Biden needs to face NUREMBERG trials. Btw, he used this to trick people. He is a filthy little weasel. A NON CATHOLIC.

NON AMERICAN. a traitor.

I saw video of him saying New World Order in 1993 or so. People who glowingly say NWO or Build Back Better are saying they believe in One World Government... in other words, they hate nations... they hate THEIR OWN BELOVED COUNTRY. This is treason plain and simple

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Biden has been a snake in the grass his entire political life. A leech, a bum whose only religion is CORRUPTION!! He sold his soul to the devil a long time ago. Every lie will be revealed and he and the cadre of evil doers behind the scenes will have to be tried, judged and sentenced. What they have done to this blessed land in a span of 12 months is treasonous and evil!!

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Every lie will be revealed, and no one will do a darn thing about it, as usual. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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If the Republicans win back control of Congress they could impeach him. There's infinitely more grounds than there were for Donald Trump because there were no grounds for Trump.

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Treason and mass murder would be grounds. Except in dems book

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There's no proof so far. Won't fly.

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It won't fly yet. That's part of the proof.

America and western nations have been at war with their people.

There's mountains of evidence.

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Dr. Fullmich and his Corona Investigative Committee have lots of proof: Watch this.https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/fuellmich/

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There is evidence galore.

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Only if the Republicans suddenly grow spine. I would not put much hope in that.

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We need to primary all RINOs and replace them with America First candidates. (I would prefer starting our own party, but that may not be feasible for a win).

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I agree as to grounds, but don't want him impeached. Kampala as president??? Who would pull her strings?

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Yeah, I forgot about her at the moment, maybe she could be impeached to for do nothing with her job of the border. But I got your shure she could be worse tnan Biden, but who knows.

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She would be impeached to for her treason.

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What started in Russia will end in America. Every freaken lie will be revealed and every mass murdering violator of NUREMBERG code will face gallows

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That brings up a good point- why don’t more people and the Republicans argue the Nuremberg Code? It does apply.

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That’s what I have been asking. Was this argued before the Supreme Court? If not, it should have been since all vaccines in the U.S. are still experimental.

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Government agencies, governments are not working for us at all anymore. Worldwide

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No. Phizers was approved. Cromarity (I think I spelled correctly - if not, please correct me).

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It certainly does.

EU leader wanted to just do away with it!

She can go to hell with her nonsense

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Well that would be just awesome. Please tell me who is gonna make that happen.

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And thanks for asking!

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My guess involves:

Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Holy Pope, our first Pope since October 1958.

Great Catholic Monarch.

Also... Civil wars all over the world, beginning in France.

This is non binding Catholic private Revelation.

So, take it or leave it

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YES…right after they do something about election fraud 2020, FBI crimes, the Durham investigation, and all the other wrongs that need to be righted. Any minute now! Please pass the popcorn.

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Not this time. They will literally hang for this once it’s comes out. All of them. Kinda like the salem witch trials 😉

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Every lie has already been revealed. It's just that most of the media is corrupt as well and denies and suppresses the revelations.

Unfortunately, what he has done to this land over the last 12 months was aided and abetted by Trump and many Republicans too. Can't lay it all at Biden's feet, though I'm fine if people want to do that.

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Doubtless there are numerous lies we still don't know about, but we certainly know enough. And I agree, Trump / Kushner and many Republicans aided and abetted it.

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Biden is one in a long line of traitorous leaders. Many laid the ground work and step by step, inch by inch, have been transforming this nation into a communist state for many decades. It began in earnest in 1963 when the Bible and prayer were banned from public schools, effectively making our schools communist, humanist, antichrist places of indoctrination. The communist religion is the same as what is taught in public school: man is god and those in high places of power are the gods, just like the communist party in the former Soviet Union and the current CCP.

The Supreme Court is the high seat of the communist movement in the U.S., having fulfilled over 40 of the Communist Manifesto all by themselves.

This nation has been on a downhill slide since that early time, the slope has just gotten steeper and more slippery and most of the politicians in Washington want it so. They are the Politburo of power.

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Jan 22, 2022
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"I'd rather take a cold, hard bunk in the gulag than be part of this shit show"

Karen Straughan

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Jan 21, 2022
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Term limits for bureaucrats.It is they who have taken over our republic.

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YES! At least the other lifetimers we get to vote on. Bureaucrats are unelected and forever.

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Yes! His comments about "the world should be vaccinated" are part of his evil sinister plan too. So many nefarious motives from such a divisive disgusting vile human being.

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I dig your style

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Along with all the politicians who have done nothing but just go along with it. Only a few brave souls have stood for America.

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Too many are spineless and bought out by special interests groups and large greedy corporations. Their silence is just as loud and telling, and makes them just as complicit in this criminal activity and destruction.

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Yes, indeed. He is godless and arrogant person.

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The perfect puppet for those truly in control!

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A moron. Before he got dementia. Ethics of a rattlesnake

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Total moron and narcissist. Go and watch him trying to debate constitutional law principals with Robert Bork at his judicial nomination hearings. It's on youtube. Pathetic. He is an obtuse, vicious, self important moron only suited to be Mayor of Wilmington if at all.

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Absolutely! At least with a rattlesnake you pretty much know where you stand...this buffoon can't even get out of his own way!

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Come now, that wasn’t fair to rattlesnakes. At least with a snake we expect what we get.

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God bless you.

He says he likes blacks.

Welfare as written here destroyed black family,. Hates black unborn babies.

When idiots refer to him, Pelosi, Francis as Catholic... I scream

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As a former Roman Catholic, I agree.

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Many left Catholic Church thinking Vatican II false Church was Holy Mother Church .

When did rape of boys spike? I bet after Catholics had to leave Rome to stay Catholic....

This process began October 1958, and heated up after Vatican II Robber Council, Dec 1965

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God bless you.

