We are all related to someone like that. Nothing can convince them. No amount of evidence. No math. No logic nor reason. It is not true because it CAN’T be true. Plus….Trump!

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That "Trump" thing beats all evidence to the contrary. Trump CANNOT be right! Like a set of rules.

1) Trump is always wrong

2) If Trump is right, see rule #1

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Trump's administration was responsible for Operation Warp Speed though which rushed one of the most dangerous medical products ever onto the market. Trump still touts vaccination as safe and says everyone should get one.

Amazing job on the stock market, better boarder security, unemployment, historically high funding for historically black colleges, reduced rates of black unemployment and higher rates of black graduation/education. Many good, positive accomplishments for people of color and Americans overall.

However, operation warp speed if people end up dying in mass from the experimental mRNA vaccines, might overshadow all his accomplishments and make him arguably the worst president ever. Could there be a worse president than one who kills 80% of the American population?

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I at least give Trump credit for maintaining that whether or not to get the vaxx should be a matter of personal choice. Of course it is distressing that he continues to tout the “vaccines”; the most distressing thing about it is that he has got to know better. Guilt is very much shared in this matter, though. VERY much shared.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Yes, I wish he’d just come out and say it was less successful than he had hoped but that he’d never have mandated it or allowed these other agencies a pass on their lack of good data/trials.

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His ego won’t allow it.

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No - he's commented on the people he had in the White House not being loyal. I think his vaccine intentions were good - it was a no win situation. A CEO can fire at will. A President can't. Unfortunately.

Be disappointed - but remember who we got cuz people didn't like his tweets.

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That might be true! We shall see

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Hateful trolls like this one always love to insert a comment. You really need to go insert yourself.

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How was it less successful? What had he hoped? I imagine he takes pride in the fact that the country was able to open up and people got back to work. In many states, kids went back to school. He didn't mandate it. He didn't lock down any state, and he didn't mandate the vaccine for anyone. Biden did that, after saying he would not. Trump spurred the pharmaceutical companies to get it on the fast track. We have our negative views about putting such a toxin in our bodies, but I'm an anti-vaxxer about most shots, even the ones that had proper trials. Can anyone say autism? I certainly wouldn't hold Trump to my minority medical views.

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I think his people have insulated him and are feeding him BS! He needs to fire all of his staff and hire trustworthy people who will be honest, not say what the highest bidder tells them to tell him. He HAS to be smarter than last time and so far, I’m not impressed at his unwillingness to change the way ge staffs his people. It’s a big fat disappointment!

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IMO, easily Trump's worst fault, was in the people he hired. I hope he has learned a lesson. I don't know that though.

I don't know what the answer is, but loyalty (even in DC, where it's advised to "get a dog" if you need a friend) is imperative, even more so that intellect and ability. Trump's administration proves that.

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Who are the people on his staff? I don't have that information. His family are his trusted advisors, I know. What makes you think he has to be insulated? Biden needs to be insulated, because he's declining in mental acuity, but Trump is front and center --visible and outspoken. Just someone try to insulate him. Being handled and being fed BS by dishonest people who are paid to betray him is ridiculous. I watch his rallies on TV. No one is handling him, trust me on that. If you are disappointed in Trump it's because you were never on board the Trump train. That's okay. I couldn't be happier with him. He does nothing but exceed expectations and keep his promises.

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Why can't anyone tell him that, if you admit a mistake, it means you're a better person?

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He didn't mandate the jabs

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No he didn’t and he never would have

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That is correct too Christine...T would never have mandated it

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Haven’t heard him “tout” them in a long while

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you will

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If you believe Trump wouldn't have pushed to mandate his "most wonderful vaccines ever" if it were politically expedient to do so I have a bridge to sell you. This is the same guy that forced factories to cease operations and convert to ventilator manufacturing when he wrongly thought that was going to save humanity.

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Not sure you can say he "forced" companies to manufacture vents, he asked, they agreed, no presidential decrees from on high like Biden and the baby formula fiasco

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I'm sure I can say it. He brought the full force and weight of the federal government to bear against them. He did more than just "ask." He threatened punishment and literally issued an order to GM to do it under the Defense Production Act.

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exactly. He was trying to save people. Not the same as forcing the shots. I don't believe he EVER would have done that.

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No he wasn't. He was trying to save his 2nd term. And he'd have mandated the vaccines if he thought that would have saved it too.

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Because that is what his health officials told him!!! And Cuomo made it a NYC city machismo challenge... “we need ventilators and we need them now!! “ so, Trump made it happen.,,, the media has never covered ventilators being completely useless except to comfort the dying.

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His health officials? You mean his swamp creatures, Blix and Fauci, whom he kept around as he kicked Dr. Atlas to the curb. Stop making excuses for the inexcusable way he handled COVID.

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or kill those who would have survived.

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Not so sure on mandating...he was adamant to allowing the "states" to do so just as SCOTUS just did with Roe. I totally agree how stupid he was on Vents though. Vent's killed off so many...it was the final blow for the majority who went on them. Very UNwise decision!

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Cuomo was screaming for them or he'd shut New York down.

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I think that is on the doctors.

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It's a certainty that had it been politically expedient for him, he'd have done exactly what Biden and the Dems did. Of course, then Biden and the Dems would have been "pro choice" and they'd have been the anti-vaxxers.

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Why do you think he knows better? Does he have personal experience of people who have died or been paralyzed because of the vaccines? I actually don't, but I read a lot of alternative news. My personal experience is that most of my family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues are vaccinated and boosted and feeling quite fine. The university personnel were required to be vaccinated, and they are fine. I chose otherwise, but really, I don't know why you believe that world leaders now know better, and if they had it to do over, they would not have allowed the vaccines to have been distributed for five years. The U.S. , Germany, France, Canada, UK and the globe would have been locked down for all that time, a worldwide Great Depression, because their leaders hadn't been convinced that the vaccines were safe.

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I’m not sure if the lockdowns would have lasted for years. More people would have given hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin a chance, which would have brought the hospitalizations down, especially after seeing the success of Uttar Pradesh India, and Japan.

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Their leaders mandated them AND locked down.

I find it amazing that you don't know anyone with damage from the clot shots. I can count death and a recurrence of cancer (more aggressive) and other maladies and millennials with heart problems...

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I hope it doesn't happen but you may find your jabbed friends have a much higher cancer/autioimmune/clot rate than would be normal.

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Hey, remember when Trump told us about HCQ? Those 80% would be alive if they had gotten Early Treatment with HCQ and not been scared into taking the vaccine by Fauci and Media.

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He pushed therapeutics , and was called a quack

Then legacy media claimed he promoted shooting up Clorox !


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Absolutely RIGHT. MILLIONS unnecessarily died. For filthy lucre for filthy people.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

They would have pushed this through whoever was POTUS. They knew Trump would expedite them because that’s what successful leaders do — challenge the “iit can’t be done” paradigm. Trump never intended for the shots to be mandatory, or for their cost:benefit ratio to be inverted. That said, he MUST disavow them now. Sharks are circling, waiting to blame HIM—and his supporters — for adverse effects just in time for his 2024 run.

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Yes, his best hope at getting elected when/if side effects get bad approaching the 2024 election will be to get ahead of it and on the "right" side of history (anti-forced experimental medication injections for employment/travel/basic human rights)

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He better move fast... now that there is sufficient data coming in, it's looking pretty dark. As other countries are analyzing the data, I wonder just how much longer the USA is going to be able to suppress ours ? Relative who works directly with heart monitors reports the number being prescribed to patients is astronomical, has never witnessed anything like the percentage of increase. Surely ALL of this rise in heart problems can not be "blamed" on the stress of nearly unaffordable food and gasoline, can it ?

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It’s already too late. Besides, Trump is far too arrogant to ever admit he was wrong about anything.

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They blame it on the virus.

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Including my brother! Never had heart or prostate issues. Now, both! He believes it was the shots. He has mentioned it many times to his doctors! I’m proud of him! Thankfully he never boosted!

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Hopefully the in your face FRAUD from pfizer will take down

all Govts!!!

Trump was our last elected president.

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The man has never admitted he was wrong once in his entire life. Won’t happen.

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You have no idea whether he has apologized for anything. I know the anti-Trumpers are hoping for the many terrible effects from the vaccines to be blamed on him, but they won't. The mandates are on Biden, and I doubt that you're going to hear anything negative about the vaccines from the major news media for that reason. The Democrats have made them mandatory for the military and the pilots. You probably shouldn't get your hopes up that Trump will suffer terrible consequences from the reports of vaccine fallout. He will instead get credit for his relative control of the border and the free flow of oil and energy.

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Exactly which man are you talking about, be specific.

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LOL Trump

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Well, Biden has been claiming the vaccines weren't available before he was in office, so if the media continually reports that like good lap dogs, no one may think Trump had anything to do with it before too long.

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I believe you have really expressed the ultimate goal. Trump definitely is responsible for pushing this failed "vaccine"... the buck stops there so to speak. Certainly there was nearly unbearable pressure on him to do it, but, now that it's clear to all (even those who continue to insist is MUST be doing something good for them since they took it) what a terrible mistake this all was, it's impossible for a man such as Trump to admit he was wrong. It's not "Trump", it's all the politicians and their uncontrollable EGOS. But Trump must have made the calculated risk to continue to defend this horrible situation (40,000 or more national guard STILL on schedule to be discharged this week do to refusal to participate in this experiment, how man air controllers (?) anyone know ?) even though he hopes to run again. This kind of refusal (The Fox and Grapes fable) to admit his substantial part in this, "could" be his demise in winning another term in '24, or even in playing "king maker" to De Santis, or another conservative candidate. If he runs the other party will spare no mercy in showing the horrors of those who have suffered from the profitable "vaccinations", but, it may not work in light of the border disaster, the Biden "war" on oil and coal (the price of gasoline is NOT the Putin war, it's the Biden war on energy !), the "soft" dealing with violent crime, and all the other problems in the country. Trump's refusal to admit his part may not impact his chances... will be interesting spectacular to observe.

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Laying it all on Trump will be an error in my opinion. Trump already lost the election when the jabs were given the EUA's by the FDA. His admin made no move towards mandates. The Dems own ALL of the mandates coast to coast.

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Hell, they even delayed the release of the "vaccines" until the election was over, so Trump could not get credit.

Amazing yet true. And easily verifiable.

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And ALL the moral shaming!!! It was just short of The Scarlet Letter.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

This is a little off topic, but when Trump was running for President, or maybe shortly after he was elected, Fox News ran a biographical program on him. He was one of the top jocks in his high school or prep school, playing baseball and other sports. They interviewed one of his classmates, who, from his name and appearance, is obviously Jewish, and he was very reverential of Trump because he was always being picked on by the jocks in the school. One day Trump saw a group of the jocks picking on him, and he went over and told them them to leave him alone, and they never bothered him again. I always think of this when people accuse him of being racist or antisemitic, or a bully.

