Don't forget Dr. Peter Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. George Fareed and so many others who stood in the breech to protect humanity.

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Also Dr. Geert vanden Bossche and the lovely Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. Their hypothesis about damaged innate immunity due to vaccination is being confirmed by Swedish research as I type.

It'll probably be hidden and/or labeled as "long covid" but they were right to give the warning.

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Del Bigtree and RFK Jr. were the first ones. How could they be left out?

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Exactly. They called out the fraud, corruption, and regulatory capture that was rampant in the vaccine space long before COVID. But as a society, we chose to bury the problems and shoot the messengers. If we had listened to them and fixed the problems, it's possible we would have had safe, effective vaccines and treatments for COVID -19 instead of this shit show. Everybody needs to read Bobby Kennedy's meticulously researched and footnoted book The Real Anthony Fauci.

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Fortunately, the Pharma blob that rolled over us did so only partially. And that's thanks to good ol' American suspicion and stubbornness. When the people in white coats are handing down outlandish decrees, everyone should shudder and run. We've an asylum atop us, like the house that fell on Kansas.

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Had we listened, had we exercised discernment, had we stood for liberty -- which adults are required to do -- in the context of the utter criminality of our governments -- state, local, and federal -- we would not have had the operation, "COVID-19", to begin with. Are there still people thinking this is legit??? SMDH.

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Right on.

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Yep👍🇨🇦It only took Amazon 5 months to get it to me but it is the Holy Grail to me✨

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Of course I got Pandemia too… way faster I might add😉

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This. They’ve been blowing the whistle on the dangers of vaccines for years.

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Candace Owens is getting into the fray too. Great facts on her Instagram page and supposedly next week will blow the doors off everything on Parler.

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I read the book "Murder by Injection, the story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America" by Eustis Mullens in the mid 80's.

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And Dr. Byram Bridle, also Canadian.

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Dr. Judy Mikovits and Tenpenny

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Watch todays Children Health Defence with Milovits

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Thanks for the reminder. I saw the post she would be on and the day got away from me!

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They were really early too.

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YES. Dr. Judy Mikovits and Miki Willis were the first to report on how evil Fauci is!!!

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Judy knew in the 80's who Fauci IS

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Were they? I heard of the mRNA theory from Bhakdi who'd been warning the EMA since December 2020.

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The Highwire has been talking about this since Jan 2020.

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And me, I said masks were stupid at work in front of the boss.

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😉 😉

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Maybe Dec 2019

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Dr Mercola, Leader of the Dirty Dozen.

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100%!!! Del was in this from the start with Dr William Thompson/ CDC and then with the whole measles insanity and then RFK as well

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Mikovits was way before either. She worked along side Fauci in the 80's aids period and knew MUCH about Fauci, Collins and how the deep fraud-corrupt occurred within the NIH. Let's not forget Nass either...

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Awesome point 👏👏 They have been massively🙌 This 🇨🇦 owes huge debt of gratitude to them… forever.

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ONE would think its enough to bring the lil fraud to justice and yet he walks free

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RIGHT?????????🇨🇦 Like seriously? It gives me a brain hemorrhage that this has not occurred. Sorry not sorry 😡

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It's a criminal shame that social and mass media funded by pharma and their captured agencies/institutions have been able to shut down so much discussion and access to RFK Jr's book (and the hundreds he cites)

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If I’m not mistaken they were the very first to speak out.Malone is late to the train. I’m not entirely convinced that he took the jab, despite his claims. My inner voice tells me that he knew better, so I feel he is ingenious.

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Why do people do this? Question the motives of people who have sacrificed reputation and money to be on our side.

You want purity?

I've been diametrically opposed to the very *possibility* of contagious disease for 20 years. Let alone germ theory, let alone vaccines, let alone covid hysteria.

I want more allies not less. I always try and push people further towards the truth but as long as they believe in medical freedom then I'll never attack them.

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👏 👏 👏

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Yep👏🇨🇦 That mindset isn’t helpful. Glass house - throw stone? Anyone perfect? Dr. Malone has self corrected & that’s ALL that matters. He is Gold.

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Like, Like, Like!!!

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He is ingenious. You are wondering if he is disingenuous. Which I think I he is not.

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Wow, you are a suspicious one. Both Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch took two jabs before waking up to what was going on. Dr. Malone had a bad reaction to the second jab.

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I took the first jab in April 2021. Then got covid (delta is my best guess) in July. Since then, I've become skeptical as hell about the vaccines, and my skepticism grows every day.

I'm 60, very healthy, and my covid was a week of headache and fever. Not a big deal.

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Next time read the data. It was very clear from the early weeks back in March of 2020 that there was an age gradient, that most people that died were about 80 with about 3 comorbidities and often were obese. For the vast majority of society, covid is minor risk and nothing more than another flu.

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And now, by taking an unknown into your previously healthy body, you have altered your genetic make-up.

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Way to make a lady you don’t know, feel bad. Many people we all know and love, got the jab. We wish Kim and others like her all the best.

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How do we ever know who got the jab & who didn't? All we know is what we are told. Trust is a lost commodity these days.

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Trust is a lost commodity, but I have a rule--if I listen to someone, and they turn out to be wrong 90% of the time, they lose my trust (ie, all of MSM); if I listen to someone, and they turn out to be right 90% of the time, they gain my trust (ie, most COVID Substackers & other "conspiracy theorists").

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And when they are wrong, they correct and admit, they gain even more.

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When was the last time someone in gubermnt admitted they were wrong? Then made changes?

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That’s not a bad approach, but I fear many of these people we follow… fib 10% of the time. I have pretty much blind faith in Taibbi, Greenwald & Rogan, so I exclude them. Then on the opposite end of the spectrum there’s Chomsky who soiled himself last summer, arguing the unvaccinated should be barred from public places including super markets. Uncle Noam is a lost soul.

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Chomsky is a scared old man. He’d obviously gladly sacrifice the young to help save himself.

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Noam Chomsky seems to me to be a classic example of the controlled opposition. The question is why. Is he being bribed outright? Or subtly? Or threatened?

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Words mean things and now you know.

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It's amazing how everything Fauci, Walensky, and Biden have said about Covid and vaccines has been proved wrong. Yet the zombies continue to follow, right off the cliff!

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

What about Fauci? - he has been criminally wrong since the 1980s. He ruined our sex lives (in the 80s and 90s) with COVID like scare tactics. But he was able to pull off the COVID hoax.

