It was hard to read through this. I got stuck laughing so hard at the snake venom video. Those folks are operating on a straight line. Everything leads to the same destination, no variables allowed.

Just like this lady. Hearing the vast majority are walking around the airports with no masks and the masked are none too happy about it. You would think being triple and quadruple vaxed with their masks would make them happy and feel "protected" but note, it doesn't.

When I walk in my neighborhood, I noticed in recent weeks there was about 5-10% of people, often young people wearing face masks outside. My friend said let them be. I disagree. I told him these are the same people who fervidly back job firings, mass failed vax for all and all kinds of penalties should their telescreen DNC Media order them to do so.

Unless their aged, when I walk past these people I look right in their eye and note they are quite uncomfortable by it. They look away but I make sure they know. You're a maskhole.

It's for their own damn good.

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Well this sad lady can have my booster. Mayo’s been after me for eight months to take a booster. They make appointments for me, send reminders, my docs remind me...My answer is always the same. “No.” I don’t need a second stroke to go along with the first.

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Imagine believing these shots work and lying to get ahead of elderly people that actually need it 🙄 what a real hero she is.

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Elderly people don’t need it either. Nobody needs it.

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That’s correct! I’m a nurse in a nursing home. None of our residents suffered from cv19, not before the vax, but they are now after each shot causes more death and hospitalizations. My residents are on #4! It’s horrendous!

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100% fact. 4th booster thankfully is not as popular or we'd be in another big spike.

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Agreed: I'm 81: I don't need it.

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I'm 83: I don't need it. None of it.

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I am 949, and I'm not going to compromise my last 20 years by getting a vaccine.

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It's GREAT to hear from everybody about this. I live in a very fine retirement community, population around 400 people, and I am the ONLY ONE with no jabs. It seems like there would be a couple other people, but NO, I stand alone on ~no vaccine, thank you~.

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I'm going on sixty five, with "multiple sclerosis" since my "classified experimental anthrax vaccine", received going to the gulf in 89. I lost my wife two years ago to this, my daughter has it, and I quit my medical treatment because my neurologist continuously lied regarding the treatment, the disease, and lastly, the jab. I am mortified by all the people who simply accepted the idea, and get ever continually worse, as they increase their damage with "boosters". It's good to know so many "seniors" realize and understand this.

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The population control agenda is the only one that needs it

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all of this is about control. and most of the people out there gave up their control and autonomy over their health in a futile effort to get their old lives back.

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Totally agree!! My dad who is 83 and has chronic bronchitis had COVID. Went immediately to ER to get the iv cocktail and recuperated.

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Sorry to ask/bother. Is this iv cocktail available in Canada 🇨🇦 do you know? Unvaxxed here -but sadly after 2.5 yrs just got the vid. It has taken me & my hubby down pretty nicely. Of course I haven’t been near a hospital or a doctor- just following protocol of vitamins & homeopathic stuff. Fluids etc.

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This was in January 2021 and we live in Miami, FL. Back then hospitals were treating patients with an IV cocktail of different meds. Not sure which ones. The Tx took several hours to administer. I should think that hospitals in Canada should have some kind of antiviral treatment. That’s what we have now, antiviral treatment. I do know that Ivermectin does work of you could somehow have access to it. Hope you feel better soon.

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Apr 28, 2022·edited Apr 28, 2022

Stop drinking your town water if you do.

Use NAC antioxidant supplement! although harder to get now that it was publicized.

Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine

When it turned into pneumonia at the end, Z Pack ( antibiotic ) was very, very helpful.


Since this has come out, hospitals ( Cleveland Clinic OH ) have STOPPED USING REMDESIVIR to kill people.

You can get a Telehealth video visit from Doctors that know what is going on. AFLD or FLCCC and numerous other sources.

Also NAC nutrient, that was on Amazon is no longer on there last I checked. Additionally another popular source is running out.

So many coincidences …🤔🧐

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Wonderful to hear this.

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That's why I said imagine believing the shots work, as she must since she lied to get it. No I don't believe anyone needs it.

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That's a fact. The shots kill old people.

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That is a fact. The shots kill young people too. Even if the shots worked for some people (which is doubtful), the risk profile on these mRNA vaccines was never fully disclosed and people were not given full informed consent. Vaxx makers made a fortune of money though. We've been conned.

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We have indeed been conned, into the biggest mass experiment in human history. Amazing the power of Media. Pushing unnecessary experimental poison onto the human population, and creating multiple Pharma billionaires along the way. And Pharma hiring FDA folks after the fact. Truly disgusting. And the worst is to come.

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The young die sooner and at a faster rate. Please pass this on so people learn.

Proof - 400 dead young healthy athletes



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The mainstream media will never report on this. It doesn't fit their narrative. Listen, I understand that all drugs/vaccines have side effects and I've taken meds that have potentially negative side effects knowing what those side effects were in advance of my first pill. What bothers me is that the medical community and the media establishment refuse to report on the potentially fatal side effects of the covid jabs. To Fauci and the CDC, the covid vaccines are safe for everyone: infants, toddlers, teens, pregnant women, the elderly, the immunocompromised... everyone. It's such a lie but no one calls anyone out on it.

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The government believes ALL elderly people need strokes and heart attacks. Therefore, they do need more jabs. 🙄 (Sarcasm.)

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Teens, young Children and babies too 😢😵‍💫

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RemovedApr 24, 2022·edited Apr 24, 2022
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please don't spam here...this is where people are supposed to have a forum for expression..you folks spamming has a bad oder here...don't tell us about yer 92/hour lifestyle...stick to the subject or simply desist.

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Again and again I read ,don't give shots to the kids ,but the elderly need it .The elderly need poison shots like a rock on the head .Who are these people who hate older people ? Are they mini Bill Gaters? A'm 86 never sprayed or shot ,in your mind am I an outlaw?If you want to spray some one please shoot it in your own but . Yes i'm angry .

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I don't believe anyone needs it. Both my remaining grandparents I told them no way don't get it, also my parents, my point of the comment is these people were claiming if you don't wear a mask you're selfish BUT they then admit to lying about their age or health status, to get the shot. They believe the shot works, and they lie to take it away from someone else. That is selfish.

But again, no I don't believe the elderly or anyone needs it. I was just calling out her hypocrisy.

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These people are evil or stupid or both. They are in echo chambers.

All the best to you.

Many blessings.

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No one really needs any of these jabs

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

So many layers of irony…it’s hard to keep track. (See Jim’s comment)

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Reread my comment especially the "imagine" part.

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The whole point that Berenson is making is that no one needs the shots, either the initial vaxx or the boosters. None of these vaxx shots is making anyone better and there's some data showing that the vaxx is actually making you more susceptible in the first 2 weeks after the jab. If more people would do their own research and stop blindly listening to CNN, Fauci, The View, and other hacks, far fewer people would be allowing themselves and their children to be vaccinated!!!!!! Do your own independent research and think for yourself! Vaccines, masks and PCR tests are for weak minded people!

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No one needs it

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RemovedApr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022
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Kelly Richards suffering from covid shot delirium.

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Did you really get a stroke after the first round of shots? How long afterwards?

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@Dr. John- my 65 yr old husband was hospitalized for myocarditis a few months after his. They kept injecting him with heparin. Before that, starting at the 3 week post-jab mark, he started a transient, blistering rash. Dr kept insisting it was poison ivy while I, the 'uneducated' one, kept insisting it was NOT and I demanded it go on the record that I felt it was a direct result from the inoculations. Took said pt to the derm to looked at it, said "I have no clue what this is but I'll tell you this- it's NOT poison ivy and I'd like to do a biopsy." He is also sure it was a direct result of the shots. Turns out (I just saw him for myself a few weeks ago) that he saw numerous other patients coming in with the same thing after he treated husband, the Bill was one of the first he saw with it. While dealing with that, he got joint pain which he chalked up to working on the house to sell. Rash was driving him nuts so he went BACK to the primary who took vitals and immediately sent him to the ER. That's when they found out he was having cardiac issues. Healthy as a horse before that. Bastages.

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So sorry to hear that. I will say a prayer for your husband, kittynana.

In my work, I screen patients' health histories, and out of curiosity, I would ask if they've been jabbed. From them I learned of horrible side-effects and even deaths of loved ones. Healthy 36 yo women and 23 yo men should never die of heart attacks or blood clots. Something very evil is going on in the world.

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A kaiser affirmative action doctor from Pakistan (though I am certain there are very many wonderful Pakistani doctors) told me my stomach cramps were from taking too much advil and drinking too much beer with the advil. A week later I was in the ER with a gangrenous appendix.

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Beware the doctors who have taken a higher oath to their religion. I landed in ER April 2020, all Christian and Jewish drs were on holiday Easter/Passover. Got diagnosed with alcoholic pancreatitis by the Muslim Dr. Despite not drinking alcohol, and being referred to as "Alkie" throughout the night, whenever I needed to P. (observed!) Next morning Jewish gastro doc came onto floor, asked if I knew I had pneumonia. The muslim dr had not shared that with me, although she had seen the MRI, so decided to flagellate me for no reason. The pneumonia invades nearby organs. Checked myself out of hospital. Still bitter about being mis-diagnosed and put into a box.

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Apr 24, 2022·edited Apr 24, 2022

@Steve- my mother saw the primary's NP who said Mom was constipated and needed a good laxative. 3 weeks later Mom was dead from metastatic breast cancer that got her liver.

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Please have people report adverse reactions at:


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Thanks, I will pass it along.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

My friends who took it and were injured: 61 yo man had a stroke 4 hours after first shot, 60 yo woman has lingering neuropathy after 2nd shot, 24 yo man with pain throughout body, 21 yo woman with asthma attack and chest pains after booster, 60 yo sister of my friend died of a brain bleed after booster. None of these has been willing to speak out about their experiences because they don't want to appear anti-vax. That's the craziest part of all!

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@L Cohen- that's awful and it's too bad they're so afraid.

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Please have anyone you know who has had adverse reaction to go to this site and file report. We have to get the word out! https://nomoresilence.world/news-information/

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Johnny Dangerously...bastages. Right?

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YES!!!!! FARGIN BASTAGES!!!!! Love that movie!!!!!

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And we mustn't forget "FARGIN ICE HOLES!"

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Please go to the following site and report adverse reactions—we have to get the word out!


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Yes, sadly I did. Symptoms appeared 45 min. after injection. As I’ve said before, worst decision I ever made.

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These people need to be brought to justice.

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@Edugal- exactly how my husband words it: worst decision he ever made. The only reason he did it was for international travel for his job which ended up not happening. Second shot was in May and he retired in September for health reasons, among other reasons.

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So sorry to hear about your husband. I feel his pain. I didn’t want to take this “vaccine” because I was pretty sure I’d already had Covid early in this drama. I asked Mayo if they would test me for antibodies, and that was a big N-O and “We don’t do that.” I thought it peculiar as Mayo is a world-renowned hospital that does just about everything. They called me several times telling me to come in for the shot, my doctor wanted me to have it. I told them I wanted to think about it. They called me again on a Sunday and told me to come in on Monday morning. With a lot of trepidation I did. I felt kind of “railroaded.” I trusted Mayo because they got me through a difficult battle with cancer 7 years earlier, but sadly, I went from feeling healthy, happy, and active—even during “Covid-mania” to being miserable and unwell. And I’m angry at myself for not standing my ground.

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@Edugal- given your health history, I can see why they pushed it. Husband and I have no underlying health conditions; he took it only for overseas travel. I refused because it simply has not been studied long enough. I am not anti-vax- I am up to date on all my true vaccines. I am anti-experimentation. We both got Covid but knew we could withstand it.

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Please go to site and report. We have to get the word out!


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@Eli- I'll check it out. Ty.

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So sorry to hear that. Did you file a VAERS report?

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Yes, I did, but I’m not sure if it was recorded. It wanted the Lot # for my injection which I didn’t know at the time. When I finally obtained that info there was so much rigmarole they requested to amend my original account that I didn’t bother.

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I’m sure this is why many do not report

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I’m so sorry, but in light of this appalled that anyone is suggesting you get boosted!!!

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So sorry to hear. You (and so many others) were definitely coerced.

