When someone declares 'people will die' as a justification for curtailing liberty, the correct response is, 'what are you suggesting - that liberty isn't worth dying for? That those who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms made the wrong choice?'

Author's Note: This was originally written during the era of 9/11 boogie-man terrorism. For the purposes of modernization, please replace any instance of the word 'security' with 'bio-security', and any instance of the word 'terror' with 'virus'. None of this theater has ever been about safety. It has only ever been about control.

We no longer know the meaning of freedom. We have traded away everything to a false prophet. We refuse to see that belonging to a government is a fate far worse than any terrorist can reap; than any madman can sow.

The word of a terrorist has no power over us. The government's word is law.

In the name of security we will lose our security. In addition to the terrorist we will have the relentless uncompromising gaze of the government.

The power of the people is born from its freedom, and it is the people who must be the guardians of that power. It is from our freedom that we draw the authority to force our government to abide its boundaries. Through the guise of security we are slowly allowing our government to relinquish that authority, and ultimately, the government will know no boundaries.

Once we allow our freedoms to categorically run dry, we, as a people, will no longer have the authority to stand up to our government.

Those who would trade essential liberty, to purchase temporary security, deserve neither and will lose both.

-Benjamin Franklin


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A quote I saw....

“If vaccines cause net harms, are being deployed worldwide, and every vaccine failure just leads to more vaccination, then this situation is best understood as a genocide.”

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"Both of the puppet parties you think you get to choose from every two years are completely infected by blanket webs of corruption and have long ago mortgaged their allegiance to their corporate masters. And what these leeches need more than anything to survive and thrive is a stupid, apathetic populace with red tags on their ears who will lap at their feet and believe every lie they feed them, or worse, are too busy staring at their smart phones to even care that they're being lied to."

Uhhh wow....

That is from the author's website: tritorch.com/illFaresTheLand

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That about sums it up

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From the Atlantic....who'd a thought?


Quote: "Indeed, anecdotal reports already suggest that large indoor gatherings of fully vaccinated people can become super-spreader events in the age of Omicron."

The "vaxxes" are working as intended!!

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They seem to be pushing boosters in the article but really trying to fool you into believing they are admitting the truth for once but only to scare ppl onto getting the booster bc the vaxed are going into the hospitals

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Certainly mass murder.

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It's a psychological / social engineering operation that is intended to achieve population control, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Qualitatively, by forcing everyone to accept mandatory injections, or else, where the content of these injections cannot be questioned and does not need to be released or known. Future injections may modify your genes, affect your moods, cause infertility, or give you cancer because you've outlived your usefulness, and in no circumstance are you allowed to question what's in them. You take the injections and accept the fate that has been decided for you.

Quantitatively, because the people behind the injections are on record saying the ideal world population is perhaps 500 million, so one way or another, this will be achieved.

"The word "everyone" Henry, is the key. It is the magic word. Everyone must do the same."

Everyone must take the injections, no matter the cost or personal outcome. Everyone.

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I've been saying this very thing all along.. Imagine the Social Security coffers if thousands of Boomers and elderly are wiped out.

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Me too. So has Catherine Austin Fitts…but I’m sure you know

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WHY do they want to depopulate us?

•Entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare, etc.) and pensions are near-broke. (Social Security runs out by 2028.) In the US, 10,000 people become eligible for Social Security every day and retirees are increasingly living longer. The public refuses to accept entitlement cuts.

•Job growth has stalled due to automation and workers will be increasingly replaced by automation and AI so they won't be "productive" citizen-consumers anymore i.e. pay taxes and purchase merchandise.

•Universal Basic Income for all of the retired elderly and displaced workers ("useless eaters") is too expensive.

•The globalist elite are afraid of civil unrest from the unemployed and reducing our population makes it easier to control us.

• Depopulation will "save" the planet from global warming by reducing CO2 emissions.

•Eugenicists - like Bill Gates- regard us as expendable "cattle".

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Thousands have already been wiped out between covid and the jab. But it'll take millions or tens of millions to salvage social security.

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We're well on our way to that.

Multiply the VAERS data by 100 and you'll still get a very significant undercount of the carnage caused by the covid poison injections.

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Dang!! That is a good point, and you could very well be on to something!

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The coronavirus pandemic itself might have done it if not for the hospitalization factor. But the vaccines are killing a lot of young people too, and the elderly are often not having reactions to the jabs, which means they might not be getting killed from the vaccines as much as the young people.

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Had we let the virus run its course- no interference- the mortality rate would have been lower. Instead, the Powers that Be felt they knew best and kept it trapped by masks and lockdowns. The younger ones are having a harder time with the vaccines because their immune systems are healthier; the vaccine sends those immune systems into overdrive. Happened to my not-so-young husband and it wreaked absolute havoc in him.

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You mean millions, don’t you for it to matter?

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Millions would be too obvious. Increments.

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There is a another agenda behind all this. Get everyone on a vaccine passport, worldwide, go after the free Democratic countries first snd foremost. Once everyone is on the passport, it will be easy to control them. They will have to have a smart phone with them at all times, or a chip inside them (Sweden already has some who volunteered to get it in their hand) where they can use it for convenience but in the future its just a ruse to track you. When fully implemented, If you fail to do what is requested by the powers that be, your access to money, food or whatnot will be taken away. Since everyone by then will be on one digital money, and technology can monitor every person individually, people will have to abide by the few in control. The 1% will answer to no one. The other 99% are on a social credit system like China already has. Freedom will be just a memory longed for but never to be experienced again. Read WEF. This has been planned for 20 years, covid isn’t about health. Covid is a bioweapon intentionally created in a lab to use to implement THE GREAT. RESET to in essence ENSLAVE HUMANITY. Pure evil!

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Gates and Fauci often talk about the CCP being the perfect model

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It could be even darker than just cutting off cutting off your access to money and food. Great Interview with Dr. Zelenko: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2sLKqgQP5OAO/ The whole thing is worth listening to. At around 39 min., he talks about recent patents filed and approved regarding the 'vaccines.' US Patent #11107588 is for technology already in the 'vaccine' that allows for the measurement of your internal physiological data (heart rate, temperature) and for it to be transmitted with your location to a third party. US Patent #WO2020060606 Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data owned by Microsoft. Klaus Schwab said that by 2026 every person on the planet will have a digital identifier. If they can measure your bodily functions like heart rate remotely and pinpoint your location, what else can they do? Can they just stop the heart of anyone who resists their control? They are so evil, I wouldn't put it past them. And, what will people be able to do about it once they're all injected and find out later what they 'consented' to put in their bodies?

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Here is another similar patent Dr. Zelenko gives: 11107588 that is internal sensing technology that transmits to a 3rd party. 50 pages

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Great info Laura! The whole fabric of this agenda in narrative since well before 2020 if you follow the timeline of agenda 201, etc, just feels like this has been planned truly all along, and the agenda is just beginning really

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I do wonder bc 2 vaxed friends have been acting cold as if their personality has changed. Wondering if already their mind has been altered.

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Note the WO publication number -- three 6s.

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Weird process that culls the most obedient and fearful of the herd and leaves the hell or high water warriors behind. I think they fucked up.

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Like these?

'Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your A**' Anthem Spreads


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I love the version from London with verses for 'The New World Order', 'Coronavirus', 'Poison Vaccine', and 'We Are the 99%'

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Precisely. I hope they did f- up, but I don't think they've played all their cards yet. Economic collapse and/or Dark Winter are still possible.

Dark Winter was a 2001 exercise at Andrews Air Force Base that involved smallpox bioterrorism, martial law, et cetera. In October 2020, Biden warned that a "dark winter" is coming. In September this year, Fauci said we can only "avoid a dark winter" if enough people get vaccines. In October, Bill Gates warned about how "terrorists" are going to release smallpox.

Meanwhile, the FDA approved a new smallpox treatment this year, and purchased $113 million worth of Tpoxx, another treatment.

They are not yet done.

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Spot. On.

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One person said, with will, “This is the hill somebody will die on”

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Spot on.

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Everyone except certain politicians, and politically connected groups. Still “ some are more equal then others.”

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Well said

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That is why they are pushing the RNA vax only, and not treatments at all

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no treatments..... let that stew for awhile

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Succinct, and bang on. Imagine if this appeared as the lead print/verbal quote via every major news outlet? The truth in this refreshing sentence is unassailable; given an honest assessment of the abundant; current; worldwide data. I tread lightly with the genocide part; but it sure looks that way. The unrelenting push to (repeatedly) inject the entire world--Including six month old infants (Canada; by Feb. 2022)--leads one to the million dollar question on any perceptive persons' lips--Why??? It has nothing to do with "health;" or "safety." The lies these monsters tell are enough to make Satan blush.


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Sorry to reply to my own comment. I forgot to say--If someone has had Covid; their natural immunity is reported to be 14X stronger than the "immunity" conferred by these infernal mRNA injections. And yet--That matters not one whit to the health stooges. Antigen testing? Off the table. Again; we ask an obvious question: Why?? Furthermore; injecting mRNA potion into someone w/ natural immunity is deleterious to their health. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of these NWO "elites" and their worldwide health puppets--On the Day of Reckoning. It will come; make no mistake.

