YUP except in California, they are proposing a slew of new bills which will affect how drs practice, what they say, whether schools can vaccinate children without parental consent, and California is trying to make all employees - including independent contractors - vaccinated. Fuck California.

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When you have third party payor, the doctors work for the payor, not the patient. The medical establishment lost the plot, they traded patients for a paycheck. Humans might just as well be widgets on a conveyor belt, as we have no control of medical treatment received with one-size-fits-all from TPTB.

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The US medical system is a joke. You need to have insurance. Why, when the relationship is between the doctor and the patient. Seems the broker fee is inevitable, onerous, and keeps getting more difficult to navigate.

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The US Medical System is also a leading cause of Death; It may even be #1 now after two years of coviditis.

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It's a profit-based industry. Everyone thinks it is in the patients' best interests. No further from the truth can you be.

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So you’re anxious for government medicine, are you? Socialist physicians reporting to bureaucratic managers?

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It's what we have now -- "government medicine". Doctors have become employees of large corporate, for-profit institutions called "hospitals" and patients are revenue sources. Big pharma goes after the doctors with their poisonous junk. Medical schools receive from big money from big pharma. They, in turn, end up teaching how to dispense drugs vs. a true understanding of human health. It's closer to fascist medicine than socialist and nowhere near free market. The insurance companies (Who do you think lobbied for that sh*t called "Obamacare??), hospitals, and big pharma are all in bed with the scum in government and vice versa.

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Now is a good time to lose the fat and take responsibility for your own health. We're the fattest people on earth and don't seem to have figured out how expensive that is over the course of a lifetime. I see college women the size of draft horses and think "it's all over".

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So true, though maybe a bit over the top. It's not just obesity but Americans have incredibly poor metabolic health with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardio vascular problems running wild. Lack of exercise plays a part, but it's mainly from a diet of manufactured, processed garbage that we are told is "food".

How much of what most people eat actually grew as opposed to being manufactured? Combining processed grain, industrial seed oil, refined sugar, and soy in a factory into a food-like shape, isn't actually food. Meat, fish, and vegetables are food, as our great-grandparents knew. Yet most people get over half their calories from this nutritionally absent garbage. It does taste good though, so good it's addicting.

Then when decades of eating this crap results in metabolic derangement (obesity, high blood pressure, poor blood sugar control, etc.), the medical industry's answer is to drug people up with the latest insanely-expensive patented medicine (aka a manufactured poison). Kellogg's and Nabisco turns them into obese metabolic basket cases, then Merck "treats" them. What a racket.

Everything we have seen with regards to Covid medical corruption is nothing new. This has been going on for at least four decades, the medical industry is hopelessly corrupt and you must take responsibility for your own health. At this point, doing the opposite of the recommended advice is almost guaranteed to result in better health. But you don't need to do that, just use common sense. If it came from a factory it isn't food. It's not too late to reverse that metabolic derangement that is destroying most people's bodies.

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As a dietitian, couldn’t agree more.

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Here's a book I plan to buy when the price comes down: Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It Hardcover – February 8, 2022


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Amen brother!

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Yes. It's been that way for quite some time.

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It's not a joke when you consider that everywhere there is single-payer, you have waiting lists for treatment & the costs still rise.

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The better doctors have their hands tied. They hate the system but depend upon the State Boards for licensing. I hope this system is overthrown. It will never be overhauled. It literally needs to be overthrown.

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As Nietzsche said, "That which is about to fall deserves to be pushed."

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I like that.

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Agreed! Maybe more people will see this now. It's becoming glaringly obvous.

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This is UK healthcare WITH premiums.

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Premiums are paid in the UK, but it's called taxes.

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And in the US, we pay taxes and premiums and still don’t get much for the expenditure. Thanks, Obama, Pelosi and all of you Congressmorons who didn’t read the bill. Thanks to all of you butt hurt Republicans who wouldn’t work with Trump to reform ACA.

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Why pay premiums? They are going to the middleman insurer. The paperwork alone is disgusting. Cut out the middleman and costs decrease, and folks get the care they pay for.

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this is true. there are many doctors now who have left the system. they don't take any insurance (although you may use it for tests and prescriptions). they are transparent and upfront with their pricing and will spend an hour on the first visit. they are much better at dealing with chronic conditions than the average 7 minute a visit style doc. but you have to participate- not only by paying, but by making appropriate lifestyle changes. many of them have nutrition coaches on staff.

because they don't take insurance, they don't have the extra insurance staff. they don't have to pigeonhole you with a diagnostic code and use the "standard of care" protocol.

some of them charge a monthly membership fee for which you get a certain level of service.

at my doctor's office, they did not push vaccines; in fact, they advised against them after having in their practice two miscarriages and a 69 year old patient who had menstrual bleeding.

while they were afraid to prescribe IVM, i know that the nutrition coach was taking it. she recovered from covid with colloidal silver nebulizing and high dose vitamin IVs

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Where do I find such a doctor?

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Yes, but you are repeating the American side of the fallacy we hear from the other side in all socialist countries: that there are only two ways - American, or socialized medicine.

The correct way is neither.

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The US lost its way in the 1960s with Medicare and Medicaid. Now the market is so distorted that it is totally government controlled, and yet the workers have to pay an extra tax for “private” medical insurance.

What Medicare and Medicaid merely squeezed, Obamacare finished off.

I’m going to be looking for a doctor outside the system. The same guy who took great care of my wife for many years turned into another willing dupe of the narrative.

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If all people are entitled to free medical care, why should some countries make it into a profit-generating industry? The governments are on the take. Agree Abhijit - even socialized medicine is subject to government rules/licensing etc. Will any doctor stand up to be non-licensed and still practice? This is the problem. Tied at the hands and ankles, our best medical professionals.

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I don't believe all people are entitled to free medical care.

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This is UK healthcare WITH premiums.

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I'm considering moving to a new company called Crowd Health. Check it out.

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Just checked it out. Love the concept but it relies on major participation. And still a Middleman, taking their cut. Why should my health be up for negotiation, and subject to profits? Free access to medical care is a basic human right. Or it used to be.....

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Healthcare is not a right. It's a business.

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Sad but accurate.

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I retired at age 62 — too young for Medicare. I signed up for a Christian Health Sharing Ministry. It was very affordable, with a $500 deductible and no coverage for mental health, substance abuse, maternity or birth control. (None of which I would have used anyway.) It cannot be called insurance because it does not provide the mandated benefits that medical insurance MUST provide. I never had a claim during the 3 years I had the health sharing ministry, but the enrollees seemed to be very happy with the service. They were very nice when I reached Medicare age and called to cancel their ministry.

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i had this too, Liberty Healthshare. i LOVED it even though i never had cause to use it. but the premiums were affordable and the website very easy to navigate. i would have been happy to keep them but medicare takes over at a certain point.

the thing is- Liberty Healthshare was a concept i could support whereas, medicare is just the same criminal system in a different package.

for the most part i go to alternative doctors who aren't covered by any plan anyway so i pay my expenses out of pocket and just have insurance in case of emergencies.

there was a new secular healthshare service forming called KNEW Health and i was hoping to be a founding member of that but i aged out. they can't deal with medicare.

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I’ve just quit. I exercise an hour a day and don’t deal with medical care. I’m dropping health insurance. What’s the point? I will not wear a mask.

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Does it cover hospitalization, say, if you're in an accident or break a leg?

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I did the same thing. Worked beautifully. Samaritan I think was the name.

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I would love to know more details Rathdrum Girl. There are reciprocal services forming outside of the System. Are you really from Rathdrum? Oiche mhaith!

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No it is not. That is just pie in the sky propaganda. Health care is a service. A service for some reason nobody thinks they should pay for. If you drive a 50k car, and pay whatever a month for a stupid smartphone and internet, you can pay for health care. Insurance should only cover catastrophic events. Everything else should be just like going to a grocery store, you pay the doctor do whatever you need done. This is the only way to drive down costs of medical care. The system we have now is a corrupt scam. Any form of single payer government run is even worse.

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Agree with "insurance for catastrophic events" but none of us can get a catastrophic only policy. Thanks O'bummer! I would be thrilled with your proposal, pay a la carte. I'm currently without any health ins because it is simply too expensive. $600/mo is what i was recently quoted. self employed. That's $7200/year, and over the last 10 yrs w/no insurance, lets call that $72K I've saved. So if something comes up "out of pocket", i'm ok with that. LOL but most folks look at me like I'm crazy for not having insurance. I'm ok w/that too.

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Healthcare should not be a consumer good. Access to health services should not be a privilege. (Pope Francis said that). Article 25 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights lists medical care as a basic human right. Of course - if you can't afford it, you lose that right.....

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There is no such thing as a right to free healthcare. You have a right to maintain your own health which should include avoiding all covid testing and injections. Why should my taxes pay for bad medicine or to provide "free" care to an obese smoker? Free care is costing someone, always.

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i agree. i'm always gobsmacked when people talk about their rights- like the right to not pay back your college loans and the right to a free rental apartment on my dime.

i don't think healthcare is a right but i do think that the criminal fraudulent mafia ring we have now that calls itself healthcare shouldn't be allowed either. people do have to take some responsibility, something i fear we are losing.

i see facebook posts from friends who are actually boasting that they are getting cookies and ice cream as a reward for their 2nd booster. no responsibility there- my 4th shot will protect me (even though my first, second and third didn't).

meanwhile the same people talking about their "right" to healthcare want to cancel my right to make my own decisions when it comes to my health and want to censor speech that disagrees with theirs. weird and scary

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NO. You have a right to life and liberty, not a right to live at the expense of others. Old fashioned doctors charged those who could pay, and offered pro-bono care to those who could not.

