Where did he get the money to buy those guns and ammo? They're not cheap. *Edit: And the money to buy/smoke all that Cannabis Alex is claiming made him go crazy enough to kill all those people?

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What if anti-gun lobby sent him there? Libs were caught paying mentally ill to go to protest rallies. Why not to shoot up schools?

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We never know the deep back story on these evil killers do we? Time for an independent investigation, not the FBI, into the deep background of this murderer. Remember Las Vegas? Did you believe what the FBI told us?

Abbot should fund such an investigation. Will he?

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At this point the FBI pretty much exists to cover for leftists and their agenda. I wouldn't trust ANYTHING that the FBI says.

It's a damn hard argument to say that the FBI is a "law enforcement" agency. When they have been caught literally covering up crimes.

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FBI not only covers up, they instigate and take part in crimes like kidnapping of Gretchen W. or January 6

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Exactly right! Don't forget their participation in the coup against the President (MAGA King). We need to abolish and redraw the 3 letter agencies before they take us into bondage (communism).

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This is an all too familiar creature that keeps rearing it's ugly head in our governmental agencies.

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Leftists specialize in false flag operations. They also do it with all the hate crime/racial hoaxes.

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I would like to see the breakdown of school

shootings under democrat president vs. republican??? Seems like this is a pattern when dem are in office?

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Please reset your political compass. Allow me to offer you a tuning fork.

The DNCIA Democrats are the Right-to-Center Right. The GOP are the far right. The FBI has ALWAYS opposed, infiltrated and subverted, actual leftists (see: COINTELPRO, and the murder of the Black Panthers, Fred Hampton, the Rev. Dr. MLK Jr, et al) - and they still do. Though quite recently they've also begun targeting rightwing populism, as well (see: the Qanon LARP/PSYOP, Ray Epps and January 6th, "Terrorist" PTA Moms, etc.).

If you're referring to the looting and arsons that sometimes occurred around, and near, the peaceful marches against unaccountable Police Violence and Murders, staged by BLM - it was the FBI who orchestrated that.

The looting, occurred away from the protests, and here in LA it involved highly organized teams, with sophisticated communications and timing, driving in caravans of cars with no License plates,or covered plates.

According to LA's (Republican) Sheriff Villanueva - they were people from outside of the county (and even the state, in some instances). Of course nobody was ever prosecuted or investigated, or even pulled-over, for any of that - because causing and allowing violence, to tarnish a movement based in non-violent civil disobedience (against an unaccountable Police State), was the goal...a feature, not a bug.

I'm not a fan of the organization or leadership of BLM, but their cause had plenty of merit. They had hijacked a much older movement, led by folks like these - stolenlives.org and October22.org .

Because those people believe in the cause, and wanted to see it advance, despite the unfortunate strategic choice of focusing on race, rather than class - these folks stood-down, or just joined in on the peaceful protests, and bit their tongues. It was probably unfortunate, because it allowed the movement to be hijacked, and turned into something racial, divisive and partisan - when we should all oppose unaccountable murders by police, no matter who the victims happen to be.

But let's be clear. When looting occurred up on Melrose, by these orchestrated teams - the cops all stayed at the peaceful protests on 3rd or Beverly. The looting allowed a "State of Emergency" to be declared, curfews to be imposed, and peaceful protestors to be brutally attacked by the cops. Meanwhile - the looting went on unabated.

The same thing happened in Santa Monica. Peaceful marchers on Ocean Avenue - with lots of cops watching and waiting for the order to attack. Meanwhile - several blocks away, and across the City, caravans of cars looting businesses. Police not only failed to respond - dispatch was telling callers that they were 'on their own'. "Do you have a gun?" - from the most anti-gun shitLib City and Police Department in the Nation. Then the peaceful protest (not the looting) was declared illegal, curfews imposed - rinse and repeat.