I am Catholic... I reject everything since commies took over Vatican:

Last 6 false popes.

Vatican II Robber Council

New mass of Paul VI

There is no March 2020 without October 1958

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Don't forget he also forced his young daughter Ashley to shower with him when she was young.

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Hiliary called it "Forward," an enduring communist slogan. NWO and BBB are just continuations of communist tactics. Dem party is the current manifestation of communist front organizations. The result is always the same -- massive destruction and death.

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You all warm my heart... so much knowledge I rarely see

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Still doesn't stop the CMS mandates that will destroy the Healthcare System. #1 rule for radicals.....CONTROL HEALTHCARE. This won't be over until the Healthcare System is rescued from the government nannies.

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Your comment implies that the current healthcare system is worth saving.

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Agree. God bless you

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Who first posited the idea that the biggest problem with the world is the nation state? Karl and his buddy Friederich! And you know the hell they unleashed in the 20th Century. Democrats and Brandon are communists but will never describe themselves that way.

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They have to keep rebranding themselves. "Progressives." "Liberals." "Democrats." No. They are Leftists.

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God bless you all. Comments are exploding, apologies I can't reply to all... you are all fine Americans, or fine citizens of YOUR SOVEREIGN NATIONS. God bless SOVEREIGN nations.

Piss on NWO

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I know a commie... very naive. Wants to help people. She will probably be thrown into pickup truck very early on, with a bullet thru her head...maybe before me.

She would object to her comrades' methods. Ha!

She is highly educated , which means highly propaganized...

Thinks one world gvt will be different than brutality of Russia, China, e Europe, cuba....

Me, Westchester Community College... no propaganda there ! Looks better every passing year

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A useful idiot.

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If Jim Henson ever made a weasel muppet, it would be our current Manchurian Candidate.

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Jan 21, 2022
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Jeff Dunham!

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“Walter” We say it all the time as well. 😂

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I am dying here. I told my wife about that a few weeks ago! The resemblance is pretty stunning. Somebody needs to do some "Photoshopping" on the two next to each other.

OK, next day edit here: Someone already DID this!


Now, I am really dyin'!

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Fauci is worse.

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They’re all ‘worse’

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It's from the world economic forum. It's been in the works for decades. This is an attempt, at least, if not the push toward one world order, Communist structure and COVID has been a very successful vehicle for control through fear, abolishment of liberty through fear, increased government control, and wealth redistribution.

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Yes. Actually, a lot longer....


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Nuremburg trials and the guillotine (or electric chair, gas chamber, or a firing squad - actually public hangings would be best for their crimes against humanity) for ALL the traitors who have committed acts of war against our country, our people, and mankind across the globe. We can NEVER forget their evil, because they would gladly do it again if given a chance. They are incompatible with civilized society, not to mention with truth, freedom, and good. We know who they are: Biden, Harris, Gates, Obama, the Clintons, Schwab, WEF members, Fauci, Soros, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Swalwel, Kerry, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the other Tech giants, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, certain British Monarchy figures, Merkel, Trudeau, Macron, all the Australian, Austrian, and Hungarian tyrants, and a slew of criminal "Democrat" activists in Congress and those who created the gain-of-function bioweapon at the military-linked Wujan lab. Also include all those who funded the bioweapon and include the lying media in all of these countries. How dare they think they can get away with forcing a NWO on all of humanity. This is a just a starting place list. They must be held to account!

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All the above who you mentioned who are found guilty must be given the ultimate penalties for their crimes. Life in prison or the hangman's noose. Nuremberg 2.0 must happen---or the world will never recover.

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Beijing Biden and his crime family turned on this nation for money. He thinks he'll be able to hide from us--when the time comes.

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Couldn't concur more!

And, pro abortion Brandon and Pukey Pelosi are definitely not Christians or decent human beings of ANY stripe.

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God bless you.

Also, Francis is not Catholic, not Pope novusordowatch.org

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"Pope" Francis is there to head the New World Order religion....He will be the last "pope".

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He's not Pope.

The religion he heads isn't Catholic Church.

We certainly will have a new Pope, who will consecrate Russia properly...

We are on cusp of Great Age of Mary

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I’d rather go with the Age of Christ.

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Saint Louis de Montfort...

It will be Peace of Christ in Reign of Christ...

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b-uild b-ack b-etter

6. 6. 6

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"I got my eye on you... You're going places" Kennison

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The true, terrifying story behind his phrase "Dark Winter:: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-107shrg75040/html/CHRG-107shrg75040.htm

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I've got to get some drugs before I start.


in other words, I believe these stuff you all find.

See Simpsons... producer was in secret societies, and this was vehicle for ILLUMINATI Rules...


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Interestingly the Democraps are all over “ my body my choice” when it comes to abortions but not this ineffective jab!

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I agree, but I think blaming democrats or republicans for this is useless. This is not a fight between any one American and another. This is a fight between the ultra rich 1B+ and everybody else. If we are honest, we can acknowledge that both the Republicans and the Democrats work for the same people, the plutocrats and our elected officials have sold us all down the river for a paycheck.

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While I agree to a point, this poll was from a few days ago. Questions:

Fines against those who refuse to take the vaccine were viewed favorably by 55% of Democratic voters and just 19% of Republicans, and 59% of Democrats favored a policy requiring unvaccinated people to stay inside their homes at all times, except for emergencies, the poll found. Seventy-nine percent of Republicans opposed a house arrest policy for unvaccinated people.

Forty-five percent of Democratic respondents favored the government forcing people into “designated facilities” until they get the vaccine — a measure opposed by 71% of all voters.

A government program using digital devices to track the movements of unvaccinated people and ensure that they are quarantined or socially distancing was opposed by two-thirds of likely voters, but 47% of Democratic respondents supported the idea of such a program.

Twenty-nine percent of Democratic voters said the government should take people’s children from them if they refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine, a measure viewed favorably by 7% of Republicans and 11% of unaffiliated voters.

