I suggested to the CDC that they start printing their vaccine cards with disappearing ink. They didn't seem to appreciate my generous suggestion.

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That needs to be a t-shirt.

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I bought one but now it's indistinguishable from my ordinary wife beaters 🤡

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I'm sure I am not the only one having this conversation to point of exhaustion !


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You are not alone. These people that insist that everyone get the vaccine, seem to be both afraid to live and love having some semblance of control over others' lives.

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Makes sense. Their "vaccines" are disappearing ink.

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Don't forget: there are very high levels of natural immunity in many countries now. Especially in those countries that never had substantial lockdowns and other containment measures (irrespective of vaccination levels, see Sweden for example). The naturally immune have immunity *not only* to the spike protein, but other parts of the virus. They will not be affected by this new variant.

My prediction is that regions potentially affected will be highly vaccinated and have low levels of natural immunity due to lockdowns and other stupid measures. Australia and New Zealand, spring to mind.

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The variants can not evade this.....

Well, now this....Will there a massive Public Service Announcement campaign? Oh wait, no money in prevention !


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Wow! Unbelievable!

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Brilliant! Best comment yet on this Vaccine hoax.

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Love it! Too funny!

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Too funny!!!!

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Unfortunately Gavin Newsom is our Governor and he is operating with the WEF game book in our state. You can’t believe how many people here believe he is working for our safety. I have come to despise that word for they use it in every sentence.

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No joke. I seriously HATE Gruesom and his group of sheep running around advocating for his stupid "mandates." The folks here in CA saying that he's watching out for our "safety" makes me want to vomit. What juice are you drinking (probably the vax) because I do NOT want any of that.

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Confirm you meant to use the word ‘they’ as opposed to ‘you’ because I’m not drinking anything. Re-read your response.

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Definitely did not mean you personally and meant "they" as in Gruesom's sheep. That's what I get for not proofing my response before hitting post!

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Two kinds of people in the world. Those that think the government is looking out for their best interests and those people that think.

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They're trying to stamp out "thinking", and are meeting success with a LOT (too many)

Schools no longer TEACH, they INDOCTRINATE. The perogative is taking AWAY the ability to THINK in favor of EMOTIONAL reactions.

Used to be schools attempted to teach HOW to learn (teaching fishing instead of handing out fish) and didn't have 'advocacy' in mind. Now it's NOTHING but 'advocates'

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A friend sold here popup trailer to a black family here in California just last week for 3K. The woman told my friend she and 20 other extended family members are all leaving California together and moving to Mississippi to escape Newsoms vaccine mandates. One had lost a job because of it and the dont want their kids vaxxed.

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I heard West Virginia is also back in the old US. I'd like to find out more about WV.

Tim Pool speaks well of his adopted state.

"Inconvenient" for 'dems' that Blacks are highly skeptical of this vax. They have reason to think so, give "Tuskegee" "experiments" where they followed syphilis patients (they wouldn't treat, like Fauci, just watched) as they progressed through the well known syphilis phases into brain damage.

Really a lot like now, and GOF.

Is it true that Google gave money to the Wuhan labs? And I don't believe "Politicafact", please no links to advocacy groups!

Amazing (and 'interesting') times!

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Sad they had to do it, but it was a wise move. Things are okay here in AZ now, but I fear the future and in process of trying to figure out where to go that I might be able to afford before it’s too late. I’ve wanted to move back to Michigan the whole time I’ve lived here, but now the motivation is just to move somewhere Red with like-minded folks.

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I thought AZ was red any a place to consider. Is that not so?

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I’d say it’s purple. Too many here from blue states. Despite the fraud in 2020 election I knew it was gonna be a close call. Too many Dems here and many Republicans were never Trumpers so they voted for Biden.

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It’s astonishing! My brother lives there and loves him! Needless to say, we don’t talk much anymore. I seriously can’t deal with stupid anymore!

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I never listen to the news anymore as I too live in the crazy state. Hence Native.

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Don't say it out loud man. That's embarrassing!

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Yes, Newsom is a WEF "Young Leader".

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Only the stupidest are eligible! Listening to that moron talk is vomit inducing.

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The California ports are clogged up but instead of even trying to look like he's working on that problem, he's gadflying off to Scotland!

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that sob is a trainwreck, he needs to be wrapped up and thrown away permanently.

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Time to change the old saying to, I would rather live on my knees [maybe, for a little while] than die on my feet. That is our motto now, it appears. :(

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Jake please wear your masks to help slow the spread

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One of the first signs of Communism/Socialism.