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There is a another agenda behind all this. Get everyone on a vaccine passport, worldwide, go after the free Democratic countries first snd foremost. Once everyone is on the passport, it will be easy to control them. They will have to have a smart phone with them at all times, or a chip inside them (Sweden already has some who volunteered to get it in their hand) where they can use it for convenience but in the future its just a ruse to track you. When fully implemented, If you fail to do what is requested by the powers that be, your access to money, food or whatnot will be taken away. Since everyone by then will be on one digital money, and technology can monitor every person individually, people will have to abide by the few in control. The 1% will answer to no one. The other 99% are on a social credit system like China already has. Freedom will be just a memory longed for but never to be experienced again. Read WEF. This has been planned for 20 years, covid isn’t about health. Covid is a bioweapon intentionally created in a lab to use to implement THE GREAT. RESET to in essence ENSLAVE HUMANITY. Pure evil!

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Thank you Gail, first time I have seen this. It is like a MSM Woke propaganda piece. Good talk about human rights with no problem reporting on Germany's segregation on non-injecteds.

Sad to see how the British Royals are all in. Obviously working from home is a good thing for the audience of this Pravda, because they all work from a computer.

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If the idea is that this might be because of the jab.... Then how come this all-cause-mortality increase is happening in Germany, but not other countries with high vaccination rates?

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It is happening in other countries too. It is early days wrt records/data published, but Alex wrote about at least one other country besides Germany.

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who is that?

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When Fauci said that he “understands and respects” that people want to make their own choices but “these are different times” is exactly the reason why we MUST exercise our own free will over our bodies.

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If rights (and freedoms) only exist when the government "allows" them then they aren't rights at all. They are mere privileges.

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A member of the mafia may very well respect you but that doesn’t stop him from murdering you if you’re in his way.

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Well put

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Mafia like coercion tactics by the puppet administration for certain. Weaponization and coercion!

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I respect that you don't want to have sex with me but I'm going to rape you anyway.

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With an experimental condom that will most likely fail and possibly kill you which is technically more rapey than no condom at all.

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there you go.

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What an OUTSTANDING reply!!!!!

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From the beginning Fauci the fraud and mass murderer said--"We'll never get back to normal".

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what he means by "different times" is that because he's ringing the alarm and he's in charge, these "different times" justify him violating our constitutional rights. That's all "different times" means to that retard.

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Self-appointed Emperor of 'teh science'.

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And Fauci can just F&$k right off

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Choices for me but not for thee, says every high-ranking government bot in the world.

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Yes we are from the Government and here to help. Be a good citizen because we are all in this together! WTF!

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Yeah, I loved when many of us were without a job or a paycheck and commercials would come on YouTube or the TV with the governor, mayor, and hospital workers telling me that "we're all in this together" while they all still have a job and a paycheck and I don't. This made sense to liberals.

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I'm so curious, but the link is not working

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It is from MeWe.com where it is safe to express yourself without censorship. Unlike Fakebook.

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Thanks...I'm on there!

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Dec 10, 2021
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I'm in!

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All prophets are real. The word means "spokesman". The question is, spokesman for what.

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You mean spokesperson no doubt (excessive sarcasm meant 😉😉)

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*AHEM* Methinks 'person' is triggering the fee-fees of those who self-identify as unicorns and garden gnomes.

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Good point 🤣😂

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So let's see then... What would that leave us with? A non-binary self-life sustaining organism..?? 🤔🤨🤣

Of course self-life sustaining maybe misleading because those triggered persons suck the life out of everybody else!

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Spokesentity. I dare you to be more inclusive than that!

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Moleculentity? Molecularly sentient? Must magnify at least 400x to see tiniest list of perceived grievances in ALL CAPS.

Playing 'theater of the absurd' is good comedy relief. 🙌

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Sure is! If we can't find some comedic relief we'd all implode!!

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Hahahaha 🤣🤣 that's a winner 🏆

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fucking fabulous, thank you BF. I bet you are rolling over in your grave right about now. What an insult to our Founding Fathers.

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Yes, what is said above is completely true and applicable.

But, this is about evil. Trading freedom autonomy choice and independence to appease sociopaths isn’t stupid or ignorant, but careless, insensitive to the impact on truly dependent citizens, and most of all, validating to the agendas of scumbags and villains.

Civil Acquiescing Tolerant Stooges do not do anything beneficial or effective to restore sanity safety and accountability.

Good luck as your rulers up the ante of cruelty and brutality.

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Well said. We can trace this bankrupt philosophy of false security back to at least the immediate aftermath of 9/11 when President W put himself on television and declared to the American people that it was his duty and the duty of the American government to keep us all safe from the terrorists. NO! It is the duty of the President and all elected officials to uphold their oath of office and PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION and the liberties and freedoms enshrined theirin. Politicians, administrators, and bureaucrats are not the source of the people’s safety!

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Well the next thing they'll say is you don't have the right to put my life in jeopardy to secure your liberty. You have to join the herd so we can all be safe. You would be put in the box of selfish, anti science conspiracy theorists. I think most people believe the TV. I agree with what you're saying, it's just too much pressure or too much study for most to resist running with herd, even if it's off a cliff.

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Remy: People Will Die - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXWhbUUE4ko

Admittedly, the "Two Helmet Act" graphic is a bit too on-the-nose for the two-mask recommendation, but hey...it came before covid.

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Dec 10, 2021
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You've been radicalized by reality.

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That would be a great name for a book - Radicalized by Reality.

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Or Radicalized by Big Government

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red pilled

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More like black pilled honestly…

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Purple-pilled: fully cognizant of what they (red/blue) both represent.

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100% !! Isn't there a movie with that title?

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There is a another agenda behind all this. Get everyone on a vaccine passport, worldwide, go after the free Democratic countries first snd foremost. Once everyone is on the passport, it will be easy to control them. They will have to have a smart phone with them at all times, or a chip inside them (Sweden already has some who volunteered to get it in their hand) where they can use it for convenience but in the future its just a ruse to track you. When fully implemented, If you fail to do what is requested by the powers that be, your access to money, food or whatnot will be taken away. Since everyone by then will be on one digital money, and technology can monitor every person individually, people will have to abide by the few in control. The 1% will answer to no one. The other 99% are on a social credit system like China already has. Freedom will be just a memory longed for but never to be experienced again. Read WEF. This has been planned for 20 years, covid isn’t about health. Covid is a bioweapon intentionally created in a lab to use to implement THE GREAT. RESET to in essence ENSLAVE HUMANITY. Pure evil!

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This is why they want everyone vaccinated. So they don't have a benchmark to show relative excess deaths. If everyone is vaccianted then they can sweep it under the rug as "covid caused excess deaths". Currently they have to hide the vaxxed vs unvaxxed numbers to obscure the data.

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This. Over and over.

They want to remove the control groups.

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Why do you think that Pfizer also vaccinated their control group?

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Yet doesn't require their own employees to be vaccinated. Perhaps a "desired" control group?

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Out of the goodness of their hearts, duh......

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Domic frisby on Twitter railed "Why are the UK government announcing they're confiscating passports and driving licenses of drug dealers and users? That's not going to help!"

I replied "To get us all used to that as a punishment, duh"

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Exactly. Massive cover-up going down since the beginning

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Also, just noting the CDC still hasn't updated the vaxxed vs unvaxxed chart since September, as discussed before. Surely nothing to see here.

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And that data is only for the period ending in mid-July, when the rate of growth of vaxed new cases and deaths began exceeding such rates in the un-vaxed. Yet doctors continue to shoot this useless crap into peoples' arms, even though the evidence is now clear that its reducing natural CD8+ viral killer cells in those vaxed. Instead of eliminating Covid, these shots are making influnza even more deadly than it was before. What happened to "do no harm"?

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I just saw (with horror) another warm and fuzzy TV ad about how the vaccines are now available to save our children. Ugh...I want to scream.

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On The Heels of Austria and Germany Locking Down The Unvaccinated, EU Leader Calls For Throwing Out Nuremberg Code In Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/heels-austria-germany-locking-unvaccinated-eu-leader-calls-throwing-nuremberg-code-favor-forced-vaccinating-dissenters/

Testing on Orphan Children


Guinea Pig Kids https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/guinea-pig-kids-faucis-legacy-of-cruel-experiments-on-children-dead-babies-and-mass-graves/

2nd Source https://www.democracynow.org/2004/12/22/guinea_pig_kids_how_new_york

while I've not been able to tie this to Fauci it needs more digging

More children there is a link in the article where Geraldo did a story on it https://www.forbes.com/sites/leahrosenbaum/2020/06/12/willowbrook-scandal-hepatitis-experiments-hideous-truths-of-testing-vaccines-on-humans/?sh=1c659b98279c

This is the Beagle Puppy experiments https://beckernews.com/fauci-under-fire-for-cruel-experiments-on-sick-puppies-dogs-heads-locked-in-cages-with-flesh-eating-parasites-for-science-42657/

Monkeys https://100percentfedup.com/fauci-conducted-unreliable-painful-experiments-on-rhesus-monkeys-for-vaccines/


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I am furious!! I could spit nails! I cannot comprehend how anyone could do any of what is in those links!!

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no words to describe such evil

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Are you familiar w the 50’s? era “Special Cancer Virus Program”? Scientists took monkey viruses, juiced them up & injected them into humans as part of a vaccine experiment. This is where RSV originated, & many of our modern day viruses like MERS were borne from these types of programs. An anon researcher who has dug into the archives (much of which has been scrubbed) was just on a YT livestream presenting his findings & it was absolutely riveting.

Starts at 21:00ish: https://youtu.be/A75vnk8M4IQ

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This is absolutely heartbreaking. Thank you for the links. The poor children. We need to blast this out.

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They’re still testing on orphan kids apparently- Dr. Davey Crocko has been covering this https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZunifmFMmbyU/

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RFK JR. book describes in detail Fauci's experiments. The book is extensively footnoted.

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fantastically well referenced yes!

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I sometimes yell at the tele

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I have a penguin on top of my tele who I often yell at

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What's it doing there?


