The time has long since passed to remind the professional parasites who have wormed their way into positions of power & influence that our rights do not come from weak-minded men & women, but are a natural birth-right.

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Not just the Bill of Rights, the entire Constitution. The "progressives" have been trying to undermine the Constitutional protections for 130-140 years. They have wanted power and still want it and are willing to do anything to get it.

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And they are anything but “progressive”, they are regressive to a time when people are not protected by right to a time when their lives are subject to the whim of others just like the old south democrats.

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As Ron Paul said in 2008 (?) - "They accuse us of wanting to go back in time. But freedom is a new concept. Living under the boot of tyrants is going back to the old ways."

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George Carlin:

“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter. Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government … doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety… It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.”

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The man had uncommon wisdom.

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I really, really LOATHE the use of the word "progressive" to describe people who are reactionary to the core.

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I agree so I always put it in quotation marks. They are truly regressive - regressive to the rule of the jungle where might makes right and everyone is at the whim of a majority without any rights.

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Usually the Totalitarians are a minority, with a gleeful sense of fear/punishment as their sceptor

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that’s why it’s important to say Republic - not Democracy! we are a Republic! …individual rights is what makes us different

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So true, so true.

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More like regressive - back to the days of the Dark Ages when the empire was ruled by a totalitarian who ruled by fear and restriction

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There is only one solution left---say it out loud.

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Yeah I agree Tank, but there's just not enough of us

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. . . yet. Our country was born in Revolution and we had a Civil War when politics failed. History has not ended.

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The Constitution was under assault even before the ink was dry. It may not survive to it's 250th Birthday.

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That’s a far left talking point, …oh well no Democracy has survived beyond 250yrs. We are a Republic! an experiment, how lazy are we? have we become so lazy to let it slip away - to be determined. My money is on God and America

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In the Liberals' world, Madison, Jefferson, Paine, Washington, Hancock et al are "far right extremists". Look at the inversion of the Constitution from being a document of enumerated powers for the Federal government to one of enumerated liberties in the Bill of Rights.

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Tru dat. However...don't you realize that "the Constitution is a living thing, constantly evolving to meet our needs."

- Barry Sotero

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In a way, he is correct. If you want to change the Constitution, there's a legal way to do that. The issue is that government ignores those rules as well, because they are hard.

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That's not what he means though. He means that the courts can change it outside the amendment process :-)

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yes. They were meant to be hard to change

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But I don't think we ever had a President to acknowledged that he would be in violation of the law in advance of his action pending a court decision. Nor have we ever had a President who simply ignored the court by slow rolling a decision. Some of that demands impeachment despite the damage possible from an errant Vice-President. What a mess!

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Congress has let the people down. term limits! it was never the intention of the founders serving in Congress to be “a full time job” a lifetime appointment ~ he who has the most $ doners wins. it was a second job, a service to your country. And therefore it should not be centered in DC - when DC was picked we had 13 colonies (States) those States were represented bc of close proximity. Now it’s centralized power away from the people

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Exactly the attitude - in which case it is meaningless.

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Don't forget weak-minded non-binary, cis-gendered, trans-whatever, and a natural birthing person's right.

🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 (sarcasm intended)

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And those who identify as Sheeple,Too.

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Sure, many of us have been preaching to the choirs for years but these crises keep escalating, the rabbit holes deeper and more contorted. All the same I have a trust our founding ancestors knew a bit about what they (& we) were about.

Although the US Constitution seems all but shredded now the State's Rights offers abundant assistance where none other exists. Candles in the wind? https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/states-rights/

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Yep, but taking them from the weak minded is extremely similar to taking candy from a baby!

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For sure. But babies tend to fall in line when confronted with an actual adult.

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

You know this is not a race thing. I spent 22 years serving in the military in different wars/places as did all my relatives since WWI. The idea of self-determination isn’t a European thing. The Germans and Swedes don’t have a bill of rights either. Don’t make it a race thing. It’s attitudes like that are destroying the country. It’s Un-American and maybe you should go live somewhere else maybe to 1942 Germany or 1864 Richmond, VA.

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Neither american nor european is a race. American is being a citizen of the USA and has nothing to do with race: any member of any race receiving US citizenship is an american. If Marvin the Martian would be granted US citizenship he would then be an amrican.

