All roads lead back to GoF research financed by us! That means, if you're keeping score:

We (the taxpayers) paid for gain-of-function research into bat-origin coronaviruses at a shoddy lab in Wuhan, China. Sometimes we even paid more than once.

We paid for exclusive tests the CDC fumbled from the start — refusing help from the private sector in the process.

We paid for CARES Act hospital bonuses.

We paid for hundreds of millions of covid tests, and millions of dollars more to futilely attempt to trace the contacts of people with positive results.

We paid for countless worthless masks, which now litter the countryside.

We paid for the ridiculous enforcement of stupid covid rules — like spying on churches and arresting paddleboarders.

We paid for trillions in other ridiculous covid spending because we shut down the economy — some of which was literally paying people not to work because we shut down the economy.

We paid for the vaccines, millions of which are going to waste.

We paid millions for endless covid propaganda that badgered us constantly about how safe and effective the shots were, and the Twitter Files prove we also paid for the censorship (both public and “private”) that ensured “safe and effective” was the only allowed viewpoint.

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Exactly. And we are now still paying for stupid ads on TV to "go get boosted"! Such a travesty.

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Surreal isn't it. Not ONE person responsible for it ALL and intentionally has remotely been held accountable in 3 years+. Not ONE on entire planet for what are legitimate crimes against humanity when taken into totality of what has been done to humanity. The perfect crime and perfect execution with ZERO accountability. In fact, many of the perpetrators have received generous "we the people" funded pay raises in these last 3 years for doing this to humanity and those who retire like the elf fraud Fauci will fade into a generous "we the people" funded pension. This is the justice we get in the swamp. Somewhere in the distance I hear Paul, Cruz, Jordan and Comer ranting and raving calling for probes and investigations (taxpayer funded) which never EVER lead to anything more than a verbal scolding and political theatre. Where the F is the ACCOUNTABILITY & RECKONING? Not ONE! An absolute disgrace beyond measure

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“ when we get to the bottom of this”... blah, blah, blah....

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Well I think you are wrong. The ICC sent out an arrest warrant for Putin. I know its hard to connect those dots but you have to try. PUTIN DID IT.

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John Legend... what a TOOL!

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Don't forget, " We're all in this together. "

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I see those f--king masks all over the place, blowing in the wind. What a piss off. It continually reminds me of the absolute folly created by the cretins in charge.

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I still see them on people’s faces! I want to scream.

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On July 21, 2021, President Biden claimed that people who were vaccinated could not be harmed by COVID.

This was a lie.

He and other experts lied like this because they wanted to deceive Americans into getting vaccinated.

This was unethical. It undermined informed consent.

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Well, at least we got a "brand name" pandemic.

Nothing like an impulse buy.

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I will say that I/we got...hmmm...let's just say we pluralized our support for 2A.

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Well it's the only right that wasn't given up, wholesale, during the Scamdemic.

Perhaps that's because it's the only institution that is not part of the hegemonic "power-centers" control "system"?

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They tried to shut down gun stores in CA.

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Ultimately, they didn't buckle like The Church did.

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Probably the worst WE not on the list is how many WE lost their lives or were maimed these past 3 years +.

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It’s absolutely infuriating. In a hundred years, people will puzzle at how this could have all been conceived and believed. (Or I sure hope so!)

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We also need to demand FULL TRANSPARENCY on WHERE our tax money goes!

Microchip every last nickel & dime. Sunshine laws!

Make it retroactive to 1776!

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I’d say that pretty much sums it up.

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I have ever only asked one question.

Why did the Chinese Govt (CCP) not allow anyone from Wuhan to travel to any major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, etc., but yet allowed over 850,000 people from Wuhan to get on planes and travel internationally to Italy, Germany, France, Spain, the UK, New York, L.A., Chicago, Miami, Seattle, Vancouver and Toronto??

Answer that and you know what happened.

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Because we have dumbasses like Redfield who said bs like this, knowing it was a total lie.

This is my favorite doozy:


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And now Redfield is saying it was definitely from the Wuhan lab. Unfortunately many like him and Fauci are Democrats so they needed to do whatever was necessary to make sure Trump didn't get back in, including lying through their teeth about Covid, lockdowns, vaccines and masks.

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Greatest planned plandemic and CON in the history of man and they are getting away with it scot free

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Although the U.S. House is revealing new information all the time. Thank God for them!

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As Sun Tzu never said:

'If you can buy the leaders of an enemy country, do it

You will possess their country and its gold without war'.

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People ought to read The Art of War, as that is the playbook of the CCP. There is no win-win outcome, only win-lose!

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Like we all need more information. The redundancy is deafening. What is needed is a true reckoning. Its a fricken disgrace what has been allowed to occur with an absolute zero accountability

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The expression goes "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." They fooled us once, but let them try it again and see what happens.

