It was clear as a bell to me. No problem here. Great info tonight and you know how close to the truth you are when they shut you down. You are saying things that they KNOW are true and they can't take it. Never fear, you will prevail, the truth will set you free! (From Twitter jail!)

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My comments always go unnoticed by you but I’m a paid subscriber and I tell people to support you. Veteran nurse and Covid survivor fwiw

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Meant to mention -- No Facebook account, no Twitter account, no use of Google search in our home, period! No way we are patronizing trillion-dollar oligarchs who are destroying the USA.

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I understood almost immediately from the context as you spoke that your daughter was receiving the traditional vaccines young children are usually given for mumps, measles, chicken pox, etc. Not for a moment did I think you were saying she had been given one of the COVID vaccines.

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Maybe Tucker can tweet the clarification for you!

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Great job on Tucker too! You really are doing a wonderfully service for the country

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I knew what you meant by the way you said well visit

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Was clear to me. Keep at it, man. Your voice is needed.

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I would never assume you would give your child the Covid jab; it’s rather obvious given the info you share about the risks etc. Please keep up the good work. You’ve kept me sane for 18 months and counting.

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Keep fighting the good fight, my friend.

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You deserve a Pulitzer for all your reporting on this but of course since the Pulitzer is now as political as say Nobel Peace Prize, there is zero chance. But rational people notice Alex! Godspeed.

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CNN ‘won’ a Pulitzer for it’s ‘work’ in the Russia,Russia,Russia hoax,so it now has all the luster of an unbuffed fecalith….

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Thanks for thinking of clarifying (just in case). You are one of many reasons I go directly to sources I trust and NOT Twitter. Haven't wasted my time on Twitter for over a year.

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This seems over the top, but: You're now the *only one* I trust on COVID. I truly appreciate what you've endured in being ostracized by your former colleagues. I'm sorry. I've been listening to you on Sirius/Fox for months but only recently subscribed to support you (it was a true pleasure). Good or bad, whoops there's new data, whatever. Just please keep being the one we can trust to get it right and tell it like it is, even as it changes. I assure you I vociferously advocate, "No, according to Alex Berenson..." Thank you for what you're doing.

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I would like You to appear at least once a week on TUCKER for an accurate update on Covid and what is really going on!

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I caught you on Tucker tonight too. Well done.

Alex, I cannot imagine how stressful this is for you trying to sift all the data for valid facts verses possible facts verses garbage and lies AND trying to get the word out to the folks who, like me, hunger for facts we can believe.

Again, Alex, may God bless, strengthen, and grant you His wisdom in these matters and protect you, your family and your staff from man-made troubles! You are a valued gem.

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We replayed it a couple time before we figured it out!!

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