Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidence.

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"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."

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Tragic...There are NO Coincidences Now.....The Jabbed are dying and Nobody is Listening!

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Dec 26, 2021·edited Dec 26, 2021

They’re intentionally not listening so they can ignore and not admit to the multitude of health issues and deaths they are directly responsible for…..just as Alex points out in his recent post on vaccines for kids the elites are pushing

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Profits over people. Especially considering the warnings they have just issued for their new expensive anti-viral oral meds.

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By making people sick they’re creating a longterm revenue stream.

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I have said this for over 40 years. There is no money in healthy people

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Just came up with a clever one today . . .

eu·tha·n a·sia


the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The practice is illegal in most countries.



the painless or painful killing of a citizen not suffering from any disease or pain, and not at any significant statistical risk of death from covid-19, through forcible or voluntary mRNA "vaccination". The practice is legal in most countries.

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Dr. Tenpenny is calling it democide instead of genocide. Rudolph Rummel describes it as "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command."

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Youth In Asia....

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If Pfizer or Moderna have anything to do with my meds...count me out!

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That is a great post. I have been sharing it.

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lots of people are listening, just not the fauci influenced demons that have this plan....

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"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is vaccine action."

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... Three times is enemy action." What about 50,000 times?

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Or 50 mill.? Nothing to see here, Just jeep on moving on. (side effects are not finished counting yet, Just wait for the next years counting)

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And now we have the new side-effects warnings for the new expensive oral anti-virals. It’s only a matter of time before someone dies from one of them.

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If it is EUA, you can't be forced to take it.

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That's true but they don't even follow their own rules. Look at our military, many don't want it. And after WWII, the Nuremberg rules said you can't force vaccines, and that the prospective patients must have informed consent. Most people don't know that these are experimental vaccines. With terrible side effects. And shouldn't be given to people who don't need it. Children (and pregnant women) defintely shouldn't have it. Vaccines are supposed to be highly scrutinized, because you are giving something to somebody who isn't sick. These VAERS reports should be scrutinized, but they are discouraging doctors to report these incidents, and some doctors don't even know about VAERS. Pharm companies also game the system by claiming that for the first 2 weeks you won't be considered 'vaccinated'. Correlation is highly recognized by the measure of time. If death or serious illness happens within 2 weeks, they are HIGHLY correlated with the 'vaccine'. I also understand that 'excess deaths' are up. What's THAT all about?

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A lot of human "guinea pigs" will end up dead as they failed to educated themselves on the issues. They fell for the lies, misinfo, disinfo, distortions, distractions, deceptions, confusion and fear mongering by the Khazarian Mafia owned media outlets. As the old saying goes>>> Ignorance costs more than knowledge.

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Auric Goldfinger..... James Bond... a great quote

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"No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die"

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You do realize, I hope, that Bond villains are reflections of politics at the time the film was mad. Russians during the Cold War, etc.

I wonder if the next Bond villain with be a crazed, megalomaniac "medical professional."

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Haven't you seen No Time To Die?

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No, 'fraid not.

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A anti-vaxxer.

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Dec 28, 2021·edited Dec 28, 2021

Speaking of James Bond. Do a search for the From Russia With Love character, Colonel Rosa Klebb. She is what Chris Plante calls Jen Psaki, the White House mouthpiece with the gasoline colored hair. Same evil look.

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Comment of the year!!

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I was going to write the same exact thing...but you beat me to it. Bravo!

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What a coincidence! 😂 😂

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Do like Biden and plagiarize it somewhere else...

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Unlike Biden, you forgot to add “End of message” to your comment.

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More people have died of the vaxx than of the virus.

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And I would rather die than get bells palsy.

I don't believe in suicide... but I would rather nature take me than a shot from hell

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You are correct John. 15 years ago I got Bells Palsy, and never fully recovered. Only 60% of my right side facial muscles work. I can’t smile correctly, my eye does not voluntarily blink. It’s difficult to chew/swallow, and to breath out of my right nostril. 8 years of PT and $7k in uncovered medical bills, I will never be right. Don’t take the jab.