The FBI is also a SPY ORGANIZATION. They even get to commit crimes, or at least assist and coordinate. How do we think that Epstein and Maxwell got along so well, for all of those years? What about the FBI Informant, who built the bomb for the '93 WTC bombing? When he asked for the money he was promised, he was fired. And the plot went forward. OKC also had signs of FBI assistance and involvement.

My point...is that the FBI aren't leftists.

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Yes, your BS to that effect is quite obvious.

The FBI didn't mishandle BLM finances, BLM did.

There was never a time when BLM was not a Marxist scam, as attested on video by Patrice Cullors herself.

The whole systemic racism screed is pure Commie 101, CRT is pure unadulterated Marxism, and the racial division it engenders is its intended purpose.

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You have identified it accurately. No question. I'm an old Boomer, and I've been dealing with communist front groups all my childhood and professional life. That terminology was eliminated from the vernacular 50 years ago, but the groups have the same agenda. Stir up racial antagonism in communities where there was little, seize upon every hostility of the disaffected malcontents and fan the flames of anti-capitalism. Create as much cynicism among the young to separate them from their parents' values. Well, Michael Savage knew all these people, and no one could tolerate his truth.

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BLM as an organization is a stage-managed appendage of the DNCIA. Did you miss the part where I expressed that I'm not really a fan?

Did you miss the part where I pointed to the movement that they hijacked? StolenLives.org and October22.org - are RACE Neutral, and their analysis is largely CLASS or CASTE-based. They may in fact be led by Marxists. Don't know - don't care - it isn't relevant - except to the point of what the actual left is - focusing on race and gender, while ignoring class, is a "new (co-opted, CIA approved) left" characteristic. It meshes well with Center-right Democratic Party ideology and politics.

As to the rest of that ignorant rightwing racist nonsense... When I studied it, it was just called American History, and Ethnic Studies. And yes Racism is a systemic power issue - that divides and conquers people of all races, but mostly along class lines. Historically, in the Antebellum South, and the Slave Colony Carribean - poor whites were kept from realizing their own exploitation, by the elite classes that owned the slaves and plantations, because THEY weren't on the absolute bottom of the system. But that system was never organized for their benefit.

Anyways, rather than using your brain and trying to understand the intersections of Race, Class, Ethnicity and Power - you appear content to regurgitate the ignorant bromides, so popular on the far right, and amongst racists.

#BLM was started years before the organization. It was the racist murder of Trayvon Martin - and the refusal by police to adequately investigate and prosecute it, that gave it a reason to come into existence. Ignoring that, serves no useful (non-partisan, non-bootlicking) purpose.

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You’re so right and don’t you just love these people who are copying their BS responses out of a book they pulled off of the shelf that’s some silly stuff they took in college and actually think that in real life this is how it all operates?

First of all a dictatorship is a dictatorship as a dictatorship as a dictatorship I don’t care what they call themselves philosophically.

And secondly, there’s not a hairs bit of difference between fascism and socialism.

And in Socialism it’s a joke when they claim they’re going to “re-distribute the wealth among the masses”…because the The socialist elite in charge always re-distribute the wealth among themselves at the top. Every time.

So now we have this so-called egalitarian left-wing socialist elite in the Biden crime family the Obama crime family the Clinton crime family the Feinstein crime family who Wolny deals with a Communist Chinese is our business partner and now we find out they’re not socialists, they’re just plain old fascists exercising crony capitalism and making themselves wealthy all at the same time claiming that they “care about the masses.”

Just reading what is on Hunter Biden‘s laptop, all 126 gigs going back 30 years of Joe Biden‘s beginning crimes against the American people and all the grifting and graft and making deals and bank statements and receipts and business dinners and quid pro quo‘s that Joe Biden‘s been doing along with every other Democrat politician getting rich in Washington DC should cure anybody I’ve ever thinking that the Democrats ever cared about the American people. They got elected for one reason and that was to make themselves rich and keep them cells and their kids and their business partners in the loop getting richer and richer and protected for generations.

