Step 1: Even though the world has not had a major respiratory disease epidemic in almost a century, insist one is coming SOON and we have to swab every bat in China to figure what virus will cause it.
Step 2: When you can’t find viruses capable of causing it, start making them more dangerous in a lab.
Step 3: When an epidemic finally breaks out IN THE CITY WHERE THE LAB IS, shout down anyone who mentions the connection. Instead spend two years instituting control measures that prove completely ineffective at stopping it - though very effective at ruining kids’ mental health.
Step 4: Invent “vaccines” that work against the virus in a completely novel way, test them for months, and give them to more than a billion people.
Step 5: Be surprised when the vaccines turn out to be far more effective than the virus itself at causing immune imprinting and original antigenic sin.
Step 6: Wonder why the outbreak has lasted far longer than previous outbreaks, when neither control measures nor vaccines were used.
Step 7: Call anyone who points these unpleasant facts out a conspiracy theorist; when that doesn’t work, censor them.
Why should "we" trust the science when the elites running the NGOs, the politiciians, and even the scientists don't? To add to your list Alex:
They have banned Ivermectin and HCQ along with nearly every other alternate treatment
Have replaced them with the death drug remdesivir which they pay the hospitals 20% extra to forcefully push on their patients
Have destroyed the reputations and careers of anyone pointing out the massive fraud that is the plandemic
Have silenced, censored, or banned nearly everyone on the planet
And have changed the definitions of:
Herd Immunity: now only includes those vaccinated—They removed ‘natural immunity’ altogether (they reverted this back after an outcry from the medical community).
Vaccine: no longer grants immunity from disease. Now merely gives ‘protection’.
Pandemic: no longer requires mass sickness and death. Disease merely needs to be widespread.
So if they do not "trust the science" - which they clearly do not because they keep changing it - why should we?
I am a physician and I have to tell you as much as I despise the public health officials, govt, big tech, big media .... etc. ... I despise even more doctors. There is a sense that many are quiet because they fear for their jobs (most docs are employees in 2022)... and while that is true, it seems to me talking to them that a majority are under the spell of mass psychosis and are proud they don't treat or see unvaxxed people. It is absolutely sick and disgusting. So... many if not most agree with these totalitarian practices and the fearful ones are cowards because they are violating number 1 and 2. Don't forget people... the doctors were instrumental in the nazi machine. It wasn't just Mengele... there were 10s of thousands that committed or agreed with atrocities.
I literally said this to my husband last night. We are both physicians and I told him that it disgusts me that it’s the truckers standing up against this it should’ve been the medical professionals all along!
And where is the massive protests from parents when they came for their children? There should have be unbelievable amounts of parents in the streets all over the world protesting the jabs and the horrible teachers union. 😩😡
The parents believe the doctors. A very similar mindset is what allowed pedophile priests to operate in plain sight for DECADES—parents see doctors, like priests, as conduits to God.
More than 160 Belgian doctors filed a petition very early on, started a web site with REAL info and then got banned, everywhere, and lost their licence. They tried several more times, but finally had to give up. I don't know what happened to them, the last report I read there were already 23000 + signatures on the document. No government paid any attention. I do not tend to believe conspiracy but would be surprised if this is not one.
It’s definitely a global conspiracy involving The Great Reset, totalitarian tyranny, digital currencies & I believe, having done this far (if we let them) I see every reason for them to proceed to murder the majority of the population.
I regret to say that by no means all of the conspiracy theories are theories.
The truckers haven't been infiltrated by Big Pharma, but the globalists are trying to Automate them out of existence, thus Eliminating another barrier of resistance to the NWO.
Truckers do have a few advantages: 1) they really can shut down the every day economy. Doctors can't. 2) their rigs are almost impossible to move without the permission of the operator. 3) At least in Canada, they have the cooperation of tow truck operators. 4) while on the move, a truck convoy is much more impressive than a car convoy 5) truckers are traditionally very respectful on the highway and well-liked by the public.
Dr. Yeadon, I have long had a theory: The moment the doctors artificially separated the "Business" of medicine from the "Practice" of medicine, they violated the Hippocratic Oath. And look at the parade of horrors that followed.
In the very beginning , I remember someone asking me in the dining room about hydroxychloroquine after I had prescribed it for all my friends and family ( banned about 5 weeks later ) The arrogance of doctors interrupting me to say it didn’t work was upsetting . Ivermectin followed . The misrepresentation of the dead totally editing the 15 comorbidities was next , then the vaccine shaming. It’s been a well rehearsed script from the beginning . The initial lockdown , the classes in layers and layers of protective gear for a stat section you could never gear up fast enough for , the blind inoculating of everyone and the Facebook posts of people boosting themselves with glee , the vastly different home front reports ( anti vaxx doctors being critical and actually asking and actually reporting in fact it’s absolutely NOT a pandemic of the unvaccinated , now becoming the opposite as you still hear nurses report that” they are all unvaccinated “ ( untrue as the default in the EMR is unvaccinated and it’s a process to correct it ) and … they just quit asking . It’s more profitable to say it and push the vaxx . Meanwhile , reports from my nursing friends all over ( that are unvaxxed ) is that the vaxxed staff are out sick constantly creating a huge stress on staffing making hospitals with way more empty beds than full
“ on diversion “ and “ overwhelmed “ with patients waiting 36 hours in the ER to get a bed .. fueling the hysteria . It’s just too big and too many bought in and sold themselves out early on , blindly advising all patients to make a fatal mistake based on their advice. I don’t know how you would love with yourself when you look back on that carnage you caused …. So they won’t ever believe it . They can’t reconcile it .
Actually, Dr Yeadon, you are a gift from God. Your early involvement in calling foul on the vaccines were the impetus for other brave professionals to step up as well.
It is amazing that so many physicians and hospitals have dismissed early treatments or any treatment. I am so embarrassed to be a physician. It is going to take many years for patients to trust the healthcare community again.
