Unfortunately I know people who are debating: get their 2nd booster now? or wait for the new and improved jabs in the fall? or maybe just get both? I wish I could say that's a joke. These people are fed CNN, MSN, USA Today, NPR, and NYT. What could go wrong?!
Unfortunately I know people who are debating: get their 2nd booster now? or wait for the new and improved jabs in the fall? or maybe just get both? I wish I could say that's a joke. These people are fed CNN, MSN, USA Today, NPR, and NYT. What could go wrong?!
IтАЩm a pure blood, but I listen to my friends who drank the cool aid and have had the shots followed by double exposures to the virus- but they all repeat the same talking points from their diet of Mainstream Media: it would have been worse without the shots. I always follow it up with: How do you know? What study or trial tells you that? Crickets.
That sounds exactly like many conversations I have had with those who have taken multiple shots and still got infected. They're all positive it would have been much worse if they hadn't been vaccinated. I comment to them "you don't know that unless you can live a parallel life and since there's no underlying health conditions that would leave you predisposed to severe illness chances are you would have been fine without the shot." But in all reality I would probably get more out of saying this to the wall than to them. At least the wall wouldn't come back with some comment regurgitating bullshit from the mainstream media.
A good friend (boosted) has had Covid twice in 6 months and is debating when to get his next booster. 46 YO. The dissonance runs deep. HeтАЩs an analytical type of guy, too - went to GT with him. IтАЩm trying to figure out an approach that will wake him up! I feel obligated to do something despite our differences on the topic in the past.
Rob H-I have no idea what you have tried in the past. So I am just going to throw out the obvious and what I have been trying: No one likes to be told they are, have been, wrong. So start there. "You weren't wrong in 2020, 21, to get vaxed.. There was little evidence to show that they were anything but helpful". (not entirely true but you see where I am going). "But now, after 2 years and billions of doses, there is credible disagreement in the scientific community. as to their safety and effectiveness" (an understatement for sure). "You are 46 yo, at low risk, and they now know how to treat covid, which wasn't true in 20, 21. (also not entirely true but at least in 2022 there are accepted treatments). "I hope you, my friend, will consider all the information." The worst he can then think of you is that you are a pushy friend who cares about him. Good luck.
Thanks! That meshes well with data on vax induced antibodies produced against Omicron vs Wuhan strains. Namely a 20X difference in antibodies that can actually bind to the virus. IтАЩll skip all the super scary stuff that many of us are aware of!
Deb, it's funny how in all the reading Ive done on this I've never seen a possible path like this laid out so well, and if anything is going to work with my friends (Lord knows I've tried) maybe the "Deb Good Sense Step x Step Protocols" will!! Like you said, "Im just a pushy friend" and probably won't get their back up.
Thanks, Fred. I think the most important thing when talking with people close to us is to always keep their humanity first and foremost, and that we treat each other as fellow travelers on a very difficult road. As I said, no one likes to be wrong and no one likes to be told they are wrong. Even if we are convinced that we have ALL THE DATA TO PROVE IT! They won't be impressed, most likely they will be repelled by it. And ask yourself, what is the point of me getting into this discussion with my friend? To prove that I am right or to try to persuade them ? (hopefully the latter). There is a saying, I think it is leadership related, something like : People don't care how much you know; they care how much you care." Especially true for a friend. I think it behooves those of us who were not taken in by the propaganda to go a bit easy on those who were. We all wanted to trust the public health agenda set forth in 2020, (except for those of us in 2020 understood more than the average person the inner workings and politics of the CDC, FDA, the WHO, and rest of the alphabet soup organizations). Now we know they betrayed us. They played us. They won this hand of the card game for sure. Now its up to us to look to each other for strength, treat each other as valuable human beings worthy of love and respect. We owe it to each other.
Maybe send him Tucker Carlsons recent comments? ThatтАЩs the most mainstream news discussion to date. Also try to stall your friend by telling him the current booster is obsolete and he should wait for something better. Yes, we need to treat some as we do chikdrenтАж
The Japanese government just released recommendations to get the first booster (3rd shot) or PCR test before travel this summer and test again before returning after the vacation. This is for domestic travel.
Hotels have either the same requirements or offer discounts to those who met them. Participation in many festivals require the same.
Those working in the healthcare system, including medical and nursing students, are now getting their 4th shots.
Someone close to me just got their 2nd booster. Despite the fact that they are generally critical of conventional medicine and big pharma, and I've been giving them the facts about these vaccines for close to 2 years. They consume a daily diet of CNN and NYT. And will very probably go for every recommended booster until they drop.
Unfortunately I know people who are debating: get their 2nd booster now? or wait for the new and improved jabs in the fall? or maybe just get both? I wish I could say that's a joke. These people are fed CNN, MSN, USA Today, NPR, and NYT. What could go wrong?!
I know people like that too. And some of them have multiple shots and still got COVID! It's unbelievable they're buying the bullshit.
