MRNA has become the Holy Communion of a cult religion.

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And that disgusting glue, their holy water. V-o-m-i-t

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She is a nudnik but Jerome Adams telling us to wear masks? Where has he been? What is the evidence to support their use?

There isn't any evidence. Period.

Superstitious religious garments from a cult.

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The masks are necessary because they signal danger and so encourage vaccine uptake. All part of the great circle of $$$$$$$.

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they signal control to those with a functioning brain.

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Indeed. I look at masks as similar to the Nazi Hitler salute. It tells those around you, "See, I submit. I'm a true believer."

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They signal “stay away from this crazy person”

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Or those arm bands with the swastika. A badge of commitment to party!

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What's really awful is that we're being trained to ignore normal signals. Like the boy who cried wolf, when I see a mask now - in normal times a sign that something is not right - I don't just disregard it, I feel contempt. Heaven forbid there comes a time when masks are actually necessary for protection. I'll be on the ground with my dead eyes rolled up. 🙄

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Hopefully still clinging to your gun. Like I will be.

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And the masks also signal those with functioning brains to stay away from such morons. I just smile all the more when I see the masked slaves.

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The Cochrane study, the gold standard of studies, concludes the masks did NOTHING.

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You get a Like for the comment and your use of the word nudnik as my mother would occasionally call me (more my brother) in our younger days ;-)

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"Cause Fauci told him to!

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Fauci Dr evil along with claus swab and killgates

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Where did Donald Trump find him. /s

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Note that he also vigorously argued against mask wearing back in March 2020, because we would do it wrong and it would do more harm than good or something.

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She's a true psychopath. It seems education has taught indoctrination vs independent thought. It's very sad. I was next to two nuts on the airplane yesterday wearing the masks unless they had to eat. Dah!

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OMG, Mark! A few years ago I was on a long flight across the US, and the couple next to me wore TWO masks, hoodies, gloves, and pulled blankets up over their heads. They stayed this way the entire flight. When the flight attendant passed out snacks, I took theirs. 🤣

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You could have told those two masked wonders that you were a food taster for them and just saved their lives as who knows what germs would jump onto the food once the bag was opened. You are a good person 😎😎😎

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Actually there was 2 people like that on our flight recently

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Good grief. They were lucky not to have suffocated themselves!

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Come on you should know Covid takes a break when you eat. These people are now beyond help.

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I don't think you know what the word "psychopath" means. Is she a hypochondriac? Probably but there is nothing in Alex's article to suggest she is a psychopath.

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She has a mental disorder that values conformity to authority above everything else (especially common sense). It was one of the driving forces (with fear) of the whole Covid campaign.

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You are too polite. She is neither. The woman is severely stunned. Unfortunately she has already reproduced. A Darwin award is in the cards for this moron.

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I sat on a plane ( long flight) with a young couple and a baby. They both were rocking their N95’s.


They had a baby that wouldn’t stop crying.

I felt like telling them if you take those ridiculous things off your faces your kid would mostly likely calm down.

Let your poor child see your faces….. ridiculous!

By the end of the flight I just stared at them and shook my head. 😳

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And on top of that she has kids that she is indoctrinating

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So by getting a shot “ahead of schedule” she took a shot away from someone else ahead of her in that rural town. What a selfish and inconsiderate person!

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Well you know- some folks are more valuable than others. So thinks She.

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Perhaps it’s that we are all equal but some are more equal than others. I can’t take credit for that idea though 😉

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But all that suffering will be worth it when she does finally catch Covid… wait for it…

Her symptoms will be mild because she’s vaccinated LMAO

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nope. her immune system will be toast so she'll get really sick but beleive all those shots kept her from dying. definitely a democrat.

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From what I've observed, each subsequent jab further diminishes the immune system. One person I know was complaining that her husband seemed to come down with something every single month or so. She was finally connecting that with his many jabs.

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And even the evidence of mitigation is so/so

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Janro's being sarcastic

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It's a cult that preys on the mentally weak.

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My Mystery Cult. The Covidian cult explained in song. Watch the music video: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-mystery-cult

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My guess is Maggie avoids reading the many accounts of turbo cancer in people younger than she is, or about the many sudden deaths in shot recipients. She is another human in denial of reality.

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I was talking to someone about the covid stay at homes (still…) and she told me something I had never heard before…how several vaxxed people she knew swear that as long as they had been vaxxed, even if they got covid, they couldn’t give it to anyone. One of them who tested positive for covid got on a plane to visit their grandparents who both got sick/ended up in the hospital. Somehow that bit of misinformation made it through the censors.

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These people must be shamed into oblivion. Here's her Twitter (X) handle: @MagEGordon

Y'all know what to do.

