First you force somebody to get multiple injections of something that enhances the viruses ability to infect. Then you blame the constant infections on people not wanting to take the injections that caused them to have multiple infections! Do I have it about right there Albert? Film Flam

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We all knew they would blame the unvaccinated. This guy was talking with Klaus about vaccine compliance. Imagine that - private company CEO talking about customers refusing to take their crappy product as non-compliant individuals. This tells everything about where their thinking is.

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Something like 50% of all the dollars spent during the pandemic came from the feds printing press. I'm sure there's a bigger picture here.

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I really think you guys should get in there and smash up those printing presses whilst you still have some trees left and your dollar is still worth more than the value of the paper it is printed on! You are already technically BANKRUPT!!!

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

Quite explicitly bankrupt since Richard Milhous Nixon reneged on Bretton-Woods obligations. All US regimental and Federal Reserve securities are dishonored.

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Big useless government social programs and bureacracies require fiat money. Lots of it. Got any ideas how to back up and out of this mess?

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James Wesley, Rawles' proposals?

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Ho hum. We've been through worse, before, under Nixon and Carter.

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Zade, The fact that you lumped Nixon and Carter together in your "worse" statement, shows you're either ignorant or an Ivey league college graduate, but I repeat myself. History lesson; Nixon was railroaded by a corrupt prosecutor, Old Killary herself was thrown off the prosecution team after being caught injecting false evidence (continues today). As for Carter, a complete and utter buffoon who never saw a leftist policy to take down capitalism he didn't like. Neither of these men were 1% as corrupt as the disgrace that China installed as our current administration. How is anyone still fooled by these clowns? They openly admit everything they do is to bring our country down, all in the name of a hoax called climate change. Not one policy has been to help this nation prosper in wealth or as a society. Our Divided States of America has never been closer to the brink of communism than what you see today. It's not time for Ho Hum attitude, this ship is taking on water at an accelerated rate, better start bailing.

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I am NOT an Ivy League graduate, but I'll overlook that slur. Nixon was the one who opened trade with Communist China after so many years of "China is the Antichrist". He opened doors so Coca Cola could peddle its rotgut to the Chinese. At the time I thought it was not just evil but insane. And that is probably what led to China's being powerful enough (since they hold our national debt) to install this utter moron and his crew of puppetmasters in the Executive Branch.

It's a mess, you got that right. What I absolutely reject is the fear porn that sits and wrings its hands but doesn't have any ideas. Unless of course you have some. And don't bother trotting out crypto. Another joke.

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I wholeheartedly disagree. Progress in corruption, malevolent technology, modes of manipulation...

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

The exchange was about monetary inflation from running government printing presses. Do you think corruption, malevolent tech and manipulation just got invented? Read about the inflationary money policies under Lyndon Johnson, propagated forward by Nixon and then Carter. Nothing new.

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We’ve pissed off the world’s leading veterinarian.

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World's Leading Veterinarian fuckup? All those poor dead baby cows. He got an F then got promoted to humans. Lol.

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Thanks man. Typing while taking care of kids. Parenting and staying up to pace on maniacal James Bond villain shit going on sometimes causes a fat finger typo. I’ll try better

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This sums it all up.......

When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat.

George Carlin

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I like Film Flam better.

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Snake oil salesman with plans to develop tracking mechanisms to ensure citizens have consumed his snake oils.

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Excellent descriptor of all the clips from Davos.

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I like it better too, who called the grammar police??

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It is the same thing, but just when it is captured on film.

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Nicely done, hopefully there will be no objections from the grammar Police👮‍♂️

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Speaking of Bond villains, Bourla looks like he has one of those Klaus Schwab spaceship outfits in his closet.

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RemovedMay 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022
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I'm not interested in any job that requires knee pads.

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Sarah please stay on topic

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website blocked due to fraud - beware

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Wait. What? Is that ten grand I just sent on shaky ground?

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C’mon mannnn

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You're fine. Stay sane.

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Haha! True. It is literally James Bond villain territory that's for sure!

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It's HARDER! ;)

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How do you know flim flam didn’t mutate due to vaccine enhancement?

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Hahaha good one.

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With a goodly portion of fresh Malarkey swirled-in!

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Until I saw this reply my brain thought I'd read "flim flam". I'm guessing auto-correct is the culprit on that one.

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Stupid autocorrect.

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Sociopathy: deny there are problems and consequences, then project it out on dissenters it is their fault, and deserving of them harmed; then deflect it is just the nature of the problem and other people weren’t prepared, then, minimize that people could have had it worse without treatment…

Then finally, when about to get crushed by irrefutable facts and outcomes, the pathological rationalization: these businesses dabbled irresponsibly in health care interventions without knowing what they were doing, made shitloads of money, feel they are impervious to consequences, and tell us all to get fucked…again!

You know, how five years olds problem solve…

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Serious Truth right here🙌 As a 🇨🇦 with a Sociopath as our PM I can seriously confirm that what you say is gospel truth👍

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My sister is still fighting the side effects of the Pfizer jab 12 months later. She is paying for both drs/expensive prescription out of pocket. They are starting to help. thank God for the doctors that are standing by and helping their patients.

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The best covid treatment story is about the LA Dr. who founded a bio company. It's publicly traded on the NASDAQ. He hired two professional hitmen to kill some guy in Vermont. Sounds like a movie script.

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What is this story? Link?

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What??!! 😳😳😱 Link please!!

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I don't want to be the next guy on the hit list. wsj.com biotech founder arrested in murder for hire scheme. Dr. Serhat Gumrukcu Enochian BioSciences

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It seems this has nothing to do with Covid nor vaxx, according to the report at https://www.biospace.com/article/enochian-biosciences-cofounder-charged-in-murder-for-hire-scheme/

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Review Cloward & Piven for the confusion of Maxism/socialism transition. First we kill the old people.

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Genius. Evil as hell, but genius. Completely sick, twisted, diabolical, but genius. This has been in the making at least 120 years, perhaps more.

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Vahlhammer, exactly how did the multiple injections enhance the virus's ability to infect?

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Check out Antibody Dependence Enhancement (ADE).

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Thank you Barbara.

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Also check out vax damage to the innate immune system (VAIDS). Also, “original antigenic sin” biasing the immune system to the original spike so it mounts a deficient response to variants.

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“The important shortcomings and abusive usage of scientific literature and data have no place

in a scientific journal. Therefore, we request that this article is retracted in an effort to prevent

further damages to health care policies”




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If the jabs don’t harm the immune system, why are the most jabbed jurisdictions experiencing the highest covid case rates?

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deletedMay 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022
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mRNA is like an email gone viral. It travels throughout your body leaving it message in your muscles like your heart, in your brain, in your balls, your ovaries, EVERYWHERE. It is the very essence of infection.

Now the message! The so called vaccines contained the spike protein which we now know is TOXIC. This was supposed to be identified and destroyed. Instead it became inflammatory. That's a normal condition when we are stressed. It's like a fire alarm, except now the spike is already embedded in YOUR tissues. Not mine because at 72, with a degree in science communication, I did a little research and said NOT NO, BUT FUCK NO.

Now fuck off lib-bot.

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I am a 70 yo engineer, used to thinking critically. Never even considered the jab.

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I am a 67 yr old dental hygienist and my rudimentary understanding of viruses made this jab a clear NO. But then all those ‘very smart’ doctors (family members), much more educated than I, quickly let me know I was ignorantly mistaken. 🤯

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Obviously you are the smart one. They are "educated". I will go with SMART! You are that. Instinctive, ignorantly mistaken lol ....thank you for your well-honed instincts!

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How many contracted the virus? It’s been going around here and everyone we know that’s been sick has-you guessed it-been jabbed. Multiple times.

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My "get the jab or you will die" goddaughter/niece (God love her) refers to herself as a "scientist." She has an English degree from Villanova (which is pretty good actually). PS - "consultant" to Pfizer.

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"Nothing so prepares you for a lifetime of dedicated useless unhappiness as four years of majoring in English"

-- Stewart Brandt, Editor Emeritus of "The Whole Earth Catalog."

...Unless, like me, it's 6 years wasted on a music degree...

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How do my comments not make it through according to a substack notification? Life is short and the digital world mysterious.

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Don't sweat the small stuff!

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I'm a 68 year old physicist and used logic: the spike protein kills us--the mRNA shots get our cells to crank out lots of spike proteins---not just NO but HELL no!

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Right? Where is the critical thinking? Arrghhh!

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Most engineers I know bought in, with a vengeance.


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My sons and I are all engineers and none bought into the jab! Now you know of four who didn't buy in!