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yes, actions speak louder that words.

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All of the political & celebrity grandstanders that did it on TV or posted their “jabs” on social media got saline, IMO

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Not the ones who died or got disabled from adverse events.

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How many prominent people in politics or celebrity otherwise have we heard of? I can’t think of any…. Which isn’t to say there aren’t but right this minute I can’t think of one

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As did Brandon and probably even Trump, if he was smart. You and I think alive

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I voted for Trump twice & will reluctantly vote for him in ‘24 if he’s the nom - I much prefer DeSantis - younger, MUCH less baggage. But Trump has really lost me by touting & CONTINUING to tout his “warp speed” vax’s that have supposedly “saved millions of lives”. It is abundantly clear NOW that “warp speed” that threw all of the former protocols re safety that took years, not weeks or months, is actually causing tremendous harm & death to 100s of thousands (if not millions) worldwide.

So he may have been misguided enough to take the jab, which he never should’ve done anyway, since he’d already had wu-flu

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

The question of who has received it came up today in discussion. Fauci, Biden, Collins etc. The speculation of saline for Dufus1 and an almost “no chance” for Megele and Collins. Likely no one will know for sure. One thing for sure, it’s a nasty scandal packed with intentional deceit and malevolence aplenty in every corner of the media, government and the kleptocracy. Prayers for us the cleanse the water in the creek and permanently extract the pigs from the creek (paraphrasing John Kennedy- LA).

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There is a good rumble video out on the big deception: https://rumble.com/vv9u74-black-swan-alertvaids-vax-slowly-kills-billionswar-against-antibodies-and-d.html

They are saying this is a Black Swan event, all the people who took the shots will develope VAIDS.

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Well that is what the vaccine passports are for! They are considering the digestible chip or the quantum tatoo. Bill Gates is a genius!

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All the better to track you my dear said the big bad wolf.

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Are you being facetious?

Or, are you @&$&& (fill in your favorite descriptor.)

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My inner voice told me he is honest. He’s around 60 so would have been one of the earlier jabbees, before negative stuff about them came out. I seem to remember he had Long Covid and had heard they might help with that.

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I like YOUR inner voice! Come on, people, Dr. Malone has no reason to lie about this. He’s taken on a lot in this fight. The person I’m really curious about is Fauci. Has anyone seen him take the jabs or the booster (even if fake)? He has said in one interview that he takes 8-9000 iu/day of Vitamin D3 (I myself take 10,000 iu/day and have never gotten Covid.) He knows how to stay healthy, but stays mum about such simple recommendations for the rest of the public.

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He also said he knew he'd need it for travel.

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People have tried to smear Dr Malone constantly. No doubt because he is the most eminently qualified to speak to the malfeasance and incompetence involved with the mRNA rollout and adoption without any proper, defined and expected testing.

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And he's not even a Republican (maybe now he is) because he told Steve Bannon he voted for Hillary and Biden.

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He’s also said emphatically that he will NEVER vote for a Democrat again. It takes inner courage to do a 180 degree shift as he has done. It’s been a profound evolution for him. Interestingly, it was Steve Kirsch who got him started. On Tucker Carlson’s interview with Robert on Fox Nation, he explained that Steve contacted him to set up a meeting with the FDA... and during that meeting, Steve’s hard questioning to the FDA folks suddenly made him realize that he, Robert, had been like a frog in hot water... not really realizing how corrupt the system had become. The rest is history.

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He donated to both Obama and Biden! That’s what’s so incredible so many of these former Dems like Dr. Pierre Kory have been red pilled in many ways

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This is not political, or at least not Dems vs Repubs. This is all about greed and corporate malfeasance. I'm not anti-capitalist but I'm strongly against unfettered capitalist. When there's not honest and open regulation of corporations this, ie covid scam, is what you get.

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Omg; not really? He voted for a megalomaniac and a moron? Well, my opinion of Dr. Bob just pitched down an elevator shaft...

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At least neither Hilary nor Biden, at least yet can come anywhere near Trump's 30,000 lies while in office. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-lies-false-presidency-b1790285.html

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Maybe his voting record explains the smears. Many people are so blinded, they cannot see beyond their political affiliation. I'm with 4RH above.

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Dr Malone was injured by his 2nd vaccine.

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Get over yourself Marza. He had Covid, he took el vacuu bc news was that it was helping long Covid. He became awake and he began warning.

There are literally 100,000 others you could put out first for complaint. We are a sheltered mass that needs to work together not tear each other apart.

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I can't stand Malone because I ask myself where was he in the dark days? Yeah, sure, he comes charging in like St. George on a white horse - once the clouds start to break. But he was never one of the early ones who risked anything. Why didn't he say/do something years ago? He sat on this knowledge of evil he had until he could see it was safe to come out and start pounding his chest.

I'm not impressed with the size of Bob's sxck. And they certainly are not brass.

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My sentiments exactly. Something is rotten in Denmark regarding him. Just can’t exactly nail it down.

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Think politicians who were exempted by WEF should be outed before any question about Malone. (This whole issue is purposely overshadowed by Ukrainian news by MSM.

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Another Malone smear. Ok thanks.

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Makes me wonder what dark secrets Malone may still know about but chooses to keep to himself. Bob impresses me that he is all about himself first and doesn't really care about other peoples' lives. Like lots of old guys, he may have become a doctor because it's America's version of titled aristocracy and it's a means of making a lot of money. And that's okay; but I will never believe he was ever an Albert Schweitzer-type. (He ain't Kris Kringle, either.)

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Snarky, his contribution is enormous. Dangerous.

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I have my suspicions too.

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This is a weird discussion. It’s the WEF, Biden, Fauci, pharma set out to control…. Let’s shoot the suspicion where it counts. Those folks did not

Need jab. All exempt like immigrants.

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Yes, Dr. Bhakdi was the first vaccine whistle-blower I saw interviewed, along with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and I'll be eternally grateful to them.

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Wodarg for sure

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Do you have a link or a search term to find the Sweden study? I'd be interested in that for something I'm writing and haven't seen it.

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Thanks. I didn't realize from the context that was the study being referenced.

