I would love to hear people's stories of how they tried to talk to liberals in real life about why they are skeptical of the covid vaccine and the responses they got. People don't have the balls to shame people in real life the way they do online, and it's quite obvious talking to someone in real life just how much they understand and how much shit they regurgitate from CNN

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Talking to my family, 95 percent of them believe the government is benevolent and would never do anything to harm them.

They think I'm nuts because EXPECT the government to harm me.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Yep, just keep in mind the Jews wanted to go back to slavery almost immediately because they found freedom too difficult after leaving Egypt. Most people will trade freedom for security in a heartbeat.

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Or the illusion of security.

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It's always the unkept promise of security from mankind's rulers. People don't understand the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme; all the Kings Horses and all the Kings Men "couldn't".

Humanist teach that man can know everything and can do it all! LOL All evidence shows otherwise!

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Thus history is not properly taught. One either knows history or trusts government. It is impossible for one to do both.

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THAT explains a lot. I love history--loved ever since I had the best teacher ever. (But that was a long time ago.)

My family does not share this love. As a matter of fact, I know few people who do.

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There are few of us, that is true. I have come to believe this is by design. I had horrible history teachers and can understand why so many detest the subject. This leads to easier to control populations.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

They polled students decades ago on their favorite and least favorite subjects in school, their least favorite was History!

It's just like Carter and Obama 1,2 and now 3 are the exact same terrible policies with the same results. High energy cost, inflation and wait for the high interest rates on the way! I saw this shite show under Carter already. He said the same thing, people just need to learn to live with less and some fantasy about new energy! But people act as if Carter and hyper inflation was never a thing! SMH

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A while back I saw a one panel comic on this. Those who have learned history are doomed to watch it repeat as those who did not repeat it. So true.

When I was in high school as a student, the most important aspect of a potential history teacher in my state was, “What sports can you coach?”.

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I had excellent History teachers in Boston area public schools in the 60's

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Massachusetts is marinating in American history. So it's kinda difficult to screw it up--although they do try.

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They became a rare species by the time I went to school. I graduated in 88.

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My high school history teacher told us that students hate history because administrators figure "any damned fool can teach history," so history is often taught by the FOOTBALL COACH. This, of course, confirms her statement about "damned fools."

My high school history teacher was an retired US Women's Army Corps lieutenant.

She was outstanding.

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I so envy you. My high school history class was taught by the wrestling coach.

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I had excellent History teachers in Boston area public schools in the 60's

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Most people are not students of history nor critical studiers of current events. You see it daily in the United States. The past 14 months Biden has been a tornado of destruction and misery- inflation, Afghanistan exist, the border crisis, having a proxy fight with Russia while engaging them in giving Iran nukes - the same Iran who hates America and wants to harm it. The same Iran who killed American soldiers in Iraq. Yet, many believe Joe is a good man and means no harm. Millions can’t wait to vote for Democrats and more of the same this fall. It’s fascinating to observe.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

It really is amazing for any rational logical mind. I'm a big college sports fan and played college football for my hometown team decades ago. Obviously, all the colleges are lefty as Hell, so outside of my season tickets I won't donate a dime to the schools. We have a great basketball team currently and have a great coach. He demands personal responsibility, 100% effort and a complete buy in to his culture! Yet, he was wearing BLM crap during the season and was talking out of his head about racism. America first conservatives demand personal responsibility, 100% effort and a complete buy in to our culture! He's against that!

I say this because politics just seems to be a team sport. People pick a team and then defend that team regardless of how awful the game plan is or how much they cheat in an effort to win at the game of controlling others!

There is no equity in sports, everyone isn't equal and the coach would be a fool to treat them as such. And fans on both sides of the political lines demand that coaches and team compete to win championships year in and year out and if they don't they fire the coach. In politics they just vote for the same coach with the same shite gameplan that never works! LOL

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you are not alone. There are some "kooks" on the other side, but for the most part, people do believe that our government and representatives all care about us and work tirelessly for our benefit

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Yes... People don't understand human nature. I hear it all the time that people are basically good. LOL Nope, people are basically evil and will seek out their own benefits before they looking out for others. It's the entire reason people vote for Democrats. As the Bible says, the man who gives many gifts will have many friends. That's both good and bad. As Danny Thomas (actor and St. Jude's founder) said, "There are givers and takers in the world, the givers have to set the boundaries, because the takers never will!" Politicians are takers for the most part and ultimately, all the do is steal production be it willingly or unwillingly!

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Hubby's side, mine listened to me. Course we are Southern Rebels, not Holyweird, or medical field related. I lost trust in doctors/pharma years ago, government well before that. Now food/water safety is on my list. Child Porn has been for ages, as has soft on crime. Doing away with Reform schools was nuts.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

No doubt, I had one guy claim early on that Fauci, the WHO and the CDC were all experts and I wasn't and then simultaneously claim that this was a new virus and that's why we had to do all this crazy stuff because they didn't know anything yet. I was at his business and he had a handful of customers hanging around. I ask all of them a simple question. How can someone be an expert on something that has never existed before? They all said, no one can be an expert on something that has never existed. I said to him, explain to everyone in the room how this could possibly be! LOL The Truth was they knew all about Corona virus' they have been studying them in that damn lab for decades! They knew everything, they just lied for the election and the Great Reset! It's that simple!

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TDR justifies a multitude of sins to some particular morons.

