So, yeah, Vladimir Putin has apparently decided he can live with Joy Behar being mad at him…
In happier news, our newly transgender-friendly force has DEFINITELY been focusing on the right issues since Uncle Joe took over!
Fresh out of West Point and exquisitely trained in understanding white rage, butter bars of all genders will be very ready to bring their peacemaking and community building skills to bear against this white-on-white violence!
Woke militaries throw fear in the hearts of their enemies.
Stop laughing. You’re destroying my safe space.
Okay, that’s it. I’m sending you to a seminar on intersectionality.
Our youngest son is a West Point grad. The PC bullshit he's had to endure in the US Army sickens him. He loves his country and always wanted to serve in the Army, seldom complains but has mentioned it's gotten really BAD.
Listen I have been in a ICU CCRU Respiratory Ivermectin has never been used nor is it FDA approved for use. Them studies are deeply flawed. The People Fringe Group are not allowed in any Hospital setting that Push or Promote Ivermectin. All they are doing is giving you a false hope.
Because they do nothing but manage you on the vent and don't allow any treatment. These docs actually think trying a safe drug is risky when the patient is on a vent!
That's the CDC's shtick. They have been lying to you the whole time.
It's not a vaccine, it never was. It doesn't keep you safe, and it doesn't prevent transmission.
It does weaken your immune system, and it does make you likelier to contract Covid.
It's a badge of honor to be kept from the butcher's killing people and ruining their lives for an utterly inappropriate gene therapy that does not work as advertised.
Laugh all you want, but the Malaysian study actually shows ivermectin works. The headline only focused on progression to oxygen. Mechanical ventilation and death were lower in the ivermectin group than the placebo group.
URGENT Alex, how about the possibility that 62 yo Paul Farmer, MD, a much admired figure in global health, died from covid vaxx: "The Boston-based organization confirmed Farmer's death on Monday, calling it "devastating'' and noting he unexpectedly passed away in his sleep from an acute cardiac event while in Rwanda, where he had been teaching." Maybe THAT will catch people's attention.
So… just going to weigh in here😉 True story: just happened. A Canadian nurse ( know her) got vaccinated while pregnant- 2 shots. Under duress. She just gave birth to her baby who has lungs filled with 90% cancerous growths. Not sure if he will survive. When she asked if it could be from vaccine … Crickets. Not one single Doctor here in Canada🤢 will give her any kind of reason for this horrific outcome. So yah: vaccines definitely safe & effective for pregnant Moms. Holy straight up Crimes against humanity… this one - very tragically looks to be leading to murder of her newborn from Vax. Collateral damage is that what they will tell her? WTF? Just WTF? This is going to be happening on the regular is my prediction. Want to be 💯 wrong.🤢🇨🇦
Sorry for banging on this, but honestly this is a huge story if Farmer was a vaxx death. This man had more-or-less "Living Saint" status. I notice that the official tweet from his non-profit conveniently OMITS the cardiac event, because, of course, 62-year-old doctors "die in their sleep" everyday! It's just infuriating.
Last night I watched an Amy Goodman/Democracy Now interview with one of Dr Farmer’s associates. The female physician was there in Rwanda. Goodman, to her credit, plainly asked “can you explain how he died.” The woman was uncomfortable with the question and mumbled something about “his heart issues” and “respecting the family.” Question: since when is dying of a heart attack a shameful secret? It didn’t use to be.
What is important is that Farmer was part of elite medical/public health circles. "One of their own" -- only beloved and respected. On the eve of the mNRA "vaccine" release, in a piece published in The Harvard Gazette 11/2/2020, Farmer said the following. It is hard to imagine that he wasn't triple vaxxed.
“We still know the basics of what we must do to bring this epidemic under control, and that also includes preparing people for a vaccine,” Farmer said. “I have some optimism about this. There is a lot of mistrust, a lot of miscommunication that needs to be cleared up. Some of this will last well into the coming year, but there is a good chance that we can prepare communities for — and enlist the support of communities — in rolling out this vaccine.”