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And Dr. Byram Bridle and Dr. Eric Payne , Dr. Rose, Dr. Prasad, Dr. Battacharya (tens of thousands on Great Barrington Declaration) and Dr. Kaur Gill, Dr. Nagase, Dr. Bruchet, etc etc

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Thank you .. Dr. Mary Bowden, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Marik Dr. Urso etc

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Dr Marble too, Dr Charles Hoffe, from Lytton BC, who immediately broadcast vax injuries to the First Nations population he saw. His reward? Removal of hospital privileges, and the BC College of Physicians disciplining him for “unprofessional practice”.

Dr Trozzi from Ontario, who saw similar injuries, has been broadcasting ever since, while suffering professional “misconduct” charges.

Dr Francis Christian of Saskatchewan, who has been persecuted, suspended from all teaching responsibilities effective immediately, and fired from his position with the University of Saskatchewan as of September 2021. He is suing through JCCF.CA

There are some brave Canadian doctors, but not nearly enough!

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Dr. Chris Milburn, who is a stellar physician, also spoke out with reasonable questions early on and he was fired from head of Emergency in Cape Breton, NS. Now he's moving and we are losing another fantastic physician (and we are already short on them). Dr. Milburn runs a Substack with his physician wife Julie as well called Pair-o-docs, check it out.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Dr Harvey Risch, Yale epidemiologist.

Dr Stephen Smith, New York. One of the first ones to say 1) Overweight (not just obese) folks are the ones getting hit hard. Few others are. 2) he started treating hundreds of patients with HYDROXY/ZINC with great success right from the beginning.

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Warms my heart. I signed the Great Barrington in the very early days as soon as my son told me about it. It was a small thing I could do. Otherwise, I wish I could have done more. I am a scientist and was horrified by the lies from day 1. March 15, 2020, I knew that "two weeks to stop the spread" will stretch into years, will destabilize the entire world, and may lead to war... and here we are, and we still haven't seen the end of it.

But there was not much I could do. I tried yelling and screaming it out but that only lost me half of my friends. Eventually I stopped going to work, moved to Florida and did everything remote from there. Now we are back to work...I still can't talk about it. If people don't listen, there's no point talking.

But I still believe in science, real science, above it all. In my own work, in my lab, I teach students and trainees to be scrupulous in everything they do. I keep examples of how the CDC lies with their graphs and data manipulations (some from Vinay Prasad, thank you!) and I will use them as examples of what not to do. I am thinking to teach classes to kids -- should start in high school or earlier -- of how easy it is to lie with data. They are doing it with climate change all over.

It's a trick that politicians got the hang of and will use over and over. As science is becoming more complex there is so much of that complexity and uncertainty that they can distort in their favor. They take a grey zone, pick one side, distort everything and manipulate data to allegedly "prove" that side, and then use it to do whatever they want to be done. And they just learn enough vocabulary to sound "knowledgeable". And, of course, you have enough scientists, unfortunately, who go along and enable all this. Ah, I could go on, my heart is quite heavy about where the world is going. I pray for it and for my kids future.

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Feeling a lot like you. Definitely hope to be in the good company of someone human to see this insanity through. I just watched Mikovits who was live today on Childrens Health Defense. Talk about heavy, oh my God, where are we truly headed with all this? Seems like every breath we take maybe needs to be a prayer. I feel like I need to stay alive and well just to help my kids and grandkids. There must be a way.

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By teaching kids how to critically think you are doing a huge service to humanity. That could be your greatest contribution to society. That one thing could be the stone in the pond that sends out enough ripples to change the course of history.

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Dr. Kulvinder Kaur, Dr. Campbell to an extent, Naomi Wolf, Dr. Peter Breggin, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Mercola

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Ron Johnson

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Absolutely!!! Ron Johnson is a hero!! Did the heavy lifting when no other member of congress would even discuss covid fraud.

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Yes! Almost forgot him. Is he the only member of Congress who really stood up for the people in all this? Or am I forgetting anyone?

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Gov De Santis and please… how to forget Sen Rand Paul unrelenting challenge of the “science” ? His personal home attacked. He is an Eye Dr. Or Surgeon and fought the mask, and #fauciscience.

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A few heroes who have been at work for many years - Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Joseph Mercola, Dr Suzanne Humphreys, Dr Andrew Wakefield, Brian Hooker, Barbara Loe Fischer, Jon Rappoport and my friend Celia Farber - imagine what this battle was like when almost everyone opposed what you were doing.

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Yes! Celia and Jon have done incredible reporting on all aspects of the effects of the lockdowns to the the protests to the vaccines 🙏❤️

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Dr. Lee Merritt and all the doctors at American Frontline Doctors. And Tom Renz the lawyer fighting the mandates.

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I met Tom Renz on Friday, what a man. I met Del Bigtree and Kevin Jenkins, warriors for sure ….all! I was a solo act myself, the only one going to watch them speak, even Maddie DeGary and her mom was there. Someways I feel I’m still in a state of shock, knowing who these people are, what they are doing for all the rest of us And what battle lies before us all.

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Thomas Massie of Kentucky

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There was another congressman/senator,not Rand Paul, I’m not sure who, that called out Fauci, daszak et al about the cover up emails very early on, just after lab leak hypothesis came out, the video has since disappeared from you tube, he had some great info, seemed like he was really into something but then the trail went cold, like so many false dawns throughout this scam

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You might be thinking of Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin. He recently led the Covid Second Opinion senate hearing.

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Thomas Massie?

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Yes, he's amazing.

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We also need to apologize to Klaus Schwab, for underestimating the depths of his evil and the lengths he was willing to go to enslave the human race.

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Ain't over yet..

It's called Agenda 2030 for a reason.

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That guy needs the same wheelchair George and Kramer bought for the charity.

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And yet I can envision Covid-free scenarios in which no one cottoned on to what this scumbag was up to until it was too late for all of us.

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I’m waiting for Tucker to investigate and expose that lot. I want him and Reiner Fuellmich on a 2 hr special on Fox to expose them all

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I suggest we have Klaus Schwab as the next Bond movie villain.

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Klaus's assistant: I've good and bad news for you Klaus. The good news is they want you in the next Bond movie.

Klaus: Working with 007?

Assistant: Not quite. And this is the bad news. They want you as Bond's nemesis.

Klaus (sighs): The Great Disappointment.

/narrows gaze.

Klaus: I'll be the most villainous villain in Bond villain lore!

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No apology. He’s not done yet.

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He's just following orders.

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Don’t forget the truckers too!!!!

