"China claims that the Corona virus came from an old bat, but Pelosi denies having been involved."

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Bats are outraged by the analogy!

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you win the internet today!

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What would I do without this array of truth-tellers?

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I feel like we all engage in much-needed "gallows humor" here!

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Speaking of gallows,I can’t wait to help joejoe decorate his Xmas tree! I’m going to hang ‘um and hang ‘ um HIGH!

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🤣🤣 that’s funny!

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🤣🤣🤣 and now you can never un-see it

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Thank God I’m hard of seeing…..


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My money was on $hrillary.

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That was good. Thanks for the laugh.

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Best comment ever!!!!!!!

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Laughing out loud 🤣

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I absolutely love your comment.

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LMAO!! 😅🤣😄

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Maybe a bat landed on some old

battle axe, infecting her….I mean… it.

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She’s a rabid old bitch…

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That silly rabid, tricks are for kids

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Great comment! I love it!

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🤣🤣 LOL

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Love it. ROFL.

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I read this piece this morning & wondered are parents listening? The mass psychosis about needing the jab for children and pregnant women is truly frightening! I am so alarmed! The wall to wall media coverage of the need to “vaccinate” has many people convinced it is the only way “back to normal!” Many People are so convinced that they will do anything! But those of us who are questioning and waiting are scaring the establishment so badly, that mandates have become the way to make the rest of us fall in line! This is shocking! UNBELIEVABLE! I question how we can stop this. Almost everyone I know personally have gotten the jab! They do not want to hear anything bad about it! They become angry if you question it! Mass Media/ Mass Psychosis!🥺😫

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Do not comply. Hold the line!

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Yes! And as stated in one of my other post, I think there’s more of us that feel that way than the media is letting on. They are just trying to push more people to feel like they will be alone if they don’t get the jab. It’s so surprising how many just automatically complied when there’s nothing officially in place yet. Nows the time to hold the line!

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100%. I was visiting my kid in college last weekend and learned of many more people who are unjibbyjabbed. Do NOT believe the propaganda.

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Biden says, for example, that a certain hospital has achieved 95% vaxx ed. Wrong already. It’s only95% because he fired the same ppl that won’t get vaxxed. He’s cheating. Again.

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Exactly! He said something else the other that some company went from 59% vaxxed to 90 something because of mandates but that’s only because many left or were fired! Very deceiving!

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Other day. I wish this site had an edit button lol

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First and foremost….I feel your

💥Owwwwpain💥caused by a lack of editing capability as I make ughLOT of mistakes. Secondly, you’re spot on about biden. LYING AGAIN. He lies like a dog in the shade on a grassy knoll as the midday temperature soars above 115degF.

He Lies and lies and lies some more”

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What's really annoying though,Gov. Abbot of Texas re-issued a ban on any vaccine requirements by any entity,which I whole heartedly support; He prefaces the ban with the "Safe and Effective"narrative ,but vaccines should be voluntary. (I agree)

How about some HONESTY governor !! Ban vaccine mandates because the real-world data no longer supports "safe and effective" ; The vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus so the vaccines CAN NOT BE mandated as a Public Health tool, PERIOD !!

This won't end until we get HONESTY from our Republican Leaders to BUCK the Narrative !!!

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Agree! If I had a nickel for every anti-mandate article prefaced with the obligatory “I’m personally vaxxed and believe most people should be too…”

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Bunch of robots that are so afraid of bucking the narrative. You see this all the time with the television anchors and commentators. None are willing to stand up for the truth.

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One word. Libel. Saying the truth can still get you into litigation. It’s not about win or lose…. it’s about wasting your time.

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I think it’s more about the networks telling them to tow line on the narrative. They don’t want to lose advertisers. All about money - nit truth. I watched a Gutfeld show a few weeks ago and one of the guests said she was not vaccinated and gave the truthful reasons why. You could see that Gutfeld was very uncomfortable and immediately when to another subject.

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Totally agree with that BS line ! I hear it all the time on Fox , it must be in their contracts !

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Trump says it, you KNOW he doesn’t mean it

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Trump is a big disappointment. Not only did he roll over and do nothing to stop the steal until his uselessly late Jan. 6th address to the patriots, but he got vaxxed in January after already acquiring natural immunity. Does he not know any good epidemiologists to consult with?

Then he tells an Alabama audience to get vaxxed -- the worst place to advocate for such stupidity and just last week on Hannity boasted (for the umpteenth time) about being responsible for the vaccines via Warp Speed. That's not something to be proud of, and had he pursued therapeutics instead, we wouldn't be in this mandate mess quite yet and by the time the 'vaccines' would be readied by Biden, the scamdemic might have already ended. If and when he leads an anti-vaxx rally (not holding my breath), I'll change my mind but until then, he's just another establishment swamp creature stumping for Israel and Big Pharma.

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Agree wholeheartedly!! And why didn't he just get rid of Sir Weasel Fauci instead of acting like they "got along" when you could tell he didn't trust or believe in him. He tolerated much more than he typically would have with a lot of the Covid nonsense. Maybe it was because the election was around the corner so had to bite his tongue but his responses often seemed fishy to me. And, while I did vote for him (over the asshat currently in office), at the end of the day, he IS still greedy and puts himself first like the rest of the corrupt establishment.

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Yeah you can tell he doesn’t mean it but since he got it rolling he feels he has to stand behind it and we all know that if he were still in office these idiots would be demanding the vaccine be pulled due to all the adverse side effects and it’s not working for more than a couple of months. These Libs/Dems never happy!

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But do notice that he keeps mentioning hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin.

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So true. It is nauseating.

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My reply to Abbott's tweet. Surprised there isn't a "misinformation" warning after it or the trolls haven't come after me! "Yes, to no mandates. No to vax safety: 16k deaths, 21k permanently disabled, 6,800 myocarditis cases, 7500 heart attacks acc. to CDC VAERS. Yes to early sequential multi-drug treatment for a virus w/a 99.6% survival rate. Stop the lies about it." And I totally agree there should be no qualifiers. McCullough and Zelenko are the only ones brave enough to tell the truth: both the virus and vax are bioweapons. Zelenko believes the vax is designed for mass genocide.

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And former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon - he also seems to believe the global vaccine mandate is potentially designed for genocidal purposes.

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Agreed and I read somewhere the death count may actually be closer to 45,000 due to how the reporting has been conducted.

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I strongly suspect the "safe and effective" mantra is required by law, or at the very least, a "CYA" protocol....possibly because the vaccine has full FDA approval?

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None of the vaccines being administered have full FDA approval. The FDA gave approval to Comirnaty, which is unavailable in the US because the EUAs that have been extended provide more iron-clad immunity to liability than full FDA approval would.

