This is one of the most important articles Alex has written. The truth is non-vaxxed are being attacked under the false belief that C19 vaccines significantly curb infection. In their eyes, this is the smallpox vaccine part 2...and "smallpox" is surviving because of "unvaxxed".
If the truth gets out that C19 vaccines do not stop the spread nor can it eradicate C19 like smallpox, then the vaxxed will be less fearful of the unvaxxed and less likely to irrationally attack them.
The truth is EVERYBODY will get C19 or already got it (and didn't realize this). Lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc... aren't the solution. This is the most important truth that will let us get back to normal.
The lockdowns & masking were also based on garbage data. People need to realize the risk/benefits were skewed. Small business closure, along w the economic & social ramifications were just the tip of the iceberg. Childhood diabetes rates & obesity have shot up. Children born in the last couple years are showing significantly reduced motor, verbal & overall cognitive performance, including lower IQ’s.
Guys, this is an MD & data analyst on the Covid insanity, adverse reactions & disease signals he’s seeing among patients post-vaxx. About as strong an argument against it as we’re going to get. Please share while YouTube has it up!
Berenson doesn’t wan to associate with any other Covid dissidents because he’s concerned about such associations sullying his reputation. He recently tweeted about Simone Gold for example. I understand this but it’s odd that he doesn’t even retweet whistleblowers like Robert Malone and Geert Vanden Bosche who have a better track record than those in power. In particular, both Berenson and Malone are now members of The Atlantic hit piece club, which suggests that they should collaborate.
Meanwhile this summer, CA all-cause mortality has been elevated by about 300/week but official COVID deaths have been half of that. What's going on here? Politics I guess.
“ Don’t waste your time paying attention to the rhetoric of experts, politicians or any other person who tends to push some mainstream judgements about vaccinated as opposed to nonvaccinated people. This simply because the arguments they’ll bring to the table in support of their discriminatory judgments and policies cannot be anything else than incorrect. Again, this is because they simply don’t understand how the pandemic is currently evolving and hence, don’t realize that both vaccinees and the nonvaccinated have now become part of the chain of viral transmission and molecular evolution. We’ll soon witness how nature is going to come clean with their short-sighted viewpoints.” - Geert Vanden Bossche PHD Virology
Thank you Alex. Just became a paid subscriber after trying it out for free for a few weeks. The truth needs to be said so I support you. Also, I gotta say, as someone who is a scientist (forensic biologist) and spent years studying biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, molecular/cell biology, genetics etc AND utilizes those scientific principles on a daily basis, the weirdest thing has been this psudeo-religious angle “the science” has taken. I see lawn signs saying “we believe in science”. Bitch, science is not something you “believe in”
The last 18-19 months has been frustrating because it is very apparent (to me) that there is no transparency. Professional ethics is such a major point of emphasis in my line of work, it is so infuriating when I see a CLEAR violation of professional ethics, especially in the sciences AND when people's lives are on the line. Hell, as I write this, I'm looking at my Guiding Principles of Professional Responsibility for Forensic Service Providers and Forensic Personnel document and the SECOND bullet point states "Conduct full and fair examinations. Conclusions are based on the evidence and reference material relevant to the evidence, not extraneous information, POLITICAL PRESSURE, or other outside influences."
Exactly we in the medical profession are seeing breath taking violations of the basic principles and regulations of our profession. I have encouraged patients/friends to complain about their doctors to their regulator. The regulators are the ones (In Ontario it is the CPSO) who told us to effectively " shut the fuck up" and not stray from the political narrative of the (sic) "public health" bureaucrats. And many of my colleagues are being threatened with suspension or removal of their license to practice medicine.
As a fellow professional biologist, I'd recommend Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying's Darkhorse Podcast. They are a refugia of scientific literacy in a sea of pseudoscientific religiosity.
Could not agree more. Many years ago I had a failed back surgery. It left me disabled for many years. That said I still respect the surgeon because despite a mistake in what was a new procedure, at the time he did at least try, and get me treatment. For that I’m grateful or I would have been in a wheelchair for life. Unfortunately, I then started with chronic pain. Again, the doctors tried but made many mistakes. Some caused irreversible damage. What I object to most however, was that the big-whig doctor I used left me and many patients high and dry when because of the opioid crisis many doctors fled pain management! He is now working for the NCAA making millions. The point is how you fix your mistakes. Of course, in medicine you find good and bad results. The key is honesty. The key is to help people no matter what. Nothing is perfect! But these so called doctors and scientists like to play God and claim they know it all! When it’s clear they don’t instead of admitting it they lie to us! That is the crime! And too many people get hurt along the way. Look at opioids, Agent orange, smoking (and soon pot) they made mistakes but instead of admitting them or trying to fix them they lied and covered things up. It’s easy to say and read but it’s peoples lives that are lost in the end. Very sad and very scary!
What is the end goal? Is this just a massive CYA operation by people whose little science experiments got out of hand, and then they dug themselves into a hole, and now they have no way of getting out? Is it sheer profit motive on the part of the drug companies? I’m trying very hard to avoid the most conspiracy-ist of the conspiracy theories, but I feel like I’m slowly going insane because I just can’t wrap my mind around it all. What is actually going on here?
there is no end game. I have been wondering the same, and I believe there is an international consortium of big money and power players that are hugely benefiting, hence continuing the official narrative which is Covid is the plague for all ages, and that the vaccine is its only saviour. The players involve those like Bill Gates who has made his 55 million dollar investment in BioNTech into 1.2 billion in 2 years, and others. They are aligned with big tech, China, WEF, and Democratic party (I was a member until 2020) who have also benefited in amassing massive fortunes and power since Feb 2020. They are not going to let go of us mortals. This is permanent, barring some major cataclysm like a major war, which is quite unlikely too.
"there is no end game" That may well be true... They may be already aware of the huge health problems caused by the vaccines that are coming down the road. And the mad dash to vaccinate everybody, despite all the data coming out recently, may be just an attempt to destroy the unvaccinated control group. They already destroyed the control groups from the Phase 2 clinical trials...
Wow! So right about destroying the control group of unvaccinated. I've been trying to wrap my head about the insistence on vaccinating those of us who are COVID recovered and can show antibodies on titers. That's the only idea that makes their actions less insane.
Even wapo published an article back in august where they admit that herd immunity is impossible. They have never successfully created a vaccine for a respiratory illness. The massive animal reservoir alone means we will never eradicate it and the obscene transmissibility of this virus will make it impossible to ever reach herd immunity.
It will be interesting to observe Sweden, one of the least locked-down, unmasked places, and see if they get to herd immunity. Might be a blip in the winter, but hopeful. Check out the Great Barrington Declaration.
Trouble is, a lot of people out there can't remember past two days ago. Everyday they wake up in a new world. Today they're told the vaccine is awesome. They don't remember a couple of months earlier the same people were saying "Trump's vaccine is unproven."
My question is this: How can they run around the planet trying to jab everyone with an “experimental vaccine” and clearly NOT want a “control group”? In the US now the “control group” stands at around 40%. But every effort is being made to force everyone to get the jab. I think that 40% are NOT “hesitant”. They are absolutely refusing.
In Los Angeles soon no restaurants or bars or grocery stores for the unjabbed! No fly lists and no Interstate travel coming soon. Gates has suggested SS benefits be cut off from seniors who refuse the jab.
This is flat-out coercion. But the question remains: Why would Big Pharma “scientists” want to eliminate the “control group”? Maybe because in 3-5 years if there are severe adverse reactions in the vaxxed they would prefer to NOT have the “control group” for comparative analysis?
As I commented in an earlier thread, I think this is happening in order to eliminate the “control group” in each country.
Recall that Sweden was the world’s “control group.” Also recall that Pfizer and Moderna destroyed their own control groups by contaminating them: ultimately all participants were given the vaccine, so we will never know just how much more effective the vaccine was for the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed:
I now believe this is what really lies at the heart of the desperate and relentless push to get 100% of the population vaccinated. They are trying to destroy the “control” groups so that if anyone gets sick, disabled or dies in the future, it can always be blamed on a “variant.”