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I do that alot. Then I end up shutting it off and finding some work to do to distract my brain.

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Just get rid if it....have not had a TV for over 30 years! Best decision I ever made!

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wise advice. Glad I'm not the only one. and not the only Irishman doing it.

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If that station have any legitimate advertisers, let them know.

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Fox news channel. They've become one of the worst shills for the drug companies.

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Sadly; the "Orange Man" has become one of Big Pharmas' top salesman. During the runup to the election; we were told repeatedly that he was in debt up to his eyeballs; with no apparent way out. If true; perhaps...cautiously speaking...Big Pharma took care of his debts? Just a thought. I'm sure the criminals in Big Pharma are well able to hide any paper trail. On second thought; Trumps' bankers would begin to wonder where the money originated. Still....Why is "Warp Speed" man shilling this alternate form of arsenic? If he's half as intelligent as he claims; he should know that he's shilling an--at worst--lethal substance. At best; a worthless; very harmful potion. One thing seems certain--He's getting some form of payment. This guy does not work for free.

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all the network execs own Pharma stock

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...saw it...slick & disgusting.

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I've seen a video interview with Dr Ryan Cole where he talks about the suppression of certain Tcells in the vaxed, the ones that kill cancer and virus. Do you have another source for that info besides Dr Cole?

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Dr Jessica Rose has is a computational biologist and Immunologist., She hasdone extensive analysis on the VAERs data and found terrible consequences to these shots, echoing Dr Cole's observations on cancer victims coming outof remission. Watch this interview : https://rumble.com/vpue9z-ticking-time-bomb-expert-says-bioweapons-injections-are-destroying-immune-s.html

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Here's an article that should make every vaxed woman shiver.


These researchers found that the vax reduces expression of 2 hormones necessary in DNA repair. Frayed or broken DNA helixes are a main cause of cancer. One of the hormones affected is BRCA1, which is the hormone linked to breast cancer. If this hormone is not working correctly, the probability of breast cancer rises dramatically.

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I read that report. I am a six year breast cancer survivor. Stage 3C at diagnosis. I have not worn a mask and there is no way in hell I am getting jabbed. At least the rat poison/chemo cocktail pumped into my body for a year had been thoroughly tested and had gone through years of trials. People are so bloody afraid of this "flu." You want to fear something? I have 2 other "C" words for you. Cancer and chemo. No way in hell I will get this experimental drug.

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Notice in the Rose interview she says they are seeing a lot more cases of breast cancer in vaxed people as per the VAERs data, which lends support to the Swedish paper on BRCA1 inhibition.

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A little confusing, are they talking about the spike protein in the virus itself or in the vax?

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Thank you. We have some friends who got vaxed who already had autoimmune problems. One is now at the Mayo Clinic to try to find out what's going on. It's terrible to see. Our govt has become so evil in regards to everything Covid.

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I don't like to cite anecdotal stories, but before I watched the Rose interview a frined of mine who has MS experienced a worsening of her condition after having a Covid vax injection. When I heard Dr Rose say that the shots would make MS worse, I was amazed at how spot on she was based on my friend's experience. I don'thave the coldness of heart to tell my friend that the shots were responsible for her worsening MS condition.

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Wow, this data is going to go pop soon. Especially as they ramp up booster 3, 4 and then Omicron specific shots 5, 6, & 7 all with an mRNA tech that really fell apart in multi-shot sequences.

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That's one of the points Dr Rose made in her interview.She works in Israel, so she has seen the results of repeated boosters, and says they have done nothing to stop the Delta variant. There is talk now that the manufacturers are considering tweeking their vaxes to treat the Omicron variant, which history tells us would be the same mistake that was made in Marek's Disease. By the time they produce a tweeked vax, all the other variants will have mutated, and the tweeked vax would then exert immune pressure for those variants to escape and infect all over again. Over time they will pressure a variant that is far more deadly to escape and emerge, with concommitant greater loss of life than if they simply allowed all those who are healthy and under 65 - and among whom 99.8% of those who contracted it survived- to contract the virus and destroy it.

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Sadly, the pharmaceutical industry is making billions off the poison shots, but not nearly as much as they will when all of these "adverse effects" chronic diseases require lifelong treatment. The CDC had a list of nearly 200 expected adverse effects prior to the approval. Eighty auto-immune disorders alone. I've noticed an uptick in the tv ads for drugs addressing some of these problems already.

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Wow US TV ads are tragic like that. It's all buried under the carpet with the NHS. Then occasionally some less trampled media outlet will have an article mentioning the waiting lists have doubled... again. Sickening times, meanwhile they just keep on adding to the problem.


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I think there is also a lot of anecdotal evidence of cancers coming back very aggressively....

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Its very noticeable in the VAERs data, and that is very scary. The worst news any cancer patient will ever hear, even worse than the original diagnosis, is that it has come back. But if a drug reduces the natural immune cells that regulate the formation of cancer, its an expected result. This is why it was so irresponsible to mass vaccinate before long term studies had been performed on these medicines, cancer re-emergence would have been pickedup in clinical trials and they would have warned people who were in remission that these drugs could cause relapse. These Covid treatments will be seen by history as the worst mistake ever made by medical science.

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Medical science doesn't make mistakes. Medical malpractice does. This today is a result of *knowing* what you are doing is wrong and doing it anyway.

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It wasn’t medical science. It was politicians and big tech/big pharma who are fully responsible.

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Byram Bridle the Canadian virologist has said the same. You can find him on Rumble.

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There was a Dutch paper saying the Pfizer/Biontech vax "reprograms the innate immune system"

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Not sure if it's there now, but at one point, I think it was the Moderna injection that called itself "an operating system. "

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The “data” belongs solely to the government. That’s why you’re not seeing it. And they’re no longer interested in even collecting it since goes dangerously against their narrative.

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Which is why the medical community and especially the doctors should be standing up and saying they won't mass inject this crap anymore, its doing more harm than good. Especially for kids.

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yes I love all the charts that end 4 or 5 months ago that are still used as talking points

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The Southern Nevada Health District used to report "breakthrough" hospitalizations and deaths. Their last report was August 26. Now they just report "breakthrough infections". And they only break those down between fully vaxxed and not fully vaxxed. So all the infections that come in the 6 weeks post first vax dose are counted as "unvaxxed." Still, the fully vaxxed cases are now 1/3 of all cases.

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The fraction will rise to be the majority as the reports start to cover the months since August. In most highly vaxed countries now, the vaxed new cases exceed the un-vaxed inmost age groups. The British have repoorted this for the last two months in the over 30 population. Some of that is due to the greater numbers of vaxed people relative to un-vaxed, but thefundamenatal science also supports theoutcome. The vax causes dysfunction of the natural immune system while not stopping the Covid variants. So the vaxed have fewer defenses against Covid than trhe un-vaxed who retain their natural immune ability to fight the virus.

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Nice moving goal posts they have set up. It's sad these organizations have to massage the data in such a way to attempt to make them not look like laughable fools.

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It makes you wonder what is the real motivation of these governments ? Is it money in terms of political donations from the pharma companies, or something more diabolical ? They cannot be this stupid to deny what the data is telling them, it must be on purpose for an intended outcome.

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It's mass hysteria followed by blind mass hypnosis. They literally can't see/hear what is happening in front of their own eyes. That, and certain of them in it for the money and power.

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I was talking with a resident from a local hospital a few weeks ago, and I was amazed how he seemed brainwashed about these shots. I brought to his attention some of the epidemiological and immunological research that has been published, and he didn't even know about it and didn't seem to care. Made me wonder what the hell are they prodicing in medical schools today? If its not on a screen or print-out, can these young doctors even have a clue what's wrong with a patient ? Blind mass hypnosis really explains it well, its like the doctors today - especially the ones working in hospitals -will just grab onto anything that might work to overcome their frustration at not being able to stop people from dying from Covid.

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For them to be honest and report reality, they would have to admit they were wholly incompetent and failed miserably, costing who knows how many lives. It takes a high level of humility at executive and or professional levels that are not capable of it.

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I never try to explain through malice what can be explained through stupidity and/or blame deflection.

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Here's the thing. The last time there was a situation like this was during the swine flu outbreaking in '76. A handful of people died after the vaccine, and it was immediately halted.

Now, thousands have died all over the world, and all they are talking about are boosters forever. There are NO governments that have put a complete stop to their vaccination program in response to recipient death. NONE.

Is that stupidity or intent? They know people are dying from it. Yet they are pushing for it harder.

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Times have changed, and so has the paradigm. John Maynard Keynes had something to say about that.

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It’s something more diabolical! There is a another agenda behind all this by the World Economic Forum WEF (150 billionaires) & China and many govt leaders of other countries. The goal is to Get everyone on a vaccine passport going after the free Democratic countries first and foremost. Once everyone is on the passport, it will be easy to control them. They will have to have a smart phone with them at all times, or a chip inside them (Sweden already has some who volunteered to get it in their hand) where they can use it for convenience right now, but its just a ruse to get your approval easily right now, but in the future it will be used to track & control you. When fully implemented, If you fail to do what is requested by the powers that be, your access to money, food or whatnot will be taken away. Since everyone by then will be on one type of digital money only, and technology can monitor every person individually, people will have to abide by the few in control who dictate to all. The 1% will answer to no one. The other 99% are on a social credit system like China already has. Freedom will be just a memory longed for but never to be experienced again. Read WEF. This has been planned for 20 years, covid isn’t about health. Covid is a bioweapon intentionally created in a lab to use to implement THE GREAT RESET which is in essence ENSLAVEMENT of HUMANITY. Pure evil! Some believe its the “Mark of the Beast” in the bible where no one can do business or buy anything without the Mark (phone, chip etc).