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Yes, I’m learning it was years in the making.

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Newsome wants to be president. He wants to "set an example" for the rest of the nation. His kind of example, we don't need or want.

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The rest of the country needs to know that at his most shallow essence, Newsom is just not very smart at all, kind of a dim wit. But he's a pretty boy and looks good on camera, and he's happy to be propped up by a lot of powerful people (Pelosi is one). He's California's Trudeau in terms of brain wattage. He could play the role of the next Democrat puppet president and step right into Brandon's slippers without missing a beat.

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So did Cuomo. The Left eats their own.

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I wear my “lets go Brandon” hoodie to Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s……. It’s about 60/40 here in Nashville - at those places……. Maybe its time for a Sandra Rebranding

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Fortunately, beyond Nashville it is 30/70. I’d go to Trader Joe’s even if AOC worked there.

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If I could sew, I would sew a dress emulating her Met gala dress with words in Red, Lets Go Brandon!

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Looking at relocating to outside Murfreesboro...looking for freedom. When you say 30/70...which is which?

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There is now a Trader Joe’s and cool springs - no masks….. its almost like a normal store again!!!

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me too....

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Where does one get said hoodie?

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Etsy has many sources...

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Blaze media shop

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I have a t-shirt! I have worn it everywhere. I NEVER wear t-shirts. A guy who makes them sent me his Amazon prime link. It’s kind of a “basic” t-shirt. Made to order!

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Its really a win win in Whole Foods- people without a mask smile and give that knowing nod……. And those that look at me scornfully are usually all masked up!!!!! Total Win Win……. I lived in LA - and moving to a place like Nashville is a total reprieve to normalcy

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Me too. We're surrounded. I'm not very hopeful that our election next week will lead to anything better.

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You're right. Nothing but another fiasco! Until voter ID is a law and write in ballots banned, we're screwed. Basically of we don't physically fix America ourselves, it's over. Good thing WW II vets are gone or in their 90s because this wouldn't be happening. I blame us men. Many have become cowards or girls.

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This might give you hope. Last year when my son was finally allowed to go back to high school 5 days a week, there were still a group of kids fully remote. One of his teachers was in front of the class speaking to the in person kids and turned to those on the remote screen and said, “We need to come up with a group name for you kids at home.” The pretty girl sitting next to my son said under her breath, “How about Cowards.” This is in a neurotic blue state. We told our son ‘that’s the kind of girl you should date.’

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They had a county election in Franklin- less than 6% voted, and even at less then 4000 votes poll watchers were able to identify the number of people who voted did NOT match the tally of the machines….. the supervisors noted the election “inconclusive” after lawsuits were filed and they are now doing hand recounts…… guess what kinds of machines we were using in williamson county….. a very very conservative county……. Yep Dominion!!!! The stink is everywhere- but at least now people know exactly what we are dealing with and we have 2020 to thank for that !

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WEF. My blood runs cold whenever I hear "WEF."

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I am frustrated that more people are not talking about the WEF. I see so many people on Twitter echoing the same message: "I just don't understand what is going on" and I just want to be able to shout at everyone that this is a contrived pandemic for the purposes of installing a globalist new world order.

Sadly, most people think it's just Alex Jones conspiracy nonsense and will never be willing to believe it, even once it comes to bear.

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Yep. I think it is conspiracy nonsense. I don't deny for a minute that there's a wicked agenda on the part of the WEF and Gates, etc. But it is not an evil hidden conspiracy. It is open, clear and obvious and they really think it is for the good.

They're just mistaken. They're like people who think they're stepping in as surrogate parents to look after these unsupervised children (us) and they're totally wrong because they've no idea what we really want, what we really need, what they're in any position to deliver. Etc.

But the wider thing is way out of their control. Is no part of any 'conspiracy' of theirs.

My local politician does nothing at all to help anyone. Doesn't publish facts. Does not promote health giving things. Does not promote immune system enhancement. Does not promote early home treatment. Does not object to Ivermectin being banned. Does not object to insane useless masking, etc, etc..

But there's no way that dunce is officially any part of any conspiracy.

He does as he does simply because he's a stupid clown.

To be nasty and vent for a moment he's just a self interested fuckwit.

And THAT'S what's generally driving it all.

All of it.

The inertia they have. The trundle on and on down their same old paths. Have meetings, talk shit, try to look important, preen themselves, give a press conference, announce some measure that hurts someone somewhere.

And what's the problem at the root of that?

