Hey Alex I know you’re concerned about sending too many emails but I enjoy these small posts. Would be great if you could use the stack as a twitter substitute. Idk about substack features but maybe you could designate posts as “small thoughts” vs “articles”

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Agreed. I appreciate the bite-sized posts. Of course, I also enjoy the deeper dives. Just keep it coming. Thanks!!

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I totally agree too! I don’t mind getting the emails at all. It’s a welcome break from work periodically without me having to go back and check Twitter for updates

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Yes, definitely agree. It brightens my day to see these emails, no matter how small. Things are getting worse by the day. Need all the motivation we can get.

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Keep the emails coming, Alex. I look forward to them.

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I concur!

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Yes. Like Gato does.

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I use an RSS reader for all the substack's I'm interested in and use an e-mail address I don't pay attention to. That way I can read them on my time rather than getting pinged by e-mail.

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Totally agree

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Thank you. My response to people who ask if I'm vaccinated is to ask them when they were, which is generally over 6 months ago and then say “Well, I guess that makes us both unvaccinated,”

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my reply is 'yes, i am vaccinated' since i have received all the vaccines people get. i don't consider the covid jab a vaccine as it does not meet the definition of what up until a few weeks ago was considered a vaccine...

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I am with you 100% on this. When people ask, they don't ever say it like this: "Are you vaccinated for Covid-19?" Instead they say, "Are you vaxxed?" I always reply with the confidence of honesty, "Yes. Yes I am." In the rare instance where someone followed up with, "Which jab did you get?" I say, "Come on - leave me with a little bit of mystery!" Then they laugh and move on. 😊

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my grandmother said you are allowed to lie to anyone who asks a question that is none of their business...

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Given the new definition of "protection" rather than immunity, I consider myself vaxxed with quercitin, zinc, and vitamin D.

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I have those and ivermectin on the way.

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I’d like to get some to add to my other stuff as well. Do you mind if I ask, did you use Frontline Drs or somewhere else to get it?

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i kind of got scammed by afld. had a consultation but was told my the n.p. that the pharmacy they use was out of ivm and he could not write a script for me but if i wanted to have another consult in a couple weeks, they may have some then. it doesn't make sense. dr kory has a website that has links to pharmacies. one will dispense without a prescription. the site must be overwhelmed because each page took about 30-45 seconds to load. they only take echecks so i set up a separate checking account to pay from in case there were some shennanigans going on. if they scam me out of $100, no big deal. i just don't want my checking account emptied. the pharmacy is in canada...

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Good to know, thank you. My mother-in-law is high risk for multiple reasons. I have been pushing her to try afld. I will let her know they are out at the moment. I go to the VA for my healthcare and I’m going to see if they will give it to me.

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Try https://www.michaelturnermd.com/ $149 for the doctor and very good price for Ivermectin. They prescribe based on your weight - for 2 me 2 months prophylaxis provided 24 X 12mg tablets - about $145. I agree AFLD is a rip off - tried them earlier in the year - 25 X 3mg tablets for $180. Took about 12 days to get the Ivermectin. He is listed on the FLCCC web site - https://www.flccc.net .

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Thank you. I appreciate the info. I need to get some.

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What “people”? Look at the current CDC childhood vaccine schedule. Compare to the vaccines you received.

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People my age. No to the shingles vaccine. No to the HPV vaccine. No to the flu vaccine. Yes to vaccines that have a proven track record and prevent the diseases they target. Yes to the tetanus booster.

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So no to the MMR since Merck is in a lawsuit for falsifying the efficacy of the mumps portion no to DPT since they don’t use that any more in the US no to DTaP since the pertussis portion creates asymptomatic spreaders and no to all the new vaccines they decided infants need since 1986 like a Hep B vaccine for an hours old newborn

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ok. i'd like to change my answer. i will get the tetanus vaccine from here on out. at 56 y.o., i made it this far with what i have had and i don't trust the pharmaceutical companies at this point anymore...

