This is a good article, Alex, but it's obviously climate change. No need for any investigations or anything!

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The secret is out...climate change causes blood clots, sudden heart failure and super cancer.

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Skipping breakfast increases heart attacks! And shoveling snow! And being lonely! Everything BUT the jab!


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I stopped gardening altogether out of fear of prompting a heart attack.

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Smart. Better to sit on your couch and order Doordash like government suggested.

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me too, stopped going outside, the climate is a monster

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Not if you wear a mask... when by yourself... especially in your car....

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Fwiw, I suspect I caught Omicron from a biotrail outside. Shame on me; neglected to wear a mask in late December when practically all pollen was gone.

And yes, Air Force jets make the climate a monster.

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Don't forget flatulence...the stealthiest form of 'SILENT BUT DEADLY'. 👀😱☠️

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Terminal Flatulence....TF....It's nothing to sniff at.

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The last and final carbon fartprint.

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More specifically it's cow flatulence driven climate change that's the cause of all our problems ;)

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You guys are cracking me up

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Burger King has been eekin' 'em out for a while! =D

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In response I've taken to eating more beef. Heros eat beef. Protecting us from cow fart driven climate change.

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Silly. But the best. Lol

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Just channeling my inner Idiocracy. =0))

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Wow. You should check out Gato's post this afternoon. Off the hook!


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How fortunate for everybody except the victim!

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Yeah, I would trust that

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I ate some peanut M&M's for breakfast. I'm doomed

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If only climate could cause sudden death among certain elected officials...(sigh).

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For some odd reason, it seems that most elected officials are immune from sudden death.

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Why is that they were never injected. Or Saline was used

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Funny that...

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Colorado (R) State Rep. Hugh McKean 55, "died suddenly in his home" last Wednesday.

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Was he grappling a hammer in his underwear? Cause that seems to lead to head injuries.

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One those on one side are susceptible.

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But quite susceptible to sudden stupidity

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Nothing sudden about it, they've been stupid for decades!

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Oh, its not sudden. Been around a long time for a certain ice cream slurping, stuttering demented pedophile angry man.

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Yep! Pretty repulsive isn't he.

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Only when they have a Dominion controlling the election results...

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Not only does climate change not kill them, it doesn't affect their multi-million dollar mansions either, since they keep building on the coast.

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Don’t forget potato chips and video games too!

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I've been begging Alex, in comments, for months to make climate change his next target for investigation.

It's the same exact playbook.

If I ever get an elevator ride with RFK Jr, I'd love to ask him how he can be so lucid on vaccines and fall over the same exact rake with climate change!

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There are numerous others with the chops to challenge the Greeners. No one has RFK's chops to challenge the vaccinators. He is doing the most good by staying in his lane, IMHO.

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The point is that it's fascinating to me RFK can be so red-pilled about corruption, regulatory capture, scientific fraud, etc., when it comes to vaccines and so blue-pilled and naive when it comes to climate change, where the exact same tactics have been used.

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So true! He can detail all the ways the fossil fuel industry is corrupt and for some he's convinced solar is going to be different.

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Maybe cause climate change is real and covid was a scam.. oops am i in the far right area here?

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No, it sounds like you're in propaganda land and don't realize how freaking stupid you sound.

"climate change is real"? Stop and think about that for a second.

Do you actually think that, without humans, the climate *wouldn't* change?

Climate change is real! Climate change is real!


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Is that your whole argument? Kinda easy to penetrate. Because the climate changes doesn't mean humans are not changing it. Logic right? But how much are they changing it, and more than that, if it is changing radically, how are we to prepare? Shit is happening. You have to be in denial and hang with others who are. Insects disappearing is one that freaks me out and i see it where i live. Massive dye off of many species. Midwest aquifers drying up. That's going to impact food production as if it isn't already impacted in many ways. It all might be a conspiracy of the elites, though many are a result of industrial civilization. That is the heart of the issue for conservative. Industrial civilization is under threat. Many believe we can go on like this for another century and thrive and they have to videos to prove it. Their biases draw them towards commentators who will tell them what they want. Full disclosure: we all do that. My bias is away from industrial civilization and towards a more ruralified life. But i'll support anyone who is against war and state authoritarianism.