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Unbridled greed, arrogance and desire to gain power or keep what has been obtained, explain a lot of it. I can't rule out a truly diabolical conspiracy to kill off much of the populace or whatever, but that seems less likely. Consider the Mafia of the old days (or perhaps today): sure, they engaged in all manner of illegal things. But they also owned and operated legitimate businesses. Or more likely collected "fees" as protection money, steered business to favored clients, and so on. Politicians and cops were on the payroll. But the major goal was to get rich and to enforce one's territory. They had little to gain by gratuitous murder or other destruction. Yes those happened, but violence was a tool to accomplish profit or power motives, not for the mere joy of killing.

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There is a another agenda behind all this. Covid is just a ruse to get everyone on a vaccine passport, worldwide going after the big, smart Democratic countries first before the majority figures out what is really going on! Once everyone is on the passport, it will be easy to control them. They will have to have a smart phone with them at all times, or a chip inside them (Sweden already has some who volunteered to get it in their hand) where they can use it for convenience right now, but its just a ruse to get your approval easily, but in the future it will be used to track you. When fully implemented, If you fail to do what is requested by the powers that be, your access to money, food or whatnot will be taken away. Since everyone by then will be on one digital money, and technology can monitor every person individually, people will have to abide by the few in control. The 1% will answer to no one. The other 99% are on a social credit system like China already has. Freedom will be just a memory longed for but never to be experienced again. Read WEF. This has been planned for 20 years, covid isn’t about health. Covid is a bioweapon intentionally created in a lab to use to implement THE GREAT RESET which is in essence ENSLAVEMENT of HUMANITY. Pure evil! Some believe its the “Mark of the Beast” in the bible where no one can do business or buy anything without the Mark (phone, chip etc).

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Power and control

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It sure does look that way

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or immoral ones

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That surely would be no surprise.

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the problem with this insane strategy is that even at gun point it's going to take years to reach the remaining 50% of the global holdouts who haven't had a single dose. it would take an out of touch megalomaniac billionaire to believe that would work

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So... Australia?

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??? I'm in Australia and not interested in taking it no matter what, same with wife and others I know.

As far as I'm concerned, this is The Darwin Awards Sweepstakes and we just have to hold fast for as long as we can. These medical affects they have taken on are not going to work out in their favor. And think in terms of nearly every noisy censorious leftist traitor being removed from the human gene pool.

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"As far as I'm concerned, this is The Darwin Awards Sweepstakes"

it was always an IQ test, designed - funnily enough - by social Darwinists.

Darwin Awards Sweepstakes is the best way of describing it I have heard.

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Zen fascists will control you

Hundred percent natural

You will jog for the master race

And always wear the happy face

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Sooooo...Rothschild? Rockefeller? Gates? Soros? Take your pick.

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Once the govt leaders of these countries are forced to go along, or else, they will have no choice. Just like in Austria where EVERYONE is mandated to get vaxed.

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Some even think the British Monarchy are the bosses behind this. The correct answer for now appears to be whomever really owns Vanguard and BlackRock:


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And prep the population for the "next" shot requirement.

Example: Pfizer's 3 shot Omicron regime.

Cattle, just walking into the killing barn.

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They want re-elected for doing such an awesome job. If everyone is dead or injured, the covax can be removed as a campaign issue. But if 25% of us are walking around unvaxxed and healthy, then it's a problem for the elected leadership.

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We destroy their narrative.

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I'm highly motivated to do that.

I know that we all can/will.


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Yes, it is why I will never give in. We’ll flee before they can try to inject us.

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"covid caused excess deaths" doesn't hold water because the excess deaths last year, 2020, when we had no vaccines were lower than this year when some countries like Germany and Scotland have 75% or more of their population "vaccinated". If the vaccines are working, deaths from all causes should be lower than the previous 5 year average, not higher.

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Especially since covid already killed off a lot of the vulnerable in 2020.

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Covid had a lot of help killing people. Like certain governors filling nursing homes with Covid patients. And doctors not really knowing how to treat the disease at first, while ventilators killed a lot of people. And then when treatments were recognized, they were ignored, suppressed, mocked (horse meds) and forbidden by hospital administrations and CDC/NIH. We know these early treatments (FLCCC) could have saved thousands of lives. But as Goldman Sachs advised their clients after Gilead cured HepC, don't invest in cures, there's no future in it. Vaccines afford long term profitability. Big Pharma, politicians, and hospitals all profited from killing people.

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Not to mention the rampant death by sedation with Midazolam in the UK nursing homes.

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Thanks for saving me the response...

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good point!

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Woah now. Don't you understand a 95% effective vaccine isn't 100% effective? And we *stupid clap emoji* are *stupid clap emoji* in *stupid clap emoji* a *stupid clap emoji* plandemic *stupid clap emoji*.

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So what are you saying? What does effectiveness of the experimental injection have to do with all cause mortality? The injection might be 95 or 100 percent effective at stopping covid or reducing hospitilizations and deaths, but so what? If it's killing people from other causes like heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, kidney failure, multiple organ failure, etc., and if those deaths exceed the covid deaths it's preventing, then the experimental injection is not only a failure, it's poison.

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the so-called 95% efficacy was always a "relative" figure. The absolute efficacy is 1%. There was an article about that in the Lancet some months back. Talk about lies, damned lies and statistics.

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No, on the contrary. It's as David notes. The "efficacy" of the vaxxes is just one of the as you say, "lying with statistics" the gullible public was fed during the pandemic. The public was (still is!) led to believe that the virus is a major killer, when in truth it's closer to innocuous for 99.7% (or choose your own figure) of the population. As Berenson (I think it was) noted elsewhere, if a disease had even a 10% fatality rate, a 50% effective vaccine would be a big deal. But a disease like Covid-19, which has perhaps a 0.15% fatality rate (vice total population), not CFR or IFR) even a 95% reduction is a "so what" conclusion. Equivalently, you might as well offer to double the safety of my next flight. Who cares? You've reduced my chances of dying from about one in 5 million to one in 10 million.

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It was sarcasm. I should have ended with the /s. I assumed the stupid clap emojis would have given it away.

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sorry. hard to tell nuance from the printed word. :-\

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It's all good, my friends! Stay strong and hold out.

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Brandon the Sarcastic...

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I swear the longer this goes on the more convinced I am that Covid is a conspired population control action.

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It is

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I think they're outright trying to kill the elderly and trying to quietly sterilize lots of young people- especially children. The high number of adverse effects in younger people are probably a bug, not the main feature.

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Plus they are frantically pushing boosters for all! Even for 16 and 17 year olds! Makes you think they are trying to hide something…

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Not just a booster. Its (presumably) another of the same shot. It beats me how anyone can believe the lie. Then you have the Pfizer head demon saying that the shot for Omicron will be a triple jab.

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There is a another agenda behind all this. Covid is just a ruse to Get everyone on a vaccine passport, worldwide, go after the free Democratic countries first and foremost. Once everyone is on the passport, it will be easy to control them. They will have to have a smart phone with them at all times, or a chip inside them (Sweden already has some who volunteered to get it in their hand) where they can use it for convenience right now, but its just a ruse to get your approval easily right now, but in the future it will be used to track you. When fully implemented, If you fail to do what is requested by the powers that be, your access to money, food or whatnot will be taken away. Since everyone by then will be on one digital money, and technology can monitor every person individually, people will have to abide by the few in control. The 1% will answer to no one. The other 99% are on a social credit system like China already has. Freedom will be just a memory longed for but never to be experienced again. Read WEF. This has been planned for 20 years, covid isn’t about health. Covid is a bioweapon intentionally created in a lab to use to implement THE GREAT RESET which is in essence ENSLAVEMENT of HUMANITY. Pure evil! Some believe its the “Mark of the Beast” in the bible where no one can do business or buy anything without the Mark (phone, chip etc). One world govt. Totalitarianism & then Transhuminism.

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In New Zealand we have a very unique situation. Started vaccination in April. Didn't really hit full throttle until July onwards. Excess deaths reported six monthly. Jan to June nothing to show. Wait for July to December. We still have virtually NO COVID and tiny covid deaths. Hospitals are full of vaccine injuries. Dunedin Hospital in code Black which means we are sending home patients that ought to be in hospital.

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wow. so sorry to hear. Really horrible that you have virtually no covid deaths but your country is going ahead with the toxic injections anyway. So sad to hear that hospitals are now filling with injuries from the toxic injections! Sad and enraging! Take care and good luck to your and your beautiful country.

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There is a another agenda behind all this. Get everyone on a vaccine passport, worldwide, go after the free Democratic countries first and foremost. Once everyone is on the passport, it will be easy to control them. They will have to have a smart phone with them at all times, or a chip inside them (Sweden already has some who volunteered to get it in their hand) where they can use it for convenience right now, but its just a ruse to get your approval easily right now, but in the future it will be used to track you. When fully implemented, If you fail to do what is requested by the powers that be, your access to money, food or whatnot will be taken away. Since everyone by then will be on one digital money, and technology can monitor every person individually, people will have to abide by the few in control. The 1% will answer to no one. The other 99% are on a social credit system like China already has. Freedom will be just a memory longed for but never to be experienced again. Read WEF. This has been planned for 20 years, covid isn’t about health. Covid is a bioweapon intentionally created in a lab to use to implement THE GREAT RESET which is in essence ENSLAVEMENT of HUMANITY. Pure evil! Some believe its the “Mark of the Beast” in the bible where no one can do business or buy anything without the Mark (phone, chip etc).

