
I just changed my plan from the $60/yr to the $300/yr. After seeing your interview and Rogan, I’ve come to realize just how dangerous this Anti-Free Speech movement has become. If we don’t stand for free speech and today that means supporting with dollars, then I’m afraid free speech will be lost.

You are not just fighting this fight for yourself…but for all of us.



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As one of the original Founding Subscribers I feel the same. While I do not agree with Alex on everything, losing the good in pursuit of the perfect is never wise. And the free speech fight is likely more important than the covid fight (although the two are related) as important as the covid fight was/is and as important as Alex's contribution to it has been. So keep it going Alex.

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I feel the same. We must hang together or (to paraphrase Ben Franklin) hang separately.

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Ditto, Rich, just changed my plan from $60 to $300. Thank you, Rich and THANK YOU, Alex. I'll 'hang" with you

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My husband got fired as chief of emergency medicine for our district for questioning vaccine mandates and school closures. We (both physicians) are so concerned about free speech in medicine and science that we are hosting a conference in eastern Canada at the end of October: freespeechinmedicine.com

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Excellent! I’m hosting one in Kentucky October 8th. This is how we get the word out. I hope people who are not yet awake will attend

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Heard you speak at "Gateway to Freedom" this past weekend. Thank you for what you are doing for all of us. I will definitely spread the word about October 8!

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So sorry he got fired but thank you for standing up for free speech and the truth!

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Please thank your husband and I’m so sorry he got fired. What is Canada’s problem……..is this at the hands of the coward, Trudeau? Please know that while you are fighting for truth up there that we’re doing the same here and are always bringing up the rear for you.

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He's not a coward by any stretch. He's a Marxist to the bone. Smiling or making little concerned frowns while he rips the guts out of every system that preceeded him.

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It's not a contest, but he seems more dim witted than Newsom and that's really saying something.

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Sharon. If he’s more dim witted than Newsom, than he’s brain dead. AND, Newsom is smarmy…….wait, wait, so is Trudeau.

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I much rather refer to it as Trudope, or Castro's ba...d son. Freeland joined at the him with him/it also went to WEF school and graduated. I don't know which of the two I can't stand more. Both!!!

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The dim witted ones are easier for the WEF to control. Trudeau and Newsome have both gone through the WEF program for Young Leaders.

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What does WEF mean?

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I think World Economic Forum?

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Oh, thank you so much.

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Add on that Newsom broke the dude rule " thou shall not have adult relations with thy best friends wife" so he, no matter what his politucs are....which are obviously insanly destructive, make this weasel irredeemable. I want cough up a furball everytime Gettyboy shows his mug. He and Justina plan on running the N America..

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Trudeau and Newsom are not the problem. It's the invisible people behind them we need to be concerned about.

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Hey, I’ll supply the tar and feathers……….anyone, anyone

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Remember that Justin Trudeau is an admirer of Castro.

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He's Castro's son. This is not a gag. Just call him Justin Castreau.

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Oh, God, I forgot about that.

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The other day my husband heard on the radio while driving that Freeland and Justine are getting their feelings hurt, while Canadians at every turn tell them to F O!!! O poor evil bas...ds.

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Ok, Donna, educate me, who is Freeland.

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Denise, sorry check my comment above. Oops my mistake.

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No, I’m sorry……..so, Canada has 2 cupcakes………..well, isn’t that SPECIAL. Do you want an Ice Cream Cone to go with that duo………..I find that we have one.

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Hahaha yes Denise. Hubby was just now telling me Freeland went somewhere ??? and these 2 men were really letting her have it, calling her names, well deserved. Cupcake told her cone and he went ballistic on TV, saying we can't tolerate this anymore, hurting people's feelings etc. What joksters they both are. Joined at the hip I would love to see them swing from a lamp post or better yet a cliff.

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Lol……I think millions of people would like to see those two and ice cream cone sailing off a cliff.

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The choice is clear. We must stand up and fight for the rights given to us or lay down. comply and get kicked around. Since I don't like abuse, I choose to stand up and fight because as Baker Mayfield once put it, "I feel dangerous today!".

