I don’t really like mentioning these cases as doing so is both intrusive and anecdotal, but since Reddit has entire threads dedicated to mocking unvaccinated people who have died and the legacy media highlights unvaccinated deaths at every opportunity, exposing the reality that vaccinated people are dying is necessary. The vaccine is far, far from a magic bullet. And we might want to ask ourselves why the highest profile Covid deaths seem to have occurred after vaccination.
Alex keep posting this types of stories - we too are tired of being told it is only the unvaccinated that are dying.
I had a buddy go to dr this week, doctor asked if he was vaxxed - “no” thinking he would be treated like a 3rd world citizen. Doctor: “good you should recover just fine here’s Rx for steroids, 75% of what I see come in here are vaxxed and go straight to ICU”
I’m just glad he got a prescription at all! I have known one person to receive prescriptions with this. I’ve known easily over 100 infected. This patient received a Zpack, prednisone pack, and a antihistamine/decongestant pill. He already had an Inhaler for as needed asthma. My overweight 77 yo mother, breakthrough Moderna, received nothing! “Go to the hospital if you feel worse.” No early treatment is absolutely what’s killing these people. Even with the flu I’ve gotten prescriptions if I feel bad enough to go to the doctor. This no treatment makes me so angry.
Three words. Monoclonal antibody therapy. Why on earth aren't doctors concentrating on TREATMENT. Here is the national database of hospitals that offer this treatment. If you go somewhere that doesn't offer them they won't even tell you about it and they will not get it for you: https://protect-public.hhs.gov/pages/therapeutics-distribution#distribution-locations
Big Pharma doesn't make any money on the successful, early treatment medications. They make money on jabs and Remdesivir. Hospitals make money on a positive test, ICU admit, using Remdesivir, using a ventilator and on death. It is wrong. It is evil, and I don't see any way that the average citizen can beat it.
Especially when the Biden admin is taking over the distribution of monoclonal antibody therapies. They will decide who lives and who dies. It's DISGUSTING AND GENOCIDAL.
All this makes me wonder if they really do have a cure for Cancer but are hiding it because the profits from Chemotherapy are so high. Which is so bad to think that way but hard to trust Big Pharma at all right now let alone government. “Healthy but sick of this in Upstate NY
I'm right there with you. I feel like veil has been lifted. I always knew that government and big corporations did some shady things for profit, but I hadn't imagined that it would be this evil.
Same thought crossed my mind yesterday and I pushed it out. But the thought popped in my brainpan for a minute there. I never thought we would all be living through this nightmare of not knowing who to trust in the health sector so I cannot blame you for thinking big pharma could be so evil as to hold a cancer cure back. All of this seems pretty sinister what is happening with the lockout of cheaper early covid treatments.
Natural medicine. The body is designed to heal itself as long as it has the right inputs (and outputs!). Check out the work of Dr. Thomas Seyfried, Boston College professor and cancer biologist: tomseyfried.com. That's just one example. There are plenty of others.
They don't have a "cure" for cancer (or at least that's a bridge too far for me, but then again . . .), but we've known how to reduce our chances of it for ages. The same FDA that "approved" this vaccine "approves" massive amounts of food additives that are known carcinogens. Furthermore, if we had the kind of campaigns against sugar and fast food that we have pushing the "vaccine," can you imagine how healthy people would be?
They (big pharma) has had a cure for many types for quite a while. It is just way more profitable to make the drugs and keep victims on the drugs than to cure. There is little or no money in curing.
As a person over 65 I see this all the time related to the aging population. It’s far better to have them stuck in their arm chair watching TV, it’s more profitable and have them doing yardwork and going for hikes
Thanks for site. My Dr. told me if I got it, to call her at the clinic NOT the hospital and she'd get the early treatment lined up of monoclonal antibodies.
They are not focused on treatment because of the legal language that created the Emergency Use Authorization. From the FDA: "Under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), when the Secretary of HHS declares that an emergency use authorization is appropriate, FDA may authorize unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by CBRN threat agents when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. The HHS declaration to support such use must be based on one of four types of determinations of threats or potential threats by the Secretary of HHS, Homeland Security, or Defense."
Among the "Criteria" cited as necessary is this:
d. No Alternatives
For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.
If the FDA/CDC recognized adequate alternatives the mRNA therapies, then they would not be legal.
Exactly! The question is: knowing what's available now, why are the vax mandates in place? Are they even legal? Hospitals are denying alternative treatment to patients, killing them with their refusal to try anything other than the NIH-Fauci protocol.
I agree with this info and up to the point of the quagmire of the EUA ... I agree with your conclusion, but are there any lawyers talking about this? Looking at this? There's got to be a way to slam them on this and even if we said "OK the vaccine is out there. Now we know there are other drugs. In this moment, no consequences except get these other drugs out there ti be used..." Seriously if we remove their fear, with this as a hypothesis, would this move the blockade?
Wait.... a CBRN threat agent....how is Covid a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear threat agent??? Anthrax, yep it applies; Ricin, yep it applies, nuclear meltdown, yep it applies. I don't see how Covid (SARS-Cov-2 virus) would meet the criteria and then be able to be used as such. Or am I way off base???
I'm actually nervous clicking on the hyperlink because I suspect zero hospitals in Hernando County Fl are not on there. Strange, but our county went 68 or 70% red, yet our hospitals are ran by radicals. My daughter just left afterv10 years , RN,BSN. Here goes...
Gov DeSantis is working directly with pharma to get Florida more doses. If you don't see your hospitals on this list call Regeneron and/or Gov DeSantis office.
Hey DeSantis, How about making FL a refuge for RN's who can prove natural immunity with anti-body tests like T-Detect, for example. I've did the 1st half of my 25+ year ICU RN in FL. Would gladly re-up my license for FL.
Cording to Dr. Peter McCullough. If you need to go to the hospital demand the antibodies before admission, while still in ER. Once you admitted you no longer eligible for them. At least that’s what he says.
That's great but unfortunately it's not happening everywhere. If it was so many people wouldn't be dying. My daughter's friend 6 mo pregnant just died bc the hospital did not have monoclonal antibody therapy and didn't tell her about it. Summerlin las vegas. She went 3 days after being sick. They let her die. My father walked out of there by the grace of G_d only after covid. How can these incompetent doctors even look themselves in the mirror
Hospitals are killing patients by denying rhe use of Ivermectin, HCQ, amd other protocols being used successfully by FLCCC, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. McCullough, and many others. All these recent news of young celebrities dying unexpectedly or suddenly makes me wanna scream ADE. Why is no one demanding autopsies of those that had no comorbidities and were healthy prior to these toxic shots?
The hospitals are not treating with those drugs because the NIH has not recommended them. If the hospital stays within NIH recommendations, they are immune from liability (see the Prep Act of 2006 and public health emergencies).
Welcome to socialized medicine, where the bureaucrats and politicians decide what is best for you and launder those decisions through a regulatory framework that hides their responsibility for the outcomes.
Actually ivermectin is approved as shown in this NIH chart from July 2021. If a doctor tells you it's not in the protocol, show them the chart, then ask for your ivermectin - not Remdesivir. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/
Don't be a plank all your life. Do your research, those people that tell you that Ivermectin, HCQ are effective against Covid are generally trying to sell a book or get you to click a donate button. Scream what you like if it makes you feel better, but grow up, and BTW the earth is not flat, OK.
Oh but big pharma and their buddies at the FDA/CDC/NIH who own the patents on the so-called "vaccine" injections and the politicians/media who take big pharma $ don't have an agenda??? Got it - understood. The world is flat I guess....
I just got over covid using ivermectin and zpak. Fever gone in less than a week. You go ahead and listen to the mainstream media. But the studies that showed HCQ and ivermectin ineffectual were deeply flawed by waiting to treat until the patients were in an advanced stage. I didn't need to buy anyone's book to find that out.
Stop being a plank yourself, and study both pubmed and clinical trials. If you have already looked at the 60+ good Ivermectin trials now have a look at the ones in progress. Do you really think they would throw good money after bad?
Just think about the drop and hospitalizations if people were given something right at the beginning? And shame on the doctors who say that their hands are tied their hands are not tied. They are going to long so they don’t lose their jobs. They’re weak. I don’t know about anybody else here but I don’t trust doctors any longer. I mean it’s got to be really really really really really really bad for me to even think about going to the doctor anymore.
Agree! Considering ordering my own labs since current Dr is not ordering the labs needed by another doctor (not on Medicare or other health insurance, but private pay only). Health insurance is a joke! It's not for us, really--to keep us healthy, but stay sick on their ill-prescribed prescriptions... that keeps us ill &/or produces unintended consequences.
If there’s no prescribing doctor in your state an out of state doctor may be able to do a telemedicine visit.
Treatment requires more than ivermectin per protocols. You could try contacting your doctor first and show him or her the FLCCC website.
Your doctor may just not have this information. If your doctor refuses to listen to you get another doctor. I’d get what you need before getting sick. Effective treatment starts on Day #1 if possible.
That was my thinking too. Both of my primary care physicians, a MD and an ND refused to provide any treatment if I developed COVID-19 symptoms. Husband's MD, who is younger and with it said he'd prescribe ivermectin for scabies. Might switch my care to him. For now, my husband I were able to acquire everything we needed from telemedicine doctors in different states. Different doctor for him because he works in a different state part of the year.)
I'm not a doctor, nor pretend to be, but I'm sorry if my comment seems like I'm a know it all, because I'm not. My wife of 41 years will certainly validate that.
Anyhow, I personally believe this current epidemic is a product of the very medication/vaccine being recklessly plunged into the citizens of the world arms. We are perhaps living through the worst era known to mankind.
I purchased body armor last year only to be mocked by my wife (jokingly). I believe there will be a everyday need for thus protection, even here in Florida. Kids will shoot for pop tarts soon enough.
"Anyhow, I personally believe this current epidemic is a product of the very medication/vaccine being recklessly plunged into the citizens of the world arms." You aren't the only one to be concerned about this possibility. Boriquagato.substack.com has good content on this issue.
That's OK sir, I'm steadily buying survival food that'll last for 25 years. Not that I think it's the end times, and I believe in the end times. I just believe people are gonna get sick enough were not gonna be able to get what we need. I'm right with Alex. We keep changing how the virus and the vaccine affect us, and I know nothing about any of that except the virus gets stronger like a really, really bad movie. And our governments keep insisting we get more vaccine, viscous cycle. Less people to work. I don't have kids, just 10 nieces and nephews
The vaccine runs the risk of antibody dependent enhancement since it provides very narrowly focused antibodies to just the S1 spike protein. In a vaccinated person, if they encounter the virus, the antibodies would actually bind to the virus and help it into the cells, thus aiding the virus in replicating more- which leads to more severe symptoms and a cytokine storm response in the body. This risk is known due to animal studies for SARS and MERS using mRNA vaccines. Most animals got severely ill, 30% died. This is why we've never had a coronavirus vaccine in humans before. The risk was too high. But, since the pharma companies were given complete immunity from harm or deaths caused by their products by our dumbass world governments- they can run the risk of antibody dependent enhancement. I believe we are seeing it already and I am deeply concerned about the winter when the respiratory viruses peak.
Isn't this also what causes the mutations? Or is it because the virus is leaky, getting into other or all parts of our body? And what about the J&J because I even saw a shot injury (anecdotal - only one) but it still freaked me out.
The mutation and leaky effect is due in part to the narrow focus on the S1 protein, but also largely on type of virus. Just like influenza, attempts at a sterilizing vaccine for a coronavirus are futile due to their rapid evolution and animal reservoirs.
This vaccine doesn't wear off...it alters the immune system; which is why so many are dying after the vaccine of covid and many other things. Yes, more severe health issues will be the norm.
Twenty years of clinical trials using animal subjects show that coronavirus vaccines lead to disease enhancement with most all the subjects eventually dying exposed to the wild virus. This situation was completely predictable. I guess doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results leads to Insanity !!
This is just one of the thousands of examples the Local/ Mainstream media ignores. Can you blame them; why cut off the hand that pays your salaries?(Like 10 drug commercials per hour! )
You can't really get enough quercetin from diet alone. Its found in apples and red onions, but small amounts. I have been taking quercetin for a while as it helps with my mild seasonal allergies; added bonus it now helps prevent/fight covid when used with zinc.
I tried taking Quercetin three different times, but it caused me to have anal bleeding. I told my doctor about it but she said it shouldn't do that. But, it did it to me. I'm really hesitant to try it again.
Hello Jen—RN here, please do not pass on steroids as COVID causes an inflammatory process in the body. Early treatment with steroids is first line protocol for inflammation
My doctor gave me a Z pack and steroids. I also have been taking Vitamin D,C and Zinc for years. I am unvaxed and had a mild case. My 75 year old husband, unvaxed, has hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and had open heart surgery three years ago. He had the monoclonal antibody infusion. He also had mild symptoms.
This was a recommendation by Dr. Kory early on when they weren't being used. No need to worry about side effects if you are abut to die or suffer long covid.
From what I'm hearing, the Delta variant has required changes to the protocols. Ivermectin dosage was increased, and I think they may be using corticosteroids a little earlier than day 8 with some patients based on their symptoms. Thank you for mentioning this PKR.
Jeannette, did you develop the antibodies? Same thing happened to me but I don't have the antibodies. Jealous. ;)
So my understanding of what's happening with the lungs with COVID-19 is micro clotting of the capillaries. That's what the cloudiness is when they do imaging of the lungs. And that's also why the FLCCC includes 325 mg aspirin from the FIRST day of symptoms as part of their early, outpatient protocol, I-MASK+. So, so important. Learn more at FLCCC.net.
I had influenza in early November 2019. Had my ImG and ImM checked months later in mid 2020 and didn't develop antibodies so I know now it was influenza. But man, I was right on the verge of pneumonia. That day, I was told to go to the ER to be evaluated. No insurance, so I decided to tough it out one more day. There was a really dense fog that night. I walked very slowly, stopping as I need to, in it for a while, don't remember how long, but the next morning I began to feel better. Wouldn't recommend this to anyone else. Probably would have happened either way. But I just felt compelled to do it and I felt so much better afterward, and was able to sleep. That experience is part of what's driving me to learn everything I can about treating COVID-19 early, and aggressively. I do not want to go to the hospital unless I have to for the sole purpose of getting corticosteriods. After that I will check myself out and go home to recover, monitoring my oxygen levels wth an oximeter, of course.
I did not get the antibody test because I didn't know about it back then. Hopefully I have antibodies because I have been out and about without a mask and have not gotten sick.
I'm going to talk with my telemedicine doctor to see if there's another test I can do to establish if I had COVID-19 or not in November 2019. Hoping for natural immunity, but I'm so careful in my efforts to protect others, I may never get it! (Socially isolating, wearing mask, social distancing, and washing hands when in stores.)
Yeah I posted on the Reddit thread in regards to how he died after being vaccinated and I got crucified. These people are all about the Magic Bullet and the vaccine, when in fact the vaccine is killing more people than it's saving.
Holy Moly. So many people are completely in a dark world of misinformation. In order to find the truth you have to dig deep. But once you do, you begin to see the truth that this is the hill worth dying for.
Family member's employer is NOW saying, if you're not j&bed, then if you or a family member (even a child) becomes sick with Covid, then they will not allow sick pay to be used by the employee.
2nd interview tomorrow morning so there's a good chance won't be working at the current company for much longer.
Everyone should learn more about what the people of Israel are experiencing with the vaccine. It's very informative. Many telling their story. Each unique. Commentary is respectful and limited to a brief introduction and afterward.
I saw my doctor this week, (general checkup) told him of my family history with stroke and aneurisms - he said he still recommend I get the shot.
Why? It will keep you from dying.
Doctor also said he doesn’t trust the CDC and FDA, but the New England Journal of medicine is saying the vax is safe. I said oh, really where do they get their information?
Doctor - FDA and CDC … I said you see the problem here?
I then asked how he would treat Covid .. tylenol and ibuprofen.
Me how about ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine? Those don’t work.
Why, it seems Japan and India are having great success?
The New England Journal of medicine says they don’t work … where do they get their information? FDA and CDC.
Doc - you seeing a trend here?
Will you write and RX for ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine? No.
Okay, so you see how this chess game is going.. doctor I have redness in my eyes from time to time - will you write me a Rx for topical steroids for my eyes? Yes, and he never looked in my eyes!
I said my goodbyes and I think I’ll be interviewing more doctors … we’re in a pandemic after all.
I've been at that point for years, except I do what I have to to get prescriptions refilled. Mostly I agree only to their cursory exams and the diagnostic tests they order, such as blood work, etc. After what has happened to the state of medicine since COVID, I'm even more reticent to make an appointment. I'm 66 and prefer to live out what years I have left not relying on the medical establishment for anything..
Informed and prepared is empowered. Using a telemedicine doctor is what my husband and I chose to do. We have everything we need on hand now to treat beginning with first day of symptoms. If we need additional care, we will reach out to teledoc. What more likely will happen is that I'll be fine within 2 to 5 days taking the protocol I've chosen. Both of my primary care physicians refused to be available to treat me for COVID-19 if infected when I asked a year ago. Both said no treatment. Go to hospital if you get really ill. FLCCC.net and https://www.exstnc.com/ provide listings of telemedicine doctors and the states they serve. Here's one more listing... https://c19protocols.com/physicians-facilities-offering-early-treatment/ Shop around. My telemedicine doctor charges me between $50-$75 for consult and prescriptions.
I worked with Dr. Anna Yoder, DNP from the exstnc.com listing, but you have to find a doctor who works in your state.
MyFreeDoctor.com operates by donation via PayPal, so that's another option.
1) Find a pharmacy that will fill a prescription for ivermectin first, if you want to use it, and ask if they accept the GoodRx coupon (to GREATLY reduce your out of pocket cost). 2) Go to GoodRx.com to get the coupon. Print and bring with you. Or show coupon from your phone. You'll need to know medication name, dosage, and number of pills/tablets prescribed when getting the coupon from website. 3) Take ivermectin, if that's what you're using, with a meal that contains fat. (The only time ivermectin is taken without a meal is for treatment of a parasitic infection. Covid is NOT a parasitic infection).
Really helps to have everything on hand before getting sick. iherb.com is a good source of supplements if you can't get some of them locally. Hope that helps.
It may take 48 hours or more to before you'll be able to talk to a doctor. We have never paid more than $100.
Something else that we have learned is that it's best to begin taking the protocol within a day or two of developing any viral symptoms such as a cold or sore throat or gastric upset. Or if you want to get tested, schedule test ASAP, then start it as soon as you've been tested.
That’s exactly how I feel. We are now on our own. We’ll have to try and find doctors who might be willing to help or just try to do what we can on our own.
I’ll take my natural immunity, which is still going strong after more than 10 months, thank you very much. Your sub stack is the best $6 a month I spend.
We’re going to Italy next week on a cycling tour, forced to comply, so I got moderna shots 6 months ago. 👿😩☹️ (I refuse any more and I’m anti covid vax). Had an antibody test last week and my # was 20. Shots are F N useless.
I’ve read that the available Covid antibody tests won’t show antibodies from the vax, as they are different antibodies —remember, the vaccines target only a narrow part of the virus.
