It's almost as if there is a concerted effort to make any issues from the Pfizer documents look fake. Every time there is a new data dump, new fake allegations start going viral. Coincidence?

There is enough real bad news in the documents so why do the fakes go viral?

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To make people like Alex (and his readers) look stupid by association.

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Distract, obfuscate, misdirect, etc. Who has the time to wade through the deep fakes to find the real issues? Not me.

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"Men can get pregnant too!"

Is that a conspiracy too? To make the left look insane? And yet the most powerful people in our society will now say it.

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I’d like to see someone look at the pregnancy issue week by week. While it’s true a little over 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage in the first 12 weeks, the vast majority of those happen before the end of week 6. By the end of week 6 the rate drops to 5%. It keeps dropping from there as the pregnancy continues. Are the studies looking at miscarriage rates really apples to apples? Or are they simply lumping the first 12-13 weeks together and overlooking the selection bias of it being unlikely that many women who know they are pregnant, but get vaccinated anyway, between weeks 4-6? If they didn’t know, their miscarriage isn’t in any numbers because no one knew to report anything. If they did, and got the shots anyway, it’s likely most of these women were beyond 6 weeks. If the shots aren’t causing miscarriage, then the rate of miscarriage by actual week of gestation should match overall rates pre-COVID (5% at week 7; 4% at week 8, 2% at week 10, etc).

I have a lot of anecdotal evidence in my circle that these vaccines caused lots of miscarriages, but I haven’t seen any studies really looking at the rates by gestational age. Have you seen any?

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If all we had was anecdotal evidence, "lots of" it would be persuasive. However, you can't logically use anecdotal evidence to support a conclusion when there is "lots of" statistical evidence to the contrary. Here, we appear to have that. While you make an interesting point about selection bias, I wonder how one might design a study that corrects for that?

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Theoretically detailed data should exist for pregnancy length if there is raw data. One should be able to isolate gestational weeks at the time of vaccination and compare outcomes. Of 100 women 10 weeks pregnant you’d expect 2 miscarriages. How many were there of the women exactly 10 weeks pregnant? I can’t find anyone who has looked at this, but O don’t see how any assertions about risks can be made without it.

The raw data or some database should include exact gestational age. I haven’t seen anyone look into this, but if there was ever a natural selection bias, this would be it.

While many women suffer miscarriages, the reality is, the majority of those miscarriages happen very, very early. Nothing impacts decisions for a pause button more than a positive pregnancy test.

I feel like it’s a little suspect to compare miscarriage rates from a cohort of women attempting to get pregnant are followed closely/ daily to determine actual miscarriage rate in the population, and compare those rates to a cohort self reporting that only includes known pregnancy, which would average a later gestational age which should be correlated to a lower miscarriage rate.

Simply saying it’s comparable to the average miscarriage rate in the first 12 weeks doesn’t mean anything without context beyond 1st trimester.

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don't be conceited that I made a typo! lol

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Today I got gas for $2.57. Unfortunately it was at Taco Bell.

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Thanks for the laugh!

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Physicians were actively telling women the vaccines were safe in pregnancy and to take them. The UK had an active marketing campaign for pregnant women NOT to take the shot for three weeks in January 2021. Then it disappeared. There are also more than 4300 fetal deaths posted in VAERS. If it's not a signal from the vaccine, it's signal something else is going on. Needs investigation either way.

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There is another category, Alex, besides fetal deaths and birthrates. It's called "fetal anomalies." Have you ever heard of it, Alex? What are the numbers for that category, which is just as important as the others? Oh, you don't know? You didn't do your homework? Why does this not surprise me?

A lot of people are wondering about the Berenson Substack. It has mostly just become a distraction from the more serious reporting on Covid and the vaccine, which is now happening elsewhere.

The only question is, did he get tired or did he just get lazy? Oh well. Who cares? What difference, at this point, does it make?