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I have a similiar story. An acquaintance’s extremely “nerd” son was shipped off to the same prep school as Don Jr. Don Jr started bring him on the weekends because his divorced parents were “ too busy” ... he was treated like family. This kid loved singing church choirs , He transferred to an All Boys Episcopal Boarding school and DJT picked up the balance of the higher tuition because “ Williams” parents were such self absorbed assholes. Trump is gruff and impatient, but not the horrid person the media describes. And William now in his early forties sings his Church Choir and is an auctioneer.

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Then there is the portrayal of Don Jr. by a friend who lives in Manhattan, whom I have known through a hobby for many decades, who is about 20 years younger than me. We were discussing Donald Trump about five or six years ago by phone. Don Jr. was the landlord of his apartment building, which according my friend, he neglected or mismanaged or screwed the residents of, or something like that. So this is the basis of, or more likely or confirms, his opinion of the Trumps.

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This is the Trump that I see, too. His treatment by the establishment is unforgivable.

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That ship has sailed. Trump waffled for months on the mandates while DeSantis was firmly against mandates from day one. Trump is on the ash heap of history. Republicans should nominate DeSantis instead.

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DeSantis handled the pandemic better than any other politician hands down.

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Sorry, Trump still has my vote in 2024, he never mandated this poison.

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I guess I’ll vote for him if he’s the nominee.

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Totally agree with you.

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I do not blame him I blame Saint Fauci.

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Amazing ! ! Fauci could have been marginalized by any president. With his history of failed "research", it's amazing that any administration has paid any attention to him.

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It's not possible for a new President to dislodge an establishment top medical doctor recommended by virtually all the mainstream medical community. Fauci's resume was what any President would have wanted. After that, the anti-Trumpers were waiting with anticipatory glee for him to fire Fauci, so they could call him a science denier, but he was wiser than that.. He just took away Fouci's daily microphone and importance. No more Scarf Lady or Fauci each morning.

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Which is why I blame Trump. And Fauci, and both CDC directors, and Governor Wolf (of PA), and the governors of NY, NJ, Michigan, California, and the entire Public Health bureaucracy. So, all of you "forever Trump" folks, please don't attack me or try to change my mind. Overall, I'm glad he was our President, very, very sorry he lost, and want to move forward, not backward. I'm for neither Trump or Biden in 2024.

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I'm for whatever is best for this country, and it sounds like you are too. This country is more important than any single person, and I think Trump realizes that too.

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I agree. I hope he doesn’t run. But I think the rose colored glasses are off many Trump loyalists simply because they know it will turn into another steroidal media shit show. They spent three days on Trumps unsteady walk down a wet ramp...ignored that he passed cognitive evaluation with flying colors... Biden being a walking talking bowl of Tapioca is not a problem. Trump runs, the media will just up their game. Hence, let’s not hand them this gift again.

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THAT SOB is a devil. RFK Jr. 'pulled his covers' and I hope eventually his book "The REAL Anthony Fauci" delivers a death blow to the "Doctor Mengele" of our time. He has surely killed MORE than the monster Mengele did.

Fauci is a devil on the level of a mini Stalin. And the World Economic Forum knows this too, and values his role. Although Fauci is only "worth" around 10 million, Fauci spoke at the latest WEF meeting. They KNOW how important Fauci's role is in the GREAT RESET.

RFK Jr. really did a favor for humankind, in his book, "The REAL Anthony Fauci". It basically cannot be refuted- the source documents (just the REFERENCES !!) are as long as the text!!

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I agree! Fauci gave president trump info full of lies and untruths to get to shots out. ASAP… I feel there is a lot we were not told.. by our Fauci and his CDC CRONIES !!!

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Just you wait. If Trump runs again, HHS will turn like a viper on him - release all kinds of data and reports - excess deaths, clot shots, all kinds of vaccine injury. He killed and injured millions!! He killed you mother and your BFF. We need a vaccine injury fund! And then Saint Fauci will appear and claim: I begged to the point of tears for Trump to not do operation warp speed. I told him the dangers and he did it anyway!!

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Great point! I think you could be right

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I won’t blame Trump for this insanity. Big Pharma, CDC, NIH, Fauci, Birx, etc are to blame for the any and all loss of human life. He was railroaded, and convinced it needed to be done. Dr Scott Atlas’ book is a deep dive into all that happened back when Trump was in the White House.

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Yes , Read Dr Scott Atlas’s book and Robert Kennedy’s book . They really tell the hell that went in and the truth about Fraudci!

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

I have RFK’s book. Very telling! I haven’t finished it yet. There’s so many good ones out there that I’ve only been able to get a little read of each. I have at least 5 in the works!

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Thanks for reminder. I’ve wanted to read his book. SO many books so little time! I need a book reading vacation!

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Agree. Scott Atlas's book A plague upon the house (something like that) is revealing and informing of how this disaster unfolded. The MSM helped kill MILLIONS by their partisanship.

It's on audio too.

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If trump had not endorsed the vaccine they would have blamed him for every death that followed, he actually IMO had no choice. And then biden would come in and take credit for everything, which he did anyway though

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and there were more deaths from the virus in 2021 under Biden and Fauci, with all the mandates, lockdowns, and vaccines, than in 2020 when there were none. And that doesn't even include those that gotten injured or died from the vaccines; and it continues till this day.‼

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Does not explain him pushing the vax subsequently,

even getting booed by his supporters he has not backed down.

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if you havent noticed by now, after generations of brain washing,

Va$$$$ines have been the new altar to pray on

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It's like the WORST epithet, "Anti-vaxxer". I was always pro vaccine before too. Took every vaccine if I had a excuse to do so. However, in defense, NO vaccine has had such a dismal safety record. I will never take another "vaccine" again, unless I'm damn sure it's been 'out' and studied for a LONG time.

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Thats the part i dont understsnd

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Well, that's Trump for you. He wouldn't be "Trump" if he was easily swayed. Look at how he "tilted at windmills" (at "democrats").

I know I wouldn't like Trump as much if he GAF about similar things.

Just THIS thing.

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And made it mandatory, we’ll never know how many will be injured, and who will die ! That wasn’t my body my choice . Look how many signs we saw over the last few weeks saying just that ??

I guess it only applies when your killing a life ??

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The "leftists", who are similar to communists, have always been party FIRST. Their philosophy "turns on a dime", and anybody caught "out" when the narrative has changed, is INSTANTLY attacked, like a pirana that has gotten nicked and trailing blood in the water.

They are a gang, a mob. They compete to see who is the most DEVOUT. It's the hive mind in PRACTICE.

Intellectually damaged. Don't let your children grow up to be 'democrats" (or at least be so careful to not THINK!)

Intellectually DISHONEST too.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Killing a life in utero. I saw stats on number of deaths of all vaccines for the past 31 years...5,000 something. Deaths of the jab in just the amt of time they've been forcing them on us are nearly overtaking the 31 year number of ALL vaccines that aren't the jab.

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But that doesn't prevent him from now admitting that he was wrong. His failure to do so may prevent his re-election.

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I don't think he should run. Even though Trump had really purged the Republican Party and revealed its weaknesses, his persona and his style have created the a sort of separation that divided the political arena. That is due to his aggressive business style as opposed to the more political style of Washington. He should lean towards being a king maker for the GOP. Ron De Santis looks good, as Elon Musk pointed out. So ditch the Donald and go for the Ronald. One thing for sure, this country is in a very sad state under the current administration. And it's getting worse.

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I agree that it might be time for Trump to "call it a day". However that is up to him. One thing is, I DO think he loves this country, and even though he has a massive ego (you have to have an outsized ego to be a politician), I think that if he was CONVINCED that the country would be better off if he passed the torch to DeSantis, he would do so.

I think Trump has started an important movement, and I hope he does whatever is needed to insure that his movement continues. And I think he will do what he thinks is necessary (or at least I hope so)

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You are right and this is such a significant issue that I will not consider supporting Trump unless he repents! Cuz.... there is Desantis!

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He did have a choice. It was obvious during spring and summer 2020 that the trials against hydroxychloroquine were rigged in several ways. The evidence was overwhelming for vitamin D and zinc along with zinc ionophores (epigallocatechin and quercetin) reducing hospitalization and death. Some doctors were having success with ivermectin as far back as August 2020. Trump was too gutless to stick to the early treatment message. He even went on Michael Savage’s show after he got covid but before the election. Savage was telling him about vitamin C, D, zinc and zinc ionophores. Trump wasn’t remotely interested.

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He did tried to suggest use of HCQs well as the use of HOCIs ,(aka Bleach derivative), and ingestible UVs, but he was criticized heavily on the use of those alternatives to big Pharma products. BUT he relied on the so called Experts in his team which included Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, etc. Don't forget that the CDC and the FDA disavowed the use of vitamins D and NAC and even tried to ban them because it competed with their agenda, which was the massive forced promotion of the so called Vaccine. Yes, Trump was open to a lot of natural alternatives, but then he made the bad mistake of eventually taking the Jab. Even though he may have already attained Natural Immunity from when he got sick and had to be placed at Walter Reed to fight the "Invisible Enemy", which he came out a winner. They gave the normal protocol of vitamins D, Zinc, Pepcid, and melatonin and a special therapy that used something that was probably what cured him quickly. It was called Regeneron; and kind of antibody infusion process. You didn't hear very much about it, but he did say that we can have what he had. But the rest was history as Biden and Dr. Death Fauci took over and fearmongered the people to taking the vaccine.

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I agree 100% Warp Speed was the worst thing for us ! However, he didn’t create the poison … Big Pharma, CDC , and FDA all colluded together to try and kill us all . All about the WEF , Bill Gates , Soros and our junior members of WEF , Newsom , Trudeau and , yes Zellensky ! Look it up ! In defense of Trump he really underestimated the SWAMP and really fell for the most evil POS , our own Lord Fraudci !

PS . Dear President Trump ,

Please stop saying the vax is safe and effective, it’s NOT !

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Its a catch-twenty two though. He did not create the poison, he added it to the diet of every American, so to speak. If proper studies were done, these genetic-therapies/vaccines would have failed hard in just about every normal test for new gene therapies. Like the moment the Line1 signal came out showing it was reverse transcribing into the DNA, the moment we found out it passes the blood brain barrier/goes into the ovaries/testicles/etc etc.

Skipping the clinical trial's second and third phases, is largely, what allowed this poisons to make it to market and that was Trump's administration's doing. There were processes to stop this poison. Those failed.

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Everything that you say is true. We need to know how all these "tests" were conducted and HOW they were corrupted. The money made by corruption by the FDA, CDC in conflict of interest played a HUGE role. The IDEA that regulatory agencies get MONEY from the industries that they are supposed to control, is just BIZARRE and SHOULD be illegal. It IS illegal in most other sections of life, finance, etc. !!

It's a SCANDAL, and it cost a LOT of people their lives, and many more their HEALTH.