If we are all honest, we can acknowledge that these shots do not stop transmission of this virus and turns negative fairly quickly. Still knowing this "Americans" polled this week feel this way about their fellow citizens. Pretty sad and discouraging "thought processes" taking place.

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I completely agree with you that in the current moment, and typically, the Dems heads are firmly up their own butts. Not too long ago the Republicans heads were in the same place. If you look at their actual policies, ignoring the identity politics that are meant to divide us, the parties are the same. More war, more profits for plutos, more of our tax dollars to the rich while our country crumbles. There was a 4 trillion dollar billionaire bailout that went through congress in days. Small business got relatively nothing and screwed over at the same time.

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@James- the Republicans' heads are still up there.

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The thing that the MSM want us to forget is that 42% of Americans are independent, that is more than either Dem or Rep.

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Wouldn’t it be lovely if a common sense independent candidate for president came out of all this nonsense

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A different view … https://vimeo.com/627693456

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I agree, especially about this not being red v blue, but it's bigger than just the 1B.

This is a fight against uber rich globalist plus their loyal lemmings which include regular citizens, unfortunately.

So much evil was uncovered in the last two years that I can't look at certain people the same ever again.

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Precisely. More avg, everyday ppl need to run for offices and restore some pragmatism and practical approaches to issues.

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Then we both agree that we have the best politicians money can buy. We’re doomed!

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I think we are in an amazing position to take our country back. Heck, when is the last time you heard Democrats, Republicans and Independents agreeing on anything. If we focus on what we agree on there is no stopping us. The people need to agree to be governed. We outnumber them. We can do this if we do it together.

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Yeah, and the right wing loves to prolong the drug war and let companies have more rights than individuals. They also took away our rights with the orwellian patriot act. This is what let governors become dictators with their upgraded emergency powers nonsense due to the anthrax sham. (The anthrax also is what got a lot of the left to vote for the act).

Both parties suck and represent wealth and power. They just pretend to be enemies, like in wrestling, only to hang out backstage.

It's all a club, and you ain't in it, as George Carlin said. The same club they beat you over the head with.

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yes, but look, they bought right into it and damaged their bodies to their own peril and from their own arrogance. And made themselves slaves to wear diapers on their faces ! without any critical thinking...just follow the other idiots...nothing to see here. Pride goeth before a fall always! Humble yourself before God and seek His wisdom.

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I can almost guarantee they did not get the jab. They know better and just in case made themselves exempt if questioned.

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interesting question there! Somehow, citizens should DEMAND to see evidence of vaccination by ALL elected officials. Demand to see if and when each was infected and treated with WHAT.

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Do NOT mess with TEXAS!

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Do NOT mess with the personal sovereignty and autonomy of human beings!

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Unless you are a HealthCare worker per SCOTUS, then Medicare owns you.

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It's disgusting. I am so angry and frustrated by this decision (and their shit reasoning). I hope the healthcare workers get together and revolt!

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Thank the Blue-Light Federalist Society, and Trump for letting them choose the noms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_light_federalists

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Don't trust anything Wikipedia says.

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I use Wikipedia to look up an actor's biography. That's it.

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Not everything on Wikipedia is false. This article is true. There are many other confirming sources. e.g. https://www.newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/wicked-blue-lights-new-london-give-connecticut-bad-name/

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Healthcare workers resigned to the rules imposed on them, or they quietly quit their unappreciated jobs. There are no virtuous crowds of people.

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Not all of them. Two nurse friends of mine resisted & got conscientious (religious) objector status.

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They were just lucky. I was fired by a nameless, faceless bureaucracy. Literally no name on the denial of my request or the denial of my appeal, nor any indication it had been read. My termination letter was sent over the name of my supervisor, who never even saw it.

I know that hundreds of nurses in my area were fired en masse, in the same situation, and the tiny token exemptions seem to have been picked at random, not based on anything the person wrote.

Also, thousands of exemptions were applied for within the armed forces, and only 2 were granted.

Even if the mandates were legal, the only question should have been, "Is this objection sincere?" Clearly, they were, so saying people could get exemptions was just a lie.

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Yes i know them, too. But the act of submitting persuasive documents of conviction of religious or philosophical beliefs was not wise. Because the beneficial effects (working and collecting a paycheck) was temporary at best. LIKELY these documents are now in the possession by CME which is a branch of HHS, and over it International HHS, your licensing board, and the FBI.

And what will you use to persuade them after they have transformed your beliefs into a threat? This will lead to the death of all beliefs.

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Also mask mandate gone but some schools are still using masks!

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States and counties have that authority. We in NY had fought loud and proud so our useless accidental governor backed down and put it on the counties. I live in Niagara County (think Niagara Falls) who said "Meh. If you want to wear one, wear one. We'll leave it up to the individual businesses." Next door in Erie County (think Buffalo), the Wimp-in-Chief is a mask Nazi. He has a Napolean complex and is making life miserable for his -HIS- citizens.

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Our government is starting to track the medical professionals with religious exemptions.

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I see new truly "private" healthcare coming! I left obamacare after 1 year...DID NOT WANT TO SUPPORT THAT BS! Went to christian sharing plan, because I need no healthcare/medication, just protection for catastrophic and with a 10K decuctible that is all it is for. I would not agreeable walk into one of these woke corporate hospitals after this forced death for $100k covid govt bonus BS that we've observed. I hope they go into bankruptcy and fail, all of the ones who encouraged the deaths for BONUSES. Remdesivir and Breathers.

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Many of us were in private healthcare. Malpractice insurance was affordable years ago. The cost of doing business was affordable. There is not enough hours in a day to pay the overhead for some physicians. Stark law and Obama changed the whole landscape. Most residents want work life balance and want to be employed by a hospital system. Many Specialists have sold out. Residents have loans and bills to pay. Private practice and knowing your doctor as part of the family, is a thing of the past.

