I spoke yesterday to two 'pre-pandemic' friends, both of which have been 4 times vaxxed. And both have gotten covid recently. One said when she was diagnosed they prescribed her the pfizer paxlovid, i mean then what were the 4 vaxxxxs for, for God's sake.........

The second friend said after the 4th shot she couldn't move or walk for 1 week the pain was intolerable in her limbs.........of course when the 5th is announced I am sure she will run for it.

It amazes me really how people cannot see the obvious, I honestly find it frightening.

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Just played golf the other day with a 4 shot vac'er. Boy was he pissed that he got covid 2 weeks ago. I said, well at least you are smart enough to recognize that the vaccine was worthless, he went right for the 'i got less sick' because of the jabs. It takes a big person to admit they were wrong, or dumb enough to go along and get fooled. That's admitting you were a fool. Which is hard to do too. I'm pretty done talking about it, other than saying mandates are unethical - and that no one should be able to carrot or stick you into an experimental drug trial. And mandated for school admission? That in my view is just criminal.

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I've got no patience for the stupidity anymore. If you haven't figured out that you got bamboozled by now, you're just a liability to me and my family come election time.

If I lose friends over it, so be it. They need the social pushback.

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Yes. I'm loathe to get together with friends I haven't seen in 2+ years as they're all dutifully 3-4 x injected and I've had zero. Just recovered from the latest variant and doing fine at age 60. I can't keep my mouth shut around the true believers. Lately though a couple of brainwashed friends are slowly waking up. In my area I'm outnumbered and I no longer have the energy to try to educate those who think the TV and NYT always tells the truth, that their government wouldn't lie to them, that Big Pharma is their friend, who crow about "The Science" and how grateful they are for the "vaccines" for keeping them out of the hospital when they announced their Covid infection on social media.

I got 8 or so friends and two awesome relatives I can talk to. The rest are gone and hopefully they'll find their way to the truth. Thankful for substack and being able to vent here with like minded folks.

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I also avoid most friends these days and hope to make new ones. My bf’s mom, a staunch Republican, says when we travel to visit her I can’t be in the same room with her indoors because I’m unjabbed. I think I just won’t go, to save her, and me, the stress.

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She made it easy for you. Stay home. She's not worth it.

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This has made it very easy to decide who/who not to hang out with going forward! Most of the jabbed ppl I lost respect for them, including my sister! Well, she's a nurse with a masters and runs an assisted living, so she is on the koolaid train even though she dearly loves her elderly, I'm glad she isn't guiding my healthcare.

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Same. My brother and his fully jabbed family, including my two teenage nieces, still refuse to breathe the same air as me. So I guess I'm never seeing them again. Their choice, not mine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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She sounds like an "establishment republican." They're now deprecated, and soon to be extinct. Modern republicans (aka the sane ones who still have functioning brains) reject this crap with the shots, especially in regards to mandates.

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Go on the offensive with this woman. Tell her that you are afraid to be in the same room with jabbed people, since they are spreading mutated viruses. So you are trying to avoid her and people like her. Let her go on the defensive for a change.

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Agree. Just don’t go. You don’t need it.

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I see what you did there. Sigh

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Don’t go. Your closing statement is correct. I’ve been thru this.

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I have an initially very vaccine critical friend who got vaccinated to be able to participate in society late in 2021. I talked to him the other day, he said he needed to get his third shot before September, so that he would continue to count as fully vaccinated here in Germany and go on a cruise, etc. He is acting like it's getting his car checked. It boggles the mind.

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I had 2 HS classmates who were boosted & died. One heart issues & other on vent 2 weeks b4 passing. Hard to get worse than that. In 60’s and it was a small class ~100

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"I had 2 HS classmates who were boosted & died. "

Yes, but think how much more dead they would be if they hadn't been jabbed! Thank goodness the shot kept them from dying twice!

(end sarcasm)

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Laughing with you and anyone else who knows WHY that's funny!

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Wow! You have some mentally challenged friends indeed.