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My 43-year-old cousin had a severe stroke not even 48 hours after his second shot. It took him months to recover and to regain clearer speech.

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So many stories like yours, yet our media ignores them all. Absolutely evil.

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My sister works in a small hospital up north. They have 11 portable vest type monitors. She has never seen more than 3 of them out at the same time. Fast forward to covidiocy, all 11 are out being used with a waitlist 14 deep. How they can keep a lid on this from entering the evening news...

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Once you see the corruption of the MSM and social media and Big Tech snuffing out good evidence and feeding you lies, it's impossible to unsee it. It's called the Streisand Effect and the more these people try to cover things up, the more it stirs people up like us, the kinds people who follow Berenson. People like us see directly through the wall of steaming hot BS and we are completely red pilled. I will never be the same and I'm better for it. And yet, there's still people out there that don't see CNN as fake news. Stupid is as stupid does.

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Amazing, isn't it? The big lie and psychological manipulation has destroyed more than we will ever know. With lockdowns, my husband's Parkinson's escalated and I had to call for in-home hospice last month. I believe he'd still be functioning if they had not shut down all in-person therapies, etc. We will never know the full impact of Fauci's unfounded "science." Science is always changing. He has been a problem ever since AIDS. And I also believe he created AIDS and Covid with his gain of function madness.

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Yes, and where is the CNN story about him or the many many many others like him? We don't see it because our media is corrupted. Thank goodness for Alex Berenson and the truth warriors out there that are disseminating important information about the vaxx and its negative and sometimes fatal side effects.

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Please report adverse reactions to Nomoresilence.world

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My heart issue started ten days after the first Liezer shot. Bad decision.

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Yeah, but she's a lyin sack, and furthermore she is keeping someone who needs the booster less than she does from getting it!! A little kamala logic for ya...

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Same for me, except it was new PVCs. They are finally settling down, after two years.

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Mine are increasing. :(

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Consider starting low-dose aspirin at least a few times a week if you otherwise take nothing and have no issues with clotting or aspirin allergy. You may also want to talk to your doctor/cardiologist/get an EKG.

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I can't take aspirin. I saw my dr this week and she kept pushing all the cancer tests they like to do to make money for the hospital/clinic/med school. Was never able to discuss what I wanted to so I am mulling over what to do for my medical care. My situation is one that does not have an easy solution and pickings are slim where I live thanks to Obama.

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So sorry to hear this Green Shamrock. Glad you are skeptical of the dogma. Hope you can find a holistic doctor who won't put their needs above yours. Please research Holy Basil, green tea, and Methylene Blue. I have lost my insurance (job) but feel more powerful to have bodily autonomy. Mercola.com has a wealth of sensible options for everything. Be well...!

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Just had a ablation for afib, prior to that had PVCs a lot, not anymore!

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I see this, too. Many of these young people don't have children yet and don't see the worst part: how government COVID policies, including two years of school masking when in-person education was not outright denied, have severely hurt our greatest resource, our children.

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on that one point alone those who intentionally pushed this agenda on societies children need to be prosecuted for child abuse at the very least. The damage done to the young minds and bodies is beyond words really.

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After the children were forced to wear masks and think they were diseased, then we had their pan sexual teachers share the joys of sodomy with them. No freaking leftie ever should say they care about children. Maybe to torture and abuse them but they aren’t interested in helping children become strong, capable adults. Plenty of people should be in jail or in asylums.

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YES! When you combine the identity agenda indoctrination on top of masking abuse its just beyond criminal. Hard to find the word that sum's it up adequately. I heard a story today of some boy who was asked by his mother to help pick up his and his sisters cloths to throw into the wash and the boy was terrified that if he did it might mean he is turning into a girl or was unsure he told his mom. This is the type of mental abuse going on with very young children. How is it remotely allowed!

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Time to do something about these people. We all know which side of the aisle they do their damage from. Vote them out.

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This is all about control...we all need to refuse to do anything that the CDC cannot prove with scientific evidence! Our students need to be in their classrooms without masks.

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Not to mention many of young Covidians may now be infertile.

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Maskhole...love it!!! 🤣🤣

In Massachusetts we call people like that massholes 😉

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Where do massholes live? In Maskachusetts of course.

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Yep! They reside in Maska-taxa-chusetts. They're the ones who were running out of the stores triple masked buying up all the toilet paper!

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There's a song in there.

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@Just- we in Western NY call you people Massholes because of your driving. (All in good fun).

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Hahaha 😂😂 totally hear you!!

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John Kerry still live in Massachusetts? I think he may have qualified for this distinction a beginning a couple of decades ago and certainly is overwhelmingly qualified today as climate czar.

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He is the masshole czar!

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The CDC: We need to close schools, shut down businesses, and mask kids!!

Also the CDC: Why is there an increase in depression, addiction, abuse, and missed vaccinations!?

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Also CDC *OOOF there's a 40% decrease in toddlers dying. Let's hope nobody sees that*


It is a mystery!

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Decrease? Hopefully

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I should have said "a decrease in 2020" I'm not sure how long the drop lasted. Def a couple of months and possibly the whole year.

I'm guessing the next year is going to make up for it though if the FDA bends over to pharma again.

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Is this a reference to Florida? Do you have a link to that data?

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

No, the stats I saw was for the whole of America. It showed a big drop in death from SIDs starting around the time of the lockdown in 2020 and continuing through to the summer (and maybe longer?)

Nobody knows why but many people have also pointed to the folk worrying about the drop in routine childhood vaxines during lockdown and wondering if there may be a connection.

A big drop in vaccination resulting in a big drop in deaths is the opposite of what all the Public Health geniuses would predict and yet... it happened. Correlation doesn't equal causation and all that bit it is a pretty noticable one since deaths in 0-5 year are rare.

If there is also a drop in autism that should be a massive wake up call to the public. There should be alarm bells going off that something is wrong.

Mercola wrote an article about it and there's a guy on Twitter talking about it... Twitter account is something like "Ethical_Skeptic"

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Parents didn’t “keep up” with the regular childhood jab schedule.

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Btw that is a horrible thought. I always had a bad feeling about vaccines and thought they were linked somehow with all the problems we were seeing in our kids.

But even then I wasn't sure how out and out deadly they were. Some doctor would surely put a stop to it if that was happenning. The people in charge couldn't be that obvious.

Then I saw the reckless way they were with putting these new shots into younger and younger arms with no concern for heart damage or blood clots or the unknown future risks and that was when I knew. The bastards have done it with SIDS and Autism and allergies and type 1 diabetes and ADHD... they are used to closing their eyes to the damage or telling parents "Kids have always suffered autism. Only crazy people think vaccines are dangerous"

They think they can just deny and if enough people in positions of authority say the same thing then the public will go along with it.

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That is what it looks like. There could be other reasons like oh I dunno less polution resulting in less breathing problems and less SIDS or less time going out so fewer car crashes or accidents at the park.

I can't see how those would result in a 40% drop in deaths. Maybe a 5% at most.

Such a huge drop suggests to me that the mercury and alluminium in the shots are way more toxic than phatma says they are. It has to be for it to cause such a drop

"We stopped putting toxins into our chidren and they stopped dying in their sleep"

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and now children getting a new variant of hepatitis????

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With the southern border open we are seeing all kinds of disease that most Americans have been Vaccinated against. Example Chicken 🐔 pox Many coming across the southern border with Chicken 🐔 pox.

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(although that doesn’t account for those Scottish & British kids needing liver transplants)

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Seriously? Did hear this news

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John Campbell, very popular the British YouTube podcaster has a recent video about it

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No one has isolated any chicken pox virus. Americans have received injections that allege to protect from chicken pox but then these people just wind up with shingles down the road.

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Most diseases we have had under control are rapidly coming across our southern border here in America.

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...and why is life expectancy dropping like pigeon waste from the underpass?

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Pick one anyone mRNA shot. This is why!

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My "Science Tourettes" kicks in pretty hard in those situations.

It's when I bark out the word "Science!" in an abrupt, clipped tone whenever passing someone masking outdoors in uncrowded surroundings.

Sadly, there are still a few Blue pockets in this country where that is common.

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a few? a lot

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I have to admit, this made me laugh. Bravo!

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I have seen masked people on a golf course...

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I have seen mask on dead people even at a funeral home. This was never this way before Fauci woke agenda.

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That is just to let you know that they will be voting Democrat.

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I'm sorry but you win the internet for me today--THAT is hilarious.

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Ooooch. The truth hurts. Also LOL'ing.

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Someone has to vote in Democrats in the midterms. No one with brain activity could possibly vote for a Democrat.

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Maskachusetts indeed…

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All based on science fiction.

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NO?! Seriously?

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If they are playing ahead of you, you should play a game of closest to the maskhole and rain some balls down on them.

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Unbelievable huh?!?!

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Please tell me you hit into them...

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No, he was behind us as a single and was invited to join the two of us. He went off on us saying he wouldn't play with anyone that was unmasked or unvaxxed/boosted and that we were part of the problem, that we cared only about ourselves, that if it were not for people like us the pandemic would be over, continued about how his wife was high-risk and he wasn't playing Russian roulette with his or his wife's health, etc. I replied that we did not need a manifesto when a polite "thank you, no" would have sufficed.

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I believe the vax causes this level of anxiety and lunacy. Have seen the same with former friends. No booster? No invites. No kidding.

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Have in-laws that were nuts about "vax" and boosters. Now he has lately developed a heart problem (CHF) after the booster, also had COVID seven weeks after the booster and he blames COVID for his heart problem not the "vax" and booster. Furthermore, he claims he is lucky to have had the "vax" and booster otherwise it would have been much worse!!

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Banned from my 50th HS reunion for no mask

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O yeah...such theater if you DO happen to show up. My sister still thinks I never got the shot ( I did - j&j so I could go visit my new g'son) but I still let her believe I didn't. She was masked and gave me a fist bump at my mom's 95th b'day. I know she is disappointed that I didn't kill mom. She wants her inheritance. (true story)

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I was the only member of the family (25 people) to refuse the admission testing requirement on Christmas eve. I feel for you.

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Love your response! I was booted from my church praise band for not wearing a mask. The worship leader said we had to wear them unless we were singing. I am not making this up. Woke logic I guess, eh?

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There are sad specimens in our church choir who wear masks while singing.

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Dave, I would have slow played that jerk the rest of the way…

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Good grief. Brain damage?

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We dismissed him as a lunatic.

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another case of “livin’ like it’s 2020” just like AB’s example in this post

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So why are they out in public? Seems like they should stay in their bunker. With their masks on.

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I see what you did there...😏

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Golf never closed down in my community. Thank GOD I never saw this- tells me I live near thinking people! whew!

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What if somebody got hit by one of their errant shots because the victum couldn't hear him yell "fore!" because of the mask. You can't ever be too careful.

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Oddly, these mask enthusiasts don't believe in their vaccines (rightly), but believe in any old piece of cloth draped across someone's face? Seems pretty obvious they haven't looked at any data or really thought things through.

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Any old piece of cloth will signal to the cult that you are a good person who caaaaares about others.

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Lenin called these people: “useful idiots “

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Excellent comments. I agree, if allowed, all the indoctrinated fearful would insist on loss of freedoms for everyone forever. These people seem to be beyond recovery from the virus primal fear cult and have abdicated their individuality to the government. Cannot allow this ever again.

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Damn right!!! The mask believing lunatics are ABSOLUTELY part of the problem, and they absolutely will be working in the future to restrict your rights and even kill you with various government edicts like forced experimental therapies.

Do NOT let them be!! At a minimum, ridicule them for their irrational and ignorant actions.

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The masks must be REJECTED in full. There is no middle ground.

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“MASKHOLE”...that’s awesome!!!! With your permission, I’m borrowing THAT! I do the same as you with the maskholes. We have all had enough of this utter, nonsensical, scare porn bullshit! I still feel like I’m in a sci-fi movie.

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A "B-rated" one at that!!

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Why can’t you live your life and let others live theirs? How do you know why they wear a mask? Maybe they’re young and healthy looking but have elderly or immunocompromised people at home. Maybe they have medical conditions you are unaware of?

