This is so important ... but I just still have this sick feeling that nothing is going to come from any of these facts. I'm just weary of knowing that the vaccines aren't effective and yet kids are getting them. I'm weary about masks being mandated in schools. I'm weary that the more we know about how dangerous the vaccines are, the more public health pushes them on people -- kids, boosters, employees. For the last 19 months I've seen and read things that clearly show the truth (i.e. lockdowns don't work, masks are ineffective, the vaccine trials were rushed, young healthy people dying of cardiac arrest/strokes/clots) and I think THIS is the thing that is going to wake people up. And ... silence. Social media bans people, removes links, "fact-checks" ... it's exhausting and depressing. And still, TPTB are pushing us harder.

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This is because they are rushing to finalize their plan. Maximum jabs is only part of that plan. A 36% increase in US M3 (total of all US dollars in the economy) in 18 months by the Fed is also part of the plan. A side effect of that HUGE printing of dollar is inflation. They don't say that the 35 TRILLION dollars or so printed was to purchase controlling interests in the key corporation of the world and use an inflation tax on the world to pay for it. I.e. we are paying the tax so that the Globalist owners of Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street (all the same people) can take over the world and kill off a large fraction of the population with a combination of propaganda war and biowarfare (covid and the jabs). I am very weary of it as well, but we MUST NOT SUCCUMB to despair!! Our Children and Grandchildren are being targeted for death by these evil jabs. We must fight with all the wit and tenacity and ferocity that we can to stop their plan(s). This is war and we are fighting it whether we want to or not, i.e. as a victim or as a fighter (that is our only choice). Information is the beginning as it is control of the media and the tech world that allows them SUCH an advantage to multiply their small numbers. However, refusal to accept their dictates is the next step and congregating as like-minded people in opposition to a totalitarian globalist take-over is next. We are in this together and we must unite or we are done for.

Ian in Vancouver

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I completely understand but what will wake people up? My husband has already been temporarily banned on FB. I don't post because of my career -- I'm self-employed I can't risk losing a contract when I'm putting 3 kids through private high school and college (2 kids already on their own). I've posted some things and have lost friends (I don't care about that) but I can't risk alienating my publisher. It's a very sad state of affairs and I hate self-censoring.

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It's a marathon, not a sprint. Keep on keeping on!

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The friends you lost were worth losing. You know the saying, "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"

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Do you need Facebook to run your business? If so, are there other ways you can market your product/service?

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I don't market directly (I have a publisher) -- I'm a writer. I write fiction, and I never post about politics on FB because I don't want to irritate my readers. I have a fan page of over 70K people and only talk about my pets, kids, books, crime issues (I write crime thrillers) and writing. The no-politics rule I put in when I launched the page more than 12 years ago. It's like why I don't talk about abortion or gun control or anything that's divisive or controversial. I never talked about Trump or Biden or Obama.

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Got it. I respect it!

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Nov 16, 2021
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Best advice you'll get!

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Take time to reflect.

Shift to parallel economy

Prep a little

Own a little bit of physical commodities - silfer and g-old

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Some sound advice i am aware of also.

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Get rid of facebook and twitter. You don't need them and they are a part of the problem. Try going to Rumble and Gettr. FB is totally unecessary.

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Off both! I went with Flote. Not a lot of engagement there. Odysee for videos. That platform has been phenomenal

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Nov 16, 2021
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There is only one tragedy in life... to not die a saint.

This will separate the wheat from the chaff.

Stay strong

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Exactly wheat from the chaff and far more chaff Jesus declares.

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How can people feel hopeless when we have fighters like Ian in Vancouver who will die on their feet rather than expire in chains.

Fight on!

Keep exposing evil to the light.

As for me and my family: We put our trust in Our Lady.

Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!

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YES! Prayer is a powerful weapon as well! One more weapon we have is to STAY HEALTHY and to help others, including those who are jabbed! One way to win friends is to save the life of people who have been duped by the media. By the way, THANK-GOD for ALEX!!

Dr. Mercola's website is FULL of great advice, starting with the anti-spike protein and anti-cancer "Autophagy Diet". That is the following:

1) Reduce sugars and animal protein (especially dairy), increase good fats: avocado, fish oil, coconut oil, walnut, flax seed oil, cashew, pumpkin seeds, sunflower, all nuts.

2) Sweat regularly (at least 3 times a week) to remove the excess protein through our pores (both normal excess protein and the spike proteins from the m-RNA jabs!!) Although someone who is recently jabbed will be shedding the spike proteins and you may wish to keep your distance (not as bad as injecting it into your body though!!)

3) Intermittent fasting (14-16 hours per day): lots of water or tea, but no FOOD (allows the liver to convert proteins into urine). E.g. don't eat from 6 pm until 8 AM the next morning - EVERY DAY

4) Take 4000 iu of vitamin D in oil and 50 mg of zinc (glycinate, gluconate, ascorbate, citrate) per DAY.

5) IF YOU GET SICK (any sickness), take 1000 mg of vitamin C (buffered, ie calciuim or magnesium ascorbate) EVERY 4 HOURS with lots of water (or tea)

That "Autophagy diet" kills cancel as well and it is VERY inexpensive, very effective and anyone can follow it. Starting your meals with fruit (5-10 minutes before the rest of the meal) is a good idea as well to increase the efficiency of digestion. Finally, adding a teaspoon of ground flax (from the freezer) every day (about 2 cents per day cost) and at least 300 ml (or more), i.e. 24 oz of water per day is excellent for digestion - which is the basis of our health and immune system. This will help almost anyone and if we are healthy, we can fight against the take over of the world and our families and it is easier to Pray to God when we are healthy!!

