You are all a bunch of wackos. Crazy anti vaxxers who believe in lies peddled by the most un American politicians ever - Trump and his minions in Florida and Texas.
Back at you, Biden is incompetent and not fit for human interaction, but i'm guessing you voted for that imbecile...bully the American people and you'll get a civil war.. now, leave here, you're not wanted.
%70 of all covid deaths in Britain one of teh most vaccinated nations on the planet, are fully vaxxed but yeah keep telling yourself that experimental mRNA crap you let them put in you is actually protecting you. And yeah don;t come to FL or TX, we believe in Freedom & Liberty here, not an Authoritarian police state, you'd hate it.
The Vaccine Cultists don't understand , while they may be able to "mandate" the Clot Shots, they can not make anyone be a Doctor , a Nurse, a Police Officer, A Fire Fighter, a Trucker and now ,an Airline Pilot !! These Authoritarians are F....D Up in the head !!!
100%^...can't replace staff in this labor market. Bankruptcy fillings inbound...wait until the Dems (those that don't want to budge) realize their tax base will evaporate from any Federal Contractor flow-downs. Large Primes have the DIB (defense industrial base) spread out on purpose: tax coffers.
True. However dead people cant perform any job. It's amazing. Something that has worked well time after time you won't take. However when you invariably end up sick you'll be begging for Regeneron despite how new and less tested it is.
Like all numbers this doesn't say what you try to make it say. 98.2% is actually total. However this doesn't mean you have a 98.2% chance of surviving. It just means out of everyone that caught CV 98.2% survived. Most people have a much lower chance of survival.
Next, even if you survive this doesn't mean much. CV19 causes severe damage. It destroys the lungs. It causes damage to multiple organs by starving them of oxygen. It causes long term memory damage. Yes you might live, but you also can basically be in vegetative state. Those that are vaccinated, if they catch CV19 generally dont go on to have life altering effects. It's the unvaccinated that end up needing double lung transplants, have issues with memory, etc.
Again, you are quoting absolute worst case scenarios,(other than death) which can happen. My survival % is in fact 98.2 for me 50's age bracket. I had c19 in Aug. Not fun, but NO lasting effects. I had h1N1 in 2018, and thought I was going to die, but NO ONE online or elsewhere was threatening me or anyone else with death. Anyone can die of various things in this life, be maimed in this life. San Diego had a small plane crash on a UPS truck killing the driver, you NEVER see that coming, just like an illness. But really, thats not the point here. It is OUR/MY choice, period. You don't get to decide, and the Govt doesnt get to decide what we put in our bodies. No one gets to dictate being vaxxed or being fired. It is unethical, and immoral. Bully tactics from our illustrious incompetent administration and their minion. I blamed NO ONE for getting the flu and the only one I blame for c19 is Fauci.
I can list, like you did countless horrible case scenarios on multiple issues that can maim or kill anyone. But when the GOVT goes along with an experimental drug, with zero long term studies, we have the right to question. I could list all the drugs that were deemed "safe" because the pharma said so, only to have it kill or injure millions over following years of use. Then it's pulled from the market, because "enough" people die to sound the alarm.
You are quoting scare tactics. They happen, but millions recover just fine. I have no lasting effects. My 80+ year old parents, no lasting effects, brothers and families, no side effects, dozens of people we know, no lasting effects. So yours is a specific set of scenarios, and I have my own stories, just like people around the world.
And as far as vaxxed faring better than unvaxxed for side effects, the jury is still out for a lot of us. Talk to me in 5 years. You could be right. But given the way opinion is swayed every 5 days on all things covid, I would hope you could see why I would be skeptical.
I'm fine with you not taking. If it means that much to you, you're willing to risk a very painful drawn out death, I'm ok. However then you have to live with consequences of that choice. It's amazing how many say they have a strong ethical/moral issue, then take it when faced with consequences .
I am a bit late to this thread, but I saw a woman with a mask on in her car this morning pulling out of a Dunkin' Donuts I wanted to put down my window and ask her if her car was sick.