Big assumption that what is driving this is scientific anything , ie the need for experimental data-- isn't buckets loads of money good enough for them?
Something not normal is going on. IMO, greed, avarice, stupidity, hubris, and cya are not sufficient to explain our current situation.
Don't you find it strange that Fauci did an about face on asymptomatic transmission in early 2020...without any evidence? Hordes of unwitting asymptomatic grandma killers were the justification for the closures and lockdowns. Why would he go against the basic understanding of respiratory virus transmission?
Did you seen that interview of Dr Bruce Aylward by the Hong Kong journalist? I kept thinking..."Is someone holding your family hostage in a basement somewhere?"
I remember that! A milder version of that is happening to all regulated doctors-- shut up or lose your job. It seems like some world leaders (Macaron- France) relish this and are getting payouts, but some are being threatened or in Boris Johnson's case and Trump-- they conveniently get "COVID"-- ie see what we can do. Some get killed Tanzanian president (and physican) but a lot of influential leaders (not necessarily heads of state) get threatened.
plausible, but how the hell could such a conspiracy not get exposed in the world of the Internet where all it takes is one disgruntled whistleblower? This is the part I cannot make sense of.
This scam is based on testing. Very few biologists understand that RT-qPCR is not suitable for testing. It is said that PCR will find a needle in a haystack. How many people understand that this needle may be a small part of an inactive (dead) coronavirus, while the symptoms of the respiratory illness (if present) are caused by the hay, meaning one or more of the over forty bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens. If you use this worthless test to look for the coronavirus pandemic only, you get the endless pandemic we are facing now. If this test would be, say, for the Respiratory Syncytial Virus only, we would have an RSV endless pandemic.
There have been plenty of whistleblowers who have exposed the conspiracy to the world. But they have been silenced.
Think about it: if you control global media, you could hide a conspiracy of immense proportions.
Also keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that everyone who is furthering the conspiracy even has knowledge of the conspiracy. Most people are followers, do not think for themselves, and will do anything to keep their jobs. It would really only take a small group of people, so high up in the food chain we would never see them, to initiate a “mindset” for the people below them to follow, without questioning it. I think that’s what’s happening. Millions of journalists, doctors, scientists, etc. aren’t trying to deceive the world; most are either naive, afraid, or too self-interested to ask hard questions.
Agreed, but there are so many moving aspects to this-- financial, power, geopolitical. Even when a whistleblower comes out (and many have) it is in one aspect of this. As within any collapse you need that tipping point. We are almost there.
There is some aspect of sunk cost fallacy and CYA involved here — so many have gone out on a limb beating the vaxx drum that I honestly believe many of them would rather see people die than admit that they were blind and wrong.
What's going on is it's a novel virus and a novel vaccine and the 'experts' really just don't know, they're making it up as they go along. Literally. Also - whatever forces are in power are most certainly using the situation of vaccines and virus to their advantage to maintain or gain power. That is always going to be at play when the government or big pharma are involved.
"What's going on is it's a novel virus and a novel vaccine and the 'experts' really just don't know, they're making it up as they go along."
Sorry, I'm calling BS on that.
Almost two years into this, there's plenty of data out there. The experts ignore what doesn't serve their agenda - fear-mongering in perpetuity.
This article "Do Masks Work?" in City Journal illustrates it perfectly. Summarized version: Random Controlled Trials (RCT's) are the gold standard for determining effectiveness of health measures. There are at least 14 RCT's showing masks are ineffective. The CDC ignores them, and instead points to less-structured studies with no control groups. The CDC uses these studies to promote the "continue to use masks" narrative.
Another obvious example: Sweden. Didn't do any lockdowns. Masks were optional, according to the individuals' judgment. Had a lot of cases/deaths in the early stages, but now has nearly zero covid deaths.
WTF do you mean by, "it takes years to compile all the evidence..."?
We're not talking about a historical perspective. These policymakers have to make decisions in real time. Every single one of their prescriptions has been to err on the side of being more restrictive. Restrictions do their own massive harm which, in keeping with the theme I wrote about, they completely ignore.
As is often the case, we cannot afford to wait for perfect data to make tough decisions. We have rely on the data we have.
There's no room for argument- our policy-makers IGNORE available data that doesn't support their control-the-populace-through-fear agenda. And, they're supported by a media that joins them in ignoring it.
It takes time to understand the evidence, but compilation is done in real time. The data was understandably incomplete in the early triage settings, but should be more detailed and reliable now that things have settled down. Apparently some has been purposely corrupted and some is being purposely ignored. We might figure out what actually happened as enough honest researchers track down the relevant data and apply competent analysis. But those honest researchers are still being constrained. Honest analysis results in shunning, a career ending choice. We shouldn't expect to ever learn the whole truth. But there is a lot of evidence of why the medical industry is so corrupt.
yes, the assassination of reputations of honest and sensible public health practitioners early on, and the removal of their online presence, the stifling of all of the usual debate that occurs when confronting a new pathogen... all of these things scared me WAY more than the virus did. a virus deserves respect, but to label as "dangerous" any suggestions to eat clean, get sleep, exercise, fresh air as ways to boost your immunity.... that's a clear and present threat. an MD friend actually showed me a letter from the AMA advising physicians to NOT give such advice to their patients :/
Did you ever think to question that whole "novel" thing?
Did the Chinese scientists invent a time machine? If not, how did they know that this tiny little virus had never ever been harbored by any person in history?
This was a lie from the start. It boggles the mind that people fell for any of it.
I've been thinking about this topic. Remember the videos of people keeling over? Have you seen anyone keel over on your street from Covid? Also the genome sequence was quickly released. How do we know that was legit?
Yeah, if Covid is so awful, how come homeless people all over the streets of Seattle, Portland, SF, LA etc aren’t dying in droves? Presumably they have the worst access to health care of anyone and yet there appears to be no plague of Covid among the homeless.
You bet. One theory is that the spike protein itself is a self-replicating parasite. That the “virus” was actually engineered to be a vector for the spike protein. Today it is technologically possible. The spike has properties of an endotoxin, prion & parasite. The model for it was constructed on the malaria parasite. It’s next level mind-fuckery.
When I say 'making it up' I do mean that they're looking at data and trying to make decisions, but the data is constantly evolving because the situation is new.
No no no they’re moving the goalposts to suit their agenda…which is, the biomedical security state/medical apartheid. For one, they have a financial interest to keep this vaxx thing going bc NIH is a co-owner of the Moderna patent.
In Israel they are doubling down on the jabs. And it seems like that is the plan for official-dom has for the US. Maybe there is no strategy. Maybe it's the public health version of Afghanistan. Lots of of money, lots of resource, lots of deaths, but in the end the virus just does its thing.
It really is puzzling. It seems like the developments we are seeing could only be created by a massive conspiracy, but how could such a massive conspiracy stay hidden? I am gravitating toward an idea that it is more an alignment of interests than an explicit conspiracy, but even that doesn’t seem super-plausible given the seeming closeness of coordination.
Logically, there are only two options in my opinion. It is either massive incompetence in which they keep doubling down on their incompetence to cover themselves as you stated. OR Alex Jones is right. Either way we are pretty screwed. It's 9-11 all over again. Patriot act part deux. They're using fear as a massive motivator to give up civil liberties. If you've never seen V for Vendetta, now is the time to watch it.
“Strength through Unity. Unity through Faith(Science)."
This is the motto of the conservative authoritarian government in future dystopic London. It is the justification for systematically and deliberately eliminating gays, Muslims and "terrorists" (unvaccinated) from society. "I remember when different became dangerous." The country is only safe from disease and war because it officially recognizes the authority of the one Christian God (Fauci) - a God whose message has been so twisted and perverted by those in power that He will not tolerate political dissenters, atheists, non-Christians or gays (Joe Rogan and Alex Berenson, etc).