The Pharma companies shouldn't walk away with a cent. And Fauci needs to go to JAIL, for this as well as his actions in the 1980's regarding AIDS and his corruptions and cruelties and crimes then.

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So you are way more knowledgeable than the Johns Hopkins epidemiologists and the physicians and researchers around the globe were when Trump was President. How much did you know about mRNA vaccines when the Corona virus first started killing people? Now you have been reading for years, while Trump was restoring the Israel Embassy and meeting with NATO leaders and appointing conservative Supreme Court Justices and giving vouchers to vets to get medical care outside the VA hospitals, planning an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan, for example. If everyone were as bright as you, they wouldn't have taken it until Biden mandated it for them to work.

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Yes! He needs to stop saying this! I’ll add, though, I do think he would have stopped or tried to halt the vaccine once all these adverse affects appeared. Gosh, I hope he reads his comments and will do this and Soon!

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Another PS !

He would not have mandated it as he isn’t part of WEF , Pedo Joe is though snd his handlers !

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The "plandemic" was planned FAR in advance. Nobody can deny that (truthfully) Trump certainly "fell" for it. The story, the ENTIRE story, just like the Pentagon Papers, needs to come out.

And not to continue to be HIDDEN by Fauci and Company.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

I try to give Trump somewhat the benefit of a doubt. Yeah, he's egotistical and all that, BUT.....he was not a government insider coming to the highest office in the land. There were literally thousands of people in positions who had been appointed by others, and being the outsider, Trump was forced to assume that most of them were trustworthy and could remain in place. I don't think it was possible for him to have hundreds if not thousands of people in mind to be replacement appointees for the numerous positions he needed to fill. As a result of all this, we can see that his trust was abused by the political players who remained in their positions. Trump had to trust what he was told regarding the supposed pandemic and the vaccine development, he was between the proverbial rock and a hard place. He couldn't declare it all a sham and do nothing; he had to do something and therefore he had to trust people like Fauci and Birx et al. He was not the "expert", and he wrongly assumed the players in the CDC and FDA were honest, knowledgeable and trustworthy. Again, being an outsider I have to think he didn't entirely realize what he was up against. A corrupt politician like Biden coming into the presidency with nearly 50 years of playing political games knew exactly how to maneuver things to his advantage. Trump the political neophyte probably did not. I think Trump did his best given the circumstances and the fact that his opponents were constantly trying to destroy him, but ultimately, I do wish he would explain things a bit at this point in time and make it clear how he had been duped by the deep state medical bureaucracy as well as others. I'm surprised at his silence about matters at this point and given what we now know.

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I agree with 99% of your comment. I don’t agree that Biden has any ability to maneuver anything at this stage of his decline. Although he is corrupt for many years, he is now just a puppet for a more evil authority

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

I agree and i think although he realized some things that were actually happening (thus stopping funding to the WHO and the climate change hoax), he had everyone but particularly the press against him and he had to be careful what he did and didnt do in that he was attacked mercilessly on all sides. I think if he now says the vaxxxs are a joke he will be attacked for pushing them thru, maybe thats why he doesnt speak against them because then they will push all the deaths from a rushed vaccine on him. I dont believe he was ever vaccinated though despite what he may say.

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Well said. I think some explanation on his part would go a long ways

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BOOM and BINGO!!!!💥

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Did Trump propose vaxmsndates? No. He specifically said they were an option for high risk individuals if that would make them more comfortable, so we can open everything back up. So just stop the Orange Man Bad smears.

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@YYR- ^^this

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Trump came to Dallas in December and spoke at Pastor Jeffers church. My friends attended. They said Trump told the crowd to get jabbed. The crowd bood him. He is pushing a clot shot still.

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I’d still be working if the test/jab was not FORCED. My bf would still be working if the test/jab was not FORCED.

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You know who is responsible for forcing-coercion and mandating. Hope EVERYone remembers this when they vote in 22 and 24

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While Trump may have promoted the vax (for reasons most will understand later), he DID NOT force any of us to take it.

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Also, if he did it for some reason far better than all the maimed lives and deaths since the injections were commenced is it some sort of superior justification for unleashing an EUA gene therapy med with ZERO long term safety data?

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Please do elaborate on the "most will understand later" I consider myself rather informed or more than most so please do us a favor and explain what you seem to know?

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Lucky for me my employer knows what poison the FrankenVax is and would never inflict that on us. He held firm and pushed back on our behalf.

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You were blessed to have an employer with a spine.

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Yes indeed.

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Rare (and good) employer. Did he pay a price for thinking independently? You know things have changed when people are glad and are open about "paying the price", because they would HATE to be on the "other side". Like a normal person would HATE to be considered a coward, if it wasn't true (and even if it was)

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We're in the construction business in So. CA, hot-bed of Covid Crazy, so he really had to stand on his belief in God that this vax would adulterate our bodies and he would not go along. Thankfully the more businesses that pushed back, the more the group pushing it backed off. Although many of our employees got the vax just because they were afraid of not being able to work, but they were NEVER told that by their employer.

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Phuck working. I hope you didn't take the 'vaccine'. It's sad to lose a job, and the financial damage was considerable. But curable. Be glad if you avoided the "vaccine", VAERS shows the number that didn't avoid "vaccine" damage.

We need to DAMAGE the "people" (insert vulgarities in place of "people") who insisted that the "vaccine" needed to be mandatory. We need to make sure nothing "mandatory" like this ever happens again. I fear that we will not.

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Phuck working? Curable? I lost all but a few clients from my 38 year career, people who were scared by the mainstream narrative, and still are. They aren’t coming back. Money: I cannot recoup the losses. Then there’s the challenge of “now what?” What does one do at 67 years old to earn a decent living when the thing they did for near,y 40 is no longer an option when not vaxxed? Fortunately things are coming together, new work, new field, unfortunately, more hours for less pay. it’s been a very difficult couple of years on many levels. To your second point...I’d like to see a massive lawsuit against all who were responsible for forced vaccinations or lose your job, etc. of course there are way too many so at least sue the NIH, FDA, Pfizer, CDC, etc...

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"What does one do at 67 years old"

What about retirement income, savings and investments?

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Trump would NOT have mandated it like this administration. Trump would also have FIRED Fauci and ALLOWED early treatment options like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, I am sure of that. More people died under Biden than under Trump.

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Trump had plenty of opportunity to fire Fauci in 2020, and I remember saying back in May of 2020 that he should have. What’s the point of speculating what he would have done anyway? None of us knows the answer to that. Time to move on from Trump and let’s nominate a younger Republican with a spine and without Trump’s baggage in 2024.

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The gain of function research that Fauci was a part of was not discovered until Trump was out of office. If Trump was aware of Fauci's complicity in this virus being unleashed, he would have fired him and most likely charged him with murder. Trump stopped funding WHO immediately. Trump has always said that whoever wants to get the vaccine can. It is a persons choice and leaves it up to them to do their research and assess the pros and cons. Biden on the other hand has forced this vaccine onto the military, schools and workplace. Over 80 soldiers died from heart related issues or in their sleep, but Biden has never addressed it. Biden reinstated WHO immediately and has not mentioned Fauci's role in Gain of Function Research nor held china accountable. You say to move on from Trump, and I say that I will continue to back him and if he runs will absolutely vote for him.

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That's not at all true. I began reading reports of the GOF research as early as the summer of 2020, and if I was reading it, there was no way that Trump was unaware of it. While I don't really think that Trump would have compelled the military, etc. to take the jab (although, who really knows? He's quite proud of it), your point really seems to be that Trump wouldn't have done all of these horrible things that Biden has done. That's hardly a reason to vote for him! Biden, of course, is a disaster, but Trump is 76 years old. He would be over 80 at the end of a second term, another reason I say we need to MOVE ON. Biden's radical over-spending certainly contributed to this inflation, but the US has been spending too much for decades, and Trump was a large part of that. There were Trump policies I certainly liked, but the swamp is still alive and well and, in fact, thriving. Trump just has far too much baggage, and he's just too undisciplined and immature to overcome that.

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Trump was IMO in a difficult place. He tried to promote hydroxychorine and other safe treatments but look where that got him, all his recommendations were ridiculed. They were determined to bring this hoax to the highest levels and didnt care who or what stood in their way. It was a huge criminal evil plan and it worked, people still are running masked for their shots, and discounting any natural effective treatments and believing every wird of the biden admin and their owned press

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I agree but it’s my understanding Fauci could not be fired so easily but I do think he’d have gone after him to try.

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

Ahem! It would so damn nice if people could get it right...about Trump. 1) Trump GAVE all the so-called experts the resources and support to provide deranged/desperate people (perhaps like YOU) the jab at warp speed...because YOU demanded it. If Trump had wavered one iota, people like YOU would've condemned him even more. Never an example of Heller's Catch-22 than with what Trump faced hourly over 4 damn years...with people like YOU. 2) Trump NEVER pushed the damn shots. He gave YOU options. In fact, he contracted Covid and recovered quickly with THERAPEUTICS. Have you (& people like YOU) already forgotten or ignored this little detail? Look how the deranged mob (yes, including the so-called experts, reacted to Trump's support of therapeutics. They lost their sh*t and launched a scorched earth campaign to cancel anyone who supported the Frontline Doctors' regimen. TRUMP SUPPORTED CHOICE. What a novel idea: PERSONAL CHOICE. AGENCY. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONE'S OWN HEALTH. Still, Orange Man bad. Repeat after me: Orange Man Bad.

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It was all an very organized plan to resist and condemn anything he said or did, nothing he did could be said publicly to be right, he was upsetting their plans for the Reset. They had to get him out. And when their critiques failed they resorted to the more than obvious fraud elections.

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

well stated. 100% accurate. T often warned it was him standing between "the plans" and us "we the people". What one person in past 100 years has been more attacked than T and even more so out of office now? Not even a close 2nd! Pretty much sums up how totally unhinged the global elite are with the prospect of T running and winning again. Who knows what will happen, but just sayin...

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I am not deranged or desperate for any jab. I have been opposed to any jab since big pharma was released from all liability in 1986. I am realistic and can think. Trump is not God. He made some mistakes. He trusted the wrong people. I voted for him. I liked most of what he did. I am not a blind Trump supporter but I do know how to call a spade a spade. No candidate is perfect. We should expect mistakes. Look at all the jab deaths and injuries. He is still promoting the jab. Not a smart move.

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You are a good example of how it's hard to get a cabinet and appointees together. People have little loyalty. When their guy is vilified, they are off to write a book about the truth from inside or they sign on with another younger bright star Republican. No one ever said Trump is God. We are also not blind supporters of anyone nor ever were.

We support him exclusively and we stand behind him . We never thought he would be perfect. We'll take 80%. That's better than the 65% we would get with the collegial, "My esteemed colleague across the aisle--They come here out of love--Some gun control is just common sense--Trump should have stopped the intrusion into the Capitol" Republicans. Turn your back when he gets flack and turn to DeSantis or another conservative and you are pleasing all the Trump haters who know he is their biggest threat.

