Donald J. Trump promises a new style of governance - muscular, angry, and unwilling to accept woke lies. Everyone agrees Washington is broken. We're about to find out if he's the one to fix it.
I agree with most of what you say, but related to J6 -- do we even know what really happened? The committee failed miserably because they didn't want the truth, they wanted to get Trump. Yes, any person who committed an act of violence should have been prosecuted. Most of the people at the Capitol that day weren't violent protesters. They shouldn't have been prosecuted at all. I wanted those responsible to be punished -- but was absolutely floored at the rhetoric coming from the media and the Democrats and then the committee. They didn't want justice, they just wanted to destroy Trump. And considering so much of the evidence is gone, the committee didn't seek truth or answers -- and so many truly innocent people who were simply present were prosecuted and forced to accept plea deals (forced, because otherwise it would have cost them everything they owned to fight the government) -- I'm okay with a guilty man going free if that means that hundreds of innocents are also free. What's the quote? It's better than ten guilty men go free than one innocent man goes to prison? Something like that.
Without evidence (was all destroyed), how could there be an impartial judgement made of the J6 individuals - not to mention the extreme punishment and making an "example" of the participants? That's a violation of the 8th amendment and while some nuance was in the J6 pardons, we will likely never know the truth. My opinion on those members still in Congress are they are censured and removed from committees. Shameful yet they feel zero shame, especially 4 still holding seats: Bennie Thompson (D-MS), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Pete Aguilar (D-CA). Disgusting.
The information about the destroyed evidence is clearly being ignored by the media. And it's crucial. While I'm not ready to say everyone who was there is innocent of a crime, if evidence is destroyed, they can not mount a defense. If a prosecutor withheld or destroyed evidence in a crime, the defendant would go free. That's what really bothers me. I'm sure there are some bad apples, but hundreds of people pled guilty to crimes they probably didn't commit because they couldn't afford to fight the government. They could have lost their homes, their jobs, more. The committee didn't get to the truth -- which would have been nuanced. The committee fed the media a narrative.
I’m not sure I understand how evidence got destroyed . What was that about ? I feel like I heard someone say they got charged with hitting the police when they were trying to move a woman who was dying on the ground and getting hit ! He wasn’t trying to hurt anyone . Did anyone hear him speak ?
To answer Alex‘s point more broadly: unless you grew up in the Soviet Union or Korea, nobody going to the capital would’ve expected that simply being someplace, including reacting to tear gas and general mayhem, would land you in jail for three years. And certainly not after 2020 in which in effect the judicial standards changed. The US public was now under “notice” that none of this was punishable – – “peaceful protests“, even without a permit, were just fine, and major politicians would even pay your bail! The punishment for the J6 protesters was vastly disproportionate, especially considering most were veterans without any criminal record whatsoever.
Gov response (really perpetration to begin with- a ‘set-up’, most of which we need facts to be fully revealed) was totally political. The ‘committee’ was illegitimate and a series of injustice, then endless illegal holding (w/o trial), arresting, on & on. Some has been documented (by courageous and honest investigators), but none of it has been officially investigated. Of course, Biden issues pardons, because whoever is directing him, knows the wrongdoing by Cheney, Thompson, et al and, perhaps worse, the FALSE testimony of 4 DC police at trials of J6ers.
I reserve final conclusions, but continue to pray for FULL truth to come out about everything concerning Jan 6, 2021.
I believe, some of these Biden pardons, while they MAY prevent prosecution of some corrupt actions by gov officials (orig J6 committee AND their staffers (& FBI interrogators??), but they are still obligated to give truthful testimony or commit perjury. Stay tuned….
That is not the point...I am sure there is plenty to "convict," but what evidence that could potentially clear someone or provide doubt, etc. has been destroyed? At least that is how I see it...not being able to get evidence in discovery that could show one is innocent or other explanation as to what really happened.
what you are highlighting is the need for real investigative journalism. It does not exist anymore. real journalists would have separated the facts from the fiction and gone through all of the dirty laundry. (On all sides.) the new generation sees its role to communicate the wishes of power and to gain fame and prestige that way.
Agreed. The media failed us during COVID, and they failed us during J6, and they failed us during the Biden administration. How long until more people realize the media is corrupt? I appreciate Matt Taibbi and Alex and Michael Shellenberger and a few others. I also like The Free Press because they have a wide range of opinions (I don't want to just listen to an echo chamber.) A few others.
they did fail us but that was because their role has evolved in to collaborator with the powers that be versus observers looking for the truth. they sold out and as Walter Kirn said "for second rate appliances."
he is but he reminds me of the crazy uncle at Thanksgiving that i never had. What is weird is Im only a year younger than him. LOL Listen to ATW all the time.
They're using it simply as a signal for the MSM to yell "persecution" for the next four years, giving cover to these criminals so they can say it's just vindictive retribution, and wait out the clock.
The whole thing was planned by Pelosi, Wray and others to permanently discredit Donald Trump and the whole America First movement. I do not doubt that the ground was crawling with at least dozens (by Wray's own admission) and probably hundreds of FBI agents and assets from other government agencies. That they were the ones provoking the violence is the most plausible scenario (means, motive, and opportunity) and is supported by the fact that we are NOT ALLOWED TO SEE the evidence.
Yes. I partly blame the MAGA people who were used because they should have seen this coming a mile away and not participated in it. But when it came out that Trump asked for the National Guard there and it was not done, that's pretty damning that there were people in the crowd with an ulterior agenda.
I don't think very many genuine MAGA people participated in the violence (which was comparatively tame by Summer of Floyd standards). When I first saw the video from inside the Capitol, all I can remember seeing is dozens of quiet, respectful old and middle-aged people milling around (inside the ropes!) gawking. Everyone who was there has testified that they were escorted in (and out) by Capitol Police and the security guards. It's likely that 100% of the damage and vandalism was committed by government agents and assets.