Hope that this helps you!

Ian in Vancouver

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By the way Mercola is a good source mostly. You do need animal protein, clean protein due to certain amino acids you need you can only get in animal protein (God/Jesus teaches this, i trust our Creator over man on all things if man says opposite of what God/Jesus teaches since He created the universe and all that is in it.) Fasting is taught in the Scriptures for spiritual and physical reasons similar to what you point out, i do fast in similar ways for the Holy Bible speaks of different types of fasting again for firstly spiritual reasons and secondly physical. Tea has fluoride, and if i remember correctly the only tea is green tea because of the way it is grown. So i differ in your perspective about fasting protocols. If one has wounds, you need your animal protein and that same protein if it is clean, is required by the body for many intrinsic beneficial reasons. Yes the Vitamin D and Zinc is important indeed with purely sourced Vitamin C and lots of CLEAN water, like distilled (i have a distiller.) As per your last paragraph, it reminds me of our Italian Mediterranean diet about having salad before certain meals to aid digestion. We ought to pray to God/Jesus always/unceasingly as the Scriptures teach. God/Jesus designed our immune system and body such that, that if you give it the quality vitamins, minerals, water, rest, exercise/activity/sweating etc it needs, His mind-boggling complex creation aka our bodies, can fight so much of what is done to us, and ultimately spiritual health is at the top of this for if one's spirit is in a dark place, that directly of course effects our physical earth suit (body and health) significantly. So yes, spirit and body needs to be taken care of to resist this take over of the world and of our families. But as for saying it is easier to pray to God when we are healthy, well.. Scriptures do show true remnant believers pray unceasingly when healthy and even more when they are not healthy which makes sense since only the Spirit of God/Jesus can give such strength over food (Jesus fasting for 40 days is a prime example.) Selah.

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I agree with you very much about the Spiritual Reasons for fasting! However, I was not speaking about eliminating all animal protein, because fish are an animal. Jesus did SEVERAL miracles with fish (no accident). You do not need cows or chickens or pigs when you have fish. In addition, the protein in nuts (like walnuts, cashews and sunflower) is excellent protein as well for both wound reparation and any other purpose. However, we need the good fats (including fish oil) and those in nuts (and avocados and coconuts) for building up the Autophagy process which breaks down cancerous or dangerous tissues and either reuses their pieces or converts them into urea to be expelled in the urine. That includes the spike proteins from the m-RNA jabs. It is not at all coincidental that Jesus' advice and example dovetail very well indeed with what is found by sound science. He gave us a brain to study and understand and a heart for His Holy Spirit to have faith. Faith and Reason (science and philosophy) are "Faith and Reason are like two wings of the human Spirit that rise to the contemplation of Truth.." (John Paul II - Opening Sentence of Fides et Ratio - very smart and good man).

May you and your Family be Blessed,

Ian in Vancouver

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Eggs are another excellent source of protein and other nutrients that our bodies need (and can process quickly from eggs).

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Either you type fast or have parts of this prepared, either way, you're prepared in that sense.

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Thank-you. I have been writing about it for years. Children were sick and I need to find out how to help them. Nutritional Healing is helpful and Healthful!!

Ian in Vancouver

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Ok you've been authoring about it for years. Noble to want to help the children, that's quite important to Jesus. Nutritional healing is indeed helpful and healthful and for me,, that is far more Scriptural than not.

But you didn't seem to answer my basic question.

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You lost me at the Lady part.... sigh. Put your trust in the One who created mankind, not the creation = Romans 1:18-32 etc.

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Respectfully suggest you read the Church Fathers

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Dear fellow man or woman, i veritably share and mean this in the genuine utmost love and honour of the authentic austere Jesus the Christ of the Scriptures (who taught to love one another as He has loved us in HIS definition of love as defined all throughout Scripture) coupled with Proverbs 18:13, Matthew 10:40-41, Luke 10:16, Galatians 4:16 and 1John4:6 :

i'm a former Romanist/Catholic who was one for 30+ years until that same authentic austere Jesus the Christ of the Scriptures, through severe and intensely more frightening than anything else in my life i experienced traumatic life changing life to death to life tragedy in my life almost 20 years ago, gave me a road to Damascus conversion and saved a hell-bound deceived false believer as myself like any is which are a great multitude (as the true Jesus declares in Matthew 7:21-23) when they are betrayed to believe in what Paul mentions in Galatians 1:7-9. So I know far more than you realise from direct experience of being a Romanist/Catholic for over three decades (my parents are from Italy - a hardcore Romanist/Catholic background) and thus am quite knowledgeable of this worship of this "Our Lady" in the Romanist/Catholic "Church" which i used to partake in due to my serious Scripture ignorance of what the bonafide Lord God/Jesus truly teaches in the Scriptures about such things that to worship/venerate (it's the same thing Scripturally) Mary is intensely blasphemous (See First Commandment to see why) and thus *nowhere* to be found in the Holy Bible unless you contort, distort, twist and warp the Scriptures and keep your flock in the dark about this either deliberately or ignorantly (with the latter due to most priests being naive and trusting what their superiors taught them believing falsely they are not being lied to about what the Scriptures actually teach on this very important matter) which to do such is the epitome of what the true Jesus outlines in Matthew 24:11 as one main example.