Becoming swedish, like me, is impossbile unless born to it, since we are a people (we use people, ethnicity and culture rather than race here): swedish citizenship does not mean that the person is a swede, no more than me becoming a citizen of Japan makes me (or my children) japanese.

And as for rights, we had what would today be called constitutional rights and limits on governement before even Leif Eriksson set foot in Vinland. We lost those due to christianity and cultural influences from feudal catholic nations, before the 16th century.

One of the oldest (more than 1 000 years old in fact) laws was, translated, "Swedes hold the right to king elect and depose". The original swedish used makes it very clear that it is the people at the Ting who decides first if they need or want a king, a second who it's going to be, and the wording in the part about deposing is explicit that it includes using force if made necessary by the no-longer approved king.

The germanic tribes and later peoples had the same customs.

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In context CL is discussing race. As you noted a Nothern European version there were others that had. Try Cyrus the Great of Persia in 529 bc. Doesn’t matter who hit first, what matters is a human concept not European (White). CL is obviously a troll and Alex Deserves better on this stack comment. More importantly, we’re here because we like Alex and not nonsense. It’s gives the left ammunition saying we are racist or whatever. Focus on the mission, which is to preserve our rights and save our country.

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Actually you can't "me becoming a citizen of Japan" because you are not on the ancestral roll book. There are Japanese who are denied rights because of that.

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yes. Japan is a police state. no right to a speedy trial; no innocent before guilty… and ethnically 97% are Japanese. It’s all about control

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It fits their culture just fine so isn't a negative thing. But they are quite xenophobic.

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Not offended, it’s just ignorant. Obviously you’re a troll.

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That's a cheap escape. If you disagree, provide a counter argument.

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Rights cannot be "invented", any more than electricity can be "invented". Both exist in nature. The founders referred to rights proceeding from "the laws of nature and nature's God". They did not claim to have invented rights.

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that’s what makes America different. Is we acknowledge God! In God we trust. yes we were founded on Christianity - the 10 commandments is accepted as Gods rights are human rights.As county’s become more secular they become triable, divided. Some say religion is a tribe and you could say yes it is. But Christianity furthers society to behave to higher power then any one human. Extremes is where society goes into the weeds. Extremists are all about power, control.

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Rights are observed, or perhaps one could say discovered, but not invented. They are not an arbitrary creation of the mind. Humans cannot survive, let alone thrive in any arbitrary way. Humans biological beings of a specific nature, and just as other biological beings, must live according to their own nature - not contrary to it.

It is indeed true the great enlightenment thinkers were European. All men who have have their rights observed and upheld owe a gratitude to those thinkers.

Having said that various philosophers from many cultures throughout history contributed to the enlightenment philosophers.

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God given rights.

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Protect 1A and 2A at all costs. We do not have one without the other. See Australia.

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Dave Chappell, known comic and a recent victim, once said the 1st Amendment gave us free speech and the 2nd Amendment insures us that we can keep it.

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Well Mr. Chappelle better start packing some heat or some freak is going to hurt him. I wonder what his liberal professor mom thinks about his latest predicament. The scum who attacked him is currently living his "best life" without even a felony.

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Gascon is a vile person. The attacker had a weapon, he should be charged with a felony.

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Dude, did you see how DC's security tenderized that wack mfkr? He got his just corporal punishment, outside 'the system' that is failing.

I am beginning to figure out what needs to happen...

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Weird, because I don't see the 2nd Amendment having done much to protect you against a rigged election, an open borders policy, mandated covid rules and your free speech.

The only good I can see in having a second Amendment is that in some US states you can defend yourself with a gun against violent criminals intent on rape, robbery and murder.

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read "organized militia" in BOR #2. The catch is that this might have to be organized with state sanction.

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and the reason they whittle them down is because they know they won't get the support of 3/4s of the states to actually get an amendment.

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And 10A. Separate, sovereign states.

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The States need to re-energize their rights secured by the 9th and 10th amendments. Too much power has been given away to that big sucking hole called DC.

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We had a hint of this a few years ago, when some poll questioned college students who invoked the "need" to limit the First Amendment so prohibit "hate speech."