Yep! And let us not forget, this is 4 years later. The guilty and the hardly-guilty have already had their lives wrecked for 4 years. Lots of rapists have gotten less.
They not only wanted to get Trump, they wanted to make an example out of every one of his followers that they could get their filthy hands on: 3AM SWAT raids, dispersing the J6 chasers across the country to make it seem like a bigger problem, withholding evidence, detainment without bail, solitary confinement. All of it to make sure nobody ever fucked with the regime again. Nessun Dorma, indeed.
I’m a uk citizen but I can see it was exactly that, punish them so no one would do it. I work for an extremely woke liberal us law firm in London. They spoke about this on one of our updates during Covid. They were so angry about it and they hate trump with such a vengeance that these people cannot see anything other than that, their hatred has caused them blindness. They even tried through pro bono to try and overturn law in relation to allowing offenders to vote. This is how desperate this liberal law firm were to prevent trump getting into power again. We must also the democrats forced people to take the Covid vaccine and people lost their jobs who said no. You don’t get no more tyrannical than that, but as I say these people are blind and cannot see past their hatred. I hope for America’s sake and the west the despicable left never return to power. Good luck to our US friends.
Btw I still work at the law firm but I’m getting close to my early retirement and once retired I’ll write a long letter to say how despicable they are. They also mandated the Covid vaccine but a small group in London said no, we held out and we know they were trying to sack us but couldn’t in UK law. At least I still have my dignity, my body autonomy and not vaccine injured as some staff are and not one of the increase in staff sadly with cancer,
Nevermind the suicides! That maybe a couple of ‘violence for its own sake’ actors benefitted from the pardons, commutations can be nullified by those who lost their lives. Anything less than what Trump did would not have been satisfying.
IF one watches the entire J6 happening without EDIT as Tucker Carlson exposed it's not hard to realize what was allowed to play out in orchestrated fashion. The CHOSEN (Pelosi chosen) Kinzinger and Cheney to be a part of that J6 con committee was telling wasn't it. Imagine If Jim Jordan had been on that committee. The FACT Pelosi turned down any assistance offered by Trump in National guard was so telling as well. Just 500 would have snuffed out the riot that day. As for those in the crowd that did engage in physicality with the Capital police have they NOT paid the price already as it's been 4 years? Of the 1500 pardoned not many who were engaging in a physical way. Not sure what # that is, but not many. The audacity the DEMS calling it on par with Pearl Harbor or Civil War or 9-11 was such a CON too.
Your critique of the injustice toward J6ers, is ONLY the tip of the iceberg. The corruption was vast and deep. Likewise, the legacy media was culpable in expanding the false narrative! So many of us saw it from that day the way events unfolded and in their immediate rabid hatred and lock-step narrative. You could almost sense Pelosi’s intent prior to that day.
Only now will truth begin to be told more widely. Certainly, those languishing YEARS in legal INjustice can tell stories of their lives upended.
Just as I never want the lies of covid to be forgotten (in spite of Fauci pardon) nor should J6 ‘operation’ be allowed to stand unexamined.
Thank God!! For FIRST amendment. Thank God for your case Alex. May it go forth to complete justice!!!!!
"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind"
This may all be a blessing to be honest. America got to see first hand what happens when you put a Marxist at the resolute desk. IMO Trump needed his four-year walk in the wilderness to rethink, regroup, and prepare himself for battle.
If he won reelection in 2020, his second term would be bogged down with treacherous and disloyal advisors and lawfare from both Republicans and Democrats.
The Deep State is a monstrous hydra with multiple heads. Once severd, its heads can regenerate, and the hydra can only be defeated if its immortal head is chopped off. This task is daunting even for Trump and his cabinet and advisors, but it’s NOW OR NEVER...and he's put himself in a position to have fighting chance, whereas he wouldn't have if his terms were consecutive.
In this way Biden will be known for two things; being the worst president ever and the president nobody will be able to remember in between a president nobody will ever forget.
@Ryan- I chuckled as I watched the 4 of them watching Marine 1 leave. I couldn't help but think their thoughts: "We're just here to make sure you're REALLY leaving!"
According to Eli Steele who is deaf and can lip read, Baron Trump, greeted by Joe Biden, leaned over and whispered to Joe, "You're done." This kid might grow on me.
Let's HOPE the slimy swamp allows Trumps agenda to be realized. Something tells me we are about to see the RINO emerge soon to thwart all they can. They MUST be watched closely and eliminated asap if they stray!
Well-said. It probably was a walk in the wilderness in some ways. So also for a lot of folks (probably Mr. Berenson to some extent... it seems as if we all had few friends the last 4-6 years). It's interesting to see all the fair-weather types now bending the knee to Trump.
Well I definitely lean that way in principle, but they're too busy shooting themselves in the foot. Even if they had good leadership they'd spend the next 10 years harping about repealing child labor laws.
Long after Trump's term has ended, we the people must continue this battle against official corruption by a new generation of technocrats who have adopted pitiless Marxist tactics and principles. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and RFK, Jr. are showing us how it's done, and it will be up to us to stand up and be counted, and pass our will, our freedom, and our Republic to future generations.
Can you (or anyone else here) provide specifics on the Jan 6 people that were pardoned that shouldn't have been? What specifically did they do? How much time have they already served? I'm sorry but general statements about violence and hitting cops isn't enough. I may be wrong but I assume that those that committed "violence" or that were "hitting cops" have served 3 or 4 years. If I'm right then the specifics matter.
So true! The law is made up of general categories, like assault, which can mean just about anything. If you even touch a cop, that is enough to support a "violent" offense. If a surge in the crowd behind you pushes you into a cop, or if you are yelling for help and a bit of spittle hits a cop, those are assaults. And when you plead guilty to avoid massive jail time, you don't get to make those fine distinctions and the evidence really no longer matters for that purpose, but that kind of SPECIFIC evidence DOES matter when you are considering the merits of a pardon. And when that specific evidence has been destroyed intentionally by the prosecution, that is more than sufficient grounds for blanket pardons.