Thus i've spent thousands of hours over many years searching/studying the Scriptures diligently, meticulously, laboriously, lucubratingly, in their accurate and proper first century historical + archaeological + anthropological perspective from the spiritual born again (John 3:3-16) Israelite Jesus perspective which includes from an academic (historical + linguistic) and informal heuristic long time indagating perspective, to get as close as possible to the closest understandings of the Scriptures as the true Jesus and Apostles taught them in their spiritual born again Israelite minded Acts 17 Berean first century perspective because the rest of my eternity depends on it as it does to any who profess to be His true disciples. So i've been a Bible student for a long time which means also being a Bible historian, textuary and scholar of such. So i told you all that to tell you this;

You stated to me "Respectfully suggest you read the Church Fathers", well in return i in strongly suggest in strong bonafide love, honour and paratmountly in the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of genuine austere Jesus the Christ so that you may truly become redeemed because i truly do care you do not end up in the Lake of Fire because of being betrayed to believe in another Jesus like i was and so many are which the real Jesus the Christ declared would be the norm in the last times, that you read your New Testament front to back at least several times in the proper first century Israelite minded context (meaning reading it in the accurate and proper historical first century born again Israelite tribal and spiritual context which was at least 220+ years BEFORE Constantine chose to adopt a seriously paganised version of what Jesus and the Apostles taught which Constantine adopted such a corrupted perspective of what Jesus and the Apostles taught in order to merge it with the other various many various pagan and occult beliefs of the Roman kingdom, in order to unify an empire so he could try to please everyone [which never truly works]) to see why according to God/Jesus as He declares so many times in His Word, HIS Holy Writ IS the *utmost final authority, NOT the post New Covenant/Testament "Church Fathers".* What the genuine Scriptural Jesus taught and taught the Apostles (aka His Holy Bible/Writ) IS according to the true Scriptural Jesus, *the FINAL authority on ALL matters in heaven and below heaven concerning the Scriptures (which includes our life on this earth), NOT those who came after the last book of the New Covenant/Testament that was written and completed by John the Apostle (John's Apocalypse aka Book of Revelation).*

Thus the Holy Writ of the Lord teaches in numerous places that if those who claim to be of the true Jesus (in this case the "Church Fathers" you mentioned [The Apostles are actually the true Ekklesia/Church Fathers] preach and teach something Jesus nor the Apostles ever did, well since according to God/Jesus His Word IS the final authority, well that "Church Father" is a false prophet/teacher/ believer/false disciple/heretic etc like a bunch were (Irenaeus, Justin "Deathwish" Martyr, Origen etc) if one actually takes the time-consuming effort for love of the true Jesus truth to do a deep lengthy study in comparative critical analysis with the Word of God/Jesus vs the "Church Fathers".

So there is *nowhere* in the New Covenant Scriptures that the true Jesus or the Apostles *ever* teach to worship/venerate a man or woman aka the creation (hence why i cited for you Romans 1:18-32 as one of many proof texts done in proper exegesis), even if that woman is Mary who indeed was full of (His/God's/Jesus') grace the blessed among all women. She wasn't perfect but the Romanist/Catholic "Church" lies to you that she was. In the New Covenant/Testament, if you read it correctly as i explained above, you will learn in the Gospel accounts (not "the Gospels") Mary brought two turtle doves to the temple as a sin offering as part of her Israelite faith to get forgiveness for her sins. Now why would Mary perform a sin offering at the temple as the Holy Bible/Holy Writ of the Lord (the final authority) teaches if she was w/o sin as the Romanist/Catholic "Church" claims? Only God/Jesus is sinless perfection, all of mankind is born under the curse of Adam & Eve and thus born into sin. God/Jesus commands us to worship/venerate no other but Him in the Old and New Covenant for HE is the only God/Creator and thus sole Creator of mankind, for HE is the one who is God who manifested in the flesh (1Timothy3:16) and went to the cross to pay for the sins of mankind in His blood when He did NOT have to and when no man could pay that price for all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God/Jesus! Only HE could pay the price in His blood/be the atonement for the sins of mankind to give us a way to salvation by trusting in HIS finished work at the cross, not trusting in some imperfect mortal/His creation no matter full of grace and blessed they may be.

So again, put your 100% trust in the only perfect sinless One Jesus the Christ (God) who created you and no other, who knitted your bones to your flesh in your mother's womb, who knows all men's hearts, who manifested in the flesh for you to pay your sin debt in His blood by dying for you, so you could become His adopted child and gain salvation by full trust in His finished work at the cross, not trusting your works for salvation which invalidates His dying for mankind nor putting trust in His creation but rather putting trust in HIM who is the only one who paid the price in His blood so you could become saved/His adopted child. Please read Romans 1:18-32 and the other verses i cited so you may comprehend better and be edified.


He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.”

Psalms 91:4

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I agree hold the line

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Well stated Ian, well articulated, i generally agree because of having done similar sleuthing over the years and you are indeed giving an important set of pieces to the big NWO puzzle.