That was a head-shaker at the time. Now, it's horrifying that more people seem to want to limit such a fundamental right. I guess that's because they graduated and have infiltrated the Real World.

More than ever we need a major push back in November, to restore sanity.

These people are scaring the ever-living shit out of me.

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And the law schools are chugging out activists and not real lawyers. This leaves us at significant risk of these morons to eventually make and interpret the law based upon adolescent thoughts and the whim of what's in vogue at the time. They probably wouldn't know the constitution if it hit them in the face.

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Same with journalism schools. They want to "make a difference" rather than report.

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I fear it was one of those "activist" clerks that leaked Justice Alito's draft.

Figuring out which justice employs the guilty party is a mystery up there with "Who shot JR."

I do hope the individual's is publicly identified. While some "progressives" will venerate the unethical person, I expect the majority opinion will be scorn and a lifetime of employment as kitchen help at a fast-food establishment.

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We can certainly hope 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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I wish you were wrong, but you are not wrong. I graduated 13 years ago, and it has changed even in a short 13 years.

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I watched a podcast today with Peter Boghossian He said that people who graduated as recently as two or three years ago can see how universities have been captured by lunatics.

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Its so sad and extremely unfortunate for the profession and country. Hopefully there are enough competent graduates who care about the rule of law and know what the law means and respects that.

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Hallelujah, brother

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

RioRosie -- In my family, the word was "If you're articulate enough, you don't need to call people names." Thank you for making this powerful statement without resorting to name-calling. I find it downright refreshing to be able to wholeheartedly agree with someone without having to mentally edit out derogatory terms like "idiots."

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You're not holding your breath for that, are you, RR?

I would suggest a different tactic.

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"Hate" speech will soon be any speech that "hates" the environment, hates the climate, hates the vexxinations, hates any policy the left promotes.


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That’s what happens when our educational system sucks and only teaches victim mentality.

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such a coddling and entitling of minds

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

My now 20 yo son would say "'I'm offended!" and his dad and I would respond "So?" He shakes his head in shame at many of his contemporaries.

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That reminds me of a scene from the sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond" when the father calls his one son Nancy for being "too sensitive" and the son asks "What do you mean when you call me Nancy?" to which the dad replies "That your name should be Nancy..."

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Absolutely correct!

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Youngsters, Hollywood vermin and assorted other hipsters are always flashing the peace sign, wearing tie die, and generally trying to show they are "hip" to the ethos of the 60's. What these clueless dolts do not realize is that they are missing the paramount messages of the time, don't mess with my freedom and don't EVER trust "the state" (aka "the man"), especially when it is trying to get us into another pointless war.

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In the 60s freedom and free speech were valued. College students today are taught that they need to be protected from words they don't agree with. At the same time they are taught that violence is acceptable against people who don't agree with them.

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I call these brainless minions with their jeans full of holes “plastic hippies.” If you are old enough, or have studied the 1960s, you’ll understand the meaning and why it’s an appropriate description of their lifestyle.

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Yep. Same shit, different decade.

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Welcome to the red pill.

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We are now living in Alice in Wonderland's "Through The Looking Glass" where, as Humpty Dumpty put it "Words mean what I say they mean, no more no less. The issue is who shall be the master, me or the words." So much for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Just words.

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I can't take it anymore. I need to ignore some news. Biden essentially said, 'The people shouldn't get to dictate laws.' It's a M-Fing DEMOCRACY! That's the entire point & what the word means!

"I’m not prepared to leave that to the whims and the — and the — of the public at the moment in local areas."


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remember, everything they do is to try to stir you up and get under your skin. THATS ALL THAT THEY HAVE DONE FOR 1.5 YEARS IS ATTACK EVERYTHING THAT MAKES ANY SENSE. Lawlessness and insanity. I too have taken a break from the news, I get enough info on these blogs.

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I agree with KB. I read MSM and start getting agitated. Not that this isn’t serious but some of this is 10 % of the people yelling so loudly that you think it’s 50 to 70 percent or higher.

While, unfortunately, I’m surrounded with people that believe in masks, jabs and rot-PCR (BTW I work at a medium sized group MD office that sees a pretty high patient volume), I still see and hear a fair amount on the other side or at least starting to question the narrative.