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🙄 scary but quite possibly true.

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Could be Brandon. Although, shifting the goal posts or tweaking the narrative seemingly works well on the mass psychotic anyway to further the agenda. Let's GO Brandon! Sorry...could not resist :)

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Cold weather causes blood clots was the latest bullshit excuse I saw. These people are evil.

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Post Pandemic Stress Syndrome causing heart attacks was another good one!

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Don't forget global warming / climate change. Also to blame on various news sites!

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Laughable anyone believes that - yeah, all stress no relation to vaccines

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Wait,wait....is the pandemic over?

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I like that logic!

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and also maple syrup now causes heart issues...no joke

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Oh I missed this one...damn, cancel the pancakes!

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I've recently seen articles trying to normalize heart attacks in young people. Apparently it's much more common than you'd think! Or so they say.

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Don't forget... "Kids have strokes too."

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My daughter had a stroke as an infant 13 years ago. I have NEVER seen one article or public service announcement, etc regarding kids having strokes- believe me, I would notice. Suddenly there are articles on this and kids having heart attacks. Disgraceful

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Must be. Which is why it has been a topic of discussion in medical circles, journals and studies for the last 5 years... er... wait... what? It hasn't? No discussions, journals, studies on the normalcy of heart attacks in young people? Who knew?

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It is now.

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oops, "PPSD"

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To many vaccinated people that means "Post Pfizer Stress Disorder".

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Sunspots cause blood clots...didn't you know?

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Yes, but we are in a GSM, so they can't use that excuse. I mean, they can, and they will, if that is what they want, but...even the sun says that one's bogus.

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Ha! You poet you!

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Exercises causes heart issues. I could not believe my eyes when I saw that.

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Being a fit athlete or a healthy, young boy is the new Pfizer comorbidity.

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Thinking you are the sex you were born in is a crime, ( particularly if you are male) per the new elitist-statist atheistic perspective.

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There's a guy at my gym that is there five days a week, very well built muscle wise, just told us the other day he was attacked in L.A in the early 90's, stabbed in the arm and then shot in his chest. Doctors told him the best way to keep his heart going was to work out. Guess his doctors had bad info.

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Dec 10, 2021
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Eating healthy is unfair privilege and therefore deserves a round in the chamber.

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Supply chain disruptions, that's the real culprit.

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The clot shot doesn't kill people, frozen 'safe spaces' kill people!

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Having lived on the plains of Montana for several years, this made me laugh and laugh.

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Pollution is good as well

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Dec 10, 2021
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So, again, I’d have to dig for the link, but paraphrasing Gates: If we can make them believe science can solve the pandemic, we can make them believe it will stop climate change...

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Dec 10, 2021
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Congratulations! You have uploaded the file's name. In the next lesson, we will learn how to host the file on a server, and then upload a URL to it. 🤡

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Dec 10, 2021
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I saw that. WTF are they even talking about?

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Snatched from my favourite naughty cartoon site: A cocky take on precisely that condition.

Disclaimer fully applies; this is x-rated. Proceed (or not) accordingly.


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So, apparently, the policy is: It's ok for you to die prematurely from anything OTHER than covid. We don't care if the shots to (allegedly) prevent covid kill you. We ONLY care if covid kills you. Got that? Now, roll up your sleeve.

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No one dies of Covid, at least no one young and healthy.

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Which is why remdesivir and ventilators were deployed

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Remedadeath and Ventadeath....Both are sure fire ways to make covid look scary.

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I saw a story on CBS Mornings today about a 27 year old "perfectly healthy" man who refused to get vaccinated and got Covid. Now he is in the hospital needing a double lung transplant - but he can't get the lung transplant until he gets vaccinated. I swear to God I am not making this up. This is what qualifies as news on CBS. I have a couple questions - but apparently the CBS "reporters" didn't have any questions about this story.

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Supposedly, you cannot go to a euthanasia facility in Germany if you are unvaxxed. I don't know if this is a sick joke, or true, or I've completely lost my sense of humor.

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Even older and healthy.

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Focusing on that single cell on the accounting spreadsheet

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In the Pfizer study of 22K vaccinated vs 22K unvaccinated, there were more deaths from all causes in the vaccinated group after six months. Yet the media chants the vaccine is 'saving lives'

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The media also chanted Jussie Smollett is a saint, too.

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I wonder what the true cause of death was for Demaryius Thom, the 33-yo football player who was found collapsed in the shower? Jab status should be declared on all these very untimely deaths.

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Wondering the same thing and 100% agree.

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Why him and no other NBA or NFL player dead

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I’m surprised we haven’t seen the heart attacks in our professional athletes that Europe has been seeing

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Saline jab

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Very possible. I was thinking most got the J&J

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I read the story. He had been having seizures for over a year and the cause of death is attributed to a seizure. I think this one is not the vax but most are.

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I agree however seizures alone aren’t necessarily deadly… certainly could be. But also not necessarily a fatal affliction alone.

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We Must see the numbers.

The NBA is relatively small.

Football and baseball do not demand the same level of cardiovascular work.

We don’t actually know what is happening overall except cardio mortality and morbidity is definitely rising dramatically.

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And an Autopsy performed and made public, since a public figure was involved.

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Dec 10, 2021
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Dec 10, 2021
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fyi, i think there are many 'someone's out there

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When are the friends and families of all those maimed for life or killed by these hideous mRNA injections going to start demanding justice.

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There is no justice.

You can't sue anybody & Big Pharma wants everything sealed until we're all dead.

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Who would have thought India would be leading the way by indicting Bill Gates for crimes against humanity.

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I hadn't heard that they are doing that. Do you have a source for that? I HOPE they are, let India lead the way. They already snuffed out covid in Uttar Pradesh with Ivermectin. Indonesia and Japan have done the same. Along with Gates, Fauci and the Big Pharma CEO's need to be arrested and charged with murder and crimes against humanity.

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Per Reiner Fuellmich India has a well functioning legal system. Here is the link for this case https://indianbarassociation.in/worlds-first-vaccine-murder-case-against-bill-gates-adar-poonawalla-filed-in-indias-high-court/

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unfortunately, so many of the relatives of the dead can't see that the death was caused by the vax. they still praise the fact the dead person had the vax...

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What can they do? The news media will not give them air time. Lawyers won't return their phone calls. If they try burning down cities, they will suddenly find out police officers can stop riots whenever they actually want to. The people being harmed have no way of being heard.

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There is no such thing as vaccinated and unvaccinated when it comes to covid. There are only test subjects and the control group.

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Great point

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Females now going for Mamograms are being asked if they had the Covid vaccination and in what arm. The technicians are telling them they are seeing a lot of enlarged lymph nodes in women who got the shot, especially in the arm where the shot was given. Future breast cancer anyone?

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My step mother was diagnosed with lymphoma 6 weeks after the shot, swollen lymph nodes were the reason she went for a check up. Vaccines, the leading cause of coincidences...

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What is disgusting is that the medical community knows this is going on and yet remains silent. No wonder people’s confidence in physicians is at an all time low.

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A lot of the medical community is right on board. I have two nurse friends. One is triple jabbed. The other is double jabbed. The second one is becoming a vax nazi. This article would make her blow her top screaming misinformation and disinformation

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At one point they were actually suggesting women DELAY/reschedule their annual mammos for 8 weeks following vax bc of prevalence of enlarged lymph nodes with vaccine.

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What women would get this shot knowing that. Ive read that up to 40% of the mRNA can settle in the ovaries. What is this going to do to future fertility in women… or more cases of ovarian cancers?

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And could it have an effect on child development for kids born of vaxxed mothers? And by the way, what about reproductive issues for vaxxed men? Haven't heard much discussion about that at all.

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I assume sperm can be affected but orchitis and erectile dysfunction are known adverse effects. ED was one I heard about here from a male friend. His buddy confessed to him that since the poke, he just no longer can get an erection. Another can hardly ride his bike more than a few km w/out being exhausted. Lots of ppl suffering silently.

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They still are. The call I got the day before my mammogram last month was a nurse asking me that question. I said nope I am unvaxxed and she said good.

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well then, one nurse with her own brain.

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my wife may be a victim. I could not convince her to not get the experimental injection. Now she has breast cancer, right breast. She got the jab in the right arm.

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Pimacanyon - i'm a breast cancer survivor - its truly a gut punch but please know most if caught early is treatable and survivable. Sending my prayers to you both for the best outcome. My comment was about the sheer lunacy of having anyone delay a cancer screening as a result of the vax. And though Jantis comment below is correct, we don't know the impact the vax has on our body's immune response overall and ability to kill off cancer cells that might otherwise have been.

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thank you Sharon. She's been going thru chemo for the last couple of months and it's awful. We talked about alternative therapies but she was afraid she would worry that she hadn't done everything she could have done to prevent a recurrence. I'm here to support her thru this but there are times I feel nothing but contempt and rage at the Pharma companies. Cancer is big business. You know back in the late 1940's or early 1950's Congress was deciding where to spend money for cancer research, thru drugs or thru more natural approaches like what Max Gerson was doing at the time. Of course, Pharma had their lobbyists and they won out, but by a surprisingly small majority. I can't help but wonder how different cancer treatment would have been if we had funded research in other treatment modalities instead of poisons and radiation....

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Are you thinking to try more natural therapies? Even Essiac?