Unfortunately, for some of us, it's never going to happen. It isn't just that physicians have pooped the bed over the last 24 months by trumpeting the narrative and vilifying "anti-vaxxers." It's the entire medical industrial complex over the last several decades that is the problem. From getting people hooked on heroin to treat chronic pain to the deliberate over-prescription of drugs to treat side effects of other drugs. Our society is dealing with a total collapse of trust in all establishments at a global scale. Governance, mainstream media, fiat money, and corporate greed. Healthcare is a very large part of that last one. As you said it's going to take years to repair for most. But for me, and others, there's no fixing it. I can't un-see it at this point.
I'm not a doctor. Still, as a layperson, I mean, for my family's own safety, I had to stockpile Ivermectin and Hydroxy from a very trusted source in India. My doctor (whom is an old friend from childhood days) wouldn't prescribe it, and said I wouldn't find a pharmacy to dispense it anyway. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This is insane, and absolutely unforgiveable. I will never be able to unsee it either.
Yes, Donna... when in the history of medicine or any disease process did the 'healers' dismiss and suppress other treatments. It is so baffling I really can't quite figure it out. It's like I've been beamed onto another planet with a different healthcare system.
You have. Government health care. Medicare is the hammer. Hospitals are the nail. You get smashed between them and so do the doctors. Obamacare merely accelerated it but the financial carrots ($$ per covid case, remdesivir, ventilators, death) and sticks (fines for having unvexxed staff) all were possible before.
Obamacare is indeed the thing that made it possible for the healthcare cartel to implement this criminal enterprise.
Someday we'll get a GOP president who will follow through on a promise to get rid of Obamacare rather than just spout campaign rhetoric and then ignore the issue once in office.
I used to be for Medicare 4 All, but seeing what CMS has been instigating I have to rethink. Of course, 3 or 4 major carriers in collusion could have accomplished the same thing. My understanding is Kaiser-Permanente gave CMS a push.
I know I don't trust doctors anymore. I use to just go with whatever they suggested/prescribed but now I research everything. Ten years ago, I was prescribed an injection (every 6 months) because I had osteopenia. I hadn't broken any bones. After researching the drug and finally understanding all the potential side effects (not explained by my doctor), I stopped taking them but started eating healthier, exercising and walking several miles a day and taking natural calcium supplements. I am still in the osteopenia range and didn't progress to osteoporosis although my doctor told me I would fall, break a hip, and end up in a nursing home if I didn't take the drugs. Several months ago she asked if I had the covid injection and when I said NO, she looked up at me with wide eyes, and asked why I hadn't taken it. She then went on to tell me how safe it was and I needed to have it. I again said NO. Then she asked if I had the flu shot and I said NO, and she offered it right there in her office and I again said NO. She wrote on my chart in all caps "PATIENT HAS NOT HAD COVID VACCINE" so I guess I'm now labeled as anti-vax.
Next time a doctor (or anyone) asks you why you haven't had a vaccine, ask them if they know that the makers have immunity from liability. If they didn't know, well, there's your reason. If they did, and somehow manage to excuse this, remind them of the opiods and Vioxx, oh and arsenic in baby powder, and ask if pharma cos do this when they DO have liability, why would anyone trust them when they don't?
I did not take the clot shot. My primary care physician recommended the vaccine for shingles and the flu. Over my life time, it appears to me that natural immunity from the flu is about ten years and then if I get stressed and unhealthy I might get it. I don't take the shot. I asked the doctor for the papers discussing the shingles vaccine that she recommended. I had told her that I had a short case of shingles that I identified quickly and was successfully treated. Evidently SHE didn't read the package insert which indicated that the vaccine decreased the chances of a person having had the shingles before by 5%. I am thinking that there is a small margin of error here that may actually include 5%. I did not get the shingles shot.
Good for you. I had a mild case of shingles too, but my doctor convinced me I could get it again and that I needed the shingles shot. Got it and broke out in hives. That was prior to covid when I still trusted everything my doctor said. She's now retired and I now know to research and learn as much as possible prior to agreeing to anything a doctor prescribes.
Me too. My husband and I are both Canadian doctors who have questioned the orthodoxy from the beginning. He lost his administrative position as chief of ER in our region and is being investigated by our licensing authority--facing possible suspension. We have not given up and recently started our own Substack, which has been very successful so far. Here's our latest post:
As a retired Orthopaedic surgeon who has seen Orthopaedic opinions about treatments sway like a pendulum producing skepticism about anything in science that is not verified by replicated RCTs, I too am embarrassed by the behavior of our colleagues.
That is part of the plan I believe. Trust in healthcare is gone forever. Trash the human element in healthcare to be replaced with nanotech, AI and robotics. I see the same with law enforcement and education (term used loosely) institutions. The WEF mentions restoring trust at Davos May 2022. Sectors of society purposefully being thrown under the bus so we beg for their solution....the 4th industrial revolution
This is exactly what I despised most about the official response to the pandemic. The virtual (and literal!) outlawing of effective treatments in favor of ventilators and (non)vaccines. Americans' faith in doctors, hospitals and health officials has been severely shaken.
Many MDs, present company excepted, best hope the public doesn't find out what happened, and if the public does find out those same MDs best hope they can keep the people restrained.
Dr. Tom, you really don't think the masses know, at least, "something" is wrong? All involved, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ, .....BOTCHED the "pandemic" with their contradictory, authoritarian, insulting info about how a virus works, elimination of ALL antivirals, CDC & FDA peddling back and forth just trying to keep up, now going after our KIDS...? A typical Gov't (s) and oligarchs stupidity and complete inability to relate to the world. (I refuse to so much as mention China)
I'm sorry. I really like my MD. She saw me through a rather bad horse riding accident, has helped all my sinus issues but....I have a side Dr. for when I get covid. One that will actually treat me. I had that I have to do that but my regular Dr is corporate.
Thank you Donna. I couldn't agree more. I am most troubled by the fact that no one stood up for their brave colleagues that saw the great benefit of off label prescriptions and the lives that were saved. Sad.
