First you force somebody to get multiple injections of something that enhances the viruses ability to infect. Then you blame the constant infections on people not wanting to take the injections that caused them to have multiple infections! Do I have it about right there Albert? Film Flam

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There are waves of Covid because the vaccines have a negative efficacy. The mRNA shots ATTRACT Covid. That's what's going on. Eventually the "experts" will have to admit this.

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I am a former Director of Government Sales for the Janssen Division of J&J. I resigned from the company and got out of the industry in the early 1990s. I got out because they violated the first stanza of the J&J credo - to look after patients first. They stopped doing that in the 90s and I had enough!! I have a friend that went from J&J to being a Director with Pfizer. Same story there only Pfizer has been slummy since the 1960s with the ascent of Dr Arthur Sackler. Read Gerald Poster’s expose of Perdue Frederick and OxyContin. Sackler caused a ton of damage! Pfizer today continues to hurt people.

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1. Watch the Jake Tapper/Scott Israel interview about gun control. 2. Stop ignoring 2000 Mules.

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Please do not go back to killing cows.

Please be executed or torn apart by angry mobs.

Please die, and leave us in peace.

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Naomi Wolf is saying this is looking like a breach in national security...

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Hey, people, his job is to protect shareholder value! Ethics and honesty, not so much.

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did this bozo got injected? Maybe he should take some more (to protect us:-)

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Such an arrogant, repulsive worthless piece of entitled crap - he really must think anyone with a functioning mind believes his lies (or he doesn’t care because he’s protected by the morons in our government). Amazing what reptiles get to run multinational corporations.

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Bourla, Fauci, and SloJoe Biden are guilty of crimes against humanity.

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Bourla belongs behind bars. I wouldn’t give my dogs anything manufactured by Pfizer.

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There is evil in the world, anyone who kills children and pharma execs pushing bad drugs.

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"Complacency"? Didn't we stop the entire freaking world for this virus?

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What he said and Btw: I just got a live FB from our county supervisor here in San Diego bragging that with Covid Cases on the rise "we have treatments" okay? So that EUA needs to be pulled for those adverse event ridden M-RNA's immediately. Because there are treatments.

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They mandate a vaccine that facilitates the spread, but cases are YOUR FAULT.

They made a hash of managing the pandemic, but they'll enshrine their blunders into a pandemic treaty, because well, that was all YOUR FAULT too.

They rack up more international flights than some have meals in a week, but climate change is YOUR FAULT.

They own more houses and cars than some people have pants and socks, but resource exhaustion is YOUR FAULT.

Their love for war is threatening world peace and global food security, but yes, that's all YOUR FAULT, of course.

When narcissists can't take responsibility for their actions, they gaslight.

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Why has delusional pretending become trendy?

Stop spinning.

Stop pretending.

Stop acting on your feelings and your wishes and your fantasies!

And start SEEING and THINKING.

THC causes psychosis and violence.

mRNA does not work.

Why is this so hard? We're not children. We should all be able to distinguish between imaginary and real at this freaking point!!!

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Only the "uneducated" aren't taking their shots, you should know that!

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He is a piece of shit!!! Garbage human being! I’ve spoken at length with a retired CEO of Phizer. He had one of the jabs and wishes he hadn’t. He spoke about hosting POS Fauci. Flying him in to speak at Harvard! Dude made 10G for 1 speech -which sucked! He told me that Fauci was the worst human being on this planet! The rudest and most arrogant as well.

Complacency about the Plandemic! WTF! Our entire world has changed due to their poisoning the world!!! All the BS jabs are dangerous as hell and the gullible sheeple out there took it gladly:(

But he is right…it’s not over…they’ll keep up this crap for as long as they can!😡

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This substack indicates Pfizer is immune from fraud because of Dod prototype contract. At least that's their argument - not that there was no fraud, but that their fraud was known and OK. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/implications-of-10-usc-2371b-the?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NzAwMTYyMiwicG9zdF9pZCI6NTY2Nzc1OTYsIl8iOiJzcHJwWCIsImlhdCI6MTY1MzU5ODcyMywiZXhwIjoxNjUzNjAyMzIzLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzc4ODkiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.9-aV5x_yVFu-M3nlwig4JmRMrrsnQfo4dE-V1UzWZIY&s=r

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

I agree. Pfizer CEO is a vet. My husband is a vet. My husband knew from the start about coronavirus in cats which can be very serious, and that it is very difficult (impossible?) to vaccinate against. Has been the case for years. All prior attempts failed. So we all waited so my husband could asses to see what they had done different this time. He tried to keep an open mind. He read everything he could get his hands on. He was never convinced. And yet Pfizer CEO was. To the extent everyone should take it.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Speaking of killing cows, look at how long it took them to admit their cow vax was causing problems in the next generation. And look at how the medical industry now won't accept any damage as caused by the covid shots if it happens more than a week or two from innoculation (if that!). This train ride isn't stopping.