And Fxxk you … They could care less about little you.

BLM and antifa and all the other Democrat thugs who are on video tape in more than 670 riots across the United States burning, looting and terrorizing peoples homes and businesses & major parts of American cities down were used by Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton and the Democrats just to keep us deflected and confused and afraid so that the Democrats could pass their fascist socialist theft legislation without us knowing what was going on.

But we know now and we’re going to take this country back. Because I’m not a Christian and I am an atheist I don’t believe in forgiveness. I also want revenge and Ibwant these people to pay and the Democrat party to be known as the most corrupt political party in US history and to be buried in history and not ever have any kind of power to destroy this country ever again.

What a bunch of lying blankey blank blank blank blank blank blank. And if at least 50 of Hillary Clinton’s cronies and she herself and the guilty FBI agents and attorneys

Including George Soros who we have since found out through his “open society foundation“ financed much of what Hillary Clinton and the Russians did and they are not frog marched to prison —-we will never have a Democratic republic ever again. Because the Democrats will not stop unless we chop the head off of this evil organization and send them all to prison.

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Sheriff Villanueva is not a republican. He is a reasonable democrat, which might make him seem like a republican relative to everyone else in L.A.

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He is definitely a Democrat. He is against concealed carry for law abiding citizens and will only issue permit for people who he feels can show "just cause" ie owners of businesses with a lot of cash etc. He admits crime is out of control but doesn't want the average citizen to be able to defend themselves..

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It's a non-partisan office, so it's hard to tell. He's certainly embraced rightwing talking points, lately, if he isn't a Republican.

I sort of doubt that he's a Democrat, because he's not willing to tow the Supervisors' line, in virtually any respect. And while they're woke-washed - they're also all very much members of the Center-right Democratic party.

Do you have any evidence to support him being a Democrat? I'd be interested to see it.

While I disagree with him on some issues, I respect him, and appreciate his stance relative to non-enforcement of the Nuremberg Violations of the Governor and Supervisors.

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It has nothing to do with left versus right. It is the DEEP STATE versus the American people. The FBI is a cabal of criminals who exist to protect the deep state from the American people. Our government is run by CRIMINALS.

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You'll get no arguments from me, about that. But the OP of this comment was arguing that the FBI were somehow leftists, or something...and that's definitely not the case. While it IS true that there have been situations where most of the "communists" at a meeting were actually in the FBI, or active informants...that doesn't mean the FBI are a Communist organization... It means that's who they spend most of their time spying upon.

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I hate to break it to you buddy but there’s not a Hair’s bit of difference between fascism and socialism.

Regardless if the government claims to be capitalist but the government controls everything about your life and engages in crony capitalism there is no difference between that kind of government and crony Socialism is there? Not a hairs bit a difference.

Socialism fails on its own every time because there’s always a group such as the Biden and the Clinton and the Pelosi and the Obama crime families at the top who take advantage of their power and redistribute wealth only among themselves. Did you actually think that these crime families would re-distribute the wealth to everybody? Really? Wow are you naïve.

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So that's actually some GRADE A, PRIME - Rightwing Bullshit, right there. If "Socialism fails on its own every time..." - then why does it take Trillions to sabotage, infiltrate and destroy, then? Cuba should have woken up, or just collapsed on it's own, decades ago.

What you're describing is Authoritarianism or Totalitarianism, which as I previously mentioned - has nothing to do with economic systems, necessarily.

Mussolini's definition of Fascism was "CORPORATE Socialism" (emphasis added) aka "Corporatism". We've had that here for a long time...but not human socialism, or locally controlled consultas like the Zapatistas use in the Lacandon, or neighborhood councils like they use in Venezuela (another country crushed by illegal US Government aggression, intervention and meddling. Prior to 2012 that had a GROWING GDP, along with their literacy rates, life expectancies, and declining rates of infant mortality). Prior to the fourth CIA/Nazi Coup there, in less than a century - they managed to cut extreme poverty rates in half.