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Good job on raising those boys. I am 2 for 3 on my daughters.

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I have tried to work with latest generation "engineers". 96% have NO capacity for critical thought, and think wishing makes it so. I happily retired the first day I qualified for Medicare. The world does not care what you believe.

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Glad you got out while the going was good. I know your kind....gurus of the infrastructure, look and assess in 5 seconds at a house or mainframe or lunch. We would follow your call. Yep this next generation is entitled and not invested in what they paid a lot of money for (career......snigger). I hope you have a wonderful retirement! Put in your time, energy, knowledge, empathy....you are irreplaceable.

I couldn't spel enjinere now I are one!

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I’m also a 70 year old engineer…and no vacuum for me! We had it early (Jan 2021) and tested positive for antibodies…so we’re all done!

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Fear took over thought process in a lot of people

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I don't think that is unusual though and big Pharma knows what a terrific motivator fear is.

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Strangely so. I'm an engineer and I had no doubt about this marvel . What truly surprises me is that so many fell for it. To their peril. Is Bourla just bwoke or just greedy?

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When and how many blood clot poison shots did Ray Liota get? 🤔 guy seemed healthy to me , a young 67....dead in his sleep....from let's wait and see...Alex, regarding School shooting, how does a Wendy's worker high school drop out afford 2 very unique ar 15s and gun and tons of ammo worth $5,000 and a $$65,000 new pick up....oh btw his family said he does not have a driver's license 😉....well trained and supplied by who.....let's take a wild guess CIA mk ultra program....this stinks to high heaven

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Depeche Mode andrew fletcher also died today. 60.

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and the drummer from Yes.

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Both news are very distressing. Loved them both. Taken too soon.

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What? Which one? (Bill or Alan?) I will search and post back :-)

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Everyday I get the death alerts. It's incredible. :(

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Flew (flying enables blood clots) to DR so was vaxxed. Also promoted Chantix (another Pfizer cocktail) curing his smoking. If you are already blood-clot adverse, this is not good. Same thing Shane Warne in Thailand, age 52. And the widower of a teacher shot dead in Texas Tuesday, fatal heart attack today. In his forties. You know he was jabbed.

Yes that other stuff is becoming a bit too obvious now.

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I have been begging my family members not to get on airplanes ever since my old boss landed in LAX and had 3 strokes as soon as he stepped off the plane. He had been boosted the week before. Age 60, good diet, kept in shape. Paralyzed on his entire left side (jabbed on the right).

If you search "died suddenly" in Google News, its overwhelming how many people are dying while on vacation. Like you said, air travel only increases your risk of clots.

Heartbreaking to watch this shit unfolding everyday. Everyone in my family refuses to take this seriously. They keep lining up for more shots & then feel "safe" to travel the world.

There is nothing I can say that will get through to them. I fear they are going to have to learn this lesson the hard way, although I pray every night that it never comes to that.

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🇨🇦here. I am crying and furious as I type this. So god damn sick of doubting my gut plus ALL the research I do. So… yep… my Dad 86 now but was 85 & freshly boosted & plus double vaxxed too of course, & he hopped on a plane to Mexico as he does every year. This Year however, upon arriving in Mexico he immediately became paralyzed on left side. (Jabbed on right). Started in his foot & now has worked its way up to his knee. Guess what? 8 months & still hasn’t been able to see a Neurologist. Back in Canada since Feb. Told by Doctor it’s Neuropathy Pain. 😔😡 He btw is in fantastic health… was…for 86 year old. Could hardly keep up with on bike rides previously… and I run /workout 4-6 times a week. So yep… I have been saying for long time he likely had a stroke due to Vax but never to anyone but husband. For reasons this audience will understand right away. My Family thinks I am insane for abstaining.😔 So… any advice how to proceed with this confirmation re: my Dad?

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So I heard the pickup was the grandmother’s...but I haven’t confirmed that. Still, two long guns and .223, ain’t cheap.

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He posted somewhere he no longer had money problems. It will all be wiped from the GoogleNet very soon. Local news is still available. Apparently he couldn't drive, hence the off-road braking. I don''t know what to believe, only what I can see. We have 48 hours to gather and save the initial local voices. And then they will be wiped for eternity. Saw it happen a few times now.

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I wonder if he was on his way to the High School, but walked to the elementary school after he wrecked the truck.

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It belonged to his grandfather. that's what I've read in articles about the shooter.

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I heard it was registered in his name? Even so, this needs to be followed up.

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Also check out Dr Meryl Nass’s article about how normal people just don’t go take out a bunch of innocent kids. I think she also alludes to something like the CIA

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Wow, I do not know guns well and did not think of the cost of all that. And probably why he crashed the car. If he did spend all his time alone in his room the predators on the internet could surely get their mits on him. I read he dropped out due to being picked on and had a lisp. His family is clueless! It was their responsibility to get him help, get him to a different school…something. They failed him and then he screwed us. Took precious life away and affected many families forever. And sounds like there were clues in the way he treated his Wendy’s coworkers. The one coworker said she did not think he was serious about shooting the place up. How many times have we heard that story. People need to be reported. But then I would worry about retribution so probably why people don’t:(

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Uvalde TX is not far from the border. He may have been working for the cartels.

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Pretty good theory, they would gain as much as the Democrats would from a government gun grab. Too many connections within these tragic incidents.

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You Sir, are asking the right questions!

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Concerning the truck, from what I have read, he stole it from his grandmother after shooting her.

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What's really hateful is learning how much heavy lifting the Rothschilds and Rockefellers did on his behalf... 🤔

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He's the one who stole Jeff Lebowski's briefcase. You see what happens, Larry?

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I’m a healthy 80yo, highly and broadly educated, lifelong advocate for ‘natural’ health practices, no jabs, understand viruses and epidemics ... I deeply and broadly researched experts and the emerging covid hysteria and fear-mongering. With a 99+% recovery and robust natural immunity, there was no question of taking a highly experimental injection from criminal big pharma. (I think Pfizer has the highest ever court judgment for damages for injury/death.) As soon as the broad fear campaign began I knew there was an agenda, esp. after having earlier seen the high level Event 201 pandemic preparedness tabletop exercise video. Later on, I had symptomatic ‘covid’ (whatever it was), recovered well, and have immunity but am ostracized and demonized as being uncaring about others because I refuse the experimental jab, while I am actually a protector for others for now contributing to overall ‘herd immunity'. The jabbed are mentally beyond reasoning.

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I suspect the human race (or is that just a cultural designation) is splitting. Evolving. I don't hold out too much hope for the branch that follows Bigfarma(praise be upon him).

The "herd" may be heading lemming like to self destruction. They're lonely , dont want to go out by themselves. Want us to hold their hand all the way . Nay they insist on it.

Well. NO.

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Those who follow the pharma freak show schedule will all be dead soon.

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I don't like the pharma show either but I don't think they'll all be dead soon neither do I wish them so. I just need them to leave the rest of us alone.

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Sadly, I fear you're right and I have family members that were caught up in the fear of losing the ability to travel and visitation with grandchildren. This proven hoax is growing more tragic daily. It's not over, they're saying another round is coming. Brace yourselves.

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Your last sentence speaks volumes.

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Wow. So glad I stayed strong despite being shamed and otherwise ostracized. It gets in your junk?

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I have an MS and many, if not all, of my fellow PhDs in Microbiology are all jabbed and probably topped up! Maybe it’s good I got out of that biz. But now I am in health insurance and it’s just as bad! I was mandated there too. But I did not cave.

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Good for you. MS in molecular biology and biochemistry here and all my smart friends couldnt figure out why I wouldn't get the jab. Now I know 3 kids with autoimmune disorders, 3 adults with fast moving cancers and 2 friends dead in their 50s who were 'in good health'. I know it is anecdotal, but shit, my friend circle ain't that big. Gotta wonder!

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Love your response. 👍

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Funny that the FLCCC has to offer a treatment protocol for the vaccine recipients who have THE SAME ongoing SYMPTOMS as those who suffered COVID

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Same age and just a grunt and an anti-vaxxer all the way to hell and back.

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Yup. Were you a farm boy? We learned reality is sweat and blood and shit pretty early.

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Nice reply & on target!

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Really bizarre to call someone who links to Tom Cowan a “lib-bot”

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He didn't say the shot was infectious but that it's contents hampers the immune system permitting more infection. That has been proven.

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They’ve yet to disclose all ingredients.

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They never will. They can't. It would expose them.

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Similar to the one's in the white Russian that Jackie Treehorn gave to the Dude.

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I was talking about my rug... It really tied the room together.