If he accomplishes only 25 percent of what he promised during the campaign the country wins. He has already saved young girls from having to endure competing against and sharing locker rooms with confused boys.
Yes, make English the official language of the United States & its territories.
Also, it's actually racist/demeaning towards Hispanics to have signs & voice prompts in Spanish. What is being said by those actions is that every other immigrant group that speaks a foreign language is smart enough to learn English, but Hispanics are not.
As a former school nurse I also witnessed the deep damage done by bi-lingual "education."
I never walked into a bi-lingual classroom & heard a word of English. Those unfortunates who went through those programs came out illiterate in both Spanish & English. This outcome is more than a tragedy - it's a crime.
"He wants entrepreneurship to thrive (even if it is not entirely clear how a business-first government will square with J.D. Vance and the new Republican populism)."
There is no conflict between a strong business environment and America First. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Also, I have zero problem with pardoning protesters who were over charged and punished for their political beliefs. If you actually believe that those prosecutions were for "attacking police officers and committing violence" then I have a good price on a bridge in Brooklyn for you.
It is not much of a stretch to say that the prosecutions of the J6 protesters was an act of war against Americans who disagreed with Biden's politics, and the pardons were an act of liberation.
(Trusting you enough to tell you what I really think.)
Disagree with you on J6 defendants. Given the number who have been charged with bogus crimes and the apparent scale of corruption by the J6 committee, the judges and the prisons, it is impossible to bifurcate the group. If there are videos clearly showing the moment a defendant strikes a cop, I want to see the entire video. I want to interview the FBI whistleblowers. I want to see ALL the footage from the Capitol and surrounding it ALL DAY. I want Ray Epps found and charged unless he agrees to testify under oath. I want to see ALL the footage of the alleged pipe bomber planting the device. Including that one camera angle the govt won’t release to Darren Beattie. I want to know why Kamala Harris said she was at the capitol when she was at the DNC at the time of the riot. Impossibly, I want all the evidence back that was destroyed by the J6 committee showing anything exculpatory. I want witnesses other than those biased, hand selected, anti-Trump witnesses, some of whom lied under oath.
I can’t have most of these things. Mostly because the J6 committee, led by the biggest ant trumper out there (Liz Cheney), lied, withheld evidence and had ppl put away by a corrupt judge under highly questionable or outright fictitious charges and evidence. They sat in jail awaiting trial for years in violation of their constitutional right to a speedy trial and overall due process.
There has been so much taken not only from these defendants but also to us, because disregarding the Constitution for one is disregarding it for all. Too much damage to go back and be able to sift thru the embers of what remains of the truth.
Besides Trump isn’t pardoning all of them. He’s pardoning non violent defendants and commuting the sentences of those who did strike someone. Personally, I’d pardon them all. But he’s preserving the convictions of those who were charged with physical violence. He’s just saying that their time has been served.
I’m more than ok with this. Now Trump has to investigate the J6 committee and get a legal opinion on the legal validity of a preemptive pardon. Public accountability is necessary.
“If there are videos clearly showing the moment a defendant strikes a cop, I want to see the entire video. I want to interview the FBI whistleblowers. I want to see ALL the footage from the Capitol and surrounding it ALL DAY.” 🎯🎯🎯
I've seen video from J6 where a protestor was yelling at others to stop striking the cops and trying to break a window. I can't say I ever saw anything like that out of Portland, Seattle or Minneapolis.
For those Pardoned by Biden, Trump should sign an Executive Order cutting off all federal retirement payments for anyone who received a presidential pardon until the full nature of their crimes against America and the constitution are fully understood.
And then push congress to pass a law that terminates federal retirement payments for anyone found to have committed felonious acts while employed by the federal government as evidence by either a jury conviction, a presidential pardon for such acts, or a refusal to testify before congress asserting 5th amendment protections!
I truly think you should send this suggestion to him in some way. It’s a fantastic suggestion where we the people win whether those criminals face prosecution or not. I’d love to see them hang, but refusing to fund their retirement with tax-payer money is a hell of a good start.
No bills of attainder in the constitution. The president can pardon but not punish except in the execution of the laws. The light of truth is what we have, and it is a substantial leveler, we will get the truth eventually. The question is always going to be regarding the pardons: "Why did you accept a pardon if you are not guilty?" Nobody who is not guilty should want a pardon.
I reluctantly agree with you on the pensions. It's a double edged sword, and a small enough price to pay to see the guilty brought to justice by good old due process. I definitely agree with Trump's canceling security clearance for the deep state jackals, however.
Yeah but the downside with yanking clearances from the jackals is now we can't get them under oath in a deep dive investigation to find what "information/evidence" they had to make a statement claiming it had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign, without the public shrugging or thinking its "excessive" revenge.
That might be embarrassing to the jackals and enlightening to the public and maybe hold the mockingbirds somewhat accountable in reporting of both the pardoning and the hearing.
It's an unforced error, because it would be a relatively short hearing that unequivocally exposes them as frauds, while unearthing any information (and conspiracies)that could be used as evidence of the corrupt scumbags that Biden pardoned, and still be able to pull the security licenses of the jackals after the hearing, thereby granting it a legitimate hearing by the majority of the public (and more acceptable to public on pulling the clearances)....which would make them more curious about the corruption of the pardons and more likely not see it as political retribution and a waste of time, and help them understand any connections between all parties involved in the pardons and jackals, and why they're important.
BUT most importantly, we have shut off a major avenue to obliquely discover information/evidence of the c19 conspiracy (and maybe how it relates to the plandemic as a way for Ds to diminish Trumps election odds) that might be a part of a larger conspiracy, possibility linking the jackals and those who got pardons with covid, etc.,etc.
They negotiated against themselves and left less options for them to pursue.
We may have had several loose strings on a ball of yarn. And a better position for politically negotiating "trades" between the pardon case and the clearance case.
