Pandemic of the Vaccinated!

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Pandemic of the Unboosted 😂😂

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The boosted are getting it, too. Just ask Spartacus and Pocahantas.

Pandemic of the vaxxed and boosted!

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And yet Biden is about to give a speech tripling down on his "dark winter of sickness and death for the unvaccinated". He is quite literally flying the plane straight into the ground. Then urinating on it. Then setting it on fire again.

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Trump's doing his part to further Biden's agenda by announcing that he just got the booster.

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Trump is pretty much finishing off his hopes of a '24 candidacy by sticking like glue to "his vaccines". The moment it becomes inescapable that they are unsafe and ineffective the entire pharma/media establishment is going to turn and blame him for that.

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He should just retire. Leave the way open for DeSantis.

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That would be the only good news about this mess. Trump should ride off into the sunset.

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Agreed … He was owning “Operation Warp Failure “ , if he had big ones he’d come out and say it’s a failure.

Lose all respect if he got a jab/booster after contracting it and getting monoclonal treatment.

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Yeah it is dumb for him to get a booster, let alone a vaccine at all as he recovered from the 'rona. However, just like everyone else, his doctor apparently recommended it and it is his choice. He is opposed to mandates. That is the problem, mandates.

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Back when the vaccines first came out. They saved a lot of at risk people. The fact that the vaccines didn't last is a different problem. I still think operation warp speed was a success. He also knew we needed therapeutics much of which was poo-pooed by the establishment.

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Trump's an Idiot...Period.

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No he's not. We aren't leftists. We can accept that people can be good in some areas and terrible in others.

Trump is a very trusting person. It's why he continuously chose bureaucrats who were desperate to betray him. It's also why he did nothing to shop the mass censorship by social media of all of his allies. Facebook and Twitter told him they wouldn't abuse their powers and they wouldn't turn around and censor him.

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I'll take the mean tweets and inartful language over any of the Democrats any time. You must like the direction of the country. How odd.

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Spoken like a tru no nothin

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I'm surprised you didn't call him a poopyhead, Spanky.

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Maybe he got the booster, maybe he didn't. Who knows? He was probably pressured - or forced - to make that statement.

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So we agree he's conning somebody.

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Awwww. No 🤦‍♀️

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Bad things happen when you "triple dog dare" nobody likes being stuck on a pole

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Well, yes and no. Centuries ago it was just the severed head impaled on a pike. By then, the victim would not feel a thing. 😈

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Will it be a word soup...with a massive mix of threats and tell the legal citizens they are stupid? The news today is full of could be's and may be's. 73% of the country may be infected with Omicron variant and the Midwest may be as high as 90% infected! And the citizens have to take urgent action to stop hospitalations and deaths connected to the virus!

Are they not adding deaths all the time that have no relationship to the virus? And a huge push for massive testing! Why? The tests can't tell the difference between flu or Covid, right? So they are going to replace it with a new test? And why can we not have inexpensive medication (think OTC) at home if we think that a runny nose and low fever cold might be covid. Why shod people run out and get tested for a cold? I do not understand this absurdity and loss of common sense. And let's continue letting illegals & terrorists stream across the southern border and transport them across the country to states they need to keep or turn permanent blue (super spreaders). "C"mon man!"

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I think they have all jumped off the cliff...walked back up the hill..and jumped again.

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I'm so worried he'll do something stupid like lockdowns. We have a couple of gigs and need them.

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I'm worried that Biden will forced by his handlers to declare martial law. If that happens, we'll have no human or civil rights at all. Game over.

Biden is nothing but a senile, pathetic, disgusting puppet. But the powers that created this gain-of-function-enhanced coronavirus and the bioweapon "vaccines" are satanic. Don't confuse the two.

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If his handlers actually try that, I'm not sure the military will go along with enforcing it. Not very many state and local police forces will be on board, either. Everyone seems pretty 'covided out'.

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he's always been incompetent, dishonest and corrupt (and handsy), I don't feel sorry for him. not at all...

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Trump declared an National Emergency which sets the stage for Marshall Law.

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You've done your home work!