I prescribe for you several hours a week of Professor Richard Wolff videos and talks. He takes questions, and can demolish your foolish assumptions and canards quite readily. In the meantime, here's this.


"Characteristics of Fascism" by Lawrence Britt Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, wrote an article about fascism that appeared in Free Inquiry magazine -- a journal of humanist thought. Britt studied the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile). He found the regimes all had 14 things in common, and he calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism. The article is titled 'Fascism Anyone?', by Lawrence Britt, and appears in Free Inquiry's Spring 2003 issue on page 20. The 14 characteristics are:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism -- Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights -- Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to 'look the other way' or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause -- The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic, or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

4. Supremacy of the Military -- Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

5. Rampant Sexism -- The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

6. Controlled Mass Media -- Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or through sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in wartime, is very common.

7. Obsession with National Security -- Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined -- Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

9. Corporate Power is Protected -- The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

10. Labor Power is Suppressed -- Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely or are severely suppressed.

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts -- Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free-expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment -- Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses, and even forego civil liberties, in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption -- Fascist regimes are almost always governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions, and who use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

14. Fraudulent Elections -- Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against (or even the assassination of) opposition candidates, the use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and the manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power." ― Franklin D. Roosevelt "

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If they are supporting leftists, and leftist causes, what difference does it make? Attempting to claim that the FBI's leadership is NOT politically motivated is a steep claim.

Another way to look at this, if they aren't ideologically aligned with the leftist globalist agenda, who's agenda are they aligned with?

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Again - reset your political diagram. There are NO TRILLIONAIRES - in leftism - or crying in baseball.

They are politically motivated to serve the plans of the MONOPARTY, and their participation in a plan for Global Depopulation, and Technocratic Totalitarian Tyrrany. But that's not leftism.

Sure - at times it APES the language of the left, though always steering it away from issues of class - and towards identity politics, instead. The elite don't care about the gender or color of the psychopaths that enforce their "Stakeholder Capitalism" and related agendas.

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Ray Epps was quite literally a Fed.

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Get off the crack pipe

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Follow your own advice. Assuming makes you an ASS.

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Goodness, Vegas left us with way more questions than answers. We'll never know the real story on that one.

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Watch John Cullen's videos. Vegas was an attempt to assassinate Mohammed bin Salman at the request Alwaleed Bin Talal.

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Four Seasons Hotels Limited, trading as Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, is an international luxury hotel and resort company[3] headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.[4] Four Seasons operates more than 100 hotels and resorts worldwide.[5] Since 2007, Bill Gates (through Cascade Investment) and Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (through Kingdom Holding Company) have been majority owners of the company.[6]

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There are people who know the real story. Just watch the difference one day made from the Sheriff before the FBI took charge and after. Huge drop in motivation for uncovering the truth. Patsies have been used before. Notice how it all got swept under the rug.

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Yes! And notice how the Travis Scott concert at Astroworld in Houston has disappeared as well. Many kids died.

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https://www.joelombardofornv.com/ Sheriff Lombardo covered it up and is now running for governor of Nevada.

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Tbh I haven't watched the video (I love reading things, can't stand listening or watching), but I'm unclear. Was MBS staying in that Four Seasons? At what point did wildly shooting into the crowd help further that goal of assassinating MBS?

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Review of Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas

Reviewed December 7, 2010

Four Seasons is simply the top several floors of the Mandalay Bay, Separate entrance and reception keeps you away from the Mandalay madness. Rooms are great and well appointed.

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Been wondering about this for years. The story just “went away”.

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So did the "Magabomber", which had to be the most laughably clumsy attempt at a false flag ever.

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See string above.

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Look at all of these shootings and make a list of all of the things that do not make sense for each of them. You will see a pattern.

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You are correct. It’s all by design. I don’t believe in consequences anymore. We worked with some CIA guys (clowns in action) when I was in the Navy. They actually had programs that would recruit “susceptibles”, to act out and orchestrate their disruption/influence plans in foreign countries. If you think they’re not doing it here…you’re wrong. This includes the FBI, too.