💗As a medical practitioner first I would suggest you find a way to release your stress. Nature walks, unplugging, media time out. We all need to, but your post here is very linear and defeatist. Rules and linear thinking (lawyers-- my husband is one) are paid to predict and strategize with current information. But what if the current information is intentionally incorrect or biased? (hint is almost always is) Thinking things that MAY happen does not mean they WILL happen. History is filled with many examples. For people in the US I point to the "coronation" of Hilary-- right?-- didn't happen. There was no stealing of the 2016 election they had to save face, it was a total bubbling of their views-- a total echo chamber. How many books have been written about Hilarys failure to consider the anger of a good chunk of the US?
Nothing in this world is linear. You see this very clearly in medicine. Thats why they had to politicize "science" during this current debacle. Enablers of the elite system are paid to echo back what the elites want to hear. The elites are in a bubble thinking it will all work according to plan. Yes there are many past plans of that type you describe , eg 1981 L"Avenir de la Vie" which moans about how everyone but technocrats are stupid and useless and must be controlled/eliminated. Hello! This has been around forever-- even before Nazi times. This is the history of our world. Read history-- it NEVER goes as planned for the technocrats/enablers. Is there damage? do people die-- yes-- but they always underestimate humanity and/or fight each other for power and money, miscalculate etc. Why? because they are human (even though they don't want to be-- they want to be immortal and in control). Hence the societal fascination with vampires and immortal beings (yes looking at you Captain America). But note even those presentations of immortals STILL have problems. 😉
The species is not done-- it is evolving and being forced to look at itself and what it has given away -- its power and responsibility for health, education, food production etc. Am I saying we need to go back to horse and buggy times? No Am I a prepper- no. What I am is a realist who sees that govt and the structure we live in does not care about us (if it ever did-- and yes I think it did want to serve the public at one time). We need to take care of ourselves-- become self-reliant, dont depend on them -- that's their power. And we need to care for our communities and our neighbours.🥰 And first ourselves 💕
Wow. This is such a great comment. I feel the same way, and will be using some of your words to talk to my friend who is very scared about what's to come ...
Thank you. Your comments in general here are always really solid.
You are 100% correct, Carol. Just because something can happen does not mean that it will happen. But if we ignore the possibility they something can happen, then the possibility increases for that outcome.
I am a lawyer, so like your husband, I focus on predictive outcomes based on the evidence, and I weigh the evidence before assessing the potential for those outcomes.
Five years ago, I would never have considered, much less posted, what I just did. But the recent quickening of events have prompted me to consider things I would have once believed unthinkable.
To wit, please take a few minutes and at least skim this article to see what those in power have been “developing” with taxpayer funds:
I greatly respect your sage advice above, and I know that you are coming from a place of positivity and collective empowerment. I love this!
But I’m an optimist AND a realist. I have given you the “realist” perspective. Now allow me to offer my perspective as an “optimist”:
I remember watching an interview a few years ago with a former banking executive who had been invited by his superiors to participate in some exceptionally nasty activities—and he refused and ultimately quit his extremely lucrative job.
He said that it really only take a few courageous people, filled with light, to overcome the darkness. Why? Because light is so much more powerful than darkness. He then gave an analogy that I will never forget:
When we walk into a room blanketed in darkness and light a single match, that one dot of light is enough to push back so much darkness and allow us to find our way. That’s how powerful the light is. Now, imagine if a few matches are lit, or even dozens?
I firmly believe there is enough light out there now among the growing numbers of awake and aware people to push back the darkness. We have the power to do this.
But that absolutely cannot happen if we do NOT wake up and fully-appreciate the speed and scope of the darkness that is rapidly engulfing us.
No, our species is not done. But homo sapiens is no different than any of the other millions of species that have visited and left this planet. Whether we stay and thrive, stay and and become enslaved, or perish altogether is entirely our choice.
I am merely encouraging people to understand and appreciate what is at stake now.
Thanks for the link. I have already the Wellcome piece and have been a long time subscriber of Whitney Webb's. As a medical professional I understand your thought process intimately , but dealing with human beings in intimate ways around their health for over 30 years has strengthened my belief in the power of humanity, its creativity and resilience. I don't hope I believe-- very different.
I appreciate that when any of us takes the blinders off (ie your statement of 5 yrs ago) it is a shock and then its get the message out. I have been the "canary in the coal mine" for over 30 years getting the message out in many different ways. I remember the certainty of the trajectory that I saw. I remember the strident nature of my message. That was the tone I was sensing from your post.
To be in the light (love your story💗 great !) internally we need to check our language and tone (we all slip I do too). Our light and connection to spirit how ever that is done is what keeps us human for ourselves and everyone else.
Alex, why does everyone continue to ignore the safe alternative that is highly effective in treating and preventing Covid-19, namely Ivermectin. Here are "cases" & "deaths" on August 5, 2021 for Utter Pradesh, an Indian state which is 2/3 the size of the United States vs. the United States. This data is from the Johns Hopkins University CSSE database:
Uttar Pradesh on Ivermectin: Population 240 Million [4.9% fully vaccinated]
COVID Daily Cases: 26
COVID Daily Deaths: 3
The United States off Ivermectin: Population 331 Million [50.5% fully vaccinated]
COVID Daily Cases: 127,108
COVID Daily Deaths: 574
Why are we allowing people to needlessly die while our governments become increasingly more authoritarian and the pharma companies become richer? This is a crime.
When will a US State (FLORIDA - are you listening) empower their medical establishment to prescribe Ivermectin to everyone who wants it?
We should all remember that ivermectin and other therapies improve your odds, but aren't magic. This virus responds well to healthy immune systems, causing more serious problems in those with various known conditions that compromise immune health. Most of these conditions can be corrected, without drugs. If we are weak and get infected, the therapies might ward off the infection for a while, but you'll eventually encounter another infection and you're still weakened. So unless you want to be forever dependent on the next "magic" pharmaceutical, it's better to learn to protect your health.
In SoCal if you can get a doctor to order Ivermectin (almost impossible) AND you can find a pharmacy to fill it (almost impossible) CVS is gouging the price at $20/pill with a cost of $1/pill!
There has to be collusion going on here.
And there is no way to get any HMO or corporate doctor to order Ivermectin unless you have a parasitic condition! If it’s not in their computer profile you aren’t getting it!
They did that in Thailand too. You can get it at vet suppliers. In a twist of irony, a few researchers are saying the properties indicate it’s an engineered parasite.
Canada is around 80% fully vaccinated and should be in herd immunity by all measures. Yet the gov just yesterday mandated vaccine passes for boarding all domestic interprovincial planes and trains, to kick in at the end of October by which time 90% will likely have had 2 shots! And this after news last week that the vaxxed transmit the same as the unvaxxed. It was telling because this was announced on the same day that the Biden administration said they were considering the same measure for all interstate air and train travel. It shows these governments are getting their directions from an international non-gov organization, which seems to be driving the whole official narrative - it being "vaccines are incredibly safe and effective" no matter what news, science, study etc comes to light.
I think this is the best phrase of your very well written piece, “it’s ok to be wrong , not to lie about being wrong “. Our government and healthcare leadership has proven to be unwilling to accept any credit for the way the public mistrust is rampant, it’s on them
We're being led to believe the virus responses are binary - do as they say, you'll be fine; if you don't, you and granny will die. Immunity is widely variable, as evidenced by the wide range of reactions to the virus. Most are mostly unaffected. Many get mild flu symptoms. A tiny minority get very sick. Competent doctors can heal most of them, but doctors are being restrained from effective treatment. Most doctors are weak enough to ignore their oath and comply with the prescribed orthodoxies.
We should be more interested in why most don't get sick, rather than try to treat the whole population as equally vulnerable. We're not. Immune health is strong in the young, but we degrade it with a lifetime of bad decisions. Which is why this routine virus mostly attacks the old. They're not vulnerable because of age, but because they've actively damaged their immune systems. The degree of sickness from this or any other respiratory virus depends on the degree of immune dysfunction we've produced. Those dysfunctions can usually be reversed, improving our immune responses to this and other pathogens.