They cut off avenues and strings unnecessarily, and got nothing out of it, in addition to 51 guilty humans trying to cover their tracks or willing to rat on co-conspirators while being under oath. Further they may have risked losing legal moves against those pardoned because of yanking clearance or "trades" for the reasons I point out above. And they hurt their chances getting new laws (procedures) that would prevent this from ever happening again so that we can move on from the nightmare of the last 4 years.
Lastly, they lost the most important variable:
Time. That's the strength of both the jackals and those pardoned; stretching it out until a new administration in congress or the presidency. And the public, on average, has the attention, IQ and patience of a 7th grader.
I'm surprised you're surprised that Trump's vision is darker. I guess being cheated out of an election followed by of every sort of lawfare to destroy him and his supporters and a couple assassination attempts will do that to a guy.
There may be some J-6rs that should have been convicted for assault and battery, and should have stayed in jail. But no one was armed and no police were killed. How long have those violent J-6rs served already? We know there weren't 1500 violent offenders. We don't know how many were FBI informants-agitators. When will Ray Epps be prosecuted?
Have we ever received an answer about Ray Epps? There was plenty of video of him inciting people to go into the Capitol. Was he an informant? Why was he removed from the FBI's most wanted list? Why was he portrayed as a victim at the J6 hearings?
After Biden’s reign of terror; anything goes-it’s going to be the Wild Wild West-hang on to your hats! The left isn’t even going to know what hit them👊🏻he’s not playing nice this time AND he shouldn’t!
You might have it backwards, Deb. I think there will be push-back like you've never seen. The left has been in control for so long they are not going to go peacefully. ANTIFA, BLM, and 10 million illegal gangs, rapists, prisoners and foreign fighters know the democrats will enable them in their resistance.
Think about what you've seen from the left versus what you've seen from the right. There is a marked difference in actions. It's the right picking up their own garbage after their rally's to the lefts burning and looting the cities, aiming fireworks at the police during their "rally's".
Hundreds of people that peacefully went into a government building were sent to jail while hundreds who burned down city blocks were bailed out immediately by our own representatives or not arrested at all.
We're like choir boys trying to fight MS-13. We don't even understand how to fight in their war. They kill randomly as initiations while we offer hope and prayers.
Good thing there’s been a realignment! The new “Right” is different than the old one. And we are all “just” businessmen, until we aren’t. Warriors are made, not born. Adversity makes steel from softness. I love Trump’s new official portrait. Especially compared to the last one. Plus, he’s not alone. We got this far. We are responsible for all of it too. Quiet head shaking is not far from enablement. A good boundary to keep is: what is unacceptable can’t be accepted. No matter what.
I hear you on the J6 rioters, ...but. The whole dishonest charade of the J6 committee and the lawfare waged against Trump, put him into an either-or position. He didn't pardon them all, and that is to his credit. The shooting of Ashley Babbitt was bad police work and Lt. Michael Byrd who shot her is a bad cop. The Dems pushed Trump into the corner over J6. It helped him to have them paint the tale as a battle between good and evil. Their overreach is a big part of why Trump won. The people know the truth. The truth is complicated. Trump had no real way to sort it out - and the punishments were uniformly severe. I think he had no political choice except to free almost all of them.
Agree plus he probably had some feelings of guilt having encouraged some of his most ardent supporters to DC that day. Where - notably - it was almost impossible for them to get a fair trial once it went sideways.
That weasel pardoned his family secretly while Trump was waiting to be sworn in. Biden's word is garbage. I'm glad to we never have to see his mean, old man face screaming at us.
I agree with most of what you say, but related to J6 -- do we even know what really happened? The committee failed miserably because they didn't want the truth, they wanted to get Trump. Yes, any person who committed an act of violence should have been prosecuted. Most of the people at the Capitol that day weren't violent protesters. They shouldn't have been prosecuted at all. I wanted those responsible to be punished -- but was absolutely floored at the rhetoric coming from the media and the Democrats and then the committee. They didn't want justice, they just wanted to destroy Trump. And considering so much of the evidence is gone, the committee didn't seek truth or answers -- and so many truly innocent people who were simply present were prosecuted and forced to accept plea deals (forced, because otherwise it would have cost them everything they owned to fight the government) -- I'm okay with a guilty man going free if that means that hundreds of innocents are also free. What's the quote? It's better than ten guilty men go free than one innocent man goes to prison? Something like that.
Without evidence (was all destroyed), how could there be an impartial judgement made of the J6 individuals - not to mention the extreme punishment and making an "example" of the participants? That's a violation of the 8th amendment and while some nuance was in the J6 pardons, we will likely never know the truth. My opinion on those members still in Congress are they are censured and removed from committees. Shameful yet they feel zero shame, especially 4 still holding seats: Bennie Thompson (D-MS), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Pete Aguilar (D-CA). Disgusting.
The information about the destroyed evidence is clearly being ignored by the media. And it's crucial. While I'm not ready to say everyone who was there is innocent of a crime, if evidence is destroyed, they can not mount a defense. If a prosecutor withheld or destroyed evidence in a crime, the defendant would go free. That's what really bothers me. I'm sure there are some bad apples, but hundreds of people pled guilty to crimes they probably didn't commit because they couldn't afford to fight the government. They could have lost their homes, their jobs, more. The committee didn't get to the truth -- which would have been nuanced. The committee fed the media a narrative.
Great points and by the time most got there the barricades were down and then the doors were beheld open by the Capitol Police.
I’m not sure I understand how evidence got destroyed . What was that about ? I feel like I heard someone say they got charged with hitting the police when they were trying to move a woman who was dying on the ground and getting hit ! He wasn’t trying to hurt anyone . Did anyone hear him speak ?
My understanding, and I'm not positive on this, is that video evidence was destroyed as well as much of the paperwork from the committee.