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MK. ultra. It has been ongoing. MK Ultra never stopped. There are a lot pf MK Ultra sleepers out there, that will be “triggered” to do more shootings, and aleays it will be portrayed as lone wolves or mentally I’ll individuals.

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The Las Vegas shooting doesn't make any sense. There should have been a thorough investigation into what really happened. No way do I believe that doughboy of a senior citizen did that on his own. Nope. The worst part is that the Sheriff who refused to do a proper investigation is now the GOP frontrunner for Governor. I beg anyone who reads this in Nevada, please DON"T VOTE for Lombardo in the primary!!!! He is corrupt or incompetent or maybe both. I don't care who Trump endorsed. Remember Oct. 1.

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That "doughboy senior citizen" suspect was a mysterious character. The official narrative called him a "professional gambler". Who actually makes a living as a professional gambler? No one beats the house at casino games. He was not a poker player, so what was he? A money launderer? And if so, who was he laundering money for? I mean, just who was this guy? Since we've not heard any plausible answers, we have to go with conspiracy theories.

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Sirhan Sirhan shot RFK from the front, and doesn't recall it, nor can he explain how his bullets entered RFK's skull from the rear.

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They sure dropped Vegas as soon as conflicting testimony came out, and it was a manufactured “crisis”, i.e., Harvey Weinstein called out by Me, Too, both puppets of those behind Hollywood’s propaganda. I suspect everything that is politicized these days, especially anything relating to threats to the Second Amendment.

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Have you watched the 9 part series by Nick Alvear "Pervywood" ?

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No. I’ll check it out.

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Does anybody trust the FBI or the Democrats anymore after what we’ve learned in the Michael Sussman trial? Michael Sussman being Hillary Clinton’s attorney who was caught Billing her the Hours that he was in contact with the FBI and the Russians and the media screwing Donald Trump and telling massive lies and setting President Trump up to be impeached not once but twice?!

The most interesting thing that I learned in the Michael Sussman trial is that within 24 hours the rank and file at the FBI knew that the total bullshit that Michael Sussman brought them was an absolute lie and that it technically impossible for President Trump to have a back channel to the Russian Alpha bank.

But yet the top three floors yet FBI meaning the Director et al wouldn’t allow the rest of the FBI agents who were looking into this wild scenario “to know where the BOGUS information came from!?!”—-Why?

Because everybody in the FBI at the top including Andrew McCabe, and of course Peter Strzok etc were aware that it was a hoax and that it came from Hillary Clinton and was designed to overthrow President Trump in a clear act of active espionage.

Well of course the New York Times censored The Uvaldi shooters long-term pot use that can induce schizophrenic like violent behavior.

Left wing Democrat pot smokers would be absolutely outraged for such a truth to be spoken.

Pot is just harmless or so they say. 20 years ago in the Netherlands all they had to do was look at emergency room reports and count how many admittance there were for violent psychiatric paranoid psychotic behavior for pot smokers who were smoking every day for the past 5 to 10 years and it was easy to determine that long term marijuana use causes paranoid schizophrenic like behaviors.

And such behaviors can and do become violent. So of course, In light of such inconvenient truths about long-term marijuana use, The New York Times is not going to report such behaviors because that’s also against the narrative of removing another good reason why guns should not be removed from law abiding citizens.

Sometimes I really hate Democrats and I really hate the New York Times for lying to us on such a level. They’re more of an enemy than Russia because these liars exist right inside the United States.

The whole idea of the Democrats is to make us believe that guns actually magically grow little arms and legs a little fingers and pull the trigger some selves and somehow human beings in their craziness are not involved. So therefore just anybody a law biting citizens especially can magically turn into a psychotic mass murderer and just walk into a school Ramon kill anybody. So therefore everybody is suspect especially Trump voters and Republicans to hear the Democrats tell it. But not a single mass murderer in the past 50 years has been a Trump voter or a Republican. Fancies that!

