Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences.

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what about for those considered coincidence hesitant :)

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I have natural immunity to coincidence. You oughta see my T-cells!

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These people need some shock therapy or something to wake up.

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Too late. I think they've already been lobotomized.

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Do you think she might at least have a nagging suspicion?

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Amazing how so few respect Occam's Razor anymore

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Well, at least she knows that she won't be dying young from exercise (that's out the window now), overwork or natural causes. I get that acknowledging my impending time bomb murder would be difficult to face though. God help the coerced/forced vaccinated.

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“Like most of you, I was only vaguely aware that MSNBC still existed...” savage 😂

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“so I missed Vossoughian’s triumphant return before hundreds - possibly thousands - of viewers.” even more savage 😂

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I'd guess dozens of viewers.

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I’m sad to admit I’ve never ever watched it in my lifetime of tv watching which goes back to 1952. Maybe not sad.

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You didn't miss a thing.

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Have you ever seen "Morning Joe"? Either Mika and her husband, Joe, are morons or they're extremely good liars.

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Morning joke had a hell of a rant about how he got such a bad case of covid because he didn’t get his booster and how all the people who oppose the boosters are freaks and morons. It’ll never dawn on him that possibility that if he had zero jabs he might’ve had a milder case of covid. These Branch Covidian cultists can never be reasoned with.

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They are murderers, too.

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Only seen them on Fox News. Same for The View. I watched Oprah once....the most insipid show ever, except Barbara Walters!

If those shows counted the viewers who are tortured by having to watch a few seconds of their claptrap on Fox, they would have great ratings! Now that is scary! 😈🤣

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well paid to spew

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I saw about 10 minutes of it and was nauseated.

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You are very lucky, then.

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What’s worse, is that supposedly intelligent people still watch MSNBC. Who STILL watches MSM? Can you say propaganda?

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I know some very intelligent people who still buy into this shit.

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So are they truly intelligent? Or are they “well educated”?

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It's my brother. He's extremely intelligent. He's one of the smartest people I know. I can't understand it. He told me he'd buy me a tombstone that reads, "He Did His Own Research". I will say that he seems to be having his doubts. This is definitely a good sign.

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Often the drive to be intelligent is ladened with pride and hubris. That is why Mark Twain’s observation stands the test of time. “It’s easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled.”

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I'm wondering about that. Perhaps neither. The most avid MSNBC follower I know is a retired salesman whose superpower is the ability convince himself (and thereby others) of the superior nature of whatever product he's selling. Arguing about the pandemic with him has revealed not only his talent for self-hypnosis, but a complete lack of real abstract reasoning. His method of getting through school (and law school) was to simply memorize the material and the right buzzwords and phrases without ever attempting to understand it. I have come to realize that he has actual contempt for any real wisdom which doesn't directly benefit him.

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Lmao! I always say, if you’re over 40 and STILL watching television, you’re asleep. Sound…

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And I GET exactly what you are saying…great job saying it!

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or well indoctrinated

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Brogan! I hope you are awesome my friend!

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I know a school administrator who thinks Rachel Maddow is awesome. To me, that's another reason to home school.

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I used to think Rachel Maddow was awesome until she commented on a Republican idea that was actually good (a rare thing indeed), doing some pretzel logic to make it seem like a bad idea. It was then that I realized that she was nothing more than a team player.

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Ms. Maddow is a neocon/neolib with deep connections to the deep state. Her book "Drift-The Unmooring of American Military Power" is actually a pretty good summary of the rise of a permanent 'War Party' in Washington, but not the full-on expose I had hoped for. And I have to note that the forward was written by Dick Cheney. If two years of shilling the Trump-Russia lies on her nightly program haven't thoroughly discredited her, nothing will.

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RioRosie…that’s Rachel Mad-🐄!!!!

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You must know my husband...

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I would revisit your assumptions about their intelligence

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That is quite a reach calling people who watch the democrat propaganda, "intelligent".

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“SUPPOSEDLY intelligent”-lol!

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What is really sad is this woman was more than likely briefed on what she could and could not say on broadcast. After all, MSNBC has biopharmaceutical companies as sponsors, amounting to 20% of their advertising revenue in 2018 and probably more now. She has sold her soul.

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Fox too ! It’s all in the contract !

“ I was jabbed “ they all exclaimed!

Anchors mostly , not all of them !

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As someone who, 3 years ago, might not have slowed down for him in a crosswalk, it pains me to say it… but Tucker Carlson seems to be bringing Truth to MSM. He literally called out the Deep State, “Permanent Washington,” recently. I’ve been blown away by him through this. #shocked

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I’ve always watched Tucker and like that he is calling stuff out. However, he hasn’t been quick on the draw about some of this, but then in comparison to others, it seems so at times. Wouldn’t it be great to have a fact based channel, no spin

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This is why Tucker is all I watch on MSM. The rest I turn on RAV.

