" Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet " - Dr Mark Bailey and Dr John B


Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

You are spot on! Watch how much HIV pops up. (Oops can’t believe I said the quiet part out LOUD). BTW. You are my hero in all you do lioness

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I think we will see a huge uptick in opportunistic diseases because of VAIDS. I believe “monkeypox” is just the tip. They wanted to reduce the world population, and what better way than to creat a situation where deaths could be attributed to things other than CV/jab. They thought they were hiding their tracks, thus diminishing the possibility of being charged with Crimes Against Humanity. We see them!

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This was always the intention. He who controls the human immune system runs the world. God always trumps the EGO of man, but man wants to control it for all the reason we have come to know

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Oh, you’ll love this one! I had surgery few quite a few hours ago…at a hospital in Commifornia/Sillycon Valley. Everyone is still wearing slave masks, playing the game, etc. The nurse just said, “it’s for YOUR protection.”! told her I haven’t been sick in over 15 years. I would have laughed if it didn’t hurt so bad. I feel like Jaime LeeCurtis in the original “Halloween”, hospital gown and all. I cannot wait to blow this joint! And I don’t mean weed, Alex! Hospitals are NUTS! 💰💰💰💰

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

I was just in the ER of a right leaning state & city, & all had masks, etc, on, too, so it's not just because they're left leaning.

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Don’t people performing surgery usually have masks on?

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curious...what do you believe these non left leaning peeps had masks on for? I mean is it your opinion these non left leaning are also locked in delusional mass psychosis thought as if the masks worked OR is it they are required by the states law somehow to wear and were simply cowards and obeying?

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It’s really getting OLD. And goes against science! Left states live in FEAR!

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the same can be said for blue-state-tyrannies like new york, etc. Government facilities like courthouses are acting like hypochondriac-chicken-littles - mask-nazis and police-gestapo enforcement for illegal edicts at the door.

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The same in almost every BLUE run city and BLUE run state. Let's HOPE people NEVER EVER FORGET what these lunatics have done with human minds, lives and livelihoods since the whu-flu lab release in CHINA when they VOTE in 22 and 24. Right "commifornia"

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If they’re still forcing women who are in labor, to wear a mask, they should lose their medical licenses.

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If this is true then their efforts will fail. The human immune system is far too robust and adaptable to remain vulnerable to laboratory tampering for very long. They may get 10% if they're lucky, but only because so many were tricked into taking their jab this time around.

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I wonder if there’s been an upsurge in Kaposi’s sarcoma…that would be a tell.

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I have to look that up... I know there’s been an upsurge in female thyroid disorders.

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My sister was just diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism after completing breast cancer treatment.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

"such scale and malevolence" and yet in the 2.8 years post whu-flu lab release in CHINA not ONE person OR entity has even remotely been held accountable...not ONE! In fact many of these same players who orchestrated it all and are still doing so received significant "we the people" pay raises for perpetrating these legit crimes against humanity on "such a scale and malevolence" Not ONE...

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Because they claim it was an accident, & moron Americans voted out the 1 administration who wanted to find out if that was true.

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That administration wasn't voted out. The 2020 election was stolen.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

Many real people voted for Biden because they didn't like the Trump that the media portrayed (cared more about mean tweets over policy, or words over actions). Others said they wouldn't have voted for Biden if they would've known about the hunter laptop story. If those voters would have voted for Trump, i think it would have overcome the things the left did to cheat. I think it would have been too hard to overcome those deficits, but i could definitely be wrong.

All of these people clamoring for a red wave in November are in for a rude awakening, IMHO, since they haven't fixed most of the ways possible to cheat. Some places have addressed a little, but it doesn't take "wide spread" fraud (which is what they keep denying). It takes very targeted, small amount of cheating in specific areas of swing states, several of which have Democrat governors (so they can unconstitutionally override the legislature when needed), along with courts refusing to hear challenges (saying there's no standing). Many still allow unprotected drop boxes, no verification whatsoever of mail in ballots (requiring <40% signature match, at best), & anyone can mail in as many ballots as they want (after the state sends out ballots to more people than the numbers of those registered & alive due to extremely, intentionally bloated voter rolls, so getting authentic unused ballots are very easy). Not to mention the Zuckerberg & other big tech money & influence to convince only those likely to vote Democrat to get out to vote.

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It would be so sad if those unprotected drop boxes were to mysteriously catch fire.

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The kind of targeting cheating that causes skewing in normal metrics, things that reveal when fraud may be involved but as long as you control the media you can give the illusion that no such fraud has been observed; it's all normal. Even though the incumbent got more votes than before the other guy who didn't actually camping that year got a record number of votes also and won in all the key states were these metrics for measuring possible fraud indicated there was fraud but b/c Trump must be stopped no matter what we'll ignore those for now or at least until the time has expired that the evidence has to be kept. Once that time expires those documents will conveniently disappear thus eliminating any proof that the election was stolen.

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Regardless if accident or intentional it's KNOWN who is responsible and yet...not ONE! Would the SWAMP have actually allowed these known perps to be held to account as "we the people" demand even with prior administration in place or in future? Personally, I cannot fully believe that, but it's possible I guess. The ZERO lack of REAL accountability in the swamp is the crisis we face in my opinion. Sure we get investigations "we" pay for and lots of political ranting and raving theatre, but just watch for example Fauci fade into a cushy "we the people" pensioned retirement even after he is grilled in coming 12-24 months. I mean none of us in our lifetime will have known one person more responsible for vast amounts of harm to humanity and deep deep corruption of "we the people" funded science and yet...not ONE! Just sayin..

