Just so we’re clear on how Twitter uses Section 230 to control its content and make sure it isn’t filled with porn and hate (the woke lawyer fantasy for why social media sites deserve federal protection to censor) , here’s what Evatwenty just offered her 555,800 followers:
This is your chance not to scroll down:
As you can see, Eva’s followers are, umm, passionate - the video has been viewed 18,000 times in two hours.
On the other hand, at least Twitter carefully tracks misogynistic content!
Oh, wait:
Let’s not even start down the anti-Semitic rathole:
What about the word so toxic that even saying it aloud can get a white person fired?
I thought you’d never ask.
Huh. Looks like Twitter is a First Amendment free speech playground where unpopular and even vile views are tolerated and explicit pornography is available at a click to all users! (Just as California law requires of messenger services.)
It's always been clearly obvious to anyone paying attention that the various Social Ostracization Services have a purely political agenda and don't really care about so-called "hate speech," anti-semitism, misogyny, or any of the other current-day linguistic "sins" that they profess are so important. I hope Berenson's suit draws a TON of publicity. That by itself will hopefully wake even the most torpid from the slumber they're currently in.
Oh but Alex, don’t you know debauchery, misogyny, pedophilia, racism, human trafficking, and other such practices are protected forms of speech and thus get free reign on Big Tech platforms?
It is only nasty truth-tellers like you who must be silenced and suppressed for the good of the “public health.”
Or, don’t you know debauchery, misogyny, pedophilia, racism, human trafficking, and other such practices don't interfere with pharmaceutical industry profits (or any other big corporate industry with a lobbying power profits, for that matter).
*lol* Excellent qualification. Indeed, those behaviors promote the mental health conditions and trauma that ultimately lead to more lucrative profits for Big Pharma, so it’s in their best interest to foster them.
Another possibility is that "they" want to promote deviancy and other activity that tends to erode traditional moral standards, the family, old values, etc. Even having said that, I support freedom of speech, but it's a most interesting argument, that has snared Alex, why some free speech must be prohibited while others gets a pass...?
Right, I’m pretty much a free speech absolutist, but I draw the line at illegal activities and those that cause harm to others (e.g., pedophilia, human trafficking). Porn has traditionally been prohibited in public spaces, mercifully, but there are private spaces where it is permitted for those who wish to see it (rather than it being foisted upon the unsuspecting public). I don’t see that as an infringement on free speech but an upholding of civility in town-hall type arenas children are likely to frequent.
As a Twitter user, i am surprised by how much misandry is allowed. As for the debauchery, ethnicism ("racism"), human trafficking, pederasty (not pedophilia), more people need to report it etc. Nasty truth-tellers? Dr. Robert Malone and many others have told much more raw hard truths, they are still on.. something to think about.
Agreed re: misandry and the need for reporting other violations.
That said, Dr. Malone is living on borrowed time—I am amazed he’s still there but expect the axe to fall any day, as it has been for so many other truth-tellers. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean there’s no risk of it happening. Dr. Malone has already been subjected to a vicious smear campaign, and Big Tech has been working on unpersoning him and memory-holing his accomplishments for the past two years.
The folks they don't boot they throttle. A tactic they should have held fast to. But in their arrogance they couldn't help themselves and they stepped over the line. Tyrants always do.
Yes, women, (and men,) selling themselves online is the new normal, as is telling pre-puberty children they can choose their sex, chemically and physically castrate themselves, setting up lifetimes of suffering, in many cases! Yikes! Such insanity and depravity.
While telling the truth about this nightmare of lies, wickedness, and destruction, wrought by illegal and unconstitutional behavior by our elected and appointed officials, this is a speech CRIME!
It is the Apocalypse, it does appear. Fouci is one Horseman, killing millions with his bioweapon, forced vaxxes, forced lethal Remdesivir and Ventilator, and no successful early treatments allowed. Gates another, Schwab 3rd, for sure. I wonder top candidate for 4? Any suggestions??
Yes, he did. Now the HIV/AZT death and money scheme has been rolled out on the formerly free world with SARS-COV-2, and vaxxes that destroy immune systems, forcing you into more and more profit plans for Big Pharma. Also we are taking the pressure off Social Security, since the criminals raided it's funds and cannot meet their obligations. Death by 65 years of age, (for the masses,) is a dream come true for the thieves and puppet masters!
Also, all the kids from 2 generations now with autoimmune problems, Autism, asthma, etc. from the poisons in childhood vaccines....
Truly it takes a lot of toughness to see the world as it really is. I feel for those who just cannot bear to look.
He is a monster. Hitler and Stalin are from the same "family" of psychopaths, in my view....
And he is using the exact playbook now, as he did with AIDS. Fear mongering, pushing his dangerous pharmaceuticals, ignoring and saying the cheap therapeutics which would have saved thousands of lives were dangerous and didn't work bullying those who disagree with him, lying about AIDS, saying it could be spread by casual contact, even among family members, and he even kept children in NY home from school for a week so they wouldn't get AIDS. Fauci is the devil, himself.
Fauci is the Gollum of his precious virus. He cultivates it lays out a detailed plan of response using the media, military, CIA, and health agencies for a virus from China to hit in 2025 and whala we have hit the gold mine for reducing populations and determining just how cowardly human beings can be controlled. A complete success as Brandon would say
Looks that way, doesn't it? Although personally I don't believe Biden is bright enough or competent enough for the roll....perhaps Obama?? I would not be one bit surprised if he was orchestrating all of the current Admin's moves from his basement computer system!
Well as much as i know twitter can be a cesspool, there is much information there that contributed greatly and still is to many more waking up to the scam-demic (and many more things about the NWO etc) with diligent dedicated doctors and nurses etc spreading all what is being covered up by the govt and JMSM, so i do not agree it should be taken down if it can be used against the establishment.