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I say if people still believe in the jab, then it's a good way to get rid of the weak-minded who blindly listen to what-ever entity in charge tells them.

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Well said MDP, and I'm sure you know-agree people only know what they know by the sources that feed them information. We become what we watch, read and listen too and whom we trust. It's why the commiecRATS push so very hard to censor and limit peoples options. Its the ONLY way they can exist is by deception and lies

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EXXXXXACTLY, MDP! He was damned if he did and damned if he didn't.

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Just WISH T would not tout how wonderful the injections are. Hard to get my head around that still knowing what we know about how un-safe and effective the EUA gene therapy meds are

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Do YOU need someone to tell you to wipe your butt or what shots to take? Do you need your mother as an adult to lead you through life? C'mon, stop this juvenile pettiness. Trump gave THEM what they wanted, touting his warp speed efforts to give them what THEY wanted to deliver the liquid savior to their desperate tribe who line up out of compliance and/or fear. In Florida, my friends and I already had enough empirical data to make OUR informed decisions. NO jab. NO mandates. NO masks. Absolutely NO "covid shots" for my healthy kids. In fact, I bluntly believe that any parent who forces or cajoles a healthy kid to take the jab for any reason is a BAD parent. Period. No ambiguity.

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Only if she is very good looking :) Juvenile pettiness lol.

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Wow. Too much caffeine, Dear? YOU sure have a mistaken idea about ME.

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Perfect analysis. Thank you! MDP.

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You are so right !

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Could there be a worse president than one who kills 80% of the American population?


imo, kinda depends on which 80%

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Sorry to see you asking that.... could be bad luck to put that in print, LOL ! People have said that for some time now regarding individuals of both parties, asking, HOW CAN it get any worse.... and yet, it DOES ! We seem to keep scraping the very bottom of the barrel (oil barrel ?) for a healthy human being with INTEGRITY, VALUES, AND A MORAL COMPASS ! Seems those who fit the bill in both parties are NOT INTERESTED ! They seem to be able to make a satisfying income on their own in the private sector by performing actual work ! Meanwhile, we the people make it nearly irresistible to those with a poor work ethic, few skills, and weak morals to resist a life of "perks" we provide in the form of chauffeurs, chefs, barbers and beauticians, free world wide travel, lavish dinners and no maximum expense accounts, armed guards, exotic foods flown in sparing no expense, private gyms, spas, and trainers, on and on and on.... how about "redecorating" expense accounts for their offices where one piece of furniture of one "accent piece" can cost more than the entire contents of an average person's home furnishings. WHAT do we EXPECT when we make such personal sacrifices (like no summer vacation for the family) so these folks can live like monarchs ? ? Would anyone in their right mind want to return to the pressure and insecurity of HAVING to perform at work 8-12 hours a day, for a tiny fraction of what we pay these people for 30, 40, 50 YEARS. Then, they retire with a level of medical care, personal protection, pensions, etc. the private sector could not provide to them. Yet, if they need MORE, need an INCREASE to purchase a second home in D.C., or take a round the world "trade mission", we don't even hesitate to grant what ever they "need". WHAT American, working at his job as a mechanic at an auto dealership is going to write and call his REPRESENTATIVES to tel them NO MORE OFFICE REMODELS AND INTERIOR DECORATORS, or, no more private gyms, if you want to go to a gym, join one of your choice out of your own salary... just like, just like.... any other American has to do, we all have to make choices of what we do with our money, except for.... politicians. WE the people created this system !

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Cannot disagree with a thing you said Wes. I was screaming WTF at the TV that fateful day in May of 2020 when T announced OWS. I was always hopeful he would come to realize the terrible mistake he made, but like you say and I have said too he STILL champions it and that is in his words 'HUGE"

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I saw nothing wrong with the idea of OWS and only WAY later did I apply my normal distrust of government towards the "vaccines". The medical profession took a HUGE hit to it's reputation. And the means used to force compliance of doctors and nurses was SHAMEFUL. Understandable because they study for YEARs to become MD's and nurses. And are considered high in status. They were abused for political reasons, and it's important that this is realized. You cannot repress/censor the medical profession, or this EXACT situation will happen.

I blame Fauci and Co. and it seems obvious (after reading RFK Jr's book) where blame lies.

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The "concept" is just that...a concept or ideal. In reality it was deeply flawed as you know and looking back these injections were not wise to un-leash. Absolutely shameful the way the Medical profession had been coerced into complicity. Just how many medical personnel "knew" in their hearts what they were seeing and ding was wrong yet did not speak up for whatever reason. I would like to know that %

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Trump promised Robert Kennedy a post in his administration concerning vaccines. Pfizer donated $1,000,000 to Trump’s Inaugural with the guarantee that Pfizer could pick someone for that spot. Trump agreed and Robert Kennedy said Trump would never return his calls after that.

Trump did many good things, but he REALLY messed up on this one and to this day, still tells people at rallies to get the jab. Not good.

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Thank you for that explanation. That was a mistake on Trumps part. Cannot deny I hate to see it.

Trump needs to come 'clean'. People (most of us) would forgive him if he was open and didn't apologize like the "woke" people renounce truth to be in the "in" group.

Then again, "Never complain, never explain" (by Henry Ford the third or fourth, don't know exactly) applies here, and it could end up (for Trump) worse than if he continues to ignore it.

He could write a explanation (Trump could) and get the 'flavor' of the explanation right. Just a thought. I'm sure scummy political people could "help"

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This was the one mishap of the Trump Admin. And a big one, but it was gonna be a Catch-22 if he hadn’t. However, I do think it was done with the best intentions and I think even Trump underestimated the Evil of the left.

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Yes hard to believe people can be so evil

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It truly is! I was raised to think most weren’t. It’s hard to get one’s head around this at times.

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It’s weird. I was never a Trump fan and didn’t vote for him. (I also didn’t vote for Biden.) In his first couple years I also felt everything he said was wrong. One day (maybe in 2017) I had an epiphany: “Even though I despise Trump, half the country seems to adore him and I don’t believe that they’re all crazy so they must see something I don’t.” So I started to talk to them. And once Trump was off the national stage and no longer constantly bragging and putting down others, I was able to more objectively realize that I actually agree with him on many issues.

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Me too. Trump saw something from his end and I've had a feeling that that "something" was beyond what "we the people" don't know too much of; something that is beyond our vision. Now when we hear about The Great Reset and who actually are behind that, we hear of the Globalist Elites like Bill Gates, George Soros, and the Davos Elitist Cartel, one begins to see something like a group of the most powerful that controls the world into a one world order. New World Order. Like Trump once said to a huge group of supporters and followers when he felt he was on his way out: "They're after you. I'm just in the way."

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Trump is bad, too. Don't forget that.

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I would probably go with 'Trump isn't perfect either. Don't make Trump into your deity or you become no better than the person who worships at the church of progressivism.'

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I've known who Donald J. Trump is for a long time. He listens to all points of view, delegates authority but insists on accountability, and is always willing to make deals with his enemies. In other words, basic type A executive.

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Neither are we ! We are asked not to judge also !

We all make mistakes!

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It cost me $600 more per month to gas up my Silverado under Biden than it did under Trump. Do I miss Trump did you ask? Does a bear shit in the woods?

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Yes, it was amazing how quickly the mass formation of TDS was transferred to the plandemic, how TDSers were able to oppose Warp Speed the the "Trump" vaccines until Biden was pushing them, then all "vaccine hesitant" folks and Covid skeptics were right wingers and MAGA Trumpers. They knew it because they have a Manichean world view.

Trump was not much better or worse than the previous 6 Presidents, except in the eyes of partisan Democrats and never-Trump Republicans, all of whom are quite comfortable with the status quo. In their eyes, Trump rocked the boat too much.

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Yep, Trump did rocked the boat. But he did more than that. He drained the Swamp; and that made a lot of alligators angry.

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So appointing John Bolton to NSA, Gina Haspel to CIA Director and James Jeffrey as special envoy for Syria was draining the swamp? Who knew?

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He most certainly did not drain the swamp.

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Precisely my point. All those mentioned are neocon warmongers who undermined his stated goals.

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No. It's more about the ones that were fired by Trump. And there were many. John Bolton was one. He wasn't really fired. He was snubbed by Trump into quitting. A proponent of the Iraq war, hired by George Bush, Bolton was a war monger and Trump did not like that. Draining the Swamp was more about cleaning up house. Trump's firing squad included the following victims: Mark Esper, Gordon Sondland, General McMastet, Rex Tellerson, Steve Bannon (Trump's number one ally), Anthony Scaramucci (lasted a mere 10 days), Reince Priebus, James Comey (*), Sally Yates, Paul Manafort, + others.

But the bigger swamp was on the Democrat side, even though Trump had I'D the RINOs on the GOP.

But the biggie is here. >>> https://www.lovetruthsite.com/swampgate/

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Let’s not kid ourselves, nearly the whole damn thing is a swamp. It doesn’t really matter what side you are on....the system is broken.

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You mean to tell me that all those lies about Trump are not true?

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My sister. Honest. Hardworking. Generous. Never lies.

Also..................left of Stalin. A proud hard core socialist. Her reasoning is that "those who have more should share with those who have less. No reason for a person to own more than one house. Give one to a homeless person." "I am a socialist, not a Communist." Did not know what USSR stood for in COMMUNIST Russia. United Soviet Socialists of Russia. USSR.

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Why stop at one house? No reason to have more than one room in that house. Give the others to homeless.

Go further - No reason to have the full room to yourself, give half to a homeless. Etc etc.

It does not stop.

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The Bolshevik Revolution did that.

Interesting how Lenin, Hitler, and other revolutionaries had very expensive houses. They did not share; if you were not invited you did not get past the door.

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How about our billionaire leaders who are absolutely Capitalist for

me , but not for thee ! We have more socialist now in government . Warren , Bernie , Thé squad and you can figure out the text !

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You think these folks you mention are billionaires? Not even close.

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THE SECRET TEAM by Fletcher Prouty explains how the CIA has taken control of the US. The CIA has interfered with so many countries. They devise how they want to manipulate a country and then expect the military to fund with materials, and personal. It is the Army that does most of the missions and is expected to bail out the bad CIA plans.

Prouty goes into detail how time and again the CIA keeps gaining more and more control.

The politicians jump to all their demands. Many of the generals are secretly CIA agents. The CIA has agents embedded in numerous countries government.

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and the Revolution was financed by Wall Street

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In his farewell address Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex. However, no one seems willing to listen.

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real question, how much of her money does your sister donate to random street people or charities?

i have never met a socialist or communist who donates more money to the poor than i do, and i'm capitalist AF

i think they should find a target like the US median income line, & donate 100% of all excess above that to others

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Dark, I agree with you 100%. I told my socialist progressive family members to donate the extra bedroom in their house to the illegal aliens in their sanctuary city. No takers.