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Here is one of the most effective videos about how horrible vaccines really are – a study of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children – clocking in at only 6 minutes:


The vaccinated children are exponentially more likely to be chronically ill in their life or even die early. Please share it far and wide.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

I had a friend I hadn't spoken to in decades post on FB that she was at Texas Children's Hospital with her 16 year old son as he had a heart attack and had myocarditis due to the vaccine. She was pissed when the MD's at TCH said, it was a very common side effect in young boys and they were seeing it often. SMH

And these people that said, "If it saves one life" don't really give a shite in reality! They were just cowards and took it to save themselves not anyone else! Most people are not virtuous at all!

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My best friend and his wife are very liberal. We are all under the age of 40, they are healthy, I am not. She started talking shit on one of my anti Vax posts, I asked her if she read about the rates of myocarditis in teenage boys. I got no reply. The reality with me is if I don't know major details about things, I keep my mouth shut as to not make an ass of myself. Wasn't it mark twain who said better to be silent and perceived a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. They both believe in vaccine mandates, even though the shot still spreads infection and transmission. Goofs

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

I doubt they are liberal, most likely they are hypocritical leftist and they are most certainly Humanist.

My degree from my secular university was in psychology, my second degree was in theology and Christian counseling. I'm a general contractor, so go figure. LOL

I tell people there is no shame in not knowing the answer to things, if someone challenges my belief system and I don't know, I simply say, "I don't know that, but I know a person that does or I'll look into that and get back to you!" It's no more difficult than that.

Plus, don't let them off the hook force them to admit the Truth. When you are in discussion, always keep them on the topic you started with. When people know they are taking an L they love to change the subject of the argument. Just stay on topic, ask them to name another vaccine in human history didn't keep people from contracting the disease itself? LOL The Flu shot wasn't called a vaccine until recently and they changed the term intentionally!

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Baga, I agree 100% with everything you just said so well.

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Unvaxxed, but immediate family and all employees of my small business are. Most are even boosted as are all my friends. They are concerned for me for not having the shots. However, there is no argument- it’s my life and it’s their life. There is mutual respect - online of course is a story of the hidden unhinged.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Did any of them do any research about mRNA vaccines or did they just listen to hearsay and news sites?

I found a ton of information on mRNA and how they found RNAi on accident by trying to make a flower a deeper shade of purple, but accidently turning it white! LOL Then there was a video on RNAi that discussed GMO crops, that was funny as they said, their could be catastrophic side effects of eat those crops with RNAi in them and what they really needed was a massive human study so they would know! They got the massive study! LOL FYI all the videos and medical studies that I read and watched were all at least 4 years old or older in 2020.

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It's a game to me not to get mad and just question their dogmatism. The more I poke holes, the less they want to talk, at the same time accusing me of dogmatism. Finally had a guy (not a liberal, just someone scared by liberals) admit today he was "weaning" himself off masks.

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I've likened it to a rabbit's foot to him.

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My experience is that they looney lefties have absolutely no problem attempting to shame those they disagree with face to face and in public. I teach at universities in Japan and my fellow expat coworkers have no problem trying to force their fantastic ideas on me. A famous conservative thinker has made some comments on what comes out of the facility lounge at institutions of higher learning.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

The left doesn't hold truth as a moral value. To them the ends or rather their need to control everything justifies baring false witness, cheating and stealing. In the game of life, I simply refuse to play with people who bare false witness, cheat and steal as there is no justification for any of the 3. I keep telling them, "I'm sorry, I don't participate in mental disorders!"

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I like that, might use it myself. If I indeed do, the first time will mostly be over masks.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Everyone feel free to use it. That's basically what they are demanding is that everyone has to participate in their mental disorders, which is what they are.

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Ditto for government employees--they think that getting the vax shows that they are smarter and more educated than the vax skeptics. They vaxxers never seem to notice that they seem to be sick often and recover slowly, if ever.

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It would have been worse, if not for the poison shots that saved them 🙄.

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Oh yes, they all say that when they get sick because the miracle vax failed. They think they are so smart! I think that whether someone took the vax or wears a mask is like a quick IQ test!

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To repeat Alex’s earlier point, the reason for the left’s obsession with censorship and language control is precisely because they cannot intellectually or honestly defend their positions.

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I've spent this afternoon binge-watching Peter Boghossian's lectures on "woke" and "cancel culture" and all the other lunatic rallying points.

I recommend listening to any (or all). If it does nothing else for you, it will restore your confidence that you're not nuts; THEY are.

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In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was God. John 1:1

They have to change the Word and our God given definitions.

The Constitution gives us 3 God "given" rights, "Life, Liberty ant the Pursuit of Happiness".

These religious humanist want the "right to take", "take others Life, take others Liberty and take other peoples Happiness! It's about as simple as that!

God gives us free will, like it or not. Humans want from Genesis 3 want to be in control of everything and take others free will! I find it funny that slavery is the most awful thing, but locking people down, forcing people to wear the chains of mask and claiming their are essential folks and non-essential folks isn't slavery! LOL

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That’s why they go to name calling - every R President since Ford is dumb, stupid, racist and wants to set off a nuclear war. It’s the lefts go to.

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The acceptance of the sanctioned narrative is NOT a liberal-conservative thing. Not at all. Sure, if you adore the DNC and Biden, there will be a moment of incredulity that your folks are so dense on this, but not everyone is going to toe the party line.