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Its also because if any other "safe and effective" method is found from existing FDA approved treatments, then EUA's cannot by law (this is written in the law governing EUA's using that verbage "safe and effective" ) be extended to other treatments. This is the root reason for all the gas lighting over ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

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Very Interesting! Please provide links to support it so I can pass this info along. That explains so much.

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Feds can put the squeeze on governors for money and CMS reimbursements.

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Yep this waters down the argument to almost nothing. In my opinion there absolutely is a scenario where you can make a very good argument for vaccine mandates. Let's say there is a virus that is highly contagious, kills 50% of those infected and a vaccine is 100% effective. In that scenario, I would fully understand vaccine mandates so "vaccines should be voluntary" is just not a persuasive argument without clearly showing that the virus isn't dangerous enough to most people, the vaccines aren't effective enough to get any real benefit from mandates, and safety is an ongoing concern.

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Nope. Even in such a scenario, the 100% protected people you theorize have no reason to force the unvaxxed, because the unvaxxed pose no threat to them. Most of the unvaxxed will come around once the truth of 100% effective becomes evident, except perhaps a small minority of religious fanatics. It should ALWAYS be an individual choice.

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The fear of unvaxxed pilots is laughable. No cases have been traced to pilots and hardly any to planes. Pilots are in a closed room. Passengers and crew could all be infectious, vaxxed or not. The highest vaxxed places have the most cases.

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Once states were allowed to mandate vaccinations for school attendance (as does my California), it was inevitable that adults would be next. We managed to get our two youngest through elementary and HS without vaccinations (after a son with ADHD and two with autism who were fully vaxed). The state has abolished the personal belief exemption and has gone after any doctors writing medical exemptions with a vengeance.

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Fair point but you're going to lose that argument with probably 90%+ of the population. In that scenario we're talking about next level fear for most people and (unreasonable) fear is why so many today can't assess the actual risk. In my hypothetical scenario you can change the vaccine's effectiveness to 93% or 95% if you want something to counter your point. You can also consider those that can't get vaccinated for health reasons. Regardless, my overall point is that it's critical to distinguish between our current reality and more difficult scenarios because that only increases the chances of defeating the mandates.

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Yes, it should always be an individual choice. If the channels of mainstream communication were legit and truly interested in Science (ie, "scientific empiricism" led by open minds), rather than low-level shills for Pharma, they would host varying view points from a variety of medical orientations and people would be treated with respect to make up their own minds with an emphasis upon balancing risks vs benefits.

But that would also expose the great harm done to humans by legally prescribed pharmaceuticals year after year, numbering in the millions.

There is an even deeper level which is that "one size fits all" medicine is a bankrupt approach. This is a limitation of the allopathic pharmaceutical model.

While sharing many species traits in common, we are all also unique physiologically and part of the art and science of a mature Medicine would take that as a given and thereby customize treatment with that in mind.

Instead standardization which yields the largest profit stream for the monopoly cartels is what we have.

In my opinion part of the agendas we are seeing are a result of people having turned towards "alternative" models which poses a threat to allopathy and therefore fear must be increased to bring the "herd" into line.

They do not seek "herd immunity" but rather "herd mentality" motivated by fear.

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Totally agree.

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Sometimes you have to avoid being sued by big Pharma. I think he did good.

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Sued, or getting his legs broken.

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Or getting a beating like the old jackass from Nevada

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Agree. They are hardly safe and ineffective especially after 3-6 months. What a crock.

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He may have anticipated the OSHA (Fed over State) regulation... Totally agree; let's demand honesty from all, must, GOP

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Very well said.

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Oct 12, 2021
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Yes. He is the first doctor to come out and say it. Even FLCCC refuses to attack the vaccines.

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Dr. Fleming is also doing an excellent job educating anyone who's willing to listen.

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I’m tired of them too and pray we get some better ones in 2022 that are willing to fight for their constituents

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I find the same. The utter resistance to ppl actually SEEING the truth is just as hard to experience as what is happening to believe. I feel Eventually, more folks will see the truth but their feeling of having been played by the govt, bc they bought into Plandemic & the vax BS, and then the already instilled fear of the govt (who has succeeded in making many ppl compliant through the lies and fear propaganda) will keep them in partial denial. If its true that more and more ppl will be dying, it would seem that will be UNDENIABLE proof, but then the govt will change the narrative and folks will believe the continued BS while more freedoms vanish.

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I could be wrong, but I think with Govt now wanting/proposing the IRS and banks to monitor our every $600 transaction, is waking some up and they are realizing they’ve been played/duped and now questioning the motive behind these mandates.

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I read this other day, it’s an eye opening article even though I knew this to be the case. Great piece!

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Great read from a different/important perspective...thanks KSSM! This article needs more attention! Read and pass-around. We rapidly approaching Fight or Flight.

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Oct 12, 2021
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Strange, money is more important than one’s health.

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Yes but they will blame the dying, as they do now, on the unvaxxed or on a new variant (caused by the vaccines obviously). So will these ppl actually wake up?

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because that's what the govt and media prop keeps telling them

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If they haven't woken by now, I doubt most ever will until it effects them directly.

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The vaxxed have to squelch any ‘buyers remorse’ because they cannot unvac themselves. We, the unjabbed, are a blatant reminder if their culpability in perpetuating this lie and we make them uncomfortable. Hold the line! We have come too far to capitulate. I am 67, healthy and an anomaly as unjabbed in my area. Not even getting a flu shot because I would rather risk the virus than get whatever the latest pHarma cocktail is.

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While they cannot unvax themselves, they certainly can refuse the "boosters." This article gives some hope to those already jabbed as well as reasons they should avoid "boosters." The effects of each jab are cumulative -- synergistic as well as additive risks: https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Vaccine-immune-interactions-and-booster-shots_Sep-2021.pdf

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My sister-in-law is about as brainwashed as anyone can be by the vaccine hysteria. She got the Moderna one a number of months ago and she rattled on proudly about how giddy she felt going to get the shot, said she felt like she was "doing something for humanity" in getting the vax. A number of us in the family have been attempting to enlighten her about the truth of the vaccines, and as a result, she seems decided against getting the booster....for now. We'll see.

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Make sure she has the right medications on hand, as she IS likely to get sick. Also, she should have blood 25(OH)D tested. It should be >50. If not, or in absence of test, she may want to copy Fauci, who takes 6,000 IUs of D3 daily.