You want better care, free of government, find a concierge doctor group and pay their retainer - likely less than insurance anyway.

I’m looking for such a provider.

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Agreed. I believe that native Americans way back when gave their medicine people compensation in turn for services.

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Please help me understand, Sunshine, how medical care is a basic human right. Please keep your answer within the confines of what a 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 actually is...

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What does the state or community do for those citizens not born into good health or become ill to no fault? Is an unalienable right a "healthy life?"

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Not free....but reasonable

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Yes. My parents, born 1906 and 1912 respectively never had health insurance until they had medicare. They were not rich, but they were able to pay their doctors out of pocket as needed, for themselves and for me and my sister. Health Insurance is a racket, and obviously a trap. And people used to know how to do their own home care as well.

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Unfortunately it is not free - someone has to pay for it. The system in the US is completely broken and excessive costs abound from insurance companies which provide no care to doctors with lavish salaries.

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I've listened to a few interviews with the CEO and he answered a few of your exact critiques (that are spot on). My hold up has been your correct assessment on the participation required and the costs being covered when needed. Though I have been the unlucky insurance member who was approved for a surgery, but then told they wouldn't cover it. 4 yr law suit to recover. Check out CEO last interview on Dave Smith's "part of the problem.".

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My deepest sympathies Nick. It is a very unfair system you have to navigate through. Only upside is medical debt will be removed from credit reports effective July. Go for whatever you need and F* them. The world as we know it is coming to an end. Go get the surgery. It will be forgotten in the mayhem in the next 5 years. My best wishes to you. Will check out Dave Smith.

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How can you have the right to force someone else to give you healthcare? What about THEIR rights?

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If health care is free, how do medical professionals buy bread? How do hospitals get built? Asking for a friend...

There is no significant moral objection to for profit health care. A worker is worthy of their wages. What has totally distorted our system is ceaseless government interference. There is no way we can ever know what a real health care system could be because so many third party interests have corrupted it.

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Subsidized, like the rest of the developed world. If we didn't have such a bloated bureaucracy and every representative at the trough, we could actually have something to show for the taxes we pay.

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Yes! And how about health care, and NO SYSTEM.

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I don't even know why I pay for medical insurance.

Most everything I do is out of pocket because I rarely see any western medicine "drs" as they have zero solutions for me and haven't for years.

The last time I went I was told, literally, "things aren't going to get any better for you so you need to seek mental therapy".

Well....f that! I am doing great thanks to an nd who knows what she's doing.

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YES! The doctors I would want to see are NDs or other alternative people. So why do you pay for your insurance that you're not (and maybe never, god willing) using?

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Because that's always been the model and I'm not the only one involved in the equation.

I have a friend who doesn't have - ie pay for - medicaid (or whichever one it is) - people think she's crazy. She has zero interest in being a part of the "system".

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Agree it would be ideal to change this system and the concierge approach is appealing. Who doesn’t hate insurance companies or the bureaucracy and control that would come with single payer? But if you end up in the hospital for any reason, you’re looking at $50k or more pretty quick.

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No solutions here... no answers. My parents, and I were so lucky as to not land in the hospital until Medicare kicked in. Very lucky. Wish I could offer thoughts on a way out of this miserable mess.

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You would seriously prefer that the US Gov't--the organization that ran this debacle--be your 3rd party payor? At least the insurance companies have a vested interest in keeping you ALIVE! The USG, clearly, would prefer you are dead.

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The USG and Big Insurance are tied at the hip. Both owned and controlled by the same few hedge funds and the WEF crowd. Horizontal integration includes governance, obviously.

This is the Mussolini quoted def. of fascism (dispute), but the end result is that all of our lives are planned and monitored by a few rich people who coordinate both the gov't. and the industries.

It's all captured at this point.

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By the way, I'm curious as to how Alex Greenwald is going to react when he learns that, just after he declared the vaccines over for the 437th time, the Biden federal employee mandate was re-instated.

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He has a real disconnect from actual boots on the ground Planet Real World sometimes, does he not?

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Govt, e.g. Medicare, Medicaid, is a third party payor. Health ins cos made little to no difference during SARS-2. If you had a different experience, go ahead and share.

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Widgets on a conveyor belt. You have the Gift of Foresight.

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OBAMACARE fully engineered this mess and ruined insurance/medical as we knew it. When you let satan possessed men mix up their brew of chaos and spew it onto the others...you can clearly see what is in their minds.. utter chaos devoid of God. Then we had covid and pharma Jabs, same story line. Cuomo in New York killing the elderly, same story line...satan possessed men allowed to have unfettered power. Same with News agencies and Tech companies...satan possessed men out of control spewing their chaos and lies.

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Lost the patients for the paycheck. <<< a special prize for this!!!!

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If Americans weren't so damned fat and addicted to junk food the system wouldn't be so bankrupt.

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ummm Americans are ft and addicted to junk food because the system is messed up, way back to the first food pyramid, which was literally a recipe for disaster.

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And not a single health authority in this country (that I saw) advocated eating better and exercising to improve your own health.

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The schools could teach a bit about health and exercise along the way except they are now too focused on persuading little kids that they might be transgender.

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zactly! Stopped being about health and more about Pharma back in the 60s, maybe before

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This is UK healthcare with premiums.

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Third time I’ve seen this comment.

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LOL...I thought it was me rolling the comments back or something.

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Get rid of heil Newsome and solve the problem.

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We tried to recall him….it failed! CA is completely run by Dems and is incredibly corrupt!

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It didn't fail. The voting machines in California are owned by a man with ties to the CCP.

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Who said anything about a recall. Get rid of Newsome

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He will get re-elected…the voters and CA and Big Tech will make sure!

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I was a democrat at the time of the recall, and voted to recall newsom. I strongly believe the vote tally the media reported was false. There were many credible reports of fraud of multiple kinds. (I have switched my voter registration to Republican.)


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Well, lack of participation too.

While vacationing in OC before election, we canvased all we met. Citizens everywhere. Most just shrugged. “We live here for the weather… whatever “. Most were very politically disinterested! Surprise on us.

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Senator Richard Pan is behind these bills. Ousting Newsom doesn’t solve the problem. CA needs to boot Pan!

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Richard Pan is the worst person ive seen in a while, unbelievable laws

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Not just Newscum. Pan, Wiener, Weber and many others. California stop the medical tyranny. https://www.medicalfreedom.vote

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The people of California keep re-electing him.

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If we learned anything from 2020 it’s that the elections are RIGGED!

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If there is a way to "rig", then there is a way to "un-rig" !

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Like pelosi . Disgusting.

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She stinks

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April 12, 2022
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I am sure you are not alone- that’s why I wonder how this libtard gets re-elected year after year. Just like Barney Frank did in MA.

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California is so woke, broke and an embarrassment to the US! The parents are in charge of their kids! What gives state representatives the rights to destroy our health care systems in Calif.? Wake up people before it’s too late! If you can move out!,,

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I'm moving to the great state of Florida where PATIENTS right prevail. F*ck California

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If you vote for "progressives" please stay away.

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Are you f*ckn kidding me. If I voted for those rats, I would Love it Commi-California. I wouldn't want to leave. It's HARD to leave a place you were born and raised and well, the weather. Don't assume ppl who leave a Blue state are LEFTISTS pigs. Once California was as red as red could be. Those were the golden days of this golden state. There are MANY of us that have remained from those days. Welcome us with open arms as we are refugees looking for a home amongst like a minded community. Florida here we come!

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Welcome, plant some fruit trees. Citrus, apple, peaches, fig, avocado, etc. etc. etc. all do well in Florida. We need people with common sense, good values, and a work ethic. Be safe in your travels. God Bless

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Yes, those were the golden days.. was there. It’s the most gorgeous and blessed state. Now… in Fl. Many NY liberals insisting on mask.

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There are more Republicans in California than in any other state. Even so we are WAY outnumbered by the extreme left here.

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But still the recall FAILED. Because of fraudulent corruption of CA election. Full stop.

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yep. we got four ballots sent to our home, for both the recall and the 2020 election. problem is that only two of us are allowed to vote in our home. California is gone

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If patients' rights prevail in Florida, then why was the Mayo Clinic permitted to remain unscathed after forcefully killing a patient by placing him on a ventilator when it was not necessary -- and denied his wife rights to decide treatment?

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Because there are horrible dictators, oh I mean, doctors running these hospitals who are indoctrinated with the LEFTIST/compliance mentality who "follow " the experts" and don't think for themselves. Those evil dictators, oh I mean doctors, I did it again, who's hospitals got paid handsomely to put down another covid death and got $$$$ for doing a good job. All human rights were vanquished, dissapeared because of "covid narrative" you see. It was "the science" that made it okay and humane to lock ppl down, close economies, kill people on ventilators and alone. The f*ckn science and the f*ckn experts. And we ALL let it happen. That hospital should have had thousands of ppl pushing the doors open. But we let those hospitals TAKE OUR RIGHTS. The Constitution and Bill of Rights supposedly protects us, right? We have those papers to wave in the air and say," these papers protect me! Stop!" But WE didn't say a f*ckn word. There wasn't herds of ppl banging on the hospital windows. We let them take our rights. It's great to have government laws to protect us, a constitution the bill of rights, but if we don't stand up when it is being taken from us IT IS WORTHLESS.