To your point, when a 40+ year friend with whom I agree on every liberal topic said to me that "dying gasping on a ventilator is an awful way to die" and I responded "people have died from the vax, too" - she jumped up, swore at me, said "no one has died of the vaccine" (this in April 2021). I brought her a dozen home-made pastries and a note apologizing for upsetting her, saying I should have realized that the deaths in her family (non-Covid prior to 2020) made this topic particularly emotional for her. She wrote me an email with the subject line "End of the Line" saying she wanted nothing to do with me any longer because my attitude on Covid, as well as my unvaccinated status, posed a risk to her grandchildren.

Yeah... not a liberal thing, at all. Neither is it about intellect. It's purely fear-driven emotionalism.

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I’m sorry for your experience with your former friend. I’ve had a similar experience with a family member and from my perspective it is a left/right thing for this reason; liberalism isn’t based on logic and is purely based on emotion. The people that would act like your friend did are the same people with tears streaming down their faces demanding that Brett Kavanaugh was a gang rapist.

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People are dualistic by nature and that is based on our basic survival instinct. We make two decisions constantly: 1) is this person a friend or foe, and 2) is this good for me or bad for me.

Super salesman Zig Ziglar said everyone makes decisions based on emotions, then finds the data to support their decision. He wasn't wrong. Sadly, so called "evidence-based science" has further corrupted our thinking processes by facilitating the insertion of bias into studies and instituting protocols that demand we act on those results.

See: https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o702

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Not sure I agree with you entirely. While I do agree we seek affirmation of our thoughts and feelings, I believe critical thinkers arrive at their beliefs after investigating at least to some degree. The reason liberals are obsessed with censorship and speech control is to avoid having debates on issues they cannot intelligently or honestly defend. That's why these conversations almost always end with liberals calling non liberals racist, phobic, etc etc.

Regarding the scientific Orwell novel we've all just lived through, I believe it's more sinister than you describe. Based upon Fauci's and Daszak's emails and the continuous moving goal posts (masks work, masks don't work, the vaccine prevents the virus and also prevents the spread of virus......) and and money involved from NIH, cover up of the gain of function funding at Wuhan, denial of a lab leak and many other FACTS I've read, I believe our scientific community 'experts' are politically corrupt just like our DOJ has become politically corrupt.

Now that they've proven that they can actually make it illegal for certain businesses to operate, people to attend worship, walk in public without a mask, leave their homes, etc. they will use this 'emergency' power the citizens have given them and the SCOTUS has allowed for other political power such as global warming, water quality, food quality and who knows what else.

Finally, the utter silence from the so called 'civil liberties community' during all this has been the most heartbreaking for me. The constitution was supposed to protect me from the Gretchen Whitmers of the world and it failed miserably.

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Understood. There is our basic instinctual behavior that is "normal," and there is the maladaptive behavior of those who are power-drunk, egomanical, narcissistic, corrupted, psychopathic, etc. Then there are the mindless "flying monkeys" and "apaths" .... it's messy, but...

Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda, figure it out with "The Engineering of Consent."

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More evidence that these people are not liberals, they are control freak leftist totalitarians who call themselves liberals. Haha What Covid did was reveal who has serious control issues and who is rational, reasonable, logical and believes in individuals "Free Will". As the Bible says, it separated the wheat from the chaff. In 2020 75,000 people under 65 died of alcohol related causes. Slightly less people under 65 died WITH Covid in 2020. Should we ban all alcohol sales and consumption, I mean, "If it saves just one life" and all?! That's how illogical these people are. Most people walk the world in ignorance and are driven only by fear!

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Most of who died from Covid-19 had 6 or more comorbilities. Regardless it's still a loved one. All that you can do is your best for the Patient nobody wants a Patient to die.

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I believe that was 80% of those that died based on a report I saw. That said the primary reason many died in the hospital was lack of appropriate medial treatment. My father had no comorbidities, but was killed by lack of appropriate treatment in the hospital.

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Or deliberately inappropriate, like sticking people on ventilators...

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Sorry to hear.

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I am not sure about the 80% number but what is that I can tell you that Most Hospitals are not set up to Properly care for a true Covid-19 Patient. Not only the Proper bed or ICU CCRU most important you have to have a team that's in Critical care MD plumanolighist Respiratory. Plus the Nursing aids Respiratory therapists. And when the Patient leaves the unit the Patient has to go to Rehab and finding a Place to care for a Vent Patient in Rehab is tough to find some may have to go to another State for the proper care. For this could take months or longer it depends on the individual.

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Vents are what kills hospital victims.

Proper care would be immediate dosing with Chloroquine, Invermectin and Zithromax, not all the unnecessary and harmful interventions of hospitals.

They weren't overwhelmed, they were deliberately killing people.

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Zinc, quercetin, vit C. All over the counter. Don't get fat. Don't eat sugar. Exercise. All Doable. Type 2 diabetes is reversible. Stay far away from hospitals.

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You better read this on how you believers have increased cases and the mortality from using Ivermectin. download and please read this and pass this on to your leaders.


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I stand corrected. 75% with four comorbities. Patients are given Resdemivir and Baricitinib. Both EUA. They wouldn’t give anything for inflammation other than Baricitinib. That drug has a side effect of blood clots. Why would we give an EUA drug with a known side effect of blood clotting to a patient who is clotting? Colchicine is anti-inflammatory, been around for years, not EUA, safe, and cheaper. Wouldn’t you know they wouldn’t let him have Colochine. Baricitinib or nothing. The hospitals have been gas chambers for those that entered them.