I'm pretty sure you can watch a live suicide, rape, or murder on social media. There is clearly no line in the sand. Except for those who violate the constricts of The Narrative. Then you're out.
Have you ever watched such? If so which social media? Because such gore etc is usually relegated to of course, sites that deal with that which are not well known of course among the general population. There is no line in the sand for those type of morally bankrupt sites, but other sites like Rumble, Odyssey etc do have clear lines in the sand.
Those two words are diametrically opposed. Anarchy = lawlessness and Tyranny = "cruel or unjust use of power... from Greek tyrannia "rule of a tyrant, absolute power," from tyrannos "master"."
Just to add a few. Women (not of the male kind) have been taking shit from Twitter for years. In fact you can't stand up for women's rights and expect to stay around on Twitter.
Twitter also puts up with paedophiles (they call themselves MAP - Minor attracted persons).
It's a man's world don't you know? And if they want to be women they will be women. They don't need transitioning surgery just self identify-- my god talk about toxic masculinity in the guise of " human rights" 🙄 It truly is an industry now.
I ask you kindly to not capitulate to using the corrosive destruction of intelligent English by the left, perhaps you might be edified by the following link i authored (yes i know it needs refining but we are in a war here);
There is more than ever quite the misandry but of course that is not important these days as they Alphabet Mafia funded by elite destroys the true God/Jesus given SEX (NOT GENDER) roles and destruction of the traditional family etc.
It sure has caused many to wake up to the scam-demic and many other things... using the enemies tool against them is wise part of good vs evil warfare.
The ones behind him tend to be the ones just waking up to this immense scam-demic, and have yet to learn of the complex and elaborate levels of truth they are at.
Yesterday I saw the first Facebook ad on YouTube explaining just how important it is that the government gives more guidance on what should be removed from the Internet 🙄 Big tech, all in bed together, already cross tracking your data and ready to go the extra mile. As an engineer, you may be disgusted to know just how lucrative features to harvest data from <12 year olds is. *edited for typos as I originally texted this whilst competitively playing a board game lol
Indeed...the forefathers of America knew what they experienced with kings gone out of control (authoritarianism) and very corrupted bankers, what will happen if left unchecked, and were very intelligent in such things to have constructed the constitution to ensure a strong nation walled against such as long as people upheld the constitution. Indeed as SaHiB stated, it's treason for starters.
"Yesterday I saw the first Facebook ad on YouTube explaining just how important it is that the government gives more guidance on what should be removed from the Internet 🙄 Big tech, all in bed together, cross tracking your data"
Translation: For when a government that is supposed to uphold your God-given rights is deciding to censor your God-given rights like to free thought / expression etc, this is a dangerous serious sign of authoritarianism growing and we must resist with all we are for by staying silent we shall be led like sheep to slaughter w/o a bahh.
The fact that such companies are becoming such a landscape of moral ruination, truly testifies why harvesting data from <12 year olds is clearly the evidence of the increasing allowance of lecherous, lewd, libidinous, accursed pederasts to further ensconce themselves in utter abominable diabolist activity. I pray to God/Jesus daily that if it be acceptable to Him, to use anti-NWO hackers to destroy such parts of their networks which actually already is in play but needs to be done much more.
Lazaro, I quit a job because it was attempting to build features which directly targeted 8-12 year olds and as a mom I was sick over it. There is a Bells curve for data collection… the most lucrative being from those who are top 1-10% earners and industry experts and then children. It’s the reason FB bought Insta (after spying on adolescent users to ascertain their tech habits and learning Insta was becoming popular) and why brands flock to Tiktok now
They our Government leadership along with Big Tech doesn't want anyone outside the Fauci and Collins Narrative they have stopped all Free thinking. Nature was eating Mushrooms for first 20 months of this endemic. Now they are repeating everything Berenson said Months ago and taking credit for it. Right now they are but in time everyone will see that they was Late to the game and destroyed tens of thousands of people lives everyday here in America 🇺🇸 and worldwide.
I've never had a Twit account although I've seen useful posts elsewhere that refer back to a Twitter post, so that's the only context in which I've "been on Twitter". I have no interest in setting up an account there at this point. Too much to read elsewhere, frankly.
Zackly. And if you need to read it just to keep tabs on what propaganda is being disseminated/inane opinions are being bandied about by people not awake to the panopticon yet, use the portal at nitter.net. Deny them your tracking data.
I have violated twitter covid policies a thousand times. Got locked out twice. Both times it was because i mentioned vaxx shedding. That is what they really want to keep quiet.
Interesting, thanks for sharing that. I'm surprised you still have your account after many violations. I've been locked out once for as i stated in another comment with more details on this page, what i thought should happen to Fauci.
Also, when they lock you out, to get back in you have to not only agree to delete the tweet but also agree that you were spreading misinformation. That's pretty slick. I clicked agree before I even read what I agreed to. Now I'm a self-admitted terrorist who spreads medical misinformation.
Twit town puts all their censorship efforts into conservative political and Covid alternative treatment and anti-vax posting. The other stuff is not their concern in the least. Also, it's probably so extensive and out of control they can't easily censor it anyway.
One thing I appreciate about SK, is I always know where I can find him, you know? He is always updating somewhere: either substack, his website, or trialsitenews, and his badass presentations at CDC ACIP FDA VRBPAC advisory meeting calls (he usually tries to get a spot to speak during the Public Comments session, along w Peter Doshi).
I think Steve has probably got one of those things around his neck that Hermione had from Harry Potter. You know - that time-saving device which enabled her to be operating in two different time dimensions simultaneously? He's a force of nature and driven by deep conviction. As are Alex and Peter McCullough and every other brave soul who is at the forefront of this fight.