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Yup. We are retired and comfortable. When we received our COVID stimulus checks, other than a new garbage disposal , we dispersed the $ to struggling businesses, upped our tips sometimes to 50%, etc... most of our liberal friends were aghast “ why would you do that?” Our neighbor made his contribution by buying himself a shiny new electric bike ..... and continued to tip wait staff on the quality of the service....a total absence of empathy.

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We are also retired. Since the lockdowns ended we have been tipping at least 25% in restaurants. We live in a tourist area and many restaurants are still short on waitstaff. Last week I was discussing tipping and was shocked to hear that some of my neighbors don't think that they should have to tip at all. Their reasoning is that they should not have to pay a restaurant's staff, the restaurant should. Many of them did not realize that servers only make $2.13/hour base pay and are taxed on a predetermined amount of tips per hours worked even if they don't make that amount. These neighbors are the ones who can't wait to show you the new pergola they had installed in their backyard, or the new sunroom they added to their house with their covid stimulus money.

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As a former waitress, who busted her ass waiting tables, you can tell your neighbor “Thanks for nothing!” I always tip 20% or more. One restaurant I worked at automatically took out 8%, no matter what. There’s a great line in the beginning of

“Reservoir Dogs” explaining why you should ALWAYS tip.

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If you look at charitable donations from Democrats and Republicans, Democrats give substantially less. Examples Clinton, Obama and Biden*

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

Yes, middle American, conservative, right leaning, religious folks are the biggest donors. But, liberals are the biggest donors to foundations. By a lot.

Your statement is really an oversimplification: There are NUMEROUS factors, and stats related to charitable giving.

For example, WHO are donors giving to? HOW are the funds being used? Are the donors benefitting from the donation? etc.

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True story. Bill and Hillary donated used clothing to charity. On their tax form they itemized the deductions. They took a deduction for donating Bill's used underwear.

Democrats donate to foundations like the Clinton Foundation for which they received favors. The money from the "foundation" was going directly into the pockets of the Clintons. When Hillary was no longer in politics, the donations dried up.

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What a story! No doubt. No doubt some foundations are corrupt. (I couldn’t care less if it’s supported by Dems or Republicans, or other parties). And there are hundreds of other foundations. Again, lots of very detailed research on who gives to what charity, where charity donations actually go (did my research when creating my “estate” plan). Anyone can search.

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She does lie though. To herself about her ability to reason logically.

Not saying she is a bad person but not as honest as she may think.

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So, how does she explain the bros: Bernie and bite-me; or does she just excuse them?

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When I invited family members to attend a fathers day family cookout in June of 2020 during the Covid lock down, she e-mailed me and would accuse me of murder if one of my elderly family members who attended died.

We had a full family reunion and cookout in August of 2021. She hung out on the periphery. Spoke to a few vaxed family members. Did not eat and left after about 30 minutes.

It's sad. Until this happened we were close. From what I hear, I am not alone.

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I lost a good friend over this stupid virus. I will return to the friendship I miss when she apologizes or at least acknowledges at least some of what I was saying was correct. Also, she said she didn’t understand how I could support Pres. Trump when I’m such a nice person and he’s just so “awful and yucky.” Ok, my dear friend. How’s the Biden admin working out for you? Another friend, a couple, invited me for lunch. When we sat at their kitchen counter he pointed out to me that he was sitting six feet away (it was more like 4 feet, but whatever, he made his point) because I admitted some time ago that I didn’t take the vaxx. Well, if I’m such a danger, why invite me? Later, we wanted to take me for a drive to show me his new neighborhood so we all piled into his small car, windows up and proceeded to take a drive for several hours. So I’m a Covid danger in his kitchen but not in his car?

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It is like a religion. I have never seen Jesus Christ but I believe he exists. Have you showed your friend this?


If your friend believes in Lord Fauci, he may have a seizures. This article is blasphemy to the Covid Believers.

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Just like Dr. Zchivago. Great movie!

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I have a left coast family who started out common sense, but the people they have to make friends with and work with...well, now they'd take an experimental jab because "the gov't" said it was good for you, etc.

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How did we get to this ? Everyone lies , Remember Dr House 😂

Everyone who loves the idea of socialism and or Commies , take your pick and go check it out ! It’s never worked anywhere!

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I always find the Trump thing ironic. I mean, it was under Trump's watch that Operation Warp Speed went into effect. He could have spoken out against the insanity of mass-injecting people with untested products. But he never did. In fact, he pushed the vaccine and took it himself. (allegedly.) So if anything, liberals should have decided not to take the vaccine. Go figure.

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The PLANDEMIC started before Trump took office. Why did dr. Fauci say in 2017 that Trump will face a pandemic during his term? And when the virus was first detected, Trump closed China in January 2020, and for that, Biden called him a racist xenophobic. Then Nancy Pelosi said a month later during the Chinese New Year: "Let's go to Chinatown."

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I read Kennedy's book; Big Pharma, Fauci, Gates, the CIA, FBI, DTRA, conduct pandemic table-top war games where they don't try and find a cure, they find the best ways to control populations. I think COVID-19 was the exhibition game, stand by for the next pandemic

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Yes, covid has been a trial balloon, a test run. It went well, and indeed it's still going well. The majority of the population proved how absolutely incapable of critical, independent thought they are.

Please read Mattias Desmet's just-published book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, for a deep, complex psychological framework for understanding what is happening.

Unlike RFK Jr.'s long, dense, difficult masterwork, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Mattias Desmet's book is of modest length (190 pages minus the end-notes.) It's both scholarly and accessible to any thoughtful, intelligent reader. It's essential reading for anyone who wants to understand our current global reality. It is profoundly insightful, and it is also, in the end, hopeful, which came as a surprise to me. I had not expected that.

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Thanks! Will do upon finishing "The Creature from Jekyll Island" about the fed banking cartel

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Interesting how Fauci is recently having to explain how much money has been deposited into his bank account. Millions from the pharmaceutical companies.

The royalties for every shot must be a tidy sum.

Explains why he did / does not support ivermectin and other like drugs. Since Ivermectin has been in use, by humans, for over 40 years with minimal side effects. How many lives could have been saved?

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Fauci also told Rand Paul that he doesn’t have to disclose how much money he has been given. 🙄 He is a narcissist, and pure evil. That’s become clearly evident!

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Am Dienstag remember that candidates Biden and Harris said there was “no way” they would take a Trump vaccine.... that is some 180 from President Biden “ get vaccinated or you are helping to kill people.” “WE” are idiots!

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Nice auto correct in German!!! “ And do remember “....🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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I like telling them that it was Trump who gave them their life-saving vaccines and watch them flip out.

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@Juan- I've done that, too. They go real quiet.

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One of my neighbors, an x cop, told me before the election that Joe is the most honest politician ever. He is a Republican that hated Trump. I asked why, and basically got that he just hates him. I guarantee you that people like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, who voted for Biden, would again over Trump even knowing now how corrupt the Biden family is. Joe could be a murderer and rapist and the rhinos would defend him.

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In that regard, it would save more lives if Trump were _directly_ linked to VaxIsBad proof.

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Trump has been pushing the jabs and boosters all along. I’m pretty sure he’s still pushing boosters.

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Love Trump but I believe he made a mistake in pushing the experimental vax. Hindsight would have dictated that he ask the CDC what the overall death rate was compared to earlier years. It would have exposed the extreme over reaction to a bad flu season in early 2020, pushed by the CDC.


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“Plus Trump ! “

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The problem is, they see everyone who doesn't agree with them in the same light. We just have to agree to disagree with some people, but that's not allowed anymore.

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@Stu- including doctors! Some still require masks in their waiting room and the endoscopy place a couple of weeks ago required masks and no one but the patient in the waiting room!!! What is THAT ish???

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Yep, same with my dermatologist, my dentist, my GP, and my OBGYN. BatShitCrazy.

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It's in sane. Or, more accurately, THEY'RE insane.

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I am pushing this article. Not one person has disputed the stats. Can anyone out there tell me that these CDC stats are not real?


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Was it real?

No overall death rate report for 2021 from the CDC yet. It is usually posted by the end of December. Are they hiding something?

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Just went to the doctor this morning (in PA). The entire medical office building still requires masks. Nowhere else does. It is ridiculous.

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I have to see the ENT man tomorrow. Because the practice is now affiliated with the hospital, I have to wear a mask. Aren't these people the ones that are supposed to know more than we?

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EXACTLY! I don’t trust any of them! How can I trust a DOCTOR this stupid?!

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Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

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It is.

It’s so bizarre to see intelligent people so blind and ignorant.

Especially after all this time .

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Well, apparently colleges and universities just hand out degrees when you've paid enough money to them. It doesn't matter if you learned anything or have common sense.

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BS Bullshit

MS More shit

PhD. Piled higher and deeper

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And MD? More Dollars?

Dr Deny reality

(For those who believe in the pharma gods)

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Jill Biden , Dr. = PHD

The way I learned it;

BS just what you think it is

MS more of the same

PHD piled high and deep

but this is going back 60 years.

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Classic 😅

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Very popular that double major of Gender Identity and Peaceful Protests Using Molotov Cocktails!!


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Or could get a job that pays more than minimum wage.

Perhaps every university should have a chapter of Future Amazon Workers of America.

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But you have been indoctrinated!!

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And the "king" has Dementia.

WORLD GONE MAD!!" -  - remember the adage "in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king". Hold on to your SANITY - this is the last vestige of the sighted in a world of blind acceptance peopled by automatons that do what they are told - savor your freedom and defend your life and the health of your mind in these tumultuous times.

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Rather die standing than on my knees bowing.

You would think everything Biden signed is null and void.

He couldn’t sign a will legally with that dementia.

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Liberalism is a Religion! Sorry, it’s a CULT.

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Lord Jesus come quickly.

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Oh good lord, she needs to read RFK Jr.s book, The Real Anthony Fauci!

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

She'll ask who's that and why should I believe him over CNN and Anderson Cooper?

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Probably, like my double-jabbed sister, she'll dismiss him as an anti-vaxxer. Everyone who doesn't go along with the narrative is an anti-vaxxer or a Trumper.

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"RFK Jr. is the money-grubbing Kennedy. "

True quote from my aunt at my nephew's wedding last Saturday. I had to laugh.

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“ I can’t even.” That is really sad beyond sad.

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he's the tallest pigmy

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Rachel Maddow! Don't forget her!

And Joy Reid, the oracle.

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Or Wikipedia will turn him into a right-wing extremist nut-ball...

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... or maybe her son's book, Pandemia. ;)

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How about Scott Atlas’s ~ A Plague Upon Our House. Trump tried to listen to him but the “Other Experts: Fauci, Birx, Redfield” attacked him & drowned him out. Such a shame.

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RFK Jr. has for years been questioning a lot of the drugs being used.

I have noticed it is the conservation web sites who interview him.

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Since the vax mandates more people have started questioning everything big pharma has been pushing.

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Yes, and all those successful endeavors of RFKJr to clean up our Harbors water really makes him a “money grabber!” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Conservative sites?