There was a photo taken at the start of the Boston Marathon today and in the giant crowd of runners was a guy wearing one of those blue paper masks. I thought ‘I wonder if this guy survives the full run wearing that thing’
Husband ran 8 marathons, several in Boston. The guy with the mask isn’t a serious runner, he was there simply for propaganda photo. Not a serious runner
The Vaccine Cultists don't understand , while they may be able to "mandate" the Clot Shots, they can not make anyone be a Doctor , a Nurse, a Police Officer, A Fire Fighter, a Trucker and now ,an Airline Pilot !! These Authoritarians are F....D Up in the head !!!
Personally, I think that things are going exactly as those behind all this want. They want to destroy private air travel, among other things. They do not care if the public health care system collapses, they have their own set up and operating from years ago.
umm not exactly as they want. These disgusting criminals are being hunted and taken out of society. We are watching their stupid shenanigans while we wait for our families. friends. neighbors, coworkers, etc to Wake Up. THEN we will rise against this controlling stupidity and stop it.
I don’t think they are omniscient. Or even that smart. If this was all an evil depopulation effort Pfizer would not be mandating these vaccines on employees but according to the PV whistleblower they are and not allowing exemptions.
There are people who have died due to the vaccine. The most recent widely reported was a young mother who did not want to vaccine but had to take it or lose her job. Children too.
I never said they wont ever cause any deaths. People have allergic reactions to everything. There's people who've died taking Penicillin. Does that mean it's unsafe? No. It just means that like everything there's always going to be someone that has bad effect. Regeneron causes many more side effects to many more people. However unvaccinated clamor for it when get sick.
I haven't flown on a domestic flight since the TSA started their post 9/11 groping. I'd rather drive for 3 days (and have done so many times) rather than get on a commercial flight.
On the last yr. I have driven 12,000 miles to avoid airports and the unfriendly skies. My granddaughter was between the ages of 2 and 3 during this time. No way would I put a muzzle on her, it’s child abuse.
Wonderful. But don’t forget assholes like Dianne Feinstein have proposed no national travel for unvaccinated, so soon we will have to drive anyway! Absolutely disgusting
We just returned from Heathrow to Charlotte and it was a harrowing experience. My husband has knee and hip replacement, uses a cain, they searched his entire body like he was a terrorist. On the trip home the crew acted like tyrants, demanding that we replace masks above nose every time you sipped drink or ate a bit of food. I never intend to fly AA/into Charlotte again. It was refreshing to be in the English countryside where it doesn’t feel everyone has gone mad. Global Entry did save a few long lines+
Yes/No. Getting a DL means being around others/taking a road test. The act itself of getting a license shouldn't be dependent. However it becomes issue when you knowingly risk other people's lives. Look at smoking. You can smoke 2 packs a day and kill yourself all you want. However you don't get to smoke those 2 packs around non-smokers and risk their lives. I have no issue with no mandate as long as people recognize their rights end when it encroaches on someone else's life. (Other Satanists could claim religious exceptions to murder laws, etc...) If it means that much to you then don't do it, but like everything there's always consequences to our actions.
Guess which Fortune 50 company won't make employees get vaccinated?
Oct 12
Hint: It’s arguably the most science-driven of all.
Not only that, vaccinated employees cannot say they do not want to work with unvaccinated employees. (Policy 8.4)
Not only that, Intel FORBIDS managers from asking for vaccination status. (Policy 8.13)
Not only that, Intel ACCEPTS antibodies as a full substitute for vaccination for people who must quarantine after a Covid exposure or for travel requirements. (Policy 1.2)t
America is a beautiful site to see. We do a 12 hr 2x+ a year to get the family and pets to our other home. We have come to love it. (Have also thought of the hubris for any politician to claim dominion over such a large land.) Enjoy!
Problem with natural immunity is immunity wears off. Also viruses change. Once you catch that a cold virus you are immune to it, but you're not to the next version.
no, thats not accurate. A lot of us have been around long enough to know that we don't catch every virus that "floats down our street"... unless you are extremely unhealthy, most of us have immunity for many many versions of many many things.
80.000 Animals have been tested to date and no Animal has passed this virus to human . With that said how just how can anyone have the proper Vaccine trials for this virus . Does Fauci , Collins , Resident Muppet and the Rooster . Think we are all as stupid as them . Every time they make a vaccine they are creating another virus and the patient has to wear a masks . If these morons can figure out this is a bio weapon that was built by Fauci , Collins and the CCP in the Wuhan lab . Shame on all of the Resident Muppets handlers and writers for the teleprompter .