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If Naomi Wolf with hundreds of volunteers takes weeks to comb through the data dumps how Alex come up with the conclusion that there is nothing to see in a matter of days.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 10, 2022

I happen to be one of those volunteers. I am getting my feet wet with this recent data dump. I am currently reading version 3 of the Interim Clinical Study Report. It is quite tedious. I hope all of us volunteers turn up enough info to show fraud on the part of Pfizer to hopefully get past the no-fault liability wall the government gave them.

And yes, pregnant women were excluded from the study but that seems like a reasonable safety precaution. In fact men in the program were told not to get anyone pregnant during the trial time period. So anyone who said that the jab was safe for pregnant women did so with no data. However, women of child bearing age were not excluded, but also warned to take every precaution against getting pregnant.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022

When I decided to volunteer you had to fill out a form and tell what you did for a living and what skills you may have to be able to look through all the information and find items that might show some form negligence and/or fraud. You do not need any medical background. In my case I was a paralegal for a law firm and I was tasked with doing the initial factual review of a case and to be able to know which statutes or regulations would be involved. So I have a lot of experience looking through piles of documents, many of them medical in nature. That was about a month ago. I did not hear back so I figured I did not make the cut until I received the email from Daily Clout informing all of us volunteers about the recent data dump with instructions on which group I would be in and how to get started. The people running this massive effort have real experts that then look at the findings we make and they decide whether or not it is of any value.

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Thank you so much for doing this work! It is greatly appreciated!

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Kudos to you, big effort and BIGGER thanks.

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I have similar qualifications, regulatory law, and tons of medical records/ conditions. Is Naomi still looking for volunteers?

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Easy: Alex isn't reviewing any of the Pfizer documents himself. If he isn't looking, he won't find anything.

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Yeah, I was wondering about the same thing. The pregnancy affair is also an ongoing, current concern and not just an artifact of the documents comprising observations from over a year ago. Journalists can be very territorial and jealously defend their “scoop” even to the point of appearing to be dismissive of competitor’s stories. Maybe Alex has a point, but it doth seem that he protest too much.

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Sadly we feel the same. Not sure what’s going on.

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Trying to get back on Twitter?

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Lazy or paid off, both = cancelled. I gave him a second shot after the ivermectin idiocy. This was the last straw.

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deletedMay 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022
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Something seemed to happen to Alex some time ago that he took an about face, slammed IVM using ad hominem against his readers instead of his usual critical review of the data. I unsubscribed at that time because I no longer wanted to support uncritical "takes" that I can get just as easily from the State Propaganda Media. Now this snide "take" without critical review. I'll keep abreast of what Alex is saying in order to have the bigger picture, but I will no longer support him.

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Yeah I just cancelled my subscription. Was an early subscriber FYI.

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Makes me sad because Alex had contributed so much. But I fear his hubris has gotten the best of him and I no longer find this blog trustworthy.

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Al, I think you missed the sarcasm of that Twitter post. I don't think he was gloating at all that his case is going forward when others did not. I think he was saying that he's still gunning for lil bird even if others lose their shot due to (bias?) judges.

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Better follow Steve Kirsch on Substack or go directly to this amazing account on Twitter:


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Didn't the DOD show a huge increase in fetal abnormalities, spontaneous abortions and stillbirth before it got scrubbed?

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It showed a huge increase in fetal abnormalities. I'm not sure about the other categories. Naomi has all of that data and has been presenting it on War Room.

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Yes, DoD did show a very big increase in all the above. L&D at my hospital is seeing record numbers of birth defects & miscarriages.

Berenson hasn’t written anything noteworthy in months. This substack has devolved into an epic grift.

If I hadn’t already paid for a year, I wouldn’t even bother reading his merde posts.

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I'm out in June.

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lucky you he gets my money until July waaaaaaaaaaah

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My reservation about the DOD data, although it is genuinely alarming, is that everything I see is expressed in percentages, unaccompanied by raw data. That might be the effect of a low base rate; i.e if something goes from once per million people to 3 times per million, it's a 200% increase, but it's only 3 in a million - not statistically significant in itself. The active military population is unusually young and healthy, and probably experiences low rates of many common health disorders, so small absolute increases could yield large percentage increases.

