Now that Austin, Milley, Myorkas, Garland, et al, have tamped down on all that rampant white supremacist domestic terrorism, it's time they started focusing on the black supremacist domestic terrorism.

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This is also why white boys with motivation are increasingly skipping the college thing all together. Colleges hate them, like the rest of woke world, and there are a million ways to build a life and a business without paying 6 figures to get told you suck by woke professors who never left school and the angry entitled brats running the schools from the offices of administration and HR.

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It would be great if the media would condemn all violence and not just violence against specific groups. But then how could they use it for their narratives? Silly me.

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Remember after Trump was elected and there were bomb threats to synagogues? Turned out it was an Israeli. Then there were the attacks on Asians. All inner city Democrats.

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Maybe we should be refunding the police instead of defunding the police.

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As much as I detest many Republicans, voting for a Democrat is putting your entire being at risk.

Voting 3rd party is simply dumb at this juncture too.

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Alex, have you seen the thread from Louie Traub, vaxx injured?

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People feel empowered to do these things right now. You get what you tolerate.

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I used to love NewYork, but now it’s permanently off my travel list because of the defund the police and vax passports. Glad I got to go there in its glory days. No more of my dollars….

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The madness continues.

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Milley and Austin wring their limp wrists over white domestic terrorists; Garland goes after parents; the Biden's suck enemies *&^&**$; meanwhile we are beat over the head with... white, middle class Americans are the greatest existential threat to American democracy - oh, and climate change, too - because every continent's pollution has a different impact on the world, and you are stupid if you think pollution created in China or oil drilled in Venezuela Hurts the Climate; all blacks and women can do no wrong - because if you call out a black person or a woman as anything less than stellar, you are a racist or a misogynist; God help us. Never mind the Media is an enemy of the people - the friggin' FBI and "intelligence agencies" are enemies of the people. Our government is so corrupt it is truly frightening. The "swamp" runs deep and wide. American's working for companies are forced to take the jab - over and over again - while ILLEGAL ALIENS from around the world pour through our southern border and get bused or flown to wherever - jab free...cuz little red riding hood says they will not be here long. Are you F'n kidding me?! We are in a world of hurt and more is coming. Everyone who cares about America First better get off their fannies for mid-terms and 2024 and Do Something. Join an America First Club, a Republican Club, work the polls (paid) or volunteer to poll watch, knock on doors with your club, register voters, VOTE! The socialists, communists, America-haters... of of them have arrived - they have come for us - and we must squash them at the polls, from city councils and school boards to Congress and the Presidency.

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The Democraps have blood on their hands for sowing such vitriol!

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Who said this guy wad 5"5" he looks a hell of lot taller than that

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Media has an agenda, the shooting in San Diego two weeks ago I knew within a few hours it obviously wasn't a white dude because the description wasn't listed. Pretty fucking sad if you ask me. If it was white trump supporters you'd never hear the end of it. Imagine if a white guy drove through a blm protest, CNN would still be covering it years later on the daily.

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Quoting https://mobile.twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1514223043068977155?cxt=HHwWhoCzjbj1zIMqAAAA


The subway suspect is a black supremacist. The Waukesha killer is a black supremacist. The guy who tried to assassinate a mayoral candidate is a black supremacist. The man who murdered a capitol police officer was a black supremacist. In summary, white supremacy is the problem.

5:44 AM · Apr 13, 2022"

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022

Imagine if a Communist planned the shooting of a judges head off and helped the killers escape from prison. Encouraged terrorists to burn down National Guard centers and blew up the Capital building.

What do you think people would do.

Well She became a professor and continued to pervert the minds of students and people who became President, Governors, Judges and teachers in the blue cesspool .

People have short memories.

Angela Davis, Weather Underground and the faculty of every University in USA.

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Losers have always hated Jews. Now they hate Asians too. That is unavoidable.

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There is going to be a moment soon where even normal people like who despise the skinhead/Nazi/racist groups are going to suddenly realize that "diversity" is, in fact, a code word for anti-white, and that the entire purpose of all of this is to kill us all. A good friend of mine is in that camp, and while he and I never discuss it just because I won't, I had to tell him that I think he may have been right all these years. I'm starting to feel like there might be a conspiracy afoot to divest the planet from white folks.

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20 FBI agents in the January 6th crowd…which they refused to reveal

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I'll be damned if I'm ever going somewhere where I'm not allowed to conceal carry. Rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.

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I've been saying for years to my close circle of friends that someone, somewhere, has been pushing a narrative to achieve a race war. By God, I think we have it now.

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Parents at School Board meetings is a much bigger threat...Just ask Joe "A Bird Shit On Me Today" Biden. The Bird knows what's it doing!

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A Black Charlie Manson doesn't fit the progressive narrative. Media will quickly shift narrative back to 'terrorist' Putin. In 3, 2, 1. . .

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I guarantee you there will be many 'vicious' shootings (like the Las Vegas false flag operation). That's the only thing left for the LEFT to try and energize their WOKE base

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I'm furious with the lazy Americans that don't have the curiosity to question what the media tells them, or what the politicians/bureaucrats fabricate. That portion of my countrymen is responsible for destroying our nation's future. (Well, in fairness, the reckless spending policy is also culpable.)

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Wonder what happened to all the white supremecist attacks, Merrit Garland and biden have been preaching about. Worrying about pretend issues while ignoring real issues.

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"Try to imagine what you’d be hearing tonight from the bluechecks if the (alleged) attackers had been white, much less loud Trump fans."