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I know that sounds selfish but I'm so sick of this shit over a virus that shouldn't exist and shouldn't have locked down our world.

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Its what happens with the Faucis and the Gates having power and the money to play God with the rest of us. There wil always be a Josef Mengele out there.

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Wow, that describes Biden to a tee!

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And as for boosters…even if they did work against Omicron, which I think is doubtful, ANY vaccine depresses your immune system for a few weeks—the reason they ask if you feel well when you get any vaccine. I think that heading into any viral surge, or a major family holiday, is probably the worst time to want to depress your immune system, contrary to all the official calls to “get boosted now!”

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So the booster is going to depress the immune system also? Won't that lead to higher infection risk? Also the booster is not a "booster" as in say tetanus - it's another dose of the same medicine which was designed for the original Alpha variant so what's that going to do?

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Doesn't each variant diminish the potency of the virus? So if you contract the Omicron after taking the booster, wouldn't your natural immunity also automatically kick-in? Or, are you saying the booster would depress that natural process?

It is a tough decision for an 80 year old, especially one in excellent health....at this age, when friends and family members are dropping like flies, one does not suddenly become fatalistic. But, I'm not spending my last few years hiding behind a mask, afraid to entertain. Nope, we are having our annual Christmas Eve party, Biden be damned!

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Which is to say - get yourself some first line therapeutics (see FLCCC and Zelenko protocols). Have ivermectin or hydroxy prescribed online if your doctor won't do it. And then, GET OUT AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE!!!

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No, sadly, the booster stifles your innate immune system. (same as the 1st two doses). It simply programs your body to respond with only one particular antibody that was designed to target the spike protein from the original virus. The spike has changed since then, so the antibody is useless. The innate immune system just doesn't kick in, which is exactly how the vx is meant to work.

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Have a fantastic time too!

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Bingo. Makes no scientific sense.

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Logic says you are correct. Are you available to advise the President

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Don'ttell Donald Trump. He just announced he got boosted. So, everyone should just relax and go get the shot like good little guru followers.

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Probably saline. Someone please prove that ANY politician ANYWHERE has got the real shot(s).

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Add Brian May of Queen to the list. He finally ventured out after two years to have lunch with friends. They made sure everyone tested negative before the lunch but virus gonna virus. He said he thought he was in a "safe bubble" but he now has C19 and he's vaccinated and boosted..

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These fuckin navel gazers who make all these demands before they will socialize deserve everything they get. Stay home already you ridiculous ninnies.

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Post of the day right here!

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Ha ha! Love his Baroque haircut and guitar playing but he turns out to be a Leftist turd. "Climate change will kill all! Don't use fossil fuels and stay in your houses. "

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What about Eric Clapton and Van Morrison? What is their current vaxx status? I'd be shocked if Clapton came out and said he'd had the booster.

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From my understanding Slow Hand got his first shot and experienced weeks of pain in his extremities. He was worried he would never play again. He came out with a short video criticizing mandates. I seriously doubt if he received any more experimental mRNA gene therapy

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Clapton was so sick and angry after his first vaccine, I sincerely doubt he ever got another. I didn't know Van Morrison had issues too.

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Aka the booster needs a booster. And another round of boosters - on the house!

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And now Jim Cramer CNBC too. He wants the gov't to forcibly vax all us dirty unvaxxed. https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnbc-jim-cramer-doubles-down-belief-government-right-force-citizens-obey-vax-mandate.

Covid couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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Hard to say what their angle is. They may have it OR they are doing this in order to shut our country down.

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They really arent sick just sniffles for publicity

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And Cramer.

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Cramer is an idiot. He doesn't even know much about the market (said Bear, Stern's wouldn't fail two days before it did), so why would anyone believe him about Covid.

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Dec 20, 2021
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Corey Booker actually called himself "Spartacus" when trying to boost his relevancy during the Kavanaugh hearings., trying to prove how "brave" he was to release documents that he claimed were not allowed to be released, but, in fact, had already been released. Ben Shapiro had hilarious set of tweets about it.