To answer Alex‘s point more broadly: unless you grew up in the Soviet Union or Korea, nobody going to the capital would’ve expected that simply being someplace, including reacting to tear gas and general mayhem, would land you in jail for three years. And certainly not after 2020 in which in effect the judicial standards changed. The US public was now under “notice” that none of this was punishable – – “peaceful protests“, even without a permit, were just fine, and major politicians would even pay your bail! The punishment for the J6 protesters was vastly disproportionate, especially considering most were veterans without any criminal record whatsoever.
Gov response (really perpetration to begin with- a ‘set-up’, most of which we need facts to be fully revealed) was totally political. The ‘committee’ was illegitimate and a series of injustice, then endless illegal holding (w/o trial), arresting, on & on. Some has been documented (by courageous and honest investigators), but none of it has been officially investigated. Of course, Biden issues pardons, because whoever is directing him, knows the wrongdoing by Cheney, Thompson, et al and, perhaps worse, the FALSE testimony of 4 DC police at trials of J6ers.
I reserve final conclusions, but continue to pray for FULL truth to come out about everything concerning Jan 6, 2021.
I believe, some of these Biden pardons, while they MAY prevent prosecution of some corrupt actions by gov officials (orig J6 committee AND their staffers (& FBI interrogators??), but they are still obligated to give truthful testimony or commit perjury. Stay tuned….
I'm convinced that there is still plenty of evidence to prosecute those responsible.
That is not the point...I am sure there is plenty to "convict," but what evidence that could potentially clear someone or provide doubt, etc. has been destroyed? At least that is how I see it...not being able to get evidence in discovery that could show one is innocent or other explanation as to what really happened.
At least Liz Chaney is no longer there.
what you are highlighting is the need for real investigative journalism. It does not exist anymore. real journalists would have separated the facts from the fiction and gone through all of the dirty laundry. (On all sides.) the new generation sees its role to communicate the wishes of power and to gain fame and prestige that way.
Agreed. The media failed us during COVID, and they failed us during J6, and they failed us during the Biden administration. How long until more people realize the media is corrupt? I appreciate Matt Taibbi and Alex and Michael Shellenberger and a few others. I also like The Free Press because they have a wide range of opinions (I don't want to just listen to an echo chamber.) A few others.
they did fail us but that was because their role has evolved in to collaborator with the powers that be versus observers looking for the truth. they sold out and as Walter Kirn said "for second rate appliances."
Walter Kirn is great. He says it like it is.
he is but he reminds me of the crazy uncle at Thanksgiving that i never had. What is weird is Im only a year younger than him. LOL Listen to ATW all the time.
Glenn Greenwald! His dry humor and wit are awesome.
I recently became a paid subscriber of the Free Press and I am very impressed with their journalism.
They're using it simply as a signal for the MSM to yell "persecution" for the next four years, giving cover to these criminals so they can say it's just vindictive retribution, and wait out the clock.
Ignore the MSM. It will wither and die.
Today's children will not even understand the concept of the MSM.
It'll be like a rotary phone.
Matt Taibbi is doing the work right here on Substack. Check out Racket News.
I have subscribed to Matt since he started his substack. He is great.
Oh, it DOES exist, right here on Substack, and all over the internet. Seek and ye shall find.
The whole thing was planned by Pelosi, Wray and others to permanently discredit Donald Trump and the whole America First movement. I do not doubt that the ground was crawling with at least dozens (by Wray's own admission) and probably hundreds of FBI agents and assets from other government agencies. That they were the ones provoking the violence is the most plausible scenario (means, motive, and opportunity) and is supported by the fact that we are NOT ALLOWED TO SEE the evidence.
Yes. I partly blame the MAGA people who were used because they should have seen this coming a mile away and not participated in it. But when it came out that Trump asked for the National Guard there and it was not done, that's pretty damning that there were people in the crowd with an ulterior agenda.
I don't think very many genuine MAGA people participated in the violence (which was comparatively tame by Summer of Floyd standards). When I first saw the video from inside the Capitol, all I can remember seeing is dozens of quiet, respectful old and middle-aged people milling around (inside the ropes!) gawking. Everyone who was there has testified that they were escorted in (and out) by Capitol Police and the security guards. It's likely that 100% of the damage and vandalism was committed by government agents and assets.
Yep! And let us not forget, this is 4 years later. The guilty and the hardly-guilty have already had their lives wrecked for 4 years. Lots of rapists have gotten less.
I said the same--that I don't care if a guilty person is freed. I said for years FREE THEM ALL.
This bothered some friends.
My friends' reactions have tempered as the years of a demented president wore on.
I know no one who's losing sleep about the Jan. 6 pardons & commutations.
Ha ha. Another friend just canceled me for trying to talk her down from the ledge of her fury against the J6 pardons.
...does she have "the look?" If so, good riddance...there is no helping those people!
They not only wanted to get Trump, they wanted to make an example out of every one of his followers that they could get their filthy hands on: 3AM SWAT raids, dispersing the J6 chasers across the country to make it seem like a bigger problem, withholding evidence, detainment without bail, solitary confinement. All of it to make sure nobody ever fucked with the regime again. Nessun Dorma, indeed.
I’m a uk citizen but I can see it was exactly that, punish them so no one would do it. I work for an extremely woke liberal us law firm in London. They spoke about this on one of our updates during Covid. They were so angry about it and they hate trump with such a vengeance that these people cannot see anything other than that, their hatred has caused them blindness. They even tried through pro bono to try and overturn law in relation to allowing offenders to vote. This is how desperate this liberal law firm were to prevent trump getting into power again. We must also the democrats forced people to take the Covid vaccine and people lost their jobs who said no. You don’t get no more tyrannical than that, but as I say these people are blind and cannot see past their hatred. I hope for America’s sake and the west the despicable left never return to power. Good luck to our US friends.
Btw I still work at the law firm but I’m getting close to my early retirement and once retired I’ll write a long letter to say how despicable they are. They also mandated the Covid vaccine but a small group in London said no, we held out and we know they were trying to sack us but couldn’t in UK law. At least I still have my dignity, my body autonomy and not vaccine injured as some staff are and not one of the increase in staff sadly with cancer,
Did you notice that the pardons also covered any "lost" evidence?
missed that.