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Now that made me laugh out loud!

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Very few but I’ve known a bunch of people who have died in their sleep in the last 6 months - 15 so far.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 29, 2022

I know 2 35 year old men, died in sleep weeks after the boosters....Nov 21 and Feb 22, and don't forget Franklin Graham the great hawker of the jabs to his millions of evangelicals. Look on his FB page....documented. Got his Moderna Boost and was in heart surgery for pericarditis within 3 weeks...removing his heart sack b/c it was clamping down on his heart and about to kill him. Any 'self-aware' person would have put 2+2 together and warned of his event....but NO, not one word, because of his arrogance and narcissism and unwillingness to be wrong. He charges ahead convinced that he is right.

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You mean the illness that has the exact same symptoms as “influenza” which has the exact same symptoms of other unspecified “influenza like illnesses” that the CDC references in their disease stats every year ?

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I'm still amazed that most of the ppl who get the flu, are the ones who get vaxx'd every year!? And it's well know the vaxx is only 50% effective for flu (and you can bet it's in truth lower than that now that we see how these statistics are really made up for sales of worthless vaxx). I've not had a vaxx since childhood and never for the flu, and only remember having the flu 3-4x in my 58 years.

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I knew one person that had it July 2020. Sick as a dog but survived. I know four people whom were fully jabbed and boosted got it January 2022. This is of friends, acquaintances and all of their friends. So nobody I knew dies and a total of 5 out of a guestimate of 300 people got the coof.

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Yes, I and most of my family had COVID, their plandemic worked perfectly. They spread a flu strain worldwide, told you to lock down and wear a mask both of which, are the worst possible course of action. Medical and PPE professionals know the lie and went along like sheep anyway. I don't even have to explain how false the PCR test was/is, then if they got you to go to the hospital, their deadly protocol killed tens of thousands (remdesivere anyone?). Now comes the JAB, this thing has killed way more than 200,000 Americans, 36,000 "actual reported" deaths (OPENVAERS.com), yet still not a peep from MSM. WHY? YOU don't see it even if it happens to your family member because you trust the doctor telling you they died of heart attack or brain aneurism (JAB side effects). YOU don't realize 25,000 people die every DAY from car accidents, so what's 200,000 jab deaths all last year mean to you?!?! One is accidental, the JAB is part of "their" plan. That 200,000 number may start happening daily for the jabbed (VAIDS), will you notice then?

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In my case it was neither of those either. Just a positive test to god knows what (if anything, considering PCR is false positive at 33 when it was probably wound 45 times).

I had zero symptoms of anything.

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I'm not sure you can read. Valhammer wrote that the multiple injections cause multiple infections not that the injections are infections. But be an ass. Freedom of speech you know.

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What is your point?

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The HUGE number of spike proteins that are generated from the m-RNA "messages" in the cells lining the capillaries are very toxic and they cause blood clots (anything "rough" is subject to clots from the huge number of platelets circulating in the blood - that is their job). Those clots impair blood flow in those capillaries. In the heart and the brain and the lungs and the spinal cord, those clots are permanent. The heart and lung clots interact because of the necessity of all the blood in the body requiring oxygenation. However, ALL of the clots generate some loss of function. It is not obvious

In addition to the clot problem from the TRILLIONS of spike proteins generated by the m-RNA "clot shots", the immune system responds to the presence of foreign proteins (those spike proteins) by generating antibodies very specific to the genetic sequence of the spikes. This "uses up" much of the immune system's capacity to fight real infections.

In addition to these problems with the m-RNA injections and the resultant spike proteins, the HUGE number of antibodies specific to the particular spike protein don't just "sit around", they participate in further infections. This is the process of "antibody dependent enhancement". I.e. when there are these HUGE number of antibodies (far in excess of the number needed to fight the particular strain of Covid that they were designed for - but not others), the excess antibodies actually WORSEN the infection. The immune system is miraculous but the m-RNA injections totally screw it up. That is why the number of Covid infections is growing in the "vaccinated" population and that is why more people die after a few months even from Covid itself if they have been jabbed.

It is a gigantic failure (at best as Alex says). Actually, it is far far worse than that. It is a deliberate attempt to generate a huge amount of money and power, a dependent and obedient population, and to kill off a huge number of people. They are MASS MURDERERS and they know it but not only don't they care, but that is their goal.

Ian in Vancouver

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How can a piece of meat be food, at the same time as a piece of fruit or a tuber dug from the soil?

How can two gaseous elements combine to form a liquid without which we cannot live?

How is it that when I jump I can only rise a maximum of three feet from the surface of the earth? Could there be some mysterious force holding me down?


So many questions, so little time.

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Dumb questions not at all related to the suggestion that there is no such fucking thing as a virus (formerly a germ) and that Pasteur, Jenner, Lady shit back from Istanbul were all criminals.

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Doesn't anybody follow the rules anymore!!

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“Ideas” can be “infectious“. Thus infectious does not necessarily refer to a virus, a bacterium, or fungi. It may simply imply that it spreads easily, such as an idea, or a fear or a lie.

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Yes, "infectious" is not the same thing as "pathogenic."

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Sick bass grooves as well. In this case it's synonymous with "bootylicious".

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Or the concept of democracy. A view that the Reserve Banks of the world are full of criminals. That medicine is mostly about death not life.

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When the body encounters a virus the immune system responds by attempting to kill it. What the genetic mRNA (messenger Ribonucleic Acid) shot does is tell the DNA to produce one particular spike protein that only recognizes the COVID virus. This is how people can be protected when they take the initial shot, but the protection quickly fades as the spike protein continues to reproduce within the body. Any other virus or infection that the body encounters simply bypasses the immune system. This is called Antibody-Dependent Enhancement. It is similar to being infected with aids as the body's immune system is incapable of fighting off the infection. The genetic material itself is not infectious. The problem with the spike protein is that it settles in and damages organs that cannot repair themselves, i.e. heart, lungs. So not only can the body not fight infection but the organs are also damaged in the process.

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Yes take a life biology class. Because evidently you don't understand how cells work. I've seen many good explanations of what happens when you fool around with DNA and you just refuse to believe it. Not my problem. Get an education.

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How can a piece of protein destroy your brain?

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the proteins are "spikes" (VERY rough) and they cause micro blood clots since the whole purpose of the huge number of platelets in your blood is to cause clots on rough surfaces. SPikes are about as rough you get. Those blood clots prevent blood flow (their purpose) and if the blood clots are in your brain, some parts of the brain do not receive blood flow and the cells die. Some of those cells are memories and some are cognition and some are in the hind brain where they regulate temperature and other key functions in the body. The spike proteins in their trillions from m-RNA shots are a MASSIVE health assault deliberately injected into more than a billion people by a Cabal of monsters intent on control and destruction. The 13 families in charge of the world through Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street. It is war and we are losing it.

Ian in Vancouver

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THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! YEAH! Now, Everybody stand up an let every single Snow Flake know what it means to be Alive. To be Free. Put Science back into the Laboratory of Academic Integrity. Explain to these foggy-headed whelps that blowing hash smoke rings is not advancing the Human Condition. Nature will bust their ass any day. Read your Ancient History, Ghouls. You did not win back then. And, you are gonna lose again.

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Causes excess plaque on the neurons, or the dendrites, or the Klingons, I suspect!

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How can a prion kill you? What do your questions have to do with Pfizer CEO story?

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This is a) bullshit but b) more importantly irrelevant. They could be vaccinating people against pixies for all I care - what matters is that most people believe in viruses and too many believe in the vaccines. The point of attack is the vaccines and the coercion and the lockdowns; the question of the existence of viruses is an unimportant distraction which only serves to make some potential allies think our side is nuts. Which is why I suspect you're a government stooge.

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My husband loves Cowan, and my guess is that he (and Lanka and Kauffman) have a deep and sophisticated understanding of health that we are not ready for yet. I try to hold both possibilities in my head: there is an infectious virus (and our response to it has been atrocious); there is no such thing as an infectious virus (people get sick as a healing mechanism). So far there hasn't been much that I've come across that doesn't leave room for both options.

For anyone who thinks that BF is saying that no one has gotten ill, or that humans don't tend to get sick in clusters, please read again. That's not what the post says.

Lanka's experiments are well worth a close look.

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Cowan and Lanka are the true health experts.

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Is that a serious question?

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Not just me, but lots of scientists do, but I suspect this is just bait for a rhetorical trap, and I also notice you have one of those ubiquitous two-letter account names with no subscriptions or profile, so I'm gonna assume this is just bad-faith trolling.

I just found a pile of good explanations in a quick Google search, so you can too. Best of luck.