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Yes, we could just give them the benefit of the doubt, & say it was "an accident", & there should still be repercussions (if nothing else, to prevent it from happening again) at the very least. That didn't/won't happen. So, i can't disagree with your analysis. The one good thing is it opens the eyes of many (hopefully enough to get election integrity accountability, then better representation in government), but not sure that will change anything outside of what we do in our personal lives.

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The origin of the virus has been completely dismissed. Occasionally some media hack will say “ the Chinese must let us in those labs to investigate “....oh sure you Bozo, 2 1/2 years later the evidence will be there!! It’s all so sinister and insulting.

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Exactly, it's way too late now, IMO. Now, everyone will just go with whatever they believe. Tthere will be no objective facts about the actual origin (& they may prefer it that way, but there's no way to know for sure). The media deserves much of the blame for everything that happened. They were complicit in every bad behavior. The original perpetrators are complicit, too, but the media just as much, IMO.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Definitely need a lil more Wyatt Earp mentality don't we. Call a spade a spade. Tough love and accountability must returned or we get nothing but the same really, and no point in even reading and commenting on these articles if the latter..

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Trump has recently spoken about holding the Chi-Coms accountable. Vote in 2024.

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Trump whose administration was behind Operation Warp Speed that rushed the vaccine through the usual trials/safety procedures? Why doesn't he hold himself accountable first? Ron DeSantis should be running in 2024 imo. Fuck Trump.

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So many Coronamaniacs never saw the Scam. Still don't.


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This piece expresses exactly how I have felt from the beginning of Covid... no actually, my first conspiracy thoughts began when I watched the egomaniacal Nuh Yawk Governor challenge Trump to one upsmanship with a rush order for NYC ... Trump delivered everything requested before Cuomo’s deadline...and the Mercy Ship, Jacob Javitz center and military medical staff went largely unused and Cuomo transferred Covid patients into nursing homes.

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Yea Mark!

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The proof is out there that covid shots harm and kill, not safe and effective. The real misinformation spreaders are the ones out there in main stream media, Hollywood, governments, their agencies and soldiers that say the opposite of what they are doing. They yell and scream that others are the spreaders when they themselves are guilty. Make no mistake, they will answer to a Higher Authority, one which they obviously don't know or blindly ignore.

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So, u are saying no one is getting sick with a new virus that's way different than anything we've had before? Do u not know any humans?

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This jogged my memory of a story that should’ve gotten more coverage but didn’t: a year after Biden took office, FEMA started offering $9k to any family for funeral expenses if someone had died of Covid. .You could claim up to four or five family members or assist that many in helping with the claims. This was insane, in light of the fact we weren’t even allowed to have funerals. The kick in the pants hardly any documentation was needed; everyone was being listed as dying of Covid so nearly every death was eligible . You didn’t even have to be an American citizen. Apparently, no one thought this was weird at all.


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I am sure that offer had absolutely no impact on whether someone was counted as a covid death.

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Why do much money for funerals not allowed to happen, too?

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$0- You have to submit your itemized expenses.

"You must provide FEMA with a signed funeral home contract, invoice, receipts, or other documentation that includes:

your name, showing you are responsible for some or all of the expense

the name of the person who died

itemized expenses

proof that the expenses were incurred on or after January 20, 2020"

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If in person funerals weren’t allowed, what in the world cost $9k? And why was this only invented for Covid deaths? And you didn’t even have to be a legal citizen.

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Remote viewing must be expensive.

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Every word you say is true. A have a close friend whose 99 year old mother was in a nursing home, contracted Covid and died. This extremely wealthy family collected their $9000. She told me it was the easiest money she’s ever received.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

I hope they will be looking at those who applied for this when prosecuting those who committed pandemic fraud, based on the new fraud reclamation act, or whatever it's called, Biden just signed.

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It still costs money to have someone buried, or cremated, etc. I'm poor & couldn't have afforded any cost associated with a death, so it would have helped if a loved one died.

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deletedAug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022
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Inauguration day was Jan 20, 2021. :-)

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Thanks . Turns out it was launched by Schumer and AOC in April 2021.

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There's an attack on free speech. And it's not necessarily by government, but Big Tech, the mainstream media, Big Pharma, and academia are also in on it. You cannot say anything bad against vaccines. You cannot say anything doubting mask efficacy. You cannot suggest that the PCR test gives up to 98% false positives. You cannot suggest that the covid death count is overcounted because it blurs the distinction between dying with a virus and dying from a virus. You cannot suggest that covid is a minor threat to the vast majority of society. You cannot suggest that lockdowns did not help. And it doesn't stop with covid-19: You cannot suggest that there was election fraud in the 2020 election. You can't suggest that Jan 6th was a mostly peaceful protest of election fraud. You cannot suggest that transgender is a mental illness. You cannot suggest that monkeypox is largely a disease among sexually promiscuous gay males. You cannot suggest that climate change is neither real nor a risk. As far as the narrative goes: The vaccines work. Masks are an effective method of disease prevention. Get PCR tested often because a positive test means you are sick. If you test positive for C19 and then later die, C19 killed you. Covid-19 is a significant death threat to everyone, even the young and healthy. The 2020 election was the most secure election in history. Jan 6th was an insurrection and an attempt to overthrow this country. Monkeypox is a public health emergency for everyone. If we don't get rid of fossil fuels, our health and existence is at risk. Inflation was just transitory and despite two quarters of negative GDP growth, we're not in a recession. So yes, in response to another commenter: we are being assailed by worldwide fraud of huge scale and malevolence.