Whereas someone like M Yeadon, I can never flipping find him when I need him. Or sucharit bhakdi. I am always wondering where they are hiding on social media. Would like to check in more often w them. Although I think I already follow Yeadon on LinkedIn.
You can find them if you are on the right sites like Rumble, Odyssey etc. Yeadon actually left a comment on this Berenson's substack not long ago which i replied to him thanking him greatly for the bravery and moral compass to do what he did, he was humble in his response.
Yeadon replied to my comment on SK’s substack & then two days later I noticed an especially insightful Covid related comment on Epoch News, username “yeadon_m”
I'm one who reports pornographic material and Twitter seemingly tends to be punctual on nuking such accounts, so it's a game of whack a mole, they can only do so much in a given slot of time since they have to verify etc if such and such is such and such etc.
Darcy is a super woke monk... i presume he needed to move on because of part of what you stated and a mix of corporate "incompatibility" politics... so get out of Dodge like CMCM stated.
There's a lot of wisdom in "gettin' while the gettin's good" as they said in the old Westerns. I'm reminded of one of the early investors (creators?) of Yahoo that was wise or lucky enough to sell or hedge a large portion of his Yahoo stock before it went into the toilet. Did you notice that Elon Musk was/is selling a portion of his holdings? It's quite possible that many of these companies' stocks will drop 70-80%, more, in a major market crash. It's happened many times before, as recently as 2000-2002.
well, FB and Twitter only cancel people THEY do not like. That is why Robert Deniro can say F Trump on a public stage on television, but the left is deeply deeeeeply offended by Let's Go Brandon
Facebook is the same. I turned in a very nasty child porn site, there weren't pics of kids being abused but it was pics stolen from people's pages and horrific comments under each pic of what the men wanted to do to the children. FB said it didn't break their community standard rules. But I was threatened with losing my account because I shared posts about HCQ and vitamin d
The only time I ever reported something on FB I reported a blatant threat to shoot President Trump in the head and FB said the same thing- didn’t violate their standards.
The reason Leftism (or many other philosophies) are endemic is that there is a lot of truth to the idea that "truth" is relative. Actually, what is relative is the perspective of the observer. This goes by many names: perspectivism, subjectivism, relativism, and probably a hundred more. An old empiricist like me would agree there is a real reality out there, the objective universe. It operates by its own laws, not man's. Man, with his wisdom, is capable of studying and devising models to predict the world's features. We call this thought, logic, science, and so forth. So yes, there are endless competing narratives, but there is at most one that will win the contest, measured against some experiment that lets the real world render its verdict.
Well when you see Bible Scripture on Twitter.. that's objective truth since it comes from the eternal, absolute, most sublime, transcendent foundation and fountainhead of truth, our Creator = Jesus the Christ.
Sarcasm right? I ask because in the PRINT industry there is an adage about "It's hard to pull of sarcasm in print." If you are not being sarcastic, these accounts from what i've learned over the years, are run by slimeball types fish-hooking foolish fish who use pictures and videos on-line from other people to make it look like the person is real and of couurse it's not... it's a scam, so i guess there is a father, the father of the scam. If it is a real female who is the one in the video and picture media, well pornography production and the money to be made in it sure has many females living double lives doing it. But i presume you know these things in general. I report this stuff if i come across it since it's abominable.
These days, you really don't know whom you're dealing with unless you can meet them in the flesh and, depending upon what the purpose of the meet is, conduct a detailed anatomical inspection and perhaps genetic testing 🙂
Full disclaimer: I am not a doorknob, nor am I property of Satan.
These accounts are rampant these days on-line, and are what was before the internet, where you would have those 1-800 phone sex numbers, and the woman would describe herself as being this very attractive female giving you her (false) desirable measurements etc when really she was a Church's Chicken 270 pound woman with a face only mother could love which of course had a sultry telephone voice to make sure to fishhook the caller etc and get as much money out of them as possible. Now the game has been stepped up with all sorts of fraudulent pictures and video to further make the sell by using a site like twitter first bait the viewer with some entry level porn (before the account is reported) to redirect to another site etc. The scams never stop and only grow the more because of the resources of some of these scammers.
she needs attention and instead of using her mind and doing something significant in this world, she sells what all of us women have....its not like she has something so special the rest of us do not have.....the difference is class and dignity.
An excellent point. I often mention this another way: They boot a popular content provider like Alex, who had around 300,000 followers. That's a lot of advertising revenue (eyeballs) to throw away. Stated bluntly: Twitter selectively censors content that is unfavorable to the powers that be. They literally put pleasing unseen powers ahead of their own corporate interests. Curious.
This is what needs to be done. We need to expose them for the evil. Thank you for your hard work and research. Can you imagine what could be accomplished if journalist were real journalists. Oh if only!! Maybe more real concerned citizens can join in on this fight. Let’s get the word out!!
I'm one who has an account on twitter and does take time to report pornographic accounts etc. It's not much "research" to easily find such things. Yes much more could be done if the journalists in the last few decades sold out to be being govt megaphone propagandists falsely called "journalism." More real concerned citizens have joined the fight more than ever, so the word is already out.
Correction: "Yes much more could be done if the journalists in the last few decades DID NOT SELL OUT to be being govt megaphone propagandists falsely called "journalists" doing "journalism."
We are so much better off with these phonies from social media. How is it an excellent teacher makes $50k a year and Twitter execs are worth billions. Oh, if you create a website and make billions on the fools who frequent it, that makes you better than me and able to tell me what is and is not good for me. Nice world we live in.
Crapitalism rewards the jobs that don't produce anything of substance.