You are correct in stating it will take years before we TRUST ANY of YOU EVER again! You took an oath to do no harm and you hid under your beds afraid of losing your license. You kept your license but lost your ethics!
Yes. My doctor, who I totally trusted for 20 years, bought into all of this and then retired at the beginning of the year. I have no idea who we are going to go to now. Only have big health care groups around us...
In Spring 2020, a doctor started a program in a Broward County Florida hospital system based on research out of Australia using ivermectin, and azithromycin, and some other things as well, I think, but the powers that be shut him down and he couldn't get funding for further research.
Get him a copy of The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr. Fauci should be in jail for what he did during AIDS. Our gov't and big pharma allowed him to do this. It reads like a nightmare and the most fact checked book I've ever read.
You're smarter than many. If not for marrying my ER physician assistant husband in 2011, I wonder what this pandemic would have looked like to me. I've always saw the best in people and thought the criminal were far and few in between. I doubt I would have saw through the medical establishment and likely would have been one of the Fauci followers (brings vomit to my throat to write that). My husband has been watching everything happen in shock since 2020. He didn't have much use for what the money-hungry system was evolving into prior to Covid but when he saw docs using ventilators preemptively, no steroids early on, no early treatments or recognition of natural immunity, he knew things would be forever changed. Since mandated vaccines became effective Nov 12, he hasnt had one shift (due to no vaccination). They won't fire him and he won't quit. He's working at an urgent care now and maybe until he can retire in 10 years. If he could work ANYWHERE else and keep the same income he'd go in a heartbeat. He never dreamed the medical field would have become so corrupt and untrustworthy and wants NOTHING to do with it.
I work with doctors. They think I am vaccinated but I am not. They speak of the unvaccinated with pure hatred. I’ve been shocked at how they speak about people they are supposed to care for.
Not so the history of the small pox vaccine campaign...the small pox vaccine was often deadly just like the disease,and there was coercion, pressure , bullying by public officials,doctors 100 plus years ago too. Human Nature doesn't change....humans are easily lead to the slaughter all in the name of safety!
I'm not in the medical "industry", but have had similar experience were someone assumes I am vaxxed and start going off on those nasty antivaxers. (to be clear, i am not vaxed for CV). Some of those people really do hate us. It boggles my mind.
I too was shocked when the chief bioethicist at a nearby university write with dispassionate disdain that the unvaccinated will take their ivermectin and die in place.
That's such a brave point. Doctors go to school for many many years. They are trained and trained. It's very impressive-- the stamina to endure that schooling and training-- but jumping through hoops does not create independent thinkers. It does not inculcate creativity or inspire courage. It indoctrinates... literally.
The prohibition by most Western nations of the many known, safe, proven therapeutic treatments for people diagnosed with this virus is one of the worse evils of the many failed healthcare policies. I don’t believe this has ever occurred before. “Sir, you have Cov-19” “What should I do?” “Isolate at home, when you get really sick, get to a hospital where we will quarantine you, not allowing any family to be with you. We will provide treatment that does not work, and when your immune system fails we will put you on a ventilator and then you die. Alone! The only thing worse is giving the experimental gene therapy shots to children. Evil!
The scenario you outline is precisely what happened to my 87 year old dad. After his symptoms got worse and his o2 levels dropped precipitously, he elected not to go to the hospital because he didn’t want to die alone. We called in hospice and he died with his kids surrounding his bedside. But I do believe he could have been saved had they done early intervention.
Also, he was one unfortunate enough to have been given the vaccine whilst infected by CoVid virus (he received positive results five days after being tested and was told he should get vaxxed while he was awaiting the results. He developed the real Issues about a week and a half after the shot and 2 weeks after being tested for virus ). I’m convinced that this caused a major cytokine storm and exacerbated everything. He was in so much pain everywhere. I’ll never know if the vax is what ultimately killed him.
My sincere condolences to you and your family. I believe it is conclusive that if the therapeutics had not been prohibited a lot of suffering, millions of deaths and hospitalization would have been avoided! The politicization of health care hurts everyone. I received the Pfizer shot April 2021, against my judgement at the time, developed heart issues ten days later; three weeks later I had a stent in my heart. I had NO pre-determinants such as genetics, high cholesterol: my fitness and BMI were excellent. The “experts” said just a coincidence, except they have no idea and can’t rule out direct causation. I don’t believe in coincidences
We just lost my sister in law almost this same way. She chose not to get the shot, but got covid but was denied any kind of early treatment which I believe would have saved her as well. She didnt want to go to the hospital but was taken when my other sister in law found her unresponsive. Needless to say she passed shortly thereafter.
my neighbor just told me their sister died after being hospitalized with the virus for over a year. Not only did she finally die, they are now also due with hospital bills
Hospitals are essentially abattoirs these days. They are literally being paid by the government to kill patients. The incentives for them to do this were put in place by the last administration and continue to this day.
In any other context this would be considered Murder One. Hospital administrators would be put on trial, convicted, and sent to the federal pen for life. Doctors and nurses injecting patients with Remdesivir and putting them on ventilators at the behest of the aforementioned hospital administrators would be charged with 2nd degree murder.
As we all know, at Nuremberg I, "I was just following orders" was not considered a defense.
My family and friends have lost all respect for the medical profession. No one wants to go to doctors appointments anymore. In addition, I will add hospitals to this also. Horrific or no treatment of Covid patients. It will take a long time for the medical profession to recover from this - if ever.
Even my dentist is super arrogant and talks down to me, the pressure and stress has ruined the 2 that I have seen in the last year. I think Jesus believers would be different. I mentioned something about him being a believer and he said Yes, he believes in the future of Space travel and living elsewhere! Stupid 40 year old.