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I definitely understand what you are saying, but on the other side of that coin...

DeSantis is known to recently be a conscientious fighter of citizens' rights, and from the perspective of your original rebuttal it would seem people would feel that perhaps he should've sent the Florida AG to investigate the situation I mentioned (without specifics, which I don't have available at the moment.)

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Why is Desantis not launching an investigation into official complaints? Once again where is the ppl of the state of Florida mobilized holding him accountable to investigations of Mayo Hospital. It's all in our hands. We must push the politicians to do something about it. I like that we have laws and bills passed, makes me feel good. But, action must be taken by we the ppl. This is an atrocitie that we should demand the AG to be deal with. Waving those patients rights bills. We need to mobilize and make demands. We can't take a passive part in government. Look where it gotten us, a bunch of corrupt nut jobs in power and our children indoctrinated. We have got to take action. You have the power to be the voice and others will join you.

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No! Stay and fight‼️ There are more of you than them!

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One person can kill millions…

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Newsome, Whitmer, Cuomo, that bastard from New Jersey, oh, and Barack Obama and Joe Biden…

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Everything is corrupt. We had a chance to remove Newsome, but corruption prevailed. This is a long, long, hard battle in California. We conservatives let this happen. We were too busy working and living life and were not paying close enough attention. I'm not going to be treated like a second class citizen for years until this is resolved, if ever. I'm not going to live under the threat of losing my job bc I won't obey and comply. I really think it's too, too late to save California. We should have already been fighting to save California YEARS AGO. Its gone.......but, I do hope I'm wrong.

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I'd leave, too, if I could.

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I hope you’re right . I don’t want to leave California but if push comes to shove …..

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Too little, too late....the WHO and all of the culprits have known. In WA we have workers getting fired today who have religious exemptions from vax mandates and my work is continuing my accommodations. The question is what will we do when they create our next emergency??? I will not do 1 more mandate and will not take any advice from medical profession who has lost all credibility. We can never let this happen again, NEVER!! Let's Go Brandon!!

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"Purebloods" for the win!

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No, California will fuck us, relentlessly, and we will continue to bend over and take it

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We are leaving. Putting our house on the market next month, moving company waiting. Davies Symphony Hall now requires boosters for everyone 12 and up AND N95 masks to attend a concert. No thank you. We will patronize a symphony somewhere else now.

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Be careful where you move. I am in North Carolina, Piedmont area. Large state universities here are requiring proof of vax and mask (still) to see student concerts; some of the few other local venues seem to be doing the same. I don't go anymore, either. I have read however, that low attendance is assumed to be "fear of covid," I rather think it's the ridiculousness of showing a vax card and wearing a mask.

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I refuse to go into places here in the PNW that require a mask or vax card. I don’t have time for that nonsense anymore.

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@Vincent: Husband has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow to schedule a heart monitor implant, thanks to the myocarditis from the Moderna shots. We have to wear a freaking mask at the office. Other offices don't require it. I'm SO SICK of it.

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I work in a cardiology practice and I’M sick of it.

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Yes, it is hard. My youngest son will be applying to colleges next year, and we have been setting our sights lower and lower. And lower. It is heart breaking, although I am glad he is not currently in an elite college requiring students to be “up to date” on as many shots as the authorities might require in the future. We are assuming we might have to move again, depending on what happens this coming fall and winter. My older son was in a second-tier (thankfully) out of state college through the covid lockdowns and it was horrific. My husband ended up flying back and forth, we almost lost our son.

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One word: Hillsdale College. Look it up. Conservative. No vax required university Not a LEFTIST indoctrination institution

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Love love love Hillsdale!

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We did look at it, but I am afraid just like going to an elite college will brand one as a progressive, going to Hillsdale will also limit employment options. We think a bit state school that’s not too well known and does not create any political associations for people…

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Texas A&M does not require jabs.

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Thanks! It’s on our short list.

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Grove City, located in Pennsylvania is much like Hillsdale. Not sure what their vax policies might be, but definitely worth looking at. Hope College in Michigan also worth looking at. They are a Christian college listed in the book, “Schools That Change Lives”

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VA mandate free (at least at public.) Also, lawyers are available to help with exemptions for other colleges.

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Good to know :)

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You're right. However, NC remains somewhat purple in that liberalism may be prominent in the cities but the majority of citizens are still conservative. Its never a given that the liberals will win every election. Keep your eyes on Lt. Governor Mark Robinson. He'll help bring back reason to NC.

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i heard him speak for the first time just this morning!

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I would vote for him in a minute. I hope he runs for governor!

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You are correct. Low attendance is because of the vaccination requirements.

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I live in the Piedmont area of NC too but things are loosening up here.

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I moved last month. And I’m a third generation Angelino.

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I'm out too! Florida here we come 2 months and counting! F*ck California.

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Lucky you. Florida doesn’t work for us, so we’ll have to deal with snow (shudder).

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i am in SC, worked since 1980 for a famous annual international arts festival. i directed all the costumes for the entire event. they shit canned me this year because i wouldn't get vaccinated. if i had died, they would have dedicated some performances to me, had a memorial and made nice speeches about how great i was. if i had retired, they would have dedicated some performances to me, had a party, given me a gift and made nice speeches about how great i was.

but because i simply wasn't vaccinated, i was "disappeared" without a word of thanks for your decades of service, we'll miss you, we're sorry it had to be like this- nothing.

so now, in the free state of SC where i can go anywhere without a mask or an ID, enter any store or restaurant without papers or proof, the festival is requiring full vaccination plus boosters if it's been 5 months or more since your last shot, photo ID, and masks. no children 5 or under can attend since the little typhoid marys aren't able to be vaccinated yet and they might cause an outbreak!

i hear that this isn't going over well. only total die hard live in fear fans will bother.

what's so sad for me is that i was the biggest supporter of the festival and now only hope that it crashes and burns. i can't forgive them, not only for how they've treated me but also for acting as an enforcement arm of the State. the arts aren't supposed to enable the Stasi.

i'll find performances where i am welcome without papers.

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I am sorry about what happened to you. I am sure there are lots of people in your position. I don’t think this division of people will last because a large segment of the population is being excluded from too many things, but I am afraid it will get worse before it gets better.

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I cannot believe this crap continues. We are over 2 years into this....which is a long way from 2 weeks to stop the spread.

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Sounds like Laguna's Festival of Pageant of the Masters.

F- them. Live your life, find another place to showcase your expertise. Create something yourself l, help out school productions. They all will regret so badly what they have been complicit in.

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i should update this. in the last weeks of april, the governor here signed a bill into law that makes discrimination on the basis of vaccination illegal. as a private company, the festival can still mandate it for their employees but cannot require it of the audience. so they have been forced to change their policy. masks are still required but vaccines and boosters are not.

this is probably a blessing in disguise since i've heard that ticket sales were down- which is what happens when you dis half your audience. now they can get rid of the requirement and blame it on the law. however, i am sure it won't help them. their covid fearing audience who has already bought their tickets will be terrified of the prospect of being in a theater with possibly infected vermin. the pissed off unvaccinated people will still be pissed off and have already made other plans, have already written festival-going off for the year, maybe forever.

i can't forgive them and i'm certain that others feel the same.

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Right. I am shut out of all cultural and civic events b/c I was seriously sickened and injured by the Pfizer poison. I can't and won't ever take any more vaxes, covid or otherwise. I fucking HATE this fascist state!

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Yes. Never again. I'm incandescent with rage. I want to believe there are large numbers of people like me who have woken up to the evil which is trying to destroy civilization and civil society. In any case, I'm aware now, and I'll spend the rest of my life working against tyranny and fascism, etc. in all its many forms.

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One more thing: one relative is getting a hearing-aid bc the tinnitus after vax is horrible. One other is having major heart problems- can't walk without losing her breath, and the other developed prostate cancer. All in 12 months following vax.

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I'm so greatful to you! YOU do not continue to hide your head in the sand and use every excuse under the sun to account for this tragic adverse reaction. But rather you speak loudly with your head way above the mountain tops and you speak the TRUTH of your circumstances without being afraid! Fight. Fight, FIGHT To voice the truth and NEVER GIVE UP!

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Same. Had one. Permanent brachial neuritis. Of course the bozos don’t care and I’m persona non grata non vaccinata.

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Apparently when Mayor Adams (cue the laugh for all those who thought he would be better than the last idiot mayor) was asked why NYC is the only city IN THE WORLD masking toddlers, he replied "because NYC is different than all the other cities." That's it, "different." No science. No facts. No reason. Unbelievable. Masking toddlers!!

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Do you mean Mayor "Superspreader" Adams, per chance? Depending on your worldview, God or Mother Nature has provided quite a comeuppance for the political-hyprocrite-class of late.

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Hah! Is he another triple vaxxed politician with Covid?

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tied with california for idiocy

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Omg, I was reading and thinking, is this a joke? Or not? No, I am sure it’s a joke! Or not?

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It's actually someone's real experience. It's crazy!!