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Our govt decided to monetize death not life. Hence the hospital system has become akin to the death zone on Mt Everest. The longer you stay there the greater chance you have of dying. The irony is that climbers on Mt E know there is a chance that they will die on the mountain. And hospitals used to be our safe place where one went to get better. Not anymore. They are a monetized kill zone.

The bad actors are too numerous to count. But one group has gotten off, at least from what I have seen, unscathed. That group is the hospital administrators who have gladly installed and upheld policies that killed people, especially the elderly. These fat cat CEOs and other BFD titled aholes have made obscene amounts of money playing the globalist soft kill game. There is a special place in the southwest corner of hell for these gutless, feckless conniving bastards. Their day on reckoning is coming....


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And Remdesivir is wildly toxic to the kidneys.

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Resdemivir A 2 YR OLD 1 'CHERRY PICKED' STUDY, IS PROPERLY CALLED VEXLURY! KILLS VENT PATIENTS WITH CORMIDITIES. https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/gilead-s-veklury-shows-no-antiviral-effects-against-covid-19-small-who-study

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Thanks for debunking this misinformation.

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ER'S are not set up to handle most sudden illnesses, you realize PA'S TOOK THE PLACE OF DOCTORS. GI ISSUE NOT APPENDECITIS, THEY HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO TREAT. Only reason that is blood work shows infection. CT is the only test besides blood work or Xray they do. GUN, KNIVE WOUNDS IS THE BIG THING.

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Bill Gates does. So does Falsie and a lot of others.

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OKAY... One of my friends is a young ICU MD... We were talking about Covid last night 4/11/22 as he witnessed end of life with Covid. He literally knew nothing about Fauci ignoring Herd Immunity, as he gave all kinds of evidence and examples for herd immunity being well known. He knew nothing about the origins of mRNA "vaccine" and that Moderna had failed 9 out of 9 times to bring there mRNA "vaccine" to market for other virus'. He doesn't know that people are 3 times more likely to catch Covid after their 3rd dose of the vaccine, based on UK numbers. He didn't know that more people died of alcohol related issues than with Covid in in 2020 under the age of 65. He didn't really know much about current events of any of the actual numbers and had not questioned any of it. He just was going along to get along and trusted his fellow Dr.'s and Hospital admins, who trusted Fauci and the CDC and WHO. LOL

He did confirm that the majority of people that died in his ICU, either would have died within the year of one of their other medical issues or were diabetic and/or above the age of life expectancy. I told him that the idiot with the Imperial College in London, who's computer model started all this fear porn to begin with, pointed out that roughly 2/3's of all people that would die with covid in the first year would have died within the year from one of their life threatening health issues.

Ultimately, I told him lets do this exercise. After doing the math using the number of 75,000 people under 65 who died WITH Covid in the US.

After deducting 80% (I let him set that percentage based on his ICU.) of those who people who died because of their other life threatening conditions. We arrived at roughly 15,000 people who died under 65.

I then said divide that by 50 states and we ended up with 296. I said, dude everyone needs to take a shot because 296 people stand the chance of dying in a state of 30 million people? I have better odds of getting dying in my car!

I say all of this to point a spotlight on the fact that risk assessment and critical thinking skills when it comes to the "expert" class has gone right out the window! Many of these "Experts" are simply what I call task people. What I mean by that, is they do the same job over and over and repeat the same task over and over. Basically, universities are just cranking out NPC who have been trained to do certain task without questioning authority or motives of those authorities. I could go on and on... But I won't.

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Sometimes death is merciful.

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Here is one of the most effective videos about how horrible vaccines really are – a study of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children – clocking in at only 6 minutes:


The vaccinated children are exponentially more likely to be chronically ill in their life or even die early. Please share it far and wide.

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Thank you, thank you! for sharing that video, i've forwarded it onto my pro-vax parents and friends. With any luck it will pierce their shield of bravado and conviction.

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Brilliant piece. Thanks for sharing

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I'm fumbling around with an idea of what I've named The Tyranny of the Immortalists.

I see so many people--truly obsessive--about diet and exercise and no chemicals in the house and special plastic bottles with no XYZ chemicals....and then they're slathering their kids in sunscreen (SPF 1,874), wrapping their kids in bubble-wrap and become apoplectic if the kid eats one Hershey bar.

AND then, wearing six masks, they're the first ones in line for an untested "vaccine" and scolding anyone who doesn't hold these same beliefs, and demanding unquestioning obedience because their kids' lives are supposedly in danger.

OK. Look: I agree: there's a whole lot of garbage Out There. And too many chemicals. And way too much poison in our food. But...



In the meantime, you can eat a sensible diet, be faithful to a reasonable amount of exercise, and don't bathe in Round-Up, then you can sometimes indulge in a Hershey bar or even the occasional handful of Cheetos. Red meat isn't bad for you--and red meat is why we have the variety of teeth in our mouths.

If you take a rational approach to a basic, sensible--and even pleasant--lifestyle, your immune system is an impressive part of your body. You don't need a pill or an injection every time you get a hangnail--even for a hangnail developed in a lab in China and financed by your tax dollars.

The same finger-wagging obsessives who want to make decisions for everyone are going to end up DEAD....just like everyone else.

Deep down inside? We all know this.

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Brilliant! Common sense is so refreshing in these times. Sadly, it is becoming an endangered attribute.