A competent medical industry would be actively coaching us to improve our immune health. Ours doesn't because it's not their business model -- not profitable. Those who hope to survive such a corrupt system need to learn to protect themselves.
21 Day Immunity Plan is a good primer for those who want to learn more.
I would argue that the elderly are immunocompromised due to natural senescence of the immune system.
But obesity causes an immunodeficient state and, to me, this is attributable to poor daily choices OR choices made under the delusion that obesity is not a pathology. MSM propagates obesity as an example of personal strength, that one should feel proud about being overweight; they don't mention it is pathological. The indoctrination is so powerful that even many physicians (!) feel uncomfortable judging a person's weight.
Looks like we will get that long, dark, winter these people have been pining for, thanks to the vaccine madness. This summer wave is blowing the doors off last summer. I hope the fools start setting up winter hospital space and prepare for outpatient treatments like Ivermectin now. On the bright side, the democrats will be swept from power and more than a few elderly CEOs, professors, and university presidents who champion the mandates are unlikely to see another year of vax mandated life in this world either due to ADE or to adverse events of the 3rd or 4th injections.
I guess the statement "no vaccine is 100% effective" includes the possibility that "some vaccines are nearly 100% ineffective." And presumes we should accept this and take the jab.
I think this mass “vaccination” program is likely to cause a disaster. These “vaccines” should really be called “palliatives” as unlike many traditional vaccines or naturally acquired immunity they are non-sterilizing (i.e., they do not prevent people from getting or transmitting the virus, only reduce the symptoms) and as I understand it, the latest data shows that the viral load in the throats and nasal passages of vaccinated people is basically indistinguishable from unvaccinated people.
What this means is that mass vaccination will actually delay herd immunity, because these vaccines do little if anything to reduce transmission — instead, vaccinated individuals are walking around transmitting it and increasing the R0 rather than lessening it as would occur with traditional sterilizing vaccines and naturally acquired immunity. I suppose lessened symptoms in the vaccinated probably help some as asymptomatic people are less likely to spread it, and one silver lining could be if vaccinated individuals who get Covid then also develop the antibodies generated by naturally acquired immunity, but the jury appears to be out on that as there appears to be some competition between the two (not enough of a biologist to completely follow the science but this is my understanding).
The more dangerous part however, is that vaccinated individuals walking around with the virus are breeding grounds for mutant strains that will evolve to beat the current palliatives, which could be potentially disastrous depending on the nature of the mutation. I’ve seen speculation we are already seeing it with the Delta and Lambda variants, as apparently naturally acquired immunity targets a protein that is more robustly conserved across mutations than the spike protein targeted by the mRNA palliatives.
I think mass non-sterilizing vaccinations (and in particular vaccinating children) for a disease that is known to be of minimal risk to anyone under 55 without comorbidities is a foolish and potentially disastrous strategy (even leaving out any unknown long term effects of experimental vaccines). The correct strategy would have been to vaccinate the over 55/otherwise at risk crowd while everyone else goes about their business. This would (a) minimize the risk for people who are actually at meaningful risk of dying from Covid, (b) minimize spread by vaccinated individuals who are unknowing carriers, (c) minimize the risk of non-sterilizing vaccinations generating a mutant strain that doesn’t respond to the vaccines and (d) allow for the development of herd immunity, which I believe these vaccines actively work against (unless infected vaccinated individuals also develop the antibodies generated by natural immunity, but again I haven’t seen any data to indicate that, and this guy at least (Dutch PhD) says that the antibodies generated by the vaccine “outcompete” naturally occurring antibodies due to the specificity of their binding (again, not a biologist, just regurgitating the article):
Well put. Yes the two most scary scenarios that have been brought about by vaccines, which were rushed to market when we had a 99%+ survival rate; Do the vaccines weaken/prevent natural immunity? Are these vaccines encouraging mutant strains more resistant than the current strains?
Hey ALEX!! In Florida whole family got Covid this past month. My son was considerably ill, was told to keep him hydrated and "his immune system is our only hope" (that and Obi - Wan Kenobe)
Luckily, I'd heard of Ivermectin, went out and followed the FLCCC alliance protocol. As luck would have it there was a local ARNP group who was listed as a contact on the FLCCC website. My son had a somewhat normal course of Covid for a 17 year old (not all that sick) felt better then boom high fever bad coughing. The ARNP group did a televisit, said he was likely getting pneumonia. Within hours I had Doxycycline, Dexamethasone, and nebulized Budesonide. I had to drive to their office to pick up the Ivermectin. The RN's said even if they prescribed it, the pharmacies would not fill it.(HUH) The next morning he could breathe easily, fever was gone for good and was on the mend. The rest of us took Ivermectin, husband and daughter and a few bad coughing days, gave them a couple of Budesonide treatments which helped and everyone is fine now.
I really don't know why these are not being used en mass? I mean I do know, but I can't believe my fellow countrymen have stooped this low. At worse it seems to be greed, but with the entire Western world going full totalitarian, I do fear it is something more nefarious.
Please spread the word about the FLCCC alliance, if you go to the hospital in some places they literally do NOTHING FOR YOU except hook you up to oxygen. No family checking on you, no visitors it is JAIL.
FWIW At this hospital in Houston Dr. Joe Varon does it differently with very good results. Ivory Hecker had to quit her job as a TV journalist to actually get this story out. The local FOX station would not run the story.
This is one of the most important articles Alex has written. The truth is non-vaxxed are being attacked under the false belief that C19 vaccines significantly curb infection. In their eyes, this is the smallpox vaccine part 2...and "smallpox" is surviving because of "unvaxxed".
We know this is not the case based on many recent studies (eg that shows the same viral load in vaxed. Same viral load means same amount of shedding. We also know that C19 (unlike say smallpox) has massive animal reservoirs (recent deer study showed 40% have it - Wait until they C19 test mice which are far dirtier and more numerous!
If the truth gets out that C19 vaccines do not stop the spread nor can it eradicate C19 like smallpox, then the vaxxed will be less fearful of the unvaxxed and less likely to irrationally attack them.
The truth is EVERYBODY will get C19 or already got it (and didn't realize this). Lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc... aren't the solution. This is the most important truth that will let us get back to normal.
The lockdowns & masking were also based on garbage data. People need to realize the risk/benefits were skewed. Small business closure, along w the economic & social ramifications were just the tip of the iceberg. Childhood diabetes rates & obesity have shot up. Children born in the last couple years are showing significantly reduced motor, verbal & overall cognitive performance, including lower IQ’s.
Guys, this is an MD & data analyst on the Covid insanity, adverse reactions & disease signals he’s seeing among patients post-vaxx. About as strong an argument against it as we’re going to get. Please share while YouTube has it up!
Dr. Ryan Cole of Cole Diagnostics in Idaho.
Berenson doesn’t wan to associate with any other Covid dissidents because he’s concerned about such associations sullying his reputation. He recently tweeted about Simone Gold for example. I understand this but it’s odd that he doesn’t even retweet whistleblowers like Robert Malone and Geert Vanden Bosche who have a better track record than those in power. In particular, both Berenson and Malone are now members of The Atlantic hit piece club, which suggests that they should collaborate.
What responsible accountable person reads the Lame Scream propaganda machine garbage that shrieks “WOLF” every F’ing day?!?!…
Meanwhile this summer, CA all-cause mortality has been elevated by about 300/week but official COVID deaths have been half of that. What's going on here? Politics I guess.
“ Don’t waste your time paying attention to the rhetoric of experts, politicians or any other person who tends to push some mainstream judgements about vaccinated as opposed to nonvaccinated people. This simply because the arguments they’ll bring to the table in support of their discriminatory judgments and policies cannot be anything else than incorrect. Again, this is because they simply don’t understand how the pandemic is currently evolving and hence, don’t realize that both vaccinees and the nonvaccinated have now become part of the chain of viral transmission and molecular evolution. We’ll soon witness how nature is going to come clean with their short-sighted viewpoints.” - Geert Vanden Bossche PHD Virology
All RT-qPCR tests are worthless.
