The fact that the president of the United States isn’t all the way there and the fact that we have a system that has kept this secret power in place (since we all know he’s not the one running the show) should be maddening to anyone.

Its time we wake up and realize there are puppet masters here who control behind the scenes. This could be the “invisible government” Bernays spoke off back in the 1920s.

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It’s not just maddening. It’s criminal.

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Biden should thank Trump for saving his backside with this immunity decision for anyone occupying the office of president. This guy is a criminal who lied about Hunter's laptop to influence the election and he's a traitor for his involvement in Hunter's business dealings in China and Ukraine, taking money from foreign powers and lying about it. Tony Bobolinski, their business partner, asked Biden if he was concerned in case he ran for president to which Biden replied "probable deniability". Shell companies all over the place, and a money trail to beat the band. So how exactly did this 'public servant' get so rich?

Every wretched thing this guy has done has been covered up by a media that protects him at every turn. I could go on about the documents he had NO RIGHT TO as a senator, then left them in his garage which could have been accessed by anyone.

On a personal level I consider him to be a dictator and will never forgive him for the covid shot mandates after it was known they did not prevent getting or spreading covid. Our two sons and daughter in law (healthy professionals in their thirties) were forced to take these dangerous and unnecessary shots as a condition of employment. Our younger son got a deep vein thrombosis and I know of so many other vax injuries that are obvious to me but go unrecognized by the covidiots in our family and social circle. So many lemmings, so few cliffs....

I was unvaxxed because of serious reactions I've had to medication and then got spoken about by this president as if I was a despicable person and responsible for the pandemic when all I was trying to do was take care of my immune system and not die of a dangerous shot. A shot, not a vaccine. An experimental gene therapy with known and serious side effects up to and including death.

His support for others following his lead in labeling me and mistreating me was unconscionable and I have heard no apologies from anyone for what this horrible man did to me and to my family.

This is not the half of it. Day one as president he announced white supremacy was America's biggest problem - and he was shutting down the pipeline. So much for being moderate and bringing American's together. NOT AS ADVERTISED.

I could continue with one long run on sentence of this man's outrageous and arrogant misdeeds that have led to the situation we are in now. Did he really think choosing a VP not based on competence but on superficial characteristics - which happened to include having an offensive cackle and being an unprincipled opportunist - would be just what the American people would want as his back up plan?

And here we are now with this man holding all of America hostage as the world is on the verge of WWIII while he toddles around oblivious and happy to keep his lock grip on power to suit his own ego at our expense. Biden is the WORST president in my lifetime and very probably the worst president in American history.

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Thank. you for this. I can't believe there is not more outrage!!

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Another great post

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What you wrote is chilling and gut wrenching… I’m so sorry… it’s just awful. I did not take it bc I had a reaction to two shot/ meds.. no one gets upset if you don’t take MMR!? Everything you wrote is spot on esp about the joker.

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KFH: Whew - thank you for this profound article. You eloquently put into words the thoughts that dance in my head. Bravo!

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No,no,no - I'm listening to CJ Pierre speaking at a "press conference" - you are so badly mistaken! She has repeatedly (and repeatedly) reassured the American people that Joe Biden is one of the most successful Presidents in modern history: "just look at his record"! YES- LOOK AT HIS RECORD....and WEEP!!!!!!

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I think at this point, the power hungry egotistical twit is Jill. Not discounting President Jojo at all, he’s a despicable human being but at this stage just wants to lick some ice cream, or Jill’s finger, or a kid’s ear.

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The media has been lying about the health and habits of democrat presidents for more than a century. As Alex mentions re FDR. My grandparents saw FDR at Warm Springs and how bad he was and were disgusted by the coverup them. This is worse.

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is he taking massive medication for Parkinson's, and could this be another reason pre-debate drug testing was out of the question? someone told me these medicines in large doses can also cause cognitive issues.

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Do you mean treasonous?

If it is, and I think it is, there is a remedy for treason.

This could only happen when a government gets so large that it is, or at least thinks it is, unaccountable to its citizens.