We don't have to imagine. We saw it happen with Jussie Smollett. Oh wait...we didn't see it happen because it didn't but the bluechecks went wild anyway when they saw a chance to promote the white supremacy that hardly exists except in their minds.

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In 2022 America it is racist to point out the obvious, violent facts. It’s also insanity to ignore them.

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How much longer can Biden lie about "white supremacist terrorism" being the biggest threat to America.

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022

See any similarity between the suspects here and the 10 people shot in Dallas last weekend or the 6 dead and 12 injured in Sacramento?? Is our college educated liberal media so woke they can't or won't face the massive cultural problem? Wake up people. The U.S./state governments will NEVER legislate our way out an immoral society.

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When you don't hear that the perpetrator was a white supremists Trump supporter, you know it was a person of color.

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The bluechecks are good at one thing: Division!


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Wow, I’m amazed. BLM, the Woke Media (NBC/ ABC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC, every major newspaper, Hollywood, the Teachers Union, Our President … ALL speak out against white supremest, and go after them as domestic terrorist. I’m all for that. Unfortunately, the extreme racist are mostly (uh oh), African American. Now what? Just pretend it’s not true, can’t disrupt the narrative, right?

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White Supremacy, "the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today" - Joe Biden

Media buried the shooter story from yesterday as soon as the suspect was named and didn't look like what they wanted. Jump all over the the cop video from MI though,making sure that everyone knew the cop and suspects race.

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I was listening to Max Blumenthal on Jimmy Dore just an hour ago talking about how the only way they could identify the alleged shooter was because of a credit card they found at the scene?? That's the story we're supposed to believe?!

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The unholy govt/media/corporate alliance has blood on its hands. They've been telling lies about who is doing what to whom for years. Individuals with mental illness hear they're under attack and believe they're launching a preemptive strike. North America will fall like South Africa soon enough. We're following the same script.

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Apr 13, 2022·edited Apr 13, 2022

The problem-- we could call it "luck"-- is that some people (the lucky) have been so untouched by violence that (according to their worldview) the most dangerous thing about murder or assault is that it might result in "violent" speech. (Violent speech is that which causes emotional harm to those who don't know suffering or true fear.)

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Natural outgrowth of the seeds sown in the long woke march thru the university and media.

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"Dion Marsh, 27, was charged with three counts of attempted murder as well as bias intimidation for allegedly running down two men and stabbing another in the chest on Saturday, Ocean County prosecutors said."

BIAS INTIMIDATION? What about hate crime?!

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To be honest, I’m terrified to go to subway at 2am in the morning..

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It's that time of year again folks...Ramadan. And waging jihad on Jews gets you extra extra bonus points. So expect more of this this month.

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The irony, if you want to call it that, is that most of the people they are attacking in these deep blue hellscapes are people who vote to enable this nonsense and consider themselves allies.

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The MSM will be working extra hard to put the spin in this one...or make it go away as quickly as possible. You know, like the terrorist in Waukesha that ran over all those people. Or the terrorist who rammed his car into the checkpoint killing a Capitol Police Officer.

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022

For those of you who don't have kids in school, you need to know that the Equity Officer of the school is teaching the Anti Defamation League's Pyramid of Hate which they say starts with the "seeds of bias" that can be micro-aggressions (such as asking where someone is from); It then escalates to Acts of Bias which can by bullying or name-calling (slurs/epithets); Escalating to Discrimination which is ... you guessed it, is systemic: economic, housing, employment etc discrimination and segregation. It then moves on to Bias Motivated Violence which is...wait for it, Murder, Vandalism, Terrorism. And finally the tip of the pyramid is Genocide, the act of intent to "systemically annihilate an entire people." This is all based on racism and this is what they are promoting in our high schools. They call it Triangle of Prejudice since the word Hate was too strong. However, amazingly, they never seem to acknowledge that BLM committed acts of violence, in fact, the school has a BLM Mural, I can't make this up. Now with the NY Subway shooter, no one says a word about seeds of bias, because apparently it only applies to white people. And yes, I have, others have gone to administration only to be told, "All students must thrive." It's exhausting.

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Joggers are a threat to white people. No one can convince me otherwise.

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"Frank James, the suspect arrested in relation to the NYC subway shooting, had a YouTube channel.

The channel was full of videos featuring racist, misogynistic, and violent rhetoric" so basically black supremacy is OK on YouTube unless the person ends up being a mass shooter. Got it!

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More black faces of white supremacy. Some Duke lacrosse players made them do it.

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Yup, lame stream “legacy” media (some legacy) described this terrorist by height/build/attire but never mentioned race-lucky they ever found him based on this foolish notion. Most of us red checks are anti racism but this woke crowd denies that to avoid cracks in their “white supremacist” most dangerous group in America lie. Since Calamity Joe has been in office there’s been a bunch of terrorists type attacks, none by whites. And if there were you would have heard no end to it but it’s crickets if any other race. And yes you woketards, most Americans would want a white guy, or any other perp, punished to the full extent of the law for terrorism…regardless of race-something about lady justice being blind….despite her (yes her) attempted KIA by the wokesters. And we don’t need the FBI adding to the “white supremacy” most dangerous group in America narrative enhancement with their transparent,and now adjudicated lie, about Gov Worker’s alleged kidnapping. Ha, ha 1/3 of the “group” were FBI guys, the rest sound like a clown car of easily duped, would be defacto Covid Enabled Tyrant Governor abductors. But the “ends justifies the means” crowd marches on never placing morals ahead of outcomes and never saying sorry for the damage done.

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Alex, look at what you started.

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