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Will it is not MSM. You tube has some videos with his commentary.

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Since JFK had had a boyfriend named Lem Billings, I think he is the wrong choice for the 3 way with Hillary.

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This is why I don't want to know what my relatives think about any current thing.

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This is why I avoid most of my relatives. They INSIST on telling you what they think, even when they have no basis of facts. I'm exhausted being around them most days.

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Same. It's the smugness that really gets me. I feel like I'm living in Alice in Wonderland. Logic and basic observation are totally abandoned.

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There are days I find this incredibly sad, but I don't feel like being lectured all the time, and I don't need my blood pressure going through the roof, listening to them all the time. Thankfully, my 20 something nephew has thrown a temper tantrum, so I've been uninvited to most holidays.

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Same. It's now a blessing not joining them on the holidays.

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Alex I sympathize completely. My husband took the initial shots, badgered me for not getting them. I did use the my body, my choice line of reasoning with him to no avail. He got the booster despite my imploring him not to, and now he's on a heart medicine. He's almost 70, never an inkling of a heart problem. He is someone who would not have had many issues with covid because he's not overweight, not diabetic, never a great issue before this, but a great watcher of MSNBC. He also thinks that Joementia is going a great job and that there are many factors that have contributed to ridiculous gas prices, not the EO that killed the pipeline or the countless death by paper cuts that have ruined the country's energy policies. At least you don't live with your mother.

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LOL...seriously, that sounds rough.

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Yup. We're fine as long as we don't discuss these matters.

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And maybe check out David Charalambous on https://reachingpeople.net/. I am finding his insight and approach helpful . . . he helps to explain why so many are not responding to reason and facts and how to gently prod (because the non-gentle approach is not working) his thinking.

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I've gone total sociopath: Let 'em find out the hard way.

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Ha ha?

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

What I mean is that I'm through warning my friends and relatives. It's no longer worth being ostracized. From now on I'll simply observe. If they suffer bad side effects, there will be no comment from me. They can get all the boosters they want if they're so sure it's 'the right thing to do'. Honestly I don't think the side effects will be catastrophic for most of them. But we'll wait and see.

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I checked him out this morning on your earlier recommendation. Definitely food for thought.

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Yes. I personally am getting too many contusions on my head from banging it against a brick wall and am changing my MO.

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Good! On a serious note, kindly, educate him now on the next thing they will want him to put in his body, not too safe

Jynneos Package Insert https://www.fda.gov/media/131078/download

How do they know it does not replicate? https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-live-non-replicating-vaccine-prevent-smallpox-and-monkeypox

and treatment options to research (awareness not endorsement)

https://truedemocracyparty.net/2022/05/monkeypox-cure-sarracenia-purpurea-treatment-cure-monkeypox-smallpox-chicken-pox-disrupts-viral-mrna-medically-documented-180-years-all-natural-cheap-100-effective-bam-amazing-find/ .

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Check out Dr Nass also on substack. She has a lot to say about 🙉 v's. Best coverage I have seen yet!

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Joementia. I love that!❤️

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I feel for you Gabriella. My partner is a liberal, and two years ago, a covidiot. After gentle persuasion, lots of facts, and emotional discussions over coffee, he’s seen the light, and I now consider him “middle of the road” on most political issues. But our relationship is a struggle at times. He’s a wonderful man, I love him dearly, but we are both very careful and respectful when political conversations arise.

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Similar happened to a family friend. Got all vaxxed up, then developed afib after zero history of heart problems. Not willing to contemplate the idea that it might have been the shots.

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Same thing happened to my Aunt, just another coincidence. As a retired Healthcare provider , I’ve seen an awful lot of crazy stuff this past year or so.

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Also recently happened to my Aunt who is in her 80’s, so it’s hard to know if it was the jabs or her age…but she had no previous heart issues.

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"Vaccination" is the leading cause of coincidences.

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If there were no heart issues and she developed problems after the jab, then the harm is automatically assumed to be the jab AND it is up to them to prove it wasn't, not you to prove it was.

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Highly correlated with time. A problem right away after vax? Very likely the cause is "vaccination".

But that was before the open merging of politics with medicine. Nothing (medical) has been the same since. Now nothing must be allowed to increase "vaccine hesitation", least of all FACTS.

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A trick the bastards use all the time is to conflate evidence with absolute proof. If I croak after getting the jab it’s evidence the jab may be implicated, no ifs, and or buts. Doesn’t mean proof though, which would require an autopsy.

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Proof is what the establishment media, party officials and judges demanded of anyone questioning the outcome of the 2020 election, too. Anyone trying to present evidence contrary to the narrative is attacked as though anything less that absolute proof is an 'unfounded accusation' -- as if it would free them of the obligation of actually investigating the evidence.

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Yes. It’s a sneaky trick I first noticed with the Hillary email “scandal.” The pattern is always that there’s a mountain of circumstantial evidence, and occasionally direct evidence, which ordinarily would be enough to convict, but media gaslighting fools the naive into believing only a full confession will do.

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One of my besties, a very young 79. No heart problems until vaxx & booster, then trouble breathing, aching. Dr says she needs to slow down. Her grown kids are making her get a 2nd booster….after she recovers from COVID!!!

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That's the awful part about heart issues and really any medical condition is everyone has no medical history of 'x' before their first instance of 'x'. Ex. A teenager has no medical history of erectile dysfunction and he might not till the first time it doesn't come up at age 'y' and how he's got a medical history of it the moment he gets his first occurrence.

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Same thing with "friend's" husband. Got the shots then afib and heart ablation surgery. They do not see a connection (at least consciously.)

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Somewhere out there is a two year old with a stripper mother and a crackhead father whose grandpa is the President of the United States.

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My husband just returning from a funeral this morning, friend in NY, took 4 shots! Got raging pneumonia , heart failure, kidney failure, 11 days on life support. 52 years old, leaves behind a beautiful wife and 2 college aged children. Coincidence? I think not.

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It's called SADS created by climate change

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The shots have obliterated everyone’s natural immune systems. That’s why we are seeing all of these horrible health issues.

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Well that’s all funny until it happens to you. And it’s not climate change. Im a little sensitive right now. I lost another cousin 11 days after his first shot to SADS! He was 67.

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Geeeez. These stories are so brutal

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My cousin’s 35 year old husband died of sepsis. What otherwise healthy young man can’t heal a minor cut on the arm? Working immune systems are important. He left a 6 year old and 4 year old twins.

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I’m so sorry.

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So tragic, I’m so sorry! It’s likely the initial immunosuppressant effects. There was clear neutropenia and a drop in lymphocytes on post-shot labs in the second Pfizer data drop. Many were marked as sentinel event values. Quite a few missing labs too. Not sure why there hasn’t been more follow-up on this issue, or if this phenomenon could be cumulative w/boosters?

This seems to be the biggest demographic having problems I’m seeing- previously healthy men late 40’s-mid 50’s. Most are cardiac probs though.

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Thank you, horrible , 400 people at Church this morning. So sad.

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My Mom had a severe stroke one week after her booster. Sister and 2 brothers think it’s a coincidence and there is no arguing with them. They all literally said I would die (I’m a senior) if I didn’t get vaxxed. I’m still here. Not even a cold.

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I am completely befuddled by folks who think that the Biden Administration is, in any way, successful. Gotta love ‘em anyway.

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I am legally obligated to do so.

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And spiritually. I don’t envy you. Talking to these folks seems like you are talking to someone that has had part of their brain removed by sinister forces in the cloak of darkness.

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I'm so scared for my college age daughter. She thinks I'm a conspiracy theorist and believes there isn't anything wrong with the vaccines. Her college will probably mandate for the fall and she will go get a booster. Wish there was liberal articles for her to read since she doesn't believe me.

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Do you have any jab injuries pages/groups you could point her too and ask her to check out? In Australia we have an Instagram page Jab_Injuries_Australia which is full of stories of invincible young people (older people too of course) who got the jab and are now in hospital or disabled with cardiac issues, clots, paralysis, Guillain Barre syndrome etc. The stories are heart-breaking and very compelling. They all think it won’t happen to them but it’s like Russian Roulette isn’t it? Especially if you’re unlucky and get a bad batch. And why take that risk just to avoid getting a bad cold if you don’t have to?

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It's so scary and not to mention the increased cancers that are coming about now too. I believe this to be the worst genocide in human history.

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I have the same issue. I am thinking maybe no college would be a better choice at this point!

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If the booster doesn't get you the curriculum will. Waste of money these days.

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I hear you; it's an awful situation.

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My nephew is in the same boat. He’s waited two years to be able to attend on campus and now they want him to get the shot. He feels hopeless about it.

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Check No College Mandates for ideas/help. https://nocollegemandates.substack.com/utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2-nav

Also can hire a lawyer to help with religious exemption (do not have to be a born again type to do this.)

p.s. No College Mandates group is looking for volunteers to help put colleges on notice and force their hand . . .

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This is very helpful; thank you for sharing.

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This is a great article! Thank you!!

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Ask her how would she feel if e-coli was found in her lettuce bag and if they should recall the faulty lot? So why does she feel differently when a product hasn't been tested long term and is faulty as well?!?!?!

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It’s the Worship of Fauci.

The Covidian Cult.

The media pushed the vaxes and had people post on FB like they were a part of a big Virtue Club.

It’s hard to get people out of a cult.

I understand what you’re saying.

Because her friends or herself haven’t seen any side effects, like my friends. I’m making all this up.

They haven’t gotten Covid Bio Weapon, so the shots work.

They don’t understand it’s Russian roulette.

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Perhaps try showing her the package inserts for Pfzr and Mdrn.

Here is Pfzr see under the Warnings section: https://labeling.pfizer.com/ShowLabeling.aspx?id=14471

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There should be a class action lawsuit against any and all doctors and companies and medical facilities that are vaccinating people and not following this VAERS reporting mandate:


In order to mitigate the risks of using this unapproved product under EUA and to optimize the potential benefit of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, the following items are required. Use of unapproved Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 under this EUA is limited to the following (all requirements must be met):

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is authorized for use in individuals 6 months of age and older.

The vaccination provider must communicate to the individual receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or their caregiver, information consistent with the "Vaccine Information Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers" prior to the individual receiving Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.

The vaccination provider must include vaccination information in the state/local jurisdiction's Immunization Information System (IIS) or other designated system.

The vaccination provider is responsible for mandatory reporting of the following to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):

vaccine administration errors whether or not associated with an adverse event,

serious adverse events* (irrespective of attribution to vaccination),

cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) in adults and children, and

cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death.

Complete and submit reports to VAERS online at https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html. For further assistance with reporting to VAERS call 1-800-822-7967. The reports should include the words "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA" in the description section of the report.

The vaccination provider is responsible for responding to FDA requests for information about vaccine administration errors, adverse events, cases of MIS in adults and children, and cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to recipients.”

How many times have you heard doctors or medical providers/ administrators saying they didn’t know that they were required to do this, or they don’t have time?!