Got a call last night. My wife’s 14 yr old nephew is in the ICU with severe cardiac inflammation. He was vaccinated about a month ago. Praying for a recovery but it’s touch & go right now
Why we are vaccinating anyone under 30 is just beyond me unless there are some extremely unusual circumstances. Prayers for your nephew. Oh my goodness.
One fellow American having this experience is bad enough, but children? Preventable, but evil doesn't care. Who's going to be the hero? what world leader will take the podium and tell it like it is? They better hurry before billions of pawns leave them open.
I’m so sorry and hope he surely recovers . My husbands hygienist had a teen patient who recovered from myocarditis but his cardiologist parent said he would still recommend the vaccine for teens . Wth
And Mike Tagliere was in the hospital with heart issues in July. He mentions it on his twitter on July 16. I believe that was from the shots and is related to his deterioration/"Covid" starting in early August and subsequent death.
This is why I worry so for my vaccinated family members. Hubby and I (early 60s, unvaccinated) both recovered (unremarkably) from Covid back in July. I've had symptoms worse than Covid at other times in my life. Did a course of Ivermectin 7 days into the infection. Was fine 2 days after the Ivermectin. And now we both have antibodies and T-cell memory.
Daughter called me and told me she tested positive ( 2 home tests and one lab). Sent her enough Ivermectin, per the FLCCC protocols, she was recovering nicely in 2 days, retested day after her regimen was done, tested negative.
Dr Syed Haider in Chicago. He can prescribe after telemed consult in most states in the U.S. It took a few days for the prescription to get called in and then I had a hell of a time finding a pharmacy to fill it. Your best bet is to call a local compounding pharmacy in advance to see if they will fill it. Good luck.
Explain "cannot get the online docs to prescribe it", please. I called two docs, one AFLD and one FLCCC, completed the paperwork and had consults with each (not cheap). Both offered to prescribe. I chose one, he sent the prescription to the compounding pharmacy he uses, they called me a day later, I paid and they sent.
I signed up with AFLD, got an online consultation, paid the 90.00. Was told I could not have the Hydroxychloroquine because of a BP med I am on but they would not prescribethe IVM either. So what good are they? Had another online consult with another group of docs from Ohio. They took my money and I have not been able to contact them since and I have tried 3 times. Lesson learned. What a scam. Guess I will have to go to Tractor
I just spent an entire day trying to figure out how to get my hands on ivermectin. Nearly two years into the scaredemic and I haven't contracted the virus as far as I know; neither has my 86 year old mother for whom I'm the sole caregiver. But with the flu season nearly upon us, I wanted to prepare, just in case. Someone in the comments either on this blog, or on Gato Malo's, mentioned ordering from India at alldaychemist.com without a prescription.
I'm very leery about ordering from unfamiliar sites, so I spent several hours trying to figure out if this site is trustworthy. I found several Reddit and other forum sites talking about using this pharmacy and being satisfied, so I figured it's worth the risk and placed the order.
In the last 2 months pharmacists not only started flat out refusing to dispense ivermectin, they also started reporting physicians like myself to state medical boards. So we had to stop using them, because it's just not possible for a independent doctor to defend against dozens or hundreds of medical board complaints, each one of which threatens their license to practice medicine and the outcomes of which depend on oft-times fickle medical board members who will overwhelmingly have negative views of ivermectin prescribing for COVID-19.
We tried the options listed on the FLCCC pharmacy page, but the ones with wide distribution were quite expensive like Ravkoo for example. Many of them also became quickly overwhelmed by doctors sending them all their prescriptions.
So our solution was to scour each of the 40 states I practice in to find the lowest cost mail order pharmacies that were friendly to the cause. This took a few weeks and is an ongoing effort as there is a wide variance in prices among the pharmacy options we discovered and we are always searching out the lowest option for our patients.
We ended up overwhelming 3 pharmacies the very first day we started using them and had to stop sending them prescriptions, in some cases for weeks to allow them to recover. After that we made sure to check with each one to see the maximum number of prescriptions we could send them each day. Because these are small independent pharmacies that are already at capacity we were unable to share their information publicly as the FLCCC had done.
However in the last week it seems that interest in ivermectin is waning rapidly as the Delta numbers in many states have peaked and are now fast declining, so there will likely be a lull during which it will be much easier to obtain ivermectin barring unforeseen government intervention against physician autonomy, and unless and until there is a winter wave.
I spoke with Dr. Elizabeth Goodly ($90 for an hour). Was prescribed 30 Ivermectin pills at a cost of $180 (or $160). Can't remember off the top of my head.
It was from Ravkoo Pharmacy in Florida (the expensive place that Dr. Haider mentions). Yes, it was expensive, but I REALLY wanted to get my hands on the Ivermectin. It took 3 days for the pills to get to me. I can refill 5 times according to the prescription label.
I did a first-dose regimen of 4.5 pills on Day 1. (Felt a bit better)
I then did a second-dose regimen of 4.5 pills on Day 3.
Two days later, I was feeling pretty much back to normal.
I stopped taking more Ivermectin after that. So now I have 21 pills left in case I or a family member should need Ivermectin in the future.
There are no real contraindications to ivermectin, the only reason I can imagine that a patient might be refused it is if that patient were not willing to manage the changes it would cause to their warfarin/coumadin levels. Patients on warfarin/coumadin would need to speak to the doctor who prescribed the warfarin for the lab work required, although nowadays it is possible to get your levels tested with a home kit and adjust your dose on the fly.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. Someone else here suggested trying FreeDoctor.com It will take longer, and they do say to message them every 48 hours until you hear back from them (that is, after you've completed everything they need from you). It's free, though they do accept donations. Back in the 90's, I maintained listings of doctors and referred to them regularly. Occasionally, I had to remove someone from the list due to complaints, but that was rare. I encourage you to keep trying... Also, if you haven't already, learn about the I-MASK+ early, outpatient treatment protocol at flccc.net. And keep checking back for updates to the protocol. Hope you're finally able to get the support you need. I also had a really bad experience initially, so I know it can and does sometimes happen.
If you meant that you cannot get IVM at a "regular" pharmacy, that's different. Neither doctor with whom I spoke would send a prescription to CVS or Walgreens, for example, b/c both have consistently refused to fill them. You'd need to find a doctor who has an agreement with an independent pharmacy.
Deborah Kerwin and for others looking for a pharmacy to fill your ivermectin prescriptions,
https://covid19criticalcare.com/pharmacies/ and read their 1-page document "Overcoming the Barriers to Access Ivermectin Prescriptions." They also did a Weekly Update on this problem which is with the individual pharmacists not the corporations. Steps are being taken to put a stop to this.
My husband and I have had no problems getting presciptions filled at Walgreens over the last year. Husband had his most recent ivermectin presciption filled at a Walgreens in Anchorage, Alaska last week.
Use your GOODRx coupon to significantly reduce your out of pocket cost.
India Mart. There’s an app or just use a laptop. Takes three weeks to arrive and it’s far cheaper than a prescription. Go to FLCCC for dosage protocols.
We have a prescription that we were getting filled at CVS. The pharmacy made a nationwide decision to no longer fill scrips for Ivermectin.
As we’re not chemists we don’t have a way to verify. However, the sellers are working an awful lot for a small amount of money. The packaging and the pills look very similar to what we used to get from CVS. We ground up one from each source and did a taste test, tasted the same.
Did your daughters doctor give her a script for the Ivermectin? Then you went on the FLCCC website for a pharmacy? I want to be prepared in case my son gets it.
I got the prescription through a doctor via FLCCC. Have done plenty of research and had my daughter do her own. Ivermectin is 99.999 % not harmful, so we went ahead with it. On the WHO website it is listed below aspirin with respect to harmfulness. My doctor told me to begin taking it the minute I felt any symptoms, get tested and go from there. Earlier you take it the better. You are reducing the viral load and that is key for anyone, but especially people that may develop a cytokine storm where there immune system overreacts and attacks tissues and organs.
Marci, here's three places to find listings of telemedicine doctors...
FLCCC.net - click on "Ivermectin" in upper menu bar, then on "How to Get Ivermectin" on left side; also if you click on "Ivermectin" in upper menu again, you'll also find listings of pharmacies on the left side. It's okay to call ahead to insure the pharmacy WILL fill an ivermectin prescription before having a prescription sent to them.
On the homepage of FLCCC.net, there's a "Weekly Updates Registration" button that you can click on to get an reminder email with a link to the "Weekly Update" on Zoom, every Wednesday, 7 p.m. EST. :)
Close. Wife and I are 70 and had COVID in January (caught from grandkids). No ivermectin or HCQ, but we had both been in Zn, vit D3, vit C and etc. for over six months. Two days of URI/flu symptoms, no fever, with loss of smell and taste and a positive COVID swab. We’re not going to get the vaccine, no way no how. But we worry about our kids that are vaccinated. What happens when a big delta surge comes through? They’ll go straight to the hospital and get the usual (wrong) treatment.
Dr. Joe P. my husband and I are struggling with the same issue. Our adult children think they will be fine if they get COVID because they and their children have all been vaccinated. They have totally bought into the "narrative". Delta is so much worse. And the treatment hospitals are giving patients, Remdesiver specifically, which doesn't work in the inflammation/pulmonary stage, though they are giving patients corticosteriods, but too many hospitals are under dosing it. And they certaintly aren't giving them vitamin C and D, and other helpful supplements.
Sign up for reminder emails for upcoming weekly updates at FLCCC.net by clicking on the "Weekly Updates Registration" button on the home page. They will email you reminder weekly with a link to the Zoom meeting, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. EST. If you miss an update, they're posted a few days later at the above link. :)
Also anecdotal, but every person I know who has tested positive for the rona in the last six weeks (at least 20 people) was fully vaccinated. Also, the only person I know that has died from/with Covid was fully vaccinated. I have several friends and family members who have opted to remain in the control group, and at least for now we are all faring better than my vaccinated friends. This isn't a RCT, just an observation from an interested person, but I get the impression that I am not the only one experiencing this.
Add me to the list of those who've chosen to be part of the control group, even if I lose my job. Not willing to risk destroying my health at age 60 for a vaccine that has killed, disabled, and injured far too many. I, like others, am being proactive by following the protocols and optimizing my health by eating healthy, daily walks, etc. Taking all the supplements, especially vitamin D3. My D levels is 79 ng/mL from taking 5,000 IU/day for more than a year now.
I know that correlation does not equal causation, but in my very tiny circle the only people who have become severely ill from COVID were vaccinated. One ended up in the hospital with Thrombocytopenia after his right leg turned black. It coincided with a sinus infection after vaccination. The other was the only one vaccinated among her family of three. Her husband and son are fine, Covid was no problem, but she had and is still having an incredibly hard time, even after monoclonal antibody treatment. I believe the vaccine messes up your immune system to the point that it genuinely doesn’t know how to make its own immunity The next time it encounters any infection that isn’t that exact one for which you received the vaccine.
A friend that has been vaccinated, told me she got a sinus infection that moved now to her chest. She has been sick for 3 weeks. She sounded awful. What really got to her is how sick she was insisting she has never been more sick. She seemed frightened of the severity. She works for the school system.
My friend told me at UPenn many students getting really sick though testing negative from covid, fully vaxxed students. Im wondering if that is the case for them
Very sad. He was my favorite analyst and I had been following his case closely for many weeks. He was on ventilator for about three weeks before he died. The medical establishment has failed and this man’s death is entirely in their hands.
The ventilator for three weeks is per news or per relatives? Doesn't he look like he lost half his weight in the last few years (I've never heard of him before today)? My mind leaps to cancer but if his family are divulging every detail of his medical experience I don't know why they wouldn't divulge that.
I mean, does the vaccine make COVId worse? A 39 year old who is relatively fit did not die of Covid pre-vaccine. And politics have intruded on science to prevent actual analysis and data gathering. It’s almost like, oh well, another death, see we told you so - get vaccinated. Rather than, let’s analyze what made a 39 year old, healthy man die of Covid after having the vaccine?
Our neighbors kid (boy) was forced to take the vaccine if he wanted to continue his college. Sickened slightly with the 1st shot, got the 2nd and a couple of days latter was in the emergency room with heart problems. Of course his parents could not gain access to him, so there he sat for 2 days by himself.
September 22, 2019 I spent about 5 hours with a client and their Mother who had landed at Ohare airport about an hour before we all got together.
September 28, 2019 exactly 6 days after meeting with my client, I get a severe sore throat,cough, fever 101.6 and headache all started on day 2 and lasted thru day 12. Finally go to Doc. She said, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you”. What??!!! I had a seasonal Flu shot end of August 2019. Next thing I know the nurses all come in wearing masks. Wtf I’m thinking?
She puts me on Zpack for the unknown virus and Benzonite (for the cough). Day 13-45 in bed off and on. Better some days not so much on other days. Wasn’t until Oct 31, 2019 that I began to feel 100%. 5 Weeks!!!
Fast forward to March 2020. The Covid announcement listing all the symptoms including if you have been around Chinese people!!! Here’s me- I had all those symptoms!!!
I KNOW I HAD COVID 9/2019. It is exactly 2 years later. Not one symptom, cough, or sniffle. I took a 3 hour plane trip in January 2021 a night flight. I took my mask off when they shut the lights off. Still nothing.
I’m not bragging or boasting, I am saying the CCP released that F’g BIOWEAPON on the world earlier than they are admitting to and simply that NATURAL IMMUNITY WORKS FOLKS!!!
I mentioned all this to another doctor, she said, did you get an antibody test? I’m like, WTF Doc, antibody test won’t pick up my immunity. I need a TITER test. She just sat there looking at me nodding in agreement, and looking at me - like huh, How could you know more than me about your own body?? Ugh!! People- Trust your T and B cells. Doctors are robots now and don’t know what to think.
I had it in September of 2019, too, A C -- went to Urgent Care. Was given a breathing treatment, and sent home with scrips for z-pack, prednisone, and one other. Lost my sense of smell. It took me a long time to realize I actually had had it back then. We are not crazy.
Was 35 weeks pregnant at the time. Was sick for about 20 days total. Azithromycin and prednisone and breathing exercises saved my life. In March started reading about people’s accounts of Covid. I knew immediately that was what I had. Sure enough. Like you haven’t ever caught it since.
I read an article recently that they are now finding that COVID-19 was in various parts of the US throughout the fall of 2019. You're absolutely right. I got sick in early November 2019, but I've had my IgG and IgM levels checked. Didn't have COVID. It's great that you have robust natural immunity! But wow, what you went through. It's really amazing that you survived. You were lucky that you got the Azithromycin. We may never know how the virus was released in the US and other countries. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't China. I hope we eventually learn the truth. So many deaths...
I'm not so sure. I believe bad actors in multiple countries were involved. That said, China and the US whether intentionally or not, are well known for their roles in it now. Collins and Fauci need to go. Woodcock too after the opioid crisis.
I’m sure I had Covid in September 2019, sudden breathing issues . Fortunately I have a natural med doctor and she gave me heart and lung supplements that helped relieve symptoms immediately.
Thanks BC for the link. I had a look around the website. It looks like it's useful within 10 months of infection. Good to know. I'm further out than that now but will keep looking. Oh, and thanks for mentioning AnyLabTestsNow. I use them. No doctors order needed. They're great. Thanks again for the information. Much appreciated.
I was at an conference in Paris in late November 2019 with lots of people from Asia and the conference room's ventilation kept on breaking down. I got sick afterwards with no sense of taste or smell and other typical symptoms. I think I probably had some level of cross-reactive immunity because it didn't break out immediately after exposure (it took 10 days).
I recall wondering what it was, since it didn't remind me of the flu which I had had a couple years earlier (my husband actually tested positive for influenza A and B).
I did home treatment with extra zinc, vitamins D3 and C, echinaecia and inhaled a lot with essential oils and stayed home for a week.
I've never done antibody testing, as these tests were initially not available and the antibody titre generally drops in the months after illness. I really want the T-Detect COVID test. A positive result would not help me with any of the stupid corona passports here in Europe, but would definitely satisfy my curiosity.
I had a very similar experience in November 2019 after a trip to Seattle. I had literally every COVID symptom, but it was before the virus was supposed to have been here. Thankfully my doctor prescribed steroids on day 10 which improved my symptoms dramatically, but it was mid January 2020 before I really felt 100% recovered. When they started talking about the symptoms in March 2020 I was sure that I had already had it.
The virus came to the US from Europe, perhaps via Chinese who worked in Italy and went home and back for Chinese New Year. Chinese in the US did not and do not have a higher infection rate. If anything you should’ve been avoiding Europeans and US citizens coming from Europe, ethnicity is irrelevant.
This is complete and total horse shit. You do realize that there is a large amount of travel between China and the US don't you? The virus originated in a lab in Wuhan. Some of the initial spread in the US came directly from china, some came from China via Europe. This trope that the "US got covid 100% from Europe" is just gaslighting nonsense. Cuomo tried to peddle that line for a few days last year and quickly dropped it. Fun to see you pulling that garbage out of mothballs.
Yes I realize that snd have gone back and forth a half-dozen times myself, though never been to Wuhan. But the “Chinatown” connection that many mention is without evidence, and the main strain in NY was matched to a mutation found in Italy. (Thinking that Chinatown is dangerous because of China is like thinking Little Italy is dangerous because of events in Italy. I know your post did not mention Chinatown, it’s just something I see a lot. The numbers do not back it up. In San Francisco, one of the most well-known Chinatowns, there was, I believe, 18 cases. The vast majority of cases in SF and other cities were not in Chinatown nor among Chinese nationals in the US nor the Chinese diaspora/descendants. Not among Asians.
The virus was found to have been in Italy in fall 2019. I didn’t say it was 100% from Europe with zero direct from China l, but no evidence has arisen, to my knowledge. I do not doubt that there was a small amount of community spread that came directly from China. But considering that the virus spread little, outside of Wuhan and the hard, 4-month lockdown there, I question how much came directly from there, while accepting there was likely some.
It also spread very little in Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, or Japan, and I think those numbers are more reliable than those from a land government sources. Though Hong Kong of course is also controlled by the CCCP. Basically, after the first Sars, with its lower spread but far higher fatality rate, people were ready.
I do not deny it probably originated in a Wuhan lab, maybe GoF funded by Fauci, maybe lab workers who had been in Yunnan and brought it back. I read they did not find it in the local Wuhan
bat caves they were also studying—there are bats all over Southern Chinese cities. But that does not mean they carried that virus. As I said, likely it was Chinese garment workers from Wuhan who brought it to Italy. The cover-up by the Chinese government certainly did and does not help. I look forward to Fauci being questioned by Congress, if that ever happens. He is an evil psychopath.
When Trump banned European travel, it made a lot of Americans erroneously think they were going to be stuck in Europe and they jammed the NY airports, that was one factor. There is also that cruise ship where they simply letting the infected people off into the US.
If you’ve got evidence post it please as I am interested. I know people in many cities in China and although they are taking precautions, nobody seems to have gotten infected or know anyone who has gotten infected. These are not CCC people, believe me, they are very critical if the govt. and have been through a lot.
It's not that simple, I read an article this year in which they described how they've determined that COVID was in numerous locations throughout the US much, much earlier than previously thought. I think they did this by reviewing hospital records.
We may never know how this virus showed up in so many locations throughout the US early on. I fear it was intentional. And I don't think it was just China. More and more, I fear that bad actors from multiple countries were involved.