One of my doctors - an orthopedic surgeon (MD and PhD) - told me a couple of weeks ago that he will not be giving the jab to his kids, ages 3 and 4 1/2. He has had three shots and his mom died of covid a year ago, he is not anti vax. He has seen an influx of patients with weird symptoms like frozen shoulder. Things people don’t normally associate with a vaccine. Things people don’t think to report to VAERS. He’s a specialist, so people come to him after seeing their PCP. The PCPs aren’t asking about the timing of onset of symptoms related to the timing of their vaccine, so he has started asking. And finding that symptoms start almost always within a week or two of the jab. He told me he will likely pull his kids out of daycare and get a nanny instead since they require the vaccine at age 5. We live in a state where proof of vaccine is required for 12 and up to go almost anywhere. Not sure what I’ll do when my daughter turns 12 in 4 months.
Go to and read Dr. Robert Malone's dire warning about vaxxing children. Malone is credited as one of the chief contributors to m-RNA vaccine technology (and has been vaxxed himself.) The list of dangers to children and adolescents he outlines is deeply worrying. Also, read Bobby Kennedy's book about Fauci et al...there is clear evidence that the VAERS voluntary reporting system for adverse reactions was rigged to dramatically underreport.
Before the big vaccine push, my PA also said she was seeing patients with no prior illnesses having weird unexplained ailments. Sadly, much of this isn’t getting reported as they fear losing their jobs. I worry for these kids. I hope you can homeschool or get out of your State.
First off, most of them are told they just have anxiety, and when that doesn’t hold up, they tell them their heart pain, racing blood pressure, tingling, etc., will “go away” soon. 😤
Dr. Robert Malone ( doctors) says hospital administrators and hospitalist (MDs with no private patients) are abusing the state medical licensing system by filing complaints against docs who insist on early treatment of patients with non-approved protocols (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, monoclonal anti-bodies.) He said they have been incentivized by the govt to forgo effective early treatment with MONEY. X-amount for every covid patient, every admitted covid patient, every vented covid patient, and every patient who dies WITH covid, i.e. fatal gunshot wound, terminal cancer, not FROM covid.
My (now-ex) PCP told me during my last annual physical that I needed to get vaxxed because doctors were "just overworked treating Covid patients". I asked her why she didn't simply prescribe Ivermectin or other early treatments and she actually told me there were no early treatments.
Being Indian, she wasn't even aware of the success of IVM in Uttar Pradesh.
What really frosted me is that she knows I have cancer. She should have been aware of the danger of jabbing cancer patients (or those with a predisposition to cancer) with a drug that destroys the body's ability to fight cancer.
The EXACT same thing happened to me and my (now ex) PCP! She was in tears because of a 19 yr old that had just been in her office with Covid...I asked her what early treatment she offered her and got the same answer. She then said...and I quote...that she was F-ing sick and tired of telling patients like me why they need to get the vax. When I told her that I have done an exhaustive amount of research before I made my decision she said she would like to see it (she was calling me out, not sincerely interested). Last week I sent her Senator Johnson's recent roundtable and told her that it was HER responsibility as a doctor to do her own research, not just take the word of the FDA and CDC (like she told me she does that day in the office). I also told her that I have lost all faith in her and I'd rather live the rest of my life with no doctor than ever put my trust in someone like her again.
The irony with this is that it used to be that doctors told patients not to trust the internet - that they were trained and knew best.
But today, most doctors themselves rely on the internet, the problem is, that reliance is on one source of online information; the NIH protocols. They're like robots. They don't do broad-based research on their own and even if they did, apparently they can't process the information and apply it to their practice.
While the rest of the professional world tries to keep current in their disciplinary area, it seems like most docs (and nurses) are stuck on their training and the diktats handed down from government agencies. PAs may be the exception - not sure.
Now, trying to find a replacement for one of these NIH drones is nearly impossible.
Yep. Soon she will be exhausted with the vaccine injuries . I’ve had several patients recently who were in remission for years and then got the jab and had stage 4 recurrences shortly after . One died yesterday , 5 weeks after getting boosted at his cancer center . It’s injecting a huge insult that your body has to respond to while dropping its regular duties of fighting cancer , bacterial infections , and viruses . We are seeing lots of herpes as well now .
Last year during the early days of the roll-out of the clotshots, I heard Dr. Ryan Cole tell Daniel Horowitz that anyone with cancer, or a family history of cancer, should avoid the jab. Once I learned how it deregulates your immune system, I knew that I had made the right choice to steer clear.
It simply amazes me how the vast majority of physicians are oblivious to the destruction the mRNA poison does to the immune system. These people are either paid or played, but either way, they have destroyed their collective reputations.
I only wish there was an online registry of anti-clotshot doctors that we could go to in order to find a replacement for our cartel-owned PCP.
If there was actually a list online they’d be targeted for sure and they’d find a way to pull their licenses. Sadly, it may come to receiving health services in an underground-type manor
Why should "we" trust the science when the elites running the NGOs, the politiciians, and even the scientists don't? To add to your list Alex:
They have banned Ivermectin and HCQ along with nearly every other alternate treatment
Have replaced them with the death drug remdesivir which they pay the hospitals 20% extra to forcefully push on their patients
Have destroyed the reputations and careers of anyone pointing out the massive fraud that is the plandemic
Have silenced, censored, or banned nearly everyone on the planet
And have changed the definitions of:
Herd Immunity: now only includes those vaccinated—They removed ‘natural immunity’ altogether (they reverted this back after an outcry from the medical community).
Vaccine: no longer grants immunity from disease. Now merely gives ‘protection’.
Pandemic: no longer requires mass sickness and death. Disease merely needs to be widespread.
So if they do not "trust the science" - which they clearly do not because they keep changing it - why should we?
Nuremberg 2.0, let’s roll. These people will be tried for the crimes and convicted before all is said and done.
From The Ethical Skeptic:
Two Medical Ethics to be tried:
First, 'Do no harm' (Delayed-treatment murders)
Second, 'Informed Consent' (Denial of human rights)
How does one give informed consent, if one is not informed? Propaganda is not information, no matter its awesome insistence.