For me the important truth is Zero Tolerance for Abuse…
The Left: zero tolerance for those abused who do not relent…
Great summary. I can't understand why people don't see it. The vaccines are clearly not delivery as promised.
Thank you Alex. Just became a paid subscriber after trying it out for free for a few weeks. The truth needs to be said so I support you. Also, I gotta say, as someone who is a scientist (forensic biologist) and spent years studying biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, molecular/cell biology, genetics etc AND utilizes those scientific principles on a daily basis, the weirdest thing has been this psudeo-religious angle “the science” has taken. I see lawn signs saying “we believe in science”. Bitch, science is not something you “believe in”
The last 18-19 months has been frustrating because it is very apparent (to me) that there is no transparency. Professional ethics is such a major point of emphasis in my line of work, it is so infuriating when I see a CLEAR violation of professional ethics, especially in the sciences AND when people's lives are on the line. Hell, as I write this, I'm looking at my Guiding Principles of Professional Responsibility for Forensic Service Providers and Forensic Personnel document and the SECOND bullet point states "Conduct full and fair examinations. Conclusions are based on the evidence and reference material relevant to the evidence, not extraneous information, POLITICAL PRESSURE, or other outside influences."
You had me at "Bitch, science is not something you “believe in”". Amen.
Exactly we in the medical profession are seeing breath taking violations of the basic principles and regulations of our profession. I have encouraged patients/friends to complain about their doctors to their regulator. The regulators are the ones (In Ontario it is the CPSO) who told us to effectively " shut the fuck up" and not stray from the political narrative of the (sic) "public health" bureaucrats. And many of my colleagues are being threatened with suspension or removal of their license to practice medicine.
Bitch, science is not something you "believe in".
Quote of the day! :)
As a fellow professional biologist, I'd recommend Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying's Darkhorse Podcast. They are a refugia of scientific literacy in a sea of pseudoscientific religiosity.
We are beyond scientific reasoning due to the level of Mass Psychosis that has taken place.
Every single person needs to watch this video that gives insight into our present situation:
It feels like Salem Witch Hunt mated with Lysenkoism and this is what we got.
Faucism - otherwise known as socially contagious zombie mob.
Could not agree more. Many years ago I had a failed back surgery. It left me disabled for many years. That said I still respect the surgeon because despite a mistake in what was a new procedure, at the time he did at least try, and get me treatment. For that I’m grateful or I would have been in a wheelchair for life. Unfortunately, I then started with chronic pain. Again, the doctors tried but made many mistakes. Some caused irreversible damage. What I object to most however, was that the big-whig doctor I used left me and many patients high and dry when because of the opioid crisis many doctors fled pain management! He is now working for the NCAA making millions. The point is how you fix your mistakes. Of course, in medicine you find good and bad results. The key is honesty. The key is to help people no matter what. Nothing is perfect! But these so called doctors and scientists like to play God and claim they know it all! When it’s clear they don’t instead of admitting it they lie to us! That is the crime! And too many people get hurt along the way. Look at opioids, Agent orange, smoking (and soon pot) they made mistakes but instead of admitting them or trying to fix them they lied and covered things up. It’s easy to say and read but it’s peoples lives that are lost in the end. Very sad and very scary!
What is the end goal? Is this just a massive CYA operation by people whose little science experiments got out of hand, and then they dug themselves into a hole, and now they have no way of getting out? Is it sheer profit motive on the part of the drug companies? I’m trying very hard to avoid the most conspiracy-ist of the conspiracy theories, but I feel like I’m slowly going insane because I just can’t wrap my mind around it all. What is actually going on here?
there is no end game. I have been wondering the same, and I believe there is an international consortium of big money and power players that are hugely benefiting, hence continuing the official narrative which is Covid is the plague for all ages, and that the vaccine is its only saviour. The players involve those like Bill Gates who has made his 55 million dollar investment in BioNTech into 1.2 billion in 2 years, and others. They are aligned with big tech, China, WEF, and Democratic party (I was a member until 2020) who have also benefited in amassing massive fortunes and power since Feb 2020. They are not going to let go of us mortals. This is permanent, barring some major cataclysm like a major war, which is quite unlikely too.
"there is no end game" That may well be true... They may be already aware of the huge health problems caused by the vaccines that are coming down the road. And the mad dash to vaccinate everybody, despite all the data coming out recently, may be just an attempt to destroy the unvaccinated control group. They already destroyed the control groups from the Phase 2 clinical trials...
Great point about effectively erasing the control groups.
'Florida' might be thought of as a 'control group'.
Wow! So right about destroying the control group of unvaccinated. I've been trying to wrap my head about the insistence on vaccinating those of us who are COVID recovered and can show antibodies on titers. That's the only idea that makes their actions less insane.
I wonder if they want to turn it into an annual shot like the flu shot. Except they force people to take it to avoid being exiled from society.
And Dr. Marick of the FLCCCdotnet says “herd immunity with Covid is a fantasy.”
No room in science for fantasies.
? Really? Is herd immunity no longer a viable concept? For a respiratory illness? Does he at least believe it will lessen in virulence?
Even wapo published an article back in august where they admit that herd immunity is impossible. They have never successfully created a vaccine for a respiratory illness. The massive animal reservoir alone means we will never eradicate it and the obscene transmissibility of this virus will make it impossible to ever reach herd immunity.
It will be interesting to observe Sweden, one of the least locked-down, unmasked places, and see if they get to herd immunity. Might be a blip in the winter, but hopeful. Check out the Great Barrington Declaration.
Funny, short video showing how their story keeps shifting:
Trouble is, a lot of people out there can't remember past two days ago. Everyday they wake up in a new world. Today they're told the vaccine is awesome. They don't remember a couple of months earlier the same people were saying "Trump's vaccine is unproven."
They're sheep.
Who are we at war with? EastAsia Eurasia?
Control has no end; therefore, there is no end game.
Damn. I think you're right.
My question is this: How can they run around the planet trying to jab everyone with an “experimental vaccine” and clearly NOT want a “control group”? In the US now the “control group” stands at around 40%. But every effort is being made to force everyone to get the jab. I think that 40% are NOT “hesitant”. They are absolutely refusing.
In Los Angeles soon no restaurants or bars or grocery stores for the unjabbed! No fly lists and no Interstate travel coming soon. Gates has suggested SS benefits be cut off from seniors who refuse the jab.
This is flat-out coercion. But the question remains: Why would Big Pharma “scientists” want to eliminate the “control group”? Maybe because in 3-5 years if there are severe adverse reactions in the vaxxed they would prefer to NOT have the “control group” for comparative analysis?
Honest “scientific” questions.
As I commented in an earlier thread, I think this is happening in order to eliminate the “control group” in each country.
Recall that Sweden was the world’s “control group.” Also recall that Pfizer and Moderna destroyed their own control groups by contaminating them: ultimately all participants were given the vaccine, so we will never know just how much more effective the vaccine was for the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed:
I now believe this is what really lies at the heart of the desperate and relentless push to get 100% of the population vaccinated. They are trying to destroy the “control” groups so that if anyone gets sick, disabled or dies in the future, it can always be blamed on a “variant.”
Big assumption that what is driving this is scientific anything , ie the need for experimental data-- isn't buckets loads of money good enough for them?
Something not normal is going on. IMO, greed, avarice, stupidity, hubris, and cya are not sufficient to explain our current situation.
Don't you find it strange that Fauci did an about face on asymptomatic transmission in early 2020...without any evidence? Hordes of unwitting asymptomatic grandma killers were the justification for the closures and lockdowns. Why would he go against the basic understanding of respiratory virus transmission?
Who's behind this? What is the endgame?