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Thank you❤️

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Nobody is going to apologize and if you ask me, this is all far from over. Geert Vanden Bossche has been warning about mass vaccination during a pandemic since they started rolling it out. This is not over. We have been very lucky that omicron has been much more mild disease, but with the steady push to vax the kids, roll out an omicron specific shot as well as get everyone boosted, this is not over. May even get much worse if we don't take our foot off the vax gas.

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Correct, we can NEVER FORGET

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You won't be able to forget. Cancer and infertility signs take a while to kick in.

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Nor will the people who got the jab under duress to keep their job, stay in college, enter businesses. There needs to be serious punishment for these crimes against humanity

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Next couple of years should be interesting. My wife was granted a religious exemption for her healthcare job, but if Calif passes AB-1993, then everyone here in California will need to be vaxxed to have a job. Everyone. Vaxxed with an experimental "vaccine " that has killed hundreds of thousands and injured millions, so far.

Of course, to combat dissent, the state is also going to pass AB-2098, where if a doctor doesn't follow the State-mandated Covid narrative, the doctor will be subject to disciplinary actions from the medical board.

Looks probably that I won't be living in California, where I was born, after Dec 31, 2022.

These jackals will escape all Crimes Against Humanity trials, they've stacked the deck, exec branch, leg branch, judicial branch, all in lockstep totalitarianism.

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Same here in Canada.. the media and academia along with municipal, provincial, federal gov and courts have all been captured by the woke agenda so I highly doubt there will be retribution.

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If they manage to evade an official Nuremberg 2.0 style trial, then it might get ugly for them with something less official (c.f. Nicolae Ceaușescu and wife)

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You are so right. This nightmare has only just started. Deaths and permanent disabilties will be racking up.

This from Jeff Childers 'Coffee & Covid' substack this morning:

"More bad news for jabs and, unfortunately, jab takers. A November study in the journal Vaccines, now being widely-cited, is titled “Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination and Its Potential Impact on Fetal and Neonatal Development.” The study re-analyzed the data used by the original study that justified mRNA vaccines for pregnant women, and — guess what — found that some errors had been made. I know, shocking.

According to the researchers:

A widely cited preliminary study of the V-safe and Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data suggested that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were safe for pregnant women; however, errors were found in their analysis, and a follow-up re-analysis of the data revealed a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion of 7–8 times higher than the original author’s calculations, which was statistically higher than the typical average for pregnancy loss during the equivalent time period.

Not too good, sadly. There’s a decent fraud case shaping up here somewhere.

💉 And, more bad jab news. A new study published in Molecular Biology on February 23 is titled, “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line.” It describes in detail finding that the mRNA vaccines permanently alter DNA within the cell nucleus in vitro. I’m shocked, shocked and appalled. The CDC PROMISED that this COULD NOT happen, that it’s completely impossible, and then they told Facebook to cancel anybody who suggested that the vaccines could change your DNA.


The abstract concludes that “BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 hours upon BNT162b2 exposure.”

Six hours! Lickety-split.

What remains unknown is whether the body will destroy cells with altered DNA, but the study points out the mechanism could be carcinogenic. Funny, but journal editors used to make SURE that these kinds of studies never saw daylight. What’s happening?"

My take: The NIH is releasing studies (gasp). Maybe that's why Fraudchi is MIA. And Biden has a really big show tomorrow evening, hence all the mandates falling away.

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There was a German tv doctor who called out a jab ingredient that damaged the lining of the womb, he got cancelled

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

It takes some time, but with the iron grip that the pushers have on the media and messaging, there will be no attribution to the vax. If anything, it already looks like they are setting the stage to blame covid, not the shot. Look at all the articles trying to claim that myocarditis (as well as other issues) is due to covid. The more noise that is created, the more that people will believe that it is from covid, not the shot.


"In the year after contracting COVID-19, patients are at an increased risk for developing 20 cardiac problems, a new study found.

Those problems include stroke, heart attack, myocarditis and irregular heart rhythms, according to the study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Study authors estimate COVID infections have led to 3 million cases of heart disease in the U.S.

Even younger, healthier people were at risk, as were those who were not hospitalized for COVID, according to the study."

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We need a study that monitors vaccine-free people who got Covid VS vaxxers who got Covid but that's a study we will never see because they need to cover for vax injuries and blame it on Covid.

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Good reason for a control group, wouldn't you say?

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Tell that to my family who think that the fact that people aren't keeling over is a sign that the vaccine has no long term health effects. Also the idiotic substack commenter Esteban Norte.

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It’s been a frustrating time for many, my kids think I’m mad, most of their school friends have had it but I’ve had to do all I can from bribery to begging, just to stop them, the scum pushing it should be jailed at the very least

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I can assure you I will never forget what they did to our children.

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Dr. Bryam Bridle. Dr. Vanden Bossche. Dr. Yeadon. Dr. Montagnier (RIP). The list is long.

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Dr. Zev Zelenko!

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Biologist Luigi Warren, whose mRNA work with Moderna led to their vaccine.

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I don't know who Luigi Warren is but the so called "vaccine" was a big part of the problem.

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Check out his Twitter feed, he posts informative anti Covid vax stuff and cat pics and has a dark sense of humor. He worked with Moderna in the 1990s on mRNA tech, not directly on the Covid vaccines.

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And doctor Simone Gold! One of the very first to stick her neck out.

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As well as Dr. Michael Yeadon!

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Dr. Russell Blalock has opposed masks and mandates since the beginning in his newsletter that reaches thousands.

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Don't forget the apology Alex Berenson owes all of them and all of us for his disingenuous trashing of ivermectin, Dr. Malone, etc, carrying Big Pfarma's water by helping pave the way for these dangerous vaccines.

What Shingles & Covid Have in Common, And Why Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch says Alex Berenson is Wrong

Darby Shaw, Feb 24, 2022


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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

You people are idiots, bringing petty politics and regional chauvinism into the discussion. Alex was against the vaccines from at least December 2020 when I first saw him on Rogan. I don't want to speak for him but my guess is he took at shot at Dr Malone because the latter was injecting a lot of far right political bs into the narrative. If we want to ensure that this type of thing never happens again we need constitutional amendments to protect the population from medical tyranny as first proposed by signatory of the original constitution Benjamin Rush. We also need very strong mechanisms put in place to breakup and regulate big pharma/tech/energy, hell big everything as proposed by Bernie Sanders.

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"far right political bs" LOL

And, no, we don't need another amendment. We need politicians who obey the ones we already have.