Making assumptions about other people when you know nothing about their situation is ignorant and bigoted (someone has a mask on, so they favor vax mandates and firings). How do you know what they think?

Confronting someone for wearing a mask is as pathetic as confronting someone for wearing a hat you don’t like or for NOT wearing a mask. These attitudes are a major reason why life in the US right now SUX. Try to keep your antisocial impulses under control.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

You can call me a bigot. When I see people in my neighborhood comfortably strolling around in a mask in their 20s, I know they're indoctrinated not immunocompromised.

There's no confrontation. I just look at them the way I would if an alien landed and strolled down the block.

As stated, these are the same people who are fine with people being fired for not getting the poison clot shot, putting them in gulags and imposing all manner of violations against their civil rights.

I know this because I live in an area with a lot of Dems. I don't watch TV but know what the DNC telescreen tells them because they repeat what they are told like robots.

Here's what they are doing, right now. Not last month, last year, not after Omicron and the failed vax, today.


You want me to surrender to these people? No!

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Yikes!! I never knew Rhode Island was even crazier than MA. They want more $$$ for what? I read recently about the high number of drug deaths there.

Every time I see a mask-maniac, my gut reaction comes down to what the hell is wrong with you!!! I can't get beyond the fact that masks previously were used only by surgeons and criminals -- now it's the mentally insane. Either way you look at it, masking up is very creepy.....

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

RI dems want to double income tax the unvaxed, and charge companies $5,000 that keep unjabbed employees. For an irrelevant vaccine; you can't make this stuff up.

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Sickening! It's a shame so many people are going along with this horror show by attending fundraisers, concerts, etc. and willingly showing their "passports"to get in. Medical privacy - what's that??? It's definitely not over until the fat lady sings!

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Also worn by criminals everywhere

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I read about that story in Rhode Island... Absolutely horrific and continuing to just divide, divide, divide. Talk about science deniers!

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Too bad its such a tiny state so we cant stuff all the wokies in there

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I know...if only....

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Have you noticed their frightened little eyes? They remind me of mice.

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Peter, I initially took your "live and let live" approach and mostly I don't comment on a person's masking practice, BUT, the longer we allow people to participate in what we have long known to be at best ineffective and at worst harmful, we are doing no one any favors - not the person wearing the mask, and not those of us around him or her. Masks simply don't work. They send a message of fear and panic. They are dehumanizing. They erode common bonds between people and create a fear of the "other." We cannot, as a cohesive society, survive with this mentality. I still think people should be able to mask, but I won't cheerlead the practice and when asked, will certainly voice my opinion.

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Given your argument, why must you add the disclaimer saying people should still be able to mask??? It’s a strange time we are living in. Are you afraid to upset a anti-science pro masker??? It’s past time to end this charade. Call peopl out for what they are if they continue to hold onto this never ending masking—morons.

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People who like to spend their time “calling people out” for things they don’t like have a name. It’s usually Karen.

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That's a fair question, Jim. I guess, in the end, I really don't want to curtail a person choices because I don't want them to curtail mine. But I accept that even this consideration might not be possible in the current environment.

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I exercise my freedom to choose to mock mask-morons who dare to show their faces in public (or, you know, their half-faces).

"It's a free country" runs both ways.

Also, until COVID, it was, in fact, illegal in most states to go out in public in a mask. It was a bad old KKK habit and many states passed laws against it. See, e.g., Fla. Stat. 876.12.

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The guy with the thong on his face banned by UA. My hero! Called out the pantomime of the absurd for what it is, was, and hopefully will not continue to be.

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With a THONG!? I love it! That’s too funny.

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100% agree

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Where in the constitution is there anything about freedom of choice??? What if I choose to to walk around naked with an AR-15 blowing people away all day. Should I be allowed to do that?? How about I choose that I want to drive 150mph while drinking a fifth of whiskey everywhere go, can I legally do that??? We are suppode to be a nation of laws under our constitution. I know for a fact that in my state it is actually illegal to cover your face in public places. Freedom of choice has nothing to do about it. Im not the arbiter of anything, but the studies I've read prove masks are useless. Im also believe it or not a very civil person, and in no way am I a vigilante, I have no designs of confronting these idiots in public. But, when making an argument I would defend my position and think anyone that thinks wearing a mask outside as some sort of health measue is a moron.

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Constitution is not about Freedom of Choice It is about Freedom. Personal human autonomy. After the Crown "owned"* good people there was an awakening (Constitution). The The Bill of Rights tempers that in certain ways. None of which give anyone the right to walk around naked with an AR-15 (or similar). A Right comes with Responsibilities.

*Irish born and bred. Generations had to STFU in order to eat.

The US Constitution gives freedom to work. own land, and blast the heads off those who endanger your life and/or take our property. Interesting that Family and Property are similar in value.

You don't realize the value until its taken from you.

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Best comment in weeks. It's exactly how I feel. Seems obvious. Everyone on this stack knows, deep down inside that, this nightmare does not end until the masks are rejected. There is no return to normal until the masks are ditched.

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Thank you, Ryan!

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Blanket statements are almost always wrong. “Masks don’t work” is one if them. Fabric masks, gaiters, pretty useless. Surgical masks, worn tightly, studies have shown might filter 10-30% of small particles. N95, KN95, P95, N100, P100 respirators work. There is no doubt about that.

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I think you're right about the P100's, but N95's, not so much. The entire German state of Bavaria went 100% N95's and had zero difference in cases compared to other states. Better just to get your Vit D levels up!

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You have no clue. See Fleur's comment here and read through all the links' content.

No one is wearing P100 masks except in spray paint booths and similar, but even those will allow almost 10% of coughed droplets to pass. Unvented N95 and other '95' masks WILL push off your face when you exhale unless strapped to your head with enough force to cut off blood flow in the skin where the straps are.

They will also become saturated with moisture unless changed frequently due to the lack of a vent, at which point they become breeding grounds for whatever you're breathing in or out. And the tighter and more filtration effective any mask or set of masks is, the greater the restriction to air flow and thus to your breathing.

This is air filtration science 101, and it has not changed in decades. Which is why you will see HVAC filters have pressure drop ratings on them. These are scientific facts that cannot be explained away by left wing "fact checkers".

While I would grant you that on paper a 95 level mask should help to some extent, the real world data do not support much difference at all. Perhaps because the strap tightness and breathing restrictions INEVITABLY lead to frequent mask pull offs, and very frequent handling otherwise. Go out and observe people wearing them for 10 minutes each and see how true this is.

So you've got it wrong. Masks do NOT work, not even 95 level masks, and 95 level masks are NOT meant to be worn for long periods of time even for people with full lung capacity, let alone people with any sort of physical issues.

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Agree Chris! The mask that "works" will hypothetically suffocate you. If they don't poison your lungs first. But virtue over rationality.

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There actually IS doubt about that, Peter. N95s, when used appropriately and fitted properly work in some pretty controlled situations. So maybe on an individual basis there is some utility, but on the aggregate, not so much.

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Ever sanded your wood floors wearing an N95? Not a long term solution. After 5 minutes you are inhaling teeny wood particles.

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Until recently 99% of masks worn were cloth or paper. Useless. Only recently have the N95s been available but they are expensive and cannot be work than once, hence very few do. N95 translation, 5% of aerosols still get through and that 5% are the viruses that are 30 times smaller than the mask pore spaces. Unfortunately all these specialty masks are not very effective. The only mask that will stop a virus that is 30- 50 times smaller than the pore spaces in all masks are masks you cannot breath through. Hazmat individual Oxygen breathing apparatus.

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its not a blanket statement, its the truth. Every study shows no benefit from masking. Produce any real world study that shows a clear relation of the benefit of masking over not masking. If you can then my blanket statement will be proven false. I havent seen one yet. And our CDC which supposedly concerned about public health policy hasnt even bothered to do one. so believe what you want but masks are useless, and people that wear them are doing so for no good reason.

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yes but not viruses.

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You had me at "Brownstone".

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I can understand what you are saying and I agree...let people live their lives and make their own decisions based upon what is best for them. HOWEVER, that was not the case, and really continues to still not be the case, when it's the other way around. For somebody who's chosen not to get vaccinated based upon my own risk assessment, and chooses not to wear a mask, I can tell you that that understanding and that allowing me to live my life is mostly absent. Having had almost 2 years of judgment levied upon me for my decisions I made for me and my family generates feelings of animosity for sure. I've been confronted about why I don't have a mask on or why I haven't gotten vaccinated. I wish from the beginning the population at large was guided properly early on but those in charge put things in place to divide instead of just treat this the way it should have been.

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Someone else’s bad behavior shouldn’t be used as a justification for your own.

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Couldn't agree more... I strongly believe in "Do to others as you would have others do unto you." And I can tell you I've never initiated an "attack" on somebody for the choices they made. My objection is when they attack me because I'm not doing what they think I should do or when the choices they make for themselves they then expect me and my family to make which negatively impacts us and isn't in our best interest. That's the situation that I feel we have been living in for the past 2 years. And unfortunately those who don't mask or those who haven't been vaccinated have been labeled murderers by some. Murderers!! That is a level of hate and psychotic thought that can't be ignored.

I can tell you I won't initiate but I'll be damned if I don't defend if needed.

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"Bad behavior" has been redefined. And politicized. It used to be called "Freedom" not so long ago.

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thank you!

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Sweetheart, I think you need some God in your life. Try it sometime. You won’t fear anything. Put your trust in God, not man.

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I passed by a "man" today who was fully masked and he also had his approximately 3 year old masked while he rode his trike. There was no one else in sight but me. I gave the child a large smile (the father averted his gaze) and telepathically messaged (I hope it worked) to the kid that his Dad was loco and someday he (the child) would be able to break free. 🙏

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Quite frankly I would consider that child abuse. But in a free society people are free to do what they want and it's too bad that their children are subjected to lunacy at times. I hope this dad understands the delays that his child may suffer because of his constant masking.

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That is tragic. I think 2 generations damaged at this point? Glad you smiled at the poor child - how long since the kid has seen a stranger's face/expressions/emotions? Telepathy might just be our last resort. I also smile at everyone and everything. Abusing my freedom lol.

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I was thinking the same. He seemed fascinated and I couldn't tell if it was just regular 3-year-old curiosity or like a lost nomad finding water in the desert.

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The kids are resilient, absorb like sponges and are looking at this madness with pure eyes. I think the parents are the problem. Hope we can save the young.

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This is a daily sight in the Bay Area….

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@Truth- we were out appliance hunting last week then to a home improvement store. There were three sets of fathers with their young teenaged sons who were wearing masks. I was struck by the absurdity of it which is why I remembered the details. They were the only ones we saw wearing masks. Not even the 450 lb man who came in for a microwave was wearing one. Out of everyone we saw that day, HE'S the one who probably should have.

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Where are the MEN? I guess some of them are out buying microwaves (sad for the obesity). . .We need real men to teach boys how to be men.

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That is so true! OMG IS THAT SO TRUE……

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@Truth- that's what I was thinking when I saw them

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Uh. No one should be.

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@Boots: Before all this crap went down there were people who would wear masks to protect themselves from smog, influenza, even remnants of what comes out of smokestacks. But now? They think the masks will stop Covid. It won't. I don't understand why medical personnel push masks when it states on the box "Will not prevent Covid transmission" or words to that effect. Nevermind the cute kitty fabric ones I have.

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Good grief, get a grip. He said he looks people in the eye, he didn't say he harasses them, calls them names, or assaults them.

Seriously, we can't even look people in the eye now as it might make them uncomfortable? Do you hear what you are saying? I assume you are a male based on your name but you sound like a teenage girl. Grow up for goodness sakes.

The reason life in the US "right now SUX" as you put it is because people are too thin-skinned and view every perceived action as some sort of threat or insult instead of just ignoring it. Life in the US doesn't suck for me or my family (it's pretty good actually) as we have confidence in ourselves and don't care if some stranger looks us in the eyes. We also don't care if some stranger makes bigoted assumptions about us. When did it become important to have the approval of strangers, who cares what they think?

I don't do what Horsey suggests as it's not my thing and really don't care if people wear masks or not, it's their business. I do have sympathy for them though as it's obvious they are captured by fear, and likely miserable. Your attitude enables that misery, like the wife of an alcoholic that makes excuses for her husband.