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some people are scarred for life and will never be the same. my SIL (double vaxxed AND boosted) suggested to my brother that they go see a Bway show. everyone in or near the building fully vaccinated and masked. she was so freaked out by some less than perfect mask wearing in the audience that she ran from the theater in a panic as soon as the first intermission lights came up. my brother stayed and enjoyed the show.

i'm surprised she let him back in to the apartment without some serious testing. she announced that she was done with theater for life

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We regularly go to the Houston Symphony without restrictions : )

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Buffalo just got rid of its mask and proof of vax mandates. JUST.

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So did Cleveland, recently.

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Lucky you! Hopefully, we will soon too (but not in Houston).

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Hopefully you can sell. It seems increasingly hard to do here in NZ where house prices are probably the highest in the world.

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Careful with that word, “patronize“, California is about patronizing, patronizing the public who was trying to survive…

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Sorry, not a native English speaker here :)

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Your use of 'patronize' is perfectly correct and acceptable.

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Thank you.

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You did use the word patronize correctly; two out of its three definitions are appropriate to your usage (from the American Heritage Dictionary of English Language):

1. To act as a patron to; support or sponsor: donors who patronize the orchestra.

2. To go to as a customer, especially on a regular basis: We patronize the local diner.

3. To treat in a condescending manner, often in showing interest or kindness that is insincere: felt she was being patronized by her supervisor.

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Patronize is a fine word to use as you did.

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America is going to become a modern version of the tower of babel, except it will just be a mountain of debris of humanoids who all speak different languages…

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@Brahms- do they even KNOW what an N95 mask is?????

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Especially a properly fitted one :)

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You are doing the right thing

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Same for Academy of Sciences or exploratorium. Oakland for eating out. These people are fucking nuts.

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It’s hopeless. I just saw an article at sfgate that apparently San Francisco has the highest number of covid cases in all of California. One has to laugh. They blame it on the opening of indoor venues, the very ones requiring three shots and N95s.

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Even the Queen of SF, Nancy Pelosi, has covid.

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Is it bad of me to secretly hope she has a bad time of it?

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The groomer party (Dems) won't stop until they've completely destroyed it.

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Wow, every time i think cali has almost gone completely full commi, they go and do even more crap to violate the 14th Amendment: "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;"

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Maybe everyone should download I am sorry for being a liberal app.

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Don't ever apologize for your personal beliefs AJB and folks who feel likewise. This is why we are all here. Freedom Of Speech. Also - don't put yourself in a box. It sucks to be judged these days. Are you Box A or Box B? Nononononno I am C none of the above. Draw that line in the sand. Or mud. Or ice. Just draw that line.

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F*ck California. Let's continue to vote with our feet and get the f*ck out.

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N California, known by those who live here as the "State of Jefferson", is almost completely red, rural, freedom-loving, and noncompliant with many state-wide mandates... not to mention beautiful. The people here are kind and sensible, not to be lumped in with the crazies in the big cities. We need to re-energize the interest in the State of Jefferson movement, and leave California to the lunatics.


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Where can I move to that has weather even remotely as nice as San Diego?

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Perfect Weather or freedom?

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Understood, but still looking for the best balance of freedom and weather.

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I live in northern suburb of Atlanta that is rather conservative and love it. Atlanta is lib hell. I used to Live in CA back in 1981. Felt uneasy about the culture there even back then.

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yes but those wildfires are something worth leaving

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I'm going Florida. Was just there looks just like California, but yes the weather a little different. But hey, when it gets hot in California we stay inside too.

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Please vote R. I love CA. Live in Fl. Beautiful but many where I live are libs from NY, Conn. and do not like Gov! 😨

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You better believe I will vote R. There has NEVER been so many registered R in the history of FL. Desantis said that the other day. I will ALWAYS LOVE CA...always. But, I will FIGHT to keep FL red. There is a chance that we can keep it that way for many years. I do believe CA is a lost cause. That is why I won't stay to fight in vain. It's too late in California

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I can visit my Pacific coast … and pray Fl stay R with influx of NY, Conn, NJ, libs. Looking for my tribe…

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Seasons. Some people like them. Count me as not enthralled with the Cali Monoseason

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I think Hawaii is more messed up than San Diego.

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LOL. Across the border.

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Been seeking for long time…. Lol!

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No, San Diego In another state.

Arrived in FL. W/O Balboa Pk.

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Do you need an ocean?

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1st and foremost FREEDOM a governor like Desantis who protects the constitution NO other governor is doing what he is, none. 2nd. Yes, I need an ocean, but I get a bonus in Florida. I get two!

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No, though oceans can moderate temperatures pretty well

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Summary please. What is the point the writer is making?

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Back in Spring 2008 Mamet wrote a stunning piece for the uber-liberal Village Voice entitled: Why I Am No Longer a ‘Brain-Dead Liberal’ Now he's back with a book, Recessional: The Death of Free Speech and the Cost of Free Lunch which is a collection of essays on Hollywood ("nobody really believes the woke agenda but can't say so"); pandemic zealotry; Christianity and Judaism, Trump, CA's tax code (& more!)

The link is a conversational interview with Mamet (not an "opinion piece"). I found his observations enjoyable, mainly about the problem of conformity.

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Interview on Tucker Carlson Today with Mamet

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The employee one has been shelved. My guess is the rest will slowly fade away. DNC is not going let California destroy what's left of the party on the national stage.

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California is being destroyed from the inside. Pan, Weiner, Newsome will Prevail in the long run. Elections are corrupted. Good bye Commi-California.

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Tabled for now, but they plan to keep trying. Once cases go back up they can push it.

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****Be aware of the "trailer bill" strategy that the bill can come back without committees, without the public's knowlege, and be passed. Zero transparency. ****

Great discussion beginning here 7:05, Episode 261: California Screamin"


It's about a 30 min view and beyond worth the time investment considering all that is at stake.

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ok but please don't move to Colorado, we're full. And, we're always on fire.

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My Nashville brother says the same about Tennessee: "We're full, keep driving."

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Feel free to come to Florida, as long as you don't vote blue. Central and South Florida in particular need more patriots. People will give you a hard time about moving here, but very few of the complainers are natives either. ;)

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Left Colorado as it was Californicated long ago. Such a shame.

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luckily Colorado just passed a baby infanticide bill to help with that overcrowding problem

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oh no ... link?

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There are a lot of ways to search for this, but here's the gist of it:

“Under the rules proposed by this bill, if a child is delivered alive during an abortion the doctors are under no legal compulsion to provide standard medical care as they would in any other circumstance and attempt to preserve the child’s life,” said Live Action director of government affairs Noah Brandt in a statement.

“Medical providers would listen to the mother’s instructions, which could include not providing life-sustaining medical care to the child, which would lead to the child’s death, which most reasonable people would consider infanticide," he added.

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"which most reasonable people would consider infanticide" ...including me! Thanks for alerting us. It is so sad what Colorado has become. My sister's stepson moved his family recently to TX and another stepson living in Denver is planning to exit with his wife and kids.

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Sounds like North Korea no wonder everyone is leaving the State of California.

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Sounds more like home to me (Canada).

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I'll stop calling people "groomers" when they stop freaking out about bills that prevent the sexualization of my children.

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After looking through some professional events in the Bay Area, all of them require proof of vax and some even proof of booster. This shit is far from over. 😭

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We refused to attend anything that requires proof of vaccine or negative Covid. It just encourages the continuance of discriminatory policies.

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Believe it. Same in Charleston…. So sad…

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Spoleto is completely vaxxed only. I think the Gailliard is still VAX or PCR test. Fortunately, the music Hall varies by the artist who determines the discrimination criteria.

We finally went to see something at the music hall after canceling our subscription because of their policy.

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all CCP cloned BLUE cities and BLUE run states. This is now Freedom vs Tyranny going forward

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Especially in a CCP cloned state

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Agreed. Libtards want to keep this going forever.

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Not if this gets onto the ballot in California. Please sign and mail in your signature. https://www.medicalfreedom.vote

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Those in power would like the entirety of the US to be like CA.

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Florida beckons all freedom loving people. If you’re blue we still welcome you but keep your politics back in California. You might like the change.

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yeah the new bills are unbelievable, it might be the final push for me to leave this shithole. I cant believe they are so blatantly violating hipaa among the other disgusting laws. The ppl who wrote it should be widely shamed , its almost all the same few ppl

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Exactly… what happened to HIPPA? Right!

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theres an episode of peak prosperity that goes over all of them in detail, two of them want to allow the government to secretly inspect your health records without notifying you!

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Its going to be the trade unions (mechanical, electrical, plumbers etc) vs the public employees unions (SEIU,CTA etc) both have more power in Sacramento than almost any assembly member or senator. The trades spiked AB 1993 which is referenced above. The working class in Ca...whats left of it....have divorced themselves from covid and the trades union members are screaming.....not everybody is a nut in our erstwhile beautiful state. The public unions will support any legislation that mandates less personal rights for the unwashed masses. The battle lines are drawn. Bet on the trades to spike most of the crazy crap on the table. Most wont get out of committee. Those that do will most likely not pass the floor vote at the end of session.

But its CA so you never know....

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Attention Democrats: What job is Hunter Biden qualified to do?

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Senior Global Crack Specialist / Advisor. Pays a lot!

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Lots of Fentanyl coming across the southern border each day. Under Uncle Joey!