But I don't know the source data, so I honestly don't know what to think.

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“Physicians we’re actively telling women the vaccines were safe in pregnancy and to take them.” 🎯🎯🎯

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Want to see big pharma, FDA, Politicians, Trump Admin, data manipulation and the DOJ in action? Watch the docudrama DopeSick on Hulu. It documents the Purdue Pharma opioid crisis in America. For some reason they left out some major ds players, but overall excellent. Trust the science and your Dr. ROTFL.

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Take the pregnancy issue. The screamers on Twitter are trying to make hay with the fact that the documents show Pfizer didn’t know if the jabs were safe for pregnant women at the time they were authorized.


Pfizer excluded pregnant women from the pivotal trial - which was a standard and reasonable precaution. Thus no one knew the mRNA vaccines were safe for fetuses.


It was a secret if you were watching TV and not diving into the far reaches of the internet. 😕

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Didn't employers MANDATE pregnant women to take the shot in spite of lack of safety data?

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I don't recall any exceptions for pregnant women, and DO recall 'experts' telling pregnant women to get the shot. (Standard 'I don't know everything and might be wrong' disclaimer here)

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There were certainly many publicized cases of pregnant women asking for exemptions, begin denied, and losing their jobs. That is not in doubt. Many companies and government jobs gave absolutely no exemptions for anything, even with doctors' notes. So yes, they did mandate pregnant women to be jabbed, even if the wording didn't specifically say "We mandate pregnant women to be jabbed", since it did not allow exceptions. Everyone involved in pushing these mandates from politicians, so-called "experts", medical professionals, the lying media, employers and school administrators have blood on their hands and need to pay, and pay dearly, for what they have wrought.

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Thank you for the additional info! That's what I remember but without links I don't like to say for sure one way or the other. 🙂

Edit: The only relevant link I have says that pregnant women started a trial in Feb 2022 and it will be completed in January 2023.


Feb. 22, 2021 -- Pfizer and its partner BioNTech have launched clinical trials to study the safety and effectiveness of its coronavirus vaccine on pregnant women.

In a news release, Pfizer said “the first participants have been dosed” in trials that aim to enroll 4,000 women worldwide.

Besides studying whether the vaccine protects pregnant women, researchers will study the safety in infants of vaccinated women and whether protective antibodies were transferred to the infants. Infants will be monitored until they’re about 6 months old, the news release said.

After a baby is born, the study will be unblinded and women who received a placebo will be able to receive the vaccine. The study should conclude in January 2023.

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Could you imagine agreeing as a pregnant mother to participate in this trial?!!? Insanity!

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I remember the Surgeon General in an interview with Brett Baier mid-year 2021 explicitly state the vaccines were safe for pregnant women. I remember thinking how could he possibly know that? And how do we know if the babies are not negatively effected, say reproductively? Similar to DES back in the 1950'/60's etc...

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Yes. My daughter who was pregnant was let go for not complying even though she could have worked remote.

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What company? We need names to boycott these bastards!

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022

But people are still watching TV and the media is still making the same claims, just as hysterically, btw. I see it every day as my husband--alas!--is a TV "news" addict. And, from what I can tell when I converse with people, many, if not most, (granted, this is NYC) are still as brainwashed as ever, masked, testing themselves repeatedly for the mythical virus, and getting jabbed. If you mention the uselessness of masks, that the tests are admittedly unreliable, or the irrationality of thinking the jabs work when they and their jabbed friends repeatedly fall ill with "covid", they often grudgingly concede the point but insist they need the masks, tests, jabs. Dr Sucharit Bhakdi thinks the jabs cause neurological damage that makes people incapable of using their reasoning abilities (as I understood him). I hope that's not true, but fear it very well may be.

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The vax commercials I'm seeing STILL imply that the jab stops transmission.

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Unfortunately I have decided that folks that many people who live in the large cities, the ones who work for media and government Have some problem or various problems that cause a total lack of awareness, reason and arrogance.

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Definitely arrogance...a form of pride...