This might be of interest to you;


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I agree! And for our elected officials to withhold hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, yet to be possibly using it to treat themselves, is criminal.

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YES. Withholding treatments has led to tens of thousands of deaths. If the virus was as deadly as they say (and I think the virus is serious for the very old) then they should want as many possible treatments, right? Even if the treatments don't always work, we would still give them, right? Instead, our health officials banned them, lied about them, and the media spreads that disinformation.

Think chemo. If someone has cancer, chemo doesn't always work, but it OFTEN works, so we try. Why not with Ivermectin and HQC? Because then they can't mandate vaccines and Pfizer can't make billions of dollars. Makes me so angry.

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so many have said here, it isn't about 'health' care, it's about control (and I dare say culling).

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Ignore the noise. Get what you need for you and your family.

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We’re in our 70’s, unvaxed, healthy & active. Built up our immune system following FLCCC guidelines. Also have a nice supply of ivermectin on hand. 🙂

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Saw a scary stat on Mercola’s website today that a study was done and people over 65 who have been jabbed are 5 times more likely to die!😞

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How convenient

Don’t need to pay Social Security

Don’t need to fulfill pension obligations

Just another covidcidence

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I’ve seen quite a few die this year & not from Covid

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So sad people just followed blindly & got the vaccine. God help those who deceived them purely for financial gain. 🙁

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More likely than whom and with comparable health profiles?

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It's like "insider trading", They are allowed...You Are Not , Little People!

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Never give up hope! Mankind has faced pure evil before... just look at last century.

Evil is just revving up once again.

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I know -- I am usually an optimist. But one of my kids who lives in NY just got a booster shot -- she's 25! Not at risk. And she is angry that I won't get the vaccine and that I encouraged my 75 year old healthy mom not to get it. I hate that my mom has had to lie to all her relatives because they threatened not to talk to her and all my mom cares about is her family and keeping up with her kin. So she told them she was vaccinated. (She has been seriously exposed at LEAST three times that we know about and I think she had it with mild symptoms.) I'm sad that my daughter and I can't talk about this and that my other daughter is being forced to transfer colleges.

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I’m in the exact situation. Everyone in my family including my husband vaxxed. I can’t talk to my kids at all. I know they will get the boosters. I’m scared. It’s all I think about. My hubby said he won’t get the booster thank God but I fear his work may say it’s necessary. My 27 year old had covid. Super mild symptoms and then went and got 2 moderna shots because she cares about other people and is not selfish like me! This is all about dividing people and families. All the leaders around the world are using the covid and vaccines and racisms and CRT and BLM and Trump to keep us so separated and so full of hate that they can walk right in and take away the freedoms and the life we’ve all known and being under complete control. It’s so evil and sick.

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Deb - you're seeing it exactly.

Keep your peace, do not let it stay from you.

Place your worries onto God. He hears everything.

I know it sounds trite - years ago I was falsely accused and thought I'd lose my job. An old friend reappeared and said this to me:

Put your trust into Our Lady's Hands, she'll make sure the truth comes out

I did. I kept my job. The truth came out... and those who ganged up on me lost their jobs instead (all but one).

This is a marathon, not a sprint. Think in terms of months and years, not days and weeks.

Disconnect - but do not worry. Mankind has faced evil before... and overcome.

God bless

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I was a JW for 20 years and was an avid reader of the Bible and have great faith in our God. I fell away from JW about 2 years ago because I felt I was not able to be that pure. Of course we all sin but to get out and preach you really have to live right or you are just being a hypocrite. I think the thing that has really made me he saddest is that the JW organization is promoting the vaccines amongst their people. I’m in shock over this! I have nothing but respect for JW and learned more than ever did studying with them. I feel if evil has touched them it is surely is the end. I can’t help but feel the time is very short. Yep. We need to just be right with God. Him and Jesus are our only hope. I hope this doesn’t sound crazy or hopeless. I don’t mean it too. But I feel if you don’t know God you need to do that now. Read your Bible. It’s hard but Your eyes can be opened. Peace and love and hope to all! Pray for the Kingdom to come. 💜💜🙏🙏

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Many people have their eyes open

From all walks

JW, protestant, christian, muslim, jewish, atheist... Good will prevail

Evil is having another one of its moments

We are just passing through here.

We are not alone, though. We're never alone

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I'm so sorry. I hate the division of families. I love my NYC daughter and she's coming home for Christmas. She's the only one who is very pro-vcxx but we have agreed not to talk about it. I hope we can both remain silent on it. I don't understand why this issue has fallen on party lines -- my NYC daughter is more liberal than all of us and she's the only one who has really swallowed all the propaganda too.

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I would print out some stories from c19vaxreactions.com and the Covid blog and leave them out somewhere. Don’t hand them to her, just leave them out like you set them down and hopefully she’ll see them and read them when you’re not there

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She'll just tell me that there's no evidence that these reactions were from the vaccine. Her views are largely framed by where she lives (Brooklyn) and the panic that NYC had last year. I feel if she lived with me in AZ, she wouldn't have gone so far off the deep end.

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Sadly, Trump to this day is pushing the vax. He's proud of it.

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It's not a partisan issue. I didn't support the rushed vaccine when Trump was president, and I don't support it now. It saddens me that he went this route, but whatever.