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I agree with BartBart on his point about a Constitutional amendment to guarantee (Well, you know what I mean...) medical freedom. Rush was right to be concerned about what "medicine" would bring to the world -- and here we are.

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Free associate much? You're all over the map. Maybe lay off the crack a little.

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Alex Berenson took risks I'll bet you wouldn't have taken, worked around the clock for years on this subject.

What did Bob Malone do? Kept schtum about things he knew and is probably still doing that. Bob's about accolades; Alex is an investigator.

After all his work and risk, you people dump Alex because he made an error? (Alex is exhausted and dealing with G-d knows what).

But Malone, who never risked a thing gets brown-nosed because...? He looks like a guy who would have stood up in a chariot with a slave holding a crown of laurel leaves above his head, rather than a balding Jew? (Yeah, I said it and you know it's true.)

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LOL. Worship much? Only person here worried about physical appearance and religion is YOU. You come off like a self-pitying Berenson sock puppet.

He made ONE error? Please. ErrorS & smearS, won't face them, triples down. Throws chickenshit molotov coctails at Malone & "ivermectin fanatics", pretends it never happened until the next smarmy disingenuous jealous chickenshit attack. Picture a little Doctor Evil pinkie.

I haven't dumped him. He dumped himself. I'm still here, trying to do him a favor if he would MAN UP and do the right thing. I could respect him if he would admit it.

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Ya know, I had guessed you'd sneer that, showing me you have never investigated any dxmned thing in your life and haven't got much in the way of bottle. (I got one of the dumps on the Superfund list, so I can sure suss out what you're made of.)

I worship no man for they all have feet of clay, but I can appreciate the mammoth job Alex Berenson has accomplished.

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You're delusional

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You can take the guy out of the NYT, but you can't take the NYT out of the guy.

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Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying too.

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And Steve Kirsch. Their "Dark Horse" podcast was a hot mess but it really broke the story for a lot of is.

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Yes! How could I forget Steve Kirsch!

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Has Dr Scott Atlas been mentioned?

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Word is getting out. See this sketch from SNL (actually funny, unlike so many in recent years). A lot of people should be eating crow, at least if they had any integrity.


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Not funny if you have been living among people like those depicted for the past year. Notice they all have shots but the topic is completely taboo. They are the ones who say "just get the damn shot!" without curiosity or interest in why one would not.

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Yes. This is just their first step to denying that they did all that they did. Eventually they will deny it all. Duplicitous, lying, shameless weasels, all.

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I heard about this, just watched it. Quite funny, titillating but also disturbing to see that virulent propaganda organ questioning ‘THE SCIENCE”. I don’t think my heart could stand the shock if SNL did a skit portraying Trudeau’s freezing truckers’ bank accounts as less than virtuous.

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Thanks so much for sending this link. It's about time, but better late than never. Can't wait to send it to others!

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And doctors we will never know by name who were fired and had their ability to write Rx stolen from them for the crime of wanting to save their patients' lives!

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I'm one of the anon fired docs, who also pushed back within our spheres and are now facing the sinking of our professional, economic and social ships.

Dr Vernon Coleman (vernoncoleman.com) a mighty warrior for decades, my inspiration. And Dr Mohammed Anil in UK, great surgeon battered and bankrupted by the GMC for simple truth.

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I'm so sorry for your trouble, but if I may be so bold as to suggest that you don't want any part of the cesspool that is modern "medicine" anyway.

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And Aaron Ginn and Jordan Schachtel among others.

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Their attitude is "Just because those people ended up being right doesn't mean they were correct."

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

The same type of person commented the other day upon Ukrainians getting killed that it’s was “their fault. Biden told the they should leave.” - she’s a university dept chair of education. She was also gloating that she and her university made COVID shots and boosters mandatory for students. She’s a malignant narcissist. Her life has been one filled with deceit, swindling, ethics breaking and the destruction of others unlucky enough to be around her - her machinations are always to her benefit - but she pretends otherwise. Malignant hypocrit, malignant narcissist.

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There are a lot of DUMB people occupying our universities. Education is a field where mediocrity can be an acceptable level of achievement. Tenure being a prime example of that principle.

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I couldn’t agree more. The best thing that could possibly happen is for the US to stop backing student loans and housing loans too.

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There are a lot of people occupying our universities that should be given a one way flight to Xinjiang

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The Ukrainian people stand with their liberator, Russia.

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Someone that was pro covid tyranny but against Ukrainians? I call BS. Team covidian is 100% on team Ukraine and WW3.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

She’s 100% real unfortunately. A complete snake. She gloated over her involvement in forcing college students to get vaxxed and blamed the Ukrainians for not fleeing whenBiden told them to. She’s completely consistent in her flippancy and zero concern with anyone else’s opinions or rights. It’s whatever the daily Democrat talking Points tell her to parrot. I mention this because it definitely is a New Democrat talking point as they evolve their narratives. She is a malignant narcissist and probably a psychopath. Most university professors are narcissists as are CEOs and politicians.

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Who is? The girl in the Tweet?

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Rosie maybe Jessica Rose

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Who is the "she" you're talking about?

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And something can be true without it being factual. Or something.

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Didn't we see something to this effect published some...weeks?? ago? In the MSM somewhere??? A preemptive strike against anyone who had disagreed early with the lockstep "public health " interventions that data no clearly demonstrates have failed?

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Maybe even you owe Dr. Malone an apology. Just for demeaning him and hurting the cause. :) But you are right. You deserve an apology as well. Don't hold your breath.

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Yes. That hit on Dr Malone was...gutless,mean and unnecessary, Alex.

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deletedFeb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022
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always jealousy. all of the anti-white BS... rhetoric is jealousy as apposed to using your God given talents to go and make a life for yourself

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yes.....follow you Alex....even have all your pamphlets....thankyou for those...but did not appreciate your startling criticism of Dr Malone recently during a live interview ......he handled it with his usual class...but hope you did apologize to him....do not forget Dr Simone Gold and all the very early Front Line Doctors who put themselves "out there" before anyone else!! We've followed all of them from day one.....they were right.....thankyou all for your bravery and honesty....

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Alex should apologize to Dr Gold as well...his snarky ( does he have any other way?) reply to a suggestion that he appear with Dr Simone Gold was also mean and uncalled for...something like " that quack that went to the Capitol on Jan 6th?" She had every right to peacefully protest. I have a feeling she was NOT armed and didn't engage in one bit of violence. She and the other Front Line Doctors put their jobs on the line for speaking the truth. The sheep MD's can go to blazes....