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Great comment!!!!

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I thought I had already adequately described a number of very valid reasons a person might wear a mask, besides paranoia or panic porn. Apparently not.

There’s a word we typically use to describe a person who believes he knows what another person believes or is thinking, by looking at them. That word is “delusional”.

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There’s zero valid reasons to wear a mask, especially outside. They are useless.

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What if you just left a store and were heading home and didn’t want to contaminate yourself by doffing and then donning the mask again.

What if you were heading towards public transit that required you wear it, and didn’t want to wear it in the elevator, take it off outside, and then put in on again before entering the subway or bus?

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So the virus is now like a swarm of wasps? I really feel bad for you. Do you understand being outdoors dilutes the virus to infinity?

And, just for giggles.....are your masks all hermetically sealed? Because if not - who handled it before you put it on your precious face? Clue: large Eastern Communist Republic, home of the virus......

You do understand that every unsafe infested place you wander through, the Bug sticks to the outside of the mask, and will work its way through, like a....ummm.....virus....?

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I do feel sorry for you.

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contaminate yourself by touching the mask?? The same mask thats attached to your face and your breathing into??? Youre worried about just touching it??? Talk about the absurdity of the last 2 years that just about summed it all up.

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You gave situations where one might be forced to wear a mask, BUT THEY AREN’T VALID. There is no reason to wear a mask. You are more likely to get a virus wearing a mask. Studies conducted before COVID all showed they are unhealthy. Which is intuitively obvious. All the studies showed they compromise your immune system much more so than they help by blocking 2-3% of viral particles.

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You are still giving credence to the false COVID narrative as if it wasn’t bogus from the start.

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What you wrote is exactly why I ripped mine off back in May 2020. I have worn it when necessary but less with time. I was done beyond done this whole past year. Boston is a tough town...

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Yeah. A respirator designed and certified to stop between 95-100% of .1-.3 micron size particles only blocks 2-3% of virus particles, you claim.

Covid has been sized at 3-5 microns depending in whether its an aerosol or a droplet. See where I’m heading here?

You’re just plain wrong. But I respect your right to your (fact-free) opinions.

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Peter...if you work in an N-95 mask zone area, and to be clear, which I wasn’t, I was talking about cloth and paper masks which most people wear, you actually work in a pressurized zone.

Elderly people especially suffer from permanent cognitive disruption the longer they wear any mask. Most especially M-95 masks. People wearing even cloth masks perform less well in cognitive functioning tests after even a few hours. Even younger people. Also consider that these dolts walk around OUTSIDE with them on. Have you seen that before now? Were nurses and doctors walking out of hospitals wearing N-95s? Why not? Since they deal year in, year out with compromised individuals why didn’t they constantly mask up outside to prevent them from getting a virus and killing everyone on their ward? They didn’t, did they?

You can’t wreck your health on the one hand and claim it is helping you on the other.

And thank you for the respect you have shown me. I too respect your right to be open minded and magnanimous even when you haven’t done the work necessary to hold any valid opinion. Total respect, Dude. Keep at it. Have you considered joining the Republican Party. Apparently there are openings coming up for RINOs.

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The stupid must burn. It's remarkable how many idiots out there like yourself actually believe that they are the smart and intelligent ones. You have to be a complete idiot to think that the majority of airflow on a masked human head is restricted to going through the filter media, even if we assume that the 95% claim is valid. (What company is claiming up to 100% efficiency down to 0.1 um in their 95 level mask???!!!)

Try watching some of the videos showing just how much flow escapes around the outside of various types of masks.

And for the record, the maximum size of viruses is actually about 1/10 of the bottom of your range, as in 0.3 um at the max. See this link for a handy list of particle sizes:


Then see this scientific study showing the size of coughed droplets:

"Results indicated the total average size distribution of the droplet nuclei was 0.58-5.42 microm, and 82% of droplet nuclei centered in 0.74-2.12 microm."


I'm quoting a study on coughed droplets because the data on exhaled droplets is older and last I checked was behind a paywall, but of course exhaled droplets are smaller than those coughed. Well under 1 micron on average, and yes they will still carry viruses. And thus why even a 100 level mask will not stop all of them, let alone a 95 level mask.

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So can we agree the Masked are delusional? Or paranoid? Or gripped by panic porn? Because other than those reasons, there is no reason. There is no valid reason unless you are a surgeon, and only then to catch your nose and mouth drips. Wearing a mask doesn't make a difference for the human population, other than differing the thinkers from the brainwashed.

- When did you start to wear a mask?

- Why did you start to wear a mask?

- Do you see an end-date to wearing a mask?

Thanks for your response Peter D.

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Staring at another person is typically interpreted as an aggressive behavior. At least among mammals, of which I assume you’re one. He also said it clearly made them uncomfortable, so that is his goal. Is deliberately making strangers uncomfortable and feeling threatened, so you can feel good about yourself a new normal?

Think staring in the eyes isn’t aggressive? Try it with a dog you meet. Try it on the New York subway.

No, I’m not a teenaged girl. I’m someone who doesn’t threaten or deliberately approach or make strangers uncomfortable, and I require the same of them. And if a whacko stranger gets aggressive with me or my family, they won’t be getting a teenaged girl’s response.

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Peter - How you react to the actions of others is 100% within your control, you can get offended or ignore it and move on. The world is filled with all sorts and life is way too short to get worked up over trivia.

The teenage girl crack was out of line and I take it back. My point was that not everything has to be some emotional confrontation. Take it from someone who has learned some hard lessons in life and is much happier now. Being a victim in one's own mind is a choice, rather than get offended a chuckle is much more therapeutic.

Anyways, best wishes to you and your family.

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ooh! try it during human sex. actually staring into each others' eyes is pretty okay.

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The masks don’t help if you’re immune compromised. THEY NEVER WORKED. If they’re immune compromised the last thing they should do is disrupt their oxygen flow.

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or breathe in all the waste your body tried to get rid of

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Masks are useless. Wearing a mask outside is useless, and idiotic. If they have n immunocompromised relative or whatever is meaningless. They are stupidly wearing a useless mask for no good reason, finished, the end.

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It truly is as simple as that Jim.

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Wearing face coverings is anti social and anti human. People who do so have been fed two years of indoctrination and misinformation creating a cult of primal fear that if continued, along with forced shot and lockdown mandates that did not work, will destroy western civilization. Masks don’t stop any viruses and never did. They are at the most, fake virtue signalling.

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Western Civilization is already on the decline. Masks and mandates only serve to distract from this real truth. Ignore the virtue signalling and watch the French election on Sunday.

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She lost,sadly. World needs a shaking up. Next time?

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Getting very tired of the "elderly or immunocompromised" meme. As if there were no elderly or immunocompromised before 2020. There absolutely were, and nobody wore masks. There are multiple airborne diseases (coronaviruses, adenoviruses and many more) circulating at any given time. Always have been. This is a fear tactic and at this late stage it is very obvious. 2 years of masks did nothing to change the trajectory of a virus. Time to let go.......

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If more people actually took care of themselves (including the elderly!) human beings wouldn’t be as sick physically and mentally. Perhaps self responsibility for SELF. Maybe it’s just me, but my grandma would have NEVER have put up with this crap! I’m 58 and she’s been gone many years. She never had a driver’s license and walked EVERYWHERE in SF (ever see those insane steep hills like Hyde Street?) She lived in her 90’s and never complained about anything. Different generation? You betcha! And this is not directed to the awesome older people out there. I’m simply trying to make a point about care of self at every age, especially older.

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My Gran lived to 96, at home, on her terms. Mass every morning and a hot toddy every night....and a sherry every afternoon. No drugs, lots of gossip, EastEnders was religious, garden, neighbors....a different generation who were born into one World War and lived through another. We have become so soft. Health (self-care) has become verboten. You need to have a person deep in medical debt to approve scrips for nothing that will help, but will actually harm you. Elderly are smart, when they are allowed to remember.

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Amen to that! God bless all the strong grandmas out there! They had lots of your profile name: SUNSHINE (vitamin D), movement, fresh air and “tomorrow is another day” kind of attitude. My grandma’s attitude and selflessness gives me perspective on crappy days for sure! She always had a smile and I miss her everyday.

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You got my handle Renee - yep Vit D! Sun is giver of life, health, wellbeing. We all in hindsight acknowledge the sage wisdom our grandmas lived by. I too miss my Gran. But she imparted a lot of wisdom (and sang the whole time), so we can be grateful for having that kicka** spirit in our collective consciousness.

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So freakin tired of being shamed and guilt tripped by self righteous hypocritical sinners

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What did these folks do before the pandemic? Serious question. Did they always wear masks?

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That's a great question! My sense is that they would probably look at somebody like they had seven heads if they walked around with a mask on pre-pandemic. Or run from them thinking they had typhoid fever or leprosy. The amount of tolerance we're expected to give these people now that was NEVER given in the reverse is amazing! It came to a head for me when masks came off in the schools in my district and the superintendent sent a letter stating how there will be no tolerance for bullying against those who choose to still wear a mask. I think my blood pressure went so high I was stratospheric! I immediately emailed the buffoon and told him it's great we have a zero bullying tolerance but where was that tolerance for those who found it very difficult to wear a mask? Of course the reply I got was political and even more nauseating than his first communication but it summed it up perfectly... "Now that we've decided masks can come off please give us the patience as we transition and understand this is a hard choice..." 🤮🤮🤮

All of its bullshit!!

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I was going up the elevator in my condo building. Mask rules in effect. I wasn’t wearing a mask. A young couple smiled at me. I said cheerily ‘I’m medically exempt’. They demanded what my medical problem is. I said, also very cheerily, ‘I have leprosy. Yeah, I got it in India. Not a big deal really. But we lepers rot quicker without oxygen, so I can’t wear a mask. It’s been okay. I’ve lost a few toes. But my hands are still good.’ I then reached my fingers towards them showing them my fingers haven’t fallen off. They shrunk back into the walls of the elevator and looked horrified. They bolted out the elevator at their floor.

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Lol. We had someone in our mask-mandatory elevator lament that her face diaper couldn’t protect her from spring pollen. My wife couldn’t help herself and said “Yet you think it can keep out a virus.”

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😂😂 classic!! Wonder if that gave her pause to think 🤔🤔

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Interesting, because that is one of the major reasons that the Japanese wear them. Their surgical masks claim to block 99.9% of virus particles. Yeah, right, but the people believe it.

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Hahaha 😂😂 totally classic!!

Truly though unbelievable that somebody would have the balls to ask what your medical issue is. That's a perfect reply!

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I LOVE IT!!!! Hey, they asked (non of their business), you might as well have some fun. Libs are so gullible!

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NO, YOU DIDN’T REALLY JUST SAY THAT! I swear to GOD, I’ve been looking for someone to say that when asked. I could never have said it more perfectly than the way you stated. Please, whatever you do, print that out and keep it safe because what you said is priceless. Promise…….no, no, PROMISE!!

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Auto correct. They ‘sniped at me’. Not smiled at me.

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That’s even better since you happily explained your issue. So much better in nailing them.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

you sir are so funny

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damaged so young. I'm surprised they can have sex.

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They both wear full body condoms... for Health And Safety... of course.

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Still laughing!

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People have been programmed/brainwashed and are seriously psychotic at this stage. We need to stick together, not attack one another. The government and its useless “health agencies” are to blame, plus mainstream media, for creating the hysteria.

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I’m sorry but I’m sick of the hypocrisy. So many of my nurse colleagues got fired due to vax refusal due to their natural immunity, serum quantifiable! Outrageous! No science whatsoever. I want my pound of flesh, Fauci in jail

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I wasn’t attacking. I thought it was funny. They actually attacked me. My post said ‘smile’ but I typed ‘sniped’ at me.

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Oh I didn’t mean that you were, just giving my interpretation of the mask psychosis. It is real and so hard to witness! I’ve felt this way since 2020. It infuriated me to see so many falling prey to the blind compliance.

