I Googled "Tell You Children ". All the top hits used the standard verbiage to say it wasn't what respected scientists believe. That makes me want to buy a copy, read it,then donate it to my local library.

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Google has been found to have a leftist bias. Think 2020 election information when voters were seeking information on the candidates. Think covid info and covid shots information. Might be interesting to try some other search engines to see if the information has a different slant, or possibly a neutral presentation.

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Book is excellent. Buy several and distribute to friends, family, libraries.

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I own every book you’ve written. Amazing author!!

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Have you seen a comment, a response or a like in the comments from Alex ?

I was an early subscriber, left for a year or so and recently came back. I jump around the Subs turning on and off monthlys.


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Alex, I've read several of the John Wells novels, in fact I think 6 of them. Will stay subscribed to substack because I think you're doing the right thing. use to look forward to your appearances on Tucker Carlson.

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Hi Alex

I have never seen you engage with your commenters, not even a like here or there, but I'm gna take a shot.

Is a page in your book signed or do you sign stickers to be placed in your books ?

"Hope to hear from you"

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Will you sign my copy of this study?

COVID-19 Excess Deaths in Peru’s 25 States in 2020: Nationwide Trends, Confounding Factors, and Correlations With the Extent of Ivermectin Treatment by State


"Reductions in excess deaths over a period of 30 days after peak deaths averaged 74% in the 10 states with the most intensive IVM use."

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Hi, bought the hardback copy of Pandemia, but prefer paperback of the Wells novels...keep ‘em coming KayO

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Why haven’t our #JusticeDepartment or #Congress or #UN ever investigated the revelations exposed here by Israeli Superspy, Ari Ben Menashe, about impeachable treasonous conspiracy of the US presidents protecting agents of the Mossad including Maxwell Epstein Pollard PROMIS from DOJ prosecuted because they’ve got immunity from prosecution through Israeli, not US intelligence? https://fb.watch/mOcWflB_Kj/?mibextid=fJgBYn

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