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Wait... you forgot that Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation.

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According to the mainstream media, there's no way to verify if that laptop is actually Hunter Biden's. I mean, it has videos of Hunter doing crack and getting with hookers, but anyone could have had that. With all he resources of the FBI, it's impossible to verify the origin of that laptop. So it's much more feasible that a Russian spy went to Wilmington, Delaware with a laptop filled with pictures and videos of Hunter doing drugs with prostitutes and dropped it off for repair and never picked it up. It's also feasible that Hunter got a job with a Ukrainian oil/gas company for $80k/month despite the fact that the only experience he had with drilling was into whores from Arkansas.

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

... or his late brother's wife!

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Excellent list Sylvan! It boils down to mind control (through media/social media) and divisiveness. That's what is really going on. Keep the Masses in Fear of the Next Big Killer! They will eat out of your hand like baby lambs... I am reminded of the circus elephant held by a foot chain which could have been torn from the ground easily, but it was the sight of and negative memories of that chain, the elephant never ever dared to question...

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move to florida, we live in the real world down here, as does our government. DeSantis is the only republican that has stood up to all the left wing spin you mentioned. And he has done it through the legislature, not by executive fiat. He has gotten more laws passed that protect our kids and all of us from all the madness of the biden administartion and his lefty puppet masters.

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Good for your state & I really admire your Governor. I like his no nonsense policy, & how he answers thise who criticize him or the laws your state has enforced to be living g in Freedom. Oh that more states would be this way we are trying in Virginia to make it happen too! All the best Florida!

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Just saw my first polio fear porn post show up on Nextdoor..

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Sure could use someone like you at the NY Times, CNN . . .

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I'd be fired immediately. I'd be discredited and ridiculed as a "quack". I'd be blacklisted among journalists. I probably wouldn't be able to get a job at 95% of corporations that have gone woke with DEI. I wouldn't be able to get a job at a public school or even a good portion of woke private schools. My only option at this point is to be self employed and an entrepreneur. So in that way, this wokeness has been a blessing to me.

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I realize at this point in time that it's a pipe dream.

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You are absolutely Correct! We have many intelligent friends & family that still follow the lies & narrative, having lost many "friends" here who do not feel safe being w/those "unvaxxed"...the fear continues & lies believed, it is Beyond understanding & reasoning!!

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With "friends" like that, who needs enemies?

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Also, any adverse effects ( like blood clots) that occur after 14 days of getting the vaccine are not vaccine related. And doctors do not report adverse effects, it’s the vaccinated persons job to do so.

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Blood clots? That's impossible. Misinformation for sure. That's a lie that originated with a militant white supremacist group. That lie was verified to be false by FactChecker.org and Snopes and it was censored on Facebook and Twitter. The vaccines are 100% safe for all people of all ages including children, pregnant women, and the elderly with cancer or heart disease. I know the vaccines are safe because Anthony Fauci said so on CNN. And let's not forget the words of Joe Biden that covid-19 is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." Also, despite all the disinformation from those racist Trump voters, the vaccines work really well. The only reason they don't work are these pesky variants, which necessitate boosters. First we had regular covid-19, and to be fully vaccinated took 2 jabs. Then 4 months later we had delta, which required a booster (jab #3). Then about 6 months later we had omicron, which required another booster (jab #4). Joe Biden got all 4 jabs and yet he's now had covid twice within a two week period. Don't worry though, a new booster to deal with the BA.4 and BA.5 variants is going to be released later this summer. That's 5 jabs since the original vaccine release in Dec 2020 (about 20 months ago). I don't remember any of my other vaccinations either A) not working and/or B) requiring a booster every 4 months. Nontheless, vaccines work, they're perfectly safe, and there's no blood clots. Another reason the vaccines sometimes don't work is because in order for them to work everyone has to be vaccinated. The masks also only work if everyone is wearing one. So the real reason covid is still a problem are all these people who refuse to be vaccinated or wear a mask. You see, even if you're fully vaccinated and boosted and wearing a mask, someone who isn't wearing a mask and who isn't vaccinated can still give you covid. Makes sense right?

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according to my late great dear old Dad, your description fits the definition of a Cluster “ F*CK.” 👍👍👍

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A friend's college friend had her 29 year old son die last week from stage 4 colon cancer. I am 65 and have never heard of anyone in their 20/30s die of colon cancer. I have heard the "vaccines" have been causing cancer to come back.

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I read this article earlier published yesterday https://etana.substack.com/p/turbo-cancer

"Dr. Kruger initially thought that these turbo cancers, as she calls them, were due to delayed doctor appointments from Covid lockdowns, but that period is long over, and the tumors are still growing aggressively, and in younger patients. She reported some of these cases to the FDA, and while some higher-ups initially agreed to meet with her, they canceled the meeting with no explanation the next day and sent a phone agent to take her report instead.

Six months ago Dr. Kruger appeared at a panel in Germany to present her theory that vaccination is causing aggressive tumors, and she asked for help from the doctors at that summit in collecting data. Unfortunately, few of them have been willing to collect that data and share it with her."

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I have a healthy 50 something ( vaxed and boosted) friend who has been diagnosed with kidney cancer.

The tumor was the size of a golf ball. They removed her whole kidney.

I have never heard of kidney cancer. Is it common?