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I am 61. My wife. 62. She took the vaccine as she works on a military base. She is Okinawan. I’ve taught her, and she’s learned (even from Marines) to not let anybody walk all over her. We taught her well. But this….this is an individual choice. They threatened everyone with their job for non compliance. She is also very committed to helping our Marines. I don’t have the heart to tell her about the fetal tissue. I’m afraid she will be profoundly affected. I will let her find out on her own and offer support if and when she brings it up.

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they are upset that they fell in line. IMO if they submit their kids to the jab its child abuse.

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Sadly, they'll live to regret it.

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I got the jab, then heart problems. I truly regret getting it....happy to everyone that

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Check out the Mercola - Mikovits regimen for people who have got the vax. I already had some flutter but it got worse. But I think the regimen has helped me. I stay on a ketotic diet and take Ubiquinol, Cinnamon Bark, Berberine, Quercetin, and go to the sauna a lot.

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Can you give a link? I searched with several search engines but could not not find a protocol—need it for a family member. Thanks.

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Are you willing to elaborate?

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After 3 doctors told me I should get vaccine & much trepidation I did.

Heart beating uncontrollably, thought AF, took BP with monitor, somewhat elevated but not by much.

Went to cardiologist, they did 3 EKG's to verify I had irregular EKG's.

wore heart monitor to rule out AF, HP meds & now need to see Dr even 6 months, wear monitor & review status. Still have PVC's but not as bad as after the vaccine. Never had this before & always had excellent stress tests & echo's.

I know in my heart, ha, ha... it was the vaccine. Although Dr. shrugs that off.

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This happened to a friend of mine after vaccination. She does not see connection though. 😕

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That's too bad. Some people put entire control & faith in their doctors. I'm a bit of a skeptic. I'm happy to let people know, I did the research & I believe it was from the vaccine.

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so sorry to hear your experience! The worst part is having the medical establishment DENY any correlation between these EUA jabs and all the adverse events and deaths. Did you record your AE on VAERS? Please do, if you can.

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she doesn't want to

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If your doctors didn't order a D dimer they have done a great disservice to you. It's probably too late now.

Why doctors don't order it and the antibody test before referring patients to get the vax is beyond me.

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I requested the antibody test myself, it came back that I didn't have the antibodies. Your really have to be in charge of your own health concerns.

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fire that doctor.

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Sorry to hear about this for you.

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I'm 70 & was told you're not in the age bracket for heart problems from the vax

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Also had excellent stress test 2 months before vaccine

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That’s the way it SHOULD be.

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The Truth will Out Eventually !!

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Just say no, baby. We’re gonna win this thing. If they were in control, they wouldn’t be so bent. I saw a mayor walk into a school board meeting tell the board “It’s been brought to my attention that members of your faculty are exposing students to child pornography. I spoke to a judge and I’m going to give you a choice: resign or be charged. That’s your choice” Then he walked out. The parents were cheering wildly, the board was stunned. Then there’s Southwest Airlines pilots clogging up the airways. These companies DO NOT HAVE TO COMPLY. There IS no law mandating vaccines. Corporations are in on this. Shut them down. They’re going to fire you? Fire them. If other pilots stop complying, flights stop, commerce stops. You’ll see vaccinated go wild. We have to get to that point where the vaccinated will finally SEE what’s going on. We HAVE to get them to the “precipice of destruction. All of us regardless of party or affilliation have two things in common: we don’t tolerate someone pinching our wallets or hurting our children. Spread truth, say no.


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After almost 2 years of propaganda, the weak minded have succumbed to the lies. They've failed to ask questions or even entertain the possibility that the media is complicit with the government to scare people into submission to their mandates. My own family has continually admonished me for not drinking the kool aid. I've shared Alex's reporting throughout this pandemic, but the media's drum is louder and it's hard to get through to the media created zombies. I hope more journalists come out and acknowledge and report the truth. We must continue to resist!

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People I know who are usually thoughtful and discerning have succumbed to the wall narrative from our government and the MSM. Firstly, they terrified us all with the scenes of bodies piling us, morgues and undertakers being overrun, no place in grave yards. They terrified us first! Then we were told here was NO Cure! Then the miracle that could miraculously save us appeared. Is it any wonder that people (even those normally skeptical of the Government and the Media, ran to offer their arms up. I understand what happened as I too was terrified. But I have avoid pharmaceuticals and their dangerous products for 50 years. That is the only reason I too did not line up for the jab. It was made too quickly and the trials were inadequate. But I too was afraid. I have never seen such a lock down on the Truth. This is really frightening. Thank goodness for Alex Berenson, Dr. Mercola, Robert Kennedy and all the other brave Souls who are getting the truth about the harm these “gene therapies” have meant for many, short term and heaven only knows what might be their long term effects!

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Here’s something that was on the news… should change people’s minds. https://www.oann.com/conversation-on-covid-19-vaccines-from-health-freedom-conference/

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Tracing. This part I didn’t believe until now. More proof WE ARE NOTHING BUT CATTLE TO THEM subjugated to THEIR WILL. If they would do this to humanity, it begs the ????, WHAT IS NEXT on their AGENDA?

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This headline from ZeroHedge pretty much sums it up.....

"From '15 Days To Slow The Spread' To Dragging Thousands From Their Jobs Over Vaccine Mandates"

We Have Lost Our Way As A Nation !

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Depopulate. Kill. But only 95%of the global population. They’ll need slaves .,…and children….

You know….for sacrifices. Now completely sweep that out of your mind, because that’s not gonna happen. The patriots are in control. God guides the patriots

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Parents in our neck of the woods (Toronto) are leaning strongly to poisoning their kids with the experimental shot, judging from how many have already done so. End of August, we get an email from our older boy’s “elite” private school (ie, den of wokeness) announcing the vax mandate, even though the public school system hasn’t mandated anything yet. The boy applies for a religious exemption, as a Christian who abhors the link between the testing of Pfizer ‘vaccine’ with cells of aborted fetus (HEK-293). He wrote a magnificent submission, straight from the heart, with footnotes aplenty. They replied, “it’s incomplete without a letter from a religious leader.” Which they knew is difficult to get in Canada with most churches muzzled/intimidated by threats of fines (up to $500K for church and up to $10 million for church’s charitable entity!). After a gargantuan effort, literally contacting more than 50 different ‘religious leaders’ and with our own parish turning us down, we found two brave Christians who endorsed, in writing, our boy’s stand. The school relented and he now has to submit testing twice weekly. Unnecessary and inconvenient but better than the injection. I heard from a friend last night (German-trained engineer whose wife is a local university administrator, both devout Catholics with three small kids) that his and his wife’s religious exemption requests were denied, merely by referencing the Canadian archbishop’s (ie, spineless fake Christian collaborator) support of the jabs. He’s now planning to leave Canada around year end with his family but will have another challenge: our dictatorial government is instituting a flight ban on the unvaxxed in a few weeks! Unbelievable torment but all these actions worldwide are illegal and will likely fail in the end via the courts (especially if covid withers away), so the key is holding the line. Good luck to us all!