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At least you have them! In the blue state where I live, all the left thinks their virus would have been worse if they were unvaxed. Perhaps they are secretly hoping that I contract the virus and get sicker than they?? And, so sad, even my few conservative friends are vaccinated. I can't even....

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I got Covid in December, and my triple-and-more-jabbed family was sure I was toast. It lasted less than 24 hours, and was very mild. I do think they secretly hoped I would get so sick that I'd have some sort of epiphany and begin to worship at the shrine of big pharma. Remember, Winston Smith couldn't be killed until he "truly loved big brother."

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I find it sadly amusing how so many of the vaxx-aholics are unable to think logically. They seem to think that every time an unvaxxed person gets sick, that somehow proves that the jabs are safe and effective. They do not realize there is no connection, none, between what happens to the unvaxxed and the question of jab safety and effectiveness. Suppose the idea were circulating that playing a round of Russian Roulette would protect you from car crashes. No matter how many non-RR players were hurt in auto accidents, it would NEVER be evidence that RR would be safe and effective. And of course every time a RR player has a wreck they would say, "It would have been worse if I didn't play RR!"

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They may refuse to recognize they've been conned. There's that too. It never feels good to admit you were scammed. Deep down they must feel like suckers and losers.

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when you are financially or sexually or any serious way taken advantage of situation, you generally do not tell out of shame (remember adam and eve ran and hid? that is shame). That's why it is important to have a community of trusted ppl you can talk with who will put your interests over theirs, a very rare thing to find. Some churches you can find this in, but ppl aren't perfect there and I've had plenty of instances to leave groups that weren't safe.

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Jun 10, 2022
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Sheeple for sure. But their "shepherd" is unreliable. Sad situation.

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"It's easier to fool the people than to convince the people that they've been fooled." These words are as relevant and accurate in these times as they've ever been!!

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The vaccinated are afraid they may have made the wrong choice. They need reassurance. They want more people vaccinated, because they would be comforted to know that there are more people in the same boat - misery, and fear, and discomfort all love company. It would make them feel better about their choice and an assurance of the righteousness of their choice, supporting mandates to bring everyone else into the fold, so they can all be happy sheep together.

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Not yet they don't. Admitting they've been tricked? Requires high level of logic.

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Bravo!! And it has NOTHING to do with being Liberal or Conservative.

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Well, it may have less than I thought but it sure seems like the leftists jumped on the shots with the most enthusiasm.

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those who took the carrot are either very naive or narcissists. If you think you know it all and have no humility, you're actually a sitting duck for another narcissist coming along and speaking your language of BS, which you fall for b/c you do not hear the still small voice of God inside.

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Or as I say, it’s common sense. Pharma is destroying our immune systems one shot at a time.

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Such nonsense about "lesser case". That was true of 98% of people from the inception. I recovered from it in April 2020, after only 3 days and then after 11 when I relapsed on my first fever-free day by wearing an N95 mask for 20 minutes. Felt myself failing and then it was off to the races and much worse the 2nd go-around. Nonetheless I recovered without the benefit of any pharmaceuticals whatsoever. Why? Because my husband was in ICU fighting for his life due to being turned away when I had taken him in during the 1st lockdown--you know the one--where the sick would be treated? They sent him home and by the time they admitted him when I rushed him to the hospital his O2 was 79 and he went into cytokine storm. The virus didn't almost take his life, the fact that he wasn't treated with the fundamental protocol of respiratory virus when he 1st presented brought this on. The reason I never took anything--but recovered fully and haven't looked back--is because I was home alone due to the fear invoked about SARS CoV-2 at that time so I didn't want to mask any potential problems with OTC relievers. Again--2-1/2 years later we are fine. My husband has the CPAP machine that keeps his oxygen up while he reclines and therefore his body can fight a germ. No shots, faux masks only when absolutely necessary and as normal a life as we are allowed to live here in Los Angeles--ground zero for destruction of the Republic.

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How utterly horrifying to be turned away from the hospital. I keep wondering how anyone can find the behavior in the initial year to be "normal". I'm happy to hear you both recovered!