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I just read that a very high percentage of pregnant women had miscarriages after getting vaccinated with a Covid-19 vaccine. The miscarriage numbers I saw appeared too high (like 90% who got the vaccine), and they were not broken down by vaccine manufacturer. If any "Unreported Truth" members know the actual numbers, please share! It seems that the Covid-19 vaccine makers may be in the same business as Planned Parenthood: Murder of the unborn for hire.

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Everyone of these creepy disgusting mini Hitlers need to go away now. You had your two years its over and its time for all of us to strike back and lock these WEF POS's up.

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Important Bulletins from Mike Yeadon

" They’re not going to stop. This is the self declared “decade of pandemics ”.


mRNA "vaccines" do work injuring, killing, destroying God given immune system of countless amount of people as they were designed to do. And they told us the truth from the beginning in their own documents.

mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing


Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Bourla said at the WEF conference this week “the new biologics will have a chip that once processed in the stomach will send a wireless signal to tell ( ?) that the medication has been taken. Can you imagine what that will do for compliance?” God help us🤦‍♀️

Here is the link: just click on video of Klaus Schwab and Bourla.


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Yet the MSM will take the word of the CEO of Pfizer as "science". Its actually a marketing strategy and it has worked over and over again so why stop. And people/cattle......same difference to him.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

CDC is saying 1 in 5 is having long covid symptoms. if CDC says 1 in 5, you could easily double and triple that number. it almost sounds like smt else is going on with this spike protein factory inside our bodies.


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More than 630,000 beautiful, innocent, unborn American babies were brutally murdered through abortion during the past twelve months. That's more than 1700 per day, every day, 365 days a year.

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I so wish that I believed Hell was real.

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If only every living being on the planet would get jabbed with my wonderful vaccine, that requires at least 4 does per year and still doesn't prevent infection or disease at all and actually makes people more vulnerable to infection from variants than unvaxxed, we would avoid future waves of COVID!

C'mon people, I need a bigger golden parachute!

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This criminal should be in prison with a life sentence

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"piece of shit" is exactly correct. Worse than a POS. Even a POS has redeeming value, like being used as fertilizer. This POS just needs to be sent back to whatever bowels of hell it emerged from.

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Asshole indeed. A very rich asshole. Do you get the feeling this crap was intentionally developed with the knowledge that it wouldn't do shit, but would require boosters forever? Yeah, me too.

I didn't take it then, won't take it now, and won't take it in the future. Piss off, Bourla.

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Worst type of absurd. Force someone into getting your injections and then blame them for its failure. Go home Albert.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

No cure to Narcissism except death or a tiny sliver of hope that they learn compassion. Narcissists are evil self grandiose arrogant pieces of shit who inflict their evil onto everyone around them. They can never be wrong (because deep inside they know they are worthless pieces of shit). They do not want to connect, they do not want relationship, they want to control and use others. They are THE MOST CUT OFF FROM THEIR HEARTS People in the universe who cannot understand basic human love and honest affection. They continue inflicting the most extreme dysfunction in their families and lives around them due to their complete disregard for truth and lack of seeing others as loving individual beings....rather they see everyone else as an OBJECT as they see themselves. The definition of objectification.

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CDC website: “For primary and booster vaccination for all populations, an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) is preferred over the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine”. This billionaire monster belongs at a tribunal then at The Hague.


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These incurable narcissists live in a bubble isolation, nihilistic world of their making with no human feelings or understanding of the real world of normal humans. They represent a sub species of humans with evil dark souls. They are obsessed with wiping out or controlling normal, righteous human souls. They have no other purpose or role in advancing the evolution of the human species.

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You nailed it. He is an asshole. Worse, he’s a pathological lying asshole. Jail time is the only solution.

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and i lost my job for this?

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The hysteria, panic and sound bytes erupting from Davos this week indicates they know they’ve lost the plot and are now considering exit strategies. Occam’s Razor already told us what Alex—and others—have repeatedly said: the vaccines do not work as advertised on the tin.