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The thing is you can't just get a tetanus vaccine like you used to. Now it comes in a bundle which is getting bigger every year. last person I know who was "told" they get a tetanus shot was actually given a tetravalent vaccine with tetanus in it. Any which way to get the lot into you.

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I’m just going to say, this is very accurate.

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i did not know that. i got a booster maybe 3 years ago after i stepped on a rusty nail(the nail actually embedded itself in the bone in my heel deep enough that the board stuck to my foot-lol). i just looked at my immunization history and they did indeed give me the tdap shot. so much for informed consent...

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I have not had a cooties vaccine in years though…

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I watched a friend with Shingles, no thanks, got the shot. At least it has a history of working.

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L-Lysine is an amino acid which suppresses Shingles, Herpes (A/B/C) strong antiviral. Been using it for years on my rescue cats. Now taking it myself. Cleared for human use. Avoid vaxxes as much as we can. Supplements, vitamins, keeping everything good. Some scrips work. Many are useless. I just go with nature.

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I would like to stress the word "suppress". You can have or meet a virus, and your immune system will deal with it accordingly. You can be exposed to a bunch of viruses, most are already built into your immune defense system, others can be mitigated by having a strong immune system. As for shingles manifesting on one side of the body - so do strokes, paralysis, and fluid buildup. More of a chiropractic thing. Not an expert on this but a happy client!

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Just wanted to add to the conversation…the whole reason that shingles is circulating again is because of the chicken pox vaccine. Prior to that vaccine, anyone who had chicken pox as a kid and then came in contact with it through their children and their grandchildren boosted their immunity to shingles. Now that chicken pox no longer circulates, shingles has risen. The cdc, fda…. “fix” one issue to create another. Chicken pox was not so bad but now they can sell another vaccine.

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I already have neuropathic pain and can deal with it and a pretty high tolerance for pain in general(fractured my ankle years ago and opted for no cast and was walking on it within a week). I stand by my choice.

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Dave, I support your right to choose. But just food for thought, I've had fractures, ruptured spinal discs, and Shingles--twice. I would almost rather die than have Shingles again, and that's after enduring moderately severe COVID in March 2020. I got the Shingles vaccine last December because I'm much more worried about another 1:3 chance of Shingles than I am about COVID. :)

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Thanks for the info. I am going to pass though. I read a bit about the vaccine and it doesn’t sound like it is a slam dunk as far as preventing shingles. I am a bit of a wreck as it is. I have had a torn labrum in my right hip for a decade. Ortho doc said if I was running 5 miles a few times a week on it, he wouldn’t recommend operating. I have a rotator cuff tear in my left shoulder that didn’t impede me benching 275. I have bulging discs in my neck and lower back that has slowed me down but not because the cervical disk is pressing on my spinal cord messing up my balance. I have osteoarthritis in my hands, knees and elbows. I don’t take pain relievers as I try to avoid taking any drugs. I will take some of the recommended stuff if I get Covid though I am pretty sure I have had it as I spent time with my mother unmasked(I don’t think masks work) when she was sick with Covid and my son works in child care and was vomited, sneezed snd coughed on during the height of the pandemic and undoubtedly brought it home. As I said, I am a wreck. One more malady here or there is par for the course for me. Thank you again. I appreciate information of all kinds.

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And yes, I feel badly for passing on my genetics to my sons…

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Just to throw this out there, the early shingles vaccine in particular was known to *cause* shingles. There was a lawsuit about it and everything. My grandmother had c pox as a kid, and never had shingles. Her doc convinced her to take the shingles jab, and guess what she got 2 weeks later?

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Right -- Zostavax was a live attenuated virus and numerous recipients did shed the live virus. My husband had Zostavax (he forgot to mention it to me) and 5 days later I started the prodrome of my second episode of Shingles. The newer Shingrex is made from a component of the virus and is not live. Still, it does have a certain level of risk. To be clear, I'm not anti-vax--but I am opposed to mandates and to taking a vaccine when I have demonstrable natural immunity. The main problem with the COVID vaccine is that we don't KNOW that the spike protein is harmless long-term and that the spike protein is the only element that makes antibodies.