An awful lot of people hailed the rapid development perhaps why we have such a hard time coming to terms with the ultimate disappointment at it's failures. Letting go is hard.
Thank him for his service and thats too sad. My son did 4 years marines, came out a sargent, then 3 years national guard while in college, graduated from Miami U, on deans list, was hired by a co I wont name, well known and Biden was forcing vaccine mandates! My marine had covid and had natural immunity. I told him to hold the line. Good grief! So far so good. 2022 get out and vote!
Here in Georgia we are definitely worried. Now Raphael Warnock highly produced “likeability” commercials are running constantly. Stacey f’ng Abrams has already thrown in her hat for pretend reelection as Governor.
PC is there to purge the military of all normal and patriotic service members. They want jackbooted thugs who will carry out orders against the civilian population without question. Exhibit A is Justin Truedeau's militarized police in Ottawa.
🎯🎯🎯 This 🇨🇦 totally agrees! Those jackboot thugs happened to our very own RCMP & UN troops flown in - all to attack Canadian citizens protesting peacefully. Mind Fuckery on steroids.
Yep I agree. Our Prime Minister has been signed up with WEF for long time & Chystia Freeland our Deputy Prime Minister is ALSO Klaus Schaub’s Deputy Prime Minister. No conflict of interest there🤢 Canada’s govt 🇨🇦 is so far up the WEF’s pipeline- no souls for sure.
Probably another big reason to require the military and police to get vaxed. Many that remain are perhaps more malleable and compliant? Hopefully not! Let FREEDOM ring.
They are agitating for the total breakdown of civilization which would justify sending in a national police force or Gestapo similar to what we are seeing in Canada with the willing Ottawa police this and the U.N.mercenaries.
I never thought I would say this but I threw away the Marine recruiting postcard my 17-year-old son received last week and called the 800 number and told them to remove his name from all of their mailing and calling database. What I found particularly distasteful was the theme of the postcard which asked if he was ready to “defend his home town” while warmongers pretend we have to die for Ukraine’s border and our border is left wide open.
We do need your sons service, however, in organized freedom loving volunteer organizations that will stand up to the jack booted thugs when they time comes, and it is coming. We can keep trying to win through elections but my optimism for that vector is not high. Both parties are captured.
Hub is a 58-78, 20 year career USN Ret SCPO, If they wanted paid during Flu season, they went to Sickbay, to get a flu jab, to get paid. Didn't matter if they were allergic to any ingeident.
Too old to serve, but if I did serve, I'd rather serve alongside an unvaxed trany than a vaxed, cisgenered hetero male. I'd want someone I could rely on!
I have plenty of sympathy for those who were duped. I just don't want someone I depend on to keel over and die suddenly when we're depending on each other. My point was the vax mandates are far more damaging than whether someone you depend on is female, gay, another race or religion etc.
My nephew is both a history instructor (award winning) at Annapolis and works at the Pentagon. My poor sister in law is up in arms and to boot has MS, can't even walk any longer. I wish I were brazon enough to dox him, but that's just not me.
He was raised conservative, but after his college (GW) he went full blown woke. I just don't get it.
Your sis in law needs good meds for M.S., right now. Is she on anything? I have M.S. too. I hope she has a good dr. There’s new meds available that might be a game changer for her? Plus, stress is extra bad for her. Ugh! Sorry!
She gets the best available I imagine. She was diagnosed in the mid 90s and after multiple back surgeries (I honestly list count), her legs are shot. It's a sad situation, but she's lucky in the sense that my brother in law is a scientist with the state and unlike our current scientist, he knows his business.
My would be father in law, her dad, died of MS in his 30s. It's such a eerie situation, especially with her woke son that I personally feel it's unending her mental health. I will say this, she will greet even a stranger with a smile. Tough lady.