So what exactly are the Democrats doing? The Democrats want to disarm law abiding American citizens so that they can turn the United States into CHINA WEST and we will have no means of just sending ourselves against the Democrats to rental government for their new bosses that they have signed up extensive business partnerships with, the Chinese communist government.

After all the Chinese communist don’t want to go to war with us Americans because that would be really messy, and American civilians have a way of fighting back and winning against well armed government troops as far back as the 1700s against King George himself.

And now we have Joe Biden The puppet king and queen Nancy Pelosi who for all intents and purposes believe that they should be obeyed.

But we’re just not gonna do it their way and surrender and be the good little socialist “slaves and drones“ they would like us to be as model citizens the Chinese are teaching our college students to be in our own universities.

And the only thing that guarantees our freedoms is the right to bear arms and defend ourselves against a tyrannical government which is exactly why the founders of the United States guaranteed both our right to the First and our Second Amendment…. Which the Democrats want to do away with and have worked diligently and fraudulently using forgery and the FBI to overthrow a legally elected president who got in their way.

And so “Nope, we are not giving up our right to bear automatic weapons or any other kind of weapons.”

Depending on whether or not we have legal elections in the near future and in 2024 —-we may need our weapons and have to be very heavily armed and fight to be a free country.

Don’t think it couldn’t happen here? Just look at what is happening in the Ukraine right now. Yes, it could happen here.

And also ask yourself why the top three floors of the FBI including Hillary Clinton are not in federal prison right now including Obama and Joe Biden who were aware of this plot is beyond my comprehension. And if they are not eventually convicted and thrown into prison then we do not have a democratic republic. This cannot stand.

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What did happen in Las Vegas? One guy did all that carnage? It was such a, for lack of a better word, weird story. There was 100K wired to his girlfriend in the days before it happened. Then it was completely memory holed. No investigate journalism anymore?

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That's what we have Substack for. But . . . there seem to be some stories that carry an implicit warning label: "Tread Lightly".

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We started hearing about the fact that there was another shooter, lower down. I saw two videos from police cars showing shots coming from the 4th floor. The officers had parked and were asking people questions. It was the car’s camera taking the video. The guy they said was the shooter was probably a smalltime arms dealer.

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For that matter, look at the Buffalo mass shooting. The gunman had been reported previously to the state police. If that doesn’t mean automatically forwarded to FBI then I’ll eat my hat.

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And what ever happened to the recent NY subway shooting ? I saw video of that showing it seemed staged.

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Not if he knows what’s good for him.

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No, we don't, but we're provided with a back story which on the surface looks a little too convenient, as if it were a work of fiction, and screenshots of receipts and instagram accounts that are simple to gin up. My guess is that Abbott won't touch it, or will run a sham investigation that just checks the boxes and leaves important questions unanswered.

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May 26, 2022
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And he took down the world trade center. See the documentary, from Jfk to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick.

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May 27, 2022
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yes, he took down the twin towers

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I thought the same thing. They will do ANYthing to promote the agenda, right? So much evil all around us.

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At this point I wouldn't put anything past them. Look at all of the people who leftists have "suicided."

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Lincoln Project members pretending to be white supremacist Youngkin supporters.

It's the Left's playbook, and they run it ALL the time.

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False flags are a communist’s stock in trade.

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From the 2018 story, a Uvalde PD press release is quoted: “One of our Morales Junior High students was experiencing a crisis. Upon rendering aid and support, the student revealed a future plan to conduct a school shooting in the year of 2022.”

…so who is this kid? It is 2022.

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I stand by my statement that it is not him. Rep. Gonzalez has asked for confirmation and has not received it. I saw a report this morning that the Texas Rangers denied that the shooter was involved in the 2018 incident. The supposed facts are changing constantly, so I may be wrong. I await real facts, which I don't believe we have currently. This entire situation clearly demonstrates a "fog of war".