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Ok, I had to look that up. I thought Baker Mayfield is some incredible military analysis. BUT

NO……….He’s a quarter back. It doesn’t make any difference because what he said “I feel dangerous today” is wonderful for military or sports or for making your point.


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Boomer Sooner

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Ontario will be with you in spirit. Best of luck.

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I am SO looking forward to this next chapter of your (and by proxy, 'our') fight. Don't ever stop Alex.

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I would also recommend that Alex avoid Twitter as much as possible except to use it to send people elsewhere. It is never going to be a free platform.

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I believe with the evidence they provided Alex's attorneys, Twitter can now be presumed 'state actors' and held to First Amendment standards. If not, there will be more lawsuits.

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It’s funded and directed by the FEDS. Just like every SM platform.

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Just FYI: In terms of understanding what it's like, I was banned permanently for telling someone to read this substack for vaccine truth. That was just about a month ago, and you are back on Twitter and I never will be cause I don't have the clout or the money you do.

The exact text of the offending Tweet:

@Joediesel84 @demonscythsynth @JamesMelville The legacy strain, for which the vaxx is made, is extinct. The only strains left are outside the immune response caused by the gene-therapy for a few weeks. Suggest you read Alex Berenson's substack for actual govt. stats on sickness and death/vaxxed and unvaxxed.

They then trumped up further charges after permnanetly suspending me for having multiple accounts, which I do not.

I do not because I don't care enough about Twitter to try and cheat its BS codes.

I don't care about Twitter because they have lied and cheated me since the start by shadow banning me, and otherwise dishonestly hiding me from the marketplace of ideas because my ideas are better than theirs. So the loss is smaller than it would have been had they been honest. But had they been honest they would not have banned me for telling people to read you.

Just a little FYI.

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Sue them.

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That takes resources I do not have. Time, money and a lawyer.

Dr. Andrew Bostom managed to sue Twitter and get back on for posting relatively benal truths about the vaxx. That's great, I'm glad he did. But the future of truth is not on Twitter or Facebook.

I started a Mastodon pod for fun to see how it would be received. On the third try it took. It has become a vibrant place, very rich in information and conversation between awake people.

I think at some point more people have to join or start a pod like mine and federate them together and share information and thoughts.

I know for a fact the 'enemy' does this. Communist insurgent groups use Mastodon to communicate. They are a decade ahead of the freedom and truth minded. Isn't that a shame?

If its at all interesting to you, please come visit:


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Keep pushing and fighting. The truth about the jabs needs to come out. We need to show how damaging they are and hold those accountable for pushing them. They’re no better than a drug dealing street pusher. Anyone that pushed these jabs needs to be held accountable: government, public health officials, politicians, hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacies, universities, schools, ALL of them.

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1,000,000 %%%%%%

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I wish I could "like" this 1000x

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Keep it up, Alex! I'll continue to be a paying subscriber--regardless of your ridiculous TDS. Your heroic efforts in this space are worth tolerating that kind of nonsense on occasion.

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what is TDS?

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Assuming this is a serious question, TDS is Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is an endless amount about it on Substack and elsewhere.

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Haha- it was a serious question. And then you gave me the answer and I was like “duh”. It’s Monday?!?!

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Just a guess here…..Trump Derangement Syndrome…..sometimes I think we need a Legend on these sites which tell what Letters mean…….but, I’m always late to the party.

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Thankful for independent journalism and the brave doctors who spread the truth. In just my small circle, since the rollout of these jabs, I have known a 10 y/o boy die "suddenly& unexpectedly" from "unknown" causes, two 70+ females die instantly from heart attacks, a 54 y/o female nearly died from a blood clot induced stroke, a 19 y/o male needed emergency surgery to repair a blood clot in his subclavian vein, my father was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, and most recently a 17 y/o male died Friday night from "heat stroke" during his football game. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. And to think, Dr. Peter McCullough reported to the senate that these "vaccine" injuries were known as early as January 22, 2021 - AND NOTHING HAPPENED, and the freight train continued is beyond unbelievable. So, yes, Alex, please keep up the great work. Several of us are counting on you.