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Now, being turned away from a hospital may save your life

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Agree! In hindsight I should have taken my mom out of the hospital. Their protocol or lack of treatment killed her. She refused the ventilator & passed with her family after she left the hospital. No accountability bc everyone is immune to Covid prosecution.

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God bless you both. What a horrific experience. I'm very happy you both recovered!

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So thankful for your triumph story in this Crisis. Bless you both to be together. No JABs

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My brother and his wife had an understanding: "Stay out of the/any hospital! They both got sick, both recovered.

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The majority, of the few I know, are narcissists. I know few, because I won't do as they tell me, so I am no longer worthy of their time or attention. Meaning, they no longer speak to me.

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I've seen 2 camps as well. 1 got it for "safety " and for others. The other to be left alone. I'm not kidding. I know ppl who lean same as me literally say they got the shot so they can live ie travel, shows whatever. My lack of regret grows by the day.

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Yup, my body, my choice… right? And to your friend, there is NO science that supports the vax lessening the severity. None.

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I need to gather definitive articles and data to show to 3-4x injected people in my life who keep kneeling at the altar of Bourla/Bancel, CDC and Fauxci that the vaccines are not lessening symptoms or keeping them out of the hospital. I'm also sick of hearing "a million people have died!" But I'm tired...I feel like I spend all my spare time on this issue!

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Did you see Pierre Kory's Doctor's Letter giving a camp counselor an exemption? Very, very thorough. On his substack.

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My body my choice applies when it's convenient to ME. That's what it means. You getting jabbed is convenient to ME. My body (or fear my body will get in trouble) comes before yours. Fucking narcissistic pigs.

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Maybe there is some science. That’s exactly what a placebo does… bias the severity of reported symptoms.

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These days I think often of a repeated statement by two nurses with America’s Frontline Nurses on an FLCCC update call many months ago now (speaking of themselves and extrapolating to others): “waking up is very, very painful.”

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"It's easier to fool a person than for them to admit they were fooled."

Mark Twain

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Polling in NYC shows strong support for a Covid vaccine mandate, esp. in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Queens. They’ve gone off their rocker there. Expect same in California.

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I used to think that California was a lost cause, but then they voted 60% to 40% to ouster that ridiculous "progressive" DA, Chesa Boudin. There may be hope for them after all. Time will tell. I won't be holding my breath.

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Yes, true. We moved to Florida from Charleston area, only to land in NY. They detest the Gov. Says he’s killing everyone. Landed in a nightmare.

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You moved to the wrong part of Florida then. Helpful hint: the NY whackos tend to congregate on the Atlantic coast of FL (it's like they follow I-95 down there and then can't stray very far from it). The more sane-resembling denizens of Florida tend to dwell on the Gulf coast. You're welcome.

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Ty. Yes, I believe it. I live it. Gulf coast.. Sarasota? Venice?

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Ok, pls. Help me. Where in gulf?

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NY now has Kathy Hochul as governor. No improvement in that dept.

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Former NY'er here who lived in the northeast her whole life, including nearly 30 years in Boston. Left Boston in 2020 for NH. NH went with the big stupid, so we left there, too. Now on the Florida Panhandle on the coast. As "red" as can be here; I understand it's the most "conservative" part of FL. We...absolutely...love...it. It's got a Southern flavor, which we love. Some affectionately call it, "LA" -- Lower Alabama. Great beaches, a little bit of a break from the heat in Jan/Feb, short drive to the hills of AL and TN. As someone I know here told me, "There's Florida...and then there's the Panhandle..."

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I left Florida (NE part) because so many people moved there from out of state. The first thing many of them did was to start making it just like the places they moved away from. If you like where you have moved PLEASE DON'T TRY TO "FIX IT"! Make an effort to blend in and adapt.

I currently live in a rural area (I won't say where) which feels like 1965. The first thing I told my new neighbors is "I have two goals while I am here. First, I want to be a good neighbor. Second, I DON'T WANT TO CHANGE THE PLACE!" You have no idea how much more welcome that made me here.