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Every prediction the "experts" have made on climate have all fallen flat. But, this time, of course they are right. Because, SCIENCE!!!

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And you are right.. why? Cause you said it. That's all. That's all it takes and a group that echoes that back to ya.

There is such a thing as science you know. It's not that you can accept data one place and ignore it or manipulate it somewhere else. Conservatives want to go back to a time when it was okay to throw beer bottles out your window. I know. So finding like minded souls is not that hard in a dumbed down world.

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Maybe he’s not…..

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Yes and no - it's goes to his credibility. I've felt the exact same as Tommy stated above!

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"You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

Frankly, to speak cogently on any of these topics require in depth studying, and dealing intelligently with the whole climate change thing is a huge without any easy ask.

Heck, getting fluoride out of municipal water is a super easy ask, and we've been tilting at that windmill for decades. We might be about to get somewhere with it, but it has taken enormous effort.

Vaccinations are harder than fluoridation, but still has an easy ask.

Wireless radiation damage from Smart Meters, networks and devices is harder, but still something that needs urgent attention. Bobby is on that one, too, and it is related to Climate Change Greenwashing.

We need multiple leaders, not just Bobby, to deal with the corruption and regulatory capture.

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I would recommend reading some works by Michael Shellenberger.

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I second checking out Michael Shellenberger's Substack. He's doing excellent reporting and is worth supporting.

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Exactly. RFK doesn't have much to add to Schellenberger's energy corpus except perhaps name recognition.

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Shellengerger gets debunked easily, but if that's your bias, go crazy.

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I’ll look at it, I don’t want to be like the other side and ignore anything that doesn’t follow a narrative, but right now I believe the globalists are the biggest threat to this planet.

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It’s the path to the holy grail. They hid it behind THREE traps. With a final test.

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Why don’t you do it? I think what he has on his plate is more than ample for now. Better to do one thing well than to do a couple of things mediocrely. Mediocrity can’t be risked.

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Because nobody cares what internet nobody me says. Tons of prominent people have tried breaking the veil on climate insanity.

Alex is a highly effective communicator, has a huge audience, and back to my original point, should be able to see the exact same playbook that was used during covid.

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Look for some of Patrick Moore's videos (former director of Greenpeace) - he is the man on climate change. Also Bjorn Lomborg. These actual scientists have a ton of research into this scam - so why would Alex get in the middle of that?



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Because he's a journalist and that's what journalists do, especially ones with huge audiences and occasional access to even larger ones, like Rogan and Tucker. And, again, the parallels to COVID are very striking to me, so if he was interested in the COVID farse, I figure he'd be gob-smacked by the climate change cabal.

I'm well aware of all the wonderful doctors dispelling the nonsense on it. There have been plenty of doctors fighting against COVID, too. Why did Alex 'get in the middle of that'?

Sorry, I just don't get the argument.

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I agree with you, all I am saying is, think of the enormity of all of this, it would be impossible to tackle it all at once, also there ARE many environmental problems, climate change from people isn’t one of them, there has always been climate change. It sure would be great if we could stop big industry from killing everything on earth though wouldn’t it? Many of the same evil doers are responsible for that too.

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Of course there's always been climate change. But, there's a massive threat to liberty and our way of life from people demanding power to "fix" climate change. The political threat from climate change insanity is covid-like.

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I know, agreed.

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Plenty of Trumpers would jump right on that... what are you waiting for?

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Perhaps RFK Jr only wants clean air and water, like most of us. And trees that provide so much to us.

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Yeah nobody doesn't want clean air and water. But the proposed solutions - higher taxes, bigger government i.e. government control over every part of our lives, wiping out the cattle industry and replacing it with the insect industry, no more "fossil fuels" except in China, of course, -will lead to mass starvation and our way of life being decimated

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I agree wholeheartedly...I hate all this carbon offset nonsense. I detest government interference...everywhere! There must be a way to "keep things clean" without all the shenanigans.