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Brilliant to the 10th power! You must have gotten an A in English, Public Speaking AND HISTORY………GOOD GOD GERDIE. I’d do everything you said up on a pillow, but there isn’t a big enough pillow. I think I’m going to have to take a pill!

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Take a pill for me, too.

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“The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.” - William Osler

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

I was on a Disney board today that my family and I used to enjoy. We are doing our best to move people away from spending money at Disney. Anyway, I've had to read all these idiots talk about how they are going to go, but still wear their mask. They are all worried people are going to look at them funny or that someone might say something to them. Really... We spent 2 years being yelled at by these same fools and now I'm not supposed to make fun of you for not being an adult and giving your worthless piece of face diaper that's nothing more than a superiority symbol in your mind or a security blanket at best? Please... Anyway my post was deleted.

I said, "There is a reason we take away our children's security blankets and pacifiers from them at a certain age. It's just down right embarrassing that they still have them. LOL

The site moderator called that comment "a mild personal attack" and deleted the post! LOL

My point is, these people need to be called out for their foolishness and be shamed for their stupidity and ignorance! I'll never understand why folks get mad at the truth tellers and defend the lying POS! Make zero sense!

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Hell yes! Too close to the truth, that's when they cancel and delete.

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How are you handling Disney? I’m not sure if we go back to WDW or cancel D+.

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I sold our DVC last month and canceled a trip we had scheduled for next month and September. We spent 24 days per year at WDW for the last 8 years. I'll just go back to scuba diving and spending my money elsewhere on vacations.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Wow you really did go from hard core Disney to hard core anti. Any idea how big the turn away is? All I’ve seen is anecdotes no data,

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I doubt it's all that big, people live in the bliss of ignorance. Most people have no idea that Disney execs had this "Reimagination" thing where they stated they are going full WOKE and going to try to influence their children! SMH

Every church in the country needs to show these Evil folks video!

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Diana West has done some journalism about the origins of our culture / population becoming increasingly juvenile...

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Romans 1 in the Bible pretty much sums all cultures up! Haha

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unfortunately am thoroughly disgusted by everything.

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It’s always been this way but it’s a case of magnitude now.

For instance, they demonized Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling as a quack for asserting that Vitamin C could extend survival in terminal inoperable cancers. The way that was done was by rigging new trials that administered C differently than the trials conducted by Pauling and Cameron: https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/modern-ignorance-and-ancient-wisdom-8c1?s=w

Laetrile and Coley's toxins, both developed at Sloan Kettering, are other historical examples where sleight of hand and/or outright fraud was used to pull the wool over the eyes of the public: https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/coleys-toxins-how-the-most-effective?s=w

As a journalist covering corona, I think you may find those historical examples interesting because they lend insight into the current debacle.

It does come back to journalistic integrity and critical thinking skills, but as the Sloan Kettering debacle shows (as I detail in my second piece above), they will fire journalists and science writers with integrity if they threaten institutional narrative or moneyed interests.

I'm hopeful that the present crisis is creating a critical mass of people that will lead to some sort of Kuhnian revolution in the health sciences — although I know that there is much more that is also going on in the world, socially and economically, that also intersects with corona, and we are seeing corruption and incompetence across the board.

At least we have the internet to thank. Although they are trying hard, the internet revolution makes it a bit more difficult to throttle the truth now. That’s why trust it at all-time lows. In the past it would have been easier to cover up.

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Linus Pauling practiced what he preached and lived to age 93. You can look up the details, but the basics are 10 grams sodium ascorbate daily. Space this intake out as much as you can. 5-6 divided doses will be optimum. He also took lysine.

****sodium ascorbate is a buffered form of vitamin C

Linus Pauling program layed out >>> https://jeffreydachmd.com/heart-disease-vitamin-c-and-linus-pauling2/

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Visiting LI NY - I am struck by the saturation ad buy by the state of NY to make people vaccinate children from COVID. They have health care providers basically saying I am health care provider and my kids are "vaxxed to the max" so you should get your kids vaxxed too. "Trust me, I am from the government." Unbelievable.

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Billboard signs with children make me sick.

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It's almost embarrassing to have to say this because I feel like it's very obvious and it's without bravado: I long ago realized that I like to dig to the bottom of things, all kinds of things. Lots of people don't. Chris Bray likes to dig, his detractors don't. In the same way, people tune in to legacy media, get the 'facts' and become well informed in 10 minutes or less. No fuss, no muss, no effort. All the while, eating chips and drinking what ever.

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Yep, exactly. I really enjoy learning and digging into a wide variety of topics, and was also raised to be very skeptical. Didn't serve my parents well but it's going a long way now!

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That's me as well! I'm never satisfied with one answer from one source-I have to Understand. My husband calls me The Studyer. A topic piques my interest (for whatever reason) and I have a compulsion to find out all about it. Yes, I still go to the library because I don't want to buy every book I want to read or I'd go broke. As a kid I discovered that books opened up the world to me and I have an insatiable desire to learn.

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Really great piece and such a sad result all the way around.