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10% for The Big Guy :-(

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Manage a Ukraine gas company perhaps?

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Give 10% to the Big Guy!!

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Man, I hope so. I hope your right. Maybe, we can come back one day when this blows over.

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Other than a strip of dirt thats about 20 miles wide that runs from the oregon border down to mexico, the rest of Ca is pretty conservative. The problem is that 20 mile swath is the coastal area and thats where all the votes are and those folks are crazy. But all the people running in the June primary, even the progs, are running on crime and homelessness. So maybe there is a slight sea change?

We will see...

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I realize the F concept is slang demonstrative, but The Golden State would be a lousy lay.

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Omg, that is soooooo funny and sooooo true!!! Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

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The F Concept?

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sold my pfizer stock last year to buy shares in a funeral services company... my investment thesis may or may not be death by vaccine.

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Did you buy CSV? If so bought some too several months ago.

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Yup CSV.

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Tennessee Bill that would allow ivermectin to be sold over-the-counter in TN passes Senate By Murry Lee

FDA HUMAN APPROVED in 1997 name brand STROMECTOL- Ivermectin .


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Right the fuck on, Tennessee. 2 down, 48 to go. Too bad this will totally fuck with Alex's bullshit narrative about ivermectin not working for Covid. That dude has issues.

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He doesn't believe their bullcrap studies saying vaccines work but does believe studies saying IVM doesn't. Also believes all the war propaganda. I'm starting to question his judgment lol.

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He has mental issues. I am serious. Nobody normal can be so fucking bi-polar on their approach to two topics as he is on the vax and ivermectin.

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Agreed on the disconnect with dozens of global studies pointing to benefits with IVM. One incorrectly measured and administered study through the NE JOM doesn't add up to anything.

That has nothing to do with Putin's actions encouraged by the feckless Obamunists with the Russian armed forces invading Ukraine.

So Alex is ok on two of three, as many around the world.

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Russia hysteria is the same as covid hysteria. All propaganda all the time.The war happened because NATO and the pentagon brought us there. On purpose. Worked on it for over a decade. From the Orange revolution to the coup in 2014. The coup ended Ukrainian and Russian military integration. Ended the lease aggreement of Sevastopol inspiring the annexation of Crimea. The build up of artillery in the Donbas sparked the invasion. The pentagon has literally been following the Rand plan to eliminate Russia as an influencer of global events. The war is about maintaining full spectrum dominance. Cutting Russia's economic ties with Europe and placing Europe firmly under the foot of the US. The price that will be paid is the destruction of Ukraine. Was all of this really in the best interests of the Ukrainian people? The US literally blew Ukraine up for the purpose of weakening and isolating Russia. Our psycopathic rulers have no more care for Ukrainians than Fauci and Gates do for anyone's health.

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You make the strongest case of almost anyone I've seen accounting the war to NATO. Unfortunately, you're 100% incorrect as your case ignores the desire completely of Putin to recast himself from KGB thug to a new imperialist czar. It has nothing to do with NATO as Putin advisers themselves state Putin wanted to rebuild an empire and Ukraine was an essential part to it. To ignore Putin's playbook is a sad statement both to his being the key player in Russia invading Ukraine and the Reagan Doctrine.

With Reagan, Thatcher and Pope John Paul II liberating hundreds of millions, it's this anti-NATO theory which overlook the liberation of man and returns to say nations in Europe do not have a right to join a defensive alliance. They have no right to their sovereignty (no matter how flawed) and their people have no right to live free but must remain vassals of a Putin totalitarian empire.

The idea Russia inherited rights of the Soviet empire in perpetuity is also another unfortunate error by many.

Ukraine opted not to lay down to this "right." They have shocked the world in fighting back against the "mighty" Russian Army. If given the military aid they have been pleading for, they can push Russia out and shock the world yet again.

Having been in Ukraine during the Orange Revolution, I'm familiar with those who dismissively lay this Oliver Stone position but as with the alleged 2014 "coup" it's all wet. The people rose up in the hundreds of thousands demanding a Western view and application to the EU where they saw a better future. Putin's puppet sent out thugs to gun down protestors in the middle of Kyiv and then later fled from his compound in the dead of night... wait for it... to Russia.

In so doing, he looted the nation of billions and remains inside Russia to this day. Putin had a plan to reinstall his puppet installed via election fraud in February. But the plan to decapitate the government of Kyiv failed.

The entire premise of Putin's invasion has been beset by a united country fighting back from East to West and they show no desire to enter into the gulags of Putin's liberation.

Your position is one I've seen among a select few and it's not only oddly one-sided, it's pro-Putin. The psychopathy is the idea Russian imperialism has some sovereign right to control much of Europe. It's not one I will ever subscribe.

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"Putin to recast himself from KGB thug to a new imperialist czar" This is propaganda. Russia didn't inherit anything. They had a lease on Sevastopol until 2042. The peninsula is populated by Russian military families. There was no Russian invasion of Crimea. They had 30,000 troops there the day of the coup. The country's population was split 50/50 until Crimea was annexed and the Donbas fell into civil war. At that point the Western population had a clear majority. If Ukraine didn't mass a large force, bring in artillery, start shelling the Donbas, and Zelensky going to the EU stating they are going to arm themselves with nukes ...Russia would have never invaded. In fact they came right to the US and told them they needed to fix this and now. The Biden administration told them to F off and started screaming that there is going to be a Russian invasion. The Biden regime wanted this. They planned it.They war gamed it. They are executing their plan. https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR3063.html

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Article doesn't give any indication on final passage.

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Didn't New Hampshire pass something similar?

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If former Blackrock employee Ed Dowd is correct, Moderna stock is going to zero. He is just waiting for the rest of Wall Street to wake up to the MRNA fraud.

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No, no, it's not a fraud at all. Didn't you hear Jen Psaki TODAY ??? She explained to we deplorable little people, that now that princess Nancy P. has Covid, she is very FORTUNATE to be FULLY vaccinated (in other words, she's FULL of vaccine) now that she had Covid. Got that new speak ? NOW that I have Covid, I am so so fortunate to have as much vaccine as you can have. Do I need to run that past you one more time ? Now that I HAVE Covid, I feel so blessed to have all the vaccine shots one is allowed to prevent Covid. Had I not had every shot and every booster, why, I'd be dead !

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Appears to me that Nancy caught Covid just in time to cancel her planned trip to Taiwan. Kind of like Justin caught Covid just as the truckers were showing up in Ottawa. Amazing how fortuitously infective it is.

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What an interesting analysis ! ! ! That aspect never occurred to me and something that obvious, kudos to you. Has me wondering.... Merrick Garland, did he have something looming that he preferred to duck out of I wonder ?

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ha! Perfect!

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Bought some long term puts (January 2024) on Moderna. I'm hoping that's plenty of time for Bancel and his goons to circle the drain.

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I bought MRNA shitputs just way too early

I underestimated how long the charade would last

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Nope Alex. Eric Adams still insists on masking the 2-5 year olds in NYC. He is pandering to the UWS Karens. It's nice to see the rest of the planet start to awaken, but many are still suppressed by politics, not science. As if it was ever about science.....

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And Eric hasn't gotten rid of the mandate for private companies to require their employees to be vaccinated. And my NYC gym (Equinox) is requiring vaccination even though this chain doesn't require it in TX or FL (yet they told me in August they'd roll out the mandate nationwide...liars) and even though Eric repealed the gym mandate. Total discrimination.

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The whole thing is a control issue masquerading as a joke masquerading as public policy. Can you go to the gym in NJ? Or just move? I am getting out of NJ to the Blue Ridge Mountains. Refuse to bow to these unscientific policies. Phil Murphy thanks for the tax booster!

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Thanks for thinking outside of the box :)....It's not worth going to a gym in NJ (too much time back and forth...I live near the Park, thank goodness.)

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Parks are great! Find the kiddy gym and work out on the monkey bars! Hang a 20lb bag of rice in a pillowcase in a doorway and punch/kick it. Jog with weights on your wrists and ankles. Pushups with a kid on your back. Stand on one leg and do toe circles around a doorknob with the other leg. Thank you for being open to not paying a gym for their prestige! Health is free. And freedom!

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You're a sweetheart! All great suggestions, thank you!!

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People need to leave these states!!

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Those who should, will. Those who want to stay, will. At least, that is the hope.

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Meanwhile in Canada, mini dictator Turdeau has secured millions of doses indefinitely. Whether we can like it - or afford it- or not we are stuck and paying for doses for the next few years.

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The Turd's day will come. We have to be patient.

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Hope you're right but at what cost?

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I think eventually it will be the separation of Canada. The Liberals and the NDP have created deep divides within our Country. That will be the cost unfortunately.

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I think you're right. The divide is too wide now. They openly admit they're letting polls guide their mandate decisions. Quebec admitted the same. This is how you fracture the civil order. Tyranny of the majority. Apparently these ignoramuses never read Mill.

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We have been subjected to extreme amounts of nonsense. My memory is long. I will never forget. At some point there will be a reckoning day. They will not be welcome anywhere.

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Funny you say that. I don't hold grudges. I don't have a long memory. I forgive and forget. Nothing really is worth getting riled up over. But THIS? This I won't forget. And I won't forgive. Not unless there are some serious amends. People don't realize they've been medically and legally raped. This reform would have to include a serious revisiting of all our provisions, protocols, Charter and laws to STRENGTHEN civil liberties. I don't expect that though in this valueless wasteland. Instead, we're seeing them trying to steal MORE power.