Rd,Indy’s me of that original star trek episode where they’re on an earth like planet with similar history and the earthling who pushed them in that direction was drugged up and used as a figurehead for evil purposes. I Left out the nuances - if you’re familiar w_ST, you know the episode

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I was thinking of the same episode ! It was called Patterns of Force .

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Believe or not I know Democrats who shrug and say all Presidents are figureheads who don’t run the government.

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except this demented president, apparently (according to new info from Carl Bernstein) still intimidates his staff and therefore is able to make terrible policy decisions like the botched timing of the Afghanistan withdrawal and his insane handling of the Israelis (what are now sick of getting whiplash from his on-again, off-again friendship and are now ignoring him). So Biden, it seems, if you believe Bernstein is still running government in meaningful ways

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If I could only be a fly on the wall wherever Biden is! There is no telling what we don't know.

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someday some inner circle staffer is going to be offered millions for a memoir

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Interesting… I think there’s a recent you tube with Carl B that might back this up

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Footnote: HuffPost just run a piece arguing that the Biden campaign make actual “cheap fakes” of the President using AI.

This is crazy talk. TDS has made some on the left “certifiable” in their own right.

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I am not sure it is technically criminal. It is a kind of fraud on the American people. And highly consequential, esp in an election year.

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Yes, of course fraud is. And to my mind, this hiding of the truth is a kind of fraud, as I said. But I have never seen such a case brought before the bar. I am not a lawyer. Hence, I am not sure this is legally a fraud, or provable in a court of law. That's all I meant.

For example, is silence a fraud, technically.

How would you prove they know?

I think you need a motive, and I am not sure how you would prove it "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Perhaps at least the case should be brought, to show those people that they must spend money to defend themselves. Which would incentivize others for the next time.

"the most transparent administration in history" hahaha!

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Obama Term 3!

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I’ve been saying this for over a year. Most of the media, which is a corrupt media, covers this up because it is a D. IF it were an R, they would be all over it.

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For sure. You must be talking about the D Media!

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I have my doubts if Obama is actually calling the shots. When he was VP, Biden and Obama had a frosty relationship. The President was known for saying (paraphrased) "never underestimate Joe's ability to f**k everything up." It was Barack who told Biden not to run in 2016, (it wasn't because of his older son's death), to pave the way for the country's first female president. Trump got in the way and the rest is history.

In 2019, Obama advised his corrupt former VP that he shouldn't run. He knew darn well that Biden was mentally impaired. Biden ignored him. Obama was known as the "Deporter-in-Chief," hardly an open borders guy. It's said that he deported more illegals than Trump. Also, after the 2014 Biden/Nuland illegal Ukraine coup, (which may have been done without Obama's approval), the Kiev junta asked Washington for weapons to fight the Russians, which Obama denied. He offered them blankets instead. It was Trump who delivered billions in weapons to Ukraine, paving the way for the current war. Obama was no friend of Israel either, not Netanyahu's doormat as is our current senile potus.

Bottom line, if this was actually Obama's third term, I seriously doubt if we'd be on the verge of WWIII.

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Interesting. You make some good points.

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agree - hadn't thought of all those angles - good thinking

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Jul 2Edited

Well, I've long thought Obama was doing things behind the scenes but you do bring up some very good points. That said, a lot of Obama's people are operating behind Biden and philosophically how much power do they have to influence Biden. I was surprised when Susan Rice left because I thought she was a big influence on him.

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Why is the media not asking him to resign immediately?

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Where's the Cabinet imposing the 25th Amendment? They should have used this to get him out of office years ago. So they are NOT "defending the Constitution."

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Correct! They should all be hanged for treason.

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tell it like it is!!!!

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…and the stolen election!

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lying about Hunter's laptop was election interference and no one ever called him on it

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My take is that the so-called "powers-that-be" don't impose the 25th for two reasons. 1) They don't want Kamala to be the President...for various reasons (not the least of which would be her having bragging rights for being the first female President of the US. Her complete incompetence would be the number one reason...among many other reasons). 2) They prefer Trump run against JB in the election (again, for a couple of reasons that don't need elaboration).