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I can relate. Has to be going on 30 years ago now (maybe 25) that I told my husband that his beloved NH was gone...The liberal dopes from MA whose thinking and subsequent voting helped to wreck the place completely moved to NH. They maintained their faulty thinking, conducting themselves the same way, voting the same way, etc. They're too disconnected to even understand what they've done and continue to do that wrecks everything it touches. Except for very far north, NH is no longer the "live free or die" state. (That is a complete joke at this point.)

Sounds like you absolutely did the right thing to get yourself off on the right foot with your new neighbors. We came here -- and we don't wanna change the place either. For Pete's sake, we just want to live our lives -- in peace and freedom.

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I guess they don’t realize there really isn’t any good data that supports their claim of ‘It could have been worse if they hadn’t had the experimental gene therapy.’

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Did not Bill Maher show a poll claiming, that a third of Democrat voters think half of all people who contract covid have to be hospitalised? If you believe that, then you also think the vaccine keeps you out of hospital.

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Criminal indeed. Many institutions of higher education (brainwashing centers, IMO) required a booster shot to return to spring semester, despite a near universal uptake by mostly healthy young adults (due to the unethical mandates) AND having a student population who spent the fall getting covid. To require boosters and to keep them required for the next school year will see so many more injuries to these kids. It’s a travesty of unimaginable proportions.

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I guess I’ll have more room on the highways when idiots who got the jab die off

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People that profoundly stupid, reckless & obedient infuriate me. NOt only bc they are intellectually lazy, but they haphazardly risk their very lives by following dictates from the most obviously psychopathic liars on the planet: the Corporate-State. They endanger the rest of us by complying & eroding our rights.

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Intellectually lazy seems to be an issue with the vast majority! 😒

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My college educated, vaxxed daughter, had never heard of the spike protein until I told her about it. That was shortly after the first 2 vaxxes, and yes, she got a third booster. Why, is beyond understanding..

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That’s deeply disturbing. Hoping she is just fine for the long term. Many of us love triple and quadruple jabbed dumb people.

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Yes, but I would say deceived, not dumb. Many people are too busy being a family breadwinner they have little time to contemplate having their world turned upside down.

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I'm a family breadwinner and I knew from the jump that this was a very bad idea. I never intended to get jabbed, but my husband did, in March 2021 when he thought he was "protecting" his elderly mother. Given what we've seen unfold, he won't get boosted.

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Same boat here

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If they'd die off faster, maybe we would have a chance of fighting for our rights, but they're ignorant and stubborn, so they're sticking around to continue stabbing us in the back.

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You forgot cowardly.

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Exactly this. Enough.

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Bella, you are so right on! Well said!

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Absolutely, 1000%, Bella.

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Just left the doctor where a uneducated, overweight nurse tried to push it on me. When I politely declined because of my natural immunity she said “ I won’t make a comment”. You just did!!! No credibility in the health care system. My doc also ran through 2 other jabs I should get every year! 🙄 Critical thinking has left our medical community.

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I have stopped going to the doctor because the only thing they were doing was pushing meds. They don't even listen to you anymore. If a nurse or doc was overweight and would give me advice I'd tell her to lose weight.

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My GP was heavy pushing the jab on me, and I declined citing natural immunity. She then started to push two other vaccines on me- the shingles and a DTaP. I declined those as well and couldn’t wait to get out of there. It almost felt like a zombie apocalypse movie. I won’t be going back

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I hear that. In Australia, recently went to Doc for a Mental health care plan which basically gives you subsidised rate to see a Psychologist.

She had asked for the reason I was feeling Anxious & Depressed, which I told her "the last 2 years of Lockdowns and restrictions" (We went through 6 months of Lockdown over 2 years in Victoria)

Her Response... "Oh yeah, we get alot of that" ...Like it was nothing at all :-|

She then put on her marketing hat and tried to push some anti-depressants on me for the mean time. I told her that I've tried them in the past, with negative side effects and would not ever try them again.

Later on after leaving I read over the MHCP I saw this... Problem/Diagnosis - Anxiety & Depression. Followed by... Action/Task - Consideration of Antidepressant therapy !!!!!!!

The Doctor didn't even listen! Pushed ahead anyway and wrote that for the Psychologist to see so perhaps they could try to push it on me aswell?! What the fuck!