She sounds amazing. The back surgeries are unrelated to MS right? Just curious. Maybe she has spinal lesions, etc. Her son needs to chill & be reminded that stress is a huge trigger for M.S. symptoms. Also, I guess it can be hereditary. Mine wasn’t but I definitely have the * growing up in Seattle, Scottish & Norwegian descent, etc. I’m embarrassed by our science- medical, & especially FDA & CDC. ( entire gov. is corrupt & inefficient) Let me know if something cool gets discovered because cancel culture will bury any useful M.S. info. behind the pharmaceutical “ advances.” So stupid! I’ll probably never get another vaccine ever or trust hospital “ protocol”, ever. My bro. is a dr. in Ohio.
What does he think about our "leaders" shooting up our military with clot shots? Are they teaching "force diminisher" vs force multiplier theory now? God help us.
Sorry to hear about your son's experience. We need more patriots like him. Have you looked into ? An organization which is battling this insidious bull.
Yes. It was dead old white guys who were part of the "cultural hegemon" that came up with a perversion of Antonio Gramsci's theory of "cultural hegemony," a perversion that set one group of oppressed people against other groups. Then, the real oppressors of mankind, the wealthy elites, observed that those theories would be useful in a "divide et impera" strategy for controlling the masses. Those who think they're for the oppressed contribute to their continued oppression by accepting the theories first dreamed up by those "dead old white guys" and pushed by the true oppressors who enjoy "cultural hegemony." Useful idiots.
I'd say "what's your plan to take back control and restore sanity?" is the main question to ask any incumbent running--and hopefully ALL of them will be primaried.
At this juncture, I would say not much. At best. There are still too many China money dependent RINOS to overcome. Maybe in 2024, if our country survives that long.
This 🇨🇦 wants to confirm China money is a REAL problem/hurdle/what is destroying our democracy. Our current leaders… Trudope for example; literally sold our country to China. Not sure how/if we will ever get out of the noose he has put us in. SOS 🆘 to our beloved family in the US… things are going to get so much worse… very soon. Don’t let the distractions (lifting of mandates fool you). Children being vaxxed from birth with this mnra poison is new hard push. They will do everything to harvest a new generation totally sedated/compliant from birth. We don’t matter anymore really. Digital ID’s on their way in Canada🇨🇦 . Switch & bait for the rest of our existence. Not saying I have any intention of complying of course😉 Just the current state of horseshit we are being asked to accept. Nope. Not ever. Not dying on my knees. I will in my boots standing up with a smile though✌️🇨🇦😉
For a moment let's forget about Ivermectin and the jab and Dr. Malone, and Alex's lawsuit etc etc Do any of you for a moment think any of this Ukraine crap would be going on IF THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION HAD NOT BEEN RIGGED??????
Hate to break it to you but Trump was the prepatory psyop to Covid. He was and is a scumbag they used to set up the whole Russian Thing, chase the left into the arms more fully of the Corporate/Fascist state, make the National Emergency more palatable to the Right, then demoralize the populist coalition by showing us our elections are a sham. Give up on him already.
Liz Cheney thinks Covid is a scam? That the Russian Hoax was a hoax. That 1/6 was a set up? That the election was a farce? You are a dumb one. That we both know.
Kyle you're obviously an idiot and a moron and a social Democratic you piece of crap, move to Venezuela Cuba Iran Iraq Russia can you call yourself a Democrat you don't know what a Democrat is you simple minded turd
You take idiocy to new heights. Is there something I wrote that is incorrect? Be specific. Give details. We’ll debate it. Probably not, though. You might think you’re different than the morons on the left, try proving it.
Nope. They would NOT be expanding Hunters playground and forcing Putin to protect the peace-loving Russians in the East who voted 5 years ago in an internationally verified referendum to rejoin Russia as things were pre 1957.
Berenson is not to be trusted, but since Covid doesn’t exist he is right about Ivermectin. Since it’s an anti-parasitic and not an anti-viral it probably doesn’t work on any virus. Bacterial pneumonia, that’s another matter. And since BP is being mislabeled as Covid that night be why Ivermectin is curing people.
Our youngest son is a West Point grad. The PC bullshit he's had to endure in the US Army sickens him. He loves his country and always wanted to serve in the Army, seldom complains but has mentioned it's gotten really BAD.