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Guttermouth , let them keep getting boosters every 4-6 months till ADE sets in and their T helper don’t help them anymore… ect ect ect…… RIP

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ADE requires a belief in viruses as well. Geert is just as much a product of the germ fraud as Fauci is.

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You really are full of shit, Guttermouth.

I've got a substack account and a blog. Want to go head to head with me on 'viruses"?

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I am not a troll, and I gave you a real explanation. Sorry it rubbed you wrong way. But I am glad you found good information on Google. As for the profile, this is a personal choice, protection of privacy.

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You realize you're responding to me with a different account now, right?

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You are following “so and so.” There are endless scientist explaining exactly why the vaccine doesn’t work. Not to mention people are getting Covid after being given the sit, the booster, another booster x3! Who do you know that has more than OnE Measles shot? Who do you know who has more than one polio shot? No one that’s because that vaccine works and should be called a vaccine because it works. COVID-19 is a flu shot it’s not capable of keeping anyone from getting infected or infecting someone else. Nothing else to discuss after knowing that information.

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Are you talking about the virus or a replication of a virus? Please clarify because you just changed your argument.

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obviously, in this case, by flying around, getting into people's ears, eyes, and noses, and then, deeper into their bodies

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BF, if germ theory is wrong and terrain theory is correct, which I believe to be true, then genetic material is not Infectious.

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And at the very least, acknowledging the importance of terrain would change the whole conversation around illnesses. We would be talking about health rather than pharmaceutical interventions.

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Thats why at 70 I'm as healthy as I have ever been since starting keto. I think not eating sugar is key. From severe bronchitis every winter to not so much as a sniffle.

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I agree 100% about the sugar and keto! Best thing I ever did was banish it from my diet. Now at nearly 73 I've never felt better, and same with hubby at 75. However, when we look around at our similar age cohorts, it's a depressing scene as so many of them are literally falling apart, can barely walk, are sick all the time.

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Perhaps it also depends on what is meant by infectious. If non-naturally occuring mRNA insinuates itself into cells and DNA, I'd say it's infecting the host.

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If it does. My view is that the real harm in these vaccines is in the lipids / nano particles.

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There are waves of Covid because the vaccines have a negative efficacy. The mRNA shots ATTRACT Covid. That's what's going on. Eventually the "experts" will have to admit this.

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The mRNA shots DO NOT attract Covid. The mRNA shot slowly with every injection DECREASES a HUMANS IMMUNITY and their ability to fight off even the common cold. Zero (0) nil nota nothing NO NATURAL IMMUNITY LEFT IN THE BODY. THE Covid shot recipients are Bubble people now and need to wear masks to protect themselves from Dirt, bacteria, food born illnesses, the cold, air pollution, etc.

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It seems in some ways similar to the negative effect of the mania we went through about (15 ?) years ago when we introduced "antibacterials" into everything, EVERYTHING, as a marketing tactic. People went mad rejecting products they has used for decades, in favor of the "antibacterial" products: hand lotion, dish soap, any and everything to which antibacterials could be added. THEN, after a very few years, a new concern, "Super Germs" developing against which nothing was working. Although such products are still on the market, many people, parents, took the advice of medical researchers and cut down, or cut out, the use of "antibacterial everything" !

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Kills 99.9%of all known germs. Sound familiar. (95%efficacy) for instance.?

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Love it, LOL !

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Anti bacterial soap causes my hands to break out into rashes that I scratch until my skin is raw, sort of completely disrupting the whole intent of anti-bacterial. Even after cleaning with real soap and lots of water. Itch like crazy.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

I've avoided it since all that happened some years back. Decided I did not want myself, or my family, to just routinely use those products, and ever since all these years now, I check the ingredients and claims on the labels. This is SOOOO off topic for this forum, but I was stung by a wasp this week, and a wise old Floridian told me, skip the $125 and up cortisone creams, get plain old Vick's vapor rub on it as fast as possible. Amazing, while it took a couple days for the swelling to go down, the rub stopped all the terrible burning, itching, and throbbing. Learned something new !

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You left out the unvaccinated.

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Narcissists NEVER admit they're wrong! they blame and gaslight. It's the oldest example in the bible...eve blamed the snake, adam blamed eve...if you never teach your children to own up to their mistakes and be honest or you teach them to be victims...you raise ppl like Hillary Clinton and Beto O'roarke and Lord Faucxi and the Pfizer Ceo---the subject of this article. And Bill Clinton---"I never had sexual relations with THAT WOMAN", or Geo Bush--"It was weapons of mass destruction" (knowing all along he had a hand in 911). Narcissists just continue to spout bullshit b/c they are too stupid to understand how visable they are to ppl who live in truth.

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Ha! I blame the apple - it ruins the liver!

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Truth is subjective.

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Ask any lawyer!

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The experts will never admit this. We need to spread the truth to as many of the unaware as possible. We need to get enough people to say NO!! to boosters and new Covid vaccines

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These people, at this stage in the game, are “gone”.

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Not necessarily. I have 2 family members and a friend who have recently come to the truth. You have to be careful and wait till the right time to speak up. Kind of like approaching a baby deer!

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Well thank God!

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Great to hear! Yes, I have taken that approach, too, and reached some, but even when they finally get it, they don't necessarily have courage to stand. Hopefully that will come, too!

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Yes, I believe so. Perhaps not for some of us, or even most of us, but for MANY, it will never be possible, even 30 years from now, to say "I made a mistake". Somehow, making the "right" decision is so closely tied to ego, to self-esteem, some are just so fragile, have such low self-esteem, that this would be the final blow; to accept they were foolish to fall for it all !

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Do they have 30 years, or 3 at best? GVB hasn’t been wrong yet, and his worst case prediction, may be slowly unfolding as we speak.

If that includes Trudeau, Horgan, Dix, Tam the man, Bonnie Henry, Fraudci, Xiden, etc, I will DANCE ON THEIR GRAVES AND PARTY LIKE ITS 1999! Unfortunately it also means family and former friends too, but they made their choices.

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I'm not sure anyone can predict how long. Doctors give a cancer diagnosis and tell a patient how long he/she will live, but it's still just a guess. In 1959 my dad had a cancer and was told he had 6 months to live. He lived 30 more years.

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I sure hope more than 3, but, "hope" doesn't have much meaning any more !

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Vee, tell me how “The mRNA shots ATTRACT Covid.”?

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Really. And what is covid if its not a virus. you can't attract something that does not exist as something real, so what the fuck is it? Here covid, covid, covid...

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It's the jab.

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Nobody has had covid that was not jabbed? Really? In my case this is true in that I was not jabbed and never got it but...

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The stats in 2020 indicate that there was nothing different in 2020 than there was in 2019 or 2018. You of course could say well in Britain at the end of April beginning of May there were a lot of excess deaths but a lot of people will then suggest to you that these people were murdered with excess midazolam being prescribed.

In 2021 I havn't checked but I believe that deaths began to rise as vaccinations rolled out. And in 2022 it is clear to anyone who wants to look at the stats that it's the vaccinated who are dying and that death rates are up about 20% in some places, from what a non-existent virus that did no harm to anyone in 2020? Or a vaccine?

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Death spikes happening in care homes and hospitals, with enforced isolation.

In other words, vulnerable people with no witnesses.

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I had covid and I'm not jabbed. Hmm. Would make a good bumper sticker.. or maybe not..

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The shots (not just the mRNA ones) are "Covid".

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One has to wonder.

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I am a former Director of Government Sales for the Janssen Division of J&J. I resigned from the company and got out of the industry in the early 1990s. I got out because they violated the first stanza of the J&J credo - to look after patients first. They stopped doing that in the 90s and I had enough!! I have a friend that went from J&J to being a Director with Pfizer. Same story there only Pfizer has been slummy since the 1960s with the ascent of Dr Arthur Sackler. Read Gerald Poster’s expose of Perdue Frederick and OxyContin. Sackler caused a ton of damage! Pfizer today continues to hurt people.

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Patrick Radden Keefe’s book “Empire of Pain” is also an excellent, if infuriating, read on the Sackler family. Books about pharma malfeasance are a genre all their own at this point. When I commented that elsewhere, someone mockingly asked me “oh really, do tell” and I came up with half a dozen off the top of my head and I know there are many more. Like the one you just mentioned, I’ll add it to my reading list. Thanks.

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Posner. Excellent read indeed:

Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America


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Also the Dopesick series with Michael Keaton on Hulu chronicles that POS family well.

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Based on the book:) “Dopesick” by Beth Macy. Another book on the same topic from a different angle is “American Overdose” by Chris McGreal.