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Same in UK.

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It would seem that if you are a healthcare worker then Medicare owns you. By Medicare i mean HHS/ International HHs.

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LOL. How about race based treatment allotments in Texas? Who's messing with that?

Its all games.

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Sadly, Abbott & sidekick Phelan only do right under heavy pressure from real conservatives - and often not even then, or only half-assed. For example:

Abbott & Phelan Kill Ban on Child Sex Change Surgeries


Abbott-Phelan take $250k from sex-change mills


Abbott's lockdown decrees sent hairdressers to jail and bankrupted many thousands of businesses. Now he blocks a special session to pass laws with teeth to ban mandates, despite his 2-mo-old EO being widely ignored as he knew it would be.

"Abbott was fine with a hair salon owner going to jail over his 'close small businesses' order but does nothing to stop UT from ignoring his 2021 vax mandate ban." Only helped get Shelley Luther released from jail under heavy pressure from conservatives.

3 great Rs are challenging RINO Abbott in the primary:

Dan Huffines

Lt Col Allen West

Chad Prather

The most popular conservative will be in the runoff, and if he wins it, crush Beta in the general.

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Allen West. And I'm in FL.

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I donated to Huffines & West, then maxed the budget. But I like Prather too, despite his connection to The Blaze. I'll donate to any of the 3 if they win the runoff, and I'm still in Calizuela for a few more months. 😥 Waste of money donating to anyone here.

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The clown show Supreme Court will let this mandate go through. That's pretty clear from the CMS ruling. I love how they refuse to look at the breakthrough data (or the Pfizer CEO's public comments) and just assume these injections work like the polio or smallpox vaccines (which are actually sterilizing).

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Not their job to determine "efficacy" of vaccines. I wish they could save us from autocracy in a clever, say, I don't know, Constitutional interpretive manner. Hopeful Cavannaugh turns his head a little bit to the right.

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Not their job to determine efficacy? But it's fine to put into the record outlandish false facts like 100,000 of kids hospitalized and on vents? And operate on ignorant assumptions that this vaccine is just like another -sterilizing? No SCOTUS could sure as heck take judicial notice of new data, and they should. They should at least acknowledge this is an EUA - experimental drug - and not an approved 'safe and effective' vaccine.

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The SCJ are Political PO S. The SC should have never been created and should have been eliminated 200 + years ago. Jefferson and others made that clear.

Also the DOJ should be eliminated. It was created in 1870. The FBI also needs to be eliminated. Hoover made it into a over reaching institution in the mid 1920s. Now it's run by out of control Commies (same with the entire Fed Government). Much of the Fed Government needs to be eliminated or massively scaled back.

Will any of this happen? Never in 1,000,000 Years!

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Thomas and Alito should not be included in any denunciation, imo.

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I am in favor of those 2 but I still think the SC should be eliminated.

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And what would replace it?

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Nothing. States can decide. We are a Republic. Fed Gov needs to be reduced to essentials. Will this happen? Not in a million years.

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The problem is that while we understand that it’s not their job to determine efficacy of vaccines, any pro-mandate ruling has the Branch Covidians touting the ruling as endorsing the science! But it doesn’t go the other way! What other lawsuit over a faulty product would prevent you from showing that the product does not perform as advertised? Why is this product different? Not arguing with you personally, just expressing frustration.

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I second that. How can you challenge the government if the government - CDC in this case - provides all the evidence?

But yes - if the Supreme Court is not willing to explore the scientific evidence for a treatment - before they prescribe it to a large segment of the US population - then they should not be involved in that medical process.

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The problem is the SC should have never been created in the first and long ago been eliminated.

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Exactly because as we know SCOTUS is so well informed especially Sotomayor!

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What? Why, she is among the very finest representative that the Prog-Left has to offer!

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Yeah, isn't she the one who tried to get Ginsberg to Cha Cha with her to celebrate the arrival of a wise Latina? Oh she's a real font of wisdom.

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That’s what stands out to me. There seems to be zero analysis of the science in these cases. On an individual level if I had sued to prevent being forced to take the jab would I even be able to show data that proves the risk is not worth the “reward” for me personally?

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What amazes me is: the issue for SCOTUS should be one of constitutionality, not science or vaccine efficacy. Of course, they don't care about constitutionality (I suspect a few of the 'justices' don't even understand the constitutional argument). So, they shift their argument to the science, and then STILL MANAGE TO GET THAT ASPECT WRONG, as well.

The reality is that some of these clowns-in-robes already knew which way they were going to vote; they just felt obligated to go through the formality and ceremony of a hearing.

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Yes, there is tremendous data out there if you know where to find it. All being suppressed.

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He’s asking if the court would even consider it

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I don't think it's relevant to the case. It's all in the wording though.

I keep bringing up Harvey Weinstein. If your employer can force you to take an experimental drug or even a non experimental drug against your will, why is Harvey Weinstein in Jail? All he was doing was administering his own "vaccine" as a condition of employment. He's a private company.

The lawyers have to connect those dots. That a forced vaccine violates these other employment laws in the same way forcing someone to have sex violates the law.

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Except for the fact that scotus doesn't make laws, only opinions on constitutionality. Mandates are not law either, only policy. Time for the free states goveners and state legislatures to pass state legislation nullifying these mandates.

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Well it probably first has to go to the circuit court... then possibly the SC. So even if they make the wrong decision, it at least gives time for more of that science to come out... more of the FOIA documents to be released... etc.

Even with that, the supreme idiots may still refuse to look at science or facts. But even if so, that's time these people have jobs that they wouldn't have otherwise.