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the "auto correct" here is out of control

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I think they had anxiety issues before and or dreams of ruling over others. This was fodder for them. 🤷‍♀️

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Never in history have healthy people been “locked down” and have been FORCED to have their breathing compromised (you have a nose and mouth for a reason). I think the reason “life in the US right now SUX” for you, is because of your attitude. I guess you didn’t get the memo: MASKS DO NOTHING...N-O-T-H-I-N-G! So mentally ill people afraid of their own shadow are perpetuating this insanity. Stay home!

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@Peter- I agree confrontation is not the way to go (ex: the pilot that told Dr. Jerome Adams to take his mask off and enjoy the freedom should have just smiled and walked on by although the backlash of Adams' Twitter rant is delicious). However, were those same people wearing masks to protect their elderly and immunocompromised friends and family members before? The flu is far deadlier than Covid.

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I would hardly call what the pilot said to Jerome Adams a confrontation - maybe more an exhortation: "Unmask! Breathe free! Enjoy life!"

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@Nab- although the word confrontation denotes aggression, any time you engage it's a confrontation. I see what you're saying though.

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I am 90% sure that Adams is lying.

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Sorry. You’re entitled to your opinions but not your own facts. Over 1MM dead Americans in 2 years. The worst flu season might have 70k dead. So you’re off by nearly an order of magnitude.

If you cut that million in half cause you think everything is a lie, you’re still off by almost a factor of 5.

So the death estimates would need to be off by 90% in order to equal a horrendous flu year. If you believe that, I just don’t know what to say.

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@Peter- I have a friend (yes, a flesh and blood friend) who lost two family members in 2020: one to drug OD, the other to drowning. Both deaths were listed as Covid. Both families were suing. IDK how that's going. Right there is proof the numbers are skewed.

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Only about 7% of "covid deaths" are directly due to the virus. This is per the CDC in late 2020. In the UK they revised the number to about 10%. Flu deaths are also inflated and based on models that ascribe every pneumonia death and every respiratory ailment to influenza. It started in 2003 due to complaints by vaccine producers that enough people were not getting the vaccine. Sound familiar?


So yeah they are off by more than 90%..... stop drinking the kool-aid.

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Please cite where you get your numbers. If you can’t then it’s bogus.

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Gee, well it's down to 5% now. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#Comorbidities You very well know that there are egregious examples like the young man who crashed his motorcycle in FL. The corpse tested positive....... In Denmark only 25% of hospitalized with corona have any type of respiratory issue. If you enter hospital, test positive, and die, then you are a corona death.

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To everyone who thinks Covid is just a flu, please explain why about 30k die each year from the flu and 500k have died each year from Covid.

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@Peter- because 500k HAVEN'T died from Covid. Very few people die from Covid. WITH? Sure. We've all been exposed and from now on someone will ALWAYS be positive. Most will not know it. Like now.

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I have read these death stats from numerous reports, but here is a quick summary


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Where were you when I was being attacked by all those fearful maskers for not wearing a mask? Because I have lung disease!! Yeah right.

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He was busy shaming folks he doesn’t know from Adam about “live and let live.” Lol.

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The masks do nothing to stop the virus. There is no reason to wear one. There has never been a reason to wear one.

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Unfortunately there are a large number of fellow citizens who do not want to know that fact about viruses and masks. Over two years of allowing themselves to be indoctrinated and believing government lies resulted in a cult of false hope that masks, and untested experimental DNA altering drugs, will somehow keep them healthy. Like a massive global Jonestown!

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Three words (masks.....don't.....work....) I flew to see my 95 yr old mom twice and I never wore a mask around her after traveling on flights cross country (in a "fake mask). And think please- if they have on a mask, it works right? (or maybe it doesn't)- no one needs masks.

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@Cheryl- my daughters and their husbands are flying down to Florida next month to visit my 94 yr old stepmother. YAY! All excited. Stepmother gets to see my 7 month old grandson, etc. All plans in place, all flights and rental vehicle secured. BAM! She just told them she has enough masks for everyone. Like, what does that even mean? I miss her but I just can't. It's why I haven't through all this crap. Selfish? Yes. I also won't get the shots.

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I have been taking care of my 89-year-old mother. I am fine with doing everything I can to keep my risk of exposure low these past two years but draw the line at taking the mRNA jab. Many would call me selfish (and much much worse I am sure) as well.

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You are smart to protect her from the jab shedding. They will appreciate you in 50 years. You are anything but selfish. You are a Hero to me.

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You are not selfish if you have been taking care of your 89 year old mom. Kudos to you! (And guess what? You are both fine!)

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Thank you. We are fine. I have had to keep a low profile though. The cult doesn't like the unclean.

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Someone has brainwashed her. Who? Media? Relative? I am so sorry. I told my mom they were "hooey" from day one, and my other sisters told her differently. She wore them to appts and some family gatherings early on. I never wore mine around her when I visited, much to sister's chagrin. Maybe you can talk to her before then and tell her how none of them have worn masks for a long time and you will all be fine? I don't know how to handle this one...it's a toughie.

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Not only the media but I'm sure my brother, a MSN, has brainwashed her. And maybe even her dr. However, it IS a disease that attacks the elderly so I can't blame her for being frightened. But yes, brainwashed.

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If she is in reasonable health for her age, not overweight, and has no comorbidities then she has very little cause to worry.

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She is accommodating the brainwashed? Most important - she is doing what it takes to see the adorable grandson. It's a weird word for folks who lived a long life without these props. Hate that folks are compromised like this. Proud you are not jabbed. Hold the line kittynana!

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@Sunshine- Oh.....my primary dr thinks I'm the devil because I won't get the shots. No. Stepmother's not accommodating the brainwashed but feels she's keeping herself safe. That's ok and they're willing to go along with it. She still doesn't go out to eat (but bolws twice a week....go figure). My kids want nothing to do with masks. The one daughter got the J&J but only because she has asthma and her employer required the shots (she got it before it was forced). Her SO got it because he's very overweight (after losing over 100 lbs!!). The parents of the baby are not shotted up and he dodged a forced shot at work by days (the state changed its mandates so the company didn't force them). Baby's mother is self-employed and her clients have no objection to her not being jabbed.

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Like wearing a hat. Just a prop, or wardrobe accessory. No hat will same us either.

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I’m tired of explaining to my young children why these imbeciles are wearing face diapers. It affects them.

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The maskers keep the terror going

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"Unless their aged, when I walk past these people I look right in their eye and note they are quite uncomfortable by it. They look away but I make sure they know. You're a maskhole."

I'm going to start practicing this.

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I like Maskhole !

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I have to wear a mask with an activated carbon filter due to severe allergy to several chemicals including many fragrances, such as the stuff in many perfumes, laundry products, and air fresheners. I'm against masking for covid since, as a long-time mask-wearer, I already knew they cannot filter out viruses. Before the pandemic I used to get stared at because people seemed to think I must have a contagious disease. Then during the forced masking I blended in (even though I would have refused to wear one if I wasn't at risk of dying from a whif of someone's signature fragrance). Now that most people are free to breathe again, I get looks of derision because people think I'm a covid-obsessed germaphobe. Just a unique perspective for you to consider next time you feel like trying to intimidate people you assume are inferior.

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Thank you for your perspective, I understand. Like most mask skeptics, I believe, I personally would never intimidate nor look down upon someone who still wears a mask. I am with you on their ineffectiveness, however, and tried my best to avoid mask wearing while obeying the mandates. So, of course, my activities were very much curtailed. Also, the school bus stops in front of my home and it often brought tears to my eyes to see masked children month after month, year after year. Many are still masking themselves even as mandates are lifted. Whenever I see the still masked, I think that many folks are so paralyzed with fear that they want to impose forever masking on the entire population. I believe this would be far more harmful physically and psychologically than they realize. It's just frustrating!

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People now recognize the difference between industrial-grade respirators and virtue-signal-grade cloth face diapers.

The derision is squarely on the latter.

Sounds like you need to move to a remote colony in the desert to mitigate your unusual risks. Good luck.

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That’s insane. I’m sure there must be something you can do so you can breathe normally, as God intended. You are an exception to the rule, perhaps. Do you wear a mask OUTSIDE? I’m sorry, wearing a mask is not normal.

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Absolutely right...ignoring the idiots amounts to encouragement.

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Cult members hate the ones who leave the most

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soooo true!

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God, I truly hate these people. I would not shed one tear if they all choked on a masked, covid dick.

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I will laugh all day today...thank you!!

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Learn to love them. Because when the mask shortage hits, they will be the ones picking them up off the ground and cleaning up the neighborhood.

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One of the most interesting developments, imho, is the “turn” of Leana Wen. And now her former acolytes despise her more than Team Reality (almost).

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She's a political grifter. I have no respect for someone who 6 months ago wanted to lock me in my house and has now shifted 100%.

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She’s the epitome of hypocrite.

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I hear there's a plum job waiting for her at CNN Plus, she should drop all her other commitments and take it.

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She hasn’t shifted she has a long term plan. She is playing the long game. She will champion masks again soon.

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Definitely! She waffles like no other.

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Right????? 🤦‍♀️

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You mean Leana Wen - the one who escaped the CCP, came to America and took advantage of American freedom so she could imperiously dictate to us WE needed to earn OUR freedom back by being obedient taking a shot that was neither safe nor effective? That social-credit-system-espouser Leana Wen? The 'expert' who got to declare publicly and quite viciously this was a 'virus of the unvaccinated'? Forgive me please as I struggle with the sin of unforgiveness....

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Who was that lunatic doctor on TV the other day--the one advising that neurotic airline passengers carry EXTRA MASKS and Covid TESTS, to coerce unmasked travelers to COMPLY to protect each other.

She actually said to tell others, "Please wear this mask because I have an elderly mother."

Gimme a BREAK!!!

Wear your mask if you insist and STFU. Otherwise stay off the damned plane!

I am so DONE with these people.

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I would just look at them blandly and say, "Well, my mother is dead. Staph infection...from her mask." Give 'em something to think about.

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This is a good one....I plan to use it when and if I get a chance.

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“You have an elderly Mother and you’re out in public during a pandemic! What sort of daughter are you?”

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A dumber-than-dirt one!

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Well said!

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By the way, Rosie, did you have your lunch with Dad today? Please tell him we all think of him.

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Yes, Dad & I had lunch today. We discussed masks--on planes--and he can't figure out what's the big deal if the mask requirement was supposed to end at the beginning of May. He's also getting annoyed that his podiatrist still requires masks while he gets his toenails trimmed. It's foolish.

I'm annoyed that I'm not even allowed to sit in the waiting room. This has been going on for months.

YOU are sweet to remember this!

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wondering if there will be a new tracker going forward similar to road rage killings. Mask rage killings?

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Omg whcih one was that?!

Whenever unsolicited crap happens I default to my language of origin and pretend no English. 😂 😝 Was very handy when I had to take BART daily (subway in San Francisco)

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with you. so with you

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Agree. 1000%

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She was the President of Planned Parenthood until they forced her out in 2019. "Wen was named one of TIME's 100 Most Influential People in 2019 and referred to by Cynthia Nixon in the magazine as a "fierce visionary" for reproductive rights and health care."

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the joke at the time was that she didn't make it to 9 months

but yeah, maybe not the best optics to have planned parenthood lady trying to get kids stabbed with mystery drugs

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Wen is a nanipulator, grifter extraordinaire!

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Yes, Wen is a firm believer in eugenics. That should definitely give smart people pause when taking her unsolicited advice about anything.

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Isn't that when they were selling baby parts?

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I think so.

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Yup same wench wen

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Who should go live in Shanghai for a bit right now

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Leanna Wen is a vile, despicable human being.

She always has that smile glued to her face. Even when talking about sending us who refused the vax to "deprogramming camps." Makes her seem trustworthy to a lot of people. The morons who can't remember farther back than two days ago.

May she burn in hell for eternity.

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Where she sent the abortion clinics, to black neighborhoods ... she is the worst of the worst, I suspect she has one foot in the fire already.

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We're having a nice chat about Wendy in The Gutter this morning.


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Great post!

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Thanks, and welcome!

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Guttermouth she’s a wanna be medical influencer.🤮🤑☠️

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I call her an unelected politician. She's a professional nonprofit grifter and will probably occupy board seats the rest of her life as Beijing jumps her from assignment to assignments to undermine society.

