I heard he's in a tree making Keebler cookies.

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I wish Trump had fired him 2 years ago.

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I think Birx was wise to bail out when she did

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Maybe he got his booster……..

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Put his face on milk cartons?

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He’s in the basement. Doesn’t poll well. But that rat will slink out and show up again I’m sure.

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Defected to China?

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I know one place he is not: prison

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*extreme Fauci voice

“When you’re in hiding ya still need ta wear ya maaaaask.”

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Just saw him on an apparently non-official interview from yesterday. And here I thought he might have been Epsteined because he knew too much.

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They told him to go away for a while like the mask and vaccine mandates. November is coming. Never forget what they did!

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It's hard to get rid of a cockroach. According to Jeff Childers from Coffee and Covid:

"Somebody finally found Fauci! He was crawling behind the furniture. But seriously, Fauci may be down, but he’s not out. The scrappy puppy-torturer is now making the rounds of local TV stations, like NextStar in D.C., and downmarket YouTube channels. I’m not kidding. Recently, he’s appeared on “Woke AF” (AF means, “As F-ck”), and the Karlous Miller and Chico Bean show"

☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Friday, March 4, 2022 ☙ FOUND HIM 🦠


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CDC director lady is also not making much news lately. Making she's vacationing in FL? :-)

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He's in hiding...probably only goes out with a mask, hat, fake mustache, platform shoes, and a flat earther shirt on

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He's with Gates, Soros, Klaus planning next virus outbreak.

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"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. "Proverbs 6:16-19

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I just heard from my Daughter-in-Law that she was in here PCP doctor's office about a sport's physical for our Grand-Daughter. This PCP is not issuing release's to any kids to play organized sports if they have been vaxxed. They now need a full up Cardiology Review and most of them are referring the parents to regular Cardiologists. I guess the fear of myocarditis is very real now.

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Alex you do make us laugh

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Well, I was at the dry cleaners dropping off a few items and saw a tiny little empty suit.

It might have been Fauci.

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I got fired from my job in local government for refusing the shots, even after I submitted an exemption request signed by my physician. I was four years short of full pension. They told me that I was a danger to my coworkers because I was unvaccinated. That was on January 4, long after it was clearly evident that the vaccinated contract and transmit Covid. I'm 59. Who's going to hire me now? They are fighting me on unemployment compensation too, because I "violated policy" for refusing the shots. I haven't received a dime in unemployment compensation. Anyway, here's a link to the documentation, including my notice of termination. It also provides contact information for the elected official who fired me. The phone number I provide is for his government office. It's not his home phone number. I don't know his home # and wouldn't provide it if I did. It's entirely appropriate for the public to contact him to let him know what they think. Please do that if you want. Please mention my name if you do call him. Thank you so much for reading. Everything is right here:


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Probably off searching for some variants to release just before the the midterm election.

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He is still being paid with "we the people" monies and probably could give a rat's arse what we think of him. Has existed in the non-accountable swamp for over 40 years and has never been held accountable. Who is delusional enough to think it begins now? Zero accountability...the new definition of insanity!

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Alex shhhhhhhh! Like with toddlers if they are quiet leave them alone...wait...that was when the darling used diaper contents as paint...

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

The White Hats got him. He’s at Gitmo with Brennan and Comey. Seen them lately?

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Read Robert F Kennedy’s Book- “The Real Tony Fauci”- he needs to disappear forever from public sight and prosecution is be called for- but of course, this won’t happen

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He went home to Wuhan.

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As we all know, the Political Science has changed. There is no need for a fear monger lier to spread propaganda for the radical left.

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He’s in the Ukraine vaccinating the Russian army.

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I just love your sense of humor, Alex!! In a world that has gone completely off its axis, you give us a reason to laugh! This post is priceless...thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Ron Howard should make a movie, in the tradition of Frost/Nixon.


Brad Pitt as Rand Paul. Joe Pesci as Fauci.

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Is anybody going to talk about Warnie?

For Americans you won't know much but Shane Warne is Australia's Michael Jordan. Of the tens of billions of people who have ever played cricket he was considered to be in the top 5 of all time.

Just died of a heart attack.

And yes. Of course. Fully vaxed. Even told off Djokovic and was happy to see him ejected out of our commie country.

Interestingly he died just a few hours after another legendary Aussie cricketer Rod Marsh died of a heart attack (older than Warne and not in the same league but still a legend).

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Let's give Fauci some credit.

Here's a man of mediocre ability who single-handedly altered the course of history.

He destroyed economies and commerce. He terrified millions. He created unlimited demand for useless consumer products (including but not limited to hand sanitizer, masks, plexiglass). He severed long-time relationships among families and long-time friends. He undermined not just the US Constitution, but also the authority of the Vatican.

He is influencing international relationships with his alliances with foreign institutions.

He has jeopardized the health of children--born and not yet born.

And this is what comes immediately to mind. Others can add more.

As an aside:: He has forced dictionary publishers to change the definition of "QUACK" by necessitating that the entry will now include his photograph. Perhaps adding his photo to the definitions of "mass-murderer" and "megalomaniac."

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The virus has mutated into putin

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It’s part of a calculated strategy to memory hole all of this. Their real fear is that the truth about origins will come out and we’ll get to look behind the curtain.

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Hey, that IS funny. You know who else hasn't been seen for a long time? DR. ANDREW HILL, whose fraudulent recommendation against the use of Ivermectin was cited globally to stop it's use. Dr. Tess Lawrie just helped release a film describing who (UNITAID and others) helped form Dr. Hill's -- and your own, Alex -- opinion on the matter. It's called "A Letter to Andrew Hill"

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Legend says if you say “safe and effective” three times late at night in front of a mirror, he’ll appear.

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Working on his autobiography “Fauci: My Life As a Paramecium,” forward by Hillary Milhous Clinton.

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Probably in a lab somewhere creating the next "world changing event".

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he's an evil evil EVIL little troll

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Don't worry, he'll be back after the elections are over. In time to tell us the same things before winter again!

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One word... polls. You know, trust the scie... I mean polls.

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Drops the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.

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Is there some chance he was locked up?? Please tell me I'm on the right path...

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Clearly the administration has told him to GTFO TV, because they desperately need some kind of victory...as fake as it might be...so...you know they are "following the science" /s.

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Alex, I hope you that at some point you are planning to do an analysis of the information released March 1 from the FOIA request to the FDA re the safety trials. I haven't seen a thorough analysis of the findings yet, except that the adverse effects are off the charts. It's all at https://phmpt.org/ More info to be released each month after they had to file a lawsuit to get the information.

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Trump is a germaphobe and likely was a little freaked out about COVID. He's also a tank in terms of his own health. If he had had bad health for a few years he would have seen through the doctors lies. Those of us who have had a few rough years learned the hard way most doctors are pharma reps, not real doctors. But, if you've never been sick for more than a few days you likely think...or did think...they really know what they are doing. Once he didn't follow his own gut way back in February 2020, they had him.

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Well Major League Baseball is in the middle of a lockout, so he's not at training camp.

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

Hi Alex.

Wondering if you’ve seen this Swedish study that claims to have observed the mRNA from the Pfizer jab being transcribed into the DNA in the nuclei of liver cells in vitro. New liver cells then appear to express spike proteins on their surfaces, which triggers an autoimmune response against the cells. They were investigating cases of autoimmune hepatitis that emerge shortly after vaccination.

Study can be found here: https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm

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