Whatever it is...we don't comply.
Think blackmail or " we will hurt your family" kind of incentive. Think Tony Soprano
It's the only explanation that makes sense to me.
Did you seen that interview of Dr Bruce Aylward by the Hong Kong journalist? I kept thinking..."Is someone holding your family hostage in a basement somewhere?"
I remember that! A milder version of that is happening to all regulated doctors-- shut up or lose your job. It seems like some world leaders (Macaron- France) relish this and are getting payouts, but some are being threatened or in Boris Johnson's case and Trump-- they conveniently get "COVID"-- ie see what we can do. Some get killed Tanzanian president (and physican) but a lot of influential leaders (not necessarily heads of state) get threatened.
I agree. By whom?
Pharma, Pharma interests, billionaires who stand to gain and their apparatchiks like Fauci
Incredibly, that all seems
plausible, but how the hell could such a conspiracy not get exposed in the world of the Internet where all it takes is one disgruntled whistleblower? This is the part I cannot make sense of.
This scam is based on testing. Very few biologists understand that RT-qPCR is not suitable for testing. It is said that PCR will find a needle in a haystack. How many people understand that this needle may be a small part of an inactive (dead) coronavirus, while the symptoms of the respiratory illness (if present) are caused by the hay, meaning one or more of the over forty bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens. If you use this worthless test to look for the coronavirus pandemic only, you get the endless pandemic we are facing now. If this test would be, say, for the Respiratory Syncytial Virus only, we would have an RSV endless pandemic.
There have been plenty of whistleblowers who have exposed the conspiracy to the world. But they have been silenced.
Think about it: if you control global media, you could hide a conspiracy of immense proportions.
Also keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that everyone who is furthering the conspiracy even has knowledge of the conspiracy. Most people are followers, do not think for themselves, and will do anything to keep their jobs. It would really only take a small group of people, so high up in the food chain we would never see them, to initiate a “mindset” for the people below them to follow, without questioning it. I think that’s what’s happening. Millions of journalists, doctors, scientists, etc. aren’t trying to deceive the world; most are either naive, afraid, or too self-interested to ask hard questions.
Take a listen to former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon:
Agreed, but there are so many moving aspects to this-- financial, power, geopolitical. Even when a whistleblower comes out (and many have) it is in one aspect of this. As within any collapse you need that tipping point. We are almost there.
Bribery which leads to the possibility of being blackmailed
Exactly-- the worlds oldest game
There is some aspect of sunk cost fallacy and CYA involved here — so many have gone out on a limb beating the vaxx drum that I honestly believe many of them would rather see people die than admit that they were blind and wrong.
The Bard called this one in Macbeth: "I am in blood / Stepped in so far that should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o'er"
What's going on is it's a novel virus and a novel vaccine and the 'experts' really just don't know, they're making it up as they go along. Literally. Also - whatever forces are in power are most certainly using the situation of vaccines and virus to their advantage to maintain or gain power. That is always going to be at play when the government or big pharma are involved.
"What's going on is it's a novel virus and a novel vaccine and the 'experts' really just don't know, they're making it up as they go along."
Sorry, I'm calling BS on that.
Almost two years into this, there's plenty of data out there. The experts ignore what doesn't serve their agenda - fear-mongering in perpetuity.
This article "Do Masks Work?" in City Journal illustrates it perfectly. Summarized version: Random Controlled Trials (RCT's) are the gold standard for determining effectiveness of health measures. There are at least 14 RCT's showing masks are ineffective. The CDC ignores them, and instead points to less-structured studies with no control groups. The CDC uses these studies to promote the "continue to use masks" narrative.
Another obvious example: Sweden. Didn't do any lockdowns. Masks were optional, according to the individuals' judgment. Had a lot of cases/deaths in the early stages, but now has nearly zero covid deaths.
Yes, I wish there were more data. There's enough data to make some sound judgments. It's ignored.
It's all panic-porn.
It takes YEARS and even decades to compile all the evidence about an outbreak.
This is bullshit.
WTF do you mean by, "it takes years to compile all the evidence..."?
We're not talking about a historical perspective. These policymakers have to make decisions in real time. Every single one of their prescriptions has been to err on the side of being more restrictive. Restrictions do their own massive harm which, in keeping with the theme I wrote about, they completely ignore.
As is often the case, we cannot afford to wait for perfect data to make tough decisions. We have rely on the data we have.
There's no room for argument- our policy-makers IGNORE available data that doesn't support their control-the-populace-through-fear agenda. And, they're supported by a media that joins them in ignoring it.
It takes time to understand the evidence, but compilation is done in real time. The data was understandably incomplete in the early triage settings, but should be more detailed and reliable now that things have settled down. Apparently some has been purposely corrupted and some is being purposely ignored. We might figure out what actually happened as enough honest researchers track down the relevant data and apply competent analysis. But those honest researchers are still being constrained. Honest analysis results in shunning, a career ending choice. We shouldn't expect to ever learn the whole truth. But there is a lot of evidence of why the medical industry is so corrupt.
yes, the assassination of reputations of honest and sensible public health practitioners early on, and the removal of their online presence, the stifling of all of the usual debate that occurs when confronting a new pathogen... all of these things scared me WAY more than the virus did. a virus deserves respect, but to label as "dangerous" any suggestions to eat clean, get sleep, exercise, fresh air as ways to boost your immunity.... that's a clear and present threat. an MD friend actually showed me a letter from the AMA advising physicians to NOT give such advice to their patients :/
Did you ever think to question that whole "novel" thing?
Did the Chinese scientists invent a time machine? If not, how did they know that this tiny little virus had never ever been harbored by any person in history?
This was a lie from the start. It boggles the mind that people fell for any of it.
I've been thinking about this topic. Remember the videos of people keeling over? Have you seen anyone keel over on your street from Covid? Also the genome sequence was quickly released. How do we know that was legit?
Yeah, if Covid is so awful, how come homeless people all over the streets of Seattle, Portland, SF, LA etc aren’t dying in droves? Presumably they have the worst access to health care of anyone and yet there appears to be no plague of Covid among the homeless.
Exactly! Why, for instance, aren't citizens regularly finding the bodies of dead homeless people in parks or on the sidewalks around the country?
Faked CCP vids! We were talking about that today. Why the panic? This only seems to be a bad flu...
Did you see this? Dr. Shi apparently fabricated the genome sequence to support the animal reservoir hypothesis.
Thanks for that. My take from that is that there is no pathogenic virus at all - let alone a novel one.
You bet. One theory is that the spike protein itself is a self-replicating parasite. That the “virus” was actually engineered to be a vector for the spike protein. Today it is technologically possible. The spike has properties of an endotoxin, prion & parasite. The model for it was constructed on the malaria parasite. It’s next level mind-fuckery.
Exactly. This has been the most likely scenario.
Ask Australians what they fell for...
You're practically 100% correct. At this point, everything is speculation with the public being bombarded with "facts" that are merely theoretical.
When I say 'making it up' I do mean that they're looking at data and trying to make decisions, but the data is constantly evolving because the situation is new.
they are not looking at the data and ignoring it flat out, in favor of their preset narratives.
Exactly curiousjack. Everything they've said so far hasn't just been wrong but impossible. Starting from the idea the virus was "novel".
No no no they’re moving the goalposts to suit their agenda…which is, the biomedical security state/medical apartheid. For one, they have a financial interest to keep this vaxx thing going bc NIH is a co-owner of the Moderna patent.
Anne: Is your name a take on the line from “Anne of Green Gables”??
CBDC and controlled economic collapse
I think you summed it up perfectly. They are panicking and when you panic you make irrational decisions.
In Israel they are doubling down on the jabs. And it seems like that is the plan for official-dom has for the US. Maybe there is no strategy. Maybe it's the public health version of Afghanistan. Lots of of money, lots of resource, lots of deaths, but in the end the virus just does its thing.