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Corey Booker is still on a quest to be relevant. At something🙄

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Dec 20, 2021
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I think he's actually pretty smart, just opportunistic and dishonest, which is actually worse than being a well-intentioned, low IQ person.

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But isn't he some sort of genius Rhodes Scholar?

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Cory Booker

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Oh that was amazing when he said that

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Dec 20, 2021
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Actually, we do know it likely would have been mild for them given the data we have. It's strange to give the vaccine credit when it's not warranted. It's a religion.

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So true. When my double-vaxxed parents came down with Delta last summer and were sick in bed for 2 weeks, my older sister (an MD), assured me that they only survived because they'd been vaxxed. I countered with, "or they were much sicker than they would've been without it." Of course, we have no way of knowing. It's a study of two, and the important studies to actually test these things with large groups double-blinded will NEVER be done, so the True Believers will keep on believing...

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You’re comment is spot on! I read a few headlines today about fully vaxxed and boosted persons that have tested positive and the articles say exactly what you stated…”thankfully they had the booster or it would have been much worse”. How can anyone say that? No one knows how mild or severe it would have been. This is yet another point that drives me crazy.

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Mass formation. Google it.

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I don't fully agree. I just finished Alex's book. One of its messages should be is that the powers that be, especially the media but also government apparatchiks who should have known better, have been incompetent at best, or deliberately lying and deceitful at worst, from the beginning. Alex amply documents statement after statement from them that was probably known to be at best a half-truth, at worst a total lie, even at the time it was made. As you put it: "There is a lot being stated as fact that has no basis in factual evidence." That's a rather serious problem, when it occurs repeatedly in official channels and especially coming from authorities (e.g. scientists who presumably have the same, or better evidence than we have access to), wouldn't you think?

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You make such great points.

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Wasn't Spartacus also someone writing on Substack in the early stages of this gong show?

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Pandemic of the Blocked ,Effective , Early Treatments. No Need for the "ClotShots"

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Snopes: TRUE!

We need weekly boosts to be "fully vaccinated". Also, my boosters don't work unless you get them too.


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Jeopardy question right there. Lol. Like you will die if I dont use my seatbelt🤣

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Perhaps a bit off topic, but did you know that if you, as a sober driver, through no fault of your own, hit and kill a pedestrian who was drunk, it is still considered an "alcohol-related vehicle fatality" for government statistics? Although I'm sure these are a bare chemical trace of total alcohol related deaths, it's still a curious example of record-keeping. Sort of like blaming the tree when you plow into it, isn't it?

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No, YOU will die if I don't use MY seatbelt! Ha ha h! <evil laugh>

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I'm very confused by this chart. I just went to the Ontario web site and the graph there looks nothing like the one here. What am I missing?


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Alex’s graph is number of cases and yours is rate per 100,000. I commented along these lines earlier. Rate seems a more honest measure than raw number, since there are simply more vaxxed people in Ontario than unvaxxed.

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The government isn't going to make it easy.

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"Pandemic of the unvaccinated" (correcting the typo in this statement will save 2 characters in Twitter messaging).

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Well said!!

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Using the same dataset Alex linked to above, you can click the "per 100,000" button to get the rates. Not sure if we can say for certain yet that the virus preferentially targets vaccinated people - Rate per 100,000 still shows unvaxed higher than vaxed. 24.3 per 100,000 unvaxed vs. 17.2 per 100,000 for fully vaxed. So 1.4 unvaxed cases for every 1 vaxed case.

However, they're converging.

Back in September, per the same data set, the unvaxed/vaxed ratio was 6!

At the end of November it was 4!

Now, it's 1.4.

Certainly we can say the vaccine protection has eroded to the point of near parity with unvaccinated. We should watch to see if we hit negative efficacy - where rate per 100,000 of fully vaxed is higher than unvaxed. THAT is the true inflection point.

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Ontario also has a very high vaccination rate across the entire population. They are probably reaching a point where the unvaccinated are less susceptible due to prior immunity due to exposure.

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Some argue the vax impairs natural immunity response going forward. It will be very interesting to follow the data on reinfection for the vaxxed then infected, infected then vaxxed, vs. natural immunity no vax.