I am a physician and I have to tell you as much as I despise the public health officials, govt, big tech, big media .... etc. ... I despise even more doctors. There is a sense that many are quiet because they fear for their jobs (most docs are employees in 2022)... and while that is true, it seems to me talking to them that a majority are under the spell of mass psychosis and are proud they don't treat or see unvaxxed people. It is absolutely sick and disgusting. So... many if not most agree with these totalitarian practices and the fearful ones are cowards because they are violating number 1 and 2. Don't forget people... the doctors were instrumental in the nazi machine. It wasn't just Mengele... there were 10s of thousands that committed or agreed with atrocities.
I agree entirely. If the medical profession had stood up against this fraud, it would have been stillborn.
I literally said this to my husband last night. We are both physicians and I told him that it disgusts me that it’s the truckers standing up against this it should’ve been the medical professionals all along!
And where is the massive protests from parents when they came for their children? There should have be unbelievable amounts of parents in the streets all over the world protesting the jabs and the horrible teachers union. 😩😡
The parents believe the doctors. A very similar mindset is what allowed pedophile priests to operate in plain sight for DECADES—parents see doctors, like priests, as conduits to God.
More than 160 Belgian doctors filed a petition very early on, started a web site with REAL info and then got banned, everywhere, and lost their licence. They tried several more times, but finally had to give up. I don't know what happened to them, the last report I read there were already 23000 + signatures on the document. No government paid any attention. I do not tend to believe conspiracy but would be surprised if this is not one.
It’s definitely a global conspiracy involving The Great Reset, totalitarian tyranny, digital currencies & I believe, having done this far (if we let them) I see every reason for them to proceed to murder the majority of the population.
I regret to say that by no means all of the conspiracy theories are theories.
I saw this document…it was awesome. I made a copy but actually have no idea where it’s at at this point.
The truckers haven't been infiltrated by Big Pharma, but the globalists are trying to Automate them out of existence, thus Eliminating another barrier of resistance to the NWO.
Truckers do have a few advantages: 1) they really can shut down the every day economy. Doctors can't. 2) their rigs are almost impossible to move without the permission of the operator. 3) At least in Canada, they have the cooperation of tow truck operators. 4) while on the move, a truck convoy is much more impressive than a car convoy 5) truckers are traditionally very respectful on the highway and well-liked by the public.
We need more doctors!!! Tell the truth….you took a fucking oath. I’m so sick of the con or is it stupidity?!!
Dr. Yeadon, I have long had a theory: The moment the doctors artificially separated the "Business" of medicine from the "Practice" of medicine, they violated the Hippocratic Oath. And look at the parade of horrors that followed.
Exactly. Period.... end of story. We are so culpable.
In the very beginning , I remember someone asking me in the dining room about hydroxychloroquine after I had prescribed it for all my friends and family ( banned about 5 weeks later ) The arrogance of doctors interrupting me to say it didn’t work was upsetting . Ivermectin followed . The misrepresentation of the dead totally editing the 15 comorbidities was next , then the vaccine shaming. It’s been a well rehearsed script from the beginning . The initial lockdown , the classes in layers and layers of protective gear for a stat section you could never gear up fast enough for , the blind inoculating of everyone and the Facebook posts of people boosting themselves with glee , the vastly different home front reports ( anti vaxx doctors being critical and actually asking and actually reporting in fact it’s absolutely NOT a pandemic of the unvaccinated , now becoming the opposite as you still hear nurses report that” they are all unvaccinated “ ( untrue as the default in the EMR is unvaccinated and it’s a process to correct it ) and … they just quit asking . It’s more profitable to say it and push the vaxx . Meanwhile , reports from my nursing friends all over ( that are unvaxxed ) is that the vaxxed staff are out sick constantly creating a huge stress on staffing making hospitals with way more empty beds than full
“ on diversion “ and “ overwhelmed “ with patients waiting 36 hours in the ER to get a bed .. fueling the hysteria . It’s just too big and too many bought in and sold themselves out early on , blindly advising all patients to make a fatal mistake based on their advice. I don’t know how you would love with yourself when you look back on that carnage you caused …. So they won’t ever believe it . They can’t reconcile it .
It’s been an insane thing to watch .
I have half a dozen doctor & nurse friends & acquaintances and only one appears to show a dim appreciation of the madness all around them.
I expect suicides in this cohort in the next 5y (if they’re not murdered by the perpetrators beforehand).
Dr. Yeadon red-pilled thousands of us. Got the ball rolling for me. We all owe this man A LOT.
Aww, that’s kind 😊
Actually, Dr Yeadon, you are a gift from God. Your early involvement in calling foul on the vaccines were the impetus for other brave professionals to step up as well.
It is amazing that so many physicians and hospitals have dismissed early treatments or any treatment. I am so embarrassed to be a physician. It is going to take many years for patients to trust the healthcare community again.
Unfortunately, for some of us, it's never going to happen. It isn't just that physicians have pooped the bed over the last 24 months by trumpeting the narrative and vilifying "anti-vaxxers." It's the entire medical industrial complex over the last several decades that is the problem. From getting people hooked on heroin to treat chronic pain to the deliberate over-prescription of drugs to treat side effects of other drugs. Our society is dealing with a total collapse of trust in all establishments at a global scale. Governance, mainstream media, fiat money, and corporate greed. Healthcare is a very large part of that last one. As you said it's going to take years to repair for most. But for me, and others, there's no fixing it. I can't un-see it at this point.
I'm not a doctor. Still, as a layperson, I mean, for my family's own safety, I had to stockpile Ivermectin and Hydroxy from a very trusted source in India. My doctor (whom is an old friend from childhood days) wouldn't prescribe it, and said I wouldn't find a pharmacy to dispense it anyway. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This is insane, and absolutely unforgiveable. I will never be able to unsee it either.
Yes, "all establishments." Deeply, thoroughly corrupt and decadent. For an inkling why, look up Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy.
I totally agree with you! I can’t un-see it either what I’m witnessing.
Yes, Donna... when in the history of medicine or any disease process did the 'healers' dismiss and suppress other treatments. It is so baffling I really can't quite figure it out. It's like I've been beamed onto another planet with a different healthcare system.