And You think it's funny he has 4 Million dead on this stent not including what he did with AIDS. And he want schools Colleges University to violate your Daughter with an unproven injection. Your children being taken over by Resident Muppet.
Do you deny that he had any involvement in funding or research direction for gain-of-function in Wuhan? Have you even done cursory research on the subject?
Glad I have "cancel for any reason" insurance on our trip to the VIs in 2 weeks! Although I guess they would give us our money back if they cancel! Not sure about our accommodations though.
I flew Aeroflot, yes, the Russian airline. Only wore a mask entering the plane, mist removed them on board, I was only asked to put one on when we were about to land some 8 hours later.
I posted under laura's post below, but I'd like to add, you could consider asking your own doctor. If they say "no" you will at least have the information about him/her that you need going forward. If you decide to go that route, bring your evidence about I's safety and the latest about the shot. Especially the boosters and what it does to the innate immune system. Or the other route. I used the one in WA state. He is a Christian and did as he said he would and prescribed.
He is. I got his name off FLCCC (I think). On those lists they have doctors names with the states in which they can write scripts. I am in Utah. He in WA.
A proven list. You fill out a form with your particulars then they find a pharmacy in your area willing to fill the script. It will take up to a month.
Hi Al, I found my functional doctor on a website and and a doc for ivermec on FLCCC. I am going to send you some links. I got ivermec not for prophylaxis, but for early intervention. Also, is coming up on Oct 14-16-the 14th is free. Will have many FLCCC docs there and great info. Give me a few minutes to get the links for you.
The same at my company. 6 months ago, they were gung-ho for the vaccine. Now, all of their communications include support for vaccination (which is fine for those who choose to do it) or natural immunity. The last part only started appearing recently, which I think is good news. The company knows that they'll get people walking if they force the vaccine on us.
The Vaccine Cultists don't understand , while they may be able to "mandate" the Clot Shots, they can not make anyone be a Doctor , a Nurse, a Police Officer, A Fire Fighter, a Trucker and now ,an Airline Pilot !! These Authoritarians are F....D Up in the head !!!
So that means that any health care worker qualifications are BS. If the motorpool, infantry, and mess cranks can stand in for health care workers then there is actually no needed qualification. All qualifications, processes, protocol, etc. can be obliterated by that one special term - state of emergency. Created then declared by the same manmade disaster artists.
You do know there are thousands & thousands of Nat’l Guardsman that are Nurses, Physicians Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, all different types of Doctors, etc? Im one of them. Although the National Guard is part of the Military we have regular jobs that we do day in and day out until we’re deployed. In 21yrs Ive been deployed twice.
FEMA can throw you in a camp and take all of your property under emergency orders. There is no longer an emergency but states have not given back power they’re holding on to it. Scary!
It would be a real disaster if they tried to pull that stunt in my town lol. I think they would be better off dropping a Nuc on us from a safe distance if they want us gone so badly.
That will be a disaster because nearly all of the NG have full-time jobs elsewhere and they do not have anywhere near enough skilled medical professionals to fill positions. And of course those with medical skills are employed at other medical facilities, and a good many Guard members have 1st responder jobs. It would be pure chaos.
Friend is a brain surgeon, when he refused the vax, the CFO of the hospital system called the night before the deadline. When he still refused to get it, they miraculously granted his religious exemption the next day. It’s totally about health….:)
I’m currently going to get stuck having to do a 10 hour drive because of a cancelled southwest flight, but I don’t care. Vive la liberte.
Thank you so much for standing for liberty! My son (who is under 30) works for AA and he does not want to get the jab.
Let your son know he and the rest their have millions standing with them. The media is lying about how few of us they're are.
You are all a bunch of wackos. Crazy anti vaxxers who believe in lies peddled by the most un American politicians ever - Trump and his minions in Florida and Texas.
Back at you, Biden is incompetent and not fit for human interaction, but i'm guessing you voted for that imbecile...bully the American people and you'll get a civil war.. now, leave here, you're not wanted.
I wouldn't say he's not fit for interaction, he's pretty good at that child hair sniffing thing.