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In a pantheon of repellant and evil covid grifters I find her to be the most stomach turning. How is she appointed one of their messengers? They really have no idea.

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I recently talked about this exact thing! She was the first portrait in the rogues' gallery.


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I don't know exactly what this signifies, but Leana Wen is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. That organization is connected with Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and that whole NWO gang. Lots of politicians and government officials are part of that same cabal. You can find a list of everyone who's a member online. (I read through the entire list of members a few months ago. I didn't save the link, but I imagine it's not hard to find if you search for it.)

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BINGO !! Truthbird nailed it

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Honestly that has been so enjoyable to watch. She was the most divisive condescending rude fear porn peddler and now she gets to suffer the consequences.

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I hope she suffers a lot more of those consequences.

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No, we despise her more! The racist abortion lady.

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I see her future.

It involves blood clots and auto immune disorders.

That will somehow be the fault of the purebloods in her mind.

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She will blame everything but her ‘decision’

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She will say as they all do who are eager for shots 3 thru 10. "Oh , but my clots were much smaller than would have been without the injections, and I only suffered mild VAIDS".

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God help me. I just laughed. Darkly.

I laughed at this.

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@Sage (and Brogan)- as did I

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I am reading this post between testifying at 3 SSA disability appeal hearings as a medical expert. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm waiting for the Long Covid people to hit the appeal level after that get denied initially. Like fibromyalgia, silicone implants causing lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome, there will be no objective evidence of any impairment, just their testimony with a laundry list of symptoms all suspiciously sounding like many mental health diagnoses.

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like most of my returning patients with different mild symptoms each visit, trying to establish a diagnosis, I do often think they are simply sad. They always seem better after a good chat with a live person.

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That sound like life... just normal life...

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"Long covid" is another iteration of the panic porn. Common sense, and medical science tell us that sometimes it takes the body, depending on a multitude of factors, a long time to heal from a malady, perhaps it never completely does. "Long covid" is no different from, what I will call here for arguments sake: "long flu," "long auto accident injury," "long stroke" etc., etc. Why do people have so much trouble understanding this?

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Very well put. The spike protein is a nasty piece of work and can do long-term damage in severe infections. That's the reason early treatment is so important, you really don't want the virus to get a foothold. Almost certainly "long covid" is lasting damage from the spike just as other illnesses can leave health issues after the illness clears.

Despite this, the medical community tells us to take a genetic therapy that turns our cells into spike protein factories! Then do nothing if you catch covid but go to the hospital if your lips turn blue. Once there they'll treat you Remdesivir or intubation if it doesn't kill you first.

The malpractice is truly staggering.

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I could not have said it better …

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I AGREE WITH YOU 100%! This bs has made me realize that unless I have a broken bone, I’m not going to doctors anymore, unless absolutely necessary. All of us need to start using NATURAL CURES! And there are plenty available! I also started growing my own vegetables (heirloom, non-GMO) and making natural pesticides. Our bodies are incredible machines that know what to do!

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as Pharma and the medical industrial complex learned long ago. By labeling something with or without and acronym it was good for business. They KNOW human nature wants to be told why they feel tired or whatever because it takes the personal responsibility away. Throw in massive media propaganda with fake news and slick advertising for NEW drugs to come save the day and voila...massive profits to pharma and the medical industrial complex and control of the flock. God did NOT make you to be like this. You are given a mind for a reason!

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Every other page in magazines are for a new drug! That should tell us something! And the side effects are worse than the ailment!

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Right! The massive media propaganda influence is pretty much controlled by Pharma monies

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So well stated!

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Because the concept of delayed gratification has been drummed out of just about anyone...(which isn’t to say that any type of rehabilitation is fun, but reality left the building a long time ago for many.)

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truly has become a coddled, entitled society in many ways based in subjective science and how a person identifies and feels rather than objective science and facts

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They do not have trouble understanding, they simply do not WANT to understand !

If they understand it shakes their fragile identity to the core!

Can’t have sad , melting snowflakes, can we ?

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I am familiar with Diana Berrent and her organization. And I agree that she’s a bit over the top. And seems to be turning Covid into her career (she’s hardly the only one).

But I would suggest not ridiculing long Covid just because you don’t like this person or this organization. Because there is context here. Long Covid is a real thing, not a myth. Calling it a myth is ignorant and insulting.

How do I know? I had Covid in August of 2020. I have co-morbidities and our medical establishment left me home with Tylenol and a prayer, so I treated myself. But after the Covid symptoms had passed, I still had tremendous fatigue for more than 2 months. The kind of fatigue that doesn’t let you walk 20 feet without feeling like collapsing. Your heart pounding to 120 bpm just trying to stand up, trying to catch your breathe. Walking up in the morning exhausted (called “non-restorative sleep”. Your arms and legs feeling like they are held down with weights. It was VERY real. And the tremendous fear that this might be your future life, with no improvement. It’s terrifying.

So, if you truly think it’s a myth, educate yourself. I have seen estimates from legitimate studies that between 10-30% of Covid infections lead to long Covid. Look up “Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome” and “Viral Myalgia”. Look up Epstein-Barr and Mononucleosis for similar symptoms.

Don’t ridicule people who had Covid and were left with devastating symptoms afterwards (including circulatory and neurological diseases), by calling it a myth. Alex, if you believe the vaccine’s spike protein can cause all manner of illness and death, why do you think Covid’s spike proteins can’t?

You haven’t had Covid and you haven’t been vaxxed. So you know nothing personally about what these spike proteins can do to you. Don’t discount it. Until you walk in another man’s shoes, you can’t understand their experiences.

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Long covid is absolutely not a myth (and hasn't been for other viruses either - mainstream medical has ignored forever).

Hope you are feeling better and got some treatment.

Might want to get epstein-barr antibodies checked. Many have had latent ebv pop up during it as well. And, maybe check out Patterson's blood tests to see if there are any lingering cytokine storms anywhere in the body. Dr Kory also working with long haul via telemed.

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Thank you for your thoughts. Thank goodness I’m back at 100% (as Matt Damon said, I “scienced the sh!t out of it”, and took a number of helpful supplements that paid off after 2 months (COq10, Quercetin, vitamins B, C, D). But I don’t take my good health for granted any more. And I wear an N95 mask in close quarters, whether “Horsey” below likes it or not.

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Glad you mended and took care of yourself. Congratulations on your natural immunity even though it was rough.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

I'm sorry to hear of your suffering. No one should have to feel like that, both physically and emotionally. Living in a country with "the world's best health care system" should mean illnesses like covid are controlled and treated for the betterment of society and it's people. None of that happened. My father got covid in December 2020...told the same thing...take Tylenol and stay home. Sadly he died (after eventually being put on a ventilator and remdesivir 2+ weeks).

So much suffering and death for no reason....or I should say no valid, humane reason.

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It would be nice to think that dealing with a frightening, invisible disease might bring us together. But some saw an opportunity for control. Others, an opportunity for profit. And still others (many) an opportunity to fight each other and score political points or virtue signal.

I think people who get enraged at each other over Covid are really just acting out because we are all pretty much at the mercy of this virus that we can’t eradicate and can barely treat. We feel vulnerable and angry, and lash out.

I have learned some things from Alex and I have disagreed on other points (such as Ivermectin), but I don’t hate him if I think he’s wrong. And I have learned from some others that he disparages.

We each have to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. And stop wasting energy trying to control and hate each other. We have to admit, for many reasons, including the government and Big pharma, our response to Covid has been a disaster. But the politicization of it has added to the body count too.

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Thank you Peter D, you sound like a decent human

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Sad your dad got horrible care. Thanks for sharing your story. Much compassion for you and your family.

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Thank you very much. I know many families are have experienced the same tragedy. So unnecessary and I hope with all my heart those responsible are taken to the woodshed and punished.

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I recently saw something - can't recall where - about Tylenol now being bad for cv...remembering back to how the advice was to take it.

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Interesting... hadn't heard about that, but not surprised something like that would come out now.

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At Peter- I commented above how I've been feeling since I've had Covid. I have had mono three times in my life, the first at age 11 and had it for 2 years (yes, they thought I had leukemia and tested me numerous times for it. Parents even made an appointment with St. Jude's but obviously didn't need it, thank God). I seem to have a few on the symptoms now but not the extreme fatigue so I'm on the fence. It's that damn dry mouth that hasn't gone away.

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Re dry mouth: you may want to consult an herbalist about slippery elm or marshmallow. Also, homeofresh toothpaste may help as regular toothpastes can be drying.

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@Seeing- Mmm.....marshmallows.... ;)

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I had Covid in late January 2022 and I still am experiencing fatigue. I wonder if we will ever find out who is behind this virus?

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

That is the least we all deserve. And those responsible need to be held accountable.

I'm sorry to hear you are still experiencing fatigue. I wish you all the best in a full recovery.

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My doorbell rang yesterday. It was my neighbor whom I like. But she was wearing a mask on a nice spring day. I had never seen her wearing a mask before so it took me by surprise. I now realize that she too drank the kool-aid. Sad really. And she is not alone. Here in the People's Republic of Arlington, a substantial portion of the public still wear a mask outdoors and in their cars. These are people who pray at the same church as the lunatic mentioned in the article. No doubt they keep up with the vaccination program whose mantra is posted everywhere. I just noticed something about the feed for the lunatic-- with a minor letter change it becomes @dian aberrant. And if anyone is departing from a "normal" standard it is this harridan.

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in their cars ... lol

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Arlington, VA? Fairfax County here. My kid is still only one of 4 or 5 unmasked in his class. Teachers clocking in at 100%.

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Yeah. There is an elementary school which is a close walking distance from my house. I go past it every day on my daily walk. Masks are required of all the kids attending because I see them come and go with their masks on. The adults working in and around the school are all masked as are the crossing guards. One would never know that there is supposedly no mask mandate in VA any longer. So much for our governor's initiative. The mental health of your kid and the few who brave the mask madness will remain strong while the adverse mental and emotional effects visited upon the rest of the kids will be subtle and potentially long lasting. My son and daughter in law have decided on home schooling for my twin grandchildren girls. An excellent choice given today's insanity.

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God bless your son and daughter in law and for your support.

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@Barry- in defense of your neighbor: Maybe she put it on now knowing YOUR stance on masks. We've had contractors come into the house wearing them thinking it's what we want. We've told them to please take them off and they're grateful.

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My mask stance has been fairly obvious for the past 3 years. I haven't worn one because I have known that they are worthless in connection with viral infections. I have refused to enter any establishment that had a mask requirement and have avoided all public transportation because I will not capitulate to this nonsense. Our betters used to know that masks are worthless before they caved to the lunatics. And masks are a positive detriment vis a vis the oxygenation of the lungs when one is rebreathing one's own bacteria and carbon dioxide. For better or worse though, I am in a 'mixed marriage' in terms of the whole panoply of nostrums. I have been married for nearly 43 years so I am obliged to put up with some of this stupidity but not to the point that I will drink the kool-aid. I stay healthy by keeping my body in the trim, eating well and taking vitamins. And of course I keep far away from the so-called vaccines which are just gene therapy poisons.

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I, also, thought of the carbon dioxide aspect of the stupid masks from the very beginning. What damage is this doing to the average small child. Eventually that study will happen and it’s going to be devastating.

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Congratulations for making it in the mixed marriage....I can't even imagine!

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I noticed that about her name too.

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Yeah imagine if one's name actually identified one as a deviant. If the shoe fits...

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I am currently in Chicago and my neighborhood magazine stand/ coffee shop has a display with Pandemia, RFK Jr book, a copy of the US Constitution, and a book about conceal carry regulations in Chicago. A glimmer of hope??? I was SHOCKED to see it!

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Buy them


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RFK Jr.’s book truly changed my stance on doctors and Big Pharma. I always knew something was amiss...his book sealed the deal! Is ignorance bliss? We’ve been used and lied to for decades...to our own detriment!

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If you also saw a newspaper that said Da Bears just won the Super Bowl, then you're hallucinating.

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A new disorder has emerged: Stockholm Syndrome for Covidiots. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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The world is a funny place. Some people always want to be a victim for any excuse at all.

Some people like myself just want to live life and refuse to be a victim.