We are. It's supposed to be a democracy He's not supposed to be able to be a fuckwit. He's supposed to be constrained and controlled by us.

But we are apparently not interested or , if we are interested and are interacting with him, then it would appear most of us are egotistic fuckwits, too.

So that's where we're at.

The whole problem is one of two things or maybe a mixture of both:

. We're lazy prats who can't be bothered being democrat citizens or:

. We're idiots incapable of understanding the most elementary truths.

Or a mixture of the two.

There's no evil Dalek making us do that. Is there? Are you being controlled by an evil Dalek? Me neither.

But while ever we don't do that most elementary and most socially necessary thing in a democracy: control our representatives then we are part of this 'conspiracy'.

So it's easy to see how much of a 'conspiracy ' it is. Just look at yourself.

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You're right in that not all of it is a conspiracy- some of it is just a CULT. But the puppet masters who started the CULT really are part of a conspiracy:


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They are doing it for power, control and money. They don't need any other reasons - evil or otherwise.

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Yes, I go along with thinking like that. Shared propensities manifest like collusive conspiracies but the collusion, the conspiring, is all subliminal.

There's no formal organisation. No formal heirarchy. No hollywood boardroom of villains masterminding the whole thing.

There's just a a tacit awareness that at this time we can all vent in this direction.

The politicians all 'agree', without ever talking about it, that they can now appropriate scandalous powers and misuse them to the hilt.

Big pharma's all tacitly agree the thing now is to go full on and exert all possible influence.

That's on the overt, 'pushy' side of things.

We get the same mechanism operating on the passive side, of course:

Doctors everywhere agree it is wiser to say nothing and keep their heads down.

Intellectually lazy agree now is the time to nod wisely and go along with govt edicts because it is safer.

Yes. It is very clear. It should be a field of study. Mass psychology or something. Perhaps it is. I would like to read in it.

This is how it comes about that we can have all the manifestations of conspiracy without actually having one.

Very simple. Very important. For it means looking in entirely different places for solutions.

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I don’t quite agree with you, Art. I do think most people concern themselves with their own day to day survival and personal issues, but our responses to the full-scale war on our culture are driven by the frog in the pot treatment we receive compliments of the global corporatists via their mouthpieces throughout the media.

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These people do think they are doing things "for good". "For good" to them is collapsing the global economy, with the majority of people having no jobs living in small rooms in supercities eating bugs and surviving off of digital government subsidies contingent upon vaccination status and "good" social behavior, i.e. having the correct opinions.

"You will own nothing and be happy" is not a slogan to them. It is the plan they are pursuing. Covid was just a plausible enough hoax to kick it off. (And it is a hoax. There is no new virus. They simply laundered deaths from existing flus and colds.)

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satan comes to steal kill and destroy. He does that through objectifying ppl. when you see yourself as an object (what I have, what I do, how other ppl see me) you will always objectify others and especially your children. By this you continue generational curses that become these ppl we're talking about. IF YOU NEVER FIGURE OUT SELF LOVE AND RESPECT THAT ONLY COMES FROM RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THROUGH SEEING IT IN JESUS, WE'RE DOOMED TO SELF DESTRUCT.

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Here's an excellent article that shows what's coming next. Vaccine Passports -> Digital ID -> Digital Currency -> Serfdom (a return to feudalism). You can't accuse the WEF of hiding anything! Some people in the 3rd world are already starving to death due to digital ID! It's coming here soon!


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Would anyone want to take a bet on how long till we lose our sovereignty, the great USA? Perfect plan to do while Biden is in office. This I believe ties in with the spending bill they’re trying to get passed. I am not a conspiracy theorist but there is a huge push for one world government. I think WEF timeline is 2030 but right now anything and everything is getting shoved through via EO or Congress. Do you think anyone in Congress is aware? Anyway, May God bless us and keep us.

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Build Back Better main premise is one must destroy all that exists in existing system (constitutional republic). Look at what has happened almost in perfect execution since the puppet was "placed" in office. In the 9 short months what presidency has destroyed more in such a short period? This is like clockwork and no one seems to hold anyone to account. The audacity of it all will be these very same people who have wreaked havoc on so many lives and livelihoods with false compassionate pleas of empathy telling us all how they will take care of us with handouts (printed money) and have us, kids and grandkids pay for it all. This is what the tyrants do...destroy and then make you bleed more and...so it goes

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Build Back Better is their motto and being used by all those in power working towards that end. They aren’t hiding it.