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1. Watch the Jake Tapper/Scott Israel interview about gun control. 2. Stop ignoring 2000 Mules.

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2000MULES: TRUMP WON! 305 Electoral College votes. Biden Lost with 233. Thanks to True The Vote who used a gazillion amount of Geotracking data to track 2000 POS people who received $10 for every illegal ballot they put in the ballot boxes. I figure each person may have received approximately $1,900 each. Zuck bucks and SOROS at the helm.

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What stumps me is WHY zuck, SOROS, Biden would commit such a crime so big and risk so much for just 4 years of a Presidency?Where is the ROI (return on Investment)?

I suspect more Presidential years are going to be illegally stolen and given to the current administration to keep their plan going. The W.H.O conference in Davos will make sure that America never has a voting system again. Biden is handing our sovereignty over to the W.H.O. Anything and everything can be an epidemic including obesity, white males, barren women, lesbians, gays, you name it. Nothing will be exempt.

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Nothing is ceded to a foreign power, it’s just DeMarxist grandstanding. All foreign treaties must pass approval of both houses of Congress. See the Constitution.

Just like Climey Changey, it’s not binding, despite what Xiden and the media say.

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Must have approval of both houses of congress ? Is it literally a foreign treaty ? I went directly to the website and read the actual draft (even printed it off so I could have a hard copy while doing additional research. Sounds more like a policy agreement than a treaty, but then, my area of expertise in not policy. Will say I certainly did not like what I read in this draft (the one Biden is championing), language is frighteningly "loose", again, in my opinion ! Today's report, 83% of American's now think we are heading in the wrong direction, up nearly 10 MORE percent in less than two weeks ! Yikes !

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Just because it doesn’t say “treaty” doesn’t mean it isn’t. Word salad/games. It’s not a US document, it’s foreign, therefore, requires ratification as noted. Still, it’s not like the Demarxists respect the Constitution, they view it as toilet paper at the best of times, then mysteriously wrap themselves in it occasionally, being the soulless monsters that they are.

Now, in Canada, we are truly fecked, on the other hand.

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Yes, all true. Sounds as if you have also taken the time to read that draft. Word salad, yes, certainly, is. I highlighted some of the "words", the usual, many interpretations type of "words".

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Yes and Thank you! That’s what I thought. I knew I had read that fact as well. I couldn’t find that source again.

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T=D, you just answered your own question...these people want to be masters in the NWO. I think, mostly, they will find themselves on the wrong end of the barrel when their usefulness is over, but they are too narcissistic to see that...

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Yes, and no push back from those of us in America !

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Get ready for 5,000 Mules in 2022 and 10,000 Mules in 2024. The republicans will do little to stop the mule stampede.

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

And there in lies the loss of all hope ! NO ONE will raise a hand to stop it ! It's been like a snowball running down hill, it started decades back with education gradually "watered down" to prevent children growing into adults with critical thinking skills, paved the path for parents to readily accept the end to mass testing, achievement testing, home work, grades, and in many locations, "honor rolls". Parents embraced this "good-by" to such unfair practices in our schools, and ushered in a whole new curriculum emphasis. Meanwhile the politician puppet masters had the road cleared for their "egalitarian" utopian, goals. And by that time the snowball became so large, so heavy, it has become "warp speed" to the edge of the cliff for our country !

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Can't argue with any of your post.

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Shouldn't it be the RESPONSIBILITY of the leader of the minority party (regardless of which party is in power), to push back, it is the way the founders planned it to be ON PURPOSE, on PURPOSE. They knew (by divine insight (?), since thought past "democracy" to "democratic republic" was completely revolutionary) to preserve this never before heard of form of government CONFLICT was necessary. Does anyone seeing McConnell having even a ounce of energy to even squeak out a few meaningless, limp, words of resistance to this grand march to Marxism ? Push back on turning our health decisions and policies over to the W.H.O. ? Pushing for defense of our borders and fight for our right to sovereignty ? Nothing, there is nothing ! Does it not even occur to republican members of congress that in essence they have no leader ? Cotton, Rubio, and so many others do not appear to be so dumb ! Some have had military leadership training, what is really going on ? I recently read that the number of individuals with U.S. military service elected to congress and to state legislatures, has plunged "drastically and steadily" since 1970. Could one reason be because so few have "skin in the game", might be one factor I guess ? But this hands-off, no vigorous opposition from which ever party in not the majority is a VERY NEW TURN OF EVENTS ! So again, what really going on ? ?

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Burn down All the drop boxes. Problem solved.

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Burn down all the politicians. Problem solved.

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The evidence is undeniable which is why this media blackout is really infuriating.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 28, 2022

Soros, in the opening remarks at Davos this week, seemed even more frail and unintelligible than president Biden, and like Biden, just wandered all over the place with very old words and phrases, nothing fresh (even if I differ with him), no enthusiasm, in short, exactly like Biden, trying with no success, to use his voice volume (very low) at times to emphasize a word or point, but it was at the WRONG time or on the wrong word, again, just like Biden when he attempts to shout, even scream a word here and there to emphasize his "passion" and it just comes off as "flat", insincere, contrived, even "weird" at times.

Soros was so disjointed at points in his delivery, off the mark, it seemed ludicrous ! What could be understood from his "somewhat wandering" speech, was deeply troubling, it's hard to believe HE believes in what he says he wants for the future !

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Again, nothing to do with Bourla and mRNA vaccines. It just tells me how tenuous your grip on reality is.

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No, I’m calling out the self-proclaimed guardian of the truth on his own hypocrisy. He whines continuously about media bias and censorship and then participates in it.

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Too off-brand. You're asking too much.

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Jake Tapper??

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Tapper interviewed sheriff Scott Israel after the Parkland school shooting. It’s a 28-minute interview that will answer all of your questions about why gun laws will never solve this problem. Watch it and you’ll be furious.

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What does that have to do with the topic of this post?

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Absolutely nothing, but I’m not going to read him complaining about media bias regarding Covid when he’s ignoring the biggest story of the decade. If he thinks it’s bullshit, then he should dismantle the evidence critically.

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Please do not go back to killing cows.

Please be executed or torn apart by angry mobs.

Please die, and leave us in peace.

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"leave us in peace" requires that we deal to the germ fraud.

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Yeah, cows for Bourla, beagles for Fauci. What is it with these fiends? I favor a behind-bars public traveling display so we can honor them with rotten tomatoes.

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Naomi Wolf is saying this is looking like a breach in national security...

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it's not a breach if they're not trying to protect you. which they're not. in fact the opposite.

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Active & informed collusion to such ends would not be a Breach in National Security, it would be Treason & crimes against humanity.

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But in March 2022 not July 2021.

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I don't understand. Are you saying she should have said it in 2021? Or she did? Either way, I think that a tipping point has to be reached before people will absorb this. We still may not be at that tipping point, but we were definitely not in 2021.

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Yes I'm saying that she should have piped up in 2021. Most of us had already figured the maliciousness by mid 2020 at the latest.

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I know SOOO many people who are still committed to trusting their health to the jab. I'd say at least 75% of the people I know. If she had said this in 2021 it would have been the subject of late night comedy. But today, somehow they don't dare. Maybe too many sudden unexplained deaths. I'm hopeful some of the people I know will start to question but so far, they run the other way.

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Hey, people, his job is to protect shareholder value! Ethics and honesty, not so much.

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did this bozo got injected? Maybe he should take some more (to protect us:-)

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No. I remember him saying he had a good immune system so he didn’t need it (The Bioweapon).

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"...good immune system so he didn't need it" - like most humans

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

well, at least bourla was honest about it.

not like dr. fauci who faked taking the vaxx ... or malone claiming he got two moderna ... common with all that background on mRNA you telling me you got the shot???

trump never had any videos though he claims he got it.

here is actor fauci (45 seconds) ...


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Far as I know he and the boss of the lab who makes the crap did not get injected. I saw an interview with that lab person (forgot his name, sounded Turkish) and he said it was the protocol that he would NOT inject. If it were good, wouldn't he?

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Ugur Sahin, that is him yes. Thanks for finding him !

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One of his friends was spamming this site last July (I have the proof).


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He said something to the affect that he’s “not allowed to take it”.

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...but he's allowed to travel all over ??

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I hear ya! They think we’re THIS stupid. Meanwhile, people are applauding him. People think he’s a hero. I think the interview was when all this nonsense was just beginning.

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Nope . last I heard he generously donated his dose to some poor 3rd world country. Saint Albie eh.