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Despite their loathing for Trump he actually proved to be easily guided and manipulated by the Swamp in his term. Perhaps they are hoping he will do the same the second time around.

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The democrats keep of accusing him of doing what they have done to him. They're really good at that and no one seems to notice. Remember 'lock her up?' Well that never happened. And look what they've done to him. Seriously. Even if you don't like him what they've done is 3rd world banana and they get away with it.

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he practically dismantled the EPA. That was huge for the economy and one reason we boomed until CoVid

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I agree, particularly with regards to Covid and Trump trusting Birx and Fauci, and his pushing of the clot shot. The backstabbing from his own staff and party was shameful too.

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Let me count the ways:

1. He continued the wars he campaigned against and even some escalations (the illegal bombing of Syria and the assassination of the Iranian general). He appointed Neocons and militarists to positions of power in the defense/intelligence apparatus.

2. He allowed the Republican congressional establishment to control the legislative agenda (i.e., theirs, not his).

3. He forgot all about the health crises he talked about and appointed a Pharma exec (Alex Azar) as Sec. of HHS, allowing Big Pharma to control health policy.

4. He allowed Fauci and Birx to set federal Covid policy, an unmitigated disaster. Meanwhile, an actual, sensible health care expert (Dr. Scott Atlas) was sidelined. He continued to brag about the miracle mRNA vaccine rollout even after it was shown to be ineffective and dangerous.

4. He relied on his idiot son-in-law and daughter as advisors. Those sort of advisors give nepotism a bad name.

5. He talked endlessly about his wonderful border wall that somehow never managed to get built. He had four years which was plenty of time to build at least a substantial portion but no dice.

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Will there in fact BE an election in November???

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With regard to Kamala being President, one question is whether or not she would be as compliant as Biden has been to the people operating behind Biden. Perhaps she would, but then again, maybe she would want to do her own stupid mindless things and ignore them all. Biden is more controllable, perhaps.

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The administration will not propose any actions that would cause them to lose any power.

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they are complicitous in holding Americans hostage in a terrorist situation

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The same thing was done with Woodrow Wilson after his stroke, and with Roosevelt pretty much from 1944 on.

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When was the 25th Amendment ratified? I guess I can look it up. If it doesn't apply to this situation, it will never be utilized.

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The amendment was due to Kennedy’s assassination. It was submitted 06 July, 1965 and on 10 February 1967.

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Clarification: "adopted" on 10 February 1967. My apoloties.

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I think it was in the mid 60s? But it might have been after Nixon left office in 74.

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Maybe it's reserved for a president who is fully comatose.

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Be careful. That we have been lied to by many, going back to 2020, is maddening. Those people should be “processed”, pushed, derided in public, and if within the law prosecuted.

But careful assuming a cabal and related conspiracy. It could be just Joe and Jill and a few advisors. And just not being willing to let go. Yes, it COULD be worse, but I see no proof of that.

Weekend at Bernie’s…anyone?

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I had a private revelation on election night 2008. “History will record that the election of Barack Obama is the biggest mistake the American people ever made.” When we survived the 8 years of his presidency I thought maybe I misheard. But I did not…this is the end of Obama’s third term. To the added detriment of our country, the Democrats knew of Biden’s dementia even as late as 2019, before he ran for President. Tucker Carlson’s neighbor was told by Biden’s sister that the “family” was concerned that the Democrats wanted Biden to run for President despite his “dementia”.

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My father had Parkinsons for seven years, with dimentia for the last few.

Same exact face. Gaping mouth. One eye looks in shock, the other totally normal. Shuffling gate, hoarse whisper.

It’s a one-way trip. Biden’s mind is going fast. He is not fit for Any employment, much less leader of the free world. Get him out of there!