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Too little, too late. Our chance at securing our victory went out the door once the truckers left. The opportunity has come and gone. The only question is how much more pain and lasting damage will we have to face.

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400 million shots was the number - for 38 million people.....go figure.

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Well, I for one, will not be availing myself of even one of these shots. They are now promoting a 4th shot for certain people.

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I remember this woman coming home to the apartment building we live in and she was like "yeah, I got my second dose of the vaccine today!" I thought to myself -- why is she so happy about getting a vaccine that is untested against a virus that is little to no threat to her? (she's a young healthy woman). Anyway, stupid is as stupid does.

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Her first second dose or her second second dose?

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I'd love to hear your thoughts on the FDA's VRBPAC meeting yesterday. I was left with a reminder of how incompetent those people are. They all seem so surprised that they don't have access to the relevant data to make informed decisions. I'm convinced that they put the board members on a break during the public hearing portion. No way a human being can listen to an hour of vaccine injury stories and then switch gears in 10 mins to discuss amongst themselves with no emotion.

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I have heard (cannot remember where) that they go to lunch during the public discussion portion and do not hear a word.

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I wonder if they ever go back and listen? How on earth can their decisions be informed when all of their information comes from an inept CDC and the FDA getting their data directly from the manufacturers? I suspect those board members have to all be sociopaths.

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Perhaps ?, just saying, perhaps.... the intention is NOT to provide an "informed" decision at all ? Hummmmm ? Wonder what one would find if they committed to the kind of research it would take to find out if any of those board members could possibly benefit financially in any way IF their decision is pro-vaccination ? Follow the money may be a tired old expression, but... it never goes out of style !

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Or captured/corrupt...it is absolutely infuriating!

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Is Arnold Monto still there?

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Unfortunately. Still can't sort out video conferencing, but is leading the group on health recommendations.

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Yeah well, watch him. He's probably in the pharma web.

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As a jobseeker, it’s difficult to find an employer that doesn’t require employees to have been ‘fully vaxed.’ I’m a finalist for a position now and, so far, no mention of the jab. But their website says it’s required. Hard to believe they’d go through the entire hiring process before asking. If they make an offer, it would be a dealbreaker.

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I see what you mean. Maybe they figure if you go through all the trouble to run their interview gauntlet, by then, you'll comply.

That, or the website has not been updated.

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Not true… but in tech sector I must qualify

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Sociopaths never give up without not only a fight, but figuring out ways to take people with them if they know they’re going down…

Sorry Mr. Berenson, you’re fighting a losing battle because you maintain being civil polite acquiescing and tolerant of horrific vile despicable people.

Again as I’ve written, if you people were around eighty years ago, we’d all be speaking German and Japanese today…

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Are we sure that the Nazis lost that war?

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The last 20 years makes me wonder. We may have won it militarily but not philosophically.

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the voice of a defeatist in 500 words

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Not clear of your reference, but if you think I’m a defeatist , tell us how you’re saving the world?!

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You are sooooo right.

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Oh, and thank you for the opportunity to comment.

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You stated the actual truth, a characteristic (IF "they" truly have sociopathic personality disorder (and people tend to just toss out such a diagnosis casually), then they will not "give up", they will be tenacious in the eyes of the others because they can NOT "give up", their central nervous system processing just can't "think" in that path, it's like getting "stuck" in one lane and not being about to change at will.

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Evil: Relentless lying; soulless shameless hypocrisy; causing harm chaos and death; showing no remorse for consequences caused; and mocking and disdaining healthy accepted boundaries set by society for generations.

Doesn’t that sound like them?!

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But WHY ? Money, greed ? Ideology like a Stalin, a Lenin, a Noriega ? WHY are they doing this, just "evil" in not a complete explanation. "Evil" people become serial killers (lone wolf serial killers), there is more to this situation than "just a bunch of people "born" evil just happened to find each other !

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The mrna vaccine experiment (injection) phase may be ending but the injury phase is far from ending.

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And yet more than 1000 colleges continue to mandate them as a condition of matriculation for students, withe over 300 mandating boosters. This for a population in the sweet post of cardiac risks from shots and who don't need this medical intervention. Oh, and no long-term safety data. What could go wrong? NoCollegeMandates.com

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Yes, and 68,000 18-60yr olds died vaccinated. The insurance company shows data. Govt stay out!

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I'm in North Carolina and our public schools are regularly having vax clinics for covid. This is not done. This is a temporary hiatus until September when it starts all over again. I hope to God I'm wrong but the emergency powers are still in place. They'll give us the summer to settle down and relax a bit but when the elections are nearing, it will be a new variant and people will get right back in line for boosters, cover their faces and force others to do the same.

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The emergency powers are the key. Power seized is not relinquished. They will generate more faux crises to hold the powers. Freedom in America is being ripped away piece by piece.

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How are those poor ceo's going to eat?!

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You mean, how can they afford that second yacht with the helipad?!

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Some of them have young…

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Young what?

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Children to be sacrificed, for dinner, and an abortion laughs movie…

The Left, yep, why Latin it means Sinister…

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Horrible... So much is coming out at the moment about what's been going on with abortion. And many states are passing laws to restrict or ban it, thank God.

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Is it Washington D.C. that is trying to make abortion legal right up to the day a child would be full term ? Don't remember where they are fighting for that, talk about a people who have completely lost their moral compass, rather you are a religious person, or a liberal person, or whatever, that is just plain loosing your own humanity. Like drowning puppies and kittens, humans, nothing means anything... What ARE we doing to ourselves ???

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Already done in NZ. Thanks to the woke fascist that we have as a PM.

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Yes a line has been crossed. It is continuously crossed. Your perspective Ann Marie is so important.

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I think it might be DC, but it's also Colorado. The "good" news (if one can even say that) is that finally people are starting to realize what is really going on and that it's not about being "compassionate" to a woman who may have difficulties in her life, but it's about not stopping at killing a human being if it means there will be a small amount of convenience gained in the process. As you say, when we do this kind of thing, we're really doing it to ourselves, and when one is that far along in the process there is not much humanity left in us, i.e., the part of us that can be reached to do good.

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While some are trying to EXPAND it right up to, and including, the moment of birth ! Interesting to take a U.S. map and color categorize like they do weather maps, take a look at the "trends" on abortion, legal drug use, no-bail, de-fund the police, numbers of homeless on the streets, crimes being committed with legal vrs. illegal guns, etc. etc. Just run studies on ALL the variables, and THEN take a look at the patterns that emerge... too many trying to spout "trends" looking at ONE ISOLATED variable ! Meaningless data the way many present it !

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Exactly. Here we often study after isolating... like with foods or habits, etc. "THE secret to a longer life, better night's sleep, etc, etc." "The worst thing you can do..." One needs to step back and see the bigger picture, and then it becomes much clearer.

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Here in CT they are pushing a "test to treat" protocol. Part of my email to Lamont, and the two other state reps:

The test to treat protocols I am hearing about are reckless and wrong headed. I heard that people visiting family and friends in nursing homes are going to be tested and offered anti-viral drugs as if a test has any bearing on doctor supervised treatments! This is a very reckless government policy that should never be employed! Doctors have the capacity to treat patients and many of the pcr tests are unreliable. If a patient does not have symptoms they should never be considered sick with covid. I have looked at side effects of the anti-viral drugs and they look to be worse than the infection they are supposedly used to treat. The immunity from prosecution and liability the doctors, drug companies and other healthcare providers were given need to be ended immediately.

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The colleges in NYS still require vaccination. Hochul is running for governor and if she gets in it will never end here. We may relocate.

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My neighborhood has several vacant homes for lease in CA. I closed escrow last week on a home in FL. CA is a lost cause. The politics here are all regressive. Tax, tax, tax is the only way they know how to "FIX" problems.

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Coming to a Dollar General near you: Unused vaxes in the "discount bin," next to the hand sanitizer.

Surely an "impulse" item.

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Last time Africans tried to cancel orders, the media blamed a new variant on South Africa a few days later.

And a few weeks after that they quietly admitted the new variant was already in the Netherlands before its discovery in SA. But they kept the restrictions on SA anyway.

It will be interesting to see how the covid machine reacts this time around.

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Are you talking about the variant that "unfortunately" was a better vaccine than anything manmade?

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Did the other African nations even order? I thought that was why I was donating my shots..... The Pfizer/Moderna/AZ contracts were purely with OECD countries. This whole thing is a joke but a reminder of the trade partners when the sh*t really hits the fan.

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Cecil went on a selling spree for Pharma around Africa in late November after changing his mind about vaccines.

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Based Africans for the win

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Papua New Guineans for control of Asia Pacific.

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Huh? Get out of your bubble Alex. There’s California and New York. The passports are still up in the air. WEF has a plan…

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The days of the plan are gone. Now they just have reactions.

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Government fraud involving the immunity granted will soon be considered null and void. All those damaged find a good law firm in 5-4-3-2-1.

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Don't you get it? Our legislators voted law suits away. Remember? They voted to meke drug makers immune... from prosecution.

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Only until 2024.

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..... Whose going to take a vaccine in 2024 though? I mean come on.

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Moot if there's fraud.

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Can't live on hope alone, but we can only hope !