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The NWO has 3 goals:

1) One world government.

2) Digital currency and Universal Basic Income (serfdom) for the masses. This is because the current economy is no longer sustainable and profitable for the global elite.

3) Depopulation with the vaccines (immediate death, reduction in lifespan+ sterilization) in order to save money and because us "useless eaters" aren't needed anymore due to AI and robotics.

There's also some bizzare experimentation going on with the shots.

Independent scientists say some vials are placebos (perhaps to initially create a large group of "safe and effective" pro-vaxxers who will be taken down later with the "boosters"). And some vials have different nanotech... perhaps for some crazy transhumanist agenda.




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these bastards need to be taken out.

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You’re spot on CK! It’s scary 😣👹 They are evil and getting away with it. It would be extremely helpful if more doctors would step up and speak out. They are the ones who see the vaxxed-injured first hand. I realize they would be “punished” if they do, but they need to band together. I see more nurses doing this than the doctors.

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That's pretty convincing I think. Plausible. All too plausible. To the level where it might be seen as an inevitability.

What hope? The 'barbarians'.

We have to hope that everyone previously abandoned, plundered, despoiled, marginalised, hated by the West will come to our help.

Subverting the system in their own interest, of course, with fake ID's and so on, alternative bank accounts and whatever. Places to flee to.

I'm a bit shocked to find India has a digital ID apparently, already covering more than 1 billion people. With a precedent like that what chance have we got?

Refuge with the 'barbarians' even if surreptitious - i.e. while ostensibly still living as a 'normal' part of our slave society - is all I can see to hope for.

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Didn’t know that about India. Wonder who got to them?

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I was a bit shocked to hear of the Indian digital ID but on reflection I should not have been. We've all had a digital ID in Australia for a long time now. We call it our 'medicare number'. Failing that, of course there's your passport number and failing that your driving licence and if you try to avoid all of them then where are you without a bank account number? Penniless and utterly without ability to function.

So I think what shocked me about India, I guess, my instinctive thought that it means no good for/to the Indians.

But that isn't necessarily true. It is just always a possibility.

Well that's true all the time of nearly everything. That's human social organisation.

I keep returning to the same point during the course of this covid thing:

US. Not "USA' 'US' but 'US' the people.

The only thing ultimately that stops the various institutions and mechanisms of our social organisation being used against us is US.

We have to do it.

It's our 'social contract' as part of democracies.

To participate in government.

But we would rather not. It seems.

Mostly people are unaware and uncaring of what govts, their elected reps, are doing.

In Aus. they vote in States of Emergency which suspend democracy and allow totalitarian dictatorial control utterly without limit.

No one notices. No one care.

When you find a pocket of people who do care about the covid irrationality and madness the general theme for action, if there is one at all, is highly likely to be: mass protests and rallies in the streets.

That's an avatistic behaviour from the most primitive times.

That's what the slaves in Rome did.

That's what you do when you can't do anything else.

But it seems to be the reaction of choice.

Of the majority.

And it is not even really the 'reaction of choice' is it? I got that wrong. There are no other reactions mooted. There's no choosing. There's no contemplation of alternatives. It seems to be the only.

And again and again I come back there. The root of the problem is the nature of our own selves, en masse, just who/what we are.

And it seems we are not rational democratic citizens. We are incipient angry mobs.

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I agree - whenever I mention the WEF, people look at me like I have three heads. Folks know something is up but can't figure out who is running the show. I agree about Alex Jones.

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“You will own nothing and you will be happy”

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I totally agree! When you try to explain it to some people, even in simple language, they just don’t get it. They just sign up for their booster shots and happily wander off into the horizon.

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What used to be conspiracy theories has turned into ‘spoiler alerts’

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Not "everyone"... some are extremely aware.

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Okay, I confess. I don't know what "WEF" is.

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World Economic Forum

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Until yesterday watching Laura Ingrahams show, I didn’t know what it meant either. MSM doesn’t talk about it.

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World Economic Forum = http://reports.weforum.org/

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These people say pretty openly what they want to do, and then they do it. All right under our noses and yet very few see the progression of what is going on in front of them.

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Energy this winter may be next? The intention is to bring us to our knees and destroy society as we know it. We need to coalesce, if we are to have a chance. They’ve frightened off many from protesting, seeing what happened to citizens on January 6th. We need mass demonstrations and work stoppage, where they feel the pain, too.