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My brother had a small tumor on his kidney about 15 years ago when he was in his 40's. They removed his kidney as a precaution. He was in great shape. He has been healthy since.

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My husband was diagnosed with Stage 3B kidney cancer in 2020 and lost a kidney and some nodes. It's not a rare cancer from what I researched but in comparison to others that get all the media attention it would seem like it is.

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it does happen. it is more common in people that smoke and in people that work with certain chemicals in industry. sometimes it arises in people with no risk factors and it can be metastatic from another cancer primary tumor because of the high blood flow the kidneys receive (about 15%) would not say it is terribly common, though

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Our older neighbor got jabbed. Died of kidney cancer four months later.

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I lost a healthy fully jabbed cousin last week...was diagnosed with throat cancer and died weeks later...a month ago i lost a healthy fully jabbed friend to stomach cancer...nothing to see here.

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I am so sorry to hear about your friends and family. If we can all see this, surely Doctors, government officials and others can see it too? I know of a young lad in his mid twenties who has recently been diagnosed with a brain tumour and a 50 yr old with multiple metastastices both were told it was terminal not long after diagnosis. Both are trying alternative therapies.

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Sh1rl3y, I'm helping MCM (https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com) compile reports of people who've died young / unexpectedly / suddenly / of cancers, heart attacks, strokes, etc. When the people to whom you're referring in your post die, please email me with their names and relevant info. (Obituary / death notice, etc.)

If by any chance you're interested in joining the team of people compiling these reports, please email me about that too. Thanks. annettecohen (at) proton.me.

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I'm Scottish and the same thing is happening here. In the last few months I've heard of 2 women who survived breast cancer only for it to come back in the last few months. I know a guy who had cancer as a child and the cancer was gone for 10-15 years? Well, his doctors are baffled as it came back.

There is also a young doctor who found out she has stomach cancer stage 4 so it has spread. She is in her late 30's

Outside of cancer my cousins husband just had a brain bleed stroke while on holiday. He can't move or talk and they don't expect him to live.

I could go on and on. A couple who died within 6 months of one another (I know this does happen)

A 48 year old dying after chest pains and a 30 year old in ICU with myocarditis.

Out of the 100 ppl I work with 10 are out with recent long term sickness.

It is a mess!

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Yes! I used to have someone close to me die maybe one every 10 years or so, but now it seems they're dropping right and left. 2 co-workers in the last year literally dropped dead, one person at the vaccine clinic (don't know if survived), numerous cancers, heart issues, others out with long term illness......stuff going on all over the place. Shockingly, me (the unvaccinated, unmasked one), not even a sniffle. I actually cover for many of my constantly sick co-workers on a daily basis.

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I posted this above but just so you see it. I am sorry to hear that.

We know some batches were worse than others (you may be aware of " how bad is my batch') it is possible therefore, that groups of people working/living in the same place could all have received the same batch and it would cause a cluster of serious adverse effects.

I don't know if you follow Steve Kirsch on Substack, he is looking for people who have groups of family/friends to see if they can show correlation between inj /severe illness /death. He posted yesterday.

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Are they starting to figure out why some batches are worse than others? Is it a production issue, contamination, administration technique?

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It could be a number of things:

The batches were not all the same strength either by design (one theory is that different strengths were used to identify safe and effective dose) or because of production /quality issues the dose varied from that tested in clinical trials (There is an Australian legal case raising this).

Storage conditions not being followed correctly, product not being thawed out in correct manner

Not injecting into deltoid, injecting and not aspirating so it went direct into blood stream (see Dr J Campbell on You Tube).

The condition of the patient. I have a friend who became very ill, turned out they had had symptoms for a while but never told anyone. Lots of people have undiagnosed Lyme and other infections so are immunocompromised but don't even know, they seem to become more ill. ( Dr Malone did a recent interview on this for Epoch Times)

Given the rush to manufacture and release it is possible that quality issues could have occurred.

We still don't really know for sure what is in the vials.

Or any combination / all of the above....

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Thank you for your response. What an unnecessary disaster.

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The stories are heartbreaking.

We know some batches were worse than others (look up how bad is my batch) it is possible therefore, that groups of people living in the same place could all have received the same batch and it would cause a cluster of serious adverse effects.

I don't know if you follow Steve Kirsch on Substack, he is looking for people who have groups of family/friends to see if they can show correlation between inj /severe illness /death. He posted yesterday.

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Just tonight, I saw an ad on TV about how to recognize when someone has blood clotting. In all my 65 years, I've never seen such an ad.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

There was a story in this Chicago metro area a few months ago of a new mom maybe in her early thirties who went to doctor for checkup maybe postpartum and was told she had colon cancer and she died a few weeks later.

How can it be that she wouldn’t have had symptoms that beset her enough she would have more warning?

I tried to find this story and there are many stories about young women getting colon cancer in Illinois. All 2021 and 2022.

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It is a mess and it never has to happen!

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Colin, when your stroke-injured-cousin's husband dies, let me know. I'm helping Mark Crispin Miller compile reports of recent deaths for his Substack newsletter News From Underground. annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.

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I will, but he has survived this far and it was not expected.

I do know of a young doctor dying in his 30's that MCM may have missed. Search "Doctor dies Victoria hospital, Fife" and you should find it. He had no known illness

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Similar story with a friend and blood cancer. He died at 62, after a recurrence not long after mass vaxxing started.

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This is so tragic. Condolences to your friend and her family.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

I have, but the person had a developmental disability (this was prior to Covid), so that can play into things. However, it is extremely rare. Condolences to his family.