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I am so sorry that you had to go through this. My son was injured by vaccines too. People don't understand how utterly tragic it is until it affects someone in their orbit. My heart goes out to you and all that you've gone through. We've spent thousands to try to help make his life more normal. We've made progress, but he will never be the kid he should have been.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

I nearly became one of the 15,000 people per year killed in the USA by FDA-approved NSAID drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories i.e. Advil, Aleve, etc.).

As they used an endoscopic laser to cauterize the numerous breached arteries in my GI tract in the ICU the earnest ER doc told me "you must never take NSAIDs again". They're considered "very safe, very low risk" by the medical establishment. Fifteen thousand dead per year is just a blip to them. Digesting food is now somewhat difficult for me, but at least I'm still breathing.

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Sorry for your suffering, CarolAnne. I'm glad you are here and I hope you get everything you need.

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Wow. I thought Bell's always resolved in a few weeks. Thanks for the reality check!

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CarolAnne, I am so sorry. I hope for a miracle for you.

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Yep...shits real safe...if you believe that, you are as dumb a obiden.

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Totally agree. I can only take so much. I have to take mini vacations from this death cult and Vatican false pope etc. But you are right

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I thought a newscaster in GB announced last night that the pope died? Or was it the queen??

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I am Catholic. Perennial Catholic teaching is... drumroll... a non Catholic can't become Pope. If he gets all the votes. FRANCIS AIN'T POPE. Sadly he and Masonic handlers are alive to persecute Catholic Church and further NWO.

Great Apostasy in a nutshell.

I don't give a damn what 7b think, or 1.2 billion people who think they're Catholic but objectively aren't.

They didn't say GREAT apostasy for nothing!

200k of us. Many mean, arrogant .

You'd be mean if 2 Catholic Churches in Texas. 1 resident priest.

Christmas mass yday? Video, Missal.

I prayed Rosary across the street from desecrated Immaculate Conception once Beautiful Cathdral. Now utterly desecrated.

No March 2020 without Oct 1958

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The Pope the Queen is already gone but will be officially announced soon b

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Where can you get a vacation from the Satanic Pope?

Is the lower kingdom safer than this?

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Popes have been extremely brave in speaking out against secret societies, communism, nazis, fascists...

This all changed with non Catholics non popes since Oct 1958...lapdog false poped

The difference could not be starker .

When we get a true Pope, it will mark the end of this psyops.

Vast majority hold papacy in contempt.

Lenin, Stalin, tyrants don't

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When you call him an Evil pope, a bad Pope, a wicked pope.... you are PART OF THE PROBLEM.

TAKE AWAY his power:. Say truth:


Pope Paul IV declared a non Catholic can't become Pope.

Cum_ex_apostolatus_officio, mid 1500s

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Don't know what true side effects are since the data is hidden; but of the people I know have had side effects of Guilliane Barre & singles most have had none of minor side effects. But still. . .

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Not to mention auto-immune attacks against your own heart, lungs, liver, etc.

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better to remain silent than speak and show you are a fool

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I've been trying to explain to people - When I'm dying I want to use the last strength I can muster from my dying body to raise my fist in the air and say "Pharma didn't kill me!".....I'm willing to take my chances with the defense nature gave me.

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Just a really, really big coincidence

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Great link! Scary how this info is widely/completely suppressed.

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God bless you. Total war on population

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Same pharmacy in VA that delivers all their meds on out tax dollars. https://news.yahoo.com/old-school-pharmacy-hand-delivers-083029743.html

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Just like in the spy novels, there are no coincidences.