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Energy shock is gonna be REAL

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Would anyone want to take a bet on how long till we lose our sovereignty, the great USA? Perfect plan to do while Biden is in office. This I believe ties in with the spending bill they’re trying to get passed. I am not a conspiracy theorist but there is a huge push for one world government. I think WEF timeline is 2030 but right now anything and everything is getting shoved through via EO or Congress. Do you think anyone in Congress is aware? Anyway, May God bless us and keep us.

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I am praying! I have started praying for my enemies. I didn’t think I had any but when I have serious outrage upon seeing certain people on tv, I realized I did need to pray for them cause they are enemies. Homegrown enemies to our republic and all we stand for. May justice come quickly to these evil people.

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Who made Klaus Schwab the king of the world? Oh, right, the elites who know better than us little people....

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Within your link (thanks for that), it states "China itself has argued that US military athletes may have brought the virus to Wuhan." - well strangely enough so did Japan , Taiwan and I think Malaysia (none of them exactly pro-China); of course not a word in the MSM, deemed false by fact checkers PLUS articles deleted galore.

This all went on about the time when the West were blaming the Wuhan wet market and bats etc - they had to change their story totally to the Wuhan lab leak, when news went out that the Yanks had the patents - which is impossible and illegal when something like so called virus or disease occurs in nature.

If people used their brain and looked at other patents vs so called viruses - SARS / MERS / Ebola / Bird Flu = the whole works must be created artificially, because they all have patents !.

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I'm a reader at unz.com, a most interesting web site. The author's own article(s) argue that the pandemic was started as a rogue biological warfare attack by the USA. It's certainly possible, but I don't buy it. For example, Unz claims that many early "leaked intelligence reports" that pointed the finger that the Wuhan lab were false propaganda by the rogue actors. Again, certainly possible. Apparently Unz is under the impression that his theory, which relies upon similar news items claiming "intelligence sources" is immune to the same critique 😏

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The do have a significant amount of control on legacy Journos……. But there are so many options now- is there really anything they can control….. for instance - is there anyone who doesn’t know about Hunter Biden……. Nope- by shutting it down in one place it popped up in 25 other places!!

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Thanks for the link and yes I know about this. It all boils down to the jabs being the killer in it's most basis sense and all these dying from Covid or whatever are dying from illness they already had or being euthanised if elderly.

If you can break from the old fashioned definitions of viruses being transmittable between animals and humans or humans and humans - so much more becomes apparent instantaneously. Basically all so called vaccines have a negative impact on our own immunity, making us susceptible to illnesses = makes us a Customer to Big Pharma for life !.

Regards your first post; I do not want to be rude here but "The Confucius Institute U.S. Center (CIUS Center)" blames China !!??; gee what a surprise - I will not argue or say much more; but our enemies are within, not over in China (just my view).

Have a look at this and go to 21:10 Mins = https://brandnewtube.com/watch/kRGILdJDXliwjW7

When Trump was in power in the US = it was Russia.

When Biden is in power = it is China.

All smoke and mirrors and a diversion + divide and control and maybe an excuse to go to war ?; they did it with Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Sudan, Somalia ec etc.

As stated no offence intended, this is just my view.

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I am still not sure of the bigger picture and if we are being played, but I do believe that China and Russia in many ways are saying no to this NWO / One World Government / Great Reset - call it what you want; hence upping the anti with the war rhetoric ... But this could be part of the fear campaign as well (which hinders mental health and effects physical health).

All we need to understand that it is all about:

1. Depopulation to some degree.

2. Full Control and a totalitarian takeover.

3. More money, power and ownership for a certain few.

4. Breakdown of all National borders.

5. The West will be demolished; the the elite will move Eastwards.

Everything you see in the US is happening in the UK and the EU; Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa to a more or lesser degree (Known collectively as the West).

Notice how all these Countries (including Russia) contain people of a certain colour ?.

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It's a nice compilation. Suggest the book, "Covid 19 and the Global Predators, We are the Prey," by Breggin. Well researched, in depth.

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I love Peter Breggin. I credit a book he wrote with keeping my daughter off of “mood stabilizing” drugs that a psychiatrist prescribed to her. Turns out Dr was wrong and I was right. She didn’t have any disorder. Normal teenage problems exacerbated by social media and Covid mitigation crap

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Glad to hear it. It is impossible to read his book without getting furious at times.

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He has a deep dep empathy for the human condition for sure

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excellent read!

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Yeadon doesn't think they'd release something like Marburg due to risk to themselves.

Otoh, they think they're Gods...