I've lost faith and trust in the Health establishment. The whole thing has been captured by Big Pharma.

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At my hematologist’s office on my annual visit, I am always asked by the nurse while she’s taking my BP if I am or have been depressed. My answer is an always automatic no. I know the reason: if i say yes or sometimes, it goes in my chart and the next thing I know, I am getting calls from the hospital’s psychiatric ward.

I always want to say that no, I’m not depressed, I’m

mad as hell that these last two years even happened.

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Depression is the very step this program seeks

After. A weak mind. Treat us like idiots, it’s part of WEF play book.

“Profitabile”! So I’m very firm. I’m Very well I say! Even as I may not be. Grateful for the few who truly see this mess.

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Depressed = straight to the ward

Automatic response. Business as usual.

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You might like Dr Peter Breggin's books: "Your Drug May Be Your Problem", and "Medication Madness". He talks a lot about how psychotherapists have steered away from relationship and stampede for drugs no better than placebo but with horrible brain chemistry-disrupting action. Recently a gyn tried to switch me from hrt to Paxil for hot flashes. Umm no thanks, that's crazy medicine and you can take it and put it .. Somewhere.

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And lets forgot the DSM!!! The Doctors go to "Pharma catalogue" for every possible thing you'd ever go to a doctor for... theres a pill for that!!

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They don't want to do the hard work (and years of counseling IS hard work, both for the patient and provider). They just want to write a prescription and then wipe their hands of you. Everything in life can't be solved with the "easy button." Most things worth doing are going to be difficult.

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Yeah what's with the shingles vaccine pushing? I said no thanks, I'm not going to get shingles, because I haven't taken the covid shots.

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I've seen an increase in shingles Vax ads also. Pharma instigates the disease and then sells you a cure

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A newer 2-shot shingles vax (Shingrix) was developed by GlaxoSmithKline and approved in 2017, which might explain the recent push for it. I actually got it pre-covid after seeing a co-worker suffer through a very miserable months-long shingles outbreak. Lookin back, I now wish I hadn't gotten that. It'll be the last needle I ever take.

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I think that is a big part of the increased marketing for the shingles shot. It’s working...folks I know are saying, ‘no more shots for me..except the shingles shot.’ More fear porn. I’ve also agreed to some shots in my past that I regret.

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I got the first Shingrix shot. Holy cow, I got every side effect and then some. Was sick for 3 weeks. NOT getting round two. No Covid shots either!!

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I wish I had said that! That is the best reply!

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Great!! Those doctors deserve to lose customers. I'm so sick of them. They're just drug dealers. That's all they can do.

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Except : I actually got shingles before any Covid. It went post hepatic (9 mo) ! And left a lovely neuropathy. Not even a flu shot for me, but shingles in

60’s… think 🤔 research. Be safe. An avid no vax

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We will have the last word when the purebloods are still standing! lol

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Fewer people trust medical professionals. And it's their own fault.

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medical professionals = medically-trained sheep (with some exceptions)

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because their are big pharma slaves burdened with debt

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When do they stop 'practicing' and actually own their degrees?

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My partner and I just got over the latest variant. He was about 7 days post infection when he went to his dumbass PCP and before he knew it, they were rolling his sleeve up for a tetanus booster. He said it happened so fast that he didn't think and went along with it. I was shocked that so-called medical professionals would inject him with another vaccine when his immune system was dealing with something we've all been told could kill and/or hospitalize us. He was double Fie-Zirred in early 2021 and refused a booster after a bad bout of shingles for the first time in his life a few months later. I'm still shaking my head over this one.

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AND....they are not embarrassed, they don't know anything about us. We are a number and a paycheck!! So sad....remember "you can keep your doctor"? All the good ones are gone and the mediocre are a part of the big Pharma system. Such liars and cheats!!

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Yes, the current situation in medicine is a travesty and a tragedy.

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and now we're seeing true death panels and healthcare rationing....ALL FROM OBAMA! Screw the narcissists....NEVER TAKE ADVICE FROM A NARCISSIST...IT WILL ALWAYS BENEFIT THEM. YOU ARE AN OBJECT TO TAKE FROM.