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They updated the article after I linked it. . Can't win.

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Your link says otherwise.

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Yeah - Gonzales retracted his statement and they updated the original article. Which only serves to further cloud the real story. Original article was saved in the Wayback Machine. https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10860977/Texas-Rep-Tony-Gonzalez-Uvalde-gunman-arrested-4-years-ago-threatening-shoot-school.html and click on the first save on May 27, 2022.

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Did he have any sinister plans when he was 5 y.old by any chance?

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They cannot disclose a minors name.

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May 26, 2022
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It was not the shooter. Texas DPS has so stated this morning. I'm sure he was aware of the foiled plan. He was probably aware of many school shootings. Julie's comment above is on point. Thoughts are not crimes, but a cry down demanding help. Easy fixes will not help, and doing the hard work that could result in meaningful change is nearly impossible in our current political environment.

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Wow, wonder where those kids are now 🧐

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Right! There were two of them. What happened to the other kid?

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Wonder if the 13 year old was the same kid. He would have been 13 about to turn 14 on the date of the article. They don’t mention a name.

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YES! & it even says "Former Student"

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Wow. Somebody out there must know if this is the same kid?

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Correct. Some journalist in that area needs to find people that knew the kid. Someone that went to school with him when that happened. They would know.

If I had to guess it is the same kid. The only reason I would assume that is because nearly all of these shooting are perpetuated by people that were "known to police..."

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I've never heard of anyone killed by writings and pictures of guns. This is just some silly kids stuff and police violating their rights.

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From the article I linked above:

*** According to the release, the teens were also planning on detonating IED's before killing students from a list 'ranked by priority.'

After that, the release states the pair were going to kill at random before eventually turning the guns on themselves.

“Any kids that had talked bad about them or said anything they did not like, basically, they said they were going to go and kill them,” one student said. You just felt unsafe. And teachers have been bringing it to our attention that you can't be saying those things anymore. We can't do that. It is wrong.” ***

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What a drama. From the article, they didn't have any explosive devices or guns, just their imagination. It's only a credible threat if somebody is capable of carrying it out, it's a legal standard applied by law enforcement to adults. They totally deserved their heads to be examined by a shrink but not charged and prosecuted for free speech because of somebody's precious hurt feelings. The text makes it pretty clear that it's what happened. There is a difference between "I have a gun and I'll kill you" and "I'll grow up, make a lot of money, buy a gun and kill you".

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People can steal guns. Kids can steal guns. I know some who have. One robed a store with a stolen gun. Another kid I went to high school with tried to rob a local restaurant and shot two people. The gun was stolen.

Do you remember the Anarchy Cookbook. In the mid 1990s a kid in one of my classes was printing it and selling it. He ended up being questioned by the police about it. Someone's parent saw what it was and freaked out. Rightfully so, mind you, the cookbook shows people how to make weapons and explosives out of standard household chemicals, complete with instructions.

Of course nobody did that, it was just "cool" for people to have it and show it off. At the same time, none of the people I went to school with were threatening to kill people either.

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You don't have any idea what the facts are....

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I would love to do a deep dive on these shooters finances to see if they had offshore accounts with large amounts of money recently deposited. Right. That will never happen. Sadly, we can't trust our law enforcement agencies anymore. They are in total cahoots with the cabal.

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I also believe the libs are responsible for all the fires that “ spark” and then blame it on climate change. We are fighting g pure evil.

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Most fires are because of BLM doing so called "controlled" burns that get out of control. This has been happening all over the West for some time now.

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May 26, 2022
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Yes. Or they report 4 months later it was set by a human. Lol

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The underbelly has manipulated and brain washed for decades. I am thinking if the movie with Mel Gibson with the Catcher in the Rye book. I can’t remember the title. Brain washing is very real.