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Same. My best friend’s niece died 2 weeks ago of it and she was 38

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Missy, is there a news article or obituary online about this person's death? I'm helping Mark Crispin Miller compile reports of recent deaths for his Substack newsletter News From Underground. annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.

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A friend's daughter in her 30s died of this and my brother in 50s had a fast growing colon cancer removed.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Apparently the funeral business is also being subsidized by the feds. FEMA will pay up to $9K per funeral, and up to $36K per family, if you're willing to list Covid as the cause of death. Thus far, FEMA reports paying for 400,000 funerals, at a cost of $2.5 billion. There are no income limits for eligibility.

Think this may have influenced more than a few families to agree to cite Covid as the cause of death, even if they suspected other factors played a role?


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So now we can’t just blame the hospitals, doctors, medical groups, etc. for caving to their incentives. Regular every day families who just want their funeral expenses paid might lie as well. Too sad.

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Important info. Everyone needs to like your comment.

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First I have heard of this, but it makes sense. It will further the pandemic and the push for endless mRNA injections. In my mind, people who go this route are either destitute or highly immoral. In a way, they are sealing their fates by becoming beholden to the slave masters.

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Wow. Sobering numbers here. I knew they were offering reimbursements for funerals, but had no idea that many people took advantage of it.

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I hope that’s not true...that’s just evil.

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I have lost count on the number of people within a degree of me that have died in the last 12 months. That is no BS.

One day last summer my business coach had to cancel as his best friend had just died unexpectedly. One of my employees left early as the same had happened to his uncle. And I learned from my sister that one of her patients fathers had died (she sees adolescents so this was a young man). The following day I took another employee to the ER as we thought he was stroking out as the entire left half of his face went limp. Just rapid onset bell's palsy. Pretty typical injury for a 45 year old carpenter. Happens all the time.

Of course, we also lost my wife's best friend. That has been reported on here.


At least the shots work though. At getting people sick. Another employee of mine is out as of yesterday with his second round of covid. Yeah, he is 3x vaxed.

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Wait a minute…….I know I ‘m a little late to the party and may not get the subtleties of a lot of stuff, BUT, you guys ARE talking about more people dying, NOT because of Covid BUT are dying just from the shots to prevent Covid……..aren’t you……..and, yes, I’m that thick…..be kind

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It's this occurrence of "excess mortality" appearing in the highly vaxed countries. In the UK, there's now a public outcry about it and they are discussing investigation into the matter. In places like New Zealand, Australia, Canada and of course the US, the state of denial runs high.

After all, in the US Biden's Obama handlers have already bought massive amounts of Pfister and SuperSpike boosters in preparation to shove it down on Americans this fall. They've spent billions, so anticipate more coercion, threats and a heaping dose of division and hate to compel people to line up for their poison clot shots.

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I live in New Zealand. You are right, the denial runs high here. Jacinda Adern our own Princess of Denial is our leader. It doesn't help that the gov't paid out the media outlets to the tune of millions. A head nurse at one of the bigger GPs practice in town here said that no adverse reactions were written down.

A question for the wider world. When you visit someone in hospital , how many visitors are you allowed? 1 here!! And i have heard if a woman has a baby ( am I allowed to say that?) and here husband ( not allowed that either) is with her and leaves at 10am. he's not allowed back in that day!

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I am so sorry. NZ sounds like a totalitarian dystopia. I come across Jacinda (If you don't hear it from us, it's not the Truth!) everywhere. I am in the US and have nobody to visit in hospital (they all died) so can't answer your question. But I believe we have dialed down because even the nurses who scramble to put on their masks when you arrive clearly see it's all BS. We're on Monkeypox now, and Polio lined up. Apparently the brainwashing was not so well-executed in the Land of The Free, so we have to run a few more exercises.

And you are allowed, a long as it's legal. Hurt feelings are not a crime.

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In NZ as well. My wife 98year old grandmother got covid, unvaccinated. Had a cough for a week and returned to normal calling me by the incorrect name. My wife’s 30 year old cousin was force into taking the jab, found dead in his bead next day. We had an autopsy done and WAS OFFICIALLY RULED MYOCARDITIS FROM VACCINATION. To this day he has not been counted in medsafe (NZ vaccine adverse reporting system) as a death from vaccination. My grandmother was also found dead the exact same way as my wife cousin but I can not confirm it was the jab. All we know is that weeks an uncle who is a doctors took her to have a cut on her ankle checked. I speculate he jabbed her then but doesn’t want to disclose it to us since he basically told us he won’t talk to us because we refused the jab. Still to this day no one can tell me her cause of death. BTW to his credit he is not taking any boosters and admitting something isn’t right with jab given how many ppl are getting injured. I would ask about my grandmother but if it is the cast I can’t imagine the guild he must be carrying if my theory is true. maybe one day I’ll ask him.

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It's even worse here. When a woman has a baby she can't see her husband or anyone else - because she already has one new visitor! (/joke)

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Ok, Horsey, you are a resident smart person…….I’m getting a lot of feed back that is implying that people perhaps of dying just to the shots was essentially an added bonus to the powers that be. That can’t be right. Is it time for me to take a nap?

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Oh God…….Thanks.

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It's actually sad and scary. The deaths will never be traced to the shots, at best the "experts" will say covid infections triggered the fatal processes.

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Never say never.