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Great point re JFK. I have noticed less climate rhetoric from his organisation recently. Perhaps he might be getting it.

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But climate change didn't affect mortality until 2021, oddly...

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If I have to explain this to you again, I'm going to be forced to sign you up for re-education.....uh......which is of course wonderful and totally not a thing you would be forced into!

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Donald Trump was the catalyst needed to really boost climate change, obviously.

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Once he was out of office, he was able to personally smuggle the classified files for our weather-changing program to Putin, who finally gave Trump the pee tape.


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It was given to Trump via Hunter Biden's laptop. Naturally.

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I don't think that's what happen. A Russian Secret Agent, let's call him Yuri, brought a laptop into a repair shop in Wilmington, DE and he pretended to be Hunter Biden. On the laptop were incriminating photos of Hunter Biden sniffing coke off of prostitutes' rear-ends. This was all part of the Russian disinformation campaign. No one knows how or why the Russians would do this. It's believed that the file on this secret operation is part of the National Archives and it was at Trump's mar-a-lago and is now in the hands of the FBI. We all know that Trump is a Russian spy and according to the women on The View, he's also a liar and a thief.

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The US did have excess deaths in 2020 also but not due to any unique epidemiological event.

In 2020 the excess can mainly be attributed to the mass medical murders in nursing homes and hospitals and the impacts of lockdowns and social dislocation.

Here's the exact data:

United States reported 3,353,787 deaths, for the 52 weeks of year 2020 (all years of age). Expected deaths were 2,920,345. That is an increase of +433,442 deaths (+14.8%).

United States reported 3,457,517 deaths for the 52 weeks of year 2021 (all years of age). Expected deaths were 2,947,287. That is an increase of +510,230 deaths (+17.3%).

Year to date, United States reported 2,548,784 deaths for the 41 weeks of year 2022 (all years of age). Expected deaths were 2,338,304. That is an increase of +210,480 deaths (+9.0%).

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Nov 3, 2022
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Very good question. When I look at CDC weekly all cause deaths it looks pretty flat & about normal. USA about 60,000 deaths/week. Is the claim that pandemic deaths were so high that we should be much lower & "normal" means excess deaths?

See for yourself: Look under export for csv files


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Wait, SimulationCommander is Greta Thunberg? I do have to admit, I've never seen them in a room together...

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Greta, doesn't Klaus need help getting out of his thong?

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oh my god i just threw up a little

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Totally disgusting and uncalled for. That mental picture will stay with me for days.🤢🤮

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"How dare you!"

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I thought climate change caused semi-fascism and bitter clinging. Or does bitter clinging and semi-fascism cause climate change? Oh, so confusing.

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Does the thermometer go in the North Pole or the South Pole?

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You have to smell it first to tell where it belongs.

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Wait,what!, you must be a gender denier.

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Well, both the vaccines and climate change are all about following the $¢ien¢e.

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You are right in one way but 'Following the science' was used to shut down any discussion on covid. It's a bit like saying 'Doing what's best for the children'. Who could possibly disagree?

Trouble is, real 'science' can only exist if it is challenged and tested. As for climate change, I would suggest first we need to get rid of the billions of dollars of fossil fuel subsidies to even up the field.

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Well I just read last week from the main stream media that the unvaccinated are causing the vaccinated to have heart attacks and blood clots due to the stress they cause them.

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What's funny is I heard one reason the virus mutates so much is because its trying to fool the vaccine. So in a sense, the vaccines create mutants strains of covid.

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Right. And yet those media aholes aren't smart enough to realize (or they know their consumers are too stupid to figure out) that ONLY the jabbed are dying of stress. The purebloods aren't having heart attacks and blood clots from the "stress" of being dehumanized for not taking the experimental drug, from the stress of being ostracized, from the stress of losing their jobs.