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Like heart attacks, still births, miscarriages, Suicide, a fall that killed, OD's are skyrocketing, Is any one doing Autopsies? They are getting so desperate they are getting UNTRAINED store Managers to perform the Nose Rape test, 50 yr old Type 2 Diabetic son put in 92 hrs this week, as a Manager, for Backyard Burgers, District ordered him to run the test, he told them he's not a medically trained person. 2 he wasn't wearing a mask or getting jabbed. No 1 works more than a week any way. To many Mandates. Hubs 'had' to have a J/J jab for his own STUPID reasoning. Doesn't want to read, or listen to intelligent advice, he's 81, now has increased heart issues, still waiting on testing to come back. BUT his Cardio was REAL FAST getting him in early and running extra usually not done tests, tells me they know about the heart issues of the Jab. In a very SNEAKY WAY WE NOW HAVE TV ACTORS PLAYING TV CARDIOS, WARNING PEOPLE OF SIGNS OF HEART ISSUES YOU NEED THE ER FOR, NOT A WORD ABOUT COVID. Change the words, change the Message or misdirect it.

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Fraudci: “maybe he ate eggs with bacon that same morning. Therefore increased his LDL cholesterol and died”

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That's what i call him! Smart Alfonso!

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Great interview here with Godfather Fauci and Jimmy Dore:


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CO2 excess in atmosphere!

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This is called "iatrogenic disease". When your doctor maims and/or kills you. The other major cause of death in hospitals are "nosocomial infections". The 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. is from doctors.

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Per Trump, either this is fake news & Tejada's still alive, or he wasn't a person, so not to worry!

"People are not dying from the vaccine." -Donald Trump

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Well said

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Well said, well spoken!

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If you die within 30 days of testing positive it’s a covid death. Imagine if they used the same standard for vaccine deaths.

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They actually shortened the time from 14 days to 7 (double chk me on that one but I am almost positive) AND changed the official definition of “vaccine”. Whens the last time you've seen Governors and pharmacists get in between doctors and their patients? They changed the way they report flu cases Jan 2020. We went from 38 MILLION to 2000. The censorship of EXPERTS, FDA approved therapeutics and the intentional flooding of America with 2 million untested, unvaxed illegals were the biggest tells. You don’t censor doctors and medications when “MILLIONS are going to die”. In a REAL pandemic if they thought shoving marshmallows up your butt would help, they would tell us to do it!! Best question ever that I cannot take credit for; “If you turned off the TV, what evidence would you see of a pandemic”?

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Check out Dr. Peter McCollough he’s a well- known cardiologist, epidemiologist, and has written many peer-reviewed studies. The healthcare bureaucracy has tried to smear and malign this man for no other reason than he’s promoting of early treatment protocols. He says 85% of all Covid deaths could’ve been prevented wit( early treatment.

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Dr. McCullough has been a hero of this pandemic.

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One of many. At some point it will become a tsunami. Dr. Pierre Kory. Dr. Ryan Cole. Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, all 55,000 professional signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration. Reiner Fuellmich, a German/American lawyer leading an international team of lawyers filing suits in many nations and at the International Criminal Court. Pray that their efforts and of many others will soon lead to a turning point that will reverse the nightmare we've been living through.

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I don't think Reiner Füllmich deserves to be mentioned in the same breath with Drs. McCullough et cetera. He's been collecting 800 euros a head from gullible marks hoping for relief by joining the lawsuits he's filed. So far, they have received a big fat nothing in return. No updates on his website. I think he's a grifter and a con-man.

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Reiner Fullmich has done more to open the eyes of the world than anyone. He is where I first heard about the fraudulent PCR tests and because of him, I've taken a real eye opening trip down the rabbit hole of corruption that is world governments.

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Watch nuremberg2.0 on insta. He is standing up for all of us.

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That guy is FEARLESS and a great doctor! He treated over 7000 high risk patience with early HCQ treatment and didn’t lose one patient. I believe only one was hospitalized. It was at this point Gov. Cuomo signed an executive order forbidding the prescribing of HCQ. At the time of this XO, Dr. Zelenko was the ONLY doctor prescribing HCQ in the entire state. People need to wake up quickly. We are at war for our freedom.