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My husband's identical twin brother was diagnosed with Parkinson's more than a decade ago and we have witnessed his slow decline - physically and cognitively. For my husband, it's been like looking in a fun house mirror. We have privately compared Biden to his twin brother for years: the gait, the slack-jawed stare, the raspy voice, and even an exaggerated stutter that had always been there. That Jill Biden and the Biden family would encourage Joe Biden to humiliate himself before the world is unimaginable and unforgivable. That WH staff and the corporate media would cover up this obvious decline borders on criminal.

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You would think the constitution would spell out requirements to be president that included “ sound mind”?

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yes...gaping dead puzzled open mouth stare is classic sign

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I'm not a neurologist, but I used to work for a company that sells one of the leading Parkinson's medications. Learned a lot about Parkinson's in those three years. I had noticed some of those symptoms in Biden back in 2020.

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During the Democratic debates in 2020 you could see something was not right with Joe. He was slightly off his game. He reminded me of my late father when he started to develop dementia.

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Me too!

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that's why he was in the basement folks

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So why the hell do they have him out 4 yrs. later???

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In a word, the election. They believe that only he can defeat Trump. After he's elected they can do what they want to replace him. Maybe that's when they trot out the 25th.

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We ALL have. It's ALL just been "allowed" to continue

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Jul 2Edited

Everyone knew it in 2020 but the corporate media covered for him until last week. They allowed him to become President anyways. Now they have deemed it "acceptable" to talk about out in the open. The media is talking about it as some big shock when they all knew.

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But they seem to be walking it back big time now, just a day or two later.

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I've noticed that too. Must have got their new marching orders.

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I would believe that neurosurgeon. We've seen the steep decline in the past four years.

I think it's an abomination that the family or the Democrats or whomever is trying to saddle this horse for another four years. It should be criminal to try to deceive the American people in this way.

I want to know who's really running this government -- Jill? Obama? or an alphabet agency? No matter who it's downright dangerous on the domestic and international front. Such selfish and self serving bureaucrats. They are inhuman.

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Power is a strong drug.

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I don't know if they're inhuman. But they're criminal.

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Maybe the Bidens feel that they need the income the job affords them, so they have to tough it out.

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Is that why they have taken out so many mortgages against their homes? They know how to game the system for sure, or at least they have a good instructor (in Hunter).

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My father died of Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia in August 2022. (Actually, his death was hastened by a contraindicated dose of Haldol, but that’s not germane; he didn’t have long.) Both my sister and I were nearly broken hearted to see Jill lead Biden off stage after the debate, because he moved and spoke exactly like our father did when he had months to live. Months—like six. Not years. I’m not and was never a Biden voter, but this is just incredibly sad. Yes, Parkinson’s does accelerate at the end; it can be quite shocking how fast it progresses. At least that’s been my experience.

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Sorry for your loss. I imagine that watching Biden refreshes many difficult memories for you both.

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Thank you. It means a lot.

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Same with my aunt. From a sharp minded, clear speaking and beautiful woman she became a shadow of her former self. She lingered for a couple years and then declined rapidly.

Same with a classmate who had been a fabulous athlete all his life contracted Parkinson’s and struggled physically and mentally for several years. He declined rapidly and died with COVID, despite multiple vaccines.

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I’m so sorry. Dad did NOT take the Covid vaccine… Parkinson’s is just cruel.

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(There's yer sign!)

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Jul 1
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Thank you so much.

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Is it a form of medical malpractice - or professional malfeasance - for his physicians to not at least give him a cognitive (dementia/Alzheimers) tests? Aren't these common and don't they work and confirm a diagnosis?

Why wouldn't his wife demand doctors give her husband such tests?

How many people who work in the White House - or leaders who interact with the president - would have quickly noticed this?

When is the first tell-all book of whistleblowing White House staffers going to be published?

As Matt Taibbi reports/documents today, the press has been covering this up for at least four years. What else are they covering up?

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The basic assumption of your questions is that all these people are honest and of good character. Their hiding his condition tells us a lot about their lack there of.