We DO still have massive amounts of brainwashed people, a serious situation. Not saying otherwise. But stay with us. We need each other.

PS if anyone here knows Sonia Elijah, MSM is villifying her. She’s apparently a substack commentor and has written on Brownstone Institute. Please pass along 👏 to her. I’m hoping for a Streisand Effect.

A Boriquagato commentor posted this hopeful message:


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The c19 shots would have been stopped a long time ago if the six Republican SCOTUS justices genuinely believed in the sanctity of life.

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Traitor John Roberts

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He's the worst.. I think that the only one with some principles is Thomas because he believes in Natural Law. The rest are actors taking orders from deep state to divide and distract for control. Same as politics is Hollywood for ugly people.

Yeah, I'm jaded

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I think the 5th and 8th are also out of style. 5th - think assets frozen or civil forfeiture. 8th - excessive bail - think about the Jan 6th people. held without any bail for over a year. For them, also cruel and unusual punishment. Solitary confinement for misdemeanors.

We are very far gone and I don't see anything stopping the eventual elimination of all of these rights - at leas for those that disagree with the left!

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Your vote in November can stop the current trend dead in its tracks!

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Hmmmm.... only if we send out massive election watchers. I will volunteer in November. But I’m in a “free” state or moderately so, though Biden is trying to overrun us with illegal immigrants across the drought stricken Rio Grande (I.e. easy to walk across).

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The Leftists/Communists/Socialists are no longer hiding in the weeds. Time for the rest of us to come to terms with our core beliefs.

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The left and the woke world view the liberties guaranteed to individuals under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, especially the First and Second Amendments, as a threat to their agenda of complete brainwashing , indoctrination and subjugation of the American public to their ideological trilogy of systemic racism, gender fludity and climate change. The woke world dreams of shoving what Mark Levin has correctly diagnosed as American Marxism down our throats and hearts via bureaucratic fiat or executive order with the help of the legacy media and Big Tech.

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Liberals not only “don’t believe in” the Bill of Rights, they have utter contempt for them. What they absolutely despise is seeing humans free of other humans.

Everything they do is a false pretense for the actual purpose of seeing other humans subjugated. Ultimately that’s what they crave.

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4 down, 6 to go, to get to <fill in the Communist country>

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Gee Alex, where have you been for the past decade or two????

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I saw a bumper sticker for the ACLU yesterday that read ”Dissent is Patriotic." Oh, the irony!

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They mean only left-wing dissent. Protesting SCOTUS’ potential ruling that might end unborn baby killing is noble. Protesting election fraud or forced vaccination is evil.

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Or J6.

Ps I am not for illegal activities but J6 inquiry is a witch-hunt. Had to get that off my chest. It angers me deeply. Like the fact that ANY Ottawa protesters, now their bank accounts are apparently being frozen just for being present. Don’t spread that until you verify it but I think Viva Frei mentioned it within the last week. Check his tweets to verify and fact check me.

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Yep! I just wrote about this a couple days ago:


In another attempt to ratchet up the tension, Biden and the Gang are gung-ho about stealing stuff from Russians, and they want you to know it.

Why do they want you to know it? Because although the DGB has stated it won’t target Americans, we’re talking about a government agency here — and one tasked with election disinformation. (Remember when the USA PATRIOT Act wasn’t supposed to target Americans either?)

How long will it be before the DGB is telling Paypal who to ban, or telling DHS who is a ‘domestic terrorist’? After the success of Canada shutting down protestors and the increase in vaccine uptake after the mandates, government has decided that threatening your ability to feed your family is a viable (and efficient!) compliance tool. This is the logical next step of the fascist takeover of the country. Agencies with the guns will simply point to the DGB ‘proof’ as they steal your stuff and deplatform you, or worse.

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In the Liberals' world, Madison, Jefferson, Paine, Washington, Hancock et al are "far right extremists".

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"At the A.C.L.U., we are not shy about defending civil liberties." Yes you are. And have been for my whole life. The ACLU has a bogus reputation due to defending those Skokie Nazis many decades ago. They never aided the religious right in the 80s and 90s. And they are all in for green passes and the surveillance state now.