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New CDC Data: COVID-19 Vaccination Safe for Pregnant People

Media Statement

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, August 11, 2021


(2nd paragraph)

“CDC encourages all pregnant people or people who are thinking about becoming pregnant and those breastfeeding to get vaccinated to protect themselves from COVID-19,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “The vaccines are safe and effective, and it has never been more urgent to increase vaccinations as we face the highly transmissible Delta variant and see severe outcomes from COVID-19 among unvaccinated pregnant people.

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"Pregnant people" LMAO

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I laughed at that one too. If sounds like the people at the CDC don't know which gender can become pregnant.

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"The Screamers"....from a self-proclaimed Screamer. Talk about a lack of self awareness. SMDH

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My personal opinion is that screaming, and continuing to scream at the highest decibel level achievable, from the rooftops, is not only appropriate, but required. We may be doing it into the wilderness, but must still do so in the hopes of saving even a few.

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I was waiting for a prescription at a drug store when a man came into find out about getting a booster. I told him not to do it right there in the store in front of the pharmacist. I told him all the reasons why not to and where he could find more info. He had no idea what I was talking about. That's my new mission...spreading the word!

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Good for you and for the good work you are doing!

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Some of us scream into the void 😛

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"As it happens, I don’t think pregnant women should get the shots (unless, maybe, they are morbidly obese)."

Why on earth would anyone, especially a pregnant woman (obese or not), get the gene therapy now? If you have survived for 2 years without getting covid or surviving natural infection, why bother getting the shot now? The shots were designed for a variant that doesnt exist anymore, and they weren't even effective for that. What am I missing? Why hedge even a little bit at this point?

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Agreed! Says an unvaxxed female who just lost her job for refusing to comply. I made that point. I am sure I will be making it again. God told me to rely on the immunity He gave me!

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NY, this is the definition of gene therapy: (the transplantation of normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones in order to correct genetic disorders in a human.) They manipulated a virus, not a human, to make a vaccine. They Manipulated the coronavirus genome using targeted RNA recombination with interspecies chimeric coronaviruses krona!


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Haven't you heard, mate? Humans are the disorder :)

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Indeed, you are correct when it comes to all the other species on this planet!

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I must say I feel encouraged that at least of few people like yourself have some sense. It was thin on the ground for almost two years.

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I respect your honesty Alex, which is likely what got you in trouble. At this point, it seems to me the real scandal is the lack of curiosity about vax injuries. Whatever the number, it’s clearly about zero. All those heart problems in young men? What’s up with that? An honest health community would be just as worried about this as covid itself.

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An honest health community would have told us to go outside, get some sun, and exercise to keep safe from covid.

Our health community closed gyms and told people to stay inside.

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And the Canadian health minister at the time said that Vitamin D3 was fake news.

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Goodness, yes. I was saying this back in April 2020. The whole thing was completely lacking in common sense, and now I at least understand that "common sense" wasn't the point.

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I semi agree… quick ?…. How do you interpret the onset where people were so sick and the daily death count was alarming at times? It’s not hard to overwhelm available hospital beds but the hospital workers seemed overwhelmed and fearful. Thanks,

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Hospitals were never overwhelmed. It was fake news. A false narrative put out constantly by the lying media. And even if that was actually the case, staying locked indoors and masked wasn’t gonna help. It’s long been known that viruses dissipate in the sun almost instantly, and spread outdoors was never gonna be an issue. Vitamin s has long been known to be essential for your immune system. None of this was a mystery, even for this shamdemic that was foisted upon us.

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I was basing my comment on that hospitals need 88% occupancy rate to break even…. So, it doesn’t take much for there to be no beds….

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but this never happened on a wide scale. It was all propaganda.

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when do you ever hear on a daily basis how many people die in one day??? what is the average number of deaths in any one day anyhow and then when you say everyone is dying from only one thing......COVID That's how you get there!! Remember the makeshift hospitals that were set up and the navy ship that NO ONE ever used or the videos of all the dancing nurses in hospitals.

