and active 46 year old. There are just some of us who have strong immune systems. There is absolutely no reason for us to get the shots. There is greater risk of adverse reaction to the shot for us than the COVID infection. Common sense is out the window. Even if I were to be of great risk. It is my choice. Madness tyranny needs to end.

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You can show this data to the people who are wedded to the vaccine and they just won’t believe it. They search the internet for articles, all on MSM, with headlines that will sing the numbers pretty. I don’t know what it will take to wake them up. I heard a woman say she couldn’t wait until Moderna comes out with a booster so she can get it, and she said she was so happy when her 12 year old daughter was able to get her shot. These people are delusional, but there are so many of them. And they think breakthrough infections are normal! Huh? It’s madness, pure and simple.

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My company is now putting all unvaccinated people on "unpaid leave" starting Dec 8. For a corporation with over 300,000 people, I have no idea how many of us there are. Sickening.

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These mandates/vaccine Passports are coming at us like a freight train all leading to a social credit system. When they mandate that even a COVID recovered person needs the Vaccine, it is not about health but rather the contents of that vaccine they want in every arm on the planet.

Alex please continue keep writing and speak out.

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Fired the first salvo this morning, back at my employer, expressing my sincerely held religious objection to the ritualistic celebration of vaccines. Plus, being over 65, I'm on the group most likely to be hospitalized if fully vaccinated (based on statistics). We do only government contract work. Even though the company currently has no contracts that include the threatened "vaccine mandate" clause, they're getting a jump-start on enforcement. This constitutes a "voluntary enforcement policy" -- which opens doors to lawsuit in addition to EEOC violations, etc. Awaiting HR's response.

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In Canada, the ultra-woke but blackface prime minister just announced the need for full vaccination to ride all planes and trains, even those headed for a foreign destination. He added a negative test will NOT substitute after end of Nov - you must get jabbed or you cannot leave the country - essentially imprisoned because there are no other routes out of the country except by planes (the US land border is still closed to Canadian nationals). He also added exemptions will generally not be allowed. He said this is to "protect" the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.

Is this science?

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The authoritarian impulse to mandate taking the vaccine is worse than the disease at this point.

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Supposedly, these drugs "reduce symptoms." But vitamin D does that too, without killing people. And vitamin D is helpful in a dozen other ways.

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This is pure bullying now, and when this is all over, I will not forget who the bullies were, from politicians to business owners to ‘friends’. If you want to know what’s on the inside of something, put some pressure on it. Squeeze it. What’s on the inside will come out, and we’re seeing it now - what’s inside people, who they really are. And I will not forget. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Alex - please try to convince Tuckers people that he should show this chart

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Yes, and imagine if they defined 'breakthrough' infections they way they've defined 'cases' all these months.

'Cases', of course, were defined as a rtPCR positive using cycle thresholds as high as 45 (detection of the virus genome at 32 trillion X amplification).

The CDC defined a 'breakthrough' infection s an rtPCR positive at 28 cycles or lower. That's 128,000x less amplification as used to determine a 'case' in the unvaccinated.

Honest people don't have to manipulate data like this. These are not honest people.

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The GOP won’t stop them. But they will do a ton of fundraising off this.

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It's not about the magic juice; it's about the passport. I can’t believe I have to write this, but apparently I do.

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The mandates have nothing to do with Covid and are meant as "shock and awe" to teach the non-believers the lesson about who is the boss of your body - not you, but the gov. It's a precedent they need for the next thing they will mandate for whatever they deem as necessary for "the greater good".

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There is no reason to believe that transmission could EVER be reduced for these "m-RNA" jabs because transmission occurs via the respiratory track and "immunity" is via the blood. They weren't even DESIGNED for that! It was ONLY to reduce the danger of the disease to the person being jabbed. The reason for mandating has NOTHING TO DO WITH HEALTH POLICY and everything to money, power and control. How much money and power do the decision-makers (Gates? Facebook founders, big banksters, etc.?) garner by forcing the majority of the population (including young children - soon!!) to submit to these horrible injections (and other anti-human policies like school-child mask wearing and business "lockdowns"??). It is the biggest transfer of wealth and power in the history of the world. Everyone needs to wake up and fight back (not violently) but we MUST.