%70 of all covid deaths in Britain one of teh most vaccinated nations on the planet, are fully vaxxed but yeah keep telling yourself that experimental mRNA crap you let them put in you is actually protecting you. And yeah don;t come to FL or TX, we believe in Freedom & Liberty here, not an Authoritarian police state, you'd hate it.
Straight up from Houston!
Then leave this substack. See you, auntie.
Not your auntie. Old woman
What r u 12?
I cancelled my miles (gave then to Fisher House) and now that all charges have cleared the associated card. And I told them why.
The Vaccine Cultists don't understand , while they may be able to "mandate" the Clot Shots, they can not make anyone be a Doctor , a Nurse, a Police Officer, A Fire Fighter, a Trucker and now ,an Airline Pilot !! These Authoritarians are F....D Up in the head !!!
100%^...can't replace staff in this labor market. Bankruptcy fillings inbound...wait until the Dems (those that don't want to budge) realize their tax base will evaporate from any Federal Contractor flow-downs. Large Primes have the DIB (defense industrial base) spread out on purpose: tax coffers.
True. However dead people cant perform any job. It's amazing. Something that has worked well time after time you won't take. However when you invariably end up sick you'll be begging for Regeneron despite how new and less tested it is.
99.8% survival rate with out being a lab rat.
But nice try...
Like all numbers this doesn't say what you try to make it say. 98.2% is actually total. However this doesn't mean you have a 98.2% chance of surviving. It just means out of everyone that caught CV 98.2% survived. Most people have a much lower chance of survival.
Next, even if you survive this doesn't mean much. CV19 causes severe damage. It destroys the lungs. It causes damage to multiple organs by starving them of oxygen. It causes long term memory damage. Yes you might live, but you also can basically be in vegetative state. Those that are vaccinated, if they catch CV19 generally dont go on to have life altering effects. It's the unvaccinated that end up needing double lung transplants, have issues with memory, etc.
Again, you are quoting absolute worst case scenarios,(other than death) which can happen. My survival % is in fact 98.2 for me 50's age bracket. I had c19 in Aug. Not fun, but NO lasting effects. I had h1N1 in 2018, and thought I was going to die, but NO ONE online or elsewhere was threatening me or anyone else with death. Anyone can die of various things in this life, be maimed in this life. San Diego had a small plane crash on a UPS truck killing the driver, you NEVER see that coming, just like an illness. But really, thats not the point here. It is OUR/MY choice, period. You don't get to decide, and the Govt doesnt get to decide what we put in our bodies. No one gets to dictate being vaxxed or being fired. It is unethical, and immoral. Bully tactics from our illustrious incompetent administration and their minion. I blamed NO ONE for getting the flu and the only one I blame for c19 is Fauci.
I can list, like you did countless horrible case scenarios on multiple issues that can maim or kill anyone. But when the GOVT goes along with an experimental drug, with zero long term studies, we have the right to question. I could list all the drugs that were deemed "safe" because the pharma said so, only to have it kill or injure millions over following years of use. Then it's pulled from the market, because "enough" people die to sound the alarm.
You are quoting scare tactics. They happen, but millions recover just fine. I have no lasting effects. My 80+ year old parents, no lasting effects, brothers and families, no side effects, dozens of people we know, no lasting effects. So yours is a specific set of scenarios, and I have my own stories, just like people around the world.
And as far as vaxxed faring better than unvaxxed for side effects, the jury is still out for a lot of us. Talk to me in 5 years. You could be right. But given the way opinion is swayed every 5 days on all things covid, I would hope you could see why I would be skeptical.
NEVER will I take the poison
I'm fine with you not taking. If it means that much to you, you're willing to risk a very painful drawn out death, I'm ok. However then you have to live with consequences of that choice. It's amazing how many say they have a strong ethical/moral issue, then take it when faced with consequences .
99.8% survival rate, so stop threatening.
You'll probably get there quicker. lol
So true! 🤣
And, you won't have to wear a mask throughout your trip.
I am a bit late to this thread, but I saw a woman with a mask on in her car this morning pulling out of a Dunkin' Donuts I wanted to put down my window and ask her if her car was sick.