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They actually had to come up with the name for it, sudden adult death syndrome, SADS

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Should be CFDS--Covid Fraud Death Syndrome or perhaps CSDS--Covid Shots Death Syndrome

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HEALTH ALERT: Top 13 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes

- Gardening, solar storms, sleeping positions, Putin, going to the beach, living under flight paths, sock lines, being a lonely Karen, climate change and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.


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At first I thought you said " Putin going to the beach" was one of the reasons 😆

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Are you serious?! really?

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Yes, and the unjabbed are the inconvenient control group who are NOT dying. Of Covid, strokes, myocarditis or turbo cancers.

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Yes, really

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Pretty simple. The shots appear to dysregulate and cripple the immune system, particularly the parts that deal with cancer-related things, much like AIDS. But those take a while. People with AIDS don't die "of" AIDS, they die of lots of other things, like strep, thrush, fungal infections, cancers, bacterial overrun of normally benign bacteria, etc.

While a number of people do die of clotting and "unexpected" heart attacks within a day or three, there is a surge in "all cause mortality" about 12-14 weeks after the roll-out for a particular age cohort. Strokes. Sudden onset cancers. Heart attacks. clotting. massive inflammation, "suddenly." Passing out in a swimming pool and drowning. The leading cause of death in some Canadian provinces is "unknown." If everyone in your workplace has to get a booster, and they all go out and get it that week, expect some events in 3 months. The effects appear to be cumulative (more shots then boosters), and it's unclear if people stop getting boosters will they slowly improve, or will the odds of disease go up slightly and plateau, or just keep slowly climbing.

The FrontLine Doctors have a treatment protocol for vax injuries that helps some people, but we really have no long-term data. It might be "they all be dead in 2-3 years," it might be modestly elevated mortality for a while until the boosters stop.

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Excellent summary, Rolf.

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Check out Steve Kirsch on substack.

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No you are not thick...you are exactly right.

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Thanks, Duchess!

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yes. from the novel coerced gene-altering therapy

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Both Pfizer and Moderna referred to their biologics (aka "vaccines") as "gene therapy" in their SEC filings in the United States. There's a fairly new law suit concerning the authorization of the vaxxes for 6 month to four year olds that includes the complaint that evaluation and testing of the "vaccines" should have followed the protocols for gene therapies (which are much more stringent than those for actual vaccines). Because they did not, they should never have been authorized for emergency use, period. (Of course, this also means "no mandates.")

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Oh God, a novel. You mean someone wrote about this theory? I may be sick!

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“Novel” meaning “new”

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Oh my God………I am dumber than a stump today……

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It's Fried-day.....

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Sunshine, I needed that, you made me laugh. I feel like I just took a Stupid pill. Thanks!

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Let's not be mean to stumps. They were admittedly dealt a bad hand. 🤣🤣🤣

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Laughing at myself and about to go stand in a corner. thanks!

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Oh, thanks and you were kind!

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No, the mystery doesn't continue. It hasn't been a mystery for some time. "It's the C-19 vaccine, stupid." We all know it. They can lie all they want to but it doesn't change the truth.

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Traffic accidents are up due to vaccine effects too - heart attacks while driving, etc.

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That football player from Miami died when he crashed his car. What no one noted at the time was that he had a heart attack while driving. He was 28.

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In my area, a young resident doctor crashed into a concrete bridge abutment and died. His hospital system had a vax mandate. Of course the cause was ABV (Anything But the Vax).

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Friends, in his newsletter News From Underground, Mark Crispin Miller is compiling and publishing reports of unexpected deaths, vaxxidents, drownings, as well as inexplicable health crises which don't result in death (e.g. a non-fatal heart attack or stroke in a healthy person with no history of cardiovascular disease.) I'm one of the people helping him.

If / when you hear of any of these events, please email me with details. MCM generally publishes reports of recent events (usually within the previous week), so if they've happened a while ago, at this point we probably wouldn't use them. annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.

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Drownings too.

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"Vaxxidents." Start using this word.

And don't call the poison injections "vaccines." Call them poison injections, bioweapon injections, or poison death shots.

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Truthbird, I've got a theory you might like to comment on. I've often wondered why most countries no longer seem to care about declining food & energy production, the education standards of our young are declining, and our societies are being blighted with extreme violence - often perpetrated by children or teenagers who should have been at school.

These are all things that can be resolved if there was a will; however leftist politicians the world over are more invested in the smokescreens of Covid/Climate/Gender/Rights of the indigenous; while stomping on those that would challenge them.

So my theory is this: the ruling class have decided that now we have gone digital AI can categorise everyone. We are now in the next phase of saving the planet by reducing the non productive or those of lesser intelligence - hence the reason for the dumbing down of whole populations through legalisation of drugs, truancy, and poor education.

It's only conjecture... please show me the evidence that I've got it totally wrong.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Check out Edward Dowd over on Gettr. His thinking is that our global financial system is in collapse. All this is set up to blame a virus rather than the so-called leaders. Killing, disabling and controlling the masses with digital ID will suppress the inevitable riots. What do you think?

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Ed Dowd makes a heck of a lot of sense. And he was in a position to know more than most of us about the financial system. One thing is certain: a great many things that happen are deliberate or opportunistic diversions to point us in directions other than what the real crisis actually is. "Look over there, not here!"

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I thought that with the death of the congresswoman in the car accident recently. Witnesses say her car crossed the line and was hit head on.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

That was definitely Covid. (that was sarcasm btw)

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I read that it was her 28 year old male assistant who was driving.