You have. Government health care. Medicare is the hammer. Hospitals are the nail. You get smashed between them and so do the doctors. Obamacare merely accelerated it but the financial carrots ($$ per covid case, remdesivir, ventilators, death) and sticks (fines for having unvexxed staff) all were possible before.
Obamacare is indeed the thing that made it possible for the healthcare cartel to implement this criminal enterprise.
Someday we'll get a GOP president who will follow through on a promise to get rid of Obamacare rather than just spout campaign rhetoric and then ignore the issue once in office.
this year I have to go on medicare and I am not looking forward to it
Good point! Reliance on government entitlement programs has poisoned the professional health care establishment.
I used to be for Medicare 4 All, but seeing what CMS has been instigating I have to rethink. Of course, 3 or 4 major carriers in collusion could have accomplished the same thing. My understanding is Kaiser-Permanente gave CMS a push.
I know I don't trust doctors anymore. I use to just go with whatever they suggested/prescribed but now I research everything. Ten years ago, I was prescribed an injection (every 6 months) because I had osteopenia. I hadn't broken any bones. After researching the drug and finally understanding all the potential side effects (not explained by my doctor), I stopped taking them but started eating healthier, exercising and walking several miles a day and taking natural calcium supplements. I am still in the osteopenia range and didn't progress to osteoporosis although my doctor told me I would fall, break a hip, and end up in a nursing home if I didn't take the drugs. Several months ago she asked if I had the covid injection and when I said NO, she looked up at me with wide eyes, and asked why I hadn't taken it. She then went on to tell me how safe it was and I needed to have it. I again said NO. Then she asked if I had the flu shot and I said NO, and she offered it right there in her office and I again said NO. She wrote on my chart in all caps "PATIENT HAS NOT HAD COVID VACCINE" so I guess I'm now labeled as anti-vax.
time to find another doctor
Next time a doctor (or anyone) asks you why you haven't had a vaccine, ask them if they know that the makers have immunity from liability. If they didn't know, well, there's your reason. If they did, and somehow manage to excuse this, remind them of the opiods and Vioxx, oh and arsenic in baby powder, and ask if pharma cos do this when they DO have liability, why would anyone trust them when they don't?
Oh yes. There's even a "code" for it. Consider it a badge of honor.
Oh. That makes it easier to round us all up
I did not take the clot shot. My primary care physician recommended the vaccine for shingles and the flu. Over my life time, it appears to me that natural immunity from the flu is about ten years and then if I get stressed and unhealthy I might get it. I don't take the shot. I asked the doctor for the papers discussing the shingles vaccine that she recommended. I had told her that I had a short case of shingles that I identified quickly and was successfully treated. Evidently SHE didn't read the package insert which indicated that the vaccine decreased the chances of a person having had the shingles before by 5%. I am thinking that there is a small margin of error here that may actually include 5%. I did not get the shingles shot.
Good for you. I had a mild case of shingles too, but my doctor convinced me I could get it again and that I needed the shingles shot. Got it and broke out in hives. That was prior to covid when I still trusted everything my doctor said. She's now retired and I now know to research and learn as much as possible prior to agreeing to anything a doctor prescribes.
Flu shots don't work in the elderly:
Does your doc know?
Also: if you get a flu shot, you're 36% more likely to get a respiratory virus:
Me too. My husband and I are both Canadian doctors who have questioned the orthodoxy from the beginning. He lost his administrative position as chief of ER in our region and is being investigated by our licensing authority--facing possible suspension. We have not given up and recently started our own Substack, which has been very successful so far. Here's our latest post:
As a retired Orthopaedic surgeon who has seen Orthopaedic opinions about treatments sway like a pendulum producing skepticism about anything in science that is not verified by replicated RCTs, I too am embarrassed by the behavior of our colleagues.
That is part of the plan I believe. Trust in healthcare is gone forever. Trash the human element in healthcare to be replaced with nanotech, AI and robotics. I see the same with law enforcement and education (term used loosely) institutions. The WEF mentions restoring trust at Davos May 2022. Sectors of society purposefully being thrown under the bus so we beg for their solution....the 4th industrial revolution
This is exactly what I despised most about the official response to the pandemic. The virtual (and literal!) outlawing of effective treatments in favor of ventilators and (non)vaccines. Americans' faith in doctors, hospitals and health officials has been severely shaken.
Sad isn't it? Very difficult to trust them going forward with any major health decisions.
Many MDs, present company excepted, best hope the public doesn't find out what happened, and if the public does find out those same MDs best hope they can keep the people restrained.
Dr. Tom, you really don't think the masses know, at least, "something" is wrong? All involved, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ, .....BOTCHED the "pandemic" with their contradictory, authoritarian, insulting info about how a virus works, elimination of ALL antivirals, CDC & FDA peddling back and forth just trying to keep up, now going after our KIDS...? A typical Gov't (s) and oligarchs stupidity and complete inability to relate to the world. (I refuse to so much as mention China)
I'm sorry. I really like my MD. She saw me through a rather bad horse riding accident, has helped all my sinus issues but....I have a side Dr. for when I get covid. One that will actually treat me. I had that I have to do that but my regular Dr is corporate.
Thank you Donna. I couldn't agree more. I am most troubled by the fact that no one stood up for their brave colleagues that saw the great benefit of off label prescriptions and the lives that were saved. Sad.
You are correct in stating it will take years before we TRUST ANY of YOU EVER again! You took an oath to do no harm and you hid under your beds afraid of losing your license. You kept your license but lost your ethics!
Yes. My doctor, who I totally trusted for 20 years, bought into all of this and then retired at the beginning of the year. I have no idea who we are going to go to now. Only have big health care groups around us...
Seems to me that there is a burgeoning market for honest and ethical docs to form consortiums to appeal to skeptics like us.
In Spring 2020, a doctor started a program in a Broward County Florida hospital system based on research out of Australia using ivermectin, and azithromycin, and some other things as well, I think, but the powers that be shut him down and he couldn't get funding for further research.