According to today's standards I am a victim, I had an abusive father who put my mother in the hospital, today he would be arrested and beat me regularly because whatever happened to him, he told me I was the lightening rod hew would take his frustrations out on. i survived being fired from the family business right after buying a house at 22 taunting me I would now lose what I fought for, have survived severe burns, cancer twice, have had Chron's disease, survived Covid being hospitalized for 40 + days + rehab and always fought back from adversity.

Every time i couldn't wait for the next challenge, always looked forward to getting back at whatever it was I was doing when the setback happened.

You have a choice, live life as a coward and hope someone takes care of you or keep fighting.

I CHOSE living and fighting back. That is what so many lack today, a sense of pride and accomplishment against adversity.

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My man - I'm sending you a big man hug! And I thought I had it tough...

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Paul, amazing testimony. This is a lesson I hope I have taught my children. I am not a victim, though I have had some pretty crappy things happen to me. I have close relations who are always victims. I am happy, they are miserable. We talk about this with my kids frequently. Latest "not a victim" status - being terminated over my conviction to rely on natural immunity!!!

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Keep fighting!

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This woman should move to Canada. Specifically mask obsessed Quebec. The lunatics at McGill and University of Toronto would embrace her as one of their own. This place is completely unhinged and lost all sense of context and perspective. In Canada, it's always March 2020. It's our Eastasia. Pathetic. Just plain old lame and pathetic. And embarrassing. We'd better get some good comedy out of this.

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Sadly, I'll probably never visit there because of Trudeau and their idiodic response. Had recently checked on train from Niagara to Quebec and it was still showing VAXX required for entry to Canada, made me realize it would be a beating to be around the snowflakes. I'll vacation where there's common sense and reason.

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I've been working on a covid comedy sketch. I think it's funny as hell. Not a single Canadian who has heard it thinks it's funny.. Best joke so far? ...... " my wife says I gotta hurry up with this comedy routine. It'll loose its relevance the second the covid scare goes away"...

Even took me a minute or two to get that joke

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I like to write satire. If I may:

Quebec mulls replacing the Fleur-de-Lys with a Mask on its flag.

Fearful News has learned the Quebec government is considering replacing the Fleur-de-Lys with a mask. “The Fleur-de-Lys is a great symbol but let’s face it, it’s dated” head of the Ministry of Culture and Communications Natalie Roy explained.

“We’ve been looking for a uniquely Quebecois symbol and the masks emerged as a natural fit’ she continued.

Premier Quebec Legault added in a scrum, “It hit us like Patof hitting up a homeless wino on Ste. Catherine’s street that the masks are a great way to show the world how Quebec science is serious about leading the world. We’re very proud of accidentally becoming the mask capital of the world. A study showed Quebecers enjoy the false security of masks more than the Chinese! Tabouerette! We’re also looking at adding a syringe which also has become symbolic of Quebecois pride.”

Public safety minister Dube fainted after hearing the news. “Mr. Dube is ok. He was just extremely overwhelmed at the news” his secretary informed Fearful News. Dr. Luc Boileau for his part had this to say, “Quebec medicine and Quebec nationalism have become one today’.

Despite no randomized studies having been conducted in Quebec to promote itself as a mask capital the province remains committed to the idea. "Why spend money on that?" the minister responsible for finance Eric Girard warned.

Putting things in perspective McGill’s Dr. Matthew Oughton summarized the idea by stating, “Look, safety is more than just about evidence. I think it’s a great idea. Four masks on the flag shows we care.” McGill colleague Dr. Christopher Labos concurred. “People who squawk about proof don’t know what they’re talking about. We’re the experts. We know. And we know these masks on the flag are going to keep us safe. Period. We should also have passports.”

Dr. Don Vinh - sigh also from McGill - was in agreement. “Masks are the single most important invention in medical history. It only makes sense to honour it on a flag.” while Dre Mylene Dre said “rthtd thttyyoo ssh hhht” through the four masks she was wearing.

Quebec’s plan has attracted attention from around the country. Dr. Colin Furness applauded the initiative saying it was ‘Cool’ while Dr. Isaac Boguch said it was ‘Awesome.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was ecstatic upon hearing the news, ‘I never felt so right in my life. Congratulations Quebec! This will help the fight against Ukraine enormously.”

Heritage Minister Pablo Rodrquez is reported to have commissioned a study looking into replacing the Maple Leaf with a mask or syringe. His office told Fearful “Mr. Rodriquez believes Canadians are ready for a chance and masks reflect the true values of what it means to be a Canadian.” A source close to Fearful revealed that Rodriquez, after a generous consumption of wine, slurred and mumbled under his breath, 'Maple Leaf. Get real" before hitting his head on the table at a restaurant.

An Angus Reid poll showed 93% of Quebecers support the change while 6% were indifferent and 1% said they plan to move. 100% of the staff at CTV News, Monreall Gazette and CJAD agreed with the proposal.

Quebec expects a decision by October 2, 2022.

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Is this satire? If not, this is unbelievable.

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Satire. My imagination running wild. The names are real though.

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Why would I want to go read the feed of a certifiable nutcase on Twitter?

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I feel the same way. Everyone in my psychotic family is like this. They make me sick! Why would I want to make myself even sicker?

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To quote Otis Redding

"I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay

Watchin' the tide roll away, ooh

I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay

Wastin' time"

Happy Friday! :)

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Just pulled up that tune...CLASSIC!

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Had what the questionable test said was COVID back in Feb2022. I’m +70, have a heart condition, mild diabetes and have not been vaxxed. I survived just fine. In fact I came out of the 3 week long fatigue better than when I went in. Thank you, Jesus.

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I believe this desperation to hold on to C19 is due to an individuals identity forged around C19. The identity is no longer relevant, and obviously this lady wants to remain important. What will she do now for content and what will her identity revolve around? It is kind of sad if wasn't being pushed on us. The mental pathology is akin to empty nest syndrome, with a lack of purpose. Maybe we should add long covid as an entry in the DSM manual under mental conditions?

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Though I 100% appreciate Alex's stance on long covid because who knows what the Faucis of the world would have done to us if they were able to push the dangers of long covid, and people like Diana Berrent are mentally ill and need help, I do think Alex is a little too dismissive of the long term effects of covid. I had Delta in October and at this point I will probably never have the same smell and taste I had before. My lungs also hurt much more often than they used to and I had a light case. I'm not complaining, but this is a strange virus. I've never had something before where you thought you were getting better and then you regress so many times. Anyway, I'm not saying Ivermectin is necessarily the key, but Alex being so dismissive of therapeutics that could have helped with some of these lasting effects might not be the right take either. Covid is complicated and Alex has been great, but even the smartest people get some things wrong.

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Are you vaxed or unvaxed? Just curious as my vaxed friends when they got sick can’t get over it. I know one healthy young guy who has been sick for six months. His doctor said he has long haul COVID. But he was never tested and it began four days after his second shot. Way worse after his booster.

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Probably there is a remedy for that, but not sure what the "America frontline" health workers are recommending for that, have you contacted Dr. Kory? I have a friend who is immune system impaired with Crohn's disease who said after the second booster his sense of smell got more acute, strange!

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Tom, do you know what his infusion regiment is?

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As for long covid, I'm not sure. Mercola said that saunas and steam baths possibly with occasional fasting will clear the spike protein. But this may be post covid damage which requires a specific protocol.

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The friend with Crohn's is on heavy duty anti-biotics. I know a woman who worked at a health food store that cured Crohns with kombucha with the chia seeds.....

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

The snake venom videos are not necessarily snake venom videos. That's marketing. The possibility of a snake venom protein inserted into a coronavirus is the real question. Remember Peter Daszak talking about how easy it is to manipulate a coronavirus? Don't just dismiss, but discern! I don't know if that's the case, I'm just saying don't so easily dismiss something just because it sounds absurd...how many absurd things have happened these last few years that turned out to be true???

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Excellent point. In 2017 would we have ever believed that the entire country could be shut down? I don’t know the first thing about any snake video but I will tell you I dismiss NOTHING out of hand any more. It’s the surest way to be wrong.

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I am pretty sure this theory came up 2 years ago, I am sure I read about it before. Agreed, not dismissing anything at this point.

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Oh, Damn! I just finished telling another here that I was duped at first. Now I read what you just said and I think your thoughts are more in line.

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Trust, or don’t trust, but verify.

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Maybe. It’s also the kind of thing the cia uses to discredit opponents of the regime.

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My prediction a couple of months ago I said to my daughter pay attention to the TV commercials they have now switched from getting vax amd boosted to warnings of Long Covid. Now the interesting thing will be to see will the unvaccinated (but naturally infected) complain of long Covid and how will they be able to write off the fact that only the vaccinated are getting “long covid” … we shall see.

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It’s called normalizing long Covid …

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It’s called normalizing Vax Disease.

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Alex the use and stabilization of snake venom in the human body has been a study for many years and can be seen on NIH website studies around 2016. You haven’t heard of this so it sounds absurd but the truth around the snake venom peptides being similar to Covid spike proteins is happening and legitimate. If you have been following untainted scientific research there are a plethora of scientists stating that nothing about the SARS-CoV-2 virus is able to develop naturally from nature. Better not be so quick to refuse information you can’t fathom.

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Lunacy and madness…Happy Earth Day to everyone… everyone, including General Motors digging up the Salton Sea for Lithium in the California desert. What green earth 🌍 eyed money 💰 Hippocrits.

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Ahh...it's also Vladimir Lenin's Birthdate...it is not coincidence that they're celebrated the same day.

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Dude... that's how you mine lithium. Don't criticize what you obviously do not understand... it only makes you look ill informed. Nevada has a number of lithium operations starting up. All the same method.

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Not my point.

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She seems like either a grifter or someone who is just paralyzed by fear-or most likely a combination of the two. But is long covid really a myth? I have no personal experience with covid so I have no basis for an opinion. I have had viruses in the past which seem to linger in the form of fatigue and brain fog. Why couldn’t covid do this?

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It's called post-viral syndrome and many viruses have been linked to it: influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr, etc. Nothing new. Just didn't interest anyone before.

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I do think it is no different than many lingering symptoms from other viruses or bacterial infections. When your body takes an insult it takes some time to get back to normal. I counsel my patients on this constantly but people want instant everything these days. I remember hearing a lady complain about her spouse who was a runner , and since having Covid he could now only do about 2 miles rather than his usual 7, and it was devastating to them. This was the first time I heard the phrase long hauler. She was actually crying on the radio show. I thought it was a joke!!

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From what I hear, long covid is considered anything that lingers past 4 weeks. My covid symptoms lasted for about 6-8 weeks. There are lots of things you can take to minimize those but I think you have to be diligent and start early. It wasn't a fun experience but it was a calculated risk between the unknowns of covid and the unknowns of mRNA transfections. Time will tell. I don't regret my decision, as much as the experience sucked.

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Early on they had studies that showed that many people had active Epstein Barr along w Covid in the worst cases. Anyone who has had mono, would understand that at least for some, they might have a case of reactivated mono. In any case, typically Alex ridicules what he does not understand. And what about the effects of constantly producing spikes from the jabs?

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I’ve had a number of colds in my life that held on for a few months. Maybe 5 times. One I had for over a year. I was young and came from a very tough background. It was probably whooping cough. Mostly I don’t get sick. But should I get a cold late summer it will usually hang on.

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Post viral syndromes exist, for sure. And many docs ignored them. No Pharma pill to pop at it, so just live with it …

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From what I’ve read about “long” covid, it mostly inflicts those who were unwell/unhealthy/immune compromised to begin with, and didn’t take the proper steps to recover (e.g. nutrient supplements, Math+ or other protocols, etc).

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When I’ve been unable to get over a cold it has been when I’ve worked myself to exhaustion - which I have done many times. Then I get sick and it takes time to get better.

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The biggest nut bag is Barack Obama. He is still telling the lie that the vaccine stops the virus. Is certain masks work. Apparently is unaware of deaths caused by vaccine. He just sneers at all those that decided against the jab. How many here voted for this pompous ass? He knows more minorities have been negatively impacted by vaccine. Does not give a crap. Is it really that the drug companies have so much vaccine inventory that now they got Obama to push more boosters on unsuspecting people that faithfully believe this troll? Is it really about money?