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Science? I'm not sure that will work based on the "science" people like Sotomayor follows

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“You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.” - Davy Crockett, 1836. (Also possibly Elon Musk, 2021.) Still true. 💪

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Suckerberg is also moving his metacrap to TX, so... And the "republican" TX supreme court just basically legalized election fraud by negating AG powers to prosecute. Something's rotten in Texas.

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All my ex’s are in Texas...

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Someone needs to stop the shots on the military. Where is that Marine commander who said “Not for my Marines”? I know they got some religious exemptions.

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I'd be interested to know exactly what religion(s) they deemed to be legit.

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Likely any type (including Satanic) but Christian.

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It was 2 Marines that were already being discharged. They aren't approving exemptions.

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SCOTUS will side with the plaintiffs (I hope and believe) for the same reason they upheld the OSHA stay - Biden’s attempt to “work around” the constitution. Individual healthcare workers fired for not getting the jab need to bring a case against HHS and lay out the science - that “the jabbed” get infected and infect others. Or we need to demand congress pass legislation preventing HHS from mandating. Even our pathetic CDC leadership are being forced to acknowledge what we’ve intuitively known from the beginning - natural immunity from infection is far superior to jab immunity.

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It seems across the country we have huge cases of either colds, bad colds, flu Or pneumonia. I’m north of Houston, Tx I have not seen deathly I’ll people in 2 yrs. I know real people have died but the numbers are still showing it’s either very obese people and people elderly already having serious problems (frail).

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Here's how the CDC has managed to goose up the death number, which is "deaths involving covid-19" Everyone who comes to the hospital for ANYTHING is tested for covid-19. This would include car accidents, gunshot wounds, overdoses, sports injuries, etc. and your usual suspects of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes related ailments. If ANY of those positive cases dies, it is coded as a "death involving covid-19." Ignoring false positives (which are significant), all of the deaths in the covid death number are deaths WITH covid. How many in that number are deaths FROM covid? We'll never know. The data was collected in such a corrupted fashion, we'll never know just how deadly this virus actually was/is. One thing is for sure, the risk of death has been massively overstated.

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The majority of deaths are of people over 60 with underlying illness. This accounts for about 80%. Among that group there was Wallensky saying 75% are elderly with multiple underlying illnesses.

So, that shows there's 20% among the number who do not fall into those categories. I knew one man in his 40s who went through a long fight in the hospital and died leaving a wife and children. Discounting entirely this factual data isn't helpful in denying the viability of the bioweapon created in the ChiCom Wuhan lab.

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Well, those particular deaths couldn't have anything to do with incompetent treatment on any number of fronts then? Here's some factual data: medical error is the THIRD leading cause of death in the United States. Just one example relevant to Covid: ventilators require extremely specific instruction because of the very real possibility that someone even slightly unfamiliar with operating one of them can easily, inadvertently blow a patient's lungs out, among other quite possible deadly complications. Because of the urgency associated with Covid and the fact that ventilators emerged as a primary treatment for it early on, there were all kinds of medical professionals that *did not* have specialized ventilator training and they were operating those machines out of directions from the manuals. What could possibly go wrong?

And then there is the FACT that instead of offering people any sort of treatment at all once they are diagnosed with Covid, they are actually told to go home and wait until they are sick enough to come back to the hospital and be put on a ventilator.

Don't even get me started on Remdesivir. The ambulance chasing attorneys are already lining up for the windfall shaping up on that debacle. It's one of those now very familiar Thalidomide or Vioxx tales.

Was your 40 year old anecdote given Remdesivir? Did he have an extended battle with an improperly calibrated ventilator? Was he instructed to wait at home until he became "sick enough" to become profitable enough for the hospital under the Covid treatment guidelines?

Devil is in the details. Fear Porn is in the sweeping generalizations.

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Excellent rebuttal against the Fear Porn of “I knew someone who was a healthy 40 whatever year old and died of Covid in the hospital”. I am always suspicious and wonder what is the rest of the story. Because there always is.

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I would like to ADD to your treatise after the words ". . . on a ventilator"

additionally, the COVID protocol for those admitted to the hospital is stringent and rigid and entails not only forcing of the ill-working protocol but the refusals to both allow use of therapeutics and allow exit from the hospital. Today's very story in Epoch covers this extremely well: https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_morningbrief/exclusive-wife-stands-off-with-hospital-to-keep-her-husband-alive-and-wins_4225457.html?utm_source=Morningbrief&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mb-2022-01-21&mktids=64936f3d218e74cee3f2732ef5bf45c5&est=Q0S3BWdpTKYin3rZTaI%2FHu6qJ4u5VvwglbBWGgvQsSzAXv7vZEqdvqRsEw%3D%3D

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I didn't "entirely" discount the data. I will admit, some people died FROM covid-19 and nothing else. My criticism is that we'll never be able to separate out those that died FROM covid-19 and those that died WITH covid-19. The distinction IS important but the two are inseparably mixed in the CDC's "deaths involving covid-19" number. Assuming this 40 year old you mentioned actually died from covid-19 and nothing else (highly unlikely, but OK), he would be in the category of people who died FROM covid-19. What I'm "discounting" is the fact that most of the people in the CDC's death number, died with WITH covid-19 and not FROM covid-19. To Walensky's own admission, 75% of all covid deaths are from people that have 4 comorbidities. That means if you go to the hospital and die after testing positive for covid-19 and had COPD, renal failure & pulmonary edema, you'll still need one more ailment to be a typical covid death. People die of the common cold, influenza, and food poisoning, so please spare me the highly uncommon (and unlikely) story of someone who was perfectly healthy and died with covid 19 and tell me that because of him, we should continue with this mask, vaccine, and PCR testing madness. We've been lied to, deceived, censored, and fear mongered. I won't take it any longer.

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Check it out - the flu has been practically eliminated for a 2nd straight year in Denmark, according to official stats. (yeah right)



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Good article explaining the viral displacement with influenza


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FDA knows the PCR is unable to defrenciate between covid and other viral or bacterial illness!

Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. • The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. • The performance of this test has not been established for screening of blood or blood products for the presence of 2019-nCoV. • This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:2CdsyomID6IJ:https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-b-d

Effective Date: 12/01/2020

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Without the PCR scam all this is over long ago

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This is what they need to put you in isolation/quarantine; 1. patient history, 2, clinical observation, 3 epidemiological data. Negative pcr is not important, doesn't counterbalance. Furthermore, a positive after a shot is considered normal.

We are common property to the state, now.

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That’s why when the masses are boosted, the Fear Porn numbers go up. It’s a rigged game that we need to say we are done with playing.

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When you have symptoms you take personal responsibility by staying home as we always have with any common cold or airborne respiratory issue. The government has no place in in that decision making...period

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I am glad to hear that other of Uncle Joe's mandates have been stopped. As a healthcare worker I was deeply disturbed that the Supreme Court allowed the CMS mandate to stay. Forced vaccination is morally wrong.

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Alex this is a sincere question I thought you were going to give us information on ivermectin? I am looking forward to what you find.

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you do not need his blessing on IT. Anyone who has followed this already knows just how safe, cheap and effective the use of Ivermectin is IF used early and wisely. Let Alex...Alex. He has been a true resource for us all on the data aspects on this scamdemic.

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I am a true believer in ivermectin. I have taken it myself and have it in my medicine cabinet. Alex said he was going to address ivermectin and I’m hoping once he does a deep dive he will see the truth for himself

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Jan 21, 2022
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Well the information for those who have followed is ubiquitous now on the the use of Ivermectin....its not hidden. Alex simply takes the position it does not work...so what's the big deal? Who wants everyone to agree on everything all the time?

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Jan 21, 2022Edited
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Playing a little bit of devil's advocate here...on Kristy's behalf. Not sure that it's so much caring what Alex thinks, but rather, why does he think what he thinks about Ivermectin. What research, information, etc has he done to come to the conclusion that he's come to...that it doesn't work? Sounds to me like that is what Kristy is asking.

Oh, and full disclosure. I've taken Ivermectin twice - once for Delta, and again recently for Omicron. I did a lot of research before taking it; spoke with my doctor who was amenable to prescribing it; felt comfortable taking it (THAT is very important) and felt much better within 2 days of taking it each time. No side effects either. Was it really the IVM that made me better? Or was it a placebo effect? Who knows. I felt better and would take it again. Yet there are those scared to death of the notion of IVM and have no problem with an experimental shot. Go figure.

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I actually took it years ago for something so I was aware of it’s benefits. I also took it for Delta/Omnicrom (not sure which one I had) along with other remedies and I cleared the virus pretty quickly as did my family members who followed my protocols. I’d rather take a chance with IVM rather than Graphene Oxide in my system doing who knows what.

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Your last sentence...me too.

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Jan 21, 2022
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They're obviously not very confident about it themselves, but lack the self-awareness to realize that. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so desperate for Alec's validation.

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Jan 21, 2022
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Good point.

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Can we get a link to the full case report file? My husband and I want to explore whether or not this means he can legally REFUSE to test weekly at his federal DOD job, or if this stay pertains ONLY to the plaintiffs. Good news either way…. But he calls test day “National discrimination day” and has organized some vaccinated co-workers to hold solidarity with him by demanding tests on testing day too. After all, the vaccine neither prevents infection nor spread. So why test ONLY the unvaccinated? I hope this whole program goes down in flames!

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Biden is just a “useful idiot” being used by very powerful individuals to bring forth The Great Reset

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Biden Jobs-Out again. Let’s hear it for Brandon.

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How will this affect military members?

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Just for Roberts and that horribly disappointing Kavanaugh to let stand.

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I am a bit puzzled why all these mandates have not stopped. Because these vaccines are not FDA approved and still on EUA status, informed consent must be provided and right to refuse, allowed without question. Neither is occurring, but I'm just not seeing this argument being used. What am I missing here?

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Puzzling, indeed. Most sheeple, er, I mean people believe that the Pfizer "vaccine" they are getting is fully FDA approved although "Cominarty" is not "orderable" per CDC. I think a lot of the same people think all of the Covid "vaccines" are fully FDA approved: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/iis/COVID-19-related-codes.html

Here the FDA explains their approval of the EUA for the umm, novel mRNA products:


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My two cents… the reason is simply that ideology of the current administration is to control behavior with mandates. They know it will be challenged legally but that is part of the game. Clinical and observational evidence be damned… push mandates as hard as possible and censor any opposition with reliable support from the mainstream and social media. That is a lot of power and hard to fight against. The fight continues.

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And that - immense power and control - is what all of this is really about. Nothing to do with health, safety, etc, etc.

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I know you are right - no question. However, under Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products and Related Authorities when referring to informed consent (Fact Sheet), the FDA is required to "ensure that recipients are informed to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances:

• That FDA has authorized emergency use of the product;

• Of the significant known and potential benefits and risks associated with the emergency use of the product, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown;

• That they have the option to accept or refuse the EUA product and of any consequences of refusing administration of the product; and

• Of any available alternatives to the product and of the risks and benefits of available alternatives."(p. 24-https://www.fda.gov/media/139638/download)

We know the FDA is compromised, but either these requirements are met or the vaccine no longer should meet the requirements of EUA. That it takes a lawsuit to bring this to light is unbelievable! The SCOTUS should have used this argument when they had the chance to cancel mandates to healthcare professionals. I do believe we are moving into endemic status of this virus, so it is up to the people to push back - yes, the fight continues. Thank you for your comment!

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Apparently Biden hasn't received his orders from Bourla. Bourla at Pfizer, WHO and the European Union have all pivoted away from the second booster. Biden is singing from the wrong sheet of music!

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Awesome - gotta get the Healthcare mandates reversed. Lets go Brandon!