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DR Zelenko saved thousands using HCQ and then NY took it from him! I think he is one of the greatest. Watch some of his videos on rumble, utube will not post him, of course. There are many, many other doctors out there with brains to see how wrong this is, some of them stand up, some are afraid. We need more with courage. I recently saw one on OAN (great station that many people do not get) his name is Brian Tyson and he runs an urgent care in ElCentro California. This will eventually be decided by the Supreme Court. This, my friends is where we need courage! I’m hoping they have the guts to decide that we are a free nation! We are free to choose and make our own medical decisions, not be punished, loose jobs, be ostracized or what ever! But as of late, they seem like cowards to me! It’s in their hands and I hope many of these doctors will be able to testify for us.

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Dr. Harvey Risch and Dr. Scott Atlas too.

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Yes! And don't forget the other great cardiologist who has been a hero: Richard Fleming


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Fleming is a GEM yes!

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He sure has!

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Joe Rogan did a 2.5 hour interview with him recently that was very good and highly informative.

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Dec 26, 2021·edited Dec 26, 2021

It’s interesting also that Yahoo news and others are out there saying that Rogan interviewed “debunked” Dr. McCullough and then refer to him as “Mr.“ McCullough throughout their story. They are in serious damage control right now in the Ministry of Truth and utilizing everything they have to lead people away from the obvious conclusions on the shots.

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The attacks on the contrarian medical professionals is troubling. I expect that these doctors will be proved correct. And I hope the paper-pushing bureaucrats will be identified as incompetent and dangerous.

I fantasize that Fauci's obit will begin with "discredited and disgraced former head of the NIAID."

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Incompetence would have a random effect on outcomes, their consistency in being wrong to the benefit of their corporate masters is obviously deliberate malfeasance. The "incompetence" defense has long since flown.

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I like the way you think.

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Add Murderer among many.

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The pro-depopulation cult leaders are HIGHLY organized and coordinated indicating much training and obedience among those manipulating the sheep. I fear all branches and levels of government in all ‘advanced’ counties are compromised (underscoring systematic coordination) such that reversing this well-financed (think international banking) global coup will be as unlikely as eliminating a metastatic cancer. ..but not impossible. They were wise this time by controlling the media and employing widespread censorship.

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Well, at some places in the lower levels, yes.

At the top-most, policy-level, decision-making persons: something much worse than 'incompetent'. They can read. They're not stupid. They go along with [the program] to save their skins, to save their jobs ... but they know the truth.

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Any obituary should include the names of all the orphans he killed. Probably none of them got an obituary.


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The corruption is how deep now?

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And now incarcerated .

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I checked out one of the "debunkers"--financed by Facebook, Google and similar groups. Yeah, right!

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RIght now there's a "horse dewormer" story on the front page of Yahoo news.

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Do they even believe their crap?

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MEDIA= Making Everyone Dumb In America

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Watched the entire interview. And rewatched it, to be sure I hadn't missed anything.

An effortless exercise.

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One of the best interviews wasn't it!

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Also Alex's interview in October.

You'll need to look for it, if you haven't seen it, but Bret Weinstein & Pierre Kory was another worthwhile 2+ hours of your time.

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I use Kory and Risch-McCullough sites for reference for awhile now. flccc.net and earlycovidcare.org

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Have seen SOOOO many these past few years lol

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Been following all the censored doctors. McCullough, Malone, Cole, Gold. Dr David Martin lays out the entire scheme.

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Dr. Mercola is another good one to follow. He has some great interviews.

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Mercola is a great gather of all the people whom WE NEED to hear more from. There is a reason Mercola was # 1 on the puppet's 12 list

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Don’t forget the FLCCC, Dr Pierre Kory et al

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Amen to that! Many people have died because legitimate treatments have been censored and the doctors silenced and these lowlifes want to demonize the unvaxxed to no end....🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Absolutely unbelievable!