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I voted for him because I was in my 20s. I can plead that I was young and dumb

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Do not have to believe venom hypothesis, but if nicotine gum or patch may help Covid symptoms, why not try it? Same for monoclonal antibodies that treat snake bites. Maybe infusion of C and Glutathione for long Covid to neutralize toxins produced by Covid or vax. That has been the problem with treating Covid—- why limit possible treatments and can we really trust the health establishment now that vaccines have failed?

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Alex, any analysis on the data from the Walgreens showing the triple jabbed are 103% more likely to get COVID? Just heard about yesterday.

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Yeah ... I'm in northern Michigan and just now heard ANOTHER TAXPAYER FUNDED AD telling me to do the research and get vaccinated / boosted because of course, it's safe and effective. Well guess WTF ? The shots are neither safe nor effective. How about a little mis / mal / dis-information pushback from us poor folks paying to be lied to by our government? Again I say WTF is wrong with people? Common sense ain't so common anymore. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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But how many people are still being vaccinated?

Here in Germany it's really negligible: population of 83 million. Yesterday's official numbers: 1873 received their first vaccination, 5150 received their second, 20k received their booster (including 4th dose, I believe). And we still have a vaccine mandate in effect for all health care workers and first responders which they continue to try to enforce.

THIS is what gives me hope.

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I wish we could mandate a course in assessment of scientific journal articles for people like this Diana Berrent woman. "Mitochondrial dysfunction" is a feature of programmed cell death that occurs in a host of physiological situations. Many viruses trigger such pathways in immune cells and that allows them to evade the immune system. Some heart diseases are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiac cells; some liver diseases are due to mitochondrial dysfunction in liver cells-because a cell can't survive if the mitochondria aren't producing ATP. It's not unique to COVID. Influenza has been reported to disrupt mitochondrial function in T-cells. That's also how cyanide kills you-by blocking a step in oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria so your cells cannot produce ATP. And some people who are in high risk groups suffer long-lasting consequences after an infection. We knew this before 2020 and it remains true now. This disease hysteria is what happens when all the people (over multiple generations) who fell asleep in biology class wake up one day in 2020 and start freaking out over things that have been happening inside their bodies their entire lives.

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Love your snark but have you read the patents for the so-called vaccines? Several nano technology patents are incorporated into the moderna patents which involve graphene and the self assembly of circuitry at the nano scale. Why is it in the patents if it's crazy wacko made up fantasy talk? Patents are pretty much the de facto standard for real world truth and fact.

The recent arrest and conviction of Charles Lieber for secretly working with the Chinese on injectable nano tech is evidence that these technologies not only exist but are THE forefront of what the Chinese and pharma industries are doing right now. The EUAs allow for these experiments to be done on a mass scale under the guise of vaccination campaigns.

The Rice University video called Teslaphoresis is mind blowing, where they show exactly how "nanotubes" are activated from distances using electromagnetic frequencies and how they self assemble into wires and build working circuitry at the nano level. Circuits that can turn lights on! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1d0Lg6wuvc&t=83s

Cross reference that with the past 2 years of public statements by Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari from WEForum, talking about how "the age of privacy and autonomy is over" (Yuval Harari on 60 Minutes) and "humans beings are now hackable animals" (Yuval Harari at the World Economic Forum) and how "when you take DNA editing injections it changes you, it changes who you are, and changes your fundamental identity" (Klaus Schwab to Charlie Rose)

I recommend you look further into that and pointed you in the right direction so you don't waste any time should you perhaps be interested.

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Narcissists and anti-social personalities never admit that anything they do is wrong or unjustifiable. Their perspective is the only perspective.

Most of us didn't see this in such clear focus when the 'woke' culture began. Sure, many of us were flummoxed when 6 year olds were punished harshly for planting a kiss on someone they liked because of "zero tolerance for sexual harassment" but we didn't see where all the virtuous posturing was leading.

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Those who have neurological symptoms, brain fog, autoimmune flares, hair loss after a covid vaccine are ignored or dismissed as being “anxious.”

Those who have these same symptoms and claim “long covid” are given attention.


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You're so right. And maybe it's just Spike Poisoning, in both cases.

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I'm in Twitter time out for pointing out that we don't have randomized controlled trials or FDA approval of "medical cannabis" yet Kentucky Governor thinks we should legalize "medical cannabis"...while sending threatening letters to physicians who prescribe the "I" word off label for covid. Tagged for "misinformation."

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Twitter is definitely trying to weed out the noncompliant.

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Yeah, yeah, you said weed, yeah, yeah!!!!

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Well, this is the week of 4/20, isn't it? 🌿

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She is right. There is a huge problem with long covid. Long Covid Anxiety Disorder that is. She is obviously trying to make a buck, but there so many people who still think covid is the plague. Our job as sane people is to not appease our friends and relatives who are still wearing masks and getting 4th shots after having covid twice. People are so damaged. Time to heal with a big splash of cold water.

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I'm betting Berrent lites a candle then genuflects before bedtime every night at picture of St. Fauci wearing two mask. :-)

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I know this is a bit off topic - but is a great concern for me and this is a current AB thread so I thought I'd ask/post here:

MSM is touting a number of "polls" that supposedly say a majority of people still want AIRLINE MASK MANDATES in place. This is being used to support the CDC/DOJ appealing the FL Judge's ruling disallowing them...

I don't know ANYONE who wants the insane Airline Mask Mandate to still be in place, so I'm skeptical of these "polls".

What do you think?? Thanks!

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I don't believe any of their "polls". They are all skewed....who they ask, how the question is posed, etc. All you have to do is see the videos of the reaction of air travel passengers in mid-flight when they were told they could remove their masks. Lots did and were ecstatic.

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I read about that survey. The question was: do you still

wish to mask or prefer the plane run out of fuel mid-flight?

Ok, I made that up...

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LOL - that's a great one!

But I SUSPECT you are NOT FAR from the truth.

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In order to get people to mask up, they had to convince them that masks really make a difference. Same with kids in school. So it’s possible.

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I'm getting ready to travel to Greece in about 2 weeks and I REALLY don't want to have to wear a mask for the 11 hours of total flying time - and time in the airports between flights...

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Long Covid - AKA poisoning from the ‘drug’

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Yes. Good bumper sticker saying.

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I'm SO frustrated over the "snake venom" video... JUST what the other side WANTS so that they can lump EVERYTHING else we are saying in with that INSANITY - and discredit EVERYTHING opposing the STATE COVID beliefs and policies...

WHY do people DO this??? And WHY do so many of us on this side FALL for such tripe???


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I’m ashamed to say I was one of those who fell for the tripe. I went nuts for a while. I only listened to a third of tape and I was off! I was freakin out. Then I decided to breath. Spent the next 24 hours contemplating my naval; regained my composure; slapped myself upside my head. So I’ve decided to punish myself even more and we will no longer speak of this…….shhhhh……

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It's ok. We won't tell. Shhhhh

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It’s a cia psi op

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I agree, the snake venom theory makes everyone who buys into it look crazy. It's just like the QAnon conspiracy theory. The left had a field day laughing at Trump supporters even though it was just the fringe that believed it.

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I feel bad for any guy who is "in a relationship" with women like that, cowering in fear of imaginary bug a boos.....Can you imagine how crazy trying to relate to raw emotion and demands all the time would be?

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Imagine one of her friends or neighbors reporting back to her that you were spotted at the grocery store unmasked. Pure hell to pay!

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This woman needs serious psychiatric help. A lot of it.

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some people are scarred for life. the only problem is- they want to force the rest of us to live in fear with them. misery loves company

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I don’t actually think long covid is a total joke, but to the extent that some people have it, she isn’t helping them. She is so psycho.

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Word of the day: nuance. May be a difficult sell in some places. Early Treatment - its a thing. A lifesaving thing. It's been a thing for quite a while. So is natural immunity. So is vaccine injury, and negative VE. So is Long COVID. (Those spike proteins stick around - in some people - for a very long time, causing trouble; turns out Early Treatment helps avoid Long COVID. Who knew)

Word of the day: Nuance.

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Absolutely! Thanks for posting what I was thinking. Not sure why this is such a difficult concept for so many.

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Their fear is fine until you realize we're not free anymore, and so the fears of a few can then cause authorities to redistribute the pain and poverty broadly.

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That Snake video should not be taken too seriously. When it was first released, I immediately noticed it being marketed all over Rumble with that stupid slogan "Watch the Water". I smelled something fishy. That whole video was no different than the leftist propaganda that only goes by emotion, and plays dark cinematic music. It was poorly produced, and pretty obvious it was aiming at a religious audience. I feel like that video could be used to discredit the legitimate concerns and movement against the government lies.

According to what was proposed in that video, we would all be paralyzed, or dead by now, especially our pets.

Dr. Lee Merritt and David Knight did a good job breaking down "Watch the Water".

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

Long viral disease is real. How many people who claim long Covid are honestly and accurately describing a material decline in their health? Who knows; certainly WHO doesn't. Probably much less than 100% and much more than 0%.

Because long viral disease happens, we should all be prepared by eating a good real food diet without added sweeteners and processed junk. We should also be getting plenty of fresh air and exercise. If we do, then our immune systems would be up to the tasks of reducing symptocatic cases, hospitalizations, long disease, and death.

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Great point. I deal with post viral disease myself, and have for many years off and on. Started as a teenager and returned in my 60s. Am now 74 and still dealing with related issues. Had Omi back around New Years, but had little problem with it. Ivermectin is the real deal.

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Not necessarily. I and others who are very fit have had protracted symptoms. I think there are some unknown immune system variations that may predispose oneself. That said, good protocols are a must, regardless.

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A previously damaged immune system is particularly vulnerable to long-lasting symptoms from any kind of illness. I developed asthma, autoimmune thyroiditis, and ME (Myalgic Encephalitis, aka chronic fatigue / autoimmune dysfunction syndrome) after a massive toxic exposure to flame retardants when I was in my mid-twenties. Every time I've been sick since then I've experienced weeks or months of post-viral symptoms. My body never recovered from the toxic assault I suffered in my mid-twenties.

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Sorry to hear that. I too, experienced something similar, for me it was some unknown pathogen of sorts that affected me for about 5 years (despite best efforts from pulmonologists). It did finally fade away and only reoccurs very rarely (I'm probably still a host..) so by comparison, 2 months of covid was nothing. I'm not non-chalant about covid as many are (especially those who didn't get a full nasty) but that doesn't mean I agree with the measures that were introduced, as they come with a whole host of other problems...

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Why is no one reporting on the current situation in China? It's horrific. The Guardian has pretty decent coverage, but almost no one else.

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She retweets Feigl-Dingleberry so you know she’s legit!

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I didn't watch Snakes on a plane so I decided Watch the water an excellent substitute. Anyway, I could start my very own vaers system on just the people I know with jab side effects.

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Please start it and maybe many will join it

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One of the most interesting things I read today on “long COVID”.

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Interesting read. It’s anecdotal, but my 83 yr old mother received the vax* in early 2021 (along with a booster later on), and now has been diagnosed with vascular dementia. The decline was steep. It’s odd because she seemed in relative good shape until late 2021.

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It's anecdotal, or it is causal evidence, if "the science" allowed science.

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That's what I don't understand about this crazy woman (Diana). Can't she see that Long Covid is necessarily caused by the same spike protein that's in her beloved vax? She might not actually be far off in the mitochondria thing. Modern Discontent had a great post about that (and also a great, chemistry-based debunking of the snake venom stuff). https://moderndiscontent.substack.com/

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Just remember folks, everybody from the conservative/Republican/right side of society keeps telling us, “wait for the November election, things will get better!“…

It’s 28 weeks from now, they expect you to continue to suffer and basically be ignored by these sociopathic scum masquerading as leaders, people of influence, and of authority?!

We’re not gonna make it past early summer, I’ll be surprised if America makes it till the end of spring, but I guarantee you this, America burns in summer 2022 like it did in summer 2020.

And remember, these Republican fucks did nothing then, what the hell makes you think they’re going to do something now…

Democrats/ sociopathy, and Republican cowardice, what a despicable hideous marriage…

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