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In the end, Trump was a failure as president. When the rubber hit the road in March 2020, he allowed himself to be led by a little Hillary-loving Bolshevik, and subordinated the multitudinous needs of society and state to the avoidance of a single pathogen. No true statesman would have ever allowed that. He instead allowed us to slip into Covid 1984. Now, being a narcissist, he is incapable of admitting his mistake.

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God bless.

We are caring for two jabbed relatives who got the demon shots.

DO NOT DO IT. One is a 20-something, the other is 80-something and they're clinging by a thread.

Unity is a sign of the Holy Spirit.

division is a sign of the demonic

Keep your spirits high.

The only way out is forward.

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I have 5 kids. 4 will not get the vaccine. My oldest is a cop and she's the only one who tested positive for COVID (she had to be tested for her job) -- she was sick for a few days, got better. We all had it and didn't get tested but had the exact same symptoms as my kid. So I'm confident we have natural immunity. Even if we didn't and that was a fluke? I'm 50, healthy, and willing to take the risk if I get it.

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And if you don't - zinc, D, C, HCQ, + Ivermectin

America's Frontline Doctors or SpeakWithAnMD.com for the last two

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I have taken a multi-vitamin, D, Blood Builder (an iron supplement) and zinc every day for the last several years, even before COVID. I donated blood before COVID which is why I take an iron supplement. I would donate blood now but I don't wear masks. Apparently they don't want blood that badly though I get weekly emails begging me to donate. Maybe I'm selfish, but it's my blood and if they want it, they shouldn't force me to wear a mask.

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remember when...we got sick and stayed home and doctored ourselves with grandma's wisdom with little idea nor fear of what we had and never EVEN heard of getting a diagnostic test?

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My daughter is a cop she HAD to be tested ... if you called out sick they mandated the test. She did get two weeks paid, though, she she wasn't complaining about that. She went stir-crazy because she was only actually sick for 3 days. Most of the cops she works with had COVID and most aren't getting the vaccine. If cities mandate it there will be a LOT of cops leaving. Phoenix can't afford to lose cops, they are already severely short-staffed.

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Sadly I have no interest in being around ppl that I know their stance is the V-Agenda. Our common interests are SO vastly different, I'd rather say, the way our minds process information is a 180 degree difference. I'm def not a crowd group-think type. I prefer the ppl with healthy skepticism who're in tune with their own heart. My nurse sister invited me to Turkey and my interest in going is pathetic, and we like each other!

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I'm not that interested in being around people who have been recently jabbed. They are literally walking Covid Marys, spreading their spike around to everyone with abandon.

When someone tells me they have recently gotten the vax, I walk away and tell them, "good for you, I hope you survive".

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Do you think the vaxed is still shedding after 6 months? What if your boyfriend got vaxed and you didn’t? Is he shedding onto me? Sometimes after we have been together I do seem to feel physically OFF????

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Sharon - we don't have evidence that this happens at this point (I wish someone would just do the dang experiment and find out). I would speculate that even if it did, it's only for a couple weeks during antibody development.

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Anecdotal evidence is they shed. Though I’m not sure for how long. Your body is prob absorbing the spikes so there’s that danger. Don’t know what else to tell you. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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It's hard not to give up hope. It seems like evil is holding all the cards.

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It only seems that way.

I have a priest friend from Africa who grew up in abject poverty.

The Cross, a symbol of torture, is indeed a symbol of victory.

The worst the evil Roman Empire could deal out with an unbelievably humiliating and painful death on the Cross. And then that's where it stopped, because death is not the end.

The gods of this world indeed have so much power, and they condemn themselves by exploiting and torturing the least of their brothers, but in the end, God triumphs.

There is no going back, we never can.

For 20 centuries and more, the evil powers that be have tried to stamp out love, hope and joy from the face of the Earth. They have always failed.

March on, Vintage Lover!

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Thank you! I've just been feeling down about it. More so lately. <3

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The burnout is widespread.

Evil relies on fear to stay in power.

Remember the Cross. We have overcome even death!

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what's so sad...the young once healthy who've been vaccine injured are so hopeless that their depression and suicidal thoughts have kicked in. They need to get into a V-Injured support group ASAP! Also, they need to admit to themselves that they were taken advantage of and coerced and manipulated...I've been saying... just like a sexual assault! A little properly directed anger helps one get out of depression. But I'm still learning to grieve my own mistakes with Jesus help.

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Let a few more high profile ppl see their child get sick or lose a child or get pericarditis (Franklin Graham--Moderna 3rd shot and 1 month later in surgery). They'll wake up and connect the dots, if not, it truly is natural selection at work. What I'm afraid of, when ppl realize that they have been duped, shame sets in and unless they're redeemed and humble, their pride keeps them from admitting their mistake and stupidity just continues with more delusional decisions. WE NEED GOD'S SPIRIT EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY TO NAVIGATE LIFE ! If I am looking to man or worshiping man to lead me, we are both screwed!

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the thing is, high profile people know better than to get their own kids vaxxed. Some may be stupid enough, but most of them will refuse that shot for their own kids.

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Keep pushing. They will look invincible up until the moment they break.

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My college girl is a fighter, but she's weary, so she's transferring colleges so she doesn't have to deal with masks (she can't wear one, she has asthma and has a medical exemption, but the school doesn't care.) She's going to another college in the same state that has no mandate for the Spring. I'm sad because she loves U of A, but her sanity and health is more important.