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Alex, I think you are guilty of this same shallow analysis when it comes to your thought on the Ivermectin study. It is so obviously flawed: up to 8 days after symptoms before starting treatment with IVM, low dosing, among other obvious flaws. I love your work, but when it comes to IVM it appears you do not want to scratch the surface and find out why Kerch, McCullough, Pierre Kory, Malone etc etc are so convinced IVM works? I think your readers would love it if you played devils advocate on your own work and ask why are these guys so convinced IVM is effective…

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When I'm out in my liberal California enclave, I see plenty of people still wearing masks. I see parents walking their kids outside in masks. I really want to engage them in a legitimate and polite conversation and ask them simple questions to get at why are they continuing to do this? I don't because I am pretty sure I would just get an angry response that I must want grandparents and kids to die. Sad. I was raised to be reasonable, but skeptical, it seems that it is now the reverse for society.

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Same here in Boston area. Walking along the Charles River last week on a sunny, breezy day, I came upon about 12 adults standing together in some kind of meeting, all masked. One masked person was speaking to the group. I walked by, unmasked, tempted to say, "Folks, you're outside, it's breezy and you have virtually zero risk of 'getting it' out here. Wouldn't it be easier and more pleasant to communicate and breathe without masks?" Nah, forget it. I kept walking.

I then came upon a runner stretching with a surgical mask hanging from his wrist. I said: "Excuse me but I'm just curious, you don't wear the mask when you're running, do you?". He replied: "Oh no, but I bring it in case I have to go inside somewhere". I replied with a laugh, pointing back to the masked group on the hill I just left: "Thanks, I'm just worried about what is happening to people". He agreed with me that it was odd to see people outdoors walking, riding bikes and even running wearing masks. It's sad to still see young children masked (by their parents) outside.

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I saw a young man in a car next to me driving with a mask and shook my head. He rolled down his window to ask what’s up? I said why are you driving alone in your car with a mask on? He said, they’re going to lock me up in the nuthouse any day now and took off his mask. Victory!

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This is why highly intelligent people often go insane. Living amongst a huge population of idiots is very frustrating. The internet has made it all too easy for people with no reading comprehension skills nor analytical abilities to just google a headline that will agree with them (and now we know "fact checkers" know this) so they can feel a false sense of superiority in their idiocy.

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What is funny, but not really, is that policy makers read what media writes to find out what is going on.

And all the reporting is a quick perusal of a press release, usually spun for the intended audience.

Everyone is flying blind.

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Policy makers also rely on interns to provide them with summaries, which means they aren't doing their own research and are relying on students to develop positions on policy matters.

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It's not so different than what's happening with the laptop(s)

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I love how that lady said she didn't care what was on the laptops, how that has no bearing on who the president should be lol.

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Hunter Biden sold his father's influence to Ukraine and China while his father was VP but this has no bearing on whether Biden should have been elected the President. Did she even listen to what she said? She dismissed the laptop story as if it were tabloid fodder and beneath her position as a "serious journalist".

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There was a comment on the article that summed it all up for me:

The point that makes the vax "conspiracy theory" nonsense is that everyone - I mean everyone, would want a covid vaccine that worked and was safe. There is no reason for anyone, ever, to be against that. So for people, who have a stellar reputation built over a lifetime, to endanger their reputation and their job and their standing to discount an effective and safe covid vaccine makes zero sense. No, they didn't do it because they "wanted attention and money."

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Excellent, thorough, and perhaps prophetic in some ways of how the "story" of our current situation will play out.

Doing your own work is definitely a motto and path any critical thinker embraces, follows, and remains diligently committed to with integrity no matter where it leads.

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The sad thing is that many people who think they can read and reason out things can do neither. The population is largely subliterate and grossly uneducated. Never taught how to think. If a person is missing that, the 10 minute schpeel from the legacy media is about all that they can take in.

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Fantastic article! The main secular reason our country is on the verge of collapse or maybe our own civil war…lack of critical thinking which requires reading, study, listening, questioning, time, and actual thought tending to wisdom.

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Jesus, Mary and Joseph. What a mess. This brilliant piece certainly explains a lot about what's happening here. The press is too lazy to research, save a few who did so and got cancelled. Who in their right mind would take medical advice from these lazy morons?

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Thank you for this! Not sure if you meant to be funny but your J, M, J preface made me lol. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I got to the end. This is one of the reasons why I love your work. Your pettiness is not the reason. It’s a balance, but this tips it in your favor

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Ironic, isn't it? Alex is too busy to truly research ivermectin or statistical research to understand how the widely publicized studies have been rigged to the media conclusion, which is why they're publicized! Pretty clear he hadn't looked into Malone either, whose CV is clearly tl;dr.

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In the category of DRS: I took a walk around a part of the campus of my local institute of higher learning (Big 10, world-class level, etc.) today. I was startled at the number of students wearing masks outdoors in parks and gardens. These are supposed to be “the best and brightest” but they are presenting a visual signal of their DRSness and lack of understanding (or DGFness) of basic viral biology. This does not bode well for our future. In some respects, I would like to see this campus return to the unrest of the 60’s when the students spoke up for their civil rights.

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Just curious. The wife and I went out to dinner last night. I couldn’t help but notice a number of teenagers wearing masks, usually in a group outside. Is this a “thing” now with teens as a means of identification and less of an attempt to protect them from “germs”?

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It all reminds me of Bill Engvall's routine - "Here's your sign..."

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This applies to so much. This won't make sense if you haven't read the piece, but "it's a virus, you fucking idiot. Just do what the CDC says and shut up. What are you trying to do? Kill people?" or, and this is more appropriate at the moment, "It's a fledgling democracy, you fucking idiot. Of course we have to defend it, send weapons, and maybe even soldiers, and risk nuclear annihilation and spend billions of tax dollars and ruin our own economy. What are you? Pro-Putin?"