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Marburg virus would have to be delivered by some mechanism , say the annual FLU shot, because it's fatality rate is too high to spread randomly out of control. Similar to Ebola, burns itself out quickly. I'm sure they'll find a way.

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Indeed. It's a contact virus with R0 < 1

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Interesting, thanks. In that case it could be administered but it’s a helluva risky option, because if uncovered, a lot of people will recall Mussolini.

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Thanks for sharing this site. Am not familiar with it.

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Didn't the 3rd shot ( aka booster ) start like this.....


It's called vax creep....they are setting up a schedule right under our noses !

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I feel like most of the WEF is focused on the coasts- the beauty of Nashville- we’re sort of the Middle space in “man from high castle”- sure well get some of the enforcement attempts from the coast - but for the most part- we don’t rate so the kinda leave us alone!!

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Nikki Haley and Peter Thiel are pretend Conservatives. Part of the deep state shadow government.

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Yeah for Haley, but disagree on Thiel. He's pretty consistent in what he says, and I dare say, believes.

If you think I'm wrong, I'll look at any links you post.

But definitely Haley is NO conservative, she's just 'uni party', and part of the "Hive Mind"

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I don’t trust them either. I liked Haley at first but caught on.

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A veritable den of vipers!

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Relieved to hear that “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world” is what the WEF stands for. It's a big challenge, guys. Better people than office-bound bureaucrats with their stocks, bonds, annuities to keep them warm at night have tried it and failed ignominiously.

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Good listing of targets for Nuremberg

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Presented at FDA meeting to approve 5-11 kill shots !


We have to inject the kids to know if it's safe ....WTF????

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Thank you for posting this link.

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nice link. thanks

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Globalism marches on!

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Guess what! If the A.30 mutant evades all vaccines, everyone is UNVACCINATED!!

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Does this mean Noam Chomsky gets to starve the whole planet to death, now? It's hard to keep up.

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No. Because Comply or Die has nothing to do with facts, science, math, statistics, nor virology. Just comply or die.

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We simply need a new mRNA vaccine to produce the new spike protein. That will be 95% effective! Also safe.

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Its 95% effective.... 40% of the time...🥴

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-40% of the time...Public Health England.

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Yogi Berra "vaccine": 90% of hitting is half mental. And now we have a shot which is 40% effective 95% of the time you don't need it

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Don't forget the boosters to the new mRNA vaccines and the boosters to the boosters to the boosters to the....I suspect you get it!

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Plus new meds to counter booster side effects....make money coming & going !

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I believe vaccine efficacy is now properly expressed as a decaying exponential function with an aggressive time constant.

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Kind of like a cliff with a hard landing at the bottom!

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I have a STEM degree (ok, decades ago, and I got "C"s in calculus) and I barely grasp that! 🙂 A more telling comment: your conjecture is likely true, but it would be a real labor to try and collect accurate data from the field.

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funny you should mention viagra...

not sure how it is relevant but I am not a journalist nor do I have time to figure out how this connects but I think it does.

I live very close to "pf*z*r gl*b*l" manufacturing and distribution, the very one that the blo jidan visited with the devil in a "blue dress" (sorry for all the crazy code but "they" be listening in to my typing, lol). Yes, THAT ONE.

Ok, the patent for the Viagra pill which came out in 1998. It's patent expired in APRIL 2020.

Right about that time, when the patent of their wonder drug would expire pf*z*er began a HUGE "big dig" - about the size of the existing manufacturing plant - right there on the same site. This is a billion dollar construction project that - I'm guessing - pf*z*er would have had to have in the plans for a long while... How were they going to pay for it?...

Truly and clearly this is all speculation. But, somehow I cannot shake the thought...

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Yes! I live in the Mitten and occasionally visit that area for work. I was shocked when I drove by the plant and the construction site- it’s an enormous project! Your speculation makes some sense, for sure.

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Stranger things have happened.

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Funny. First time to see blo jiden!!!

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The "Vaccine-Evading Variant" , Sounds like a Halloween B flick premiering this 31st.

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I suggest a C flick. The FDA, CDC and Fauci have consumed the B flick space. Ahhh! The VEV is coming!! Better quadruple mask when in public!

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The covid-recovered shall inherit the earth.

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That is the goal. Then they can lock everything down again and finish the job of destruction.

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Only the public masses stand in their way. The first responders did a pretty good job in New York yesterday shutting down traffic and making their point. The public needs to home school in California, walk off the jobs and head to the sane south states, and educate the willful idiots in our society because they won't attempt to be informed. Riot if necessary.