It really is puzzling. It seems like the developments we are seeing could only be created by a massive conspiracy, but how could such a massive conspiracy stay hidden? I am gravitating toward an idea that it is more an alignment of interests than an explicit conspiracy, but even that doesn’t seem super-plausible given the seeming closeness of coordination.
Big pharma needed a moneymaker. What is better than a drug that the whole world needs (NOT!) boosted on the regular?
It is always money and power/prestige.
Logically, there are only two options in my opinion. It is either massive incompetence in which they keep doubling down on their incompetence to cover themselves as you stated. OR Alex Jones is right. Either way we are pretty screwed. It's 9-11 all over again. Patriot act part deux. They're using fear as a massive motivator to give up civil liberties. If you've never seen V for Vendetta, now is the time to watch it.
“Strength through Unity. Unity through Faith(Science)."
This is the motto of the conservative authoritarian government in future dystopic London. It is the justification for systematically and deliberately eliminating gays, Muslims and "terrorists" (unvaccinated) from society. "I remember when different became dangerous." The country is only safe from disease and war because it officially recognizes the authority of the one Christian God (Fauci) - a God whose message has been so twisted and perverted by those in power that He will not tolerate political dissenters, atheists, non-Christians or gays (Joe Rogan and Alex Berenson, etc).
seems like the implementation of a cdc/medical police state. No end in site.
💗As a medical practitioner first I would suggest you find a way to release your stress. Nature walks, unplugging, media time out. We all need to, but your post here is very linear and defeatist. Rules and linear thinking (lawyers-- my husband is one) are paid to predict and strategize with current information. But what if the current information is intentionally incorrect or biased? (hint is almost always is) Thinking things that MAY happen does not mean they WILL happen. History is filled with many examples. For people in the US I point to the "coronation" of Hilary-- right?-- didn't happen. There was no stealing of the 2016 election they had to save face, it was a total bubbling of their views-- a total echo chamber. How many books have been written about Hilarys failure to consider the anger of a good chunk of the US?
Nothing in this world is linear. You see this very clearly in medicine. Thats why they had to politicize "science" during this current debacle. Enablers of the elite system are paid to echo back what the elites want to hear. The elites are in a bubble thinking it will all work according to plan. Yes there are many past plans of that type you describe , eg 1981 L"Avenir de la Vie" which moans about how everyone but technocrats are stupid and useless and must be controlled/eliminated. Hello! This has been around forever-- even before Nazi times. This is the history of our world. Read history-- it NEVER goes as planned for the technocrats/enablers. Is there damage? do people die-- yes-- but they always underestimate humanity and/or fight each other for power and money, miscalculate etc. Why? because they are human (even though they don't want to be-- they want to be immortal and in control). Hence the societal fascination with vampires and immortal beings (yes looking at you Captain America). But note even those presentations of immortals STILL have problems. 😉
The species is not done-- it is evolving and being forced to look at itself and what it has given away -- its power and responsibility for health, education, food production etc. Am I saying we need to go back to horse and buggy times? No Am I a prepper- no. What I am is a realist who sees that govt and the structure we live in does not care about us (if it ever did-- and yes I think it did want to serve the public at one time). We need to take care of ourselves-- become self-reliant, dont depend on them -- that's their power. And we need to care for our communities and our neighbours.🥰 And first ourselves 💕
Wow. This is such a great comment. I feel the same way, and will be using some of your words to talk to my friend who is very scared about what's to come ...
Thank you. Your comments in general here are always really solid.
Thanks Vernon 💗 you made my day. We are all wonderful 🥰 your comments as well
You are 100% correct, Carol. Just because something can happen does not mean that it will happen. But if we ignore the possibility they something can happen, then the possibility increases for that outcome.
I am a lawyer, so like your husband, I focus on predictive outcomes based on the evidence, and I weigh the evidence before assessing the potential for those outcomes.
Five years ago, I would never have considered, much less posted, what I just did. But the recent quickening of events have prompted me to consider things I would have once believed unthinkable.
To wit, please take a few minutes and at least skim this article to see what those in power have been “developing” with taxpayer funds:
I greatly respect your sage advice above, and I know that you are coming from a place of positivity and collective empowerment. I love this!
But I’m an optimist AND a realist. I have given you the “realist” perspective. Now allow me to offer my perspective as an “optimist”:
I remember watching an interview a few years ago with a former banking executive who had been invited by his superiors to participate in some exceptionally nasty activities—and he refused and ultimately quit his extremely lucrative job.
He said that it really only take a few courageous people, filled with light, to overcome the darkness. Why? Because light is so much more powerful than darkness. He then gave an analogy that I will never forget:
When we walk into a room blanketed in darkness and light a single match, that one dot of light is enough to push back so much darkness and allow us to find our way. That’s how powerful the light is. Now, imagine if a few matches are lit, or even dozens?
I firmly believe there is enough light out there now among the growing numbers of awake and aware people to push back the darkness. We have the power to do this.
But that absolutely cannot happen if we do NOT wake up and fully-appreciate the speed and scope of the darkness that is rapidly engulfing us.
No, our species is not done. But homo sapiens is no different than any of the other millions of species that have visited and left this planet. Whether we stay and thrive, stay and and become enslaved, or perish altogether is entirely our choice.
I am merely encouraging people to understand and appreciate what is at stake now.
Thanks for the link. I have already the Wellcome piece and have been a long time subscriber of Whitney Webb's. As a medical professional I understand your thought process intimately , but dealing with human beings in intimate ways around their health for over 30 years has strengthened my belief in the power of humanity, its creativity and resilience. I don't hope I believe-- very different.
I appreciate that when any of us takes the blinders off (ie your statement of 5 yrs ago) it is a shock and then its get the message out. I have been the "canary in the coal mine" for over 30 years getting the message out in many different ways. I remember the certainty of the trajectory that I saw. I remember the strident nature of my message. That was the tone I was sensing from your post.
To be in the light (love your story💗 great !) internally we need to check our language and tone (we all slip I do too). Our light and connection to spirit how ever that is done is what keeps us human for ourselves and everyone else.
Alex, why does everyone continue to ignore the safe alternative that is highly effective in treating and preventing Covid-19, namely Ivermectin. Here are "cases" & "deaths" on August 5, 2021 for Utter Pradesh, an Indian state which is 2/3 the size of the United States vs. the United States. This data is from the Johns Hopkins University CSSE database:
Uttar Pradesh on Ivermectin: Population 240 Million [4.9% fully vaccinated]
COVID Daily Cases: 26
COVID Daily Deaths: 3
The United States off Ivermectin: Population 331 Million [50.5% fully vaccinated]
COVID Daily Cases: 127,108
COVID Daily Deaths: 574
Why are we allowing people to needlessly die while our governments become increasingly more authoritarian and the pharma companies become richer? This is a crime.
When will a US State (FLORIDA - are you listening) empower their medical establishment to prescribe Ivermectin to everyone who wants it?
Don't wait for the government to 'allow' you to get Ivermectin you can get a tele-doc and get your own. See the FLCCC website for list of providers.
And here too - please share if you want:
Look for McCullough on Rumble. He explains it well. Short answer is the medical industry is corrupt.
This is where Dr. McCullough suggested folks look. Please share widely:
We should all remember that ivermectin and other therapies improve your odds, but aren't magic. This virus responds well to healthy immune systems, causing more serious problems in those with various known conditions that compromise immune health. Most of these conditions can be corrected, without drugs. If we are weak and get infected, the therapies might ward off the infection for a while, but you'll eventually encounter another infection and you're still weakened. So unless you want to be forever dependent on the next "magic" pharmaceutical, it's better to learn to protect your health.
In SoCal if you can get a doctor to order Ivermectin (almost impossible) AND you can find a pharmacy to fill it (almost impossible) CVS is gouging the price at $20/pill with a cost of $1/pill!
There has to be collusion going on here.
And there is no way to get any HMO or corporate doctor to order Ivermectin unless you have a parasitic condition! If it’s not in their computer profile you aren’t getting it!