And these days, many programmers are never going to see the money that tech bros saw in the 90s and 00s. Everything is upside down in this economy that justifies wealth of the few, with the rest being wage slaves...
Clearly, your reporting is MUCH more vile and inappropriate than those topics. Geeze. I will never understand how all of these social media companies were convinced/incentivised to censor factual information. They equally complicit in the harm and death.
While many of these examples are very low hanging fruit, it seems that the "sanitation" apparatus of social media entities has been laser focused on narrative control.
Objectionable (and often outright illegal) content is perfectly fine as long as it doesn't get large enough to attract attention (see Reddit)
This is the very reason why social media censorship will never actually do any good and only do harm. There is no incentive to clean up the internet of spam or distasteful content but there is MUCH MORE to gain in working to secure complete narrative control.
I'm one who reports any type of child porn that very much would be classified as suggestive or straight child porn and they are surprisingly quick to nuke it. It just needs more people reporting.
You had me worried there for a moment. So relieved to discover it wasn't anything that goes against the teachings of Our Lord and Savior Anthony "Jesus was my beta version" Fauci.
Alex, I love you, man. I love your courage and your tenacity and your willingness to endure countless slings and arrows to fight for what is right. I think you’re going after Twitter for personal reasons, which is correct. But I love that in taking the fight to the lil bird you are also standing up for for all those who have been deplatformed for speaking out against tyranny. And fighting against the theft of all of our First Amendment rights.
God BLESS you every day Alex Berenson for calmly, clearly, sanely, systematically, accurately, astutely, and WISELY exposing the existential social dilemma of our day!! That lil bird is drunk with power and pooping on too many windshields...GO GET ‘EM ALEX!!!
It amazes me how few people on the news/politics side of Twitter know that there is a very substantial sex side of Twitter too. Way more explicit than Eva, basically XXX porn clips often as enticement to join the Tweeter's OnlyFan page (or to use their escort services) . Twitter is currently fighting lawsuits from two underage, teenage boys who had explicit videos posted that Twitter neglected to take down even after several notifications. Twitter does a way more thorough job of policing political speech that removing illegal sexual content from its platform. Alex, tell your lawyers it's the wild west on Twitter for sexual content and ministry of information rules for Covid and other dissenters. Here's hoping that reality makes your case even stronger.
How about IVERMECTIN!!!
Ooooh.There's a nasty word!
Talk 'cheap cures' to me, baby! Oooh! Oooh!
"Hurt me. Hurt me! Make me take that bad stuff that actually cures da Coof!"
I used the word 'coof' last night. My son and husband both said "Good God. That sounds too much like queef."
I had to look that up!
Boost me baby....give me that jab!
Stop horsing around.
It's always been clearly obvious to anyone paying attention that the various Social Ostracization Services have a purely political agenda and don't really care about so-called "hate speech," anti-semitism, misogyny, or any of the other current-day linguistic "sins" that they profess are so important. I hope Berenson's suit draws a TON of publicity. That by itself will hopefully wake even the most torpid from the slumber they're currently in.
Hahaha 😂
“A horse is a horse, of course, of course”.
That’s the word that got me permanently banned from Twitter in June 2021
But chicks with dicks is totally acceptable. I’m not kidding. It makes EVA blush.
That's worse than the N-word.
its patent has expired so it is a treat to Fauci's power (and big pharma)
Jab me all night long!
It’s a word that’s dangerous & hurtful, poisonous to Big Pharma bottom line! Shhhhh…
Any Dr Irvin Mectin would never get a blue blotch.
I'm literally shaking!!!!
So is Eva.
Oh but Alex, don’t you know debauchery, misogyny, pedophilia, racism, human trafficking, and other such practices are protected forms of speech and thus get free reign on Big Tech platforms?
It is only nasty truth-tellers like you who must be silenced and suppressed for the good of the “public health.”
It's all and ever will be about Good vs Evil. Everything else doesn't matter as long as you stay in line and are obedient to the establishment.
Generally true.
Or, don’t you know debauchery, misogyny, pedophilia, racism, human trafficking, and other such practices don't interfere with pharmaceutical industry profits (or any other big corporate industry with a lobbying power profits, for that matter).
*lol* Excellent qualification. Indeed, those behaviors promote the mental health conditions and trauma that ultimately lead to more lucrative profits for Big Pharma, so it’s in their best interest to foster them.
Another possibility is that "they" want to promote deviancy and other activity that tends to erode traditional moral standards, the family, old values, etc. Even having said that, I support freedom of speech, but it's a most interesting argument, that has snared Alex, why some free speech must be prohibited while others gets a pass...?
Because it’s for our “protection”. 🙄
Right, I’m pretty much a free speech absolutist, but I draw the line at illegal activities and those that cause harm to others (e.g., pedophilia, human trafficking). Porn has traditionally been prohibited in public spaces, mercifully, but there are private spaces where it is permitted for those who wish to see it (rather than it being foisted upon the unsuspecting public). I don’t see that as an infringement on free speech but an upholding of civility in town-hall type arenas children are likely to frequent.
they likely help profits
Society, families, businesses etc hates truthtellers ... until they are dead
Quo Vadis
Are you my sedevacantist buddy from another life? (Twitter) before I got Twitter death penalty may 2020
I think I used J oseph. I made even a lot of sedes mad
As a Twitter user, i am surprised by how much misandry is allowed. As for the debauchery, ethnicism ("racism"), human trafficking, pederasty (not pedophilia), more people need to report it etc. Nasty truth-tellers? Dr. Robert Malone and many others have told much more raw hard truths, they are still on.. something to think about.
Agreed re: misandry and the need for reporting other violations.