Mass Formation Psychosis is real...
Sure is!!
IтАЩm a pure blood, but I listen to my friends who drank the cool aid and have had the shots followed by double exposures to the virus- but they all repeat the same talking points from their diet of Mainstream Media: it would have been worse without the shots. I always follow it up with: How do you know? What study or trial tells you that? Crickets.
That sounds exactly like many conversations I have had with those who have taken multiple shots and still got infected. They're all positive it would have been much worse if they hadn't been vaccinated. I comment to them "you don't know that unless you can live a parallel life and since there's no underlying health conditions that would leave you predisposed to severe illness chances are you would have been fine without the shot." But in all reality I would probably get more out of saying this to the wall than to them. At least the wall wouldn't come back with some comment regurgitating bullshit from the mainstream media.
I know an anesthesiologist that has had 6 shots тАЬthey donтАЩt keep track and I wanted better protectionтАЭ. Six.
ЁЯджЁЯджЁЯджЁЯджЁЯдж What else can you say
The word must be getting out. Nearly everyone I know, even the incurable virtue-signalers, says no more boosters.
Good... I hope so! Glad to hear some are waking up!!
A good friend (boosted) has had Covid twice in 6 months and is debating when to get his next booster. 46 YO. The dissonance runs deep. HeтАЩs an analytical type of guy, too - went to GT with him. IтАЩm trying to figure out an approach that will wake him up! I feel obligated to do something despite our differences on the topic in the past.
Rob H-I have no idea what you have tried in the past. So I am just going to throw out the obvious and what I have been trying: No one likes to be told they are, have been, wrong. So start there. "You weren't wrong in 2020, 21, to get vaxed.. There was little evidence to show that they were anything but helpful". (not entirely true but you see where I am going). "But now, after 2 years and billions of doses, there is credible disagreement in the scientific community. as to their safety and effectiveness" (an understatement for sure). "You are 46 yo, at low risk, and they now know how to treat covid, which wasn't true in 20, 21. (also not entirely true but at least in 2022 there are accepted treatments). "I hope you, my friend, will consider all the information." The worst he can then think of you is that you are a pushy friend who cares about him. Good luck.
Thanks! That meshes well with data on vax induced antibodies produced against Omicron vs Wuhan strains. Namely a 20X difference in antibodies that can actually bind to the virus. IтАЩll skip all the super scary stuff that many of us are aware of!
Deb, it's funny how in all the reading Ive done on this I've never seen a possible path like this laid out so well, and if anything is going to work with my friends (Lord knows I've tried) maybe the "Deb Good Sense Step x Step Protocols" will!! Like you said, "Im just a pushy friend" and probably won't get their back up.
Thanks, Fred. I think the most important thing when talking with people close to us is to always keep their humanity first and foremost, and that we treat each other as fellow travelers on a very difficult road. As I said, no one likes to be wrong and no one likes to be told they are wrong. Even if we are convinced that we have ALL THE DATA TO PROVE IT! They won't be impressed, most likely they will be repelled by it. And ask yourself, what is the point of me getting into this discussion with my friend? To prove that I am right or to try to persuade them ? (hopefully the latter). There is a saying, I think it is leadership related, something like : People don't care how much you know; they care how much you care." Especially true for a friend. I think it behooves those of us who were not taken in by the propaganda to go a bit easy on those who were. We all wanted to trust the public health agenda set forth in 2020, (except for those of us in 2020 understood more than the average person the inner workings and politics of the CDC, FDA, the WHO, and rest of the alphabet soup organizations). Now we know they betrayed us. They played us. They won this hand of the card game for sure. Now its up to us to look to each other for strength, treat each other as valuable human beings worthy of love and respect. We owe it to each other.
Great advice, Deb. Best to approach gently.
From my experience trying to do what you want to do...go find a new friend (preferably unvaxxed). These multiple shot people are a lost cause.
Maybe send him Tucker Carlsons recent comments? ThatтАЩs the most mainstream news discussion to date. Also try to stall your friend by telling him the current booster is obsolete and he should wait for something better. Yes, we need to treat some as we do chikdrenтАж
What did Tucker say? Do you have a link?
I sent this to a once-boosted friend yesterday. She likes Tucker, so maybe she will listen!
realnotrare.substack.com. About 140 personal stories of vax injury with name and picture(s). Only concrete proof of harms seems to move the needle.
The Japanese government just released recommendations to get the first booster (3rd shot) or PCR test before travel this summer and test again before returning after the vacation. This is for domestic travel.
Hotels have either the same requirements or offer discounts to those who met them. Participation in many festivals require the same.
Those working in the healthcare system, including medical and nursing students, are now getting their 4th shots.
Someone close to me just got their 2nd booster. Despite the fact that they are generally critical of conventional medicine and big pharma, and I've been giving them the facts about these vaccines for close to 2 years. They consume a daily diet of CNN and NYT. And will very probably go for every recommended booster until they drop.
Too sad.