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I was disappointed to hear that Louisiana high schoolers were vaxxed without parental permission or knowledge. You'd think that would create an uprising once they found out. But it barely seems to be a blip.

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I’m from Louisiana. Parents are livid. There’s a lawsuit being filed and parents have been so vocal to school officials that no one has seen any vax buses on campuses since.

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"vax buses"? wha? really? Have not noted that!

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Vax the Vax buses. They don't work very well after a needle is inserting in their tires and air bleeds out.

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What ? To haul away the unvaxxed??

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Ha. Not to haul away the unvaxed. Vax buses sometimes set up at schools and businesses for “flu clinics” etc. Same idea as the buses that come for blood drives. There were buses at some high schools apparently and no one seems to have seen them since this incident.

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We need to get Sen John Kennedy on this right away. I lived in lousiana twice. When you get a Cajun riled up you had better get out of Momma's way!

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Why hasn’t he spoke out already

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Kennedy's no Cajun.

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I know. He may come from north of I10. But he is Senator for all of Louisiana including the Cajuns primarily in the south.

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where in la did this happen?? statewide??

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No. Jefferson Parish (county), near New Orleans

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I decided Gruesome doesn’t care who stays or who leaves. His back up plan for creating revenue is legalizing marijuana. Done.

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Then nobody wants to work (kinda like now) and the revenue disappears.

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I was with you until you said riot. We need to PARTY in the streets to bring people together.

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I apologize. I thought rioting was a party based on the main stream media reports in 2020 of what was happening in the big cities. OK. Party. The BLM marchers seem to be predominately white recent college graduates. Kind of like those people that got their student....err party loans while going to university...forgiven by Biden.

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How many times are you going to post this link BJ. ?

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Put it in the Capital ventilation system, and watch our leaders succumb…CSpan gets top ratings!

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What a thought. But remember they have the ECOHealth Alliance "super immune booster for the warriors".

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Super Saline Solution….

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If it's enhancing viral entry, isn't that pointing to eventual ADE?

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Autoimmune Dependency Enhancement. Yep. The immune system is messed up. I understand the mucked up immune cell grabs a virus cell and takes it to a healthy cell thereby infecting it. When this is replicated millions of times the patient is in a cytokine storm from which recovery is improbable. ADEs has happened with other vaccines.

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Not exactly. In ADE, the virus mutates its binding (eg spike) protein in such a way that when the antibodies bind, they enhance virus entry into cells instead of preventing entry.

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Exactly! This is on us deplorables to get it together and start taking government injections.

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I prefer to give them the injections.

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You’re a damn genius. Thx. 😀

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If we all get vaccinated we will have no immunity to it. But if we all catch Covid the natural immunity will be effective against it. Maybe that is why these power mongers want to cripple the typical American with vaccines. 2030? Worth thinking about.

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Read my mind here. Delta ("Change") wasn't a coincidence either.

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There are no cowinkidinks ! I believe these globalist tell us exactly what they plan, it's a game to them, watching us to see if anyone notices.

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I suggest we ram it some place else on the people ramming it down our throats!

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I feel sorry for those who believe the Convid propaganda and will remain irrationally terrified forever, I really do. However, it’s the responsibility for the rest of us to push back against their cowardice and not allow their paranoia to adversely impact our lives. This nonsense is over for me, full stop.

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I never bought in…even when my MD/PhD Immunologist brother warned me about how dangerous COVID is. The data/reporting/propaganda never made sense. COVID can be serious just like the flu. But I have felt all along this was about something more…I was just thinking yesterday that we are about due for another round of fake COVID threats and lockdowns. And WOW here we are!!! Enter the MOST deadly variant of all just in time for Christmas. I don’t think they will stop until America is totally destroyed OR the American people stand up and say FU enough…and take back the country by whatever means necessary.

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Your last sentence is exactly on point that they will not stop until America is destroyed because Henry Kissinger, that so evil man who reminds me of Penguin from Batman, he made clear years ago (you can find it on-ilne) that America is the last obstacle to bring in the NWO.

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TRUE !!!

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Carolyn, I don't know if there are that many people who want to stand up and say "Enough!" Where I live, masks are still being worn in stores and in cars, and are mandated on busses and at our post offices. If you don't wear a mask in the post office, you receive no service.