Now the ball is in their court.... wonder if the NYT will step up or just silence this too. My guess...🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫

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Crickets and flowers to the widow and family.

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Yep and so pathetic

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Sadly so.

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Yes.... shameful

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And he believes in viruses...

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And Rogan believes in "horse de-wormer." LOL!

Only Rogan could have effectively struck back at the attackers.

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You are right. Thank God that guy moved to Texas a couple of years ago and started hanging out with Navy Seals. He is arguably the most influential person in media today.

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so much success w/ the low/no side effects of IVM/Hydro. why not try but guess that means less $ & power

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Yes on both your points! And so many people are brainwashed thinking IVM is equine only and hydrochloroquin is bad because Trump used it. Just absolutely criminal that Fauci et al are still downplaying the use of early therapeutics and just focusing on vaccines. Patients should be allowed to choose their treatments based upon facts and discussion with their doctor. Death (caused by going home and isolating until it's too late) is much worse a side effect than anything listed for IVM/Hydro.

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absolutely spot on! typo (sorry): McCullough.

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I turned off my teevee about 5 years ago. Unfortunately, I still see plenty of “evidence” of a “pandemic” in the form of muzzles strapped to faces. Which is why, on the very rare occasion that I strap on, mine says (thanks, Etsy) COVID THEATER PROP. Mainly, it helps me keep a sense of equilibrium.

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I've had it interesting that CVS stopped selling cheap individual surgical masks about a half a year ago here in South Florida.

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Let’s make a deal—you ship Gov. DeSantis to Illinois, and we’ll FedEx Gov. Prickster to Florida. And we’ll sweeten the deal with a billion muzzles. We have so many we wouldn’t even notice.

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Prickster has shipped his family down to the free state of FL while he tells us slaves to mask up. At the Halloween event at the governors mansion, the workers bringing candy to Pritzker were all masked up, while him and his wife were not. Yes, it was outdoors, but why do the workers have to wear masks and he doesn’t? It’s all such a scam. I want out of this state so bad.

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There was a dictation typo in my comment above, it should be... I find it interesting that CVS...

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Mine’s a mesh mask also from Etsy. Totally useless but sometimes I have to play the game. I figure if they can lie and cheat, I can too.

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Thats not evidence of a pandemic. Masks are evidence of stupidity and fear. At the least, the pandemic should have solved the homeless problem in America. Anyone been stepping over bodies? (other than the drug overdoses)

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Where can we find that mask? Or did you make it yourself?

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To my surprise, I had no problem placing a custom order via Etsy. I expected a hissing refusal, but, happily, no drama!

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Yes! I love that! We live in Portland where many people are tied to their masks still, even outdoors. It drives me crazy. I may be getting one of those masks

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Since the CDC is changing COVID tests and moving away from the PCR test at the end of 2021. https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html, and Gates/Soros own the COVID "tests"  https://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddawkins/2021/07/19/george-soros-and-bill-gates-backed-consortium-to-buy-uk-maker-of-covid-lateral-flow-tests-for-41-million/?sh=5533fb5f2687,

they can control the narrative. These "lateral-flow-tests" reportedly identify asymptomatic COVID carriers who do not have symptoms but "can transmit" the virus (this flies in the face of real science, which says only symptomatic people pass viruses)...if asymptomatic unjabbed workers are mandated to have weekly COVID tests, they can effectively blame asymptomatic, healthy unjabbed people for positive COVID numbers in companies and the world at large. This will allow them to quarantine or confine/alienate healthy, asymptomatic unjabbed people as the "culprits"...