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As my friend puts it, the left takes over a formerly respectable institution then wears its skin as a suit, demanding respect for what the entity used to be.

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This is why we need two Countries, and it's going to happen, one way or another. Likely violently. It's the only way at this point.

OH, btw, your The Left has always been like this Alex. You just never noticed it before, you were/are in it. The bubble and echo chamber is real, enjoy.

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Alex you should write an article about the FDA recently limiting the user of J&J after reviewing blood clot data. https://archive.ph/UQGDb That was one of the big three and ~17 million Americans got the J&J shot. The FDA finally acknowledged at least 60 cases of thrombosis for J&J and 9 deaths. We all know the MSM won't cover this.

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Theyre only acknowledging J&J so people will think the govt is keeping them safe. There are countless lives that have been lost from Pfizer and Moderna shots that theyll never admit. This is the ultimate gaslighting, abusive behavior.

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I agree with Kendall, it’s another diversionary tactic. They’re saying “it’s rare”

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now they're having to acknowledge myocarditis/heart problems in youth, resurgence of uterine cancers over 1.5 years, children aquiring 'mysterious' hepatitis, reactivation of viruses in vaxx'd (herpes, shingles etc). Their 'truth tellers' are all on top of it crafting their double-speak specially crafted messages to address the obvious.

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Whenever the left or the right, for that matter, says we are a democracy, always remember- we are a republic- governed not by majority rule, but by LAWS

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Laws that are not enforced at the whims of bureaucrats

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

The lockdowns and the closing of business that were not deemed “essential” also the shuttering of religious services was a big warning sign the Bill of Rights were not being preserved.

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For a while during covid CA closed gun stores, making them a perfect 10 for 10 on violation of the Bill of Rights.

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Love your writing!

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I am old enough to remember the Left invoking Free Speech back in the 60's. How things have changed. Now that they are in charge of the Media and the Government, (for now) they just ignore the Constitution and do what they want by Executive action and Cabinet level regulatory overreach. And once we get used to them doing it without pushback, it just sticks. I hope If the Republican's take back the House and Senate in November, they begin impeachment of all the cabinet members, starting with Mayorkas, then Yellen, then Granholm, then Austin, then Blinken, keep the Dems occupied defending those departments, which should hamstring them and tamp down more insane green new deal bullshit, even if not successful. Leave Joe and Kamala to stew in the WH basement, impotent lame ducks. Every instance where the Biden Administration has ignored the Constitution, we impeach the Secretary of that Department, and clean house down to the janitors in 2024.

Republican Governors could really help too, suing Biden over Federal overreach and banding together to fight back. Missouri and Louisiana are a good start, but more states need to join. And deep red states in the west need to get on board. Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona, should stand with the Dakotas and the Midwest and the Southeast. The 10th amendment is the most ignored of all. IF all the states with Republican Governors/legislatures worked together, it would send a strong message to the people all over who agree, that help is on the way and we can take back the country from the left idiots. I used to think the Left was just misguided, but I am now convinced they are evil. They want to destroy the US as a free nation. By that i mean the United States and US the citizens. Biden( his handlers of course, Biden can't control his own daily agenda) is paving the road to Serfdom, no joke.

My wish list, but I fear the Republican leadership doesn't have the balls to do any of it.

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The regressive "Progressives" have been trying to deep-six the Constitution for roughly 100 years, so this isn't new news. They thought, and think, that it's old-fashioned and out of date for modern times. However, I'm with Calvin Coolidge: "It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning cannot be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions."


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True, Alex. And sad. Republic if you can keep it. Thank you, Alex, for arguing in favor of keeping it.

Re second amendment, if you outlaw guns, only government and criminals will have guns. Some would say there is overlap in those two categories.

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Those "some" are 100% correct. Most of the worst corrupt criminals are white-collar government workers.

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Amnesty International is also a joke, human rights organization said nothing about mandates and lockdowns. These people are not principled liberals, they are propagandized leftist fascist globalists.

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I think the ACLU has long been overrated as far as defending our civil liberties and helping get justice for those oppressed by tyrants.