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Leave her alone, her fears are more than sufficient consequence. No need to add to her troubles; trying to do so is such bad behavior.

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Except that she's ENJOYING the misery. She can write about it! LOOK AT ME! I'M SUFFERING B/C I'M A GOOD PERSON.

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My contention all along — people are constantly seeking ways to confirm to themselves that they are righteous either by what causes they espouse (usually at no personal cost) or by what they oppose (esp Trump & the unvaxxed).

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Agreed. I should have been more specific. The suggestion was merely to share Alex's article with her handle. His writing will do more justice than flat out berating her. She has a following—albeit a misinformed one, but a following it is. Something needs to wake her out of her stupor. She has a responsibility as a journalist and she needs to be held accountable. Thanks.

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Thanks for clarifying.

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I'll think twice before I save you from the gulags.

Don't ever forget what these people did to children.

Tacit ridicule is for their own good.

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Ryan, you said it better than I, as usual. Too much misery, suicide, family disintegration, and closed-for-good businesses to ever forget the abject misery the Covidians created, many knowingly.

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Yeah exactly.

And who do you think makes and enforces these "policy"? They must be ostracized for awhile or they will do it again.

It's binary. They made that choice when they tried to FORCE me and my family to wear to participate in society.

The masks must be REJECTED in full. Binary decisions are tough but usually easy.

This is easy; masks could very well lead to a 30's murder mix repeat.

The masks are about fear, but more so about control.


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BTW you always have good comments

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Ryan, I was too busy to read anything for a few days... I should add, I was busy helping my in-laws deal with money issues created by the scamdemic - seeing boarded up storefronts makes my blood boil better than any bunsen burner. Btw, that alliteration and its similarity to bullshit on the Zombie's teleprompter was totally unintended, so now I'm freaked. If this keeps up I might take a gamble on some brand new Pfizer vax to stop the spread, as long as they swear it's 95% effective. Ha. Anyway, all this to say: I hope you see my "thank you" for your above comment.

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So what? How many young children and others, is she scaring the crap out of? Yes ridicule her to a point where she totally goes off the deep end, insane. If that saves one young child, it is well served. These type of mentally challenged people, not born like that, but indocrinated are the problem to others sitting on the fence perhaps. Cheers all.

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I disagree, I think she's making the tyrants' jobs easier and her fears need adjusting for the sake of the humans, including her children, around her. I'm nearly positive she's a scold to others.

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Grow up.

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I had people wish death on my family and I because we refused to wear masks or vaccinate. We are past growing up.

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Its time you grow up Mitch. She shamed and was the poster child for the experimental shot. In our social system conformity is one way people like that respond to common sense.

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We all know someone like poor Maggie. She's just another poser white liberal elitist know it all. They all are gonna take their jabs until Mr myocarditis comes to pay them a visit.

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THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues

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Her story reads like a parody. I wish it were so.

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Could have been in The Babylon Bee.

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Notice how everyone now is moving on, and forgetting what happened to humanity and intentionally with all those who brought it to US still in place. Can just see people in next plandemic asking "how did this happen again" It's beyond a disgrace, not ONE of those criminals who brought ALL the past 4 years to you have remotely been held to account. Not ONE person on the entire planet. The absolute perfect executed crime, and is still allowed to continue...

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Women's Studies major...says it all. Knew one once........then I got a lawyer and ended it.

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Whatever else we experienced, we all were subjected to a psyops campaign.

And it broke far too many brains.

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Never forget: many Americans believed Russia bombed their own pipeline because... reasons.

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I agree, it clearly walks and talks like a psyops. People got the flu as usual, and the psyops was to call it covid and scare people to death where they could. Sheeple abound in this world, and the extent of sheepledom has shocked me no end.

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She is nuts--I did not "vax" and got the delta strain last fall. I am in my late 50's but in good shape--it was like a bad flu but thanks to HCQ and zinc I pulled thru without too much trouble and have not had it since. Those in my office who took the "vax" have now had C19 2 or 3 times. I have to say that natural immunity appears to work way better than the "vax" for the subset of people I know.

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And don't forget Fauci initially said the vaccine was better than natural immunity. I didn't vax, I'm 60, and I walked home from the hospital (where I got tested, not admitted) smoking a cigarette. I know I sound like white trash but I was being more antagonistic to the narrative than oblivious. I stood next to an anti-vaxxer with a sign for 15 minutes than went back to strategize how to keep my daughters away from their college mandate jabs - success!

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If anyone is gonna be cavalier about Maggie being an MRNA crash test dummy it’s me. Wake up, Maggie, I think I got something to say to you.

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