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Time to move to states that are free. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I'm leaving CA for AZ. It's incredibly difficult to do, but it will only get worse

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You're making the right choice, however difficult it is to make the move. I just moved from Los Angeles to South Carolina. One of the main reasons was the oppressive Covid hysteria in California. What a world of difference! Everyone here is living normally. You aren't subjected to non-stop Covid propaganda or crazy Karens confronting people not wearing masks (as I had happen in LA). No mask mandates in stores or restaurants, and of course, no vaxx passport like in LA. Sometimes employees of large chains such as Walgreens, Whole Foods, & Starbucks wear masks (mandated by their employer, no doubt), but most customers don't, and even fewer people wear a mask while walking in the street or park.

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We also fled crazy California for SC and love love love it. We will continue to vote Republican to keep this beautiful state free.

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Making the same move asap.

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Which city did you choose in SC?

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Just because some people call themselves Republicans don't mean shit...you MUST be a concertivtive...not a RINO Republican.

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This is obviously the right thing to do if you cherish your liberties. However, as a native South Carolinian I want to say that we have a deep fear that people who have long lived in progressive environments may choose to move for purely monetary reasons; lower taxes, lower real estate costs, etc. and bring the same voting mindset that created the problems they are fleeing and turn the promised land of liberty into just another progressive hellhole.

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Same worry here in TX.

Texas Monthly article says the newcomers are close to a 50/50 split (don't recall exact #'s - something like 50.2 favor Dems, 49.8 favor Repubs).

Just my opinion - Repubs need to actually reach out to Asians, Hispanics, and yes, Blacks too. Running ads at election time on talk radio isn't going to cut it.

Many people can make select quotes from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. I've actually read it. To me, the Democrats provide a lot of material allowing Repubs to use those rules against them.

If only the Repubs had the backbone.

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Check your liberal politics at the boarder.

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I'm looking at leaving Cal too--only MT, TX, and FL have ridded themselves of both vax mandates AND vax passports. Vaxx mandates is most of the battle. I visited Idaho (Boise, a blue city) and was bummed to see vax passports (just in one place, a large venue) but still it was overall a wonderful break from Covidiocy. Felt privileged to be allowed to eat in a restaurant.

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Welcome to SC. We escaped CT 5 years ago. As you said, people of SC have not stopped living. We haven't worn masks in 18 months.

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I'm on that ride too. Just not sure where. We are older. My husband still works. Money is pay to pay. We are in NW CT. Ideas?

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I'm taking care of 91-year-old father. When he doesn't need me anymore, I'm going to Texas where I lived for 20 years before I returned to New England to care for elderly parents.

Texas is wonderful. I loved every minute I spent there. And NO state income tax.

Great people, too.

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Tennessee is all of a sudden one of the hot spots also. No state income tax either, and plentiful job opportunities. Bonus: Smokey Mountains. Also, West Virginia is lucrative. And the climate in each is better than Texas, which is merciless in summer.

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We were hoping to be Winter Texans for a few months when my husband retires - in the RGV - but we've watched that dream evaporate this year with the policies of the Brandon administration. Depressing.

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Southeast (Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, the South generally). Warmer weather and temperate winters. Cheaper cost of living. More relaxed lifestyle.

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Florida, Tennessee, Texas.

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We have looked a bit. Tennessee or Fla. Not sure what areas are best. I know red areas but with influx of immigration, not sure how long they will stay that way. Thank u kindly.

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Southerners still value freedom and individualism. Pay to pay will make it hard, but housing and cost of living is much lower. With every day that goes by it will become harder to do.

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Oklahoma most inexpensive and the most FREE state. Look at her analysis.

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And Oklahoma is the *most* varied ecology (mountains, plains, evergreen forests, sahara-like deserts, buttes.) I live in the hilliest part, where my back deck overlooks tree-lined ravines for as far as the eye can see.

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The only drawback of Oklahoma is they do have a State Income Tax. My friend only stayed there 5 years and then decided to move back to Texas where they don’t have one.

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Loved looking there. Big help. Thank u

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Thank you. Very helpful.

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Thank you so much. Lots of thoughts racing through my head.

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A close friend moved to Columbia MO in July 2020--relocated by his company. I've visited three times. Missouri impresses me. Good people, and it seems a very sensible state government.