Funny that ONLY the jabbed are dying from stress. Gee, I wonder what's different between the jabbed and the unjabbed...

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I was going to say it’s Trump fault obviously

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I'm pretty sure TheRussianz® are to blame as well.

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Breaking news.....The Russians to blame for climate change! They're probably trying to thaw out Siberia so they'd be able to grow their own food to feed their people.


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Putin is really Cobra Commander and he has finally perfected weather dominator technology.

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No, not climate change. It was Jan 6th and Russian Collusion. Trump is definitely behind all of this.

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That's nothin'! Trump was the mastermind behind the Kennedy (both of them) AND Lincoln assassinations.

He's THAT evil!

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We already got to the bottom of this below.


Once he was out of office, he was able to personally smuggle the classified files for our weather-changing program to Putin, who finally gave Trump the pee tape.


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And a LOT of people are braking too hard in traffic. Easy on that pedal, folks! You don't want to encourage that blood clot!

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Ha! New PSA: "Ease up on the breaks for climate change causing blood clots" Tiny print: [This message sponsored by Pfizer and the CDC and Clown World].

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SC, My, but you have a lot on your mind today. I am constantly befuddled at the apparent outright dismissal of Climate Change on these predominantly US stacks.

I am under no illusions that the same nefarious evil psychos behind the scamdemic have not hijacked the climate agenda for their own gains.

But that does not make it fundamentally untrue.

I have studied the issue extensively for over four years to the same extent as the current scamdemic. What is your opinion based on? We're all experiencing the power of propaganda and mass psychosis.

There are huge powerful forces on both sides of this argument and the deniers only have to create the slightest doubt. Ultimately one side is right and one side is wrong. The stakes couldn't be higher. We've never trashed the whole planet before, so maybe keep an open mind, at least for now?

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I'd start by asking what you mean by "dismissal of Climate Change", because recognizing the vacuity of that statement might help orient things.

Does climate change mean the climate changes? Because nobody would disagree with that. It's the strawman of strawmen.

Or, does it mean, *predicted* catastrophic increases in temperature (literally) decades from now is causing every weather calamity that befalls us today and that the only way to relieve your anxiety over that is to give massive amounts of money and power to Democrats so they implement policies they've always wanted to implement, which will solve climate change, hurray! (Even though China and India are still going to be emitting massive amounts of CO2 that dwarf anything the US is doing today, but don't pay attention to that).

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Tommy, Thanks for responding. I suspect this is not the place to discuss this as it is off-topic but it is so often treated as a joke here.

What I mean is man-made climate change, caused by emitting Gigatons of greenhouse gases which warm the planet.

The global temperature has already risen by 1.2 degrees, 2-3 times more in the Arctic, and we are already experiencing more extreme and more frequent weather events all around the world.

It transcends political parties of any country and national borders by definition - it's global. To give us any chance of mitigating and reducing the effects we all have to systematically change otherwise we will be doomed as our life support systems collapse. And 'decades from now' is still within the expected lifetime of my children.

A famous British comedian did a sketch on climate, recycling etc. He said he used to follow the rules until he went to the state's - and thought WTF! It got a big laugh. Here in UK we only contribute to 1% globally but we all need to do our bit because if it isn't already too late we are in borrowed time.

There is SO much green washing and governmental and corporate crap spouted by both sides - but it doesn't stop the main central threat being true: the planet is warming and we are the cause. Peace.

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I don't see any reason this conversation shouldn't be had here, as you are apparently learned and Tommy is willing to engage. I'd happily hear you both out and see if I can learn something new.

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Why thank you Unset009. I'm feeling a little battered so appreciate your support.

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We're much much closer to freezing to death than dying of heat.

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You might be locally, but this is global. Other parts of the world e.g. parts of India, are periodically approaching wet bulb status = too hot to sustain human life.

But it's not just about getting hotter per se, it's the effect on all the weather patterns and extremes, of heat, cold, drought, flood, wind etc.

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The same is true globally. Canada and Russia, for example.

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