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Yes, I remember that I was upset when he said that. Dr. Gold has been very brave. For a good look at the January 6th events, you should watch the documentary "Capitol Punishment." Shocking and very disturbing, to say the least! Dr. Gold is in it.

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Dr Gold’s presentation back in January 2021 is what opened my eyes. She was talking about ADE and many others risks, all of which are now showing to be true.

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Alex also turtled up when Craig Spencer challenged him to debate

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What was the topic?

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I’m glad SNL can joke about all of this now. It doesn’t give those of us who were critically thinking our jobs back or get rid of the side effects in those who caved to save their income, but hey, “the science”

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

SNL is such a group of hypocrites. They're rather late to acknowlege the truth. Comedy used to be brave....the SNL group is the antithesis of that.

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Those of us who saw through this from day one were NEVER going to be vindicated, win awards, be given apologies or anything. Just knowing and not being fooled will be its own reward. "The old man was right. Only the farmers won. We lost." Chris. The Magnificent Seven (1960).

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I wrote about that today, too. Disgusting.


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I almost wrote about it as well. Imo, comedy is art. Even though I personally did not find it funny at all, I think in a strange way it is helpful that the Covidians are now getting made fun of for being so intellectually fragile that speaking the truth at a dinner among friends was so socially impossible for 2 years.

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Yeah, it wasn't meant to be funny, it was meant to signal to the masses that it's now acceptable to have these conversations. (IMO because Democrats want to declare victory)

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The day they announced that the SOTU would be on 3/1, I announced to my family, "Oh good, that means they will be ending all the COVID bullshirt by 3/1." Right on schedule...

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Political campaign time for Octogenarians.

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Or somehow fault DJT for Operation Warp Failure.

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Does anyone watch SNL anymore?

Serious question. I don't know anyone who says they do.

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It hasn't been funny for three decades. Or at least I turned it off that long ago.

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Weekend Update is usually pretty good and if the guest host is talented it can be ok but it certainly has become insufferably woke over the last 5 years or so.

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It’s worse than that. They’ve only changed tack now that the democrat midterms research memo came out…

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It's significant ffrom a Kremlinology standpoint, this skit means things are moving among the globalists

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Exactly! Just horrifying :(

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I don't have a Twitter account but even I saw this. No, they don't apologize; they pivot and hope that people forget. Spoiler, most people will because they're obedient.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

It's truth vs lies. When you live a lie and are NOT AUTHENTIC, then everything about your life is BS ! And the misery follows you closer than a coat and many ppl try to drown it in substance abuse or illicit sexual and hidden activities or suicide. IT NEVER GOES AWAY!... Until you face the truth and admit what a shit you are and have been and come to your RIGHT MIND, which is to God. Jesus is the path back to God, there is no other, you either humble yourself or you prolong agony for you and everyone you spew it onto...your poor children and spouse.

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"Once you see it, you can't unsee it" We very much need to help them "see it."

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Yes they will never get an apology. Just like the Dems and Biden will never apologize for ruining children's lives and education for 18 months and killing thousands of businesses.

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They are hoping we all forget about it. About all the death, the denied treatment, the dangerous and untested jabs, the destroyed lives. The largest gaslighting campaign in history is underway.

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"No one could have _known_" is all I'm going to hear for the next 3 years, if I gather the courage to have conversations.

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That all started with trump or has your memory failed you?

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Don’t forget about Scott Atlas whom was pushed off president’s Covid advisory team by Fauci. Dr Atlas deserves an apology too!

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Fauci told Trump to dump Atlas. Instead of being a smart executive, and just fire Fauci on the spot, he bowed to pressure and went with the swamp rat's preferences.

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Atlas wasn’t fired. He had a short term deal. Trump wanted him to come back but Atlas didn’t want anything to do with it.

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When you are told you aren't wanted and the boss backs the people who don't want you around, you're effectively fired.

If Trump had wanted him to stay then Trump would have jettisoned the bad actors and Atlas would have stayed. It's in Atlas' book.

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They will twist it so that they expect an apology from us....for being correct

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And Dr. Mercola!

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Have you listened to the Mercola interview with Dr Malcolm Kendrick. A sound and honest doctor : Dr. Joseph Mercola - Take Control of Your Health on Apple ...https://podcasts.apple.com › podcast › dr-joseph-mercol...

Listen to Dr. Mercola's Weekly Podcast, as the legendary natural health pioneer ... In this interview, repeat guest Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a board-certified ...

Kendrick runs an excellent blog; Wordpress - many adherents are scientists and doctors of medicine. His present subject entitled : Vaccination - silencing doctors in the UK. Kendrick has several publications to his name, he writes well. https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2022/02/27/vaccination-silencing-doctors-in-the-uk

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The guys who were the most right were Peter McCullough and Pierre Kory. They knew that Ivermectin was the best early treatment available from the get-go.

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Yeah....and Alex calls them " Ivermectin fanatics" then cites " studies" that in the good old days before he became REALLY cranky he would have scoffed at.

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I still don’t understand Alex’s poo-pooing of ivermectin…any ideas?

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So, Alex, you’re in good company there. You’ve all suffered the slings and arrows of the woke class and its cost you. So…. Friendly reminder to not devour each other.

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Down with purity tests, that's so woke 2020.

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I’m a proud member of team reality but the ongoing destruction of our society from the utter insanity and hysteria that has characterized these last two years weighs heavily on my mind. I don’t want apologies from the bureaucrats, politicians, public health officials and their puppeteers who have given us the tragedy of the last two years — I want consequences for their negligent and/or evil actions. Removal from office is not enough. There must be Nuremberg type trials. There must be punishment. We will be dealing with the repercussions of two years of devastating public policy for decades. What these people have done to my children, my elderly parents and my beloved country is unforgivable.

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Dr Peter Alexander, Pierre Kory and many others have worked their butts off.

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And also to AIER and Brownstone.org and GatoMalo. They helped me maintain sanity even before I discovered Alex et al. And to Scott Atlas and Ioanides at Stanford, and to Drs Martin Kuldorff, Jay Battachaya and Sunetra Gupta who penned the Great Barrington Declaration.