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I guess the question is how much will “they” destroy before they are made to stop?

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As much as they possibly can, hence our opposition is critical. They’re counting on most people to roll over…

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Oct 17, 2021
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Funny you should mention camps. A couple of months ago, the Canadian government announced they’re planning on doing just that. Calling them “safe voluntary isolation sites,” they’re saying they’re doing it as a favour to citizens who live in cramped quarters and need larger “safe” areas to recover from covid. Bad things are on the horizon unless we all stand up! https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2021/08/government-of-canada-announces-funding-for-covid-19-safe-voluntary-isolation-sites-in-ontario.html

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Those that took the jab---are so remorseful in their weakness for having submitted that they want (you) the unvaccinated to join with them in their now non reversible poor decision.

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The anger the jabbed project toward us is really fear. They fear the consequences they can’t undo.

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That’s true for many of them. Others are completely brainwashed and actually believe the government propaganda. Still others succumb to peer pressure. The vast majority in Canadians have folded which is beautiful for the dictators in charge. They surely didn’t expect it to be this easy?

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Many need to hold their jobs to feed their children so NO judgement there. The only judgment is placed on the petty tyrants using illegal means to coerce the populace into taking untested 'vaccine'. The Nuremberg Code will hopefully be used to try and convict these tyrants in the near future.

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It's understandable...they were trusting institutions they SHOULD be able to trust. It's hard for them to wrap their head around the fact that people have been/are being so deceptive about this. I am slowly peeling back the layers with my own hubby who got it, and is really struggling to come to grips with the info he is now reading.

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Exactly right!

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Have been teaching preschoolers in DC for 40 yrs and continue to do so.

Refuse to wear a mask and share this news w/parents.

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Some recent quotes from your dear friend David:

"Immunization mandates aren't new. One helped win the American Revolution (yeah, we're still doing this."

"COVID's partisan pattern is growing more extreme," from the article, "Red COVID."

" While the Delta variant is a problem, vaccine hesitancy and skepticism and opposition is a bigger problem."

...I'd rather not "wish Dave luck today." I'd rather wish Dave kiss my white ass.

So the people who sign the people who sign his paycheck's paycheck are deciding to take another tack to calm down the apparent groundswell of ordinary people hating them, and figured, "let's start drawing down COVID so they'll listen when we start talking about climate lockdowns."

Unless someone admits their previous statements are WRONG, Alex, suddenly contradicting your consistent narrative doesn't read to me as stunning and brave, it reads as new marching orders or tacking with the wind.

Fuck "Dave." Let's go Brandon.

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I want to "love" this comment more than once. This "change" in Dave is so miniscule it's insulting. It's akin to finding common ground with a statement by the physicians doing Nazi "work" as the Nuremburg Trials come to closing arguments, "well... our medical experimentation on unwilling humans yielded a few incredible breakthroughs in scientific understanding... so at least there's THAT!" Oh yeah... THAT.... it's all okay then. (NOT.)

Admitting that poisoning children with this toxic big pharma sludge *might* not be called for by The (Actual) Science [TM] is no incredible moment of truth.

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Speaking of Nazi experiments, fun fact! A lawsuit is apparently underway in Poland that a Pfizer subsidiary/contract company did local vaccine testing on healthy, infant orphans.


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Taking a human life would forever scar me, but I would be on the firing squad if volunteers were needed after these folks are convinced.

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People can change; We'll have to see going forward if this is a honest change. It could be NYT is seeing some "writing on the Wall" regarding how the Covid narrative is collapsing. The Hardest Part is Waiting !

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Good luck with that. Be sure to keep reading.

This isn't "change." This is one article with zero context that doesn't acknowledge a year and a half of reporting the exact opposite.

Believe what you need to believe.

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The disconnect here is some reporters know the Data does not justify vaccines for kids,yet go ahead anyway out of obedience to the narrative. Step out of line and they will take you away !!

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I understand your disbelief, but even any acknowledgment could help this at least stop. I don't care if they "repent" or not. Just let the truth out!!!!

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If you don't acknowledge that a previous, contradictory statement was wrong, there's no evidence that a more recent statement is genuine or reflects an actual change of position- merely that the person is saying what they think will be well-received, or cynically following the prevailing wind.

Let's take a hypothetical neo-Nazi arrested for violent hate crimes, saying, "Jews are a cancerous festering mass that should be wiped from the earth."

After a jail term, he says, "Jews are wonderful and their right to exist should not be denied." Without hearing any of the middle of that process, would you have doubts as to the sincerity of the second statement, especially devoid of any practical action?

I would.

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Do you trust Trump? I do. But he says it.

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My point is that I trust people when what they say aligns with what they do and doesn't contradict what they said yesterday.

For all the criticism leveled at Trump's personal style, he overwhelmingly did (or tried to do) what he said he would do.

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The Truth will Out Eventually !!

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The truth has arrived. THIS is where we are. Listen to Trump. He hasn’t been wrong YET

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He could be a smart rat fleeing a sinking vessel. If he hurries, he’ll get a good jump on all the other rats and maybe cut himself a good deal with …whoa,whoa,whoa….

WotthuHell am I thinkin’? If this is military tribunals aint gonna be nobody making deals……

“Book ‘um, Danno”

🌈Man I love this place🏝

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I'm with you.

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Thanks for bringing this take on it and now that I think about it more, one does have to question the motive behind the piece. Was it really authentic or a tactic from the employer.

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Don't get me wrong, it's right and good to have hope, but I'd rather have REAL hope- this is a far cry from an honest speaking of the truth.

I strongly suspect this was an attempt to test the waters and see if a more moderate take- while still remaining firmly pro-vax and pro-lockdowns- would get better feedback from readers.

"Outlets" are never genuine, even when they're saying something you want to hear. We need to remember that.

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Very true!

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Damn. Should have read the article before getting a glimmer of hope, sounds like. Sigh…

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Unfortunately, David Leonhardt uses this SAME article to say that (notwithstanding his other comments0 workplace vaccine mandates are justified. WTF?? In an article that acknowledges the vaccines don't work (finally!), there is total logical disconnect by Leonhardt on a sane path forward. Unjabbed kids enjoy far better risk-profile status on COVID than their jabbed grandparents... and so do unjabbed 45-year-olds! How about the rest of us (not in the high-risk elderly group) that apparently (per Leonhardt) don't get to opt out of the mass self-inflicted biological experimentation gone wrong?