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There are 'no go' zones for Tucker, too. Ever notice he's silent on the 2020 election? Likely a big part of that is Dominion's lawsuit against FOX News. I would speculate that he agreed not to touch certain issues in return for complete freedom on everything else.

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Yes, great point. Wonder what else they are burying?

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Go Tucker! Bringing down the MSM *and* the M&Ms!

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I'm not 100% convinced they were jabbed. We will find out when this all comes to a head.

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Bingo - love that Irish name of yours, btw!

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PMSNBC ... Rush fixed for you, from the grave and with half his brain tied behind his back to make it fair.

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Colds can be deadly now, especially when mixed climate change.

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And eggs.

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Cooked on gas stoves.

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Eggs are too expensive. She could eaten Schwab cricket kebab. Are bugs still considered vegan?

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Heard a massive farm in Connecticut known for egg laying magically burned down and killing 100,000 hens in past few days. EGGS are the perfect protein and nutrient dense food and look at what Bill Gates plans to do and what the Davos crowd suggested all humanity eat last week. until these PERPS are brought to justice for orchestrating all this destruction to civilization under the guise of "climate" control we will be lost into the abyss. Look how the rise of the Avian bird flu came into play the past 3-5 years too. All magically appearing

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Not the meaty parts.

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More like her chest pains “vaxxed and waned”!

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Deep down in her soul she knows...and it probably scares the hell out of her.

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The fear of confronting this is too much for her and those like her and there are many unfortunately.

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I don't think it's the fear of what her issue could be, but she probably needs to keep her job to take care of her family and potentially any medical bills. This could be ongoing.

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Could very well be! The mafia like coercion is and was real since the scamdemic was unleashed and continues to this day in some heavily indoctrinated BLUE areas. Just look at how many doctors and nurses bite their lips knowing what they were doing was wrong yet continued the corruption because of fear of loss position-income and peer ostracizing and or license lost. Look what the puppet in the WH said on national TV about "winter of death" and how the non injected should be shunned and feared. How did he get away with saying this considering the actually truth that was know then and now?

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He never pumped the brakes on this, he is complicit.

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I hope so. I hope so only for the sake of her kids. Maybe she’ll stop pushing it.

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That is such an interesting psychology thought; does the mass formation completely block out any ability to critically think?

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Great question that Bret Weinstein could probably answer. And you hit at what’s probably the core of my confusion with these people. How do educated people lose their critical thinking abilities?

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It’s almost like the education system set out to extinguish critical thinking and common sense in people. No easy task but they seem to have accomplished it.

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I believe they never had the experience as they were indoctrinated in public schools and higher education 😂!

It’s an interesting question , but more importantly how did the rest of us learn this ?? I had no idea 🤷‍♀️ until the scamdemic that my children were critical thinkers . I suppose my indoctrination into freedom , spilled over !

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A lot of people have been conditioned to feel good by doing their part, supporting this cause and that cause. BLM lawn signs, support our healthcare workers, support the police, support Ukraine and support the environment. If you don’t like those, hang on for the next train.

We’ve really lost sight of what truly makes us feel good. Volunteering in your community feels a hell of a lot better than slapping a cause flag on your FB profile.

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Same. I know brilliant data crunchers who… totally ignore the data. Weird.

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I do believe people have a predilection to embracing such non logical thought based on past prior emotional-psychological trauma or perhaps a role model such as parent or close family mentors who did not encourage critical thought or independent spirit. Although, some do overpower such restraints I do think those are the exceptions. This predilection is not grounded in simply intelligence as we all know so many intelligent idiots who have no clue really

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She’s probably under duress not to report it. She has probably been threatened by her bosses not to even mention vaccines.

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Big pharma = big advertising dollars

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at what point does anyone ask if this is criminal intent as relates to aiding and abetting minors receiving medical treatment that they probably don't need with unknown(unacknowledged) downside, outside of the consent of the parents?

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Literally criminal. I have a 17 year old who bought the narrative (she’s come around now), and the thought the “state” would circumvent me to poison/even kill my child behind my back is beyond f*cking maddening. It’s criminal.

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They are circumventing parents finding our about their children's self identifying genders.