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No. It's useless. Like all vaccines. In fact, just think about it for a second. Shingles is caused by long term infection of the chickenpox virus right? That's what we are told. So apparently, harboring a virus for years and years makes you *more* susceptible to the virus in the future.


But what is the definition of immunity (of which vaccination is a subset)?

Well immunity is when harboring a virus makes you *less* susceptible to that virus in the future.

So how can harboring the virus make you both more and less susceptible to said virus? It can't. There is no way to acquire immunity for any virus that infects you on a long term basis (chickenpox, polio, HPV, hepatitis - probably all of them really).

The moment doctors realized that viruses do not always (if ever) infect us on an acute fashion they should have trashed the entire concept of vaccination (and immunity). It's not just wrong, it's a category error.

Here's another question. Shingles is typically either on the right or left side of the body (often the rash will end exactly at the spinal column). How does the virus know right from left? Viruses, presumably travel around the body into lots and lots of nerves - and yet for some reason this one likes to stick to one side of the body. Why? Shits and giggles?

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Varicella zoster (Shingles) hides in the cranial nerve ganglia; when it re-activates, it can only travel the nerve pathway. Spinal nerves divide into right and left sides. It's like coming to a T in the road: you can't go both ways at one time. That's why you only see it on one side, though it can involve multiple plexuses on that one side.

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I had chicken pox, no vaccine in those days. The shingles vaccine is recommended for seniors who never had a preventative vaccine because the virus from the natural infection never goes away. Only in later years when the senior's immune system declines, the virus wakes up again. I don't know about L/R travel. My friend had the stuff on his whole back and shoulders and neck. It drove him nuts. The anti drugs worked but not all that well, he said. But it may be like herpes, arriving in times of stress. I got the early vax, the later vax is supposed to be better. My immune system is fairly decent (Vit D at 80) but I'm never comfortable pulling the tiger's tail.

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I identify as vaccinated. 😂

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I like to say “I’m as vaccinated as you are” which is true in those situations!

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Ha ha we are all unvaccinated.

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That made me laugh out loud! Truth hurts!

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That’s exactly what I say

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Excellent response

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Great answer!

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The vaccines don't stop covid deaths, clearly. Worse, we're expected to give up many if not nearly all liberties over the fact that less than 200 people die a day in a nation with a population of over 67 million? Covid death numbers are a tiny blip. This is insanity.

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The vaccine is a bioweapon. The desths are coming

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Thank you again and again for all you write. You have been my beacon of light for the past year and a half.

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The most frustrating thing about this entire situation is the unwillingness of so many people to admit that they just don't know. This goes from Fauci to Biden to randos on Twitter. People are acting like they know exactly how to end Covid. Just get everybody vaccinated.

Except that vaccinated people still get infected and transmit Covid. So vaccinated people have to wear masks.

Many are proceeding with vaccine mandates as if the vaccine protects anyone from infection and transmission - which all the "experts" now tell us that it doesn't.

And then there is the vaccine itself. Is it safe? It seems like it probably is for most people. But I found this comment from Dr. Cort Lohff of the Southern Nevada Health District when he was asked about getting the flu shot at the same time as the Covid shot. "The doctor said while they don’t anticipate long term side effects of using both vaccines, he said officials don’t know the long term side effects of COVID-19 vaccines."

They don't KNOW the long term side effects of Covid-19 vaccines????? Excuse me???? You're trying to inject the ENTIRE country and you don't KNOW what the long term side effects are??? I really cannot make this up. But at least I give the Doctor credit for being honest which has been sadly lacking from our public health "experts" during most of the pandemic.

I do have to seriously question the people who are insisting on vaccinating children when we don't know the long term side effects of the vaccines. Children could be irreparably harmed by the vaccines yet they are at almost no risk of being harmed from Covid.

I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone.

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My step-daughter had to be hospitalized with acute kidney failure a couple of weeks ago, for 6 days. Her creatinine level was so incredibly high she got sent to a different hospital with more facilities and a teaching staff. Her treating Dr. said that she should NOT, DO NOT take the booster for COVID, in fact DO NOT take other COVID vaccines. She had her two jabs earlier in the summer. She was salty over the fact that no one told her about the difficulties she could face from the vax. She was sick as a dog for a week and it was a scary time.