Nothing about the management of this pandemic makes sense. My husband and I are staying current and doing everything we can to protect ourselves and those in our circle. And doing our best to stay out of the hospital where patients are still dying even though there are hospitals here and there throughout the US that have hospital death rates below well below 10%. Collins and Fauci need to go.
Don't forget about Tesla employees going back and forth between China and California. For a long time, Seattle was believed to be ground zero. We now know it showed up elsewhere too early on.
Neither Moderna or Pfizer trials have shown any benefit for all cause mortality after 5 or 6 months. Beyond 6 months the UK data show an increase in all cause mortality for the vaccinated. What the hell is the public health justification for this shot?
My 11 years old son started with malaise on the last day of our vacation. Next day we drove home for 11 hours. Windows closed, AC on. One day later he tested positive for Covid. 3 days of low grade fever. 5th day day I took him to the urgent care as I was worried about his heat rate (fixed with fluids). Chest X-ray showed a possible bacterial pneumonia (he was knocked upside down by a wave at the beach and breathed in water). Anyway. Doctor wanted to send him home with Tylenol and ibuprofen only. Had to fight for a Azytromicin. Within 48 hours he was so much better. My husband, myself and our other son tested negative twice despite the long hours we spent in the car with a “infected” kid. Didn’t isolate him either (despite the pressure the health department was making to isolate and wear masks at all time in the house).
I thought the possibility of being a false positive however he lost taste and smell (it is back now) so it was the only thing that makes me believe that it was actually Covid. Question is: how we didn’t get infected?! Asked my doctor and she doesn’t know. Asked what she would prescribe in case we showed symptoms: “Ibuprofen and Tylenol.” She told me only to go to the emergency room if I couldn’t speak because of a respiratory distress. She actually “showed” to me over the online consultation what she meant. I was appalled. Made a formal complaint with the health insurance - Waiting for a call.
Next week get my antibody test done. I had to answer one million questions as my doctor wanted to know why I needed that done. What the heck is going on?! Why it is so damn difficult?! All of my friends that got vaccinated contracted Covid. Nothing, absolutely nothing makes any sense. Ever.
She kept pushing the vaccine. I told her, ok but before that I want to get my troponin, CBC, ddimer and antibody test checked for at least 4-6 months before I take the shot. She asked why. I told her that if something happens to me after I take the shot my family will have the proof to show that everything was totally normal prior to. Response: “no, we can’t do that.” Ok then, no shot.
Thanks! The problem is that some doctors thinks that most of us only follow the conspiracy theorists. She was shocked when I started to talk to her about all of this with scientific back up. They think we are all dumb.
I went through labcorp to get antibody testing done that i did not want to go through dr for and explain or request. That may work for you depending on area you are in. I had labcorp facilities near me.
Some people may just be naturally immune. Some may have T-cell immunity. Most people on the Diamond Princess did not get infected. And FWIW I rank doctors well below plumbers and electricians. They are all skilled tradespeople following a rigid code. But plumbers and electricians warranty their work and typically don't kill their customers (despite ample opportunities to do so).
TV doctors like "House" who actually think and try to figure things out are mostly fantasy. Most doctors seem to do "paint by numbers" medicine - e.g. whatever the administrator tells them. Good for you to ask for the D-dimer!
You’re absolutely right! Most of them spent all those years and a big chunk of money to follow a “script” dictated by the government. No interest to investigate patient health complaints. Get to the core of the issue. They prefer to prescribe a dozen of medications in the hopes it will “fix” it. Then later in life all other more serious issues comes up…it’s a never ending cycle.
I am amazed at how well you handled this very challenging situation, and how uninformed your doctor is. Well done.
If your city has a lab that doesn't require a doctor's order, you can get any lab test you want. I do it yearly. You'll just have to pay for it up front. I had the worst influenza I've ever had in November 2019. This summer, I went to the lab that doesn't require a doctors order to have my IgG and IgM levels checked. The test confirmed that I had NOT had COVID. I think I paid $180 for the test. So that means I can still get it. My husband and I each found a telemedicine doctor and we have everything we need now to self-treat for the first 5-7 days. Listening to weekly updates from the doctors at FLCCC.net has really helped. We stay current with how to protect ourselves and anyone else in our circle. And we're taking lots of supplements too, especially a B-complex, just because I need it, vitamin C, D3, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and melatonin. Also aspirin, quercetin and N-acetyl-cystiene (NAC) if I develop COVID symptoms. Informed and prepared is empowered. Really glad you, your family, and your son came through this okay. It's encouraging to hear stories like yours. :)
I wonder if we are witnessing the death of medicine the same way we have seen the death of journalism (save for a few feral reporters like Alex). Doctors are being disintermediated out the wazoo. We still need them for some things (like setting broken bones) but a lot of this stuff seems more DIY now.
Thank you! She have finally “authorized” the test and I’m actually sitting at this moment at the lab to get this done. But I will pay and get another one done with Labcorp. I wonder what both results will be like.
About 2 weeks after this ordeal we had a follow up appointment with his pediatrician. Even though my son is naturally immune his pediatrician kept pushing for the vaccine. My son said to him: “why would I need a vaccine if I have the best immunity one can ever have.” Doctor didn’t say a word. I just gave him “the look” like: “yes, he (my son) is not stupid either.”
Then I proceeded to ask about the heart inflammation issue. Dr. Laughed and said that he loves to discuss about this when parents ask. He said one is more likely to have heart inflammation due to Covid vs vaccine. Then I told him if you are more likely to have a heart inflammation due to covid why are we not sending my son to check his heart, d-dimer, troponin, MRI and whatever it needs to get done?. I told him about the UK not giving the shots for this exact reason. He just laughed once again. I asked him to do a d-dimer and he said he needs to do some more “research” as d-dimer results can end up be for any number of reasons and they will need to investigate bla bla bla. To me, his answer was just lies and lazyness.
Another week went by and I sent him a message asking if he had a chance to do his research and order the d-dimer, another chest x-Ray, ferritin (was elevated) and CBC. His answer: I ordered the X-ray and CBC. D-dimer is not necessary. Dr asked the following: “how is his breathing? Any cough? Any palpitations? Any chest pain?” My response: “yes to all the above questions.”
Thankfully this is not the case but I had to play the “lie” game because I can see that this is the only way they will make sure to do a throughout investigation. We need to be ahead of the game and be able to catch things before it is too late.
COVID can be bad for your heart. And the jab can be bad for the heart. At this point if one has already had COVID what is the point of playing jab roulette? Getting COVID isn't a choice anymore - it's already happened.
It may be time to get a new doctor. Kids don't need the jab. And kids who have had COVID definitely don't need the jab (and it may be dangerous for them).
Seriously, once you are diagnosed, there should be a pill pack of ivermectin, zinc, vit D3, vit C and whatever else works handed to you. None of this go home and take Tylenol anymore. This is insane.
Some regions of India have been doing that. Drop it off at your house. I even remember reading step by step protocols on at home care with what to do/take if you progress onto each progressive stage of illness. One of the steps was 'take ivermectin'.
I got, go home take Tylenol. That was in May, 2020. Still have antibodies, albeit a low number. But I’ll take that and T cells over the jab. I’m so worried for everyone who has been vaxxed…that includes my entire family.
My entire family is vaccinated too. I'm not. And I'm very worried. Hoping by the time things get worse for the vaccinated we'll have treatments that work for them.
In case anyone doesn’t know, good news—DeSantis appointed an eminently rational surgeon general in Florida a few days ago, Joseph Ladapo. Unfortunately you can’t hear the reporters’ questions in this video, but you can hear his initial comments + his answers to their questions. He states that Florida will reject fear, will look more broadly at public health instead of micro focusing on one disease. He also states in answer to a question—and my jaw almost dropped on this one—that there is nothing special about vaccines, that they are one path of many to good health, and the fact that they’ve become almost a religion is crazy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IPogn0cQG38
I visited Florida recently on vacation, because of your governors policies, but I was horrified to see that the Florida media appears to be trying to destroy him. I was shocked. I guess nothing should shock me about main stream media but I just assumed that the media in Florida would appreciate what he's doing.
Actually, Florida is doing a lot of things right. One example is that in a few Florida hospitals, you can get effective treatments for COVID-19 that actually work. And I'm not talking about Remdesiver which is too often deadly. Can't say that about the majority of hospitals throughout the US.
In addition, in some areas of Florida, doctors have been providing early, outpatient treatment to COVID-19 patients for well more than a year now and it's saving lives. Did you know that there are a handful of hospitals in the US that have a hospital death rate well below 10% since last year but thanks to the Trusted News Initiative, the media is not allowed to report on those hospital protocols?
What is "early treatment", in your opinion? (Not being snarky.) I have no idea what that would be, in my area, in or out of hospital. I'm unvaccinated; I decided to follow the FLCCC prophylaxis protocol and take IVM twice a week. Healthy, good nutrition and weight, exercise.
Early, outpatient treatment for COVID, as per flccc (I-MASK) AAPS, Fareed & Tyson, Dr. McCullough, etc. Early treatment after diagnosis vs the “stay at home until you can’t breathe” protocol
Deborah, to get ivermectin, you do so through a telemedicine doctor. If you become ill, they can be accessed again to provide care. They also can change or add to your treatment protocol as needed. I wouldn't go it alone. Best to have a knowledgeable telemedicine doctor on board if you aren't getting better within first two days.
The million dollar question!! The answer is not "exact" but I can say the symptoms are not due to a "virus." 5G tech has been implicated, also the effects of other vaccines, heavy pollution like in Wuhan, and etc. Basically, the downsides of "civilization."
Well, while I do believe 5G is going to be a problem, we don't have it in our community yet, and we've got plenty of COVID.
I think a better place to focus is on is early, outpatient treatment. We've got good protocols that work and telemedicine doctors to provide guidance and prescriptions. It's very difficult to pull together all the supplements and everything else that's needed while at the same time self isolating and self-treating once you have symptoms, unless you're fortunate enough to have a good support system made up of people who are very informed on early, outpatient treatment.
I've been through this a few times now with family and friends. The first time was the scariest. I'm not vaccinated, nor have I had COVID-19, so over the last 18 months, I've gathered everything I need, including an N-19 mask that seals tightly on my face to minimize my exposure when in very brief contact with those who are infected. I hope you are taking this seriously.
of Operation Coronavirus, because without the concept of germ theory and without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda. In a previous article on the nature of the virus, I have discussed the heroic efforts of German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, who won a landmark case in 2017 which went all the way to the German Supreme Court. Lanka proved in the highest court of the land that measles was not caused by a virus, and that there was in fact no such thing as a measles virus. Lanka is still busy working, and he wrote this article earlier this year (translated into English here) entitled ““The Misconception called Virus”” in which he explains the history of how mainstream science went horribly wrong with its conclusions (really assumptions) to demonize the humble virus and to falsely ascribe pathogenicity to it when there is none.
The Virus Misconception: The Killer Virus Story vs. Deficiency and Toxicity
Lanka’s main point throughout the article is this: when modern scientists are working with diseased tissue, they think the presence of a virus is causing the disease, instead of realizing that the tissue in question has been cut off and isolated from its host, then doused with antibiotics, and that this separation and poison make it diseased and kill it, rather than any virus.
Jen, I am familiar with Dr. Cowan, though not Dr. Lanka. I also understand and fully embrace that toxins and deficiencies are significant contributors to poor health. I'm a follower of Nasha Winters, ND's terrain based approach to living with cancer. But here's the problem. What if, you are doing everything right, diet, supplements, physical activity, using a sauna regularly, ice baths, healthy environment, etc., but you have an unknown genetic or other difference that makes you more vulnerable to whatever C-19 is? What's your plan B?
I don't know the name of the naturopath but this exact scenario was widely shared in 2020. Thankfully, she did recover, but was very, very ill for weeks.
Please keep in mind that 88% of American adults are metabolically unhealthy. (NHANES). What may work for you, probably won't work for them.
I think it's fine to share you're perspective that C-19 will not be a problem for you, but if you do so, I think it would be best to also share everything you're doing, also a description of your excellent health status so people understand how much you're doing that they're not doing.
Delta is challenging. Much higher viral loads, very contagious. Lots of vaccine breakthrough cases. And we'll have another wave in the next few months. I fully recognize that the death rate for C-19 is similar to influenza, but it's different. I spent a lot of time listening to doctors who work directly with ICU patients from the beginning. It's not influenza. What they went through and are still experiencing is at times traumatizing for them.
The reason I am doing everything I can here to encourage early, out patient treatment, also utilizing telemedicine doctors if needed, preferably no later than day 3 or 4 of symptoms, is to keep people out of the hospitals because some of the treatments they're using currently are deadly, and if you ask for vitamin C or D3, most will refuse your request. Additionally challenging is families are being locked out of the hospital, so you can't even bring it in to administer it yourself.
These are scary times.
If we don't do everything we can to resist what's happening right now all over the world - (vaccine passes, etc.) - we will never be able to restore life as we knew it in 2019.
Doctors like those at the FLCCC.net and Peter McCullough and so many others who have advocated for early, outpatient treatment from the beginning, have greatly damaged their careers to go against the narrative. They are heros. They have saved countless lives.
Blessings to you. My wish for you is continued good health.
Hi LP, I certainly agree about refusing to comply with the tyrannical agenda. No question, that is key. I don't think I indicated otherwise in my first response.
Clearly we are in different paradigms re germ theory of illness. So be it. I do think our mindset is hugely influential, and if one believes as most do, that our health is threatened by microorganisms, then that will be our truth.
It is not my belief, not my truth. These organisms are scavengers, feeding on diseased tissue. They are the "cleanup crew." Thus they are found in disease conditions, but correlation is not causation.
Illness can be spread electromagnetically, through our thoughts and beliefs. I should think that is a very big factor here with "Covid" blasting in the media 24/7. We humans are very suggestible.
Are you familiar with the work of Dr. Andrew Kaufman? Here is one of his videos, I've cc'd part of it from transcript.
Also you might check out this video of Dr. Tom Cowan. At 3:35 he describes a couple of experiments that tried and failed to prove "contagion" is a real thing. Dr. Cowan has written a book, The Contagion Myth.
Of course. The number of variables that may play a part for an individual is unknown. For instance, did they have a 'Flu shot' in 2019? Were they dehydrated? Were they exposed to high EMF dosage? deficient in Vitamin C and D? Were they wearing a mask for hours at a time, breathing in their own exhaled air? How's their diet look the past week? Was any of their food high in harmful chemicals that you can't see? Did they consume alcohol the night before, and several drinks?
Keep in mind, the severe patients have a respiratory issue which (what I've seen from CT scans) looks similar to Pneumonia. So, what has caused this "covid Pneumonia" (so it's called)? That is the real question - could be any combination of my above questions, and more.
It's not just the severe patients with pneumonia. From what I've observed those admitted into the hospital have these diagnoses: pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome with or without hypoxia, acute respiratory failure, all from covid. From mild to severe all have pneumonia. From the 90 year old that didn't need supplemental oxygen and was in and out of the hospital in less than 3 days to the 50 year old that was in all aspects healthy appearing other than a small amount of supplemental oxygen for a few days.... then rapidly progressing to 60L and then ventilation. All have some degree of pneumonia.
I wasn't being serious. "Covid 19" when used properly should only apply to severe cases; and they are inflammatory conditions that resemble previously-primed ADE, so, to say the priming causes it much more accurate than to say the virus does. But what causes the priming? No one has even bothered to look into it.
You've seen proof that an isolated virus has ever caused the "condition/disease"? If you have, please share the scientific papers showing an isolated virus under an electron microscope.
BINGO. Both vaccinates and unvaccinated are dying. We need to be helping each other not tearing each other down.
To learn more about early, outpatient treatment go to FLCCC.net, look at their protocols, sign up to attend their weekly updates. Find the button to click on and register on the homepage.
Peter McCullough, MD, Richard Urso, MD, and so many others in addition to the FLCCC are great sources of information. Seek them out.
I am so jaded and cynical, what do we really know about his demise?
It’s just sad that as soon as you say the word “Co\/id “, that’s the cause of death, forget the fact that the person is in treatment for acute care injuries or chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, or kidney disease or autoimmune problems…
Healthcare is dead, there’s no trust and there’s no reliability. And I’m a doctor, to have to say that is pathetic.
I hear you. And you're right. I want you to know that they're are doctors just like you who are now making a difference in patient's lives. Lots of good work being done out there by doctors who are restoring patient's health and I've been following their work since 2015.
Robert Lustig, MD. His work on obesity and metabolic health is amazing. Mark Hyman, MD. His work promoting the functional medicine approach to patient care played a role in restoring my health six years ago and so, so many others. It's happening in the UK too. Though it's late and I need sleep. Their names aren't surfacing. Okay, a cardiologist in London who's fought hard against the cholesterol myth. His name is Aseem Malhotra. Also a functional medicine doctor in the UK. His name is name is Michael Ash. He's a doctors doctor. I've listened to a few of his lectures over the years.
And as for COVID, check out the work of Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, Joseph Varon and the other doctors associated with the Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance... FLCCC.net. I've been following their progress since March 2020. Their protocol may have played a role in our DIL's recovery form COVID last December. And I've helped others since that time using their protocols.
If you're not already retired, I hope you can find a way to get out of our current sick care system. There's a shift happening right now in medicine, and it's been really exciting to see it unfold. I live near where Jeffrey Bland and others started this institute in 1990... https://www.ifm.org/
This is getting to be way more than anecdotal. There are a LOT of people injured and dying from the vaccines. They should stop calling it covid19. Covid19 was here and gone in 70 days just like any other virus. The rest is pure engineering and genocide.
Indeed. We can parse the numbers and compare stats 'til the cows come home. They don't care, and it won't do any good. The MSM just lie about it anyway, and people lap it up. At this point we better be prepared to defend ourselves.
It's that the bureaucracy has taken over health care. Doctors have become clerks if they are in a system. It is the independent front line doctors we should be listening to. MSM are corporate spoke pieces (of shit)
Yes, they've become drug dispensers. They don't even know that food = medicine. Too indoctrinated. Most people don't know that, either. That's why half the country (or more) are obese now. And still malnourished.
This is what happened to me with COVID-19 & the covid-19 Vaccine. I realize it's anecdotal, but I'm living it just the same.
In retrospect if I would have gotten tested for covid ANTIBODIES, and if I was producing them naturally, I NEVER WOULD'VE/SHOULD'VE HAD THE VACCINE!
⬇️⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Patient here with systemic lupus.
After the covid-19 vaccine I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis & scleroderma.
~diagnosed COVID19 positive July 2020
Diagnosed with nr-axspa Oct 2020 and put on Humira
~April 2021 days after Phizer#2-diagnosed PSORIASIS (w secondary staph infection)
~Sep 2021 diagnosed with full blown Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA)
A POSITIVE covid-19 antibody test & NO VACCINE might've iliminated the % of risk.
That’s 1 very important reason NATURAL IMMUNITY MATTERS!
My specialists are thinking antibody dependent enhancement could have caused the multiple autoimmune diseases. That because I actually had covid, and then also had the vaccine, that the vaccine became the catalyst for PsA. (& I have it bad... Debilitating stiffness in lower spine, joint swelling in fingers & toes, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, uveitis, nail pitting, carpal tunnel, gastro issues.)
On the bright side, I'm fighting and this flare is ENDING (knock on wood🤞)
Edit to add: This isn't about having a flare up of a pre-existing autoimmune condition. I didn't have psoriatic arthritis until I got the covid-19 vaccine.