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Perhaps the biggest beneficiary of the ‘Covid Crisis’ was the Pharmaceutical Industry and its investors. In late 2019 what is inarguably one of the most profitable industries for investors had sunk to the bottom of industry rankings as their financial empires were in steep decline.

The arrival of Covid-19 erased these nettlesome realities.

Data on the value of shares of Big Pharma before and after the declared “pandemic” reveal a historic reversal of fortunes. The prophets of high finance who had the wisdom, and connections, to foresee such events did not suffer, they cashed in.

Percentage drop and increase in share price in February-April 2020 of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies (value in dollars):


ROCHE HOLDING: 2/19/20 – $351.10; 3/12/20 – $247.40= -29%

JOHNSON & JOHNSON: 2/20/20 – $148.37; 3/12/20 – $125.41= -15.5%

GILEAD: 2/20//20 – $67.00; 3/12/20 – $68.58= +1.4%

AMGEN: 2/13/20 – $223.24; 3/12/20- $182.24= -18.3%

GLAXO: 2/10/20 – $44.61; 3/12/20 – $36.51 = -18.2%

NOVARTIS: 2/12/20 – $99.01; 3/12/20 – $74.07= -25.2%

MERCK: 2/10/20 – $81.74; 3/12/20 – $71.04= -13.1%

SANOFI: 2/10/20 – $51.22 3/12/20 – $40.87= -20.2%

ABBVIE: 2/13/20 – $95.35; 3/12/20 – $78.61= -17.6%

PFIZER: 2/11/20 – $36.14; 3/12/20 – $28.48= -21.2%


ROCHE HOLDING: 3/12/20 - $274.40; 4/28/20 – $352.70= +28.5%

JOHNSON & JOHNSON: 3/12/20 – $125.41; 4/27/20 – $154.29= +23.2%

GILEAD: 3/12/20 – $68.58; 4/29/20 – $83.14= +22.2%

AMGEN: 3/12/20 – $182.24; 4/27/20 – $242.43= +32.9%

GLAXO: 3/12/20 – $36.51; 4/30/20 – $42.07= +13.21%

NOVARTIS: 3/12/20 – $74.07; 4/27/20 – $89.59= 21%

MERCK: 3/12/20 – $71.04; 4/27/20 – $80.13= +22.6%

SANOFI: 3/12/20 – $40.87; 4/27/20 – $50.63= +23.9%

ABBVIE: 3/12/20 – $78.61; 4/29/20 – $84.69= +7.7%

PFIZER: 3/12/20 – $28.48 4/29/20 – $36.17= +27%

Let's speculate on this. Who knew what and when did they know it?

Moderna-The New Kid In Town

Before the arrival of Covid-19, Moderna was described as, “A company in need of a Hail Mary”, as it was “hemorrhaging investors amidst safety concerns and other doubts about its mRNA delivery system.”

That needed miracle arrived.

On 2/12/20 Moderna stock was languishing at a paltry $19.01.

By 4/20/20 a single share of Moderna tripled from early February to $51.69 a share.

Three months later Moderna shares moved up to $80.86/share.

One year out from that dismal 2/12/20, $19.01 share price, Moderna was trading at a remarkable $174.74 per share and just heating up.

By 6/22/21 Moderna rose to $208.24 a share.

By 7/22/21, Moderna soared to $321.11/share.

By 9/23/21 Moderna peaked at $454.60/share.

A star was born.

As of April 6th, 2022, wunderkind Moderna has "settled in" at $154.62/share. The heady days of $400 shares are gone, even the most fortuitous of miracles don’t go last forever.

While a significant decline from the Olympian heights of 2021, still not a bad return on investment (assuming you were in on the ground floor) for a company that only a few years back was on the verge of bankruptcy and to date can only boast of a solitary experimental neurotoxin in its product line.

As they say it's not what you know or who you know but when you buy and when you sell.

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The biggest beneficiaries were those congress and senate folks (US), prime ministers and bureaucrats (EU/UK/Australia) all insider trading. The average joe got screwed. And will pay for this low hanging fruit. Allen - I agree Pharma benefited, but who owns Pharma stock? It's OK - Nancy said no more insider trades now she and family have benefited.

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Stephen Petty- On the effectiveness of mask. This is a must watch share and like please.


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I don't have to watch - seen a bunch of mask situations demolished. But it's a virtue signal. You are a Believer or a Heretic. Like a Relic of The True Cross. 500 years from now they will look back on this era as overly superstitious, and dig up discarded masks which will be placed in museums :)

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Absolutely they will be in museums... right along side the ancient implements and bowls for blood letting !

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If you get a chance to listen to it you will see how they even ignored him with reality of the true failures of any face mask.

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Most compelling is how LONG all this was known, yet, very little of it "leaked" out, that one slip of the tongue by Fauci, then the quick 360 on that and finally admitting that the only effective mask is actually an N95 respirator which as this man affirmed, you can not just allow people with no instruction and training, to use. And then think, still TODAY, in some places, you can find people in ordinary disposable food handler cotton $25 a box "masks", gaping on the sides, gaping under the eyes, and there they are, people walking dogs, riding bikes with their "masks" ????

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And have they ever benefited ! Wow, it's been like a Miracle, no, more than a miracle, it's like a Hillary Clinton cattle futures bet, is more than a miracle !

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Agree- that's why I said "Pharma and it's investors."

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You did say that Allen. The investors are another big pond to wade into. But Pharma is steered by the Board, who are steered by the best interests of the major shareholders. I can half forgive shareholders because they are once removed from the internal BoD/CEO/majority SH whispers over dinner at the best steakhouses.

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They have retreated briefly, but they will be back with their attempted mandates when the next big wave starts this Summer. The only hope they will go away and stay away is if we can get this insane PCR testing regime ended. That is the key step- ending the testing in any setting other than a hospital.

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The mRNA injection terrorism heaped upon us by big pharma is far from over. The leftists get rid of joey and then obumba takes over and the government does a whole lot more leftist crappola, including forced injections. The FDA and CDC will approve a 5th and 6th poison injection this year.

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Right...its only just begun. People must NEVER ever forget what these criminals did with humanity and are still doing so in many areas with plans to escalate when time is right. Fauci and the minions around him and those puppeteers directing all of them have YET to be held accountable. Not ONE of these perps has yet to be held to account. What rational mind believes its over?

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Not in Ontario, Canada. Mandates have been lifted, but as cases, hospitalizations and deaths skyrocket, public health is advising to mask up, watch your distance and get a booster shot. A fourth jab was just approved for 60+. All voluntary now, but as we now know in Communist Canada when we don't comply, Chairman Trudeau imposes martial law, seizes bank accounts, and throws us in jail. We have a provincial election in two months which adds an interesting element to the proceedings. Buckle up people this ride is about to get bumpy, but to say the experiment is ending has nothing to do with reality. This is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Stay strong and free Team Reality. The truth is our best weapon and a wise man, by the name of Jesus, once said "the truth will set them free."

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How can you say it's ending? Vax mandates are all over the place and seem even to be increasing. What world do you live in?

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Hold it! The FDA just approved the 4th booster for people over 50 without the Advisory Committee meeting because it was such an obvious decision. Why it was obvious they didn't say. Only that it was justified by data from England. Alex reports that data has just been disappeared. AND the Big Pharmas are now working on mRNA "vaccines" for colds and measles. Hold it!

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Because CNN.....

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Yeah, not in Shitstralia where we just signed on to manufacture the sh#t, 4th shot for over 60s, booster for 16 year olds and the budget just set aside money to pay for compensation for the 0-4 yr age group for adverse reactions. No one has even approved this crap for them yet and we are setting aside money to pay off parents. Sick, sick country and we are trapped here.

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Thanks, Alex. This kinda makes me want to chuckle, but the downside has been horrible and there have been no legal punishment / accountability.

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Except in Canada :(((( They are actually getting worse rather than better, at least at the federal level. I am still trapped!!

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Me too. I live on the West Coast in Canada and if I wanted to visit the East Coast of Canada I would have to drive there. A journey of thousands of miles either way.

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In NZ until about a week ago we couldn't travel between South and North Islands without testing (planes) or vaxx pass (boats). One of the boat lines still has a vaxx pass in place despite the Prime Moron saying the days of vaxx mandates were over (because she feared for her life, everything in NZ comes down to what's happening to her).

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It’s so ridiculous. I live in Ontario but my family is in Nova Scotia and Nfld.

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I know. It's insane. I was born in Quebec and never managed to visit the East Coast during the 27 years I lived there. My partner and I have a really nice trailer which we can comfortably live in for months at a time but realistically at our age, he is a very young 81 and I will be 72 this spring and to drive that far for us at this stage is no longer a viable option. Neither of us are fans of long distance driving. The farthest we ever went was down the Oregon Coast and to Yellowstone in the past. And even if we attempted to drive across the country the price of gas is prohibitive. He is vaccinated and I am not. We both dearly would have loved to visit our east coast by flying there and back. We would have put money into the economy and had a chance to visit our fellow Canadians and to experience the wonder and beauty of our eastern provinces. That choice has been taken away. It is mind boggling that our Prime Minister has restricted travel for the unvaccinated in our country. And at this point it doesn't seem he is planning to change these draconian restrictions. I subscribe to many substacks and I am amazed at how many Canadians have the same complaint. We are trapped within our own country.

