You appear to be happy, but yet you hate Trump so much you said you would vote for Biden. Have your cake much and eat it too?

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To be clear, I'm not saying I'm happy or unhappy with Judge Vyskocil's appointment. Our case rests on its own merits, which I believe are strong. Just thought people would be interested...

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You should be ecstatic. There are 2 judicial systems at work today. Those run by liberal/progressives who create laws as they go, and those run by moderates/conservatives who rule by existing laws. I'm not saying it guarantees anything, but you already won your first battle. Trump is an egomaniac and needs to go off into the sunset, but this world is far from perfect and if we continue down our current path you won't be able to even bring lawsuits like this before a judge. So saying you won't vote for Trump is saying you are fine with the current path towards a judicial system where people like you will not get a fair hearing.

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It is good news that the district court judge is a Trump appointee because she will be more fair in allowing discovery and presenting your case, but remember the case will be appealed to the Second Circuit where Biden has already appointed 6 of the 13 judges and Obama appointed the 7th. If you win your case, the Department of Injustice will appeal to a higher court packed with leftist revolutionaries. Democrats no longer believe in the rule of law and can not be trusted. The judiciary is the only branch of the government that can stop the establishment of their totalitarian dystopia, and only Republicans can restore integrity to the judicial system. If you don't have the courage to vote for a Republican then just do not vote.

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Trump 2024

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Win the primary. Lose the general.


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It appears that most public officials have skeletal remains somewhere. Nothing is Guaranteed. I with you the luck of the Irish Alex (pre potato famine)

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Please don't vote for any Democrat, ever again. If you can't vote for Trump, then please support a third-party candidate.

Yes, I used to be a liberal journalist as well; my blinders came off after my work colleagues blackballed me for calling the Rush Limbaugh show. I have not looked back.

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I voted for Ralph Nader once; his complete silence (after writing a book on "Corporate Welfare"--literally) about the Covid response would bring me to tears, if I had any to spare...

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I don't agree with hating Trump but your contribution is outside all of that. It's one of the salient points brought through in Pandemia.

One must never forget he was behind Operation Warp Speed and endorsed everything Anthony Fauci did.

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Again, what other choice did he have? He trusted in the government top medical scientists. Off with his head!! That’s like saying people should be called out for trusting their personal physician for insisting they get the vaccines...... some objectivity would clarify Trumps decision.

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One last thing on this ... I would buy your entire premise if Trump would come out and admit his mistakes, especially the vaccine debacle. Instead, he has gone the opposite route, still touting the vaccines that he brought to us all. Tells me after all these years, he still has not figured it out.

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I think most politicians just don't want to cross Big Pharma in any way--it would at least cut off a lot of contributions and perks, and at most effectively end your political career (or life, possibly)...

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That's my conundrum.

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I am sorry, Trump put his trust into the wrong people and it became obvious immediately. Trump should have cleaned house long before that. Trump touts himself as the great deal maker and great judge of character. You did not need to be a doctor read what Alex was writing immediately, which called into question all the crap these so called leaders (vaccine cartel members) were feeding us. I knew, Alex knew, Tucker's entire audience knew but Trump did not?

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Ideally, I agree... but every time Trump did fire someone the media went nuclear because he thinks “ this is his TV show!” And proof positive that he is a megalomaniac dictator, etc etc etc.. and Members of Congress never defended him...yes, I’m looking at you Mitch McConnell.... and the obvious Democrats... Pelosi would have used as grounds for impeachment. It’s actually why I want Trump to withdraw from politics.... the Swamp will never accept him, no matter what. It pisses me off but sadly, that’s the reality.

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Yep like they wont whip like hell the next guy who is put up against their Candidate of choice. Never give in. You are not regrouping to a more defensible position because your back is to the edge of a cliff.

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Fauci had been in that top position and working for the NIH/Federal government for many decades, long prior to Trump being elected. Fauci (and because of his elite “position”) was one of those who fed info to Trump which was also Fauci’s job for the 3 presidents prior to Trump.

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Yup, unfortunately we cannot ask all the gay men who died of AIDS because Fauci in 1988 rejected all the anecdotal evidence and advised the govt that a vaccine was the only cure for HIV... no vaccine to date, HIV can be kept in check with anti virals.

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Surprised some Gay activist whose lover had died hasn't taken this scumb bag out.

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I think HIV was endemic in many countries. When “experts” stated that HIV CAUSED AIDS, that’s when the propaganda and Big Pharma blitz began. That’s when Fauci began killing people with his “expert (AZT) opinion”.

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Yup, I have a friend who was in Hoffman LaRoche’s PR Dept and dealt with Fauci. They had to pay him to simply walk in their building , just for starters.