And not wanting to take the time to read is symptomatic of a deeper problem: Not wanting to take the time to think. Thinking is much too hard.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

As someone who did graduate work in both Ireland and Northern Ireland between 1988 & 1994, I obviously appreciated that Bray illustrated his point using the Belfast Project Tapes.

Almost as good was the negative shoutout to Jon Kay (Quillette editor) on covid coverage. Last week I spent too much thankless time debating on a Quillette thread about covid only to be told that "Covid vaccines were a miracle that saved millions of lives and released us from lockdowns" and that people who think that we are heading toward authoritarianism live in a "conspiratorial fancy."

After responding that Africa fared quite well without "the miracle" and that Canada is not my idea of a democracy any longer, I haven't gone back to read the thread. The average Quillette commenter is SO Team "Safe and Effective," they strike me as never reading anything slightly dissenting.

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Is it also TLDR when our press researches the Minsk Accords, the Azov battalions, and Putin is the boogey man narrative?

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Here's your totally unrelated bit of IRA history for the day - the IRA was largely irrelevant by the late 1960s until the incident at Burntollet Bridge in Northern Ireland. That day Unionists attacked a peaceful march of students that were responsible for transitioning the Catholic vs Protestant thing into a civil rights thing - it being the late 60s and all. Catholics were largely treated like shit in NI and this incident, as well as an oddly timed growing Unionist sentiment in NI, which itself was a response to those dirty hippy kids wanting "peace," lead to the provisional IRA. If the Unionist and NI leaders didn't bung it up at the end the troubles may have never been. People like to blame the provos for everything that went wrong, and they did some terrible things, but they were a violent response to the preceding violent actions taken by Unionists. The history of the IRA is not one uninterrupted chain of time, it's a string of loosely connected events that came and went.

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I read somewhere... can't say how accurate this was, may have been some dumb reporter's guess... that Irish-American donations to IRA kept the Troubles alive and well and when those dried up there was more interest in burying the hatchet.

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They definitely got funding and guns from the US but not exclusively. I wouldn't say the US kept it alive because by the time the provos got started the British Army and citizens of NI did some terrible things to Irish Catholics that gave them fuel. The IRA through a lot of its history was not always well liked in Ireland but they became a self-sustaining terrorist organization like any other after awhile. I recommend reading "Armed Struggle" by Richard English if you want to know more, especially the provos years.

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There is a picture of Faucilini placed next to the rash inducing hands wipes as you exit my lacal CVS. I just bought some Krust the Clown stickers online. Civil disobedience might be occurring soon. Don't tell anybody...

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I wish I could do a Vulcan Mind Meld with one of my liberal friends to confirm what I believe to be the case. But here is my theory living in liberal land for several decades.

I think the average liberal belongs to a personality type that is more risk-averse, more afraid of personal failure and less capable to put themselves out there and launch in the real world. You know the kids from school. This then caused them to seek more academic credentials to bolster their tenuous self confidence. And once achieved, they expected the prestige of their academic accomplishments to bolster what had been lacking in their character to make something of themselves.

Now, many of them, and more so now in our information economy, have gone on to be quite successful despite their character deficits. If fact, they have dominated the economy due to changes in the economy.

But their personalities are the same... they have not been "fixed" because the fix required self-awareness and self-help... not an advanced degree.

And so the polls continue to confirm... liberals more sad, more anxious, more depressed... even when they control the world.

This makes them very dangerous when they control the world. Because their psychology would turn nihilistic and against those that remind them that they are still not well. Remember... they put all that time, effort and money into their advanced degrees... and there is no way in hell they are going to every admit that not only did their advanced degrees fail to fix their character flaws. But it gets worse... they are likely more harmed from the fake scholarship of victimology that they, even though largely wealthy, white and privileged, find a strange attraction to (if only they could be some form of an oppressed minority they could farm enough excuses for their character flaws to blame on others.)

They really hate seeing the B-average captain of the Lacrosse team who started as a contractor out of high school and now owns a thriving business building high-end housing. And this guys is a well-respected member of the community. God that pisses them off!

These character-flawed people in power are angry in their misery and they are committed to making everyone else around them more miserable so they, our benevolent caring liberal types, can feel more better by comparison.

We better beat them at the polls, or we are screwed.

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A riveting, and very sad account of the murder of Jean McConville in Northern Ireland was published in 2019. “Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland”, by Patrick Radden Keefe, is not a cheerful read. But it was very much worth reading.

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He also has a great book on the lovely Sackler family (of Purdue Pharma infamy)

“Empire of Pain”

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I may not be correct, but the thing that stands out to me is the Don’t Read Shit problem. We noticed in our business, starting about 10 years ago, that people just can’t read more than two sentences. We had to learn to communicate by bullet points only. So the thing that’s scary here is that’s he’s talking about educated people. They should be able to read & disseminate information for their job.

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This makes me think of the memes that I see on social media used to discredit those 'doing the work' - normal people without specialized education that were forced to dig in and research because they could tell that something was not right and that they weren't being given all of the information. The meme would say something like 'suddenly, everyone is an infectious disease expert because they read one article'. We have all become Chris Bray.

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And think back to just before COVID. How many drug commercials did we see that were " I did my research, and my doctor and I decided on this drug"? That theme was everywhere - do your own research and become a partner with your doctor (as long as you decide that our drug is exactly what you need). But now they are pushing that public health "experts" should make all decisions. So first they attack confidence in individual doctors, then they sell that only government doctors should decide health care.