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Yup, and stop tracking regular flu …and then cite the masks for there being no regular flu… don’t allow people into doctors offices, so flu was never tracked. And the increase in annual deaths did not “equal” the number of reported Covid deaths

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NY and other places sped up their curve by infecting all the at-risk at once. Even so, hospitals weren't overrun.

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And that face diapers don’t work.

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An honest health community would encourage early treatments inc IVM, HCQ, vitamins, minerals, etc.

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The phrase “honest health community” has become a oxymoron. Anyone that has been appointed to a government health post, at any level of government, should be ignored entirely. Whatever they say, do the opposite. For those that still waste there time watching cable or local news, any self annoited “health expert” brought in should be considered a bold faced liar. I have more faith in the advice of people on these comment threads. I’ve come across some excellent purveyors of information this past year and half or so.

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I know, but some of us are still shocked at how so many health professionals ignored asking really obvious questions. I think that’s why some have clung to the “covidian” belief system so desperately. to abandon it is to admit that people you thought were trustworthy aren’t. It takes out a supporting pillar of their worldview.

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Grape, if your concern was about getting myocarditis, you should have gotten vaccinated; there was so much Bullshit and misinformation out there about getting myocarditis from the vaccine! Grape, if your concern was about getting myocarditis, you should have gotten vaccinated; there was so much Bullshit and misinformation out there about getting myocarditis from the vaccine! And for all those sissy out there when it comes to the vaccine, you may be in luck if Congress doesn’t approve more funding for Covid!

“Myocarditis (or pericarditis or myopericarditis) from primary COVID19 infection occurred at a rate as high as 450 per million in young males. Young males infected with the virus are up 6 times more likely to develop myocarditis as those who have received the vaccine.”



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“Sissy” interesting choice of words. So I guess your opinion is that only tough guys like yourself take the jabs, and every person that doesn’t is some sort of scared wimp. Nice analysis. Your the perfect useful idiot your government relies upon to push there tyranny.

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Jim, around 11.7 billion doses have been administered since the beginning of 2001; how many billions and how many years do you need? Oh, by the way, what kind of tyranny is the government imposing on you?

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the kind that forces people to take these unnecesary jabs or lose your job. The kind that forces business to close down. The kind that forces people to wear a worthless mask. The kind that closes beaches. The kind that closs playgrounds. The kind that forces you to show a passport to enter a building. need I go on. LIke I said, a useful idiot like yourself.

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Jim, the employer, not the government, tells you to get jab or lose your job. Has the government forced you to close your business? Have you been arrested for not wearing a mask? I’m certain you suffered greatly when you could not get to the playground! The company or business is taking precautions not to let infected people into their facilities, not the government. You may think I’m a useful idiot, but your comments make you sound like a paranoid irrational, illogical idiot.

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The businesses were closed by government force under the guise of safety. Do you live under a rock, you must. Walmart ws open, the small diner or bar had to close. This was done by government force, not the business. Kids have suffered as the government kept there schools closed. I didnt miss the playground, but millions of little kids did who instead were forced to sit in front of computers all day, real healthy advice. This was done by GOVERNMENT FORCE, no other reason. Im paranoid??? Im just not not an ignoramus like you are. You want to believe all this was necessary, that it did no harm. You are a fool, plain and simple.

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"If you're worried about myocarditis, you should get the jab and end up getting covid anyway, adding completely unnecessary risk to the equation."

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SimulationCommander, getting Covid may be inevitable, but the question is: which variant on the roulette of life? Is it better to get the most recent variant and each succeeding variant? or does it make more sense to avoid it as long as possible until it finally catches up with you?

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I immediately attempted to get the virus as quickly as I could, because the data was clear that I shouldn't be in danger and getting over the virus without spreading it is the only way to ACTUALLY help your community. Still, it took me 20 months to contract covid (from somebody who was fully vaxxed!).

It was a moderate cold.

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SimulationCommander, exactly how does getting a disease and not spending it help the community?

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That's how we actually get to herd immunity. Once I got over covid, I was extremely unlikely to spread the virus any further because I have the best immunity possible. This is basic science here.