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I'm getting tired of hearing commercials on the radio to get vaccinated, stay home and we are all in this together. The damns shots (I won't call them vaccines) do not work. The Vet's medicine called Convenia almost killed my dog. That should have been a red flag for everyone!!

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

There is no covid-19. It is a ruse to sell mRNA injections that seriously harm people as well as control you with masking, distancing and lockdowns. There is no viable testing method for covid-19. Other illnesses with similar symptoms were just rebranded as covid. That's where the regular flu season went...it was transferred to covid season.

Bourla is a parasitic turd that desperately needs flushing. Pfizer is the most corrupt company on the planet and has a long history of causing pain and misery to millions. No wonder these mRNA injections do not do anything to prevent any disease because the were never properly tested and trialed. If they had been, there is no way they could have ever been approved for anything other than the garbage can.

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Pfuck Pfizer

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The same cops who enforced the lockdowns refused to confront a teenager with a gun. THAT'S why people got killed. Those are the guys who will make you get the monkeypox vaccine.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

Frankly, I think it's about time more people (and especially people like you in a position to be noticed) starting talking to these POS's exactly the way you did. Polite doesn't work and it's time they understood exactly how angry many people are. I loved reading it!

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Be aware that U.S. Big Government like Biden/Obama-Pelosi-Schumer and their administration Czars and Unelected Big Health Facists like Fauci-Walensky are working as we speak to allow the WHO to govern American Health Policy under the guise of a Global Pandemic Treaty (they want to sign this treaty in 2022!). Write your Congressman and tell them to to knock Biden and his unelected Czars from their Pedestals Of Grandeur and Dreams of Medical Domination or everybody will have the weekly abomination of an Albert Bourla medical hour broadcast in every form of media imaginable! Lastly, vote for people that will respect and uphold the U.S. constitution.

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POS? Can't argue with Alex on that one.

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If the pharma community had any sense, they would do a “mea culpa” asap. Admit that as much a as they tried hard to make an effective vax and sincerely thought and hoped that it would work, it hasn’t! Acknowledge “tragic failure” and bestow the virtue of other vaxes. Otherwise nobody will be taking vaccines for anything in the future. Nobody believes these are effective anymore. The fact that our public health and medical community has not acknowledged the obvious, but indeed continues to push them recklessly is causing irreparable harm to their credibility.

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Billions of shots mean billions of people were injected. And The virus keeps virusing. And what do they tell you? It's the variants. So, no matter how poorly the vaccines work, "variants" is perpetually the answer to inefficacy. And still, the blame is placed on the 20% of us that didn't take the vaxx. Remember "99% of the covid hospitalizations are among the unvaccinated?" That's a lie along with a whole long list of lies:

-- The most secure election in history

-- No evidence of election fraud

-- Trump colluded with the Russians

-- Jan 6th was shameful because a militia tried to overthrow our country.

-- BLM encouraged mostly peaceful protests

-- "Just 2 weeks to slow the spread"

-- "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

-- The current inflation is just "transitory"

-- The car prices are up because of chips (micro, not potato)

-- Gas prices are high because Colonial Pipeline got hacked

-- Gas prices are high because of Ukraine

-- Prices are high because products are stuck on ships at the ports.

-- If everyone wears a mask, we can beat covid-19

-- Covid-19 came from a wet market where bats were sold for food (not the Wuhan Institute of Virology across the street from the wet market).

-- The NIH did not give money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to fund gain of function research on bat coronaviruses.

-- Fauci had NOTHING to do with and knows nothing about money given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology

-- Anyone can get Monkey Pox, even if you don't attend gay bareback orgies.

-- Covid-19 is a serious threat to everyone, even children

-- The covid vaccine is safe for everyone, including children and pregnant women

-- If you were sick with covid and recovered, you still need a vaccine because the vaccine is better than natural immunity

-- If you test positive for covid, you're sick and you're contagious and you're at risk. See a doctor immediately even if you feel fine.

-- America is systemically racist, especially the police.

-- If you were born male and identify as a female, you're female

-- Teachers aren't teaching little kids about critical race theory or transgender people

-- Biden got the most votes in any election in US history

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Flashback: Pfizer introduced a cow vaccine in Europe. Soon plenty of cows died with Bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) or ‘bleeding calf syndrome’. Vaccine was quietly withdrawn. And the guy in charge? Current CEO, Albert Bourla. Now, you are the cattle ...https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/s71rxx/flashback_pfizer_introduced_a_cow_vaccine_in/

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