I had E. coli poisoning in 2008, was very sick for 4 months. Instantly developed massive arthritis (reactive syndrome) in upper spine, knees, and and my toes were the worst. In 2014 I had bone spurs removed and big toes fused. My toes continue to grow bone spurs.
I refuse to get vaccinated and your story underlines why. I’m sick enough and won’t risk activating more immune disorder symptoms.
Among the many questions we all have- why didn't they limit these vaccines to prescription only, dependent on a negative antibody test and review of a person's medical history with their doctor? Again, I am left with thinking that malice (or gross negligence for profit, at the very least) was the intent here.
The medical communities refusal to provide early treatment should be eye opening to everyone - it is hard to believe we have come to this - and the hospital situation for COVID patients is very frightening - a few at the top of the medical community are controlling everything, and if you step out of line you are finished - I guess that is how its done
It's really sad when we lose someone to this terrible virus. I think it's even more terrible when people are gleeful of someone's death because they were or weren't vaccinated. It's hard to comprehend why someone would celebrate Joe Rogen's illness. Everyone who dies has loved one's who will be devastated by the loss.
The glee seems to be predominantly from the vaxed; its really quite disturbing. People who I used to think of as being kind and thoughtful have turned into monsters.
Thanks Alex for all the good reporting you do, relaying information that has helped to save lives. Take note people and do your own homework as well, to save your own life. It is clearer every day that the current administration is not interested in saving it for you, they want to control you, period.
I’ve been reading and listening to a few German doctors speak about autopsies. If ADE is really on the table for the x-ed, then it will be yrs of sorrow.
There are very few reporters like you, Alex, who see no glee in deaths on either side, but instead try to bring information. I'm so sorry this happened. We should all be in this together, vaxxed and unvaxxed, sharing information about treatment and giving each other support instead of being torn apart and divided by MSM and the elites, who profit from our pain.
also, if you've been reading everything hes done, he's likely happy to report when vaccines fail (ie when some like Tags dies) cause that's his whole mission
"His whole mission" should be yours as well if you're truly a doctor. More deaths on that side than this side whataboutism is garbage if health is your mission. You'd be screaming for early therapeutics and an effective vaccine instead of cheerleading a leaky vaccine that appears will be a mandatory subscription plan for life.
More than half of the people hospitalized are vaccinated....And they are hiding it. And too bad shingles isn't a reportable disease (as if it would matter)..Dashing through the vax, on a two jab .blah, blah blah....shingle bells, shingle bells, shingle all the way oh what fun it is to throw in some herpes simplex too. No, but really. 16 cases in one primary care office THIS week..ALL vaxxed!
I look at it this way: If an individual or a company with a known criminal history of lying about its products tried to sell you "gold," would you buy it? I am not willing to limit this discussion to one "disease" and one "treatment." Look at the legacy of "mental health" drugs! It is strewn with lies and misleading but attractive narratives that sold many worthless if not dangerous drugs to doctors and their patients. Now it's happening with a new "disease." Why should I take this round any more seriously that all those other times? In fact, I could easily see the whole painful "mental health" rollout as a rehearsal for the show we are now in.
Of course, many of the same questions that came up about psychiatric medications are now coming up about this story: Is it really a viral disease? How do people actually get sick? Is a vaccine the most appropriate response? What about the basics of healthy living? What is the real intention behind the politicization of this whole situation? These are all valid questions, and the many answers I have heard point inevitably to a bigger situation going on that those of use who still value our freedoms should not overlook. The choice right now might seem to be between sickness and health. But what if it turned out to be a choice between slavery and freedom?
Even sadder is that the press will spin this to say that even though he was vaccinated, he was infected by the unvaccinated. Thus keeping the unvaccinated as the enemy, saying we will never be safe until we’re all vaccinated. Think of all the lives lost in the meantime, by censoring information about and access to safer and more effective therapeutic alternatives. Literally criminal activity from an uncaring and corrupt administration.
One thing that ought always be asked after vaccinated or unvaccinated deaths—did the person receive early treatment (ie monoclonal antibodies) or was he/she told to go home and wait for the symptoms to get worse before going to ER. I bet MT did NOT get monoclonal abs because of his age and vax status. I hope I’m wrong but too many people are being untreated by physicians which is absolute malpractice.
Diagnostic Lab Data: EMG/NCS and MRI of the Lumbar Spine.
CDC Split Type:
Write-up: Patient developed ALS shortly after his vaccine. He passed away within 4 months. It is unclear whether or not there is any relation to his development of ALS and his taking the vaccine - other than the association of timing. His wife felt strongly that this should be reported.
These VAERS reports are deeply disturbing. Lou Gehrig's disease, cancers, dementia, severe neurological disorders all appearing after the injection. What in the hell have they wrought?
The President of Chaminade High School died of Covid.. fully vaccinated. The MSM surely would've highlighted his story if he was not vaxxed and especially if he was anti vax
thecovidblog.com lists a large assortment of vaccine deaths; parents, children, celebrities, and, all to often, those who went out of their way heap scorn and mockery on the vaccine-skeptical prior to, and sometimes after, falling ill.
Something tells me many have vaccine reluctance syndrome. They could get the jab fast enough THEN began hearing the horror stories and envious of their peers that thought this through. Now it's a I got so you better too type of anger, child like.
If he were unvaccinated there would be at least 10 mainstream media articles shaming him. I can see it now: "Anti-vaxx fantasy football writer leaves behind family after selfishly refusing covid vaccine."
Sad. When I hear of a vaccinated young person dying of covid, my first thought is- did they even get real treatment in the hospital. My second is - was he relatively healthy (not having obesity, diabetic,etc.). If he was, then I suspect ADE. When we start to see younger, vaccinated, relatively healthy people getting serious covid (corona virus) symptoms, that is the definition of ADE.
but .. did he actually die from the SARS-COV-2 virus .. or was it due to the induced Spike proteins from the mRNA he received, breaking away from the cells induced to produce them .. being then as free spikes, able to circulate throughout his body, and cause Covid symptoms leading to his death? .. easy for a doctor without the benefit of an autopsy to put it at the door of SARS-COV-2, and not the 'vaccine' .. but hey, the CDC has decided not to trouble anyone with this question or clarification
Intentionally, IMO. Otherwise, we would be able to find a study of autopsies of dead within 48 hrs of shots. Where is the post-marketing surveillance data by Pfizer, Moderna, etc? Is the NIH responsible for tracking the 12-17 group for not only myocarditis bit other issues? It would be much easier to study the young group with zero comorbidities. That would yield enough data or a pattern of vax injuries. Enough to halt the mandates and the v-passports.
.. quite simply .. if the CDC/FDA cared about the safety data for this new mRNA technology, each manufacturer would be responsible for paying for autopsies on any recipient of their product who particularly absent any known comorbidities, dies within say 2 weeks of receipt of any does .. whether 1 or 2 or a booster
.. autopsies are the mine to find the canary
.. but the canary will start singing about free spikes proteins from the mRNA .. not 'break-through'' SARS-COV-2
.. and the CDC/FDA know this, and don't want you knowing this
That’s so sad and so many think just because they were vaccinated they’ll avoid dying or landing in the hospital. It’s just not true. Yesterday a friend says to me she’s gonna get the booster shot because she thinks it’s wrong for an unvaccinated person to take up a hospital bed for someone who might be sick with something else and not get a bed. This is the kind of BS people are believing. Covid doesn’t discriminate and it’s so obvious these jabs are not working as expected so we are all vulnerable.
Then provide her with real facts to counter the propaganda lies she is being fed by the MSM. HHS publishes a daily update on the utilization and capacity status of hospitals in the United States. As of today, 78.2% of hospital beds are in use but only 10.8% are Covid patients. As for ICU beds, 80% are occupied but only 27% of those are Covid patients. Here is the link:
Mass use of therapeutics, from those used to prevent infection to those used to treat infection must be employed broadly. If you are anyone you know test positive for Covid get the MAB ASAP. It works. Signed, fully vaccinated and got Covid and got the antibodies infusion
I got my FLCCC "covid kit" including Ivermectin which I had to procure via an online Canadian pharmacy. Shipment took almost 4 weeks from Singapore via France. Fortunately, I ordered it before the FDA decided to confiscate and destroy all private shipments. WHY in the world would they block private commerce?🤬 No one has died of Ivermectin. Not even the .any people I know who have taken the horse version. Mine is the WHO-approved for human use. 😉
Asked my Kaiser MD about their early treatment protocol and it was nothing until you have pneumonia like symptoms then go to ER. Watched this today and pretty much sums up how I feel about “corporate” medicine now and this is an MD you can connect with for early treatment meds and believe it or not actual patient care. https://rokfin.com/stream/9390/Covid-ICU-Doctor-Quits-Over-Vaccine-Mandate
Yes, and it’s become clear that the vaccinated are experiencing heart issues. Myocarditis, pericarditis, and fatal heart attacks so perhaps his heart issue in July might be related to being vaccinated.
People are also having heart issues such as myocarditis from actual Covid. Unfortunately an unfortunate side effect either way. He could have a history of heart issues we just don’t know about and it could be the vaccine that exacerbated it or from Covid itself. We will probably never know. A woman who had taken the vaccine died after exposure from her niece visiting from South America who was not vaccinated. Why? Because the woman was on a medication for RA that depletes B cells. The vaccine failed when she thought she was safe. I’m not against the vaccine, but I agree with Alex that is more of a therapeutic. Some medications that people take don’t truly realize the side defects as I like to call them.
This is a genocide... "Direct evidence exists and suggests that all persons who have received a Covid 19 Vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner;"
A woman interviewed in my staffing business on Friday - said she couldn’t work for a couple of days bc her 17yo son had a 106 degree temp. He was vaxed 3 days prior. A 17yo healthy person literally has 0.000% chance of Covid risk (death/icu), but gets hospitalized for the vax. Unreal
This is incredibly sad. I worry that many vaxxed people, especially young vaxxed people, think this can't happen to them because they're "fully vaxxed". And the mainstream narrative just makes it worse. In their zeal to cover their collective asses, they've lied to people.
Please tell all your friends and family...vaxxed and unvaxxed...to take this seriously. Do what you can to optimize your immune system (D, C, Zinc, N-acetyl-cysteine, quercetin, aspirin, nasal washes). Get Ivermectin if you can.
All I can say is this is a terrible, tragic outcome and I will pray for his family and, as I am Catholic, for his soul. Like others, I wonder if he was given ANY early treatment. My very cynical side wonders if there is now pressure to leave even the vaccinated untreated because we simply can't have success stories for early treatment. Everyone should be disturbed by the politicization of early treatment. It is unconscionable and unforgiveable.
Whoever this guy is, I pray for his soul, but should he not have informed himself a little better? 'Yes I have had the shots'? Really? Why would he even go have a test? Bless his heart.
Hate if you want, but at some point we have to stop this cycle of test, shot, test...
He went away to write his book and got sick, 7/16 , he came down with Covid on 8/3 probably caught it in the hospital while being treated for his heart problem. Wonder if that's when he got his vaccination? Below is from his twitter page:
Mike Tagliere
Jul 16
On a serious note, thank all of you for reaching out to wish me well. Heart decided it wanted to run 130-plus beats per minute for two hours straight while I was relaxing. Blood pressure shot up. Out of the hospital now with heart rate meds. Cardiologist appt next.
Alex keep posting this types of stories - we too are tired of being told it is only the unvaccinated that are dying.
I had a buddy go to dr this week, doctor asked if he was vaxxed - “no” thinking he would be treated like a 3rd world citizen. Doctor: “good you should recover just fine here’s Rx for steroids, 75% of what I see come in here are vaxxed and go straight to ICU”
I’m just glad he got a prescription at all! I have known one person to receive prescriptions with this. I’ve known easily over 100 infected. This patient received a Zpack, prednisone pack, and a antihistamine/decongestant pill. He already had an Inhaler for as needed asthma. My overweight 77 yo mother, breakthrough Moderna, received nothing! “Go to the hospital if you feel worse.” No early treatment is absolutely what’s killing these people. Even with the flu I’ve gotten prescriptions if I feel bad enough to go to the doctor. This no treatment makes me so angry.
Three words. Monoclonal antibody therapy. Why on earth aren't doctors concentrating on TREATMENT. Here is the national database of hospitals that offer this treatment. If you go somewhere that doesn't offer them they won't even tell you about it and they will not get it for you: https://protect-public.hhs.gov/pages/therapeutics-distribution#distribution-locations
Big Pharma doesn't make any money on the successful, early treatment medications. They make money on jabs and Remdesivir. Hospitals make money on a positive test, ICU admit, using Remdesivir, using a ventilator and on death. It is wrong. It is evil, and I don't see any way that the average citizen can beat it.
Especially when the Biden admin is taking over the distribution of monoclonal antibody therapies. They will decide who lives and who dies. It's DISGUSTING AND GENOCIDAL.
Nazi Germany repeating history
All this makes me wonder if they really do have a cure for Cancer but are hiding it because the profits from Chemotherapy are so high. Which is so bad to think that way but hard to trust Big Pharma at all right now let alone government. “Healthy but sick of this in Upstate NY
I'm right there with you. I feel like veil has been lifted. I always knew that government and big corporations did some shady things for profit, but I hadn't imagined that it would be this evil.
Precisely. I now am very suspicious pf at least some other vaccines. I've *always* been vey suspicious of the hepatitis B vaccine given *at birth*.
Just what Fauci did with Bactrim, a cheap reputposed drug he denied to AIDS patients, letting thousands die. He is a psychopath.
We are VERY close to a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. But it will never see the light of day. Insulin is insanely profitable.
Same thought crossed my mind yesterday and I pushed it out. But the thought popped in my brainpan for a minute there. I never thought we would all be living through this nightmare of not knowing who to trust in the health sector so I cannot blame you for thinking big pharma could be so evil as to hold a cancer cure back. All of this seems pretty sinister what is happening with the lockout of cheaper early covid treatments.
A German doctor found a cure for cancer and he was murdered. Huge profits in cancer treatments. Sinful
Please tell me where I can find out more about this doctor.
Interested in knowing where to find this information
Natural medicine. The body is designed to heal itself as long as it has the right inputs (and outputs!). Check out the work of Dr. Thomas Seyfried, Boston College professor and cancer biologist: tomseyfried.com. That's just one example. There are plenty of others.
Looks like you’re right. Ivermectin and cancer: https://twitter.com/aussienproud14/status/1438092450787037184?s=21
Thank you for sharing.
They don't have a "cure" for cancer (or at least that's a bridge too far for me, but then again . . .), but we've known how to reduce our chances of it for ages. The same FDA that "approved" this vaccine "approves" massive amounts of food additives that are known carcinogens. Furthermore, if we had the kind of campaigns against sugar and fast food that we have pushing the "vaccine," can you imagine how healthy people would be?
They (big pharma) has had a cure for many types for quite a while. It is just way more profitable to make the drugs and keep victims on the drugs than to cure. There is little or no money in curing.
Good Grief, that is a fantastic question. Makes ya wonder, doesn't it?
I have always suspected this…wish I could prove it.
As a person over 65 I see this all the time related to the aging population. It’s far better to have them stuck in their arm chair watching TV, it’s more profitable and have them doing yardwork and going for hikes
Exactly! Especially if they don't know what they don't know!
Ever hear of Dr Brian Ardis? See: https://www.thedrardisshow.com/
To hear last Monday's, "You're the Cure" radio program with guest, Dr Ardis:
Thanks for site. My Dr. told me if I got it, to call her at the clinic NOT the hospital and she'd get the early treatment lined up of monoclonal antibodies.
They are not focused on treatment because of the legal language that created the Emergency Use Authorization. From the FDA: "Under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), when the Secretary of HHS declares that an emergency use authorization is appropriate, FDA may authorize unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by CBRN threat agents when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. The HHS declaration to support such use must be based on one of four types of determinations of threats or potential threats by the Secretary of HHS, Homeland Security, or Defense."
Among the "Criteria" cited as necessary is this:
d. No Alternatives
For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.
If the FDA/CDC recognized adequate alternatives the mRNA therapies, then they would not be legal.
It's craziness.. It's a matter of legalities, semantics & noone is doing anything about it. Pharma is too powerful. Big Gov is too powerful.
Doctors are supposed to save lives. They took an oath. They have got to grow a pair... People are DYING.
At least Gov's like DeSantis understand and see the states are going to have to deal with this mess.
What would it take to fix this for everyone?
Exactly! The question is: knowing what's available now, why are the vax mandates in place? Are they even legal? Hospitals are denying alternative treatment to patients, killing them with their refusal to try anything other than the NIH-Fauci protocol.
I agree with this info and up to the point of the quagmire of the EUA ... I agree with your conclusion, but are there any lawyers talking about this? Looking at this? There's got to be a way to slam them on this and even if we said "OK the vaccine is out there. Now we know there are other drugs. In this moment, no consequences except get these other drugs out there ti be used..." Seriously if we remove their fear, with this as a hypothesis, would this move the blockade?
Wait.... a CBRN threat agent....how is Covid a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear threat agent??? Anthrax, yep it applies; Ricin, yep it applies, nuclear meltdown, yep it applies. I don't see how Covid (SARS-Cov-2 virus) would meet the criteria and then be able to be used as such. Or am I way off base???
I believe it would fall under Biological
I'm actually nervous clicking on the hyperlink because I suspect zero hospitals in Hernando County Fl are not on there. Strange, but our county went 68 or 70% red, yet our hospitals are ran by radicals. My daughter just left afterv10 years , RN,BSN. Here goes...
DeSantis, has done a great job, Florida is the easiest state to get Monoclonal treatment.
Gov DeSantis is working directly with pharma to get Florida more doses. If you don't see your hospitals on this list call Regeneron and/or Gov DeSantis office.
Hey DeSantis, How about making FL a refuge for RN's who can prove natural immunity with anti-body tests like T-Detect, for example. I've did the 1st half of my 25+ year ICU RN in FL. Would gladly re-up my license for FL.
A catch. Must demand this when/if IN the ER. Not eligible if admitted to the hospital. Per Dr Peter McCullough.
Interestingly, I just read that monoclonal therapy has to at least be originally sourced - from covid recovered UNVAXXED subjects only!
I don't think that's true. I have friends here who got the synthetic antibodies and improved in a hurry
Where did you read that?
Very handy site. Thanks.
Thank you for the link very helpful
thank you, thank you thank you
Thank you for the link, it was comforting to know my local hospital has the monoclonal antibodies
Cording to Dr. Peter McCullough. If you need to go to the hospital demand the antibodies before admission, while still in ER. Once you admitted you no longer eligible for them. At least that’s what he says.
How can those doct3look themselves in the mirror?
Doctors are no more brilliant than a refrigerator repairman. They follow the footsteps painted on the floor. That's all.
Thanks for the link, good info
You are right but HHS is trying to restrict availability.
In our City they're bending over backwards to get people this treatment.
That's great but unfortunately it's not happening everywhere. If it was so many people wouldn't be dying. My daughter's friend 6 mo pregnant just died bc the hospital did not have monoclonal antibody therapy and didn't tell her about it. Summerlin las vegas. She went 3 days after being sick. They let her die. My father walked out of there by the grace of G_d only after covid. How can these incompetent doctors even look themselves in the mirror
was she vaccinated during pregnancy? I'm reading about a lot of stillbirths, and other bad outcomes of pregnant women who have gotten vaxxed.