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My basic assumption (and it's no longer an "assumption") is that all our important organizations are completely captured and corrupt. Certainly, all the "leaders" who work in these "truth-seeking" organizations cannot be trusted. I formed that conclusion by April 2020. Covid might have done the world a favor. We now have firm evidence these people and organizations are serial liars and captured. We also can "name names." We now know who our enemies - or the real villains - are. These are the people who have to be PURGED as quickly as possible to help save the world. Knowing all this is actually a big deal.

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Yes it is a big deal but only a few people have the courage to stand up and take back the stolen power... can those few people get the job done? Half of the country has believed the CNN et al story and half of the "Republicans" are actually in the same camp as the Lefty Fascists (RINOS). The two groups have been passing the elections off to each other for decades... taking turns pretending that they will "fix things"

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IMO this ("Biden has dementia" being EXPOSED - and the cover-up exposed) has the potential to be the "truth bomb" that, belatedly, sends a big enough shock to enough people where more people start questioning all the bogus or dubious "authorized" narratives.

These opportunities don't come along that often. I say let's take advantage of it and start asking a lot more common-sense questions of our "leaders.

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I hope so, but I'm not optimistic.

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Wouldn’t that be nice, but darkness hates the light

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You need not one but an entire stack of scorecards to keep track of all the lies they have told us and all the hoaxes they have perpetrated. Looking more like George Orwell’s 1984 with each passing week.

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Jul 2Edited

That is the one good thing that came from Covid: The curtain was pulled back on a great many fronts. Maybe about half of us now "know", but unfortunately, a lot still have no idea.

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Well, we are old enough to know that everyone does not have a good character. But, almost the whole lot of them are willing to lie. That is a shock. And the liars are willing to complain about the few telling the truth. Quite shocking.

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I think the label Cabal is most apropos.

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I’m curious what the neurosurgeon thoughts on the Parkinson’s dementia being related to the myriad of Covid vaccines that the President received and the current literature on the topic.

Broad-spectrum of non-serious adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination: A population-based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea

Jee Hyun Suh


A new study from South Korea analyzed the electronic health records of 2.2 million and, later, 4.3 million individuals in Seoul.

What researchers found was alarming.

By comparing the rates of various new medical conditions in vaccinated versus unvaccinated groups over three months, the study revealed that the vaccinated experienced:

• A 68% rise in depression

• A 44% surge in anxiety and related disorders

• A 93.4% increase in sleep disorders

• A staggering 138% jump in mild cognitive impairment

• A 23% rise in Alzheimer's disease

Review of We Now Have Proof The

COVID Vaccines Cognition Damage


Examining the causes and treatments of the common neurological injuries caused by


A good argument could be made that Biden's massive cognitive decline is from his vaccines.

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Biden was ill before the covid shots. Could the shots have accelerated the dementia? We’ll never know for sure. The course of the disease and rate of decline has always been variable. Some people deteriorate more rapidly than others. For the purposes of the country’s national and domestic security it doesn’t make a difference.He is not fit for office

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No way the President, Vice President, et al took an experimental shot. They most likely got injected with a saline solution during their public displays. Fauci too.

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And remember: Back then, it was the “Trump shot.” It suddenly gained efficacy on January 20, 2021.

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It was dangerous and didn’t work until Jan 22, 2021. That’s Science™️!

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Perhaps Biden actually took the shots which in some people have the side effect of causing or accelerating dementia due to the spike folding proteins in the brain - something like that - maybe a knowledgeable person could speak to that?

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Maybe. Why are you so sure?

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Because I worked at the 4 Star General level in the military; they are in a different position than the rank and file and play by different rules. The CNO did take the mandatory Anthrax vaccine at the time, for example.

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Didn't they exempt Congress and the Post Office workers from the mandates? I think one other group too, can't remember which. So what was with those exemptions?

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Dr. Pierre Kory weighs in on this question. See preceding link

The Korean medical study results are very concerning. But who knew of Joe even really took the Covid shot despite the supposed public display of him getting injected.