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Ioannidis is def one of my hero's from day one of this bs. He more or less predicted at least part of it when he said in 2007 that 85% of published research is not reproducible and thus false. I don't think anything has taken a greater hit from this fraud than the public's trust in science and scientists.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

There is also, 'The Fat Emperor' : Ivor Cummins. Delightful character, head screwed on, He takes refreshing angles - got cut out of twiter and f/b, but think he has been reinstated. Good podcasts :-

The Fat Emperor - Posts | Facebookhttps://m.facebook.com › thefatemperorlive › posts

THEFATEMPEROR.COM. Ep 63 Dave Feldman with an Engineering Update on Corona Virus Covid-19 — The Fat Emperor. Two engineers ponder the latest data on Corona ...

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And Dr. Simone Gold. She was one of the first to speak out.

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She’s a hero and has been since March 2020!

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Plus all of the signers of the Great Barrington Declaration.

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And the red state govs. who made employer vaxx mandates illegal--DeSantis, Gianforte, I think Abbott too

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They never apologize. They will say the, “science has changed.” And most idiots will believe them.

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They'll argue "numbers" and then make the contradictory claim that their mandates helped beat the 'rona.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

I think after the US mid terms will be when people are going to brought up before tribunals. I'm not historically a big fan of the republican's and we should all hope trump drops dead of a coronary before he can run in the primaries, or maybe just be sent to jail for his tax fraud but that a solid GOP majority of hopefully non Q-Anon candidates lead by guys like Ron Johnson and Rand Paul seek justice for all the criminal graft that has occurred in the last two years.

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My heart breaks for Dr Kory. He is such a good man. Went before Congress early on providing proof ivermectin and other safe medications were working naively thinking this would help only to be smeared by Fauci and Collins and actually lost his very prestigious job at the university of Wisconsin hospital as head of pulmonology in the ICU. Yet he is still speaking out just trying to be a doctor. I hope Fauci and Collins suffer the consequences of their crimes.

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Let's hope all those who've put their livelihoods and reputations on the line are recognized for their bravery and rewarded for it when the damn does break.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

Don't forget Prof Didier Raoult, who headed the Marseilles University Hospital in France. He pushed for HCQ, Zinc , Vit-D, Magnesium (and there was another supplement, but memory). He treated over 300 patients, and only lost one, who in fact suffered from terminal cancer. He stood up for his hospital and his patients, yet was hounded and howled down by his inferiors. In fact derided throughout France, and kicked off his prestigious as head of the infectious disease unit. A man of good science, knew his stuff, did what was right for his patients. Pr Raoult has been forced to take 'early' retirement, effective, this March. pr didier raoult : Big photo line up - he sure looked better without all that fuzz !!! Here's a bit of a biog : French microbiologist

Didier Raoult is a French physician and microbiologist specialising in infectious diseases. He taught about infectious diseases at the Faculty of Medicine of Aix-Marseille University, and in 1984, created the Rickettsia Unit of the university. Wikipedia.

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He and Paul Marik, MD have my utmost respect.

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Doc Kory heralded my 'moment' when he pounded the table at that Dec 2020 Senate hearing arranged by Sen Ron Johnson (WI) who hails from Mankato MN. They are good men and deserve our trust!

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Kory lost his job at U of Wisconsin?? How did I not know that?? Ugh...

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I'm still going to make my friends and relatives who bought in to the panic admit I was right.

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Good luck! Let us know how it turns out….

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I will, too. I have the emails to prove it. I inundated my family members with links to articles and graphs and charts showing them the truth. It didn't change their minds, but at least I can gloat and say, "Go look at what I sent you on 5/3/2020 about masking..." 😏

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I wish I would have screen captured the insane things posted on FB. Most were about masking and restrictions. Amazing how all of that has disappeared and we're all just supposed to forget a significant portion of Americans lost sight of reason, in other words, they went cray cray.

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"Americans" did not go cray cray. They 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 themselves.

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Exactly, make them own it.

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Alex owes Dr Malone an apology. I won't hold my breath waiting for that one, either.

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Alex can be obsessive sometimes.

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Thank god

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Ya think?

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Dr Zelenko, Dr Campbell, Jessica Rose and all signers of the Great Barrington Declaration.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Sorry if you lost your job and all but you kind of deserved it for not doing what was right even though it was actually wrong. Got it.

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Those folks should sue. Some lawyer ought to be running a late-night commercial in a few weeks: "Were you or a loved one wrongfully terminated or forced to resign over your vaccination status? Call us at 800-555-. . . . to speak to an attorney."

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That is one way - in fact, good one. Though rather 'chasing the ambulance'...n'est-c-pas ? But, have you not heard what Dr Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer, is doing ? Holding a 'People's Court'. 60 'witnesses'. He completed Day 5 part1 and part 2, over the past 10 days. Excellent. I'll take a dig into my files for the links. Apart from the introduction, 1hr 35mins, other sections are 2.5 (plus) hours long. All on video. It is powerful stuff. Fuellermich is German, but he is also USA qualified and has a practice in the USA as well as his practice in Germany.

Right. I'll post this, and come back with the links.

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This will get you started : Five languages : German, French, Italian, English.

https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Grand-Jury-1-EN-online:2? - opening arguments -

Go to the link, see under, for further information, more presentations :-

Channel profile picture

Corona Investigative Committee


Introduction to the full committee, undertaking the trial.





Opening Statements

Livestream Feb/05/2022 - Day 1 (English) >

Livestream Feb/05/2022 - Tag 1 (German) >


The general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this

Livestream Feb/12/2022 - Day 2 (English) >

Livestream Feb/12/2022 - Tag 2 (German) >



Livestream Feb/13/2022 - Day 3 (English) >

Livestream Feb/13/2022 - Tag 3 (German) >



Livestream Feb/19/2022 - Day 4 (English) >

Livestream Feb/19/2022 - Tag 4 (German) >


Financial Destruction

Livestream Feb/20/2022 - Day 5 (English) >

Livestream Feb/20/2022 - Tag 5 (German) >


Eugenics + closing arguments and outlook

It's a wallop of information. Following this, it is hoped to bring the full case to the High Court. Their initial try in this, was unsuccessful. The judge and his family were threatened... Let's hope that this 'People's Court' will lead to a Nuremberg lll full court hearing.

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I heard about it and looked into it, but haven't watched much of the video. This is a great idea.

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Sadly I think that's going to be the narrative going forward.

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We know they are lying.

They know they are lying.