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U of A isn't worth it. If the college mandates masks, it should cost them money -- i.e. your daughter's tuition money. Let them feel it in the wallet. More people should switch. The whole thing is ridiculous.

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Agreed. That's why she's going to GCU (and ultimately saving money.) It's not her dream college, and she had a full academic scholarship to U of A, but she isn't going to wear a mask. What makes me super mad is that they said that MASKS WOULD BE OPTIONAL ... until 3 days before move in when it was too late to change plans. Then I said okay, maybe next semester ... but they told me that they were keeping masks until there was "no transmission." Which means forever, because the virus is endemic. GCU has made is very easy for her to transfer, and she was offered the scholarship she was offered last year. She's an honors student, 4.0 GPA, National Honor Society. She's just bummed because she liked U of A.

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I guarantee that the masks the school is mandating don't meet CDC guidelines. Per their new guidance as of September 23rd, CDC says masks must not "leak".

No consumer mask on the market today meets this requirement since all masks necessarily gap open around the edges on exhale.

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She'll be a better person for transferring and sticking to her conviction. I don't take planes anymore, I don't go to restaurants that ask for vaccine passports (which is all of them in NYC), and I won't give my business to an enterprise that would push such a ridiculous mask on society. Also, your daughter will have a better time in college when she's allowed to live her life and be free. YES, UofA will stop its mask mandate when there's no covid: SAFE MEANS NEVER.

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The saddest thing for me is that the only writers conference I like and enjoy is in NYC and I won't be able to go if they keep the vaccine passports. I would even wear a stupid mask on the plane to go to the conference because obviously it has been cancelled for two years. But I won't go if they have vaccine passports. And that's where one of my kid's live, which also makes me sad that I can't visit her.

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I agree but we must hold the line 🙏

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I know how you feel as one who has been an indagater of such things for circa twenty years concerning this rise of the NWO and all these types of machinations. I will never give up resisting and exposing them unto the grave. Perhaps the below may help you;


Alex's article seems to be in part a re-hashing of the above speech by Kennedy on this.

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Elite Athletes are dropping like Flies. It's probably nothing. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/elite-athletes-are-dropping-like

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I read your article. Is there ANY resource that compares the average number of deaths of athletes pre-2020 to now? Meaning, we need to know that XX number of athletes die on average but 2021 is XX times higher. Without the comparison, this information is hard to discuss with people. But if I can say, "Ten times MORE athletes are dying suddenly of health problems than any time in the last 20 years" that means something that's hard to ignore.

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You make great points. It's hard to find solid data on this. For example Wikipravda kept this data professional footballers who died on the pitch during live matches but they haven't updated it with accurate information over the past 6 months for obvious reasons. You can see however there were roughly 1-4 deaths prior to this year - in professional matches. This year there's been 10x that number of "incidents", most of them related to heart issues, though not all of them have happened during matches. When you consider 90% of intense exercise happens in training, who knows what the real damage is?

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Someone posted this a couple of weeks ago on another of Alex's articles. I copied and pasted it. At the end, there is statistical data: "It counted ten (10) cases players collapsing on the field (due to hearth issues) between the year 1996 until the year 2003. Therefore expected incidence of such catastrophic events is 1 or 2 (1.4) such events annually. All of the above stated incidences have occurred withing 4 months. Simple math shows an increase of hearth attacks, cardiac arrests and unexpected deaths while playing soccer games - or immediately after the game - 6,428%!."

1) Soccer game postponed due to referee hearth attack. Match between Lauber SV and Donau wörth) – https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/noerdlingen/Laub-Wie-Ersthelfer-einem-Schiedsrichter-auf-dem-Lauber-Fussballplatz-das-Leben-retteten-id60663326.html

2) 17-years old soccer player JSG Hoher Hagen had to be revived in Hannover Münden during the match – https://www.goettinger-tageblatt.de/Die-Region/Hann-Muenden/Hann.-Muenden-Nach-Kollaps-17-jaehrigem-Fussballer-geht-es-besser

3 )An ASV Baden player collapsed in the field during the game - had to be revived – https://www.fanreport.com/at/news/spieler-bricht-bei-unterhaus-partie-zusammen-1360143

4) 31-years old soccer player in amateur league Marvin Schumann had a hearth failure and needed resuscitation – https://kurt-gifhorn.de/wenn-das-herz-nicht-mehr-schlagt-gifhorner-rettungskrafte-retten-marvin-schumann-das-leben

5) Assistant referee in the soccer game between Augsburg and Emersacker collapsed due to hearth failure – https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/augsburg-land/sport/Kreisliga-Augsburg-Spielabbruch-nach-Zusammenbruch-id60410841.html

6) A player in A league SPV Oelde being revived by his opponent – https://www.fupa.net/news/vfb-schloss-holte-julian-pietsch-rettet-seinem-gegenspieler-2782758

7) During the game between second team of FC Nordkirchen and Birati, a player from Münster collapsed due to hearth failure – https://www.ruhrnachrichten.de/lokalsport-nordkirchen/nach-spielabbruch-wegen-kollabiertem-spieler-ich-habe-sehr-viel-respekt-fuer-den-fc-nordkirchen-plus-1672270.html