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Yep. I don't know why everyone's celebrating this article. Have they gotten that desperate for a crumb of hope?

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I am that desperate, unfortunately. It's looking bleak out there, and any admission by the NY Times is a step, albeit a tiny one.

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...including the end of the article where he basically reverses all of it by telling you and your kids to go and get vaccinated anyway?

Cool to have low expectations, I guess.

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I still have high expectations for humanity and that we will will overcome this dark period, but very low expectations for the NY Times that is particularly egregious to censoring "all the news that's fit to print."

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And it's not cool to have low expectations, it's super depressing. :D Working on it.

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Thats called CYA

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Check out this article from boriquagato on substack: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/lion-awake

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Well, I didn't read the article - I only saw Alex's snippets. But I have been around this circus long enough to know that these articles often pin a tiny morsel of truth within their typical narrative. What's shocking is that the fact-checkers find that kernel of truth and crucify the writer for it, even though he tried to follow the rest of the narrative as expected.

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a glimmer of truth

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WTF exactly!

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Probably trying to keep his job there. NYT Lies is the Core of the Covid narrative, so he can't go against it

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I cancelled my subscription to NYT and Wapo over their lies. Felt like they were not only lying but practically inciting violence by a vigilante mob of commenters against anyone questioning it.

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Unfortunately it will not stop them to mandate vaccines for kids. Common sense was the first casualty of covid.

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The disconnect here is some reporters know the Data does not justify vaccines for kids,yet go ahead anyway out of obedience to the narrative. Step out of line and they will take you away !!

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I have been thinking that lyric in my head often lately. I guess I’m at the age where music of my youth was genuinely anti-establishment.

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Or more precisely.....by DMB

If you don't get in line

We're gonna put you away

If you don't get in line

We'll lock you away

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The American Academy of Pediatrics- pushing hard for the child covid vaccine- is sponsored by Pfizer- all you need to know.

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Another ray of sunshine. That and Abbott finally stepping up to the plate. And the lovely SWA employees! LETS GO BRANDON!

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Mandate nonsense is steadily crumbling. I'm holding out against my employer waiting for the foundation of this ridiculous movement to fade. Ultimately, I may get fired. We need more of this type of data published by MSM to rouse the folks still trying to ride the fence. If Biden's numbers go any lower, his handlers may back off. Probably not ...

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Me too. My current exemption at work is valid through Dec. 31st, then they will "reassess".


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Good for you! I’m doing the same. It makes me sad and angry but freedom does come at a price and sacrifice. It’s horrible to even be put in this position so praying for the best at this point.

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Here are the really frightening lines in that NYT report, "All of which raises a thorny question: Should young children be vaccinated? I know some readers will recoil at the mention of that question, but I think it’s a mistake to treat it as unmentionable. There is not the scientific consensus about vaccinating children that there is about adults." So large numbers of NYT readers operate on the premise that once there is a "scientific consensus" then putatively dissident views become unmentionable? Who are these people? Have they never studied science or the history of science?

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One must remember these are the same people who sagely nod upon hearing “the Science is settled” … as if that is a thing. <sigh>

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Dave missed the other elephant in the room re: kids & injections. The injections are FAR MORE DANGEROUS to children than the virus. I actually believe this is the case for most demographics, but since we're talking about kids, I'll leave it there.

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Convinced that the MMR, et al, vaccines cause Type 1 (childhood onset) diabetes. Vaccine pushers know the vaccines cause childhood afflictions but they believe the good outweighs the bad (or the profits make it worth it). No one outside the vaccine pushers could fund research to prove this, so they remain "immune" from all liability, of course.

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I believe that traditional childhood vaccines cause many of the conditions like ADHD, autism, and anxiety and depression after puberty- because all of those conditions start children on a lifetime of expensive prescription drugs- money in the bank to big pharma. Big Pharma is a multi billion $ industry- they are not in business to make people healthy. Scientists are just as easily bribed and bought as easily as any greedy human being without a moral compass. The CDC and NIH are funded by Gates- who has a very clear agenda - and also sponsored by big pharma - both agencies are heavily financially invested in vaccines sold by their sponsors. That's a giant red flag that's been completely ignored. Most people put their health in the hands of "experts". But those experts are beholden to big pharma. The American Academy of Pediatric's biggest donor is Pfizer. The AAP is promoting- pushing- the vaccine for kids. Major conflict of interest. The medical profession has lost any and all integrity and cannot be trusted whatsoever- with few exceptions.

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Too late for us. We're picking a nice school in a nice red state for next year. Governor Newsom can eat my shorts.

Oh but he mandated a gender neutral toy section while all the CA farmland is crumbling into a dust bowl. What a douche.

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And, how did you get the gumption to move. My husband and I need to, but our 15 year old is NOT interested. Our 12 year old is ready. If we wait until our oldest graduates before moving, I'm concerned the borders of our blue state will literally be sealed off to us.

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Utah. My son is 13. He is ready to be done with all the masks, fear and threats. When I told him "we could be living somewhere where we never have to think or talk about ANY of this" he was interested. Also he can still play MInecraft with his couple of good friends here, otherwise he knows Covid will still keep his social life at a trickle.

I think going to a baseball game is part of what sold him, we were in the bleachers and life was just like back to normal. 1 in 20 wore a mask, no one gave a grap, everyone just went about enjoying the game normally. I think he wants a life like that again just like we do.

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Planning a move in the next year, good to hear your story. I think about this every day, as I am in CA and love to support brick and mortar, but ALSO will not shop where they require masking, and that is my thought, too: IMAGINE not having to spend this time and energy planning where I will go just to get basic goods, much less, ooh luxury, browse in a bookstore. Am on remote work for my exemption, but am walking away from a teaching job because, well, working at a blue-state state university kinda red-pilled me long before all this crime against humanity happened. For an institution that bleats "diversity" at every turn, one of the first things I asked was, how is it diverse to mandate everyone there have the v? Hypocrites.

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Good luck!!! I wish you well. Get out of that crap state.

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Arizona is happy to take any red californians. We are a red state. just have SOS that stole our election and a gov that won't do anything about it. please come and leave the blues in CA.

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Go for it dad. Move. 👍

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Amazing! Happy for you and your family Eric. Inspiring.

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So awesome!!

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As parents you run the household. You’re in charge not your child. Do what’s best for you and your family. Get the hell out.

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Which state? I always like to ask where the smart people are heading.... :-)

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For real! Wow — maybe we’ll all meet up one day!

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good for you. we are in canada. we pulled our kids from the system. its way too fkd up here now. it was before now its literally INSANE.

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Which red state did you pick? We are leaning towards Florida (also soon to be ex CA)

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We like Utah -- just as beautiful as California, plus freedom, real seasons, more water.