They know we know they are lying.

We know they know we know they are lying but they are still lying.

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Well said!!

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Wish I could take credit. I believe this or a similar quote is attributed to Solzhenitsyn.

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One of the greatest dissenters of all time.

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I don't expect anyone to apologize. They are only pivoting to save their own necks because Biden's approval is cratering spectacularly, the economy is tanking, the world is on the brink of war, more people are finally waking up from the fog and pushing back, and Dems and RINOs truly fear for their immediate and long-term political futures. They hope we will forget the hell they've inflicted for the past two years. When they're comfortable that we have, they will hit us again -- harder. We can give no quarter to these folks. Their apologies are hollow.

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"We can give no quarter to these folks." Words to live by. Literally.

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Yes, we are too polite and forgiving, and they count on it because they are would-be Destroyers of civilization.

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“We were right all along. The science has changed and we’re still right. Everyone else was a red state hick Alex Jones type nut job who just happened to guess right not using the SCIENCE” - every loser Branch Covidian

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Vote those who supported masks & mandates out this November. Remember, never forget. Plus the jobs lost should be remembered.

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Waiting for the apologies to @eugyppius and @boriquagato

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Team Reality? That's not here. Not with you presenting dishonest ivermectin sabotage studies at face value. "They" won't apologize apparently includes you.

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STFU Clown Shoes.

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Clown says clown shoes. 🤣

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Malone listed first for a reason. His importance is paramount

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Dude get a life.

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Next order of business making sure they can't do it again, by Constitutional Amendment if necessary.

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Look up Benjamin Rush, he pushed for protections against Medical Tyranny in the original US Constitution of which he was a signatory.

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Or other necessary means

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Some owe a lot more than an apology...

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*and all the millions that were cancelled from Twitter YouTube etc for voicing opinions

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Let’s add the entire Barrington group!

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And John Ioannidis even though he kind of kept his head down after the Santa Clarita study. Even so he continued to push for rational analysis of the epidemiology despite the smears against him.

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Thanks RES. It took too long for me to find a reference to them.

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One of the people who owe Robert Malone an apology is Alex Berenson.

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Seriously? STFU

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I recall last year questioning everything so much and wondering why I was in the minority. Very puzzled and frightened. Every time I saw a new voice (new for me that is), questioning and pointing out, I felt relief and a sort of vindication for my prudent and cautious position. So glad for all the amazing doctors that have had the backbone and decency to stand up for the right side of things. All the ones named in comments below and others momentarily missed. Thanks for Alex and other few intrepid reporters doing good and honest journalism. I seriously would've lost hope were it not for all these heroes.

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Judy Mikovits!!!

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I'm sure not seeing the tiniest inkling of a suggestion of any recognition that they were in any way wrong from any of the knuckleheads and monsters who have been pushing this nightmare. Our esteemed (not!) mayor here in NYC has, temporarily you can be sure, lifted the mask and jab passport mandates, hedging it with a lot of unscientific nonsense about case numbers and infection rates, but still is keeping in force the requirement that city workers be jabbed to keep their jobs. They'll never admit anything, even under oath, before a jury or a lynch mob, whichever comes first.

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You'd be surprised what the rodents will admit to when they're sitting in a box and getting grilled by a skilled lawyer who knows that the rodent in the box is a rodent...

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I love the Kyrie Irving issue out at Barclays. He can’t play because unvaxxed but out of state players who are unvaxxed can play. It all makes so much sense.

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Great post and I agree, they will never apologize. I very much support you Alex but will YOU apologize to Malone? You have not been fair to him and I don't understand why.

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Shut up with that, do you really think you're entitled to have any input into that disagreement?

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Julie P and everyone else on this thread has the absolute right to weigh in with their opinions on what Berenson said to Malone and what they think Berenson owes Malone. Got it?

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Yo double Bart. You're annoying the shit out of me. Calling your mom to shut off your wifi.

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I'm feeling like I missed something here. Is this in response to the CDC's mask walk back and the narrative 2.0 stuff happening? Or was there something more specific - say, regarding vaccines?

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Can someone catch me up? Do the jab fascists now know the shots are bad?

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No...well not in public.

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Democrats need a world war to stop the shlacking they are about receive in the midterm elections.

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They have moved on to Molotov Cocktails for the greater good.

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And Alex owes an apology to Dr. Malone.

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Very mature; keep up the good work....Skippy.

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vaccines make you an expert on Ukraine, it's just basic science

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If you are vaxxed you cannot die in the battlefield. Or, if you died, it would have been worse.

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<ROL> - Good quip...

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Let’s not forget Dr Zev Zelenko

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But ummmm, before we get TOO sure of ourselves here, let’s remember that the mandates are coming down because our cabbage in chief is set to utter out some kind of mindless drivel that will be called the State of the Union speech….there is ALWAYS a reason for the tyrannical claws to loosen, and it’s NEVER a benevolent act. Just sayin🤷🏻‍♀️

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Yes- and in the background new legislative tools and executive policies get entrenched, ready for "the next time" the powers that Be would like our - ahem - cooperation as they dehumanize us further. Now is the time to organize and reclaim our Freedom Fire. It is not the time to be grateful that the Zoom Class is "giving back" that which was never theirs to take away.

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You are absolutely correct!!! They want to push through legislation that will allow the WHO to take over as one government in the event of the "next" emergency. I believe that all of this attention on Russia is also a red herring to distract. Unfortunately there aren't a whole lot of Republican representatives in DC watching our backs either...

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These are the true heroes of our Country!! I don't think we can ever repay them for telling the truth in spite of personal cost...I love each and every one of these unselfish and dedicated men and women.....my hat is off to you forever and I'd love to buy you all a beer!

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What's the context here? What is the catalyst she's responding to that would invite the apologies? And it's odd for Alex and Dr. Malone to both be owed apologies when Alex still owes Dr. Malone one. :)

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Yeah, but what now? They shut down the whole world to try to forcibly inject every human on the planet. It's not like, "Oops, our bad. Never mind. Go back to what you were doing." Did they go for 100% like a shrewd negotiator looking for 70%? Did they really get nowhere near what they wanted? Or did they stick enough people with nanotech that they achieved their objective?

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I know all these people are right, but what came to light that they need to receive an apology? Did something come to light that MSM decided to print the truth?

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The NSA/Alphabet/Facebook/MS metadata indicated that no one was taking their pandemic seriously any more.

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