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I’ve been wondering about traffic accidents. Anecdotal evidence but it seems to me that people are forgetting how to drive (or maybe just illegals learning to drive....or both). I drive a lot and have noticed an uptick in both accidents and near misses......not ‘scientific’ of course.

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I wonder what on earth the common denominator among all those excess deaths could be? How long will it take those very smart people who won’t even pretend to look for one to be affected by that common denominator themselves?

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And how many of those who won’t look only got saline and not the actual clot shot.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

How long will it take? Too long. As they say, only the good die young

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First, thanks Alex for your undying dedication to the TRUTH.... Second, I want OFF this crazy train... Geeez... done with all this government/pharma/hedgefund/media subterfuge...

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Sadly I don't think there is an off ramp. The only thing I know to do is live, keep faith in God, and love family and friends.

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It is a weapon... No doubt.

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Either that or 1 unlucky civet ate some shit from horseshoe bat 100s of miles away from Wuhan and that same unlucky civet had the virus mutate within it to make it highly contagious and dangerous to humans. And that same unlucky civet just happened to show up at the Wuhan wet market where it happened to infect people. REMARKABLE

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A bat virus never found in a bat in the wild. But the NYT, NPR, NatGeo, Reuters, etc., all follow the script, to a T! Meanwhile - US bat cave authorities are warning humans to stay away from bat caves, in case we give the bats the bat virus. Look into it. My head is spinning.......indeed REMARKABLE.

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Or maybe Southpark has it right. The pandemic began when Randy has sex with a pangolin.

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@AlexBerenson I don't know if you've covered this aspect of the jabs yet.

Viral Reactivation is a possible issue with the jabs... THIS HAS BEEN KNOWN ALL ALONG. That means that you can become sick AGAIN from something that you've already recovered from. Like Chicken Pox, or the regular Flu. It damages your immune system.

Mayo Clinic says that there hasn't been a naturally occurring Polio case since 1979. Why are we seeing this now? Is the NIH really going to pretend that this is NOT related to the COVID vaccines*/gene therapies?


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Shingles is reactivated chicken pox and I have three friends with newly diagnosed shingles.

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I am unvaxxed, very healthy, and got a mild case of shingles that started a couple days after I spent time with someone who got their booster the day before. On the one hand I think, "Nah, there couldn't be any connection." On the other hand....I don't know what to think...

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It's anecdotal but I know a number of people whose cancer was in remission and is now metastasized. And several men, including a brother in law, with strange bladder cancers. Without numbers overall that info is worthless but still can't help wondering.

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You're not imagining things; the anecdotal accounts of cancer in remission coming back with a vengeance comes up in all too many instances.

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Also, people that were perfectly fine, just poof, having a fast growing cancer.

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That took out one of my uncles last summer. Pancreatic cancer and leukemia at the same time. Went to the hospital feeling very sick to his stomach, checked in and died a few days later.

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OMG! That's horrible! I am so sorry for your loss! God bless you and your whole family. May he be at rest and at peace forever.

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Thank you Bandit. He was only a few years older than me and we played together as kids. He was the big brother I always wanted. And he never knew what hit him.

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That breaks my heart. 😭

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I'm one of them. Waited to get vaxed. Did under duress. Only received one. Never got the 2nd or any booster. Got it September 17. Diagnosed with with stage 3 epithelial cancer june. No symptoms. No signs no family history.

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God bless you, Cc. That is horrible to hear. I pray you can beat it. Stay strong.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Praying you'll beat it! How did it manifest? I have a friend at church whose uterine cancer was in remission and now it's metastasized to the peritoneum. If any other factor were remotely suspected of causing cancer it would be all over the health news and you'd never hear the end of it. I'm pretty sure there are papers on pubmed on post vax cancers but places like this substack are the only ones where it's openly discussed.

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And then there are the people dead of cardiac arrest not long after the boosters rolled out last fall.

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Count me in too. My best friend.

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I'm sorry. It's terrible to lose a friend or have one get cancer in any case but to sense that it came on after the worthless shots, and then, often, not even be able to mention your suspicions, it's so painful. Makes me wonder how long it will take to see justice done for all the lives wrecked.

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it is crazy making at times. She'd just had a successful experiemental treatment, been good for over a year...got the damn shot (didn't tell me until after cause she knew I thought they were too dangerous)...and it came back with a vengeance. Today was a bad day...checked on her twice...I'm afraid I'm going to find her dead soon. Of courese, I say nothing about the damn shot.

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Friends, in his newsletter News From Underground, Mark Crispin Miller is compiling and publishing reports of unexpected deaths, vaxxidents, drownings, as well as inexplicable health crises which don't result in death (e.g. a non-fatal heart attack or stroke in a healthy person with no history of cardiovascular disease.) I'm one of the people helping him.

If / when you hear of any of these events, please email me with details. MCM generally publishes reports of recent events (usually within the previous week), so if they've happened a while ago, at this point we probably wouldn't use them. annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.

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Ok will do. Thanks for the heads up!

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My 52 year old daughter's best friend had successfully treated colon cancer in 2019. She's very healthy, but got 2 shots in about April 2021, booster in maybe October 2021, then cancer came back by December 2021 and it went everywhere including her liver. She has gotten a lot of new treatment, but doctors say she's on borrowed time.

My two brothers both had prostate cancer at age 53....one of them 24 years ago and the other one 15 years ago. They are both vaxxed and probably boosted at least once, but so far as I know, no real problems except the one who is in year 15 of remission has been dealing with pre-cancerous skin treatments.