There was a photo taken at the start of the Boston Marathon today and in the giant crowd of runners was a guy wearing one of those blue paper masks. I thought ‘I wonder if this guy survives the full run wearing that thing’
Husband ran 8 marathons, several in Boston. The guy with the mask isn’t a serious runner, he was there simply for propaganda photo. Not a serious runner
Good for you! Taking one for the sake of our Constitutional Liberty
after 9/11/01 i did a number of 8 to 12 hour drives, it was less stressful and i was in control.
Fcuk these woke companies who hate us.
The Vaccine Cultists don't understand , while they may be able to "mandate" the Clot Shots, they can not make anyone be a Doctor , a Nurse, a Police Officer, A Fire Fighter, a Trucker and now ,an Airline Pilot !! These Authoritarians are F....D Up in the head !!!
Personally, I think that things are going exactly as those behind all this want. They want to destroy private air travel, among other things. They do not care if the public health care system collapses, they have their own set up and operating from years ago.
umm not exactly as they want. These disgusting criminals are being hunted and taken out of society. We are watching their stupid shenanigans while we wait for our families. friends. neighbors, coworkers, etc to Wake Up. THEN we will rise against this controlling stupidity and stop it.
That should have happened long ago, like decades ago.
Agree. This is a well choreographed plan. They are a few steps ahead.
I don’t think they are omniscient. Or even that smart. If this was all an evil depopulation effort Pfizer would not be mandating these vaccines on employees but according to the PV whistleblower they are and not allowing exemptions.
They are not a few steps ahead-- WE are. We have a well choreographed plan that shows we've already won.
Again, dead people can't do any job. If there were people dying from getting vaccine I'd understand concern. However that hasn't happened.
You should seriously take a look at VAERS, I only search death and serious injury for Moderna and came back with 100's and 100's of reports
Vaccine are causing deaths and various harms....WAKE UP!!
Here's some of the thousands of samples you can read.....
There are people who have died due to the vaccine. The most recent widely reported was a young mother who did not want to vaccine but had to take it or lose her job. Children too.
I never said they wont ever cause any deaths. People have allergic reactions to everything. There's people who've died taking Penicillin. Does that mean it's unsafe? No. It just means that like everything there's always going to be someone that has bad effect. Regeneron causes many more side effects to many more people. However unvaccinated clamor for it when get sick.
I haven't flown on a domestic flight since the TSA started their post 9/11 groping. I'd rather drive for 3 days (and have done so many times) rather than get on a commercial flight.
On the last yr. I have driven 12,000 miles to avoid airports and the unfriendly skies. My granddaughter was between the ages of 2 and 3 during this time. No way would I put a muzzle on her, it’s child abuse.
Yup! We have done the FL-NJ-FL I-95 shuffle 7 times inside of 18 months. Haven’t flown since 2019. Not sure I ever will again.
Same. Bought a comfy car for long trips. It's actually pretty nice for domestic travel.
SO glad u called it a muzzle. Im much more comfortable flying 3-5 times a week without hearing ur screaming children
Flying to Chile from Japan and back we paid extra to avoid transiting the US. A lot less hassle.
Definitely less stressful. I flew then, but certainly wouldn't now until corporate / gov't policies change.
Wonderful. But don’t forget assholes like Dianne Feinstein have proposed no national travel for unvaccinated, so soon we will have to drive anyway! Absolutely disgusting
You make it sound like she has more power than we do. None of this happens if we don't let it happen. Never ever give them the power.
Feinstein is anti-American. Plain and simple. There’s no other reason to introduce that bill.
I wonder who paid her to introduce that bill and how much?
The Chinese commie who used to work for her.
And yet she doesn’t have to take the jab herself.
I bet proposition is permanent. Clot shots and boosters for decades?
Not if you have Global Entry.
We just returned from Heathrow to Charlotte and it was a harrowing experience. My husband has knee and hip replacement, uses a cain, they searched his entire body like he was a terrorist. On the trip home the crew acted like tyrants, demanding that we replace masks above nose every time you sipped drink or ate a bit of food. I never intend to fly AA/into Charlotte again. It was refreshing to be in the English countryside where it doesn’t feel everyone has gone mad. Global Entry did save a few long lines+
If you don't want to vaccinate then fine. If this is that important to you then you have to be willing to live with consequences of your choices.