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Hi Snooki. yes. but it's my wife's decision re what treatments she wants to use. If it had been me, I don't believe I would have chosen chemo. Chemo killed my Dad and now I've seen what it does to my wife. She is getting IV Vitamin C frequently and that will continue for a while after she's done with chemo. (Of course, insurance doesn't cover that) We also have recommendations from an "integrative oncologist" (who's giving her the IV C) for herbs to take like astragalus, mushrooms, etc. so we are doing some natural therapies, but it's going to take her a while--months at least--to get over the effects of the chemo. She has two more treatments, one next week and the last one 3 weeks after that. She hasn't tried Essiac. One of the difficulties with natural therapies is that there are so many out there. You can't do them all, so it's difficult to choose which ones to do. Do you have one (or more) that you'd recommend? And is this from personal experience? Thanks in advance.

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Hi there, No I do not have personal experience but am seriouslyconsidering trying Essiac for my cat who has a lymphoma. Obviously cats cannot do the Gerson protocol, etc.. I’m definitely curious about natural therapies and try to keep a level of awareness because I presume it will be needed someday for myself or a close family member. Of course, it’s always a hard decision to make because cancer is so scary, often found late stage, and there is a dominant protocol, with the natural remedies lacking the same force/weight… so I totally understand how challenging it can be for a patient to decide. I really hope your wife gets all the potential benefits of the course she is following. 🙏

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Oh No!

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Whenever the msn covers something alarming, the brain is cued to accept the aberration as normal https://news.yahoo.com/doctors-fear-covid-19-vaccines-130042204.html

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Thanks for this link. Haven't had one since 2019, now it appears I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.

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Never had a Mammogram. Not jabbed. Vaccines literally make me sick. I'm thinking of avoiding medical facilities as much as possible.

Took Dad to VA the other day and some (not all) of these folks are true covidians and they control the others.

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They are seeing more breast ca in vaxed women now.

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Amazes me when I read liberal opinion pieces and people still are saying you can't die of covid if you're vaccinated. Wonder if the fact checkers would flag that statement on fbook or Twitter?

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I just had a triple vaxxed person tell me the same, she really believes it

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Allow me to answer that question with a question. As a simple thought exercise, who is more likely a high-paying advertiser on such media? (1) Big Pharma promoting their products or (2) organizations encouraging people to NOT use such products?

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Just in case you haven't already heard: 33 year old retired NFL player, demaryius Thomas, died in his sleep of a "medical" problem.

Will they never start asking??

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Was just wondering about that. Figure the true cause of death will be swept under rug.

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yep, having seizures for the last year. Always an excuse by mainstream media to head off ANY mention of vaxxes. So many bad drug reactions the last 2 years from overdoses, if so, they'll never admit he was a user of illicit drugs.

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it's so sad when young ppl die of drug overdose or 'bad' drugs and the family sweeps it under rug from shame. Having the truth could help SO many see the danger and harm and avoid.

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the 'Dead in Bed' phenomenon. it's been trending lately

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He died in his shower.

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oh, now just plain old 'died at home'

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Nothing to worry about, they will determine it is from PPSD (Post Pandemic Stress Disorder) or some other made-up disorder. The cherry on top is that the pharmaceuticals will then have the opportunity to come up with some kind of pill for that too.

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I know it's sappy to say - but I am truly grateful to be in the US with our constitution. Even though it's being trampled, at least many courts are stepping up to challenge the overreach here.

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Lived in Europe for five years and I can tell you the cultures between here and there are night and day. Though I've been saddened by the number of Americans who fell victim to the fear brigade, it'll be our culture, independence, separation of powers and rebellious nature that gets us out of this and prevents the world from permanently going into the abyss.

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I hope and pray Americans survive and beat this tyranny. I pray for all the countries around the world.

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I agree. The American instinct to tell the government to stay off our collective lawns is what's going to save us , and with that, save the world. On the other hand, isn't it amazing how quickly Austria and Germany reverted to their bad habits?

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I miss those days as a tourist (mid-1990s when the dollar was way down), of $8 beers in the pub, or $10 cup of coffee (but they were truly EXCELLENT beer, and coffee respectively). I concur with your take on the stark differences between the European mind and the American. If you're an American who is annoyed at big government's overreach, you have no conception. Most European countries have been, to use another author's phrase, in awe of the State, going back many centuries.

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The solution, of course, is to get everyone vaccinated.

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Control group elimination.

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There can be no control group

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Another large country with same result. When will we get fed up, completely overturn the makeup of our governments and demand criminal indictments of the sociopaths who have caused all of these deaths? From experimenting with deadly viruses, to mandating fake vaccines that kill people, we have allowed government officials, public health officials, Pharma companies and petty tyrants of every stripe to kill in cold blood.

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How do we do that though? Apparently democracy doesn't have enough safeguards - not when so many of the supposed checks and balances can be bought or subverted.

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Overwhelm every city, county, state & the federal government with candidates for office who are tired of the lies and not afraid to stand toe-to-toe with lying sociopaths and call them by their name. They have bankrupted our country, sickened the population and need to go. We have allowed it to happen by passive ignorance.

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good question. Recently saw a tweet that read "The only thing that will change the current regime is when you start having public executions of politicians." Sadly, I think that's true. Guillotines may be the only answer.

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Democracy is an illusion. The secret ballot facilitated it.

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Democracy is real enough. The problem is it has the seeds of its own destruction. Indeed, that may be true of any complex human system or society. This may be just part of centuries-long cycles of civilization: chaos/barbarity, improvements in knowledge and society, new and greater ideals, perhaps great "golden age" of advances in science, economy, industry, empire; power structure grows and dead wood accumulates, reaches tyranny or simply grows too big and collapses of its own weight, often but not always with war/anarchy/bloodshed (e.g. fall of Soviet Union was "relatively" orderly). I don't know what's ahead in the next few decades but somehow I don't think a return to whatever your idea of a idyllic America (or other nation) was, is in the cards.

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It is in the cards, after much pain!

“ Pain is a prod to memory “.

There is much forgotten wisdom to be remembered.

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In the category of "I told you so," when I read the scientific concerns back about a year ago, I realized that there would be "waves" of adverse events among the vaccinated, as did the scientists who raised these alarms. However, I was more willing to be precise in my prediction. I predicted in spring of 2021, that given the uptake of vaccines, we'd see a surge of unusual illnesses, many in the autoimmune category, beginning about October 2021 because even if the person does not have or recovers from an acute adverse reaction in the first days to weeks after vaccination, the immune system will begin to deteriorate between 6 months and two years. And that is exactly what happened and is happening. If the scientists are correct, we'll see surges in neurodegenerative conditions beginning by at least 2025 among the vaccinated. Sadly, if we had NOT vaccinated, the pandemic would be beginning to peter out about now, and normalcy would be established between 2023 and 2025. Instead, we get to live in a never-ending dystopian nightmare.

See October 26, 2021 article from NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/10/26/1046432435/ers-are-now-swamped-with-seriously-ill-patients-but-most-dont-even-have-covid

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Just wish children's lives weren't dragged into this insanity.

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they may not have parents to take care of them :(

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I seem to recall Michael Yeadon (former Pfizer VP) made a similar point about the worst of the vax injuries kicking in at the 3-5 year point. Primarily due to cardio vascular damage from the micro clotting (or similar effect). Happy to be corrected.

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If we had used the same treatment protocol of Utarh Pradesh, the pandemic would end less then two months. ( From over 20 percent positive to .01 percent positive, to ZERO percent positive). They killed Covid, the RO crashed way below one and the virus was murdered, destroyed, gone.

( contact trace and administer to contacts, family and patient Ivermectin, zinc, and vitamin D)

Simple, cheap, and 100 percent effective.

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Germany, Austria and Italy have now all mandated vaccines at threat of prison and fines. Interesting how the Axis of evil comes right back to life after 76 years of being dormant.

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Well, Italy has not -yet- mandated vaxxes for everybody, and no fines for now..they're chipping quietly enough, though

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So obvious. Look at all those soccer players suddenly dying of heart attacks. Why are hospitals in the U.S. (allegedly) filling up, but not with COVID patients? The newspapers tend to frame it this way, so readers will get the impression those hospitals are full of the COVID-ill. Something like, "amid a rise in COVID cases the hospitals are filling up." Good grief!

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My great fear is that the round of vaccine plus permanent boosters will raise overall mortality quite evenly by about 10%. This would be a huge disaster, knocking years of everyone's life expectancy, but could easily be hidden, ignored, or misattributed for years.

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Increased deaths accompanied by decreased birth rates will achieve Bill Gates’ goal of rapid depopulation. This is a goldmine for Beelzebub Gates…

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It is just mindboggling to me how the media can cover this up, this intentionally deceiving the public right to know about the dangers of these vaccines and thus they are directly responsible, in my opinion, for the mass deaths and adverse affects to the public. There really should be a class action lawsuit against all media companies deliberately, by false news or by censoring other opinions and actual fatalities, contribute to the mass deception to the public.

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The media is owned and manipulated. See this really good article on the trusted news initiative.


Didn’t evil Bill Gates donate something like $300 million to certain media outlets?

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I'm thinking tribunals, rather than lawsuits. Many in the media are paid shills and useful idiots, but some must know that these injections are maiming and killing people and are willingly covering it up. They need to face criminal penalties for that.

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The billionaire class has bought MSM. Thats why they all parrot the same things. All corrupt and beholden to the 1% with the money.

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Folks it is time for each and every one of us to become proactive. It is time for each and every one of us to apply as much pressure on our elected officials as we can (via non-violent measures). We need to let our elected officials know in no uncertain terms that we demand a representative government; one that we can hold accountable through the electoral system.

This means a government comprised of elected officials whom we can vote out of office when they fail to represent our interests. No more allowing our elected officials to hide behind bureaucracies. We can't hold the Faucis of society accountable because we have no power over them. But we can hold our elected official accountable for unconstitutionally delegating their duty to legislate to monsters in lab coats. And we hold them accountable by voting them out of office.