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first off you don't get every variant or for that matter may never get another variant if unjabbed and have experienced covid. Matter of fact my sister works in a nursing home. One of the first to contract covid and has not had NOT ONE issue since in 2 years. Plus the jab only gives you immunity to the spike protein only not to the whole virus if you have covid and build a natural immunity. Not to mention the ability of your mucous membranes to have a role in protection in future exposure with having had covid. That also gets bypassed in jabs.

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Xcume2, "The other is that the variants are better at eluding immune responses such as antibodies, allowing them to infect people with prior immunity."


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if they can elude natural immunity which is far more robust they can surely evade the jabbed which only have antibodies to the spike protein and not the full virus

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"its evolution could come to resemble that of other respiratory infections, such as influenza" - And so we see people getting ill but not requiring the hospital. Just like influenza.

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One study supports your point. Did you even read it? Are you qualified to judge its veracity? Or just like that it “proves” you right? Ok. You can go back to sleep now.

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My, my, Grape, I didn’t mean to upset you; I was trying to be informative. Obviously, you have a critical eye, so why don’t you disapprove the study? I don’t have high expectations, so I won’t hold my breath!

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How does anyone know the risk after the shot? Are they tracking all the young men they gave it too? Testing their heart to see if there is damage?

Myocarditis from the virus = could literally mean anything since covid death is any death after pcr

Myocarditis from vax = VAERS reports

Ok, and how many cases of vaccine induced Myocarditis are NOT reported?

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Colin, have you heard of paranoia?

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I did glance at it. Which is not enough to judge it. I’m skeptical of statistical slight of hand, which this appears to be. Doesn’t appear to say anything about the actual risk of vax induced myocardial problems that have been widely reported. “We looked at a whole bunch of people and more in the covid group had heart problems” really doesn’t say very much. And what does the following mean? “Rates of COVID-19 cases and myocarditis not identified in the system were estimated and the results adjusted accordingly. Wilson score intervals were used for 95% confidence intervals due to the very low probability outcome.” Looks like that that whole bunch of people couldn’t even give a good answer. In any case, there is no possible way that a study of this type tells whether either one -covid or the vax - is responsible for the heart problem. If I was in the field I’d look for evidence of some causal factor. This looks to me like this study is close to meaningless. Anyone who disagrees, please be specific.

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“We have hope, not data” -CDC Director while also pushing mandates. These ppl are idiots, evil, or both.

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But even the companies probably didn’t know just how quickly and aggressively the virus would mutate (in fact, it had barely mutated at all in 2020). Their public statements in the winter and spring of 2021 offer a clue to what they hoped - that the original shots would remain effective for years.


Was it just complete luck that we knew the jab wouldn't prevent a winter wave and then it didn't? I see a lot of people blaming this on Omicron, but we knew it was going to happen long before Omi was a thing.

I'm of the mind that Omi was a scapegoat for the inevitable vaccine failure, not the cause.

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Agree 100%. I also think it may be soooo very contagious that everyone is quickly infected and Covid becomes the cover for all vax-related health issues. Brilliant.

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SimulationCommander, how could companies know how fast an unknown virus that created a pandemic would mutate? And how did you know the jab wouldn’t prevent a winter peak? You make multiple suppositions that make no sense!

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I guess the seasonality theorists are just lucky we continue to be correct about virus activity for the last 22 months straight.

We knew the jab wouldn't prevent a winter peak because the jab doesn't stop transmission and the virus is seasonal. What did YOU expect to happen?



Just a couple of the many articles talking about seasonality before last winter's wave.

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SimulationCommander when comparing the wide variability of the mutation rate: Influenza has a mutation rate of (0.60-2.00 × 10−6). Compared to SARS-CoV-2 ranges of(1.12 × 10−3 to 6.25 × 10−3), you obviously can’t predict such a thing. Fauci fuckup when he didn’t assume Covid was just like the flu and the cold. If people wore surgical masks, it would not have stopped Covid, but it would have slowed it down substantially, giving more time to adjust to the situation. What didn’t make any sense to me was how rapidly it spread worldwide. It had to be spread through the air, not just by physical contact, which meant it we similar to influenza, which is seasonal.