That's so tragic.
Hospitals are killing patients by denying rhe use of Ivermectin, HCQ, amd other protocols being used successfully by FLCCC, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. McCullough, and many others. All these recent news of young celebrities dying unexpectedly or suddenly makes me wanna scream ADE. Why is no one demanding autopsies of those that had no comorbidities and were healthy prior to these toxic shots?
The hospitals are not treating with those drugs because the NIH has not recommended them. If the hospital stays within NIH recommendations, they are immune from liability (see the Prep Act of 2006 and public health emergencies).
Welcome to socialized medicine, where the bureaucrats and politicians decide what is best for you and launder those decisions through a regulatory framework that hides their responsibility for the outcomes.
Actually ivermectin is approved as shown in this NIH chart from July 2021. If a doctor tells you it's not in the protocol, show them the chart, then ask for your ivermectin - not Remdesivir. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/
Thank you for posting this link. Doctors: take note. NIH support here for your ivermectin Rxs.
Not approved if on Medicare. Seriously.
Group think is the real Grim Reaper..
Spot on.
Don't be a plank all your life. Do your research, those people that tell you that Ivermectin, HCQ are effective against Covid are generally trying to sell a book or get you to click a donate button. Scream what you like if it makes you feel better, but grow up, and BTW the earth is not flat, OK.
I did my research which is why I'm taking prophylactic Ivermectin. Didn't have to buy a book either. Your arrogance is disgusting. FLCCC.net
Hence why I don't rely on the opinion of a single doctor and review the actual data. It's readily available, just not well publicized.
The data on other therapeutics is also available at that website. There are even double blind controlled studies.
Wrong. IVM. There are over 60 studies. It won a Nobel prize. Over 4 billion doses given. Safer than aspirin.
And we have a troll. We must be over the target!
Turn off your television set and do some critical thinking and some constructive reading, and you might learn something
Educate yourself on the Opioid Crisis. Then ask yourself who can you trust?
Sounds like these the people responding are doing their research. Maybe you should do yours instead of attacking those who disagree with you.
Alrighty then. Glad you got that out of your chest. 😉
Oh but big pharma and their buddies at the FDA/CDC/NIH who own the patents on the so-called "vaccine" injections and the politicians/media who take big pharma $ don't have an agenda??? Got it - understood. The world is flat I guess....
I just got over covid using ivermectin and zpak. Fever gone in less than a week. You go ahead and listen to the mainstream media. But the studies that showed HCQ and ivermectin ineffectual were deeply flawed by waiting to treat until the patients were in an advanced stage. I didn't need to buy anyone's book to find that out.
Stop being a plank yourself, and study both pubmed and clinical trials. If you have already looked at the 60+ good Ivermectin trials now have a look at the ones in progress. Do you really think they would throw good money after bad?
Just think about the drop and hospitalizations if people were given something right at the beginning? And shame on the doctors who say that their hands are tied their hands are not tied. They are going to long so they don’t lose their jobs. They’re weak. I don’t know about anybody else here but I don’t trust doctors any longer. I mean it’s got to be really really really really really really bad for me to even think about going to the doctor anymore.
Agree! Considering ordering my own labs since current Dr is not ordering the labs needed by another doctor (not on Medicare or other health insurance, but private pay only). Health insurance is a joke! It's not for us, really--to keep us healthy, but stay sick on their ill-prescribed prescriptions... that keeps us ill &/or produces unintended consequences.
If there’s no prescribing doctor in your state an out of state doctor may be able to do a telemedicine visit.
Treatment requires more than ivermectin per protocols. You could try contacting your doctor first and show him or her the FLCCC website.
Your doctor may just not have this information. If your doctor refuses to listen to you get another doctor. I’d get what you need before getting sick. Effective treatment starts on Day #1 if possible.
That was my thinking too. Both of my primary care physicians, a MD and an ND refused to provide any treatment if I developed COVID-19 symptoms. Husband's MD, who is younger and with it said he'd prescribe ivermectin for scabies. Might switch my care to him. For now, my husband I were able to acquire everything we needed from telemedicine doctors in different states. Different doctor for him because he works in a different state part of the year.)
I'm not a doctor, nor pretend to be, but I'm sorry if my comment seems like I'm a know it all, because I'm not. My wife of 41 years will certainly validate that.
Anyhow, I personally believe this current epidemic is a product of the very medication/vaccine being recklessly plunged into the citizens of the world arms. We are perhaps living through the worst era known to mankind.
I purchased body armor last year only to be mocked by my wife (jokingly). I believe there will be a everyday need for thus protection, even here in Florida. Kids will shoot for pop tarts soon enough.
"Anyhow, I personally believe this current epidemic is a product of the very medication/vaccine being recklessly plunged into the citizens of the world arms." You aren't the only one to be concerned about this possibility. Boriquagato.substack.com has good content on this issue.
Funeral-Director John-OLooney Whistle-Blower - "VACCINE IS DELTA Variant"
That's OK sir, I'm steadily buying survival food that'll last for 25 years. Not that I think it's the end times, and I believe in the end times. I just believe people are gonna get sick enough were not gonna be able to get what we need. I'm right with Alex. We keep changing how the virus and the vaccine affect us, and I know nothing about any of that except the virus gets stronger like a really, really bad movie. And our governments keep insisting we get more vaccine, viscous cycle. Less people to work. I don't have kids, just 10 nieces and nephews
I've been wondering this once the vax wears off do those people potentially face a more severe case of covid.
The vaccine runs the risk of antibody dependent enhancement since it provides very narrowly focused antibodies to just the S1 spike protein. In a vaccinated person, if they encounter the virus, the antibodies would actually bind to the virus and help it into the cells, thus aiding the virus in replicating more- which leads to more severe symptoms and a cytokine storm response in the body. This risk is known due to animal studies for SARS and MERS using mRNA vaccines. Most animals got severely ill, 30% died. This is why we've never had a coronavirus vaccine in humans before. The risk was too high. But, since the pharma companies were given complete immunity from harm or deaths caused by their products by our dumbass world governments- they can run the risk of antibody dependent enhancement. I believe we are seeing it already and I am deeply concerned about the winter when the respiratory viruses peak.
Isn't this also what causes the mutations? Or is it because the virus is leaky, getting into other or all parts of our body? And what about the J&J because I even saw a shot injury (anecdotal - only one) but it still freaked me out.
The mutation and leaky effect is due in part to the narrow focus on the S1 protein, but also largely on type of virus. Just like influenza, attempts at a sterilizing vaccine for a coronavirus are futile due to their rapid evolution and animal reservoirs.
This vaccine doesn't wear off...it alters the immune system; which is why so many are dying after the vaccine of covid and many other things. Yes, more severe health issues will be the norm.
Twenty years of clinical trials using animal subjects show that coronavirus vaccines lead to disease enhancement with most all the subjects eventually dying exposed to the wild virus. This situation was completely predictable. I guess doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results leads to Insanity !!
Interesting. If 1/3 are unvaxed, then 2/3 are vaxed. Yet somehow the focus is negatively slanted toward the vaxed. How can people be so blind?
Meant negatively slanted toward the unvaxed- but I’m sure that wax obvious.
Would be nice if we could edit our comments :)
Willful ignorance
They can't breakout of the brain-washing narrative of the Unvaxxed are Bad The Walking Dead is happening right now and it is the Vaxxed !!
This is just one of the thousands of examples the Local/ Mainstream media ignores. Can you blame them; why cut off the hand that pays your salaries?(Like 10 drug commercials per hour! )
Good for that dr., although IMO your buddy should pass on the steroids and choose vit C, D, zinc, quercetin...what were his issues anyway?
I don’t think those vitamins are gonna help in that timeframe. Gotta be taking supplements beforehand so you have good baseline levels on day one
What your say is true of vitamin D but zinc/c/quercetin should be immediately helpful as an antiviral.
And don't forget horse paste
If you eat right most of what you need will be consumed in your diet.
You can't really get enough quercetin from diet alone. Its found in apples and red onions, but small amounts. I have been taking quercetin for a while as it helps with my mild seasonal allergies; added bonus it now helps prevent/fight covid when used with zinc.
I tried taking Quercetin three different times, but it caused me to have anal bleeding. I told my doctor about it but she said it shouldn't do that. But, it did it to me. I'm really hesitant to try it again.
That is the key! Fortify now.
Never too late IMO, although the sooner the better.
The dr said he should recover just fine, so I believe they'd help. I guess he could also take the steroids although I personally would pass.
Hello Jen—RN here, please do not pass on steroids as COVID causes an inflammatory process in the body. Early treatment with steroids is first line protocol for inflammation
Yes, I had Covid in August. I am 71 years old.
My doctor gave me a Z pack and steroids. I also have been taking Vitamin D,C and Zinc for years. I am unvaxed and had a mild case. My 75 year old husband, unvaxed, has hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and had open heart surgery three years ago. He had the monoclonal antibody infusion. He also had mild symptoms.
This was a recommendation by Dr. Kory early on when they weren't being used. No need to worry about side effects if you are abut to die or suffer long covid.
Keep in mind we don't know what were the guy's issues. He may have just had a false positive test result (aren't they all)?
There are many other, safer remedies for inflammation.
Article on risks of steroids:
Timing is important, though. Before day five is not recommended, from what I understand. But very important afterward.
From what I'm hearing, the Delta variant has required changes to the protocols. Ivermectin dosage was increased, and I think they may be using corticosteroids a little earlier than day 8 with some patients based on their symptoms. Thank you for mentioning this PKR.
The steroid is for reducing the inflammation in the lungs. I received the same protocol when I had the Fauci Flu in 2019.
Jeannette, did you develop the antibodies? Same thing happened to me but I don't have the antibodies. Jealous. ;)
So my understanding of what's happening with the lungs with COVID-19 is micro clotting of the capillaries. That's what the cloudiness is when they do imaging of the lungs. And that's also why the FLCCC includes 325 mg aspirin from the FIRST day of symptoms as part of their early, outpatient protocol, I-MASK+. So, so important. Learn more at FLCCC.net.
I had influenza in early November 2019. Had my ImG and ImM checked months later in mid 2020 and didn't develop antibodies so I know now it was influenza. But man, I was right on the verge of pneumonia. That day, I was told to go to the ER to be evaluated. No insurance, so I decided to tough it out one more day. There was a really dense fog that night. I walked very slowly, stopping as I need to, in it for a while, don't remember how long, but the next morning I began to feel better. Wouldn't recommend this to anyone else. Probably would have happened either way. But I just felt compelled to do it and I felt so much better afterward, and was able to sleep. That experience is part of what's driving me to learn everything I can about treating COVID-19 early, and aggressively. I do not want to go to the hospital unless I have to for the sole purpose of getting corticosteriods. After that I will check myself out and go home to recover, monitoring my oxygen levels wth an oximeter, of course.
Have you done the T-cells antibody test? I've heard that's the one that shows the long-lasting antibodies.
I did not get the antibody test because I didn't know about it back then. Hopefully I have antibodies because I have been out and about without a mask and have not gotten sick.
I'm going to talk with my telemedicine doctor to see if there's another test I can do to establish if I had COVID-19 or not in November 2019. Hoping for natural immunity, but I'm so careful in my efforts to protect others, I may never get it! (Socially isolating, wearing mask, social distancing, and washing hands when in stores.)
Yeah I posted on the Reddit thread in regards to how he died after being vaccinated and I got crucified. These people are all about the Magic Bullet and the vaccine, when in fact the vaccine is killing more people than it's saving.
Holy Moly. So many people are completely in a dark world of misinformation. In order to find the truth you have to dig deep. But once you do, you begin to see the truth that this is the hill worth dying for.
Family member's employer is NOW saying, if you're not j&bed, then if you or a family member (even a child) becomes sick with Covid, then they will not allow sick pay to be used by the employee.
2nd interview tomorrow morning so there's a good chance won't be working at the current company for much longer.
The testimonies project - the movie
Everyone should learn more about what the people of Israel are experiencing with the vaccine. It's very informative. Many telling their story. Each unique. Commentary is respectful and limited to a brief introduction and afterward.
Oh my Gosh!!!!!
I saw my doctor this week, (general checkup) told him of my family history with stroke and aneurisms - he said he still recommend I get the shot.
Why? It will keep you from dying.
Doctor also said he doesn’t trust the CDC and FDA, but the New England Journal of medicine is saying the vax is safe. I said oh, really where do they get their information?
Doctor - FDA and CDC … I said you see the problem here?
I then asked how he would treat Covid .. tylenol and ibuprofen.
Me how about ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine? Those don’t work.
Why, it seems Japan and India are having great success?
The New England Journal of medicine says they don’t work … where do they get their information? FDA and CDC.
Doc - you seeing a trend here?
Will you write and RX for ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine? No.
Okay, so you see how this chess game is going.. doctor I have redness in my eyes from time to time - will you write me a Rx for topical steroids for my eyes? Yes, and he never looked in my eyes!
I said my goodbyes and I think I’ll be interviewing more doctors … we’re in a pandemic after all.
IMO it is time to become our own doctors for the most part. That's where I'm at.
I've been at that point for years, except I do what I have to to get prescriptions refilled. Mostly I agree only to their cursory exams and the diagnostic tests they order, such as blood work, etc. After what has happened to the state of medicine since COVID, I'm even more reticent to make an appointment. I'm 66 and prefer to live out what years I have left not relying on the medical establishment for anything..
Informed and prepared is empowered. Using a telemedicine doctor is what my husband and I chose to do. We have everything we need on hand now to treat beginning with first day of symptoms. If we need additional care, we will reach out to teledoc. What more likely will happen is that I'll be fine within 2 to 5 days taking the protocol I've chosen. Both of my primary care physicians refused to be available to treat me for COVID-19 if infected when I asked a year ago. Both said no treatment. Go to hospital if you get really ill. FLCCC.net and https://www.exstnc.com/ provide listings of telemedicine doctors and the states they serve. Here's one more listing... https://c19protocols.com/physicians-facilities-offering-early-treatment/ Shop around. My telemedicine doctor charges me between $50-$75 for consult and prescriptions.
If you don't mind, who was the doctor and which site was it from? Many doctors are charges $200-$275
I worked with Dr. Anna Yoder, DNP from the exstnc.com listing, but you have to find a doctor who works in your state.
MyFreeDoctor.com operates by donation via PayPal, so that's another option.
1) Find a pharmacy that will fill a prescription for ivermectin first, if you want to use it, and ask if they accept the GoodRx coupon (to GREATLY reduce your out of pocket cost). 2) Go to GoodRx.com to get the coupon. Print and bring with you. Or show coupon from your phone. You'll need to know medication name, dosage, and number of pills/tablets prescribed when getting the coupon from website. 3) Take ivermectin, if that's what you're using, with a meal that contains fat. (The only time ivermectin is taken without a meal is for treatment of a parasitic infection. Covid is NOT a parasitic infection).
Really helps to have everything on hand before getting sick. iherb.com is a good source of supplements if you can't get some of them locally. Hope that helps.
It may take 48 hours or more to before you'll be able to talk to a doctor. We have never paid more than $100.
how much did you pay for the tablets?? was it 3mg. each tablet?
Something else that we have learned is that it's best to begin taking the protocol within a day or two of developing any viral symptoms such as a cold or sore throat or gastric upset. Or if you want to get tested, schedule test ASAP, then start it as soon as you've been tested.
What if you test negative?? do you stop taking the protocol immediately ?
Me too.
That’s exactly how I feel. We are now on our own. We’ll have to try and find doctors who might be willing to help or just try to do what we can on our own.
That doc is a leftist operative.
I’ll take my natural immunity, which is still going strong after more than 10 months, thank you very much. Your sub stack is the best $6 a month I spend.
Mine is still high 14 months out. 360 u/ml.
We’re going to Italy next week on a cycling tour, forced to comply, so I got moderna shots 6 months ago. 👿😩☹️ (I refuse any more and I’m anti covid vax). Had an antibody test last week and my # was 20. Shots are F N useless.
I’ve read that the available Covid antibody tests won’t show antibodies from the vax, as they are different antibodies —remember, the vaccines target only a narrow part of the virus.
That’s awesome!
Is that based on the T-cell test?
How did you get tested for immunity?
Got a call last night. My wife’s 14 yr old nephew is in the ICU with severe cardiac inflammation. He was vaccinated about a month ago. Praying for a recovery but it’s touch & go right now
My condolences.
The authorities that are pushing this on kids deserve front seats on the bus to Hell.
Sooner or later a child will die, and a distraught dad is going to reach out and touch the local Mengele with a scoped 6.5mm Creedmore.
I have a 15 year old grandson who refuses the vax. Thank God his mom supports him. ❤️
Terribly sorry! Praying he recovers.
Why we are vaccinating anyone under 30 is just beyond me unless there are some extremely unusual circumstances. Prayers for your nephew. Oh my goodness.
I'm not overly spiritual, but I will pray for him. Stay strong..
This is so horrible to hear......
One fellow American having this experience is bad enough, but children? Preventable, but evil doesn't care. Who's going to be the hero? what world leader will take the podium and tell it like it is? They better hurry before billions of pawns leave them open.
I’m so sorry and hope he surely recovers . My husbands hygienist had a teen patient who recovered from myocarditis but his cardiologist parent said he would still recommend the vaccine for teens . Wth
And Mike Tagliere was in the hospital with heart issues in July. He mentions it on his twitter on July 16. I believe that was from the shots and is related to his deterioration/"Covid" starting in early August and subsequent death.
This is why I worry so for my vaccinated family members. Hubby and I (early 60s, unvaccinated) both recovered (unremarkably) from Covid back in July. I've had symptoms worse than Covid at other times in my life. Did a course of Ivermectin 7 days into the infection. Was fine 2 days after the Ivermectin. And now we both have antibodies and T-cell memory.
Daughter called me and told me she tested positive ( 2 home tests and one lab). Sent her enough Ivermectin, per the FLCCC protocols, she was recovering nicely in 2 days, retested day after her regimen was done, tested negative.
Where did you get the Ivermectin? I can not.get the online docs to prescribe it eventhough my grandson had covid and I may have been exposed.
Dr Syed Haider in Chicago. He can prescribe after telemed consult in most states in the U.S. It took a few days for the prescription to get called in and then I had a hell of a time finding a pharmacy to fill it. Your best bet is to call a local compounding pharmacy in advance to see if they will fill it. Good luck.
We used him too but our regular pharmacy would not fill. Ended up with local compounding pharmacy. The pharmacy knew Dr. Haider.
I used Syed Haider, as well. Easy experience from someone with common sense.
Seconded on the compounding pharmacies.
what is his number? how do you get in touch with him?
Thank you for posting this, it was so easy to go though him then the other one I tried and was unsuccessful.
Explain "cannot get the online docs to prescribe it", please. I called two docs, one AFLD and one FLCCC, completed the paperwork and had consults with each (not cheap). Both offered to prescribe. I chose one, he sent the prescription to the compounding pharmacy he uses, they called me a day later, I paid and they sent.