It has to be abundantly clear by now that it is not only pointless, but sheer stupidity to continue to vote for Democrats and Republicans. Both parties are under the complete and total control of the global elite who are trying to destroy the nation-state so that they can play their little game of genocide. We, therefore, must stop voting for candidates from either party and start voting for candidates who belong to the People.

How? By We the People becoming Big Brother and watching over our elected officials and all government activity like hawks. We can create a society like the one described in Orwell's 1984; but turned upside down. That is the only way to ensure that government works for We the People. It can be done. So, let's do it.

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I'm trying. Starting with local ' Leaders'!

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How's everyone in the Pureblood Control Group feeling?

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🥰. but very sad for friends and family who blindly believe.

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Sorry that this is happening anywhere.

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If any of the elite actually did get jabbed. Will we be selling our blood to them for transfusions?

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I expect they're too healthy to care, elderly ones might just taking Vitamin D and Ivermectin.

If there's some out of the loop elites that got it, blood transfusion won't really help heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.

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The vaxxed feel morally superior to the unvaxxed, and it would be a monumental feat to get them to think otherwise. I know it's sad, but we will need for all to work well together after the culling of the herd, so it is what it is. I probably come off as callous.

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Do a search on Duck Duck Go. Indian Bar Association reports indict Bill Gates, death penalty sought. It was posted on Nov 21, 2021. You will get multiple sources for this.

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Also seems like this is the reason they are recommending those infected still get vaccinated. They don’t want that group to be performing better than the vaccinated group.

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In Israel it has been 20 to almost 40 percent higher for the last 8 weeks or so

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Has that country been overexerting itself? Maybe too much snow shovelling.

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Bahahhaaha! Cold weather causes blood clots in the Middle East, too. Ommmmmmmm The Vaccines Are 100% Safe & Effective®™ Ommmmmmmmmmm The Vaccines Are 100% Safe & Effective®™ Ommmmmmmm

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Yes that definitely must be it

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All cause excess mortality in Israel was prefectly aligned with the vaccine rollout for all three vaccination waves. Graphs almost identical. Haven't checked for other countries but I expect it's much the same.

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I think they will correct this with post Civil War math, by counting vaccinated deaths as 3/5ths of an unvaccinated death.

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We now know from the first Pfizer trial that all cause deaths were higher in vaccine group (I think I know this thanks to your reporting). How many more dots need to be connected to see the big picture?

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And that was just the first 5 months.

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I think it was only 3 months but I may be wrong. The number 1223 deaths amongst jab recipients sticks in my head…

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More like 17 deaths in control and 21 in jabbed.

( only 22 k in each group)

The difference was primarily cardiovascular mortality. ( wow!) and it was ignored.

Also complete failure to do detailed demographics of both groups. If the demographics showed a weaker health expectancy in the vaccinated you KNOW this would be blasted by the LSM. I suspect that the healthier subjects were the vaccinated, and yet still had higher overall morbidity and mortality!

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Sorry. I mistook the OP’s comment about Pfizer trial data for the CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021 data. That revealed 1223 fatalities among AE reports.

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Just saw this, which is something Mr. Berenson may find relevant to his possible lawsuit against Twit-face. John Stossel is suing Facebook for defamation over some fact-check which labeled Stossel as "misleading".

Facebook's lawyers are arguing that their "fact-checks" are not really statements of fact, but merely opinion and thus can't be libel. Why, your honor, any fool knows our fact-checks aren't to be taken as actual fact, but as opinion.

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I have to say that anyone that has seen the ridiculous explanations for most of the "fact-checks" could only agree with Facebook's lawyers although it seems calling them FACT checkers creates a bit of a dilemma.

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Yes, and censoring information and banning and removing accounts to silence people based on opinion is obviously what common carriers do all the time and is no way "editorial control".

Who hasn't had their phone conversation interrupted by an operator, saying "I'm sorry, but the party to whom I am speaking is making misleading statements. This call is terminated." (Say that in a Lilly Tomlin voice)

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"True" and "false" are, like, a state of mind, bro...

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Rachel Maddow got away with that defense, so it might work for Fakebook as well.

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wait. what?

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Oh wow. Wow. You just broke my brain with that one.

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Twitter has the money and therefore the lawyers. Long ago I read somewhere that one of our tabloids, the National Enquirer perhaps, successfully defended a suit of some type, simply by claiming that no reasonable person would believe the stories they printed. Don't know if it's true or not, but certainly squares with the few times I've read a rag like those. 🤪

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Quote of the day update;

Churchill 1940 - "never was so much, owed by so many, to so few"

Jim 2021 "never was so much, mucked up, by so few, for so many"

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Bill Gates vaccine population reduction anyone? Awfully strange how that nutty conspiracy is working out.

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Thankfully he hasn’t implemented his counter to global warming protocol. Yet. He wants to spray the atmosphere with CaCO3 dust to reflect some of the suns energy. That may be implemented after the Covid grift is over… If you have not heard about that mass extinction scheme check it out. It is evil.


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Berenson's Law:

Hiding bodies is hard.

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Did I read that in "Power Couple"

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The average age of a death by or with "Covid-19" is higher than life expectancy in all Western countries. No other figure even need be known to understand the "pandemic" (business model) is a fraud and a giant Ponzi scheme.

ALL "Covid deaths" are at best specious.

In the US the "Covid death" number is cooked/manipulated due to how the CDC does their accounting as well as many other factors- an audit of the CDC mortality numbers themselves is required.

1) The first thing that must be addressed is "who were these people?" The average age of a "Covid death" is 80 in the US and 82 globally w/4 comorbidities on average. The vast majority of these people were from nursing homes, assisted living, hospice etc. Where did the vast majority of initial "Covid deaths" occur? Here in the US (and everywhere in the West- Milan, Madrid, London, Brussels, Montreal, Toronto, etc.) most, if not all, who died from "Covid" already had one foot in the grave and their death was put on fast forward through medical protocols not an anomalous viral event.

What we had here in the US was a radical and mandatory shift in policies relating to hospitals, care homes and the overall social order. These new "policies" were mandated through various new and aberrant state "guidelines" which resulted in a concentrated death rate for a six week period in March/April. Take that out of the equation and there is no death rate to talk about. Put (or keep) these policies in place and we will have this happen every year.

There was also gross negligence (beyond the usual) in numerous nursing homes that led to abandonment and medication alterations that turned these slow motion abattoirs into death houses. One of the remarkable things of note is that here in the US the "pandemic" was not widespread (which is supposed to be one of the defining features of a pandemic) but was in fact limited to very specific locations;

2) The faulty diagnosis of what is a "Covid death" did they die "with" or "from" Covid which is problematic for several reasons. In many cases an actual test was never done only a "presumed to be Covid" assessment was put forth. Add to this that when the tests were done PCR tests done with faulty specs (gene sequencing, cycle thresholds, annealing problems, faulty primers and so forth) were used. PCR can't diagnose anything in the first place and compounded with these problems they are useless and misleading;

3) No autopsies. Why were no autopsies done in the US? Why did they pass new mandates that halted all autopsies for "Covid deaths?" This went against decades long protocol. They also changed decades old protocol on how death certificates should be filed;

4) Another way they inflated death counts was through hospital admissions and faulty PCR testing. So for example if one came in with a coronary condition you would be given a "Covid test" no matter what- all admissions required this- and then if you died while in the hospital you could have been listed as a "Covid death." This happened frequently throughout the year;

5) Home deaths is yet another way that figures were cooked. This was admitted point blank by Stephanie Buehle (NY Dept. of Health spokesperson) among others who stated that home deaths with no testing at all would be presumed "Covid deaths." This "guideline" was mandated through the NY Health Dept;

6) "Covid death counts were forged- CDC instructed officials to certify any death as "caused by" COVID if the decedent tested positive prior to passing or was suspected of having "C19", even if it wasn't the actual cause of death. Thus we have major misattribution. E.g., we have over 14,000 injury deaths listed in the "C19 death" total.

We also unexplained declines in other common death categories because so many have been attributed to "C19." The unprecedented broad definition of "C19" death has created huge fraud in "Covid death" counts;

7) Another way they inflated death counts was through hospital admissions and faulty PCR testing. This caused a huge spike in iatrogenic deaths caused by misattribution of "Covid" to incoming patients and the ensuing improper treatments applied e.g. ventilators, remdesivir and associated fentanyl dosages which killed thousands.

So for example if one came in with a coronary condition you would be given a "Covid test" no matter what- all admissions required this- and then if you died while in the hospital you could have been listed as a "Covid death." This happened frequently through the year.

The practice of PCR-testing hospital admissions who are asymptomatic for Covid using high Ct values undoubtedly caused deaths and unnecessary suffering.

This matters for several reasons. A pneumonia patient e.g. has a very good chance of surviving with correct support. However, if the patient tests ‘+’ for the non-existent pathogen an entirely different medical protocol goes into action and with this and there is little chance of survival.

The 'diagnosis' of "Covid" effectively permits dangerous protocols to be enacted that then increase the chance of mortality.

With regard to adoption of a new RT-PCR protocol for hospital admissions this also falsely manufactured death statistics for "Covid." Add to this how it was incentivized-$$$$$ while hospitals are under extreme financial duress. The US hospital system had it's worst financial quarter on record in the middle of a "pandemic." Administrators were under pressure to alleviate that financial pain and exploit all openings in the CARES Act.

None of this is accidental.

8) Lockdown impacts- too numerous to cite here.