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Oh, that's such a shame. This is just so wrong. Unfortunately many of vaccinated truly don't care and think we deserve to be treated as second class citizens. Where have compassion and caring and tolerance gone in our society? It's heartbreaking. I had a good friend of mine say to me the other day that her friends don't understand how she can stay friends with someone who is unvaccinated. I'm still upset about that although it's really more of a reflection on her friends than me. I just told her I'm glad that she isn't being influenced by her friends judging her for not judging me. The data is so clear, it's beyond comprehension how Trudeau can continue to implement or even try to justify these measures. I never imagined a day that I would trapped in my own country. I hope the US comes to their senses then at least we could drive over the border and fly where ever we want.

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Trudeau is truly insane. Even more insane than Jacinda here.

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Hard to believe isn't it? Mind you he has openly admired the control China has over it's citizens so not a huge surprise. What is also frightening and disturbing is that the other leftist party here just got into bed with him to form a majority government so the next 3.5 years will be hellish.

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"The administration argued that the Constitution gives the president, as the head of the federal workforce, the same authority as the CEO of a private corporation to require that employees be vaccinated."

No words 🤯


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Same thing happened to teachers and health workers here in NZ. Coordinated?

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Shouldn't they be forced to make it safe and make sure it works before forcing people to di that?

Lol as if a CEO has the right to force you to take a shot.

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Now that the 5th circuit reinstated Biden’s federal employee mandate, and Jackson was installed on SCOTUS, the genocide continues.

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Germany? That's incredible.

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Sometimes the Germans make the right decision, when they choose to use their brains instead of unbalanced politics.

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$MRNA was under $25 when 2020 started. $159 now, and so many execs have cashed out along the way. Unfortunately, they are still big winners.

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Investors have no loyalty except to the bottom line.

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I dreamed last night that Fauci, Bourla and Bancel were put in public stocks in the mall in DC and I had a basket of rotten tomatoes and went all Nolan Ryan on them.

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Should’ve dreamt about lacrosse balls, much more painful…

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And repeated injected with the bio weapon…

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yeah I am sitting in a restaurant in a posh Phoenix resort eating dinner by myself. People at the table next to me started on the most ignorant rave about the unvaccinated. "Do they warn everyone they encounter that they aren't vaccinationed?" "If there is enough of them, they can cause an outbreak!" How stupid are they? I mean if you want to do the "it prevents serious disease" BS I will cut you some slack but please don't even think about saying that the unvaccinated cause outbreaks!

I bit my tongue but it was hard.

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Wouldn't be me. I'd be making them feel stupid asking if they knew any vaxed getting Omicron?

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Like my vaxed friends during xmas week. They had covid and positive. I had a cold and tested negative!!!! Im not vaxed. We are all in the same age group of 62-67 yo!!!

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So I am still curious as to what's the wonderful ingredients in this unapproved experimental gene thereapy (with serious downsides) that the political / big pharma class need 100% of the world to have it. I mean, they're very generous to provide it for free (via taxes of course) but hey, many folk don't like every free offer they get!

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The goofs in charge of the University of Maryland campus in my city are still on the rampage with vaccines and masks. I used to teach physics as adjunct there, bailed out 2019 after an episode of student cheating on a scale that tells me no grades coming out of any institution mean a damned thing now.

Their degrees are worth less than toilet paper. But to get that toilet paper you must be inoculated/masked/subjected to relentless indoctrination. If you still want it without the abuse, you can apply for an "exemption'", that is, if groveling for brainless apparatchiks doesn't bother you.

Men especially: run for a trade. The colleges are anti-male and you don't need the swill they have to offer in exchange for myocardia.

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The USA Medical system is nothing more than a legalized system of well marketed drugs. The doctor is nothing more than a drug dealer with a get out of jail free card if he kills or maims you. So what if you can sue. Sold as "Healthcare ", another misnomer in the American lexicon.

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The fact doctors have little to no training in diet shows how disconnected they are from actual health.

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Nice for Africa, but for us, The court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has just reinstated Biden's mandate for all Federal employees. They are NEVER going to willingly give up total control over us.

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word is if an en banc hearing is granted, it will be overturned

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I heard Uncle Joey Biden got his wish here in America for are you ready >50 for the 4th mRNA shot. Just exactly how much embalming fluid is David Frum Biden mortician going to use? I also heard he gave Nervous Nancy Pelosi a big wet kiss and she know has covid-19.

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Biden is the Fall Guy. they are keeping the covid ace in their back pocket until it needs to be deployed. That's why everyone avoided him recently.

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It makes me sick to my stomach watching him suffer Uncle Joey Biden is a lost man and it is only getting worse every day. His PCP needs to put a stop to this madness before we end up in WW3.

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Do you believe he ever even mattered? He was always a puppet. Scarily, they don't even bother to hide this aspect (like they did with Obama). He should never have been voted in (Bernie burnt twice!) but let them show themselves as they are. Jut waiting for him to get the Bug. Then we have an even bigger problem.

I hate his wife and family for putting him into this sad situation. They more than any others, knew it would not be a good environment.

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The only person can put an end to this madness is his PCP. Uncle Joey's entire family is compromised legal trouble and drugs as well. Uncle Joey wife is involved with the corruption as well like Anthony Fauci wife. Uncle Joey Staff around him are only they're for the money they could be careless about him or our country. People ask me all the time how Kamel toe Harris got where she is in life how did she manage a job interview. Someone with some big boy pants needs to take a leadership role before we have no country left. Do you realize he is tapped into our energy reserves fuel saved for say like a rainy day? If he is not replenishing this oil as fast as he is using it the price of oil will even go up even higher by this fall. He is giving our military equipment to Ukraine. With no plan to restore our military equipment putting this country in a very dangerous situation if we need these things to defend our country. There is so much going on that most dont know or understand. Open borders flooding our streets with crime diseases and all sorts of drugs.

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OMG Anthony it is a huge mess. But I think a lot of it was put in place during Obama's administration. You know Joe's PCP is a benefactor who will do as told. They are all corrupt puppets, and this was all pre-determined. Joe only won bc Bernie had so many supporters. Had to stem that option! Same as with Hillary. I will not forget Bernie handing over his votes to Hillary, and 4 years later to Joe. Not that I support him, but shows how the system works. The Plan was to blow this glorious Constitution to smithereens - woke, illegals, BLM, inflation, cancel fossil fuels without a safety net, Far Left. The whole thing is a mess within a bigger global mess. Sadly the USA is not positioned well globally. How is your Arabic/Russian/Chinese? That was not meant to be a joke. And the Fed ties the hands of the US oil companies, having already told them to go Clean! The whole thing is a reckoning.

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Better that Bernie did that than win. There would be a lot of disappointed Bernie bros if that had happened.

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Liability! Seriously. Kamala not better.. world sees bickers over

Kindergarten trans classes Rome 🥵 burns .

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Will DeSantis use the vaccine against Trump and the mandates against Brandon?

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interesting question!

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Perhaps they are giving up because they have achieved their objectives, whatever those may be...

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Decay destruction and death, brought to you by the party of “D”, as in Demoncraps.

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Changes in election laws.

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There were a lot of people who truly believed they were fighting a virus. Doctors, scientists, virologists, epidemiologists, everyday people thought there was a deadly virus that would kill anyone who got it and that masks, vaccines, etc. would stop it. People who were also in a position to profit while being able to tell themselves they were heroes. We now know none of this is true and I believe the people at the top knew it all along. Go back to September 2019, CEOs are resigning and the overnight rates at the banks spike. Billions are quietly being dumped into the banks EVERY WEEK during the "greatest economy in history" and right before a mjor election. Then here comes a virus brought to us by the media...

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We spent BILLIONS on these shots. BILLIONS on the lockdowns. Billions on the track and trace. Then think of all the damage we did to kids and small business!

So, the fact we got NOTHING for this wasted money is a massive sucker punch.

I could have improved the health of UK people with less than 1% of that money. Get everyone tested for vit D and b12. Hand out a good quality B complex with extra Thiamin. Make sure every pregnant woman is getting enough vitamins from her diet but a couple of B complex pills twice a week just to make sure!

There I just decreased every disease (By 1 to 10 to 70%) known to man.

What did our public health experts give us? A car crash for public health!

When people like Batycharya were saying "The lockdowns are bad because child vaxination rates crashed" I always thought they should be very careful. Because what happens when we don't see explosions in childhood diseases? Even though many kids missed their shots.

The other scary point is the massive drop in premature deliveries AND SIDS.

I wonder what could have caused a 60% drop in SIDS in March 2020? They better hope the public never notices.

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So I should trust the most corrupt industry in the world? The industry that willingly destroyed thousands of lives with synthetic opiates knowing the consequences . Then also trust the medical industry that doctors also knowingly prescribed these who then profited from it or at the very least turned a blind eye . Any doctor who knew (which don't fool yourself they did) or had anything to do with the biggest crime of our times Is guilty . People put they're faith in you to help them and you only cared about profit and yourselves so your both equally guilty.

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I have the perfect alternative from watching the lame scream propaganda machine: it’s called the crap cam…

Just put a camera inside the toilet and watch people defecate, certainly more accurate and appropriate information for viewers to learn what our leaders are doing to us…

Versus the dishonest disingenuous disdainful shit the major media dumps on us every goddamn day…

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