Yes/No. Getting a DL means being around others/taking a road test. The act itself of getting a license shouldn't be dependent. However it becomes issue when you knowingly risk other people's lives. Look at smoking. You can smoke 2 packs a day and kill yourself all you want. However you don't get to smoke those 2 packs around non-smokers and risk their lives. I have no issue with no mandate as long as people recognize their rights end when it encroaches on someone else's life. (Other Satanists could claim religious exceptions to murder laws, etc...) If it means that much to you then don't do it, but like everything there's always consequences to our actions.
Guess which Fortune 50 company won't make employees get vaccinated?
Oct 12
Hint: It’s arguably the most science-driven of all.
Not only that, vaccinated employees cannot say they do not want to work with unvaccinated employees. (Policy 8.4)
Not only that, Intel FORBIDS managers from asking for vaccination status. (Policy 8.13)
Not only that, Intel ACCEPTS antibodies as a full substitute for vaccination for people who must quarantine after a Covid exposure or for travel requirements. (Policy 1.2)t
1)there's different branches of science
2)company management are not scientists
3)the section forbidding vaccinated from not asking to be seoerated is illegal under US ADA. They must make accommodation for employees
4)this all will be moot once OSHA writes the final rule Biden has instructed them. (Intel has over 100 employees)
You’re awesome! I am willing to make these sacrifices too. Keep on fighting!!
💯🇺🇸 ! I support all that stand up for Freedom ❤️🙌🏼
Me too! Bully’s are bully’s but are usually cowards when confronted. Stand up to them with facts and resolve.
America is a beautiful site to see. We do a 12 hr 2x+ a year to get the family and pets to our other home. We have come to love it. (Have also thought of the hubris for any politician to claim dominion over such a large land.) Enjoy!
Same for us. We love driving now. There’s so much to see, and not enough time to see it all. It’s an amazing country.
Good attitude, Shannon! We all have to stick together on this and support those brave or desperate enough to stand up.
I also had to spend the night and rent a car to get to my destination.
I did it with a very happy heart KNOWING this is the ABSOLUTE minimum I could contribute right now.
Give me freedom or give me death!
PS I have Natural Immunity. It's a thing.
Problem with natural immunity is immunity wears off. Also viruses change. Once you catch that a cold virus you are immune to it, but you're not to the next version.
Problem with this theory is that i had a positive tcell blood test 16 months after confirmed infections and 8 antibody tests in between.
And then there are so many of these:
99.8% survival. Why are you so resistant to this?
Vaccine immunity has shown to decline faster than natural immunity. So, by your logic, the only answer is constant vaccines & boosters?
no, thats not accurate. A lot of us have been around long enough to know that we don't catch every virus that "floats down our street"... unless you are extremely unhealthy, most of us have immunity for many many versions of many many things.
I couldn't agree more! I just booked a flight to see my adult children, but if this is the reason it gets cancelled, so be it. Power to them!
80.000 Animals have been tested to date and no Animal has passed this virus to human . With that said how just how can anyone have the proper Vaccine trials for this virus . Does Fauci , Collins , Resident Muppet and the Rooster . Think we are all as stupid as them . Every time they make a vaccine they are creating another virus and the patient has to wear a masks . If these morons can figure out this is a bio weapon that was built by Fauci , Collins and the CCP in the Wuhan lab . Shame on all of the Resident Muppets handlers and writers for the teleprompter .
A bio weapon built by Fauci 🤣😂🤣😂The humor I was looking for in this thread
And You think it's funny he has 4 Million dead on this stent not including what he did with AIDS. And he want schools Colleges University to violate your Daughter with an unproven injection. Your children being taken over by Resident Muppet.
Do you deny that he had any involvement in funding or research direction for gain-of-function in Wuhan? Have you even done cursory research on the subject?
Do it! We just drove 16 hours from FL to NJ to see family. Send a LOUD message to the airlines!
Driving also costs less, no TSA, pack whatever and as much as you want, no masks, and NO AIR RAGE!
And no fears of your vaxxed pilots dying from blood clots from their jabs and not having anyone to land your aircraft!
That's the spirit. Thank you for standing up for what is right over convenience! Millions appreciate it.
Glad I have "cancel for any reason" insurance on our trip to the VIs in 2 weeks! Although I guess they would give us our money back if they cancel! Not sure about our accommodations though.