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Of course the sheeple who want vaccine and mask mandates, including children, get mad when challenged. It's because they think they are morally superior and when they find out that the vaccine could actually be risky for their kids (and unnecessary), their self image of being compassionate and intelligent crumbles.They are unable to face the fact they may actually have caused harm physically and emotionally. Not to mention that they were the products of bad parenting themselves and were never told they were wrong. Everybody gets a trophy society creates a bunch of self absorbed people who can't think critically of their own actions.

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This headline from ZeroHedge pretty much sums it up.....

"From '15 Days To Slow The Spread' To Dragging Thousands From Their Jobs Over Vaccine Mandates"

We Have Lost Our Way As A Nation !

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Millions. Millions (not just thousands) of Americans will lose jobs over mandate!

I count 42 million Americans over 18 unvaxxed.

Not sure how many of those are working, but I still think millions are going to lose jobs

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Oct 12, 2021
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I agree. The "greater good" ones aren't aggressive, but they are included in the morally superior group. They don't understand individual freedom because they weren't taught history properly and they were told they were "special " as a child and were constantly rewarded for mediocrity. It's actually not their fault. It's the fault of parents not teaching them merit based rewards .

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Yeah, and also, just ask yourself, or them: where was your greater good mentality before the scamdemic? Were you off social media then, for the greater good? Did you refuse to buy goods made in China, for the greater American good? Did you cut down on water usage, for the greater environmental good? Please. No, you were a sheep then, sheep now.

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But he still says that he will vax his kids ANYWAY in the newsletter! Makes no sense!

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It makes plenty of sense. These sudden confessions are meaningless. I understand Alex is loyal to his old Pravda friends and wants to see the best in them, and that's fine.

This isn't news. This is a sworn propagandist making a calculated move, which is why it contradicts everything else he's said and everything else he will say, without acknowledging the contradiction.

When people actually have a change of heart, they have no problem acknowledging their previous position was wrong.

Don't listen to a word of this toilet paper until the words "we were wrong" are ever printed.

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Wow! The ability to trace us from the vaccine plus the damage to our own God-Given superior immunity is nothing less than the largest scale ever CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

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This is bothersome to say the least. How did the airport find out the vac card was fake? We are in trouble like never before.

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Fake vaccine cards were always a sham. The data collection at injection sites is over the top. At the large-ish scale sites I've seen two people standing at a computer check you in, Then you escorted to an injection area where there;s another computer and three people. One person injects, another enters data into a 2nd computer, and a third staffer filling out the card, and witnessing. No shots in doc's offices. No shots by anyone who knows you.

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That could explain why airport workers knew the card was fake.

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Just like the stories from the vaccine injured where they always throw in at the end “but I’m still glad I got it and encourage all to do the same”. The propaganda is sickening.

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Some people are even happy they died. Or their relatives are.

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CYA on his part...Still wants paid !!

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This article actually angers me. Alex, did you even read it? Your buddy Dave presents compelling evidence that the vaccine isn’t protecting the sick and elderly (and maybe if that demographic was actually included in the abbreviated trials, they’d have known that, but I digress…), and unvaccinated children are at virtually little to no risk from Covid. Dave then goes on to say that “if I had young children, I would vaccinate them without hesitation.” “IF” is the operative word here. It seems Dave needs to throw that statement in as a means to appease the management, but he is not actually going to have to make that decision to put his children’s health at risk and deal with whatever consequences follow. That’s a pretty big “if.”

In my opinion, Dave only accomplishes to weaken his prior arguments; he's essentially ignoring the real data he just presented by reinforcing the NYT/MSM/governmental narrative once again: disregard the facts, and get vaccinated at any cost. No sane parent would put an experimental drug in their children when the risk of the vaccine (known & unknown) far exceeds the risk of the disease itself. Immunocompromised Granny has a lot more things to worry about than just one respiratory virus called Covid.

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I completely emphasize with this response. It’s maddening in the areas that you point out. But I wouldn’t underestimate how much of an impact the truth telling about the data can have — or at least that’s my greatest hope. I write this while my healthy 10 year old’s entire class is in “quarantine” from their public school in SF because someone had a “close contact” with someone who tested positive. My 7 year old son astutely asked me why he was still supposed to go to school (they live in the same home!) and I had to explain that these are arbitrary rules made by grownups to make them feel safe. I might have said something about everyone doing their best and being kind to each other. (I’ve gotta give my kids hope!) But of course parents are just going to give their kids the damn shot to avoid these inane rules — not everyone can stay home to quarantine their (healthy) child. But maybe, just maybe, I pray some people who are on the fence will read Leonhardt’s piece while drinking their coffee this Am, and pause to reconsider.

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Also for some inspiration, read and share this piece by el gato malo: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/lion-awake

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Good for your 7-year old to ask the question about a rule that makes absolutely no sense. Adults don't seem to be capable of that anymore. My children are young adults now, but if I was in your situation, I'd start asking around and organizing a walk-out with like-minded parents if vaccine mandates are imposed. Put together a plan now so you're ready. Pull the kids from class and band together to watch kids whose parents have to work. Schools can't operate or get funded if they don't have students in the classroom. People have to remember that the teachers and school boards work for them and get paid with their tax dollars. There is power in numbers. Good luck!

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Great response!!!

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its like everytime robert malone speaks. i appreciate that he is trying to stay "relevant" by endlessly ending every statement with "it is recommended for the older at risk populations" but this makes me really mad bc PLEASE TELL ME HOW. how is it possibly helpful for ANY human on the face of this planet to be loaded with spike proteins and inflammation and all insanity like turning off innate immunity and doing endless damage to leukocytes, lymphocytes, CRP...just the list is endless. NO IT IS NOT SAFE FOR ANY HUMAN. end of story. no no no. and it angers me. bc then all these ppl my parents age feel like "well it was a good thing we did it, we get some protection even if short term" WTF are you talking about?? protection from...WHAT? the antibodies are to the spike protein. not to any virus. it makes me furious. i love malone but every time i hear this i am just like...why. you just want to take that middle safe ground but no. at least yeadon calls it like it is. so much more respectful. zelenko does too.

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The sad part is that children (under 18) have already received and died from the jab. The lying scum have hidden that information, so we can be guaranteed that future deaths from the jab will be hidden. Try convincing the woke otherwise; a waste of breath.

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And again why is nobody making a fuss about how Vitamin D may have a huge impact on Covid survivability.

Vitamin D Insufficiency May Account for Almost Nine of Ten COVID-19 Deaths https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33260798/

Note, that's from the NIH, people.