Nevermind the suicides! That maybe a couple of ‘violence for its own sake’ actors benefitted from the pardons, commutations can be nullified by those who lost their lives. Anything less than what Trump did would not have been satisfying.
IF one watches the entire J6 happening without EDIT as Tucker Carlson exposed it's not hard to realize what was allowed to play out in orchestrated fashion. The CHOSEN (Pelosi chosen) Kinzinger and Cheney to be a part of that J6 con committee was telling wasn't it. Imagine If Jim Jordan had been on that committee. The FACT Pelosi turned down any assistance offered by Trump in National guard was so telling as well. Just 500 would have snuffed out the riot that day. As for those in the crowd that did engage in physicality with the Capital police have they NOT paid the price already as it's been 4 years? Of the 1500 pardoned not many who were engaging in a physical way. Not sure what # that is, but not many. The audacity the DEMS calling it on par with Pearl Harbor or Civil War or 9-11 was such a CON too.
Your critique of the injustice toward J6ers, is ONLY the tip of the iceberg. The corruption was vast and deep. Likewise, the legacy media was culpable in expanding the false narrative! So many of us saw it from that day the way events unfolded and in their immediate rabid hatred and lock-step narrative. You could almost sense Pelosi’s intent prior to that day.
Only now will truth begin to be told more widely. Certainly, those languishing YEARS in legal INjustice can tell stories of their lives upended.
Just as I never want the lies of covid to be forgotten (in spite of Fauci pardon) nor should J6 ‘operation’ be allowed to stand unexamined.
Thank God!! For FIRST amendment. Thank God for your case Alex. May it go forth to complete justice!!!!!
"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind"
This may all be a blessing to be honest. America got to see first hand what happens when you put a Marxist at the resolute desk. IMO Trump needed his four-year walk in the wilderness to rethink, regroup, and prepare himself for battle.
If he won reelection in 2020, his second term would be bogged down with treacherous and disloyal advisors and lawfare from both Republicans and Democrats.
The Deep State is a monstrous hydra with multiple heads. Once severd, its heads can regenerate, and the hydra can only be defeated if its immortal head is chopped off. This task is daunting even for Trump and his cabinet and advisors, but it’s NOW OR NEVER...and he's put himself in a position to have fighting chance, whereas he wouldn't have if his terms were consecutive.
In this way Biden will be known for two things; being the worst president ever and the president nobody will be able to remember in between a president nobody will ever forget.
The best thing for the country was living through the last 4 years and seeing if it can be fixed now. Reelection would have failed.
we haven’t seen a helicopter leaving this level of carnage since the fall of Saigon.
@Ryan- I chuckled as I watched the 4 of them watching Marine 1 leave. I couldn't help but think their thoughts: "We're just here to make sure you're REALLY leaving!"
According to Eli Steele who is deaf and can lip read, Baron Trump, greeted by Joe Biden, leaned over and whispered to Joe, "You're done." This kid might grow on me.
similarly, there were a lot of vaccine mandate laws going state by state before covid to eliminate religious exemptions
now that - let's just say they overplayed their hand with covid - we have RFK jr in charge of the HHS!
“overplayed their hand” with gleeful abandonment…
and Newsom still seems to have not gotten the memo that Trump is President given Gavin’s “plans to rebuild LA”
Made us go through hell for 4 years but it is so true.
Feels like deliverance.
Trumps a marketing genius. He called it "liberation day" for a reason.
You can't argue with success or that he doesn't have his finger on the pulse.
Let's HOPE the slimy swamp allows Trumps agenda to be realized. Something tells me we are about to see the RINO emerge soon to thwart all they can. They MUST be watched closely and eliminated asap if they stray!
Last sentence is critical to his success. When you boil it down that's the main obstacle.
Well-said. It probably was a walk in the wilderness in some ways. So also for a lot of folks (probably Mr. Berenson to some extent... it seems as if we all had few friends the last 4-6 years). It's interesting to see all the fair-weather types now bending the knee to Trump.
We should start our own party called the party of Leave Us The Fuck Alone (LUTFA).
That's the glue that binds this motley crue.
The overlords had it soooo easy...but, no...they just couldn't resist. All they had to do was leave us alone.
@Ryan- Methinks there IS a party like that. It's called the Libertarian Party.
Well I definitely lean that way in principle, but they're too busy shooting themselves in the foot. Even if they had good leadership they'd spend the next 10 years harping about repealing child labor laws.
Long after Trump's term has ended, we the people must continue this battle against official corruption by a new generation of technocrats who have adopted pitiless Marxist tactics and principles. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and RFK, Jr. are showing us how it's done, and it will be up to us to stand up and be counted, and pass our will, our freedom, and our Republic to future generations.
It truly IS a never ending fight for sure Danno! We must stay vigilant in beating down the neo-Marxist creep as the future presents itself
Freedom is a perpetual contest.
It is not default; bondage is.
Can you (or anyone else here) provide specifics on the Jan 6 people that were pardoned that shouldn't have been? What specifically did they do? How much time have they already served? I'm sorry but general statements about violence and hitting cops isn't enough. I may be wrong but I assume that those that committed "violence" or that were "hitting cops" have served 3 or 4 years. If I'm right then the specifics matter.
On the money. Were they hitting the cops who were beating helpless people on the ground? Hm. No specifics here.
I know in some cases, the cops themselves got violent, and there was a response.
So true! The law is made up of general categories, like assault, which can mean just about anything. If you even touch a cop, that is enough to support a "violent" offense. If a surge in the crowd behind you pushes you into a cop, or if you are yelling for help and a bit of spittle hits a cop, those are assaults. And when you plead guilty to avoid massive jail time, you don't get to make those fine distinctions and the evidence really no longer matters for that purpose, but that kind of SPECIFIC evidence DOES matter when you are considering the merits of a pardon. And when that specific evidence has been destroyed intentionally by the prosecution, that is more than sufficient grounds for blanket pardons.