That said, Dr. Malone is living on borrowed time—I am amazed he’s still there but expect the axe to fall any day, as it has been for so many other truth-tellers. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean there’s no risk of it happening. Dr. Malone has already been subjected to a vicious smear campaign, and Big Tech has been working on unpersoning him and memory-holing his accomplishments for the past two years.
The folks they don't boot they throttle. A tactic they should have held fast to. But in their arrogance they couldn't help themselves and they stepped over the line. Tyrants always do.
You were saying?
Go get 'em, Alex, I hope Twitter is taken down. It's a cesspool.
Where are the STD passports when you need 'em. Geeez!
Spiritually Transmitted Devils? (Yes i know what you really meant.)
Yes, women, (and men,) selling themselves online is the new normal, as is telling pre-puberty children they can choose their sex, chemically and physically castrate themselves, setting up lifetimes of suffering, in many cases! Yikes! Such insanity and depravity.
While telling the truth about this nightmare of lies, wickedness, and destruction, wrought by illegal and unconstitutional behavior by our elected and appointed officials, this is a speech CRIME!
It is the Apocalypse, it does appear. Fouci is one Horseman, killing millions with his bioweapon, forced vaxxes, forced lethal Remdesivir and Ventilator, and no successful early treatments allowed. Gates another, Schwab 3rd, for sure. I wonder top candidate for 4? Any suggestions??
Fauci killed thousands with his 1980's HIV pay to play scheme. Yet he's still here doing it again. This time he's responsible for 500,000 deaths.
Yes, he did. Now the HIV/AZT death and money scheme has been rolled out on the formerly free world with SARS-COV-2, and vaxxes that destroy immune systems, forcing you into more and more profit plans for Big Pharma. Also we are taking the pressure off Social Security, since the criminals raided it's funds and cannot meet their obligations. Death by 65 years of age, (for the masses,) is a dream come true for the thieves and puppet masters!
Also, all the kids from 2 generations now with autoimmune problems, Autism, asthma, etc. from the poisons in childhood vaccines....
Truly it takes a lot of toughness to see the world as it really is. I feel for those who just cannot bear to look.
He is a monster. Hitler and Stalin are from the same "family" of psychopaths, in my view....
And he is using the exact playbook now, as he did with AIDS. Fear mongering, pushing his dangerous pharmaceuticals, ignoring and saying the cheap therapeutics which would have saved thousands of lives were dangerous and didn't work bullying those who disagree with him, lying about AIDS, saying it could be spread by casual contact, even among family members, and he even kept children in NY home from school for a week so they wouldn't get AIDS. Fauci is the devil, himself.
Fauci is the Gollum of his precious virus. He cultivates it lays out a detailed plan of response using the media, military, CIA, and health agencies for a virus from China to hit in 2025 and whala we have hit the gold mine for reducing populations and determining just how cowardly human beings can be controlled. A complete success as Brandon would say
Looks that way, doesn't it? Although personally I don't believe Biden is bright enough or competent enough for the roll....perhaps Obama?? I would not be one bit surprised if he was orchestrating all of the current Admin's moves from his basement computer system!
The "Scarlet STD"
But they are called SEXUALLY transmitted diseases for a reason.
Well as much as i know twitter can be a cesspool, there is much information there that contributed greatly and still is to many more waking up to the scam-demic (and many more things about the NWO etc) with diligent dedicated doctors and nurses etc spreading all what is being covered up by the govt and JMSM, so i do not agree it should be taken down if it can be used against the establishment.
Yes, taken down as in financially dinged BAD, paralyzed by FOIAs, their groveling exposed… If I had faith in Silicon Valley, new leadership.
Don't settle Alex. Make them all sit in that chair and make them explain it, if they can.
Please don’t settle
I'm pretty sure you can watch a live suicide, rape, or murder on social media. There is clearly no line in the sand. Except for those who violate the constricts of The Narrative. Then you're out.
Have you ever watched such? If so which social media? Because such gore etc is usually relegated to of course, sites that deal with that which are not well known of course among the general population. There is no line in the sand for those type of morally bankrupt sites, but other sites like Rumble, Odyssey etc do have clear lines in the sand.
And wearing a mask.
I'm sure they would allow mesh masks
exactly what it all IS!
Those two words are diametrically opposed. Anarchy = lawlessness and Tyranny = "cruel or unjust use of power... from Greek tyrannia "rule of a tyrant, absolute power," from tyrannos "master"."
Thanks for sharing that. Ignore vida galore.
Now do “government”.
You're annoying as hell.
Just to add a few. Women (not of the male kind) have been taking shit from Twitter for years. In fact you can't stand up for women's rights and expect to stay around on Twitter.
Twitter also puts up with paedophiles (they call themselves MAP - Minor attracted persons).
Yep. Fought tooth and nail against the violent trans agenda freaks, never seen so much misogyny in my life.
It's a man's world don't you know? And if they want to be women they will be women. They don't need transitioning surgery just self identify-- my god talk about toxic masculinity in the guise of " human rights" 🙄 It truly is an industry now.
Yes, indeed. I was helping some Green Party friends try to fight against them taking over the GP but the trans won. It wasn't pretty.
I ask you kindly to not capitulate to using the corrosive destruction of intelligent English by the left, perhaps you might be edified by the following link i authored (yes i know it needs refining but we are in a war here);
There is more than ever quite the misandry but of course that is not important these days as they Alphabet Mafia funded by elite destroys the true God/Jesus given SEX (NOT GENDER) roles and destruction of the traditional family etc.
Not interested in your insane drivel. That's the weirdest fucking shit I've seen in awhile. Congrats. Are you an incel?
twitter belongs in the shitter, always has, always will
It sure has caused many to wake up to the scam-demic and many other things... using the enemies tool against them is wise part of good vs evil warfare.