Any chance he would talk off the record?
Have you interviewed Dr McCullough or Pierre Kory yet about Ivermectin?
Please stop.
Right? I believe ivm is very helpful for covid administered correctly but this incessant hammering is what makes the argument for it look like lunacy.
What’s wrong with them discussing ivermectin?
Cmon guys the government wouldn't just lie to us about war.
Nor would they lie about vaxx effectiveness
No way.
Agreed. They’ll lie to us about… just about anything.
We are using something "Top Secret " instead of Ivermectin. It's called "Unicorn Horn Dust" we throw it over our right shoulder and it works great.
Oh crap! I was using Horny Unicorn Dust all this time.
Did the "Big Guy" get his 10% cut?
How did you know if the Unicorn was sufficiently horny to work?
Did it work?
It's the same thing. Viagra or Cialis will get you where you need to be.
Man-scripts worked amazingly....Now I need a script to deal with the living brain dead.
That’s funny because we were all saved by ivermectin
How many hundreds of studies might convince you?
Listen I have been in a ICU CCRU Respiratory Ivermectin has never been used nor is it FDA approved for use. Them studies are deeply flawed. The People Fringe Group are not allowed in any Hospital setting that Push or Promote Ivermectin. All they are doing is giving you a false hope.
Because they do nothing but manage you on the vent and don't allow any treatment. These docs actually think trying a safe drug is risky when the patient is on a vent!
That's the CDC's shtick. They have been lying to you the whole time.
It's not a vaccine, it never was. It doesn't keep you safe, and it doesn't prevent transmission.
It does weaken your immune system, and it does make you likelier to contract Covid.
It's a badge of honor to be kept from the butcher's killing people and ruining their lives for an utterly inappropriate gene therapy that does not work as advertised.
Laugh all you want, but the Malaysian study actually shows ivermectin works. The headline only focused on progression to oxygen. Mechanical ventilation and death were lower in the ivermectin group than the placebo group.
Try Viagra, sounds like you have a need.
Not Maybe it’s you that needs it since you’re a guy
He hasn't interviewed Faucci, yet everyone hear knows how & why he feels. Pretty sure his two posts last week conveyed his stance on Ivrmctn
How much does an Edit button cost on *here* ? 🤦🏻♂️
I here ya. I wish they had an edit function, two!
Appreciate the support, but it's nearly inexcusable. Not even one of the Their They're There typical ones. 🤦🏻♂️
URGENT Alex, how about the possibility that 62 yo Paul Farmer, MD, a much admired figure in global health, died from covid vaxx: "The Boston-based organization confirmed Farmer's death on Monday, calling it "devastating'' and noting he unexpectedly passed away in his sleep from an acute cardiac event while in Rwanda, where he had been teaching." Maybe THAT will catch people's attention.
The government would never lie about such a thing as vaxxes causing injuries or death. They all are safe and effective.
So… just going to weigh in here😉 True story: just happened. A Canadian nurse ( know her) got vaccinated while pregnant- 2 shots. Under duress. She just gave birth to her baby who has lungs filled with 90% cancerous growths. Not sure if he will survive. When she asked if it could be from vaccine … Crickets. Not one single Doctor here in Canada🤢 will give her any kind of reason for this horrific outcome. So yah: vaccines definitely safe & effective for pregnant Moms. Holy straight up Crimes against humanity… this one - very tragically looks to be leading to murder of her newborn from Vax. Collateral damage is that what they will tell her? WTF? Just WTF? This is going to be happening on the regular is my prediction. Want to be 💯 wrong.🤢🇨🇦
So heart-wrenching. That poor little one😭
I fear you will not be wrong....😡😢😢😢
… and any events to the contrary are purely coincidental and/or misinformation )
There are no conspirators after all.
Sorry for banging on this, but honestly this is a huge story if Farmer was a vaxx death. This man had more-or-less "Living Saint" status. I notice that the official tweet from his non-profit conveniently OMITS the cardiac event, because, of course, 62-year-old doctors "die in their sleep" everyday! It's just infuriating.