Me, my husband, my two adult children and 2 of my 3 grandchildren are all unvaxxed (most all had covid at one time or another), but my 28 year old grandson did get 2 Pfizer vaxes (but refused to get boosters) in about June 2021, so far no problems.

My daughter is a nurse in a nursing/rehab facility. Most people are in bad shape going in there, and while a few who were expected to die did die WITH covid (perhaps I should say, they had positive covid tests but weren't visibly sick with it), she hasn't seen anyone die specifically because of covid. She even had a 104 year old patient recover from covid!

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No one deserves consequences like your daughter's friend is suffering, most likely from the toxic shots. In my family one sister had crazy platelet counts after one JJ shot but she seems to be okay a year and a half out. Her husband is a big believer in the shots and just had a surprise bladder tumor, malignant, removed. The girlfriend of a nephew ended up with a big (benign) lipoma near the injection site on her right deltoid. She had that surgically removed. And she's not the only person I know that had one after the shots. Otherwise we seem to have done alright. My youngest son got two shots courtesy US Army: he says never again. So far he's fine, went through Ranger school and Airborne in summer heat after the second shot.

I think most people will be alright in the long run if they've had the shots. I don't think anyone should risk it though. Not worth it. Especially now that I see my vaxxed friends and family getting covid.

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It’s criminal.

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This is the loaded gun I predicted that could not be stopped. Deaths could be dismissed by doctors and other medical establishment types with refusal to accept it had anything to do with the poison clot shot.

But the real issue would not be so easily hidden in excess mortality numbers which would be showing up further in insurance company client figures and funeral homes. Hello, you've reached your destination.

In addition, I've pointed out to people that we are only in Year 2 of this maximus experiment on the human immune system and mortality overall. People are like walking zombies thinking they've escaped the worst of the poison clot shot when others are suddenly dropping dead at all ages for no apparent reason. They are sadly wrong.

As an aside Alex, if you see this comment, someone is trying to steal your identity and approaching commenters in your telegram room. Since I occasionally comment there; they tried to imitate you and approached me yesterday. Just thought you should know so you can join the announcement club, "I will never reach out to you via Telegram private mail....yada, yada."

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Yep, a big experiment messing with human genes.

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I also rec'd a chat from Alex but the language seemed off so I know it was a fake. Uses his picture icon though.

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No mystery here. Let’s be real.

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BTW, tomorrow, Aug 6, is the anniversary of the CDC's first admission that the covid vaccines don't prevent covid.

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Face it, if the magic gene juice didn't kill and cripple people, it wouldn't be effective at anything.

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A lot of people don't even know the CDC admitted that and would say they don't believe it!

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

When I lived in Houston I saw the Service Corporation International building while I was walking along the Buffalo Bayou and I thought what a generic name, I wonder what they do?

I wish I had bought $SCI shitcalls instead of $MRNA shitputs. I always underestimate the cult of the vax zealots

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I'm still holding my stupid $ADPT shitput (PCR test scumbags) because I completely misread where the real money was being made in all this.

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What about ABT (another PCR test scumbag)? Shouldn't that fall too? It has fallen from it's recent highs but nowhere near MRNA or ADPT.

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I honestly couldn't tell you why one is doing better than the others. I just made a dumb call. Clearly the politicians have already chosen favorites- notice how Moderna and J+J took a shellacking in the press for the dare-not-to-be-mentioned jab side effects and Pfizer continues to sit pretty despite being the most thoroughly evil of the bunch.

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Bigger kickback makes a crap company sooo much better.

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I bought Bavarian Nordic and SIGA as soon as I heard monkey pox in the news - if you can’t beat ‘em join em

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Yeah but you don’t want to get rich on death.

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I want to get rich by shorting vaccines. I was gonna name my yacht Suck my Wakefield

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My neighbor’s wife died dec 2021….. she was home mending from cancer… 2 days in hospital it went to her brain .. she died … she had previously test positive for Covid but never go Covid hospital marked her death as Covid …… he was upset

The funeral director said …. That is what they do….

They get money

Funeral director got money

And the husband got 9 thousand dollars!! To help pay for funeral

All this at taxpayers expense

he said I had policy to cover her……….

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I just posted about the $9k funeral grift from the government for funeral homes.


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I had heard about this. Horrible to see on the FEMA website because it confirms. This created a demand for C19 death certificates and an over-reporting of C19 deaths. It was money-driven and a free-for-all. As a tax payer I am furious. On top of all the other related fury.....

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Yes me too!

Our public university reinstated mask mandates …!! Even outside on grassy areas!! Schools get Covid money still as long as they are issuing. Covid restrictions!!…masks should be a choice!

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This is a religion now. A scary religion funded & promoted by the Democrat Socialists of America, who bankroll the universities (and many other industries.). There is no reasoning and no appeasing them, like all religious zealots.

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this is a religious cult...there is no reasoning with cultists.

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Everything should be a choice. The mask mandates are a beast unto itself. When will people wake up. Outdoors masking is the height of hypocrisy and only serves to identify the sheep. (No offense to real sheep of course).

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But it's ok, Mrs Fauci says its ethical to "encourage" employers to get their employees vaccinated.


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He probably gets extra $$ for every shot, so it would make sense that she'd push them, too. Well, that and, IMHO, she's a scumbag just like her hubby. 🤮

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Funeral parlors and cemeteries---people are dying to get in them.

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@EthicalSkeptic (twitter) has been covering excess deaths extensively since last year.

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