I just read a substack column ranting about how many lies Trump told- supposedly 43? Trump gets wound up & can be an annoying grandiose (bombastic?) exaggerator— but there is truth in his stories. …but in action, Trump actually governed moderately and didn’t censor the media or call me a terrorist. Biden's lies (or are they delusional fantasies?) are so specific & detailed and prove to be entirely false or fake. For example, the Border patrol did NOT endorse him; au contraire. Biden has cited so many specific events that prove to be totally made up. Sigh. Also It’s hard to ignore how close we are to World War 3 and the $35 (40?) trillion national debt (grandly up from Trumps annoying final tally up to $8 trillion), way too much of it jacked up to buy Biden votes.

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No surprise. Small studies of vaccinated children also show they are less healthy than their vaccinated classmates. The studies are small because the gov won't allow independent researchers anywhere near the large government maintained vaccine database (Vaccine Safety Datalink [VSD]). The health [sic] authorities are wicked but not stupid and know quite well what allowing independent researchers access would mean.

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Observation only, but my grandson's baby (and mother & father) got no shots. When he was born July 2, 2022 his mom actually got a mild covid in the hospital right after delivery, but he didn't get it. He's the healthiest kid ever, smart as can be. The mom's best friend (vaxxed to the max) had a baby the same month. Both she and her baby have had one thing after another for the past two years, they just seem sick all the time. The kid is clearly not as advanced mentally and developmentally as my gt grandson. And then my daughter has a friend whose vaxxed husband (3 plus a booster or two) was sick almost every month for a good two years. He seems better now, but overall, looking around at people I know who are vaxxed vs. unvaxxed, the vaxxed seem to be sick rather a lot. My husband and I haven't had a single thing since Feb. 2020, which could have been a mild version of covid. Or not. Who knows?

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The Midwestern Doctor sub stack has a big article on this subject today:


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I know three people with mysterious illness. All three were lined up to get every vax and booster.

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Even though Joe probably opted for saline, a “ live “ needle might have gotten mixed up with the duds, by accident.

I believe if a person has a disease already, the jab can accelerate it.

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a BOON for Pharma. Ongoing profits assured. No way it could be the plan all along or could it hmmmm...just sayin

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Having witnessed my father's struggles w/Parkinson's I concluded that Biden had it in 2021--based on his gait, mask like face, and outbursts (likely a result of medication adjustment to stop tremors). His gait also looks like he has had physical therapy to help him use his arms, keep his head up, not shuffle, and turn/pivot without anxiety.

My father died of cancer before he progressed to dementia, though he did have some mild sundowning typical of all varieties of dementia. Biden's now nearly constant frozen face with mouth hanging open is not a good sign. He is suffering and is pitiable.

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So THAT’S the mysterious “fitness regimen” they would have us believe he is doing every morning that prevents him from showing up at the Oval until 10am or later…

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The Sundowning Effect explains why Joe can only work till 4pm

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What about his stiff hands?

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Never saw that in my father.

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Apparently one of the “complaints” about the debate was that it was held “so late” instead of during Biden’s work day: 10-4.

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I’ve been saying this for 2 years!! He is 100% correct….

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I'm just one Substack author and I've written at least 8 articles on this topic. I wrote my first piece ("Our emperor has no brain") in September 2022. It was one of my first Substack articles. Zero Hedge picked up that article.

Every article I've written highlighted the real scandal - everyone in the White House and the press must have known this for years ... and they all "conspired" to cover this up.

Citizens are going to start asking, "What else have our trusted officials and watchdog press been covering up?" That is, one "truth bomb" might produce a series of seismic, narrative-changing blasts.


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The redundancy of it all is truly deafening isn't it Bill :)

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You know how I know it's true?

Because the press was clamoring for Trump to take a cognitive test even though they knew he was not experiencing any age related cognitive impairment....yet radio silent on Biden when it's as obvious as knowing milk has gone bad if you find a decapitated head of a trout in it.

It's a sad state of affairs when you can virtually guarantee The Truth can be discerned by believing the opposite of what the press is reporting...or what they're not reporting as an obvious tell on what's actually happening.

In other words, those of us who still have the American spirit in our marrow can sniff out totalitarianism like a sixth sense.