Last night I watched an Amy Goodman/Democracy Now interview with one of Dr Farmer’s associates. The female physician was there in Rwanda. Goodman, to her credit, plainly asked “can you explain how he died.” The woman was uncomfortable with the question and mumbled something about “his heart issues” and “respecting the family.” Question: since when is dying of a heart attack a shameful secret? It didn’t use to be.
What is important is that Farmer was part of elite medical/public health circles. "One of their own" -- only beloved and respected. On the eve of the mNRA "vaccine" release, in a piece published in The Harvard Gazette 11/2/2020, Farmer said the following. It is hard to imagine that he wasn't triple vaxxed.
“We still know the basics of what we must do to bring this epidemic under control, and that also includes preparing people for a vaccine,” Farmer said. “I have some optimism about this. There is a lot of mistrust, a lot of miscommunication that needs to be cleared up. Some of this will last well into the coming year, but there is a good chance that we can prepare communities for — and enlist the support of communities — in rolling out this vaccine.”
An awful lot of people hailed the rapid development perhaps why we have such a hard time coming to terms with the ultimate disappointment at it's failures. Letting go is hard.
I was wondering the same. BTW: He compared the US reaction to Covid unfavorably to those in South Korea and other places.
This is what he wrote early on (pre-vaxx). Farmer was a test, trace and treat guy. He comes across as pro-active and experienced. He seemed put out a bit by the "we don't know what to do" mindset of "experts."
Alex were you at the NY Times when they covered the Clinton Foundation Uranium sales to Russia? Based on Canadian records.
Wasn’t that about the same time the Clintons became very wealthy? Mostly from speaking engagements of course.
Probably not till he's out, '23 at earliest. I'll talk to him about it though.
Thank him for his service and thats too sad. My son did 4 years marines, came out a sargent, then 3 years national guard while in college, graduated from Miami U, on deans list, was hired by a co I wont name, well known and Biden was forcing vaccine mandates! My marine had covid and had natural immunity. I told him to hold the line. Good grief! So far so good. 2022 get out and vote!
You're a loving mom. Thanks for giving your son good advice. Glad he took it. No sense risking your life for a job.
Good on you. He trained to protect you, but you may very likely have saved his life.
Let's hope voting is legit---in 2022. Doesn't look good.
Here in Georgia we are definitely worried. Now Raphael Warnock highly produced “likeability” commercials are running constantly. Stacey f’ng Abrams has already thrown in her hat for pretend reelection as Governor.
Biggest fear
Thank you for protecting your son as he protected all of us!!!
image child damage
PC is there to purge the military of all normal and patriotic service members. They want jackbooted thugs who will carry out orders against the civilian population without question. Exhibit A is Justin Truedeau's militarized police in Ottawa.
🎯🎯🎯 This 🇨🇦 totally agrees! Those jackboot thugs happened to our very own RCMP & UN troops flown in - all to attack Canadian citizens protesting peacefully. Mind Fuckery on steroids.
By command of Schwab and the WEF.
Yep I agree. Our Prime Minister has been signed up with WEF for long time & Chystia Freeland our Deputy Prime Minister is ALSO Klaus Schaub’s Deputy Prime Minister. No conflict of interest there🤢 Canada’s govt 🇨🇦 is so far up the WEF’s pipeline- no souls for sure.
Well said.
You get it
Probably another big reason to require the military and police to get vaxed. Many that remain are perhaps more malleable and compliant? Hopefully not! Let FREEDOM ring.
Ugh! This is scary but true.
They are agitating for the total breakdown of civilization which would justify sending in a national police force or Gestapo similar to what we are seeing in Canada with the willing Ottawa police this and the U.N.mercenaries.