My thoughts are that we should not take the vax; we can avoid all the follow-on organ failures associated with them.

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I'm sorry about your step-daughter. I hope she recovers.

My feeling about the vaccine is that there are some people who benefit. The people who were most at risk of dying from Covid - the elderly and the already sick- probably have a risk-reward that weighs on the side of taking the vaccine. But forcing it on everyone - even children who are at almost no risk is insane. Those people who are at serious risk from Covid are probably also fine with taking boosters - even for the rest of the their life.

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I am 72 with multiple co-morbidities and I couldn't be paid to take the vax. Fortunately, I know a physician who will treat COVID early with the therapeutics that are effective against COVID. I had to leave my Dr. of 27 years because I overheard his nurse answer a call about COVID; she said, "The Dr. recommends OTC meds UNTIL (emphasis mine) you have to be hospitalized."

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Everyone should be free to choose, imho.

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Overall when people admit that they don’t know, that has the potential to throw their entire world view off. One drop becomes a deluge. Don’t know about covid turns into don’t know how I feel about my wife of 20 years. Or some other major facet of existence. Most people simply can’t handle that level of existentialism. So they choose the perceived safer route, pretend to know everything. Their brand is “expert.”

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I most certainly agree " we don't know the long term side effects". And we would do that to children. Clearly the fear of too many adults has made reason disappear. We may be dooming a generation. We took thalidomide off the market when we discovered birth defects were rampant but didn't understand why, now we know: https://www.dana-farber.org/newsroom/news-releases/2018/after-60-years--scientists-uncover-how-thalidomide-produced-birth-defects/. Think 60 years! And the vaccines have been in use for a relatively short period. The risk balance is gone.

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You are living there.

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hearing the lunacy of Biden on radio this aft. . . Every other word is "vaccinated" and "vaccine" , repeated hundreds of times, begging and browbeating. The more it fails the harder they push it. This is way beyond sinister.

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we now live in a dictatorship. this is insane...

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It's bizarre. The CDC Director admitted...over a month ago... that the jabs don't stop infection or transmission of the Delta variant and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads. She later admitted that they don't have data to support the booster...but they hope it will work.

Just keep telling people over and over and over again and show them this...


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You wouldn’t believe how many people accuse me of lying when I say the vaxxed are spreading the virus, too. Then I post that video—and it’s crickets.

They don’t respond. They can’t respond. It’s as if their brain short-circuits, then “resets,” and then they move on as if they never saw anything, ready to call the next person — who tells them the vaxxed spread the virus — a liar.

I have never seen anything like this before in my life, except maybe on “The Walking Dead.”

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Same thing here. No logic. Even Biden's speech, it's as if last month's announcement never happened (CDC: Vax does not stop spread) How can you blame the unvaxxed if it doesn't stop the spread? How is the vax working if you need a booster? It's like high school-level science failure. Doc and scientists must be horrified. When I bring up these points, people retort with pure junk-speak.

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"Humperdink Humperdink Humperdink!" "I'm not listening!"

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Since 9/11/01 you have lived in the new "America". The scamdemic is just tying up the loose ends. Different talking heads, different day, same fear mongering.


"But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;"

1Peter 3:14

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just some quick math - The 7 day daily average number of cases peaked in the UK on January 9th at 59,417. By March 26th, it had dropped to 5,411. As of March 26th, Roughly 5% of the UK population had been vaccinated. So they had a 90%+ decline in cases with 5% of the country vaccinated. That is not a triumph of vaccines. That's a fucking triumph of seasonality.

On May 5th, the UK had dropped to 1,951 average daily cases with 24.4% of the country fully vaccinated. As of yesterday (9/8), the cases had risen to 38,518, with 65.5% of the population fully vaccinated.