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Wow so this is the package insert for the Pfizer vaccine which of course no-one ever sees. All the scary details of how the product can deteriorate if not stored and handled properly, information about the inadequate trials that were done and the risk of serious adverse events. If people were actually forced to read this before getting jabbed, I wonder how many would go through with it?

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Thank you so much for this insert LP! I've been trying to figure out if the end dates of the "trials" for Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca I have are correct, would you know?

I initially wrote down May 2, 2023 for Pfizer. February14, 2023 for Astra Zeneca and October 27, 2022 for Moderna. I never had the trial end date for J&J, which I'd like most of all. Thanks!

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Thank you for sharing, Alex. Most of us think we are the only ones in conflict with family and friends.

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I totally sympathize. The last person my late mother would believe over mass media propaganda would be me.

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My guess. Her dog is a victim of big Pharma vaxes and poisons.

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Always possible. I don't vaccinate my dogs now either.

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About half my family is vaxxed, in that group of 35ish people there’s One case of myocarditis, One case of swollen lymph nodes, one menstrual cycle out of whack l, one case of Bell’s palsy, and one case of some sort of gastric disorder.

I think I’m going to stick with my natural immunity...

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IT's climate change. You must be in the shade.

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After reading countless side effects from the jab, I don't understand why folks are not making the connection when they have issues. Heck, folks have died and in my book you cannot call anything "safe and effective" when folks die. No clinical trials, and now I hear they want to jab the little ones too. Read about the sincere desire on the left to depopulate the globe and you might start getting a little nervous. Read about the athletes that have died or been injured. Professional athletes...this is not a conspiracy theory, just read what is available and if you believe your fellow citizens, you won't offer up your family for the vax without doing all your research and hopefully, talking to your physician but then MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND. Even though I am a mother of three boys/men, I wouldn't dare make the decision for them. Their body, their choice...Michelle

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"Heck, folks have died and in my book you cannot call anything "safe and effective" when folks die."

EXACTLY this! They should have to prove that these "sudden" "unexpected" "natural" deaths after untested and novel shots are NOT related, not the other way around.

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I’m thinking they don’t have your grandchildren yet.

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You are correct about that. I'd be lying if I said that had not crossed my mind. I wonder if our world will ever come back to normal for all. It can be pretty depressing to read all those who have been negatively affected.

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I am unvaccinated. Had covid in January and have been dealing with mild heart issues since. I’m about to have an implantable monitor to track all the weird rhythms and tachycardias more accurately. I’ve had two temp ones already. I’m having a Cardiac MRI this week as well. Now I’m as loud against the vaccine as anyone, have stuck my neck out continuously since this started and I have zero regrets about my decision. I’m sure on balance taking my chances with covid was the correct risk assessment. At the same time though, there are long term implications to having covid. I’m 47, a cycling coach, and eat a 95% plant based organic diet. My heart was the last thing I ever thought I’d need to worry about. Whatever destructive shit to human health is happening is not limited to vaccination but also the virus itself is screwing with people, me at least. God bless your mom! And to hell with whatever collection of nefarious actors is behind this whole thing.

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Not sure if you’d be open to this, but I would change your diet for healing. Medical nutritionist Mary Ruddick, who herself was able to heal a number of health issues (from liver failure to endometriosis, 12 diagnoses total) with the GAPS diet, has shared in interviews that a carnivore diet has helped her patients resolve their long Covid symptoms. She also suspects a thiamine deficiency is related to long Covid (pork is the highest food source of thiamine). Prior to healing, she was vegetarian and vegan and thought those were the healthiest diets, until she found the work of Weston A. Price. Since healing, she has traveled the world visiting the healthiest tribes and documenting their diets (e.g. the Masai and the Hadza). Especially when we are ailing, our bodies need animal foods. She’s done many interviews discussing this, highly recommend.

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Thanks! I’ll check it out.

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Weston A. Price foundation is awesome

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I used GAPS diet to heal neuro-immune issues in my son/husband. It does work.

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That’s awesome! Would you mind sharing more? I just saw a question about GAPS for child behavioral issues in another group earlier today

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Are you taking NAC? I am unvaxxed and had a rough bout of Delta. I was sick for 3 weeks and I'm extremely fit and healthy. I have been taking Z-Stack, NAC and liposomal Vit C (I was taking Z Stack before I got Covid as well). NAC is VITAL to take to clear out the dead spikes and LNP from the small blood vessels. Make sure you get on it asap.

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what NAC did you take??

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

Life Extension and Pure Encapsulations are good sources for NAC. The govt is trying to stop people from taking it because it works for Covid, so Amazon stopped selling it, but you can order from either of those companies.

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Have you looked at FLCCC.org..... Post Covid page. What you should be doing to detox the spike protein out of your body. It doesn't just exit as soon as you think you are well from covid.

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It’s FLCCC.NET. Sorry wrong web address above. It’s the I-recover protocol.

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Did you take ivermectin? When you had COVID?

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Yes after I had it. I didn’t get it in time to take when I had it. It has been 6 mo but I have a weird rash on my head behind my ear and my heartbeat still feels like it’s a little off sometimes. So I just started doing the I-Recover thru FLCCC.net. I am doing the I-Recover protocol. Except I am not taking Prednisone. I am taking the ivermectin and I have ordered the Naltrexone. I had heard about FLCCC doctors before I had Covid but was unsure of which doctor to use to get the drugs and felt a little weird about an out of town pharmacy. After I got Covid I started looking again and saw Dr Haider who is on mygotodoc.com. He is out of TX and he has videos of him being on Newsmax and Fox. He also has videos of him speaking to a lot of doctors. So I used him. Really like them and they sent my prescription to The Prescription CTR in Concord NH on Main St. The people there have been so so nice. I hope I have answered your questions. Dr Haider made a comment that you could still have the spike protein in your body and not have any side effects. From what I understand your body has to detox and get it out of your body. So I am going to go to the cardiologist to have an EKG to make sure everything is ok but I am also taking the therapies. I hope this didn’t over answer your question!

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ps - my girlfriend who is a pharmacist at BI Deaconess in Boston thought I was crazy not to want the shots. She took two with no issue, but developed swelling in her leg and a persistent rash after her thrid shot. Then, she got COVID. She is trying a chinese herablist but I don't think she is having good results. She told me her immune system feels bad and "off" for the first time in her life. Her husband got vertigo so bad after his third shot he had to crawl through the house for weeks. He still gets vertigo every day. He then got COVID too. My husband also had bad vertigo for a few weeks after his second shot, but thankfully his vertigo has completely resoved.

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Terrible. One day I hope more of this comes out. I don’t really trust anyone now. That is sad.

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well I personally am of a spiritual inclination, and I believe in a Higher Power of my own understanding. That's all I trust now. And I think my HP has a plan, and more will be revealed, and trust is a must. I start every day with prayer and meditation and ask my HP what his will is for me. Then I do my best to show up, and do the next right thing. But I know the results are not in my hands, so I have to hand it over after that. If God is my co-piolet then I need to change seats. My job is to co-operate. I personally think the problem humanity is facing is spiritual, and it is a battle between good and evil. There is a saying that I have heard that is attributed to Buddah: There are three things that cannot be hidden indefinitely: the sun, the moon, and the Truth. May the Truth prevail, and may each of us continue to have the strenghth and the courage to do what is necessary to do our part to bring the Truth to light.

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thanks for all the info., I think the more we share, the more we can help each other!! I'm glad you are connected with the FLCCC MD's, I think they are the best!!!! I am not vxed but sought ivermectin and an antibiotic ahead of time. I live in Boston. I found a compassionate independent MD here to prescribe for me (I was vx injured many years ago, and again less than a year before COVID-19) but as soon as I got my script for ivermectin the media was busy demonizing ivermectin as a horse tranquilizer, and even my long time compunding pharmacist said he was under threat to have his licensed revoked by the State of Massachusetts if he filled my script. The pharmacist at CVS screamed at me on the phone when I tried to assert my rights to my script and told me it was not safe to take "horse medicine." We are living in crazy times. Even my compunding pharmacist in MA told me the dose I was prescribed was perfectly safe.

This was last August. I found a pharmacy with FLCCC's help in NH called "Performix" (compunding, but I bought the regular pills) who filled for me. My husband and I both got COVID-19 over Christmas (he was forced by his employer to take two jabs to keep his job, and he did so against my wishes, in October) and two months later he was sicker than me with COVID. And he enjoys better overall health than me. We both took 48 grams of ivermectin every day and I wasn't sure it was helping me until later. For me, the COVID was like a run of the mill mild to moderate cold/flu. But, I had lingering sinus issues, and my husband did not. I tried to treat wholistically as much as possible but took ivermectin as needed for a few months until I fully recovered. Every time I would take it, I got considerable relief. So I feel confident it made a big difference in my recovery. I hope you continue to feel better and make a full recovery. My husband's employer demanded he take a third shot when he was out sick with COVID and he won't so he is out of that job now. And I hope he never goes back. Neither of us took the antibiotic but he did need a prescription cough suppressant while he was sick. But no steroids. I still make sure we are getting adequate D, C, zinc, b vitamins, and selenium. Of interest, I got a cold/flu virus 20 years ago and my heart has always been off to me since. It seems to flutter sometimes. I was diagnosed with some inflammation back then around the heart in the ER (MD said she heard a "rub", I went in for severe chest pain) but all my tests since have been completely normal. So I live with it, no meds. It took years for the pain to resolve. I used to go to the cardiologist regularly but nothing changed on their tests. I may go back again some time. I am 55 and keep myself in very good shape, but I got fibromyalgia from my first vx injury (Hep B) so I have lived with chronic illness for almost 30 years now.

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Yes my husband works for the Fed Govt (retiring in December). He did get a note from his doctor that said he should not take the vaccine. The Fed Govt never responded to this note, but he never got a shot either. We were lucky. My husband had low platelets (I think from all the vaccines he had in the military) 6 of them the Anthrax vaccine. But 13 in one year. Everything Hep B , small pox. He used to get the flu vaccine each year until I came into his life. I have read so much on vaccines. It was obvious after reading studies that doctors know vaccines can cause low platelets. This was the first I had heard of it. Anyway I was well read when the Covid vaccine came out. No way were we going to take it. Good luck to you both. We are in good shape too. My husband had been working out every morning since he was 20!

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your husband is so lucky to have you!! And he really is lucky that the Federal Government did not force him. I think a note from an MD (very hard to get!) is much better than a religious exemption request, which my huband's employer illegally denied him. My husband is former military and is service connected disabled. He was already disabled when he was working full time, and he got a note from a medical professional attesting that he used his sincerely held religious beleifs to manage his disability, and he was doing his job full time remote, but his employer still threatened to terminate him if he didn't get the shots. Total lack of disreagard for the laws. My husband also received lots of vaccines in the military!! We do not think that caused his disability, but that at most they may have aggravated, but not caused, his disability.

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You're a good son. Keep up the good work!