8) 17-yo soccer player Dylan Rich suffered hearth attack (with fatal outcome) in Engleskoj during the game


9) SV Niederpéringa coach suffered hearth attack after practice – https://www.heimatsport.de/fussball/kreise/kreis_ost/a_klasse_plattling/4075002_Ein-Spiel-fuer-Mane-SV-Niederpoering-und-SV-Otzing-mit-ganz-grosser-Geste.html

10) Lucas Surek (24) player for BFC Chemie Leipzig suffers miocarditis – https://www.bild.de/sport/fussball/fussball/chemie-leipzig-personalsorgen-vorm-bfc-knaller-77642120.bild.html

11) Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern, Munchen, unexpectedly ended up in emergency hearth surgery https://sport.sky.de/fussball/artikel/fc-bayern-news-kingsley-coman-faellt-nach-herz-operation-aus/12410380/33896

12) A player (19) of backup team FC Nantes collapsed last Thursday while practicing in La Jonelièreu, suffered hearth attack and ended up in University hospiatal in Nantes, placed in induced coma – https://www.butfootballclub.fr/fc-nantes/actualite/fc-nantes-drame-a-la-joneliere-un-jeune-du-club-dans-le-coma-679937

13) Tragedy on the field: coach Dirk Splitsteser SG, Traktor Divitz (50) during the game suffered hearth attack; even after a full hour of attempts to revive him- he could not be revived – https://www.ostsee-zeitung.de/Nachrichten/MV-aktuell/Tragoedie-bei-Fussballspiel-in-Divitz-bei-Barth-Trainer-bricht-zusammen-und-stirbt-am-Spielfeldrand

14) Young soccer player Rune Coghe (18) from Eendracht Hogledea (Belgium) suffered hearth attack in the middle of the game – https://www.newsy-today.com/he-collapsed-in-the-middle-of-a-game/

15) World soccer playing tournament (qualification game) for female soccer between Germany and Serbia terminated due to line referee hearth issues. Referee ended up in hospital – https://www.sport1.de/news/fussball/frauen-wm/2021/09/unterbrechung-bei-deutschland-serbien-linienrichterin-muss-ins-krankenhaus

All of these cases have been properly reported and are documented. No mentions (except one case) of vaccinations. Numbers are speaking for themselves.

16) 16 yo unnamed soccer player in Bergamo (Italy) sufers hearth failure on September 6, 2021.)

17) Team leader Dietmar Gladow from Thalheim (Gorkogfeld, Germany) suffered fatal hearth attack just before the gamee – https://www.volksstimme.de/lokalsport/barleben/thalheims-mannschaftsleiter-kollabiert-vor-spiel-gegen-barleben-und-stirbt-3251105

18) 53-yo soccer coach Antonello Campus collapsed and died in Sicily during a practice with younger team –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcahP4EdWlY

19) Anil Usta from VfB Schwelm (Ennepetal, Germany) collapsed on the field due to hearth issues – https://www.wp.de/sport/lokalsport/ennepetal/schreck-in-schwelm-erinnerung-an-christian-eriksen-id233308343.html

20) Dimitri Li énard FC Strasbourg collapsed during the game due to hearth issues – https://www.tellerreport.com/sports/2021-09-13-victim-of-unease-against-ol–li%C3%A9nard-quickly-%22recovered-his-senses%22.r1D2f082GY.html

21) Diego Ferchaud (16) from ASPTT Caen suffers cardiac arrest while playing in Saint-Lô – https://actu.fr/normandie/caen_14118/un-jeune-joueur-de-l-asptt-caen-victime-d-un-malaise-cardiaque-en-plein-match_44641306.html

22) Ain /France: Frédéric Lartillot (49) died after hearth failureafter practice veteran's game in change room – https://www.leprogres.fr/culture-loisirs/2021/09/11/deces-d-un-joueur-de-foot-apres-un-match-ses-coequipiers-ont-tout-tente-pour-le-sauver

23) Belgian soccer player Van Genechten (25) suffers cardiac arrest early in the game – https://new.in-24.com/sport/soccer/141192.html

24) Belgian hobby soccer player Jens De Smet (27) from Maldegem suffers hearth failure during game and later died in hospital – https://www.archysport.com/2021/09/jens-27-collapses-on-the-football-field-and-dies-this-is-not-maldegem/

25) 13-yo soccer player Janus Nova from Saccolonge (Italy) collapsed on the field due to cardiac arrest –


26) Soccer player Andrea Astolfi (45), president of athletic club Orsago (Italija) suffered a serious hearth attack upon returning from practice. Died without ilness history papers 2 months after second Pfizer shot – https://corrieredelveneto.corriere.it/treviso/cronaca/21_settembre_11/treviso-dirigente-sportivo-muore-45-anni-l-allenamento-84b27b18-130c-11ec-8a90-29d83ddfbd2a.shtml

27) Danish second league player Abou Ali (22) collapsed on the field - game over -htps://www.spox.com/de/sport/fussball/international/2109/News/daenischer-zweitligaspieler-wessam-abou-ali-kollabiert-auf-dem-platz.html

28) Soccer star for Bordeaux, (France) Samuel Kalu (24) collapsed during game due to cardiac arrest – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19Io1XsmgR8

29) Fabrice N ‘ Sakala (31) player for Besiktas, Istanbul, collapsed during a game for Turkish leauge after suffering hearth attack – https://gulfnews.com/sport/football/besiktas-defender-fabrice-nsakala-collapses-during-turkish-league-match-1.81739546

30) In A 2 regional league game between SV Hoßkircha i TSV Sigmaringendorf a player collapses due to cardiac arrest – https://www.schwaebische.de/landkreis/landkreis-sigmaringen/bad-saulgau_artikel,-hossircher-spieler-erleidet-herzstillstand-_arid,11417526.html

German weekly Der Spiegel published in the year 2003 an important piece of statistical data.