Unless they're full of thimerosal. The mercury would contaminate if used as fertilizer.
ah, very true...
Pederasts not paedophiles;
Love you Alex! Keep fighting!!! So many people are behind you. All the best.
The ones behind him tend to be the ones just waking up to this immense scam-demic, and have yet to learn of the complex and elaborate levels of truth they are at.
Yesterday I saw the first Facebook ad on YouTube explaining just how important it is that the government gives more guidance on what should be removed from the Internet 🙄 Big tech, all in bed together, already cross tracking your data and ready to go the extra mile. As an engineer, you may be disgusted to know just how lucrative features to harvest data from <12 year olds is. *edited for typos as I originally texted this whilst competitively playing a board game lol
If you see it again, can you send a link?
Can you share the link here?
Government giving guidance on what should be removed = first amendment violation.
If the "government" did its job, it would prosecute both Facebook and Google for suborning treason.
Indeed...the forefathers of America knew what they experienced with kings gone out of control (authoritarianism) and very corrupted bankers, what will happen if left unchecked, and were very intelligent in such things to have constructed the constitution to ensure a strong nation walled against such as long as people upheld the constitution. Indeed as SaHiB stated, it's treason for starters.
sadly, absolutely.
Those ads are nauseating.
"Yesterday I saw the first Facebook ad on YouTube explaining just how important it is that the government gives more guidance on what should be removed from the Internet 🙄 Big tech, all in bed together, cross tracking your data"
Translation: For when a government that is supposed to uphold your God-given rights is deciding to censor your God-given rights like to free thought / expression etc, this is a dangerous serious sign of authoritarianism growing and we must resist with all we are for by staying silent we shall be led like sheep to slaughter w/o a bahh.
The fact that such companies are becoming such a landscape of moral ruination, truly testifies why harvesting data from <12 year olds is clearly the evidence of the increasing allowance of lecherous, lewd, libidinous, accursed pederasts to further ensconce themselves in utter abominable diabolist activity. I pray to God/Jesus daily that if it be acceptable to Him, to use anti-NWO hackers to destroy such parts of their networks which actually already is in play but needs to be done much more.
Lazaro, I quit a job because it was attempting to build features which directly targeted 8-12 year olds and as a mom I was sick over it. There is a Bells curve for data collection… the most lucrative being from those who are top 1-10% earners and industry experts and then children. It’s the reason FB bought Insta (after spying on adolescent users to ascertain their tech habits and learning Insta was becoming popular) and why brands flock to Tiktok now
They our Government leadership along with Big Tech doesn't want anyone outside the Fauci and Collins Narrative they have stopped all Free thinking. Nature was eating Mushrooms for first 20 months of this endemic. Now they are repeating everything Berenson said Months ago and taking credit for it. Right now they are but in time everyone will see that they was Late to the game and destroyed tens of thousands of people lives everyday here in America 🇺🇸 and worldwide.
I've seen the same ad on during the local news in Cincinnati.
Twitter is a disgusting organization. Simply don’t use it is my view.
But.... Libs of Tiktok is there
I've never had a Twit account although I've seen useful posts elsewhere that refer back to a Twitter post, so that's the only context in which I've "been on Twitter". I have no interest in setting up an account there at this point. Too much to read elsewhere, frankly.
Zackly. And if you need to read it just to keep tabs on what propaganda is being disseminated/inane opinions are being bandied about by people not awake to the panopticon yet, use the portal at nitter.net. Deny them your tracking data.
Have you ever been on it?
I have violated twitter covid policies a thousand times. Got locked out twice. Both times it was because i mentioned vaxx shedding. That is what they really want to keep quiet.
I was booted for saying they shouldn't be bribing people to take an experimental gene therapy treatment.
Interesting, thanks for sharing that. I'm surprised you still have your account after many violations. I've been locked out once for as i stated in another comment with more details on this page, what i thought should happen to Fauci.
Also, when they lock you out, to get back in you have to not only agree to delete the tweet but also agree that you were spreading misinformation. That's pretty slick. I clicked agree before I even read what I agreed to. Now I'm a self-admitted terrorist who spreads medical misinformation.
Twit town puts all their censorship efforts into conservative political and Covid alternative treatment and anti-vax posting. The other stuff is not their concern in the least. Also, it's probably so extensive and out of control they can't easily censor it anyway.
I guess Eva isn't spreading disinformation.
Herpes yes, but honestly.
There ya go! I thought I'd give someone the set up for a snarky response. Way to go!
I'm here for ya!
Well it’s not peanut butter she’s spreading.
Oh boy. I was gonna go there with a witty response - but I won't - lol.
Oh, go ahead! LOL!
No, it was much worse than Adren's. LOL
You should. Really. In the name of free speech.
I think she spreads a lot of things 😽
Sad soul
She’s going to start a crab pandemic.
Also a plandemic
crabdemic coming in 2022. Contact tracing and school closures should be a hoot.
Especially tracing the school administrators and school boards.
She needs to close as well
It seems she wasn't reported yet, and you can buy twitter followers to make yourself look much more than you are.
Yes. Influencers don’t translate into sales. Overrated
You forgot to mention terrorist organizations- Hamas, Iran, Taliban, ISIS, BLM, Antifa, etc. All on Twitter
You ever heard or read the motto for the Mossad?
Steve Kirsch just got unsuspended from Twitter. Weird timing, I’d bet your lawsuit has something to do with it.
Yeah, but he got suspended from Linkedin. It's a game of Wack-a-Mole.
He was deleted by LinkedIn.