I flew Aeroflot, yes, the Russian airline. Only wore a mask entering the plane, mist removed them on board, I was only asked to put one on when we were about to land some 8 hours later.
Plus free wine.
Shannon. Thank you. I know this is awful for you but thank you for standing up for liberty.
ty for your positive and patient attitude.
I posted under laura's post below, but I'd like to add, you could consider asking your own doctor. If they say "no" you will at least have the information about him/her that you need going forward. If you decide to go that route, bring your evidence about I's safety and the latest about the shot. Especially the boosters and what it does to the innate immune system. Or the other route. I used the one in WA state. He is a Christian and did as he said he would and prescribed.
Wonder if he is licensed in any other state?
He is. I got his name off FLCCC (I think). On those lists they have doctors names with the states in which they can write scripts. I am in Utah. He in WA.
I hope this helps Al. I tried to link to exact pages so you did not have to search so much. Let me know if you need anything else.
A proven list. You fill out a form with your particulars then they find a pharmacy in your area willing to fill the script. It will take up to a month.
Hi Al, I found my functional doctor on a website and and a doc for ivermec on FLCCC. I am going to send you some links. I got ivermec not for prophylaxis, but for early intervention. Also, is coming up on Oct 14-16-the 14th is free. Will have many FLCCC docs there and great info. Give me a few minutes to get the links for you.
Wish that was not happening in CA. But I guess you go to where the need is greatest.
These are a list of pharmacies via the FLCCC website that participate. Please scroll to the bottom of the page to see the list.
to find a functional doc-most do not take medicare or insurance and esp. not for ivermec for obvious reasons.
Vive la resistance! My company said they would mandate and then backed off. The more of us that refuse, the more we can stop this shit
My unvaccinated son is critical to his (large) company and if they require vaccination, he's walking. And they know it.
The same at my company. 6 months ago, they were gung-ho for the vaccine. Now, all of their communications include support for vaccination (which is fine for those who choose to do it) or natural immunity. The last part only started appearing recently, which I think is good news. The company knows that they'll get people walking if they force the vaccine on us.
The Vaccine Cultists don't understand , while they may be able to "mandate" the Clot Shots, they can not make anyone be a Doctor , a Nurse, a Police Officer, A Fire Fighter, a Trucker and now ,an Airline Pilot !! These Authoritarians are F....D Up in the head !!!
Just wait for it, NY Governor has called in National Guards to replace 72,000 health care workers. This is like watching a horror movie.
Wouldn't it be IRONIC if some of the healthcare workers are replacing themselves, only this time coming to work in a National Guard uniform!!
Military takeover of NY. We need to watch that carefully.
Think that is part of the plan. Absolutely terrifying and would have moved to another state already, if it weren't for the fact I share child custody.
Stay safe.
So that means that any health care worker qualifications are BS. If the motorpool, infantry, and mess cranks can stand in for health care workers then there is actually no needed qualification. All qualifications, processes, protocol, etc. can be obliterated by that one special term - state of emergency. Created then declared by the same manmade disaster artists.
You do know there are thousands & thousands of Nat’l Guardsman that are Nurses, Physicians Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, all different types of Doctors, etc? Im one of them. Although the National Guard is part of the Military we have regular jobs that we do day in and day out until we’re deployed. In 21yrs Ive been deployed twice.
Get prepared because times are changing is my fear.
I appreciate your being at the ready all of these years. My husband is a retired Vet.
FEMA can throw you in a camp and take all of your property under emergency orders. There is no longer an emergency but states have not given back power they’re holding on to it. Scary!
It would be a real disaster if they tried to pull that stunt in my town lol. I think they would be better off dropping a Nuc on us from a safe distance if they want us gone so badly.
That will be a disaster because nearly all of the NG have full-time jobs elsewhere and they do not have anywhere near enough skilled medical professionals to fill positions. And of course those with medical skills are employed at other medical facilities, and a good many Guard members have 1st responder jobs. It would be pure chaos.
I think they will do small areas at a time if they have their way.
Clot shots. Love it. I wish I'd coined that. Needle rape is a very accurate term but a bit strident.
Friend is a brain surgeon, when he refused the vax, the CFO of the hospital system called the night before the deadline. When he still refused to get it, they miraculously granted his religious exemption the next day. It’s totally about health….:)