It counted ten (10) cases players collapsing on the field (due to hearth issues) between the year 1996 until the year 2003. Therefore expected incidence of such catastrophic events is 1 or 2 (1.4) such events annually. All of the above stated incidences have occurred withing 4 months. Simple math shows an increase of hearth attacks, cardiac arrests and unexpected deaths while playing soccer games - or immediately after the game - 6,428%!

That is six-thousand-four-hundred-and-twenty-eight percent increase in just 4 months.

Data courtesy of https://dokumentarac.hr/covid-19/popis-nogometasa-trenera-i-sudija-koji-su-u-cetri-mjeseca-navodno-srusenih-ili-preminulihprestali-igrati-zbog-srcanih-udara/

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Thank you for the data!

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you can see 0-5 deaths depending on the year. again, this appears to be professional footballers, only in live matches. There's an epidemic of "incidents" this year from amateur sports to professional, in matches, competitions and training and I don't think it's crazy to say there's vaccine causation despite the corporate-state media gaslighting...eg marijuana, bad diets and other recent laughable headlines.

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I'm pretty certain the deaths this year are almost all from the vaccine but I'm hoping that someone can put together the facts. They have to be somewhere.

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As Alex and others show us almost daily, we're increasingly living in a 'hide the facts' world and it appears to be by design. Even with the facts in hand, and irrefutable solid evidence on a dozen related issues we're still told to not believe our lying eyes. Sadly, too many follow those instructions.

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It's like watching 911 towers falling... in slow motion. Except there's 100,000 X more ppl dying. At 58 I don't remember seeing any person <30 falling from a heart attack or heart issues in a sporting event. Are the left thinking that if they don't acknowledge or admit that it is there that it won't exist??

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I'm 52. I have personally known one person under 40 who died of a sudden heart attack with no previous known heart issues. He was a 38-year-old father of 4 I knew from work. This was probably around 1998/99. It's so rare that no one I worked with had ever known anyone that young and healthy (he was playing basketball with friends in a park) who had such a sudden death with no known cause. I don't remember what the final outcome was (I vague remembering hearing about a genetic heart issue they didn't know about) but I do remember that we were all shocked and talked about it for months because it was so unusual and sad. It's rare no matter what. Until now.

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Also Ironman Triathlete Tim O’Donnell.

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Pfizer lied? Pfizer? The Pfizer who has paid out billions for killing and maiming people? Say it isn’t so, bro.

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In doing the math. The vaccine was more deadly than the virus near term in the short term of the trial parameters. Longer term, it appears this mRNA treatment has a combination of effects on the immune system and direct attack of the spike protein on the heart and blood vessels which have raised the death rate 20%-30% over society's natural rate from all causes.

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I think you're right. And they'll never admit that an increase in all-cause deaths is because the vaccine messed up people's immune systems.

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It will eventually come out. Truth alway does. Unfortunately there is evidence from Swedish researchers the spike protein enters the cell DNA and blocks self-repair. Cancer rates could soar if this is true.

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Peter McCullough has been talking about this for more than a year and he's been de-platformed and fired. But he's still talking. You just have to seek him out.

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Dr. Ryan Coles said T-cell is adversely effected and the bodies ability to fight cancer is therefore reduced.

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Colin Powell was in remission, got vaccinated, cancer returned. Shame.

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Cancer is rising

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How do you figure ? Cause I thought the mortality rate was around 8/100,000 annually . That makes 38 deaths in the trial in just the 18-65 , which excludes the higher dying ranges of very young snd over 65 s 86/100,000 in 6 months which is 172/100,000 annually . Yes that is all deaths in the trial . And alll deaths being at the minimum 20x the baseline rate and more likely closer to double that when actually looking at the rate specific to 18-65 year olds .

Sure this means the vaccinated deaths are super high above baseline , but because the control is also so high above baseline suggests some kind of error or covering up of data by increasing the control or something . Something is clearly not right where such a high rate in the trial have died . But way higher then 20-39%

Unless I made some huge error somewhere you could point out

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I replied in greater detail elsewhere. I may have mistaken your 8/100,000 figure for all-cause mortality per year. Do you mean strictly deaths from Covid-19? My reference figure is about 0.16% annually = 160/100,000 so maybe not! Some of your other figures are plausible, for certain age ranges. But I stand by my earlier posts where I'm claiming that the reported deaths in both vax and control are actually far LOWER than what one would expect from normal deaths! Either you are completely screwed up, I am totally wrong in my critique (or both).

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Fraud. They have committed fraud.

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They have committed murder. Premeditated murder. And not for the first time

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Thank you AGAIN Alex for all you do to get the TRUTH out there

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...and proud parents are lining their kids up.

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I feel sorry for the kids.

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the parents will suffer too...but will they wake up?

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So true

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