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Other than my immediate unvaxxed family, my relatives also think nothing is Biden's fault.

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Your mom and my mom are cut from the same cloth. God bless them both!

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Same. 🙄

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Daughter in King County, Washington recently stated that she was sick of all the blame being laid at Biden's feet when all our problems are Trump's fault! We love our daughter, but.......

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She better get use to it. It's going to be a bumpy 4 years.

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Bet she’s my daughter’s friend. And Inslee is a great governor too 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Although your mom sounds a little off (trying not to be a jerk here), at least she did a great job raising her son.

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This is true. My mom and brother are covidiots and I just let them continue to get their jabs and pretend that covid is going to kill them. And I continue to live my life, unvaccinated, without a mask, and with no concern for getting a flu or cold or respiratory virus. It's not that I enjoy getting the flu (or covid for that matter), it's just that I know there's really no way to avoid getting sick and that I have an immune system that works.

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Alex, I feel your frustration.

My dad, age 91 and counting, is very reluctantly considering that maybe, perhaps, possibly the government of the US might be lying to him.

Equally difficult for him to grasp is that his crazy right-wing daughter--with the Gadsden flag in her yard--could be correct.

That St. Anthony Fauci is a liar, a quack, a criminal, and a fraud....well, we're getting there.

It's a process.

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I gave up drinking as a health choice recently but dear lord any time spent with people is really testing this these days....

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Yes understand, my father in law a retired doctor is on auto repeat in his belief this thing helps even though his wife ended up in the hospital 3x poked with cv. I am not sure you can say it helped all that much....the logic is truly not there...hurts my brain very hard sometimes when things come out of people's mouth who have not allowed themselves to be at all further informed or updated with new data from their last data point/decision point. If all people in the past operated this way we would still be blood letting as a therapy....omg...I feel like I need to tap out of most of society these days. I sit at my 13 year old lacrosse practice listening to parents talk about when to get their kids boosted so to not do it when the kid has sports as it makes them sick....dear lord people are still running to get an almost non effective booster with risk for their kids who have some insanely low chance of any dire illness and it doesn't stop them from getting it? Higher chance the kids has other side effects!!! Its insane. 🙄

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Amazing isn't it? I have a 12 and 13 year old and I hear the same thing. I hope my wife understands that the jab isn't an option for either of them and I'm NOT negotiable on that at all. There's a lot of give-and-take in a marriage and I compromise on many things in my household but jabbing the kids is NOT one of those things. I love them too much. I haven't even allowed them to get a covid test -- not even once. Yes, people would consent to giving a nearly non-effective vaxx to kids with an infinitessimally low risk of dire illness. It's absolutely insane.

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Need more Dad's like you (protecting your children.) Just be grateful they are not 20-something right now.

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Hillary is a disgusting threesome all by herself.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

I personally know so many that have afib issues now and they range in age from 50 to 80. It must

be noted that they were all double vaccinated and some had boosters. Just sayin...

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Have a friend who got blood clots after the first series (briefly hospitalized), almost died from clots after the boosters. Can't see the connection. I'm out of energy trying, anymore.

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It is absolutely exhausting trying to wake people up but I will never stop trying....

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How old is your Mom? And does she understand that right now the highest initial cases and repeat cases are among the Vaxxed? I’m 70 and find my age group officially “skeptical.” It’s the 40-50 demographic that are CDC regurgitating sheep…. And now they’re going enthusiastically vax their children.

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Not!!!! Gen-X as a rule are not the followers of rules. And my boomer mom is vaxxed to the maxx.

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Interesting… the “Moms” I know with young children or teenagers are mask and vax happy! And many Boomers started with the vax but now are questioning it all. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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I think it totally depends on where you live and what your political leanings are. I’m independent politically (I just hate authoritarians of all types) and my family of 5 including kids are unvaxxed and my kids know the vax is a scam. My Boomer parents are vaxxed to the max even though they have had escalations of underlying health issues from them. They “trust their doctors” so they won’t do it. My own doctor is based and unvaxxed and didn’t vax her kids. She told me nearly all of her patients fell in line and took the vax except for me and she didn’t ever give it in her office and certainly never pushed it.

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It's so hard to believe their are people this naive...

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After all this time, it's easy to believe.

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I’ve heard you say you don’t read your comments, but someone my appreciate this. Arginine and taurine together stopped all arrithmias in this study. I use beet juice powder instead of arginine to create nitric oxide. Works like a charm. If it doesn’t stop them, I take the taurine and all gone!

My cardiologist wasn’t even curious. Had no interest in the research or the effect it had on me. Just offered A beta blocker.


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Interesting, I just read today. Mercola just had an article about beet juice.

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I take Beet Root powder everyday. Love it.!! Gives a nice little boost in the A.M. with a cup of Coffee.

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I’ll check it out.

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Those super beets being advertised on TV gave 3 grams sugar. Don’t buy those. Beets are already sweet. I buy Puritan Pride beetroot powder and add scoop to my coffee. If you put in something cold it won’t dissolve. So something hot works great. Also it’s non GMO, no preservatives, no additives.

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Thank you so much!

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Sure sandikohn!!

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Thanks for sharing. As a unvaccinated younger (for heart-disease/35 year old) person with occasional, once every few months, feeling of irregularity/tightness in my chest, I might try this.

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I don’t take Arginine because it activates herpies. Interesting that COVID is a lipid coated virus, so increasing intake of Lycine with food and supplementation and limiting Arginine foods will fight the virus

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Funny how authors such as you and RFK, both formerly associated as liberal or democrat, are immediately denounced by modern/cuurent liberals as nut jobs, anti-vaxxers or Trumpers, before they even know the content of your book or his book, let alone read one of them.

Keep up the good work please.

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And my sister responded in rage when I sent her Naomi Wolf's very reasonable and nuanced substack article about Roe

This may seem like a non sequitor but its not

America is so brainwashed and divided

I'm not sure any of this can be fixed - if you've got a mother who thinks well of wrecking ball Biden things might be past the point of no return (as Thomas Sowell warned us)

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My mom also had to be hospitalized after her first shot due to A Fib and CHF going out of control. Narrowly avoided it after second shot by strictly monitoring and adjusting for it after second shot. My mom, who was a nurse, definitely attributed it to the shots and swore that she would have no boosters. She ultimately died in late 2021 of other non- A Fib and non-CHF causes (at the age of 91) which were wholly unrelated to covid or the vaccines, but my surviving 92 year old dad still maintains that he will take no boosters because of what the shots did to my mom the first time.

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The shots like child sacrafice (abortion) are sacraments in the religion of liberlism/leftism...nothing can prove their sacraments to be invalid or dangerous.

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My mom STILL thinks the democrats are the party for the people who care about you and would never tweet anything mean. Even tho she knows better and in general a very sensible and smart woman. She is in that Elon musk meme about how the party left him on the conservative side only she hasn’t figured that out yet.

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When all these Lefties realize they've been snowed, the Elites need to be in hiding because they will be targeted. It sure is hard waiting for the Left to catch up.

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Your mother is like my daughter. It looks like you and I have become the sandwich generation.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

The elderly grew up in a culture of trusting authority, unlike younger generations. My mother is the same. She is at 4 shots. No problems yet though I have no doubts it is coming and will be blamed on "natural causes". The people who are intentionally lying about the shots know what is going down, but are doing it anyway. The are evil, plain and simple.

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Luckily, my mom recognized that it might be the vaccines. She developed a-fib and is going for a second cardio version. She had first two shots but refuses the boosters.

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My mom came to visit me and when I dropped her at the airport, she put her mask on. I asked her what she was doing as she hadn't worn one the entire weekend in some very crowded rooms. She said that her doctor had recommended it and even if it didn't protect her from covid-19, it might protect her from the flu or a cold. I didn't want to get into it with her because apparently, she believes whatever her doctor tells her despite the fact that 1. there's no convincing empirical evidence showing the masks work, particularly the cloth one she was using and 2. there's no reason that disease is any particular threat on a plane vs every other social situation in your life and 3. didn't the airlines tell us that the ventilation systems were like super safe on an airplane and thus we didn't have to worry about covid despite the fact that we were told to practice social distancing, maintain 6 feet of distance, and avoid small enclosed spaces? Yeah, I'm believing NONE of this!

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If YOU cannot convince your mom, I seriously don’t know how the rest of us can convince others. But we shall continue to try and ever grateful for your research and persistence for the truth!!

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Too bad you can't airmail that afib to someone who REALLY deserves it... 😬

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Gawd yes. The saline receivers posing as jabbed.

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Your mother is so typical of that generation and that demographic; my mother is very similar, though in her case she had all the jabs and still got COVID twice. She already had similar cardiac problems to your mother.

But just like yours there is a blinder over her eyes that does not allow her to see reality as regards the democrat party. She is so deluded, coming up for 89 and sadly is unable to be red-pilled.

I’m thankful that I have been red-pilled ever since my world view was brought into line with the scriptures; and I hope you continue to be red-pilled too, Alex, all the way to belief in God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

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Being a regular contributor to Fox, Alex, you can commiserate with Jesse Watters, who has an equally hardheaded, liberal mom😃

🙏🏻 for her dog

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I'm starting to wonder if mom even reads your work.

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Don't fret Alex. You're not alone. My mother also feels that Trump was/is the antichrist and that Biden saved us all. Although Trump is no peach, the older generation has an abnormal hate for him. It's an odd mass formation psychosis that many are dealing with. Good luck with your mom and her dog. We all have our "stories"... 😉

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At least she has a sense of humor. Good luck with her.

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Well we wish her the best. If she's like my wife's mom, she's stuck in the cult.

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Sadly, her dog's lymphoma may have also been triggered by vaccines

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Either vaccines or lawn chemicals. There’s a high correlation between treated lawns and canine lymphomas.

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Alex, the likelihood is that your mom has paroxysmal AFIB (comes and goes) and that the "vaccine" is a trigger for it (like alcohol), and she may have this condition for years.

Think of AFIB as a short circuiting of the wiring harness for the heart. Just as we're used to seeing bundles of wires in our cars having insulation rubbed off and short circuits occurring as a sign of age, this is kind of what happens to cause AFIB.

The mortal risk of AFIB is that if the chambers of the heart don't behave synchronously (in sinus rhythm) blood may pool and clot. And if such a clot escapes the heart and lodges in the lungs you get a pulmonary embolism; in the brain, a stroke.

Your mom's cardiologist prescribed an oral anti-coagulant (AOC) as a prophylactic.

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I think that is a very astute observation. It's probably true that the virus itself can be a trigger. I suffered from POTS 25 years ago. After I contracted covid back in 2021 the POTS came roaring back with a vengeance. From September of 2021 until March 2022 I had to revert back to my POTS protocol of diet and exercise. The virus and vax are both bewildering things but I do think the vax is much worse.

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You are a good son. Parent's views are often not understood by their children. This is the way life goes. We can all appreciate loving someone who cannot cross a bridge with us.

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