I signed up with AFLD, got an online consultation, paid the 90.00. Was told I could not have the Hydroxychloroquine because of a BP med I am on but they would not prescribethe IVM either. So what good are they? Had another online consult with another group of docs from Ohio. They took my money and I have not been able to contact them since and I have tried 3 times. Lesson learned. What a scam. Guess I will have to go to Tractor
Supply for the Ivermectin
I just spent an entire day trying to figure out how to get my hands on ivermectin. Nearly two years into the scaredemic and I haven't contracted the virus as far as I know; neither has my 86 year old mother for whom I'm the sole caregiver. But with the flu season nearly upon us, I wanted to prepare, just in case. Someone in the comments either on this blog, or on Gato Malo's, mentioned ordering from India at alldaychemist.com without a prescription.
I'm very leery about ordering from unfamiliar sites, so I spent several hours trying to figure out if this site is trustworthy. I found several Reddit and other forum sites talking about using this pharmacy and being satisfied, so I figured it's worth the risk and placed the order.
Fingers crossed.
In the last 2 months pharmacists not only started flat out refusing to dispense ivermectin, they also started reporting physicians like myself to state medical boards. So we had to stop using them, because it's just not possible for a independent doctor to defend against dozens or hundreds of medical board complaints, each one of which threatens their license to practice medicine and the outcomes of which depend on oft-times fickle medical board members who will overwhelmingly have negative views of ivermectin prescribing for COVID-19.
We tried the options listed on the FLCCC pharmacy page, but the ones with wide distribution were quite expensive like Ravkoo for example. Many of them also became quickly overwhelmed by doctors sending them all their prescriptions.
So our solution was to scour each of the 40 states I practice in to find the lowest cost mail order pharmacies that were friendly to the cause. This took a few weeks and is an ongoing effort as there is a wide variance in prices among the pharmacy options we discovered and we are always searching out the lowest option for our patients.
We ended up overwhelming 3 pharmacies the very first day we started using them and had to stop sending them prescriptions, in some cases for weeks to allow them to recover. After that we made sure to check with each one to see the maximum number of prescriptions we could send them each day. Because these are small independent pharmacies that are already at capacity we were unable to share their information publicly as the FLCCC had done.
However in the last week it seems that interest in ivermectin is waning rapidly as the Delta numbers in many states have peaked and are now fast declining, so there will likely be a lull during which it will be much easier to obtain ivermectin barring unforeseen government intervention against physician autonomy, and unless and until there is a winter wave.
I spoke with Dr. Elizabeth Goodly ($90 for an hour). Was prescribed 30 Ivermectin pills at a cost of $180 (or $160). Can't remember off the top of my head.
It was from Ravkoo Pharmacy in Florida (the expensive place that Dr. Haider mentions). Yes, it was expensive, but I REALLY wanted to get my hands on the Ivermectin. It took 3 days for the pills to get to me. I can refill 5 times according to the prescription label.
I did a first-dose regimen of 4.5 pills on Day 1. (Felt a bit better)
I then did a second-dose regimen of 4.5 pills on Day 3.
Two days later, I was feeling pretty much back to normal.
I stopped taking more Ivermectin after that. So now I have 21 pills left in case I or a family member should need Ivermectin in the future.
Takes 4-6 weeks but yes
FLCCC.net there is a link get ivermectin, but you may find quite a waiting period as most doctors can't handle the demand.
There are no real contraindications to ivermectin, the only reason I can imagine that a patient might be refused it is if that patient were not willing to manage the changes it would cause to their warfarin/coumadin levels. Patients on warfarin/coumadin would need to speak to the doctor who prescribed the warfarin for the lab work required, although nowadays it is possible to get your levels tested with a home kit and adjust your dose on the fly.
So horribly frustrating what you've had to go through. Sickening that our healthcare system is so broken.
Hydroxychloroquine is not a stand alone treatment, so I wouldn't pursue it without talking to my doctor.
You take it with at least 50 mgs if zinc. That’s how it works. I used both when i had covid. Worked great!
I'm so sorry this happened to you. Someone else here suggested trying FreeDoctor.com It will take longer, and they do say to message them every 48 hours until you hear back from them (that is, after you've completed everything they need from you). It's free, though they do accept donations. Back in the 90's, I maintained listings of doctors and referred to them regularly. Occasionally, I had to remove someone from the list due to complaints, but that was rare. I encourage you to keep trying... Also, if you haven't already, learn about the I-MASK+ early, outpatient treatment protocol at flccc.net. And keep checking back for updates to the protocol. Hope you're finally able to get the support you need. I also had a really bad experience initially, so I know it can and does sometimes happen.
This is from the Frontline doctors on how to find it https://covid19criticalcare.com/pharmacies/
Order from a drop shipper in India. Indiamart
If you meant that you cannot get IVM at a "regular" pharmacy, that's different. Neither doctor with whom I spoke would send a prescription to CVS or Walgreens, for example, b/c both have consistently refused to fill them. You'd need to find a doctor who has an agreement with an independent pharmacy.
Pushhealth.com and get an independent pharmacy
Deborah Kerwin and for others looking for a pharmacy to fill your ivermectin prescriptions,
https://covid19criticalcare.com/pharmacies/ and read their 1-page document "Overcoming the Barriers to Access Ivermectin Prescriptions." They also did a Weekly Update on this problem which is with the individual pharmacists not the corporations. Steps are being taken to put a stop to this.
My husband and I have had no problems getting presciptions filled at Walgreens over the last year. Husband had his most recent ivermectin presciption filled at a Walgreens in Anchorage, Alaska last week.
Use your GOODRx coupon to significantly reduce your out of pocket cost.
I did not say a regular pharmacy. It was with AFLD. I have even been donating to them.
Try myfreedoctor.com
They're slow but they will come through.
India Mart. There’s an app or just use a laptop. Takes three weeks to arrive and it’s far cheaper than a prescription. Go to FLCCC for dosage protocols.
We have a prescription that we were getting filled at CVS. The pharmacy made a nationwide decision to no longer fill scrips for Ivermectin.
As we’re not chemists we don’t have a way to verify. However, the sellers are working an awful lot for a small amount of money. The packaging and the pills look very similar to what we used to get from CVS. We ground up one from each source and did a taste test, tasted the same.
Can you recommend a specific brand or manufacturer? Thanks.
Thank you.
Sorry it is .net not .org
Check FLCCC site.
Did your daughters doctor give her a script for the Ivermectin? Then you went on the FLCCC website for a pharmacy? I want to be prepared in case my son gets it.
I got the prescription through a doctor via FLCCC. Have done plenty of research and had my daughter do her own. Ivermectin is 99.999 % not harmful, so we went ahead with it. On the WHO website it is listed below aspirin with respect to harmfulness. My doctor told me to begin taking it the minute I felt any symptoms, get tested and go from there. Earlier you take it the better. You are reducing the viral load and that is key for anyone, but especially people that may develop a cytokine storm where there immune system overreacts and attacks tissues and organs.
Marci, here's three places to find listings of telemedicine doctors...
FLCCC.net - click on "Ivermectin" in upper menu bar, then on "How to Get Ivermectin" on left side; also if you click on "Ivermectin" in upper menu again, you'll also find listings of pharmacies on the left side. It's okay to call ahead to insure the pharmacy WILL fill an ivermectin prescription before having a prescription sent to them.
One more is https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/treatments/how-do-i-get-covid-19-medication/
FLCCC has WEEKLY UPDATES where you can educate yourself... https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/FLCCC-WEBINAR-Patients-Rights-on-Trial:9?lid=3871ec51c705d2477d8c74958be9fb58ada5725a
On the homepage of FLCCC.net, there's a "Weekly Updates Registration" button that you can click on to get an reminder email with a link to the "Weekly Update" on Zoom, every Wednesday, 7 p.m. EST. :)
Close. Wife and I are 70 and had COVID in January (caught from grandkids). No ivermectin or HCQ, but we had both been in Zn, vit D3, vit C and etc. for over six months. Two days of URI/flu symptoms, no fever, with loss of smell and taste and a positive COVID swab. We’re not going to get the vaccine, no way no how. But we worry about our kids that are vaccinated. What happens when a big delta surge comes through? They’ll go straight to the hospital and get the usual (wrong) treatment.
Dr. Joe P. my husband and I are struggling with the same issue. Our adult children think they will be fine if they get COVID because they and their children have all been vaccinated. They have totally bought into the "narrative". Delta is so much worse. And the treatment hospitals are giving patients, Remdesiver specifically, which doesn't work in the inflammation/pulmonary stage, though they are giving patients corticosteriods, but too many hospitals are under dosing it. And they certaintly aren't giving them vitamin C and D, and other helpful supplements.
Our kids do take good care of themselves though, eat very healthy and regularly engage in physical activity. Still we worry. Wish I could get them to listen to the FLCCC's weekly updates. They can be found here. You and you're wife might find them helpful... https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/FLCCC-WEBINAR-Patients-Rights-on-Trial:9?lid=3871ec51c705d2477d8c74958be9fb58ada5725a
Sign up for reminder emails for upcoming weekly updates at FLCCC.net by clicking on the "Weekly Updates Registration" button on the home page. They will email you reminder weekly with a link to the Zoom meeting, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. EST. If you miss an update, they're posted a few days later at the above link. :)
Also anecdotal, but every person I know who has tested positive for the rona in the last six weeks (at least 20 people) was fully vaccinated. Also, the only person I know that has died from/with Covid was fully vaccinated. I have several friends and family members who have opted to remain in the control group, and at least for now we are all faring better than my vaccinated friends. This isn't a RCT, just an observation from an interested person, but I get the impression that I am not the only one experiencing this.
Pretty much my experience. Those at work who have tested pos are fully vaccinated. Those that aren't take C,D, Zn, Mg, Selenium
Add me to the list of those who've chosen to be part of the control group, even if I lose my job. Not willing to risk destroying my health at age 60 for a vaccine that has killed, disabled, and injured far too many. I, like others, am being proactive by following the protocols and optimizing my health by eating healthy, daily walks, etc. Taking all the supplements, especially vitamin D3. My D levels is 79 ng/mL from taking 5,000 IU/day for more than a year now.
I know that correlation does not equal causation, but in my very tiny circle the only people who have become severely ill from COVID were vaccinated. One ended up in the hospital with Thrombocytopenia after his right leg turned black. It coincided with a sinus infection after vaccination. The other was the only one vaccinated among her family of three. Her husband and son are fine, Covid was no problem, but she had and is still having an incredibly hard time, even after monoclonal antibody treatment. I believe the vaccine messes up your immune system to the point that it genuinely doesn’t know how to make its own immunity The next time it encounters any infection that isn’t that exact one for which you received the vaccine.
A friend that has been vaccinated, told me she got a sinus infection that moved now to her chest. She has been sick for 3 weeks. She sounded awful. What really got to her is how sick she was insisting she has never been more sick. She seemed frightened of the severity. She works for the school system.
Do you know how long ago your friend was vaxxed? Something similar is happening to me. Against my better judgement, I had the J&J jav in April.
seems like it was in line with your judgement.
My friend told me at UPenn many students getting really sick though testing negative from covid, fully vaxxed students. Im wondering if that is the case for them
Very sad. He was my favorite analyst and I had been following his case closely for many weeks. He was on ventilator for about three weeks before he died. The medical establishment has failed and this man’s death is entirely in their hands.
The ventilator for three weeks is per news or per relatives? Doesn't he look like he lost half his weight in the last few years (I've never heard of him before today)? My mind leaps to cancer but if his family are divulging every detail of his medical experience I don't know why they wouldn't divulge that.
Did they offer him IVM, monococal antibodies, etc?
If they’d given him those upon first symptoms, he’d probably be just fine in a few days. The hospitals are killing people with “protocol”.
Three guesses...
I mean, does the vaccine make COVId worse? A 39 year old who is relatively fit did not die of Covid pre-vaccine. And politics have intruded on science to prevent actual analysis and data gathering. It’s almost like, oh well, another death, see we told you so - get vaccinated. Rather than, let’s analyze what made a 39 year old, healthy man die of Covid after having the vaccine?
If these questions are asked the persons asking are shunned. Some don't want information to come out, it would / will destroy them.
At least antibody dependent enhancement and T-cell depression are possible mechanisms. Not much press about those, obviously.
He tweeted on 7/16/21 about a heart issue. His resting heartbeat was 130 beats/minute and he was put on heart meds.
Our neighbors kid (boy) was forced to take the vaccine if he wanted to continue his college. Sickened slightly with the 1st shot, got the 2nd and a couple of days latter was in the emergency room with heart problems. Of course his parents could not gain access to him, so there he sat for 2 days by himself.
September 22, 2019 I spent about 5 hours with a client and their Mother who had landed at Ohare airport about an hour before we all got together.
September 28, 2019 exactly 6 days after meeting with my client, I get a severe sore throat,cough, fever 101.6 and headache all started on day 2 and lasted thru day 12. Finally go to Doc. She said, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you”. What??!!! I had a seasonal Flu shot end of August 2019. Next thing I know the nurses all come in wearing masks. Wtf I’m thinking?
She puts me on Zpack for the unknown virus and Benzonite (for the cough). Day 13-45 in bed off and on. Better some days not so much on other days. Wasn’t until Oct 31, 2019 that I began to feel 100%. 5 Weeks!!!
Fast forward to March 2020. The Covid announcement listing all the symptoms including if you have been around Chinese people!!! Here’s me- I had all those symptoms!!!
I KNOW I HAD COVID 9/2019. It is exactly 2 years later. Not one symptom, cough, or sniffle. I took a 3 hour plane trip in January 2021 a night flight. I took my mask off when they shut the lights off. Still nothing.
I’m not bragging or boasting, I am saying the CCP released that F’g BIOWEAPON on the world earlier than they are admitting to and simply that NATURAL IMMUNITY WORKS FOLKS!!!
I mentioned all this to another doctor, she said, did you get an antibody test? I’m like, WTF Doc, antibody test won’t pick up my immunity. I need a TITER test. She just sat there looking at me nodding in agreement, and looking at me - like huh, How could you know more than me about your own body?? Ugh!! People- Trust your T and B cells. Doctors are robots now and don’t know what to think.
I had it in September of 2019, too, A C -- went to Urgent Care. Was given a breathing treatment, and sent home with scrips for z-pack, prednisone, and one other. Lost my sense of smell. It took me a long time to realize I actually had had it back then. We are not crazy.
Yes I was about to go to ER. It was very scary. I had breathing problems on and off for a few months after. Good to hear I too wasn’t crazy.
I had it in January 2020. In hospital on oxygen for 8 days with a “mysterious illness.” Flu negative. Tested positive for antibodies 3 months later.
Was 35 weeks pregnant at the time. Was sick for about 20 days total. Azithromycin and prednisone and breathing exercises saved my life. In March started reading about people’s accounts of Covid. I knew immediately that was what I had. Sure enough. Like you haven’t ever caught it since.
I read an article recently that they are now finding that COVID-19 was in various parts of the US throughout the fall of 2019. You're absolutely right. I got sick in early November 2019, but I've had my IgG and IgM levels checked. Didn't have COVID. It's great that you have robust natural immunity! But wow, what you went through. It's really amazing that you survived. You were lucky that you got the Azithromycin. We may never know how the virus was released in the US and other countries. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't China. I hope we eventually learn the truth. So many deaths...
It was absolutely China intentionally or accidentally and our government helped fund it through the third party Eco health alliance , fraudci knows
I'm not so sure. I believe bad actors in multiple countries were involved. That said, China and the US whether intentionally or not, are well known for their roles in it now. Collins and Fauci need to go. Woodcock too after the opioid crisis.
I’m sure I had Covid in September 2019, sudden breathing issues . Fortunately I have a natural med doctor and she gave me heart and lung supplements that helped relieve symptoms immediately.
What you need is a T cell test... https://www.t-detect.com/
Thanks BC for the link. I had a look around the website. It looks like it's useful within 10 months of infection. Good to know. I'm further out than that now but will keep looking. Oh, and thanks for mentioning AnyLabTestsNow. I use them. No doctors order needed. They're great. Thanks again for the information. Much appreciated.
I was at an conference in Paris in late November 2019 with lots of people from Asia and the conference room's ventilation kept on breaking down. I got sick afterwards with no sense of taste or smell and other typical symptoms. I think I probably had some level of cross-reactive immunity because it didn't break out immediately after exposure (it took 10 days).
I recall wondering what it was, since it didn't remind me of the flu which I had had a couple years earlier (my husband actually tested positive for influenza A and B).
I did home treatment with extra zinc, vitamins D3 and C, echinaecia and inhaled a lot with essential oils and stayed home for a week.
I've never done antibody testing, as these tests were initially not available and the antibody titre generally drops in the months after illness. I really want the T-Detect COVID test. A positive result would not help me with any of the stupid corona passports here in Europe, but would definitely satisfy my curiosity.
I had a very similar experience in November 2019 after a trip to Seattle. I had literally every COVID symptom, but it was before the virus was supposed to have been here. Thankfully my doctor prescribed steroids on day 10 which improved my symptoms dramatically, but it was mid January 2020 before I really felt 100% recovered. When they started talking about the symptoms in March 2020 I was sure that I had already had it.
The virus came to the US from Europe, perhaps via Chinese who worked in Italy and went home and back for Chinese New Year. Chinese in the US did not and do not have a higher infection rate. If anything you should’ve been avoiding Europeans and US citizens coming from Europe, ethnicity is irrelevant.
This is complete and total horse shit. You do realize that there is a large amount of travel between China and the US don't you? The virus originated in a lab in Wuhan. Some of the initial spread in the US came directly from china, some came from China via Europe. This trope that the "US got covid 100% from Europe" is just gaslighting nonsense. Cuomo tried to peddle that line for a few days last year and quickly dropped it. Fun to see you pulling that garbage out of mothballs.
Yes I realize that snd have gone back and forth a half-dozen times myself, though never been to Wuhan. But the “Chinatown” connection that many mention is without evidence, and the main strain in NY was matched to a mutation found in Italy. (Thinking that Chinatown is dangerous because of China is like thinking Little Italy is dangerous because of events in Italy. I know your post did not mention Chinatown, it’s just something I see a lot. The numbers do not back it up. In San Francisco, one of the most well-known Chinatowns, there was, I believe, 18 cases. The vast majority of cases in SF and other cities were not in Chinatown nor among Chinese nationals in the US nor the Chinese diaspora/descendants. Not among Asians.
The virus was found to have been in Italy in fall 2019. I didn’t say it was 100% from Europe with zero direct from China l, but no evidence has arisen, to my knowledge. I do not doubt that there was a small amount of community spread that came directly from China. But considering that the virus spread little, outside of Wuhan and the hard, 4-month lockdown there, I question how much came directly from there, while accepting there was likely some.
It also spread very little in Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, or Japan, and I think those numbers are more reliable than those from a land government sources. Though Hong Kong of course is also controlled by the CCCP. Basically, after the first Sars, with its lower spread but far higher fatality rate, people were ready.
I do not deny it probably originated in a Wuhan lab, maybe GoF funded by Fauci, maybe lab workers who had been in Yunnan and brought it back. I read they did not find it in the local Wuhan
bat caves they were also studying—there are bats all over Southern Chinese cities. But that does not mean they carried that virus. As I said, likely it was Chinese garment workers from Wuhan who brought it to Italy. The cover-up by the Chinese government certainly did and does not help. I look forward to Fauci being questioned by Congress, if that ever happens. He is an evil psychopath.