So just to recap, cases fell 90% from their all time high with only 5% of the population vaccinated. And cases are now at 65% of their all time high ( and rising) with 65.5% of the population vaccinated. Tell me again how these trash "vaccines" cut transmission? This is the dumbest fucking time to be alive. People are confused by simple concepts like "Seasonality" and "Immunity". We also think "men" can menstruate and give birth. I have lost all hope for this bullshit woke country.

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Please do not confuse me with facts, I prefer to listen to Don Lemon and get my information for total freekin idiots like myself.

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well - this is what happens when a politician is elected to fight a disease. And make no mistake - thats why Joe got elected. Eventually, at some point 65% of our population will have natural immunity and the pandemic will disappear like SARS and MERS and make no mistake - the battle cry from Joe will be "He saved us from Covid!".

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27 states saw cases peak before any vaccine was available.

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“This is the dumbest fucking time to be alive.“

Oh, I really need to borrow that one. May I?

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Sure. Every day is dumber than the day before.

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I go to work every day, in a hospital , and hear NOT ONE WORD from my fellow providers about this issue , Fauci’s blatant perjury before congress, vax mandates or anything else that really matters. I work in a sea of complacent ,self absorbed zombies who have no idea that our so called “ COVID-19 unit” is nothing but a tragic example of doing the wrong thing over and over. I am disgusted by our system of healthcare and it’s obscene monetization that suppresses any kind of real wisdom or creative problem solving. It’s a death machine with a Starbucks attached.

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My husband's hospital is stuck doing the same protocol that does nothing. Nurses are calling the drs out on the floor and telling them "why are we doing this protocol, it isn't helping or working". Drs say it is because that is what they are told to do. So much for caring about humanity.

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Do you mind if I ask what the protocol is? Are they using remdesevir, dex and ventilators?

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so, a death machine with a separate, smaller death machine attached?

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Tonight the die will be cast with Bidet's speech. Does the public give in against this onslaught against science and freedom that is being anticipated.

Natural immunity only lasts 90 days according to their dictates even though it is proven T-call immunity can last for decades and is more adaptable.

The lemmings will never change, they are "all in" and will NOT admit they have been had. Misery loves company and they want us all in the same boat.....

As Mark Twain said : "It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled."

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90 days? Most of the studies I've read say 8 months, minimum.

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I still had antibodies after 15 months and probably still have them now. The truth is we need to treat people when they have Covid. Not just tell them to take Tylenol until they need to be on a ventilator. The world has gone mad.

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My worry is that they will now want to 'vaccinate' all 12-15 year-olds here because they will blame the increase on school-children propagating the virus. Everyone I spoke to months ago (when I could foretell this exact thing happening) told me: 'That will never happen'. Well, it seems more and more likely now,

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Not if EVERYONE refuses. They can't lock EVERYONE up.

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Take the kids OUT of the damn CRT/ Common Core Propaganda mills, join together with ten other families and start your own private school.

And hire lawyers and sue the sh*t out of the school district for so many thousands of dollars/pupil.

Plus remember: If the kids are not in school the district loses money.

Ivermectin is safe for kids I might add.

The “LA School Board” just declared war on the mostly Latino pupil population with the Covid jab mandate.

This will not end well unless we have a governor willing to stand up to these Un-American tyrants.

I really hope and pray Newsom is recalled and Elder becomes governor and immediately reverses all this dictatorial crap!

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I agree. My gut feeling is to take my youngest, and only one still in the system, out and home-school for a while. I see that you guys (responses above) are all mostly based in the US. It seems that the situation is somewhat worse over there. They won over public consensus over here in the UK with the promises that the 'vaccinated' would 'win' their freedoms back if the got the jab - things like: get vaccinated and go on holiday (most people in the UK flee this sun-deprived island and head to the Med)..... (....) fill in the blanks for all the things you can win back. When people flooded to be vaccinated in droves, it was too late to turn the boat around as public consensus was assured. Now they have this public consensus on their side, resisting child 'vaccination' is almost impossible.

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Forgot to mention, they are also going to add the proviso: if a parent fails to give consent for the jab, the teenager's choice will override their parents.