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I copy here my comment on the linked substack.

While not a reporter nor a researcher (not professionally at least), stumbling across the worldwide tax and reporting system. (FBAR/FATCA) the US has and digging deep into it and trying to warn others about has had me experiencing the same. The vast majority of people suffer from DRS, as Mr. Bray relates. There will even turn down copies of the actually documents and pronounce judgments with the docs. still in your hand. Experiencing it all over again with the all this covid nonsense. I am not hopeful.

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Chris Bray is far from stupid or evil Berenson. He sounds like one of us.

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That is the title of the article, chosen by Chris Bray himself.

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I see that but he still is a smart Man.

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Apr 13, 2022·edited Apr 13, 2022

It's called sarcasm. A joke.

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I read that article and the first comment by The King calls all the Drs and researchers against the covid vax anti vaxxers.

I thought the gist of the article was how people don’t read the research and then call the researchers stupid. That seems to be exactly what The King did in his comment.

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CARRAGEENAN. A SEAWEED CAUSES BIG GASTRO PROBLEMS. NO HORMONES, OR ANTIBIOTICS, BUT YOUR DAIRY, CHICKEN CAN HAVE THIS NATURAL ITEM IN IT. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/04/12/march-consumer-price-index-n2605753?utm_source=breakingemail

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This is true about so many things. We all need to do our homework. Good post.

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Total transparency, I grew up during the troubles in a place called County Armagh - the area where I lived was dubiously known as "The Murder Triangle" and there's a great documentary on it on YouTube called 'Unquiet Graves". Essentially the British Government to this day are delaying and delaying providing evidence that they, the MI5, The Royal Ulster Constabulary (now a more professional service) colluded with Loyalist Paramilitaries to murder innocent catholics.... like your article on Jean McConville there is a desire amongst the elites to keep things quiet and protect folk on both sides of the political spectrum until the immediate family members have died off and all will just be quietly forgotten about. The Boston Project was a great initiative but according to our elites some things just need to be unspoken, a bit like the benefits of Ivermectin, Vitamin D.... sure ye know yerself.

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Tl:, dr; most reporters are lazy and incurious. This isn't news but needs to be repeated often.

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If you're interested in delving more into the Troubles, Peter Taylor did a phenomenal bit of journalism for the BBC in the production of a three-piece series (The Provos, The Loyalists, and The Brits, respectively) that is the most fair and balanced piece of journalism about the period. It details the three main actors in the period of time. The Provisional Irish Republican Army, the Loyalists (Ulster Defense Force, etc.), and the Brits (the para regiment) are depicted in their own words and in full context. Many details will surprise people such as the fact that the 1st BN, British Parachute Regiment was originally sent in to protect Irish civilians from UDF violence being conducted against them. Their inability to do so eventually led to a resurgence in the IRA.


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Love this, “ There is no point to caring about the things people like this say to you, or about you. Be who you are. Do your work.”

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The journalism profession has always had a questionable reputation for reliability and integrity, dating back well before the American Revolution. Just think about the "war" between Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, which precipitated a shooting was between the US and Spain over Cuba in 1898. I don't want to paint all journalists with the same brush. There are undoubtedly good ones out there who try hard to exemplify what their profession should be. But if there are as many as 50% laggards and slackers, the profession as a whole is compromised.

In 1994, I saw Tom Johnson, then CEO of CNN, speak at a public event in California. In the Q&A period, I asked him, "Why doesn't the journalism profession have professional standards ... and police them? Lawyers have codes of ethics, doctors have the Hippocratic oath. Why not a 10-point enforceable code of ethics for journalists?" Johnson allowed as how that was a good idea. But of course, nothing ever happened as a result of it.

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"There is no point to caring about the things people like this say to you, or about you. Be who you are. Do your work."

Exactly... brilliant piece. Thank you for bring it to us, Alex.

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Yep read that yesterday. Beware... Funny how government people just hole shit away...

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Great but depressing read…I thought before all of this that it was mostly smart phones and the sheer amount of information available that was making us incapable of focusing and willing to delve into things. But it’s just human nature and now i see that this was always so (though i think social media has made these tendencies worse). People like simple stories and narratives because the narrative either confirms what “their side” already believes or if it doesn’t, they can simply discard it (with a hat trick to “fact checkers” to pretend they really thought about the counter argument).

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Patrick Keefe wrote both Say Nothing (about The Troubles and Tapes) and Empire of Pain (about Oxicodine crisis). Anyone who knows the story of how Purdue Pharma worked big government and who can’t see thru what was happening with big pharma and Covid vaccines has intellectual blunders on - or worse, but no name calling, right?

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Too many people are trapped in the Big Lie. "If you tell a big enough lie, often enough people will start to believe it." This quote goes on to say that "the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie." Our best weapon is the truth and I know it is frustrating to try and converse with those on the Team Apocalypse Cult, but getting the truth out is more important today then ever before. Also, as a wise man by the name of Jesus once said, "They will know the truth, and the truth shall set them free." Keep up the good fight and stay strong and free Team Reality!

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Astounding. "But Hufington Post (url follows)" and "why should I trust you more than Fauci" and "I'd rather follow statistics from CDC"... is really verbatim. Good to know stupidity has a pattern.

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It’s a good piece and very well written but it does the journalists of both northern and Southern Ireland a disservice - some of them risked their lives to deliver the truth.

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