When Trump banned European travel, it made a lot of Americans erroneously think they were going to be stuck in Europe and they jammed the NY airports, that was one factor. There is also that cruise ship where they simply letting the infected people off into the US.
If you’ve got evidence post it please as I am interested. I know people in many cities in China and although they are taking precautions, nobody seems to have gotten infected or know anyone who has gotten infected. These are not CCC people, believe me, they are very critical if the govt. and have been through a lot.
It's not that simple, I read an article this year in which they described how they've determined that COVID was in numerous locations throughout the US much, much earlier than previously thought. I think they did this by reviewing hospital records.
We may never know how this virus showed up in so many locations throughout the US early on. I fear it was intentional. And I don't think it was just China. More and more, I fear that bad actors from multiple countries were involved.
Nothing about the management of this pandemic makes sense. My husband and I are staying current and doing everything we can to protect ourselves and those in our circle. And doing our best to stay out of the hospital where patients are still dying even though there are hospitals here and there throughout the US that have hospital death rates below well below 10%. Collins and Fauci need to go.
Ignore that guy. Or gal.
Don't forget about Tesla employees going back and forth between China and California. For a long time, Seattle was believed to be ground zero. We now know it showed up elsewhere too early on.
Neither Moderna or Pfizer trials have shown any benefit for all cause mortality after 5 or 6 months. Beyond 6 months the UK data show an increase in all cause mortality for the vaccinated. What the hell is the public health justification for this shot?
Hence the push to boost . People can get their third or fourth even at your locals Ralph’s . They aren’t checking what number is this.
Source? Thanks.
el gato malo on substack
Pfizer and Moderna.
Jeff Childers on substack
My 11 years old son started with malaise on the last day of our vacation. Next day we drove home for 11 hours. Windows closed, AC on. One day later he tested positive for Covid. 3 days of low grade fever. 5th day day I took him to the urgent care as I was worried about his heat rate (fixed with fluids). Chest X-ray showed a possible bacterial pneumonia (he was knocked upside down by a wave at the beach and breathed in water). Anyway. Doctor wanted to send him home with Tylenol and ibuprofen only. Had to fight for a Azytromicin. Within 48 hours he was so much better. My husband, myself and our other son tested negative twice despite the long hours we spent in the car with a “infected” kid. Didn’t isolate him either (despite the pressure the health department was making to isolate and wear masks at all time in the house).
I thought the possibility of being a false positive however he lost taste and smell (it is back now) so it was the only thing that makes me believe that it was actually Covid. Question is: how we didn’t get infected?! Asked my doctor and she doesn’t know. Asked what she would prescribe in case we showed symptoms: “Ibuprofen and Tylenol.” She told me only to go to the emergency room if I couldn’t speak because of a respiratory distress. She actually “showed” to me over the online consultation what she meant. I was appalled. Made a formal complaint with the health insurance - Waiting for a call.
Next week get my antibody test done. I had to answer one million questions as my doctor wanted to know why I needed that done. What the heck is going on?! Why it is so damn difficult?! All of my friends that got vaccinated contracted Covid. Nothing, absolutely nothing makes any sense. Ever.
She kept pushing the vaccine. I told her, ok but before that I want to get my troponin, CBC, ddimer and antibody test checked for at least 4-6 months before I take the shot. She asked why. I told her that if something happens to me after I take the shot my family will have the proof to show that everything was totally normal prior to. Response: “no, we can’t do that.” Ok then, no shot.
Now that's how to advocate for yourself!
We should all do that.
Thanks! The problem is that some doctors thinks that most of us only follow the conspiracy theorists. She was shocked when I started to talk to her about all of this with scientific back up. They think we are all dumb.
I went through labcorp to get antibody testing done that i did not want to go through dr for and explain or request. That may work for you depending on area you are in. I had labcorp facilities near me.
Some people may just be naturally immune. Some may have T-cell immunity. Most people on the Diamond Princess did not get infected. And FWIW I rank doctors well below plumbers and electricians. They are all skilled tradespeople following a rigid code. But plumbers and electricians warranty their work and typically don't kill their customers (despite ample opportunities to do so).
TV doctors like "House" who actually think and try to figure things out are mostly fantasy. Most doctors seem to do "paint by numbers" medicine - e.g. whatever the administrator tells them. Good for you to ask for the D-dimer!
Yes. A person can have some cross reactive immunity from recovering from other corona viruses previously.
You’re absolutely right! Most of them spent all those years and a big chunk of money to follow a “script” dictated by the government. No interest to investigate patient health complaints. Get to the core of the issue. They prefer to prescribe a dozen of medications in the hopes it will “fix” it. Then later in life all other more serious issues comes up…it’s a never ending cycle.
I am amazed at how well you handled this very challenging situation, and how uninformed your doctor is. Well done.
If your city has a lab that doesn't require a doctor's order, you can get any lab test you want. I do it yearly. You'll just have to pay for it up front. I had the worst influenza I've ever had in November 2019. This summer, I went to the lab that doesn't require a doctors order to have my IgG and IgM levels checked. The test confirmed that I had NOT had COVID. I think I paid $180 for the test. So that means I can still get it. My husband and I each found a telemedicine doctor and we have everything we need now to self-treat for the first 5-7 days. Listening to weekly updates from the doctors at FLCCC.net has really helped. We stay current with how to protect ourselves and anyone else in our circle. And we're taking lots of supplements too, especially a B-complex, just because I need it, vitamin C, D3, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and melatonin. Also aspirin, quercetin and N-acetyl-cystiene (NAC) if I develop COVID symptoms. Informed and prepared is empowered. Really glad you, your family, and your son came through this okay. It's encouraging to hear stories like yours. :)
I wonder if we are witnessing the death of medicine the same way we have seen the death of journalism (save for a few feral reporters like Alex). Doctors are being disintermediated out the wazoo. We still need them for some things (like setting broken bones) but a lot of this stuff seems more DIY now.
Thank you! She have finally “authorized” the test and I’m actually sitting at this moment at the lab to get this done. But I will pay and get another one done with Labcorp. I wonder what both results will be like.
another lab test option is https://www.anylabtestnow.com/ in certain locations.
About 2 weeks after this ordeal we had a follow up appointment with his pediatrician. Even though my son is naturally immune his pediatrician kept pushing for the vaccine. My son said to him: “why would I need a vaccine if I have the best immunity one can ever have.” Doctor didn’t say a word. I just gave him “the look” like: “yes, he (my son) is not stupid either.”
Then I proceeded to ask about the heart inflammation issue. Dr. Laughed and said that he loves to discuss about this when parents ask. He said one is more likely to have heart inflammation due to Covid vs vaccine. Then I told him if you are more likely to have a heart inflammation due to covid why are we not sending my son to check his heart, d-dimer, troponin, MRI and whatever it needs to get done?. I told him about the UK not giving the shots for this exact reason. He just laughed once again. I asked him to do a d-dimer and he said he needs to do some more “research” as d-dimer results can end up be for any number of reasons and they will need to investigate bla bla bla. To me, his answer was just lies and lazyness.
Another week went by and I sent him a message asking if he had a chance to do his research and order the d-dimer, another chest x-Ray, ferritin (was elevated) and CBC. His answer: I ordered the X-ray and CBC. D-dimer is not necessary. Dr asked the following: “how is his breathing? Any cough? Any palpitations? Any chest pain?” My response: “yes to all the above questions.”
Thankfully this is not the case but I had to play the “lie” game because I can see that this is the only way they will make sure to do a throughout investigation. We need to be ahead of the game and be able to catch things before it is too late.
COVID can be bad for your heart. And the jab can be bad for the heart. At this point if one has already had COVID what is the point of playing jab roulette? Getting COVID isn't a choice anymore - it's already happened.
It may be time to get a new doctor. Kids don't need the jab. And kids who have had COVID definitely don't need the jab (and it may be dangerous for them).
Seriously, once you are diagnosed, there should be a pill pack of ivermectin, zinc, vit D3, vit C and whatever else works handed to you. None of this go home and take Tylenol anymore. This is insane.
Some regions of India have been doing that. Drop it off at your house. I even remember reading step by step protocols on at home care with what to do/take if you progress onto each progressive stage of illness. One of the steps was 'take ivermectin'.
I got, go home take Tylenol. That was in May, 2020. Still have antibodies, albeit a low number. But I’ll take that and T cells over the jab. I’m so worried for everyone who has been vaxxed…that includes my entire family.
My entire family is vaccinated too. I'm not. And I'm very worried. Hoping by the time things get worse for the vaccinated we'll have treatments that work for them.
My thoughts exactly. This is the only way to get rid of this virus.
Maybe throw in symbicort (inhaler budesonide) and an oximeter. We could prevent hospitalizations but no real incentive in the system to do it.
I also had a spirometer to keep my lungs a-movin’.
Even poor countries like El Salvador provide a packet of all that in case one gets covid.
In case anyone doesn’t know, good news—DeSantis appointed an eminently rational surgeon general in Florida a few days ago, Joseph Ladapo. Unfortunately you can’t hear the reporters’ questions in this video, but you can hear his initial comments + his answers to their questions. He states that Florida will reject fear, will look more broadly at public health instead of micro focusing on one disease. He also states in answer to a question—and my jaw almost dropped on this one—that there is nothing special about vaccines, that they are one path of many to good health, and the fact that they’ve become almost a religion is crazy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IPogn0cQG38
I don’t live in Florida, but I hope this bodes well for the dawn of the end of mass psychosis.
I’m a fl resident and we’re constantly defending ourselves and our governor. But I truly believe we’re on the right path.
I visited Florida recently on vacation, because of your governors policies, but I was horrified to see that the Florida media appears to be trying to destroy him. I was shocked. I guess nothing should shock me about main stream media but I just assumed that the media in Florida would appreciate what he's doing.
Me too, :)
Your governor is one of the few bright lights to come out of this whole mess. I really hope I get to vote for him for president one day.
It doesn’t. He’s a unicorn.
Actually, Florida is doing a lot of things right. One example is that in a few Florida hospitals, you can get effective treatments for COVID-19 that actually work. And I'm not talking about Remdesiver which is too often deadly. Can't say that about the majority of hospitals throughout the US.
In addition, in some areas of Florida, doctors have been providing early, outpatient treatment to COVID-19 patients for well more than a year now and it's saving lives. Did you know that there are a handful of hospitals in the US that have a hospital death rate well below 10% since last year but thanks to the Trusted News Initiative, the media is not allowed to report on those hospital protocols?
To learn more, consider reading this article... https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/The-Drug-that-Cracked-Covid-by-Michael-Capuzzo.pdf then have a look around this website... FLCCC.net And there's a lot more doctors saving lives out there too.
Vaccinated or not, if you get COVID, you’ll want access to early treatment. Why this void? Perhaps more unnecessary deaths will make it more clear?
What is "early treatment", in your opinion? (Not being snarky.) I have no idea what that would be, in my area, in or out of hospital. I'm unvaccinated; I decided to follow the FLCCC prophylaxis protocol and take IVM twice a week. Healthy, good nutrition and weight, exercise.
Early, outpatient treatment for COVID, as per flccc (I-MASK) AAPS, Fareed & Tyson, Dr. McCullough, etc. Early treatment after diagnosis vs the “stay at home until you can’t breathe” protocol
And if you can’t find a dr in your area to treat, go to myfreedoctor.com for doctors who will
You meant DIY early treatment, then. Not doctor- or hospital-provided. Got it.
It can be Dr. prescribed and ideally it would be if there were enough doctors out there willing to treat people.
Deborah, to get ivermectin, you do so through a telemedicine doctor. If you become ill, they can be accessed again to provide care. They also can change or add to your treatment protocol as needed. I wouldn't go it alone. Best to have a knowledgeable telemedicine doctor on board if you aren't getting better within first two days.
What is "covid" exactly? Please explain.
The million dollar question!! The answer is not "exact" but I can say the symptoms are not due to a "virus." 5G tech has been implicated, also the effects of other vaccines, heavy pollution like in Wuhan, and etc. Basically, the downsides of "civilization."
Ah, a fellow curious individual who has branched past the official narrative. :) Let's be friends.
Yes, let's :)
Well, while I do believe 5G is going to be a problem, we don't have it in our community yet, and we've got plenty of COVID.
I think a better place to focus is on is early, outpatient treatment. We've got good protocols that work and telemedicine doctors to provide guidance and prescriptions. It's very difficult to pull together all the supplements and everything else that's needed while at the same time self isolating and self-treating once you have symptoms, unless you're fortunate enough to have a good support system made up of people who are very informed on early, outpatient treatment.
I've been through this a few times now with family and friends. The first time was the scariest. I'm not vaccinated, nor have I had COVID-19, so over the last 18 months, I've gathered everything I need, including an N-19 mask that seals tightly on my face to minimize my exposure when in very brief contact with those who are infected. I hope you are taking this seriously.
If by "taking this seriously" you mean being concerned about "catching Covid," then no, I don't.
You might check out:
The virus misconception is at the heart
of Operation Coronavirus, because without the concept of germ theory and without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda. In a previous article on the nature of the virus, I have discussed the heroic efforts of German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, who won a landmark case in 2017 which went all the way to the German Supreme Court. Lanka proved in the highest court of the land that measles was not caused by a virus, and that there was in fact no such thing as a measles virus. Lanka is still busy working, and he wrote this article earlier this year (translated into English here) entitled ““The Misconception called Virus”” in which he explains the history of how mainstream science went horribly wrong with its conclusions (really assumptions) to demonize the humble virus and to falsely ascribe pathogenicity to it when there is none.
The Virus Misconception: The Killer Virus Story vs. Deficiency and Toxicity
Lanka’s main point throughout the article is this: when modern scientists are working with diseased tissue, they think the presence of a virus is causing the disease, instead of realizing that the tissue in question has been cut off and isolated from its host, then doused with antibiotics, and that this separation and poison make it diseased and kill it, rather than any virus.
Jen, I am familiar with Dr. Cowan, though not Dr. Lanka. I also understand and fully embrace that toxins and deficiencies are significant contributors to poor health. I'm a follower of Nasha Winters, ND's terrain based approach to living with cancer. But here's the problem. What if, you are doing everything right, diet, supplements, physical activity, using a sauna regularly, ice baths, healthy environment, etc., but you have an unknown genetic or other difference that makes you more vulnerable to whatever C-19 is? What's your plan B?
I don't know the name of the naturopath but this exact scenario was widely shared in 2020. Thankfully, she did recover, but was very, very ill for weeks.
Please keep in mind that 88% of American adults are metabolically unhealthy. (NHANES). What may work for you, probably won't work for them.
I think it's fine to share you're perspective that C-19 will not be a problem for you, but if you do so, I think it would be best to also share everything you're doing, also a description of your excellent health status so people understand how much you're doing that they're not doing.
Delta is challenging. Much higher viral loads, very contagious. Lots of vaccine breakthrough cases. And we'll have another wave in the next few months. I fully recognize that the death rate for C-19 is similar to influenza, but it's different. I spent a lot of time listening to doctors who work directly with ICU patients from the beginning. It's not influenza. What they went through and are still experiencing is at times traumatizing for them.
The reason I am doing everything I can here to encourage early, out patient treatment, also utilizing telemedicine doctors if needed, preferably no later than day 3 or 4 of symptoms, is to keep people out of the hospitals because some of the treatments they're using currently are deadly, and if you ask for vitamin C or D3, most will refuse your request. Additionally challenging is families are being locked out of the hospital, so you can't even bring it in to administer it yourself.
These are scary times.
If we don't do everything we can to resist what's happening right now all over the world - (vaccine passes, etc.) - we will never be able to restore life as we knew it in 2019.
Doctors like those at the FLCCC.net and Peter McCullough and so many others who have advocated for early, outpatient treatment from the beginning, have greatly damaged their careers to go against the narrative. They are heros. They have saved countless lives.
Blessings to you. My wish for you is continued good health.
Hi LP, I certainly agree about refusing to comply with the tyrannical agenda. No question, that is key. I don't think I indicated otherwise in my first response.
Clearly we are in different paradigms re germ theory of illness. So be it. I do think our mindset is hugely influential, and if one believes as most do, that our health is threatened by microorganisms, then that will be our truth.
It is not my belief, not my truth. These organisms are scavengers, feeding on diseased tissue. They are the "cleanup crew." Thus they are found in disease conditions, but correlation is not causation.
Illness can be spread electromagnetically, through our thoughts and beliefs. I should think that is a very big factor here with "Covid" blasting in the media 24/7. We humans are very suggestible.
Are you familiar with the work of Dr. Andrew Kaufman? Here is one of his videos, I've cc'd part of it from transcript.
so just to summarize the
whole rumor mill thing we have the
papers that actually did the studies and
they claim that there's an association
or an implication (correlation) of the virus in the
illness far from any declarative
statement about causation then in the
third paper it was changed to "causative
agent" and then it was changed to "set in
motion the pandemic," so stronger and
stronger statements and no evidence was
provided at all to back up those
statements, just flat-out lies, so I'd
like to conclude from everything I
talked about that:
Despite the claim of satisfying
Koch's postulates, not one of the Six
Rivers criteria was met for SARS. Not one.
that's in 2003
none of the Rivers criteria were met for
Covid 19 except possibly specific
immunity, the least important of the six
Rumors and lies have placed Covid
19 is the cause of a pandemic with no
proof, no proof whatsoever.
Just want to highlight the players here
and please do connect with me at my
website andrew kaufman md com thank you
so much for your time and I'll see you
next time
Also you might check out this video of Dr. Tom Cowan. At 3:35 he describes a couple of experiments that tried and failed to prove "contagion" is a real thing. Dr. Cowan has written a book, The Contagion Myth.
The critical point is that they're not even always the same symptoms amongst those who supposedly have it.
Of course. The number of variables that may play a part for an individual is unknown. For instance, did they have a 'Flu shot' in 2019? Were they dehydrated? Were they exposed to high EMF dosage? deficient in Vitamin C and D? Were they wearing a mask for hours at a time, breathing in their own exhaled air? How's their diet look the past week? Was any of their food high in harmful chemicals that you can't see? Did they consume alcohol the night before, and several drinks?
Keep in mind, the severe patients have a respiratory issue which (what I've seen from CT scans) looks similar to Pneumonia. So, what has caused this "covid Pneumonia" (so it's called)? That is the real question - could be any combination of my above questions, and more.
It's not just the severe patients with pneumonia. From what I've observed those admitted into the hospital have these diagnoses: pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome with or without hypoxia, acute respiratory failure, all from covid. From mild to severe all have pneumonia. From the 90 year old that didn't need supplemental oxygen and was in and out of the hospital in less than 3 days to the 50 year old that was in all aspects healthy appearing other than a small amount of supplemental oxygen for a few days.... then rapidly progressing to 60L and then ventilation. All have some degree of pneumonia.
"Healthy appearing" is not scientific. Any idea what caused the issues? Also, were they treated with Remdisivir?
Cool people know what Covid is. If you have to ask, you'll never know.
See? You couldn't explain. And further, what causes "it"?
I wasn't being serious. "Covid 19" when used properly should only apply to severe cases; and they are inflammatory conditions that resemble previously-primed ADE, so, to say the priming causes it much more accurate than to say the virus does. But what causes the priming? No one has even bothered to look into it.