My oldest commissions in May….couldn’t be more proud and heartsick at the same time…
I never thought I would say this but I threw away the Marine recruiting postcard my 17-year-old son received last week and called the 800 number and told them to remove his name from all of their mailing and calling database. What I found particularly distasteful was the theme of the postcard which asked if he was ready to “defend his home town” while warmongers pretend we have to die for Ukraine’s border and our border is left wide open.
We do need your sons service, however, in organized freedom loving volunteer organizations that will stand up to the jack booted thugs when they time comes, and it is coming. We can keep trying to win through elections but my optimism for that vector is not high. Both parties are captured.
I agree and hope that I have instilled critical thinking in all 3 of my children.
This wouldn’t be happening if Pres Trump was in - sickening- all part of the Biden adm to weaken the US! My son is in the Navy - same sad crap
Hub is a 58-78, 20 year career USN Ret SCPO, If they wanted paid during Flu season, they went to Sickbay, to get a flu jab, to get paid. Didn't matter if they were allergic to any ingeident.
Too old to serve, but if I did serve, I'd rather serve alongside an unvaxed trany than a vaxed, cisgenered hetero male. I'd want someone I could rely on!
You won't find many or any unvaxxed tranys. They are the loudest Karen's of them all. I'm from Portland...
No question the loudest of them are quite obnoxious, but Kaitlyn Jenner seems to be reasonable, so there's a potential counter-example.
He is only controversial to make money. I don't trust him. yeah, he is a he with man parts.
Lol! There’s gobs of them there
Kind of a dumb comment. A lot of good people were coerced or just didn’t know any better. The fear campaign was highly effective.
I have plenty of sympathy for those who were duped. I just don't want someone I depend on to keel over and die suddenly when we're depending on each other. My point was the vax mandates are far more damaging than whether someone you depend on is female, gay, another race or religion etc.
My nephew is both a history instructor (award winning) at Annapolis and works at the Pentagon. My poor sister in law is up in arms and to boot has MS, can't even walk any longer. I wish I were brazon enough to dox him, but that's just not me.
He was raised conservative, but after his college (GW) he went full blown woke. I just don't get it.
You do realize there is more than enough information here to infer who he is, right?
Your sis in law needs good meds for M.S., right now. Is she on anything? I have M.S. too. I hope she has a good dr. There’s new meds available that might be a game changer for her? Plus, stress is extra bad for her. Ugh! Sorry!
She gets the best available I imagine. She was diagnosed in the mid 90s and after multiple back surgeries (I honestly list count), her legs are shot. It's a sad situation, but she's lucky in the sense that my brother in law is a scientist with the state and unlike our current scientist, he knows his business.
My would be father in law, her dad, died of MS in his 30s. It's such a eerie situation, especially with her woke son that I personally feel it's unending her mental health. I will say this, she will greet even a stranger with a smile. Tough lady.
She sounds amazing. The back surgeries are unrelated to MS right? Just curious. Maybe she has spinal lesions, etc. Her son needs to chill & be reminded that stress is a huge trigger for M.S. symptoms. Also, I guess it can be hereditary. Mine wasn’t but I definitely have the * growing up in Seattle, Scottish & Norwegian descent, etc. I’m embarrassed by our science- medical, & especially FDA & CDC. ( entire gov. is corrupt & inefficient) Let me know if something cool gets discovered because cancel culture will bury any useful M.S. info. behind the pharmaceutical “ advances.” So stupid! I’ll probably never get another vaccine ever or trust hospital “ protocol”, ever. My bro. is a dr. in Ohio.
Take care. ✌🏼
The administrators do not allow anyone who ain't woke to teach any longer. That's why.
Indoctrination. Spouse's nieces just graduated college and now scream how much they hate this country.
What does he think about our "leaders" shooting up our military with clot shots? Are they teaching "force diminisher" vs force multiplier theory now? God help us.
Thank you to your son for serving our country & you…for raising him with bravery & integrity!
Sorry to hear about your son's experience. We need more patriots like him. Have you looked into ? An organization which is battling this insidious bull.