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Laura Addison: I'm part of the team helping Mark Crispin Miller compile and write up reports of people who've died suddenly for his Substack News From Underground. Email me links to any info (death notice / obit) you have about the 17-year-old who died last Friday night, and I'll write it up for inclusion in the upcoming post. annettecohen (at) proton.me. We generally include deaths, vaxxidents, etc. that have occurred within the past week or so. Thank you.

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"They" have reinvented censorship. A behemoth government that pressures a private corporation to silence an individual is engaging in censorship. It's a clever form of censorship because it is sometimes hard to detect and always hard to prove. To my freedom-loving friends who maintain that private corporations have the right to de-platform anyone: wake up and look at the role the government is playing here. Government has the monopoly on the us of force, and they are threatening to use it. The mere threat is censorship.

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Awesome retrospective. I wish you all the best in this new quest to discover what is actually happening to the vaccinated as well as which woke Brandon administration officials violated your first amendment rights.

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The letter O comes to mind for one.

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Never would have believed that THIS country would be OK with censorship. I was so naive.

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I started to get suspicious when White House records disclosed that the Obama White House had over 100 meetings with Alphabet (Google), FB, and Twitter in the same year.

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Goes well with his love of nudge theory https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/barack-obama-to-bring-whitehall-s-nudge-theory-to-the-white-house-10504616.html ... and Google's dalliance with J&J hints at why they're such big pHarma protectors https://spectrum.ieee.org/google-verily-johnson-johnson-verb-surgical-medical-robots ... Too many back-door connections to keep up.

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Don’t be too hard on yourself, we all were naive….BUT, we’re wide awake now!

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I am in the same boat. And the use of fbi as a political party’s agenda and power continuance. Shocking. So much for “anyone can be president”. Lies and most importantly, not if DC not ok with the peoples’ pick. Sad! True!

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Go get’em Alex!!! I am a paying subscriber and Even though you’re embarrassingly wrong on the Ivermectin story/coverup , I wholeheartedly support your efforts to expose these criminals and prevent more children from being vaxed.

My sincere appreciation.

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What Nora just said…….100%

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I don’t always agree on every single post you make, article or arguement, but I am rooting for you and supporting your efforts to uncover this absolute grotesque misuse of power against our rights and freedoms! And I am grateful you seem to be in such a small group of people brave enough to shine the light on the absolute horror show that is unfolding regarding the poison shot, yes it is a poison shot. I just don’t see how it can be ignored at this point, but it is and we need more and more like you to help uncover this nightmare because only in acknowledging a problem ( people unexpectedly dying everywhere world wide! ) can we start to address or help that problem and this problem could not be more serious, it is people’s lives.

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Well in the words of Eldridge Cleaver, "too much agreement kills a chat". You wouldn't want Alex to echo everything you think would you? Boring.

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Interesting to ask how many other people Biden has tried to silence using tactics like ones used on you. His is going to be a historic presidency. Absolutely the worst this country ever had.

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Keep up the fight! We are behind you ALL THE WAY!

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Would you be interested in joining some docs and people harmed by all the pandemic mandates in Kentucky October 8th? I’ll email you the details when they are out.

Kentucky Truth Summit near Louisville, KY on October 8th will gather medical experts from Pandemic Health Alliance/ Global Covid Summit, people who were harmed by pandemic policies, and government representatives in order to review what happened, reveal truth that has been censored and suppressed, & to unite in our resolve to heal our communities & to demand accountability

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Getting Twitter to provide evidence of White House pressure to censor is a big step in turning the tide. From now on the big tech can't hide behind the 'private enterprise can do whatever it wants' end run around the First Amendment. Between Twitter's emails and Zuckerberg's admission last week, the major platforms can be presumed state actors (by the public, anyway) until they prove otherwise.

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Zuckerberg has always wanted to be President…you’ll see…baby steps…

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Will Zuckerberg be our first AI President?

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