Seems to be such a clouded mystery doesn't it with everyone just under an illusionary spell of what actually occurred. The psyop was real!
If he accomplishes only 25 percent of what he promised during the campaign the country wins. He has already saved young girls from having to endure competing against and sharing locker rooms with confused boys.
It feels like Dad came back home & is pretty pi**ed at what has happened to the house.
I'm just glad that there are only 2 genders again and hoping that soon I won't have to press 1 to hear English.
If he can bring prices down enough, I might take a vacation to the Gulf of America this year!
Yes, make English the official language of the United States & its territories.
Also, it's actually racist/demeaning towards Hispanics to have signs & voice prompts in Spanish. What is being said by those actions is that every other immigrant group that speaks a foreign language is smart enough to learn English, but Hispanics are not.
As a former school nurse I also witnessed the deep damage done by bi-lingual "education."
I never walked into a bi-lingual classroom & heard a word of English. Those unfortunates who went through those programs came out illiterate in both Spanish & English. This outcome is more than a tragedy - it's a crime.
I actually am half hispanic & speak spanish, but i'll back just about anything to reduce call center menu options and waiting times
"He wants entrepreneurship to thrive (even if it is not entirely clear how a business-first government will square with J.D. Vance and the new Republican populism)."
There is no conflict between a strong business environment and America First. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Also, I have zero problem with pardoning protesters who were over charged and punished for their political beliefs. If you actually believe that those prosecutions were for "attacking police officers and committing violence" then I have a good price on a bridge in Brooklyn for you.
It is not much of a stretch to say that the prosecutions of the J6 protesters was an act of war against Americans who disagreed with Biden's politics, and the pardons were an act of liberation.
(Trusting you enough to tell you what I really think.)
Biden kept insisting that Capitol officers were beaten with fire extinguishers. To my knowledge, that never happened.
Biden commuted the sentence of a man convicted of murdering two FBI agents.
Disagree with you on J6 defendants. Given the number who have been charged with bogus crimes and the apparent scale of corruption by the J6 committee, the judges and the prisons, it is impossible to bifurcate the group. If there are videos clearly showing the moment a defendant strikes a cop, I want to see the entire video. I want to interview the FBI whistleblowers. I want to see ALL the footage from the Capitol and surrounding it ALL DAY. I want Ray Epps found and charged unless he agrees to testify under oath. I want to see ALL the footage of the alleged pipe bomber planting the device. Including that one camera angle the govt won’t release to Darren Beattie. I want to know why Kamala Harris said she was at the capitol when she was at the DNC at the time of the riot. Impossibly, I want all the evidence back that was destroyed by the J6 committee showing anything exculpatory. I want witnesses other than those biased, hand selected, anti-Trump witnesses, some of whom lied under oath.
I can’t have most of these things. Mostly because the J6 committee, led by the biggest ant trumper out there (Liz Cheney), lied, withheld evidence and had ppl put away by a corrupt judge under highly questionable or outright fictitious charges and evidence. They sat in jail awaiting trial for years in violation of their constitutional right to a speedy trial and overall due process.
There has been so much taken not only from these defendants but also to us, because disregarding the Constitution for one is disregarding it for all. Too much damage to go back and be able to sift thru the embers of what remains of the truth.
Besides Trump isn’t pardoning all of them. He’s pardoning non violent defendants and commuting the sentences of those who did strike someone. Personally, I’d pardon them all. But he’s preserving the convictions of those who were charged with physical violence. He’s just saying that their time has been served.
I’m more than ok with this. Now Trump has to investigate the J6 committee and get a legal opinion on the legal validity of a preemptive pardon. Public accountability is necessary.
“If there are videos clearly showing the moment a defendant strikes a cop, I want to see the entire video. I want to interview the FBI whistleblowers. I want to see ALL the footage from the Capitol and surrounding it ALL DAY.” 🎯🎯🎯
I've seen video from J6 where a protestor was yelling at others to stop striking the cops and trying to break a window. I can't say I ever saw anything like that out of Portland, Seattle or Minneapolis.
A commuted sentence is not the same as a pardon. There was nuancing in his decision regarding the Jan 6 releases.
For those Pardoned by Biden, Trump should sign an Executive Order cutting off all federal retirement payments for anyone who received a presidential pardon until the full nature of their crimes against America and the constitution are fully understood.
And then push congress to pass a law that terminates federal retirement payments for anyone found to have committed felonious acts while employed by the federal government as evidence by either a jury conviction, a presidential pardon for such acts, or a refusal to testify before congress asserting 5th amendment protections!
Yes, and the four still in Congress censured and removed from Committee assignments:
Bennie Thompson (D-MS)
Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)
Jamie Raskin (D-MD)
Pete Aguilar (D-CA)
Don’t forget Schiff. He is deserving of his own investigation. But certainly no committees or security clearance, ffs!
I truly think you should send this suggestion to him in some way. It’s a fantastic suggestion where we the people win whether those criminals face prosecution or not. I’d love to see them hang, but refusing to fund their retirement with tax-payer money is a hell of a good start.
No bills of attainder in the constitution. The president can pardon but not punish except in the execution of the laws. The light of truth is what we have, and it is a substantial leveler, we will get the truth eventually. The question is always going to be regarding the pardons: "Why did you accept a pardon if you are not guilty?" Nobody who is not guilty should want a pardon.
It's half in jest. But I respectively disagree on their pensions.
I reluctantly agree with you on the pensions. It's a double edged sword, and a small enough price to pay to see the guilty brought to justice by good old due process. I definitely agree with Trump's canceling security clearance for the deep state jackals, however.
Yeah but the downside with yanking clearances from the jackals is now we can't get them under oath in a deep dive investigation to find what "information/evidence" they had to make a statement claiming it had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign, without the public shrugging or thinking its "excessive" revenge.
