Either mass destruction / death / confusion was the original goal or we are witnessing the most negligent medical blunder in human history.

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Remember the commercials on TV that state "The more you know" knowledge is power? It seems the more we learn the more convinced I am that I will never get their experimental drugs. Especially since I had covid and I take ivermectin on a regular basis. I take vitamins for my immune system. I was even more convinced when my granddaughter caught covid, had to go to the hospital where they have monoclonal antibody treatment. She was refused because she is not vaccinated. They offered her the normal standard of care but no early treatment. Absurd we have to seek out doctors that will actually treat you. She is doing excellent now, no thanks to our hospital system.

Now we have a new "variant" out of Africa.....isn't it amazing that out of all the countries that we obtain data from South Africa hasn't even been a bleep on the radar and now they have a highly transmissable scariant. I am so over this nonsense. Between Fauci the fraud and the CDC , the WHO takes the cake. Never in my life time did I ever imagine we would have to protect ourselves from our own governments, the CDC and the NIH. They can all pound sand. As the death's continue to climb for vaccinated people, I guess they had to come up with something to justify the boosters.

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I have wondered why slightly over 50% favor vaccine mandates. Now we know. They want everybody else in the same boat with them when they start suffering the vaccine damage.

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I was speaking with a nurse earlier this week about COVID and the jab. I told her my wife lost her job due to ‘vaccine’ refusal and she asked why she refused and if I was vaccinated(I was frankly surprised there wasn’t a huge red banner on my charts). I told her we didn’t think it was necessary, effective or safe. I thought I was in for an argument but was surprised as she lowered her voice and confided that she resisted as long as she could but had to get it to keep her job. She waited until she could find the J&J and told her entire family to load up on aspirin for 2 weeks after the jab due to clotting concerns. She is under the impression that the J&J was ‘just like the flu shot’ and would not have taken the mRNA jabs. I told her to verify that since the J&J is not similar tech to normal vaccines. The interesting part of the conversation is she said all the doctors she spoke with recommended the J&J over the mRNA’s. She said the misinformation campaign against the J&J was almost criminal and that the push to jab kids was criminal. It was pretty creepy that she felt the need to discuss the topic in extremely hushed tones. I will have to relay this little interesting piece of the puzzle next time I see her…

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Sounds like the nurses in OKC know what is going on. One who works on the Heart Floor of a local hospital says nurses she knows have been calling it the "Depop" shot for some time, short for Depopulation. Kind of fits with the excess deaths Alex reports. Same nurse tells me the vaccinated are showing up in droves on the Heart Floor and local cardiologists are very busy...much more so than normal. The Booster may not help with the virus but is sure to BOOST the outbreak of heart problems.

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And with this new 'NU' variant coming out right on schedule in order to blame it for soon-to-come very high vaccinated deaths obviously caused by these same vaccines.

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NY ER shuts down due to Convid clot shot mandate. Stay strong everyone, hold the line!!


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Side effects are irrelevant, we need to listen to Geert Vanden Bossche before its too late. These people that took the vaxx made their choice

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Great job on Clay & Buck just now. Crap this is scary. Where/how does this end? My spouse had covid, was hospitalized. It was very bad. Nevertheless, not taking a chance on the vaccines if I can help it. Spouse agrees.

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I just wish we had more information on all the bioparticles in play. The vaccine proteins. The virus proteins. The antibodies created. The antibodies when coupled with the proteins etc.

Seems at the least they could start doing antibody assays of patients with myocarditis so we could have data on various immune profiles and see if a spike-protein-heavy profile is more likely for those diagnosed.

God speed to all the scientists. And I hope we will be able to hear whatever truth finally emerges.

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And the elites wonder why so many of us are "vaccine hesitant."

When they started giving the mRNA vaccines, I took a wait and see attitude. The longer I wait and follow the "science", the more convinced I am that unless you are at high risk of dying from Covid, you should definitely NOT get the jab.

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“Safe, effective, and free,” they said, telling a trio of lies at once.

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The human body is irretrievably intricate and very delicately balanced.

It should not be messed with

Esp. for an infection that only threatens the old, sick and obese. And only a small fraction of the atter cohort.

This whole reaction has been horrible since Day 1.

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Not news, really. My hospital has been overwhelmed with vaccinated ppl for weeks. Not bc ‘Rona but bc of dysregulation of their immune response. Cancers suddenly out of remission, chronic conditions suddenly gone rogue. Staff shortages about to get much worse as the great unwashed, unvaccinated, such as myself are fired. And, how will these ppl be cared for? Heart cells don’t regenerate, they scar. Many of my patients are looking at a lifetime ( whatever remains of it) of worsening illness, repeated infections... will their kids be forced to quit jobs to stay home and care for them? Very few ppl can afford long term disability insurance. And now vaccinated RNs & MDs are frequently too ill to work, for same reason . I guess we’ll be left with FEMA run Gulag type hospitals....

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Has there been any new information from the EU and their investigations into kidney related adverse vaccine side effects: glomerulonephritis or kidney inflammation; and nephrotic syndrome, a renal disorder characterised by heavy urinary protein losses. What do kidneys do? Filter blood. Kidneys work harder to filter spiked blood.

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I think the more likely mechanism is capillary microclotting that causes endothelial thromboebolic inflammatory response with a cytokine storm. Males are more susceptible because testosterone has pro-inflammatory properties. hIttps://jintensivecare.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40560-020-00483-y

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