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Yeah, yeah, I guess we're just the luckiest people ever since we keep being correct over and over. NOBODY COULD POSSIBLY KNOW! (Except the people who actually look at the data)

Fauci still doesn't mention seasonality unless it's scary. Even if we can forgive him for not understanding immediately, it was clear by summer 2020 what we were dealing with.

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Every time is see a Covid posting I think - we are still talking about that scam? It was a planned pandemic - let’s just leave it there and approach it from that angle. If we do that and don’t stop, we can convict people quicker. Don’t debate Covid - debate the plan.

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NYC is still balls deep in vax passes. And once cases start ticking up in the summer, the same idiot 'leaders' will try the same stupid things to stop the virus -- unless we make it so politically punishing they can't even consider it.

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New Yorkers aren't all liberal groupthink robots. If NYC's 'leaders' try and re-impose restrictions, or vax passes, there will be a lot more resistance.

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There will be no significant resistance. None.

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Chris. I agree with you completely.

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Afraid I do, too.

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Agree. Same here in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.

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The covid fanatics are if anything even more psychotic now than they've ever been. They will NEVER give up their hysteria. I know. My family are among them. They are beyond redemption of any kind.

I came across the word "pandemonium" last night while reading a book about angels by Sophy Burnham. Pandemonium means "demons everywhere." Pandemia - (pandemic hysteria) and pandemonium (demons everywhere): this is literally the ongoing, never-ending reality for the huge masses of Covid Cult true believers in the fascistic blue states.

We're in the midst of a colossal spiritual battle between good and evil, truth and lies, and reality - which first and foremost includes spiritual reality- and delusion.

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I have to note that some of them are beginning to come down off the roof. The masks are beginning to come off, the 'social distancing' barriers are coming down, and no one (that I know) is getting the boosters. Still, it's nearly impossible to have a rational discussion on the subject with the "Covidians" their disciples, or even their amen corner of conformists who depend on mainstream media or big tech platforms for their news. Too many are too invested in the Big Lie to admit they were wrong anytime soon.

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Don’t hold your breath. NY was once a city full of tough guys, now it’s just the home of metrosexuals and keyboard commandos. All those loser hipsters in Brooklyn are probably still self imposing the mandates.

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I'll be traveling there to attend the big design show (ICFF) next week, and I'll let you know which, if any, COVID restrictions are still being enforced.

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Juan, verily, I would love to see your proof that this was a planned pandemic, but alas, methinks it will never be forthcoming!

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The Event 201 scenario | A pandemic tabletop exercise


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Are you trying to say Bill and Melinda planned this whole pandemic? Just kidding!

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The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201 in New York in October 2019.

The Event 201 scenario:

Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

The disease starts in pig farms in Brazil, quietly and slowly at first, but then it starts to spread more rapidly in healthcare settings. When it starts to spread efficiently from person to person in the low-income, densely packed neighborhoods of some of the megacities in South America, the epidemic explodes. It is first exported by air travel to Portugal, the United States, and China and then to many other countries. Although at first some countries are able to control it, it continues to spread and be reintroduced, and eventually no country can maintain control.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.


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Prove it wasn’t.

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We will not know for many years the long lasting effects of this vaccine on those fetuses/ now babies as they grow, or on anyone else for that matter. But the long time MRNA pushers got their massive clinical trial. Bill Gates who pushed Moderna for years is super happy I bet!

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I respectfully disagree. Nobody goes to court trying to seal records for 75 years if they contain things that are already known and have been admitted to.

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The vaccines were not tested on pregnant women or nursing women as a matter of protocol. Doctors and the CDC and every other so called expert told women that not only SHOULD they get vaccinated but that it was perfectly safe. They lied. End of.

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Alex confuses me these days. It's very obvious no one should be getting these shots when we now know they have limited efficacy and side effects with unknown long term effects. I guess his role is to only report on what is 100% known, but he seems to be on the fence regarding the obvious. I kind of feel like the Twitter lawsuit has convinced him he has to go more middle of the road.