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Alex you need to publicly apologize for your sabotage of Dr. Malone.

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That was rude. Why the dismissive attitude?

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The fact that it was a one-size-fits-all approach is ridiculous. Many employees were working remote, without direct contact with colleagues - yet it was about keeping the workplace safe?

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As a Roman Catholic, I cannot figure out the life in me as to how he can receive the Body and Blood of Christ.

He has stain on his soul and so does the priest who keeps giving it to him.

Setting a bad example for other Catholics who think now why not... I’ll sin and still receive the holy Eucharist.

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Uh, I know plenty of leftist Catholic priests and nuns who have become activists for things counter to catholicism. Hell, look at "the Pope." *cough* Some of my relatives are commies who fancy themselves Catholics.

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Yes, I have experienced that as well with our parish priest.

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I will not make this thread about bashing my faith. Stay in your lane.

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and Fauxi the jesuit

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Fauci is atheist

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I agree with you. I’m so disheartened to realize that we cannot count on the Supreme Court. As educated as they may be, they lack what is called “common sense”, and are political! They should only be deciding cases based on the constitution, and constitution alone, not their own opinions! This is why the democrats want to “pack” the court, so their agenda will face no opposition. Sad!

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I was truly shocked at how truly stupid some of them sounded.

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Jan 21, 2022
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They like their cesspool in DC.

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I am thrilled! After reading about the UK, you’d think the US would slowly follow suit. I do see more and more MSM doubtful pieces slip through, they talk like some of these facts are new. Hard to admit they’re wrong. The narrative is going down the tubes. Now if I could only get my Covidiot friends/family members to see the writing on the wall.

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Biden will only re-double his tyranny the more he is shown to be the imbecile we knew him to be

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I was thrilled too, I’m seeing new headlines of it “slowing” Hopefully it will happen here soon. Then we’ll be focused on the next “disaster” - looks like it will be Russia

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Sadly our armed forces are still going to have to get them

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brandon should claim he fixed the virus so no need for shot mandates

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Brandon can't tie his shoe

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He can’t tie a lot of things

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Word on the street is that Brandon is going to claim victory in March at his state of the union address to set up a narrative prior to the midterms. If they can retain power they then continue forward with the next phase of their authoritarian policies/mandates to address the next crisis.

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The puppet will continue to say what IT is told to say. Makes zero decisions and why IT is the perfect puppet and why IT was placed in the WH. A 50 year swamp creature will lie thru IT'S teeth and not even blink or have one smidgen of remorse in doing so. IT is the consummate swamp creature!

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I agree, he is so mentally challenged that he cannot make any decisions. They are all made for him. I just wish the puppet masters pulling his strings would be exposed.

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You give him to much credit. Even IF he had the mental faculties he is 100% not capable because he is 100% swamp bought and paid for. He is told what do do by those he is beholden too. Probably more so than any previous President sitting in the WH. If you can think of one previously in the history of our country let me know

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Too late for the government & federal employees that got fired and many were but we’re not privy to the number. But, the main highway in Seattle wasn’t closed due to exceptionally severe weather, it was closed because there is no one to plow the roads

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So true, Sometimes I feel like we are living in 2 separate worlds, those that see the light and those who are just followers and go along with potential destruction of our freedoms.

Sadly, Biden has been a part of the bureaucracy so long, he knows nothing else.

Although he certainly deserves to be blamed, he's a part of a corrupt system that perpetuates this behavior. It's been going on for a long time.

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"What exactly does 'until this case is resolved on the merits' mean?"

It means until there's a trial and a final judgment is entered. That's how these cases are handled. The good guys want a judgment of permanent injunction entered barring Biden from medically raping them. The federal trial court has ruled that the good guys are likely to succeed on the merits of their request (one of the requirements that must be satisfied before a temporary injunction can be entered), and has entered a temporary injunction. If the good guys succeed at trial, they'll get a permanent injunction.

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Jan 21, 2022Edited
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That, I do not know the answer to. It might be because of a concern for separation of powers, but it might also be because enjoining all the President's agents is as good as enjoining him directly.

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Was that really the last mandate? What about the one for healthcare workers? That needs to go, too.

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another one of biden’s BS mandates that should get ignored ASAP is his closing of the Keystone pipeline with a swipe of his pen.. I remember him sitting there asking “what am I signing?? ridiculous!

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It is ridiculous and unlawful!

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Alex - This is not the last mandate. The most crucial in the business arena is the mandate on federal contractors. Most regional to global businesses still implementing mandates (such as my large tech. employer) are referencing this EO as the reason for mandate and test requirements.

My understanding is that it is sitting at the supreme court for an adjudication some time in March/April. OSHA ruling has actually had very minimal impact unfortunately.

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True. Damn.....

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The COVID-19 Karens will surely be screaming we're all gonna die post-haste.

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I disagree with all the noise about Biden being a traitor and evil. I believe that he is a dope, a dipshit, a moron, a "me too" leftist clinger liar and cheat cynically thrust upon us by a pack of lefty bastards whose allegiance to half baked, failed authoritarian leftist nonsense may prove to be the end of the republic. The recent full moon turned to blood before my very eyes so surely the end of times is upon us. The sun is out here in western Pennsylvania, so at least we have a good day for it.

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So, what I am hearing from my company lawyer is that now OSHA is preparing a permanent safety rule, since they failed on an emergency one. However, we fall under 14043, so any failures will get brought to the Supreme Court and going toward the Healthcare b/c if you take money from government, you are under their control. And we all know this all is stupid, b/c mandates don't work, Omicron, vaccines don't work, masks don't work, and soon, I won't work because my company is openly rooting for this to go through. Nauseating.