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I believe he said he didn’t because he wasn’t in an at risk category...🙄

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Such an arrogant, repulsive worthless piece of entitled crap - he really must think anyone with a functioning mind believes his lies (or he doesn’t care because he’s protected by the morons in our government). Amazing what reptiles get to run multinational corporations.

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Nora interviewing Gates as though he's an ACTUAL doctor

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Narcissists all flock together

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Bourla, Fauci, and SloJoe Biden are guilty of crimes against humanity.

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Bourla belongs behind bars. I wouldn’t give my dogs anything manufactured by Pfizer.

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True for all pharma companies.

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There is evil in the world, anyone who kills children and pharma execs pushing bad drugs.

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Pharma execs pushing bad drugs do kill children

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"Complacency"? Didn't we stop the entire freaking world for this virus?

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But it wasn't permanently stopped. Yet.

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What he said and Btw: I just got a live FB from our county supervisor here in San Diego bragging that with Covid Cases on the rise "we have treatments" okay? So that EUA needs to be pulled for those adverse event ridden M-RNA's immediately. Because there are treatments.

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Not Paxlovid or Molnupirivir--both are terrible!

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Right. Well, whatever. There are a myriad of treatments available and we should be free to pursue whichever treatments we wish. But the basis for the EUA was the lie that there are no treatments available.

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You're absolutely right. If there are treatments, there can be no EUA.

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yes! and not suprisingly, the pfizer pill is recording record relapses of covid within 12 days.

"Rare relapses raising questions about Pfizer's covid pill", and we ALL KNOW HOW TO DEFINE 'RARE' now.

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They mandate a vaccine that facilitates the spread, but cases are YOUR FAULT.

They made a hash of managing the pandemic, but they'll enshrine their blunders into a pandemic treaty, because well, that was all YOUR FAULT too.

They rack up more international flights than some have meals in a week, but climate change is YOUR FAULT.

They own more houses and cars than some people have pants and socks, but resource exhaustion is YOUR FAULT.

Their love for war is threatening world peace and global food security, but yes, that's all YOUR FAULT, of course.

When narcissists can't take responsibility for their actions, they gaslight.

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Why has delusional pretending become trendy?

Stop spinning.

Stop pretending.

Stop acting on your feelings and your wishes and your fantasies!

And start SEEING and THINKING.

THC causes psychosis and violence.

mRNA does not work.

Why is this so hard? We're not children. We should all be able to distinguish between imaginary and real at this freaking point!!!

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good luck telling that to fauci and gates.

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i'ts the narcissists who still believe their 'virtue signaling' has any validity whatsoever.

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Just for shits and giggles, because I don’t expect a reply, Christen, give me your proof that THC causes psychosis and violence and your proof that mRNA doesn’t work.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Um... do you know whose substack this is? Read Pandemia. And Read tell your children. Alex provides all the research and statistics.

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Readily available, from former pot addicts, their testimonials are real detailed, and concerning. You might not OD on pot, but it does FCK ones mind up. Luckily, going sober is a very good cure to pot psychosis.

Denial isn’t a River in Egypt!

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DanBC, you’re presenting antidotal evidence without the formal research evidence!

“Anecdotal information should not be considered as a replacement for, but as a complement to formal research evidence. If evidence-based health care is to meet its potential, the important role of anecdotes must be acknowledged, studied and utilized.”


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Antidotal evidence. Yeah . Have you heard about Pfizer's antidote to the vaccine? They're calling it the vaxxout.

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Clint, if only they could find a remedy for the poison called paranoia that has infected your brain!

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

Guess what? Arguing with a stoner is like arguing with a drunk. And I don’t care if you want to be a fcked up stoner for the rest of your life, comfortable in your mediocrity of a clouded mind. I just hope you don’t have kids that have to suffer under your addiction.

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DanBC, indeed, arguing with you is like arguing with a stoner or drunk; none of them make any sense!

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Stay stoned and ignorant, brah!

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Whoohoo dude. You should slow down. You sound vaccinerated.

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Nope it's used to fix things together if it's bwoken.

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Only the "uneducated" aren't taking their shots, you should know that!

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That what they call us but we now see clearly the widening gap between education and intelligence .

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Seems like most well educated people followed the science !

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Didn’t see this post you referred to until just now. Your point is well taken.

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Simply not true. Fauci IS the science.

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Dr. Sickle (literal Italian translation of Fauci) is "The $cience"

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In fact the group most sceptical about vaccines are statistically people with PhDs.

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PhDs, MD’s, JD’s…….all with no discernment.

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Or Us folk who can read!!

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Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains to the WEF there's a surplus of 7,000,000,000 doses of his COVID vaccine sitting in warehouses because there aren't enough "educated populations that believe the vaccines are doing well.."


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It’s always the public’s fault for not appreciating the great things these buffoons and psychopaths are doing for us.

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Similar to Bancel, they are asking politicians to tighten the screws with mandates.

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Maybe people are “educated” enough to know the vaccines are the opposite of what they tell us.

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They should be called the vaxxout. Or is that the antidote.?

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And some idiot government has already paid fop them which means the taxpayers bought them.

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I hope you are just joking with that comment

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He is a piece of shit!!! Garbage human being! I’ve spoken at length with a retired CEO of Phizer. He had one of the jabs and wishes he hadn’t. He spoke about hosting POS Fauci. Flying him in to speak at Harvard! Dude made 10G for 1 speech -which sucked! He told me that Fauci was the worst human being on this planet! The rudest and most arrogant as well.

Complacency about the Plandemic! WTF! Our entire world has changed due to their poisoning the world!!! All the BS jabs are dangerous as hell and the gullible sheeple out there took it gladly:(

But he is right…it’s not over…they’ll keep up this crap for as long as they can!😡

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

look at Bush, Obama, Clinton....they were a complete farce as far as doing anything legal or "for the ppl" yet they continually blow their own horns with lies about their own praises. Narcissists will never figure out what idiots they are. This is what happens when you DO NOT RAISE YOUR CHILDREN...you pawn them off on nannies and schools and the govt and police and institutions....they end up worthless narcissists, their families know and will eventually act out because of it. See Hunter Biden...he knows what a POS his father is, yet his life is fk'd up enough to never come out of it.

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This substack indicates Pfizer is immune from fraud because of Dod prototype contract. At least that's their argument - not that there was no fraud, but that their fraud was known and OK. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/implications-of-10-usc-2371b-the?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NzAwMTYyMiwicG9zdF9pZCI6NTY2Nzc1OTYsIl8iOiJzcHJwWCIsImlhdCI6MTY1MzU5ODcyMywiZXhwIjoxNjUzNjAyMzIzLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzc4ODkiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.9-aV5x_yVFu-M3nlwig4JmRMrrsnQfo4dE-V1UzWZIY&s=r

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gates will not allow anything happen to pfizer or the vaxx.

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I think I'm more concerned about our Department of Defense. Because if they're OK with this, we are pretty much defenseless.

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Ah, the DNC's defense against charges of primary rigging and related fraud from 2016. Dont deny it, admit it proudly and argue its totally legal when you do it.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

I agree. Pfizer CEO is a vet. My husband is a vet. My husband knew from the start about coronavirus in cats which can be very serious, and that it is very difficult (impossible?) to vaccinate against. Has been the case for years. All prior attempts failed. So we all waited so my husband could asses to see what they had done different this time. He tried to keep an open mind. He read everything he could get his hands on. He was never convinced. And yet Pfizer CEO was. To the extent everyone should take it.

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EVERY ANIMAL IN THE TRIALS DIED! Every one! They got ADE and when exposed to the virus again...THEY DIED! And we just injected this into humans...Gods People!

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GLF at least you had true science to guide you. The rest of the world got 5-dimensional marketing. Does your husband advocate L-Lysine? I am curious because I work with animals that have life-long viruses, so work to suppress outbreaks.

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Hi! He’s heard of it but hasn’t personally used or investigated. ( he’s been working in another field for a while now). Yes we were so lucky to have his knowledge-and so disheartened- like many- to the endless propaganda and misleading of the public. Even worse in a way- he spoke multiple times to many family members ( some who are medical doctors themselves) and close friends, sent info etc etc. Only 1 sister didn’t take it. I’ve never seen him so upset in 30 years of knowing him. We realised the brainwashing was greater than us. We were the crazies. My cousin and son who had heart issues months after and remembered his comments, did not get boosters. It’s all in G-ds hands.

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You are lucky to have a real "science" person in-house. We all answer to our own decisions. We make poor ones when younger. I wish the best to you and your family. Glad you avoided the jab. I am not a religious person (today anyway) but it is in G-d's hands. The endless propaganda was and continues to be unbelievable. So tough to be the healthy outcast.....stay strong and stay well!