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The left is guided ideologically by the writings of Marcuse who advocated the long march of taking over American institutions, and destroying the family as a transmitter of moral and ethical values , Zinn's completely fallacious view of American history, and the radical environmentalists who are green on the outside and red on the inside and whose views pose a dire threat to American national security and energy self sufficiency. The left must be fought in every venue where it seeks to dominate the discussion and silence dissenting views.

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The left is not guided by an ideology, a philosophy or belief system. They are guided by a pathology. A deep psychological hatred for independent minded and acting humans, for productivity, for genuine human happiness, for anything appropriate to man on earth. They are like vandals who only derive momentary pleasure from destruction.

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All of these except 2A used to be core liberal beliefs before Trump. It’s amazing what he did to the 2 parties. Trump served his purpose now I hope he fades away, Alex, you still standing by your claim the 2020 election being free and fair? Some pretty damning evidence is coming out. Might want to rethink your position.

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But, Adam Schiff for Brains told me it was the most secure election in history. Lol

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Yes the line has truly between blurred between 'Hate Speech' and 'Speech You Hate'. Speaking of the ACLU, our own equivalents up here in the Not So Great White North (the one that bars 7 million peope from leaving the country by air, sea or road... yes, that one!) are not much better. Damn, that kool-aid must be good!!!

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I was going to come to niagara and travel north to explore your beautiful land until I saw "only injected allowed to enter", it reminded me that I don't want to be around that mentality on my vacation. There's enough of that here in the US, I'll go to mexico or florida.

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It started with not arresting hillary for deleting her emails with a cloth

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The ACLU is about freedom as much as the Southern Poverty Law Center is about helping the poor.

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You can block yourself from thinking about what has to be done to stop these WEF/NWO Marxist Democrats from further destroying the entire fabric of the U.S. Everyone is afraid to say it out loud. But everyone knows that the day will come (soon) when the forces of evil and good will meet on the battlefield. Yes an actual battlefield where blood will be shed. You are all in denial but it's coming.

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Pull all the founders out of their graves to witness this and I have no doubt that a majority would vote to round up most of the Democrat leadership including senior government officials on charges of treason for extreme abuses of power against the people.

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Leftists are not liberals. They are totalitarians.

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I guess you didn't mention the 4th amendment because Ed Snowdon has tried so hard to warn us all about that and no one really seemed to give a damn. My Degoogled phone is on the way, and I'm tempted to tie it to the wall with a string, personally.

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Once again, the Anti-federalists were correct. Although I disagree with Patrick Henry regarding his desire for direct democracy, which his opponents the federalists were so against and rightfully so. Mob rule is no way to run a country, but individual liberty is easily denigrated in a republic turned super-state as well.

"Make the best of this new government - say it is composed by anything but inspiration - you ought to be extremely cautious, watchful, jealous of your liberty; for, instead of securing your rights, you may lose them forever. If a wrong step be now made, the republic may be lost forever."

It's fascinating how the liberals have created themselves to be the majority and the minority simultaneously. They can use the power of the federal system to protect their ideologies by claiming repressed minority status whilst at the same time claim to have the voice of the majority on issues they would like to have the dominant voice. Well played rainbow haired gender-fluids. Well played.

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They don’t have an ideology. It’s not a belief system or coherent set of ideas. It’s not a philosophy.

It is a pathology.

It’s a projection of their psychological seething hatred for independent, free, fellow human beings.

Terms like “income inequality” and the climate panic porn, and “trust the science” and wokeism - there is no genuine concern for any of these things. These are all false pretenses for a pathology that won’t rest until voluntary mutual agreement is destroyed

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

I never looked at the set of beliefs espoused by the extreme wing of liberals as a pathology. It's definitely something that I will have to take into account that these people are affected by some sort of disease.

Since we're talking about a mental illness, what benefits do these diseased people get from promoting such strange viewpoints to the point of violence? All I can think of is some sort of sense of power over others. Why do these people have such a need for dominance over others? Hopefully there is a cure.

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Why do people engage in vandalism? What do they personally derive from physically destroying something?

It’s the same thing.

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The last part...

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

Time for a US South and US North???? I am in, I will gladly leave the North-not much left here to see except drugs, crime, corruption and sh_t in our streets!

Let's Go Brandon!!