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Great news! Every gene transfer therapy injection mandate needs to be struck down because even a whiff of a mandate anywhere in society means it still has a detectable pulse and can be brought back to life. Now, Kavanaugh needs to reverse his ruling and admit he screwed up so the healthcare workers aren’t subjected to the evils of the Massvaxists. Can you imagine the terrible position those health care are in right now?! What a @$*^#%ed-up decision they are being forced to make! The beady-eyed, brain dead buzzard we call president needs to go and an avalanche of resignations of his servile henchmen along with him.

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The ONLY people who were able to receive medical exemptions were hospitalized AFTER taking a clot shot, and they were probably compensated for their silence. Once the FBI gets finished examining federal employees who received religious exemptions then CME or OSHA begin looking at the exemptions healthcare workers filed, and picking them off one by one, blackballing them, or worse. 1:7 work in healthcare in USA. We are fucking finished.

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A previous post (I can't find it now) referenced a Rumble video. I watched the first 18 min before it stopped at the same place twice. HOWEVER. The information contained in that 18 min is incredible. This is a must watch. 1200 of the 40,000 + or - vaccinated between Dec 1, 2020 and Feb 28, 2021 were dead on April 28, 2021 according to Pfizer docs submitted to medical authorities. The data is even worse for children and pregnant women. Dr. Daniel Nagase says the vaccine itself qualifies as a bio weapon because it permanently changes cell DNA and turns that cell into a spike protein factory. This is a must watch!


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Well, this lines up with numbers being reported at VAERS.

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This was mostly a bluff. Unfortunately, many people fell for it and companies took acted in lockstep because they didn't want the competition to poach their workers.

My best friend's job did that to her in good ole south Carolina. I told her to fight it because she has rights with plenty of higher ups in the district who agreed with her, but she caved.

Then, the Monday after their vax deadline, they admitted that they "forgot" to inform employees that they had a right to personal declination.

What's worse is they had an outbreak with a 100% vaccinated staff so she had to WFH anyway.

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I hope ARIZONA does the same. :(

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Sweet. Now expect The Sissy of the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanagh, to join fellow Blue-Light Federalist Society "Justice" John Obamacare Roberts to hose federal employees as he did to doctors & nurses.



The Federalist Society needs to go the way of the Federalist Party. Poof.

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Love your posts

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Since the very trials for these putrid injections were completely faked, all marketing and distribution of mRNA and all other covid injections must be stopped immediately. We will accept nothing less. Signed: the other half of the world not to dumb to believe the lies of big pharma, fauci, gates, the news media and the medical mafia.

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Good stuff. The tide seems to be turning. It'll be interesting to see what they pivot to next. I'm guessing climate change.

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We need to get rid of the federal OSHA. Should not exist. State job if anything.

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Include the IRS [ go flat tax] , EPA, FBI, FERC, HUD, NEA, ATF, DOT, FDA, FEMA, etc.

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Excellent! Let’s get this sorted out correctly! The lemmings love their fear porn. I am sure the legacy media will stay away from this one!

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Does this affect federal contractors?

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federal contractor mandate has already been blocked for awhile.

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Not according to my federal-contractor-employee family members, who are waiting with fingers crossed for a SC ruling on Jan 24, and facing a jab-or-job deadline Feb 9. Not in TX, FWIW.

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huh, well I'm a federal contractor employee, that mandate was blocked in early December, and my employer also dropped their mandate in December. Also not in TX.

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Yeah, the federal contractor mandate has been paused, though not completely thrown out afaik. Maybe your state has its own mandate.

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Family is in FL. There is no state mandate. It's definitely coming from the federal level.

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I haven't been tracking the contractor mandate as closely as the fed employee one but I hope it gets thrown out.

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Professor at major research university. Mandate still in place...

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Well, there is nothing stopping any institution from doing their own mandate. But the federal contractor mandate is currently suspended in the courts. Cannot be enforced.

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Yeah, the employees of Carhartt were just screwed over the other day. #boycottcarhartt

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Thanks. Hope you are right...

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my former employer is a huge Healthcare related fed contractor, and the removal of the OSHA mandate meant nothing to them. They were and are continuing with mandating the jab. They are in full suck up mode with Biden et al

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This is because the Supreme Court ruling on the OSHA mandate only covered companies that do not receive medical funding from the federal government.

It makes no sense, because something is either a violation of Constitutional rights or it is not. The funding stream should make no difference. But that's the distinction the ruling made. And that's why medical workers are still stuck with mandates.

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I'm a federal employee. Unfortunately, this appears to just cover federal contractors only. Any court action now would be too late for me anyway since I got vaccinated before the November deadline. i was going to request an exemption since I had natural immunity from a prior infection but those exemptions were not allowed.

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That is actually not accurate. You could absolutely submit a medical exemption with a doctor's endorsement. Perhaps the government would shoot it down, but the point is that it would have served as a stalling tactic. My sense is that all of this is a big game of chicken, and one way to respond to it is to stall things by flooding your personnel office with exemption paperwork.

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No, directly affects federal employees. I sent a close relative, who works for a large federal agency, this posting by Alex. Within a few hours, he told me he had just received an email notification from his employer that the federal employee vaccine mandate was being paused. I couldn't believe how quickly they responded. They're definitely taking the Federal District Courts ruling seriously. Can only be a good thing. Next on to higher courts. We shall see.

Sorry you had to take the vaccine or risk being fired, all the while having natural immunity! Our world is upside down! At least no booster in your future, for now. Best of luck to you!

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I believe that the U.S. did not sign the Nuremberg Code, but that the contents and intent of the Code were written into Federal law. That is per Dr. David Martin.

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Ahhh, thanks be -- both for this news and for your work on all of this Alex!!! (Just to add that though I have huge (HUGE) problems with Biden's rule, I also am trying to choose a different energy than what I'm experiencing from him. I don't know exactly what that looks like, but it's somewhere along the lines of naming the truth of the awfulness while also somehow not getting sucked into the negative tar pit that drags all of us down.)

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