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Yes, but seems science is relative these days. My daughter has 6 weeks before she has to take it to complete final college year for an on campus compulsory subject. It’s not quite over yet this thing . I’m glad we didn’t take but one worries for all those who did. Hopefully the vast majority will be fine. Thanks for your good wishes and to you and your family too!

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Speaking of killing cows, look at how long it took them to admit their cow vax was causing problems in the next generation. And look at how the medical industry now won't accept any damage as caused by the covid shots if it happens more than a week or two from innoculation (if that!). This train ride isn't stopping.

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I just read that a very high percentage of pregnant women had miscarriages after getting vaccinated with a Covid-19 vaccine. The miscarriage numbers I saw appeared too high (like 90% who got the vaccine), and they were not broken down by vaccine manufacturer. If any "Unreported Truth" members know the actual numbers, please share! It seems that the Covid-19 vaccine makers may be in the same business as Planned Parenthood: Murder of the unborn for hire.

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Check out these websites for some of the 1.2 M adverse reactions from the Jab.

No More Silence

1000 COVID Stories

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Or maybe you want to see what your chances of survival are after the jab. Check your Nazi Lot number on your sheeple card.


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I was seriously sickened and long-term injured by the Pfizer poison injections. My second shot came from one of the "moderately" bad batches. (By that I mean it had a moderately high number of reports of serious adverse events, unlike the first group, which had an extremely high number of reports of serious adverse events.)

There seems to be approximately three cohorts - a few extremely toxic batches; a few more moderately toxic batches, and the rest of the batches - the majority - have relatively low numbers of reports of adverse events. That's actually not particularly surprising, considering that according to a whistleblower who worked at Pfizer or Moderna, at least half of all the batches contain nothing but saline solution, or in other words, are placebo.

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Knowing all this you still had the shot?

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A lot of people did not know what would happen. Don't forget all the data wasn't out there yet.

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It's out there now. What I don't get is why in the absence of data ,caution wasn't applied. After all this is peoples lives.

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My first shot was from a bad batch. I didn't have a bad reaction. My second shot was from a mild batch but I was sick in bed for almost 2 days with aches in every joint of my body. I have not had any boosters.

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Here's another article which is extremely damning of the covid poison injections:


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Thanks! So, approximately 5000 total miscarriages + stillbirths due to vaccines. What that data does not show is how many vaccinated pregnant women delivered their babies alive without significant health issues, so I can't calculate percentages with only the numerator (5000) without the denominator (total vaccinated pregnant women).

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There is so much bullshit flung around out on the internet from all sides. You really have to be careful. I'd go to openVAERS.com and look to see what's been reported to VAERS. Then take that number and multiply it by 10.

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Try The Expose

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That is in fact the source of the information I referred to in my original comment, but I didn't catch the source first time around. I still don't believe the 90% miscarriage rate for women who got vaccinated while pregnant. SURELY medical experts would have noticed that and STOPPED it, right? Or maybe not? The profits-first medical community becomes more and more corrupt on a daily basis

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May 26, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

some of my most educated uber-wealthy friends laughed me off at the beginning of the jabs and said "there's no way the govt could get away with "that" there'd be millions of lawsuits" when I questioned the pharma/faucxi agenda. They've gone in early for EVERY death jab and booster along with their 2 young sons. This must be a generational brainwashing that they've inherited from their parents on complying. I've heard that the ppl who smell BS quickest in society were victims of abusive families and situations and therefore they look at ppl with a more cynical mind. Trust God, not man. Love man but do not worship man b/c we are all fallible. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself---there's no perfection here, it's near impossible...Jesus makes up for our lack.

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I was not abused by my family, but I did become a professional "risk manager," requiring prudent skepticism about unproven "facts" to ensure the success of every successful engineering project. The first step of risk management for a highly reliable organization is "openness to the possibility of error."

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

humility welcomes Godly wisdom. Arrogance brings self-deception. You'll see it unfolding in the events before us now and the ppl you thought were leaders will self destruct. The ones causing strife and chaos and fear are working for satan.

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then you are a humble person able to follow wisdom.

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SystemEngineer, please give me your source for these miscarriages. Did you check with any resources?

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Did you read my original posting and the replies of others to it? I did NOT state my source because I was skeptical of it and specifically asked for other sources to REFUTE the number I mentioned. If you are aware of sources the refute the number I mentioned, please post them.

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SystemEngineer, I’m not the brightest bulb in the room, but the first thing I did was a search, did you? Misinformation gets a foothold and grows by people posting things they don’t check!


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I trust Alex Berenson's bloggers a lot more than any search engine, that's why I asked them immediately. All replies to my initial posting were helpful and offered courteously, except yours. I find it odd that after demeaning your own intelligence, you then question mine. I suggest you use your own information verification and validation methods but allow me and others to do the same.

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System, I don’t suffer from an inferiority complex; my IQ is above 120 but not above 160. Therefore there are brighter bulbs out there than I. I’m unclear why you think asking the question is an insult to your intellect.

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You implied I had not done my homework before posting. If that were true (it is NOT true), that would not have been a smart thing for me to do. Hope that clears things up for you.

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Checking your facts with these types of organization is futile. They can and do say anything to suit their purposes. Studies be fucked. Look up real life statistics and make your own analysis.

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Clint, you and others on this Substack: a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspicion and disbelief of others!

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Well the thing is not true. I'm not vaccinerated. VACCINERATED to Incinerate one's immune system with a bogus vaccine.

One could say you're part of a group that tends towards the insane practice of trusting those that wish to profit off your naivete. Hmm. Who woulda thought.

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go in peace, you made your choice

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give it some time, the truth will come out.

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Everyone of these creepy disgusting mini Hitlers need to go away now. You had your two years its over and its time for all of us to strike back and lock these WEF POS's up.

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If we don't stop them they'll just do it again. Monkey pox?

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Important Bulletins from Mike Yeadon

" They’re not going to stop. This is the self declared “decade of pandemics ”.


mRNA "vaccines" do work injuring, killing, destroying God given immune system of countless amount of people as they were designed to do. And they told us the truth from the beginning in their own documents.

mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing


Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Why would it ever end. The exact same people who orchestrated it all are not the least bit worried about what you think and still in place more brazen than ever. There has not been ONE person held remotely accountable in any of this in 2.5 years now. Not ONE! The definition of insanity is what again?

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Who is going to hold them accountable? They own the entire system and every single government.

The world is a stage


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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

I agree WHO? My greater point is until there is accountability why would it end? There are those who think it's over, and it's the furthest thing from the truth with these mongers left in control

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So it's time to write some scripts.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Bourla said at the WEF conference this week “the new biologics will have a chip that once processed in the stomach will send a wireless signal to tell ( ?) that the medication has been taken. Can you imagine what that will do for compliance?” God help us🤦‍♀️

Here is the link: just click on video of Klaus Schwab and Bourla.


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Someone posted that video to our local Nextdoor website. It was removed almost immediately because it was reported.

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Reported for what? That’s why i posted link so we could all hear with our own ears. Did I miss something?

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One of the posters reported it and called the woman who posted it a nut and conspiracy theorist. Nextdoor tried the "it's misinformation" line but the woman complained and reposted it. I guess some genius at ND googled it and found out it was authentic.

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They're not even bashful about communicating their plans out loud.

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Me thinks it is time to buy a gun...

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Yet the MSM will take the word of the CEO of Pfizer as "science". Its actually a marketing strategy and it has worked over and over again so why stop. And people/cattle......same difference to him.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

CDC is saying 1 in 5 is having long covid symptoms. if CDC says 1 in 5, you could easily double and triple that number. it almost sounds like smt else is going on with this spike protein factory inside our bodies.


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Ah, but "long covid" is caused by covid, not the vaccine. This is all bull. It's a cover for the vaccine injured.

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1 n 44 children are on the autistic spectrum. Gonna be 1 in 17 after 5 more years of vaxx's. Anyone want another serving of Pharma? !

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This kind of sums it all up.......

When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat.

George Carlin

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More than 630,000 beautiful, innocent, unborn American babies were brutally murdered through abortion during the past twelve months. That's more than 1700 per day, every day, 365 days a year.

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I so wish that I believed Hell was real.

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He will find out, eventually.

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If only every living being on the planet would get jabbed with my wonderful vaccine, that requires at least 4 does per year and still doesn't prevent infection or disease at all and actually makes people more vulnerable to infection from variants than unvaxxed, we would avoid future waves of COVID!

C'mon people, I need a bigger golden parachute!