You've seen proof that an isolated virus has ever caused the "condition/disease"? If you have, please share the scientific papers showing an isolated virus under an electron microscope.
I think Brian basically agrees with you. I do.
In fact, I know with 100 percent certainty that there is no such thing as pathogenic viruses.
If diseases were contagious then visiting (let alone becoming) a doctor would be instantly fatal.
BINGO. Both vaccinates and unvaccinated are dying. We need to be helping each other not tearing each other down.
To learn more about early, outpatient treatment go to FLCCC.net, look at their protocols, sign up to attend their weekly updates. Find the button to click on and register on the homepage.
Peter McCullough, MD, Richard Urso, MD, and so many others in addition to the FLCCC are great sources of information. Seek them out.
I am so jaded and cynical, what do we really know about his demise?
It’s just sad that as soon as you say the word “Co\/id “, that’s the cause of death, forget the fact that the person is in treatment for acute care injuries or chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, or kidney disease or autoimmune problems…
Healthcare is dead, there’s no trust and there’s no reliability. And I’m a doctor, to have to say that is pathetic.
I hear you. And you're right. I want you to know that they're are doctors just like you who are now making a difference in patient's lives. Lots of good work being done out there by doctors who are restoring patient's health and I've been following their work since 2015.
Robert Lustig, MD. His work on obesity and metabolic health is amazing. Mark Hyman, MD. His work promoting the functional medicine approach to patient care played a role in restoring my health six years ago and so, so many others. It's happening in the UK too. Though it's late and I need sleep. Their names aren't surfacing. Okay, a cardiologist in London who's fought hard against the cholesterol myth. His name is Aseem Malhotra. Also a functional medicine doctor in the UK. His name is name is Michael Ash. He's a doctors doctor. I've listened to a few of his lectures over the years.
And as for COVID, check out the work of Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, Joseph Varon and the other doctors associated with the Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance... FLCCC.net. I've been following their progress since March 2020. Their protocol may have played a role in our DIL's recovery form COVID last December. And I've helped others since that time using their protocols.
If you're not already retired, I hope you can find a way to get out of our current sick care system. There's a shift happening right now in medicine, and it's been really exciting to see it unfold. I live near where Jeffrey Bland and others started this institute in 1990... https://www.ifm.org/
The drugs needed when someone is on a vent are very hard on the body, so it might be that.
They probably killed him with Remdesivir.
True. Or the fact that his lung could have been severely damaged enough that recovery wasn't possible.
This is getting to be way more than anecdotal. There are a LOT of people injured and dying from the vaccines. They should stop calling it covid19. Covid19 was here and gone in 70 days just like any other virus. The rest is pure engineering and genocide.
The march of folly
Indeed. We can parse the numbers and compare stats 'til the cows come home. They don't care, and it won't do any good. The MSM just lie about it anyway, and people lap it up. At this point we better be prepared to defend ourselves.
It's that the bureaucracy has taken over health care. Doctors have become clerks if they are in a system. It is the independent front line doctors we should be listening to. MSM are corporate spoke pieces (of shit)
Yes, they've become drug dispensers. They don't even know that food = medicine. Too indoctrinated. Most people don't know that, either. That's why half the country (or more) are obese now. And still malnourished.
This is what happened to me with COVID-19 & the covid-19 Vaccine. I realize it's anecdotal, but I'm living it just the same.
In retrospect if I would have gotten tested for covid ANTIBODIES, and if I was producing them naturally, I NEVER WOULD'VE/SHOULD'VE HAD THE VACCINE!
⬇️⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Patient here with systemic lupus.
After the covid-19 vaccine I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis & scleroderma.
~diagnosed COVID19 positive July 2020
Diagnosed with nr-axspa Oct 2020 and put on Humira
~April 2021 days after Phizer#2-diagnosed PSORIASIS (w secondary staph infection)
~Sep 2021 diagnosed with full blown Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA)
A POSITIVE covid-19 antibody test & NO VACCINE might've iliminated the % of risk.
That’s 1 very important reason NATURAL IMMUNITY MATTERS!
My specialists are thinking antibody dependent enhancement could have caused the multiple autoimmune diseases. That because I actually had covid, and then also had the vaccine, that the vaccine became the catalyst for PsA. (& I have it bad... Debilitating stiffness in lower spine, joint swelling in fingers & toes, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, uveitis, nail pitting, carpal tunnel, gastro issues.)
On the bright side, I'm fighting and this flare is ENDING (knock on wood🤞)
Edit to add: This isn't about having a flare up of a pre-existing autoimmune condition. I didn't have psoriatic arthritis until I got the covid-19 vaccine.
I had E. coli poisoning in 2008, was very sick for 4 months. Instantly developed massive arthritis (reactive syndrome) in upper spine, knees, and and my toes were the worst. In 2014 I had bone spurs removed and big toes fused. My toes continue to grow bone spurs.
I refuse to get vaccinated and your story underlines why. I’m sick enough and won’t risk activating more immune disorder symptoms.
So sorry to hear this, but glad you seem to be on the upswing.
Among the many questions we all have- why didn't they limit these vaccines to prescription only, dependent on a negative antibody test and review of a person's medical history with their doctor? Again, I am left with thinking that malice (or gross negligence for profit, at the very least) was the intent here.
My neighbor also had her life destroyed by arthritis after the jab. She also has lupus, but it was well-controlled.
The medical communities refusal to provide early treatment should be eye opening to everyone - it is hard to believe we have come to this - and the hospital situation for COVID patients is very frightening - a few at the top of the medical community are controlling everything, and if you step out of line you are finished - I guess that is how its done
thats why people are going to Florida. they are making therapies available
It's really sad when we lose someone to this terrible virus. I think it's even more terrible when people are gleeful of someone's death because they were or weren't vaccinated. It's hard to comprehend why someone would celebrate Joe Rogen's illness. Everyone who dies has loved one's who will be devastated by the loss.
The glee seems to be predominantly from the vaxed; its really quite disturbing. People who I used to think of as being kind and thoughtful have turned into monsters.
I agree Samantha. It's really disappointing.
This has been my experience too. It is so disturbing. Haunts me and keeps me awake at night.
Like a proper cult
When it is full on tribal this is what you get. Kind of like if the star quarterback on the opposing team breaks his leg, some celebrate.
Thanks Alex for all the good reporting you do, relaying information that has helped to save lives. Take note people and do your own homework as well, to save your own life. It is clearer every day that the current administration is not interested in saving it for you, they want to control you, period.
My vaccinated neighbor, who was in his early 50s just died with Covid. 1/160,000 is seeming less and less real.
Anyone who is being subjected to the NIH remdesivir>ventilator treatment protocol is at risk, unvaccinated or not.
I’ve been reading and listening to a few German doctors speak about autopsies. If ADE is really on the table for the x-ed, then it will be yrs of sorrow.
ADE, autoimmune disorders, cancers, clotting disorders, etc. I hope our hunches are wrong.
Where can I find? I’d be curious to listen.
Just sad in so many ways. The truth needs and has to be exposed.
There are very few reporters like you, Alex, who see no glee in deaths on either side, but instead try to bring information. I'm so sorry this happened. We should all be in this together, vaxxed and unvaxxed, sharing information about treatment and giving each other support instead of being torn apart and divided by MSM and the elites, who profit from our pain.
fwiw he doesn't post unvaccinated deaths that occur more frequently.
my source: reddit.com/r/hermaincainaward
also, if you've been reading everything hes done, he's likely happy to report when vaccines fail (ie when some like Tags dies) cause that's his whole mission
"His whole mission" should be yours as well if you're truly a doctor. More deaths on that side than this side whataboutism is garbage if health is your mission. You'd be screaming for early therapeutics and an effective vaccine instead of cheerleading a leaky vaccine that appears will be a mandatory subscription plan for life.
Beat it, troll.
could have been prevented, they all could have.
The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8203399/
It’s also if not more important to highlight these cases to fight the non science that supports vaccine mandates AND Rona passports!!
More than half of the people hospitalized are vaccinated....And they are hiding it. And too bad shingles isn't a reportable disease (as if it would matter)..Dashing through the vax, on a two jab .blah, blah blah....shingle bells, shingle bells, shingle all the way oh what fun it is to throw in some herpes simplex too. No, but really. 16 cases in one primary care office THIS week..ALL vaxxed!
I look at it this way: If an individual or a company with a known criminal history of lying about its products tried to sell you "gold," would you buy it? I am not willing to limit this discussion to one "disease" and one "treatment." Look at the legacy of "mental health" drugs! It is strewn with lies and misleading but attractive narratives that sold many worthless if not dangerous drugs to doctors and their patients. Now it's happening with a new "disease." Why should I take this round any more seriously that all those other times? In fact, I could easily see the whole painful "mental health" rollout as a rehearsal for the show we are now in.
Of course, many of the same questions that came up about psychiatric medications are now coming up about this story: Is it really a viral disease? How do people actually get sick? Is a vaccine the most appropriate response? What about the basics of healthy living? What is the real intention behind the politicization of this whole situation? These are all valid questions, and the many answers I have heard point inevitably to a bigger situation going on that those of use who still value our freedoms should not overlook. The choice right now might seem to be between sickness and health. But what if it turned out to be a choice between slavery and freedom?
Even sadder is that the press will spin this to say that even though he was vaccinated, he was infected by the unvaccinated. Thus keeping the unvaccinated as the enemy, saying we will never be safe until we’re all vaccinated. Think of all the lives lost in the meantime, by censoring information about and access to safer and more effective therapeutic alternatives. Literally criminal activity from an uncaring and corrupt administration.
I have 3 friends, fully vaxxed and Covid positive and sick.
One thing that ought always be asked after vaccinated or unvaccinated deaths—did the person receive early treatment (ie monoclonal antibodies) or was he/she told to go home and wait for the symptoms to get worse before going to ER. I bet MT did NOT get monoclonal abs because of his age and vax status. I hope I’m wrong but too many people are being untreated by physicians which is absolute malpractice.
Developed ALS (Lou Gehrig disease) after vax, then died
VAERS ID: 1696875 (history)
Form: Version 2.0
Age: 62.0
Sex: Male
Location: California
Vaccinated: 2021-04-07
Onset: 2021-05-05
Days after vaccination: 28
Submitted: 0000-00-00
Entered: 2021-09-14
Vaccination / Manufacturer Lot / Dose Site / Route
Administered by: Private Purchased by: ?
Symptoms: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Death, Electromyogram, Magnetic resonance imaging spinal, Nerve conduction studies
Life Threatening? No
Birth Defect? No
Died? Yes
Date died: 2021-08-23
Days after onset: 110
Permanent Disability? No
Recovered? No
Office Visit? No
ER Visit? No
ER or Doctor Visit? No
Hospitalized? No
Previous Vaccinations:
Other Medications: None
Current Illness: None
Preexisting Conditions: None
Allergies: Shellfish containing products
Diagnostic Lab Data: EMG/NCS and MRI of the Lumbar Spine.
CDC Split Type:
Write-up: Patient developed ALS shortly after his vaccine. He passed away within 4 months. It is unclear whether or not there is any relation to his development of ALS and his taking the vaccine - other than the association of timing. His wife felt strongly that this should be reported.
These VAERS reports are deeply disturbing. Lou Gehrig's disease, cancers, dementia, severe neurological disorders all appearing after the injection. What in the hell have they wrought?
The President of Chaminade High School died of Covid.. fully vaccinated. The MSM surely would've highlighted his story if he was not vaxxed and especially if he was anti vax
thecovidblog.com lists a large assortment of vaccine deaths; parents, children, celebrities, and, all to often, those who went out of their way heap scorn and mockery on the vaccine-skeptical prior to, and sometimes after, falling ill.
(dear substack: and edit button would be useful!)
Something tells me many have vaccine reluctance syndrome. They could get the jab fast enough THEN began hearing the horror stories and envious of their peers that thought this through. Now it's a I got so you better too type of anger, child like.
If he were unvaccinated there would be at least 10 mainstream media articles shaming him. I can see it now: "Anti-vaxx fantasy football writer leaves behind family after selfishly refusing covid vaccine."
Sad. When I hear of a vaccinated young person dying of covid, my first thought is- did they even get real treatment in the hospital. My second is - was he relatively healthy (not having obesity, diabetic,etc.). If he was, then I suspect ADE. When we start to see younger, vaccinated, relatively healthy people getting serious covid (corona virus) symptoms, that is the definition of ADE.
The failure to treat early is criminal. It boggles my mind that the health bureaucracy largely refuses to do it.
Great new information from the Frontline Doctors on how to get IVM- https://covid19criticalcare.com/pharmacies/
Thanks for posting this!
but .. did he actually die from the SARS-COV-2 virus .. or was it due to the induced Spike proteins from the mRNA he received, breaking away from the cells induced to produce them .. being then as free spikes, able to circulate throughout his body, and cause Covid symptoms leading to his death? .. easy for a doctor without the benefit of an autopsy to put it at the door of SARS-COV-2, and not the 'vaccine' .. but hey, the CDC has decided not to trouble anyone with this question or clarification
Intentionally, IMO. Otherwise, we would be able to find a study of autopsies of dead within 48 hrs of shots. Where is the post-marketing surveillance data by Pfizer, Moderna, etc? Is the NIH responsible for tracking the 12-17 group for not only myocarditis bit other issues? It would be much easier to study the young group with zero comorbidities. That would yield enough data or a pattern of vax injuries. Enough to halt the mandates and the v-passports.
yep and yep
.. quite simply .. if the CDC/FDA cared about the safety data for this new mRNA technology, each manufacturer would be responsible for paying for autopsies on any recipient of their product who particularly absent any known comorbidities, dies within say 2 weeks of receipt of any does .. whether 1 or 2 or a booster
.. autopsies are the mine to find the canary
.. but the canary will start singing about free spikes proteins from the mRNA .. not 'break-through'' SARS-COV-2
.. and the CDC/FDA know this, and don't want you knowing this
exercise all necessary and appropriate cynicism
That’s so sad and so many think just because they were vaccinated they’ll avoid dying or landing in the hospital. It’s just not true. Yesterday a friend says to me she’s gonna get the booster shot because she thinks it’s wrong for an unvaccinated person to take up a hospital bed for someone who might be sick with something else and not get a bed. This is the kind of BS people are believing. Covid doesn’t discriminate and it’s so obvious these jabs are not working as expected so we are all vulnerable.
Then provide her with real facts to counter the propaganda lies she is being fed by the MSM. HHS publishes a daily update on the utilization and capacity status of hospitals in the United States. As of today, 78.2% of hospital beds are in use but only 10.8% are Covid patients. As for ICU beds, 80% are occupied but only 27% of those are Covid patients. Here is the link:
Thanks for the link! I will definitely tell her next time I see her
Mass use of therapeutics, from those used to prevent infection to those used to treat infection must be employed broadly. If you are anyone you know test positive for Covid get the MAB ASAP. It works. Signed, fully vaccinated and got Covid and got the antibodies infusion
I got my FLCCC "covid kit" including Ivermectin which I had to procure via an online Canadian pharmacy. Shipment took almost 4 weeks from Singapore via France. Fortunately, I ordered it before the FDA decided to confiscate and destroy all private shipments. WHY in the world would they block private commerce?🤬 No one has died of Ivermectin. Not even the .any people I know who have taken the horse version. Mine is the WHO-approved for human use. 😉
Asked my Kaiser MD about their early treatment protocol and it was nothing until you have pneumonia like symptoms then go to ER. Watched this today and pretty much sums up how I feel about “corporate” medicine now and this is an MD you can connect with for early treatment meds and believe it or not actual patient care. https://rokfin.com/stream/9390/Covid-ICU-Doctor-Quits-Over-Vaccine-Mandate
According to cdc and ama guidelines , they have been forbidden to rx ivermectin there .
Can someone please tell me at what point people are considered vaccinated? Is it 1..2.. or 3 shots..or is it a couple of weeks after your 4th or 5th?
Actually, a good article today from the Atlantic asking that exact question. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fully-vaccinated-is-suddenly-a-much-less-useful-phrase/ar-AAOMz8a?ocid=msnews
Thank you for the link...it was very interesting and transparent as always! Big help
He was in the hospital in July for a heart issue.
Yes, and it’s become clear that the vaccinated are experiencing heart issues. Myocarditis, pericarditis, and fatal heart attacks so perhaps his heart issue in July might be related to being vaccinated.
People are also having heart issues such as myocarditis from actual Covid. Unfortunately an unfortunate side effect either way. He could have a history of heart issues we just don’t know about and it could be the vaccine that exacerbated it or from Covid itself. We will probably never know. A woman who had taken the vaccine died after exposure from her niece visiting from South America who was not vaccinated. Why? Because the woman was on a medication for RA that depletes B cells. The vaccine failed when she thought she was safe. I’m not against the vaccine, but I agree with Alex that is more of a therapeutic. Some medications that people take don’t truly realize the side defects as I like to call them.
Mentions heart issues from vaccines.
This is a genocide... "Direct evidence exists and suggests that all persons who have received a Covid 19 Vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner;"
Wow, I hope this gets attention and goes somewhere
Death by vax
A woman interviewed in my staffing business on Friday - said she couldn’t work for a couple of days bc her 17yo son had a 106 degree temp. He was vaxed 3 days prior. A 17yo healthy person literally has 0.000% chance of Covid risk (death/icu), but gets hospitalized for the vax. Unreal
This is incredibly sad. I worry that many vaxxed people, especially young vaxxed people, think this can't happen to them because they're "fully vaxxed". And the mainstream narrative just makes it worse. In their zeal to cover their collective asses, they've lied to people.
Please tell all your friends and family...vaxxed and unvaxxed...to take this seriously. Do what you can to optimize your immune system (D, C, Zinc, N-acetyl-cysteine, quercetin, aspirin, nasal washes). Get Ivermectin if you can.
And find out where you can get mAbs and know the selection criteria for your county/state.
All I can say is this is a terrible, tragic outcome and I will pray for his family and, as I am Catholic, for his soul. Like others, I wonder if he was given ANY early treatment. My very cynical side wonders if there is now pressure to leave even the vaccinated untreated because we simply can't have success stories for early treatment. Everyone should be disturbed by the politicization of early treatment. It is unconscionable and unforgiveable.
Asking why someone died "of Covid" just after receiving the jab is a loaded question isn't it?
It seems the real question should be, perhaps the jab is what killed that person.
Inform yourselves
Whoever this guy is, I pray for his soul, but should he not have informed himself a little better? 'Yes I have had the shots'? Really? Why would he even go have a test? Bless his heart.
Hate if you want, but at some point we have to stop this cycle of test, shot, test...
Yes, it is definitely a "testdemic".
He went away to write his book and got sick, 7/16 , he came down with Covid on 8/3 probably caught it in the hospital while being treated for his heart problem. Wonder if that's when he got his vaccination? Below is from his twitter page:
Mike Tagliere
Jul 16
On a serious note, thank all of you for reaching out to wish me well. Heart decided it wanted to run 130-plus beats per minute for two hours straight while I was relaxing. Blood pressure shot up. Out of the hospital now with heart rate meds. Cardiologist appt next.
Do you think Vx caused the arrhythmia then he got covid and it was too much for body to handle?
This is what happens when spike proteins from the vax, or covid bind to ACE II Receptors
Dysregulation of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAA) in Patients Infected with SARS-CoV-2-Possible Clinical Consequences https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8123500/