Ian in Vancouver

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Another exposure that should inform / tell people this has NEVER been about health.

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I think the most critical point of your piece that needs to be said over and over again every time the Branch Covidians blather on about taking the vaccine to "end the pandemic" and "protect other people" is that IT DOES NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS!!!! It is basically a therapeutic that might help to lesson symptoms. I have this with family members who are unable to understand this because the powers that be lie to them everyday. Thank you for continuing the fight. God Bless!

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What will stop them is arrests, trials, convictions and long imprisonments for willfully killing tens of thousands of people based on political motivations. While it's easy to feel powerless & helpless when faced with sociopathic lunatics who can stare you in the face and tell you that you're crazy, that black is white, we know from history that, eventually, they will fold like a house of cards when the weight of their deeds becomes too much to bear. Big tech, big media, big pharma, public health officials & politicians have revealed themselves to be all in on rank & file stupidity. Evil makes you stupid and ultimately, that's what this is all about. The only way to stop a bully is with punch to the nose. Alex, please keep punching them in the nose.

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No one can explain to me, how does a Non-shot taker harm a shot taker? I only hear BS about hospitals filling up, which we know is not true. So how is does it hurt them? Can anyone explain?

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The pro-mandate vax-obsessed crowd is in for a “long dark winter” - as uncle Joe would say

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I would be very interested to know how many people "get infected" or have symptoms after getting the vaccine. I have a suspicion that the vaccine is causing people to get sick, and because it's within that two week "your not fully vaccinated yet" period, they just call it a case, instead of a vaccine-induced-case.

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There may be still be some honest judges out there who will stop the mandates if challenged via lawsuits.

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This plan is not, and has never been, about this failing vaccine. Mandatory vaccines have been on the horizon for some time - we would have seen this in some form in 2016 if HRC was elected. This pandemic is nothing more than an opportunity to do what they have wanted for a long time, so they do not care if the science truly supports it. The sooner we realize that the better, because the only thing stopping this is US - as a united front saying no.

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Oh look, local Oregon news just reported that 25%. Yes. 25% of recent infections were breakthrough infections. And yet Oregon is about to fire a ton of nurses and other health professionals Cuz unvaccinated people are a “danger” acting like only unvaccinated people can get and spread Covid. And yet the data says different


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Nothing but the mighty hand of God will stop this, if He wills it. I believe He may be letting this happen to bring about a full upheaval of this nation. No other person can stop the evil and greed of this cabal.

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I took a screen shot, but guess I can't share it. Look at Eric Church's post today. His band, vaccinated, has covid. Why, why would you inject an experiment that doesn't work???? Can't wait to hear you today on Clay & Travis.

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Zero studies about any medical complications - they want to know how it impacts drug addicts?!???

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Agree. For me, the ONLY issues right now are vax mandates and passports. Nothing else matters. If you’re not speaking out against these I’ve no use for you.

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We have to do more than simply comment on Alex’s hidden substack thread or silently apply for religious exemptions (yes I’m guilty too). Should we start to organize and speak out loudly as the large group we are? Isn’t there a legal expert who can help us collectively target favorable locations for the first legal actions to begin to stop this? We have to do more! I’m increasingly concerned that there will be no change of mind for the vaccine pushers...it doesn’t look like any officials or businesses will ever admit they’ve been wrong about vaccines. How do we organize and drive change?

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Canada just mandated double jabs for all planes and trains. It's coming to the US too.

And negative tests and natural immunity will not substitute (as they do in Europe and everywhere else except Aus)

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Fantastic post, Alex. Mandates are the biggest blunder so far and the bar was high with lockdowns and school closures. Throwing naturally immune medical workers on the street after they battled covid w no PPE just because they won’t get jabbed is inhumane and cruel. And the people doing the firing, who sat behind laptops while docs and nurses were on the front lines, are utter cowards.