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any financial ties directly between said party and or their employer to the shots or can we back to birth the profits they were driving for said companies that tax payers were forced into paying for (thanks congress!) because it really seems like a disgusting multilevel marketing scam at this point but with a SaaS angle for the long slow drip

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fun reads for anyone bored:



Jonny Hoover (John Cullen) brought a lot of the "maps daddy" stuff to my attention, the rest is just connecting unfortunate coincidence dots

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Dr Peter McCullough gets villified for explaining how mRNA production of spike protein causes tissue damage that can include myopericarditis.

This Dr Gregory Katz goes on TV to say the common cold can cause heart disease, and no problem at all.

Modern medicine has retreated into medieval sorcery.

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It’s a cult.

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You have to believe these peeps are running a little scared now, and in no way do they want to admit they were wrong pushing these "vaccines". They WANT to believe it is something else.

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The Veganism is super bad, too! As some evolutionary biologists are apt to say, it’s not compatible with human life! Vax PLUS longterm Veganism ? Yikes! Remember, the health establishment didn’t just start lying. It started about a century or more ago with industrialized seed oils which ruined the vasculature leading to wrongly blaming animal fats and LDL. Study after study shows that the people who live the longest have “high” LDL and those who suffer and die younger have the lowest LDL. See Gary Taubs’ and Nina Teicholz ‘s deeply researched books that unearthed the lies and buried data.

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Is that why men these days look feminine? Is it something in the water?

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Modern girlfriends like their boyfriends to sport skinny arms and a perpetual look of fear. They only want their XY mates to be strong enough to push a baby stroller.

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Scott, you described it perfectly! I see that all the time! And I thought it was just me-LOL! It’s cringy as hell!

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I like the way you think.

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It’s all the soy. It’s estrogenic.

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I appreciate your comments enormously, thanks!

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I went to the first Paleo conference in 2011 at UCLA. Mark Sisson (MDailyApple) gave a great lecture on the importance of play. Dr. E. Enfeldt gave several// i still follow him at diet doctor dot com. The frauds are generational....

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Your observations have some truth but your conclusions are not accurate. There is overwhelming physiological evidence to suggest humans are primarily vegetarian. There is more to health than LDL levels.

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We’re omnivores. Our ancestors ate whatever they could get and not that much meat because that was really hard to procure. But veganism! Come on! Eggs and dairy never damaged our animal friends that much and overall is life sustaining

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Give me more of that soy pasta! Sorry....my personal study proved conclusively that WE must have meat! First, soy-boys are totally unappealing! Second, and the actual proof: After a month of veganism, try walking past a chef preparing a filet mignon with a blue cheese crust. If your mouth waters with an almost savage need to take a bite....you ain't a Veganista! Fads come and go....remember Gwyneth Paltrow?

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My comment was about biology and health. Our bodies are designed to be primarily plant based. You can see from our teeth structure, the shape and length of the colon, the amount and strength of stomach acid, the various types of digestive enzymes etc. The more you eat what your body needs the healthier you will be. And what's your obsession with soy? It's not very healthy.

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Ruminant animals are designed to eat plants...special stomachs that ferment food...in most cases four stomachs. Lions do not. People do not. Hmmmm......

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Lions intestine is smooth, very acidic and only about 4 feet long. Ideal to digest raw meat.

Human intestine is very different. It's designed to digest complex carbohydrates, like plants. It's about 20 feet long, has a large surface area because of the way it folds, known as plicae circulares, and because of the numerous villi and microvilli, which add to the surface area and ability to absorb the nutrients. Uncooked raw meat tends to purify in such an environment.

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Humans have been cooking meat for 800,000 years...

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Yessah! I love biologists!

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I love biology. Knowing biology will help you understand how to live a healthy life. Biologists on the other hand might have an agenda.

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My soy comment was a missed-snark! 😉

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No, that's not true. I didn't miss it. You seem obsessed with thinking healthy people eat soy. That's not true because it's not a particularly healthy food.

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You know scientists have brain images of heightened activity in the pleasure receptors of longtime vegetarians/vegans when they smell meat. It’s interesting how many vegans go carnivore after almost dying from their nutrient-deficient diet but you never here of carnivores going vegan. Plants are full of defense chemicals that harm humans. Leaky gut anyone? Most of the vegetables you find in grocery stores did not exist 100 years ago. Nightshades are an entire category not even av as liable outside of the Americas until Columbus. Potatoes are not an s as ancestral food to Europeans, Africans, Asians (aside from sweet potatoes). When people did eat plants (fruit, berries, leaves), they did so for limited growing seasons and limited quantities. It wasn’t worth the time to pick and crack open nuts that today one can eat hand over fist. I have wild strawberries where I live. It takes two hours to get a cup and a half. No early Human could afford such a waste of time g f or so little nutrients. Early humans hunted large, fatty animals.

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Do you work for Kelloggs? General Mills by any coincedence?