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At this point, it's literally becoming an IQ test.

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You make a great point. Can't get enough of that miracle juice.

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This criminal should be in prison with a life sentence

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"...death sentence."

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Him and a lot of others.....

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"piece of shit" is exactly correct. Worse than a POS. Even a POS has redeeming value, like being used as fertilizer. This POS just needs to be sent back to whatever bowels of hell it emerged from.

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Asshole indeed. A very rich asshole. Do you get the feeling this crap was intentionally developed with the knowledge that it wouldn't do shit, but would require boosters forever? Yeah, me too.

I didn't take it then, won't take it now, and won't take it in the future. Piss off, Bourla.

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Worst type of absurd. Force someone into getting your injections and then blame them for its failure. Go home Albert.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

No cure to Narcissism except death or a tiny sliver of hope that they learn compassion. Narcissists are evil self grandiose arrogant pieces of shit who inflict their evil onto everyone around them. They can never be wrong (because deep inside they know they are worthless pieces of shit). They do not want to connect, they do not want relationship, they want to control and use others. They are THE MOST CUT OFF FROM THEIR HEARTS People in the universe who cannot understand basic human love and honest affection. They continue inflicting the most extreme dysfunction in their families and lives around them due to their complete disregard for truth and lack of seeing others as loving individual beings....rather they see everyone else as an OBJECT as they see themselves. The definition of objectification.

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CDC website: “For primary and booster vaccination for all populations, an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) is preferred over the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine”. This billionaire monster belongs at a tribunal then at The Hague.


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These incurable narcissists live in a bubble isolation, nihilistic world of their making with no human feelings or understanding of the real world of normal humans. They represent a sub species of humans with evil dark souls. They are obsessed with wiping out or controlling normal, righteous human souls. They have no other purpose or role in advancing the evolution of the human species.

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You nailed it. He is an asshole. Worse, he’s a pathological lying asshole. Jail time is the only solution.

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and i lost my job for this?

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Not ONE person or entity responsible for ALL of this over the past 2.5+ years since the whu-flu lab release has remotely been held to account for any of the vast layers of devastation to humanity including people like you who had to be sacrificed for the "collective". Not ONE! This chump now has the audacity to caste blame elsewhere. ZERO accountability!

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I'm sorry you lost your job. You were very wise not to choose a job over your health. I commend you for having the wisdom and fortitude to make the right decision. The level of coordinated coercion by governments mandating the sacred miracle elixir should have been enough for most to second guess it.

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be thankful!!!

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The hysteria, panic and sound bytes erupting from Davos this week indicates they know they’ve lost the plot and are now considering exit strategies. Occam’s Razor already told us what Alex—and others—have repeatedly said: the vaccines do not work as advertised on the tin.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022


Kissinger says "Russia, stop fighting and return territories"

Soros says, "Time for Untied States to up the pressure (I want to see the end of national government before I die")

Bourla says, "ninety billion doses sitting in warehouse nobody wants, people tell me why not hook yourself up to an IV and mainline the lot in" -- according to a clip out there --

You are right. They are coming apart. All we need now is Klaus in his famous bathing gear doing the doggy trick with a chained-up Bill.

Conscience does weird tricks with megapsychopaths whose time is clearly running out.

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Are those photos of Schwab in drag doctored or real?

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The ones of him looking like a Vulcan space wizard are real. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s a crossdresser too.

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Sadly, someone seems to have borrowed the outfit(s) for a cover shoot.

But, he <IS> a Doctor...


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I'm getting tired of hearing commercials on the radio to get vaccinated, stay home and we are all in this together. The damns shots (I won't call them vaccines) do not work. The Vet's medicine called Convenia almost killed my dog. That should have been a red flag for everyone!!

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

There is no covid-19. It is a ruse to sell mRNA injections that seriously harm people as well as control you with masking, distancing and lockdowns. There is no viable testing method for covid-19. Other illnesses with similar symptoms were just rebranded as covid. That's where the regular flu season went...it was transferred to covid season.

Bourla is a parasitic turd that desperately needs flushing. Pfizer is the most corrupt company on the planet and has a long history of causing pain and misery to millions. No wonder these mRNA injections do not do anything to prevent any disease because the were never properly tested and trialed. If they had been, there is no way they could have ever been approved for anything other than the garbage can.

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Pfuck Pfizer

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The same cops who enforced the lockdowns refused to confront a teenager with a gun. THAT'S why people got killed. Those are the guys who will make you get the monkeypox vaccine.

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At least the monkeypox vaccine is a traditional vaccine.

But Moderna’s trying to make their own right now too...

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And if you don't buttf**k anyone, you don't need the moneypox vaxx.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Frankly, I think it's about time more people (and especially people like you in a position to be noticed) starting talking to these POS's exactly the way you did. Polite doesn't work and it's time they understood exactly how angry many people are. I loved reading it!

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I'm not sure talking will do the trick. Redefined words make being on the same page impossible.

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Be aware that U.S. Big Government like Biden/Obama-Pelosi-Schumer and their administration Czars and Unelected Big Health Facists like Fauci-Walensky are working as we speak to allow the WHO to govern American Health Policy under the guise of a Global Pandemic Treaty (they want to sign this treaty in 2022!). Write your Congressman and tell them to to knock Biden and his unelected Czars from their Pedestals Of Grandeur and Dreams of Medical Domination or everybody will have the weekly abomination of an Albert Bourla medical hour broadcast in every form of media imaginable! Lastly, vote for people that will respect and uphold the U.S. constitution.

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POS? Can't argue with Alex on that one.

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If the pharma community had any sense, they would do a “mea culpa” asap. Admit that as much a as they tried hard to make an effective vax and sincerely thought and hoped that it would work, it hasn’t! Acknowledge “tragic failure” and bestow the virtue of other vaxes. Otherwise nobody will be taking vaccines for anything in the future. Nobody believes these are effective anymore. The fact that our public health and medical community has not acknowledged the obvious, but indeed continues to push them recklessly is causing irreparable harm to their credibility.

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A traditional vaccine is approved for monkeypox. Good luck getting people to take it now...

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I agree they have made a lot of folk think differently about getting vaccines now, but ultimately it is about profit (strong-armed as it is) and on that level it definitely worked. And has spawned a whole bunch of new "management meds". You never want to cure, just need an ongoing revenue stream for "managing" lifestyle choices. As for our public health and medical community - looks like they just need to follow the narrative after all those years of med school and practice. Get those loans paid off and walk away.

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Billions of shots mean billions of people were injected. And The virus keeps virusing. And what do they tell you? It's the variants. So, no matter how poorly the vaccines work, "variants" is perpetually the answer to inefficacy. And still, the blame is placed on the 20% of us that didn't take the vaxx. Remember "99% of the covid hospitalizations are among the unvaccinated?" That's a lie along with a whole long list of lies:

-- The most secure election in history

-- No evidence of election fraud

-- Trump colluded with the Russians

-- Jan 6th was shameful because a militia tried to overthrow our country.

-- BLM encouraged mostly peaceful protests

-- "Just 2 weeks to slow the spread"

-- "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

-- The current inflation is just "transitory"

-- The car prices are up because of chips (micro, not potato)

-- Gas prices are high because Colonial Pipeline got hacked

-- Gas prices are high because of Ukraine

-- Prices are high because products are stuck on ships at the ports.

-- If everyone wears a mask, we can beat covid-19

-- Covid-19 came from a wet market where bats were sold for food (not the Wuhan Institute of Virology across the street from the wet market).

-- The NIH did not give money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to fund gain of function research on bat coronaviruses.

-- Fauci had NOTHING to do with and knows nothing about money given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology

-- Anyone can get Monkey Pox, even if you don't attend gay bareback orgies.

-- Covid-19 is a serious threat to everyone, even children

-- The covid vaccine is safe for everyone, including children and pregnant women

-- If you were sick with covid and recovered, you still need a vaccine because the vaccine is better than natural immunity

-- If you test positive for covid, you're sick and you're contagious and you're at risk. See a doctor immediately even if you feel fine.

-- America is systemically racist, especially the police.

-- If you were born male and identify as a female, you're female

-- Teachers aren't teaching little kids about critical race theory or transgender people

-- Biden got the most votes in any election in US history

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Flashback: Pfizer introduced a cow vaccine in Europe. Soon plenty of cows died with Bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) or ‘bleeding calf syndrome’. Vaccine was quietly withdrawn. And the guy in charge? Current CEO, Albert Bourla. Now, you are the cattle ...https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/s71rxx/flashback_pfizer_introduced_a_cow_vaccine_in/

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