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10 years ago the DTAP made me sick for 6 months...intermittent fever (like a few minutes--hot flash) and lethargy. I took it so casually at his suggestion since I haven't had a vaxx since the late 1980's. Never gonna fall for that again!

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Had that happened to me, I would have told them that I am not due for a tetanus booster for another three years. In 2015, I was in a car accident (minor injuries to me. My car was not so lucky) and I got the tetanus booster in the ER. In other words, I know when I got that shot. Stop bugging me.

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Critical think leaving our medical community is THE scariest thing coming from this, even worse than medical tyranny is medical stupidity.

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once you step away from God and go your own agenda, this is what it looks like....total denial, self-deception...the mental chaos is so strong that you even forget the way back to your senses. Sometimes it takes pain to get ppl to repent.

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That means it's working! If they're that sick after the jab think how sick they would be with covid!! Or whatever the script is.

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I have quit discussing the vaxx with friends. They are entrenched in their vaxxaholic positions and defend these position like a pitbull defending a porkchop. Whatever happens from now on happens. They are entrenched in a narrative that most cant let go of.

On a semi related note the much awaited Novavax has shown, according to the fda, to cause myocarditis in some members of the phase iii trial. Odd no? Anybody think the MRNA pushers are behind the effort to wreck their unwashed competition? Perhaps the fda would have seen similar indications had Pfizer done more than a 28 day human trial. Criminals the lot....

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It's quite interesting. IF Novovax had been approved 1 year ago, I probably would have taken it - as it appeared that many of the short term issues would be much lower than the mRNA / DNA shots. However at this point - it seems pointless to take a shot for a virus that is no longer in circulation.

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I was in the exact same position. The MRNA pushers, IMO, pulled every string w FDA to delay Novavax. Prob did us all a huge favor.

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I actually think they played the same game with J&J. I guess J&J didn't offer as much in kickbacks to Fauxi.

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"Stop the presses" they've just announce that MRNA vaxx's will probably 90% reduce severity of $$moneypox if you're lucky, if you take it 4x, over the next year but then there are possibly tiny chances for heart complications, AND it is perfectly safe for pregnant women and within a year we'll get it passed for children under 5 b/c you know they're involved in gay sex blah blah. This is what you call chaos of the mind. And we're taking advice from these fools? If this was true I can just see the lines of ppl lining up in new york to get their newest injection. PPl wanting injections remind me of when gay men wanted to get infected with aids, they were driven by fear and the novelty and self hatred etc...and then proudly announced I'm POS like a badge of honor. The mind can do crazy things.

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My thinking.

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Novavax still uses the spike protein. It isn't a shock that the spike protein is dangerous whether you inject it directly or cause the body to produce it.

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The clinical trials also showed a substantial occurrence of hypertension. That alone has made this an absolutely-never for me and my hypertensive husband.

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Vaxxaholic! Good one. Love your analogy of a pitbull. I'm laughing through my tears as like all of us, I know so many dealing with this modern addiction.

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Thank you. But not for good humor or reasonably good humor I really have no socially redeeming values…

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My Omicron-recovered husband just had his 2nd Novavax dose to be able to travel to Canada to see a terminally ill parent. My thinking is that at least the dose of spike protein you get is limited. That is, it doesn't get produced in variable quantities somewhere in your body for months as with Pfizer or Moderna. And the side-effect profile appears somewhat better according to Dr. McCullough. So far, my husband is doing okay. But I also have him taking every non-prescription drug (low dose aspirin, antihistamine) and supplement recommended by the World Council for Health for the vaccine injured.

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The U.K. Novavax trial showed zero benefit against death. 1 death in treatment arm, 1 death in placebo arm. LOL

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And the answer is Paxlovid even though it has less testing than the shots and many known drug interferences as well.

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My wife took Paxlovid a few weeks ago and said the side effects (particularly nausea and diarrhea) were far worse than having Covid. Also had muscle pain probably as a result of interaction with her statin...

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