In short whatever "excess deaths" which may have occurred anywhere can be attributed to people who didn't have to die but were KILLED due to the unnecessary use of ventilators, harsh toxic drugs, people dying prematurely do to lack of medical treatment, ill effects from the lockdowns and so on.

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In Canada, according to the gov itself, the average age of a death by or with "Covid-19" is higher than life expectancy by 6 years !

One way to see that is dying by Covid makes someone live 6 years longer !

But seriously, the large sample sizes in this comparison as we do, show the Covid group did NOT die of Covid. It's impossible to claim a disease is a cause of death when, corrected for age, all cause mortality is higher in the control group !

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just that statistical fact is enough to disprove Covid as a cause death.

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In the big picture your comment, and the one above are correct. However , Keep in mind that living to close to the average age makes you exceedingly likely to live past the medium age. ( The average mortality age includes all the childhood and youth deaths)

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I love a person that does their research. Fauci the fraud, the supposed expert doesn't know basic immunology 101. That should say it all. Plandemic

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Unarmed (not)

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People medical experts if you claim to be one anyway . Germany has the strictest face mask mandate in the entire world. With everyone wearing N-95 masks. Does anyone think these are contributing to the high mortality rate? Or you still think the virus is the main cause of death? Even when you medical experts know that your body is your 3rd lung. And if you are around a deadly virus like they claim . The only way you can protect yourself is from a pressurized suit. For the virus can be absorb through the skins sweat and many other ways to enter the blood stream.

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Why would the authorities question anything? They know the answer. This is their plan. Trust the plan.

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No, nobody in authority will ask the question! You don’t ask a question of something you don’t want an answer for… Alex, I’d like, ignore the truth for $200

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Merry Christmas from Bill and Tony.

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Its exercise, fitness, genetics, the cold weather, the boogeyman. Anything other than the vaccines.

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Most of the Covid-19 jabs are not true vaccines, so perversely, the media can secretly use the previous definition, and honestly claim that vaccines are not possibly a cause of increased mortality. 😕 "Don't give them any more ideas!"🤐 say some. Well, mine is made mostly in jest. I'm just an amateur compared to the steamers the media hacks can extrude.

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Well when you scare the shit out of people by convincing them a virus that has a 99% survival rate into not going to the doctor for routine medical procedures as well as not so routine like follow up examinations for cancer etc. and shut down all visiting to retirement homes (yes lack of human interaction can cause the elderly to die sooner), isolate people they then tend to commit suicide at higher rates or use drugs and die from overdoses this is no surprise and many public healthcare professionals raised the alarm on this but of course the insane who are in charge of the asylum right now ignored their warnings and continue to do so.

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and blocking therapeutics. A father of 3 died in a hosp in my neighborhood because they would not let him finish ivermectin. Wife took it to a judge, he said give it to him, hosp went back and got a diff judge and he said you can block it. What harm could it have done to anyone if he finished the ivermectin, he was actually getting better. Thats what we r up against. Hospitals beholden to Fauci and they r getting away with it

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I would sneak it into the hospital and administer it myself. Even if I had to wiggle horse paste down their throat. Maybe that's why the visiting restrictions.

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I agree. A friend of mine husbands had one pill to go when he was admitted and the hosp said no. i told her to sneak it in a pocket and she wouldnt. Not a fighter. her husband did make it most likely from the previous pills

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This is so sad and horrifying 😭

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Pretty sure we know what answer is, and no, no one will address it. Big pharma CEO’s will continue to push the nth booster and cry about the next “variant”. This is the best thing to ever happen to people in power. They will not give this up.

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Where is the curiosity?

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Supply chain disruption--it's in a container on a boat waiting outside of some port.

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I will leave everyone with this, which is a very recent huge bomb that adds to Alex's present article;


"Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data By: The Election Wizard & Global Research Have you seen the document dump on the Pfizer vaccine data? It’s a bombshell. No wonder the FDA fought to keep it hidden for 55 years. Here is the quick takeaway.... "

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And the march towards a NWO/OWO/JWO/SWO continues.. Georgia Guidestones "Commandment" number one, that is ALWAYS one of the main pillars of this multi-century agenda. People should read this following link i came across many years ago during investigating the rise of the Antichrist kindgom;


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A majority of people getting these vaccines are on the Left side of the aisle so, really, should I cry?

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Definitely decreasing the Dems voter registry !

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Don't cry for me, Argentina.

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Probably marginally true, but every Repub I know has gotten it except one.

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Same--I know about 5 die-hard trumpers and they all got all the vaxxes, mask religiously, and say "good riddance" when thinking about the unvaxxed. The psychosis is equal opportunity.

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All Merkel voters?

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Dec 10, 2021
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All too often, political debate is couched in left/right terms. Both of these groups, in the main, want to exert control. The old joke is the Right wants to take your freedoms, the Left wants your money. The almost-always overlooked axis is the one of relative freedom: at the low extreme, anarchy which almost no one wants, and at the maximum, tyranny, which usually only the tyrant wants. Think about it: when in your life have you EVER heard anyone argue for less government programs of all types, not just the ones they're opposed to?

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The Right didn't institute lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, mass firings, etc.

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The Trump administration's Covid Task Force (Drs. Birx and Fauci, sometimes Redfield) headed by Mike Pence preached lock downs and masks. Trump didn't stop this mesenging. Trump made sure the vaccines were made at warp speed, and didn't question safety and efficacy. Some of this criticism is Monday morning quarterbacking on my part. But winning the election was paramount to him; he didn't want to "rock the boat" on Birx and Fauci and wanted the vaccines for a big win. Fault lies on both sides. But Trump, had he won, would not have gone to mandates. In spite of the MSM narrative, Trump is not a Nazi, unlike the fascist left. Before I'm attacked, I voted for him twice and am very sorry he is not our current president.

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Trump didn't mandate anything. He left it up to the states.

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I guess my point was obscured. Dr. Birx, as task force coordinator, interfaced directly with the states. She preached lock downs and masks. No one in the White House stopped her, or even contradicted her. I agree he didn't mandate, but it's a distinction without a difference.

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What "they" know doesn't concern me.

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Dec 10, 2021
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I am referring to your comment, which was in reply to my comment... no link present in our thread.

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Dec 10, 2021
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Fewer Leftists = Good News

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A friend who retired had a operation and died from a bloodclot days later, his dr said in 30 years ive never seen this happen. He got the shot.

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The New World Order is here. They are trying to kill us all. Good luck to all.

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Well, Germans know how to genocide...pisses me off. I say this being German and can't believe they have not learned from history. Killing innocent lives.....they are so fucking stupid.

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Part German here too. It's sad.

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I hear you Angelbb....I am ashamed and embarrassed of my heritage, yet again. Some of my relatives are in Germany, in Frankfurt. They are going against all this but life is being made very difficult for them. I am so pissed off about everything....can this World ever have any peace? Ever?

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No need for shame.

I keep the faith that there is always a bigger plan at work but it sure is painful waiting for the big reveal.

Hang in there!


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I hear you. I am one of the faithful as well but patience has never been a virtue of mine. I have told God to hurry up already and make this end....see how that is working out for me....grrrrrr....

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Ohhhhhhhh I can relate to the impatience! Our time is so quick here on earth and yet stuff like this makes it seem like a tortuous eternity.

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aint that the truth......heavy sigh....

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The process has to work through all seven trumpets. This is the fifth. The sixth will be worse in terms of deaths, but may be more avoidable because of its locality. The fifth is more of a Mass Swarmation. It has potentially some years to run yet. https://txti.es/fifthtrumpet

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Very interesting....food for thought. Sad it would have to come to any of it but then again,,,,humans are something else....

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if I see fauci ride in on a flaming dark horse, i'm going to go get my cyanide pills

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dont do that IvyRose, many among us have guns, we will take care of that POS. But I guess I am supposing one so evil could die by human means...then perhaps a stake in the heart or burn at the stake.

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I meant to say have asked God...altho the told part is coming soon...

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I'm not embarrassed. I love my grandparents and the beautiful place I was born. I was born an American but I am proud that my mother and grandparents suffered for not joining the Nazi party.

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I am glad for you, but alas, I cannot say the same for now.

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The Darwin Awards Sweepstakes...

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I had empathy for people falling for the ol' banana in the tailpipe [Beverly Hills Cop reference] but, once 'they' started demanding we be forced and/or shunned from society...eh, not so much now.

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Just think, in 10 years, we may be living in a world where we have had a self selecting eradication of all the online loudmouth leftist censorious traitors who have made the world a much worse place...

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Yeah, but the rat bastids with the most power [unfortch] exempted themselves [Congress/CDC/WHO/FDA/ETC.]. The sheeple were just eggs they had to break to make their c0mmie omelet. :(

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Yes, but ignore that. They aren't there for life, and the useful idiot underlings, including all these scum bureaucrats, corrupt Cops, traitor medical professionals, media, aren't immune to the jabs, and the idiots who elected them are pruning themselves out of the gene pool, so they will be lonely

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It used to be that my forwards of Mr Berensons emails would arrive directly into the recipients junk mail. Now they do not send at all. They bounce back immediately stating the recipients email has recognised as spam.

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Create a Duck Duck Go address. Use and sign up for your own email.

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Is this compared to previous Novembers?

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Hey Alex -- what do you think of the "Mass Formation" theory regarding Covid & the "vaccines?" https://malone.substack.com/p/mass-formation

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By the way Alex, I dont say this enough. "Thank you" I'll be starting your book next. I was listening to the radio yesterday. The mc stated that less and less people are watching tv. I thought to myself "that's because we're busy reading" and that is a very good thing. Knowledge is power.

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