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That's all true but not pertinent politically. 45 can't have it both ways.

When he opposed DiSantis and Kemp on reopening is when he lost his footing. At the time even I, an ID Doc, thought what Florida and GA did was absolutely correct.

I don't recall him pushing back on the asymmetric Media response to COVID and BLM protesting but I could be wrong. I was pretty busy.

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Just curious, Did you ever see the ID Doc who early on was on FOX ( mostly Ingram) discussing HCQ/Abx being an extremely successful treatment? He’s a friend/former neighbor of mine. Trump consulted him about HCQ and non vaccine treatments. Then the NJ medical board came after him as did his hospitals... he went off the radar screen for fear of losing his license. I do t think the vaccines were ever necessary....and I’ve had many medical professionals tell me that I’m a complete idiot. I have my Medicare check up today and am dreading seeing my Pfizer trusting doctor.... thank you for your input. It’s good to dialog.

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HCQ will never be resolved.

Based upon Zinc ionophores in RNA viruses it should be effective in reducing viral load by reducing viral replication.

It was never given a chance.

The few studies done administered it after hospitalization which I knew at the time would be too late.

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PS including my LPN daughter in law who told me that “ anecdotal evidence is rot. It has to be proven empirically.” ...so her 12 year old kid got Bells Palsey after the second shot and she doesn’t even considering making a connection...

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I agree with you somewhat. I did watch Trump at his rally in Waco a few weeks ago, and he did not mention the jabs, as far as I saw.

Remember, he was beset at all times on all sides by apparently every single person in DC during his entire presidency, and Fauci had been in power longer than anyone ever.

Birx and others have bragged in their books about how they lied to Trump, misled him, laid the blame for everything on him.

Don't forget those things.

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Good points. Thanks, I forget those things sometimes.

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Actions speak louder than words. Old stmt but still rings loudly today.

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It's possible to hate Trump and still think a judge he appointed would be more conservative.

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But that suggests good things about the consistency and quality of Trump's judgement. Can't have that!

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You act like Trump invented the conservative movement. Reagan and Goldwater say, nope! It is VERY possible to have nothing but disrespect and disgust for Trump, but be happy that a person who respects conservative values is now a player. Trump is NOT the founder of the conservative movement— he just used it, like so many other things in his life, to get elected.

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Exactly. Therefore a person with common sense should be able to pick between the lesser of 2 evils when presented with facts. Alex has been fighting against Covid hysteria and authoritarianism for 3 years, but yet he feels that everyone needed to know via Twitter that he would never vote for Trump. So that means he would vote for Biden. Sometimes life is choosing between the lesser of 2 evils. I dislike Trump as well, but he is a million times better than what we have now.

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Yup. Simple question: do you expect a better outcome from a judge that Biden nominated or one that Trump did. If so, why?


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It’s always good to have a judge who believes in the Rule of Law, rather than an agenda

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People really need to look beyond Trump’s mannerisms, way of talking, & his need to be liked. It’s his policies that matter, & the fact we had a great economy under his tenure. I wish u great success Alex Berenson b/c ur success is MAGA’s success!

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This is good news Alex. Best of luck brother.

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It's a sad fact that your chances of winning any case are more a function of the judge(s) you draw than the actual strength of your case.

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She’s a conservative and very very very pro-life.

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So she’s probably very, very, RULE OF LAW...as in the Constitution. The Left has their own “rule of law”. That’s why the USA is falling. Like it Lefties????

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This is good news!

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The truth shall set us free!!

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Here is what is salient about Judge Vyskocil getting the nod for this case. Before she was a U.S. District court judge and a US Bankruptcy judge, she was, for almost 33 years, a general commercial litigation practitioner in NYC at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, one of the premier 'white shoe' law firms.

She has been ranked as one of the top 10 female litigators in the US. So this judge is no EEO appointment. Instead she is a certifiable non-moron. Alex, you at least have a shot to win because the judge is honest and has integrity. Just make your case.

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You should be over the moon with gratitude. Maybe you should message Trump on Truth Social and thank him.

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Well bless your heart, Alex. Looks like the Orange Man may have your back.😉

I sincerely hope that your case is judged on its merits with no “funny business.”

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She's also been assigned Alvin Bragg's suit against Jim Jordan. Confirmed in 2019, previously a Federal Bankruptcy judge.

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Good luck Alex.

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Your case should in a non corrupted court be strong enough to stand on its own merit. This can work for you, but the left can also say it was unjust because of being a Trump appointee. We are so divided, even a win is going to be , to some. A plot by tbe right.

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I think it all looks good! And as always, Alex, you are fighting the good fight. And I am proud of you. And grateful.

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