Yes. It was dead old white guys who were part of the "cultural hegemon" that came up with a perversion of Antonio Gramsci's theory of "cultural hegemony," a perversion that set one group of oppressed people against other groups. Then, the real oppressors of mankind, the wealthy elites, observed that those theories would be useful in a "divide et impera" strategy for controlling the masses. Those who think they're for the oppressed contribute to their continued oppression by accepting the theories first dreamed up by those "dead old white guys" and pushed by the true oppressors who enjoy "cultural hegemony." Useful idiots.
The inmates are clearly running the asylum. The only remaining question is what will Republicans do about if taking back control?
Probably what they are doing right now.
I'd say "what's your plan to take back control and restore sanity?" is the main question to ask any incumbent running--and hopefully ALL of them will be primaried.
Which I'm sure is probably nothing
Fundraise on the topic and that’s it
At this juncture, I would say not much. At best. There are still too many China money dependent RINOS to overcome. Maybe in 2024, if our country survives that long.
This 🇨🇦 wants to confirm China money is a REAL problem/hurdle/what is destroying our democracy. Our current leaders… Trudope for example; literally sold our country to China. Not sure how/if we will ever get out of the noose he has put us in. SOS 🆘 to our beloved family in the US… things are going to get so much worse… very soon. Don’t let the distractions (lifting of mandates fool you). Children being vaxxed from birth with this mnra poison is new hard push. They will do everything to harvest a new generation totally sedated/compliant from birth. We don’t matter anymore really. Digital ID’s on their way in Canada🇨🇦 . Switch & bait for the rest of our existence. Not saying I have any intention of complying of course😉 Just the current state of horseshit we are being asked to accept. Nope. Not ever. Not dying on my knees. I will in my boots standing up with a smile though✌️🇨🇦😉
strongly worded letter
A few more years of patty cake and playing Washington Generals role to Dummycrat Globetrotters.
Have they said a word about what's happening in Canada? Then they're part of the swamp.
Not enough or nothing, as usual.
For a moment let's forget about Ivermectin and the jab and Dr. Malone, and Alex's lawsuit etc etc Do any of you for a moment think any of this Ukraine crap would be going on IF THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION HAD NOT BEEN RIGGED??????
Putin was too intimidated by Trump to pull a move like this with Trump in office. If Trump were in office now, Putin wouldn't do it.
Hate to break it to you but Trump was the prepatory psyop to Covid. He was and is a scumbag they used to set up the whole Russian Thing, chase the left into the arms more fully of the Corporate/Fascist state, make the National Emergency more palatable to the Right, then demoralize the populist coalition by showing us our elections are a sham. Give up on him already.
I left out his role in setting up 1/6 and his complete abandonment of the persecuted. Getting the idea?
The trolling is getting louder.
Not trolling. Truth telling. You sound just like the dumbest of the lefties. Dispute a single thing I wrote.
Nah. Waste of time and energy. You sound like Liz Cheney.
Liz Cheney thinks Covid is a scam? That the Russian Hoax was a hoax. That 1/6 was a set up? That the election was a farce? You are a dumb one. That we both know.
Kyle you're obviously an idiot and a moron and a social Democratic you piece of crap, move to Venezuela Cuba Iran Iraq Russia can you call yourself a Democrat you don't know what a Democrat is you simple minded turd
You take idiocy to new heights. Is there something I wrote that is incorrect? Be specific. Give details. We’ll debate it. Probably not, though. You might think you’re different than the morons on the left, try proving it.
Nope. They would NOT be expanding Hunters playground and forcing Putin to protect the peace-loving Russians in the East who voted 5 years ago in an internationally verified referendum to rejoin Russia as things were pre 1957.
Absolutely not
Berenson is not to be trusted, but since Covid doesn’t exist he is right about Ivermectin. Since it’s an anti-parasitic and not an anti-viral it probably doesn’t work on any virus. Bacterial pneumonia, that’s another matter. And since BP is being mislabeled as Covid that night be why Ivermectin is curing people.
Being limp and flaccid is bad enough but this garbage propaganda being rooted in the US military only makes it worse in light of Putin's actions.