That might be embarrassing to the jackals and enlightening to the public and maybe hold the mockingbirds somewhat accountable in reporting of both the pardoning and the hearing.
It's an unforced error, because it would be a relatively short hearing that unequivocally exposes them as frauds, while unearthing any information (and conspiracies)that could be used as evidence of the corrupt scumbags that Biden pardoned, and still be able to pull the security licenses of the jackals after the hearing, thereby granting it a legitimate hearing by the majority of the public (and more acceptable to public on pulling the clearances)....which would make them more curious about the corruption of the pardons and more likely not see it as political retribution and a waste of time, and help them understand any connections between all parties involved in the pardons and jackals, and why they're important.
BUT most importantly, we have shut off a major avenue to obliquely discover information/evidence of the c19 conspiracy (and maybe how it relates to the plandemic as a way for Ds to diminish Trumps election odds) that might be a part of a larger conspiracy, possibility linking the jackals and those who got pardons with covid, etc.,etc.
They negotiated against themselves and left less options for them to pursue.
We may have had several loose strings on a ball of yarn. And a better position for politically negotiating "trades" between the pardon case and the clearance case.
They cut off avenues and strings unnecessarily, and got nothing out of it, in addition to 51 guilty humans trying to cover their tracks or willing to rat on co-conspirators while being under oath. Further they may have risked losing legal moves against those pardoned because of yanking clearance or "trades" for the reasons I point out above. And they hurt their chances getting new laws (procedures) that would prevent this from ever happening again so that we can move on from the nightmare of the last 4 years.
Lastly, they lost the most important variable:
Time. That's the strength of both the jackals and those pardoned; stretching it out until a new administration in congress or the presidency. And the public, on average, has the attention, IQ and patience of a 7th grader.
There's more, but you get what I'm saying.
We also may discover some very interesting information on the Russian collusion hoax....boy wouldn't that be fun!
This is perfect.
What I would’a said if you hadn’t
I'm surprised you're surprised that Trump's vision is darker. I guess being cheated out of an election followed by of every sort of lawfare to destroy him and his supporters and a couple assassination attempts will do that to a guy.
There may be some J-6rs that should have been convicted for assault and battery, and should have stayed in jail. But no one was armed and no police were killed. How long have those violent J-6rs served already? We know there weren't 1500 violent offenders. We don't know how many were FBI informants-agitators. When will Ray Epps be prosecuted?
Have we ever received an answer about Ray Epps? There was plenty of video of him inciting people to go into the Capitol. Was he an informant? Why was he removed from the FBI's most wanted list? Why was he portrayed as a victim at the J6 hearings?
Nope. From what we saw on video he could well have been the main instigator of the whole Capitol breach and riot.
He's one of the most famous Jan 6th people we know nothing about.
Yep. And somehow the Jan 6 committee and the FBI managed to get away with saying nothing about him. How and why is that?
Possibly because he knows "where the bodies are buried".
So glad you voted for FREEDOM and PEACE, Trump!
The J6 ers were all set up by the FBI/CIA, full pardons for all but 6.
Why are Capital Police pardoned? hmmm...... a little guilty???
Not like they have not served any time for any wrong doing four years ago. How did it go for the Seattle and Portland law breakers?
After Biden’s reign of terror; anything goes-it’s going to be the Wild Wild West-hang on to your hats! The left isn’t even going to know what hit them👊🏻he’s not playing nice this time AND he shouldn’t!
You might have it backwards, Deb. I think there will be push-back like you've never seen. The left has been in control for so long they are not going to go peacefully. ANTIFA, BLM, and 10 million illegal gangs, rapists, prisoners and foreign fighters know the democrats will enable them in their resistance.
Think about what you've seen from the left versus what you've seen from the right. There is a marked difference in actions. It's the right picking up their own garbage after their rally's to the lefts burning and looting the cities, aiming fireworks at the police during their "rally's".
Hundreds of people that peacefully went into a government building were sent to jail while hundreds who burned down city blocks were bailed out immediately by our own representatives or not arrested at all.
We're like choir boys trying to fight MS-13. We don't even understand how to fight in their war. They kill randomly as initiations while we offer hope and prayers.
Trump is a businessman, not Tren de Aregua!
Good thing there’s been a realignment! The new “Right” is different than the old one. And we are all “just” businessmen, until we aren’t. Warriors are made, not born. Adversity makes steel from softness. I love Trump’s new official portrait. Especially compared to the last one. Plus, he’s not alone. We got this far. We are responsible for all of it too. Quiet head shaking is not far from enablement. A good boundary to keep is: what is unacceptable can’t be accepted. No matter what.
We shall see! The Dems have always played dirty (and still will) but trying to assassinate Trump
not once but twice….well, that’s a bridge too far! Even the normies are awake this time
I hear you on the J6 rioters, ...but. The whole dishonest charade of the J6 committee and the lawfare waged against Trump, put him into an either-or position. He didn't pardon them all, and that is to his credit. The shooting of Ashley Babbitt was bad police work and Lt. Michael Byrd who shot her is a bad cop. The Dems pushed Trump into the corner over J6. It helped him to have them paint the tale as a battle between good and evil. Their overreach is a big part of why Trump won. The people know the truth. The truth is complicated. Trump had no real way to sort it out - and the punishments were uniformly severe. I think he had no political choice except to free almost all of them.
Agree plus he probably had some feelings of guilt having encouraged some of his most ardent supporters to DC that day. Where - notably - it was almost impossible for them to get a fair trial once it went sideways.
"Morning in America" was 1984 -- 2nd term. It was just as dark when Regan started as it is now.
But far as JRB goes, he GAVE HIS WORD AS A BIDEN!!
Biden's a terrorists. Change my mind
"my word as a Biden" is a phrase I'm VERY glad never to hear again.
That weasel pardoned his family secretly while Trump was waiting to be sworn in. Biden's word is garbage. I'm glad to we never have to see his mean, old man face screaming at us.
My word as a Biden, as FJB proved has zero meaning.