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Hi Jeannette, I agree. I live in Washington State about 20 minutes from downtown Portland. We are to the East where it is a bit more conservative. I am stunned 18 months into this at how many people are still wearing masks….I am stunned at the number of toddlers wearing masks. I refuse. I walk into Costco, or other stores and make them confront me. I shop at places where they just don’t care if you do or you don’t. All I can say, is what Jordan Peterson said so well, ‘if we can’t stand up to the amateur Totalitarians, what will we do when the professional Totalitarians come calling’? This is a exercise in population control. It never was about ‘safety’. Ever.

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The masks in cars gets me every time. What dopes.

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The perpetual mask wearers remind me of the Stepford Wives...

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Same here...the data never made sense.

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I am rationally terrified of the people pulling the strings in this country and the world. Covid - meh. Totalitarians - the sky IS falling.

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I do not blame you. It IS falling and only God/Jesus can save any who truly call out to Him to deliver them from this profound evil.

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lol, but lots and lots of "calls" have been issued over the last 2000+ years... keep the faith...

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"For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity." - Ecclesiastes 7:6

Yes many calls, and those who truly called out to Him with all they are, He answers and you remind me of exactly (verses 3-7) what the Spirit of God/Jesus stated through one of His Apostles which you do to your own eternal destruction because obviously satan is your master and lord not the one and only true God/Jesus;

"1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:

2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.'

- 2 Peter 3:1-7

The Lord loves you enough to desire for you not to perish thus to still allow you to take breath as you read my response, don't throw away your whole eternity in ineffable damnation and perdition because you were deluded by satan with his several thousand years old perfect lies to believe worshiping yourself was far more important than worshiping the sole Creator who stitched your bones to your flesh in your mother's womb who knows you better than you know yourself and knows all men's hearts and all is naked before His eyes, you can't hide anything from Him. He is extending His hand to you, through me who is a lowly servant messenger of His, to choose eternal life over eternal death, today is the day to repent and believe on the authentic austere Jesus the Christ of the Scriptures for tomorrow is not promised, and the Lake of Fire is a mighty eternal time to have wished you did things so different while you on earth in the flesh.

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you can pray all you want but eventually David had to pick up that stone and act against Goliath.

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Arch Angel Michael carries a sword

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Foolish and insolent enemy of the Righteous One to not know the Scriptures well enough twisting them to your own demise (2Peter) that to state "you can pray all you want" is in essence attempting to cancel out and usurp what the only omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, omni-judex God/Jesus declares in the New Covenant what we ought to do in such a situation - it's calling the sinless Lord a liar that our prayers are of none effect if they be according to His will, and thus you show your daughter of satan rebellious spirit against the Almighty God, Jesus the Christ rebuke you and them that vote you up for clearly ye are wilfully against the One who gave you life and shall enter into ineffable unimaginable eternal perdition upon the time He calls you out of that earth body lest ye truly repent and believe on the authentic austere Scriptural the Christ Jesus.

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Amen dear woman.

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Don’t be afraid, not of covid of course, but also not of men. Fear doesn’t help you. Anger will be more useful.

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It was over for me in almost since it started official since as an NWO investigator, others and myself already knew this was a profound giant step to further implementing the realisation of the New World Order. I'm glad you are at full stop though.

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Remember the childhood story "Henny Penny (or Chicken Little, depending upon where you grew up)?

Guess we're seeing the people who didn't get the point of the story.

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My FIL has been living in fear for 2 years.. truly is sad

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It is tragic… the loss of connection, family, community…one of my friends has not seen her grandchildren in person for 18 months…they drive by her house and wave. Unreal. And so sad. I did my 15 days to ‘slow the spread’…after that I just ignored every mandate. Had family over, visited my friends, hugged my grandchildren. I hate what these Evil people have done.

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key word there... "irrationally".... seeing all the (still) masked, even when by themselves, defies logic.

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Nickey boy, are you vaxed? Please wear your mask on a plane etc. and don’t forget to show your papers.

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Just in the nick of time! The FDA panel voted today to approve the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11.

I spent the whole day live-blogging the FDA meeting and listening to the agency's insufferable panelists ignore the many public comments from people who said they were badly injured by the vaccine and are now being ignored by everyone -- the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the vaccine makers, and even their own doctors.

The kicker was during the wrap up, when Dr. Eric Rubin said, "We're never going to learn how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it."

Of course, that's not what Fauci will say on CNN tonight. He will say, "The FDA panel found the Pfizer vaccine to be very safe and effective in children."

You can read my live blog here:


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"We're never going to learn how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it."

Hey that works for poison too.

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That’s like Pelosi saying about Obamacare, “We won’t know what’s in the bill until we pass it.”

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