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Whoever told you that is a horrific liar. The only vegetarian hominid went extinct. Our intestinal tract length and it’s acidity are from carnivory. Humans developed by scavenging carcasses first, then hunting. Eating plants was only in desperation or medicinally- like when an obligate carnivore like a cat occasion chews on grass. Human life developed on the seashores and along rivers and lakes. Our first foods were from the water. It would be great to be pescatarian but metal and micro plastic pollutants in the seafood cause a lot of problems. Agrarian cultures suffered and disappeared. The Anasazi were agrarian cave dwellers and disappeared. The Egyptians are grain and had diabetes and tooth decay. The corn-grinding southwest Indians ruined their teeth and died sickly deaths. Cave art glorifies hunting. There is no truth that humans developed from being vegetarian. It’s the complete opposite.

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Interesting. My take on vegetarians is obviously not based on science, but a suspicion that many have an overwhelming need to be special... or to, in some way, find the secret to perfection...through self punishment, denial. See, I basically know nothing! I am not a very good carnivore because I like my steaks pretty much, well, done.....no blood, thank-you!😋

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You could not be more wrong. The biology is clear

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If the biology is clear, why is there so much debate among biologists, MDs, even historians. And why do so many humans crave meat? I believe it might be "clear" for those who are already persuaded. It's the persuading that is the glitch. If we are inherently vegetarian wouldn't we all just naturally gravitate to that which our bodies demand? Too bad it has been politicized, that guarantees it will never be "settled science!"

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Best Evidence is Weston A. Price writings based on dental health and highlights Vit. D,K and Saturated fats !! Healthy bone 🍖 healthy life

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Watching these people self-immolate is a strange experience. One goes through life assuming that most everyone is rational and then reality smacks you across the face with a 2 x 4. Our current professional idiocracy is going to set the historical high water mark for cluelessness.

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It simply continues to amaze me. I have a best friend for many years, not so much anymore, he against my pleading got all his dosses of Pfizer. Shortly thereafter developed some sort of palsy. He ended up staying out of work because he could not physically function and got on disability.

He knows it was caused by the vaccine and where our friendship finally ended, I asked "if you knew then what you know now, would you still take the vaccine?" His response, "absolutely, I am doing this for science."

Whoa boy... so you are basically saying you put a loaded gun in your mouth, pulled the trigger, managed to miss fatally killing yourself, but would rinse and repeat? Yeah, sorry brother, but I don't want you around my kids anymore. And that is that, friends since 2nd grade, I am no longer able to accommodate cognitive dissonance and his inability to discern information.

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I know a man who is about 65 years old. After 2 shots, he suffered an Afib and nearly died. He went back for another shot. And another. He continues to have heart problems. He refuses to blame the jabs. Getting some people to admit that they have been bamboozled is nearly impossible.

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So many of us have similar stories involving very good friends, and even close family members. It boggles my mind.

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Yep, same. I have a crowd of liberal friends and we all used to attend the same annual dance party (which I helped to organize each year). The party was to celebrate a legendary nightclub in NJ we all used to attend back in the day (we're mostly in our mid to late 50s). However, they all went jab crazy, and given the location, naturally, several of them are Big Pharma shills. The party was canceled for 2021 due to lack of widely available jab, and in 2022, they demanded we show our papers to attend. I don't support that so I skipped it, and I haven't forgotten that, so even though I'll be in town for the 2023 edition next month, I'm doing something else that night. I doubt I'll ever return.

Plus, those folks are all probably shedding spike proteins, and since it's a dance party, they'll be flying all over the place. I can't be around that!

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Unexplainable but it explains everything. This is like invasion of the body snatchers. Are these people still themselves?!?

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Mass psychosis virus?

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I remain on very good terms with deluded friends.

The exception is the friend (50 years) who canceled me.

I still hope she’ll get back in touch. I remain on good terms with the rest of the family (children and grandchildren).

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Karma's a b*tch. Wishing her a full recovery and enough intellectual curiosity to explore what really caused her problem, which, of course, is Trump.

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These folks have absolutely lost their minds.

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The psychosis is set in so very DEEP wow. If not a cold why not say it was the sun or maybe a lack of enough pronouns or white supremacy

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Has to be climate change? or was she shoveling snow? or cooking with a gas stove? Those are very common reasons being trotted out in Canada - where btw, the latest from our wonderful public health czar is that two drinks (alcohol) a week is too much - can definitely kill you.

It never ceases to amaze me that cigarette packs come with a severe health warning, but not these so called vaccines; and if you want to smoke these days, you almost have to be in the back forty somewhere.

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They will never admit this! Never ever!

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