They think we're stupid and despise us. People rarely tell The Truth to people they think are unworthy of it.

You can't fool freebirds when every sense we have is also gifted with freedom synthesia.

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Headless Fish in milk ….🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Why do I have that Dr. Demento song in my head now with fish heads. Fish heads fish heads rolley polley fish heads. Fish heads fish heads...eat them up YUM! Very FUNNY to listen too whole jingle if you can find it online :)

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lolol, man. cut from the same cloth bro!

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Have the jingle repeating in my head all night now LMAO

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I enjoyed that also. It painted a picture. 🖌️🎨

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That was very well written. I wish my memory was good so I could use a few of your quips when I need them ! Thanks

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Thanks. It's true. Which is why I can NOT understand why AB believes that what we're being told about Ukraine is true.

So obvious.

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Ryan has a good way with words!

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Well Bill that means quite a bit coming from you.

The difference is you don't have to make 4 edits to every post you put up...lol...friend...:)

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They're out there right now claiming Trump has dementia and should be checked. They cite some of the jokes he has made but take the jokes seriously and literally. Good grief.

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Freedom Synthesia...love it! Great name for a band or maybe a festival :)

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Me, too. It was his facial expression, identical to my beloved granddaddy’s. Parkinson’s is cruel, but it’s crueler to see his family prop him up like they are.

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Well at least the Criminal-in-Chief was cremated on Thursday.

There's an old saying when a clown moves into the palace, he doesn't become king. The palace becomes a circus.

This is a Criminal Cabal Circus.

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i know, that one was pretty easy!

now level two for our neurosurgeon friend - explain kamala's inappropriate cackling.

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She Krazy...

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lol, thanks doc!

my guess was vodka

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Same!!! The signs have been there for several years.

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So many things run through my head.

-From a purely human standpoint I feel terrible for Joe Biden. Helluva way to go.

-HIs wife has to be the worst person on the planet to keep him out there doing this.

-The doctors who are playing along with this game are all guilty of medical malpractice.

-Every damn Democrat in any position of power knows what Joe has, and has known for some time.

-Who the hell IS running the country anyway?

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Exactly! This is fraud.

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I will readily admit I don't like Biden. I think he's a liar and a phony - and I believe his policies have been demonstrably bad for this country (especially his negligence regarding our border).

But what is happening now is elder abuse, and evil. I hope 'Dr. Jill' feels her latest cover photo on Vogue is somehow worth the shame and humiliation she's putting her husband through right now.

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An honest, humble, man wouldn't have been susceptible to this kind of abuse. Biden is an egomaniacal narcissist of the first class and his lust for power and prestige led him here.

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But the writers say "this should not discourage others from taking the vaccines because the benefits out weigh the risk". Hmmmnnn. The question is whose benefit are they talking about. I suspect it was there own benefit in that their professional license would not be taken away.

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I just highlighted the same thing from that abstract:

"Conclusion: These cases represent vaccine induced rare instances of adverse effects with atypical presentation of parkinsonism and cognitive dysfunction due to basal ganglia involvement. Such cases should not discourage patients to receive vaccines as benefits outweighs risks."

Benefits outweigh risks?! "Science" and "medicine" have jumped the shark.

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Depopulation benefits…

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Plot twist!

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I've always thought that too. The shots he worships have exacerbated his existing condition.

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Turbo boosted many things

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My husband passed away March 2023, he had Parkinson’s and Lewy Body Dementia. I am not a Dr, but I was his caregiver and I guarantee you that that Dr is absolutely correct! I lived it

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So sorry.

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Tucker made it clear the family has known since 2019.

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the fact that the Democratic establishment and the MSM continue to lie to the American People about this is all we need to know. They will do nothing to take power, The Green light to take out Trump has been given. It's just a matter of time now before they take their shot. We are in for a serious Constitutional crisis

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This is the Machiavellian big leagues. They’re playing for all the marbles. In several states now there is only one way to replace a candidate on the ballot: death. So- the diagnosis will be made soon enough for the news cycle. But, they’ve lost the electorate anyway.

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