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A post jab immune panel has shown that B cells, (among other parts of the immune system, like Nk cells), are broken. So of course there's going to be "breakthroughs" and other opportunistic infections, many other consequences of wrecked B cells you'd expect, like reactivated herpesvirus (EBV, shingles, CMV, hhv-6, etc) that B cells are responsible for keeping latent, and no ability to make antibodies any longer. I would go so far as to call that level of immunosuppression from the "vaccine" - VAIDS.

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I'm afraid, only a civil war will stop this.

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Isn't it amazing that we've eradicated all other seasonal flus and colds - this is not about health, it is about money and politics. I tried to research the number of influenza deaths in previous years but the CDC only had estimates for 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 - and they were way higher than the reported C*VID deaths (and I believe they have been exaggerated).

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Nothing is going to stop them in their quest for control of our lives, WE have to stop responding to them, period. I see positive signs in that direction but we have a long way to go. These people are corrupt and obsessively focused on their goal. Our will has to be even stronger in the opposite direction, ignoring them and their mandates and living our lives.

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Real science vs “The Science (TM)”

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Just had an argument discounted because the doctor I quoted is “…a religious nut bar.” As someone else stated, this has become a religion. The true believers will not listen to anyone who is not also a true believer. While we need to find a way to get this information more universally spread we must also realize that there are many who will just cover their ears and scream to protect their ears from heresy.

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There is a global program of disinformation about treatment of Covid19, discrediting cheap, effective early treatment and trying to cancel and vilify qualified physicians who are saving lives. dIt would be interesting to know who is behind it. If people understood that theses treatments are available and highly effective, the fear that motivates people to follow the vaccine mandates would probably dissipate. For further information, go to the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons website to view videos from their recent Annual Meeting.

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Well it’s no coincidence that they still refuse to give side by side comparison at major city hospitals for hospitalization and death rates of vaccinated versus unvaccinated. They can’t because it will completely destroy the narrative. Just look at VT with 70% vaccination rate and yet 76% of deaths are fully vaccinated.


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Let’s start referring to the vaccine mandates for what they truly are…Democrat Vaccine Mandates.

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Is there any idea out there when this OSHA, and related Federal rule, mandates will be up before the Supreme Court? Alex; you seem to have the best insights into this- can we get an update?

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When is the JRE episode dropping?? It's the first thing I check for when I wake up and go online.

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We can stop them through active resistance. Not talking, not complaining, not voting, but active resistance. Active, physical resistance.

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I have a paper I can send you that shows after 12 weeks post-vax, there was no protection against transmission. If you're transmitting Covid, you have Covid, so really you get 10 weeks of protection (because the first 2 weeks don't count) before you're functionally unvaccinated again.

Some 'vaccine'.

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Death. Death is going to stop them. Large numbers of deaths that become too obvious to hide.

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The “faith over facts” dimension of this whole psychodrama is fascinating. The pro-vax missionaries are doing exactly what they have accused the “white evangelical” deplorables of doing for so long: ignoring scientific data when it doesn’t align with their religious beliefs. Only this time they are the faithful, as Matt Taibbi recently pointed out: https://taibbi.substack.com/p/the-news-is-americas-new-religion-e6e?r=l0ib8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=

It would be funny if so many people weren’t going to suffer and die needlessly.

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I hope you get 1,000,000 subscribers.

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Great article! Sadly, only massive deaths might stop this. We are dealing with a Death Culture. I think this is a trusty site (not sure these days) and a good article of findings - check it out:


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People like you who gather a strong willed yet fierce minority will stop them. Thats who. If you think of the economics of businesses sticking with mandates It doesn't make sense in a profit driven model. Take LA mandates, yes they seem to be sticking to mandates but surrounding large cities are not, so people will gravitate towards the path of least resistance and that will be the cities where its easier to do business.

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