One thing I appreciate about SK, is I always know where I can find him, you know? He is always updating somewhere: either substack, his website, or trialsitenews, and his badass presentations at CDC ACIP FDA VRBPAC advisory meeting calls (he usually tries to get a spot to speak during the Public Comments session, along w Peter Doshi).
I think Steve has probably got one of those things around his neck that Hermione had from Harry Potter. You know - that time-saving device which enabled her to be operating in two different time dimensions simultaneously? He's a force of nature and driven by deep conviction. As are Alex and Peter McCullough and every other brave soul who is at the forefront of this fight.
Whereas someone like M Yeadon, I can never flipping find him when I need him. Or sucharit bhakdi. I am always wondering where they are hiding on social media. Would like to check in more often w them. Although I think I already follow Yeadon on LinkedIn.
You can find them if you are on the right sites like Rumble, Odyssey etc. Yeadon actually left a comment on this Berenson's substack not long ago which i replied to him thanking him greatly for the bravery and moral compass to do what he did, he was humble in his response.
Yeadon replied to my comment on SK’s substack & then two days later I noticed an especially insightful Covid related comment on Epoch News, username “yeadon_m”
Mike Yeadon on Telegram.
Wish you didn't have to have a working smartphone to use Telegram on your computer.
Yeah. It’s really more of a text service on steroids. But there is some good people out there using it.
Wouldn't surprise me. Damage control?
That's a big bet, how do you do at the Casino?
Is it? Casinos are for chumps.
These are going to make for some fabulous court exhibits! What fun!
I'm one who reports pornographic material and Twitter seemingly tends to be punctual on nuking such accounts, so it's a game of whack a mole, they can only do so much in a given slot of time since they have to verify etc if such and such is such and such etc.
Alex is hilarious. Maybe Jack Dorsey knew it was a good time to leave.
I was just wondering about that....maybe he suddenly realized he had better get out of Dodge.
Or doge coin
Darcy is a super woke monk... i presume he needed to move on because of part of what you stated and a mix of corporate "incompatibility" politics... so get out of Dodge like CMCM stated.
There's a lot of wisdom in "gettin' while the gettin's good" as they said in the old Westerns. I'm reminded of one of the early investors (creators?) of Yahoo that was wise or lucky enough to sell or hedge a large portion of his Yahoo stock before it went into the toilet. Did you notice that Elon Musk was/is selling a portion of his holdings? It's quite possible that many of these companies' stocks will drop 70-80%, more, in a major market crash. It's happened many times before, as recently as 2000-2002.
well, FB and Twitter only cancel people THEY do not like. That is why Robert Deniro can say F Trump on a public stage on television, but the left is deeply deeeeeply offended by Let's Go Brandon
Facebook is the same. I turned in a very nasty child porn site, there weren't pics of kids being abused but it was pics stolen from people's pages and horrific comments under each pic of what the men wanted to do to the children. FB said it didn't break their community standard rules. But I was threatened with losing my account because I shared posts about HCQ and vitamin d
The only time I ever reported something on FB I reported a blatant threat to shoot President Trump in the head and FB said the same thing- didn’t violate their standards.
Never settle. I would give anything to be in the courtroom to see the "defense" from Lil Bird. LMAO
I wonder if the court reports will be sealed?
Lil Bird is nothing but a Leftist front. There's no objective truth; there's only competing narratives.
The reason Leftism (or many other philosophies) are endemic is that there is a lot of truth to the idea that "truth" is relative. Actually, what is relative is the perspective of the observer. This goes by many names: perspectivism, subjectivism, relativism, and probably a hundred more. An old empiricist like me would agree there is a real reality out there, the objective universe. It operates by its own laws, not man's. Man, with his wisdom, is capable of studying and devising models to predict the world's features. We call this thought, logic, science, and so forth. So yes, there are endless competing narratives, but there is at most one that will win the contest, measured against some experiment that lets the real world render its verdict.
Well when you see Bible Scripture on Twitter.. that's objective truth since it comes from the eternal, absolute, most sublime, transcendent foundation and fountainhead of truth, our Creator = Jesus the Christ.
Now we know where "Paula" went when she couldn't get any action here.
I reported her to Substack and literally never saw her again.
Good job
OMG! I'd forgotten about her! LOL!
I did too
Eva seems nice.
her father must be so proud
These days, in wokeland, being a 'sex worker' is something to aspire to. Hell, even Steven Spielberg's daughter is doing it!
He probably started her "career" on Twitter as a child.
can you imagine her father? his daughter amounted to only that...no words.
Sarcasm right? I ask because in the PRINT industry there is an adage about "It's hard to pull of sarcasm in print." If you are not being sarcastic, these accounts from what i've learned over the years, are run by slimeball types fish-hooking foolish fish who use pictures and videos on-line from other people to make it look like the person is real and of couurse it's not... it's a scam, so i guess there is a father, the father of the scam. If it is a real female who is the one in the video and picture media, well pornography production and the money to be made in it sure has many females living double lives doing it. But i presume you know these things in general. I report this stuff if i come across it since it's abominable.
These days, you really don't know whom you're dealing with unless you can meet them in the flesh and, depending upon what the purpose of the meet is, conduct a detailed anatomical inspection and perhaps genetic testing 🙂
Full disclaimer: I am not a doorknob, nor am I property of Satan.
Her father was her mother once...soooo
These accounts are rampant these days on-line, and are what was before the internet, where you would have those 1-800 phone sex numbers, and the woman would describe herself as being this very attractive female giving you her (false) desirable measurements etc when really she was a Church's Chicken 270 pound woman with a face only mother could love which of course had a sultry telephone voice to make sure to fishhook the caller etc and get as much money out of them as possible. Now the game has been stepped up with all sorts of fraudulent pictures and video to further make the sell by using a site like twitter first bait the viewer with some entry level porn (before the account is reported) to redirect to another site etc. The scams never stop and only grow the more because of the resources of some of these scammers.