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Just happened in LA...prescient!@

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I am in the USA but know of 2 people in their mid 50s who suddenly died of heart attacks.It could be just a cumulative effect of the stress and lack of movement for 18 months but neither had any indication of health issues.Don’t even want to know if they are vaccinated or not ,one thing with people taking this vaccine is every time some heart issues or sudden problems occur,a part of their brain will always wonder if it was the vaccine.This is becoming quite a horrific show ,especially if it is true that Uncle Joe will require vaccine for all his underlinings.

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My wife works as a psych mental health NP and does telehealth visits for nursing home residents. Yesterday she found out that two of the residents she had seen 4 weeks ago had died suddenly. The staff at the nursing home was shocked. They did not know why the residents had suddenly died. All of the residents there got the shots. Is that why they died? Who knows? Nobody will ever look into it. We hear this kind of thing a lot, though. Also, families have not been allowed into the nursing homes to visit their loved ones, so these residents are dying alone without having seen their families in months. Absolutely terrible situation we have put our elderly citizens in. This is why I moved my parents into my home last year. I was not going to allow them to die alone in a nursing home...let alone get the shots.

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God Bless you and your parents. That is what everyone should do if they can.

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my wife's uncle is fully vaccinated and prior to being vaccinated was in good health and he is a non-smoking, teetotaling skinny guy with no diabetes. he has had 2 strokes in the last month. my mother, who has been in lousy health for quite some time and is in hospice care in a nursing home in new york state, is having weekly strokes. she hasn't had a cigarette in decades or anything to drink in at least a few years and is very thin.

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I forgot to mention, she is fully ‘vaxxed’ and her first stroke came after her first dose. No strokes before the jab. I realize this is anecdotal but it is concerning and suspicious.

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It's only anecdotal because they will never investigate to see WHY she suddenly had the strokes. I am aware of my clotting disorder and have stayed totally away from the vax. If I didn't have the clotting disorder I WOULD STILL STAY TOTALLY AWAY FROM THE VAX. It is an mRNA vax. None have ever been approved for use before this one, because they consistently failed the animal testing (the animals all died, EVERY TIME). "Fortunately"... this time around they omitted the requirement for animal testing or this vax would never have been used EUA or no EUA.

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Sep 9, 2021
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Patrick unless you know the medical history, lifestyle, bio markers such as from a cardio iq test from qwest or nmr lipid profile from Labcorp, it is difficult to create any correlation or causation; ultimately my hope for them and any of us is that they placed faith not in the vaccines but in their Creator and His Son.

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Direct quote from Joe Biden this evening..."We're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers." Umm...wasn't the "vaccine" supposed to be the thing that protected them?

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His OSHA move is likely unlawful, but that doesn't seem to slow them down in mandates. If folk refuse to comply, the labor shortages will explode. Joe seems to think the vaccines are his way out of the CoV crisis but it's not going away.

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What do you mean: “Joe seems to THINK”??

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I suspect the plan is with the fast track green card program for the refugees and all our new “immigrants” that are coming from the south they can fill the labor shortages.

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Surprised how fast they learned Python. But some actually are from India and Romania, etc. Most will simply displace low skilled jobs and we are watching that now, no green card needed.

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That's what we were told...but why talk about the facts of not being able to completely control COVID when you can pit groups of people against each other using fear...so much for the "unity" he repeatedly promised.

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Sorry Mr. Berenson, but I’m going to continue to write it, my money is that the vaccine is accelerating the virus response and allowing it to overcome resistance that we have instinctively, the Chinese are unhappy not just killing the elderly, obese, the medically compromised, no, they want to kill as many people as possible this time.

I don’t care if you folks think I’m a conspiracy idiot, Occam’s Razor is the vaccine is accelerating the virus…

Or, Pfizer Moderna , maybe even Johnson and Johnson have created the biggest hoax on medical care inventions in the last hundred years, and now the government wants us to have our faces stuck in the mud and told to breathe…

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It looks to me like the vaccine doesn't work worth a damn. Charts cut thru the political BS.