Thank you. Most aren’t there yet. I have to in my family. One agrees with you. The other one is full on Fauci is a God.
Get him a copy of The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr. Fauci should be in jail for what he did during AIDS. Our gov't and big pharma allowed him to do this. It reads like a nightmare and the most fact checked book I've ever read.
You're smarter than many. If not for marrying my ER physician assistant husband in 2011, I wonder what this pandemic would have looked like to me. I've always saw the best in people and thought the criminal were far and few in between. I doubt I would have saw through the medical establishment and likely would have been one of the Fauci followers (brings vomit to my throat to write that). My husband has been watching everything happen in shock since 2020. He didn't have much use for what the money-hungry system was evolving into prior to Covid but when he saw docs using ventilators preemptively, no steroids early on, no early treatments or recognition of natural immunity, he knew things would be forever changed. Since mandated vaccines became effective Nov 12, he hasnt had one shift (due to no vaccination). They won't fire him and he won't quit. He's working at an urgent care now and maybe until he can retire in 10 years. If he could work ANYWHERE else and keep the same income he'd go in a heartbeat. He never dreamed the medical field would have become so corrupt and untrustworthy and wants NOTHING to do with it.
I work with doctors. They think I am vaccinated but I am not. They speak of the unvaccinated with pure hatred. I’ve been shocked at how they speak about people they are supposed to care for.
Welcome to the new era of medicine. Most are part of the machine.
Not so the history of the small pox vaccine campaign...the small pox vaccine was often deadly just like the disease,and there was coercion, pressure , bullying by public officials,doctors 100 plus years ago too. Human Nature doesn't change....humans are easily lead to the slaughter all in the name of safety!
just finished reading a few books about vaccines (Suzanne Humphries) and doctors (Vernon Coleman). Both great reads from responsible doctors.
I'm not in the medical "industry", but have had similar experience were someone assumes I am vaxxed and start going off on those nasty antivaxers. (to be clear, i am not vaxed for CV). Some of those people really do hate us. It boggles my mind.
So locked in the mass psychosis abyss.
Those docs are in for a big the hate, and distrust is mutual.
I had a distrustful view of school bureaucrats and a skeptical view of teachers but now...
The Pharma indoctrination runs DEEP doesn't it within those we believe follow the Hippocratic oath.
I too was shocked when the chief bioethicist at a nearby university write with dispassionate disdain that the unvaccinated will take their ivermectin and die in place.
Actually, the exact opposite of his stated wish will happen...It''s a law of Idiocy.
If course, and from his self-righteous pulpit of prestige.
That's such a brave point. Doctors go to school for many many years. They are trained and trained. It's very impressive-- the stamina to endure that schooling and training-- but jumping through hoops does not create independent thinkers. It does not inculcate creativity or inspire courage. It indoctrinates... literally.
Trained...think about it.
They learn anatomy and physiology in pre-med, then later they become adjuncts to the pharmaceutical industry.
The prohibition by most Western nations of the many known, safe, proven therapeutic treatments for people diagnosed with this virus is one of the worse evils of the many failed healthcare policies. I don’t believe this has ever occurred before. “Sir, you have Cov-19” “What should I do?” “Isolate at home, when you get really sick, get to a hospital where we will quarantine you, not allowing any family to be with you. We will provide treatment that does not work, and when your immune system fails we will put you on a ventilator and then you die. Alone! The only thing worse is giving the experimental gene therapy shots to children. Evil!
The scenario you outline is precisely what happened to my 87 year old dad. After his symptoms got worse and his o2 levels dropped precipitously, he elected not to go to the hospital because he didn’t want to die alone. We called in hospice and he died with his kids surrounding his bedside. But I do believe he could have been saved had they done early intervention.
Also, he was one unfortunate enough to have been given the vaccine whilst infected by CoVid virus (he received positive results five days after being tested and was told he should get vaxxed while he was awaiting the results. He developed the real Issues about a week and a half after the shot and 2 weeks after being tested for virus ). I’m convinced that this caused a major cytokine storm and exacerbated everything. He was in so much pain everywhere. I’ll never know if the vax is what ultimately killed him.
My sincere condolences to you and your family. I believe it is conclusive that if the therapeutics had not been prohibited a lot of suffering, millions of deaths and hospitalization would have been avoided! The politicization of health care hurts everyone. I received the Pfizer shot April 2021, against my judgement at the time, developed heart issues ten days later; three weeks later I had a stent in my heart. I had NO pre-determinants such as genetics, high cholesterol: my fitness and BMI were excellent. The “experts” said just a coincidence, except they have no idea and can’t rule out direct causation. I don’t believe in coincidences
The vexxines are the biggest causes of coincidences ever known to mankind.
We just lost my sister in law almost this same way. She chose not to get the shot, but got covid but was denied any kind of early treatment which I believe would have saved her as well. She didnt want to go to the hospital but was taken when my other sister in law found her unresponsive. Needless to say she passed shortly thereafter.
I'm so sorry
I am so sorry Rebecca. It is just unconscionable.
my neighbor just told me their sister died after being hospitalized with the virus for over a year. Not only did she finally die, they are now also due with hospital bills
I'm so sorry. I worry about my Dad. The jabs have really hurt him.
Hospitals are essentially abattoirs these days. They are literally being paid by the government to kill patients. The incentives for them to do this were put in place by the last administration and continue to this day.
In any other context this would be considered Murder One. Hospital administrators would be put on trial, convicted, and sent to the federal pen for life. Doctors and nurses injecting patients with Remdesivir and putting them on ventilators at the behest of the aforementioned hospital administrators would be charged with 2nd degree murder.
As we all know, at Nuremberg I, "I was just following orders" was not considered a defense.
Phillip Pelletier, you just described exactly how Medical Doctors operated.
Well said.
My family and friends have lost all respect for the medical profession. No one wants to go to doctors appointments anymore. In addition, I will add hospitals to this also. Horrific or no treatment of Covid patients. It will take a long time for the medical profession to recover from this - if ever.