Lots of common sense there.

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Sounds like part of the plan to prevent in person voting and mandate vote by mail.

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I've been saying the same thing for months!!!

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These tests are dangerous. Why would anyone take a test from these 2 investors??

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Folks that need to work to pay their bills and don't see the big picture...

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Sadly, sometimes they do see the big picture and are in a position of having to gamble to keep the lights on and the food on the table. Sometimes folks are so indebted to the banks that they cannot afford to quit their job or be fired for refusing the vaccine.

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Sounds like the squid game

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So they are admitting in that statement that the previous tests could not differentiate between Covid and influenza? No wonder the flu cases dropped to next to nothing, if they were all diagnosed as Covid, resulting in an equal number of erroneously identified Covid cases.

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All fraud based on fraudulent testing. Common sense is gone...

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My response to 'asymptomatic people spreading the virus' has been " you can't give what you don't have. In Dr.Huber's book, she quotes a gentleman who said something similar (I am paraphrasing here): "If my viral load isn't high enough to make me sick, then how can I make someone else ill?"

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ALL the tests are fraud. WTH is wrong with people...

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"Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. • The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. • The performance of this test has not been established for screening of blood or blood products for the presence of 2019-nCoV. • This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens" https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:2CdsyomID6IJ:https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-b-d

CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel - Instructions for Use


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I read this means the CDC is no longer sending pcr tests to labs but labs will get them elsewhere. Will need to see what happens

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make your own hydroxychloroquine, easy and very satisfying


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Exactly unplug, unsubscribe and laugh at these corrupt lying bastards

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Certainly all the bodies piling up on the street would alert you.

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If there’s one thing Chicago does well, it’s clearing bodies off the streets! Must be the decades of practice?

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lines for testing. thats about it. maybe people driving alone with masks on.

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Dec 25, 2021·edited Dec 25, 2021

President Brandon has them practicing for the up incoming for 2022 food lines.

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Allergens are high and they don't like what the air conditioner does to their gas mileage?

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I don’t believe a true pandemic would be politicized. Trump and the media succeeded in dividing the country and pushing the majority to get a shot no questions asked.

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Nice try. The Democratic candidates were saying they wouldn't trust vaccines that Trump got developed, that was the first politicizing of the vaccines, and Pfizer waited until after the election to announce that they would have theirs ready before the end of the year, as Trump had predicted. But as soon as the Democrats took office, and the vaccine became more widely available, they where then all gung ho for it, but saying they wouldn't mandate it and then step-by-step pushing to mandate it, even after it was shown not to stop transmission, so it should have been treated like any medication where the patients and their doctors weigh the benefits and risks. Fauci, the CDC and Biden and Democratic governments around the country also do not recognize natural immunity, and try to penalize those who do not get vaccinated. Trump would not have done that.

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Really? "People are not dying from the vaccine." -Donald Trump

Guess my friends' moms either weren't people. Trump's lying narcissism makes him an accomplice to democide.

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As my entrepreneur nephew wisely said, he watched what Donald Trump did, not what he said. And you can't even compare the state of the country today with what it was under Donald Trump, in spite of all the roadblocks they threw at him. Yes, he is sometimes misinformed about medical issues, but he would not have mandated the vaccines. I also believe he was more or less hoodwinked by the pharmaceutical industry, which threw him under the bus by not revealing the vaccine would be available shortly until after the election, because he was going to force them to match the drug prices from the rest the world.

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Trump is not misinformed. It's nearly 2022. He is aware tens of thousands are dying from the vaccine, and he's lying about it.

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If you need an army, you must first create a enemy.

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Trump was just a populist puppet. The global elites don’t take risks with just one horse in the race. Way too much power and money on the line. It’s all psychological manipulation of the masses.

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Basically none. I know only two people who had a bad flu.

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Truly, an invisible enemy, as Donald Trump used to say.

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None, of course.

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