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What is the obvious about which he's on the fence?

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That no one should get these shots

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The teams that are reviewing the released documents are finding more than enough data to demonstrate that these vaccines had an unacceptable safety profile. Thousands of people died from the vaccines -- far more than any other clinical trial, yet the CDC and our government kept pushing them on us at the behest of the money-grubbing pharmaceutical companies rather than pull them or promote other treatment options. Vaccinated people are still dying from the shots. I don't know how this can be construed as "mainly a distraction from more important issues." What's more important than people on the brink of being forced to take an experimental gene therapy that its makers and our government knew did not work and was a kill agent for many? I understand the fierce need content providers feel to "stay relevant" in the current landscape, but debunking the importance of findings in the Pfizer data (which Pfizer wanted to keep locked up for 75 years!) isn't the way to do it.

The data regarding pregnant women in the trial is very concerning. Complete data on half of them is missing (a recurring issue from either shoddy data keeping or deliberate obfuscation of facts). Of the women in the other half of the trial set (40 women I believe), only one saw her baby live to delivery. And before anyone casually debunks the credentials or intentions of the volunteers reviewing the 100,000+ pages released so far, there are physicians, nurses, medical researchers, health industry analysts and 250 lawyers among the ranks of about 2,250 volunteers. I am grateful for their efforts.

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The FDA is to blame here, as we all know. They authorized (and even approved Comirnaty with no long term data) experimental products in what can only be classified as the phase 3 clinical trial, let the Pharma companies provide blank package inserts and told everyone "safe and effective". The medical associations went on to tell pregnant and breast feeding mothers that the benefits outweighed the risks and 'wouldn't it be great to give your baby protective antibodies?'. Pharmacists and nurses all over the world saw no warnings on the package insert and injected anyone who walked up and asked for it. The FDA, CDC and White House had no right to tell anyone that these products were "safe and effective". This will go down as the most incompetent and reckless experiment on humanity ever conducted. We will not know the full extent of the effects for decades.

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They approved comirnaty but it’s not available anywhere. Only the emergency use authorized jab BNT162B2 is available.

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But, of course. It was all a ruse to get more people to get 'vaccinated'.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 10, 2022

Alex, my DIL had no problems with her 1st pregnancy. Not one issue. She then became pregnant again and the damn clot shot mandates happened. To keep her job (they had just sold their house, bought a new one (mortgage again - have you noticed the outrageous prices on houses for sale and the mad rush to grab up one of those few available houses?), had to buy a new vehicle because her old one was a death trap so losing her job was not an option. I know they were in a tough, financial spot so I stayed silent and supported them and said nothing about the lack of info. from her dr.

She started having blood pressure problems all of a sudden. She had to have her baby early because both their lives were at risk. My granddaughter was born very small (but alive!) & she slept nonstop for the 1st month while her mom worked at getting her blood pressure back to normal. Not like she can take medications for it because she was breast feeding.

But let's force these damn vaccinations on pregnant woman, lie and tell them everything is fine when they do not know squat about their safety. Now, many are talking but not all problems have been reported that so many have experienced or still are. But the public is supposed to blindly trust the crap being put out there by many about the vaccines and supposedly, minimal amount of side effects.

I am so sick of this crap! Your article is incredibly disappointing. I hope you never have to experience what many have or are a witness to from the sidelines. The ability for people to knowingly gloss over what is being done to the entire human race, except for those that are profiting feom this insanity makes me want to vomit everytime I read or hear of more ***! Enough!!

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If the huge British data set on pregnancies you are referring to is what's published in the UKHSA reports, then I disagree that it is comforting. These reports fail to take into account the timing of vaccination in pregnancy and therefore do not account for the fact that many vaccinated women only got vaccinated AFTER many risks had already been bypassed, creating a biased population. I have written several pieces looking at this data more closely. 1st one here: https://inumero.substack.com/p/vaccination-and-pregnancy-in-the?s=w

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