I much rather die in the woods with the sun and the sky than surrounded by beeping machines
Even my dentist is super arrogant and talks down to me, the pressure and stress has ruined the 2 that I have seen in the last year. I think Jesus believers would be different. I mentioned something about him being a believer and he said Yes, he believes in the future of Space travel and living elsewhere! Stupid 40 year old.
One of my doctors - an orthopedic surgeon (MD and PhD) - told me a couple of weeks ago that he will not be giving the jab to his kids, ages 3 and 4 1/2. He has had three shots and his mom died of covid a year ago, he is not anti vax. He has seen an influx of patients with weird symptoms like frozen shoulder. Things people don’t normally associate with a vaccine. Things people don’t think to report to VAERS. He’s a specialist, so people come to him after seeing their PCP. The PCPs aren’t asking about the timing of onset of symptoms related to the timing of their vaccine, so he has started asking. And finding that symptoms start almost always within a week or two of the jab. He told me he will likely pull his kids out of daycare and get a nanny instead since they require the vaccine at age 5. We live in a state where proof of vaccine is required for 12 and up to go almost anywhere. Not sure what I’ll do when my daughter turns 12 in 4 months.
Go to and read Dr. Robert Malone's dire warning about vaxxing children. Malone is credited as one of the chief contributors to m-RNA vaccine technology (and has been vaxxed himself.) The list of dangers to children and adolescents he outlines is deeply worrying. Also, read Bobby Kennedy's book about Fauci et al...there is clear evidence that the VAERS voluntary reporting system for adverse reactions was rigged to dramatically underreport.
fake ID keeping her 11.
The fines are heavy if caught or imprisonment. That would be too risky.
Good news for us - our county announced today that proof of vaccination will be dropped March 1. Now if we can just get rid of the mask mandate...
Until later this year when Biden will attempt to mandate the shot on an annual basis for ALL
But it’s still required to enter the country?
I'm afraid you may have to move. How awful.
Before the big vaccine push, my PA also said she was seeing patients with no prior illnesses having weird unexplained ailments. Sadly, much of this isn’t getting reported as they fear losing their jobs. I worry for these kids. I hope you can homeschool or get out of your State.
This Doc obviously has some critical thinking ability
I've been reading the dismissive way they've been treating the injured in Australia and it's just evil.
First off, most of them are told they just have anxiety, and when that doesn’t hold up, they tell them their heart pain, racing blood pressure, tingling, etc., will “go away” soon. 😤
Dr. Robert Malone ( doctors) says hospital administrators and hospitalist (MDs with no private patients) are abusing the state medical licensing system by filing complaints against docs who insist on early treatment of patients with non-approved protocols (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, monoclonal anti-bodies.) He said they have been incentivized by the govt to forgo effective early treatment with MONEY. X-amount for every covid patient, every admitted covid patient, every vented covid patient, and every patient who dies WITH covid, i.e. fatal gunshot wound, terminal cancer, not FROM covid.
Pure mafia like tactics...bought off hacks
My (now-ex) PCP told me during my last annual physical that I needed to get vaxxed because doctors were "just overworked treating Covid patients". I asked her why she didn't simply prescribe Ivermectin or other early treatments and she actually told me there were no early treatments.
Being Indian, she wasn't even aware of the success of IVM in Uttar Pradesh.
What really frosted me is that she knows I have cancer. She should have been aware of the danger of jabbing cancer patients (or those with a predisposition to cancer) with a drug that destroys the body's ability to fight cancer.
The EXACT same thing happened to me and my (now ex) PCP! She was in tears because of a 19 yr old that had just been in her office with Covid...I asked her what early treatment she offered her and got the same answer. She then said...and I quote...that she was F-ing sick and tired of telling patients like me why they need to get the vax. When I told her that I have done an exhaustive amount of research before I made my decision she said she would like to see it (she was calling me out, not sincerely interested). Last week I sent her Senator Johnson's recent roundtable and told her that it was HER responsibility as a doctor to do her own research, not just take the word of the FDA and CDC (like she told me she does that day in the office). I also told her that I have lost all faith in her and I'd rather live the rest of my life with no doctor than ever put my trust in someone like her again.
Good for you! 👏👏
The irony with this is that it used to be that doctors told patients not to trust the internet - that they were trained and knew best.
But today, most doctors themselves rely on the internet, the problem is, that reliance is on one source of online information; the NIH protocols. They're like robots. They don't do broad-based research on their own and even if they did, apparently they can't process the information and apply it to their practice.
While the rest of the professional world tries to keep current in their disciplinary area, it seems like most docs (and nurses) are stuck on their training and the diktats handed down from government agencies. PAs may be the exception - not sure.
Now, trying to find a replacement for one of these NIH drones is nearly impossible.
Kinda like the kids need to wear a mask to protect Grandma.
Yep. Soon she will be exhausted with the vaccine injuries . I’ve had several patients recently who were in remission for years and then got the jab and had stage 4 recurrences shortly after . One died yesterday , 5 weeks after getting boosted at his cancer center . It’s injecting a huge insult that your body has to respond to while dropping its regular duties of fighting cancer , bacterial infections , and viruses . We are seeing lots of herpes as well now .
Last year during the early days of the roll-out of the clotshots, I heard Dr. Ryan Cole tell Daniel Horowitz that anyone with cancer, or a family history of cancer, should avoid the jab. Once I learned how it deregulates your immune system, I knew that I had made the right choice to steer clear.
It simply amazes me how the vast majority of physicians are oblivious to the destruction the mRNA poison does to the immune system. These people are either paid or played, but either way, they have destroyed their collective reputations.
I only wish there was an online registry of anti-clotshot doctors that we could go to in order to find a replacement for our cartel-owned PCP.
If there was actually a list online they’d be targeted for sure and they’d find a way to pull their licenses. Sadly, it may come to receiving health services in an underground-type manor
Fauci’s Willing Executioners.