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It's not if you are vaccinated, it's when you are vaccinated. Per a preprint out of Japan using Pfizer, the average half-life for neutralizing activity is 68 days post 2nd jab, not even 3 months. Detectable neutralizing activity gone after 200 days.

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Do we have any sort of breakdown of what percentage of these deaths are fully vaccinated and which are unvaccinated?

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In my opinion to be of very much value to those that really care about what's actually happening you'd need a breakdown of partially vaccinated, fully vaccinated, unvaccinated with previous infection and unvaccinated with no previous infection and you'd need a clear definition of each of these. Even better would be to break it down further by age. I would be surprised if hospitalizations and deaths did not correspond to the age group that has the highest rates of vaccination (65+).

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Whoa whoa whoa, that’s too much useful data.

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See Mr. Maximus' link for much of what you ask at least for the UK.

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Most recent number I saw was 79% of hospitalizations were in the fully vaccinated.

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Not questioning your number. Could you provide the source for it, I would like to spread that info. Thanks.

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Public Health England (PHE) has a briefing with the total number of cases broken down by vaccination status and age group between Feb 1, 2021 to Aug 29, 2021. It’s also broken down by visits to the Emergency Room and deaths.

See pages 21/22 > https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1014926/Technical_Briefing_22_21_09_02.pdf

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I have the data in front of me. The interesting observation, to me at least, is that various immunologists predicted the mass vaccination of the elderly would force the virus to infect the young. 420,000 under 50's contracted Delta out of 492,000 total Delta cases.

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What I find staggering is the fact that among the 50+ cohort, there's twice as much deaths among the vaccinated (1,054) then among the unvaccinated (437).

Could it be that these deaths among the 50+ vaccinated are the very, very old, so closer to 80/90 years of age.

As for the <50 cohort, there is 37 deaths among the vaccinated compared to 99 deaths among the unvaccinated. If there are too many factors not accounted for here to make a solid interpretation, these numbers still don't look good on the current vaccination strategy.

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Be careful. You're underestimating the vaccinated deaths. You use the post 14 days from jab 2 number. I believe the count should start when medical intervention starts. That's immediately after the 1st jab. If you agree, total vaxxed deaths among the +50 were 1182.

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Thanks for confirming. I thought I could not be reading the chart correctly but you confirmed what I thought I was seeing: "What I find staggering is the fact that among the 50+ cohort, there's twice as much deaths among the vaccinated (1,054) then among the unvaccinated (437)."

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Many thanks for that reference. The problem with the figures in Table 5 (and with so many comparisons of serious illness and hospitalisations) is that the totals lump together figures from a time when 'vaccination' rates were much lower than today (and Delta was absent or virtually absent) with more recent times when 'vaccinations' are much higher and Delta is rampant. Consequently it isn't possible to calculate the relative risks of severe disease, hospitalisation and death from Delta between 'vaccinated' and 'unvaccinated' from those figures. To do so on an 80/20 basis would grossly overrate the protective value of the 'vaccines'. What would be really useful would be more recent figures from, say, the last month. They could be divided on the 80/20 basis to yield a pretty useful result.

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The reports are bi-weekly. If you compare the most recent to the previous you get the last 2 week slice, and to get the last month compare the most recent to the one from a month ago. Wouldn't that get you the info you are looking for, or am I misunderstanding what information you want?

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Many thanks. I didn't realise this was a regular update. I'll get out the old calculator and do some sums!

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No, not really. We know they're considering anyone less than 2 weeks our from their second dose to be unvaccinated, therefore any deaths within those time periods which might have been caused by the injections, won't count as causal. And they're not performing autopsies to make a determination. So, no we don't know because they don't want us to know.

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"Something is very, very wrong."

Indeed. And it is far deeper than almost anyone imagines. Most people seem to believe this is "all about money" or similar twaddle.

Pick up a history book soon.

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Yeah it's deeply and fundamentally sinister, far far worse than people think. I never really understood what people must have been thinking in the 1930s, until now. At least Einstein and the other German Jews that could see it coming could leave to the US. Where now, given practically everyone has lost their mind - ask Bezos for a lift somewhere?

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