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CONSPIRACY THEORY That’s the movie.It’s also what the left calls the truth…

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Conspiracy Theory was the Gibson movie, co-starring Julia Roberts and Patrick Stewart. Enemy of the State was Will Smith.

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The Church Committee (formally the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) was a U.S. Senate select committee in 1975 that investigated abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Chaired by Idaho Senator Frank Church (D-ID), the committee was part of a series of investigations into intelligence abuses in 1975, dubbed the "Year of Intelligence", including its House counterpart, the Pike Committee, and the presidential Rockefeller Commission. The committee's efforts led to the establishment of the permanent U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The most shocking revelations of the committee include Operation MKULTRA involving the drugging and torture of unwitting US citizens as part of human experimentation on mind control;[1][2] COINTELPRO involving the surveillance and infiltration of American political and civil-rights organizations;[3] Family Jewels, a CIA program to covertly assassinate foreign leaders;[4][5][6][7] Operation Mockingbird as a systematic propaganda campaign with domestic and foreign journalists operating as CIA assets and dozens of US news organizations providing cover for CIA activity.[8]

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Wow. Yet nothing changed? Or they just went deeper.

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MK Ultra program was ever terminated.

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well that should help me sleep well tonight. ugh.

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Enemy of the State

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How Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) recruits suicide bombers, according to a Navy SEAL and senior chief in the book The Sheriff of Ramadi:

“Those SOBs go out and recruit kids to do this. Our interrogators were able to get the whole story (from captured AQI recruits). One of them had been sexually abused as a young boy and was told the only way he could reclaim his family honor was to die for Allah in this manner. The senior AQI leaders - the foreigners - won’t do this themselves. They get others to do it. They prey upon kids, young boys and girls who are insecure or have some psychological disorder. Some of them have severe learning disabilities...”

Sound familiar? Not saying libs did it, but it looks like maybe someone is doing it.

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Two years ago I would have dismissed comments like yours as crazy. NOT ANYMORE. I often wonder if our own government is not behind these shootings. I especially suspected this in the Las Vegas shooting that was quickly and mysteriously swept under the rug. The FBI frequently cooks up scandals so what would stop them from cooking up a school shooting?

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I am glad that you now look at the world with your eyes open.

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What if having all three of the caregivers, mom, dad and grandma being convicted felons had somewhat to do with it?

Maybe mom being strung out on drugs and emotionally abusive had some effect?

How about his pronounced lisp, a likely artifact of the lifelong abuse he suffered, and the resultant ostracization and bullying had some tangential effect.

What if acertain NYT alumnus was no slouch at selective editing, either?

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Yep. Someone needs to review/watch his relatives' bank accounts.

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He's Wayne LaPierre's bastard child.

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May 26, 2022
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Who's trans? Santiago Ramos? More plot twists than an M Night Shalaman movie and I can't keep up!

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Daniel Defense is a high-end rifle. Not cheap.

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A competent investigator would be able to trace the money. Did he buy if for cash? Did he withdraw the cash from his bank account? When? What other activity was there? Did he use a credit card? Whose? Can we please have a look at his credit application? When did he make it? Is his signature on it, or someone else's? Was it approved through normal channels? Did he ever use it before purchasing the rifle? What for, and when?

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Danno, Strangely enough here where I live there was a lady who paid two guys to kill her husband. It was strange because one of the guys that killed her husband was someone I knew growing up. He was a guy that was always looking out for the younger kids and NOT someone you would have figured would have participated in a murder for hire. Anyway, they lady bought duct tape and a bat at the Ace Hardware up the road from where they lived -- she used a credit card! Then she went to a local graveyard and bought a plot for herself and her husband. This was all just a few days before she had him killed. That's part of how they caught her.

You're right. There are bread crumbs ALL OVER THE PLACE when it comes to these shooters, and nobody ever seems to get to the bottom of it. It's just an endless "investigation" which cannot be commented on, because it's "on-going..."

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Where did he get the gun he didn't purchase?

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