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Only topped by “us” being called fringe conspiracists , probably MAGA....

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Omg! They’ve got NOTHING!!! Idiots or criminals...

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fat dumbasses like the aforementioned hypocrite

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Hahaha. So true!

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My favorite is these current and former politicians who keep saying that “ China must let us into the facility to inspect and investigate.” I mean how stupid can one be?

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not to mention MILAN specifically

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I was a police officer for 30 years and, right from the beginning in basic training, we were drilled on the principle of "continuity of evidence". No matter how big or how small the investigation, if the evidence is not complete then there is no case.

For Covid, the single most important piece of evidence is the one piece they don't have, that which would link it to a natural source. Without it there is no continuity, no case and everything written about it is mere speculation.

Moreover, to suggest that after more than three years, modern science and research capability still hasn't "found" this missing piece of evidence is simply beyond credible. Of course, it hasn't been found because it doesn't exist.

Wankers (and liars) the lot of them! 😡

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We're missing 3 elephantine questions in the room:

1. Regardless of origin of Covid19, was the unwarranted response disproportionate and devastating in its impact? (Answer: Yes, it was a self-inflicted utter catastrophe)

2. Was the catastrophe intentionally inflicted, to the benefit of its sponsors?

3. Don't questions about origin distract and deflect from #1 and #2?

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Exactly Lee!

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I read it all and appreciated all of it.

What I’ve learned in six months as a Substack writer. Three lessons: Substack itself is the biggest media story in years; Substack writers are allowing new Substack writers to reach a large audience and people in “blue” states have been some my biggest supporters. I wonder what's coming in the next six months ...


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Very nice work Alex. This one and the "too long" one. Thanks for all your wisdom and effort. You should win a Pullitzer and Nobel prize too.

It's not like this isn't a serious subject!

And NO other journalist or politician or government agent will get out of their own way about it.

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"Furin cleavage sites make it much easier for viruses to infect humans. Sars-Cov-2 has such a site. Other, similar coronaviruses do not. Weird, huh?"

Paging Tony. Your monster has escaped. Lie Stat.

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Any good reporter would have been skeptical of all of it: COVID origins, the effectiveness of lockdowns, social distancing and masks, the ability of the vaccines to prevent transmission of the virus, etc. Unfortunately, we have very few good reporters but a lot of "journalists" that parrot the government line.

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"If all of this new technology is so great, WHERE is the HIV vaccine? Don't they care? It's been SO LONG!" - conversation ends...what are you doing for Easter?

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Ask the thousands of dead NYC gay men that Fauci ignored because.... a vaccine was needed ... and 35 years later an AIDS vaccine has yet to make it through... wait for it ...” stringent FDA approval trials.”

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I ate those questions up!

If you get the urge to serve more, I’m at the table.

I do love your posts, your books and your cable interviews.

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I have a feeling we're "dessert"

Edit: not for Alex; our overlords...we're on the menu for another crisis (pandemic or otherwise).

The peeps like the smorgasbord of trading freedom for safety. It taste good...until the indigestion sets in.

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Well, The Atlantic finally gets something right. An animal did start the pandemic. We just aren't sure which researcher with which petri dish at which lab in which country did it. Almost sounds like the start of a certain board game.

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"Why is it always the Atlantic?"

You know why Alex. The current editor of the Atlantic did such a great job at the New Yorker misinforming the public on Iraq that he effectively got promoted to become editor of the Atlantic. And now he is there, still serving elite interests.

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I have one question... Does Fauci or any of his accomplices understand that they are insulting our intelligence?? A Raccoon Dog?? What happened to the Bats? What about the Pangolins? Jon Lovitz clearly would be perfect portraying Fauci ... “ yeah, that’s it, a Raccoon Dog! “

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No because they have zero respect for anyone outside of their little bubble. We’re all lower life forms.

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Fungible affronts

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Don’t let it go Alex.

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Funny thing is, I forwarded yesterday's post to a bunch of family members. I'm not in the habit of doing that - usually it's el gato malo's stuff, but even that isn't frequent - but yesterday's post HAD to be seen by others' eyes (especially my family, most of whose smart brains - lawyers, heads of English depts., etc - have been broken).

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With regard to natural origins, I believe the natural origins theory. It naturally escaped from the Wuhan Lab due to naturally poor lab practices and naturally low quality Chinese ventilation systems. Then the virus response was governed by politicians who naturally wrecked the economy and killed and are killing far more people than the virus actually killed. Then the naturally weak minded segment of society believed everything the governments told them and they now naturally believe the pangolins and raccoon dogs did it. And this all goes to prove that stupid is naturally hard to fix.

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