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Yep, they're not even pretending anymore. They've always felt this way but would always kind of hide it. "of course I believe in the Constitution!" Now they're so emboldened by their control of government, media, popular culture and academia that they're not even bothering. And now they're dog whistling for people to harm Supreme Court justices to get their way. At this point I think this country is in need of an amicable divorce, for everyone's good.

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There is no reason to expect the left to take its collective foot off the gas. They’ve invited confrontation for decades.

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Perhaps that is the silver lining with it all. Mama bear is so much more awake now with such intentional overt destruction of America. The feeling is palpable how pissed off mama bear IS and she is charging hard now to Nov elections and to 24!

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Liberal Values = Corporate Values

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As the leftists create a lawless and crime ridden society, they naturally want to come after your guns. That is the only thing standing between you and their lawless power mongering! Time to legally remove them from office!

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You are correct and it should horrify reasonable people on both the left and the right.

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Just for the record, they’re not “liberals”, at least in any literal sense of the word.

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No worries really. 95% of the Marxist whack jobs got jabbed. And boosted. So over the next few years their ranks will thin to the point where they will be irrelevant.

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From your lips to God's ear... unfortunately, I have doubts that such a happy outcome will result. :-(

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I just posted on another site just how massive a shift is coming in the Nov elections. Unlike we have EVER seen based on the doubling and tripling down of the radical lib agenda. This of course "assumes" elections go off as expected, and we all know what a desperate commiecRAT is capable of. I mean there really is no room to maneuver now in that corner they have backed themselves into...intentionally too.

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That's the part that seems scariest to me: Biden casually laughing at the Fake News convention about his lack of popularity.

He won't even be pressed to condemn harassing Supremes at their family homes!

He makes no attempt whatsoever to

gain support from the Right, just one bit of seemingly idiotic but actually deliberate weakening of all aspects of USA security after another.

It was big to smear Trump about " refusing to leave" the White House" and all the Fake News was abuzz with interviews with experts as to what would happen, the gist of which was the military would be raiding the White House to enforce the Biden Coup.

But I think a much likelier scenario would be China Joe refusing to leave with China and the UN backing Biden up.

2030 isn't that long, it seems things need to accelerate even more to get all the WEF stuff done, and having someone like DeSantis would be quite an obstacle to that brief time frame.

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The Left and the Democrats aren't even pretending to care about optics anymore. They push through unpopular policy regardless of public opinion. It's as if they don't even care about getting re-elected.

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or worse yet have no concern or fear of being actually held to account. There is ZERO accountability now and they KNOW it.

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I was saying to people in my circle during the whole 2020 build up to election how un-concerned the puppet seemed to be sitting in his basement. It's was if he knew it was already "set" so I have that "same" feeling as you about the current similar reactions and apathetic nature the puppet Brandon has. All indications "on paper: say this will be the largest shift in Washington in 22, but this assumes a lot doesn't it based on what we have seen happen over the past few years on almost every level

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What 10th Amendment!?

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Today's"left" bears no resemblance to "the left" of the 1970s.

Back in the day, "the left" focused on issues of wages, education, low-wage worker importation, and unionization.

Today: it is "hate" speech, censorship, defund the police, and a collection of other issues that won't harm the incomes of the Western Oligarchy. By design.

"It's a big club; we aren't in it."

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Your last sentence says it all.

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The entire First Amendment has been trashed.

The government has established a new religion of worshipping Anthony Fauci, "following The Science", and bowing down before the priests of Public Health, who get to tell us precisely how to live our lives. The free exercise of religion was smacked down by ordering churches to close during "lockdowns" and restricting their activities since.

Freedom of speech is being smashed by public-private partnerships between the feds and Big Tech social media owners.

The "free press" is owned by Big Pharma and has become BP's propaganda arm.

Peaceable assembly -- forget it -- stay home, stay six feet apart, and you can't even assemble around a family member's deathbed to say goodbye.

Petition for redress of grievances -- Yeah, governmental mandates of repeated gene therapy injections where half the ingredients don't have to be disclosed; Big Pharma granted immunity from liability; and just try to get redress for injuries and death from the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. The government says "There's no safety signal" while their own vastly under-reported/under-reporting pharmaco-vigilance database shows millions of people reporting adverse effects and tens of thousands of people dying from the shots. What's to complain about?

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