They did that in Thailand too. You can get it at vet suppliers. In a twist of irony, a few researchers are saying the properties indicate it’s an engineered parasite.
Dr. McCullough suggested this:
Dr. Peter McCullough has mentioned this website:
Oregon has outlawed things to Rx for us like hydroxychloroquine
Canada is around 80% fully vaccinated and should be in herd immunity by all measures. Yet the gov just yesterday mandated vaccine passes for boarding all domestic interprovincial planes and trains, to kick in at the end of October by which time 90% will likely have had 2 shots! And this after news last week that the vaxxed transmit the same as the unvaxxed. It was telling because this was announced on the same day that the Biden administration said they were considering the same measure for all interstate air and train travel. It shows these governments are getting their directions from an international non-gov organization, which seems to be driving the whole official narrative - it being "vaccines are incredibly safe and effective" no matter what news, science, study etc comes to light.
I think this is the best phrase of your very well written piece, “it’s ok to be wrong , not to lie about being wrong “. Our government and healthcare leadership has proven to be unwilling to accept any credit for the way the public mistrust is rampant, it’s on them
We're being led to believe the virus responses are binary - do as they say, you'll be fine; if you don't, you and granny will die. Immunity is widely variable, as evidenced by the wide range of reactions to the virus. Most are mostly unaffected. Many get mild flu symptoms. A tiny minority get very sick. Competent doctors can heal most of them, but doctors are being restrained from effective treatment. Most doctors are weak enough to ignore their oath and comply with the prescribed orthodoxies.
We should be more interested in why most don't get sick, rather than try to treat the whole population as equally vulnerable. We're not. Immune health is strong in the young, but we degrade it with a lifetime of bad decisions. Which is why this routine virus mostly attacks the old. They're not vulnerable because of age, but because they've actively damaged their immune systems. The degree of sickness from this or any other respiratory virus depends on the degree of immune dysfunction we've produced. Those dysfunctions can usually be reversed, improving our immune responses to this and other pathogens.
A competent medical industry would be actively coaching us to improve our immune health. Ours doesn't because it's not their business model -- not profitable. Those who hope to survive such a corrupt system need to learn to protect themselves.
21 Day Immunity Plan is a good primer for those who want to learn more.
I would argue that the elderly are immunocompromised due to natural senescence of the immune system.
But obesity causes an immunodeficient state and, to me, this is attributable to poor daily choices OR choices made under the delusion that obesity is not a pathology. MSM propagates obesity as an example of personal strength, that one should feel proud about being overweight; they don't mention it is pathological. The indoctrination is so powerful that even many physicians (!) feel uncomfortable judging a person's weight.
Looks like we will get that long, dark, winter these people have been pining for, thanks to the vaccine madness. This summer wave is blowing the doors off last summer. I hope the fools start setting up winter hospital space and prepare for outpatient treatments like Ivermectin now. On the bright side, the democrats will be swept from power and more than a few elderly CEOs, professors, and university presidents who champion the mandates are unlikely to see another year of vax mandated life in this world either due to ADE or to adverse events of the 3rd or 4th injections.
The vax shills stopped bleating “#VaccinesWork” and started parroting “you don’t know how vaccines work” and “no vaccine is 100% effective”
The last one is true at least, getting no vaccine is 100% effective at preventing a completely avoidable death by vaccine
A lot of folks shilling for the vax cannot describe how an mRNA virus works. And when it is explained they cannot accept it.
I guess the statement "no vaccine is 100% effective" includes the possibility that "some vaccines are nearly 100% ineffective." And presumes we should accept this and take the jab.
I think this mass “vaccination” program is likely to cause a disaster. These “vaccines” should really be called “palliatives” as unlike many traditional vaccines or naturally acquired immunity they are non-sterilizing (i.e., they do not prevent people from getting or transmitting the virus, only reduce the symptoms) and as I understand it, the latest data shows that the viral load in the throats and nasal passages of vaccinated people is basically indistinguishable from unvaccinated people.
What this means is that mass vaccination will actually delay herd immunity, because these vaccines do little if anything to reduce transmission — instead, vaccinated individuals are walking around transmitting it and increasing the R0 rather than lessening it as would occur with traditional sterilizing vaccines and naturally acquired immunity. I suppose lessened symptoms in the vaccinated probably help some as asymptomatic people are less likely to spread it, and one silver lining could be if vaccinated individuals who get Covid then also develop the antibodies generated by naturally acquired immunity, but the jury appears to be out on that as there appears to be some competition between the two (not enough of a biologist to completely follow the science but this is my understanding).
The more dangerous part however, is that vaccinated individuals walking around with the virus are breeding grounds for mutant strains that will evolve to beat the current palliatives, which could be potentially disastrous depending on the nature of the mutation. I’ve seen speculation we are already seeing it with the Delta and Lambda variants, as apparently naturally acquired immunity targets a protein that is more robustly conserved across mutations than the spike protein targeted by the mRNA palliatives.
I think mass non-sterilizing vaccinations (and in particular vaccinating children) for a disease that is known to be of minimal risk to anyone under 55 without comorbidities is a foolish and potentially disastrous strategy (even leaving out any unknown long term effects of experimental vaccines). The correct strategy would have been to vaccinate the over 55/otherwise at risk crowd while everyone else goes about their business. This would (a) minimize the risk for people who are actually at meaningful risk of dying from Covid, (b) minimize spread by vaccinated individuals who are unknowing carriers, (c) minimize the risk of non-sterilizing vaccinations generating a mutant strain that doesn’t respond to the vaccines and (d) allow for the development of herd immunity, which I believe these vaccines actively work against (unless infected vaccinated individuals also develop the antibodies generated by natural immunity, but again I haven’t seen any data to indicate that, and this guy at least (Dutch PhD) says that the antibodies generated by the vaccine “outcompete” naturally occurring antibodies due to the specificity of their binding (again, not a biologist, just regurgitating the article):
Well put. Yes the two most scary scenarios that have been brought about by vaccines, which were rushed to market when we had a 99%+ survival rate; Do the vaccines weaken/prevent natural immunity? Are these vaccines encouraging mutant strains more resistant than the current strains?
I agree, those are the two salient questions (in addition to questions about short term and long term side effects from the vaccines generally).
Hey ALEX!! In Florida whole family got Covid this past month. My son was considerably ill, was told to keep him hydrated and "his immune system is our only hope" (that and Obi - Wan Kenobe)
Luckily, I'd heard of Ivermectin, went out and followed the FLCCC alliance protocol. As luck would have it there was a local ARNP group who was listed as a contact on the FLCCC website. My son had a somewhat normal course of Covid for a 17 year old (not all that sick) felt better then boom high fever bad coughing. The ARNP group did a televisit, said he was likely getting pneumonia. Within hours I had Doxycycline, Dexamethasone, and nebulized Budesonide. I had to drive to their office to pick up the Ivermectin. The RN's said even if they prescribed it, the pharmacies would not fill it.(HUH) The next morning he could breathe easily, fever was gone for good and was on the mend. The rest of us took Ivermectin, husband and daughter and a few bad coughing days, gave them a couple of Budesonide treatments which helped and everyone is fine now.
I really don't know why these are not being used en mass? I mean I do know, but I can't believe my fellow countrymen have stooped this low. At worse it seems to be greed, but with the entire Western world going full totalitarian, I do fear it is something more nefarious.
Please spread the word about the FLCCC alliance, if you go to the hospital in some places they literally do NOTHING FOR YOU except hook you up to oxygen. No family checking on you, no visitors it is JAIL.
Because it works. This is the "Munchausen by Proxy" pandemic - the folks who are supposed to help are making it worse on purpose.
FWIW At this hospital in Houston Dr. Joe Varon does it differently with very good results. Ivory Hecker had to quit her job as a TV journalist to actually get this story out. The local FOX station would not run the story.
Glad that ivermectin was so helpful. Before 2020, had your son received any flu vaccines?