If only we had a public health system that wants to collect and share this data.

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That would require honest hospital personnel.

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And honest public health spokespeople, honest government bureaucrats, honest politicians, honest scientists, etc. Probably too much to hope for.

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One of the problems in this is hospital administrators dependent on government money.

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Yes and means being brave and telling the truth no matter what, because you cannot be a slave to two masters

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It does. We have data on this-- there are SO many books that have done research on the health between unvaccinated and vaccinated-- focusing on children. (check out Vaccine Coalition Canada, Childrens Health Defense)

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That info exists but I can't find it now. The vaxxed then infected were more likely to be infected then the infected then vaxxed. If I remember correctly, it was a pretty small sample size with some pretty large confidence intervals that made it inconclusive. I couldn't find the original post, but I think it was related to this study from Denmark https://dailysceptic.org/2021/12/15/danish-study-confirms-that-natural-immunity-protects-better-against-infection-than-the-vaccines/.

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The data seems clear that natural infection is much better protection than getting vaxxed. Calling vaxxed infections breakthroughs is ridiculous. For claimed breakthroughs on natural immunity, I would question the PCR threshold on the supposed two infections.

The data I want to learn about is reinfection for the vaxxed. I am guessing unlikely since we probably would have seen it in heavily vaxxed old age homes.

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The coach of the NFL New Orleans Saints was diagnosed with Covid in March 2020. Despite my efforts, I was unable to determine if he was a "case" or had symptomatic Covid. But he tested positive last week (the NFL stupidly was testing asymptomatic vaccinated). If he had actual Covid in 2020 (not just a positive test), then was vaccinated, and then tests positive, which conclusion is most likely: (1) the tests are useless, (2) vaccination after previous infection destroys natural immunity, (3) the vaccines fail to protect against infections, or (4) all of the above.

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Not seems clear--is clear.

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My son in law got a positive test 9 months after the whole family got it. He was sick for 2 days tops then fine. Daughter and kids never got a positive test. My daughter had to stay out of work for 14 days as a close contact. I questioned PCR cycles myself. But they don't tell you what it was.

My SIL got it from a vexed boosted person. So my personal evidence of this being a pandemic of the vaccinated

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A VA long-term care facility near me is having significant ‘break through’ infections. Visitors not allowed so staff is pinned as the source.

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Dec 20, 2021
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PCR thresholds were changed. But there was also a period in 2020 where some locations weren't even testing to count a case. The assumption was if you exhibited symptoms in a high spread area, you were counted as a case. I think this was mainly during the initial infection spike of 2020.

I'm not sure what was going on when the flu magically disappeared during the next winter spike. I have heard some say the tests confuse covid and flu, which seems odd.

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That kind of info is all over the place-- adding to what I suggested in an earlier post check also the Weston Price Foundation. Del Bigtrees site etc.-- TONS Of stuff (if you use duck Duck Go 😊)

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If only !

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Problem being all the charts and numbers being put out are from the very same entities that have lied to us from the beginning. You trust a chart or numbers from any of them to be factual? Not me. Figures lie and liars figure🤔 if someone gets A vax then gets the very virus they were vaxxed against--thats an Epic Fail in my book

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This is one of the scenarios we have to look out for -- the unvaxxed will get sick once, the vaxxed keep catching Covid due to OAS.

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I'm terribly worried about this. It's why my kids will never get vaxed.

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Great move, they will be the ones left with a brain and energy to help the rest of the sorry lot to get on with their lives.

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Or more likely, the unvaxxed dont get sick because they have strong innate and adaptive immune system. Every jab your immune system weakens. Its like wiring a lamp wrong-- it will work but not as well.

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very cool way of putting it

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That's the primary reason I went for the J&J option. A single, less immunogenic shot was less likely to trigger OAS, ADS, or autoimmune issues. It's also why the boosters are stupid even if you can make a case for the original vaccination being beneficial.

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Well this is nice to hear because this is exactly what I did. I plan to be on a pro-autophagy diet for about 5 years anyway. I just had a nasty cold but cleared it quickly so I seem to not have damaged the native plumbing

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