So where are the PSAs to take a Vitamin D supplement? It's a no-harm but apparently great benefit thing but all you hear are stuff about how it is wrong not to take the vax.

It's almost enough to make you believe in conspiracy theories.

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There's no billions to be made in Vitamin D. (sarc)

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That's not sarcasm :-)

The point you are making is excellent, but thinking about it little deeper is when you really get sick.

I mean, you can get why Pfizer & Moderna are pushing Vitamin D, but our public health agencies? Asking that turns over a rock where you see something really ugly beneath.

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One local doc told my friend to avoid taking too much vitamin D. I spewed my coffee because I learned in grammar school that the body does not store vitamin D.

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I think you can take too much Vitamin D. IIRC, the typical pill in a OTC supplement is about 6x what your body needs. I'm taking one of those pills a day but I'm not going over that. Remember, it's not being supersaturated that helps you with C-19, it just not having a deficiency.

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This is certainly good news.

But I also remember an NYT article about a year ago questioning the accuracy of the PCR test, and correctly noting that they were over counting Covid cases.

Never withdrawn, but you can see how much impact that tiny sliver of accidental journalism had too.

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They allow a little bit of truth to slip in occasionally while they bombard the public with propaganda.

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The NYTimes is in the slow group but better late than never. Too late though for all the NPR listening legions who already jabbed their 10 year old with an adult dose.

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The open minds of the leftists will not be changed. They will frog march their children into the needle anyway.

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"Open minds"...lol, never had a conservative family member or friend defriend me on FB but the liberals ones....oy. They cannot handle a different opinion. The definition of a closed mind.

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I think that's because they feel extremely stupid when you show them the reams of real-world data showing NPIs do nothing at all. They simply won't accept they were lied to.

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If you get a chance, tell David Leonhardt that getting it right a year and a half too late shows cowardice, not courage. And BTW, Trump Won.

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I get the morning newsletter and saw the article. I am constantly challenging people against putting the "experiment" into their kids. Dr. Scott Atlas said this during his interview on the American Thought Leaders podcast: “To me, it’s unconscionable that a society uses its children as shields for adults. Children do not have a significant risk from this illness… Are we [as] a society, a civilization … going to inject our children with an experimental drug that they don’t have a significant benefit from, to shield ourselves?”

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Long story short, NY Times ‘report’ is not ‘news’. It’s been discussed for months outside MSM based on ACTUAL science. Yet Berenson and others who dared to discuss it were cancelled and demeaned. And there is no attempt to ‘clear the record’ and admit they were wrong to cancel and demagogue. Those good Americans are just left to smolder in the burnt earth of MSM cronies.

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meanwhile, it looks like COVID may have wiped out influenza, which apparently is not unprecedented historically (https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/the-disappearance-of-influenza). if that is in fact the case, and if it's true that COVID is less dangerous to kids under 17 than common cold and flu (it almost certainly is), then KIDS ARE SAFER FROM RESPIRATORY ILLNESS TODAY THAN THEY WERE PRE-COVID! yet we mask them at schools, force them to quarantine, cancel their social events and agitate for forced failed, experimental, myocarditis inducing vaccinations??? we're in bizarro land guys.

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I bet the annual flu shot is still going to be the next one mandated, even if the flu doesn't exist anymore.

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I think what is missing in the data is how many jabbed elderly are dying in a few months after the jab. Our local paper is FILLED with obits for the 70-90 ages, and I know a few who were doing fine until jabbed and then they just slowly slid down the cliff to death.

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Yes, I'm hearing stories all over the place of elderly (70 plus) dying suddenly of heart attacks. Curious, this!

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Me too. Several friends in their 60s and 70s who have gotten the jab have died within months. This is one of the many untold stories and incredibly heartbreaking.

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I'm with the guy in the comments who says Leonhardt needs to admit that he was wrong in previous articles he wrote. Otherwise I think this will just skate by the cult minds who subscribe to NYT.

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Yes, I agree. The subscribers will skate by and/or applaud themselves for reading an unbiased newspaper with the highest level of journalistic standards.

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Tell the truth, or at least don't lie.

The more this is done the easier time we'll have in righting the ship.

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But the rest of the article is all about vaccinations that need to be done to everyone. The author say he would vaccinate his eligible children with no hesitation. He contradicts himself, states the facts about children then says he would still do it….

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well, he has to declare his allegiance or they wouldn't let the article be published

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"That's different from what the initial vaccine data suggested."

How many times did you point out that the trials deliberately excluded old and at risk people? Of course the real world was going to be different.

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I can't help but feel a disaster is not far off. The push on this vaccine alone tells my gut there's a agenda behind it and it's not a good one.

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October 07, 2021

"The fact is, this has been a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals, overrunning emergency rooms and intensive care units. The unvaccinated patients are — are leaving no room for someone with a heart attack or in need of a cancer operation and so much more because they can’t into the ICU. They can’t get into the operating rooms.

The unvaccinated also put our economy at risk because people are reluctant to go out. And think about this: Even in places where there is no restriction on going to restaurants and gyms and movie theaters, people are not going in anywhere near the numbers because they’re worried they’re going to get sick." ~ Joe Biden.

Let's Go Brandon.

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Public sentiment is turning. I feel it. It’s taken way too long but it’s not too late to turn this mess around. Everyone needs to speak out and act out. Reclaim reality.

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Also, jabbing the children to protect the elderly—with an experimental medical product still in trials—is clearly irrational.

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I read the piece but at the end he stills says … “IF I had young children, I would vaccinate them without hesitation.”

I don’t know… yes I guess it is good news for a NYT article to finally admit something like this but clearly it makes no difference.

Maybe if he actually had kids he would rethink that position.

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I don't like "IF" . How can one truly know "IF" they don't have the same parameters as a parent?

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It is so very disturbing to even think about injecting this substance into the children or pregnant women. No one has a clue as to what Long Term effects these children and babies may suffer. This is SHOCKING ! It disturbs me greatly ! Why is this not allowed to be discussed ? hmmm Are people so lazy they won't even do any research at all ?

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Umm, abortion, critical race theory, transgender glorification…

Any other leftist narratives that sell death, hate, anti procreation?

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Wow. Very well said. 👍

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Yes, it's disturbing. I listen to Dennis Prager, and he blames much of the sheeple behavior on college educations. In my family, only my son didn't finish college, and he is the superior critical thinker. It is squelched in college for the greater good of a progressive society.

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They’ve been conditioned to not question those in power (and I suspect some are both lazy/in denial).

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Are people lazy? Yes, thanx to technology. We've invented a new form of lazy and it's here to stay.

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This headline from ZeroHedge pretty much sums it up.....