I think Eva is oversexed.
she needs attention and instead of using her mind and doing something significant in this world, she sells what all of us women have....its not like she has something so special the rest of us do not have.....the difference is class and dignity.
If Eva is real.
Well there is a woman who sells her farts, but I’ve heard she has a proprietary extraction process
Ya think 🤔
Meanwhile on Twitter, barely 24 hours ago, Abir Ballan (member of PANDA and supporter of GBD etc) was banned because she wrote this filth:
"Now Ivermectin is not a miracle cure but why its use is being suppressed when it can save lives?"
The account was re-instated after some outcry. Check it out @abirballan
They booted me and I decided not to go back. If they want less users, fine with me. Less ad revenue for them.
An excellent point. I often mention this another way: They boot a popular content provider like Alex, who had around 300,000 followers. That's a lot of advertising revenue (eyeballs) to throw away. Stated bluntly: Twitter selectively censors content that is unfavorable to the powers that be. They literally put pleasing unseen powers ahead of their own corporate interests. Curious.
I understand your position on the ad revenue, but for me, i would go back as i have to war with evil and expose it.
Alex, I REALLY hope you win.
This is what needs to be done. We need to expose them for the evil. Thank you for your hard work and research. Can you imagine what could be accomplished if journalist were real journalists. Oh if only!! Maybe more real concerned citizens can join in on this fight. Let’s get the word out!!
I'm one who has an account on twitter and does take time to report pornographic accounts etc. It's not much "research" to easily find such things. Yes much more could be done if the journalists in the last few decades sold out to be being govt megaphone propagandists falsely called "journalism." More real concerned citizens have joined the fight more than ever, so the word is already out.
Correction: "Yes much more could be done if the journalists in the last few decades DID NOT SELL OUT to be being govt megaphone propagandists falsely called "journalists" doing "journalism."
Craxxinated Beople Spread Blovid. Hope I don’t get banned
We are so much better off with these phonies from social media. How is it an excellent teacher makes $50k a year and Twitter execs are worth billions. Oh, if you create a website and make billions on the fools who frequent it, that makes you better than me and able to tell me what is and is not good for me. Nice world we live in.
Crapitalism rewards the jobs that don't produce anything of substance.
And these days, many programmers are never going to see the money that tech bros saw in the 90s and 00s. Everything is upside down in this economy that justifies wealth of the few, with the rest being wage slaves...
Clearly, your reporting is MUCH more vile and inappropriate than those topics. Geeze. I will never understand how all of these social media companies were convinced/incentivised to censor factual information. They equally complicit in the harm and death.
"I will never understand how all of these social media companies were convinced/incentivised to censor factual information."
Here's a quick way to understand = The Great Reset = New World Order Agenda. You either go along with it or be destroyed by the powers that be.
“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” ― (Attributed to George Orwell)
While many of these examples are very low hanging fruit, it seems that the "sanitation" apparatus of social media entities has been laser focused on narrative control.
Objectionable (and often outright illegal) content is perfectly fine as long as it doesn't get large enough to attract attention (see Reddit)
This is the very reason why social media censorship will never actually do any good and only do harm. There is no incentive to clean up the internet of spam or distasteful content but there is MUCH MORE to gain in working to secure complete narrative control.
++ for bringing up Reddit!
Get 'em, Alex!
But mean tweets from a politician is a bridge to far. They are insane.
You will win your lawsuit against them , this bullshit is all over twitter I report them at least once a week
Twitter should spend as much time removing the child p*rn on their site, as they do the politics they don’t like.
I'm one who reports any type of child porn that very much would be classified as suggestive or straight child porn and they are surprisingly quick to nuke it. It just needs more people reporting.
Why doesn't Twitter do it themselves?
They spend their time “fact-checking” Alex Berenson, but rely on you to report child p*rn.
Something wrong with that.
You had me worried there for a moment. So relieved to discover it wasn't anything that goes against the teachings of Our Lord and Savior Anthony "Jesus was my beta version" Fauci.
Fauci checked it out and found no virus so, good to go!
But is she wearing a mask?
I’m just hoping for frequent hand washing…
Fauci gets VIP in the Lake of Fire;
Very Ineffable Perdition.
hahahaha, so true. gawd, we are living is such weird times.
Yea they sure are coming out more than ever as evil grows.
Gotta have a lot of crap available to distract the sheep from what really goes on...
Alex, I love you, man. I love your courage and your tenacity and your willingness to endure countless slings and arrows to fight for what is right. I think you’re going after Twitter for personal reasons, which is correct. But I love that in taking the fight to the lil bird you are also standing up for for all those who have been deplatformed for speaking out against tyranny. And fighting against the theft of all of our First Amendment rights.
God BLESS you every day Alex Berenson for calmly, clearly, sanely, systematically, accurately, astutely, and WISELY exposing the existential social dilemma of our day!! That lil bird is drunk with power and pooping on too many windshields...GO GET ‘EM ALEX!!!
It amazes me how few people on the news/politics side of Twitter know that there is a very substantial sex side of Twitter too. Way more explicit than Eva, basically XXX porn clips often as enticement to join the Tweeter's OnlyFan page (or to use their escort services) . Twitter is currently fighting lawsuits from two underage, teenage boys who had explicit videos posted that Twitter neglected to take down even after several notifications. Twitter does a way more thorough job of policing political speech that removing illegal sexual content from its platform. Alex, tell your lawyers it's the wild west on Twitter for sexual content and ministry of information rules for Covid and other dissenters. Here's hoping that reality makes your case even stronger.