"From '15 Days To Slow The Spread' To Dragging Thousands From Their Jobs Over Vaccine Mandates"

We Have Lost Our Way As A Nation !

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Even some on the NYT see the truth which is amazing. Good for him. Let's see the pushback from other branches of the DNC controlled media. Not to mention the Biden Administration.

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It’s probably just a random coincidence but all of the last 10 or so cases of COVID I have heard about have all happened to vaccinated people.

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Same here.

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Yes, but his article also encourages the elderly to get the boosters & he would not hesitate to vax his kids if he had any. That’s easy to say when you don’t have kids. But in either case, he is still promoting the poison….

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This entire vaccine program is ridiculous and dangerous. The facts are emerging. The vaccines are far less effective than advertised, and they always were. The people at greatest risk from the virus benefit far less than advertised. The vaccines are far more dangerous than anyone let on.

I'll start with the Clausen study appearing in Trends in Internal Medicine. Dr. Clausen reexamined the three vaccine trials using a stronger endpoint "all cause severe morbidity" instead of the far weaker symptomatic case. He found all three vaccines had more severe events in the vaccinated control group than the unvaccinated. You say why "all cause severe morbidity"? Because cyanide would be the most effective cancer therapeutic known otherwise. After all, no one who takes cyanide dies of cancer.

Then there are various studies analyzing the VAERS data. All show significant vaccine risk. Correlation doesn't equal causation, but there is a curious temporal relationship in the VAERS data. 37% of all reported vaccine deaths occur within 3 days of receiving the jab. Between VAERS, UK yellow card system, and EUdraVigilance over 45,000 deaths were reported so far.

A study out of Israel examined an outbreak in a hospital with over 96% vaccinated. Among the 42 outbreak cases, 38 were fully vaccinated. One had one jab. Three weren't vaccinated. Five of the vaccinated died. None of the unvaccinated died. The population was generally older with comorbidities. If the vaccines aren't helping the elderly with comorbidities, what's the point really?

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And yet Leonhardt still advocates for vaccination of the elderly based on the assertion that it improves survival rate for those who develop Covid-19 (I doubt the truth of that for *all-cause mortality* at one year post-full-vaccination, but I digress).

Why have I never seen a risk analysis for any age group, but particularly for 60+ or 65+, that *includes* risk reduction due to use of MATH+ or other Ivermectin-inclusive prophylaxes/therapies for their affects on absolute risk of long Covid or death?

It should be easy to stratify: Unvaccinated, no intervention; Unvaccinated; MATH+ (or similar); Vaccinated with mainstream treatment; and Vaccinated, MATH+ (or similar) treatment.

I know why no mainstream source would crunch the numbers, but someone from FLCCC or elsewhere among the sane really ought to graphically depict how insane it is to make vaccination the singular approach to surviving a pathogen that was never very dangerous ***and for which effective treatments exist***.

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Yup. A bunch of kiddos in my area are getting Covid. All of them pass through it without much. Most wouldn’t even know they were sick if they didn’t have to get tested to go back to school. No one under 30 has died in my county of 500,000 people from the Covid.

That being said, I do know just as many older people who died from Covid who were vaxxed vs not vaxxed. I’m talking like people in their 80s/90s. The vaxx does not help a majority of them. Which is who we were most trying to protect.

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Really Alex? Sorry, unimpressed by this article, as it highlights a couple of truths and then mostly returns to media/govt talking points. The writer continues to push the untruths about unvaxxed more likely to transmit than vaxxed and how mandates at the workplace are justified, along with vaxxing his own kids. None of those are logical conclusions based on the truths originally highlighted. Apparently, he writes out of both sides of his pen. That’s not courage.

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In the states/areas that are reporting it, anywhere from 20% to 40% of all new severe COVID cases are in the vaccinated. In the areas where the data is showing 20% the info is older, usually from August. The worst case scenario is Vermont where 76% of all COVID deaths in September were in the fully vaccinated.


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Interesting. Note how the article spins the death #'s vs. vaxx #'s:

“For example, there were a total of 33 deaths (as of 9/24) among fully vaccinated people since January. This is a fraction of a percent of the vaccinated population – now nearly 450,000 people age 12 and older. This is an indicator that vaccines are working to protect the vast majority of Vermonters from the worst outcomes.

Looking at Worldometer #'s, the deaths are right up there with the time period back in 2020 when presumably no one was vaxxed. So this is working well how....?


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Yep, it's amazing how the entire article tries to spin the data to say how effective the vaccines really are.

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Eyes are opening.

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"Covid’s risk to healthy children is so low as to be difficult to quantify" So how does he justify needing to jab these kid's with an experimental drug with that has more risk than reward and no idea of long term consequences.

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It appears that the risk of the vaccine,far under reported, in children ,is far greater than the risk of this engineered virus.(see PeterDacsas video bragging about how easy it is to graft on to a “backbone” and produce a deadly virus) Myocarditis is NOT like the alleged electrical changes with HCQ,rare and NOT symptomatic,so, once again,they lie to us to continue the charade.

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Please get back to me when the number of Covid deaths in children equal the number of kids shot and killed in US. https://www.foxnews.com/us/more-kids-shot-chicago-died-covid-2021

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Good to see some truth in reporting. Next up the value of naturally acquired immunity.

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And perhaps a flawed test denying the "papers" to validate one's existence in society. It's coming...

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Go Dave! We need more brave people to come forward and speak the truth on Covid. If more reporters will come forward and tell the real story behind this scamdemic, perhaps these forced vax mandates will wain away just like the efficacy of the Gene therapy treatments.

Let’s go Brandon!

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Not good enough.

Promulgates two unsound rationales for child vaccinations. The first is immoral. The second is illogical.

1. “I’m worried kids would be vectors for vulnerable grandparents” aka “Children should be human shields for old people”

2. “Longterm covid infection risks are unknown…THerEfoRe longterm vaccine risks are less scary”

Both are still simply just rationalizations that mask the real reason that people will inject their children with these potentially profoundly damaging treatments that are not adequately tested:

Cowardice. Fear of ostracism. And wanting an easy life.

I don’t buy the “stupidity” and “ignorance” excuse anymore.

I used to wonder why less than 1% of Germans resisted. Now, I understand why fewer than 1% of my friends are worth keeping.

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Anthony Fauci is a Humanist. He proudly accepted the Humanist of the Year for 2021.

Humanism is the religion of the Anti-Christ in Revelation 13. What a coincidence!

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Since when has it become settled science that the unvaccinated spread Covid more than the vaccinated?

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Only when trying to justify mandates and to control the behavior of others.

It's convenient in the same way covid honors your time-out when actively eating or drinking in a restaurant.

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